Asgard Flag Above Elbrus
Asgard Flag Above Elbrus
Asgard Flag Above Elbrus
The earliest mention of Caucasus contains, apparently, in the Teutonic- Scandinavian mythology, the central place in which is allocated to sir, i.e. Ases (gods) and their heavenly dwelling sgarr (Old Norse) a circular fencing of Ases. In to The Saga about Inglings affirms, that Ases have come to Scandinavia from the place, to the east of Don. Asgard in representation Teutonic Scandinavian peoples is highland, like the Greek Olympus. To the south-east of Don is located Caucasus, some worthy tops for stay of inhabitants of heaven near to Don are not present. A word As, according to S. A. Starostins and S. L. Nikolaevs (see Nikolaev S. L., Starostin S. A. North Caucasian etymological dictionary. Moscow. 1994) statement has North Caucasian (and even more widely Sino-Caucasian, Macrocaucasian) etymology: the god, the sky, a cloud, with the further development in concept the idolized sky.
Hurrian eshi god, Yenisseyan esh, es god, Lakian as a name of the god- Thunderer, conscience, nobleness, Avarian ass advantage, authority, Tsezian as, Gunzebian has the sky, a cloud, Chechenian asar inspiration, etc. According to V. Ivanovs Comparative notes on Hurro-Urartian, Northern Caucasian here also Etruskan eis-er/aise-ar gods with widely represented in N.-Caucasian languages the plural element -(a)r, for example see Hurrian enzari gods. As for Indo-European languages any fit etymology for Ases is not found. According to some thoughtful assumptions times to times meeting in the literature of possible tie of the term As with any the spirits living in a body of the person and leaving it after death are so improbable as well as that the As comes from German Axt , i.e. a branch. The Teutonic- Scandinavian mythology narrates about Ases gods.There Is in it no even the slightest hint that Ases spirits, or, that they sit on branches. As for to the second element in a combination Asgard and it contains in modern Nakh- Daghestanian languages, for example In Avarian: gor or gordo, window, goren shelter for cattle (that is a circular fencing); compare gothic gards (Old Norce garr) the house, family, a court yard, German Garten kitchen garden, Old Persian garda appanage, territory of clan or tribe, Russian grad~gorod city, ograda a fencing. Linguists referring the above-stated Indo-European forms connecting with value a circle, an orbit translate the second component of the term As-gard as a circular fencing. It proves to be true and at the analysis Avestian gairi mountain, Russian gora mountain, Greek kar~kara the chapter, the top, the cut off hair (here Avarian kar hair, top), German Haar hair. The Turkish researcher of toponymics of Turkey Bilge Umar (see Bilge Umar. Turkiyedeki tarihsel adlar. Istanbul. 1993) has noticed extraordinary prevalence of an element of kar or kara in names of mountains and has come to a following conclusion: Turks having collided with this phenomenon have rethought kar~kara in black, therefore in modern Turkey there are a lot of black mountains. The modern name Balkan Montenegro also a product of Turkic vulgar
etymology. In the Russian encyclopaedic edition Myths of the Peoples of the World, in article devoted to an ancient Greek Olympus declares, that the word the Olympus is derivative from Protogreek Indo-European (Pelasgian) a root uel a circle, an orbit. In the same place there is the opinion on wide popularity among Indo-Europeans representations about sacramentality of rotating tops. Such extremities are hidden for not devoted gates, connecting together the sky and the Earth. The Rotating tops always and everywhere the centers of a universe. This or that tribe, having come on a new place, as a rule, brought with itself the former religious views, traditions. So all this ideological luggage found the application and former sacred mountains or completely were forgotten or degenerated up to unrecognizability So, Greeks though have created for themselves the new sacral center, but remembered and Caucasus to it sent that Argonauts of Prometheus. The former importance of a role of Caucasus easily found the motive returning a gold fleece, as a circuit, a throne,a gold fleece, horse parking are itself typical allegories about the sacral center axes of the world. A stripe with image three horses heads shown in a circle and looking like a swastika, North Caucasian volunteers of a legion carried Mountain Caucasus during the Second World War. On August, 21st, 1942, At 11.00 on Berlin time, above Elbrus the highest top of the Europe fighters Mountain infantry divisions Edelweiss have been set up banners and standarts of Germany, anew in the form of a circle. This operation of Nazis have special magic value. A swastika demonstration of the fiery beginning what all grows alive. The circle symbolizes eternity, and also the female center the native land. Hoebbels propagation has trumpeted for the whole world about victorious banners of the Reich are above the whole Europe, that there was a dawn of a new epoch. Soviet alpinists the German flags could take off only in January, 1943 On Wilhelm Tiekes memoirs (see Marsh na Kavkaz. Bitva za Neft. 1942/1943. Moskva. 2005) fighters of Edelweiss named Elbrus the Throne of Gods.
We very often use the term Caucasus and we dont always ask, and what it means? Those who have wide experience in Turkic perusal of all and all on Caucasus have not missed an opportunity to take advantage of it, trying without everyone proofs to reserve Caucasus exclusively for Turks. According to their panturkist interpretation, Caucasus is Mountain of people Kas. And who is such Kases? Kases or Kaspys, they ostensibly also are Khasars Turkic- Judaic people. Both Caucasus and Caspi are a heritage of the language world of Turks (!?). It is possible to think, that the ancient Greeks, the first to use both of the terms, somewhere narrate about Turks on Caucasus. Unfortunately, but for unknowledge of the Caucasian languages similar ideas are stated also by authors of the British Encyclopedia: The name Caucasus is a Latinized form of Kaukasos, which the ancient Greek geographers and historians used; the Russian Kavkaz is of the same origin. The ultimate derivation is thought to be from Kaz-kaz, the Hittite name for a people living on the southern shore of the Black Sea. It is full nonsence as it is a question about Kaukasos (Kaukarues is a god of mountains of Baltic mythology), and not at all about any Kaz-kaz. We shall begin with Caspian Sea. Ancient Greek koas means the sheep skin, a fleece . A similar lexeme had Avarian language kwas a wool, a yarn. The same word is available in Russian (kosa plait), Afghanian (kosy felt cloak) and many other languages. It is known, that antique historists write about The Kaspians in felt
cloaks. In the Myth about Argonauts Yasson searches on Caucasus The Golden Fleece (khrysos koas). A wool is a symbol of rich, abundance in many mythologies of the World. By the way, the wool, a fleece associates with white horses (sea-sheeps in Russian), waves, compare even accord to German Wolle wool and Welle wave. Similar examples there are a lot of also in other languages, including ancient Greek. The termination -bi is display of plurality in the Nakh-Daghestanian languages. Time to times it meets also in ancient Greek (-pi, -poy). Any the Turkic trace here is not presented at least. Till now among Daghestanians foam which there is in a glass of milk or tea, associates with rich. Women slightly concern with its finger and then spend on hair, thinking, that such gesture ostensibly can bring riches. The concept Kaukasos in perception of ancient Greeks mountain territory from Caspian Sea to Black Sea. Quranic Qaf (Qafqaz) has come in Arabian from the Iranian languages (kuh~koh~gokh) in which it means mountain.
From an adverb, probably, White Huns (the Khyonas of Avesta) has removed in the Avarian and Andian languages with similar Afghanian (Pashto) semantic and phonetic features. In any other NakhDaghestanian languages avaroandian iranismus goh~goh a hill, a ridge is not represented. At the same time, Cauc-asos has not got in Hellenic world due to contacts with Aryan tribes, and for that an example of Caucasian-Indo-European conformity: Ancient Greek kyklos a circle, a firmament, a hoop, kaukion goblet, Tocharian kuekyal~kokyale chariot, Baltic Kaukarues a deity connected with mountains, Lithuanian kaukas cone, gothic hiuhma a heap, Avarian qoqa, Lakian kuekya, Darginian kuekya, Gunzebian qoqol group, crowd, qoqla egg, Chamalian qoqila to gather in groups, Udinian qoqla egg.
Tracks of Prototeutones
The famous scientist Gustav Kossina, known as one of pillars of German nationalist archeology, believed, that Prototeutones wearings of culture cord ceramics occupied extensive spaces from Scandinavia up to the Caucasian mountains inclusive. To representatives of Prototeutones he confessset as well as caucasion (caucasiony in Georgian language) the anthropological type differing from others Caucasians more light color of a leather and high growth. Not less than half of them have light hair and eyes. Soviet anthropologist Debets has testified similarity caucasion anthropological type with the ancient population of East European plain and further to Scandinavia, having stated thus an idea on penetration of ancestors caucasion type in the field of their modern moving from the north. Now it is considered proved, that despite of all originality, outside the Caucasus the caucasions are closest dinaric anthropological type of the Balkan-Caucasian (PamirianAlpic) race, characteristic first of all for Croatians, Montenegrins, significant number of Albanians and in the genetic plan closely connected with Haplogroupp I socalled a gene of northern barbarians. Typical for the majority Germanic peoples (single exception British) marker I1a as it was found out today with development of genetics, is not connected in any way with carriers Indo- European languages (R1a1) and Protoceltic so-called The old Europe (R1). In time aspect it more ancient than two last. Moreover, the German marker is result of a mutation of the Caucasian marker (F, G) of what it is possible to be convinced easily and for the amateurs as in the Latin alphabet the letter I stays
near from F and G. In this case it is a question exclusively of a fatherly line of origin; but we did not mention a parent line. Particularly gene of northern barbarians (Haplogroup I) on Caucasus is found at greatest degree out at Darginians (58 %), at Avars and Laks the fatherly line is not studied at all, how many percent of the nearest neighbours Darginians therefore are difficult to tell enters into the same category. 58 % for southern populations, are very high parameter. Causes surprise, that after detection of happlogroup I among Darginians, all the further genetic-molecular researches of a fatherly line of an origin in Daghestan have been suspended. Nevertheless, in view of already received data, Daghestan, alongside with German-Scandinavian people and Croatians was included into a zone of distribution of a gene of northern barbarians. The Croatian scientists believe that the same gene, probably, had many representatives of classical Avars (Ouarkhonites) as its rate in Central and the East Europe will well be coordinated with borders Avarian Empire. In summary it is necessary to tell, that the genetics has destroyed the proved conjectures of anthropologists Gadzhiev A.G. and Alekseev V.P. about absence of any communication between caucasions and the TeutonicScandinavian ethno linguistic community. The Soviet science in general is extremely hostilely concerned to any attempts of searches of the Caucasian relatives outside Caucasus. Activity of propaganda team Otto Breutingam, responsible for propagation in Reichskommissariat Kaukasus, alongside with creation of North Caucasian legions and searches mythical Asgard had reason of deportation of many Caucasian peoples. The USSR has not forgiven to Northern Caucasians that they have dared (!) to become a convenient target for ideological attacks of Nazi Germany come, certainly, from the own purposes.