Normal Weight Obesity Syndrome
Normal Weight Obesity Syndrome
Normal Weight Obesity Syndrome
The growing concern about the impact of overweight on health has led to studies
that shed light on types of obesity other than the classic model based on body
mass index. Normal-weight obesity syndrome is characterized by excess body fat in
Affiliation: L.P. Franco and C. Cominetti are with the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University
of Goias, Goi^ania, Goias, Brazil. C.C. Morais is with the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of
Goias, Goi^ania, Goias, Brazil.
Correspondence: C. Cominetti, Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University of Goias, Rua 227, Quadra 68 s/n, Setor Leste Universitario, Goi^ania,
Goias, Brazil CEP 74.605-080. Email: Phone: þ55-(62)-3209-6270, ext 210.
Key words: body composition, inflammation, insulin resistance, obesity, oxidative stress.
C The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute. All rights reserved. For
Permissions, please e-mail:
doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuw019
558 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 74(9):558–570
relationship between genetic polymorphisms and an in- metabolic disorders of lesser magnitude, which are usu-
dividual’s health.7,11–13 Considering that body composi- ally undiagnosed. Moreover, an increase in visceral fat
tion is not routinely assessed in outpatient care, it is is not always present.3 As a result, individuals with
important to characterize NWO syndrome and to iden- NWO are unaware of the risks to which they are ex-
tify the health risks associated with this condition. Clarity posed, in contrast to metabolically obese but normal-
about the diagnosis, prevalence, and clinical implications weight subjects, who present major metabolic changes
of NWO syndrome will help healthcare providers incor- that result in signs and symptoms as well as subsequent
porate specific actions into healthcare plans – including diagnosis. Indeed, individuals with NWO might eventu-
the periodic assessment of adiposity, even in people with ally present as being metabolically obese but of normal
adequate BMI – in order to maintain health and reduce weight if they are not correctly diagnosed.
the risk of disease in NWO populations.
Therefore, the aims of this review are to character- PREVALENCE AND CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSIS
16–74 y "HDL-C
De Lorenzo et al. (2007)3 60 Italian women DXA 18.5–24.9 >30% in women Not evaluated "TNF-a, "IL-1a
20–68 y "IL-1b, "IL-6
Di Renzo et al. (2006)11 75 Italian women DXA 18.5–24.9 >30% in women Not evaluated #BMR
20–45 y
Reference Sample Evaluation Diagnostic criterion Prevalence of NWO Observations in NWO subjects
method 2
BMI (kg/m ) Percent body fat
40–59 y: "CRP > WC
21% for men; 33% in "Abdominal fat
women "Android/gynoid fat rate
60–79 y: Myocardial dysfunction
24% for men; 35% in
Madeira et al. (2013)9 1222 adult Brazilians Skinfold 18.5–24.9 TSF þ SSF P90, corre- Among normal-BMI "Prevalence of metabolic syn-
546 men thickness sponding to 23.1% in subjects: drome, insulin resistance, and
676 women men; 33.3% in 9.1% total hyperinsulinemia
23–25 y women 9.2% in men; 9.0% in "WC, #HDL-C
women "Hypertriglyceridemia
Marques-Vidal 1523 Caucasians Bioelectrical 18.5–24.9 1) 30% overall 1) 3.2% in men; 10.1% in Not evaluated
et al. (2008)23,a 648 men impedance 2) 29.1% in men; 37.2% women
875 women in women 2) 3.4% in men; 2.5% in
Mean age 6 SD, 38 6 17 y 3) 26%–31% in men; women
39%–43% in women 3) 3.9% in men; 0.6% in
(according to age) women
4) 26.8%–32.6% in men, 4) 2.6% in men; 0.5% in
35.4%–44.4% in women
women (according to Among normal-BMI
age) subjects:
1) 6.9% in men; 15.0% in
2) 7.2% in men; 3.7% in
3) 5.6% in men; 0.9% in
4) 3.9% in men; 0.7% in
Marques-Vidal 6188 Caucasians Bioelectrical 18.5–24.9 1) 30% overall Among normal-BMI Not evaluated
et al. (2008)18,b 3213 women impedance 2) 29.1% for men; subjects:
2912 men 37.2% in women 1) 0.7% in men; 27.8% in
35–75 y 3) 26%–31% in men; women
39%–43% in women 2) 1.0% in men; 6.9% in
(according to age) women
4) 28.1%–32.6% in men; 3) 0.8% in men; 1.4% in
35.9%–44.4% in women
women (according to 4) 0.6% in men; 2.5% in
age) women
5) Fat mass index: 5) 0.1% in men; 0.1% in
11.8 kg/m2 in
1) De Lorenzo et al.
2) Zhu et al. (2003)
3) Gallager et al. (2000)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; BMR, basal metabolic rate; BP, blood pressure; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVRF, cardiovascular risk factors; DXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; HDL-C,
high-density lipoprotein; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; IL-1a, interleukin 1a; IL-1b, interleukin 1b; IL-6, interleukin 6; IL-8, interleukin 8; LDL-C, low-density li-
poprotein cholesterol; NO2/NO3, nitrite to nitrate ratio; NWO, normal-weight obesity; PWV, pulse wave velocity; SAH, systemic arterial hypertension; TC, total cholesterol; TNF-a, tumor ne-
factor a; TSF, triceps skinfold; SSF, subscapularis skinfold; WC, waist circumference.
Indicates study evaluated NWO prevalence according to several cutoff points established by different authors. Numbered percentages listed in the Percent body fat column correspond to
numbered prevalences in the Prevalence of NWO column.
Indicates study evaluated NWO prevalence according to several cutoff points established by different authors. These cutoff points, as well as the prevalence found by each author, are num-
bered according to the studies listed in the Percent body fat column. These studies are cited in the reviews by Marques-Vidal (2008).18
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to the pathophysiological mechanisms of endothelial Excessive body fat is usually related to lower HDL-
dysfunction, which can progress to the development of C concentrations, higher triacylglycerol levels, and
atherosclerosis.29 changes in LDL-C particles. In obesity, the lipolysis pro-
Normal-weight obesity has been associated with an cess is altered: there is greater lysis of triacylglycerols
increased risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in a study and a higher release of free fatty acids in the blood-
that evaluated 2078 Koreans with normal BMI and no stream, which inhibits the action of lipoprotein lipase
history of coronary artery disease. The cutoff points of and increases the hepatic synthesis of very low-density
body fat percentage used for NWO diagnosis were lipoprotein, with a consequent increase in plasma tria-
25.4% for men and 31.4% for women (upper tertile). cylglycerols. In this situation, there is increased produc-
After adjustments for age, sex, and smoking habits, in- tion of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, which
dividuals with NWO showed higher values of pulse promotes the exchange between triacylglycerol from
wave velocity and a higher prevalence of soft coronary very low-density. and cholesterol from high-density li-