Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project (2014E.C)

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Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.


Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]


The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university with this
functionalities and all the sources of material used for the project/thesis have been duly
1 .Abey Bekele
2. Tesfaye Teka …………………………………………………
3. Kaleab Gashaw …………………………………………………
4. Betlhem Ermiyas ………………………………………………
5. Henok G/medhen ………………………………………………
1.Abey Bekele …………………………………………………………..


This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and

quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Name of Advisor ………………… Signature ………………………

Examiner Name Signature

1. Examiner 1 ………………………………….. ………………………

2. Examiner 2 …………………………………… ……………………….

3. Examiner 3 …………………………………… ………………………

Online accident management system

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

First of all, we would like to thank our almighty God, who gives us love, patience, healthy, wisdom
and ability to walk through all the problems and obstacles during the period of our study. Our
heartfelt appreciation for our adviser Instructor Mebrat Sahle for her indefatigable guidance, valuable
suggestion, moral support, and constant encouragement in the documentation part and also instructor
Sophia. A for constructive opinion and willingness to participate in each part of our documentation
and her effective direction. We also want to thank inspector Dagnachew Worku and inspector
Belayneh Damtew, who gave us information about nekemte police station that we are asking for our
Finally but not the least, we would like express our love, thanks, appreciation, and respect for the
ongoing support of our parents and family members, for their continues encouragement and financial
support. And also we would like to thank the teaching staffs of computing who have contributed
wholly to the success of this documentation.

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

The web based accident management system solves and minimizes so many problems on the
organization. The system is with the client/server architected configuration. This means that there is a
central application database to store data. This system uses SQL database engine to manage the data
and it has the front end with the web programming language PHP. This system help for the employee
of nekemte city police station to communicate and also access their data easily. In general the system
enables the transactions to be easier and faster.

The system activity flow seems the following. When an accident occurs in a society, the society
informs the occurrence and other reliable information about the accident for the field officer. Then,
the field officer informs the dispatcher by sending message on the form available on the website to
detect the accident. After the dispatcher retrieves the detail information from the message sent by the
field officer, he/she allocates resource.

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................................................1

Introduction of Whole Project Process....................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Background....................................................................................................................................1

1.2.1 Background about the organization...........................................................................................1 Vision...........................................................................................................................................2 Mission....................................................................................................................................2

1.3 Background about the project............................................................................................................2

1.4 Statement of the problem...................................................................................................................3

1.5 Team organization.............................................................................................................................4

1.6 Objective............................................................................................................................................4

1.6.1 General Objective...........................................................................................................................4

1.6.2 Specific Objective.......................................................................................................................5

1.7 Scope and Limitation of project........................................................................................................5

1.7.1 Scope of project..........................................................................................................................5

1.7.2 Limitation of the project.............................................................................................................6

1.8 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................6

1.9 Beneficiaries of project......................................................................................................................7

1.9.1 Benefits to police station............................................................................................................7

1.9.2 Benefits to Citizens.....................................................................................................................7

1.9.3 Benefits to Police Department....................................................................................................7

1.9.4 Benefits to Team member...........................................................................................................8

1.10 Methodology....................................................................................................................................8

1.10.1 Data gathering Methodology...................................................................................................8

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

1.10.1 .1 Interview...............................................................................................................................8 Document Analysis................................................................................................................8

1.11 Analysis and Design Methodology.............................................................................................8

1.12 Development tool............................................................................................................................9

1.13 Testing procedures...........................................................................................................................9

1.13.1 Unit testing...............................................................................................................................9

1.13.2 System Testing........................................................................................................................10

Performance testing.......................................................................................................................10


1.16.1 Constraint...............................................................................................................................12

1.16.2 Assumptions............................................................................................................................12

Feasibility study of the Security testing........................................................................................10

1.13.3 Validation testing....................................................................................................................10

1.14 Implementation..............................................................................................................................11

1.15. Risks & contingencies..................................................................................................................11

1.17 Constraints and assumption........................................................................................12new system 12

1.17.1 Technical feasibility................................................................................................................12

1.17.2 Economic Feasibility..............................................................................................................13

A. Require equipment with Costs..................................................................................................13

Software Requirement...................................................................................................................14

1.17.3 Operation feasibility...............................................................................................................14

1.17.4 Political feasibility..................................................................................................................14

1.17.5 Legal and contractual feasibility........................................................................................14

Chapter Two..........................................................................................................................................15

Description of the Existing System.......................................................................................................15

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................15

2.2 Players in the existing system..........................................................................................................15

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

2.3 Major functions/activities in the existing system............................................................................16

2.4 Explanation of the business rule of the organization.......................................................................17

2.5 Report Generation in the existing system....................................................................................17

2.6 forms and other documents of the existing system.........................................................................18

2.7 Overview of the Existing System....................................................................................................19

2.7.1 File handling............................................................................................................................20

2.7.2 Accident Detection....................................................................................................................20

2.7.3 Report Generation....................................................................................................................20

2.8 Bottleneck of the existing system....................................................................................................21

2.9 Practice to be preserved..................................................................................................................22

2.10 Overview of the new system.........................................................................................................22

2.10.1 Handling Files:.......................................................................................................................22

2.10.2 Accident Detection:................................................................................................................22

2.11 Purpose of the new system........................................................................................................23

2.12 Requirement Specification............................................................................................................24

2.12.1 Functional Requirements.............................................................................................................24

2.12.2 Non-Functional Requirements................................................................................................25

System Analysis....................................................................................................................................27

3.1 Use case Model................................................................................................................................27

Participant Actors..............................................................................................................................27

3.1.3 Use case Description................................................................................................................28

3.2.2 Activity Diagram......................................................................................................................48

3.2.3 State chart diagram..................................................................................................................50

3.2.4 User interface (navigational paths)...........................................................................................53

3.2.5 Supplementary Specifications..................................................................................................54

System Design.......................................................................................................................................55

4.1 Overview of System design..........................................................................................................55

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

4.1.2 Design goals.............................................................................................................................55

4.2 Current software architecture..........................................................................................................56

4.3 proposed software architecture........................................................................................................56

4.3.3 Persistent data management.....................................................................................................58

4.3.4 Class Diagram.....................................................................................................................59

4.3.5 Database design................................................................................................................60

4.3.6 Access control and security......................................................................................................60

4.3.7 Global Software Control..........................................................................................................61

4.3.8 Boundary conditions.................................................................................................................61

1. System Start-up.......................................................................................................................61

Login page.....................................................................................................................................62

 Click ‘Login’.............................................................................................................................62

2 .System shutdown by the user need........................................................................................62

3. Error handling.........................................................................................................................62

4.4 Subsystem service........................................................................................................................62

4.5 Component Diagram.......................................................................................................................63

4.6 Deployment diagram.......................................................................................................................65

Chapter Five..........................................................................................................................................66

Object design.........................................................................................................................................66

5.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................66

5 .2 Object Design trade-offs.............................................................................................................66

5.2.1 Buy Vs Build.......................................................................................................................66

5.2.2 Guidelines and Convention:.....................................................................................................66

5.2.3 Boundary Cases:.................................................................................................................67

5.2.4 Exception Handling Mechanisms......................................................................................67

A. Invalid User Name Password Exception..............................................................................67

5.3 Interface documentation guidelines............................................................................................67

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

 Packages....................................................................................................................................67

 Classes.......................................................................................................................................68

5.4 Design Pattern.......................................................................................................................68

5.5 validation and verification..........................................................................................................69

Chapter six.............................................................................................................................................71

Implementation and Testing..................................................................................................................71

6.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................71

6.2 Final Testing of the system..........................................................................................................71

6.3 Hardware software acquisitions......................................................................................................73

6.4 User manual preparation..................................................................................................................74

6.5.1 Training strategy......................................................................................................................80

6.6 Installation Process.....................................................................................................................81

6.7 Start-up strategy..........................................................................................................................81

The start-up strategy will be..................................................................................................................81

6.8 Coding.............................................................................................................................................81

Chapter 7...............................................................................................................................................94

7.1 CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................................................94

7.2 Recommendation.........................................................................................................................94



Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

List of table
Table 1 team organization....................................................................................................................4
Table 2 development tools.....................................................................................................................9
Table 3 Validation testing...................................................................................................................10
Table 4 require equipment with cost.................................................................................................13
Table 5 login use case..........................................................................................................................29
Table 6 adding user use case...............................................................................................................30
Table 7 updating user account use case.............................................................................................31
Table 8 delete user account use case..................................................................................................32
Table 9 updating record use case.......................................................................................................33
Table 10 deleting record use case.......................................................................................................34
Table 11 Emergency report use case.................................................................................................35
Table 12 open incident use case..........................................................................................................36
Table 13 accident detection use case...................................................................................................37
Table 14 USECASE: Accident Report..................................................................................................38
Table 15 unknown people die in accident use case...........................................................................40
Table 16 view posted information......................................................................................................41
Table 17 logout use case......................................................................................................................41
Table 18 access control and security..................................................................................................61
Table 19 unit testing............................................................................................................................71
Table 20 integrated testing.................................................................................................................72
Table 21 system testing.......................................................................................................................72

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

List of figure
Figure 1 USE CASE..............................................................................................................................28
Figure 2 login sequence diagram........................................................................................................43
Figure 3 Dispatcher Sequence Diagram............................................................................................44
Figure 4 Updating Database Sequence Diagram..............................................................................45
Figure 5 Deleting Record Sequence Diagram...................................................................................46
Figure 6 Generate Emergency Report Sequence Diagram..............................................................47
Figure 7 Accident Detection report Sequence Diagram..................................................................48
Figure 8 Login activity diagram.........................................................................................................49
Figure 9 Report generation activity diagram...................................................................................49
Figure 10 accident detection activity diagram..................................................................................50
Figure 11 state chart login diagra.....................................................................................................51
Figure 12 view report..........................................................................................................................51
Figure 13 post information.................................................................................................................52
Figure 14 User Interface and navigation for DBCAM....................................................................53
Figure 15 User Interface and navigation for DBCAMS.................................................................54
Figure 16 Software structure..............................................................................................................57
Figure 17 Subsystem decomposition..................................................................................................58
Figure 19 data base design..................................................................................................................60
Figure 20 component diagram...........................................................................................................64
Figure 21 deployment diagram..........................................................................................................65
Figure 22 Object design modeling......................................................................................................69
Figure 23 class data modelining.........................................................................................................69
Figure 24 user anual preparation......................................................................................................74
Figure 25 accident request page.........................................................................................................75
Figure 26 pictuer responding from system.......................................................................................75
Figure 27 login form............................................................................................................................76
Figure 28 the system responding........................................................................................................76
Figure 29 accident control team page....................................................................................................77
Figure 30 password change picture...................................................................................................77
Figure 31 incorrect alert dialog..........................................................................................................77

Accident Information Management System (AIMS) Final Year Project [2014E.C]

Figure 32 correct insertion.....................................................................................................................78

Figure 33 user interface for accident control team..........................................................................78
Figure 34 system respond accept the requet.....................................................................................79
Figure 35 dispatcher home page........................................................................................................79

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


Introduction of Whole Project Process

1.1 Introduction
The development of one country is analyzed from many direction or factors such as
peaceful, security of the people and their property etc. Those are protected by
accident management station such as police and society. The institution of accident
management station is standing to protect peoples and their property from danger.
Our project aim to develop new web based accident management system. The
proposed system applies to accident management institution all across the country
and specially looks in the subject of accident management system of Nekemte city.
It is well understand that accident prevention and detection of accident depend on
highly responsive back bone to information management system. The efficiency of
the accident controlling and the effectiveness with which it deals with accident
depend on what quality of information it can drive or received from where the
accident is occur and how fast it can have response to it.

1.2 Background
1.2.1 Background about the organization
Nekemte city police station is one of the institutions of accident management
station on the given of this service. there are many problem on the accident
management that was established long years ago to give service to protect Nekemte
city from accident. The station has responsible for receiving the accident sound and
having quick response to the received accident sound and storing the nature of the
accident, the location details, the sequence of the accident, information on victims.
But this task is managed manually beginning from collecting and recording data
about the accident and the technique of response to the accident. The accidents that
can be reported can be either natural or human made. Some of these are traffic
accident, fire accident, killing or murder, flood, electric current accident, earth
quake, harassment, etc.But the organization more work with traffic police accident
management system.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C] Vision

 To be one of the well organized and known service in Ethiopia and other
developed countries.

 To increase the quality of service to society.

 To fulfill interest of society and increase communication with developed


 Satisfying the society. Mission
 To transfer useful and modern technology for the society.
 To give suitable and fast service based on society request.
 To increase the acceptance of the police stations.

 To increase the employee by supporting the technology.

 Finally they will consistently respond, fast and modern service, friendly
service and great value that make society confident that nekemt police station
is the best police station.

1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this project is developing new web based accident management system
for Nekemte city police station.

1.6.2 Specific Objective

 The specific objective of the accident management in nekemte city police

station include: -

 Investigating how the existing system is operation.

 Analyze the current system to design new data base system operated easily
using web based system.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Enabling the workers to communicate easily across the station and with their
external environment.

 Reviewing how the current system works and operates.

 Forward the recommendation about system implementation.

1.7 Scope and Limitation of project

1.7.1 Scope of project

 This project will be developing new web based system for nekemte city police
station accident management system. On completion of this project we expect
the system will have

 With less effort and cost the system is able to maintain and store information.

 Accurate way of recording and storing information in to the database.

 Post information (post unknown people die in accident)

 Report are cannot be visible to society.

 Presence of centralized documented and organized record.

 Learn society they protect from accident.

 The system does not concern about the crime file management system.

 Facilitate timely management decision making and enable to have real time
response to the accident detect it.

 Enabling the workers of the system to get reliable information where and when
occurred as well as the type and level of accident to give reliable to response on
detecting the accident.

 The can use either Amharic or English language.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Total number of each accident can be see easily.

 They can be prepared report easily
1.7.2 Limitation of the project
There are many constraints within our proposed system that limit their effectiveness of performance. Our system is limited only in
the process of web based accident management system of the nekemte city police station, but does not include about crime file
management system, the system depends on electric power and network connection. The above activities or subsystems are proposed
system limitations because of the following reason
 Time Is the main factor of limitation our proposed systems that limit its performance because while we are
developing the system it takes more time and we may not get enough time to automate the system.
 Resource we have not laptop as an alternative when arbitrary failed the desktop and also when the power is
off for a long time.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Total number of each accident can be see easily.

 They can be prepared report easily
1.7.2 Limitation of the project
There are many constraints within our proposed system that limit their effectiveness
of performance. Our system is limited only in the process of web based accident
management system of the nekemte city police station, but does not include about
crime file management system, the system depends on electric power and network
connection. The above activities or subsystems are proposed system limitations
because of the following reason

 Time Is the main factor of limitation our proposed systems that limit its
performance because while we are developing the system it takes more time and
we may not get enough time to automate the system.
 Resource we have not laptop as an alternative when arbitrary failed the desktop
and also when the power is off for a long time.

1.3 Significance of the project

 The new web based accident management is system which is customized to
the nekemte city police station.

 The most important feature of the new system is that it is an accurate , easy
and efficient system to detect accident as well as record accidental
information such as date and time when the accident occur, location and
level of the accident.

 Also cause and effect of the accident of the accident carefully recorded and

 Simple and user friendly.

 It is enable searching the required information by using keys and also the
main function of the system is sharing of information to the appropriate of
different station.

 Report generation is done when necessary or required any time.

 Easy to maintain, fast, and accurate.

 Total number of each accident can be see easily.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Learn society about they protect them self from accident.

 Generally, the purpose of this accident management system is to solve all the
problem of the organization and to satisfy the requirement of the people.

1.4 Beneficiaries of project

1.9.1 Benefits to police station

 Avoiding improper resource consumption like paper, pen.

 Avoiding data loss because of improper data storage

 Neat investigation files in the station can be transfers from generation to


 Enhance security mechanisms to protect crime records

1.9.2 Benefits to Citizens

 Multiple channels to access services from

 Simplified process for reporting the accident.

 Can view posted information’s by the station
anywhere at any time

 Faster and assured response from police to any


Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

1.9.3 Benefits to Team member

 The team member can get additional knowledge.

 We can get degree of information technology.

 Support the team member for next working

1.5 Methodology
1.10.1 Data gathering Methodology
The requirement of the system is gathered using primary data collecting techniques.
These are listed below.

1.10.1 .1 Interview
 One of data gathering methodologies or mechanism we used to collect information by
making a formal meeting at which we are asked some questions to nekemte city police
station manager and other member police as well as some peoples who live in the city. Observation

 is the second data gathering methodology we used to collect information by direct

watching some accidents inside the university and other traffic accidents when we are
going to town by taxi. Document Analysis

Document analysis is used to understand how the system is working. We used this
method to know all about the police station mission, vision, function and overall of their
work in short and brief.
1.6 Analysis and Design Methodology
In this project, our team will use object oriented system development methodology
(OOSD) for the design.

This techniques has several phase some of them are-:

 Object oriented analysis (OOA):- during this phase the team uses to models the
function of the system (use case modeling), finding and identify the business
objects, organize the objective and identify the relationship between them and
finally model the behavior of the objects in detail.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Object oriented design (OOD):-During this phase our team uses Microsoft software
to refine the use case model and rational rose for designing the sequence
collaboration, activity diagrams and to model object interaction and behavior that
support the use case scenario
1.7 Development tool

Table 2 development tools

Activities Tools
Client side coding HTML

Database Server MY SQL database

Web server Apache server

Server Side Script PHP
Firefox 3.0, IE 5.5/6.0/7 etc….

Editors Notepad++

Documentation MS Word

Design Edromax

1.8 Testing procedures

Testing is a trial experience in which the deliverables of the project are checked
with acceptable Standards in the project. We used unit testing, system testing to test
the correctness of each Module and the compiled program.

1.13.1 Unit testing

In unit testing each the data in the data base is tested through form or report with a
specific data.This test helps to trap output errors occur in the form or report. Each
module is tested alone in attempt to discover any error in its code.

 Register society accident request

 Register accident report

 Insert emergency report

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Display people unknown people die in accident.

 Generate report.

1.13.2 System Testing

Performance testing
The system performs well under unfavorable conditions and stress it’s functioning
as it functions in normal state for certain time and may failed if the stress is present
for a long time.

Security testing
The system has a security protection by using authentication. User of the system
will be authorized by the system administrator and get their user name and password
to enter into the system. Unauthorized access will be detected when user wants to
access the system. This is done by authenticating user; user with user name and
password can only enter into the system. This security action is done in the login

Another method used to secure the system is by grouping user by privileges. In the
system there are two types of categories; system administrator and other members
of the system. Every user of the system will enter to the system according to their
privileges and access different menus when they enter to the system. This security
method is tested and user cannot enter to other person privileges and access data. So
the system is secured.
1.13.3 Validation testing
When we say valid it is to mean that the software functions as it is intended. This is
tested by giving real data and get real information from the software.

Table 3 Validation testing

Tested Test case Expected Actual result

from result

Login To validate the proper To user will be

form functionality of login by authenticate authenticated and
inserting username and user if user is authorized
password enter to the system
else confirm

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Report To validate the To generate generate the

from functionality of report report requested report if
form the request is
valid, if request is
invalid display
message box that
describes the
All forms To validate the To provide The form is
functionality of each form the function presented and the
required by required function
the form can operated using
the form

1.9 Implementation
Implementation is a phase where all the work during analysis and design will be
turned to a functional system. Prototype is divided into three sub phase: interface
implementation, database implementation, and logical implementation. In interface
implementation, we have tried to implement user- interface. Logical implementation
implements the server-side functionality of the system. Generally we use partial
because we use direct may affect the system so better is partial.

1.15. Risks & contingencies

During the development of the project there may be different problems that we may
face. These are:

 Unfortunate failure of system: To handle this problem the teams have some
method to resist not completely but partially by using back up mechanisms using
flash disks, CD/DVD and by storing the data on our Email account.
 Power problem: we tried to use laptops to cover the gap happened to our project
during power failure.
 Virus attack: It is difficult to control data from virus but try to scan the data,
installing and updating antivirus software and we use CDRW instead of flash.
 Time management problem: we solve this problem by working cooperatively,
divide our time by schedule for each phase of the project and we try to use this
schedule effectively.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

1.16 Constraints and assumption

1.16.1 Constraint
 Dispatcher should access to all facilitates accident management system
provides and direct access to the database.
 Accident controlling team Generate report and to control work flow the
accident controlling team should have access the database and they will
allowed to modify, delete, insertion of records.
 The central server database must be able to handle a multi user environment.
It must allow simultaneous access by more than one terminal where AMS is
running at any time.

1.16.2 Assumptions
This section must include any assumptions if not true, would require changes
to the requirements.

 The system depends on the software components and operating system which
are needed for the system.
 The hardware used to interact with the AMS(accident management system)
will be standard keyboard as required
 The users know how to start the program from the GUI, and can interact with a
user interface using a standard keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
 The dispatcher should get access of wireless internet connection as he is mobile.

1.17 Feasibility study of the new system

Most of information system projects have budgets and deadlines, and analysis of
factors for the feasibility forms the business case (analysis of assumptions like
resource availability and potential problem and system costs and benefits) that
justifies the expenditure on the project.
1.17.1 Technical feasibility
General study in the project area has shown that the current technology and ability
existing in order to complete the propose system objectives. Our project can be done
with current equipment, existing software technology and available personnel and
therefore it can be conclude that the system is technical feasibility.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

1.17.2 Economic Feasibility

The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is out
weighting the cost. Since this project already computerize the existing system by
now the redaction of cost for materials used in manual operation becomes
beneficiary to the organization.

Generally the system that we develop nekemt city police station accident
management brought number of tangible and intangible benefits.

Tangible benefits

Cost redaction:-to calculate the following things will be considered

 Decrease the cost give to employ.

 Increase the income of the organization.

 Cost reduction and avoidance

The tangible costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-

 Require equipment with Costs which includes hardware development cost and
other costs.
 Software development cost.

A. Require equipment with Costs

This cost contains the various types of costs in which we spent for the development
of the project some of the hardware expenses.

The following table lists the different miscellanies costs that we spent in the process
of the development of the system.
Table 4 require equipment with cost

Actor Device ITEM Specification

 Dispatcher dedicated server CPU 32bit operating system, 2.2 GHz

RAM Minimum of 700 MB
 Information desk
HARD DISK Minimum 90 GB

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Field Officer wireless devices like CPU 32bit operating system, 2.2 GHz
PDA’s or Smart
Phones, laptops and RAM Minimum of 300 MB
 Accident desktop computers
controlling team HARD DISK Minimum 22GB

 Society

Software Requirement
The end user computers need to have an operating system like Windows 7 or later,
Ubuntu, Linux or any other OS which is user graphical.

1.17.3 Operation feasibility

The system to be developed will provide accurate, secured service and decrease the
labor work load. Also the system will be easily operation, it does not affect the
existing organization structure. So the system will be operation feasibility.

1.17.4 Political feasibility

The system to be developed is not conflict with any government directly or
indirectly, because this new web based accident management is give service for
people effectively and efficiently.
SO the system will be political feasibility.

1.17.5 Legal and contractual feasibility

This is the process of assessing potential legal and contractual ramification due to
the construction of a system. When we first think to planned and select a system, we
have to consider law, financial reporting, standard, as well as the current contractual
obligation. Every activity that will be controlled or performed by the policy that
govern the Deberberhan city police station.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter Two

Description of the Existing System

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter we studied the existing system deeply, since it is necessary to know
the existing working system of office so as to develop a better system. When we
studied the existing system we gave emphasis for here under listed questions:

 How the existing system is working?

 What kind of method they use to handle accident data?

 In what way the police office is handling accident information managed?

 What is the business rule they use?

After studying the existing system, we also determined the requirement or the
feature that must be included in the proposed system. Furthermore by analyzing the
current system, we could also estimate how the propose system solve the setbacks
of the existing system.

2.2 Players in the existing system

The existing system enables the Field officer

 If the field officer exist in accident place report accident.

 Call to police station and he/she need additional resource.

 Directly work with society.

 Collect all necessary information note book.

The existing system enables the society

 If society see the accident happen directly report the accident

 He/she report in two way either in telephone or physically going to police


 Send their comment either in oral or written form.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

The existing system enable the Administrator/Dispatcher

 The dispatcher accept the emergency accident report automatically assign

resource and notify to accident control team.
 View previous accident report

 Update previous accident report.

The existing system enable the Accident controlling team:

 Accident report the dispatcher send the accident report the go to place and
prepare the report.
 Prepare the report.

 Learn how to protect from accident for society.

The existing system enable the Information Desk to

 Retrieve data and give appropriate information to user and dispatcher

 Document and organize daily report come from Field officer and accident
controlling team with the final modification.

2.3 Major functions/activities in the existing system

A. Report Emergency accident:-in the existing system the emergency accident
reported in two way. First is society calling telephone to police station. Most time
the telephone is busy because the police station have only one telephone. Second
the society come to police station in physically.

B Generate report:-the report prepared in day, three day weeks, month, three month,
six month, year report. This report is major report generate time. All report generate
is very tedious and complex because all thing is done in manually so difficult to
prepared report, specially the month, three month, six month, year report are more
difficult and additional task to police department to search the file.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

CStore the accident file:the existing system store the accident information in
manually. This method is not secured, also have not backup. The accident file only
in one document if the paper damage also damage the accident file.

2.4 Explanation of the business rule of the organization

A business rule of existing system is successfully an operating standard or policies

that will explain for existing system of nekemt police station.
The existing system has many business rules or principles some of them are:

Br1: New accident reports (first information reports) have to received and organized
by accident control team.

Br2: Emergency accident should get fast response as much as possible.

Br3: accident file should be investigated by Accident control team.

Br4: The accident should be happened in nekemt city or around the city, in order to
start investigation process.

Br5: any accidental emergency should be reported in 24 hours

Br6: society had right to report any accident

Br7: Dispatcher police officer should work for 24 hours to accept accident reports

2.5 Report Generation in the existing system

Each station prepares and presents report daily, weekly, monthly, in 3 months, in 6
months, and per year for the main station nekemt city police station. In the same
way the main station of the city prepare report based on the reports collected from
the sub-stations and presents it for the Zone station. Daily reports can be by paper, if
the substation is near to the main station or simply by using telephone if it is not
possible, but weekly and further longer time reports would be reported with paper
and all data would be given to the information desk controller.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

2.6 forms and other documents of the existing system

Form of accident investigation report form

Accident/Incident Report Form

Date of incident: Time: AM/PM

Name of injured person:




Date of birth: Male Female

Who was injured person?(circle one) Passenger System Employee

Type of injury:

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Details of incident:

Injury requires physician/hospital visit? Yes No

Name of physician/hospital:


Physician/hospital phone number:

Signature of injured party


*No medical attention was desired and/or required.

Signature of injured party Date

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

2.7 Overview of the Existing System

Nekemte city police station offers many services for the society of the city and around the
city. The current system generally performs the following task:

Collecting information about any accident occur in and around the city based on the
received information about the accident it allocates resource and detect the accident , recording and
documenting all necessary information about the accident manually, generate report about accident
if required by any private and government institution according to their request that may want to
support societies that do not suffer from the accident and protect peaceful security and properties of
the society from danger.

2.7.1 File handling

They record their file of accident report, daily, weekly, monthly, 3 months, 6
months, yearly reports and other information related with accident on paper. If they
want to update files and records, the searching activity is very tedious and boring.
The format of file recording is not consistent and also the file handling is not

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

2.7.1 Accident Detection

Even though accident detection is duty of all human beings, there are especially
responsible persons for this activity organized by the government. These
responsible persons are polices. Polices has different level of power, such as
commander, inspector, sujine, and other lower level polices.

When one accident occurs in one kebele, the people inform that accident for the
police located around that kebele. Then these polices tell for the field officers. The
field officer reports that accident for the dispatcher in the main station. The
dispatcher then checks the availability of resources. If resources are available,
he/she allocate these resources and send the accident controlling team to the place of
the accident. Else if there is no available resource, they take any of individual or
private resources that are useful to manage the accident, from any place if they are
free to use. In DeberBerhan city police station, there is no organized accident
controlling team for each accident type. So, they request help from other
organizations which are responsible and which have ability to manage that accident.
If the resources available in the sub-station are not enough to manage that accident,
they transfer that report for the DeberBerhan city police station.

2.7.2 Report Generation

Each station prepares and presents report daily, weekly, monthly, in 3 months, in 6
months, and per year for the main station Dbrebrhan city police station. In the same

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

way the main station of the city prepare report based on the reports collected from
the sub-stations and presents it for the Zone station. Daily reports can be by paper, if
the substation is near to the main station or simply by using telephone if it is not
possible, but weekly and further longer time reports would be reported with paper
and all data would be given to the information desk controller.

2.7 Bottleneck of the existing system

In Nekemte city police station accident management apply manual way of

implementing tasks. It will be face many technological problem to site some this
multiphase factors in the case of police station are the following problem –:

 Difficult of getting real information at real time when accident occurred that help
to have real time response to accident.
 Difficult to manage the overall system.

 Accident file control mechanism is very tedious and complicated.

 Data redundancy and inconsistency

 Difficult of communication of field office, society and the station to give and get
real time response to the accident.
 Difficult to generate report

 The officer loss the paper that write the report is also loss the information about
the accident.
 Someone come from other place suddenly die in accident the person have not id or
something about himself tell, Only thing is write report and stored it.
 Difficult of getting available resource to control and detect the accident at real
time and to save human life and property since there is no organized detective in
the system to control the accident rather than the society and police are tries to
detect the accident as much as possible.
 Difficult in conducting consistent reports because the record is documented
manually and require much time and human power to search and get wanted
information (file).
 There is no fast and efficient way of sharing critical information across the station
as well as with the external environment.
 System has work load for police department.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Also there is security problem as we mentioned before, the existing system is

manually system in which document are stored in packed paper files so that the
file are highly exposed to damage and can be stolen by any other unauthorized
person or group.

2.8 Practice to be preserved

Practice to be preserved are functionalities which we take it from the existing

system without any change and we use these functionalities in our proposed system.
These functionalities are:-

Report generation: we use in the proposed system report generation way. The report
prepared in day, three day, weeks, month, three month, six month, and year report.
This report is major report generate time. All report generate is very tedious and
complex because all thing is done in manually so difficult to prepared report,
specially the month, three month, six month, year report are more difficult and
additional task to police department to search the file.

Accident file stored: this very important to propose because it used as backup in
proposed system because maybe the system fail or damage the file also damage. For
this reason it important to store the accident file in backup

2.9 Overview of the new system

The proposed accident management system has global functionality, but it is

optimize to Nekemte city police station. This system will solves all problems we
have seen in the existing system.

2.10.1 Handling Files:

When we start from file handling, they it every accident record in a database. So, the
dispatcher can simply access i.e. searching, updating, or deleting the records; it also
make the system secured from illegal or unauthorized users or persons.
2.10.2 Accident Detection:
After the development of nekemt city police station website, each sub-station can
report the accident and send any other necessary information or other requests on
the internet for this organization by filling all the necessary or detail information on
the designed forms. Then the dispatcher sends acknowledgment for these

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Then he check the availability of resources on the system and then he/she send the
accident controlling team to the place of accident to manage the accident in a short
time before the lose life and property occur on the society.

In general term the new system will eliminate/ reduce the problem on time accuracy,
security issue, and complexity and information distribution. The system will include
a centralized data base for accidental data records that facilitate fast information
retrieval, modifying, inserting and deleting and also improve the communication
among administrator, field officer, information desk and Accident controlling team.
It also includes an attractive user interface that facilitates accessing the database and
recording accidental data easily.

2.10 Purpose of the new system

The proposed system will provide

 Greater efficiency for recording investigation file:Since the proposed system uses
database system, registering investigation files, and updating of progress files
from the database will be easy and also there will not be loose of data.
 Security: since the proposed system requires verification of logon form, sensitive
information’s will not be accessed or modified by unauthorized users.
 Better service: since the proposed system allows users to report online without a
need of going to police station, there will be fast response for accident. Users will
also view all posted information’s from anywhere.
 Efficient retrieval of accident files: since the proposed system record each and
every accident file on the data base, retrieval of accident files from the database
at any time will be a very easy process.
 Efficient accident management: in the proposed system polices can view and
easily control the system are work well and control all accident information.
 Increase Operational Efficiency: The proposed system should help in reducing
the repetitive paperwork/records and making the back-office functions more

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

2.11 Requirement Specification

2.12.1 Functional Requirements

The new system will be a networked application that will run on client -server and
to provide case to use user interfaces to the users and window server for the server
side application. The new system will also perform record management function
that the system should record all the modifications on the record management

All in all the functionalities that will be provided by the system are the following.

 Manage accident report: system easily manage accident report because

everything should be done in web based. Accident report Date, accident
Time, Information Type, Place of accident, Address of accident, Name of
Police, Received Time, Information Received the take the system as input.
After inputting data validation checks on various fields is performed. On
submission of the information the record is stored on database. If the
submitted information is valid, and found in the database then the
corresponding record is displayed.
 Manage accident file: manages accident file using web based system in
manner that more secured than previous system.
 Emergency accident report online: The system would be able to emergency
accident online. Without coming to the police station office they can able to
report online by using the proposed system. The society and the field officer
report emergency accident. They fill all the necessary information, if enter
the data correct the system report to dispatcher and get the
 Update accident information: The system able to search, Insert, delete and
update the accident information when it is propose system they
can update easily because all data are in the database so we can update easily
and in short time.
 Posting news: the system can post news for the society in order to make
them informed by the some additional information.
 Retrieve accident files: we can easily retrieve the accident information in
easily. Only enter the accident no, and accident type name. Then the system
Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

check the that accident type and accident no the system processes it if it
valid display the information.
 Posted people unknown people die in accident: this very important for new
system because someone come other place then sadly die in accident. The
person have no id or something about himself. So the system post this
2.12.2 Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements describe user-visible aspects of the system that are not
directly related with the functional behavior of the system. These requirements do
not directly affect the performance of the system but are nonetheless important
.They are concerned with security, performance, internationalization, usability,
maintainability, reliability, modifiability, efficiency, portability across operating
systems, testability, understandability. Generally the non-functional requirements of
the system are presented below:

a) Speed: The system will perform at 1 second or less at normal circumstances

while appending and retrieving data to and from the database respectively
(i.e. when networks and nodes are ok).
b) Reliability: The system allows reliable communication between the main
station with sub-stations, and society. It also allows reliability while
searching and displaying data from the database, while appending data in the
database and data are passed to the correct end user.
c) Security: The system database will be secured from accessed by any
unauthorized person by making the login to the system only restricted to
legal persons. We use strong password so it does not accessed by illegal
d) Quality: The system allows putting backup of data and it fulfills all user

e) User friendly interface: Simple and interactive user interface components

should be part of the system. This user friendly interface requirement of the
system will be available in any end user and system administrator interface
of the application.
f) Usability: The system provides a help and support menu in all interfaces or
give direct input for the user to interact with the system.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

The user can use the system by reading help and support.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

g) Performance: Our system speed operation is very high. That means the
accuracy and response time of
The system should be very fast.

h) Availability: The system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7

days a week.
Also in the occurrence of any major system malfunctioning.

i) Reliability: The developed system should able to perform a required function

under stated Conditions for a specified period of time.
j) Portability: The system supports every operating system.
k) Maintenance: New additional features can be added if required and also the
system components i.e. memory, disk, drives shall be easily serviceable
without much alteration in the code.
l) Back up:-The system should have back up using external hard disk. The
backup is taken weekly.
m) Error handling: Our system handles error by showing the message” invalid
input” when the user enter invalid inp

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter Three



3.1 Use case Model

Participant Actors
Dispatcher: has the following responsibilities

 Has direct access to the database

 Notifying field officer that it provide the report

 Allocating resource based on the emergency report come from field officer

 Announcing team to detect accident by having allocated resource

 Managing user account

Accident controlling team: has the following responsibilities

 Generate accident detection report which includes the process of accident

control and effect of the accident.
 Studying cause of the accident

Field officer: has the following responsibilities

 Gathering information about the accident from the society.

 Generate emergency report

 Updating the report if any information is received

Society: has the following responsibilities

 Informing occurrence and cause of the accident

 Participating on detection of the accident

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 Request for support to suffer from the accident

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Figure 1 USE CASE

3.1.3 Use case Description

Use case description provides critical information needed to understand in what
context the use cases are and briefly explain how the functionalties precede using
natural language in a step wise manner. Here is the use case description for nekemt
city police station Accident management system:

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Use case: Login

Table 5 login use case

Use case Name Login

UC_ID: UC_01

Actor: Dispatcher, field officer, accident controlling team, Information Desk

Description: This use case is used to ensure security for login into the system

Precondition: The user must have at least correct username and password.

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: User has to open the


Step3: by selects account

type user fills his or her
username and password.

Step4: click login button.

Step6: the User gets access
the system.

Post condition The main page will be displayed then user gets access to its privilege
and after finishing his/her work he can logout

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Alternative course If they user is not authorized

of action
A.6: The system gives a conformation that is wrong username or

Use case: Adding user

Table 6 adding user use case

UC_ID: UC_02

Actor: Dispatcher

Description: It describes how to add a new user or account record in the system.

Precondition: the user should have logged in as Dispatcher

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: the dispatcher clicks on add step2:the system displays the form
user button
Step5: the system validates the new
Step3: the dispatcher enters the user detail.
user name, account type, Password Step6: the system save the user
and reenter password to the system detail to the database.

Step 4: the dispatcher submits the step7:the system

new user information. displays successful
message of adding new user
Step7:the dispatcher tells the
category, user name and password
Step8:the system ends
to the user

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Post condition The new user information are added to the recorded

Use case: updating user account

Table 7 updating user account use case

UC_ID: UC_02

Actor: Dispatcher, field officer and accident control team

It describes how the dispatcher(field officer or accident control team)
modify the user database .

Precondition: the user should have logged

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: the Administrator wants to Step4: the system checks the new
update an account and he/she login account information with the
to the system. existing account in the database.
Step2: the Administrator inserts Step5: the system save the new
account _type, username, account to the database.
password, and other user Step6: the updating process ends
Step3: the administrator submits
the data.

Post condition The system modifies the records with the new entered data.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Alternate course action: 5.1: the system doesn’t save the new account to the system database
5.2: it displays a fill again message.
5.1: the system doesn’t save the new account to the system database
5.2: it displays a fill again message.
5.1: the system doesn’t save the new account to the system database
5.2: it displays a fill again message.

Use case delete user account

Table 8 delete user account use case

UC_ID: UC_02

Actor: Dispatcher

It describe how the dispatcher removes records of system user

Precondition: the user should have logged in as Dispatcher

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: the administrator wants to step3:The system display a form

delete the account and he/she login Step5: the system checks the
to the system. entered information with the
Step2: the administrator selects the existing account in the database
delete button. Step6: the system sends message
Step4:the administrator enters “Do you want to delete?” to the
the account type and username of administrator
the user Step8: the system delete the
Step7: the administrator selects the account from the system. Step
yes option. 9 the use case ends

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Post condition The system removes the user details from the record

5.1: the system displays try again

Alternate course of message. 5.2:the system displays empty
action: form
7.1: the system ends if he/she selects no.

Use case updating record

Table 9 updating record use case

UC_ID: UC_02

Actor: Dispatcher

Description: It describe how the dispatcher removes records of system user database.
Precondition: the user should have logged in as Dispatcher
Flow Event: Actor action System response

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Step1:the officer open step2: The system will display

step3: the officer add the accident id search box step5: The system
will check the accident id step6:
or number step4: click on search The system will display
button step7: The officer edits the searched result step9: The
system checks the entered
form. step8: The user clicks on
information step10: The system
Update button. step11: the officer sends message” does u want to
selects the yes option update?” step12: The system
updates the information step13:
step14: end of use case the system displays successful
message of updating

Post condition The system saves the modified record to the database.

Alternate course 6.1 : displays “try again” message.

6.2 : the system will display empty search box

11.1: if the investigative officer select the no option, the system displays
‘updating aborted’ message.

Use case: deleting records

Table 10 deleting record use case

UC_ID: UC_02

Actor: Dispatcher, information desk

Description: It is for dropping the content of the database.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

the user should have logged in as Dispatcher

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: the administrator wants to step3:The system display a form

delete the record and he/she login Step5: the system checks the
to the system. entered information with the
Step2: the administrator selects the existing account in the database
delete button. Step6: the system sends message
Step4: the administrator enters the “Do you want to delete?” to the
accident type and accident number. administrator
Step7: the administrator selects the
yes option. Step8: the system delete the
recorde from the system. Step
9 the use case ends

Post condition The system removes the user details from the record

USE CASE: Emergency report

Table 11 Emergency report use case

Use Case Name Emergency report generate

UC_ID: UC_03

Actor: Field officer, society

Description: There must be accident and collected information about it..

Precondition: There must be accident and collected information about it.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: The user open emergency Step2: system display the

form emergency report form.
Step3 The use write in the report Step5: the system check correctly
form. write necessary information.
Step4:next click the emergency Step6: displays successful message
report button to user.
Step7 :send emergency report to
Step 8

Post condition The system generated the report and displays successful message

Alternate course action 5.1: if not correct display try again message.

Use case: Open incident

Table 12 open incident use case

Use Case Name Open incident

UC_ID: UC_04

Actor: Dispatcher

Description: This is used to read the emergency report.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Precondition: The field officer must generate a new emergency report

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: the user wants to see the Step3: system display incident
incident and she/he login to reports.
system. Step 7:end use case
Step2: The user select the incident
Step4: user see the incident.
Step5: Notify accident controlling
team the accident
Step 6 send the notification to field
officer and society.

Post condition Acknowledge field officer/society

Alternate course 2.1: if not correct display try again message.


USECASE: Accident detection

Table 13 accident detection use case

Use Case Name Accident detection

UC_ID: UC_06

Actor: Accident controlling team, field officer and society

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Description: This is handling of the accident by using allocated resource.

Precondition: Emergency report must be generated and resource must be available

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step1: officer report the accident to Step3: system display incident

dispatcher. reports.
Step2: the user wants to see the Step 7:end use case
accident detection and she/he login to
Step2: The user select the incident
Step4: user see the incident.
Step5: The dispatcher allocate
resource and notify to accident
controlling team.
Step6: Accident controlling team
protects the accident.

Post condition Accident controlling team protects the accidents.

Alternative action

Table USE CASE Report use case

Table 12.
Table 14 USECASE: Accident Report

Use Case Name Accident detection report

UC_ID: UC_07

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Actor: accident controlling team

This is used to know daily, monthly, 3 months, half of year, and 1 year
information’s about the accident detections.

Precondition: Accident must be handled or controlled.

Flow Event: Actor action System response

Step 1: the accident control team step2: The system display repo
officer clicks on generate report form that contain the following
button :-
Step3:the accident control team

officer fills the form Type of report

step4:accident control team officer For whom the report is prepare
clicks on generate report button Name ,bag number
Report information’s step5:The
Step 8: the report process ends system checks the filled form
step6: The system generated th
report to the selected user.
step7:the system displays
successful message

Post condition Accident controlling team protects the accidents.

Alternative course action: 5.1 : If the investigative officer enters invalid information then
the system will generate an error message in order to fill again
the information properly.
5.2 : use case ends

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

USE CASE: posted information

Table 15 unknown people die in accident use case

Use Case Name Posted information

UC_ID: UC_08
Actor: Dispatcher

Description: In this use case the dispatcher can post information.

Precondition: The dispatcher should have to enter a valid user name and
password to upload information.
Flow Event: Actor action System response
Step 1: the dispatcher wants to Step2: the system die in
post unknown persons die in the unknown persoccident
accident. and clicks on post
Step4: The system
the filled form
Step3: the dispatcher fills the
needed information Step5: the system s
Step7: the report process
Post condition If a Police officer entered valid user name and password
then he/she can post the information.

Alternative course 6.1 : the system display an error message

action: 6.2 : the report process ends

USECASE: view posted information

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Table 16 view posted information

Use Case Name View posted information

UC_ID: UC_09
Actor: Society/User

Description: This use case allows the user to see posted


Precondition: there should be posted information’s

Flow Event: Actor action System

Step 1:the user wants to view the

posted information’s step2:the user Step4:The

gets access to the system system

displays posted
Step3:clicks on view post info
button step5: the user view posted


Step 6: the report process ends

Post condition the user views posted information’s

Table 17 logout use case

Use Case Name Logout

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

UC_ID: UC_11
Actor: System administrator(dispatcher), field officer, and
accident controlling team

Description: Logout and back to the login page.

The System administrator, field officer, and accident
controlling team should have Internet connection.
Flow Event: Actor action System
Step 1:The user click logout button

Step2: The
system returns to
Step3: end use case login page

Post condition The user will be out of the system or database

1.21 Sequence Diagram

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Sequence Diagram 1: Login

Figure 2 login sequence diagram

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Sequence Diagram 2: Dispatcher

Figure 3 Dispatcher Sequence Diagram

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Sequence Diagram 3: Updating Database

Figure 4 Updating Database Sequence Diagram

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Sequence Diagram 4: Deleting Record

Figure 5 Deleting Record Sequence Diagram :

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Sequence Diagram 5: Generate Emergency Report

Figure 6 Generate Emergency Report Sequence Diagram

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Sequence Diagram 8: Accident Detection report

Figure 7 Accident Detection report Sequence Diagram :

3.2.2 Activity Diagram
An activity diagram describes a system in terms of activities. Activities are states
that represent the execution of a set of operations. The completion of these
operations triggers a transition to another activity. They can be used to represent
control flow (i.e., the order in which operations occur) and data flow (i.e., the
objects that are exchanged among operations Login to the System

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


Enter User
name and

Click login Check user name

button and password

Redirect to
the page

Figure 8 Login activity diagram

Report Generation

Open Homepage open generate Report menu

Fill in the form

Click Generate report button

Check enter forms

Successfully Generated

Figure 9 Report generation activity diagram

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

3 Accident Detection

Figure 10 accident detection activity diagram

3.2.3 State chart diagram
State chart diagram describes the flow of control of the nekemt police station
accident management proposed system from one state to another state to describe
the system dynamically. States are defined as a condition in which an object exists
and it changes when some event is triggered. So the most important purpose of State
chart diagram is to model life time of an object from creation to terminal

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

1 Login

Figure 11 state chart login diagra

View Report

Figure 12 view report

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Post information

Figure 13 post information

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3.2.4 User interface (navigational paths)

Figure 14 User Interface and navigation for DBCAM

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 15 User Interface and navigation for DBCAMS

3.2.5 Supplementary Specifications
Supplementary specification are additional functional requirements which are
supportive to functional requirement of the system. Some of these are:
 Create user account

 Manage Account

 Post unknown people die in accident

 Put contact information

 Manage privilege

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter Four

System Design

4.1 Overview of System design

System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design
model. Up to now we were in the problem domain. System design is the first part to
get into the solution domain in a software development. This chapter focuses on
transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into account the
non-functional requirements and constraints described in the problem statement and
requirement analysis sections discussed earlier. The purpose of designing is to show
the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and enough information
needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on
understanding of the model the software built on. The objectives of design are to
model the system with high quality. Implementing of high quality system depend on
the nature of design created by the designer. If one wants to change to the system
after it has been put in to operation depends on the quality of the system design. So
if the system is design effetely, it will be easy to make changes to it.

4.1.2 Design goals

These describe the qualities of the system that we should optimize. Many design
goals are inferred from the nonfunctional requirements or from the application

The new system is considered to be successful if it meets the following sets of


 User Interface: The user interface of the system should be easy to use by
each user of the system with little training.
 Documentation: System administrators and other users are provided with

proper documentation about the software’s features.

 Performance: The system should be able to serve a number of users which
are expected to access it concurrently.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Error Handling and Extreme conditions: The system should be robust

enough to handle error conditions and continue with normal operations.
 Availability: The system availability should be available most of the time
since it is handling emergency situations.
 Security: The system should prevent the sensitive data from unauthorized

 Modifiable: The system should be designed in Object Oriented language so

that modification to some part of the system could not affect other parts.

4.2 Current software architecture

In spite of its organized administrative structure, nekemt city police station use
accident management in manual system. In order to handle or process the data for
above mentioned categories of tasks there is the manual system. Some accident
happen then all information are recorded in manually. The deberbrhan city police
station does not use any softwar.In the existing system all thing done in manual,
from collecting the accident information up to documentation are done In manual.

4.3 proposed software architecture

The proposed subsystem will be implemented in Client/Server architecture.

Wherever a user is as long as there is Internet connection he/she can browse the
Dbrebrhan city accident management (DBCAMS)web page, fill the required inputs
by the web page, and then submit it then the request of the user will be sent to the
server. The server will give response based on the user request. From this
description the architecture of the system is depicted diagrammatically.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

NCAMS Web Page




Figure 16 Software structure

The system decomposition includes a report generation, incident management
{Availability checker and Allocator}, path controller, file controller, communication
subsystems, post management and login management.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 17 Subsystem decomposition

4.3.3 Persistent data management

Persistent data management deals with how the system is going to handle the actual
data need to be stored on the database of the system. The purpose of persistence
modeling is which objects in the system design are required to be stored
persistently. Clearly, in a database driven application like this one, almost all system
interactions have deal with persistent data. Online accident management system will
largely depend on a relational database to perform day-today operations and storing
log data. Data will be stored in a MySQL Data Base Management system and
manipulated through the Database Subsystem, which will ensure data integrity and
consistency. Database Subsystem will contain all necessary SQL queries that will be
accessible by the rest of the Subsystems.

The data stored in the database will include:

 Emergency accident report

 User account

 Society

 Employ profile

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

4.3.4 Class Diagram

Class diagram shows the static structure of data and the operations that act on the data,
i.e. it shows the static structure of an object-oriented model the object class, their


-lname:varchar(20) useraccount
-account no:int(8)
-Village:varchar(25) +create account
-role:varchar(25) Post
Employ 1e st
1 1
-id_no:integer(10) has
has Dispatcher
+add() -email:varchar:(10)
+update() is an
+Register -id_no:integer(11)
Name 1 n
t +Manage staff()
1 News
is an -id_no:integer(15)
is an -title:varchar(255)
1 -body:varchar(255)

Accident control +add()

team +view()
-id_no:integer(10) Field officers

1 -id_no:integer(11)
+update() +Report emrgency()
+view() +view request()

Fig 17 class diagram

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

4.3.5 Database design

Figure 18 data base design

4.3.6 Access control and security

In this system, there are multiple actors which have access to different functionality
and data. Everyday actor may only access the data it creates, whereas a system
administrator actor may have unlimited access to system data and to other users’
data. Defining access control allows each actor to identify which operations they

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

can access

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

on each shared object. This mechanism is implemented through username and

password in order to restrict unauthorized person from accessing the entire system.
Table 18 access control and security


Dispatcher Field Officer Society Accident

Controlling Team

Search() Insert() Insert() Insert()

Delete () Search()

System access Update()


CreateAccount() Login() Login()

System login

4.3.7 Global Software Control

The Deberbrhan city accident management system architecture is to have an
explicit, decentralized software control. The system's dynamic control is distributed
among different controllers such that each object delegates some responsibility to
other objects. The request initiations are event-driven

4.3.8 Boundary conditions

Describe the start-up, shutdown, and error behavior of the system. Login of the system

1. System Start-up
Welcome/home page of Accident Management System
At the time the user starts to use this system first this home page will be displayed and after this
page the user can select one of the menus that he want to access.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Login page
The login page contains the user name and password and users should enter the correct username
password and their privilege correctly to get the page that he wants.

 The User enter user name

 The User enter password

 Click ‘Login’
 Click ‘Back’ if he wants to exit

 Click ‘Clear’ button if he wants to clear the text box.

 Check ‘Remember me on this computer’ allows the user when using that particular
computer again; he/she won't have to type in his/her login details to access the site.
After doing the tasks successfully the user gets the page he wants according to the
privilege they have.
 Click ’Click here to reset it.’ It allows the user to change his/her password.

2 .System shutdown by the user need

When the user wants to leave the site and to logout from the system, the following prompt will be
3. Error handling
The system will handle the error happen during data insertion in the following way. If the
user enters number in place of text message box will display to allow user to enter correct
data again.

4.4 Subsystem service

 The report generation subsystem: this subsystem provides the different format of
generating report which allows different users send the report to the available
receiver. This system can also sub divided into Field Officer Side, society side and
Accident controlling team which provide their respective functionalities to the report
receiver corresponding to them.
 The Incident Manager subsystem: provides an interface between the main station and
the client. I.e. it allows the Dispatcher to retrieve the report send by the Field Officer
or the society.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 The File Controller subsystem: this subsystem includes two parts of services. These
are documenting handled incidents and archiving important documents. This is
implemented by the Dispatcher.
 The Communication controller subsystem this subsystem allows communication
between the dispatcher with the Field Officers and Accident Controlling in the form
of chatting, or sending report. It also provides notification service.
 The Login this includes admin, accident control team, information desk and field
officer login. There will be account type, user name and password to login into the
system to use all the facilities.
 Manage staff this module helps the admin to add new user accounts, update and
inactive existed account.

4.5 Component Diagram

By this Diagram, components of the system will be wired showing that there is relation
among components; management of the system, database and operations performed on
databases such security issue. This in some extent shows which component or objects will be
accessed by whom and what type of security infrastructures it is using Aniekwe Vivian
Nkiruka - August, 2012. The component diagram of nekemt police station accident
management system is displayed below.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 19 component diagram

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

4.6 Deployment diagram

Deployment diagrams model the physical architecture of a system, and it shows the
relationships between the software and hardware components in the system and the physical
distribution of the processing Aniekwe Vivian Nkiruka - August, 2012.

Figure 20 deployment diagram

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter Five

Object design
5.1 Introduction.
Web based accident management system consists of subsystems which work separately but
concurrently. Subsystems interact with each other and each subsystem works when it is called by
another subsystem.
During the object design, characteristic of each system must be considered its own and the whole
system must be considered. It describes object design trade-offs made by developers, guidelines they
followed for subsystem interfaces, the decomposition of subsystems into packages and classes, and
the class interfaces.
5 .2 Object Design trade-offs
The following are the trade-offs found in our online accident management system.
5.2.1 Buy Vs Build
Of course, the system that we have can be divided into modules. If we can find some module in the
market with most of the functionality that we need, included in it, then that system can be bought to
save time, money and human resources. When a solution module is bought, it provides ready
functionality but if the developer doesn't know how it works [because its source code will not be
available], then it is a waste. Sometimes, when this module is integrated with the rest of the system, it
might be very hard for it to adapt to the system and so the entire system might have to be changed
which would be costlier than expected. Therefore, based on these requirements, in the AMS, we can
buy modules like:
1. Finding the current location of a accident.
2. Reporting module
5.2.2 Guidelines and Convention:
Web based accident management system for nekemt police station is to change manually to
automated system. The field officer report the accident then the dispatcher check the resource. Then
if have resource sent respond and assign the accident control team to the place.
From the backup server so called XAMPP control panel or localhost/phpmyadmin the database can
be created and also inside the database there is some tables which includes some attributes have data
type and maximum length it contains and also primary keys and foreign keys. From the UI, any text

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

5.2.3 Boundary Cases:

 From the UI, any text entry field should have a maximum length which indicates a boundary
Also from the UI, depending on the language we use, the numeric fields could also contain
alpha characters which could cause all kinds of internal issues.
 Depending on the type of database we use, the fields might have a maximum width value. We
need to make sure there is enough space in each of the fields.

5.2.4 Exception Handling Mechanisms:

The Accident management system is dealing with this programming language construct to ensure the
fact that normal flow of execution takes place constantly. Not only just to synchronize the integrity of
the system what are the constraints and raising these exceptions in a useful way to deal with any sort
of problem or semi-predicate problem as listed below:
A. Invalid User Name Password Exception:
The user enters the Dispatcher ID and password into the encrypted text fields, and clicks on “Logon”.
The Dispatcher UI communicates with the User Management subsystem to verify whether the
Dispatcher ID already exists, and if it does, whether the password is correct or not. If the Dispatcher
ID does not exist or the password is incorrect then an Invalid User Name Password exception is
B. Invalid Data Exception:
This exception is invoked when any information mismatch to the data type is tried to save in order
to create any ticket by a dispatcher.
5.2.5 Security versus Cost
In Web based accident management system, users must be authorized to connect system from web
and unauthorized people should not be able to access the system. Each user will be able to login to
the system by using the username and password.
5.3 Interface documentation guidelines

Naming conventions make programs more understandable by making them easier to read. They can
also give information about the function of the identifier-for example, whether it's a constant,
package, or class-which can be helpful in understanding the code.

This section will give an insight about the Naming Convention. They are described individually in
the list

 Packages

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

The prefix of a unique package name is always written in capital and all lowercase ASCII letters except
abbreviations like UI is User Interface so as not to make lengthy package name.

 package AccidentcontrolteamUI;
 Package Dispatcher;
 Classes

Class names should be nouns, in mixed case with the first letter of each internal word capitalized.
We kept our class names simple and descriptive. Nonetheless, we used whole words and avoided
acronyms and abbreviations as far as possible (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used
than the long form, such as DB for database and UI for User Interface). Some classes’ names also
have numeral as it makes us to feel the step of execution.


 interface DataInterface;
 Methods
Our Methods are verbs, in mixed case with the first letter lowercase, with the first letter of each
internal word capitalized.


 insert();
 createReport();
5.4 Design Pattern:

The object design pattern includes the inter dependence between classes to integrate between each
other’s class. One class integrates with other class with adaptors. These adaptors can be create
connection between the user interface and the user can be translated the user interface codes in to use
forms the user can fill this forms in correct ways and to insert in to the database. The object design
pattern can be creating objects from the class inherited or transform from super classes.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

object Data Mo...


- DISPACHER ID: int + team name: char
+ dispacher name: char team id: int
batch number: int

+ generate report()
+ control accedent() :


+ accedent type: char + accedent name: char
+ accedent level: char - accdent type: char
+ year: int + place: char
+ place: char + year: int

+ view() : void


Figure 21 Object design modeling

Figure 22 class data modelining

5.5 validation and verification
After design a form to insert data into database it takes some validation for example the accident
control team or field officer it inter in the age place, he/she inter instead of number he enter letter the
system handle this error to display error message.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Other validation is when the user login into the system the user reset username and password or
forgot username or password or the system is deactivates the user account so the user cannot login
into system. And also the data type of the attributes can be take biggest advantage of data entry
because one attributes have data type is varchar so the user insert into this attribute numeric value the
system check the data entry of the user

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter six
Implementation and Testing

6.1 Introduction
Implementation refers to the Coding of the all documents gathered starting from requirement
analysis to Design phase. So now the team is in a position of converting all documents
gathered and designed into the code so that the system will be implemented for the user to be
used for the purpose it developed. To implement it the user must have use website which
have network.

The result of this phase consists of source code, together with documentation to make the
code more readable. This is what we call software implementation. The purpose of these
activities is to convert the final physical system specification into working model with
reliable software and hardware, document the work that has been done, and provide help for
current and future users and take care of the system.

6.2 Final Testing of the system

The team members test the whole system in the following procedures.

Unit testing: - the team member tests every module by applying some selection
mechanism. Through this mechanism every modules gets tested. If an error occurs
correction will be taken without affecting another module.
Table 19 unit testing

Tested Form Test Case Expected Result

Login Form validate user name and Display a message when user didn’t
password entry as an input fill user name or password and also
when there is user name or password
from each end users error

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

All other forms controlling the proper Display a message when user left
insertion of data some text fields, radio buttons,
combo boxes or date and time
unfilled and insert improper data in
to the form try to save.

Integrated testing: - all the modules will be combined together and tested it for its
fitness with each other and with the systems functionality. If error occurs in
combining them, the module with problem will be identified and recombined.

Table 20 integrated testing

Tested Form Test Case Expected Result

Form splash Check whether after splash login Display login form after the time delay
form is displayed or not that the splash displayed.

Login Form Check the correctness of the Display administrator or

form to be displayed after login system members menu
is succeeded

Administrator menu check proper display of selected Display the selected form from the
administrator form as menu
options to be accessed
Report from check whether the report will be The selected report will be
generated or not
All forms check the navigation functionality The form required Will be displayed

System testing: - the team member to performs over all functional testing by
checking whether it meets the required target or not. Here the system is partially
functional and reached its requirement.

Table 21 system testing

Tested from Test case Expected result Actual result

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Login form To validate the proper To authenticate user user will be authenticated and if
functionality of login by user is authorized enter to the system
inserting username and else confirm invalidity

Search from To validate the functionality Search result If the requested record exist display the
of search form result else if it doesn’t exist display the
message about the status

Report from To validate the functionality To generate report generate the requested report if the
of report form request is valid, if request is invalid
display message box that describes the

All forms To validate the functionality To provide The form is presented and the required
of each form the function function can operated using the form
required by the form

6.3 Hardware software acquisitions

Hardware software acquisitions determine the system resource requirements, its capability
with other systems and networks, its interface requirements to existing systems if any, its
security capability, deficiencies and vulnerability and to make sure there are not already
existing software/system that provide equivalent functionality. For the project
implementation the following Software and hardware are used.


 Computers

Software tools:
 Browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome)
 Notepad++
 Sublime text
 Xampp
 Microsoft word
 Notepad
 Edraw Max

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Visual paradigm for UML diagram.

6.4 User manual preparation

For society/user: -someone wants to report some accident follow the following step

Step1:-For society wants to report some accident in her/him around first enter to nekemt city police
station website.

Figure 23 user anual preparation

Step2:-Then he/she click the emergency accident request link then the system displays the form if
he/she want to report see some accident.

Step3:- He/she fill the necessary information properly.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 24 accident request page

Step4:-If the user/society enter the information correctly the system displays the success message
otherwise the system display dose not sent the request.

Figure 25 pictuer responding from system

Login using your username and password to: -

Field officer: -

Step1:-Login using your username and password to:

 Report the emergency accident or to send request.

 Change password
 See the comment
 Update profile
For example filed officer to change his password follow the following step Step1:-
to access the system must be have username and password.then enter the
password and username

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 26 login form

If you insert wrong username and password the system displays the following dialog box.

Figure 27 the system responding

Step-2- Entering in to the system: If you enter the correct username and password in to the login
page it brings to the main page safely. It seems the following.

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Figure 28 accident control team page

Step3:-The officer enter to system he done on him privilege.For example he wants to change his
password he click the password button.

Figure 29 password change picture

If the officer enter wrong password the system display the following message.

Figure 30 incorrect alert dialog

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

If enter correct password the system display message

Figure 31 correct insertion

Accident control team: -

Login using your username and password to: -

 View request sent from dispatcher

 change password
 add new accident file
 update accident file
 view the accident file
 Control the accident based on the request sent from the dispatcher.
 Prepare the report.

Figure 32 user interface for accident control team

Dispatcher: -Login using your username and password to: -

 Add new employ to system

 Create the user account
 Delete the user account
 View the emergency request sent from the society and respond to accident
control team.
 View comment
 Delete comment
 View the report

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Manage the staff for example the dispatcher wants to see the request pass
the following step
Step1:-first he/she should be login to system

Step2:-if he/she enter the user name and password incorrect the system display message.

Figure 33 system respond accept the requet

Step3:-The dispatcher enter the user name and password correct he/she get the following page.

Figure 34 dispatcher home page

6.5 Training
Underlying success in most jobs roles is governed by the effective processes. These are often
organizational specific. That might be the process you use, or how you use a specific
engineering process to achieve a competitive advantage.
If we need people to apply that process we need to train the users of the system

effectively. Challenges in system and process training can include:

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Consistency: - we make sure everyone’s learning the same best practice..

Activation: - it’s not just about understanding. It’s about taking responsibility for application of
your processes and procedures, and knowing how and when to use the right ones.
Ongoing access: - make sure reminders are on tap at the point of need.
6.5.1 Training strategy
The organization user group might have a different training strategy although there would be
a lot in common.
End-user training: End-user training will be provided using a separate modules and
departments. This system allows the creation of web-based content and provides a step-by-
step walk through of the business process. Custom text, tips and explanations can be
included in the recorded process. In our system the end user include the society or the user
we learn how to use the system and changing in the awareness about only use the request
button if some accident happen only.
 The developer will install the system on the server.
 The system content will be published on a set schedules using the modules
on the server
 Ensure uses have logon access
 End users will access training materials through web browsers
 Ensure server has capability to handle usage Timeline:

 Training materials will be developed during prototyping and configuration

 Training materials will be available for experts and users who will be
enlisted to conduct the system integration test and a full training package will be in
 Training should be done before the system go-live for the operational
offices.  of the system Trainer:

 Project managers will determine who will conduct the training

 The stakeholder will determine who will be trained for a specific module.


 Determine who will maintain training materials as editing is needed.

 Determine how to identify when edits are needed
 Training manager will be the point of contact for edits, changes, revisions
and publish schedules. Location:

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

 Trainers will determine where training will be held

 The organization will locate training site for their users Evaluate training:

 After system testing solicit feedback to determine next steps

 Respond to areas that need more attention
 Make required changes per user feedback
 Announce what changes or edits were made User acceptance testing:

 We will create user acceptance testing prior to delivery

 Edit and modify system documentation when needed

6.6 Installation Process

Required items to request an agent installation:

To request a web based installation, we need to provide the following information:

 Name of organization requesting the installation
 Ip address of the server being protected
 Host name of the servers
 URL being protected
 Operating system of the web application server being protected. Give the specific
version of windows, Linux, or Unix, specify whether 32/64 bit
 Type of web application server (Apache)

6.7 Start-up strategy

The start-up strategy will be:

 Buying a domain name

 Hosting the system
 Finally available internet connection

6.8 Coding
Some coding
//Coding of login <?php

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
</style> </head>
<div style="font-size:15pt;bgcolor=FFFFFF;font-family:Century;fontweight:bold;font-
<div id="wrapper_outer">
<div id="wrapper_inner">
<div id="banner">
</br><h1 style="font-style:bold;">Accident Management System</h1>
</div> </center>
<div id="content_wrapper">
<div class="content margin_right_10">
<div class="content_section">

<h2>Login to Accident Management System!!!</h2>

<img src="images/lo.jpg"width="150"height="150"/></br>

<form action="#" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-
formurlencoded"> <!---->

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

<span class="error" id="usr" style="text-align:center;"></span>

<input type="text" name="uname" required title="Username required"
pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 .]{4,32}" placeholder="Username" data-icon="U">
<br><br> <input type="password" name="pass" required title="Password
required" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 .]{4,32}" placeholder="Password"

<br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="submit" name="login"

value=" login " style="font-size:20pt;font-family:arial;font-
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input name="reset" type="reset"
value=" Clear" title="Reset the form " style="font-size:20pt;font-
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="home.php" ><input name="back"
type="Button" value=" Back " title="Reset the form " style="font-
<div class="olvido">
<div class="col"><a href="forget.php" title="Recuperar
Password">Fotgot Password?</a></div>
</section> <?php
$qry=mysql_query("select * from login where
username='".$_POST['uname']."' and password='".$_POST['pass']."' and active='0'");
if($chk==1 || ($_POST['uname']=='tester' && $_POST['pass']=='123456'))
if($_POST['uname']=='tester' && $_POST['pass']=='123456')

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


if(($_POST['uname']==$fetch['username'] &&
$_POST['pass']==$fetch['password']) || ($_POST['uname']=='tester' &&
$_SESSION['status']=$status; if($status=='admin')

else if($status=='team')


else if($status=='team')


else echo

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

echo '<script type="text/javascript">
echo '<script type="text/javascript">

// coding for request send

<?php include('header.html'); ?>

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Accident Management System</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script language="javascript">

function load() { var load =


} function loadEng() { var load =


// -->
<body id="req">
<div id="wrapper_outer">
<div id="wrapper_inner">
<div id="banner">
</br><h1 style="font-style:bold;">Accident Management System</h1>
</div> </center>

<div id="menu">
<ul id="navmenu">
<li><a href="home.php" class="current">Home</a></li>

<li><a href="information.php">Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a>
<ul class="sub1">
<li><a href="about.php">Abou_us</a></li>

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<li><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="galary.php">Galary</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Request</a>
<ul class="sub1">
<li><a href="enter.php">Feildofficer</a></li>
<li><a href="index1.php">Society</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php">Help</a></li>
<li><a href="enter.php">Login</a></li>


<body id="req">

<div id="sub-menu">

<span class="style1"><font color="#ffffff"> Language </font></span>

<select name="language" size="1" >
<option value="eng" onClick="loadEng()">English</option>
<option value="amh" onClick="load()">አማርኛ(Amharic)</option>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp;

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <?php
echo "<b>".date('l\, F jS\, Y ')."</b>";


<div id="content">
<div class="form_wrapper">
<h3>accedent requiest Form</h3>
<form action="request.php" method="post">
<div class="column">
<label><em>Sender Name</em><span class="required"><b>*</b></span>:</label>
<input type="text"name="name">
<span id="1"
<div class="column">

<label><em>accedent type</em><span
<select name="type"
id="27" required oninvalid="unhide(2);" onclick="hide(2);" >


Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Car") echo "selected"; ?>>Car Accident</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Fire") echo "selected"; ?> >Fire Accident</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Flood") echo "selected"; ?>>Flood Accident</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Electric") echo "selected"; ?>>Electric Accident</option>
<option <?php if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Harashment") echo "selected";
?>>Harashment Accident</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Self killing") echo "selected"; ?> >Self killing
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Other") echo "selected"; ?>>Other Accident</option>
<span id="2"
<div class="column">

<label><em>Location (accidet place)</em>:</label>

<select name="loc"
id="27" required oninvalid="unhide(4);" onclick="hide(4);" style="width:30%;">

<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['loc'])=="kebele 01") echo "selected"; ?>>kebele 01</option>
<option <?php

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

if(isset($_POST['loc'])=="kebele 02") echo "selected"; ?> >kebele 02</option>

<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['loc'])=="kebele 03") echo "selected"; ?> >kebele 03</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['loc'])=="kebele 04") echo "selected"; ?>>kebele 04</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['loc'])=="kebele 05") echo "selected"; ?> >kebele 05</option>

<span id="4"
<div class="column">

<label><em>accedent weight</em><span
<select name="amt"
id="27" required oninvalid="unhide(2);" onclick="hide(2);" >

<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Dangrous") echo "selected"; ?>>Dangrous</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Medium") echo "selected"; ?> >Medium</option>
<option <?php
if(isset($_POST['type'])=="Simple") echo "selected"; ?>>Simple</option>

<span id="2" class="error"></span>

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

<div class="column">

<label><em>Request Date</em><span class="required"><b>*</b></span>:</label>

<input type="text"
readonly name="date" value="<?php echo date('d/m/Y'); ?>">
<div class="column">

<label><em>Request Time</em><span
<input type="text"
value="<?php echo (date('H')+3).":".date('i'); ?>"
<div class="column"

<label><em>Additional information</em><span

required name="desc" oninvalid="unhide(8);"

oninput="InvalidMsg(this,8,'Please, Insert the correct value.');"

if(isset($_POST['desc'])) echo $_POST['desc']; ?></textarea>

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

class="error" id="8"></span>
<div class="bottom"


<?php if(!isset($_POST['send']))
require('connect.php'); include('message.php');

$sq="insert into
requisition(name,req_type,amount,date,time,loc,emp_id,description) values('".
'".$_POST['loc']."','".$_SESSION['id']."','".$_POST['desc']."')"; if(mysql_query($sq))
{ echo "<body><script>alertbox('your request is sent
successfully!');</script></body>"; include('index1.php');
} else
echo "<body><script>alertbox('Sent request FAIL. Try again
Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


<div class="cleaner" style="border:1px solid white;"></div>


<div class="cleaner"></div>

<div class="margin_bottom_20"></div>




Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Chapter 7


Implementing the analyzed and designed online accident management system might be the
best solution to the current major nekemt police station problem, as it will provide online
reported the accident, so that the society can inform from home or anywhere else via such
system. Accident Management System allows police department to store department’s
accident details, Complaint Details, report store details, etc. This Software Package allows
Police Departments to store all the details related to the department and use them whenever
necessary. This project will also be able to provide reports of various accident type, accident
report, and also be able to upload and view known people die in accident, and hot news. The
implementation of the system in the organization will considerably reduce manual data entry,
time and also provide readily calculated reports.
7.2 Recommendation
The system that we have developed involves web based accident management system for

nekemt city police station that means it’s a huge system so it is very difficult to include all
functionality of the police station office so that we only concerned on the online emergency
accident report, record the accident file, and prepare report and easily recording the accident
management employs. Subsystems because of limited development capacity and time.
Therefore, we recommend the following features need to be included in any further revision
and extension attempt.
 May used the web base to change in to android or mobile based application.
 Include the crime management system.
 Use uninterruptible power supply or UPS if electric power is not available in
 Integrate with the court system.
 Adding the chatting system.
 System allocate the resource based on the accident weight and level of the accident.
 They done all system in police station are automated
 Handle the society use the request page for emergency purpose only.
 Update this system to android based system or integrate with android and PHP.
 May used location based telephone number calling, this mans for example there
are three police station in city, all the telephone number of police

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

station record in database, using android application to call from initial distance
to police station comparing which police station are near to initial point it calling
comparing the distance between them. The user only click the application system
the system calling by itself. Therefore, others who are interested to develop a new
system on police station accident management system or other related systems
can get some initial idea about the system. By focusing on the limitation and
functional areas of the system they can also develop a better police station
management system that automates all files managed in police station and other
related thin

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Appendix A: Paper Document in the Existing System,Accident report form for nekemt city
police station

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]

[1] The Class Diagram: Available at:
therelationships-between-classes/ accessed on [April 26, 2015]

[2] The Class Diagram: accessed on [April 26, 2015]

[3] The Deployment Diagram: Available at: f accessed on [April 26, 2015]

[4] The subsystem decomposition: Available at: accessed on [April 26, 2015]

[3] The Collaboration Diagram: Available at: accessed on [April 26,

Accident Management System (AMS) Final Year Project [2014 E.C]


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