Fundamentals of Statistics - IV (Ce-302-B)
Fundamentals of Statistics - IV (Ce-302-B)
Fundamentals of Statistics - IV (Ce-302-B)
illlilr!ilflrffitrffi]flililIilfl LibrarY
GQ-2430 Seat IT
B. Com. (Sern V) Examina )8
November / December - 2013
CE-302-B : Fundamental of Statisti
(New Cource)
Time : 3 Hoursl [Total Marks : ?0
8., B,
(r) \ 64
A, 3 r0
G+24301 lcontd...
\ 10 -1 06
4 -,1 r4
4 5 6
(s) 81 82 B3
4 5712
A, 10 -3 7
8,, B,
(1) At 64
A 310
(2) Br 82 B, Bn
4 10 -10 0 6
A, -7 1 4
A. 5 6 7
c€-24301 4 [Contd...
(3) B, B, B,
\ 5712
A, 10 -3 7
c.Q-24301 lContd.-
(c) The purchase value of comodity i6 Rs. 6,000 6
and Xs. 500 is maintanance cost of the first
year of it, after the first year iacreased. by
Rs. 1200 every year. So, when a comodity may
be replaced beneficial ?
6 (a) Explaia Run Test. 6
c,Q-24301 6 I 180 I