Pelagio - Fs Module Lesson 2
Pelagio - Fs Module Lesson 2
Pelagio - Fs Module Lesson 2
Classroom management is used to describe classroom order. Teachers may have different
functions, yet one of the most important roles is to manage the class effectively. One
important reason is that effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly
managed classroom. While the struggle of handling classroom management is shared by
both newly hired teachers and those who are considered more experienced, newly hired
teachers identify student discipline as their most challenging problem. Armed with
appropriate teaching strategies and an effective discipline plan, you will soon find classroom
management one of the least worries in teaching.
Specifically, the following are the objectives in this lesson:
1. Analyze the practices of effective school teachers and the role of the personal
philosophy of the teacher in developing a classroom management plan.
2. Implement classroom/behavior management techniques
At the end of the session, the practice teachers (PTs) will be able to:
● Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that
engages learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within the available physical
learning environments
● Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments
that nurture and inspire learner participation.
● Demonstrate knowledge of learning environments that motivate
learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own
● Demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the
management of learner behavior.
How will you describe an effective learning environment?
An effective learning environment is something that would make the students feel at
ease and comfortable, this way they would be encouraged to participate and take part
with the class’ flow. I think teachers should refrain from being too intimidating so
students would not feel pressured in their learning.
Share your personal experiences from your school days about classes in which your
learning space design was used effectively and classes where this design just did not
work. Identify some reasons why that is so.
My teacher always comes to class with new activities and energizer, so we mostly start
our classes with an uplift mood and ready for the day, there was a time when it did not
work for me as I feel down that day. I think the teacher created her energizer with the
average mood of the dominant students in mind.
1. Draw a map of the learning environment.
1.2. How would you describe the room? How many students? Teachers? Others?
The classroom atmosphere is behave and calculating, students tend to answer
only if asked questions with over twenty students within the class. The teacher was
please and eager to teach while still maintaining discipline in the virtual classroom.
2. Materials Instruction
2.1. What materials were used? Why?
The materials used are Powerpoint presentations and classroom activities
embedded in accessible technology integration because it was the most appropriate
materials to be used in virtual classes.
2.2. Were the materials adequate and appropriate? Why or why not?
In my opinion, the materials used are adequate and appropriate as the teacher also
utilize it properly in accordance to the allotted time as they maximize the use of it.
2.3. How effective do the materials seem to be? What evidence do you have?
The materials was effective as it stimulates class participation and immerse
most students in the discussion. Without the use of it, the students would eventually
lost interest and would not actively engage in the entire session.
2. Classroom Management
3.1. What are the routine activities?
Routine activities are the set of activities that stimulates classroom
engagement right from the beginning of every session. This was conducted to set
the environment for the students and also to support the student’s learning process.
3.2. How many interruptions were there during the class period? For what? By
There minimal interruptions during the class period and mostly it was because
of internet connectivity. The students are well-behaved but there are some instances
that too much sharing of students consumes time but it could not be called an
interruption as it just clearly shows how interested the students are in class.
3.3. How did the teacher manage classroom procedures (i.e. management of
instructional groups, transitions, and materials and supplies etc.)?
As the teachers follow the same format of instructions (i.e. MEDIA Plan) and set
of starter routines (i.e. balik-aral, pagtsek ng liban etc.), the management of classroom
procedures was quite smooth. As per the execution of activities, the teacher was calm
and accommodating.
3.4. How did the teacher maintain discipline/manage student behavior? (e.g.
expectations are being implemented)
As the way I see it, the repeated establishment of the important
announcement every beginning of the synchronous sessions enables students to
appropriately behave as they are in the virtual classroom. The teachers did well in
continuing the routine without a fail to serve as a reminder on how they should
continuously behave.
3.6. How does the teacher deal with the management problems?
The teacher eventually tries to deal with the management problems by
encouraging them to recite during the application part as well as reading responses
in the chatbox. This is a good initiative to acknowledge everyone’s participation either
in a verbal or nonverbal manner.
3.7. Are all students treated equally? Is sexist or racist language used?
The instance the teacher starts to acknowledge responses from the Zoom
chatbox and give feedbacks, also calling inactive students for participation then it
reflects that all students are treated equally. There is no such thing as being sexist no
using inappropriate language as we are not trained to behave like that. Also, we must
always remember that we are a teacher, we must set ourselves as an example on how
we want our students to behave.
What best practices did you gather from your classroom observations?
The best practice I have gathered is maintaining the energy and flow of activities from
the beginning until the end of the session. Also giving objective feedback to students’
responses also increases participation and acknowledgement on the part of the students.
Also, it is cool and charismatic to watch a teacher that is relaxed and calm without
compromising their content considering that we are in a higher grade level, we must
keep professionalism and treat them as young adults.
In terms of your style of classroom management, what did you find out about yourself
I find out that I am a kind of teacher whose giving off an overly cheerful vibes,
compared to my first demo teaching, I am planning to adapt a much more relaxed and
calm manner. Though it was quite different from my usual self, we are told that we can
experiment and see which concept would suit us best. I want to practice looking lesser
cheerful but still maintain my eagerness to teach them the lessons. I am inspired of new
activities in every synchronous sessions and plans to come up with something as unique
in the next demo teaching.
What did you commit to change about your classroom’s physical space to better
represent about teaching and learning?
I am committed to to change my classroom concept and image within the class, my
usual cheerful and bubbly self should somehow be different within the classroom, I
should radiate a strict, prompt and relax atmosphere given to my students’ grade level. I
should treat them as usual with respect but enable them to realize they are being treated
as a young adult and not just students within the class.
I will continue to encourage them to participate and acknowledge their responses so
they will continue to feel welcome and comfortable to let their voice and opinions be
Find professional readings about classroom and learner management. Based on your
readings, answer the guide questions.
Why is classroom management important?
Classroom management is important as the teachers' confidence and competency,
their ability to interest students in the subject, and their ability to have effective group
management skills enables the class to focus as proper behavior were all regarded as
important variables in a learner’s learning process. Effectively managing students makes
it possible to increase their engagement which increases on-task and appropriate
behaviour inside the classroom and provides greater opportunities for application of the
Why should classroom and learner management be based on research?
Classroom and learner management must be based on research in order for us
teachers to determine the appropriate strategies to enforce within our class. As research
would validate its effectivity and results, we can classify what is best for our students. As
evidence-based interventions enables teachers to anticipate and minimize inappropriate
behaviours (antecedent strategies), to encourage and support good behaviour by
students (contingency management) within the classroom may it be physical or virtual.
What is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support is a dynamic approach in order to
promote students’ positive behavior and improve school safety. It is an appropriate
strategy that focuses on the prevention of students’ negative behavior and do not imply
punishment. This approach enables students to recognize adapt the expected behavior
by informing them of what these expected behavior are. According to research, this helps
improve students’ academic achievement as well as effective in reinforcing positive
Based on your classroom demonstration, how did you facilitate effective classroom
strategies? Describe your experience and post an evidence in the space provided.