Laboratory Rearing of Bed Bugs: Mark Feldlaufer Harold Harlan
Laboratory Rearing of Bed Bugs: Mark Feldlaufer Harold Harlan
Laboratory Rearing of Bed Bugs: Mark Feldlaufer Harold Harlan
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3 authors:
Dini Miller
Virginia Tech
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Blacksburg, VA 24061
The resurgence of bed bugs Cimex lectularius L. in the United States and worldwide has
This research has primarily been directed at the biology and control of this blood-feeding
pest. A need has subsequently arisen for producing sufficient biological material for
research purposes and a variety of rearing methods are currently being employed. Colony
rearing and maintenance of bed bugs, however, must be conducted carefully to both
reduce the possibility of the researcher being bitten, and to prevent the unwanted and
unwitting spread of bed bugs both within the laboratory environment, and beyond. We
biological qualities of all bed bug stages in a controlled environment while minimizing
The resurgence of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), is
well-documented in the scientific literature as well as in the the lay media (see Anderson
and Leffler 2008, Wang et al. 2010, National Pest Management Association 2010).
Explanations for this resurgence include but are not limited to, increased travel, changes
in pest control practices for other urban pests, and insecticide resistance (Boase 2004,
Harlan et al. 2008, Romero et al. 2007). While there still remains no scientifically valid
evidence that the common bed bug or its tropical cousin Cimex hemipterus can act as a
remains debatable (Blow et al. 2001, Jupp and Lyons 1987, Jupp et al. 1980, 1983;
Silverman et al. 2001, Webb et al. 1989). Apart from disease transmission, the common
bed bug is annoying, difficult to control, and their bites can cause allergic reactions.
These reactions range from little if any irritation, to both immediate and delayed immune
and deShazo 2009, Reinhardt et al. 2009). In one report, an antigen prepared from the
common bed bug was linked to bronchial asthma (Abou Gamra et al. 1991), while in
locations where very large infestations of bed bugs exist, their blood-feeding can result in
victims presenting with anemia (Pritchard and Hwang 2009). A review of illnesses
associated with the pesticides used to control bed bugs has recently been published
The economic impact of bed bug infestations, though difficult to document, can be huge.
Costs can include expensive detection methods, such as bed bug-sniffing dogs, intensive
inspections and treatment applications that take hours to complete, the perceived need to
replace bedding and furniture, and the potential for negative publicity or lawsuits
generated when people encounter bed bugs in hotels or businesses (Miller 2007, Wenk
The bed bug resurgence has led to an increase in both basic and applied research directed
at the biology and control of this pest. The increased research efforts have created a
specimens for empirical tests. The general topic of feeding common bed bugs on
laboratory host animals has previously been addressed (Peterson 1959, Burden 1966). In
this current chapter, we present additional rearing techniques for the common bed bug,
including in vitro membrane feeding, that allow for the production of large numbers of
consistently similar bed bug specimens, while minimizing the likelihood of bugs escaping
We note that several other species of cimicids have also been successfully reared in the
laboratory through at least one complete generation. Published examples have included
the Mexican chicken bug, Haematosiphon inodorus (Duges), colonized by Lee (1955);
the cliff swallow bug, Oeciacus vicarius Horvath colonized by Rush (1981), and more
recently by Oesterle et al. (2010); an uncommon north American bat bug, Cimex brevis
Usinger and Ueshima, colonized by Bower and Woo (1981); and the eastern bat bug,
Cimex adjunctus Barber, colonized by Reeves (2000). In each of these cases, the rearing
conditions were very similar to those typically used for the common bed bug, as detailed
in this article, with the necessary variations of temperature, light-dark cycle, humidity
and, host blood source for each of the respective species reared.
from field collections. One widely-available strain, often designated as the ‘Harlan
strain,’ was established in 1973 from an infestation in a U. S. Army barracks on Ft. Dix,
susceptible strain that has often been used in laboratories originated from field collections
in Gainesville FL (Yoon et al. 2006, Yoon et al. 2008). With the current resurgence of
bed bug infestations nationwide, new field populations are constantly being introduced
into the laboratory for research purposes, particularly in those studies involving
insecticide resistance (see Moore and Miller 2006, Romero et al. 2007, Yoon et al. 2008,
Containers and Harborages. All stages of bed bugs must be maintained in some
sort of plastic or glass container that includes a harborage (usually constructed from filter
paper or cardboard) where the bugs can aggregate and hide. Most containers also have a
cap containing a fine mesh material that prevents bugs from escaping while allowing all
stages of the bugs to feed on a suitable blood source. The senior author (MFF) maintains
large numbers of bed bugs in 480-ml (pint), wide-mouthed glass canning jars (Jarden
Corp., Rye, NY), available at most hardware stores. Lids are removed and discarded from
the cap bands, and fine (100 mesh) nylon, available at most fabric stores, is cut to size
(84-mm dia.) and attached to the inside of the cap band with a general purpose, silicone
adhesive sealant (Figure 1). After curing, the cap can be screwed onto the jar forming a
tight seal. The nylon mesh cap provides suitable containment and a matrix through which
Figure 1. Bed bug rearing components. From LEFT, Mason jar, cap with lid removed and nylon mesh, finished cap,
Harborages for these particular jars are constructed of rectangular-cut (140 by 100 mm),
fan-folded filter paper (Whatman International Ltd, Maidstone UK). The smaller
dimension (100mm) of the harborage is important, since this becomes the height of the
harborage when the filter paper is fan-folded along the 140mm side. By not having the
filter paper (four to six/jar) extend to the top of the jar (approx. 115mm), bed bugs cannot
easily escape when the cap of the jar is removed for either colony maintenance or
removal of bugs for testing. One method of feeding (see below) involves inverting a
colony jar over a blood source, so that the fan-folded filter paper drops onto the nylon
mesh part of the cap affording the bed bugs ready access to the blood meal. This allows
feeding with minimal handling and there is no need to remove the cap during the feeding
process. As mentioned above, other jars and caps of various sizes, as well as harborages,
can also be used to maintain bed bugs, though the principles regarding harborage and cap
attacking in most environments where their human hosts are found. As such, bed bugs
can be kept and reared at most ambient, indoor temperatures. Developmental and
physiological studies where temperature has been a variable have utilized bed bugs kept
at temperatures ranging from below 0oC – 48oC for individual experiments (see Usinger
1966, and references therein; Benoit et al. 2009a, Reinhardt et al. 2010). When
temperature is not a variable, a review of the recent literature indicated that laboratory
range, usually from 20oC – 30oC (Montes et al. 2002, Siljander et al. 2007, Olson et al.
2009, Romero et al. 2009, Weeks et al. 2010, Polanco et al. 2011, Reis and Miller 2011,
Suchy and Lewis 2011). In these instances, photoperiodic regimes have varied from 12 –
Bed bugs are obligate, blood-feeding insects. Each of five nymphal stages requires a
blood meal to molt and reach the next nymphal or the adult stage, and adults require
a critical component of any laboratory research program designed around bed bugs. In the
past several years, researchers have employed a variety of blood sources for both the in
vivo and in vitro feeding of bed bugs. A review of the literature in the past decade reveals
that chickens (Pfeister et al. 2008), rabbits (Stutt and Siva-Jothy 2001, Reinhardt et al.
2003, Anderson et al. 2009), mice and pigeons (Araujo et al. 2009), and humans (Moore
and Miller 2006, Siljander et al. 2007, Wintle and Reinhardt 2008) have been used as
direct hosts for in vivo feeding of bed bugs. In vitro feeding has utilized the blood (or
blood products) of cattle (Montes et al. 2002), chickens (Montes et al. 2002, Romero et
al. 2007, Siljander et al. 2007, Benoit et al. 2009b, Ryne 2009, Zhu et al. 2010), rabbits
(Romero et al. 2009), sheep (Montes et al. 2002, Harraca et al. 2010, Weeks et al. 2010)
and humans (Moor and Miller 2006, Yoon et al. 2008, Araujo et al. 2009, Olson et al.
2009, Feldlaufer et al. 2010, Seong et al. 2010). Most current in vitro feeding techniques
method originally developed for head lice (Takano-Lee et al. 2003a, 2003b, Yoon et al.
2006). Other in vitro methods have been used prior to this time though most were
designed for either feeding individual bugs or for specific feeding experiments and not
for colony maintenance (see Rivnay 1930, De Meillon and Goldberg 1947, Hall et al.
1979, Ogston and Yanovski 1982). During the in vitro feeding of bed bugs, the blood
meal is warmed to 37-39oC by circulating heated water through a jacketed feeding vessel.
The importance of warming the blood source to stimulate bed bug feeding has been
previously noted (Montes et al. 2002). Jacketed beakers of various dimensions are
available commercially (Figure 2), and can be used either inverted over a colony of bugs,
or right-side-up, where the colony of bed bugs is inverted over the jacketed beaker.
Figure 2. Some commercially-available jacketed water beakers. The jacketed beakers on the LEFT and
RIGHT are used with the bed bug colony inverted over the blood source. The jacketed funnel in the
MIDDLE can be placed over an upright, bed bug colony. Note the various dimensions of the openings.
For in vitro feeding we allow all stages of bed bugs to feed through a stretched Parafilm®
Corp., Cottonwood, AZ) membrane. The senior author (MFF) uses human red blood cells
fortified with plasma as previously described (Feldlaufer et al. 2010). The feeding setup
Vineland, NJ) has a relatively large surface area (approx. 14 cm2) through which bugs
can feed.
Figure 3. LEFT- Jacketed beaker with blood covered by a Parafilm membrane. RIGHT- Bed bug colony inverted
Information about other glass feeders, heating units, and systems is available online
through the Malaria Research and reference Reagent Resource Center (2011). Regardless
of the apparatus used, in vitro feeding has several benefits for the investigator. In vitro
feeding eliminates the need for IRB (Institutional Review Board) approvals when humans
are used as a direct source of blood, and the need for IACUC (Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committee) approvals when laboratory animals are used as a direct blood
source. (see Garber et al. 2010, Penslar and Porter 1993, Silverman et al. 2000, and
rearing bed bugs, all blood or blood products need to be kept, used and disposed of
routine colony maintenance, or when large numbers of bed bugs are being manipulated
for research purposes that investigators are at the greatest risk of being bitten and/or of
bugs escaping into the surrounding areas. Because bed bugs do not move efficiently on
slippery surfaces (Loudon and Boudaie 2009), smooth surface enclosures are generally
the foundation of all containment protocols. Glass Petri dishes lined with a
PA), polyethylene plastic Petri dishes, and other non-stick surfaces can all be used toward
confining bed bugs to the intended vessels and arenas. Chilled rooms and surfaces will
slow bed bug movement and can also be useful in limiting the potential for escape. The
following general laboratory protocols provide examples of how bed bugs can be kept.
All vessels containing bed bugs, including colony jars, and Petri dishes used in individual
235mm). The perimeter of the cookie sheet is lined with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.
Double-sided tape can also be used as a perimeter barrier, if desired. Depending on the
number of bed bugs being reared and the frequency of feeding, mesh covers need to be
periodically replaced, since bed bug excreta can clog the mesh, thereby reducing the
surface area through which bugs can feed. Exuviae also need to be periodically removed
from the bottom of jars particularly when jars are inverted during the feeding process,
since the exuviae can form an unwanted, physical barrier between the bed bugs and the
blood meal. Removal of exuviae requires removing the cap of the jar, grasping the fan-
folded harborages with long forceps and lifting the entire harborage out of the old jar and
placing it into a new jar. Most exuviae are left behind at the bottom of the old jar, and a
new cap can be placed on the new jar. Forceps and the old cap can be dipped into a
beaker of hot water held at 55-60 oC (Naylor and Boase 2010), immediately killing any
bugs retained in the cap. Attempting to harvest bed bugs remaining in the old cap is risky,
and an easy way for the investigator to get bitten, or to allow bugs to escape. First-instar
nymphs in particular are very small, difficult to see, and subject to the effects of static
electricity and air currents (Feldlaufer and Loudon 2011). Hot water (at 55-60oC, is
suggested) can be poured into the old jars containing the exuviae, killing any living bugs
At some point in time, entire harborages need to be replaced. This is usually when the
harborages (filter paper or cardboard) become so contaminated with excrement they take
on a different color and texture, and in our experiences the timing is somewhat
subjective. To replace heavily soiled harborages, one can remove the old harborage with
forceps, position the harborage matrix over a new jar, and then tap and 'gently shake' the
old harborage matrix so that most of the bugs fall off of it, and down, onto the bottom of
a new clean jar. Then a new "clean" folded harborage (matrix) is placed into the jar. A
camel's hair brush can then be used to gently dislodge most adults or larger nymphs that
still cling to the old harborage. An alternative method relies on the bugs’ tendency to
climb. In this method, new harborage material is place in contact with and above the old
harborage, and bugs are allowed to climb onto the new harborage, which is then placed in
a new jar. In either case, old harborages are treated with hot water to kill any bugs that
Removing adult and nymphal bed bugs from the colony for individual experiments also
poses the risk of bugs escaping and of the investigator being bitten. In addition to
working on non-stick surfaces, we have found that working either on a chilled platform
or in a cold room is useful to sort bed bug stages and sexes. Slowing the movement of
bugs by cooling eliminates the need to use carbon dioxide, which is known to influence
insect behavior in empirical studies (see Badre et al. 2005). As with routine colony
maintenance, all bed bug sorting and manipulation are conducted on non-stick surfaces,
with a beaker of hot water (55-60 oC) near at hand for cleaning forceps, brushes, or other
Personnel working with bed bugs can also reduce the possibility of errant bed
bugs becoming established by using plastic lawn/patio chairs, since these chairs offer no
cracks or crevices for bed bugs to hide in and become established. White chairs seem
preferable since all stages, with the exception of unfed first-instar nymphs, are more
important to ensure bed bugs do not attach or crawl onto the researcher’s apparel.
Rantoul IL) offer a protective barrier that bed bugs have great difficulty walking upon.
Laboratory exam gloves pulled over the sleeves of the gown provide additional
protection. Disposable polyethylene booties (Continental Plastics Corp., Delava WI) can
Tyvek® (DuPontTM, Wilmington DE) offer less protection. Bed bugs can readily crawl
on the textured surface, and the elastic closures are easily breached. Wearing clothes that
can be left in the laboratory and laundered immediately after they are removed can also
Bed bugs are relatively easy to maintain in the laboratory. Since blood feeding is a
critical component of any bed bug rearing program, we have described a technique that
has proven satisfactory, and have referenced other techniques. Our overall objective was
to describe methods for rearing and manipulating bed bugs in a laboratory that will both
minimize the risk of being bitten and the likelihood of bed bugs escaping. Many of these
suggestions are based on the bed bugs’ inability to move easily on smooth surfaces.
While some of these procedures might be deemed “overcautious”, they have been
developed from research experience and the knowledge that once established bed bug
The authors wish to thank the following individuals for generously sharing their ideas,
Jerome Goddard (Mississippi State University), Susan Jones (The Ohio State University),
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for the purpose of
endorsement by any of the authors or the United States Department of Agriculture, the
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