Effect of Different Bevel Designs On Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength of Class IV Composite Restoration: A Laboratory Study
Effect of Different Bevel Designs On Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength of Class IV Composite Restoration: A Laboratory Study
Effect of Different Bevel Designs On Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength of Class IV Composite Restoration: A Laboratory Study
Qadir et al.
Effect of Different Bevel Designs on Microleakage and
Shear Bond Strength of Class IV Composite Restoration:
A laboratory Study
Hiran A. Qadir1, Noha A. EL-Wassefy2, Asmaa M. Abdullah3, Hamdi H. Hamama4
Objective: This laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different bevel designs (2mm bevel, skirt bevel and
scalloped bevel) on microleakage and shear bond strength of class IV composite restorations. Materials and Methods: Sixty
extracted human permanent maxillary central incisors were selected and a standardized mesio-incisal fracture was created.
Teeth were divided into 3 groups (n=20) according to different bevel designs (2mm bevel, skirt bevel and scalloped bevel). All
prepared teeth were restored with nano hybrid composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). Half of specimens
were used for microleakage test, specimens were received 3 layers of nail polish, except for a 1 mm around the margins, then
immersed in a 0.5% methylene blue dye for 24h. Dye penetration scores were assessed using stereomicroscope. The remaining
teeth were utilized for shear bond strength test after measuring the surface area with (Image J) software, specimens were
subjected to universal testing machine with crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Results: Regarding microleakage, the result of Chi-
Square test revealed that there was no significant difference between different bevel designs (p>0.05). Regarding shear bond
strength the results of one-way ANOVA revealed the highest mean value for the 2mm bevel (16.74±5.29Mpa), while the
lowest mean value recorded for the skirt bevel (12.20±1.54Mpa). Conclusion: Bevels can be advantageous in reducing
microleakage and increasing shear bond strength in class IV restoration. However, the higher shear bond strength and
minimum microleakage can be obtained with 2mm bevel, and it can be recommended for cliniciansn.
he ultimate goal of restorative dentistry is to more space for the restorative material and thus improving
maintain the integrity of teeth affected by caries, the esthetic aspect of restoration. On the other hand, some
tooth wear or traumatic tooth fracture. Incisal third studies suggested that the functional and esthetic
of the central incisors is the most frequently affected area restoration of Class IV fractures can be accomplished
during accidental traumatic injuries, due to the protrusive without removing healthy tooth structure, and any
and alignment of these teeth. Unfortunately restoring reduction in healthy dental structure should be
function, shape and aesthetics of fractured anterior teeth is avoided.5,11,12
considered as a major challenge to dental practitioners.1
This laboratory study was aimed to investigate the effect
Different techniques have been developed to restore of different bevel designs (2mm bevel, skirt bevel and
fractured incisors to their original colour and shape. 2 scalloped bevel) on microleakage and shear bond strength
Reattachment of tooth fragment is considered as the first of class IV resin composite restoration.
treatment option.3 If fragment is badly broken and
smashed, direct or indirect restorations are considered as Null hypotheses
viable alternatives.4 Direct composite is usually considered This study was conducted to test the null hypothesis that
as viable treatment option for restoration of broken different bevel designs (2mm bevel, skirt bevel and
anterior teeth (Class IV).5,6 scalloped bevel) neither affect microleakage nor shear
Durability and esthetic result of anterior composite bond strength of class IV resin composite restoration.
restorations are directly related to the quality of marginal Materials and Methods:
adaptation. Therefore, to achieve excellent bond, marginal
integrity, durability, and reduce microleakage formation, In this study single type of restoration material
appropriate resin-based adhesive with bevel preparation at conventional Nano hybrid composite (Filtek Z250, 3M
the margins were suggested.7 ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) with Single Bond Universal
adhesive (3M ESPE, ST. Paul, MN USA) were used.
Nevertheless, doubts still exist regarding how to prepare
the cavosurface angle prior to class IV composite 1. Specimen preparation
restoration to enhance the clinical performance. Several
Sixty freshly extracted human permanent maxillary central
studies8-10 suggested that bevel provide defined marginal
incisors were collected from the oral surgery clinic in
termination, allowing for adequate adaptation or
Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, after approval
Postgraduate MSc student, Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty from the research ethics committee of Mansoura
of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt. University (A04160321). Standardized mesio incisal
hirannabdulrahman@gmail.com fracture (Ellis class II fracture) were done for all
Associate Professor, Department of Dental Biomaterial, Faculty of
Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt.
Lecturer, Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, 2. Groups and preparation technique:
Mansoura University, Egypt.
Associate Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Different bevels were prepared and restored according to
Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt. the following groups (Figure.1).
Group 1; 2mm bevel distribution. One-way ANOVA test used for detecting the
effect of different bevel designs on microleakage and shear
Bevel was prepared in the facial surface of enamel and
bond strength of class IV resin composite restorations.
extending cervically approximately 2 mm beyond the edge
Tukey’s post-hoc used when ANOVA is significant at (p
of the fractured enamel and involved half of the enamel
value<0.05). Significance of the obtained results was
judged at the (0.05) level.
Group 2; Skirt bevel
Skirt bevel was prepared around the entire enamel
Microleakage test
periphery extending cervically 3 mm and involved half of
the enamel thickness. Chi-Square test was used for quantitative assessment of
microleakage. It revealed that the different bevel designs
Group 3; Scalloped bevel
have no statistically significant difference on microleakage
It had 1 mm step over distance in the facial surface of in class IV resin composite restoration (p=0.88) as shown
enamel and extends cervically approximately 3mm beyond in (Figure 2).
the edge of the fractured enamel and involved half of the
enamel thickness in depth.
Figure 1: Bevel designs (a) 2mm bevel, (b) skirt bevel, (c) scalloped bevel. Shear bond strength test:
3. Microleakage test The result of Shapiro-Wilk test revealed that all data
After preparation and restoration, specimens of this group showed normal distribution. The outcome of One-way
received three layers of nail polish except for a 1 mm ANOVA revealed that there was a statistically significant
around the margins. Then the specimens were immersed in difference of shear bond strength among all groups. Post
a 0.5% methylene blue aqueous solution with neutral pH, Hoc Tukey test used to detect pair-wise comparison. It
for 24 h. crowns received three parallel cuts perpendicular revealed that there was statistically significant difference
to fracture line. Each tooth provided four surfaces for of SBS between different bevel groups (p=0.026). Short
microleakage evaluation. Dye penetration was evaluated at bevel revealed highest SBS value (16.74±5.29Mpa)
25X in a stereomicroscope (OLYMPUS-SZ61). followed by scalloped bevel (16.37±3.88Mpa) and the
lowest value was showed by skirt bevel (12.20±1.54Mpa)
4. Shear bond strength test as shown in (Figure 3).
After the teeth were fractured in standard position and
prepared according to different bevel designs. With
Nikon® D3200 digital camera 4 X photo adaptor
photographs were taken to measure the irregular surface
area (mm2) of the fractured segment. The result images
were analyzed on Intel® Core I7® based computer using
Video Test Morphology® (Image J) software (Russia).
After the surface area of prepared teeth measured,
restorations were done. The specimens were stressed in
shear at a constant crosshead speed of 1 mm/min with
Universal Testing machine (Model 3345, Instron, USA)
until failure occurred. And the fracture load was recorded
in Newton with the appropriate software (Universal Figure3: Mean Shear bond strength distribution (Mpa) among studied groups.
Bluehill®). Discussion:
Statistical analysis methods: Results of ML in current study showed that the greater
All the collected data was tabulated, then statistically marginal integrity achieved in 2mm bevel followed by
analyzed using version 22.0 computer software SPSS® scalloped and skirt bevel, it revealed that bevels of enamel
(Statistical package for social science). Data was explored advantageous for ML, especially, when the bevel
for normality using Shapiro-Wilk test and its result preparations more conservatively designed, in the way that
revealed that, the data were located within normal provide the larger surface area for etching without
unrequired over extension.13
March 2022 – Volume 9 – Issue 1 2 Mansoura Journal of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry – Mansoura University
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