Course Outline HP-I
Course Outline HP-I
Course Outline HP-I
1. Introduction
1.1. Sources of Energy
1.2. Merits and Demerits of Hydropower
2. Development of Hydropower
2.1. Hydropower Status in the World
2.2. Hydropower potential & Status in Ethiopia
3. Estimation of Water Power Potential
3.1. Water Power Potential
3.2. Firm and Secondary Power
3.3. Load Prediction and Demand Assessment
3.4. Load terminologies (Load factor, plant factaor, capacity factor, urilization factor)
4. Classification and Types of Hydropower Development
4.1. Classification and Basis
4.2. Site selection ,Layouts and Capacity Computation
4.3. Storage and Pondage
5. Water Conveyance Structures
5.1. Intakes, Canals and Tunnels
5.2. Water Hammer Analysis
5.3. Surge Tanks
5.4. Forebays
5.5. Penstocks
5.6. Anchors
6. Hydropower Machines
6.1. Classification
6.2. Impulse, Momentum and Power of a Turbine
6.3. Design Consideration for Hydraulic Machines
6.4. Types of Turbines
6.5. Draft Tubes, draft Heads
6.6. Dimensioning of Turbines
6.7. Generator and Governors
1. Water Power by Mosonyi, Vol. I & II
2. Hydraulic Structures by Novak
3. Water Power Engineering by Barrows
4. Water Power Engineering by Dandaekar & Sharma
5. Hydropower Structures by Varshney and Others