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E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020)

ICMED 2020

A Review on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of

Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites

K. Sunil Kumar Reddy1.*, M. Kannan2, R. Karthikeyan1, S. Prashanth1, B. Rohith Reddy1

1GRIET, Hyderabad, 500090,India
2Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, 608002, India,

Abstract. The Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (AMMCs) have been becoming suitable materials for many
devices in the application of various fields like heavy equipment’s industry, automobile, aeronautics and etc.
because of its excellent physical and structural characteristics. The research on AMMC dealt the effect of
reinforcement such as fly-ash, SiC, Al2O3, Graphite, B4C, Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) on aluminium in different
percentages. Every reinforcement has its own characteristics that enhance the base aluminium characteristics
when added. By adding these types of reinforcement to metal base led to enhance the properties like wear
resistance, stiffness, creep, tensile strength, fatigue, toughness, thermal conductivity, hardness in comparison
with traditional approach on materials engineering. This review paper was aimed to give the detailed information
about the impact of various reinforcements incorporated in matrix by illustrating its benefits and drawbacks. This
extensive survey on AMMC could be useful to develop farther.

1 Introduction or monofilaments. They have been used in the fields of

industrial goods, automotive and aeronautics
Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are the composites applications [1]. The reinforcement particulates must be
of a material with a minimum of two components, one robust, flexible and anti-reactive in the specified
should essentially be a metal, another one could be a operating temperature. SiC, Al2O3, graphite, Cubic
different metal like compound or ceramics. They are Boron Nitride (CBN) are commonly used as
formed by distributing the reinforcement materials reinforcements.
within the matrix. By the introduction of reinforcements
like B4C, SiC, Al2O3 to matrix alloy, much useful In order to gain the optimum properties, selection of good
properties of alloy matrix like hardness, thermal reinforcement and the matrix materials are not only
conductivity, strength, wear-rate and so on would be sufficient, processing method also plays a significant role.
enhanced. Composite’s properties rely upon the There are different techniques available to produce
properties of particle’s phases, its relative quantity, AMMCs like powder metallurgy, squeeze casting, stir
distributed phase geometry in addition to the shape, size casting, chemical vapour deposition, pressure infiltration
and alignment with matrix [1]. etc. Among these manufacturing techniques stir casting is
the prevalent technique which has been used by many
In our daily life, AMMCs have found many investigators since the process is cost-effective, and this
applications. AMMCs are composites that only use process have greater hardness and refined microstructure-
aluminium as the matrix and incorporate a few grains than other techniques. Skibo et.al [2] noted that the
reinforced components into the matrix. There are a few cost for preparing AMMCs is approximately one-third to
benefits such as low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion half that of other techniques and that price of high- volume
(CTE), improved stiffness, greater hardness and manufacturing will be reduced to one- tenth.
strength, light weight, high specific modulus, enhanced
damping capabilities, enhanced wear-resistance and 2 Mechanical Properties
greater Thermal Conductivity (TC) when the reinforced
is used in matrix. The matrix may include reinforcing The mechanical properties of MMCs are necessary to
elements in a manner of continuous fibers, particulates

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018401033
ICMED 2020

describe the composite material’s behavior. Few that the Al2014 composites are very hard in compared
mechanical properties like tensile strength, stiffness, to 6061Al. By rising the ageing temperature to 250°C,
hardness, wear resistance, toughness were few of the there was considerable loss in hardness values for all
significant mechanical-properties assessed. These composites were also noted. Vanarotti et.al [6] observed
mechanical properties play a key role to characterize with increment of wt.% of SiC in Al 356, the BHN was
the behavior of composites. By adding greater strength, increased. Fang et.al [7] noted that contaminations and
greater-modulus refractory particulates to a highly greater porosity problems due to few reaction and Al
ductile matrix material give a new product which would composites had poor vickers hardness too. Biswas and
have mechanical properties in between reinforcement Jairam [8] revealed that porosity has been the key factor
and metal matrix. Metals had beneficial properties like effecting Sic and Al2O3 reinforced Al composite’s
ductile, greater temperature resistance, immense hardness. Bansal and Saini [9] found Al 359 MMC’s
strength but typically can have poor stiffness, while hardness reinforced with SiC was so much greater than
ceramic materials have greater stiffness and strength, the Al 359-graphite’s hardness. Reinforcements like
although brittle. By combining both will get a new Gr/SiC bonding enable the material to resist greater
product which has stiff, immense strength and greater loads.
temperature resistance.
Mali et.al [10] explored few properties on Al 356 alloy
AMMCs have different positive impact on mechanical with alumina and fly-ash as reinforcement with
properties, those properties are important in several different percentages. It had been noted that
current applications. Experiments on the mechanical composite’s hardness rose to 94 BHN till 12% and
properties try to create the research on composite subsequently reduced owing to porosity. Raao et.al [11]
materials in exhaustive. The different mechanical examined vickers hardness of Al/Zn/Mg (Al7009) and
properties that are regarded as follows in this review. SiC reinforced Al/Zn/Mg (Al7009) were enhanced with
the heat treatment and as well with the increment of SiC
2.1 Hardness percentage in the alloy matrix. Kumar et.al [16] noticed
10.48% rise in hardness with an increment of 5- 15%
Hardness is the material’s ability to resist scratching SiC reinforcement in Al 7075 alloy. Purohit and
(abrasion) or the ability of a material to resist Deshamanya
indentation. It is also defined as the material’s capacity [12] found Al7075/Al2O3 composite’s hardness was
to cut different metal. It encompasses other different reduced as reinforcement size increased owing to a
properties like machinability, deformation, scratching, greater size of grains resulting in a less dense dispersion
wear-resistance and so on. Preparation of composite of Al2O3 particles in Al matrix. Indeed, the hardness
materials processes that enhance a material’s hardness was enhanced significantly after approximately 8% of
and its tensile strength but at the same moment reduces the reinforcement added and a peak hardness value 140
the material’s toughness as it gets further brittle. BHN for a composite material comprising 15% Al2O3
was noted. As reinforcement quantity rises, the
Shanmuga Sundaram et.al [3] studied of the impact of
reinforcement-matrix ratio becomes richer, resulting in
particulate types and extrusion on Al2014/Si3N4,
enhanced composites hardness.
Al2014/SiC and Al2014 matrix material. From hardness
test, there is an enhancement of 23% and 42% was
It is understood from the above discourse that Silicon
noticed in Al-SiC composite material in as-cast and Carbide (SiC) and Al2O3 play a significant role on
extruded situations compared to matrix material. The
enhancing the composite’s hardness. Introducing
general reason for enhancement of hardness of a matrix
different reinforcements shows rise in hardness, but it is
material was owing to the introducing hard ceramic
restricted to some range and after that it tends to reduce
particulates to the highly ductile and smooth metal
the hardness. If we rise wt.% of SiC beyond 25% then it
matrix. Likewise, there is an enhancement of 35% and
results in reduction of hardness values because the
31% was witnessed in Al/Si3N4 compared to matrix
greater wt.% of SiC particulates began to settle in melt
material. This was owed to the existence of strong of aluminium.
ceramic particulates that prevent the matrix dislocation
motion that causes a matrix to harden. Sunil Kumar 2.2 Tensile Strength
Reddy.et.al [4] noted that the peak hardness 72 HR was
achieved in Al7475/SiC/Gr composite material with Tensile strength is a material’s capacity to bear the
10 wt % SiC and 9 wt% Gr.
tensile load (stretching) without material breaking under
tension. D. Sujan et.al [13] discovered that, AMMCs
Song et.al [5] found hardness values were enhanced
with Al2O3 as a reinforcement had a greater density
with rise in ageing temperature and peak hardness value
values compared to AMMCs with SiC as a
acquired at temperature 150°C to 200°C and also noted

E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018401033
ICMED 2020

reinforcement, since Al2O3 density value was greater strength in comparison with as-cast reinforced Al 7075.
than the SiC density. It was also discovered that tensile
strength and hardness of Al/SiC greater in comparison From above discussion, both graphite and SiC were
with Al/Al2O3 composites. The reinforcing particulates prolific reinforcements in the field of tensile strength.
serves as a strengthening substance that enables close Another reinforcement alumina demonstrates nice
the pores in matrix alloy, establishing a greater contact outcomes as well, but there was not much talk about it.
between matrix particulates. Rahman and Rashed et.al The incorporation of different reinforcements like fly-
[14] reported peak tensile strength value obtained at 20 ash and red-mud also helped to raise tensile strength
wt.% of SiC incorporated within matrix alloy. The values up to certain limit but beyond the limit it rapidly
general reason for rise in tensile strength is owing to the diminished.
shifting of tensile load to the heavily attached SiC
reinforcement which mostly increases the density of 2.3 Ductility
dislocation and therefore results in refining impact of
grain. The results indicated from tensile test on Al6061 Ductility is the measure of the capacity of material to
which was reinforced with graphite had greater tensile deform plastically, when put under tensile load that
strength compared to SiC reinforced Al 6061. This was surpasses its yield strength without splintering. The
all because of graphite filler’s greater strength. material with high ductility shows, more suitable for
Strangely, the tensile strength stayed same at 12wt.% deformation and does not shatter. Whereas less ductile
owing to inadequate graphite wetting. substances are brittle and breaks before it deforms under
a tensile load. Ductility relies mainly on the structure of
Shanmuga Sundaram et.al [3] had found that the yield crystalline substances, chemical composition of
strength of 11% and 33% was enhanced within the substances and temperature at which ductility is
composites of Al/Si3N4 and Al/SiC compared to base evaluated.
matrix metal. The general reason for enhancement of
Onel et al. [19] reported that with the raise in SiC vol.%,
composite’s strength is owing to increasing density of diminished ductility of as-cast MMC's and also noticed
dislocation that was due to incorporation of ceramic that there was enhancement of ductility by the
particulates such as Si3N4 and SiC. Kumar et.al [15] implementation of extrusion. Srivastan et.al [21]
observed from Al 6061 reinforced with three variations observed % elongation, decrease in % area, with various
of fly- ash 10%, 15%, 20 wt.% and the maximum tensile % of reinforcement. Study of fractography disclosed
strength was found at 20% wt. of fly-ash, because fly that existence of brittle and tough SiC within the ductile
ash has a greater strength. But the tensile strength and smooth alloy matrix triggered fine micro-cracks to
property was diminished when the reinforcement added be begun at less stress values. The micro-cracks grew
beyond 15 wt.%. The principal reason for diminishing quickly, leading to macroscopic deficiency and less
the tensile strength is owing to the poor wettability. It tensile strength. Garg et.al [22] mentioned that there
was also noted that the UTS enhanced to 192 MPa. was diminish in ductility with raise in SiC wt.% within
Kanagaraj et.al [16] evident that UTS was enhanced Al 6061/fly ash/SiC composites.
with incorporation 17 wt.% alumina but there was no
obvious change with the graphite reinforcement. This 2.4 Toughness
may owe to the thermal mismatch that tries to be the
primary driving force to raise matrix’s dislocation Toughness is a material’s potential to withstand
density. Vinitha et al. [17] observed from their research cracking. If a substance breaks down, it is brittle. If it is
that Al 7075/SiC/fly ash MMCs has higher strength than doesn’t break when undergoing an impact load, it is
Al7075/redmud/SiC composites. Muruganandan et.al tough. Md. Habidur et.al [1] noticed from with raising
[18] mentioned that there was 32% enhancement of SiC reinforcement in AMMCs, hardness, tensile
tensile strength in Al 7075/TiC/fly ash MMCs in strength and wear-resistance enhanced but toughness
compared to matrix alloy. This was owing to fly-ash had decreased. Ravesh et al. [22] mentioned toughness
hardened the matrix material. Onel et al. [19] study of Al6061/fly ash/SiC was enhanced with the increment
revealed that the values of tensile and yield strength of reinforcement. This is owing to sufficient
were enhanced until SiC of 17 vol.% in as-cast reinforcement distribution within alloy matrix and there
situations and after that the values were decreased. was greater bond between reinforcement and base
These values enhanced for extruded specimens by 40% metal. The peak toughness acquired at the composite
and consistently enhanced with increase of vol.% of comprising 5 wt.% fly-ash and SiC 10 wt.%. Aluko et
reinforcement. Yilmaz et al. [20] noticed the tensile al. [23] revealed from circumferential notch tensile test
strength difference between T6 heat treated and as-cast that fracture- toughness was enhanced with the raising
silicon carbide reinforced Al7075 and mentioned that vol.% of SiC or else with the help of ageing treatment.
10 wt.% SiC heat-treated composite had greater tensile But Park et.al [24] mentioned that toughness value had

E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018401033
ICMED 2020

diminished with raising 5 to 30 vol.% of Al2O3 Al7075. Both properties were diminished in fly-ash
reinforcement. The principal reason for this is owing to context and also noted with increasing sliding speed 2
reduction in spacing among nucleated micro-voids of m/sec to 3 m/sec wear- rate enhanced.
inter-particulates. Alaname et.al [25] disclosed that
Bamboo Leaf Ash (BLA) and SiC reinforced Al/Mg/Si Abouelmagd [31] examined AMMCs wear behaviour
composite’s fracture-toughness was enhanced as BLA and hot-deformation which were generated by powder-
proportion raised. This is because raising existence of metallurgy method and disclosed that compressive
silica which was smooth than SiC. The hybrid strength, hardness were enhanced with raising addition
composite’s fracture toughness found to be inferior than of Al4C3, Al2O3 reinforcement to alloy matrix. In the
single reinforcement which has 10 wt.% SiC in context of Al/Al4C3, there was enhancement of wear-
aluminium. resistance. Kumar et.al [32] found the effectiveness of
nano particulates of silicon graphite in Al2024 and
2.5 Wear Resistance mentioned that wear-resistance was enhanced by SiC
incorporation but with graphite particulates
Wear rate is the volume loss per unit distance. incorporation furthermore enhanced and there was good
Shanmuga Sundaram et.al [3] had studied wear rate by bond within composites which was revealed by XRD
using pin-on-disc test on Al7075-SiC composite with analyser. Rahman et al. [14] noticed from their research
elaborated sliding-speed and differing load. At 1 m/sec that mass loss for Al/SiC was lower in compared to
sliding-velocity and 20 N load, the composite material aluminium which was in pure form. This is owing to
which was precipitated heat- treated (6 hrs T6 aged) softness of pure Al. The incorporated SiC safeguards the
displayed greater wear-resistance and also elaborated alloy matrix against more wear. At SiC 20 wt.% the
that by doubling load there was 26% enhancement wear peak wear-resistance was attained.
rate and by raising sliding velocity there was 21% wear
enhancement and also clarified that irrespective of load From literature-survey, it is clearly understood that with
and velocity heat-treated composite’s wear resistance adding Graphite, SiC wear-resistance could be
enhanced by ageing. Saini et.al [9] explained Al enhanced. The MMCs were guarded with SiC which
359/Gr/SiC wear behaviour and results had shown were predominant on external substances layer and also
reinforced matrix’s wear resistance raised with if the MMCs were conducted at higher loads, the
conditions of sliding distance, loading and greater particulates of graphite tend to diminish the rate of wear.
sliding-speed and also mentioned that graphite
diminishes wear- resistance at greater loading than SiC 3 Thermal Properties of MMCs
because it has extreme lubricant property. It was also
concluded from SEM analysis that Al 359/SiC surface
The material’s thermal properties were those features
had big sized cracks, voids, groove sand also confirmed
which are associated with its heat conductivity. In
that these were viewed very fine within Al/Gr/SiC than
another sentence, when heat moves through it,
Al/SiC composites.
substances possess these properties. Thermal-resistivity
or conductivity, thermal-expansion coefficient, thermal-
Natarajan et.al [26] linked 356 Al/SiC 25 composite’s
diffusivity and specific- heat capacity were few of
wear properties with gray cast-iron sliding material
essential properties of thermal. The evaluation and
towards the friction material of the automotive. It has
characterization of this kind of properties plays crucial
been discovered that the composite’s wear resistance
role. The investigation and observation of thermal
was greater than standard gray cast-iron and was very
properties are conducted at elevated temperature, room-
appropriate for brake drum material. But, due to
temperature too.
existence of hard particulates of SiC, it was not used for
lining components. Mahajan et.al [27] and Thirumalai 3.1 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
et.al [28] taken reinforcements of B4C and TiC and
revealed that till some wt.% the wear- resistance was CTE is described as Change in dimensions of material
raised. Manikandan et.al [29] explained Al 7075/B 4C, accompanying with alteration in the temperature. In
Al 7075/SiC and Al 7075/Al2O3 composite’s wear automobile applications temperature variations occur so
characteristics with differing sliding distance and load that less CTE substances recommended. D. Sujan et.al
by test performing on pin-disc and mentioned that due [13] observed the values of CTE were shortened as
to hardness and heat-resistance of B4C, the Al reinforcement proportion raising. S. Cem okumus et.al
7075/B4C composite had disclosed better wear- [33] found there was reduction in CTE by raising
resistance. In contrast to others, Muthu et.al graphite with 45 and 53 µm grain size of SiC and also
[30] discovered 7075 Al-fly-ash 5%- SiC 3% dry sliding found that values of CTE raised with increment of
properties and noted that there was diminishing wear- temperature and when temperature goes 200 to 250°C
rate and enhanced density when SiC incorporated to beyond it got reached saturation as it relies on

E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018401033
ICMED 2020

proportion of graphite. The greater the proportion of with help of software ANSYS and disclosed that
graphite reduces the temperature of saturation and reduction in TC due to graphite incorporation. Sateesh
raising proportion of graphite had led the refining of et.al [38] researched on effect of moisture, also it effects
grain for eutectic-silicon, aluminium as well, that is why fiber reinforced composites.
it shown less CTE. In addition to, incorporation of much
proportion of graphite given the dimension stability for 4 Conclusion
MMCs. Arpon et.al [34] investigated the evaluation of
CTE between 50 to 300°C and revealed that the CTE
was varied with temperature change and reduced with The intention of this review is to throw a light on the
raising vol.% of reinforcement. Manivannan et.al [35] impact of various reinforcements including different
reported that there was a decrease in thermal-contact percentages and a range of reinforcement’s size in
resistance i.e. it reduces CTE which was in turn, aluminium metal matrix composites. The following
improves the substance thermal diffusivity and facts were revealed by the number of researchers on
conductivity by adding Carbon Boron Nitride (CBN) AMMCs.
contents in matrix metal,.
The value of hardness was improved as SiC
S.A Mohan Krishna et.al [36] observed that CTE of Al reinforcement was increased but the hardness was
6061/Gr/SiC hybrid MMCs got reduced with further reduced as graphite content was increased. The 359
addition of graphite, SiC in equal proportion and CTE Al/SiC MMCs hardness was higher compared to 359
values were raised with increment of temperature till Al/Gr MMCs. This is owing to graphite softness and
300°C. The general reason for reduction of CTE is lubricant properties. The peak hardness values were
owing to the less CTE values for graphite and SiC, in attained at the 25 wt.% SiC. Al/SiC MMCs displayed
comparison to aluminium-base matrix material. higher tensile strength, hardness in comparison with
Al/Si3N4 and Al/Al2O3 MMCs.
3.2 Thermal Conductivity (TC)
The peak tensile strength values were obtained at 20
Thermal Conductivity (TC) is the material’s property wt.% of SiC and ductility was reduced as Sic
that depicts the capacity for heat conductivity. It may reinforcement was increased. In the context of fly-ash,
also be described as heat-transfer rate by unit material’s the tensile strength and ductility were reduced
thickness per unit area per unit difference of significantly until 10 wt.% of reinforcement.
temperature. One of the main compensations of
aluminium is its TC is approximately thrice to steel. For the MMCs which are reinforced with fly-ash 5 wt.%
Aluminium is a significant substance in applications of and SiC 10 wt.% acquired the greatest toughness value.
cooling or heating such as heat exchangers. The hybrid Al/Si/Mg hybrid MMCs had a greater fracture
toughness than single reinforcement of Al 10 wt.% SiC
S. Cem Okumus et.al [33] found that TC was reduced MMCs.
as the amount of graphite content increased in Al matrix
and the raising test temperature also resulted in gradual The CTE values are raised as the increasing temperature
reduction on TC. Moreover it was also stated that there and also values of CTE were gradually reduced as the
was a decrease of TC when the grain size of SiC incorporation of graphite, SiC reinforcement increased.
particles were reduced, because reducing SiC’s By adding Carbon Boron Nitride (CBN) contents in
particulate size, the interface characteristics among SiC matrix metal, there is decrease in the CTE value which
and matrix Al could ascribed. Manivannan et.al [35] was in turn, improvise the substance’s thermal
investigated on Al6061/CBN, Al6061/SiC and diffusivity and conductivity.
Al6061/Al2O3 MMCs. From this, it is observed that
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) contents in the Al matrix As amount of graphite content increases, TC values
were shortened and also raising test temperature
have tremendous raise in both TC and heat transfer
resulted in a continuous reduction in TC values. By
coefficient than Al/SiC, Al/Al2O3 fillers. S.A Mohan
reducing SiC grain size, there is a decrease in TC
Krishna et.al [36] mentioned that TC values were because reducing SiC grain size outcomes in wider area
reduced with raising incorporation of graphite, SiC in of surface among SiC and Al matrix.
equal proportion within 6061 Al and concluded that
there was no enhancement of TC of AMMCs by using
graphite and SiC as reinforcements and also mentioned References
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the less TC values of reinforcement particulates. Procedia Engineering, volume 90, issue undefined,
Krishna et.al [37] researched on 6061 Al/Gr/SiC MMCs (2014).

E3S Web of Conferences 184, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018401033
ICMED 2020

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