I 01286 Colombia Foreland
I 01286 Colombia Foreland
I 01286 Colombia Foreland
Principal Investigator:
Petroleum Migration History
Michal Nemčok, Ph.D.
Research Professor Models for Foreland Basins:
Email: mnemcok@egi.utah.edu
Phone: +421-2-2062 0781 Colombian Foreland
Evaluation of the timing, paths & mixing locations
of hydrocarbon migration events affecting the
Llanos foreland basin, Colombia
Ø Determination of the flexural forebulge location of the Llanos foreland
basin in time.
Ø Determination of the flexure-driven normal fault patterns of the Llanos
Investment per Sponsor foreland basin in time and space.
$57K (USD)
Ø Determination of major mountain building events of the Eastern
Cordillera in time and space.
Ø Determination of the major advance events of the Eastern Cordillera in
Duration time and space.
12 months Ø Determination of the expulsion timing in the hydrocarbon kitchens of
all recognized oil families.
Ø More detailed determination of the spatial distribution of results of each
individual migration pulse.
Project I 01286 Ø Determination of lateral and vertical migration segments of each
migration pulse.
Key Deliverables
1. Arc GIS project including all data, profiles and maps addressing problems
to be solved, which are listed in the Task list.
2. Written report with accompanying graphic documentation on the
results of the tasks focused on individual open problems listed in the
Task list.
Data Sources
Gravity data Coverage of the whole study area by the Free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly maps
Magnetic data Coverage of the whole study area by the Total magnetic intensity map (Figure 2)
Figure 1A: Map of the provinces used for spatial differentiation in the Llanos foreland basin with location of
studied seismic profiles and wells (provided by Remora for Nemčok et al., 2009, 2010).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 1B: Location map of samples already taken from the Llanos foreland basin.
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 2: Total magnetic intensity map of the study area (Hermeston et al., 2011).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 3A: Line drawings from time-lapse photographs of a sandbox model with syn-tectonic deposition,
after contraction of a) 6 mm, b) 14 mm, c) 22 mm, d) 30 mm, e) 54 mm and f) 90 mm (Storti et al., 1997). Black
layer indicates top of the pre-tectonic sediments.
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 3B: Stratigraphic evolution of a foreland basin during 8 Ma, shown at 2 Ma intervals (Flemings and
Jordan, 1990). Time lines show 1 Ma intervals. Vertical exaggeration is 40 times. Shading indicates basin
margin facies, which were deposited at a gradient greater than 0.0005. Basin-axis facies, accumulated at
a smaller gradient are unshaded. Right margin of the basin is amplified in boxes and 200,000 year lines are
used to illustrate onlap and truncation at vertical exaggeration of 100 times. Bedding on the left side has
been uplifted and deformed by leading edge of the thrust belt. Thrust belt advance was 20 km during the
second phase of thrusting.
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
If the contraction driving the thrustbelt and foreland basin development is orthogonal to thrustbelt
and basin axes, hydrocarbon expulsion from source rocks of the same stratigraphic age is more-or-
less synchronous along strike. However, the timing can quickly gain more complex character if the
contraction is either oblique to the axis of linear thrustbelt-foreland basin system or fanning inside of
salients and reentrants of the curved thrustbelt-foreland basin system.
Starting with simpler of the two systems, the Phase 1 study focuses on the Llanos foreland basin of
Colombia (Figure 4), while the second system is planned to be covered by subsequent Phase 2 and 3
studies that would focus on Andean foreland basins of Argentina and Peru-Bolivia, respectively.
Figure 4A: Study area with map of the Eastern Cordillera, studied portion of the Colombian segment of the
Andes, together with location of exhumation timing data (Hermeston and Nemčok, 2013).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 4B: Study area with geological map of Colombia showing the Llanos foreland basin (red ellipse)
adjacent to the Eastern Cordillera shown in (Figure 4A) (Geotec in Hermeston et al., 2011).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
There are multiple lines of evidence documenting oblique plate convergence driving the development
of the Colombian segment of Andes and their adjacent foreland basin from Paleocene till present,
1. plate reconstructions (e.g., Pindell, 1993; Figure 5, Scotese, 1998; Golonka, 2000; Dalziel et al.,
2. paleostress data calculated from shear fractures at outcrops (Cortés and Angelier, 2005a);
3. present-day stress field interpreted from earthquake and bore hole data (e.g., Arcila et al., 2000;
Cortés and Angelier, 2005b; Figure 6);
4. along-strike migration of the foreland basin depocenters (Hermeston and Nemčok, 2013); and
5. orogen structural architecture analogy with architecture of analog material models (Macedo and
Marshak, 1999).
Figure 5: Early Oligocene stage (35 Ma) of the plate reconstruction done for the circum-North Andean region
(Pindell, 1993).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 6: Extrapolated in situ σ1 stress trajectories (red) based on earthquake focal mechanism data in
circum-North Andean region (Arcila et al., 2000) together with map of provinces from Figure 1. Note that the
Eastern Cordillera is affected by dextral transpression, the strike-slip component of which decreases from S
to N. Inset shows major tectonic elements of the Caribbean Region and Northern Andes (Cortés & Angelier,
2005a). Rectangle indicates the location of main figure.
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
In theory, the oblique convergence in the study area should drive the S-to-N zipper-like closure of the
orogen-foreland system. Such closure should control the S-to-N younging of accelerated sediment
transport into the proximal foreland basin. This effect was documented by S-to-N transfer of thickness
maxima in the Carbonera Formation, Leon Formation and 4 sedimentary packages of the Guayabo
Formation (Hermeston and Nemčok, 2013; Figure 7A-C). Furthermore, such closure should control the
S-to-N younging events of internal orogen deformation and its advance towards the foreland. This
effect is yet to be documented by structural and exhumation data collected and calculated from the
Eastern Cordillera.
Figure 7A: Thickness distribution of the Carbonera Formation, (Hermeston and Nemčok, 2013).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 7C: Part 2 of the Guayabo Formation (Hermeston and Nemčok, 2013).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Study Area
The study area (see Figure 4 for location) incorporates the Eastern Cordillera and the Llanos foreland
Figure 8. Five oil groups of the Llanos foreland basin determined by the fingerprinting with use of the
quantitative extended diamondoid analysis (Moldowan et al., 2015). 1 – Lower Cretaceous or pre-Cretaceous
terrestrial-marine shale facies combination, 2 – Upper Cretaceous marine carbonate facies, 3 – Tertiary
terrestrial shale facies, 4 – Cenomanian-Turonian marine shale and marl facies combination occurring also
in mixture with Tertiary source, 5 – Turonian or younger marine shale and marl facies combination.
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 9. Map showing the distribution of three groups of oils in the Llanos foreland basin based on the extent
of their cracking (Moldowan et al., 2015).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Figure 10. Map showing the spatial distribution of the products of migration from multiple source rock
kitchens ignoring their mixing (Moldowan et al., 2015).
Figure 11. Map showing the spatial distribution of the products of migration from multiple source rock
kitchens including their mixing (Moldowan et al., 2015).
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Major Goals
1. Determination of the flexural forebulge location of the Llanos foreland basin in time.
2. Determination of the flexure-driven normal fault patterns of the Llanos foreland basin in time
and space.
3. Determination of major mountain building events of the Eastern Cordillera in time and space.
4. Determination of the major advance events of the Eastern Cordillera in time and space.
5. Determination of the expulsion timing in the hydrocarbon kitchens of all recognized oil families.
6. More detailed determination of the spatial distribution of results of each individual migration
7. Determination of lateral and vertical migration segments of each migration pulse.
Significant Tasks
1. Structural geology and sedimentology:
• Determining flexural forebulge location in time
• Determining flexure-driven normal fault patterns
• Determining inversion of pre-existing flexure-driven normal fault patterns
• Determining uplift events of thrust sheets
• Determining displacement events of thrust sheets
• Determining accelerated erosion events in the thrustbelt
• Determining sediment transport pathways from thrustbelt to foreland basin
• Determining spatial and temporal distribution of accelerated depositional rate events in the
foreland basin
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
2. Geochemistry:
• Dating of cements in reservoir rocks that contain hydrocarbons in their fluid inclusions
• Determining pressure and temperature conditions of cements with trapped hydrocarbons
• Determining onset of hydrocarbon expulsion in all known hydrocarbon kitchens defined by
previous work by numeric modelling
• Determining detailed spatial extent of migration pulses in time by original sampling and
analytical work
3. Structural Geology/Geochemistry Combination:
• Determining lateral and vertical migration segments for all migration pulses
• Determining mixing zones of hydrocarbons sourced by different organofacies
1. Arc GIS project including all data, profiles and maps addressing problems to be solved, which are
listed in the Task list.
2. Short explanatory text with accompanying graphic documentation on the results of the tasks
focused on individual open problems listed in the Task list.
Research Team
Staff Expertise/Affiliation
Structural Geology
Michal Nemčok, Ph.D. Principal Investigator
Research Professor – EGI, University of Utah
Petroleum Geochemistry,
Júlia Kotulová, Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator
Research Scientist – EGI, University of Utah
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
In Development | Petroleum Migration History Models for Foreland Basins: Colombian Foreland | I 01286
Michal Nemčok, PhD
Research Professor
Michal holds a Ph.D. in Structural Geology from the Comenius University, Bratislava. He
has 35 years of applied and basic research experience at the Slovak Geological Survey,
University of South Carolina, University of Wales, Cardiff, Imperial College London,
University of Salzburg, University of Wurzburg, and University of Utah. He joined EGI in
1998 and is a Research Professor and Structural Group leader. Michal has published 80+
articles, coauthored 5 monographs, and coedited five books.
February 7, 2020 8:27 AM egi.utah.edu | EGI ... the science to find energy | ContactEGI@egi.utah.edu