Dewi Listia Apriliyanti-Fitk
Dewi Listia Apriliyanti-Fitk
Dewi Listia Apriliyanti-Fitk
A Thesis
Presented in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education
(M.Pd.) in Graduate Program of English Education
Dewi Listia Apriliyanti
NIM. 21160140000040
The aims of this research are to investigate and to elaborate the implementation of English
teachers' four competences that is included pra-PLPG, whilst PLPG and post following the
Education and Training for the Teacher Profession (PLPG) in 2017. This research
conducted the evaluation study based on Kirkpatricks’ program evaluation level. The
primary method of this research is used qualitative case study and the secondary is used
survey. The main key informants of this research are five English teachers who have
passed the National Examination of PLPG, term 1. The research sites are the PLPG place
of training in Bandung, five key informants’ schools in Cirebon regency, Bandung
regency, and Bandung city. This research found four results. First, the English teachers has
improved their pedagogic competence in terms of designing lesson plan and managing the
teaching and learning activities. Second, their personal competences are still the same with
before they attended PLPG. However, the knowledge of personal competence is improved
and they became more patient to face the students. Third, English teachers are created the
broader connection with the English teachers from PLPG. Fourth, their professional
competence is improved in terms of their knowledge of English subject materials and
plagiarism awareness. However, they did not show the major changes in terms of their
teaching style. Positively, PLPG has motivated them to continue their education to the
master level in university in the future and has desired them to learn more in the future.
Due to limitation of training time is not enough to learn the entire teachers’ competences
knowledge that is required by the Minister of Education and Culture. Thus, they need
longer time to learn and to implement it in their profession. Therefore, this research
recommended three suggestion in terms of training program and further investigation.
Apriliyanti, D. L. 2018. Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris pada PLPG (Study Evaluasi
Berdasarkan Model Kirkpatrick). Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi dan menjelaskan secara rinci pelaksanaan empat
kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris yang mencakup pra PLPG, selama PLPG, dan setelah
mengikuti Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Profesi Guru (PLPG) pada tahun 2017. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi Program evaluasi Kirkpatricks. Metode utama dari
penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus kualitatif dan yang kedua adalah survei. Informan
kunci utama dari penelitian ini adalah lima guru bahasa Inggris yang telah lulus Ujian
Nasional PLPG, tahap 1. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tempat pelatihan PLPG di
Bandung, lima sekolah tempat informan kunci utama mengajar di Kabupaten Cirebon,
Kabupaten Bandung, dan Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menemukan empat hasil temuan.
Pertama, setelah PLPG, para guru bahasa Inggris telah meningkatkan kompetensi
pedagogik mereka dalam hal merancang rencana pelajaran dan mengelola kegiatan belajar
mengajar. Kedua, kompetensi pribadi mereka masih sama dengan sebelum mereka
menghadiri PLPG. Namun, pengetahuan tentang kompetensi pribadi meningkat dan
mereka menjadi lebih sabar menghadapi siswa. Ketiga, guru bahasa Inggris menciptakan
jaringan yang lebih luas dengan para guru bahasa Inggris pada PLPG. Keempat,
kompetensi profesional mereka meningkat dalam hal pengetahuan mereka terkait materi
pembelajaran mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan memiliki pemahaman terkait plagiarisme.
Namun, para guru bahasa Inggris tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang mencolok dalam
segi cara mereka mengajar. Dampak positifnya, PLPG telah memotivasi mereka untuk
melanjutkan pendidikan mereka ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi di universitas sebagai langkah
selanjutnya dan dan ingin belajar lebih banyak di masa depan. Karena keterbatasan waktu
pelatihan dalam program PLPG belum cukup untuk mempelajari pengetahuan kompetensi
guru secara keseluruhan yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
(Kemdikbud). Oleh karna itu, mereka membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk belajar
dan menerapkannya dalam kewajiban mereka sebagai guru. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini
merekomendasikan tiga saran dalam hal program pelatihan dan penyelidikan
Kata Kunci: Profesi Guru Bahasa Inggris, Pembelajaran Pengajaran Professional,
Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris, PLPG 2017.
تجريد البحث
أبرلينتي .د .لـ .8102 .كفاءات المعلمين اإلنجليزية في ( PLPGدراسة تقويمية تعتمد على نموذج كيركباتريك)
هذا البحث يهدف إلى تحليل كفاءة معلمي اللغة اإلنجايزية بعد أن يشتركوا في برنامج تربية المعلمين وتدريبهم سنة .8102وهذا
البحث يقلد برنامج كركبتريكس .ومنهج البحث المستخدم هو دراسة كيفية ودراسة مسحية .ومن مصادر هذا البحث هو خمسة
معلمي اللغة اإلنجليزية الناجحين في االمتحان األخير في تربية المعلمين وتدريبهم األولى ( .)0وقامت الباحثة بهذا البحث في
مكان التدريب وخمسة المدارس ببندونج ،وتشيريبون .وإيجاد هذا البحث أربعة ،منها )0 :بعد إقامة التدريب ،وجدت الباحثة بأن
معلمي اللغة اإل نجليزية يقدرون على ترقية كفاءتهم العلمية في تخيي الدراسة والتعليم )8 ،بعد إقامة التدريب ،وجدت الباحثة بأن
كفاءتهم النفسية ال تتغير من حيث غيبتهم من هذا الندريب ،ولكن يقدرون على كثرة الصبر )3 ،بعد إقامة التدريب ،يبدع معلمو
اللغة اإلنجليزة الشبكة الدراسية بينهم ) 4 ،بعد إقامة التدريب ،يقدرون معلمو اللغة اإلنجليزية على ترقية كفاءتهم المهنية المتعلقة
بالمواد الدراسية .ومن نتائج هذا البحث هي بأن معلمي اللغة اإلنجليزية يقدرون على تشجيع أنفسهم في مواصلة الدراسة إلى
دراستهم العليا ألنهم يشعرون باألوقات المحددة في هذا البرنامج /التدريب ،وهم أيضا يريدون أن يتعلموا أكثر عن المقرر التربوي
الذي قرره وزارة الشؤون التربوية والثقافية بأندونيسيا .لذلك ،يحتاجون معلمو اللغة اإلنجليزية إلى الوقت غير محدد لتعلمهم
الكلمات المفتاحية :مهنة معلمي اللغة اإلنجليزية ،تعل يم اللغة اإلنجليزية للمعلمين ،كفاءة معلمي اللغة اإلنجليزية ،برنامج تربية
المعلمين وتدريبهم .7102
ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﻠﺮﱠﺤﻤﻦ ﺍﻠﺮﱠﺤﻴﻢ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful
All praises are always due to Alloh, Lord of the universe who has been giving
health, time, love, blessing and mercy to researcher so that researcher was able to finish
this thesis. Peace and blessing may always be upon our prophet, the messenger of Alloh,
Muhammad Sholallohu Alaihi Wassalam, his families, his companions, and his followers.
On this occasion, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and honor
infinitely to her husband, Khozin Arief, M.M.Si., and her daughter, Nurani Herawati, who
have devoted their understanding, sacrifice, unconditional love, and unstoppable pray to
the researcher to complete this thesis. The researcher would like to express her great
gratitude for researcher’s parents, Cecep Sumarna, M.M.Pd. and Hanipah, S.Pd, and her
parents-in-law, H. Dasuki, M.M.Pd. and Hj. Tamimah Herawati, M.M.Pd., and Pak
Jum’at’s Family who have always given support, motivation, love, and pray for the
researcher’s success.
Furthermore, the researcher would like to express her best gratitude to the
researcher’s supervisor, Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd., for her valuable suggestions, advices,
motivation and insights in guiding and supporting the researcher during the process of
writing this thesis. The deepest gratitude and respect are also dedicated to the examiners,
Dr. Alek, M.Pd., Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd., and Dr. Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A.TESOL.,
who have given invaluable suggestions, critical remarks, and constructive criticisms that
are enabled the researcher to enhance the quality of this thesis and to refine this thesis until
this thesis became better.
The researcher also expressed her great gratitude for Indonesia Endowment Fund
for Education (LPDP RI) who has been giving the full funding for this research activity
and the procurement of this thesis. The researcher also conveyed the gratitude to all of
English teachers as key informants, to all students of key informants, to all vice principal
of key informants, and to all respondents of this research for willing to be part of this
This gratitude feeling also went to the researcher’s sisters and brothers (and in-
law), friends of magister PBI 2016, classmate of PBI B, colleagues, and all of those who
have supported and prayed for the researcher during the process of writing that cannot be
mentioned one by, and may Allah bless and love all of you always.
The researcher’s gratitude are also dedicated to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Educational Sciences Faculty;
2. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd., as the Head of Master Program of English Education;
3. The entire lecturers and staff faculty in Master Program of English Education for their
guidance and assistance during the researcher studied in UIN Jakarta.
Finally, the researcher hoped that this thesis would give contributions to the
readers. The researcher realized that this thesis is far from being perfect. Hence, suggestion
ideas and constructive criticisms for further improvement are highly welcomed and are
appreciated by the researcher.
Dewi L. Apriliyanti
TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................................ i
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL BY THESIS SUPERVISOR .......................................................................iii
ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................... vi
تجريد البحث..................................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................................viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................. xi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................................xiii
LISTS OF ABBREVIATION .......................................................................................... xiv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Research............................................................................................. 1
B. Focus of the Research....................................................................................................... 3
C. Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 3
D. Objectives of the Research ............................................................................................... 4
E. Significances of the Research........................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................... 5
A. Teachers’ Professional Development .............................................................................. 5
1. A Brief History of Professional Teaching Development in Indonesia ........................ 6
2. Teacher Training Evaluation ....................................................................................... 7
B. English Competences ...................................................................................................... 8
C. English Teachers’ Competences..................................................................................... 11
1. Pedagogical Competence ........................................................................................... 11
2. Personal Competence ................................................................................................. 12
3. Social Competence .................................................................................................... 13
4. Professional Competence .......................................................................................... 13
D. Previous Related Studies ................................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 21
A. Design of the Study ........................................................................................................ 21
1. The Method Priority ................................................................................................... 21
2. The Sequence of Data Collection .............................................................................. 22
3. Method Visualization ................................................................................................ 22
a. Qualitative Method................................................................................................ 22
b. Quantitative Method.............................................................................................. 23
B. Sites of the Research ...................................................................................................... 23
C. Subjects of the Research................................................................................................. 23
1. Survey ........................................................................................................................ 23
2. Key Informants........................................................................................................... 24
D. Data Sources ................................................................................................................... 26
1. Qualitative Method..................................................................................................... 26
2. Quantitative Method................................................................................................... 28
E. Data Analysis Procedures ............................................................................................... 29
1. Sequence One: Pre-Training and Sequence Three: Post-Training ............................. 29
2. Sequence Two: On-Training ..................................................................................... 30
F. Trustworthiness ............................................................................................................. 30
1. Qualitative Method..................................................................................................... 30
a. Triangulation: Credibility...................................................................................... 30
i. Member Checking ........................................................................................... 30
ii. Method ............................................................................................................ 30
iii. Transferability ................................................................................................. 31
b. Audit Trial ........................................................................................................... 31
iv. Dependability .................................................................................................. 31
v. Confirmability ................................................................................................. 31
2. Quantitative Method.................................................................................................. 31
a. Validity.................................................................................................................. 31
b. Reliability .............................................................................................................. 32
G. Research Timeline ......................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION....................................... 36
A. Research Finding ............................................................................................................ 36
1. How Did English Teachers Implement Their Pedagogical Competence in Their
Teaching Activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG? .......................... 36
i. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence before PLPG ...... 37
ii. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence on PLPG ............ 44
iii. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence Post-PLPG ......... 47
a) Lesson Plan Contents ................................................................................... 47
b) The Conformity between Learning Activity Process That Designed in the
Lesson Plan and English Teachers’ Teaching Performances ....................... 62
2. How Did English Teachers Perform Their Personal Competence in Their Teaching
Activity before PLPG, Whilst PLPG, and Post-PLPG? ............................................ 74
3. How Did English Teachers Perform Their Social Competence in Their Teaching and
Learning Interaction with Students, Fellow Teachers, Parents, And School
Community? .............................................................................................................. 77
4. How Did English Teachers Implement Their Professional Competence in Their
Teaching and Learning Activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG? .... 80
i. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence before PLPG ...... 80
ii. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence on PLPG ............ 81
iii. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence Post-PLPG ......... 82
B. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 85
1. English Teachers’ Competences ............................................................................... 85
a. Pedagogic competence .......................................................................................... 85
b. Personal competence ............................................................................................. 86
c. Social competence................................................................................................. 87
d. Professional competence ....................................................................................... 87
2. Teachers’ Professional Learning Development In Indonesia.................................... 88
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 90
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................................... 91
C. Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 92
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 93
APPENDICES.................................................................................................................... 97
Table 2.1 Four-Level Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick (2006) in Terms of
this Research ........................................................................................................ 8
Table 2.2 The Classification of the Knowledge of English Teachers’ Professional
Competences ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 2.3 The Domain of English Teacher Competences (Developed based on Law
Attachment No. 55/2017) ................................................................................... 16
Table 3.1 Respondent Characteristics ................................................................................ 24
Table 3.2 Characteristics of Primary Key Informants in This Research ............................ 24
Table 3.3 Characteristics of Secondary Key Informants in This Research ........................ 26
Table 3.4 Content Outline of Semi-Structure Interview .................................................... 27
Table 3.5 Domain and Indicator of Questionnaire ............................................................ 28
Table 3.6 Validity Tests of Questionnaire Instrument Using Bivarate Pearson in SPSS . 32
Table 3.7 Reliability Statistics ........................................................................................... 33
Table 4.1 The Implementation of Pedagogical Competences Before PLPG ..................... 42
Table 4.2 Teaching and Learning Activities ...................................................................... 63
Figure 2.1 Bachman’s Language Competence Concepts (cited in Fulcer & Davidson,
2007, p.43) ...................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3.1 The Design of the Study (Adapted from Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006) ... 21
Figure 3.2 The Qualitative Design Used in This Research (adapted from Miles and
Huberman, 1994; Creswell, 2012) .................................................................. 22
Figure 3.3 The Quantitative Design Used in This Study.................................................. 23
Figure 3.4 Alpha Cronbatch’s α Formula (Azwar, 2001, p. 78) ..................................... 34
Figure 4.1 Teachers’ Pedagogic Mentoring Session ....................................................... 45
Figure 4.2 The Improvement Evidence of ET-01 Designing the Lesson Plan ................. 49
Figure 4.3 The Improvement Evidence of ET-02 Designing the Target Learning .......... 51
Figure 4.4 The Improvement Evidence of ET-02 Designing the Assessment ................. 53
Figure 4.5 The Improvement Evidence of ET-03 Designing the Target Learning .......... 54
Figure 4.6 The Evidence of ET-04 Designing The Target Learning................................ 56
Figure 4.7 The Evidence of ET-04 Material Resources and Assessment Design (on the
next page) ....................................................................................................... 58
Figure 4.8 The Evidence of ET-04 Assessment Design after PLPG ................................ 59
Figure 4.9 The Evidence of ET-05 Designing the Target Learning ................................. 61
Figure 4.9 Class 10 of School B Sang the Indonesia Anthem.......................................... 65
Figure 4.10 ET-04’s English Class Recited the Several Verses of Quran Before Study ... 66
Figure 4.11 ET-04’s English class has literacy session before study in every the first hour
of school .......................................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.12 ET-01 Gave the Example of Review ‘A Pen’ ................................................. 67
Figure 4.13 One of The Students Presented A Review of An Object ................................ 68
Figure 4.14 ET-02’s English Session of Congratulate Expression (a) .............................. 69
Figure 4.15 ET-02’s English Session of Congratulate Expression (b) .............................. 70
Figure 4.16 ET-03 English Teaching Class ........................................................................ 71
Figure 4.17 Students of School C Worked In Groups ........................................................ 71
Figure 4.18 ET-04 English Class Session of Recount text ................................................. 72
Figure 4.19 ET-05 Gave the Video to Build the Basic Knowledge (BKoF) of students ... 73
Figure 4.20 ET-05’s Students came to in front Of the Class to write down the Difficult
Words .............................................................................................................. 73
Figure 4.21 ET-05’s Students came to in front Of the Class to write down the Difficult
Words and its Phonetic Symbols .................................................................... 74
Figure 4.22 Personal Competence ...................................................................................... 77
Figure 4.23 Social Competence.......................................................................................... 79
Figure 4.24 Professional competence ................................................................................. 82
This chapter gives a brief description of the partial content of the study included
the background, focus of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, and
benefits of the study.
A. Background of the Research
Since the topic of educational sciences discussed, it related with the teachers and
the quality of education. The discussions talked about the way of teachers’ teach and the
outcomes in which teachers contribute for educational development whether teachers are
professional enough to teach. The professional teachers should at least have a bachelor
degree (Strata 1/ D-IV), hold the competences, has educator certification, healthy inside
and outside, and have the capability to achieve the goals ( In fact, not
only be professional but also other competences that teachers should have. For instance, In
Law No. 14/2008 article 8 stated that a teacher, at least, should have four competencies;
pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional
competence. Professional teacher should master five competences, namely planning and
developing learning programs, implementing and managing teaching learning process,
developing and implementing evaluation program, interpreting evaluation result to
improve learning program, and diagnosing learning difficulties and designing strategy to
help learners facing learning difficulties with these burden assignments (Fahriany, 2014,
p.5). To help teachers improve their competences, government through the teacher training
institute (LPTK) hold a teacher certification program since 2005. This program is not only
to improve the teachers’ competences but also to give the appreciation for the teacher who
has been involved in teacher training development.
The teacher certification is the largest reform in recent education (World Bank,
2015). This program started in 2005 (law No. 14/2005). The certification is intended to
improve the level of teachers’ life and a hallmark that teachers who have received a
certificate of Education are a professional teacher (law No.14/2005 article 1, verse 11).
Since 2005 until now, this program got evaluation on several times. The first evaluation
was evaluated by World Bank longitudinal research finding. The research was set up in
2008 under the Better Education through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher
Upgrading (BERMUTU) program in which funded by the government of Dutch. Then
since 2010, the research was taken over the project management and the analytical work,
until completion of the document by Joppe de Ree. One of the research finding found that
certification allowance was only increasing the level of teachers’ life and decreasing their
financial stress but does not follow with the significant improvement of teachers’ skills and
knowledge in teaching. In other word, the certification did not make teacher better in
teaching skills and its program is considered not a guarantee that the teacher is become
professional. The result suggested that the certification should have the close custody in
the implementation of the selection.
To respond that evaluation, the government held online teacher competency test
(UKG) for the first time in 2012 through computer-based test for those who were entered
the teacher certification lists. Points to be gained are 80 points. However, only few teachers
that was successful to pass the points. Based on the evaluation, there were technical
obstacles during UKG as follow: 1) the facilities and infrastructures were not supported at
that time; 2) there were few teachers who capable to operate computer; 3) the
implementation seems to be forced and in a hurry so that the result was not maximum.
Then, the government through the teacher-training institute (LPTK) held the education and
training of teacher profession program (PLPG) for in-service teacher.
The program is a teacher training that contains the material based on the four
competencies that must be hold by teachers based in the regulation law No. 14/2005 article
10. This PLPG activity is intended for in-service teachers appointed before 2016. The
registration required three components as follow: teachers must be registered in
DAPODIK, fulfill the term of administration including portfolios, and the minimum of
UKG score is 55 (KEMENDIKBUD, 2017, p.5). The competencies that are taught in this
program are pedagogical competence –included personal and social competence, and
professional competence –included pedagogical competence such as English teachers’
basic knowledge in English subject material (logged in from Then, teacher should take the UTN (national examination
for teacher) at the end of the program.
However, there are plenty of researches in which criticize the effectiveness of
teachers’ partaking of the program. The training was not effective in keeping teachers to
improve their teaching competence (Fahriany, 2014). Hastuti’s (2016) research showed
that PLPG could improve teachers’ desire experience in teaching. However, they tended to
face difficulties to implement the teaching technique and innovation in their teaching
performance because the limit time of training program made them only get some parts of
training knowledge. Their knowledge was improving but it cannot be a guaranty that their
new knowledge from PLPG desired them to be innovative in teaching; they tended to
adopt particular teaching technique in classroom that they got from PLPG (Hastuti, 2016).
In such conditions, teachers are often used as indicators of the success of a
development program. It would be unfair to see only the teachers’ evaluation. There must
be a two-way perspective to meet the needs of both parties, the needs of the teachers in
improving their competences in teaching and their contribution in education as well as the
needs from the vision of the program itself in meeting the target outcome on the teacher
itself. Therefore, investigations from both perspective of evaluation need to be done in
order to create mutual harmony with each other.
Teaching is a moral profession and becoming a teacher is a desire to make the
improvement for their students’ successful in teaching and learning activity (Fullan, 1993;
Rottger, 2003; Mkazaleski; 2010). Law No. 14/2005 Article 1 verse 1 stated that 'teachers
are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing and evaluating learners in early childhood occupations, formal
education paths, primary and secondary school'.
In classroom, teachers interact directly with the students. For example, in English
subject of instruction, English teachers should be able to give the instruction clearly to the
students during the learning activities. As the teachers did so, they should improve
students’ English skills and their English competences. Not only in improving students’
scores of English examinations but in implementing their competences and
acknowledgement of English in daily activity as well. In other words, a teacher has an
important role for bring a better change because teachers are people who directly teach
their knowledge and their capacity as educators to their students professionally. To facing
this condition, English teachers demanded to be proactive and innovative in classroom
situation. That is why teachers should improve their knowledge and their capacity and
those are the challenges that should be faced as a teacher. Thus, those became the
challenges for the teachers. Thus, teachers who are accepted the challenges are more
innovative and become initiators wherever they worked.
Innovation is the process through which new ideas are generated and put into
productive practice-new meaning to this situation or this location or this community.
‘Innovation often occurs at a local level within the tools, materials, and expertise available
in the local context’ (Goatley and Johnston, 2013). Innovative teacher is a teacher who is
flexible and aware of the classroom condition and new practices in teaching. They are able
to modify the existing method in a new concept that makes it unimaginable innovation
possible (Soerensen, Gedisen, and Sondergaard, 2005; Goatley and Johnston, 2013).
Therefore, Teachers who are adapting themselves to complete these challenges and
developing their capabilities to change their traditional teaching approach to the novelty
ones by creating applicative innovations based on students’ need and target learning can be
categorized as professional teachers.
Then, the evidences raised several argumentations. The first is that if PLPG is the
program to facilitate the teachers, particularly English teachers, to enhance their four
primary competencies, then the teachers will get the materials related to the four
competencies -pedagogical, personal, social, and professional. The second, law No.
14/2005 article 1, verse 12 mentioned that teacher certification is a hallmark for
professional teachers. Then, is that enough to be a guaranty that the teachers are capable to
hold four competences and implemented their own competences through their teaching and
learning activity by creating novelty innovation for their teaching performances by passing
the several evaluation of the program? Based on these tangible evidences, the researcher
concluded that a study concerning about this topic is interested and important to be
B. Focus of the Research
This study focused on the program evaluation included pre-training, on training,
and post-training of PLPG based on Kirkpatrick’s four level models and investigated
implementation of teachers’ four competences after following PLPG on the teaching and
learning performances.
C. Research Questions
The main issue is formulated into one question as follows:
How did English teachers’ behavior in implementing their four competences into their
teaching and learning activity after following PLPG?
The question of this study will included four sub-questions as follow:
1. How did English teachers implement their pedagogical competence in their teaching
activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG?
2. How did English teachers perform their personal competence in their teaching
3. How did English teachers perform their social competence in their teaching and
learning interaction with students, fellow teachers, parents, and school community?
4. How did English teachers implement their professional competence into their teaching
and learning activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG?
teachers to improve their ability to be better teachers in personal attitude and to advance
their knowledge in English subject as English teachers.
1. A Brief History of Professional Teaching Development in Indonesia
In the reformation era, from 1998 up to present, teacher education is related to in-
service training in the form of various condition based on the mission of the training. The
government provided training for teachers namely, PPPGs and BPGs in decentralized
Indonesia. Even though the name of two training is different but they have the same
function in mission: in-service training for teachers planned and directed by the central
government. However, this training evaluation found that these training were not effective
in keeping teachers to improve their teaching competence (Fahriany, 2014).
In 2005, the government of education affairs announced their novel program
namely teacher certification. Teacher certification is given for the teachers who recognized
the teachers are a professional profession. To involve the certification, the teacher should
have meet the requirement as follow; the teachers gain at least undergraduate academic
qualification or complete a four-year university education program. Besides, the teachers
should assess their four competences (Jalal et al., 2009). If they pass the assessment
process, they will receive a professional allowance as big amount as their basic salary as
the government employee and they will also receive functional allowances around 30% of
the basic salary (Kraft, 2008).
The first certification program held in the middle of 2007. More than 200.000 in-
service teachers were involved (Tim Independent, 2008). The certification assessment
process is through portfolio method, in which teachers demonstrate their achievement and
accomplishments during their career (Jalal et al., 2009). The portfolio criteria are gaining
good points for teachers in their participation in professional development included
training, seminar, and conference attendance. The teacher certification program raised
teacher awareness of their need to be involved in teacher training development (Tim
Independent, 2009). However, this program is only increased the live financial of teachers
other that their competences (World Bank, 2015). It will be effective if the certification
program is required the in-class training to improve their competences.
In 2010, the teacher-training institute (LPTK) organized the in-service teacher
training for two weeks as the additional certification assessment process. As the result,
PLPG was effective to increase their attitude in teaching (Hastuti, 2016). Nevertheless,
they faced difficulties to implement the teaching technique in their classroom. They argued
that the time of PLPG is not enough for them to implement their innovation that they got
from PLPG (Hastuti, 2016).
Then in 2017, PLPG improve their program quality. This PLPG activity is
intended for in-service teachers appointed before 2016. This program held for two-month
and two weeks. There are some changes in the PLPG policy but the aim is quite similar
that teacher certification is aimed only for teachers who possess all four competencies. The
training begins with the pre-condition mentoring through online application -Aplikasi
Sertifikasi Guru (ASG). Then, the teacher attends the training for 100 hours. After doing
the training, teachers will get a national examination (UTN). The total number of points
that teachers have to collect is 80 points.
The distinguished between the former PLPG and the current PLPG is the time
training and the method. In the previous PLPG is only held for about two weeks in-class
session but in this current PLPG is held for two months online mentoring and 100 hours in
class mentoring session. Even though the PLPG distinguished version had major
differences but the aim of the program is similar, to help the teachers improving teacher
competences and becoming professional teachers.
2. Teacher Training Evaluation
Evaluation is the systematic determination of a subjects’ merit, worth and
significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards (Moed, 2017, p.94). The main
purpose of a program evaluation is to “determine the quality of a program by formulating a
judgment” (Hurteau, Houle, Mongiat, 2009, p. 307). Evaluation is important in teacher
training program. Through evaluation, the organizer such as PLPG committee can improve
their program quality to fulfill the teachers’ need. Commonly, the evaluation is related with
the technical administration and financial but few evaluators who evaluated the program
outcome for the teachers whether it fulfills the teachers’ need to enhance their teaching
competence (Halmalik, 2004). Thus, evaluate program outcome is important to be
Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick (2006) formulated the systematic standard to do
program evaluation, namely four-level evaluation. The levels represented “a sequence of
ways to evaluate programs and each level has an impact on the next level” (Kirkpatrick &
Kirkpatrick, 2006, p. 21). The four levels are as follow: Level One-Reaction, Level Two-
Learning, Level Three-Behavior, and Level Four-Result (or Outcome). The levels divided
into two-part situations, namely during training/on-training, and post-training.
a. On-training
Level 1 Reaction
Reaction is the expression of persons after they receive the stimulation. Reaction
in training related with trainees’ satisfaction about the training. On this level, the
evaluation measured of how the participant react to the training (Kirkpatrick and
Kirkpatrick, 2006). Thus, in this study, level one measures of how teachers’ react on PLPG
based on their needs in improving their competences.
The aspect in which measure of this level included their reactions on the facilities -
namely location, comfort, and convenience-, excises, audiovisual aids –the appropriateness
and the proper media presentation-, handout –how helpful, amount and so forth-, and the
value that the teachers place on the individual perspective on the program (Kirkpatrick and
Kirkpatrick, 2006, p. 28).
Level 2 Learning
Learning refers to which the teachers change attitudes; improve knowledge
because of attending the training program (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2006). Learning
evaluation is the measurement of the increase in knowledge or intellectual capability from
the beginning and after the learning experience in the training program (Kirkpatrick and
Kirkpatrick, 2006).
b. Post-training
Level 3 Behavior
Behavior refers to the change in behavior has occurred because the participant
attended the training program (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2006, p.22). Behavior
evaluation is the extent to which the trainees applied the learning and changed their
behavior. This level can be immediately conducted and can be several months after the
training. When the researchers evaluate change in behavior. There are some consideration
to think about; when to evaluate, how often to evaluate, and how to evaluate. This level is
more time-consuming and difficult to do that level one and level two. Considering the
circumstances, thus, this study will evaluate the teachers’ behavior after PLPG for one
semester by using classroom observation and interview as the instruments. The indicator of
measurement will be focused on the implementation of teachers’ four teaching
competences on their teaching performances.
Level 4 Result (Outcome)
A result refers to the final results that occurred because the participants attended
the program (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2006, p.25). This level included the teachers’
improved quality in teaching performances, teachers’ involvement in teachers’ community
and school community.
The evaluation should be conducted in sequence to avoid the inaccurate
conclusion. Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick argued that “reaction may have been favorable, and
learning objectives may have been accomplished, but the level 3 and 4 may not have been
presents” (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2006, p.23) because level 3 and 4 need to conduct
the observation to gather the program impact on trainees’ workplaces. Thus, “four
conditions are necessary: the person must have a desire to change; the person must know
what to do it; the person must work in the right climate; and the person must be rewarded
for changing.
Table 2.1 Four-Level Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick (2006) In
Terms Of This Research
English teachers’ impression of the PLPG program; English teachers’
Reaction satisfaction with the Instructors, pace of Training, content and materials
based on the needs of their teaching and learning activity
The teachers’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude (teachers’
competences) from PLPG
The English teachers’ teaching performances on their job following the
application of teachers’ competences
Results The teachers improved quality in teaching performances, teachers’
(Outcomes) involvement in teachers’ community and school community
B. English Competences
English language competence is one of the most controversial terms in the field of
general and applied linguistics (Bagarić, 2007). The first formulation of English
competences are from the theories of Chomsky. Chomsky differentiated between
competence and performance. Chomsky’s view of competence means the monolingual
speaker to listener’s knowledge of language. Meanwhile, performance means that the
actual uses of language in the real context. Then, Hymes’s theories of communicative
competence has slight different views. Hymes (cited in Bagarić, 2007) defined
communicative competence not only as the inherent grammatical competence, but also
Figure 2.1 Bachman’s Language Competence Concepts (cited in Fulcer & Davidson, 2007,
p. 43)
i. Organizational Competence
Organizational competence is the capability to arrange morphemes, words, and
sentences into proper paragraphs (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007). Organizational competence
is divided into two in-sub-competence, namely Grammatical Competence and Textual
Competence (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007, p. 43). Firstly, grammatical competence is the
ability to organize language on the sentence level (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007). The
components of this competence are vocabulary, morphology, cohesion, syntax, phonology
or graphology. Secondly, textual competence is the ability to organize language on the
textual level. The components of this competence are cohesion –logical order-, and
rhetoric –the science of persuasive speaking (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007).
ii. Pragmatic Competence
Pragmatic competence is the capability to use language based on the context of
language in social interaction (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007). Pragmatic competence is divided
into two in-sub-competence, namely Illocutionary Competence and Sociolinguistics
Competence (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007, p.43). Firstly, illocutionary competence is the
ability to receive and/or to comprehend the meaning implied the words on texts or
conversation (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007). The components of this competence are
ideational functions –the language functions to express ideas-, manipulative functions –the
language functions to get someone to do-, heuristic function –the language functions to
solve problem such as trial and error method-, and imaginative functions –the language
function to express imaginary ideas (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007, p.43). Secondly,
sociolinguistic competence is the ability to use language that is appropriate to social
contexts (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007). The components of this competence are sensitivity to
dialect or variety –regional differences in language use-, sensitivity to register –social
background of the audience-, sensitivity to naturalness –common usage of language-,
cultural references and figures of speech –adhering to cultural expectations when using the
language, included figures of speech, honorifics, proper time and place, and other aspects
in which related with cultural context (Fulcer & Davidson, 2007).
C. English Teachers’ Competences
Competencies are defined as “the set of knowledge, skills, and experience
necessary for future, which manifests in activities” (Katane et. al., 2006, p.44). Regarding
to the teachers’ competences, in Law No. 14/55, competence is defined as “a set of
knowledge, skills, and behaviors that have to be owned, lived, and controlled by teachers
or lecturers in performing professional duties.” Thus, competence can be interpreted as the
capability that must be owned by teachers to be able to perform and accomplish their
duties well. Schnekenberg & Waildt (2010) stated that academic staffs in this digital era
should hold four competences, namely social competence, communicative competence,
methodical competence and subject-specific competence.
Teaching profession is different from other professions, because there are certain
characteristics, which should be able to direct learners to the four pillars of education
issued by UNESCO—learning to know, learning to do, and learning to be, learning to live
together (cited in Wardoyo, 2015, p. 21). Generally, teachers’ competences are divided
into three main areas namely field competences, pedagogical competences and cultural
competences. While in Indonesian context, competences that teachers should have are
namely pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and
professional competence. The specific characteristics of teachers in Indonesian context can
be described in the following sections.
1. Pedagogical Competence
Pedagogical competence is a part of professional competence for teaching career
(Mâţă, et al., 2013). To be a professional teacher, a teacher has to own the pedagogical
competence. Pedagogical competence refers to the ability to plan the learning activity, to
manage the learning activity and evaluating the learning activity. Pedagogical competence
defined as “the ability of an individual to use a coordinated, synergistic combination of
tangible resources (e.g.,, instruction materials such as books, articles, and cases and
technology such as software and hardware) and intangible resources (e.g., knowledge,
skills, experience) to achieve efficiency and/ or effectiveness in pedagogy.” (Madhavaram
& Laverie, 2010, p. 5). In Law No. 14/2005, the meaning of pedagogical competence is the
capability to manage the learning of students. In detail, according to Law attachment No.
55/2017 stated that pedagogical competence is “a set of knowledge, attitude, and skill in
designing, planning, scoring and evaluating the teaching and learning activity.” The
indicator of this competence is as follow:
a. Lesson planning included:
1. formulating the indicator competence of students and achievements of learning based
on standard competence graduates (Standar Kompetensi Lulusan-SKL);
2. setting the materials, processes, media sources, assessments and evaluation of the
learning; and
3. designing the lesson plan based on the syllabus.
b. Implement the learning to provide the learning environment and learning process
according to the rules of pedagogical to facilitate the development of the students’ self-
potential and students’ character.
c. Assessing and evaluating included:
1. conducting the authentic-holistic assessment which includes the realm of demeanor,
knowledge and skills; and
2. using the assessment result to improve the learning quality.
Pedagogical competences can be found in concrete terms with the other
subcategories, such as communication and relationship competences or classroom
management (Suciu & Mâţă, 2011, p. 421). Based on the characteristics, it summed that in
the holistic understanding, pedagogical competences are interconnected with the English
teachers’ abilities in designing the lesson studies in their class, in managing their
classroom, in understanding the students’ circumstances, in assessing the students’
outcomes corresponded with the information technological tools to support the teaching
and learning activities.
2. Personal Competence
Teachers also acted as a learning agent in which the role of the teacher as a
facilitator, motivator, encouragement, learning planner, and learning inspiration for
students. Personal competence is the capability of a stable personality, noble, wise and
dignified as well as being a role model for learners (UU NO.14/2005). According to Joni
(2008), personal competences needs special attention, because most of the personality is
not formed through direct learning in the context of formal education, but most are formed
as a result of accumulated escort learning experience gained on preposition and previous
education are formed even in a family environment. Thus, in the law attachment No.
55/2017 stated that personal competence is a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that
made up the teachers’ personality reflected the behavior of morals, wisdom, and authority
to be a role model for the learners.
The indicator of personal competence is as follow:
Behave in accordance with the norms of religion, law, social ethics, and cultural value
1. Practicing the religion values as a human being believers and devoted;
2. Having the attitude of nationalism and patriotism based Pancasila and UUD RI 1945;
3. Understanding and implementing the regulations or legislation of education and teacher
4. Becoming an honest person, noble, hard worker, responsible, and proud to be a teacher;
5. Having the attitude to improve their quality independently and sustainably;
6. able to adapt, to work, to be creative, to contribute, and to innovate in applied science on
social life and have insight into the global in his role as citizens of the world; and
7. having the academic integrity including the ability to understand the meaning of
plagiarism, kinds-its-kind and prevention effort as well as its consequences when
practicing the plagiarism.
3. Social Competence
Social competence is the capability of teachers to communicate and interact
effectively and efficiently with learners, fellow teachers, parents/guardians of learners, and
school community (UU No.14/2005). Meanwhile in the Rule attachment No. 55/2017
stated that social competence is a set of knowledge, attitude, and skills to communicate, to
interact, and to adapt effectively and efficiently with learners, fellow teachers, parents and
the school community. The indicator of social competence is as follow:
Having the ability to communicate, to interact, and to adapt effectively and
efficiently with learners, fellow teachers, parents and surrounding community included:
1. communicating and interacting with students, teachers, educational staff, parents, and
community both oral and written politely, effectively and productively;
2. participating as a good citizen in the development of nation; and
3. having commitments to adapt and to use the information and communication technology
in doing the professional job.
4. Professional Competence
Professional is a work or activity undertaken by a person and becomes a living
source of income that requires expertise, skill or skill that meets certain quality or norm
standards and requires professional education. The Australian Institute of Teaching and
School Leadership (2011) mentioned that the professional knowledge of teachers includes
teachers’ recognizing their students and their learning style, as well as knowing how to
teach them. The meaning of professional competence is the capability of English subject
mastery widely and deeply (UU No. 14/2005). The position of teachers as professional as
referred to in UU No. 14/2005 Article 2 paragraph 1 serves to improve the dignity and role
of teachers as a learning agent serves to improve the quality of national education.
Professional teachers have four indicators: 1) Teachers are able to develop their
job responsibly; 2) teachers are able to do their role as teacher successfully; 3) teachers are
able to achieve their school instructional target; 4) teachers are able to do their role as
teachers properly on the teaching and learning activity at classroom setting (Hamalik
(2004, p. 38). Meanwhile, according to Kuhlman & Knežević (2017), to hold the
professionalism in teaching, the teachers should have the knowledge of teaching
foundation and teaching application. Professionalism is the condition, direction, values,
goals and quality of expertise and authority relating to a person's livelihood (Wardoyo,
2015, p. 18). Professionalism is the interconnection of all domain as follow: 1) language
ability –basic knowledge related to language as systems and related to language acquisition
and development; 2) Cultural understanding –culture as its affects student learning; 3)
Instruction ability included planning for the standards based EFL and content instructions,
implementing and managing the standards based EFL and content instructions, using
resources and technology effectively in EFL and context instructions; 4) Assessment –
language proficiency assessment and classroom-based assessment for EFL (Kuhlman &
Knežević, 2017, p. 5). In addition, Yamin (2007) argued that professional teachers is
included teachers’ understanding of the materials in which will be studied, the
understanding of teachers’ fundamental knowledge of education and teacher training, the
understanding of education process, teachers and students’ learning process.
In the Law attachment No. 55/2017 stated that professional competence is a set of
knowledge, attitudes, and skulls on structures, concepts, and science-mindset should be
1. Using Theories of Approach as the basis to apply the materials
PROFESSIONAL d. Disseminating the academic work of academic or other forms
COMPETENCE to the accredited national journal or reputable international
journal and/or the presented work or exhibited
The third research was a research journal written by Wardoyo published in 2015
entitled “The Measurement of Teacher’s Personality Competence and Performance Using
Embedded Model.” Wardoyo (2015) aimed to analyze the effect of professional
competence variables on teacher performance by using embedded model and by using ex-
post facto design. The samples of this research were 76 teachers in Malang. The research
concluded that social competence have no significant effect on teacher performance, while
pedagogic, personal and professional competences have significant effect (Wardoyo, 2015,
p. 22). Moreover, personality competence showed significant effect on the teachers’
performance (Wardoyo, 2015, p. 22).
The fourth research was a scientific journal by Adnan Hakim (Hakim, 2015). This
research aimed to analyze and determine the contribution of teacher’s four competences,
namely pedagogical, personal, professional, and social competences on the performance of
learning. This research was conducted correlation design with proportional sampling
technique. This research argued that there are significant influence between the
contributions of teacher’s four competences with the improvement of performance quality
in learning process.
The fifth research was a journal article written by Dr. Ayşegül Zıngır Gülten
entitled “Am I planning well? Teacher trainees' voices on lesson planning” (Gülten, 2013).
The research was explored the first lesson planning experience of the teacher trainees’ and
identify their reaction by using self-reflective technique. The result showed that the
challenges that was faced by the teachers were timing difficulties, problems in sequencing
and selecting activities, providing effective transitions and finding sources (Gülten, 2013,
p. 1409).
The sixth research was a journal by Deborah K. Zuercher, Jon Yoshioka, and
Stephanie Buleow. This journal entitled “Teachers as Agents of Change: Innovative
Professional Development School Partnerships in the Pacific” by using collaborative
research. This research tried to explore the teacher candidates (pre- service teacher of
University of Hawaii at Manoa Master of Education in Teaching Program (MEdT)) as the
positive agents of change in professional development school (PDS) when designing new
teacher education programs. The research revealed the challenge of working in
professional development schools (PDS) into three broad categories: Teacher Teaming,
Teacher Inclusion, and Teacher Evaluation.
The seventh research was a dissertation by Kimberly Mazaleski. The researcher
was conducted mixed method case study (SoCQ and Interview) entitled “A Study of
Teacher Specialists as Change Agents to Facilitate Educational Reform” in 2010. This
research tried to exploring how a group of teacher specialists, acting as change agents,
identified and met the needs of change adopters, the teachers, during a standards-based
science resource implementation. The research found that specialist teachers had been
succeed to be change agents for elementary teacher (change adopter) and shed light on how
educators can use teacher specialist to better design and deliver need-based professional
development to teachers for the improvement of student achievement.
The aforementioned researches from the eight previous research, it found that there
were three debate results among the previous research findings. First, in a research
conducted by the World Bank (2015) stated that teacher certification only improves the
living standard qualities of the teacher economically but in the aspect of competence, there
was not a significant improvement that was possessed by teachers. It was contrary with the
findings of Hastuti (2016) which revealed that after teachers take part in the PLPG, the
teachers were able to improve their pedagogical competencies but there is no improvement
in their professional competencies.
Second, there was a slightly debate findings between wardoyo (2015) and Hakim
(2015). Wardoyo (2015) mentioned that three of four teacher competencies have
significant effects on teacher performance, namely, pedagogical, personal, and
professional. While, social competence of teachers did not have a significant effect on
teachers’ performances. This was in contradiction with the findings of Hakim (2015)
which states that the four competencies that teachers have greatly contributed to improving
the quality of teacher performances.
Third, even though Zuercher et. al., (n.d) and Mazaleski (2010) revealed similar
result that teachers has significant role in enhancing the quality of Education through
training program but in different concepts. Zuercher et. al., (n.d) revealed that the teachers’
significant role in making the new educational program policy while Mazaleski (2010)
revealed that teachers’ significant role as teacher specialist, for instance English teacher, as
the intended adopter change agents.
Based on the previous related researches, the researcher was interested in doing the
research interrelated those topics. However, the previous researches was investigated the
teachers’ competences separately with the teacher training program in which the main
objective of teacher training program (PLPG) in Indonesia context was to improve
teachers’ competences. Therefore, this research is presented different point of view of
investigations from previous research regarding to the evaluation of teachers’
competencies. The experiences and problems experienced by teachers during teaching
before PLPG, what have they learned during the PLPG, and what did changes positive in
terms of improving teachers’ competences experienced by teachers after taking part in the
PLPG. Research methods and results will be discussed in the following chapter.
This chapter presents the method of this research. This research design is adapted
from Kirkpatricks’ training program evaluation and case study design. This following
chapter presents the design of this research, included subject of the research, data sources
and the instruments, and data analysis.
A. Design of the Research
This research employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches based on the
model of four level training evaluation proposed by Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick (2006). The
researcher used this method to seek deep exploration of the issue of this study. The four
levels namely Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and results then classified into three
conditions; Pre-training, on training, and post-program.
Figure 3.1 The design of this research (Adapted from Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006)
Figure 3.2 The qualitative design used in this study (adapted from Miles and Huberman,
1994; Creswell, 2012)
b. Quantitative Method
Quantitative method by using survey is conducted to gathering opinion of all
English teachers who attended PLPG year 2017 sixth session. The opinion included the
teaching materials that they got from PLPG, its implication, and their opinion about PLPG
in general. This design framed to investigate the research activity in Sequence Two (Figure
2. Key Informants
In qualitative design, the participant called the key informant. This is using
snowballing sampling. The entire key informant names will be kept confidential because of
research ethics. The key informant in this study is divided into three categories: the
primary key informant, the secondary key informants, and the supporting key informants.
They are as follows:
1) The primary key informants were five English teachers at senior secondary public
and/or private school who have the similar characteristics. They have graduated from
English education major (bachelor of education degree/ S. Pd) and have passed the
national examination (UTN) of PLPG in 2017. The characteristics of the primary key
informants in this study is presented in Table 3.2
Table 3.2 Characteristics of Primary Key Informants in this Research
ET-01 Male S1 English - Homeroom 12-year 77
Education Teacher of 12 IPA (2-year
5 while he
-12 IPA 1 was a
-12 IPA 2 college
-12 IPA 3 student &
-12 IPA 4 10-year
-12 IPA 5 after
-12 IPS 1 graduation
-12 IPS 2 of S.Pd)
-12 IPS 3
ET-02 Female S1 English - Staff of the 17-year 77.8
Education curriculum
- Homeroom
Teacher of 12 IPS
- 10-1
- 10-2
- 10-3
- 11 IPS 2
- 11 IPS 1
- 11 IPS 3
- 12 IPA 1
- 12 IPS 1
- 12 IPS 2
ET-03 Female S1 English - Homeroom 11 year 77.3
Education Teacher of 12 IPS
- 10 IPA 1
- 10 IPA 2
- 10 IPA 3
- 10 IPA 4
- 10 IPA 5
- 10 IPS 1
- 12 IPS 1
- 12 IPS 2
- 12 IPS 3
ET-04 Female S1 English -Homeroom 12-year 77.8
Education Teacher
-10 Electron 1
-10 Electro 2
-10 MP 3
-10 Otomotif 1
-10 Otomotif 3
-10 TKI 1
-10 TKI 3
-11 Electro 1
-11 Electro 2
-11 Otomotif 3
ET-05 Female S1 English - Vice Principal of 10-year 77.7
Education Public Relations
- 11 IPA 1
- 11 IPA 2
- 11 IPA 3
- 11 IPS 1
- 11 IPS 2
KI = Key Informant TA = Teaching Assignment
G = Gender TE = Teaching Experience
D = Degree TCT = Teacher Competence Test score
2) The secondary key informants were the students who were taught by the primary key
informants. The description of Students as secondary key informants is presented in
Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Characteristics of Secondary Key Informants in this Research
Teachers’ code Visited class for Number of open Number of open
classroom questionnaire questionnaire
observation distributed returned
ET-01 12 IPA 1 160 100
12 IPA 2
12 IPA 3
12 IPA 4
12 IPA 5
ET-02 10 A 50 29
10 B
10 C
11 IPS 1
ET-03 10 IPA 3 27 27
10 IPA 4
10 IPA 5
ET-04 10 Electro 1 79 61
10 Electro 2
ET-05 11 IPA 2 60 32
11 IPS 2
11 IPA 3
3) The supporting key informant was the vice principal of curriculum who was in
charge at the school of the primary key informant is teaching at.
D. Data Sources
The instruments of this research are determined by research design.
1. Qualitative Method
a. Researcher as the non-participant observation
The researcher acted as one of the instruments of this research due to researcher’s
participation as non-participant observation.
b. Document
There were two documents needed in this study. The first is the regulation
document of Minister of Education and Culture (MoEC), the law (UUD) of teachers, the
law (UUD) of teacher certification, and PLPG module and syllabus. This instrument used
to checking the relation with the implementation during PLPG activity. The second is the
English subject lesson plan that created by the primary key informant. The English subject
lesson plan was before and after attended PLPG. It aimed to check whether any
improvement in designing the lesson plan before and after attended PLPG.
c. Interview
This instrument used to gathering all information of English teachers’ teaching
experiences and their experiences while attended during PLPG. The interview is conducted
for five key informants of this researchand vice principle of curriculum division of the key
informants. The interview with the key informants gathered their teaching experiences of
before attending PLPG, their perception while attending PLPG, and their perception of the
PLPG training program implication on their profession as English teachers. The second
interview with vice principal gathered the information about the key informants’ characters
and their role in the school. In addition, the last interview with the students collected
information about their impressions while being taught by key informants. The outline of
semi structure interview is presented in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Content outline of semi-structure Interview
d. Field Observation
This instrument used to observe two major activities. The first was observing
PLPG activities. Researcher as non-participant observation attended the PLPG activity and
took note all the activity that was happen in PLPG. The second was the teaching and
learning activities in classroom after PLPG. This instrument is gathered by using video
tapping for one semester after they followed PLPG.
2. Quantitative Method
a. Survey
Two surveys was conducted in this research. The first survey was delivered to
English teachers who attending the PLPG session 6. The survey used to measure English
teachers’ reaction on PLPG for both online mentoring and in-class mentoring. The
indicators of questionnaire are presented in Table 3.4.
Table 3.5 Domain and Indicator of Questionnaire
No. Domain Indicator Total Number of Scale
item item
1 Teachers’ 1. Teachers expressed their 7 A1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Guttman
reaction on feeling after attending 6, 7 Scale,
PLPG 2017 PLPG Checklists
The second survey was open questionnaire in which delivered to the student. It
aimed to gather the nominal data of which investigated the students’ opinion about their
teachers’ teaching style and action in delivering the materials after the teacher attended the
PLPG and their teachers’ role in organizing the classroom.
E. Data Analysis Procedures
The data were analyzed based on the research methodology as follow:
1. Sequence One: Pre-Training and Sequence Three: Post-Training
The data analysis in sequence one and sequence three in this research was analyzed by
adapting from seven stages of data analysis (Cresswell, 2012; Sugiyono, 2012). The stages
of chronological order analysis were obtaining the data, transcribing the data, coding the
data, classifying the data, tabulating the data, interpreting the data, and drawing
a. Obtaining the Data
Obtaining the data in this research has conducted an overall field observation for
seven months. The sites of this research were one of PLPG home base in Bandung and five
school of the entire key informants.
Since September to November 2017, the researcher asked the permission of PLPG
institution to conduct the observation in PLPG as the preliminary study of this research.
Then, in December 2—13, 2017, the researcher as the instrument of this research
conducted the field observation in PLPG by non-participant observation. The technique to
gather the data was using audio recording and capture the situation by using phone camera.
In January 2018 to March 2018, the researcher conducted the field observation at
five school of the entire key informants at Cirebon regency, Bandung regency, and
Bandung City. The technique to gather the data was using audio recording, video
recording, field note taking, and collecting teachers’ document. The data that is collected
were teachers’ documents, classroom observation and interview with the entire key
b. Transcribing the Data
The transcribing the data in this research were transcribed the data into written
forms and then analyzed the written data based on the analysis technique in this research.
After obtaining the interview voice recordings and video recordings of English teachers’
teaching experience before the training and classroom observation after the training are
transcribed into an interview transcription and field-note observation sheet.
c. Coding the Data
After collecting the data and transcribed the data, then the data in this study is
reduced only the important data that is taken as this result finding. The transcription data is
reduced and is coded based on the line and the key word of theme that has appeared.
d. Classifying the Data
In this stage, the data that has coded then is classified based on themes, namely
teachers’ teaching experience (sequence one), teachers’ basic knowledge of teachers’
competences, the lesson plan, teachers’ performance, English teaching preparation, and the
need of teachers—called Level 3; Behavior. This stage aimed to make easier the researcher
to analyze and to interpret the data. The researcher to interpret the data to be a report based
on the themes
e. Tabulating the Data
The tabulating the data in this research was put the classifying the data into matrix
tables. Then, the data is displayed in matrix, figure and graphic to make the report is easy
to be understood by the readers. The tabulation data is organized based on the sequence of
this research design.
f. Interpreting the Data
The data in this research that were classified and formed into table matrix and
graphic is interpreted into the report form of descriptive text. The finding of this research
was interpreting based on the sequence of this research namely, before PLPG, whilst
PLPG, and post PLPG. The interpretation is supported by the evidences and by the verified
data of these findings.
g. Drawing Conclusion
The stage of drawing conclusion in this research aimed to wrap up the finding of
this research and highlighted the findings in the conclusion of this research based on the
questions of this research.
qualitative data were analyzed in depth regarding to the research data finding. Meanwhile
the data using the survey was analyzed based on statistical data of the data finding. The
rechecking aimed to be transparent and to avoiding the bias. Then the field observation,
questionnaire, and other evidences were conducted to synchronize the results.
iii. Transferability
Transferability refers to degree to which the results of this research can be
generalized or transferred to other contexts or settings (Sugiyono, 2012, p. 276). Hence,
the result of this research is displayed by providing detail explanation, precise and
systematic description and credible. Then the reader could decide whether the result of this
research could be implemented or not based on the other context or certain situation.
b. Audit Trial
iv. Dependability
Dependability refers to degree to which the research process repeated or replicated
in another research (Sugiyono, 2012, p. 277). Dependability test in this research is done to
audit the whole process of research. The data display is provided by evidences or field
finding. Hence, the steps of research were displayed in detail.
v. Confirmability
Confirmability in this research referred to degree of this research objectivity. If the
dependability is the audit the whole process, then the confirmability is the audit of the
results. The results is associated with the process of research. Hence, the result display
provided the systematical description based on the design of the research.
The data analysis for both interview transcription and field observation is analyzed
by adapting from four components of data analysis stages adapted from Creswell (2012)
and Sugiyono (2012). The note taking and video tapping was checked the balance of the
theme and case occurrence of the events or commonly called self-reflective manner.
2. Quantitative Method
a. Validity
The survey validated through five steps’ as follow: The first was establishing the
questionnaire. The statement and/or question is distributed after get the supervisor
checking. The third was running the pilot study (Table 3.5). The survey questionnaire of
both statement and pilot study to one English teacher who was teaching English subject in
senior secondary school and has become certified teacher and tested to the third semester
of master students of English education department. The third was used principal
component analysis to avoid the bias and error statements.
Item A1-7 and Q34-36 are tested by using content validity. Content validity referred
to the degree to which instrument fully measure the indicator (Cresswell, 2012; Sugiyono,
2012). The content of item instrument have interconnected with the indicator of instrument
and PLPG circumstances. Item S8-33 is analyzed by using the Bivarate Pearson in SPSS to
measure the validity (Table 3.6). The fourth was checking internal consistency to ensure
the consistent statement items. The last was revising the questionnaire.
Table 3.6 Validity Tests of Questionnaire Instrument Using Bivarate Pearson in SPSS
Item Number rcount rtable Status
S8 0.794 0.468 valid
S10 0.600 0.468 valid
S11 0.510 0.468 valid
S12 0.537 0.468 valid
S13 0.672 0.468 valid
S18 0.670 0.468 valid
S20 0.791 0.468 valid
S21 0.564 0.468 valid
S23 0.591 0.468 valid
S24 0.725 0.468 valid
S26 0.841 0.468 valid
S27 0.594 0.468 valid
S28 0.635 0.468 valid
S29 0.763 0.468 valid
S30 0.859 0.468 valid
S31 0.827 0.468 valid
S32 0.776 0.468 valid
S33 0.672 0.468 valid
N = 18
Based on the data in Table 3.6, there are 18 items of 26 items in which valid - S8,
10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Meanwhile, 8 items got the
rcount less than rtable (0.468). They are eight items number S9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25.
k : Item of questionnaire
: Total Varian of each item
: Total Varian of all items
Figure 3.5 Alpha Cronbatch’s α Formula (Azwar, 2001, p. 78)
b. Reliability
The researcher uses alpha Cronbatch’s α to check the reliability of the
questionnaire. The analysis process is explained in Figure 3.5 and the result is showed in
Table 3.7.
Based on the data in Table 3.7, the result of the reliability was 0.967. The result
was bigger than 0.80 (The standard of the reliability test). It means that this questionnaire
were reliable to be distributed by deleting the drop scale items.
G. Research Timeline
2017 2018
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
ry study
of thesis
National Examination
School A
School B,
C, D, E
ng Data
Coding &
ng Data
2017 2018
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
ng Data
g Thesis
This chapter presents the finding of the research and result discussion of this
research. The data finding and evidences is displayed systematically following the
methodology and its sequences. The discussion section of this research finding is displayed
to draw the bottom line of this research.
A. Research Finding
Data Description
The following research findings obtained based on data analyses sourced from
legislation official documents about teachers and teacher training program in Indonesia
context, questionnaires, lesson plan of key informants, interviews, and observations. This
research has conducted an overall field observation for seven-month since September 2017
to March 2018. The observation carried out at PLPG training program (pre-thesis for
developing the thesis proposal) and then continued with classroom observation.
Classroom observation has conducted after the PLPG 2017 training has finished.
The observation has conducted in five schools of five key informants. The identity of
schools and key informants of this research is treated confidentiality due to the ethics of
research. School name coded as School-A to School-E and key informants’ name coded as
ET-01 to ET-05. Key informants have been chosen based on their similar characteristics as
follow: (1) all key informants have passed the national examination of PLPG (UTN) in
term one; (2) they should be graduated from Strata one of English Education major; (3)
they have experienced as an English teachers for above 5-year.
The entire research activities have done as the efforts to seek answers of the
research questions. Each research question is answered based-on the method and its
1. How did English Teachers Implement Their Pedagogical Competence in Their
Teaching Activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG?
Principally, the purpose of the implementation of the PLPG program was to be
able to bridge the teachers improving their four teachers’ competencies, namely
pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional
competence. However, on the lattice of the PLPG implementation, there were only two
competencies that become the main focus on the basis of every PLPG activities, namely
pedagogical competence and professional competence. Pedagogical competence, in which
included personal competence and social competence indirectly, consists of how to
improve the quality of a teacher in terms of lesson planning, the ability of teachers as
students’ facilitator to generate students’ outcomes according to the expectation of
curriculum. While professional competence consists of the ability of teachers in mastering
the material, structure, concepts, and academic mindset that support English subjects that
they will be taught to the students. The implementation of professional competence is
discussed more deeply at the fourth point in the findings of this research.
This section provided the evidences of English teachers in implementing their
pedagogical competence before PLPG, while PLPG and post-PLPG.
Basically, the implementation of pedagogical competence of English teachers can
be seen from the teachers preparing the annual program, semester program, designing the
lesson plan, and continued on how the teacher apply those in the class condition and on
how did they evaluate the success of learning that he/she designed. By means of mastering
pedagogical competence was a very basic and important thing that a teacher should have in
carrying out his responsibilities as a facilitator for his students can develop the potential of
their English skills. The mastery of pedagogical competence considered as a benchmark of
successful learning and teaching in the classroom.
i. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence before PLPG
At the time the researcher did the observation, the researcher collected the
document related to preparation of teaching and learning that was prepared by the key
informants. The document obtained in the form of lesson plan for one semester in the
current year and the lesson plan that they composed while attending the lesson plan
workshop of PLPG. Furthermore, researcher interviewed them about the preparation
process that they were doing before teaching in the classroom. The intended process is
included on teaching activities before and after they attended PLPG.
At that moment, the researcher has observed in School-A, the researcher did not
collect the annual and semester program of ET-01. Fortunately, researcher has collected
ET-01’s lesson plan before PLPG and the lesson plan that ET-01 used in peer-teaching test
on PLPG. In designing the lesson plan before PLPG, ET-01 provided the standard
competence based on the syllabus of KTSP, stands for school-based curriculum, which
was applied at ET-01’s teaching class of 12. The basic competences and the indicators
were referring to the syllabus. In ET-01 lesson plan, for instance the topic of review text,
ET-01 mentioned the teaching method and approach based student-centered. In the text
materials, ET-01 mentioned an example of short-text in lesson plan of standard
competence number 10. Unfortunately, the text did not provide explicitly the genre of text
example in detail. The text example was taken from the English textbook. In the lesson
plan, the evaluation of students’ outcomes is not holistic because, in the lesson plan, ET-01
is only assessed the students’ understanding of the materials. The elements of students’
attitude, for instance religious, social attitude and other aspects are not shown on the
assessment indicators.
The researcher asked ET-01 whether ET-01 found difficulty in the
implementation. ET-01 mentioned that the difficulty in preparing the lesson plan was
balancing the expectation of curriculum with ET-01’s students’ condition. As ET-01
“Kebetulan untuk mengajar didaerah itu saya rasa lebih banyak emm... kerja
kerasnya. Soalnya disatu sisi kita harus merampungkan SKKD, disisi lain
kemampuan siswa masih jauh dari apa yang harus dirampungkan itu. Karena
kalau dari (kemampuan bahasa Inggris) SMP nya juga untuk ke SMA itu
memang kurang terutama masalah vocabulary nya. Jadi ada upaya tambahan
dalam meningkatkan SKKD itu apa yang kita upayakan itu bisa nyambung
dan bisa menuntaskan apa yang akan diajarkan itu sesuai SKKD.”
(Data sourced code: INT-A/ET-01-007 to ET-01-017; see appendix 3)
[By any chance, to be a teacher in my region, I have to do more effort to teach
English. At some point we should complete the target learning (SKKD), but
the other point the students’ competences still too far to reach the target.
Because since they were in junior high school until now (senior high school),
they lacked of English proficiency especially in English vocabulary
proficiency. So there will need extra effort to enhance their learning
achievement that what we have effort for could bring the interconnection
between a teacher and students and completed what we should be completed
based on the Standard competence and based competence (SKKD)].
ET-01 mentioned the projector as a tool of teaching but in the implementation, ET-
01 did not use it as a tool. ET-01 used a black board instead of projector because of lack of
facility in School-A.
An open poll was conducted on some students taught by ET-01, there were various
impressions. When asked about the learning process before ET-01 followed the PLPG,
students argued that in the implementation, ET-01 teaches well but tends to textual
teaching. The study references that used still refer to the English textbook. Therefore, it
makes teaching seem less fun and monotonous as expressed STD-40 said:
“..Cara mengajar sedikit membosankan, acuan belajar monoton (hanya buku
cetak). Secara penguasaan materi bagus, saran hanya penyampaiannya lebih
asik dalam mengajar. Lebih ngajak anak untuk antusias belajar bahasa
Inggris. Tunjukan bahwa bahasa Inggris menyenangkan.”
(Data source code: SR-A02/STD-40; See appendix 8).
[The way of teaching is a little boring. The learning reference is monotonous
based on the English textbook. The mastery of English materials is good. Just
be more fun in teaching, invited us to be more enthusiastically learning
English. Show us that learning English is fun.]
Another case has found ET-02 in School-B. ET-02 provided the standard
competence based on the syllabus of 2013 curriculum. ET-02 also provided the
achievement indicators and cultural and character value in ET-02’s lesson plan based on
the 2013 curriculum. Unfortunately, ET-02 used three-phase technique for instance in the
topic of descriptive text, basic competence number 8.1. ET-02 mentioned the technique but
ET-02 did not explain about the implementation of three-phase technique in detail. In
addition, no reference of the materials’ sources or website address found in the lesson plan
in which ET-02 downloaded the additional content of materials such as the pictures.
The researcher asked ET-02 about the designing lesson plan before PLPG, ET-02
mentioned that ET-02 adapted from the lesson plan format available on the internet. As
ET-02 said that:
“Biasanya, suka ngambil dari Internet. Paling ya dilihat ..ehm… ada
beberapa hal yang harus dibikin, yang ngga sesuai dengan disini dan
kemampuan anak-anak. Kadang ngambil materi-materi teh yang ini anak-
anak bakal ngerti, kalau misalnya anak-anak ‘ini bakal susah, rada agak
dipermudah gitu’.”
(Data sourced code: INT-B/ET-02-162 to ET-02-166; See appendix 2)
[Usually, I took from the Internet. But I just saw it. There were some aspects
that must be designed by myself in accordance with the requirement of
School-B standard and the students’ skills. Sometimes I downloaded the
materials that these students will understand. If the students supposed to be
understood as I wondered 'this would be difficult, so I lowered the level of
material difficulty for the lower achiever.]
In line with the effort of ET-02, when the researcher asked the students’ opinions
regarding the ET-02 teaching style before the PLPG, the students who are taught by ET-02
responded with the variant response and the majority expressed positive reaction about
their teachers. As one of ET-02’s student pointed out that:
“Gaya mengajar miss ET-02 sangat zaman now, karena miss ET-02 mengajar
dengan sabar dan seru.”
(Data source code: SR-B01/STD-10; See appendix 9)
[The teaching style of miss ET-02 is very up to date, because miss ET-02
teaches us patiently and excitingly.]
In ET-03’s case, the lesson plan provided the core competence based on the 2013
curriculum, and the indicator of learning activity based on the characters of 2013
curriculum, namely, sikap spiritual (spiritual attitude), sikap sosial (social attitude),
pengetahuan (knowledge), and penerapan (application). The learning approach that is used
by ET-03 was group discussion, individual and group assignment. In the application of the
learning, ET-03 referred to the 2013 curriculum steps, namely, observing, questioning,
exploring, associating, and communicating. Nevertheless, ET-03 did not provide the
sources of the materials. ET-03 only mentioned the title of an English book, teaching tool
materials, and magazines with no title. There was no bibliography of book based on APA/
MLA format.
In addition, while being asked about the designing lesson plan before PLPG, ET-
03 provided the lesson plan by revising the previous version of ET-03’s lesson plan. It is
revised by adjusting the previous curriculum materials with the current curriculum of 2013.
As ET-03 stated that:
“…dulu si sempet bikin, sekarang karna kurikulum 2013 masih awam yah,
terlalu banyak materinya gitu, terlalu banyak point point nya. Tapi kalau
waktu pas pertama ngajar mah waktu tahun 2010-2011 mah bikin sampe ke
PROTA, PROMES nya bikin sendiri dan RPP nya itu lebih simple, cuma
selembar atau dua lembar. Sekarang kan satu RPP bisa hampir 10 lembar
gitu, jadi kalau kita dituntut suruh ngumpulin ‘udah.. copy paste aja yang ada,
diedit-edit sedikit gitu.’ Soalnya kalau bikin, lama kan. Jadi yang ada aja
diperbaiki, dibuang yang ngga pentingnya.”
(Data source code: INT-C/ET-03-146 to ET-03-155; See appendix 5).
[…At the first, I made by myself. Then, because the curriculum 2013 is still
not familiar well, too much material, too many points. Nevertheless, in the
year 2010-2011, I made it the annual program, its semester program and its
simple lesson plan, just a sheet or two. Now, I realized that one lesson plan
could be almost 10 sheets so if we are required to collect 'just…copy and paste
from the existing lesson plan, edited a little bit.' If I made it from the
beginning, it takes time. So I revised and discarded that does not need in the
lesson plan.]
When the researcher asked about any difficulties encountered in implementing the
teaching plan with the class situation, ET-03 faced difficulties to display the material by
attracting and attracted to students because of the lack of school facilities that can support.
If ET-03 wants to display a picture, ET-03 cannot display on the slides show due to
projector limitations, as ET-03 attempts to photocopy an image of the materials and then
assigns it to the student. However, this requires extra costs while his income as a teacher
cannot cover all the financing in the classroom. ET-03 also responded that motivating
students to participate in the teaching and learning process required extra effort. Lack of
students’ confidence makes students think that English is difficult. As ET-03 discloses
“Mereka suka pesimis duluan jadi ‘ah meni apa si bahasa Inggris, ngga
ngerti ngga ngerti gitu, ngga bisa, ngga bisa’. Jadi kalau awalnya begitu
susah buat ngajarinnya gitu. Itu banyak setiap kelas pasti ada. Tapi mayoritas
(siswa) mah ngikutin aja. Kalau yang minoritas mah ya ‘apa si bahasa
Inggris, susah gitu ngomongnya juga ngga bisa’ tapi ya sebagian kecil lah.”
(Data source code: INT-C/ET-03-022 to ET-03-028; See appendix 5).
[They often felt pessimistic at the beginning of learning activities, such as
'what the English is? I do not understand, I do not understand, I cannot, I
cannot'. If they felt it from the beginning, it is hard to teach English. The
similar case has found in every class. However, the majority (of students)
followed my instruction to write the materials. But a few students felt that
'what the English is? It is hard to speak (English) and I cannot' in a small
amount of students.]
The researcher asked the students’ opinions regarding the ET-03 teaching style
before the PLPG, the students who are taught by ET-03 responded with the variant
response and the majority expressed positive reaction about their teachers. As one of ET-
03’s students stated:
“Mudah dipahami, selalu menjelaskan dengan detail. Menjelaskan materi
dahulu setelah itu mengerjakan soal”
(Data source code: SR-C01/STD-03; See appendix 10)
[It is easy to be understood, always explain in detail. Explain the material first
and after that do the exercises.]
Similar with ET-03, ET-04 provided the standard competence based on the
syllabus of 2013 curriculum. ET-03 also provided the achievement indicators and cultural
and character value in ET-03’s lesson plan based on the 2013 curriculum. However, in ET-
04’s lesson plan before PLPG, ET-04 did not provide the references of materials. There
was no reference of the materials and the sources of website address that was used in
downloading the media that supported the learning activity.
The researcher asked ET-04 about the designing lesson plan before PLPG, ET-04
explained that:
“Ehm.. kalau lesson plan sebetulnya kalau saya ya bukan berarti mencoba
sempurna atau apa, pada saat copy paste sebetulnya kita kebingungan gitu
ya. Kita ngga tau mau ngapain dikelas tapi juga kalau mau terlalu
mengerjakan sendiri dari awal juga kita benturannya dengan waktu. Kaya
misalnya ada satu guru ditiga tingkat yang diajar gitu kan. Tingkat 1,
tingkat 2, tingkat 3 dan itu ngga mungkin tercover selama beberapa bulan
gitu ya. Kalau misalnya kita dibulan juli awal tahun itu kan biasanya kita
IHT kalau di sini. Itu tidak akan terkejar gitu. Tapi yang suka kami
diskusikan di sini adalah kita biasanya share tapi kemudian revise jadi
adaptasi. Jadi kita mungkin kalaau udah punya yang sebelumnya kita
tinggal revisi bagian-bagian mana. Bahkan satu guru dengan guru yang
lainnya pun mungkin berbeda topiknya kan karna siswanya juga berbeda,
provided in the lesson plan. English teachers were guided until the lesson plan has finished
and ready to be implemented on the peer-teaching test.
The PLPG materials were complex yet it was important to be learned by the
English teachers. Therefore, the English teachers in the sixth-session of offline mentoring
was given a questionnaire related the PLPG materials. The researcher asked the English
teachers’ about their self-reflection on their pedagogic competence and the result is
described in Figure 4.1. The rest of questionnaire result is discussed in the discussion
should be well-organized because some of the materials are written and organized in a
bad way.’
There were 33% answered fair because the problem was not about the materials
but the role of their mentors. R-014 said ‘The mentor should be more active because my
mentor never answered the participants' questions. There was no discussion or WA Group
at all’ or the case that R-023 needed the feedback from the mentor as suggested that
‘comment or feedback from the tutor regularly after sending the assignment.’
There were 41% answered agree with the statement and 7% strongly agree with
the statement. As R-026 mentioned ‘that is good but the mentor must give some advises or
comments for the report but the mentor always reminded to collect the report, that's good.’
Statement 9: I found the subject matter related to my work duty and requirements.
There were 4% did not agree with the statement because there was an English
teacher who was taught at a school that was using international curriculum other than 2013
curriculum. The subject matter of PLPG was lined with 2013 curriculum. 15% answered
fair. R-019 argued that PLPG was ‘knowledge refreshment’. 67% answered agree and 15%
answered strongly agree.
Statement 10: I submit my reports in time.
There are 4% did not agree with the statement. It assumed that a few of teachers
submitted the PLPG assignment in an over time. 19% answered fair. 37% agreed with the
statement and 41 % strongly agreed with the statement. It assumed that 41% English
teachers in sixth-session were submitted the report assignment in time.
Statement 12: The training meets my expectations.
There were 7% did not agree with the statements. It assumed that 7% English
teachers in sixth-session did not satisfy with the training. 15% felt fair and 52% agreed
with the statement. 22% R-003 stated ‘I enjoy almost all sessions in offline class. The
lecturers, the materials, the classroom, the foods served, and everything’. Further, the
offline mentoring session improves me much.’ And 22% strongly agreed with the
statement. It means that 22% English teachers were very satisfied with the PLPG 2017
As R-15 said ‘…. this PLPG runs well. I am satisfied with all of the mentors and
the way they give or teach the materials.’
Statement 13: The training relevant to my teaching circumstances.
There were 4% did not agree with the statement. 19% answered fair with the
statement. 59% agreed with the statement. It assumed that 59% English teachers in sixth-
session claimed that the training materials were appropriated with their needs in their
profession as English teachers. 19% answered strongly agree with the statement.
Statement 20: After training, my pedagogical competence is improved.
There were 4% did not agree with the statement. It assumed that 4% English
teachers felt that their pedagogical competence did not improve after PLPG. 11% answered
fair. 44% agreed with the statement. It assumed that 41% English teachers felt their
pedagogical competence was improved. And 41% strongly agreed with the statement. It
means that 41% have faith with themselves that their pedagogical competence was
improved. As R-18 stated that PLPG means for R-18 ‘to encourage and develop my
professional and pedagogical competence.’
Based on the investigation, it can be concluded that the training materials were
needed by the teachers to enhance their pedagogical competence. Despite in practice,
online mentoring has many obstacles and shortcomings such as learning commitments
between tutors and teachers for actively participating in the forum. These shortcomings can
be aided by offline mentoring that is perceived to contribute more in the teacher's
understanding in the PLPG training. Interrelated with the problem that faced by English
teachers before PLPG in the pedagogic field, by observing the materials and PLPG’s
lattice, this program has answered the English teachers’ dilemma in this circumstances.
Whether it was effective or not for English teachers implemented their knowledge from
PLPG can be seen from their behavior after the training while they taught in the classroom.
Hence, classroom observation is needed to clarify the behavioral changes and the outcomes
of PLPG training at English teachers’ school.
iii. The Implementation of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence Post-PLPG
These following findings are gathered by analyzing the lesson plan of key
informants before following PLPG and the lesson plan post PLPG. This section covered
three aspects: First, the lesson plan included the formulating the learning target, learning
materials, learning methods, learning media references, learning activity process, and
assessment and evaluation; second, the conformity between learning activity process that
designed in the lesson plan and the classroom observation evidence; third, their expectation
of PLPG regarding of their problem faced before PLPG.
a) Lesson Plan Contents
At the time of PLPG training, teachers were asked to develop a lesson plan in
accordance with the applicable curriculum in the 2013 curriculum and according to the
mentor's guidance at the workshop session of the lesson plan. Teachers, who use the
curriculum of KTSP before, are required to be able to make lesson plan with the
curriculum reference 2013. In the investigation found three teachers who previously used
the curriculum KTSP (standard competence and basic competence) to use the curriculum
2013. Hence, this investigation is done to see the positive changes that occurs in the
development of lesson plans before the PLPG and after the PLPG.
The Investigation is done by analyzing the six basis points in the lesson plan. The
points are as follow: 1) target learning designed by the teacher; 2) learning material
explanation including props and books used; 3) learning method including technique and
approach; 4) reference material in accordance with the APA / MLA style; 5) learning
activity process (opening, core activity, closing); 6) assessment and evaluation designed by
teachers to measure the achievement of learning mastery.
The investigation found that the English teachers as this research key informant
have improved for the quality of lesson plan based on the guidance of the current
curriculum. As the evidence, the improvement is described based on the points as follow.
The first teacher that has been investigated is ET-01. On the first point is target-
learning design. Before attending PLPG, ET-01 provided only one learning target and
formulated the learning target based on the KTSP curriculum for review text English
materials. Meanwhile, after attending PLPG, ET-01 formulated the learning target based
on 2013 curriculum: asking and giving advice regarding to the social function for the
asking and giving information materials. The improvement can be seen on Figure 4.2. ET-
01 changed his attitude to implement the 2013 curriculum as the foundation of his lesson
plan of English teaching.
Second point was learning material providing. On the lesson plan before PLPG,
ET-01 provided only the genre text that will be taught. The major improvement has found
in the ET-01’s lesson plan after PLPG. ET-01 provided the material in the lesson plan not
only the genre of text but also the detail interpretation of the text that is consist of social
function, generic structure, and language feature. Moreover, ET-01 also provided the script
of dialog in the lesson plan attachment. The evidence is displayed in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 The improvement evidence of ET-01 designing the lesson plan
The third point was the method used to teach the materials in teaching and learning
activity. On the lesson plan before PLPG, ET-01 used student-centered approach and
exposition-discovery learning. ET-01 used demonstration as the method of learning. On
the lesson plan after PLPG revealed that ET-01 used genre based approach as the method.
Providing the reference of materials, ET-01 provided the learning sources based on the
MLA format for both lesson plan before and after PLPG.
The fifth point was the learning activities planning. The learning activities are
divided into three section, namely opening, core activity, closing. ET-01 used the
exploration, elaboration, and confirmation as the core activity of learning. The learning
activities are divided into three section; opening, core activity, closing. ET-01 used the
object such as pen as a demonstration of a review. The ET-04 was using 5 cycle of
scientific approach as the steps in core activity.
The last point was assessment and evaluation. Before PLPG, ET-01 did not
provide the kind of assessment. ET-02 only provided the written and multiple-choice test.
However, in the lesson plan after PLPG, ET-01 provided spiritual and social assessment,
knowledge assessment by rubric assessment. ET-01 used the holistic assessment in the
lesson plan.
The result of investigation of ET-01’s lesson plan before and after PLPG found
that there were four positive changes on the lesson plan. The first is the curriculum
upgrade from KTSP curriculum to the 2013 curriculum as the guidance of the lesson plan.
The second is the designing detail interpretation of materials that is taught. Not only kind
of materials, but also the content of materials has provided in the lesson plan that has
designed after PLPG. The third is clear steps of teaching and learning activity. For
instance, in teaching the review text ET-01 used 5-cycle of scientific approach of 2013
curriculum namely observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and
communicating. The fourth was ET-01 used the holistic evaluation as the learning
evaluation. It means that ET-01 not only evaluated the students’ understanding about the
materials but students’ spiritual attitude and social attitude as well. To evaluate whether the
teaching and learning activity achieved the target learning and curriculum expectation, ET-
01 evaluated students’ understanding of the materials and students’ maturity in cultural
understanding that is found in the learning materials with their culture in Indonesia. In
other words, students adjusted the content of English materials with their culture and
practiced the English materials in their daily activity or not.
The second English teacher that has been investigated is ET-02. On the first point,
before PLPG, ET-02 formulated the learning target based on the KTSP curriculum:
identified and responded for the materials of asking and offering advice. While after
attending PLPG, ET-02 formulated the learning target based on 2013 curriculum: asking
and giving advice regarding to the social function for giving advice materials. The
improvement can be seen on Figure 4.3. Secondly, ET-02 provided the materials in the
lesson plan the example of asking and giving advice. ET-02 provided the materials in the
lesson plan consist of social function, generic structure of the text, language feature and the
dialog example.
Before PLPG After PLPG
Figure 4.3 The improvement evidence of ET-02 designing the target learning
For the teaching technique, on the lesson plan before PLPG, ET-02 used the 2
cycles 4 stages namely building knowledge of field (later on BKoF), modeling of text
(later on MoT), joint construction of text (later on JCoT), independent construction (later
on IC) of text as the teaching technique. Et-02 used the genre based approach (GBA) and
teamwork technique and board games as the media. In providing the learning sources, ET-
02 provided the learning sources only the title of English textbook and its year publication
with no references in APA format. In addition, no website source found in the lesson plan
before attending PLPG in which ET-02 downloaded the materials. After attending PLPG,
on the lesson plan, ET-02 provided the learning sources of the title of English book and the
website references. Even though not in APA format, but the references are in detail
Fifth point was teaching and learning activity plan. On the lesson plan before
PLPG, ET-02 divided the stages of BKoF, MoT, JC, and IC into two meetings with no
time explanation in each step of learning activity. The materials are textual context.
Meanwhile after attending PLPG, ET-02 provided the four stages in one meeting consist of
2-hour meeting. The materials demonstrated with the real life situation by using board
game as the tool of teaching and learning activity.
The last point was the assessment. On the lesson plan before PLPG, ET-02 did not
provide the kind of assessment. ET-02 provided the written, spoken, and performance test.
The performance test was measured by using the scoring mark based on the response of the
students in the learning process. The improvement in assessing the learning activity has
found on the lesson plan after PLPG, ET-02 provided the performance assessment with the
criteria of pronunciation, fluent, and linguistic aspects. The criteria assessed by using the
level of low, good, and very good performance. The evidence is presented in Figure 4.4.
The result investigation of ET-02’s lesson plan before and after PLPG found that
there were three positive changes on the lesson plan. The first is similar with ET-01 cases
that upgraded the curriculum from KTSP curriculum to the 2013 curriculum as the
guidance of the lesson plan. The second was ET-02 elaborated the English teaching
materials in detail explanation. Then, ET-02 designed the materials connected with the real
life situation of the students, for instance using board game in which is favorable for the
students. The last is ET-02 evaluated the students’ target learning achievement more
comprehensive than the lesson plan designed before attending PLPG. ET-02 using the rate
level of low, good, and very good speaking performance in regards with the giving advice
materials to assess students’ understanding and learning achievement.
The third investigation was ET-03’s lesson plan. On the first point, before PLPG,
ET-03 formulated the learning target based on the characters of 2013 curriculum; spiritual
attitude, social attitude, knowledge, and application for the topic material of recount text.
Meanwhile after attending PLPG, ET-03 formulated the learning target based on the
characters of 2013 curriculum; knowledge and skills in composing the explanation text
materials. The differences can be seen on Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5 The improvement evidence of ET-03 designing the target learning
The second point was learning materials. For both lesson plan before and after
attending PLPG, The ET-03 provided the materials in the lesson plan consists of social
function, generic structure, and language feature in detail in the body of lesson plan and in
the attachment of the lesson plan. Then for the approach, ET-03 provided the listening,
group discussion and role-play in the lesson plan before attending PLPG. While after
attending PLPG, ET-03 used scientific approach and 5 cycles of scientific approach
namely observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating. As the
material resources, ET-03 provided the learning sources in the lesson plan before attending
PLPG only the title of English textbook and its year publication with no references in APA
format and no website sources in which ET-03 downloaded the materials. After attending
PLPG, ET-03 provided the learning sources of the title of English book and the website
references in which ET-03 downloaded the book and its pages. Even though not in APA
format, but the references are quietly detailed.
The fifth point was designing the learning activity. Before attending PLPG, the
learning activity design is divided into three section; opening, core activity, closing. ET-03
was using 5 cycle of scientific approach as the steps in core activity. ET-03 associated the
biography of famous artists with the materials. The upgrading is found in the lesson plan
after PLPG. The learning activities are divided into three section; opening, core activity,
closing. Not only did the teacher use 5-cycle of scientific approach but connected real life
condition of Indonesia to connect the materials as well. The last point, for assessing the
achievement of target learning, ET-03 provided spiritual and social assessment as the
formative assessment, knowledge, and skill for both lesson plans after and before PLPG.
The result investigation of ET-03’s lesson plan before and after PLPG found that
there two positive changes on the lesson plan. The first is clearer planning of teaching and
learning activity steps by using 5-cycle of scientific approach as core activity proposed by
2013 curriculum. The second is the awareness of providing the material resources by using
detail information of the reference citation.
The fourth investigation was ET-04’s lesson plan before and after attending PLPG.
Before attending PLPG, ET-04 formulated the learning target based on the characters of
2013-curriculum: personal and social attitude. While after PLPG, ET-04 formulated the
learning target based on the indicator number 3.3.1 to 3.3.4 and team building in
composing the showing intention conversation. The evidence is presented on Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 The evidence of ET-04 designing the target learning
On the lesson plan before PLPG, ET-04 provided the materials in the lesson plan
only the tenses interpretation that used in the learning materials of showing intentions.
Whereas, in the lesson plan that designed after PLPG, ET-04 provided the materials not
only the tenses but also social function of its expression, generic structure, intention
expression, linguistic aspects, and the model text example of expressing intentions or
plans. To teach the materials, ET-04 used scientific approach, discovery-learning model,
and lecture and Q&A method on the design of lesson plan before attending PLPG.
Meanwhile, in the lesson plan after PLPG, ET-04 used scientific approach and 5 cycles of
scientific approach of 2013 curriculum namely observing, questioning, associating,
experimenting, and communicating. To support the teaching and learning activity, ET-04
provided the learning sources only the title of English textbook, dictionary, power point,
videos, and internet with no references in APA format and the learning media for instance
computer, projector and other stuff in the lesson plan before attending PLPG. While after
attending PLPG, ET-04 provided the learning sources of the title of English book and the
website references in which ET-04 downloaded the book and its pages. Even though not in
APA format, but the references are in detail explanation.
The fifth point was the teaching and learning activity plan. Before attending
PLPG, ET-04 planned the learning activities by divided into three sections: opening, core
activity, closing. ET-04 was using 5 cycle of scientific approach as the steps in core
activity. The activities were question and answer by composing the conversation of
positive, negative and interrogative sentences. While on the lesson plan after PLPG, ET-04
planned the similar steps with the lesson plan before PLPG and in addition ET-04
connected real life need of English use in communication. The ET-04 was using 5 cycle of
scientific approach as the steps in core activity. ET-04 was using board race game as the
media of teaching activity related with the future tense in using the expression of
The last point was assessment and evaluation. On the lesson plan before PLPG,
ET-04 did not provided the kind of assessment and only provided the spoken and written
technique as the assessment. ET-04 assesses the students’ attitude score based on 2013
curriculum characters and knowledge assessment. In addition, on the lesson plan after
PLPG, ET-04 provided the formative assessment. ET-04 assesses not only students’
knowledge but also the spiritual characters by integrating with the religion teacher,
attitude, and knowledge. ET-04 also provided the remedial test and enrichment for those
who did not achieve the KKM (grade minimal). In other words, ET-04 used the holistic
assessment. The evidence is presented in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7 The evidence of ET-04 material resources and assessment design
(on the next page)
The result investigation of ET-04’s lesson plan before and after PLPG found that
there were two positive changes on the lesson plan. The first is the awareness of providing
the material resources by using detail information of the reference citation. The second is
The ET-04 evaluated the students’ target learning achievement more holistic than the
lesson plan designed before attending PLPG. In addition, ET-04 is integrated with the
religion teachers to evaluate students’ spiritual attitude for one semester and forth. ET-04
also provided the remedial test and enrichment for those who did not achieve the KKM
(grade minimal). Hence, positive changes illustrated on the lesson plans that have been
The different case has found in the last English teacher’s lesson plan. Despite other
teachers, ET-05’s lesson plan for both before and post-PLPG have little differences in
between. ET-05 formulated the learning target based on the indicators namely explaining,
discussing, and writing for both before and post-PLPG. It can be seen in Figure 4.8.
In providing the materials interpretation, for both before attending PLPG and after
attending PLPG, ET-05 provided the materials in the lesson plan consist of social function,
generic structure, and narrative text example in detail. ET-05 used scientific approach,
lecture and Q&A approach in both lesson plan. To support the teaching and learning
activity, ET-05 provided the learning sources only the title of English textbook, dictionary,
and internet with no references in APA format and provided the learning media for
instance computer, projector and other stuff. The learning activities are divided into three
section; opening, core activity, closing. There is no time explanation in each step of
learning activity. The material design in the lesson plan is textual context for both lesson
plans before PLPG and after PLPG.
As the assessment, on the lesson plan before attending PLPG, ET-05 provided
spiritual attitude, social attitude and skill assessments based on the KTSP indicators. While
on the lesson plan after attending PLPG, ET-05 provided the attitude assessment by using
observation based on the characters of 2013 characters, namely, honest, discipline,
responsible, care, noble, and responsive. ET-05 also provided the skill assessment by using
written test based on the writing aspects, namely content, topic, sentence structure and
coherence, complexity, neatness. In other words, the upgrade technique in assess the target
learning achievement has found after attending PLPG. The assessment is more
comprehensive than the assessment design before attending PLPG.
The result investigation of ET-05’s lesson plan before and after PLPG revealed
that even though little changes in designing the lesson plan before and after PLPG but the
investigation also found a positive change on designing the lesson plan. The assessment
design in measure the success of teaching and learning activity is more comprehensive.
Not only did the students’ knowledge that are assessed, but the characters of students’
attitude are assessed as well as according to the 2013 curriculum.
Based on the lesson plan document investigation, it concluded that the
investigation found that there are positive improvements regarding with the designing of
lesson plan before PLPG and post-PLPG on four lesson plans of four teachers (ET-01 to
ET-04) while one lesson plan of ET-05 has similar content from before PLPG and post-
PLPG. In other words, the majority of teachers have implemented the knowledge of
designing lesson plan from the training into their teaching assignment.
The behavioral changes of English teachers’ lesson plan can be seen at the
teaching performance after PLPG. Thus, the conformity between lesson plan and teachers’
performances is presented in the following section.
b) The Conformity between Learning Activity Process that Designed in the Lesson
Plan and English Teachers’ Teaching Performances
The purpose of designing a lesson plan before the teaching process was made it
easier for the teacher to plan the teaching process from opening, core learning and closing
learning in the learning activities in order to the learning activities are on the track. This
section will discuss the conformity of lesson plans that teachers have designed before
teaching and its implementation in the classroom. This investigation is conducted by
collecting data from classroom observations and polls conducted on the students. These
research activities held four to five months after the teachers attending the PLPG training.
All of the data summarized in Table 4.2 below.
English Teachers
ET-01 ET-02 ET-03 ET-04 ET-05
invited al tools such asked the condition engage with
the as projector students' ET-04 the
students as the to open invited the materials by
to engage teaching English students to asking the
with the tools textbook engage with students
materials ET-02 and the materials about their
by asking provided discussed by asking the opinion of
the the video the students the
students and slides materials about their materials
about show of with their opinion of ET-05 used
their materials peer- the materials the
opinion of The friend ET-04 used technologic
the learning ET-03 did the al tools such
materials activities not technological as projector
ET-01 did have provide tools such as as the
not conducted the slide projector as teaching
provide in form of of the teaching tools
the slide pair work or materials tools ET-05
of work group The ET-04 provided
materials discussion learning provided the the video
The activities video and and slides
learning have slides show show of
activities conducted of materials materials
have in form of The learning ET-05
conducted pair work activities provided
in form of or work have the facility
work group conducted in of asking
group discussio form of work the
discussio n group difficulty
n discussion words that
and pair have found
group on the
discussion materials
Closing ET-01 ET-03 closed ET-03 ET-04 closed ET-05 closed
closed the the class by closed the the class by the class by
class by the class by summarizing the
the greetings the the materials, greetings
greetings greetings giving the
for the
students and
Learning activities in the classroom are divided into three steps, namely opening,
core activity, and closing. The example evidence of English teachers’ teaching
performance will describe in the following section.
a. Opening Activities
The opening activity is also called the apperception activity. The aim of this step
was to build students’ motivation and interests in learning the activity. According to the
2013 curriculum, there are at least three activities in this step. The activities are greetings,
checking the attendances, and delivering the goals of learning activities. The way of
sending the goals of learning can be varied according to teachers’ creativity in engage
students’ participation. This step is important to engage students participated the learning
together to create the learning activity more fun and attractive.
The investigation found that three of five English teachers –ET-01, ET-03, and
ET-05– started the teaching and learning activity by the greeting the students and praying
and always checking the attendances. They gained the students’ attention by questioning
the previous materials and connected the materials with the materials that will be taught.
Nevertheless, the goals of learning and the indicator of learning did not delivered clearly.
Different cases found in ET-02. In the first hour (school program) of teaching
activity, the students recited the holly Quran and sang the Indonesia anthem as presented in
Figure 4.2. The activity aimed to enhance the students’ nationalism through anthem.
Before the ceremony, ET-02 greeted the students.
Figure 4.10 ET-04’s English class recited the several verses of Quran before study
Figure 4.11 ET-04’s English class has literacy session before study in every the
first hour of school
The next activity was checking students’ attendances. ET-04 connected the
previous materials with the materials that will be taught. ET-04 also delivers the goals of
learning clearly. In addition, the system of classroom is moving class in which the teacher
has her own class, for instance English classroom, and the students should come to the
class to study the English. As soon as the class dismissed, the students will be gone out to
the other subject calls.
From the investigation showed that all English teachers greeted the students,
prayed together, and checked the attendances before learning activities. Nevertheless not
all teachers delivered the goals of learning target precisely based on the indicator of
learning. Only one teacher who has delivered the target learning based on the indicator of
saya praktikkan didalam kelas tidak seperti yang saya praktek disana (ketika
peer-teaching) gitu. Jadi, pertanyaan (saya) terjawab, tetapi ketika saya
implementasikan ada gap yang lumayan jauh ya dari apa yang saya praktikan
disana (waktu PLPG) dengan yang disini (sekolah) dalam pengimplementasian
saja. Jadi apa yang sudah terjawab tadi (problem) kira-kira mungkin terhalang
pada implementasi (dikelas).”
(Data source code: INT-A/ET-01-024 to ET-01-032; See appendix 3).
[There were several problems that I got the answer from PLPG. I could
implement the knowledge (Method and technique) while I were conducted the
peer-teaching session. Unfortunately, it does not work in my real classroom. In
other words, I got what I need to solve my problem in teaching, but when I
implemented it in my classroom, I felt that there were plenty of gaps between
them [peer-teaching implementation and real classroom implementation]. It is the
matter of implementation.]
Thus, the investigation showed that the innovative teaching is a major problem
faced by ET-01. This problem still unsolved even though post-PLPG. ET-01 claimed that
ET-01 needed more time to learn more about creating the innovation of teaching to attract
ET-01’s students.
The second cases investigated in ET-02 English class. Consistency, ET-02 started
the core learning activity by connecting the learning materials with the previous learning in
the previous meeting. In addition, ET-02 gave the examples in the real life condition as
well. To support the teaching and learning activity, ET-02 used the technological tools, for
instance projector, as the teaching tools by providing the video and/or slides show of
materials to attract the students. As presented in teaching congratulate expression in Figure
4.14 and Figure 4.15.
with their peer. Then, the students discussed the text together with the teacher as illustrated
in Figure 4.16.
The fourth investigation was at the ET-04 English classroom. The example of
English teacher’s evidence is about teaching and learning a recount text. To engage the
students with the material, ET-04 showed the slide of the materials and said, ‘this is what
we are going to talk about. [pointing the slide]. It is about recount text’. The evidence
illustrated in figure 4.18.
The learning activities have conducted in form of work group discussion and pair
group discussion.
The last investigation was ET-05’s English class. The example of evidence was
English session of hortatory exposition. Similar with other English teachers, ET-05 taught
the learning materials by giving the examples in the real life condition. In this case, ET-05
gave the example of Aviar virus or bird influenza. ET-05 invited the students to engage
with the materials by asking the students about their opinion of the materials. To support
the teaching activity, ET-05 used the technological tools such as projector as the teaching
tools. ET-05 provided the video and slides show of materials as illustrated in figure 4.19.
In the figure 4.19, ET-05 integrated biology materials with English materials, for instance
the video show about H5 N1 virus and hortatory exposition text about the virus.
Figure 4.19 ET-05 gave the video to build the basic knowledge (BKoF) of students
In the middle of video, ET-05 paused the video and asked the students ‘what was
the video about?’ ’do you know the name of virus?’ ‘What virus is it?’ as an attempt to
engage the students with the English materials that will be taught. Then, ET-05 connected
the materials with the previous meeting about the structure of hortatory exposition. Then,
ET-05 instructed the students to open the English textbook on 118 (purple cover book) and
101 (white cover book) and asked them to read the text related with the Aviar virus and
asked them to find the difficult words. ET-05 provided the facility of asking the difficulty
words that have found on the materials as seen in figure 4.20 and figure 4.21.
Figure 4.20 ET-05’s students came to in front of the class to write down the difficult words
Figure 4.21 ET-05’s students came to in front of the class to write down the difficult words
and its phonetic symbols
The investigation found that in the conformity of core activity of teaching
performance, there are positive changes after attending PLPG. Even though the students in
the class do not directly feel the changes. The activity of teaching and learning is mostly
used the pair work or group work as presented in Figure 4.14 to teach English lesson in the
classroom. In addition, because of PLPG English teachers of these research informants are
interested to continue their study to S2 and so forth.
c. Closing Activities
Closing the learning activity can be mean two things as follow; the hour of English
class has reached the limit of time and/or all materials has taught. According to curriculum,
at the end of the class, the teachers should tailor the materials from the beginning until the
end of materials in other words, evaluated the learning activity. In addition, teachers
should give the greeting before leaving the class. Based on the investigation found that all
English teachers closed the class by the greetings and some of them gave students’
assignment for the next meeting. However only one teacher gave the material summarizes.
2. How did English Teachers Perform Their Personal Competence in Their Teaching
Activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG?
To investigate personal competence of English teacher after attending PLPG can
be done by analyzing the relations between students and teacher. However, it can be
subjective analysis if the researcher using the researcher’s points of views itself.
Principally, personal competence is about feelings and feedback of a person with the
learning activity and the teachers. As in the attachment law No. 55/2017 stated that
personal competence is a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that made up the teachers’
personality reflected the behavior of morals, wisdom, and authority to be a role model for
the learners. Thus, learners’ responses are needed to see their teachers and as an attempt to
answer this question objectively. Hence, the open students’ responses have conducted in
each class. Their perception is described in the next paragraph.
In the ET-01’s investigation, most students gave the positive feedback for ET-01
as follow:
STD-01 claimed that ‘kesan saya terhadap pa ET-01 selama selama kurang
lebih 1 tahun mengajar saya, menurut saya pa ET-01 itu sangat baik dan
sabar. Selama mengajar ET-01 tidak pernah marah’ [my impression to ET-
01 for about more or less one year, I think ET-01 is so kind and patient.
While teaching, ET-01 is never angry]
STD-41 mentioned that ‘Saya kagum walaupun bapak guru tetapi urusan
akhirat pun tidak lalai dan bapak juga sudah menghafalkan 30 juz.’ [I am
amazed with ET-01. Even though ET-01 is a teacher but in case of religion,
ET-01 did not forgetful and it turns out that ET-01 memorized 30 juz of Al-
STD-59 stated that ‘he was very kind and tolerated our behavior as the last
grade in the school.’
(Data source code: SR-A01; See appendix 8)
The students’ response showed that most students expressed that ET-01 was a
kind, a noble and a patient teacher. The evidence is mentioned more than half response of
100 students. However, ET-01 went to much kind. This effected with ET-01 cutting both
ways. As expressed by STD-98 revealed that:
‘Tidak tegas maksudnya kalau ada PR tidak diperiksa dan tidak memberi
hukuman buat yang tidak mengerjakan.’
[ET-01 was infirm. I mean that if there is homework, he did not check and did
not give the punishment for those who did not do the homework]
The investigation summed that ET-01 is a good teacher yet his goodness should
put in the right place. ET-01 should be more assertive regarding to develop students’
discipline characters in both school activity and effected in their daily activity. Hence, the
teacher’s discipline and teachers’ sapient authority as a role model for the students should
follow the kindness.
The similar response has found in ET-02, ET-03, ET-04, ET-05 students’
response. Most of students gave the positive response as expressed by several students as
ET-02/STD-03:‘Sifatnya baik, ramah, bila belum dimengerti diajarkan
sampai mengerti. Komunikasi saya dengan miss ET-02 sangatlah baik.’
[ET-02 is kind and friendly. If I did not understand, ET-02 taught me until I
ET-02/STD-25:‘ET-02 is ‘tegas, serius dan kadang-kadang bercanda.
Komunikasi sangat baik dan nyambung.’
[ET-02 is assertive, serious in teaching and sometimes ET-02 gave a joke. My
communication with ET-02 is safe and sound.]
(Data source code: SR-B01; See appendix 9)
ET-03/STD-03: ‘Baik, dekat dengan siswa siswi, gaya berbicara sopan.
Komunikasi dengan guru cukup dekat dan kadang menggunakan bahasa
[ET-03 is kind. She is close with the students. She is also speaking politely.
My communication with her is quite close and some time we spoke each other
in English.]
ET-03/STD-16: ‘Ms. ET-03 lucu, blak-blakan, kalau ngomong bahasanya
campur Inggris, Indonesia, sunda dan mis ET-03 tuh gaul. Komunikasi
dengan Ms. ET-03 tuh kaya kita ngobrol sama teman soalnya kalau belajar
sama Ms. ET-03 tuh nyenengin.’
[ET-03 is funny, bluntly. If she speaks, she is using mixed language, namely
English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Sundanese. In addition, she is easygoing. Our
communication is as if we chat with friends. I love to study with her.]
(Data source code: SR-C01; See appendix 10)
ET-04/STD-02: ‘Gaya mengajarnya friendly, tegas tapi lembut membuat
siswa mudah dimengerti dalam dia mengajar. Saya beruntung diajarkan oleh
beliau karna sifatnya yang penyabar walaupun kami sering rebut dikelas.
Komunikasi saya Alhamdulillah baik dengan beliau.’
[ET-04’s teaching style is friendly, firm but gentle making the students easy
to understand in her teaching. I was fortunate to be taught by her because of
her patient nature even though we often grab the class. My communication
Alhamdulillah is good with him.]
(Data source code: SR-D01; See appendix 11)
ET-05/STD-14: ‘Gaya mengajarnya asik, saya ngerti materi apa yang
disampaikannya. Karena sempat menjadi wali kelas, beliau sudah seperti ibu
sendiri. Peduli dengan keadaan siswa, perhatian pada masalah yang dialami
siswa ataupun kelas. Selama ini komunikasi yang terjalin sangat, sangat baik
dan cukup dekat.’
[ET-05’s teaching style is cool; I understand what material it conveys.
Because she had become a homeroom teacher, she was like my own mother.
Caring for the students' circumstances, attention to problems experienced by
students or classes. During this communication is very, very good and close
(Data source code: SR-E01; See appendix 12)
The investigation showed that all teachers have become good teachers that are
caring with their students. Event though, ET-01 did not close enough with ET-01’s students
but ET-01’s religious personality has become students’ inspiration to be a good students for
ET-01. While the other teachers have been favorable teacher due to their caring with
students’ condition and firm but gentle character of the teachers.
At the time of the PLPG, 30 English teachers who participated in the PLPG were
given a questionnaire in which was one of the points related to their personal competence.
As for the results of questionnaire is presented in Figure 4.22.
who they could invite in discussions related to English teaching. They relationship
remained good after the program. They gathered in the SNS group.
4. How did English Teachers Implement Their Professional Competence into Their
Teaching and Learning Activities before PLPG, whilst PLPG, and post-PLPG?
Being a teacher has become a professional job. Because to be a teacher, a person
should hold a particular certificate, namely bachelor education degree and later should hold
a teacher certification simultaneously. Thus, being a teacher, need a deep knowledge
regarding to the education and teaching performances. Conceptually, professional has
regulations and theories that implemented in practices and workshops (Yamin, 2007).
Yamin (2007) stated that theories and practices could not be separated. Moreover, to be a
professional English teacher, a teacher should have the capability in understanding the
English materials that will be taught, basic knowledge of education theories, cultural
understanding, and willingness to be a teacher. PLPG is intended to improved teachers’
professional competence. As English teachers, teachers should be mastery Basic English
materials knowledge. Thus, the training program is needed as the refreshment or
knowledge improvement for the teachers.
The implementation of pedagogical competence of English teachers can be seen
from the teachers’ understanding of the English materials, their attitude of cultural
understanding on their workplace and on students’ environment, their willingness to
improve their knowledge, and their proud to be a teacher. Moreover, a professional teacher
is not an easy job yet can be achieved through lifelong education. Hence, government is
willing to be in-service teachers’ learning facilitator through PLPG training program. Thus,
this research is conducted to investigate whether this government program provides a
significant positive impact on the professionalism of teachers or not and whether PLPG
contributed the change of positive behavior patterns in the teacher from before following
the PLPG and already follow the PLPG. Therefore, this section will provide the evidence
of English teachers in implementing their professional competence before PLPG, while
PLPG and post-PLPG.
i. The Implementation of Teachers’ Professional Competence before PLPG
In this research, the entire key informants were graduated from bachelor degree of
Education ten-years ago and above. After they graduated from the bachelor degree, they
taught English in particular school. If we probe backward, in which they are passed on for
long periods when knowledge related to education have been many changes. This can lead
to saturation in activities that are carried out continuously with the same activity.
The result of the investigation found three difficulties that were found when
teaching English. The first was the pronunciation teaching and the addition of the
vocabulary. ET-03 argued that ‘Then if the second one, the problem of pronunciation is
protested. So kids like to say 'miss, it is exaggerated pronunciation, over pronounce.’ I
speak in my heart 'I was teaching the correct one, how to read it correctly’. But in their
ears it was overdone. ET-02 assumed that this was because they did not apply the
knowledge of English that they learned to school in their daily life. For example, on
Monday was taught the addition of vocabulary with its pronouncing correction related to
the materials. However, the next day the children forgot the word and its pronunciation. It
was necessary to practice regularly so that the word could be really attached to the
students’ memory.
Professional Competence
40% Strogly Agree
7% Agree
20% 4% Fair
10% 0%
Strongly Disagree
teaching and learning activity, namely, the developing lesson plan, teaching and learning
activities in the classroom, and English teachers expertise in English major field.
The first part is developing lesson plan. There are two indicators of this part. The
first indicator of this part is that teachers should mastering the theories, application,
approach and technique, or method, science, technology, or arts (IPTEK) that are relevant
with the design of lesson plan. In addition, the second indicator of this part is that teachers
should finding the concepts, the approach, the technique, or the new method in science,
technology, or arts that are relevant with the design of lesson plan (cited in law attachment
of No. 55/2017).
At the first indicators, a teacher should analyze the learning achievement as the
basis of selecting the materials that will be taught. As described in the previous section of
the lesson plan contents in which revealed that after following PLPG, English teachers
followed the 2013 curriculum learning achievement of each core competence. English
teacher selected the materials based on the learning achievement of 2013 curriculum.
Although, they had struggle in balancing the materials and the students’ competence as
faced by ET-03, but in fact, the teacher strives to meet the curriculum achievement.
Despite the achievement that has not been maximized. This is because the diversity of
students’ competences cannot be forced to fulfill the government's wishes on the same
standard for each student. As stated by ET-04, which says:
“Jadi kita tidak kehilangan esensi dari kurikulum tapi kita juga tidak
membuat siswa terlalu menderita dengan ‘mereka ngga tau apa, mau belajar
apa’ gitu. Paling kita men-simplify ya, menyederhanakan materi yang akan
kita sampaikan. Walaupun ujung-ujungnya muatan kurikulum harus
tersampaikan. Karna kalau ngga kan dosa.”
(Data source code: INT-D/ET-04-064 to ET-04-070; See appendix 6).
[In other words, we do not lose the essence of the curriculum but we also do
not make students too miserable with 'they do not know what the material is,
what to learn'. Most of us simplify, simplifying the material we will convey.
Although in the end, the curriculum contents should be delivered. Otherwise,
it would be a sin (for teachers).]
In applying and evaluating the materials, structures, and the concepts and the
mindset of knowledge that support the development of science, technology, and arts- not
all of key informants using the science and technology in their teaching and learning
activities. Three of the key informants is used the technology tools. They assumed that the
school did not facilitate the technology use. Moreover, in evaluating students’
performances in learning English, all key informants agreed that in order to achieve the
curriculum targets, they lower the passing standard for low achiever students. This attempt
was intended to maintain students' motivation in learning English, especially for students
who have low ability in English.
The second part was teaching and learning activities. The indicators of this part
were using theories of approach as the basis to apply the materials and using the proper
technique in teaching the materials using technology or arts as the tool of teaching (See
law attachment No. 50/2017, professional competence). When the researcher asked about
learning theories, such as behavioristic theory, Van Hiele theory, and others related to
classroom management, English teachers stated that the knowledge of the learning theories
studied during the PLPG they once had during the college degree and some new ones they
knew from PLPG. However, it has been for a long time. In fact, that they relearned these
theories, they learn back from the beginning. For instance while the researcher asked ET-
02 in terms of ET-02’s effort in answer the examination related with the theories, ET-02
responded that:
“…ada beberapa, apa sih, ilmuan-ilmuan tersebut ketika diterapin di bahasa
Inggris teh kumaha gitu caranya, asa ada beberapa yang contohnya teh hanya
ada di matematika gitu. Jadi kita teh jadi bingung. Saya kurang memahami.
Jadi saya mah kalau pertanyaannya tentang pengaplikasian dikelas
insyaAlloh lah saya bisa jawab. Tapi kalau sudah membahas yang itu tadi,
yah entah lah biarkan tangan ini yang bergerak mencari jawabannya.”
(Data source code: INT-B/ET-02-153 to ET-02-159; See appendix 4).
[There were some, for example scientists’ theories, when applied the theories
in English how to do it, there seems to be some examples that it only exists in
mathematics. Therefore, we are confused. I do not understand. If I was given
the question about the application of class, Insha Allah, I can answer it.
Nevertheless, if discussed about the theories, either let this hand move for
English teachers argued that difficulties in understanding all the theories given in a short
time as one of the exam materials requirement to pass the PLPG national examination was
not easy for English teachers. Because of the limited time in the study given when the
precondition sessions where they are also preoccupied with the schedule of teaching in
school and the time available when offline mentoring, it is felt less to truly learn and then
they applied in teaching activities in the classroom. They needed more time to be able to
formulate all theories to be used as a basis in the application of materials to be taught in
their classroom. Hence, for teaching, the methods they used in teaching and learning
activities are based on the examples of teaching method that have studied during college
bachelor degree and from YouTube platform in which discuss about the teaching method,
or discussion session in the English teacher forum community, for instance MGMP.
The last part was English teachers expertise in English major field. In this part,
based on the law No. 55/2017, English teachers should write the scientific journal related
to English teaching and learning and published it in form of journal. The investigation
found that the entire key informants have not been written the scientific journal related to
English teaching and learning. Their rushing activities in designing the lesson plan and
teaching occupation that are made them not focused on producing literature works, for
instance scientific journal articles. However, after PLPG, all key informants are satisfied
with the PLPG program due to their refreshment in English materials. Two key informants
mentioned that they are motivated to continue their academic to strata 2. Because they
have felt the pleasures and great benefits of learning English teaching in PLPG. Although
at this time, they have not found the right time if their time in teaching profession is
divided again to continue college, but the intention to continue their education will be
In addition, when asked about academic journals. ET-04 claimed that there were
drafts ET-04 made during teaching. However, it has not been in the form of a journal and it
has not been published yet. Because of the teaching busyness, ET-04 put aside the
completion of the draft. Therefore, based on the investigation, the PLPG makes the
teachers pull in the re-education to magister level of their knowledge in English major.
They are motivated to develop themselves for the better. Although currently not seen a
large development because in learning required a process that takes a long time.
Based on the investigation on English teachers’ professional competence in
Indonesia context, it can be concluded that after the PLPG, the professional competence of
the teacher has not been seen greatly. It has not found a high professionalism in terms of
performance. However, the PLPG provides space for teachers to develop their potential as
an English teacher. Evidently, two teachers are intended to continue their bachelor degree
to magister degree. Meanwhile, in the understanding of English subject materials, English
teachers got a lots of new knowledge that they have not knew before PLPG in terms of
English subject materials, for instance in linguistic aspects. In spite of this, they need extra
time to be able to learn the materials in deep understanding.
B. Discussion
This section discussed the findings of this research. The discussion will be
discussed based on the findings and the theories relevancies that is presented in the chapter
II. This discussion is started from English teachers’ competences in Indonesian context and
then followed by teachers’ professional learning development.
1. English Teachers’ Competences
Teacher is a profession. The statement is in line with the mandate of the
Indonesian government through Law No. 14/2005 about teachers and lecturers. As a
profession, there are demands of the work in charge to the teacher in carrying out his
mandate. For instance, the demands required by the Indonesian government that teachers
be required to have academic qualifications minimum, competencies, educator certificates,
physical and mental health, and the ability to realize national education objectives.
Minimum academic qualification for being a teacher in Indonesia is a bachelor degree in
Education or in line with the subject that a teacher taught. For those who did not have a
bachelor degree in education, they should attend in a teacher training for instance PPG in
Indonesia. In addition, being a teacher is a massive task. The teachers should support the
national education objective in Indonesia. The target of national education objectives are to
develop the ability and to build the character and civilization, a dignified nation in the
framework of the intellectual life of the nation. The function aims to the development of
the potential of learners to become human beings who are faithful and cautious to God
Almighty, have a noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent,
and become citizens a democratic and responsible state (Law No. 20/2003: article, 3).
Based on the purpose of Indonesian national education, the formulation of teacher
competences is formed to be able to realize the purpose of education. Based on the aims of
this study, the following discussion material about how the implementation and the positive
impact it will have after teachers follow the PLPG. The impact is the impact that makes the
teacher as a learning agent for the advancement of education in Indonesia.
a. Pedagogic Competence
Aforementioned in chapter 2, pedagogic competence is “a set of knowledge,
attitude, and skill in designing, planning, scoring and evaluating the teaching and learning
activity”, (Mentioned in Law attachment No. 55/2017). Consequently, a teacher with
pedagogic competence is a teacher who is able to design a lesson plan included classroom
management and to evaluate the outcomes of the learning. The evaluation is intended to
see whether the students' learning achievement reaches the target of the competency
standards of the 2013 curriculum.
Based on the research findings, the knowledge on the teachers’ lesson plan is
improved after the PLPG. There were also significant positive changes in the design of
lesson plans. It can be seen in the evidence presented in the findings section; the prominent
changes were the methods in which teachers used in teaching and how teachers evaluated
learning outcomes. The methods used by the teacher follow the direction of the mentor in
the PLPG and in evaluating students’ learning outcomes become more authentic based on
student ability and more holistic. However, the consistency of teachers in maximizing
lesson quality has not been seen. In fact, the investigations found that an annual program
that should have been created for one lesson each year is still in use in the following years.
In addition, the semester program that should be made every semester is used in the
following year's semester. This result in consistent quality of RPP has not been maximized.
A three-month monitoring and evaluation is required to maintain consistency in improving
the quality of teachers. Due to the limited time of this research, it caused the researcher has
not found the consistency in terms of stable quality in learning planning. Hence, the
investigation should be done for further to see the consistency of teachers' positive
behavioral changes.
The findings of this research also contradicted with the findings from previous
research by Joppe Dee Ree published in 2015 in which stating that teachers' certificates
only improve the financial condition. As the development of PLPG teacher training
quality, PLPG is assumed that has improved the English teachers’ pedagogic competence.
The involvement of English teachers in the forum discussion of English teachers’
community is contributed with this improvement.
b. Personal Competence
Personal competence is a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that made up the
teachers’ personality reflected the behavior of morals, wisdom, and authority to be a role
model for the learners (Law No. 14/2005). As a teacher has become a liability for the
teacher to give a noble example for students. Because the teachers are di gugu (trusted and
became a noble role model) and di tiru (imitated). If teachers did not reflect a good attitude
model and did not teach students to be a critical thinker of the phenomenon of life, then the
essence of the teacher becomes meaningless.
This statement is concurred with the findings of research that says either no
training or not, noble attitude of a teacher is already owned by the teachers who become
key informant in this research. However, they did not realize that this attitude is one of the
competencies required by the government. Basic knowledge and strengthening the essence
of personal competence has given by the mentor in the PLPG implicitly. Because the
learning contents of the PLPG is focused on pedagogic competence and professional
competence. Therefore, whether to follow the program or not, the awareness of the
teachers who become a role model for the students has become an instinct as the teachers.
Moreover, teachers means being a parent as well as a friend to their students in school.
c. Social Competence
Social competence means teachers should have good relationship with colleagues,
students, parents and students. In law No. 14/2005, social competence is the capability of
teachers to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with learners, fellow
teachers, parents/guardians of learners, and school community. To have a good relation
with other people need a good personality within the teachers.
This research finding revealed that teachers has good relationships as shown in the
evidences. English teachers in this research have close relationship with the other English
teachers. However, participation in the community is not viable. Based on evidence of five
English teachers in this research, only three teachers who were regularly followed the
activities of teachers’ community. Their busy in teaching makes teachers prefer to
complete their obligations in school rather than attend seminars organized by the
community. Thought it will give those benefits in terms of their teaching and learning
The investigations in this research only included the extent to which social
relationships between teachers and students, teachers with other teachers and teacher
participation in the teacher community. However, because of the short research time, the
researcher only takes the perception on the teacher's social competence from the students
who are taught key informant and the interview with the principal of the curriculum field.
To obtain stronger data, the investigation of social competence needs to be done more
deeply both in terms of social relationships of teachers in schools and outside schools
related to the field of study taught.
d. Professional Competence
Professional teachers is included teachers’ understanding of the materials in which
will be studied, the understanding of teachers’ fundamental knowledge of education and
teacher training, the understanding of education process, teachers and students’ learning
process (Yamin, 2007). During PLPG, English teachers have given the knowledge in terms
of English subject materials in which English teachers claimed that they got the enrichment
in English subject materials. In addition, in today’s professional competences in Indonesian
context, a professional teacher is required to write a scientific journal part of their
professional duty. However, the capability of teaches is not ready yet for this requirement.
In addition, a teacher should have four competences, namely pedagogic
competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. There
is a test to measure those competences through teachers’ competence test (later on UKG).
A professional teacher then will be given the educator certificates as a mark that he is a
professional teacher. To have a teacher certificate, a teacher should do UKG and then, for
those who pass the qualification will attend the teacher training program namely PLPG.
Later on, if the teacher pass the PLPG test, he will get a teacher certificate.
Unfortunately, the marking of a professional teacher with the certificate can lead to
a polemic within the teachers’ environment. For those who have passed the PLPG, they
will be given a professional educator certificate. To become a professional, the personal
needs of a teacher must be fulfilled as a reciprocal of his performance as a teacher, for
instance, providing professional allowance for those with teacher certificates. However,
this condition can also generate jealousy for those who do not already have a certificate. if
a teacher is said to be a professional by having a teacher certificate, then it can be assumed
that a teacher who does not have a certificate, is not yet said to be a professional teacher
and will not receive a professional allowance. This assumption will lower the spirit of the
teacher to be able to maximize his performance as a teacher. As in the findings of this
study, researchers asked the principal regarding teacher education programs that would
charge teachers in financing. One of the vice principal argued that:
‘…Biaya yang tidak sedikit untuk mengikuti PPG nanti akan memberatkan
guru terlebih guru yang mengajar di sekolah swasta seperti disini. Untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari saja mereka harus mencari tambahan
lain diluar mengajar disini, bagaimana untuk membayar biaya PPG?
sedangkan jika tidak PPG, mereka tidak akan bisa mengikuti ujian
sertifikasi guru. ini tentu perlu dipertimbangkan lagi.’
[The cost is high to follow the PPG and it will be burdensome for teachers.
Especially for teachers who were teaching in private schools like here. To
meet their daily needs, they have to look for other extras beyond teaching
here, how could they pay PPG fees? However, if not PPG, they will not be
able to take the teacher certification exam. This certainly needs to be
considered again.]
In sum, the findings of this study also denied findings from previous research by
Joppe Dee Ree published in 2015 stating that teachers' certificates only improve the
financial condition alone. As the development of PLPG teacher training, PLPG can
increase pedagogic competence, personal competence, and social competence. Although
there has a little improvements in the field of professional, but the motivation in teachers to
self-learning and the motivation to continue their education in strata 2.
2. Teachers’ Professional Learning Development in Indonesia
Professional learning development in Indonesia has been through various
evaluation phases from 2006 to PLPG in 2017. At the beginning of the implementation of
teachers’ certification was used teacher portfolio collection. If it was appropriate, the
teacher may have a teacher certificate indicating that the teacher is professional.
Due to the fabrication and plagiarism of portfolios, the changes occurred in 2008,
where the portfolio is not an absolute requirement to have a teacher certification, but must
follow the training PLPG for 2 weeks. In 2015, the collection of portfolios as a
requirement to participate in the PLPG training was abolished and replaced with the
existence of UKG.
In addition, a significant change occurred in PLPG 2017. To attend the PLPG, the
score of teacher-owned UKG should more than 60. Then, teachers who meet the standard,
they must follow the precondition activities on KSG application for two months, then must
attend face-to-face training for 100 hours of lessons before the National Examination
(UTN) of PLPG as final exam to get teacher certificate.
In the middle of 2017, the government announced a teacher-training program (later
on PPG) for in-service teachers instead of the PLPG teacher training. The in-service
teachers’ PPG activities are held in 2018. Many opposed this government decision. Based
on the information obtained from the PLPG field coordinator where the researcher
observes, the cost of this PPG activity will be charged to the teacher. The duration of this
professional education will last longer for one year. Such conditions will have a negative
impact on teachers who teach in private schools in remote areas far from universities
designated by LPTK. On the one hand, if you want to follow PPG they have to leave
teaching because the distance from the college. Notwithstanding, if the teacher is on leave,
there will be a replacement teacher. However, if the leave time has been completed, this
will hurt the replacement teacher, as it has to stop teaching. On the other hand, if the
teacher does not participate in PPG, it will not have teacher certificates and will not be able
to provide professional allowances in addition to fulfilling their needs. If it will be done
online, it is necessary to reconsider the quality of the signal network for teachers at the
border. This problematic should be reconsidered for the stakeholders in order to create
equality of quality education because of the better quality of teachers.
This chapter presents the conclusion, suggestion and recommendation. The
conclusion discusses the highlight of this research that support the objective of the
research. Suggestion and recommendation section discuss the implication of the PLPG
program to English teachers’ behavior in their profession and the recommendation to the
stakeholder of PLPG, English teacher, and other researchers that have a desire to do the
similar issue of this research.
A. Conclusion
As mentioned in chapter 1, the main objective of this research was to investigate
and describe the change behaviors within English teachers of their competences post-
PLPG. The behavioral changes included pedagogic competence, personal competence,
social competence, and professional competence. This research revealed four conclusions.
The first conclusion was related with English teachers’ pedagogical competences.
Before attending PLPG, the English teachers were already faced four major obstacles in
teaching English as foreign language in their schools. The obstacles were adjusting the
expectation of curriculum learning target with their students’ competences in English and
students’ background traits, devising the proper materials to accommodate students’ needs
in learning English, utilizing the limit facilities provided by the school to support the
learning process, and motivating students to learn enthusiastically. The investigation
revealed that the majority of English teachers in this research are faced those obstacles
during their teaching experiences due to their problems in determining proper teaching
approaches to deliver English materials with those obstacles. They hoped that their
problems can be solved whilst PLPG. Whilst training, the investigation found that 67%
agreed and 15% strongly agreed that the training meets their expectation regarding with
their teaching profession. It means that PLPG training has solved their problems. However,
in the implementation on the classroom, especially the teaching method and approach that
they have inspired is not as they expected to be. The majority teachers were failed to
implement the approaches that are expected to attract students’ enthusiasm.
The investigation proved that majority English teachers are updated their reference
curriculum from KTSP as a guideline for the design of learning activities to the 2013
curriculum that is used as a guideline of lesson plan design. The lesson plan design is also
more structured and conditional than the lesson plan designed by the teacher prior to
following the PLPG. The evaluation of learning outcome has been holistic evaluation. In
other words, not only the intellectual aspects, but also students’ moral value in terms of
social relationship with teachers and other students’ classmates. Even though vocational
teachers have struggle counterbalancing the needs of vocational students and curriculum
expectation but the teachers tried their effort to overcome their problem. Nevertheless, it
cannot be ascertained consistency in improving the quality of teachers in terms of learning
design. This would need further investigation that was deep investigation and in detailed in
order to get sharper results on teacher pedagogic aspects.
The second was that PLPG made teachers more patient to deal with student
behavior because the tutor on PLPG always reminded the teachers that if the teachers were
impatient in teaching and dealing with student behavior, then the teacher would get
disadvantage in the future, while in Islam called sin. Regardless of that, English teachers
assumed that whether they have attended the PLPG or not, the beliefs that teachers should
have good personalities as role model has become their instinct since they were teachers.
However, their knowledge and the essence of personal competences were improved after
The third was that there were minor denotative changes in their behavior in social
competences before PLPG and after PLPG. The entire key informants has good
relationships with colleagues, students, parents, and school community even before
attending PLPG. However, they have new connection with the English teachers from other
school that they have acquainted while PLPG.
The fourth was that the enrichment in terms of the knowledge of English subject
materials has improved. Nevertheless, as professional teachers, there were minor change
differences. English teachers still confused in implementing the proper method and
approach in delivering the English subject materials. However, in the field of professional
learning, PLPG has motivated the English teachers to continue learning both in other
training or formal education, for instance magister program. In addition, in the field of
professionalism of English teachers, all English teachers in this research have not been
published an academic journal article yet. In other words, the change behavior has found in
professional knowledge but professionalism of English teachers.
Based on the conclusion, this research summed that before attending PLPG,
English teachers have faced the obstacles while teaching and learning process. Then, they
have input of new knowledge while learning in PLPG to help them encounter their
obstacles in teaching process. After PLPG, their knowledge is improved and ready to
implement their new knowledge from PLPG in their teaching assignment and teaching
process. Nevertheless, in implementing new approach or teaching method is not easy. The
majority of English teachers in this research have failed to implement it. The facilities and
time experiences in learning and practicing have become their reason of the failure in
implementing the innovation in teaching process. However, the awareness in leaning the
new knowledge has appeared in themselves for further following up after PLPG.
This research assumed that if being a teacher is a profession, then the payment is
worth with the work that is done by the teacher—whether it is certified or not. Moreover,
beyond of that, the great dedication of teachers in improving Indonesian education is more
important than teacher certification. Ideally, if they have fully dedication within the
teachers, either the presence or absence of functional allowance, the sense of responsibility
and professionalism of teachers would be still run on by themselves. Nonetheless, the
facts, with the worthy payment support from government have to enrich teachers’ qualities
in terms of their professional work as teachers by improving their competence quality.
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusions of the research, the researcher wanted to give
suggestions to English teacher, and other researchers who have a desire to do the similar
issue of this research.
For English teachers, researcher hopes that the quality as a teacher should be
maintained and continue to be developed. The recent learning is not only from the PLPG,
but many other sources that can be utilized, for instance in the community of teachers in
English subject and other digital sources in online platforms. Even though, teachers are
preoccupied with their obligations as teachers, but developing their potential will give a
positive impact on teachers for the future. In addition, if the teachers have a professional
allowance, remember that the allowances that teachers get should be worth with the
performance given to students and Indonesia in order to create a better education. Teachers
take important roles in advancing Education quality. Thus, Teachers are lifelong learners
and change agents in the betterment Education.
For further research and researchers, there are two suggestions. The first, this
research is investigated directly after PLPG is finished. The teachers’ knowledge is still
fresh. It will be better if the further investigation for each competence in a long-term after
the training, for instance one year after PLPG. This investigation will find the consistency
in developing English teachers competence post PLPG. It will be a good investigation. The
second recommendation is that the Teacher Education Program (later on PPG) is expected
to be start as the betterment in-service teacher training program in Indonesia. The
following research should take PPG as the issue of the research whether it is effective to
improve teachers’ competences as the government assumed. It will be a challenge for the
researcher particularly.
C. Recommendation
Based on the results of this research, the researcher expects to give three
recommendations to the stakeholder of PLPG.
Although the PLPG contributes improving teacher competences, stakeholders
should monitor the teachers’ performances through periodic monitoring and evaluation
every 3 months. It is intended that the existing quality of teachers can be maintained on an
ongoing basis. If it is necessary, Impromptu surveys can be conducted in schools, where
teachers taught to review teachers’ performances directly. In addition, the PLPG has a
positive impact, but the time provided in face-to-face mentoring is not enough. 100 hours
of learning is not enough to learn all the material related to the four competencies. PPG is
one of the solution. Nevertheless, if PPG is perceived to be more efficient in improving the
quality of teachers, it is helpful to consider the following two points, financing aspect and
demography aspect.
Firstly, in the case of training financing, it will be better if training financing is not
entirely charged to the teacher. The conditions of teachers in Indonesia does not equaled,
economically and demographically. It will be better if the PPG program is free for teachers
who teach in private schools whose teachers' incomes are low from teaching and for
schools located in 3T areas. It is intended that there is equal distribution of quality of
education for teachers teaching in low school income.
Secondly, in terms of demography, it will be better if the mentor came to the
teacher teaching at the border. If the border teacher has to follow PPG at the chosen
university, it will be difficult for the teacher to join the activity because they will leave the
class for long period. This also applies to teachers who are far from the training location.
Thus, teachers will not be scrupled about attending PPG.
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Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen
There is no right or wrong answer as long as you did it honestly. Rest assured that
your answers to this questionnaire will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The
survey result will be analyzed for academic purposes.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation for helping this study. Your responses will
contribute to this academic study. Wassalam.
Best Regards, Dewi L. Apriliyanti
A. Respondent Identity
Direction: Please provide the following information either by filling the data or by
putting a check mark that correspondent to your response. Your
identity will remain hidden due to respect with your response.
Name :
Year of Teaching Experiences : 2-year 5-year
10-year Other:
Latest Educational Background:
Teaching in Grade- : 7 8 9 SMP
10 11 12 SMA/SMK
UKG Score :
Time Flexibility
Place Flexibility
The Efficiency in giving materials
7. Which of the following factors that caused you not enjoying in-class session?
Class Content
Training Location
Workshop Presentation
Peer-Teaching Session
Class Condition
I will apply my
15. knowledge from
PLPG into my work
duty in teaching
Strongly Strongly
NO. STATEMENT Disagree Fair Agree
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
English and in
designing the lesson
Online mentoring
made me flexible to
attend on the
mentoring forum.
I felt comfort during
17. the in-class training
Class participation
was encouraged.
I made a good
19. relationship with
other trainees.
After training, my
competence is
After training, my
21. personal competence
is improved.
After training, my
22. social competence is
After training, my
competence is
PLPG is important to
be conducted.
25. What is your suggestion that you think need some improvements on the online
mentoring session?
26. What is your suggestion that you think need some improvements on the offline
mentoring session?
- End of Questionnaire -
Thank you for your sincere cooperation
Somewhat liked or
30% disliked
THE EFFICIENCY IN GIVING MATERIALS 12% Too many report assignment 30%
Offline Mentoring
Somewhat liked or
OTHER 0% Other: 0%
Statement Response
15% 7%
11% 74% 74%
70% 37%
67% 22%
80% 63% 44% 41% 37%
59% 59% 59% 59%
70% 15% 52% 52% 52% 37%
48% 48%
60% 41% 44%
37% 30%
50% 30%
Abbreviation of Statements:
S8: The online mentoring provided well-organized materials.
S9: I found the subject matter related to my work duty and requirements.
S10: I submit my reports in time.
S11: Overall, the online session was useful for me.
S12: The training meet my expectations.
S13: The training relevant to my teaching circumstances.
S14: I applied my knowledge from the training on my peer-teaching practices.
S15: I will apply my improving knowledge from PLPG into my work duty in teaching
English and in designing the lesson plan.
S16: Online mentoring made me flexible to attend on the mentoring forum.
S17: I felt comfort during the in-class training program.
S18: Class participation was encouraged.
S19: I made a good relationship with other trainees.
S20: After training, my pedagogical competence is improved.
S21: After training, my personal competence is improved.
S22: After training, my social competence is improved.
S23: After training, my professional competence is improved.
S24: PLPG is important to be conducted.
00:09:57- Pedagogik kan dari segi administrasi, penguasaan kelas dan lain ET-01-070
00:10:56 sebagainya. Memang si ada beberapa hal metode-metode yang ET-01-071
cocok dan beberapa metode-metode dari para ahli yang tidak ET-01-072
cocok juga. Memang pernah coba juga. Dan untuk professional ET-01-073
ya mau tidak mau kita harus menyeimbangkan diri khususnya ET-01-074
bahasa inggris.. bidangnya kita kan bahasa inggris jadi harus ET-01-075
bisa lebih [kemampuan bahasa Inggris] dari pada siswa. Jadi ET-01-076
ketika siswa melakukan sesuatu intinya kita harus bisa ET-01-077
menjawab atau mengembangkan sendiri. Kalau untuk social ET-01-078
dan personal ya mungkin itu bisa berjalan dengan sendirinya ET-01-079
00:10:57- What is your opinion about PLPG in terms of the committee IN-01-028
00:11:08 services? IN-01-029
00:11:09- Yang saya tangkap dari PLPG itu satu. Mereka itu selalu ET-01-081
00:12:38 berbenah. Selalu meningkatkan kualitas. Yang saya tahu dari ET-01-082
tahun ketahun. Terbukti dengan adanya semacam pembekalan ET-01-083
diawal 2 bulan sebelum PLPG yang di Bandung. Saya rasa ET-01-084
mereka itu selalu ingin memperbaiki diri dan kita patut ET-01-085
apresiasi. Itu sangat baik. dan saya rasa untuk disana pun sudah ET-01-086
terencana dengan matang sepertinya. Dan pelayanan ET-01-087
administrasi petugasnya baik. akan tetapi ada jadwal yang ET-01-088
00:13:48- Hmmp, ya mungkin yang saya lihat yang saya baca dan muncul ET-01-100
00:14:38 istilah PLPG dan sertifikasi dari pemerintah itu kan bahwa ET-01-101
belum ada pemerataan kompetensi dari guru jadi muncullah ET-01-102
sertifikasi guru. Yang saya lihat, yang say abaca seperti itu. ET-01-103
Dan dari pengalaman saya pribadi sebagai seorang guru, guru ET-01-104
juga kan pernah S1. Kalau di perkuliahan itu masih plek atau ET-01-105
apa ya istilahnya masih tekstual belum ke konteksnya ET-01-106
00:14:39- There were controversies between PLPG and PPG. As if you IN-01-035
00:15:04 were not attended PLPG yet, which one do you choose to IN-01-036
attend to? IN-01-037
00:15:05- Relative ya kita melihatnya dari segi mana. Kalau dari segi ET-01-107
00:16:00 ekonomis mungkin yang lebih ekonomis lebih cepatnya PLPG. ET-01-108
Dari segi waktu, tenaga. Kalau dari segi sisi kemampuan dan ET-01-109
melihatnya hasil kualitas mungkin yang lebih lama [PPG]. ET-01-110
Dengan kondisi saya seperti sekarang ini [keluarga dan ET-01-111
lainnya], saya kira normal jika saya lebih memilih ikut PLPG ET-01-112
ketimbang PPG. ET-01-113
00:16:00- Does in Gegesik area have the teachers’ community? IN-01-038
00:16:10- Ada dua komunitas guru, yang satu PGRI yang satu MGMP. ET-01-114
00:16:33 Kalau PGRI kegiatannya setahun sekali dan itu hanya jalan- ET-01-115
jalan saja terus yang lebih aktif kegiatannya itu MGMP. Setiap ET-01-116
dua bulan sekali itu ada kegiatan. ET-01-117
00:16:34- Did you join those communities? IN-01-039
00:16:36- Ya saya masih aktif. Kebetulan saya jadi pengurus MGMP.
00:16:48- How long did you participate as the committee of MGMP?
00:16:50- Satu tahun. ET-01-119
00:16:54- Did MGMP community hold a discussion forum for the IN-01-041
00:16:58 members? IN-01-042
00:16:59- Kalau yang tahun kemarin itu ada tiga sampai empat kali forum ET-01-120
00:17:14 diskusi. ET-01-121
00:20:31- Tujuan itu dari indicator ya. Setelah kita dapat indikatornya, ET-01-139
00:21:00 kita dapat menentukan tujuan pembelajaran. ET-01-140
00:21:01 Can you elaborate it? IN-01-053
00:21:02- Saya kira penyusunan silabus itu saya kira itu sudah dibuat ET-01-141
00:22:26 sedemikian rupa berurutan. Tinggal kreatifitas kita ET-01-142
mengurutkannya sesuai silabus. Sebenarnya gini ya, untuk ET-01-143
kurtilas sebenarnya sudah sangat urut gitu ya. Kalau untuk yang ET-01-144
KTSP itu saya rasa tidak. Butuh pengolahan sedikit ya. Saya ET-01-145
sendiri untuk silabusnya, saya olah sedemikian rupa sehingga ET-01-146
itu bisa memungkinkan untuk bisa disampaikan kepada siswa. ET-01-147
00:22:27 Have you ever give the students a project or final project? IN-01-054
00:22:28- Kalau saya itu sebisa mungkin untuk tidak memberikan PR ET-01-148
00:23:07 kepada siswa. Sebisa mungkin pekerjaan itu tuntas dikelas. ET-01-149
Tapi mungkin ada beberapa tugas akhir yang diselesaikan ET-01-150
diluar kelas ET-01-151
00:23:08- How do you assess their work and evaluate their learning IN-01-055
00:23:11 achievement? IN-01-056
00:23:12- Saya lebih cenderung ke penilaian secara langsung. Saya hanya ET-01-152
00:24:06 mengambil sampel yang teraktif dan mengambil yang paling ET-01-153
Cara mengajar beliau cukup baik, Cuma kadang membosankan dan membuat saya
STD - 11
malas belajar, tapi cukup asik. Jadi kesan saya terhadap pak ET-01 cukup baik.
Cara ngajarnya lumayan, bisa menghidupkan suasana, banyak latihan soal, banyak
latihan tenses, kadang pernah mengartikan, enjoy dan tidak terlalu membosankan.
STD - 12 Pesan saya, jangan pernah lelah membagi ilmu dan pengalaman kepada anak didiknya,
tetapi saya berharap bisa lebih baik lagi cara mengajarnya dan lebih aktif lagi. Terima
Bagus cara mengajarnya, mendapat ilmu baru karena yang tadinya tidak tahu kosa kata
bahasa Inggris sekarang menjadi tahu walaupun tidak terlalu banyak. Kalau sedang
STD - 13
mengajar, lebih baik diluangkan waktu beberapa menit seperti permainan atau apapun
yang membuat murid-muridnya tidak terlalu membosankan.
Cara pengajarannya cukup baik, tetapi tidak professional dalam waktu dalam waktu,
sering tidak masuk dalam KBM dan juga kekurangan dalam mengajarnya kurang jelas
STD - 14
dan tidak dimengerti. Pesan saya terhadap pak ET-01 adalah semoga menjadi lebih
baik lagi dalam penyampaian materinya dan lebih professional lagi dalam hal waktu.
STD - 15 Biasa aja, cara bicaranya dalam bahasa Inggris mudah dipahami.
STD - 16 Biasa-biasa aja.
Menurut saya cara pegajaran yang dilakukan oleh pak ET-01 kurang memuaskan,
karna cara pengajarannya terkesan banyak boringnya. Kebanyakan siswa dikelas tidak
memperhatikan ketika sedang berlangsung waktunya KBMM. Pak ET-01 menurut
STD - 17 saya guru yang sangat sabarm karna banyak siswa yang kurang memerhatikan ketika
bapak sedang menerangkan. Hanya beberapa siswa saja yang memperhatikannya.
Pesan saya agar bapak membuat cara pengajaran agar tidak membosankan dan (tidak)
terkesan boring.
Menurut saya bapak itu orangnya asyik namun kadang membosankan, cara
mengajarnya oun kurang jelas tetapi bukan berarti tidak enakan ngajarnya. Pesan saya
STD - 18
sebaiknya bapak mengajarnya yang sekiranya tidak membosankan. Dan sebaiknya
bapak lebih tegas lagi disaat sedang mengajar tetapi murid-murid ribut sendiri-sendiri.
Pengajarannya sangat menarik tetapi juga biasa. Kadang cara memberikan materinya
STD - 19 terkaku monoton terhadap buku. Kalau ngajarnya jangan terpaku pada buku. Lebih
dikasih candaan agar tidak terlalu membosankan.
STD - 20 Baik
Kesan saya selama diajar pak ET-01 adalah cukup membantu dalam proses
STD - 21 pembelajaran, orangnya baik tidak pernah marah. Pesan saya untuk kedepannya adalah
pak ibrohim harus menhara dengan metode yang menyenangkan.
Kesan saya selama dibimbing oleh pa ET-01 sistem belajar pa ET-01 sampaikan sangat
STD - 22 sangat membosankan, kurang meningkatkan semangat belajar bahasa inggris.
Terkadang kita tidak merasakan fun dalam belajar bahasa inggris.
My opinion about Mr. Ibrohim or Mr. Ibrohim’s teach is very bore because we just
STD - 23 hear he and not interesting. Tetapi saya juga meminta maaf apabila saya kurang
memperhatikan atau bagaimana.
STD – 24 Menurut saya pa Ibrohim cukup membantu dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris dan sangat
termotifasi untuk belajar bahasa inggris meski saya belum mengerti-mengerti tapi pa
ibrohim sangat membuat saya termotifasi untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris.
Setelah diajarkan bapak ET-01 saya merasa bosan bukan setelah diajar tapi saat baru
masuk kelas pun saya merasa bosan, cara mengajarnya kurang menarik, jarang
diselingin candaan. Saat mengajar jadi membuat siswa-siswanya malas mendengarkan
atau lebih kebanyakan mengantuk. Dari penjelasannya pun kadang ribet kata-katanya
STD - 25
banyak yang kurang jelas didengar. Suaranya kurang lantang, saya yang duduk
dibelakang kadang tidak terdengar saat beliau berbicara/menjelaskan materi. Beliau
pun kurang tegas terhadap muridnya yang sering bicara saat materi sedang dijelaskan
sehingga membuat keributan dan murid lain terganggu.
Selama diajar oleh bapak ET-01, saya merasa berbeda dengan guru waktu kelas X dan
XI mungkin karna baru diajar sekarang, lumayan mengerti tetapi cara belajarnya bikin
STD - 26 ngantuk karena suaranya pelan. Bapak juga terlalu baik tidak pernah marah. Pesan saya
suaranya lebih dinyaringin supaya semua siswa kedengeran semuanya biar tidak bikin
Menurut saya cara mengajar pak ET-01 terlalu banyak menggunakan bahasa Inggris,
jadi kita kurang memahami aoa yang disampaikan ketika menjelaskan sesuatu yang
STD - 27
panjang. Tetapi belajar dikelas sangat santau dan tidak tegang jadi saya dapat
menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Menurut saya cara mengajarnya bapak ET-01 enak, tidak membuat siswa tegang tapi
STD - 28 pak ET-01 dalam menyampaikan materinya terlalu banyak memakai bahasa Inggris
dan suaranya terlalu kecil.
Menurut saya, guru bahasa Inggris kelas XII sekarang ini cara mengajarnya monoton.
Tidak ada hal menarik yang membuat suasana belajarnya menjadi lebih nyaman.
STD - 29 Seharusnya pelajaran bahasa itu lebih seru, menarik, dan enjoy. Tapi bagi saya dikelas
XII ini sangat membosankan. Saya berharap cara mengajarnya itu dirubah supaya
murid lebih menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Menurut saya, selama diajarkan bahasa Inggris saya merasa bosan. Saya berharap ada
STD - 30
hal baru dari tidak membosankan.
Menurut saya pa Ibrohim dalam mengajar kadang membosankan tapi ada kalanya
STD - 31 menyenangkan. Pak ET-01 juga hampir setiap kata yang diucapkan adalah
menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Pak ET-01 dalam mengajar menurut saya cukup saya pahami kadang juga saya bosan
STD - 32 karena monoton. Pak ET-01 juga jarang masuk. Cara mengajarnya cukup mudah untuk
Kesan saya terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris menurut saya Mr. ET-01 sangat bisa
STD - 33 mengajak murid-muridnya untuk ikut berbahasa Inggris. Itu sangat mengacu skill
bahasa Inggris siswa-siswanya.
Selama ini bapak mengajr bahasa Inggris dikelas kami, sudah lumayan baik dengan
menyampaikan materi dan memberi latihan. Tapi ada kurangnya juga, bapak dalam
STD - 34 menyampaikan materi, karena kami masih masih belum bisa memahami apa yang
bapak sampaikan dari awal masuk sampai sekarang ini. Bapak juga jarang sekali
masuk dan lebih sering tidajk masuknya dan sekali masuk bapak hanya memberi
latihan dibuku dan memainkan HP hingga jam pelajaran selesai. Menurut saya itu tidak
benar, tapi juga saya memaklumi jika bapak sedang sakit atau capek. Tapi sebaiknya
bapak lebih baik lagi dalam mengajar dan dikurangi mainan HP nya. Terima kasih.
Kalau belajar suka main HP, neranginnya ngga jelas suka ngomong sendiri, kadang
STD - 35
suka ngobrol sama yang pinter doang, telat terus masuknya.
STD – 36 Tidak bersemangat dalam mengajar, terlalu santai.
Kurang bersemangat dalam menjelaskan materi, kurang jelas dalam menyampaikan
STD - 37
Menurut saya Pa ET-01 itu orang baik, tapi terkadang banyak murid yang jarang
mendengarkan pembahasan dari bapak sendiri. Sebenarnya jika kita menyimak dan
STD - 38 mendengarkan materi yang bapak sampaikan itu dapat dipahami. Tapi terkadang juga
membuat murid menjadi boring. Pesan saya lebih mengajak siswa agar semangat
dalam belajarnya lebih semangat, inspiratif, menyenangkan.
Bapak ET-01 itu baik, sabar, pengertian, santaim enak aja (ngajarnya). Tapi dalam
STD - 39
proses pembelajaran kurang jelas, tolong diperjelas lagi.
Cara mengajar sedikit membosankan, acuan belajar monoton (hanya buku cetak).
Secara penguasaan materi bagus, saran hanya penyampaiannya lebih asik dalam
STD - 40
mengajar. Lebih ngajak anak untuk antusias belajar bahasa Inggris. Tunjukan bahwa
bahasa Inggris menyenangkan.
Bapak itu guru yang baik dan sabar walaupun kami terkadang rebut saja bapak tidak
pernah marah. Saya kagum walaupun bapak guru tetapi urusan akhirat pun tidak lalai
STD - 41 dan bapak juga sudah menghafalkan 30 juz. Barokalloh Pak. Semoga burub barokah
hafalannya ke murid-murid bapak. Pesan: Punten bapak kalau bisa cara mengajarnya
diubah agar lebih asyik lagi agar murid-muridnya semakin semangat dalam belajar.
Bapak pada saat mengajar tidak bisa tepat waktu dan cara mengajarnya kurang
mengasyikan dan materi yang disampaikan tidak bisa langsung dimengerti. Tetapi
STD - 42
bapak cukup baik dalam memberikan nilai. Pesan: Seharusnya cara mengajarnya lebih
baik dibuat seru supaya kita yang nerima materi bisa langsung mengerti.
Menurut saya, bapak itu cara mengajarnya membosankan, tapi sudah baik. Namun
kami selama ini belum merasakan kenyamanan saat bapak mengajar. Cara
penjelasannya juga kurang dipahami oleh saya. Bapak itu telah sabar menghadapi
STD - 43 kami. Bapak juga kurang tepat waktu jika masuk ke kelas kami. Semoga bapak bisa
memperbaiki lagi cara mengajarnya. Bisa membuat murid-muridnya tidak bosan saat
belajar. Dan semoga bapak lebih tepat lagi masuk ke kelas. Dan semoga kesabaran
bapak dalam menghadapi kami dapat bapak pertahankan.
Menurut saya, bapak mengajar anak muridnya sudah baik. namun kami selama ini
belum merasakan kenyamanan dan keasikan dalam KBM. Bapak telah sabar
STD - 44 menghadapi kami. Semoga bapak bisa mengarahkan anak muridnya lebih baik lagi dan
bisa menjadikan suasana belajar menjadi lebih asik dan tidak bosan serta kesabaran
bapak dapat dipertahankan.
STD - 45 Penyampaiannya agak bagus dan mohon diperjelas suaranya.
Cara mengajarny agak bagus tetapi lebih bagusnya. Suaranya diperjelas lagi dan cara
STD - 46
mengajarnya diasikan lagi.
STD - 47 Menurut saya bapak memang orang yang lembut dan tidak emosian. Tetapi disamping
itu, cara mengajar bapak masih kurang efektif, terbukti dari banyak murid yang acuh
tak acuh ketika berlangsungnya mata pelajaran bapak. Kegiatan belajar mengajarpun
tampak statis dan monoton, kadang juga membosankan. Saya harap ada cara baru yang
membuat English lebih menyenangkan, saya tau kalau saya bukan anak SD, but I wish
English will make student interest and want to learn it until be an expert of English.
STD - 48 Nothing
Kurang semangat kalau mengajar, terlalu santai kurang jelas kalau menyampaikan
STD - 49
Bapa itu mengajar baik tapi lebih baik lagi tidak selalu memperhatikan anak-anak yang
STD - 50 sudah bisa berbahasa Inggris, banyak anak yang masih belum bisa mengerti pelajaran
Bahasa Iggris.
Cara mengajar yang membosankan dan hanya terpaku pada buku membuat siswa
kurang tertarik mengikuti pelajaran dan cara mengajar yang hanya duduk dan suara
STD - 51
yang kurang tegas membuat siswa acuh dan kurang memperhatikan. Saran:
memperbaharui metode belajar agar siswa lebih tertarik mengikuti pelajaran.
Menurut saya pembelajarannya itu sedikit membosankan, karena materinya terpaku
STD - 52
pada buku cetak. Saran saya, materi dan cara mengajarnya lebih diperbaharui.
Bapak ET-01 adalah guru yang baik. sabar dan pengertian dengan murid-muridnya.
STD - 53
Belajarnya santai.
STD - 54 Menurut saya cukup menyenangkan tapi kurang tegas jadi menjadi bosan.
STD - 55 Tidak menyenangkan
STD - 56 Kalau ngomong tidak kedengaran
Baik, penyabar, penyelesaian materi terlalu cepat. Bikin ngantuk, memiliki budi
STD - 57
pekerti yang luhur, menghidupkan kecerdasan bangsa, menegakkan keadilan
Tidak mengerti apa yang dijelaskan, terlalu banyak kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang
STD - 58
tidak aku mengerti, hanya sedikit translate Indonesianya. Baik dan peramah.
I thinking that his step about teaching is boring. The class is passive and even often to
STD - 59 gawking. But he was very kind and tolerates our behavior as the last grade in the
school. The last, he is not interest teacher.
STD - 60 Kesan yang rasakan saya sangat merasa bosan dan mengantuk.
Belajar bahasa inggris dengan pak Ibrohim sangat boring, bosen karena suaranya kecil
STD - 61 dan bikin jenuh. Tapi disisi lain pak ET-01 ini kadang mengajarnya enak dan santai.
Pada intinya belajar bahasa inggris itu tergantung moral.
STD - 62 Boring, kurang menarik dan kurang jelas menyampaikan materinya. Nice.
STD - 63 Boring, kadang mengajarnya ngerti sendiri saja, baik/
STD - 64 Bikin ngantuk, bosan, ambigu atau tidak jelas.
MUdah dipelajari, enak saat menyampaikan materi. Kadang ada juga yang tidak
STD - 65
mengerti dimaterinya dan simple saat menyampaikan materinya.
Saya senang bisa diajar dengan pak ET-01, karena orangnya sabar, baik, humoris.
STD - 66
Cara mengajarnya lumayan dapat dimengerti.
Menurut saya selama diajar pak ET-01, saya merasa kurang paham dengan materi-
STD - 67
materi yang disampaikan. Tetapi yang saya suka beliau itu sabar dan jarang marah.
Cara pengajarannya baik hanya saja cara penyampaiannya kurang jelas, bicaranya
kurang lantang jadi siswa yang berada dibelakang tidak terlalu kedengeran. Saran:
STD - 89
lebih lantang lagi dan lebih perhatian ke semua siswa karena banyak siswa yang masih
belum terlalu pintar dan fasih dalam berbahasa Inggris.
KEsan saya setelah belajar bahasa Inggris bersama Pak ET-01 sedikit monoton dan
STD - 90 banyak latihan. Tetapi pak ET-01 sering memberi latihan dan tidak dijelaskan terlebih
dahulu apa yang harus kami kerjakan. Itu membuat kami kesulitan dalam
dipahami, harus bisa memberikan sansi. Iya sesuai. Ada bisalebih mengerti.
Gaya mengajarnya bagus dan metode pengajarannya juga baik. baik dan pada saat
memberikan materi cepan menempel dijidat. Komunikasi: Selayaknya guru dan murid.
Ciri ideal:lebih semangat untuk memberikan pelajaran dan materi untuk kita, baik,
STD – 09
ramah, dapat dimengerti oleh kita saat menerangkan, lancer berbahasa inggris, tidak
galak. Ya benar sesuai. Belajarnya lebih sering menggunakan infokus dan saya rasa
itu lebih baik.
Gaya mengajar miss rifka sangat zaman now, karena miss rifka mengajar dengan sabar
dan seru. Dan metode yang diajarkan sangat efektif karna menggunakan infokus. Sifat
STD – 10 miss rifka sangat menyenangkan, friendly, unik. Komunikasi sangat baik. ciri ideal:
kekinian, sabar, baik, meyenangkan, heboh. Sangat sesuai sekali. Ya lebih banyak
menggunakan infokus.
Gaya mengajarnya unik, sifatnya baik friendly. Komunikasi baik sekali. Ciri ideal:
STD – 11 baik, tidak galak, friendly, unik, tidak memberi banyak tugas. Iya sesuai. Ada, jadi
lebih unik dan agak tegas.
Gaya mengajarnya baik, sifatnya baik, baik. ciri ideal: baik, ramah, cerdas, unik, tidak
STD – 12
memberi banyak tugas. Sesuai harapan. Ada perubahan.
Gaya mengajar dan metode pengajaran yang digunakannya cukup baik. kadang paham/
kadang saya tidak paham. Sifat kepribadiannya sangat baik. komunikasi saya dengan
STD – 13 guru cukup baik. ciri ideal: memiliki sifat baik, jujur, tegas, jangan memberi tugas
banyak, berfikir positif. Ya, sesuai dengan harapan saya. Tidak ada perubahan, sama
Ciri ideal: menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik, cara mengajar menggunakan bahasa
inggris yang tepat, menyarankan semua murid dengan sabar, memberikan tugas yang
STD – 14 mudah dan dimengerti, memberitahukan semua murid cara berbicara bahasa Inggris
yang benar. Ia sesuai sekali karena menurut saya Ms. rifka dalam mengajar bahasa
Inggris sesuai dengan yang saya harapkan. Ada perubahan.
Dapat dipahami dan dimengerti, sifatnya baik, komunikasinya baik. ciri ideal:
menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik, cara mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik,
mengajarkan semua murid dengan sabar, memberikan tugas yang mudah, memberikan
STD – 15
tugas yang mudah, memberitahukan semua murid cara berbahasa inggris dengan benar.
Iya, karena guru lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris dan cara mengajarkan kepada murid
dengan sabar. Ada perubahan.
STD – 16 Ciri ideal: baik, sopan, sabar, tegas saat mengajar. Ia sesuai, ya ada.
Ciri ideal: Dapat mudah dipahami, dimengerti, menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik,
cara mengajar menggunakan bahasa yang jelas dan baik, mengarahkan semua murid,
STD – 17 dan jika disuruh kedepan, dan menjawab kurang bingung maka sebenarnya belum
cukup mengerti dan paham, cukup sabar mengajarinya. Iya sesuai, karna lebih baik,
lebih faham mengerti jika menerangkan. Tidak ada, masih tetap kaya sebelumnya.
Paham dan jelas gaya mengajarnya. Sifat: baik, lucu, dan asyik. Komunikasi sangat
STD – 18 baik. ciri ideal: pintar bahasa Inggris, dapat membimbing murid dengan sabar, dia lucu
dan sabar dalam mengajar, tegas saat mengajar, bijak saat mengajar. Ia sesuai. Ya ada.
STD – 19 Paham, baik, ramah, lucu. Komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: bisa belajar dengan pintar
dalam berbahasa, dapat membimbing dengan sabar, asik diajak bicara, tegas dalam
mengajar, ramah. Ia sesuai. Ada perubahan.
Ciri ideal: mengerjakan tugas dikelas, presentasi didepan berkelompok, mengerjakan
ujian praktek, tes lisan kosa kata didepan, belajar semangat dan bahagia. Memberikan
STD – 20
tugas kepada murid disekolah untuk dikerjakan dirumah masing-masing. Ada
Ciri ideal: mengerjakan tugas dikelas, presentasi didepan berkelompok, mengerjakan
ujian praktek, tes lisan kosa kata didepan, belajar semangat dan bahagia. Memberikan
STD – 21
tugas kepada murid disekolah untuk dikerjakan dirumah masing-masing. Ada
Paham dan jelas gaya mengajarnya. Sifat: baik, lucu, dan asyik. Komunikasi sangat
STD – 22 baik. ciri ideal: pintar bahasa Inggris, dapat membimbing murid dengan sabar, dia lucu
dan sabar dalam mengajar, tegas saat mengajar, bijak saat mengajar. Ia sesuai. Ya ada.
Gaya mengajarnya lucu dan serius. Sifatnya baik dan konyol. Komunikasi baik. Ciri
STD – 23 ideal: pintar bahasa Inggris, dapat membimbing, asik ketika mengajar, tidak banyak
memberikan tugas, sabar dalam mengajar dan bijak. Iya. ada.
Gaya mengajarnya serius. Sifatnya baik. Komunikasi baik. Ciri ideal: pintar bahasa
STD – 24 Inggris, dapat membimbing, asik ketika mengajar, tidak banyak memberikan tugas,
sabar dalam mengajar dan bijak. Iya. ada.
Gaya mengajarnya sangat baik, terkadang lucu. Sifatnya baik, serius, lucu. Komunikasi
baik sekali. Ciri ideal: membuat kita selalu ceria dalam mengajarnya, pintar bahasa
STD – 25
Inggris, dapat membimbing murid dengan sabar, tidak memberi banyak tugas,
sikapnya ramah dan baik/ tegas tapi menyenangkan. Ia, sangat sesuai. Ada.
Gaya mengajarnya serius dan enak cara belajarnya. Sifatnya tegas, seriusm dan
STD – 26
kadang-kadang bercanda. Komunikasi sangat baik dan nyambung.
Berbaur dengan murid, kadang dengan metode Tanya jawab, sifatnya baik, lucu, tegas,
dan serius. Komunikasi lancar. Ciri ideal: melakukan komunikasi yang baik dengan
STD – 27 murid, memberi contoh, mempraktekan bahasa Inggris agar terbiasa, ranag dengan
murid, terkadang juga harus ada joke biar ga tegang. Ia sangat sesuai. Ada, dan itu
perubahan yang bagi kami muridnya
Gayanya serius tapi santai. Sifatnya santai dan humoris, lumayan baik. ciri ideal:
STD – 28 professional, tegas, disiplin, serius mudah dipahami saat mengajar. Ya. Ada, dalam
sistem mengajarnya.
Gaya mengajarnya serius dan enak bisa bercanda. Sifatnya humoris dan santai.
STD – 29 Komunikasi sangat baik. Professional, tegas, disiplin, serius mudah dipahami saat
mengajar. Ya. Ada, dalam sistem mengajarnya.
Gaya mengajarnya santai, cerewet, baik hati, agar sedikit sensi gatau gara-gara hamil.
Sifatnya cerewet, sedikit santai, pake buku paket sekolah. Komunikasi sangat baik. ciri
STD – 06
ideal: ngasih terjemahan, ngasih jawaban, tidak marah-marah, berbagi permen soal
ulangan jangan susah. Ia sangat sesuai. Mengajar lebih dalam.
Gaya mengajarnya santai, cerewet, baik hati, agar sedikit sensi gatau gara-gara hamil.
Sifatnya cerewet, sedikit santai, pake buku paket sekolah. Komunikasi sangat baik. ciri
STD – 07
ideal: ngasih terjemahan, ngasih jawaban, tidak marah-marah, berbagi permen soal
ulangan jangan susah. Ia sangat sesuai. Mengajar lebih dalam.
Gaya mengajarnya santai, cerewet, baik hati, agar sedikit sensi gatau gara-gara hamil.
Sifatnya cerewet, sedikit santai, pake buku paket sekolah. Komunikasi sangat baik. ciri
STD – 08
ideal: ngasih terjemahan, ngasih jawaban, tidak marah-marah, berbagi permen soal
ulangan jangan susah. Ia sangat sesuai. Mengajar lebih dalam.
Gaya miss mengajar: baik, tegas, dan mudah dipelajari. Sifatnya tegas, baik. saya dan
mis ET-03 berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik karena miss ET-03 sangat baik terhadap
murid-muridnya. Ciri ideal: bisa memberikan teladan bagi murid-muridnya, mempunyai
tanggung jawab, yang kreatif dan inovatif, yang sensitive dengan waktunya, lebih
STD – 09 banyak berkomunikasi dengan murid-muridnya. Iya, miss ET-03 adalah guru yang saya
harapkan. Karna miss ET-03 dapat mengajar dengan baik dan materi-materinya mudah
dipahami. Ada waktu PLPG miss orangnya judes dan galak tetapi sesudah PLPG atau
sesudah benar-benar kenal miss berubah menjadi baik dan lebih banyak berkomunikasi
dengan murid-muridnya dikelas.
Gaya belajarnya sungguh mengasikan tidak bikin tunduh.. haha.. sifatnya baik ramah,
solih, akraban, bisa dibawa becanda. Komunikasi cukup baik karna saya suka akan
metode pembelajarannya dan dari sikapnya saya demikian. Ciri ideal: baik ramah,
menyenangkan, gampang dipahami, tidak pernah ngasih tugas yang ribet, akraban. Iya
STD – 10
karena ibu inggris yang mengajar saya itu guru syang sangat menyenangkan, gampang
dipahami pembelajarannya dan tidak galak. Saya rasa tidak tapi ga tau orang lain ma.
Yang penting dan yang saya harapkan ialah guru bahasa inggris saya harus tetap bisa
ngajar teru dikelas saya.
Pengajarannya Mudah dipahami, menyenangkan. Sifatnya baik dan ramah.
Alhamdulillah komunikasi baik, saya selalu bertanya dan Ms. ET-03 pun selalu
menjawab. Ciri ideal: humoris, baik dan menyenangkan, apa yang disampaikan mudah
STD – 11
dipahami, selalu memberi tugas yang simple, religious. Yah sesuai, karena saya akan
semangat belajar dengan guru yang baik seperti Ms. ET-03 dan orangnya juga
menyenangkan. Tidak ada perubahan.
Pengajarannya Mudah dipahami, menyenangkan. Sifatnya baik dan ramah.
Alhamdulillah komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: lebih mengerti kepada murid, tidak terlalu
STD – 12
fokus pada pelajaran, bisa diajak bercanda, ramah, tidak pernah memberikan PR. Ya
sesuai. Karena dengan beliau sangat seru tidak membosankan. Tidak ada perubahan.
Gaya mengajar dan metode pengajaran yang digunakan oleh mis ET-03 yaitu gaya
mengajarnya baik dan rame, metodenya santai, baik, dan tidak sombong. Sifat
kepribadiannya dia lumayan suka melucu, baik hati, ramah dan tidak sombong.
Komunikasi saya terhadap miss ET-03 lumayan akrab karena miss ET-03 itu baik hati,
STD – 13
ramah dan tidak sombong. Ciri ideal: memberi contoh yang baik terhadap muridnya,
baik hati, ramah, santai tapi tidak kuuleun, memberi nilai yang baik dan bagus. Ya, guru
bahasa inggris saya sesuai dengan harapan saya. Kenapa? Karena ketika ada jawaban
yang salah dikembalikan lagi. Say atidak tahu karna lupa.
Gaya mengajar dan metode pengajaran ynag digunakan miss ET-03…. Sifat
STD – 14
kepribadian miss ET-03 cerewet. Komunikasi saya dengan miss ET-03 baik. miss ET-
03 bisa menerangkan semua kosa kata yang saya kurang tahu. Ciri ideal: baik hati, tidak
boleh pendiam, tidak cerewet, jangan marah-marah, jangan dating terlambat. Miss ET-
03 sangat saya harapkan karena saya sangat ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris. I don’t know.
Gata mengajarnya tidak terlalu menekan pad amuridnya, lumayan dimengerti saat
belajar berlangsung. Baik orangnya terbuka, mengerti situasi muridnya apabila sedang
berisik dikelas. Baik, bertanya tentang sesuatu yang tidak dimengerti dapat dijawab
dengan baik olehnya. Ciri ideal: dikurangi tugasnya sesuai dengan kempuan murid dan
tidak selalu mencari di google. Lebih santai. Kalau bisa sebelum mulai belajar bercerita
dulu atau permainan yang seru untuk refresh otak. Jangan membeda-bedakan pada saat
KBM, tidak terlalu memaksa mnurid yang tidak mengerti (mengerti situasi murid), tidak
STD – 15
terlalu banyak memberi tugas, bercerita dulu sebelum mengajar, memberi motivasi
kepada muridnya. Ya, belajarnya tidak terlalu pusing, gurunya pun seru saat
pelajarannya, lucu, tidak terlalu memaksa muridnya saat tidak mengerti apa yang ia
ucapkan lalu ia ulangi dan diartikan, tidak gampang marah. Ada, sebelumnya karena
belum kenal miss itu ngajarnya tegas, tegang saat belajarnya namun setelah kenal
sekarang mulai mengerti pelajarannya sekarang kurang belajarnya tapi tugas banyak dan
kurang dimengerti dan jarang masuk saat pelajarannya dimulai.
Gaya mengajarnya Ms. ET-03 santai. Jadi kekitanya tidak terlalu tegang saat
dipembelajaran. Sifat Ms. ET-03 lucu, blak-blakan, kalau ngomong bahasanya campur
Inggris, Indonesia, sunda dan mis ET-03 tuh gaul. Komunikasi dengan Ms. ET-03 tuh
kaya kita ngobrol sama teman soalnya kalau belajar sama Ms. ET-03 tuh nyenengin.
STD – 16
Ciri ideal: lebih santai dalam pembelajarannya, ngasih tugas tidak melebihin
kemampuan kita. Mungkin semoga pengertian saat kita tidak bisa mengerjakan apa
yang ditugasin. Sesuai. Ada, Mis. ET-03 jadi suka makan loli disaat pembelajaran
Gaya ngajarnya Ms. ET-03 santai, engga terlalu fokus banget sih tapi ngerti. Sifat Ms.
ET-03 lucu, blak-blakan, kalau ngomong bahasanya campur inggris. Indonesia sunda
gaul juga. Kalau ngobrol sama ms. ET-03 itu serasa ngobrol sama teman sendiri. Ciri
STD – 17 ideal: lebih santai dalam KBM nya, ngasih soal-soal yang ngga bikin pusing. Semoga
Ms. ET-03 ngerti saat kita kurang memahami pengajaran yang lagi berlangsung, lebih
baik dalam mengajarnya. Sesuai. Ada, Mis. ET-03 jadi suka makan loli disaat
pembelajaran berlangsung.
Gaya ngajarnya santai, engga terlalu tegang, santai tapi ngerti. Sifatnya blak-balkan.
Kalau ngomong pake bahasanya campur, lucu, gaul juga. Kalau ngobrol kaya sama
STD – 18 teman sepantaran. Ciri ideal: lebih santai dalam pembelajarannya, ngasih soal-soalnya
yang ngga bikin pusing, semoga Ms. ET-03 ngerti saat kita ga ngerti. Ada, Mis. ET-03
jadi suka makan loli disaat pembelajaran berlangsung.
Mengajarnya baik, seru, asyik, tegas, dan dapat mudah dimengerti. Sifatnya baik, lucu,
tegas, bisaksana. Komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: harus tegas dalam mengajar, bijaksana,
harus tahu cara menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang benar dan baik mengetahui cara
STD – 19
penulisan huruf dalam bahasa Inggris. Ya karena memberikan tugas tidak melebihi
kemampuan kita. Ada, perubahan dalam mengajar setelah PLPG perubahan
pengajarannya lebih banyak kuis.
Gaya mengajarnya serius tapi santai, seru, mudah dipahami. Sifatnya baik, lucu, tegas,
asik. Kamunikasi baik. ciri ideal: disiplin, selalu memberi contoh yang baik terhadap
STD – 20
muridnya, mempunyai perilaku yang baik, bersikap adil, dan bijaksana. Ya sangat
sesuai. Perubahannya yaitu materinya kebanyakan kuis.
Gaya mengajarnya serius tapi santai, sekalu memberi pelajaran yang baru setiap
STD – 21
minggunya tetapi tidak mempersulit muridnya. Sifatnya tegas, baik, lucu,
menyenangkan. Komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: disiplin, selalu masuk saat jam waktu
mengajarnya, selalu memberikan contoh yang baik terhadap murid-muridnya, selalu
bersikap adil dan tidak mempersulit, bijaksana. Ya karna miss guru yang sangat
diharapkan dan sesuai dengan muridnya. Yam setelah ia mengikuti PLPG tersebut cara
mengajarnya ada yang beda. Miss selalu memberikan kuis sacara berkelompok kepada
kami dikelas. Materinya sayapun sangat senang karna disana kita memperebutkan nilai
dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang miss berikan kepada kami.
Cara mengajarnya serius tapi santai, mudah dimengerti dan seru. Sifatnya baik, lucu.
Baik. ciri ideal: disiplin, selalu memberi contoh yang baik terhadap muridnya, bersikap
STD – 22 adil pada semua muridnya, harus tegas dalam mengajar, harus tau cara menggunakan
b.inggris yang benar dan baik. Ya, sangat sesuai. Ada karena dia setelah mengikuti
PLPG kebanyakan materunya diganti dengan kuis.
Mengajarnya serius tapi santai dan mudah dimengerti oleh sipendengar. Sifatnya baik,
lucu, dan tegas jika ada murid yang salah. Komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: disiplin, selalu
memberi contoh yang baik terhadap muridnya, bersikap adil pada semua muridnya,
STD – 23
harus tegas dalam mengajar, harus tau cara menggunakan b.inggris yang benar dan baik.
Ya, sangat sesuai. Ada karena dia setelah mengikuti PLPG kebanyakan materunya
diganti dengan kuis.
ciri ideal: harus tegas dalam mengajar, bijaksana, harus tahu cara menggunakan bahasa
STD – 24 Inggris yang benar dan baik mengetahui cara penulisan huruf dalam bahasa Inggris. Ya
sangat sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Ada banyak perubahan.
Mengajarnya serius tapi santai, seru, mudah dimengerti. Sifatnya tegas, baik, asik jika
STD – 25
diajak berbicara dan diam pembelajaranpun. Komunikasi baik-baik saja.
Gaya mengajarnya asik, tidak membosankan, cukup tegas, baik. sifatnya baik, ceria,
tegas, agak manja hehe. Sangat baik. karena miss orangnya bisa diajak bercanda dan
jarang marah. Maka dengan itu hampir semua murid dekat dengan miss. Ciri ideal:
ceria, baik, ketika menerangkan langsung mengerti, lebih berinteraksi dengan murid-
STD – 26 muridnya, jangan suka marah-marah aja ya miss. Ya, miss ET-03 sesuai dengan yang
kita harapkan. Dia baik, jarang marah, suka membuat kami tertawa dengan kata-kata
yang dia ucapkan. Tapi ada satu hal yang membuat miss berbeda ketika dia sedang
hamil yaitu kalau setiap masuk kelas dia selalu makan permen. Hehe. Mungkin itu
bawaan si jabang bayi kali ya.
Tidak terlalu menegangkan pada saat pembelajaran dimulai dan bisa dimengerti saat
pembelajaran dimulai. Sangat baik, orangnya terbuka, dan miss ET-03 mengerti pada
saat keadaan dikelas ataupun muridnya. Komunikasi baik, ms. ET-03 pun kalau kita
bertanya suka meresponnya. Ciri ideal: inginnya jangan ngasih tugas lebih dari
kemampuan saya, dikurangi tugasnya pada KBM berlangsung, jangan membeda-
bedakan pada saat KBM, inginnya bercerita dulu jangan langsung belajar. Sangat
STD – 27
sesuai, karena miss sangat baik, mengerti dengan keadaan kelas, tidak terlalu
menekankan pada muridnya untuk belajar. Ada perubahan. Sebelumnya kita itu dan
miss belum akrab. Tapi sesudah itu saya sama miss bisa berkomunikasi lebih dekat.
Sebelum itu miss mengajarnya tegang, tegas pada saat KBM berlangsung, dan belum
mengenal kelas saya, tapi sesudah itu miss sekarang asik, dan bisa mengerti keadaan
memotivasi murid-murinya. Menurut saya Ms. Ai sesuai dengan kriteria. Setelah PLPG
menurut saya mengajarnya seperti biasanya menyenangkan dan tidak ada yang berubah.
Gaya mengajar Ms. Ai mengasikan gampang dimengerti dan tidak membuat bosan saat
pembelajaran. Ms. Ai sangat baik dan sabar, Alhamdulillah juga PR nya tidak terlalu sering dan
cukup mudah. Kriteria guru Bahasa Inggris idela: 1) cantik, ramah, baik; 2) mudah dimengerti;
STD – 06
3) tidak jutek; 4) rajin masuk kelas; 5) ceria. Ms. Ai sesuai dengan yang saya harapkan karna ini
mempermudah saya untuk belajar bahasa inggris. Setelah PLPG ada perubahan yang menonjol
dalam cara beliau mengajar.
Gaya mengajar Ms. Ai baik sering menerangkan. Ms. Ai ramah, baik. Kriteria guru bahasa
Inggris ideal: 1) terutama harus bisa berbahasa Inggris; 2) harus memahami materi-materi
yang akan disampaikan pada murid; 3) sifat utama guru yaitu sabar. Guru bahasa inggris pun
harus sabar karena belajar bahasa Inggris itu tidak mudah sebab tidak digunakan dalam
STD – 07
bahasa sehari-hari; 4) harus baik; 5) harus sering menerangkan. Ms. Ai sesuai dengan yang
saya harapkan sebagai guru bahasa Inggris karena beliau menerangkan materi-materi yang
disampaikan secara runtut dan jelas. Setelah PLPG menurut saya tidak seperti proses mengajar
Gaya mengajar Ms. Ai dengan penuh ketenangan dan sangat bisa dengan mudah dipahami.
Beliau sabar, selalu tersenyum saat menerangkan dan selalu membuat anak didiknya enjoy dna
have fun pada pelajarannya. Saya mendapay respon yang sangat baik. yang saya harapkan
dalam kelas ini semoga pelajaran ini akan selalu bermanfaat untuk kita. Dan saya berharap
STD – 08 semoga ibu selalu bisa terus mengajar seperti ini. 5 ciri ideal: 1) dapat menyampaikan materi
dengan cepat dan mudah dipahami; 2) selalu bisa menyampaikan dengan sabar; 3) selalu
membenarkan kesalahan muridnya dalam materi ataupun sikap; 4) selalu tersenyum; 5)
menanggapi semua keluh kesah murid. Dan beliau sangat sesuai dengan kriteria. Setelah PLPH
ada perubahan.
Gaya mengajar beliau sangat simple dan bisa dipahami dalam sekejap begitupun metode
pengajaran yang dipakai oleh beliau sangat menyenangkan dengan menggunakan proyektor,
video bagaimana menjelaskan bab yang akan dibahas. Beliau baik, sangat memperhatikan
muridnya, bersahabat dengan para muridnya. Saya rasa beliau cukup baik karena saya sering
menanyakan tentang yang belum saya pahami dan beliau dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian
menjawabnya. Saya tidak berharap banyak, hanya ingin menambah ilmu wawasan tentang
STD – 09 bahasa inggris begitupun kepada guru saya tetaplah menjadi guru yang sabar dan mengasikan
seperti sekarang ini. 5 ciri ideal yang harus dimiliki guru bahasa Inggris: 1) komunikatif dengan
muridnya; 2) sabar dalam menghadapi murdinya; 3) selalu pengertian dan penuh kasih sayang;
4) mengaggap murid sebahai ‘anak’ ketika mengajar; 5) memiliki keahlian berbahasa Inggris
yang fasih. Beliau sangat sesuai dengan apa yang saya hrapkan. Setelah PLPG mungkin ada
perubahan Karena saya lupa. Diawal-awal mungkin beliau masih belum mengenal karakter, sifat
dari murid yang akan diajar oleh beliau tapi sekarang beliau lebih bersahabat kepada kami.
peka, memahami proses. Dan tidak sesuai dengan yang saya harapkan. Sebelum
mengikuti PLPG jarang sekali diadakannya program listening. Setelah mengikuti
PLPG sering sekali diadakanya program listening dan saya tidak suka.
Gaya mengajar layaknya guru biasa dan mudah dipahami. Seperti guru menginginkan
muridnya bisa dan paham apa yang diajarkannya pantang menyerah untuk
mengajarkan muridnya hingga paham. Komunikasinya baik karena saya dan guru saya
saling bertanya ataupun jika saya tidak mengerti selalu diterangkan lagi. Ciri ideal:
STD – 09
menguasai banyak kosa kata, memahami muridnya, jika siswa tidak mengerti, guru
menjelaskannya kembali, lancer berbahasa inggris, membimbing muridnya dengan
sabar dan ikhlas. Ia sesuai. Perubahannya saya tidak terlalu menyadarinya, tidak ingat,
sepertinya ada.
Gaya mengajarnya mempraktekan langsung dengan murid dan metoda yang digunakan
adalah audio. Sifatnya baik dan ramah tamah pada semua murid. Komunikasi saya
dengan guru sangat baik. ciri-ciri ideal: harus bisa komunikasi dengan murid yang
tidak terlalu paham bahasa Inggris. Sering-sering mengajar materi dipapan tulis bahasa
STD – 10
yang tidak dipahami murid, sering-sering mengajar materi dipapan tulis bahasa yang
tidak dipahami murid, menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika mengajar dikelas. sesuai
dengan yang diharapkan sesuai jawaban saya diatas. Tidak terlalu banyak perubahan,
hanya materi yang diajarkan lebih dalam lagi.
Gaya mengajarnya; menjelaskan, bertanya, lalu memberikan latihan soal. Sifatnya
baik, perhatian, jarang marah-marah, komunikasinya baik, kadang bila ada yang
kurang sreg kadang sika menyampaikannya. Ciri ideal: perhatian, baik, tegas (tapi
STD – 11
jangan terlalu tegas), tidak membosankan, shaleh. Sekitar 90% sudah sesuai yang saya
harapkan. Ada, memberikan tugasnya tidak terlalu banyak lalu kadang suka cerita seru
mengenai materi pembelajaran.
Gaya mengajarnya enjoy, tidak monoton. Sifat: baik, ramah, ceria, perhatian,
STD – 12 penyabar, penyayang. Komunikasinya sangat baik. ciri ideal: tidak monoton,
merangkul anak-anaknya, enjoy, serius tapi santai, tidak menekan. Iya, iya ada.
Gaya mengajarnya menyenangkan, tidak mudah jenuh saat belajar, sistemnya bagus
sehingga materi mudah dipahami. Sifatnya baik, mampu memahami cara berpikir
murid. Komunikasi berjalan dengan baik antara saya dan guru saya.
Ciri-ciri ideal: dapat menelaskan, menyampaikan, dan memaparkan materi dengan
STD – 13 bahasa Inggris, dapat mengajak siswa siswa untuk membiasakan bahasa Inggris, tidak
memaksa agar siswa harus mengerti, mengajari siswa dengan bersabar. Mengajarkan
siswa untuk menerapkan materi pembelajaran dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Iya (sesuai).
Ya, guru saya lebih banyak mengadakan listening dan quiz diakhir pembelajaran juga
lebih banyak memberikan siswa kesempatan berbicara (mengemukakan pendapat)
Gaya mengajarnya asik, saya ngerti materi apa yang disampaikannya. Karena sempat
menjadi wali kelas, beliau sudah seperti ibu sendiri. Peduli dengan keadaan siswa,
perhatian pada masalah yang dialami siswa ataupun kelas. Selama ini komunikasi yang
terjalin sangat, sangat baik dan cukup dekat. Ciri ideal: komunikatif, ceria, serius tapi
enjoy, sabar, mengerti kondisi siswa. Iya sesuai harapan. Seperti ada tapi belum terlalu
STD – 14
terasa, mungkin karena saya sebenarnya memang sudah enjoy dengan apapun gaya
mengajar guru tersebut. Metode dan gaya mengajar miss, kadang memakai video dari
video ataupun film. Kita mengerti materi apa yang akan dipelajari, kadang membaca
cerita dibuku paket. Miss ET-05 itu sangat baik, pengertian, ramah dan tegas.
Komunikasinya sangat baik.
Ciri ideal: friendly, smart, bisa bikin murid ngerti dengan penjelasannya sendiri,
perhatian, mempunyai gaya mengajar yang berbeda. Iya sesuai, saya rasa
perubahannya sedikit, mungkin Cuma merubah demi yang lebih baik dari yang baik.
Gaya mengajar dan metode mengajar cukup untuk menarik perhatian dan dapat dengan
mudah dipahami. Sifatnya baik, seru, penyabar, lucu. Kalau komunikasi sih lancer dan
harmonis, karena sering berbincang-bincang. Ciri ideal: Baik, tahu kepribadian
STD – 15 siswanya, asik orangnya, pengetahuan tentang bahasa Inggris harus luas, memiliki
metode mengajar yang dapat menarik perhatian siswa. Ia sesuai tapi ada yang harus
ditambahkan. Ada perubahan, salah satunya yaitu cara mengajarnya/ metode
mengajarnya menjadi lebih mudah dipahami.
Cara mengajarnya aktif dan menyenangkan. Sifatnya biasa saja sama seperti guru lain,
komunikasinya baik. Ciri guru ideal: guru mewajibkan siswanya untuk berbahasa
Inggris, guru komunikatif dan aktif, guru menerapkan kewajibanya sebagai panutan
STD – 16
murid, menambah kosakata setiap pengajaran, membiat kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk
keseharian agar bisa diterapkan pada komunikasi setiap hari. Iya, karna saya rasa
sudah cocok. Tidak ada perubahan
Gaya mengajarnya santai dan sedikit menekan, tegas, bagus. Ciri ideal: sabar, inovatif,
kreatif, bisa membuat senang belajar bahasa Inggris, menyenangkan. Ada sedikit
STD – 17
kekurangan, jarang membuat game yang membuat rileks, iya, menjadi lebih mengerti
Ciri ideal: cara menyebutnya baik, rame, santai, lebih sering menonton film sub inggris
STD – 18
supaya mengetahui. Iya, iya.
Baik, nyaman, dan gampang ngerti. Ciri ideal: baik, ramah, jelas, tidak membuat
STD – 19 bosan, happy. Sangat sesuai harapan jadi lebih mengerti. Menurut saya tidak, karna
dari awal sudah bagus.
Sangat baik. sangat baik, sangat komunikatif. Ciri ideal: rame, unik, komunikatif, gaul,
STD – 20
baik. sesuai. Ya.
Cara mengajarnya baik dan menyenangkan. Baik. ciri ideal: menyenangkan, rame, ga
STD – 21
banyak tugas, biar enjoy. Ya, tidak..
Cara mengajar dan menyampaikan materi kadang kurang dipahami. Sifatnya cukup
STD – 22 ramah dan kadang bisa berinteraksi dengan baik. ciri ideal: dapat menjelaskan materi
dengan baik, tidak terburu-buru dalam penyampaian materi, lumayan sesuai. Ya
Sangat baik dalam mengajar, suka menolong saaat kesusahan atau hal yang tidak
STD – 23 dimengerti. Ciri ideal: ramah, asik, jelas pembelajarannya, ga galak, menyenangkan. Ia
sangat sesuai. Menjadi lebih baik dalam mengajar dan lebih paham.
Gaya mengajarnya, menghafal, memahami, praktek. Sifatnya baik, sabar.
STD – 24
Komunikasinya baik dan nyaman.
Ciri ideal: banyak game, praktek. Ya sesuai karena saya memahaminya dan saya suka.
STD – 25 Ada, lebih mengetes kemampuan siswa/I nya terhadap ingatan mengenai rumus-rumus
Ciri ideal: berpengetahuan luas, asik, friendly, tidak monoton, banyak belajar bermain.
STD – 27
Iya sesuai walaupun belum sesuai hrapan sekali. Ya dari cara metodenya.
Gaya mengajarnya lumayan gampang untuk dipahami. Sifatnya baik, komunikasinya
baik. ciri ideal: saat mengajar bicara bahasa Inggris dibarengkan dengan bahasa
STD – 28
Indonesia, sabar dalam mengajar, mengajar dengan perlahan , baik hati, dapat
memahami murid yang belum mengerti. Ya cukup sesuai. Tidak, sama saja saya rasa.
Baik, baik, ramah, baik. ciri ideal: serius, humoris. Ya cukup sesuai. Perubahan: I think
STD – 29
Cukup baik, mudah diserap. Baik, ramah. Komunikasi baik. ciri ideal: banyak game,
STD – 30 banyak praktek, harus ramah, harus serius tapi santai, perbanyak kosa kata. Cukup
sesuai, karena ilmu yang disampaikan cukup mudah diserap. Tidak berubah.
Mengajarnya cukup menyenangkan, lumayan dimengerti. Komunikasi sangat baik. ciri
STD – 31 ideal: rame, dapat dimengerti, menyenangkan, belajar sambil bermain, banyakin
praktek. Sudah cukup sesuai. Tidak
STD – 32 Mantap, mantap, mantap. Mantap lanjutkaan. Mantap lanjutkan, mantap lanjutkan.
ET-01 invited the students to remind the
previos materials related with the 'review
text' theory. "As I tell you in the last
Some students were pay attention where the others FN/OB-
7:31 meeting that today will be practical
just chit chat to another students A03-04
examination because of confined. Today
we are going to be discuss it, ya
mengulang kembali 'review text'".
ET-01 taught the body of review text of
book, story and other aspects. ET-01 Students respond by mentioning the shape, colour,
gave the example by using 'a pen' as the price, advantages and disadvantages of the pen. Male
object to be analyzed the specific aspects students were dominant.
Learning and then to be reviewed.
Activity ET-01 gave the example of sentence that FN/OB-
present the 'orientation' part A03-06
ET-01 asked one student to come in front
Male students came to in front of the class to give the FN/OB-
8:00 of the class presenting the review of the
presentation. A03-09
same pen as ET-01 did before.
ET-01 asked the other students to give
8:02 the comment of their friend's there is no student giving the comment
ET-01 asked the students to form into
groups to discuss the materials and tried students formed 4 persons in a group and worked in FN/OB-
to review another object and write the groups A03-11
review text.
ET-01 asked one person of each group to only two groups who presented their works because FN/OB-
present their review work of the time limits. A03-12
ET-01 ended the english class and
reminded the students to prepare their
8:34 Closing the class examination "the next meeting we are
going to do our practical examination.
Please prepare next time"
The class started with recite Al- FN/OB-B01-
Ikhlas and memorize the quran 01
12:41 The activity then contonued
with singing the Indonesia
anthem Students who were called out their FN/OB-B01-
12:44 ET-02 checked the attendances
name were raised their hand 03
ET-02 connected the previous
one student helped ET-02 to prepare FN/OB-B01-
12:46 Learning activity materials with today's material's
the projector and speaker 04
ET-02 asked a student about the
12:50 previous meeting and connected it
with this meeting material
ET-02 recited the previous meeting
12:53 materials. She continued to show the
learning materials on slides
ET-02 taught the social function, some students were paid attention to
12:54 generic structure, and language ET-02 while the others wrote down
features of descriptive text the materials on slide
ET-03 started the session by greeting and
07.00-07.05 Opening Students were praying FN-OB-C01-01
Students along with ET-
07.05-07.40 ET-03 checked the students' homework FN-OB-C01-02
03 checked their work
ET-03 checked the attendances by calling Students mentioned
07.40-07.44 students' name and the students' score of their score after being FN-OB-C01-03
their homework called their names
ET-03 asked the students' condition by
07.45-07.48 checking their opinion with their score FN-OB-C01-04
(that was peer-checking before)
Students mentioned
ET-03 connected the materials that will be
07.49-07.54 their idol name (e.g. FN-OB-C01-06
taught with students' idol
Afghan, Raisa, dll)
Students looked at the
Then ET-03 asked the students to look at
president of Indonesia FN-OB-C01-07
the president of Indonesia figure
ET-03 instructed the students to read the some students paid
passage on the book and discussed it with attention to their book FN-OB-C01-08
their peer while others chattig
ET-03 asked the students to analyze the
actor and the subject on the passage 1. ET-
03 asked the students to analyze the setting
or place on the passage 1. the teacher
asked the students to analyze the adverbial
of time on the passage
ET-03 the students to analyze the activity
that happened in the text [when Mia meet FN-OB-C01-10
ET-04 was walking to the English classroom from teachers' FN/OB-
room D01-01
7:08 Class started Students were greet to ET-04
Literacy 10
ET-04 instructed the students to read a chapter of book and
Minutes is only Students read a book and write the FN/OB-
7:23 to write its summary for 10 minutes. While literacy time,
for the first summary D01-04
ET-04 prepared the slides for learning activity
hour of study
ET-04 asked the teacher whether the students have finished "yes". Then the students compiled the FN/OB-
or not. "are you ready?" summary book to the ET-04's table. D01-05
ET-04 asked the students' opinion about the materials. "what FN/OB-
a student respond, "retell about event"
comes in your mind about this?" D01-10
ET-04 tried to give the latest real event of students' industry FN/OB-
visits to Ancol company that can be made into a recount text D01-12
ET-04 taught the recount text from the example and then FN/OB-
continue with the definition and body part of text. D01-13
ET-04 instructed the several students abjaically to read the Students responses to ET-04's FN/OB-
recount text example in a paused video instruction and read the text example D01-15
ET-04 asked the students about the example and asked them FN/OB-
The students tried to guess the tenses
to guess the tenses that was used in the text D01-16
ET-04 instructed the students to pair work and composed a Students were discuss the recount text FN/OB-
recount text with their peer. project with their friends. D01-18
ET-05 instructed the captain of the class to lead his a captain said "attention please, greet FN/OB-E04-
8:30 The class began
friend greeting to the teacher" 02
there were three students who helped
ET-05 entered the class and prepared the class ET-05. Two students were cleaned the FN/OB-E04-
condition (cleaness, projector and sound) class and the other student was helped 03
ET-05 installed the projector
ET-05 paused the video and asked the students "Virus" answered the students. a
8:50 "what was the video about?"……"do you know the student answered "H5N1" ….. A
name of virus?"….."what virus is it?" student answered "flu burung"
ET-05 instructed the students to read each sentence Students were read the text as soon as FN/OB-E04-
of the text and translated it. ET-05 called their names randomly 12
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Ditunjukkan teks tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di
waktu lampau, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks tersebut dengan benar.
Ditunjukkan teks tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di
waktu lampau, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks tersebut dengan tepat.
Ditunjukkan teks tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di
waktu lampau, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks tersebut dengan tepat.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu
Fungsi sosial:
To know the past event
Struktur teks:
Asking Information about Past Events Giving Information about Past Events
What did you ... I did ...
Where did you ... I did ... in/at/on ...
When did you ... I did ... yesterday/last week.
Why did you ... I did ... because ...
How did you ... I did ... by ...
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Genre Based Approach
F. Media Pembalajaran
Utami Widiati. 2016. Bahasa Inggris. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta
G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Awal
Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti berdoa dan
memeriksa kehadiran.
Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai
Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan
sebelumnya yaitu tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi, kemudian dikaitkan dengan
materi saat ini.
Kegiatan Inti
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar kegiatan mereka pada hari libur yang lalu.
(Building Knowledge of Field; Observing)
Siswa menyaksikan video dialog terkait tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi tentang
kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau. (Modelling; Observing)
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru seputar dialog tersebut berupa; apa, siapa,
kapan, dan di mana dialog tersebut dilakukan. (Modelling; Questioning)
Siswa secara berkelompok mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial; struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan (past tense) dari dialog tersebut. (Joint Construction; Questioning)
Siswa secara berkelompok mengidentifikasi kalimat-kalimat yang berisi ungkapan
memberi dan meminta informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau dari dialog
tersebut. (Joint Construction; Questioning)
Siswa secara berkelompok mempraktikkan dialog tentang ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau dengan konteks berbeda namun
masih satu tema. (Joint Construction; Experimenting, Associating)
Siswa diminta untuk membuat dialog tertulis tentang ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial; struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya. (Independent Construction;
Kegiatan Penutup
Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar.
Merencanakan kegiatan pembelajaran berikutnya.
H. Penilaian
Sikap Spiritual dan Sosial
(lampiran 1)
Pengamatan Kinerja
(lampiran 2)
VP01/School A ET-01
Lampiran 1
Sikap Spiritual dan Sosial
Penilaian Jurnal
Sangat Baik (SB) 4 Selalu santun dalam bersikap dan bertutur kata kepada guru
dan teman
Baik (B) 3 Sering santun dalam bersikap dan bertutur kata kepada guru
dan teman
Cukup (C) 2 Kadang-kadang santun dalam bersikap dan bertutur kata
kepada guru dan teman
Kurang (K) 1 Tidak pernah santun dalam bersikap dan bertutur kata
kepada guru dan teman
1 Dani
2 Oneng
Lampiran 2
Penilaian Tertulis
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Soal
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks In your opinion, why did the women ask Mr.
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi Rashid about his vacation?
tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu Who went for wacation?
lampau. Was the vacation wonderful?
Why didn’t Mr. Rashid sleep much?
Mengidentifikasi struktur teks tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi tentang Do you find any greeting in this conversation?
kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau. How did they say?
What did the women say to close their
Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks conversation?
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi .......... your flight OK last week?
tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu a. Were
lampau. b. Was
c. Would
d. Is
Rubrik Penilaian
No Nama Skor
1 Dani
2 Oneng
Video Script
Conversation 1
Man : Tell me about your last vacation
Women : Well, my last vacation was in Vietnam. I was in Vietnam for three
Man : How was it
Woman : It was fantastic. It was a beautiful country
Man : What did you do?
Woman : Emm, many things. Vietnam was a country that was very diverse. So, the south
was very different from the north. In the south you can go to the beach. I went
swimming in the ocean and it was very hot. And in the north I went to the
mountains where it was very cold and I went hiking.
Man : And how was that?
Woman : It was beautiful. It was.... The scenery was beautiful. And they have many
different etnic groups in the north so it was very interesting to meet all of the
different people.
Man : Did you go alone?
Woman : No, I went with the friends.
Man : And, what did you meet along the way?
Woman : We met many families and children. We met many people who were farmers and
they were working in the ricefields. And we also... we’re lucky to have tour
guides. He was from the local area and could show us the sides of the local area.
Conversation 2
How was your vacation
A : Hello Mr Rasheed
B : Hi
A : How are you
B : Fine, thank you
A : How was your vacation
B : It was wonderful
A : I’m so happy to hear that. Was your flight OK
B : No, pretty bad, actually. It was so bumpy. It was very scary
A : That’s too bad. Did you have nice weather after you arrived?
B : No, the weather was terrible. Very rainy. I actually never saw the sun
A : That’s awful. So, what did you do?
B : I stayed inside the hotel
A : Was the hotel room nice
B : The room was fine, but it was right next to the cafe and the music was very
Contoh Dialog 1
KARY : Hi! Trini How are you?
TRINI : Hello! I'm fine thank you.How about you?
KARY : I'm fine too
TRINI : What did you do on the last vacations?
KARY : I travelled to Acapulco; I swam in the beach “caleta”. At night my sisters and me
went to dance in the Discotheque finally my family and me visited the beach "Pie de
la Cuesta”
FANY : Hi! Girls What do you do?
KARY : Hi! Fany
TRINI : Hello! Kary and me are talking about on the last vacations
FANY : ok. What did you do on the last vacations?
TRINI : I visited my family in Mexico City. Also I went many Museums. I went to the park
six flags Mexico, I enjoyed all the games.
KARY : What did you do on the last vacations?
FANY : I flew to Cancun in this place. I met many people from different countries. I did
many extreme sports for example: abseiling, Tyrolean and dived in a “cenote”, also I
saw dolphins in the beach. Cancun is a beautiful place.
TRINI : How was your on the last vacation?
KARY : Very good! Because I was with my family and it was wonderful. How was your on
the last vacation?
FANY : Excellent, because I could know many places and many people. How was your on
the last vacation?
TRNI : Well, because I visited to my family and I know more about Mexico City
FANY : I have to go. See you later
Contoh dialog 2:
Contoh dialog 3
Uya : Hi Ayu
Ayu : Hi
Uya : I've heard you went to Bali again, is it true?
Ayu : (Ayu smiles)
Uya : Oh my God, I really want to go to Bali, it's a great place I've never slept in.
Uya : Anyway, I know you had visited Bali many times, did you still enjoy it?
Ayu : Yeah, I still enjoy it, especially when watching men playing football on the beach..
Uya : While lying on the sand half nak**, huh? (Uya smirks)
Ayu : Oh no, I am Indonesian. I don't want our ancestors rise from their tomb and look at one of
our beaches in summer, they would probably shake their head with incredulity.
Uya : I see. I am just kidding.
Ayu : Nevermind. Anyway, when will you go there?
Uya : I don't know, I am still busy with my business.
Ayu : I do hope we will see you in Bali next vacation.
Uya : I do hope so.
Ayu : I have to go right now. (while walking away from Uya)
Uya : Oh, nice to meet you Ayu. (while screaming)
When did you go for your last vacation?
Where did you go?
Did you go alone?
What did you do?
How was your vacation?
langkah retorika dalam yang sudah dibaca, ditonton, kesulitan yang dihadapi
teks naratif. dan/atau didengar dengan secara rutin kepada guru.
Membahas ciri-ciri kelompok belajarnya
leksikogramatika. Membahas nilai-nilai yang
Nonton film terkandung dalam cerita,
Mendengarkan cerita sikap dan perilaku para tokoh.
(secara langsung atau Membahas unsur dan langkah
dengan media elektronik). retorika dalam teks naratif.
Membacakan cerita Membahas ciri-ciri
kepada kelompok atau leksikogramatika.
kelas (monolog). Nonton film.
Menceritakan kembali Mendengarkan cerita (secara
cerita kepada kelompok langsung atau dengan media
atau kelas (monolog). elektronik).
Membahas kesulitan yang Membacakan cerita kepada
dihadapi siswa dalam kelompok (monolog).
melakukan kegiatan Menceritakan kembali cerita
terstruktur dan mandiri. kepada kelompok (monolog).
2. Modeling of Text
Mendengarkan percakapan tentang menasehati dan memberi saran dari
kaset /guru
Menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan dialog
Merespon ungkapan –ungkapan menyampaikan menasehati dan memberi
Menggunakan tindak tutur yang dipelajari.
Activity 2
Study and practice the following ialogue with a partner. Then, answer the questions.
Ben : You look a bit worried Claire. What’s the matter?
Claire : I can’t wake up early in the mornings.
Ben : Oh dear! That is a problem. But don’t you have an alarm clock?
Claire : Yes, of course. But I never seem to hear that.
Ben : Well, why don’t you buy an electric one? They go on ringing until you switch
them off.
Claire : Mmm, I doubt if that would do any good. I'd just switch it off and
go back to sleep.
Ben : Well, perhaps you could ask the telephone operator to give you an
early morning call, it's not that expensive.
Claire : Yes, that sounds a good idea. Thanks a lot.
Ben : Not at all. I hope it works.
1. Who are in the dialogue above?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What problem does Claire have?
4. What is Ben's suggestion giving to Claire?
Activity 3
Fill in the following dialogue with the expression in the box.
a. May be you can take here there
b. Why don't you take her to the movie?
c. You'd better go to the ticket box to get the tickets before they're
sold out.
d. 1 don't know what to do.
e. 1 thought Dita might like to go to concert.
Ivan is planning to make a surprise party for her sister, Dita. But he doesn't know
what to do, so he asks his mother about it.
Ivan : Mom, I have a plan for Dita's birthday party.
Mother : Really? What is it?
Ivan : I'd like to give her a surprise party, but... (1) Would you give me any
Pertemuan 2
1. Joint Construction of Text
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama PBM
Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
Membuat dialog yang menggunakan tindak tutur menasehati dan memberi
saran dengan cara menjodohkan.
Activity 4
Match up the problems from A with an appropriate piece of advice from B
I think you ought to go and buy some more.
If I were you I'd ring up and apologize.
I'd advice you to go on a diet.
I think you'd better hurry up, then.
I suggest you report it to the police immediately.
Why don't you ask her out, then?
I think you should go back and get it.
2. Independent Construction of Text
Siswa menulis sebuah teks narasi yang berhubungan dengan mitos (myth)
1. Membuat dialog dengan menggunakan ekspresi yang telah dipelajari secara
mandiri (tanpa bantuan guru).
2. Menugaskan siswa menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan yang dipelajari
dalam situasi yang sesungguhnya.
Activity 5
Work in groups of up to six
One person is the expert on the radio who answers all problems.
The other people are members of the public who phone in for advice:
1. A person who has run up a huge gambling debt.
2. A hard working person who feels life is not exciting enough.
3. A parent whose family live in a small flat and are thinking of getting a Great Dane
4. A student who is feeling worried about his/her examinations.
5. A school leaver who is having difficulty finding a job.
H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
1. Buku teks : English texts in Use XI, Aneka Ilmu, 2006
2. Script monolog berbentuk narratives
3. LKS
4. Gambar yang relevan
I. Penilaian
I. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh.
Task 2
Answer the questions according to the dialogue above!
1. What is the dialogue talking about?
2. What is the relationship between the speaker?
3. Where will Andrea go next December?
4. What does her mother think about it?
5. Does her mother feel worry about it?
6. What advice does she give to Andrea?
7. How does she warn about the rainy season?
8. Does she give her permission?
9. How does she express it?
10. Mention the other expressions to give advice and warn!
Task 3
What will you say to give advice to the following situations!
1. Your friend can’t wake up early.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………
2. Your friend always forgetting the thing he should do.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………
3. Your friend will go camping in rainy season.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………
4. Your brother is driving on crowded road.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………
Nilai 100 90 80 70
Task 2
Setiap nomor score max 10
Jumlah score max : 100
Task 3
Setiap nomor score max 20
Jumlah score max : 100
Mengetahui …………….………,
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan
2. Melafalkan kata dan ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait saran dan tawaran.
3. Menggunakan kata dan ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait saran dalam kalimat sederhana.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Dengan diperlihatkan video yang berisi tentang ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran,
siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran sesuai dengan konteks
2. Dengan diperlihatkan video, siswa dapat melafalkan/mengucapkan ungkapan saran dan
tawaran sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Dengan diberikan contoh text, siswa dapat membuat kalimat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran sesuai dengan konteks penggunannya.
4. Dengan bermain board game, siswa secara bergiliran merespon situasi berdasarkan
topik/situasi yang terdapat di dalam boardgame mengenai ungkapan memberi dan meminta
saran sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
5. Diberikan topik/situasi tentang ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran, siswa dapat
membuat sebuah dialog sederhan dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta saran.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi saran dan tawaran
Fungsi Sosial
Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain
Terbiasa menggunakan ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran dan meresponnya.
Struktur Teks
Unsur Kebahasaan
Meminta saran
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
What would you do if you were me?
What do you suggest?
What do you think I should do?
Ungkapan saran
You should take a break
You shouln’t eat spicy food
Why don’t you walk around?
Contoh Dialog
Desi : I want to buy a new dress. Should I buy the red or the blue one?
Joko : I think you should buy the blue one.
Desi : That’s a good idea, thank you for your suggetion.
Joko : You are welcome.
E. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Genre Based Approach (GBA)
2. Teknik : Group work and Board Game
F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media
Klip video, text berisi dialog yang menyatakan ungkapan meminta dan memberi saran.
2. Alat/Bahan
White board, laptop, LCD projector, board game, dadu, penghapus, dan spidol.
3. SumberBelajar
Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas XI KEMENDIKBUD 2014
Kamus Oxford
Good Very Good Score
Criteria to Low performance
No Performance Performance
be assessed 70
80 90
Ada masalah
pengucapan yang Mudah
membuat pendengar Mudah dipahami dipahami dan
1. Pengucapan harus konsentrasi meskipun dengan aksen memiliki
penuh dan kadang- tertentu aksen
kadang ada penutur asli
Kelancaran agak Kelancaran tampak Lancar
2. Kelancaran banyak terganggu sedikit terganggu oleh seperti
oleh masalah bahasa masalah bahasa penutur asli
Sering membuat Kadang-kadang Tidak ada
3. Tata Bahasa
kesalahan tata bahasa membuat kesalahan tata atau sedikit
VP/School B ET-02
Man: I think you should buy the blue one.
Woman: That’s a good idea.
Woman: Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money.
Man: Let’s go bowling tonight.
This speaking situation for making suggestion and advice is arranged from:
A: Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?
B: Here you are, madam.
A: Do you have any luggage?
B: Yes, one suitcase.
A: Please place it here.
A: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
B: An aisle seat, please.
A: Ok, sure. Is there anything else I can do for you?
B: No, Thank you.
A: You are welcome. Here is your boarding pass. Please be at the gate B, 30 minutes before
boarding. Have a nice flight!
B: Thank you.
(Sikap Sosial)
2.1.1. Menunjukan perilaku santun dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal dengan guru
dan teman (A5)
2.1.2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal dengan guru
dan teman (A5)
3.3.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
recount (K2)
3.3.2. Menangkap makna makna dalam teks recount lisan dan tulis sederhana. (K2)
3.3.3. Membandingkan perbedaan perbedaan berbagai teks tentang
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan teks
dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia (K2)
4.4.1. Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang pengalaman/
kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks (P4)
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
(Sikap Spiritual)
1.1.3. Siswa dapat menunjukkan semangat mengikuti pembelajaran.
1.1.4. Siswa dapat menunjukkan rasa antusias mengikuti pembelajaran.
(Sikap Sosial)
2.1.1. Siswa dapat menunjukan perilaku santun dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal
dengan guru dan teman.
2.1.2. Siswa dapat menunjukkan perilaku peduli dalam berkomunikasi interpersonal
dengan guru dan teman.
3.3.1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
dari teks recount
3.3.2. Siswa dapat menangkap makna makna dalam teks recount lisan dan tulis
3.3.3. Siswa dapat membandingkan perbedaan perbedaan berbagai teks tentang
pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan teks
dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
4.4.1. Siswa dapat menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang
pengalaman/ kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks
J. Materi :
N. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1
1) Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi salam kepada siswa - membalas salam guru
- mengajak siswa berdoa - berdoa bersama dengan
guru 10’
- mengecek kehadiran siswa - menyatakan kehadirannya
dengan berkata, “I am
2) Kegiatan Inti
Guru Siswa Waktu
3) Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi panduan - dengan panduan guru
menyimpulkan hasil menyimpulkan hasil
pembelajaran pembelajaran
- meminta siswa menyampaikan - menyampaikan pendapat
pendapat atau perasaan atas atau perasaan atas
pembelajaran yang dilakukan pembelajaran yang
dilakukan 10’
- memberikan penugasan - penugasan terstruktur
terstruktur individu untuk individu untuk browising
browising macam-macam macam-macam teks recount
teks recount
- menyampaikan rencana - mendengarkan penjelasan
kegiatan pertemuan berikutnya guru tentang rencana
kegiatan pertemuan
Pertemuan 2
1) Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi salam kepada siswa - membalas salam guru
- mengajak siswa berdoa - berdoa bersama dengan
- mengecek kehadiran siswa - menyatakan kehadirannya 10’
dengan berkata, “I am
- Mereview pembelajaran - Mereview pembelajaran
sebelumnya sebelumnya
2) Kegiatan Inti
Guru Siswa Waktu
a. Mengamati (Observing)
- Memperlihatkan contoh- - Memperhatikan contoh-
contoh recount teks dan contoh recount teks dan
meminta siswa memperhatikan meminta siswa 10’
kata kerja yang sudah memperhatikan kata kerja
digarisbawahi yang sudah digarisbawahi
b. Mempertanyakan (Questioning)
- Mengarahkan siswa untuk - Melakukan diskusi untuk
mengidentifikasi penggunaan mengidentifikasi
kata kerja berbentuk past form penggunaan kata kerja 10’
dalam teks recount berbentuk past form dalam
teks recount
- Memberi feedback diskusi - Mendapat feedback dari
yang dilakukan siswa diskusi yang dilakukan
c. Mengeksplorasi (Exploring)
- Memberi siswa latihan untuk - Mengerjakan latihan untuk
lebih mengenal penggunaan lebih mengenal penggunaan 15’
past form pada teks recount past form pada teks recount
d. Mengasosiasi (Associating)
- Meminta siswa berpasangan - berpasangan menganalisis
menganalisis struktur teks dari struktur teks dari biography 20’
- Memberi siswa latihan untuk - Mengerjakan latihan untuk
mempelajari penggunaan mempelajari penggunaan
e. Mengkomunikasikan (Communicating)
- Meminta siswa berpasangan - berpasangan membuat
membuat recount recount menggunakan unsur
menggunakan unsur kebahasaan yang sudah
kebahasaan yang sudah dipelajari. Siswa diberi
dipelajari. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk memilih
kesempatan untuk memilih jenis recount yang mau
jenis recount yang mau dibuatnya.
- Meminta beberapa pasang - beberapa pasang siswa
siswa untuk menampilkannya untuk menampilkannya di
di depan kelas depan kelas 20’
- Memberi feedback atas teks - Mendapat feedback dari
recount yang dihasilkan oleh guru atas teks recount yang
siswa dari unsur fungsi sosial, dihasilkan oleh siswa dari
struktur teks dan unsur unsur fungsi sosial, struktur
kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan
- meminta siswa menuliskan - menuliskan permasalahan
permasalahan dalam dalam menggunakan bahasa
menggunakan bahasa Inggris Inggris untuk memaparkan
untuk memaparkan jati diri jati diri dalam lembar
dalam lembar refleksi diri. refleksi diri.
3) Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi panduan - dengan panduan guru
menyimpulkan hasil menyimpulkan hasil
pembelajaran pembelajaran
- meminta siswa menyampaikan - menyampaikan pendapat
pendapat atau perasaan atas atau perasaan atas
pembelajaran yang dilakukan pembelajaran yang 10’
- memberikan penugasan - penugasan terstruktur
terstruktur berpasangan untuk individu untuk berpasangan
membuat teks recount lisan untuk membuat teks recount
- menyampaikan rencana - mendengarkan penjelasan
Pertemuan 3
1) Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi salam kepada siswa - membalas salam guru
- mengajak siswa berdoa - berdoa bersama dengan
- mengecek kehadiran siswa - menyatakan kehadirannya 10’
dengan berkata, “I am
- Mereview pembelajaran - Mereview pembelajaran
sebelumnya sebelumnya
2) Kegiatan Inti
Guru Siswa Waktu
a. Mengamati (Observing)
- Memperlihatkan contoh - Memperhatikan contoh
monolog dan tulisan recount monolog dan tulisan recount 10’
teks yanng diberikan oleh guruteks yanng diberikan oleh
b. Mempertanyakan (Questioning)
- Mengarahkan siswa untuk - memperhatikan hal-hal yang
memperhatikan hal-hal yang diperlukan dalam membuat
diperlukan dalam membuat monolog teks recount dan 10’
monolog teks recount dan tulisan
- Memberi feedback diskusi - Mendapat feedback dari
yang dilakukan siswa diskusi yang dilakukan
c. Mengeksplorasi (Exploring)
- Meminta siswa menampilkan - menampilkan monolog yang
monolog yang dibuat dibuat berpasangan 15’
d. Mengasosiasi (Associating) -
- Meminta siswa menganalisa - menganalisa monolog yang
monolog yang dilakukan oleh dilakukan oleh teman 15’
teman meraka dilihat dari meraka dilihat dari fungsi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan sosial, struktur teks dan
3) Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
- memberi panduan - dengan panduan guru
menyimpulkan hasil menyimpulkan hasil
pembelajaran pembelajaran
- meminta siswa menyampaikan - menyampaikan pendapat
pendapat atau perasaan atas atau perasaan atas
pembelajaran yang dilakukan pembelajaran yang 10’
- memberikan penugasan - penugasan terstruktur secara
terstruktur secara individu individu membuat monolog
membuat monolog dan dan menulis teks recount.
menulis teks recount.
VP/School C ET-03
Lampiran 1 :
Lembar pengamatan penilaian sikap spiritual
Nomor daftar hadir siswa kelas X -1
No Indikator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … 32
1 Siswa menunjukan
dalam mengikuti
2 Siswa menunjukan
dalam mengikuti
Kriteria penilaian semangat :
3 = telah menunjukan semangat (tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar) dalam mengikuti
2 = mulai menampakan semangat( tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar )dalam mengikuti
pembelajaran, namun belum sepenuhnya.
1= belum menampakan semangat( tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar )sama sekali
dalam mengikuti pembelajaran
Kriteria penilaian serius :
3 = telah menunjukan serius(berkomitmen tinggi, sedia bekerja keras, bersungguh-
sungguh) dalam mengikuti pembelajaran
2 = mulai menampakan serius tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan, menghargai
waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar dalam mengikuti pembelajaran,
1= belum menampakan perilaku peduli(menawarkan bantuan pada teman dan tidak egois)
sama sekali dalam dalam melaksanakan Komunikasi interpersonal dengan guru dan
Lampiran 2 :
Kisi-kisi soal pengetahuan dan penerapan
N semest Materi Indikator Nomor
Kompetensi Inti Kompetensi Dasar
o er Pokok soal soal
N semest Materi Indikator Nomor
Kompetensi Inti Kompetensi Dasar
o er Pokok soal soal
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan
diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak
secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
1. 3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi sebuah teks explanation.
struktur teks, dan unsur 3.8.2 Menyebutkan topik teks explanation.
kebahasaan beberapa 3.8.3 Mengemukakan fungsi sosial teks
teks explanation lisan dan explanation.
tulis dengan memberi dan 3.8.4 Menentukan struktur teks explanation.
meminta informasi terkait 3.8.5 Menemukan unsur kebahasaan teks
gejala alam atau sosial explanation.
yang tercakup dalam mata 3.8.6 Membaca sebuah teks explanation.
pelajaran lain di kelas XI, 3.8.7 Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks
sesuai dengan konteks explanation.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Disajikan tayangan beberapa gambar, sebuah video dan sebuah teks:
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi teks explanation dengan seksama.
Siswa dapat menyebutkan topik dari teks explanation tersebut dengan tepat.
Siswa dapat mengemukakan fungsi sosial teks explanation dengan tepat.
Siswa dapat menentukan struktur teks explanation dengan benar.
Siswa dapat menemukan unsur kebahasaan dari teks explanation dengan baik.
2. Diberikan sebuah teks:
Siswa dapat membaca teks explanation dengan seksama secara berkelompok.
Siswa dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan uraian mengenai teks explanation
tersebut dengan benar.
Diberikan sebuah teks:
Siswa dapat membaca teks explanation dengan seksama secara berkelompok.
Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan uraian yang lebih rinci mengenai teks explanation
tersebut dengan benar secara berkelompok.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Materi Inti:
1. An Explanation text entitled “How the Rainbow Happens”
2. The Social Function of Explanation Text
3. The Generic Structure of Explanation Text
4. The Language Features of Explanation Text
5. An Explanation text entitled “How Does the Rain Fall?”
E. Metode Pembelajaran
a. Pendekatan : Scientific
b. Model Pembelajaran : 5 M (Mengamati, Menanya, Mengeksplorasi, Mengasosiasi,
c. Metode : Modelling, Discussion
F. Media Pembelajaran :
a. Sumber Belajar:
Look Ahead for Third Grade Senior High School, Eudia Grace, 2006 Page 38. (diakses tanggal
28 September 2017)
224 (diakses
tanggal 28 September 2017) (diakses tanggal 29 September 2017) (diakses tanggal 1 Oktober
b. Media:
Power Point Presentation
Video of “How Rainbow happens”
Hand-out paper about “How Does Rain Fall?”
c. Alat:
LCD Projector
Loud Speaker
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi
Alokasi waktu
Kegiatan Kegiatan Awal 5 menit
Pendahuluan Orientasi
Siswa menjawab salam dan pertanyaan dari guru tentang
kesiapan dan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi
pelajaran yang akan dipelajari.
Siswa bersama-sama guru berdoa sebelum memulai
Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
Guru mengaitkan materi yang akan dipelajari dengan
materi yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya.
Siswa menerima informasi mengenai tujuan
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang hal-hal yang
berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran yang akan dipelajari.
Kegiatan Inti Mengamati 30 menit
Siswa mengamati gambar-gambar bertema gejala alam
dan sosial serta menonton sebuah video tentang “How
the Rainbow Happens” yang berkaitan dengan materi.
Siswa mengomentari gambar-gambar dan video tersebut
dikaitkan dengan materi yang akan dibahas.
Teks explanation berjudul “How the Rainbow Happens”
disajikan juga dalam bentuk teks.
Selanjutnya, siswa membaca teks explanation tersebut
dengan seksama.
Siswa menanyakan beberapa kata yang kurang mereka
mengerti mengenai teks explanation yang dibaca.
Siswa yang berani bertanya dan menjawab mendapatkan
penghargaan berupa pujian.
Kegiatan Deskripsi
Alokasi waktu
Siswa menyebutkan tema dari teks explanation tersebut.
Siswa mengemukakan fungsi sosial teks explanation.
Siswa menentukan struktur isi teks explanation.
Siswa menemukan unsur kebahasaan teks explanation.
Siswa diberi sebuah teks explanation lain beserta
pertanyaan mengenai teks tersebut.
Siswa membaca teks explanation tersebut dengan
seksama secara berkelompok.
Siswa mencermati uraian yang berkaitan dengan fungsi
sosial, struktur, unsur kebahasaan, pikiran utama dan isi
teks explanation tersebut.
Siswa mendiskusikan dan menyimpulkan hasil temuan
terkait dengan tema, fungsi sosial, struktur isi dan
kebahasaan teks explanation tersebut.
Siswa mendiskusikan dan menyimpulkan informasi
mengenai pikiran utama dan isi dari teks tersebut.
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai teks
explanation tersebut secara tulis.
Beberapa siswa mengemukakan hasil diskusi terkait
dengan temuan mereka mengenai tema, fungsi sosial,
struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks explanation
Beberapa siswa mengemukakan hasil diskusi terkait
dengan temuan mereka mengenai pikiran utama dan isi
dari teks explanation tersebut.
Siswa menukar jawaban kelompok mereka dengan
kelompok lain.
Siswa bersama guru mendiskusikan jawaban yang tepat
mengenai uraian tersebut.
Siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari.
Kegiatan Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah 5 menit
Penutup dilakukan yang diberikan oleh guru.
Siswa diberi tugas untuk menemukan teks explanation
dari berbagai sumber lainnya dan menganalisis fungsi
sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaannya.
Siswa menyimak informasi mengenai rencana tindak
lanjut pembelajaran/rencana kegiatan pertemuan
H. Penilaian :
4) Penilaian sikap spiritual dan sosial
a. Jenis : Formatif
b. Teknik : Non-tes
c. Bentuk : Pengamatan
d. Instrumen : Terlampir
5) Penilaian pengetahuan dan keterampilan
a. Jenis : Tertulis
b. Teknik : Tes
c. Bentuk : Uraian
d. Instrumen : Terlampir
Cicalengka, Februari 2018
Kepala SMA Bina Muda Guru Bahasa Inggris
VP/School C ET-03
Lampiran 1 :
Rubrik Penilaian Sikap
No Nama Perilaku yang diamati dalam pembelajaran
Jujur Tanggung Santun Kerja sama Peduli
BT Belum tampak sikap jujur, tanggung jawab, santun, kerja sama, dan peduli.
MT Mulai tampak sikap jujur, tanggung jawab, santun, kerja sama, dan peduli.
MB Mulai berkembang sikap jujur, tanggung jawab, santun, kerja sama, dan peduli.
MK Mulai konsisten sikap jujur, tanggung jawab, santun, kerja sama, dan peduli.
Lampiran 2:
Modelling Text
How the Rainbow Happens
Almost everyone likes a natural phenomenon called the rainbow. But, do you know
how the phenomenon of the appearance of the rainbow happens?
Rainbow occurs because of the refraction of light. The sunlight that shines in
between the rain drops is refracted by the rain drops. This process separates the white
light of the sunlight into a spectrum of different colors.
The spectrums of colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Or
what we often memorize as the abbreviation "VIBGYOR / mejikuhibiniu.” Then the colors
reflect in the back drops of rain resulting the light which looks arched and becomes the
1. The social function of Explanation text is to explain the processes relating to forming of
natural or socio-cultural phenomena.
2. The Generic Structure of Explanation Text
The generic structure of Explanation text is:
1) General Statement: stating the phenomenon which is to be explained.
2) Sequenced explanation: tells a sequenced explanation of why and how something
3. The Language Features of Explanation Text:
1) Generic Participants: rainbow, sunlight, colors, etc.
2) Simple Present Tense: happens, separates, becomes, etc.
3) Passive Voice: is refracted, etc
4) Conjunctions: but, because of, etc.
Lampiran 3
Materi Inti
water to evaporate. Then the water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere. The water in
the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow bigger and
heavier and fall to the earth as precipitation.
Lampiran 3:
Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan
Total Score : 100
KKM : 75
No. Soal Soal Poin
1. What is the social function of the text? 30
2. What is the generic structure of the text? 30
3. What are the language features of the text? 40
Total Nilai 100
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli, santun, ramah
lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsif dan pro-aktif) dan
menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan bangsa
dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dalam ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian, serta
menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan
bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,
membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari
di sekolah dan dari berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.
1.1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
1.2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar
pribadi dengan guru dan teman.
1.2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggungjawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dn teman.
1.2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.
1.3.4. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan
dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaanya.
1.4.5. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menytakan dan menanyakan tentang niat
melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Menunjukkan rasa percaya diri dalam menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat
melakukan sesuatu (showing intentions).
Menunjukkan rasa peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai ketika menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang niat melakukn sesuatu (showing intentions).
Mengidentifikasi menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukn sesuatu
(showing intentions)
membedakan beberapa pola tenses tentang niat melakukan sesuatu sesuai
dengan fungsi sosial dengan tepat.
Menyatakan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu (showing intentions).
Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan:
Peserta didik menunjukkan motivasi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan
berbahasa Inggris.
Peserta didik menunjukkan perilaku santun dalam menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang niat melakukn sesuatu (showing intentions) dengan tepat sesuai dengan
fungsi sosial, dan unsur kebahasaan.
Peserta didik menunjukkan rasa percaya diri dalam menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang niat melakukan sesuatu (showing intentions).
Peserta didik menunjukkan rasa peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai ketika
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukn sesuatu (showing intentions).
Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat
melakukn sesuatu (showing intentions)
Peserta didik mampu membedakan beberapa pola tenses tentang niat melakukan
sesuatu sesuai dengan fungsi sosial dengan tepat.
Peserta didik dapat menyatakan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
(showing intentions).
Future Tense:
The meeting will be over at two pm.
When you arrive at the office, I will be conducting a meeting.
Will and Be Going To
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
Model : Discovery Learning
Metode : Ceramah, Tanya-Jawab dan Penugasan
Topik : Showing Intentions
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 minutes
Guru masuk ke dalam kelas dan langsung menyapa peserta
didik menggunakan sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris agar
English Environment dapat tercipta di setiap pertemuan.
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
Guru mengingatkan peserta didik untuk senantiasa bersyukur
atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan Tuhan untuk belajar
Bahasa Inggris.
Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada peserta
Guru meminta masing-masing siswa untuk membuat satu
buah kalimat yang menurut mereka bisa digunakan untuk
menyatakan niat melakukan sesuatu.
Siswa menyimak dengan seksama contoh kalimat yang
siswa lain ungkapkan.
Siswa yang dipilih kalimatnya diminta untuk menulis di papan
Siswa menganalisis kalimat –kalimat tersebut sesuai dengan
niat melakukan sesuatu dan time signal.
Siswa dibimbing hingga bisa menemukan kalimat yang
mengandung tenses tentang niat melakukan sesuatu, yaitu:
simple future
Peserta didik mencari tahu perbedaan antara berbagai
ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat
melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan dalam bahasa Inggris
dan perbedaan ungkapan dengan yang ada dalam bahasa
Indonesia serta konteks pemakaiannya.
Kegiatan Inti Associating
Siswa diminta menemukan sendiri pola kalimat dari contoh
kalimat-kalimat di papan tulis dan mengembangkannya ke
dalam tiga bentuk kalimat; affirmative/positive, negative dan
Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan secara terperinci tentang
SIMPLE FUTURE, nominal sentence maupun verbal
sentence, dan juga pola kalimat, fungsi sosial serta time
Siswa membuat kalimat tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
berdasarkan situasi yang guru berikan.
Peserta didik memperolah balikan (feedback) dari guru dan
teman mengenai apa yang telah dilakukan pada materi
pembelajaran kali ini.
Peserta didik menerapkan ekspresi-ekspresi yang telah
mereka pelajari di kehidupan sehari-hari.
Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk
menyampaikan refleksi pembelajaran.
Guru memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik untuk mencari
informasi secara berkelompok (masing-masing 3 orang)
Kegiatan Penutup tentang future continuous tense untuk bahan diskusi minggu
Guru meminta salah seorang peserta didik untuk memimpin
do’a sebelum mengakhiri pembelajaran.
Guru memberikan salam penutup.
Topik : Showing Intentions
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 minutes
Guru masuk ke dalam kelas dan langsung menyapa peserta
didik menggunakan sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris agar
English Environment dapat tercipta di setiap pertemuan.
Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
Guru mengingatkan peserta didik untuk senantiasa bersyukur
atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan Tuhan untuk belajar
Bahasa Inggris.
Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada peserta
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru mengecek penugasan pertemuan sebelumnya (tugas
Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pembuka untuk
mengetahui sejauh mana pengetahuan siswa mengenai
materi yang ditugaskan.
Guru mejelaskan keterkaitan materi hari ini dengan materi
Siswa mengeksplorasi materi (tugas kelompok dari
pertemuan sebelumnya) mengenai present continuous tense
dan future continuous tense.
Masing-masing kelompok diberi kesempatan menanyakan
perbedaan pendapat dengan hasil kelompok yang lain.
Siswa menarik kesimpulan dan persamaan yang tepat dan
benar tentang niat melakukan sesuatu dengan
Kegiatan Inti menggunakan present continuous tense dan future
continuous tense di bawah bimbingan guru.
Siswa membuat kalimat tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
berdasarkan situasi yang guru berikan.
Peserta didik memperolah balikan (feedback) dari guru dan
teman mengenai apa yang telah dilakukan pada materi
pembelajaran kali ini.
Peserta didik menerapkan ekspresi-ekspresi yang telah
mereka pelajari di kehidupan sehari-hari.
Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk
menyampaikan refleksi pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Penutup Guru meminta salah seorang peserta didik untuk memimpin
do’a sebelum mengakhiri pembelajaran.
Guru memberikan salam penutup.
Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade X
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade X
1. Teknik : lisan dan tertulis
2. Bentuk :
a. Pengetahuan: Tes tertulis
menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk pilihan ganda: 10 multiple choice dan 10 error
b. Keterampilan:
Secara berkelompok mendiskusikan setiap butir soal yang diteskan
dihubungkan dengan alasan jawabannya
membuat laporan tentang hasil diskusi
c. Sikap: Pengamatan Sikap, Lembar Observasi
3. Instrumen : terlampir
4. Pedoman penilaian: terlampir
1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dilakukan dengan tes tulis berbentuk 10 pilihan ganda
dan 10 error recognition.
(simple present, present continuous, simple future, future continuous)
1. Lies : Nay, I’m looking for Hasan. Do you know where he is now?
Nay : ……….
Lies : Ok. I’ll see him there
a. He was doing his homework
b. He will be studying
c. He goes to the office
d. He is watching TV upstairs
2. Putrie : What’s the matter with you?
Mutie : I’m not feeling well today. I think …………………. the meeting at 4 o’clock
this afternoon
a. I will be coming
b. I will come
c. I won’t be coming
d. I won’t come
3. Paul : Have you seen my watch? I cannot find it anywhere.
Anka : Don’t worry, I ……….. you to find it.
a. will help
b. b. am helping
c. c. help
d. d. was helping
4. Susie : Look! Ann is in the hallway. Whom …………… to?
Lucy : I think he is her teacher
a. she is talking
b. does she talk
c. is she talking
d. will she talk
5. Rangga : Do you have a plan for the coming weekend?
Adith : Yes, ………………………
Rangga : it sounds interesting. Can I join you?
a. I’ll stay at home
b. I’ll ask my mom about it
c. I’m going to go on picnic
d. I’m going to work
6. Student : Do you think I can get the good score, sir?
Teacher : If you study hard, you ……….. a chance to get it
a. have
b. will have
c. will be having
d. would have
7. Luna : What is your father doing?
a. He’s checking my mails
b. I’m writing the letter
c. He will go home
d. I will come home
8. How do the children go to the zoo?
a. He takes the bus
b. They take the bus
c. She looks for bus
d. They drive there
9. Tonight at 9 o’clock I believe that she will be …….. to the music and ……….. her
a. listening-do
b. listen-do
c. listen-doing
d. listening-doing
10. Yanto : What’s your plan after graduating your study?
Yanti : I ……………..
a. I find a good job
b. I am going to work
c. I won’t do anything
d. I will be happy
11. ET-05 : What does the two girls do every morning here?
2. Kemampuan mengemukakan
pendapat mengenai struktur
kalimat simple future, present
continuous tense dan future
continuous tense
3 Kemampuan menggunakan
ungkapan tentang niat melakukan
4 Kemampuan bekerjasama dalam
kelompok dalam menganalisa
setiap butir soal yang telah
1 JUJUR 5. selalu jujur
4. sering jujur
3. kadang jujur
2. jarang jujur
1. tidak pernah jujur
2 BERTANGGUNG JAWAB 5. selalu bertanggung jawab
4. sering bertanggung jawab
3. kadang bertanggung jawab
2. jarang bertanggung jawab
1. tidak pernah bertanggung
3 KERJASAMA 5. selalu kerjasama
4. sering kerjasama
3. kadang kerjasama
2. jarang kerja sama
1. tidak pernah kerjasama
4 DISIPLIN 5. selalu disiplin
4. sering disiplin
3. kadang disiplin
2. jarang disiplin
1. tidak pernah disiplin
5 PERCAYA DIRI 5. selalu percaya diri
4. sering percaya diri
3. kadang percaya diri
2. jarang percaya diri
1. tidak pernah percaya diri
Katapang, Juli 2016
Kepala SMKN D Guru Mata Pelajaran,
VP/School D ET-04
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung-jawab, responsif, dan pro aktif melalui
keteladanan, pemberian nasehat, penguatan, pembiasaan, dan pengkondisian secara
berkesinambungan serta menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai
permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam
serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan
faktual, konseptual, prosedural dasar, dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan
lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan kompleks,
berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam
konteks pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja,
warga masyarakat nasional, regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja
yang lazim dilakukan serta memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa
Inggris. Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang
terukur sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja. Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar,
mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif,
komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang
dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah
pengawasan langsung. Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru,
membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami dalam ranah konkret terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Pada akhir pembelajaran, diharapkan:
Disajikan sebuah spoken text melalui media flash cards dari guru, peserta didik
mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulisan mengenai kalimat menyatakan niat/tujuan melakukan sesuatu (expressing
intention) dan responnya sesuai konteks.
Diberikan pilihan penggunaan kata kerja untuk menyatakan niat/tujuan, peserta
didik mampu menyesuaikan penggunaan formula future tense will, be going to,
would like, dan thinking of dengan tepat.
Disajikan sejumlah keywords kata kerja untuk rencana kegiatan di masa yang akan
datang, peserta didik mampu menggunakan pola future tense will, be going to,
would like, plan dan thinking of dalam kalimat dilengkapi dengan penggunaan
adverb of time showing future dengan benar.
Diminta bekerja secara berpasangan, peserta didik mampu membuat percakapan
berisi informasi mengenai ungkapan menyatakan niat/tujuan dengan topik yang
mereka pilih sendiri
Social Function:
To express intentions or plans in the future.
Generic Structure:
What are you going to do?
Any plan to?
What will you do this weekend?
Are you thinking of?
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
Model : 5 Cycles of Scientific Approach
(Observing, Questioning, Associating, Experimenting
and Communicating)
Flash Cards of expressing and responding to intentions/plans
LCD Proyektor
Sumbe Belajar:
Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 Kemendikbud 2014 page 31-42.
Song telling future plan/ intention
(last accessed Thursday, September 28, 2017)
(last accessed Thursday, September 28, 2017)
Video of how to express intentions and plans taken from
(last accessed Thursday, September 28, 2017)
Materi : Showing Intentions
Tema : What is your plan?
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 35 minutes
Kegiatan Guru masuk ke dalam kelas dan langsung menyapa peserta didik
Pendahuluan menggunakan sapaan dalam bahasa Inggris agar English Environment
(5 menit) dapat tercipta di setiap pertemuan.
Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
Guru mengingatkan peserta didik untuk senantiasa bersyukur atas
kesempatan yang telah diberikan Tuhan untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris
dan menyampaikan pentingnya menguasai Bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa internasional di era AEC (Asean Economy Community).
Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik.
Guru melakukan curah gagasan bersama peserta didik mengenai
kegiatan menyenangkan apa yang akan mereka lakukan akhir pekan
Bersama peserta didik, guru menuliskan beberapa keywords kegiatan
Kegiatan Observing
Inti Peserta didik mengamati beberapa kalimat ungkapan menyatakan
(20 menit) niat/tujuan, dan diberikan gambar mewakili sistuasi tersebut.
Peserta didik menyimak dengan seksama beberapa contoh kalimat
yang menyatakan niat/tujuan yang disajikan guru dalam bentuk flash
Peserta didik diminta menyebutkan kembali ungkapan dan respon
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan berdasarkan flash cards yang ditunjukkan.
Peserta didik diminta mengelompokkan pola mengungkapkan future
plan dalam beberapa bentuk yaitu menggunakan will, be going to,
would like, plan, dan be thinking of.
Peserta didik diberikan tantangan untuk menemukan sendiri pola
kalimat untuk mengungkapkan niat/tujuan dari contoh kalimat-
kalimat yang di sajikan oleh guru dalam flash cards.
Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan secara terperinci tentang
ungkapan dan response untuk mengungkapkan niat/tujuan melakukan
kegiatan di masa yang akan datang melalui power point presentation.
Peserta didik disajikan sebuah lagu dan beberapa potongan film berisi
ungkapan niat/tujuan dan kemudian diminta menyimpulkan informasi
utama yang ada dalam lagu tersebut.
Peserta didik diberikan Board Race Game, dimana peserta didik
dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok dan disediakan keywords future
activity kemudian mereka diminta menyusun kalimat sesuai pola yang
Peserta didik membuat kalimat tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
Peserta didik memperolah balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman
mengenai apa yang telah dilakukan pada materi pembelajaran kali ini.
1. Jenis Penilaian : Formatif
2. Teknik Penilaian : Lisan dan Tulisan
3. Bentuk Penilaian :
A. Spiritual: Pengamatan Sikap, Lembar Observasi
Penilaian aspek spiritual dinilai oleh guru Mata Pelajaran Agama dan PKN.
B. Sikap: Pengamatan Sikap, Lembar Observasi
C. Pengetahuan: Tes Tertulis
Mengidentifikasi struktur teks yg menyatakan niat/tujuan. Dan membuat 1
kalimat yang menyatakan niat/tujuan (using their own topic).
4. Instrumen : terlampir
5. Pedoman penilaian: terlampir
Kepala SMKN D Guru Mata Pelajaran,
VP/School D ET-04
3. Melalui kegiatan diskusi dalam kelompok, peserta didik dapat mendiskusikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik.
1. Melalui kegiatan diskusi dalam kelompok, peserta didik dapat menulis teks naratif,
lisan dan tulis sederhana dengan berterima
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Narrative Text
Far away in an isolated village there was a young rich woman. The house that she had
been living in was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself.
She didn’t have any friend at all.
“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the
young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the
young woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.
“All of the wealth is mine, isn’t it? So what am I give it all to other for?” The young
woman thought. However, many of villagers were poor. They lived in less condition.
Sometimes some villagers were hunger, and didn’t get any food for days.
Because of the young woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda
Endit meant the miserly rich person. “Bagenda Endit, have mercy on me! My child has not
eaten for few days”, said an old woman sadly.
“Hi, you crazy old woman! Get away from me!” yelled Bagenda Endit threw the old
woman away. Because the old woman didn’t want to go, Bagenda Endit splashed her with
water. Splash!, and all over the old woman body and her baby became wet.
Bagenda Endit was a feeling less woman. She didn’t even have a little bit mercy to the
old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. After that, she asked the old woman
to get out of her house yard. And then, she was dragging her out of the yard.
Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The came
for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The
water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.
“Ha…ha…ha…you’re all stupid! You think you just can take the water from my wheel!”
Bagenda Endit said while she was watching the thirst villagers outside the fence.
Suddenly, a decrepit man was standing in Bagenda Endit house yard. He was walking
tottery to the wheel while holding his stick.
When the old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit
the old man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water
just for a drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.
Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened.
Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He
pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.
“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly. Then he
pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water
swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself.
She drawn with all of her wealth.
The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake
was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because
the wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit.
Fungsi Sosial
Menceritakan sebuah cerita yang terdiri dari sejumlah peristiwa di mana ditemukan ada
yang ganjil. Peristiwa yang ganjil tersebut mengarah ke sebuah masalah yang disebut
krisis atau klimaks dalam cerita. Cerita tersebut kemudian menuju kepada pemecahan
masalah di klimaks. Narasi berakhir dengan sebuah solusi, baik dengan akhir yang
bahagia atau sedih.
Struktur Teks
- Orientation (pengenalan)
- Complication (permasalahan)
- Resolution (pemecahan masalah)
- Reorientation (Penutup)
- Coda (pesan mora)
Unsur Kebahasaan
- Use of material process
- Use of simple past tense
- Use of conjunction
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan: Scientific
Metode: Tanya jawab dan diskusi
F. Media
Proyektor, gambar, laptop,papan tulis dan spidol
G. Sumber Belajar
English Today 2, Penerbit Quadra
Kamus Bahasa Inggris
H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
11.2.1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
naratif lisan dan tulis sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (C2)
11.2.2. Mendiskusikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks naratif lisan dan tulis sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (C3)
12.2.1. Menulis teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana (P2)
1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1.1. Guru bertegur sapa dengan peserta didik dengan senyum, salam, sapa
1.2. Guru mengkondisikan kelas dengan tertib dan kondisif dan diawali dengan berdoa
bersama. (A)
1.3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
1.4. Guru mengaitkan materi yang telah dipelajari dengan materi yang akan dipelajari.
1.5. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang dicapai.
1.6. Guru menyampaikan manfaat dari mempelajari teks narratif.
1.7. Guru menyampaikan bentuk penilaian apa yang akan digunakan dalam KD yang
akan dipelajari.
2. Kegiatan Inti
2.1. Guru mengamati gambar tentang teks naratif yang ditayangkan di slide.
2.2. Guru dan siswa bertanya jawab tentang teks naratif.
2.3. Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk membaca nyaring bermakna
2.4. Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang sesuai,
menyusun paragraf untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan pemecahan masalah
dalam kelompok
2.5. Peserta didik menulis teks naratif.
3. Kegiatan Penutup
3.1.Guru Bersama peserta didik baik secara individual ataupun berkelompok
melakukan refleksi untuk mengevaluasi
3.2.Guru memberikan umpan balik kepada peserta didik
3.3.Guru mengevaluasi hasil belajar tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.
1.1. Guru melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pemberian tugas, baik tugas
individual atau tugas kelompok (tugas tertruktur)
1.2. Guru menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
1.3. Guru dan peserta didik berdoa bersama mengakhiri pembelajaran (A)
1. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran
Penilaian sikap dengan : Observasi
Penilaian keterampilan dengan: Tes menulis
Lampiran 1 :
Lembar pengamatan penilaian sikap spiritual
Nomor daftar hadir siswa kelas ……
No Indikator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … 23
1 Siswa menunjukan
dalam mengikuti
2 Siswa menunjukan
dalam mengikuti
Kriteria penilaian semangat:
3 = telah menunjukan semangat (tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar) dalam mengikuti
2 = mulai menampakan semangat( tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar )dalam mengikuti
pembelajaran, namun belum sepenuhnya.
1= belum menampakan semangat( tidak mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan,
menghargai waktu, belajar dengan sepenuh hati/ikhlas, rajin belajar )sama sekali
dalam mengikuti pembelajaran
Arrange these pieces of jumbled paragraph into a good narrative text and analyze the
generic structures of the text!
Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, the princess hated
him because he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to
refuse the marriage proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if
he could build a thousand temples before the dawn.
Being helped by the genies, Bondowoso built the temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang
wanted to fail him. She asked all women in the village to hit the rice. The rooster
crowed signing that morning was coming. All genies left the project until 999 temples
because they tought morning came afterward.
Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a
war, Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love
with Prabu Baka’s daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang.
Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He was very angry so he
cursed Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside
Candi Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples.
No. 2
One day Mah Bongsu was washing the clothes in the river. Suddenly she saw a big snake
swimming towards her. Mah Bongsu was scared. However, she saw the snake was wounded.
Carefully, she brought the snake home. She put the snake in her room and healed the wound.
When Mah Bongsu was healing the wound, a piece of the snake’s skin was removed. Mah
Bongsu took it. Amazingly the skin turned into gold. Mah Bongsu was happy. Everyday the
snake removed its skin and the skin always turned into gold. She became a rich girl.
She did not work for Mak Piah anymore. She was richer than Mak Piah. Mah Bongsu also
helped all the poor people. She bought a big house and she brought the snake with her.
Mak Piah was very jealous. Secretly, she went to Mah Bongsu’s house. She saw Mah
Bongsu was healing a snake. Later, Mak Piah asked her daughter, Mayang, to go to the
river. She asked Mayang to find a wounded snake.And when Mayang finally found a
wounded snake, she brought it home. Sadly, the snake bit her and poisoned her. Mayang
instantly died.
Mak Piah was scared, she tried to run away. Just right before she left the house, the snake
was able to bite her. And she also died then. Meanwhile, the wounded snake at Mah
Bongsu’s house was finally healed. Amazingly, the snake turned into a handsome man.
Once upon a time in Batam, lived an orphan named Mah Bongsu. To earn a living, she
worked as a maid at a rich woman’s house, her name was Mak Piah. She had a daughter
named Mayang. Mah Bongsu and Mayang were at the same age.
Mak Piah was a mean lady. Mah Bongsu was helpless. She could not do anything. She was
alone in this world and she did not have any other place to stay.
“ Thank you, Mah Bongsu. Actually, I’m a prince. A witch cursed me into a snake . And
thanks to you I changed into a man now. Because you already helped me, I want to propose
you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” asked the prince. Mah Bongsu was so happy. She
accepted the proposal and lived with the prince. Since then people named the river where
Mah Bongsu found her husband as Sungai Jodoh. It means the river of soul mate.
Kunci Jawaban
Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a war,
Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Prabu
Baka’s daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang.
Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, the princess hated him
because he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to refuse the
marriage proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if he could build a
thousand temples before the dawn.
Being helped by the genies, Bondowoso built the temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang
wanted to fail him. She asked all women in the village to hit the rice. The rooster crowed
signing that morning was coming. All genies left the project until 999 temples because
they tought morning came afterward.
Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He was very angry so he
cursed Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi
Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples.
Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi
Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples
Far away in a village there was a rich woman. The house that she had been living in was
very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself. She didn’t have any
friend at all.
“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the young
woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the young woman
was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.
Because of the woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda Endit
meant the miserly rich person.
Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The
came for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The
water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.
When one old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit the
old man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water just for
a drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.
Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened.
Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He
pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.
“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly.
Then he pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water
swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself. She
drawn with all of her wealth.
The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake was
named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because the wide
lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit.
4.8.Menangkap makna secara 4.8.1. Menulis teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait
kontekstual terkait fungsi legenda rakyat (P2)
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan
dan tulis sederhana terkait
legenda rakyat
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
2. Melalui kegiatan mengamati gambar terkait legenda rakyat, peserta didik dapat
menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat,
sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan benar.
3. Melalui kegiatan tanya jawab, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya dengan tepat.
4. Melalui kegiatan diskusi dalam kelompok, peserta didik dapat mendiskusikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik.
5. Melalui kegiatan diskusi dalam kelompok, peserta didik dapat menulis teks naratif,
lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat dengan berterima
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Narrative Text
Far away in an isolated village there was a young rich woman. The house that she had
been living in was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself.
She didn’t have any friend at all.
“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the
young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the
young woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.
“All of the wealth is mine, isn’t it? So what am I give it all to other for?” The young
woman thought. However, many of villagers were poor. They lived in less condition.
Sometimes some villagers were hunger, and didn’t get any food for days.
Because of the young woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda
Endit meant the miserly rich person. “Bagenda Endit, have mercy on me! My child has not
eaten for few days”, said an old woman sadly.
“Hi, you crazy old woman! Get away from me!” yelled Bagenda Endit threw the old
woman away. Because the old woman didn’t want to go, Bagenda Endit splashed her with
water. Splash!, and all over the old woman body and her baby became wet.
Bagenda Endit was a feeling less woman. She didn’t even have a little bit mercy to the
old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. After that, she asked the old woman
to get out of her house yard. And then, she was dragging her out of the yard.
Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The came
for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The
water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.
“Ha…ha…ha…you’re all stupid! You think you just can take the water from my wheel!”
Bagenda Endit said while she was watching the thirst villagers outside the fence.
Suddenly, a decrepit man was standing in Bagenda Endit house yard. He was walking
tottery to the wheel while holding his stick.
When the old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit
the old man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water
just for a drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.
Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened.
Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He
pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.
“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly. Then he
pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water
swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself.
She drawn with all of her wealth.
The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake
was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because
the wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit.
Fungsi Sosial
Menceritakan sebuah cerita yang terdiri dari sejumlah peristiwa di mana ditemukan ada
yang ganjil. Peristiwa yang ganjil tersebut mengarah ke sebuah masalah yang disebut
krisis atau klimaks dalam cerita. Cerita tersebut kemudian menuju kepada pemecahan
masalah di klimaks. Narasi berakhir dengan sebuah solusi, baik dengan akhir yang
bahagia atau sedih.
Struktur Teks
- Orientation (pengenalan)
- Complication (permasalahan)
- Resolution (pemecahan masalah)
- Reorientation (Penutup)
- Coda (pesan mora)
Unsur Kebahasaan
- Use of material process
- Use of simple past tense
- Use of conjunction
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan: Scientific
Metode: Tanya jawab dan diskusi
F. Media
Proyektor, gambar, laptop,papan tulis dan spidol
G. Sumber Belajar
Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA kelas X , Penerbit Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat 2016
Kamus Bahasa Inggris
H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
3.8.1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (C2)
3.8.2. Mendiskusikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.(C2)
4.8.1. Menulis teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda.(P2)
2. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
2.1. Guru bertegur sapa dengan peserta didik dengan senyum, salam, sapa
2.2. Guru mengkondisikan kelas dengan tertib dan kondisif dan diawali dengan
berdoa bersama. (A)
2.3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
2.4. Guru mengaitkan materi yang telah dipelajari dengan materi yang akan
2.5. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang dicapai.
2.6. Guru menyampaikan manfaat dari mempelajari teks narratif.
2.7. Guru menyampaikan bentuk penilaian apa yang akan digunakan dalam KD yang
akan dipelajari.
3. Kegiatan Inti
3.1. Guru mengamati gambar tentang legenda rakyat yang ditayangkan di slide.
3.2. Guru dan siswa bertanya jawab tentang teks naratif tentang legenda rakyat.
3.3. Guru mendorong peserta didik untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang sesuai,
menyusun paragraf untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan pemecahan masalah
dalam kelompok
3.4. Peserta didik menulis teks narrative tentang legenda rakyat
4. Kegiatan Penutup
4.1. Guru Bersama peserta didik baik secara individual ataupun berkelompok
melakukan refleksi untuk mengevaluasi
4.2. Guru memberikan umpan balik kepada peserta didik
4.3. Guru mengevaluasi hasil belajar tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.
4.4. Guru melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pemberian tugas, baik
tugas individual atau tugas kelompok (tugas tertruktur)
4.5. Guru menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
4.6. Guru dan peserta didik berdoa bersama mengakhiri pembelajaran (A)
Lampiran 1:
1. Penilaian Sikap
No Nama Siswa Jujur Disiplin Tanggung Peduli Santun Responsif
Note : beri tanda ceklish (V)
SB: Sangat Baik
PB: Perlu Bimbingan
Jujur : jujur mengerjakan soal/tugas,tidak mencontek
Displin : tepat waktu masuk/keluar kelas, tepat waktu mengerjakan/mengumpulkan
Tanggung Jawab : Dapat bertanggung apa yang ditulis,dibaca ( mengerjakan tugas)
Peduli : Peduli terhadapa lingkungan,teman,guru
Santun : tidak arogan,nada suara tidak tinggi baik kepada teman ataupun terhadap
Responsif : Tanggap terhadap lingkungan, teman, guru terutama pada saat kegiatan
pembelajaran berlangsung
Lampiran 2: Penilaian Keterampilan
Write a narrative text about legend
Penskoran :
No. Aspects to assessed Maximum Achieved
Score Score
1. Content and Topic 20
2. Sentence Structure 20
3. Sentence Coherence 20
4. Complexity 20
5. Neatness 20
Score maximal 100
Arrange these pieces of jumbled paragraph into a good narrative text and analyze the
generic structures of the text!
Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, the princess hated him because
he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to refuse the marriage
proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if he could build a thousand
temples before the dawn.
Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a war,
Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Prabu
Baka’s daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang.
Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He was very angry so he cursed
Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi Prambanan
to complete the project of a thousand temples.
Being helped by the genies, Bondowoso built the temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang wanted
to fail him. She asked all women in the village to hit the rice. The rooster crowed signing
that morning was coming. All genies left the project until 999 temples because they tought
morning came afterward.
One day Mah Bongsu was washing the clothes in the river. Suddenly she saw a big snake
swimming towards her. Mah Bongsu was scared. However, she saw the snake was
wounded. Carefully, she brought the snake home. She put the snake in her room and
healed the wound. When Mah Bongsu was healing the wound, a piece of the snake’s skin
was removed. Mah Bongsu took it. Amazingly the skin turned into gold. Mah Bongsu was
happy. Everyday the snake removed its skin and the skin always turned into gold. She
became a rich girl.
She did not work for Mak Piah anymore. She was richer than Mak Piah. Mah Bongsu also
helped all the poor people. She bought a big house and she brought the snake with her.
Mak Piah was very jealous. Secretly, she went to Mah Bongsu’s house. She saw Mah
Bongsu was healing a snake. Later, Mak Piah asked her daughter, Mayang, to go to the
river. She asked Mayang to find a wounded snake.And when Mayang finally found a
wounded snake, she brought it home. Sadly, the snake bit her and poisoned her. Mayang
instantly died.
Mak Piah was scared, she tried to run away. Just right before she left the house, the snake
was able to bite her. And she also died then. Meanwhile, the wounded snake at Mah
Bongsu’s house was finally healed. Amazingly, the snake turned into a handsome man.
Once upon a time in Batam, lived an orphan named Mah Bongsu. To earn a living, she
worked as a maid at a rich woman’s house, her name was Mak Piah. She had a daughter
named Mayang. Mah Bongsu and Mayang were at the same age.
Mak Piah was a mean lady. Mah Bongsu was helpless. She could not do anything. She
was alone in this world and she did not have any other place to stay.
“ Thank you, Mah Bongsu. Actually, I’m a prince. A witch cursed me into a snake . And
thanks to you I changed into a man now. Because you already helped me, I want to
propose you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” asked the prince. Mah Bongsu was so
happy. She accepted the proposal and lived with the prince. Since then people named the
river where Mah Bongsu found her husband as Sungai Jodoh. It means the river of soul
Kunci Jawaban
Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a war,
Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with
Prabu Baka’s daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang.
Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, the princess hated him
because he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to refuse the
marriage proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if he could build a
thousand temples before the dawn.
Being helped by the genies, Bondowoso built the temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang
wanted to fail him. She asked all women in the village to hit the rice. The rooster crowed
signing that morning was coming. All genies left the project until 999 temples because
they tought morning came afterward.
Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He was very angry so he
cursed Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi
Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples.
Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi
Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples
Far away in a village there was a rich woman. The house that she had been living in
was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself. She didn’t have
any friend at all.
“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the
young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the young
woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.
Because of the woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda Endit
meant the miserly rich person.
Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The
came for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The
water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.
When one old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit the old
man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water just for a
drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.
Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened.
Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He
pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.
“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly. Then he
pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water swiftly.
Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself. She drawn
with all of her wealth.
The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake
was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because the
wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit.
Kunci Jawaban:
Old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin Kundang.
They were very poor but they loved each other very much.
One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work there.
At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears. Malin
Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a rich man.
However he completely forgot his poor old mother.
Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother heard about
this news she came to meet him. Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said,
“You are not my mother. Go away!” His mother became very sad and before she went
she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you are a wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You
and your money will turn to stone.”
Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he reached the
open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang and his
money changed into a stone.
Now people call it Batu Si Malin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air M anis, a
village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.
Appendix 28 The lesson plan contents before PLPG and post-PLPG in terms of pedagogical competence
Lesson Plan Matrix
ET-01 ET-02 ET-03 ET-04 ET-05
Before Before Post- Before Before Before Post-
Topic Review Asking and Asking Giving Recount Explanation Showing Showing Narrative Narrative
text giving and Advice Text text Intentions Intentions Text text
information offering
Curricul KTSP 2013 KTSP 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 KTSP 2013
um Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Learnin ET-01 ET-01 ET-02 ET-02 ET-03 ET-03 ET-04 ET-04 ET-05 ET-05
g Target provided formulated formulate formulated formulated formulated formulated formulated formulate formulated
only one the learning d the the the the learning the the learning d the the
learning target based learning learning learning target based learning target based learning learning
target. on 2013 target target target on the target on the target target
ET-01 curriculum; based on based on based on characters based on indicator based on based on
formulat asking and the KTSP 2013 the of 2013 the number the the
ed the giving curriculu curriculum characters curriculum; characters 3.3.1 to indicators indicators;
learning advice m; ; asking of 2013 knowledge of 2013 3.3.4 and ; explaining,
target regarding to identified and giving curriculum and skills in curriculum team explainin discussing,
Learnin ET-01 ET-01 ET-02 ET-02 ET-03 ET-03 ET-04 ET-04 ET-05 ET-05
g provided provided the provided provided provided provided provided provided provided provided
Material only the material in the the the the the the the the
genre the lesson materials materials materials materials in materials materials in materials materials
text that plan consist in the in the in the the lesson in the the lesson in the in the
will be of social lesson lesson plan lesson plan plan lesson plan plan consist lesson lesson plan
taught function, plan the consists of consists of consists of only the of social plan consist of
generic example social social social tenses that function, consist of social
structure, of asking function, function, function, used in the generic social function,
and and giving generic generic generic learning structure, function, generic
language advice structure of structure, structure, materials intention generic structure,
feature in the text, and and expression, structure, and
Learnin ET-01 ET-01 used ET-02 Et-02 used ET-03 ET-03 used ET-04 used ET-04 used ET-05 ET-05
g used genre based used the 2 the genre provided scientific scientific scientific used used
Method student- approach cycles 4 based the approach approach, approach scientific scientific
centered stages approach listening, and 5 cycles discovery and 5 cycles approach, approach,
approach (building (GBA) and group of scientific learning of scientific lecture lecture and
and knowledg team work discussion approach model, approach and Q&A Q&A
expositio e of field, technique and role- (observing, lecture and (observing, method method
n- modeling and board play as the questioning, Q&A questioning,
discover of text, games as method associating, method associating,
y joint the media experimenti experimenti
learning. constructi ng, and ng, and
Material ET-01 ET-01 ET-02 ET-02 ET-03 ET-03 ET-04 ET-04 ET-05 ET-05
Referen provided provided the provided provided provided provided provided provided provided provided
ce the learning the the the the learning the the learning the the
learning sources learning learning learning sources of learning sources of learning learning
sources based on the sources sources of sources the title of sources the title of sources sources
based on MLA only the the title of only the English only the English only the only the
the MLA format title of English title of book and title of book and title of title of
format English book and English the website English the website English English
textbook the website textbook references textbook, references textbook, textbook,
and its references. and its year in which dictionary, in which dictionar dictionary,
year Even publication ET-03 power ET-04 y, and and
Learnin The The ET-02 ET-02 The The The The The The
g learning learning divided provided learning learning learning learning learning learning
Activity activities activities the stages the 4 activities activities activities activities activities activities
Assessm ET-01 ET-01 ET-02 did ET-02 ET-03 ET-03 ET-04 did ET-04 ET-05 ET-05