BPW Maintenance Manual 2021

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Maintenance instructions

BPW Trailer Axles and Suspensions

ZA- BPW-W 33112101e

Page 2 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e


1. Important information ...................................................................................................................... Page 3

1.1 General Page 3
1.2. Maintenance, repair and spare parts Page 3
1.3. Definition On-Road / Off-Road Page 3
1.4. Latest version Page 3
2. Safety instructions .......................................................................................................................... Page 4
3. BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles ........................................................................................ Page 6
3.1 Lubrication Page 6
3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.1 General Page 23
3.2.3 Drum brakes Page 24
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types TSB / TS2 Page 40
4. BPW Air suspension, series EA (ECO Air) .................................................................................... Page 52
4.1 Overview, Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 52
4.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 54
5. BPW Air suspension, series EAC (ECO Air COMPACT) ............................................................... Page 60
5.1 Overview, Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 60
5.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 62
6. BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL ............................................................................................ Page 68
6.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection Page 68
6.2 Lubrication Page 72
6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 72
7. BPW Mechanical suspensions (leaf springs), series ECO Cargo VB / VB HD .......................... Page 82
7.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection Page 82
7.2 Lubrication Page 84
7.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 85
8. BPW Mechanical suspensions (leaf springs), series ECO Cargo W / BW / GW ........................ Page 88
8.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection Page 88
8.2 Lubrication Page 90
8.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection Page 91
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 3

Important information 1

1.1. General
1.1. General
The following maintenance instructions apply to BPW trailer axles and BPW suspensions for drawbar trailers
The semi-trailers (manufactured
maintenance from apply
instructions 1982 onwards). Theyaxles
to BPW trailer are part
and of
Terms and Conditions
for drawbarfor the ECO
trailers and
Plus Warranty
semi-trailers (see warranty
(manufactured documents
from at www.bpw.co.za).
1982 onwards). They are part of the Terms and Conditions for the ECO Plus
Warranty (see warranty documents at www.bpw.de).
Carry out the latest maintenance instructions in accordance with the prescribed intervals in order to maintain
Carry out the latest maintenance instructions in accordance with the prescribed intervals in order to main-
tain safesafe
operation andand
operation roadworthiness
roadworthinessof the vehicle.
of the TheThe
vehicle. latest version
latest of the
version maintenance
of the maintenanceinstructions
always foundatatwww.bpw.de.
www.bpw.co.za. The latest
The latest printed
printed versionversion is available
is available by postbyonpost on request.
request. The relevant
The relevant operation
and service and service regulations
regulations of the
of the vehicle vehicle manufacturer
manufacturer and the manufacturers
and the manufacturers of other
of other vehicle vehicle
parts must parts
also be
must also
adhered to. be adhered to.
These maintenance intervals are set out in calendar weeks and are listed to coincide with statutory testing require-
These maintenance intervals are set out in calendar weeks and are listed to coincide with statutory testing
ments (ZU, HU, BSU).

1.2. Maintenance, Repair and Spare Parts

1.2. Maintenance, Repair and Spare Parts
Rectifi cation ofofany
outbyby aa BPW
BPW Service
Centre or BPW
Accredited Direct Service
Workshop unless Partner unless
the vehicle the has
owner vehicle
the owner has the
appropriate appropriate
trained trained
personnel, personnel,
facilities, facilities,
equipment and workshop
and workshop manuals available
manuals available and possesses
and possesses ancertificate
an official official certifi
to cate to perform
perform interim interim inspections
inspections or or
specialbrake inspections.
brake inspections.
We strongly recommend that only genuine BPW parts, brake linings in particular, are used when fitting spare parts.
We strongly
Parts recommend
authorised by BPW forthat only
trailer genuine
axles BPW
and axle parts,
units are brake linings
regularly in particular,
subjected areinspections.
to special used when BPW
fi tting
spare parts.
product Parts authorised
responsibility for them. by BPW for trailer axles and axle units are regularly subjected to special
BPW is unable BPW acceptswhether
to determine product
allresponsibility for them.
third party products can be used with BPW trailer axles and axle suspensions
without any safety risk; this also applies even if an authorised testing organisation has accepted the product.
BPW is unable to determine whether all third party products can be used with BPW trailer axles and
The ECO Plus Warranty (see warranty documents) will cease to apply if spare parts other than genuine BPW spare
axle suspensions without any safety risk; this also applies even if an authorised testing organisation has
parts are used.
accepted the product. The ECO Plus Warranty (see warranty documents) will cease to apply if spare parts
other than genuine BPW spare parts are used.
1.3. Definition On-Road / Off-Road
1.3. Definition On-Road / Off -Road
The term „On-Road“ refers to roads having a sealed and metalled surface, in other words with an asphalt or concrete
The termGravel roads arerefers
„On-Road“ regarded as being
to roads Off-Road.
having A vehicle
a sealed is also regarded
and metalled surface, as being words
in other in Off-Road operation
with an asphalteven
if concrete
it departssurface.
from sealed
roadsunder operating
are regarded asconditions
being Off for only short
-Road. periods.
A vehicle Offregarded
is also -Road operation is assumed
as being in Off
all cases in tippers
operation andifvehicles
even with
it departs comparable
from applications.
sealed surfaces under operating conditions for only short periods.
Off -Road operation is assumed in all cases in tippers and vehicles with comparable applications.

1.4. Latest Version

1.4. Latest Version
The latest maintenance instructions are dated 01.03.2021 and replace maintenance instructions BPW-W 33111902e.
All latestmaintenance
previous maintenance instructions
instructions are dated
become invalid.01.
We10. 2021the
reserve and replace
right maintenance
to make any changes.instructions
ZA-BPW-W 33111701e. All previous maintenance instructions become invalid. We reserve the right to make
any changes.

Current versions and additional information can be found at www.bpw.co.za.

Current versions and additional information can be found online at www.bpw.de.

Page 4 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

2 Safety instructions

The following instructions should also be adhered to by the driver in addition to the statutory regulations:

In case of a new vehicle:

– After the first run under load conditions and after each wheel change:
• Check wheel nuts for firm seating using a torque wrench. See point 1 on page 26 and 42.

– After the first two weeks (after the first runs under load conditions):
• Check that the bolt connections of the spring attachments and axle steering devices are secure, depending
on the application (On-Road or Off-Road). Observe the stipulated tightening torques.

• Air suspensions: see 4 to 9 page 74 - 78

• Leaf-spring suspensions: see 2 and 4 page 85 - 86

see 1 and 3 page 91

Prior to each run:

– Air reservoir of the brake and air suspension set at operating pressure.
– Visual inspection:
• Tyre pressure
• Wheel fixings
• Check operation of lighting and braking systems
• Drum brake: Check the brake pad/lining thickness when the brake pad/lining wear indicator is in the
horizontal position.
• Disc brake: Check the remaining brake pad / lining thickness.
The thickness of the remaining pad can be determined by the position of the caliper in relation to the brake
carrier (see page 43).
• Check that the air suspension has reached ride height and the air bags are not creased. This also applies
after rapid loading or unloading.
• Normal ride level of the air bags, check air bags are not creased. This also applies to rapid loading or

In the event of daily frost or in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions:

– Drain off condensation water via the drainage valve at the bottom of the air reservoirs.
– Check the valve system.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 5

– Clean line filter (in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions).
– Clean line filter (in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions).

Proper use of the
use of the braking
– In the event of premature wear of the brake pads, a tractor/trailer harmonisation (according to ISO 20918 is to
– Inbe
of premature wear of the brake pads, a tractor/trailer harmonisation (according to ISO 20918
is to be carried out.
– To maintain the efficiency of the braking system, regular use of the wheel brakes with the appropriate level of
– Toheat generation is recommended.
maintain the efficiency of the braking system, regular use of the wheel brakes with the appropriate level
– ofBefore
heat generation
an HU or SP (PTI), the braking system performance where applicable, must be measured
(see ISO 7634).
–– Before proceeding
The appropriate with a C.and
installation O. F., the braking
operating systemfor
instructions performance where applicable,
BPW brake components must be
(see www.bpw.de) should be
observed.(see ISO 7634).

– The appropriate installation and operating instructions for BPW brake components (see www.bpw.co.za)
should be observed.
We wish you a safe journey!

We wish you a safe journey!

Page 6 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e BPW-W 33112101e

3 Trailer
BPW BPWaxles
Trailer axlesSteering
/ BPW / BPW Steering
axles axles
Lubrication Lubrication

ew Overview At every At everyBPW re- BPW re-

brake lining brake lining
commendation. commendation.
replacement 2) replacement 2)
Does not affect Does not affect

Years, thereafter

Years, thereafter

thereafter every 3 years

every 3 years
warranty warranty

every 500,000 km 2)
500,000 km 2)
Every 26 weeks 1) 2)
Every 26 weeks 1) 2)

Every 6 weeks 2)

Every 12 weeks

3 years or min.
3 years or min.
Every 6 weeks

yearly 2 years

Every 3 years
2 years

2 years

After 5 years,
Latest every

yearly every

2 yearsevery

Every 12



Every 3
2 years






For detailed
ailed description description
see pages 8 - 21 see pages 8 - 21

ering pivot 1 Steering
bearing, top pivot bearing, top and 1bottom
and bottom 1

ke camshaft Brake camshaft

2 bearing, outer andbearing,
inner outer and inner
On-Road conditions
On-Road conditions 2 2
Off-Road conditions
Off-Road conditions 2
Outside Europe Outside Europe 2 2

ck adjusters3 manual
Slack adjusters manual 3 3

Slack adjuster ECO-Master:

ck adjuster ECO-Master:
On-Road conditions
On-Road conditions 3 3
Off-Road conditions
Off-Road conditions 3
Outside Europe Outside Europe 3 3

4 Brake
ke shoes with closedshoes with
anchor eyeclosed anchor eye 4 4

O Plus 3, ECO Plus
Plus 2 and3,ECO
ECO Plus
Unit:2 and ECO
Plus Plus
On-Road conditions
On-Road conditions 5 5
Off-Road conditions
Off-Road conditions 5 5
tside Europe: Outside Europe:conditions
On-Road On-Road conditions 5 5
tside Europe: Outside
OffEurope: Off-Road conditions
-Road conditions 5 5

O Unit ECO Unit 5 5 5

Outside Europe Outside Europe 5 5
nventional hub Conventional
bearing hub bearing 5 5

itions 1 toFor3 positions

the use of1a to 3 the use ofcentral
high-pressure a high-pressure
systemlubrication system of
which is capable which is capable
feeding specialof feeding special
grease of longlife grease
consistency of consistency
class class 2-3
2-3 is permissible. Theisuse
permissible. The use ofisliquid
of liquid lubricants lubricants is not permitted!
not permitted!
a long idle period, priora to
long idleoperation
initial period, prior to initial
actuate operation
the brake leveractuate the brake
and lubricate thelever
brakeand lubricate
camshaft the brake camshaft bearing.
se under extreme With use under
conditions (e.g.extreme conditions
extreme Off-Road(e.g.use)extreme Off-Road
more frequent use) more
lubrication frequent
with lubrication
high pressure withishigh
grease pressure grease is necessary.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 7


Trailer axles
Series R / KR / NR Series H / K / N


Series ...LL


Series SR / SKR Series SH / SKH

Page 8 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.1 Lubrication

Note: After cleaning the vehicle with high-pressure

cleaners, all lubrication points must be relubricated.

1 Steering pivot bearing, top and bottom

– every 6 weeks –

Lift axle in order to relieve the steering pivot

bearing. Grease lubrication nipple with BPW spe-
cial longlife grease ECO-LiPlus until fresh grease
emerges from the bearing points.

2 Brake camshaftbearing,
Brake camshaft bearing,outer
outer and
and inner

Low maintenancebrake
Low maintenance brakecamshaft
camshaft bearing
(from year
(from of of
year manufacture

–– every 6 months
every year andeach
and with withbrake
lining change

in On-Road
On-Road useuse
– –
–– every
every 63 months
-Road use
use and in use
outside Europe –
Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.
Prevent the
Release the vehicle
servicefrom rolling
brakes andaway.
the handbrake.
Release the service brakes and the handbrake.
Lubricate the brake camshaft bearing through the
Lubricate the brake camshaft bearing through the
grease nipple with BPW special longlife grease
grease nippleuntil
ECO-LiPlus withfresh
BPW special
grease longlifefrom
emerges grease
ECO-Li Plus
until fresh grease emerges from the
bearing points.
bearing points.
Use of other grease is not permitted!
Use of other grease is not permitted!

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 9

3 Slack adjusters (manual)

– quarterly –

Grease lubrication nipple with BPW special longlife

Trailer axles
grease ECO-LiPlus until fresh grease emerges.

 Automatic slackadjuster
Automatic slack adjuster ECO-Master
–– every
every 6 months
year and each
and with with each
brake brake
lining lining
in On-Road
On-Road useuse
– –
–– every
every 36months
use and in use
outside Europe –
Remove rubber seal cap. Grease with BPW special
longlife rubberECO-LiPlus
seal cap. Grease
80BPW spe-
g) until
suffi cient new
cial longlife grease
grease emerges
ECO-Li Plus
from the
(approx. 80adjustment
g) until
sufficient new grease emerges from the adjustment
Turn back adjustment screw (keep clutch sleeve
Turn back
pressed adjustment
down) screw
by approx. one(keep
turn clutch
using asleeve
pressed down)
spanner. Actuatebythe
brake one
leverturn usingtimes
several a ring
spanner. Actuate the brake lever several times
hand. The adjustment must be carried out smoothly. by
hand. The adjustment must be carried
If necessary, repeat several times. out smoothly.
If necessary, repeat several times.
Once again only use BPW special longlife grease
Once again only use BPW special longlife grease
Install seal. cap.

Install seal cap.

Adjust the brake - see relevant workshop manual.
Adjust the brake - see relevant workshop manual.

4 Brake shoes with closed anchor eye

– every 2 years and with each brake lining change –

Clean the bush and roller, check for wear and, if

necessary replace. Smear BPW special longlife
grease ECO-LiPlus onto bearing points of brake

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Page 10 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles BPW-W 33112101e

3.1 Lubrication
3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles
3.1 Lubrication
5 ECOPlus
ECO Plus 3 Unit
3 Unit
–- for the first
for the first time
time after
after 35 years
years inin On-Road
On-Road use,
or every
and after 3
2 years
years in
in Off
Off -Road
-Road use
use in in
South Africa,
5 ECO Plus 3 Unit
thenat at
then leastleast
every every
year 3depending
years depending on
on operating
for the first
conditions – time after
conditions – 5 years in On-Road use,
or every 3 years in Off-Road use in Europe,
–– every
then 22atyears
years in
leastin On-Road
Africa 3 use
every then atorleast
years every year year
dependingin on
Off -Road use
operating on outside –Europe
conditions –
Prevent 2the
– every the vehicle
years from
in On-Road rolling
use away.away.year in
or every
Remove the
Off-Road wheel.
use outside Europe –

Unscrew thecap
Prevent the capwith
vehicle aa 110
from mmmm
rolling cap
cap spanner.
Remove the wheel.
Dismantle the ECO
ECO Unit
Unit -- see
see the
the corresponding
workshop manuals.
Unscrew the cap with a 110 mm cap spanner.

Mark boththe
Dismantle the
the hub
ECO and and
Unit -bearing
bearing see to tocorresponding
theensure ensure correct
positioning during
workshop manuals. re-assembly.
ItIt is
essentialforfor thethe bearing
bearing inner innerringsrings
with with
Mark bothtotobebe
the re-inserted
hub and in
re-inserted in the
the sametosame
hubs. hubs.
positioning during re-assembly.
It is essential clean
for thetaper
taper roller
bearing bearings
bearings ringsandwithseals
and seals
(using e.g.
to be diesel
diesel oil),
re-inserted drydry inand
and check
the check
same for re-useability.
for hubs.
Replace greaseseal.seal.
Thoroughly clean taper roller bearings and seals
(using e.g. diesel oil), On-road
dry and the use-
check Evaluate
roller the
for re-useability.
Replace bearings,
after 5 years
grease replace
seal.in On-Road if necessaryand after after 3 years.
3 years in
Off -Road use.) evaluate yearly.
-Off-road use - Evaluate Renewthe thetaper
tapered rollerroller bea-
replace BPW
rings after special
if necessary
5 years longlife
in after
On-Road 2 years. grease ECO-Li
and after Plus
3 yearsevaluate
Off-Road use.) into the cavities between the taper
rollers and the cage in both taper roller bearings.
(For BPW
grease special
quantity longlife
seelonglife grease
illustration grease ECO-LiPlus
on page
Smear into
into the
any residual the cavities
grease into between
the hub‘s theouter
the taper
aring and
and the
race. the cage
cage in in both
both taper taper roller
roller bearings.
(For grease
grease quantity
quantity see see illustration
illustration on on page
page 11.)
Smear any
Thoroughly residual
any clean
residual grease
bearinginto into
of the outer
aringwith race.
race. a microfibre cloth. The journals must be
bright, dry and free from grease.
Apply Castrol clean
White the
the bearing
using ajournalsfijournals
ne bristled of of
thethe axle
stub with
evenly andaathinly
with microfibre
microfi tobre cloth.The
bearing The journals
journals. must
Ensure bebe
that the dry
bright, dry and free
bearing freefrom
journal from grease. coated.
is grease.
Apply Castrol
Castrol White T White
Castrol White
must not T
T using
using aa fifine
be diluted. bristledbrush
ne bristled brush
evenly andand thinly
thinlyto tothethebearing
bearingjournals. journals. Ensure
that the
Install theECO bearing journalcontinuously
unit journal
bearing whilst isiscompletely
completely coated.
coated. axle
nut of ECO
Castrol White
White TTmust
unit. must
It should notbe
not be
take diluted.
several turns until
the clutch on the axle nut slips.
Install ECO
ECO unit unit whilst
whilst continuously
continuously rotating rotating axle
nut ofof ECO
ECO unit.
unit. ItIt should
Important! should take take several
several turnsturns until
the clutch
the clutch on
Doonnot the
theuse axle
axle nut
annutimpact slips.
the retaining
Fit Important!
key in the groove between the

stub DoDo
axle and not
not use
use anan
(do impact
not reset
impact driver.
driver.axle nut).

Fit the
Fit the retaining
retaining key
between thethe
stub axle
stub axle and
and the
resetthe axle
the nut).
axle nut).
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 11

Insert the hooked retainer spring behind the formed

edge of the axle nut.

Insert a new O-ring into the annular groove of the

wheel hub. Apply a thin coat of BPW special long-

Trailer axles
life grease ECO-LiPlus to the O-ring contact surface
and thread of the hub cap.

Screw on the hub cap and tighten to 350 Nm.

ECO Plus 3 Unit


BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus

Grease quantity per taper roller bearing

1 Inner bearing 2 Outer bearing

Manual greasing 170 g 120 g

Greasing with a grease applicator 130 g 90 g

Page 12 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.1 Lubrication

 ECO Plus
ECO Plus 2 Unit
2 Unit
– for the first time after 5 years in On-Road use,
- for the first
or every time inafter
3 years 3 years
Off-Road in inOn-Road
use Europe, use,
everyatyear in Off
least -Road
every 3 use
years depending on
then at leastconditions
operating every year – depending on operating
conditions –
– every 2 years in On-Road use or every year in
Off-Road use outside Europe –

Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.

Remove the wheel.

Unscrew the cap with a 120 mm cap spanner.

Important! Position 1 Position 2

Do not use an impact driver -
bayonet lock.
Undo the cap by turning it anti-clockwise by
approx. 30° from position 1 to position 2.

When turned further the hub cap lifts clearly away

from the ECO Unit and can be removed by pulling
it away.

Remove the hooked spring ring and retaining key

from the axle bolt.

Unscrew the axle bolt, pulling the complete ECO

Unit off the bearing seats of the axle stub as you
do so.

Dismantle the ECO Unit - see the corresponding

workshop manuals.

 Mark both the hub and bearing to ensure correct

positioning during re-assembly.
It is essential for the bearing inner rings with
rollers to be re-inserted in the same hubs.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 13

Clean the tapered roller bearings thoroughly (e.g.

with the tapered
oil), dry roller
thembearings thoroughly
and check (e.g.
if they can be
re-used. Fitoil),
with diesel a newdry shaft
them seal.
and check if they can be
re-used. Fit a new shaft seal.
(Recommendation: On-road use- Evaluate the taper
roller bearings, replace
(Recommendation: if necessary
Renew the taperedafter 3 years.
roller bea-

Trailer axles
rings after 5evaluate yearly. -Off-road
years in On-Road use and use
the taper
in Off roller
-Road bearings, replace if necessary after 2
years. Thereafter evaluate yearly.)
Clean the grease cartridge and fill it on both sides
up to the
the grease
edge with cartridge and fi lllonglife
BPW special it on both sides
up to the
ECO-Li Plusedge with BPW special longlife grease
. It is important to ensure that it is filled
ECO-LiPlus. It is important
without any trapped to ensure that it is filled
air or cavities.
without any trapped air or cavities.
Apply a a ring-shaped
ring-shaped bead beadofofgrease
surfaces of of the
the bearing outer races
bearing outer races(see
illustration below).
illustration below).

 When BPW grease

When BPW greaseapplicators
applicators are
are used,
used, there
there is is
no need tofifill llthe
need to the grease
grease cartridge
cartridge or toorapply
to apply
beadbead of grease.
of grease.
Mount the
Mount the ECO
Thoroughly clean
Thoroughly cleanthethebearing
journals of of
stub with
with aa microfi
microfibre cloth.The
bre cloth. Thejournals
journals must
must be be
bright, dry and
bright, dry and free
Apply Castrol White
Apply Castrol White T using aa fifinenebristled
T using bristled brush
evenly and thinly
evenly and thinlytotothe
journals. Ensure
that the bearingjournal
the bearing journalisiscompletely
completely coated.
Castrol White TTmust
Castrol White mustnotnotbe bediluted.

BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus

Grease quantity per taper roller bearing

1 2
Inner bearing Outer bearing

170 g 120 g
with a grease 130 g 90 g

ECO Plus 2 Unit

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3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.1 Lubrication

Apply only a thin layer of BPW ECO-LiPlus to the

threaded hole in the axle stub.

Do not apply too much grease!
It is necessary to make sure that the axle bolt can
be completely screwed into the axle stub.

Mount the ECO Unit. Guide the toothed lock washer

into the hole in the axle stub. The position of the pin
can be seen by the punched-in BPW logo in the
recess of the axle bolt.

Fasten axle bolt (SW 46) whilst rotating the ECO

hub unit. It should take several turns until the
clutch on the axle bolt slips.
(Do not turn back the axle bolt).

Do not use an impact driver.
Insert the retaining key into the recess in the axle
bolt and the gearing of the toothed lock washer. (Do
not turn back the axle bolt.)

Insert the hooked spring ring into the groove of the

hexagon profile of the axle bolt.

 Make sure that the hooked spring ring assembly

is correctly seated in the annular groove of the
axle bolt.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 15

Insert a new O-ring into the groove in the wheel hub. Position 1 Position 2
Apply a thin layer of BPW ECO-LiPlus special longlife
grease to the cap in the area of the O-ring contact
surface and the bayonet fitting.

Trailer axles
Screw on the cap with a 120 mm cap spanner.

Do not use an impact driver -
bayonet lock.
Push on the cap, see position 1.
Press on the cap and turn it by approx. 30° in a
clockwise direction to lock it in place. A tight seat is
provided when position 2 is reached.
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3Page 10 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles BPW-W 33112101e

3.1 Lubrication
3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles
3.1 Lubrication
 ECO Unit
-– for
for the
the first
first time
time after
and or after
every 23 years
years inin Off
Off -Road
-Road use
use inin
South Africa,
5 ECO thenatPlus
at 3least
Unit every 3 years depending on
then least every year depending on operating
for the fi–rst
conditions time after
conditions – 5 years in On-Road use,
or every 3 years in Off-Road use in Europe,
– every
– after 2
then2 at years
years in
least On-Road
in Africa 3 use
every then ator
years every
least yearyear
dependingin on
Off -Road use
operating on operating – conditions.
outside Europe
conditions –

Prevent 2the
– every the vehicle
years from
from rolling
in On-Road away.year in
use away.
or every
Remove theuse
Off-Road wheel.
outside Europe –
Unscrew thecap
Prevent the
the capwith
vehicle aa110
from110mm mm
rolling cap
cap spanner.
Remove the wheel.
Dismantle the ECO
Dismantle the ECO Unit
Unit -- see
see the
the corresponding
workshop manuals.
Unscrew the cap with a 110 mm cap spanner.
Mark boththe
Dismantle thehub
the huband
ECO and bearing
Unit - see to tocorresponding
the correct
positioning duringre-assembly.
workshop manuals. re-assembly.
It is essentialfor
is essential forthe
the bearing
bearing inner
inner rings
rings withwith
Mark both
rollers tobe
to be re-inserted
the hub and in
re-inserted in
bearing same
same hubs.
hubs. correct
positioning during re-assembly.
Thoroughly clean
Thoroughly clean
It is essential taper
taper roller
for the bearing bearings
roller bearings and
and seals
inner rings with
(using e.g.diesel
(using e.g. dieseloil),
dry and
and check
check for for
rollers to be re-inserted in the same hubs.
Replace greaseseal.
Replace grease seal.
Thoroughly clean taper roller bearings and seals
(Recommendation: On-road
(using e.g. diesel oil), dry and use-
thecheck Evaluate
tapered rollerthe taper
for re-useability.
rings bearings,
Replace replace
5 years
grease if necessary
in On-Road
seal. after
and after 3 years.
3 years in
Off-Road use.)evaluate yearly.
-Off-road use - Evaluate
(Recommendation: Renew thethe
taper rollerroller
tapered bearings,
replace BPW
rings after special
if necessary
5 years longlife
inafter grease
2 years.
On-Road afterECO-Li
and Thereafter
3 yearsevaluate
Off-Road use.)into the cavities between the taper
rollers and the cage in both taper roller bearings.
(For BPWBPWspecial
grease special
quantity longlife
see grease
longlife ECO-LiPlus
illustration ECO-Li
on page 17.)

Smear into
any residual thecavities
grease intobetween
the theouter
hub‘s taper
the taper
aring and
race. thecage
illustration on
Thoroughly residual
any clean grease
residual bearingintointo thehub‘s
the hub‘s
of the outer
stub withrace.
aring race.a microfi ber cloth. The journals must be
bright, dry and free from grease.
Apply Castrolclean
White theTbearing
the bearing fijournals
using ajournals ofofthe
ne bristled the axle
evenly andaathinly
with microfibre
microfitobre cloth.
bearing The
The journals
journals. must
Ensure bebe
the dry
and free
bearing free
from grease.
is grease.
completely coated.
Castrol Castrol White
White T White
must not
using aa fine bristled brush
fine bristled
be diluted.
evenly and thinly to the bearing journals. Ensure
evenly and thinly to the bearing journals. Ensure
that theECO
Install bearing
unit journal is completely coated.axle
whilst continuously
that the bearing journal is completely rotating
nut of ECOWhite T must
unit. not be
It should diluted.
take several turns until
Castrol White T must not be diluted.
the clutch on the axle nut slips.
Install ECO unit whilst continuously rotating axle
Install ECO unit whilst continuously rotating axle
nut of ECO unit. It should take several turns until
nut of ECO
the clutch unit.
theuseIt should
axle take several turns until
Do annut slips.
the clutch on the axle nut slips. driver.
Fit the retaining
key in the groove between the axle
stub and the Donut
Do not
not use
notan impact
an impact driver.
the axle nut).
retaining key in the
key in the groove
axle and
and the nut (do
the nut (do not
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 17

For production date April 2000 onwards, insert the

hooked spring ring behind the edge of the axle nut
or, up to March 2000, into the thread on the axle
stub. Screw on the cap and tighten to 800 Nm.

Trailer axles
ECOPlus Unit


BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus

Grease quantity per taper roller bearing

1 Inner bearing 2 Outer bearing

Manual greasing 170 g 120 g

Greasing with a grease applicator 130 g 90 g

Page 18 BPW-W 33112101e

Page 18 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e
3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles
3.1 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles
3.1 Lubrication

 ECO Unit
– latest every 3 years or min. every 500,000 km
 ECO Unit European road conditions), annually
-– annually
in - 3 Europe
use outside years or
– min. every 500,000 km
(Western European road conditions), annually
in use the vehicle
outside from– rolling away.
Remove the wheel.
Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.
Remove thethe cap with a 110 mm cap spanner.
Unscrew the thecapECO withUnita 110- see
mmthe capcorresponding
workshop manuals.
Dismantle the ECO Unit - see the corresponding
workshop both manuals.
the hub and bearing to ensure correct
positioning during re-assembly.
It both thefor
is essential hub theand bearing
bearing to ensure
inner correct
rings with
rollers to beduring re-assembly.
re-inserted in the same hubs.
It is essential for the bearing inner rings with
Thoroughly clean taper roller bearings and seals
rollers to be re-inserted in the same hubs.
(using e.g. diesel oil), dry and check for re-useability.
Replace grease cleanseal.taper roller bearings and seals
(using e.g. diesel oil), dry and check for re-useability.
Replace BPWgrease special
seal. longlife grease ECO-Li

thoroughly into the cavities between the taper

Work and
rollers BPW thespecial
cage in both longlife
tapergrease ECO-LiPlus
roller bearings.
thoroughly into the cavities between the taper
rollers and with thethecagetotal grease
in both taperquantity in tables
roller bearings.
A and B .
Comply with the total grease quantity in tables
A and any B . residual grease into the hub‘s outer
bearing race. Smear the lip of the new grease
seal all any
round residual
with BPW greasespecial
into the hub‘sgrease
longlife outer
ECO-Li race.
. Smear the lip of the new grease
seal all round with BPW special longlife grease
ECO-LiPlus. clean the bearing journals of the axle
stub with a microfiber cloth. The journals must be
bright, dry and clean
freethefrombearing journals of the axle
stub with
Apply a microfi
Castrol White berTcloth.
usingThea finejournals
bristledmust be
bright, and
evenly dry and free
thinly to from grease.journals. Ensure
the bearing
that theCastrol
bearingWhite journal T using a fine bristled
is completely coated. brush
evenly and
Castrol White thinly
T mustto thenotbearing journals. Ensure
be diluted.
that the bearing journal is completely coated.
Fit the ECO
Castrol White Unit.
T must not be diluted.
Fasten axle nut using a torque wrench whilst
Fit the ECO
rotating the Unit.
ECO hub unit. It should take several
turns axle the nut tightening
using a torque torque wrench whilst
has reached
150 Nm. the ECO hub unit. It should take several
turns until the tightening torque has reached
groove of the axle nut is the same size as a
bore hole of the axle stub, the safety bolt must be
If the groove
removed of the
directly. axle
If this nut isis the
action not same size as
performed, thea
bore nut
axle holemustof the be axle
turned stub,
nextmust be
tunity directly.
to secure it If thisthan
(less action is not performed, the
axle nut must be turned back until the next oppor-
Fit pin to
tunity with
securea snap hook.
it (less than 15°).
Tighten the cap to 800 Nm.
Fit pin with a snap hook.
Tighten the cap to 800 Nm.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 19

ECO Unit

Trailer axles

BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus

Grease quantity per taper roller bearing

Axle load A Inner bearing B Outer bearing

6000 - 9000 kg 120 g 120 g

10000 - 12000 kg 170 g 120 g

13000 - 14000 kg 230 g 150 g

Page 20 BPW-W 33112101e
Page 20 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer
BPW Trailer axles
axles // BPW
BPW Steering
Steering axles
3.1 Lubrication

� Change wheel hub bearing grease
Change wheel hub bearing grease
– whenever brake linings are changed: at the latest
– whenever brake linings are changed: at the latest
– annually
annually or after 150,000 km –
annually or after 150,000 km –
For demounting and re-fitting of wheel hubs, see
For demounting and re-fitting of wheel hubs, see
workshop manuals.
workshop manuals.

� Mark both the hub and bearing to ensure correct
Mark both the hub and bearing to ensure correct
positioning during re-assembly.
positioning during re-assembly.
It is essential for the bearing inner rings with
It is essential for the bearing inner rings with
rollers to be re-inserted in the same hubs.
rollers to be re-inserted in the same hubs.
Clean wheel hubs thoroughly inside and outside.
Clean wheel hubs thoroughly inside and outside.
Remove old grease completely.
Remove old grease completely.
Thoroughly clean taper bearings (using e. g. diesel
Thoroughly clean taper bearings (using e. g. diesel
oil) dry and check for re-useability. Replace seals.
oil) dry and check for re-useability. Replace seals.
Work BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus into
Work BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus into
the cavities between the taper rollers and cage.
the cavities between the taper rollers and cage.
Comply with total grease quantity (table A ), smear
Comply with total grease quantity (table A ), smear
any residual grease into the hub’s outer bearing
any residual grease into the hub’s outer bearing
Fit wheel hubs and adjust bearing play (see point
Fit wheel hubs and adjust bearing play (see point
7 page 38).
7 page 38).
Fill hub caps with BPW special longlife grease
Fill hubPluscaps with BPW special longlife grease
ECO-Li (table B ) and screw on.
ECO-LiPlus (table B ) and screw on.
For tightening torques see 5 page 31.
For tightening torques see 5 page 31.
� For
� For 16 - 18 t axles with BPW oval shape hub
16 - 18 t axles with BPW oval shape hub
cap, a new O-ring must be fitted on reassembly.
cap, a new O-ring must be fitted on reassembly.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 21

Conventional wheel hub bearing

Trailer axles

BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus

Grease quantity per taper roller bearing

Axle load (Series H, K, N, M) A Inner bearing B Outer bearing (cap filling)

4000 - 5500 kg 80 g 130 g

6000 - 9000 kg 170 g 290 g
10000 - 12000 kg 180 g 320 g
13000 - 14000 kg 240 g 500 g
16000 - 18000 kg 400 g 800 g
20000 kg 440 g 900 g

Axke load (Series E and NE)

3000 kg 70 g 100 g
3500 - 3800 kg 80 g 120 g
4500 kg 90 g 180 g
Page 22 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 23

BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles 3

Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection 3.2
General 3.2.1

In order to distribute the braking effort evenly to all the brakes in the unit, adjustment must always be carried out
according to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications, or after 5,000 km. Tractor units with EBS cannot have
their brakes adjusted in the normal manner. As a result, the trailer or semi-trailer merely has to be checked for compli-
ance with the EC tolerance bands. Always check the tractor vehicle if the trailer is in the EC band despite premature
brake pad wear. The EBS parameters in the tractor unit must be modified in order to improve compatibility, see ECE

Trailer axles
R 13 in this connection. Failure to do so will invalidate the warranty (see warranty documents).

Other possible solutions to premature brake pad wear:

- Prescribed maintenance work must be performed at regular intervals.
- Use the retarder or engine brake to adjust the vehicle’s speed.
- Think ahead when driving.
- Drop down to a lower gear in good time.
- BPW Disc Protector (cover plates for brake discs).

Even at high temperatures, disc brakes display stable braking properties and a high level of safety. Excessive tempe-
ratures do not make themselves apparent through brake fading and should be avoided. This effect leads to increased
wear when used under these conditions.
Page 24 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes


At every brake lining

Every 1 to 3 weeks


latest annually 2)
Every 12 weeks

Every 26 weeks

For detailed description, see pages 26 - 39
Disc brakes, see pages 40 - 50

Air suspension, see pages 52 - 80
Suspension, see pages 82 - 91
Maintenance work - Drum brakes
1 Check wheel nuts for tightness. 1

2 With manual slack adjusters, check brake play, adjust if necessary to 2

10 - 12% of the connected brake lever length and activate by hand or with
0.5 - 0.8 bar. (Not applicable in the case of automatic slack adjusters.)

- Check the tyres for uneven wear, adjust the inflation pressure if necessary, -
according to the manufacturer‘s specifications.

3 Check brake lining thickness is at least 5 mm. (Brake SN 300 min. 7 mm 3

and N 3006 min. 2.5 mm residual lining thickness.)

4 Check brake drum for cracks and check the internal diameter. 4

5 Check caps for firm seating (not necessary with ECO Plus 3, ECO Plus 2 5
and ECOPlus axles).
6 Check operation of automatic slack adjusters. 6 6
Visual inspection of all component parts and welding seams for damage
° ° °
and wear.

7 Check wheel hub bearing play, adjust if necessary.

- ECO Plus 3, ECO Plus 2 and ECOPlus Unit 7
- ECO Unit, conventional bearing 7

1) After the first run under load conditions, likewise after each wheel change.
2) Under extreme conditions, increase frequency (e.g. construction sites and poor roads).
3) For use outside Europe.

Note: Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 25


Trailer axles
Series R / KR / NR Series H / K / N


Series ....LL


Series NE / NM / NR / M
Page 26 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

1 Check wheel nuts for tightness

– the tightening torque of the wheel nuts must be
checked after the first high load journey as well
as after each wheel change and, if appropriate,
retightened to the prescribed value –

Tighten wheel nuts diagonally using a torque

wrench to the tightening torque shown in the table.

In the case of Trilex-wheels tighten the nuts conse-

cutively several times around.

Wheel contact surfaces should not have additional

coats of paint (risk of the wheels becoming deta-

Tightening torque for wheel nuts

It is imperative that the prescribed tightening torques are adhered to in order to ensure the
wheels are securely fastened! The wheel studs must be clean and free of damage and the nuts
must be easily tightened and loosened. If needed, lightly oil the contact surface between the
wheel nut and the pressure disc. Do not oil or grease the thread of the wheel studs and wheel nuts.
The use of aggressive and acidic rim cleaners is not permitted. Such agents can seriously impair the
anti-corrosion coating of wheel bolts and wheel nuts.

Stud alignment Tightening torque

M 14 x 1.5 125 Nm (120 - 130 Nm)
M 18 x 1.5 290 Nm (275 - 305 Nm)
M 20 x 1.5 380 Nm (360 - 400 Nm)
M 22 x 1.5 510 Nm (485 - 535 Nm)
M 22 x 2 460 Nm (435 - 485 Nm)

Spigot alignment Tightening torque Wheel nut with collar

M 18 x 1.5 350 Nm (330 - 370 Nm)
M 20 x 1.5 480 Nm (455 - 505 Nm)
M 22 x 1.5 630 Nm (600 - 660 Nm)
M 22 x 1.5 alloy wheels 630 Nm (600 - 660 Nm)
M 24 x 1.5 860 Nm (820 - 900 Nm)

Trilex-wheels Tightening torque

M 18 x 2 285 Nm (270 - 300 Nm)
M 20 x 2 335 Nm (320 - 350 Nm)

Japan connection Tightening torque

M 20 x 1.5 570 Nm (540 - 600 Nm)
M 30 x 1.5 570 Nm (540 - 600 Nm)
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 27

The torque values shown below can be achieved

using a normal wheel nut spanner (vehicle tool kit)
and a length of tubing. 
However always check with a torque wrench as

Trailer axles
soon as possible afterwards.

To achieve tightening torques with on-board tools

Tightening torque Tubing length „A“ Tubing length „B“

300 mm 90 - 105 kg
350 mm 78 - 89 kg
270 - 310 Nm
400 mm 68 - 78 kg

350 mm 91 - 99 kg
400 mm 80 - 88 kg
320 - 350 Nm
450 mm 71 - 78 kg
500 mm 64 - 70 kg

400 mm 90 - 99 kg
450 mm 80 - 89 kg
360 - 400 Nm
500 mm 72 - 80 kg
600 mm 60 - 67 kg

500 mm 88 - 96 kg
600 mm 73 - 80 kg
440 - 480 Nm
700 mm 63 - 69 kg

600 mm 80 - 90 kg
700 mm 67 - 77 kg
480 - 540 Nm
800 mm 60 - 67 kg

700 mm 85 - 95 kg
800 mm 75 - 83 kg
600 - 660 Nm
900 mm 67 - 73 kg
1000 mm 60 - 66 kg

820 - 900 Nm 1000 mm 82 - 90 kg

Page 28 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

2 Check and adjust wheel brake play with manual

slack adjusters
– frequent checks are necessary –
– depending upon application every 1 to 3 weeks – 

Actuate slack adjusters by hand, pulling against the

return spring. If there is more than 35 mm of play,
the slack adjuster must be reset. This can be done 
by adjusting the nut on the slack adjuster as shown.

Adjust the play ”a” to 10 -12% of the connected

brake lever length ”B”, e.g. lever length 150 mm =
15 - 18 mm of play.

Automatic slack adjusters make this adjustment

automatically whenever the camshaft is rotated by
more than 17.5°.

- Check the tyres for uneven wear, adjust the

inflation pressure if necessary according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
– quarterly –
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 29

3 Check brake lining thickness

– quarterly –

Open inspection hole by folding back the rubber

Trailer axles
flap (not required with ECO Drum brakes).

The brake lining should be replaced at a residu-

al lining thickness of 5 mm, SN 300 min. 7 mm,
N 3006 min. 2.5 mm (check with slide gauge) or on
reaching the bottom of the indicator machined into
the edge of the lining.
Re-insert the rubber flap.

If brake lining wear indicators are fitted to the slack

adjusters, the minimum thickness of the brake
linings is indicated by the horizontal position of the
lever (when the brake is released).

The Brake Monitor displays the “Service” signal

when the wear sensor for drum brakes is installed.
There is no warning function. 


In certain cases the slack adjusters may not

be fitted in the normal (i.e. vertical) position.
In such instances, the position of the wear


indicator will also be different. Linings should

be changed when the wear indicator is
approximately at right angles to the brake lever.



Page 30 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e

BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

4 Check the brake drum for cracks and the  

internal diameter
– quarterly –

Check the condition of the brake drum and that

there is adequate remaining thickness. If the wear
is approaching the wear edge, measure the bra-
ke drum and renew it if the maximum permitted
amount of wear has been reached.  


Max. amounts of wear, measured at the position

with the greatest wear:

Brake Brake shoe Ø Ø

width Max. amount Skimming  
(mm) of wear (mm) size (mm)

SN 420 120 / 160 424 423
SN 420 180 / 200 / 220 425.5 424
SN 360 160 / 200 364 363
SN 300 100 / 150 / 200 304 303
FL 300 80 303 302





BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 31

5 Check caps for firm seating

– every 6 months –
(not necessary with ECO Plus 3, ECO Plus 2 and
ECOPlus axles)

Trailer axles
Check caps for tightness using a torque wrench or
power tool. Tightening torque:

Hub caps with BPW oval shape:

ECO Plus 3 Unit SW 110 350 Nm
ECOPlus Unit 8 - 12 t SW 110 800 Nm
ECO Unit 6.5 - 12 t SW 110 800 Nm
13 - 14 t SW 120 800 Nm
Steel hub cap for conventional bearing hub (oval)
6.5 - 9 t SW 95 500 Nm
10 - 12 t SW 110 500 Nm
13 - 14 t SW 120 800 Nm
16 - 18 t SW 140 350 Nm
Alloy cap 6 - 12 t SW 110 350 Nm

Hub cap with octagonal shape:

13 - 20 t SW 120 700 Nm

In an emergency the caps can be tightened using a

normal cap spanner (vehicle tool kit) by striking the
latter with a hammer, or also with the aid of a piece
of tubing placed over the wheel nut.

Caps with integrated hubodometers must be fitted

and dismantled using only torque controlled (DO
manually with a torque wrench.

Tighten to the correct tightening torque as soon

as possible.

 Caps on ECO Plus 2 axles are provided with a Position 1 Position 2

bayonet fitting. Check for firm seating.
Position 1: Hub cap seated loosely on the Unit.

Position 2: Hub cap seated firmly on the Unit.

ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
Page 32 BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

6 Check operation of the automatic slack adjusters

– every 3
6 months –
– quarterly in use outside Europe (e.g. within the
scope of the statutory checks) –

Prevent the vehicle from rolling away. "

Release the service brakes and the handbrake.

Free play check:

Operate the slack adjuster by hand or with 0.8 bar. In
this case, the free play ”a” corresponds to 10 - 15 %
of the connected brake lever length ”B”, e.g. brake
lever length 150 mm = free play 15 - 22 mm.

Check the adjustment if the free play is not within


Remove rubber seal cap. Keep clutch sleeve pressed

down and turn back adjustment bolt (arrow) by ap-
prox. 3/4 of a turn in a counterclockwise direction
using a ring spanner. A play of at least 50 mm with a
lever length of 150 mm must be available.

Actuate the brake lever several times by hand.

When this is done automatic adjustment must take
place smoothly. Engagement of the clutch coupling
is audible and on the return stroke the adjustment
bolt turns slightly in a clockwise direction. Grease
with ECO-LiPlus, see also 3 on page 9.

Fit seal cap.

Adjust the brake, see relevant workshop manual.

° Visual inspection
3 months –
– every 6
– quarterly in use outside Europe –

Check all components and welding seams for

damage and wear.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 33

7 Check wheel hub bearing play

– ECO Plus 3, ECO Plus 2 and ECOPlus Unit at every
brake lining replacement, latest annually –

7 –Check
ECO wheel
Unit und hubconventional
bearing playhub bearing every

Trailer axles
–- 6 months
ECO –3, ECO-Plus 2 and ECOPlus Unit at every
6 months
brake lining replacement, latest annually –
Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.
– ECO Unit und conventional hub bearing every

Trailer axles
monthsto –check the wheel hub bearing play, lift
the axle until the wheels are off the ground.
Prevent thethe vehicle
brake. Apply a leveraway.
from rolling between the tyre
and the ground and check the play.
In order to check the wheel hub bearing play, lift
the axle until the wheels are off the ground.
Release the brake. Apply a lever between the tyre
and the ground and check the play.

If bearing play is detected - ECO Plus 3 Unit:

Adjust the bearing play

1. Unscrew the cap.

If bearing play is detected - ECO Plus 3 Unit:
2. Remove the hooked spring ring with a wedge
Adjust the bearing play
from the axle nut.
1. Unscrew the cap.
3. Fasten axle nut using a hexagon socket spanner
2. whilst
Remove rotating the ECO
the hooked hub unit.
spring ring with a wedge
It is necessary
from to turn the ECO Unit numerous
the axle nut.
times before the gearing slips over the axle nut.
3. Fasten axle nut using a hexagon socket spanner
whilst Attention!
rotating the ECO hub unit.
Do not use
It is necessary to an impact
turn the ECOdriver.
Unit numerous
4. Fit thebefore the key
retaining gearing slips
in the over the
groove axle nut.
between the
stub axle and the nut (do not reset the axle nut).
5. Insert Do
thenot use anretainer
hooked impact driver.
spring behind the
4. formed edge of the
Fit the retaining keyaxle nut.groove between the
in the
stub axle and the nut (do not reset the axle nut).
6. Insert a new O-ring into the annular groove of
5. the wheel
Insert thehub. Applyretainer
hooked a thin coat of BPW
spring special
behind the
long-life grease
formed edge ECO-Li
of the
axle nut. to the O-ring contact
surface and thread of the hub cap.
6. Insert a new O-ring into the annular groove of
7. Screw on the
the wheel hub.hub capaand
Apply thintighten
coat oftoBPW
350 special
long-life grease ECO-LiPlus to the O-ring contact
surface and thread of the hub cap.

7. Screw on the hub cap and tighten to 350 Nm.

Page 34 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

If bearing play is detected - ECO Plus 2 Unit:

Adjust the bearing play

1. Unscrew the cap with a 120 mm hub cap span-

ner. Undo the cap by turning it anti-clockwise by
approx. 30° from position 1 to position 2.

When turned further the hub cap lifts clearly

away from the ECO Unit and can be removed
by pulling it away.

Do not use an impact driver -
bayonet lock.
2. Remove the hooked spring ring and retaining
key from the axle bolt.

Position 1 Position 2

3. Tighten the axle bolt (SW 46) using a hexagon

socket spanner whilst simultaneously rotating
the ECO hub unit.
It is necessary to turn the ECO Unit numerous
times before the gearing slips over the axle bolt.

Do not use an impact driver.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 35

4. Insert the retaining key into the recess in the

axle bolt and the gearing of the toothed lock
washer (arrow). (Do not turn back the axle bolt.)

5. Insert the hooked spring ring into the groove of

Trailer axles
the hexagon profile of the axle bolt. Make sure
that the hooked spring ring assembly is correctly
seated in the annular groove of the axle bolt.

6. Insert a new O-ring into the groove in the wheel


7. Apply a thin layer of BPW ECO-LiPlus special Position 1 Position 2

longlife grease to the hubcap in the area of the
O-ring contact surface and the bayonet fitting.

8. Screw on the cap with a 120 mm cap spanner.

Do not use an impact driver -
bayonet lock.
Push on the hubcap, see position 1.
Press on the hubcap and turn it by approx. 30°
in a clockwise direction to lock it in place.
A tight seat is provided when position 2 is
Page 36 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

If bearing play is detected - ECOPlus Unit:

Adjust the bearing play

1. Unscrew the cap.

2. Remove the hooked spring ring with a wedge

from the axle nut.

3. Fasten axle nut using a hexagon socket spanner

whilst rotating the ECO Unit.
It is necessary to turn the ECO Unit numerous
times before the gearing slips over the axle nut.

Do not use an impact driver.
4. Fit the retaining key in the groove between the
axle stub and the nut (do not reset the axle nut).

5. For production date April 2000 onwards, insert

the hooked spring ring behind the edge of the
axle nut or, up to March 2000, into the thread
on the axle stub.

6. Tighten the cap to 800 Nm.

ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 37

If bearing play is detected - ECO Unit:

Adjust the bearing play

1. Unscrew the cap.

Trailer axles
2. Loosen axle nut.

3. Fasten axle nut using a torque wrench whilst

rotating the ECO hub unit. It should take several
turns until the tightening torque has reached
150 Nm.

- If a normal axle nut spanner is used (vehicle

tool kit), tighten the axle nut until the ECO Unit
drags slightly (auxiliary solution).

4. If the groove of the axle nut is the same size as

a bore hole of the axle stub, the safety bolt must
be removed directly.
If this action is not performed, the axle nut must
be turned back until the next opportunity to
secure it (less than 15°).

5. Insert bolt and locking ring.

6. Screw on caps.

Tightening torque:
Steel / cast cap 800 Nm
Aluminium cap 350 Nm
Page 38 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.2 Drum brakes

If bearing play is detected

- conventional hub bearing:

Adjust the bearing play

1. Unscrew the cap.

2. Remove the split pin from the axle nut.

3. Fasten the axle nut using a torque wrench and

with the continuous turning of the wheel hub.
It should take several turns until the tightening
torque has reached the desired value.

Tightening torques:
hub caps with BPW oval shape:
Up to an axle load of 5.5 tons (up to calendar
week 38/2011) = 100 Nm,
from 6 to 18 tons axle load = 150 Nm,

hub caps with octagonal shape:

from 16 to 30 tons axle load = 350 Nm

- If a normal axle nut spanner is used (vehicle

tool kit), tighten the axle nut until the wheel
bearing race drags slightly.

4. If a groove of the the axle nut is the same size

as a bore hole on the axle stub, the safety split
pin must be removed directly.
If this action is not performed, the axle nut must
be turned back until the next opportunity to
secure it (less than 30°). (Does not apply to the
ECO Plus 3, ECO Plus 2, ECOPlus and ECO Unit.)

5. Insert the split pin and bend upwards slightly.

6. Refill the cap as required with BPW special

longlife grease ECO-LiPlus and replace.

For tightening torques see point 5 on page 31.

� For 16 - 18 t axles with BPW oval shape hub

cap, a new O-ring must be fitted on reassembly.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 39

If bearing play is detected

- conventional hub bearing up to 5.5 t,
from calendar week 38/2011:

Adjust the bearing play

Trailer axles
1. Unscrew the cap.

2. Remove the split pin from the axle nut.

3. Tighten the axle nut with a torque wrench at the

same time with continuous rotation of the wheel
hub. Minimum 5 rotations must be done until a
torque of 100 Nm is achieved.

4. Loosen the axle nut with two full turns until

the bearing is loosened or relaxed.

5. If necessary screw hub puller. Complete wheel

hub unit with BPW hub puller
and screw 02.5026.50.80 or alternatively retrieve
a universal hub puller to relax the bearing.

6. Tighten using 70 Nm axle nut.

7. Check the wheel bearing can run freely. It must

be possible to turn the wheel hub evenly and
without any noticeable restraint after having
been set.

8. Turn back axle nut to the next locking position

(min. 3°, max. 15°). Through the asymmetric
cap of the axle nut, the next locking position is
reached after turning back max. 15°.

9. Insert pin and locking ring.

Take care to ensure the hooked spring ring
is located correctly within the axle nut.

10. Mark the position of the axle nut on the axle

stub (arrow).
11. Refill the hub cap as required with BPW special
longlife grease ECO-LiPlus and replace.
Tightening torque: 500 Nm
Page 40 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB


At every brake lining


Every 12 weeks

Every 26 weeks

latest annually
For detailed description, see pages 42 - 50

Air suspension, see pages 52 - 80
Suspension, see pages 82 - 91
Maintenance work - Disc brakes
Brake type: TS2 3709, TS2 4309 and TSB 3709, TSB 4309, TSB 4312
1 Check wheel nuts for tightness. 1

2 Check brake pad thickness. 2

- Visual check, check all components and welding seams for damage, wear -
and corrosion.
3 Check brake disc thickness and visually check for cracks. 3 3

4 Check caliper guide system. 4 4

TS2: Check bellow with pressure plate. 3)

5 5 5
TSB: Check coarse dirt seals and the pressure plates.

6 Check the bearing play of the ECO Unit, adjust if necessary. 6 6

Under extreme conditions, increase frequency (e.g. Off-Road, heavy-duty braking work).
After the first run under load conditions and likewise after each wheel change.
For use outside Europe.

Note: Components that have damages due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 41


Trailer axles
Series SR with disc brakes type TS2 Series SH with disc brakes type TS2

Series SH with disc brakes type TSB

Series LL with disc brakes type TSB

Page 42 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB

1 Check wheel nuts for tightness

– the tightening torque of the wheel nuts must be
checked after the first laden load journey as well
as after each wheel change and, if appropriate,
retightened to the prescribed value –

Tighten wheel nuts diagonally using a torque

wrench to the correct tightening torque.

It is imperative that the prescribed

tightening torques are adhered to in
order to ensure the wheels are securely
The wheel studs must be clean and free
of damage and the nuts must be easily
tightened and loosened. If needed, lightly
oil the contact surface between the wheel
nut and the pressure disc. Do not oil or
grease the thread of the wheel studs and
wheel nuts.
Wheel nuts for
The use of aggressive and acidic rim clea- Stud alignment Spigot alignment
ners is not permitted. Such agents can
seriously impair the anti-corrosion coating
of wheel bolts and wheel nuts.
Tightening torques for wheel nuts M 22 x 1.5:
Stud alignment : 510 Nm (485 - 535 Nm)
Spigot alignment: 630 Nm (600 - 660 Nm)

Attention: Do not exceed specified settings!

Wheel contact surface should not have additio-

nal coats of paint (risk of the wheels becoming

2 Check brake pad thickness

– quarterly –

The brake pad thickness must be checked regularly,

e.g. during the tyre inflation pressure check. The
intervals must not be more than 3 months.

Worn brake pads reduce braking perfor-

mance and can ultimately lead to the
brakes failing completely!
The brake pad thickness can be checked where
the brake caliper interfaces with the welded anchor
plate with the wheels mounted (approximate wear
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 43

TS2 TSB TSB New condition Check required

3709 3709 4312
4309 4309
Dimension x (when 12 mm 9 mm 9 mm

Trailer axles
new, distance between
brake caliper and brake
anchor plate)
max. permissible
brake pad wear
19 mm 31 mm -- 28 mm
21 mm -- 30 mm --
max. permissible wear 35 mm 34 mm 32 mm
for brake pad and 8 8
brake disc
Brake type TS2
The brake pads must be removed to inspect them
more closely - see relevant workshop manual.

Heat affected, glazed over, or oily brake pads must

New condition Check required
be replaced immediately.

The remaining brake pad thickness must not be

less than 2 mm (use a caliper gauge for this).

Hairline cracks at the edges are permissible;

replacement is required if more sizable surface
cracks are present.

Only ever replace brake linings axle by


8 8
Brake type TSB

40 mm <= Brake lining active TS2

29 mm <= Brake lining passive TS2
30 mm <= Brake linings TSB
Lining anchor plate

- Visual inspection
– every six months –
Brake lining
Check all components and welding seams for da-
mage, wear and corrosion.
2 mm
Brake lining
thickness Total brake lining
Page 44 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB

3 Brake disc
(Check the condition of the brake disc)
-– every
every 3
6 months
months when
- used within Europe,

quarterly when used outside Europe –

Sections A - D (see fig.) show the possible condi-  
tions of the disc surface:

A: Network-type tears = permissible

B: Radial cracks up to max.

1.5 mm width and depth = permissible

C: Uneven disc surface less

than 1.5 mm = permissible

D: Continuous cracks = not permissible

Technical details:
• Disc thickness, new = 45 mm
• Minimum permissible
disc thickness = 37 mm
• Maximum wear per side = 4 mm
(Use a caliper gauge where the pads make

In the case of surface conditions A - C, the brake

disc can be used until the minimum permissible
disc thickness has been reached.

To prevent damage to the brake discs, the brake 

pads should be replaced when the minimum thick-  
ness (excluding backing plate) is 2 mm or less.

Brake discs should always be replaced in pairs.

The brake pads should also be replaced when 
new brake discs are fitted.

If this instruction is not adhered to, there is a danger

that with the worn brake pads the brake disc will
be damaged and the braking performance could be
seriously reduced.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 45

4 Checking the brake caliper guide system

(check play and adjustment)
–- every
every 63months
- used within Europe,
quarterly when used outside Europe –

Trailer axles
(e.g. within the scope of the statutory checks)

Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.

Release the service and parking brakes.

The brake cylinder and fasteners for the brake pads

can remain fitted.

Forcefully push the sliding caliper in the axle direc-

tion. The caliper must move approximately 0.7 to
1.3 mm (play).

If play is not within this tolerance, the brake caliper

guide must be checked and readjusted.

For close inspection of play with wheels mounted:

Use a dial gauge to determine the play. To this end,

attach a dial gauge holder to the axle housing and
position the button on the outside of the screw plug

(1) or on the brake cylinder.

For close inspection of play with wheels removed:

Brake type TS2

Use a feeler gauge to check the clearance. Force-
fully push the sliding caliper in the direction of the
axle centre. Insert the feeler gauge between the
bellow with pressure plate (2) and the brake lining
back plate (3).
If play is not within the tolerance required, adjust-
ment must be carried out and the brake caliper
guide checked.

Brake type TSB

Check the play using two feeler gauges. Forcefully
push the sliding caliper towards the centre of the Brake type TS2 Brake type TSB
axle and insert the gauges between the pressure
plates (2) and pad backing plate (3).
If play is not within the tolerance required, adjust-
ment must be carried out and the brake caliper
guide checked.
Page 46 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB

Brake type TS2

Set play and check adjustment

1. Remove the plug.

2. Turn the resetter with a spanner (AF 13) 90°


3. Actuate the brake 5 to 10 times with a force of

approximately 2 bar.

4. Forcefully push the sliding caliper in the axle

direction. The play exhibited at this time must
be between 0.7 and 1.3 mm.

Adjustment is correct if play is within this


5. Squeeze the seal cap (vented) and press it into

the brake caliper. Both lamellae of the seal must
lie inside of the holder in the brake caliper. 

Check brake caliper guide:

The brake caliper guide must be checked if the play

was not adjusted properly.

Disassemble the brake linings. It must be possible

to move the brake caliper slightly from end stop to
end stop.

The guide bushings are sealed by the bellows (4)

and the screw plug (1).

Inspect the bellows and sealing plugs for cracks, da-  

mage and proper seating and replace if necessary.
Sealing plugs that have been removed must be
replaced, not re-used.

See workshop manual ECO Disc TS2 for informa-

tion on how to repair the brake caliper guide.

Check the brake caliper bearing play:

The bearing play of the brake caliper can be determi-

ned using a dial gauge. Attach the dial gauge holder
to the axle beam and position the gauge on the bra-
ke caliper housing on the brake cylinder holder.

Press the brake caliper on the brake cylinder

vertically downwards to its installation position and
set the dial gauge to „zero“.

Press the brake caliper upwards and read the

bearing play on the dial gauge.

If a brake caliper bearing play exceeds 1.0 mm, the

brake caliper bearing must be replaced.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 47

Brake type TSB

Set play and check adjustment

1. Remove the plug.

Trailer axles
2. Using a torx wrench (T25), depress the return
spring and turn clockwise until it „clicks“ 2

3. Actuate the brake 5 to 10 times with a force of

approximately 2 bar.

4. Forcefully push the sliding caliper in the axle

direction. The play exhibited at this time must
be between 0.7 and 1.3 mm.

Adjustment is correct if play is within this


5. Reinsert the plug.

Check brake caliper guide:

The brake caliper guide must be checked if the play
was not adjusted properly.

Disassemble the brake linings. It must be possible

to move the brake caliper slightly from end stop to
end stop.

The guide bushings are sealed by the bellows (4)

and the screw plug (1).

Inspect the bellows and sealing plugs for cracks, da-
mage and proper seating and replace if necessary.
Sealing plugs that have been removed must be
replaced, not re-used.

See workshop manual ECO Disc TSB for informa-

tion on how to repair the brake caliper guide.

Check the brake caliper bearing play:

The bearing play of the brake caliper can be esta-

blished using a dial gauge. Attach the dial gauge
holder to the axle beam and position the gauge,
facing the long locating bearing, on the lower edge
of the cylinder flange.

Press the brake caliper on the brake cylinder

vertically downwards to its installation position and
set the dial gauge to „zero“.

Press the brake caliper upwards and read the

bearing play on the dial gauge.

If a brake caliper bearing play exceeds 1.5 mm, the

brake caliper bearing must be replaced.
Page 48 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB

5 TS2:
Check the bellow with pressure plate
–- every sixbrake
at every months - replacement, latest
annually in Europe –
– every six months in use outside Europe –

Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.

Release the service and parking brakes.

See workshop manual ECO Disc TS2 for informati-

on on how to remove the brake pads.

The service brake and spring actuator must be re- 


Pull the pressure plate with heat protection cover

and bellow (5) out of the dust cover slightly. Check
the complete unit for proper seating and damage;
replace it if necessary.

Check the dust cover (arrow) for deformation. If a

deformation is detected, the brake caliper must be

If a thermal overloading of the brake has been de-

tected, the bellow with pressure plate (5) must be

Before the new bellow with pressure plate is ins-

talled, the adjusting unit must be checked for cor-
rosion and ease of movement .

After the check or replacement, the bellow must be

folded correctly and returned to its initial position.
The pressure plate rests against the threaded sleeve.

It is recommended that the pressure

plate be replaced each time that the
brake disk is changed.
Refer to workshop manual ECO Disc TS2 for details
on changing the bellow with pressure plate.

The penetration of dirt and moisture cau-

ses corrosion and affects the operation of
the clamping mechanism and adjustment.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 49

Check coarse dirt seals and the tappets
–- at
every sixbrake
every months - replacement, latest
annually in Europe –
– every six months in use outside Europe –

Trailer axles
Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.
Release the service and parking brakes.

See workshop manual ECO Disc TSB for informati-

on on how to remove the brake pads.

The service brake and spring actuator must be re-


With a vernier gauge, measure the diameter of the

concentric pin on the two thrust pieces.

When it reaches a minimum of 8 mm, change the

thrust piece.

To change the thrust piece, see workshop manual 


Unscrew the tappets beyond the adjuster (min.

30 mm) until the coarse dirt seals are plainly visible.

Ensure proper seating.

(Visual inspection, see detail extract)

Check the dust cover of the brake caliper in the

area between the coarse dirt seals (arrows) for
deformation. If deformation is detected, the brake
caliper requires changing!

Penetrating dirt and damp cause corrosion and
affect the operation of the clamping mechanism
and adjustment.
Page 50 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

3 BPW Trailer axles / BPW Steering axles

3.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
3.2.3 Disc brakes, brake types: TS2 / TSB

The bellows must be replaced if thermal overloa-

ding was detected.

Only new parts may be used.

The adjustment device must be checked for

corrosion and ease of movement before the new
parts are installed.

See workshop manual ECO Disc TSB for infor-

mation on how to replace the bellows.

6 Check the bearing play of the ECO Unit

months - replacement, latest annually –

Prevent the vehicle from rolling away.

In order to check the bearing play of the ECO Unit,

lift the axle until the wheels are off the ground. Re-
lease the brake. Apply a lever between the tyre and
the ground and check the play.

The bearing play must be reset if the bearing play

can be felt.

See instructions on setting bearings for ECO Plus 3,

ECO Plus 2 and ECOPlus, pages 33 to 36.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 51

Trailer axles
Page 52 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

4 BPW Air suspension, series EA

4.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


suspension after 12, 36, 60

warranty period for chassis
Visual checks during the

fitted with ECO Plus air

subsequently yearly
6 months -
72 months,
For detailed description, see pages 54 - 59
Air suspension series EAC, see pages 60 - 67

- every
Air suspension series O, SL, AL, see pages 68 - 80

Suspension, see pages 82 - 91

1 Check air suspension levelling valve for condition, seal-tightness and general tightness. 1

2 Check condition of air bags. 2

- Visual inspection, check all component parts and welding seams for damage and wear. -

3 Check shock absorber fastening for tightness. 3

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

4 Check spring pivot bolts for tightness. 4

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)

5 Check axle clamping for tightness. 5

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 450 Nm

6 Check the spring bolt to gusset plate connecting bolt for tightness. 6
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 18 x 1.5 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

7 Check air bag fastening for tightness. 7

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 - 300 Nm
Centre screw M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm

8 Check axle lift for tightness. 8

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
Supporting arm M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 Nm (325 - 385 Nm)
Diaphragm cylinder M 16 (SW 24) M = 190 Nm (180 - 210 Nm)
Hexagon screw M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm
Lock nut M 10 (SW 16) M = 38 Nm
Cylinder cap screw M 10 (SW 8) M = 50 Nm

Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 53


Serie EABO Serie EABO with Kombi-Air Bag II

Air suspension

Series EAAM / EABM Serie EABM with bolt-on gusset plate
with two-sided axle lift


Series EAAU Serie EAAM with side mounted axle lift
Page 54 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

4 BPW Air suspension, series EA

4.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

1 Air installation circuit

– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check air installation valves and line connections

for firm seating, damage and seal tightness.
Check valve linkage and fastenings (arrows) for
damage and tightness.

The length of the valve lever and permissible

angular positions for the valve linkage are shown in
the illustration below.

Air suspension valve

Frame attachment min. 200


Ride height
Valve lever

Guide rod


Axle travel up

Guide linkage
Axle travel down

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 55

2 Air bags 
– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check air bags for external damage (surface cra-

cking, abrasion, crease formation, trapped foreign
bodies etc.). Replace air bags in the event of da-

Safety notice
No welding should be carried out on steel parts
of air bags and pressure vessel!

The air suspension should only be filled with com-

pressed air when mounted.

Air suspension
Danger of injury!

- Visual inspection
– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check all component parts and welding seams for

wear and damage.

3 Shock absorber fastening

– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check lower and upper shock absorber fastening

for tightness.

Check condition and wear of the rubber bush and

replace where appropriate.

Check shock absorbers for oil leakage. In cases of

distinct traces of oil, the shock absorber must be
replaced. A light mist of oil is acceptable!

Tightening torques with a torque wrench: 

M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)
Page 56 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

4 BPW Air suspension, series EA

4.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

4 Spring pivot bolts

– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check bushes; move vehicle back and forth slightly 

with brakes applied or move spring eyes with as-
sembly lever with brakes released. No play should
be present in the rolled spring end when doing so.
If the fastening is loose the spring pivot bolt may be

- Check the lateral wear washers in the hanger


- Check the M 24 lock nut on the spring pivot

bolt for tightness.

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:

M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)

The life expectancy of the bearing depends on the      

tightness of the spring bolt or the inner bush.  


5 Axle clamping
– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check lock nuts of spring U-bolts for tightness. If

loose, tighten nuts alternately a little at a time.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:

M 20 (SW 30) M = 450 Nm

When mounting new spring mounting kit compo- 

nents, tighten the M 20 locknuts to a tightening
torque of: M = 450 Nm + 90° angle tightening.

 Note: Do not weld on the trailing arms and the

bellows support!
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 57

6 Bolted connection, gusset plate spring bolts

– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check the mounting bolts of the gusset plates on

the spring bolts are firmly tightened, and retighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.

Tightening torque:
M 18 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

Installing or renewing the spring bolt:

1. Unscrew or install the spring bolt.

2. Loosely pre-mount the gusset plate with at least

Air suspension
three M 16 bolts at the top on the crossmember
and one M 18 bolt at the bottom on the spring
bolt and tighten further until contact is made.

3. Set the track.

4. Tighten the spring bolt to the prescribed tighte-

ning torque.

5. Tighten the connecting bolt on the gusset

plates spring bolt and then tighten the upper
connecting bolt to the prescribed tightening

7 Air bag fastenings

– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Check air bag fixing bolts or nuts for tightness.
If necessary, retighten.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:

M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 200 - 230 Nm

Lower attachment - centre screw:

M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm 
Page 58 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

4 BPW Air suspension, series EA

4.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

8 Axle lift
– Service intervals as shown on page 52 –

Sidewise mounted axle lift:

Check for tight fitting of the M 20 lock nut of the

roller mounting on the lifting arm, if necessary
tighten with a torque wrench.

Tightening torque:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 Nm (325 - 385 Nm)


Two-sided lift:
a) Check the M 16 lock nuts on the diaphragm B
cylinder to make sure they are tight. Tighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.
Tightening torque:
M 16 (SW 24) M = 190 Nm (180 - 210 Nm)

b) Check for tight seating of the bump stop fixing

screws on the trailing arms. C
Tightening torque:
M 10 (SW 8) M = 50 Nm A

c) Check for tight seating of the bracket fixing

screws on the shaped plate.
Tightening torque:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm

d) Check the lock nut on the bolt for tightness.

Tightening torque:
M 10 (SW 16) M = 38 Nm
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 59

Spring pivot bolt bearing with axle lift

Side mounted axle lift Two-sided lift



Air suspension





Page 60 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

5 BPW Air suspension, series EAC

5.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


suspension after 12, 36, 60

warranty period for chassis
Visual checks during the

fitted with ECO Plus air

6 months -
subsequently yearly
72 months,
For detailed description, see pages 62 - 67
Air suspension series EA, see pages 52 - 59

- every
Air suspension series O, SL, AL, see pages 68 - 80

Suspension, see pages 82 - 91

1 Check air suspension levelling valve for condition, seal-tightness and general tightness. 1

2 Check condition of air bags. 2

- Visual inspection, check all component parts and welding seams for damage and wear. -

3 Check shock absorber fastening for tightness. 3

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

4 Check spring pivot bolts for tightness. 4

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)

5 Check axle clamping for tightness. 5

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 420 Nm

6 Check the spring bolt to gusset plate connecting bolt for tightness. 6
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 18 x 1.5 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

7 Check air bag fastening for tightness. 7

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 - 300 Nm
Centre screw M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm

8 Check axle lift for tightness. 8

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
Supporting arm M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 Nm (325 - 385 Nm)
Diaphragm cylinder M 16 (SW 24) M = 190 Nm (180 - 210 Nm)
Hexagon screw M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm
Lock nut M 10 (SW 16) M = 38 Nm
Cylinder cap screw M 10 (SW 8) M = 50 Nm

Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 61


Serie ACBO Serie ACBO with Kombi-Air Bag II

Air suspension

Series ACAM / ACBM Serie ACBM with bolt-on gusset plate
with two-sided axle lift


Series ACAU Serie ACAM with side mounted axle lift
Page 62 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

5 BPW Air suspension, series EAC

5.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

1 Air installation circuit

– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check air installation valves and line connections

for firm seating, damage and seal tightness. 
Check valve linkage and fastenings (arrows) for
damage and tightness.

The length of the valve lever and permissible

angular positions for the valve linkage are shown in
the illustration below.

Air suspension valve








 !"! #$

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 63

2 Air bags
– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check air bags for external damage (surface cra-

cking, abrasion, crease formation, trapped foreign
bodies etc.). Replace air bags in the event of da-

Safety notice
No welding should be carried out on steel parts
of air bags and pressure vessel!

The air suspension should only be filled with com-

pressed air when mounted.

Air suspension
Danger of injury!

- Visual inspection
– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check all component parts and welding seams for

wear and damage.

3 Shock absorber fastening

– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check lower and upper shock absorber fastening

for tightness.

Check condition and wear of the rubber bush and

replace where appropriate.

Check shock absorbers for oil leakage. In cases of

distinct traces of oil, the shock absorber must be
replaced. A light mist of oil is acceptable! 
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)
Page 64 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

5 BPW Air suspension, series EAC

5.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

4 Spring pivot bolts

– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check bushes; move vehicle back and forth slightly

with brakes applied or move spring eyes with as-
sembly lever with brakes released. No play should
be present in the rolled spring end when doing so. 
If the fastening is loose the spring pivot bolt may be

- Check the lateral wear washers in the hanger


- Check the M 24 lock nut on the spring pivot

bolt for tightness.

Tightening torque with a torque wrench:

M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)

The life expectancy of the bearing depends on the      

tightness of the spring bolt or the inner bush.  


5 Axle clamping
– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check lock nuts of spring U-bolts for tightness. If

loose, tighten nuts alternately a little at a time.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:

M 20 (SW 30) M = 420 Nm

When mounting new spring mounting kit compo-

nents, tighten the M 20 locknuts to a tightening 
torque of: M = 420 Nm + 90° angle tightening.

 Note: Do not weld on the trailing arms and the

bellows support!
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 65

6 Bolted connection, gusset plate spring bolts

– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check the mounting bolts of the gusset plates on

the spring bolts are firmly tightened, and retighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.

Tightening torque:
M 18 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

Installing or renewing the spring bolt:

1. Unscrew or install the spring bolt.

2. Loosely pre-mount the gusset plate with at least

Air suspension
three M 16 bolts at the top on the crossmember
and one M 18 bolt at the bottom on the spring
bolt and tighten further until contact is made.

3. Set the track.

4. Tighten the spring bolt to the prescribed tighte-

ning torque.

5. Tighten the connecting bolt on the gusset

plates spring bolt and then tighten the upper
connecting bolt to the prescribed tightening

7 Air bag fastenings

– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Check air bag fixing bolts or nuts for tightness. 

If necessary, retighten.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:

M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 200 - 230 Nm

Lower attachment - centre screw:

M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm

Page 66 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

5 BPW Air suspension, series EAC

5.2 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

8 Axle lift
– Service intervals as shown on page 60 –

Sidewise mounted axle lift:

Check for tight fitting of the M 20 lock nut of the

roller mounting on the lifting arm, if necessary
tighten with a torque wrench.

Tightening torque:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 Nm (325 - 385 Nm)


Two-sided lift:
a) Check the M 16 lock nuts on the diaphragm B
cylinder to make sure they are tight. Tighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.
Tightening torque:
M 16 (SW 24) M = 190 Nm (180 - 210 Nm)

b) Check for tight seating of the bump stop fixing

screws on the trailing arms. C
Tightening torque:
M 10 (SW 8) M = 50 Nm A

c) Check for tight seating of the bracket fixing

screws on the shaped plate.
Tightening torque:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm

d) Check for the correct seating of the bolt circlip

on the rear attachment support of the air
suspension hanger brackets.
For versions from 2016, check for tight seating
of lock nut.
M 10 (SW 16) M = 38 Nm
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 67

Spring pivot bolt bearing with axle lift

Side mounted axle lift Two-sided lift




Air suspension




Page 68 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


60 and- 72 months.
under load, between 1000km
Within 2 weeks of first journey

Visual checks during the war-

with ECO Plus air suspension

ranty period for chassis fitted
after 2000 km 1)

For detailed description, see pages 72 - 80


Annually 2)
Air suspension series EA, see pages 52 - 59

Air suspension series EAC, see pages 60 - 67

Suspension, see pages 82 - 91
1 Grease stabilizer bearing bushes with BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus 1 1
and check for wear.
- Visual inspection, check all component parts and welding seams for damage - -
and wear.
1 Check strap: Check condition and fastening. 1 1
2 Check air suspension levelling valve for condition, seal-tightness and general 2 2

3 Check condition of air bags. 3 3

Check shock absorber fastening for tightness. 2)

4 4 4 4
Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm (300 - 350 Nm)
M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)
For aluminium hanger brackets:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 320 Nm (300 - 350 Nm)
5 Check spring pivot bolts for tightness. 5 5 5
Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
Hanger brackets and channel crossmember Airlight II from 09/2007:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)
Hanger brackets from 8/2001:
M 30 (SW 46) M = 900 Nm (840 - 990 Nm)
Hanger brackets up to 7/2001:
M 30 (SW 46) M = 750 Nm (700 - 825 Nm)
Channel crossmember:
M 30 (SW 46) M = 900 Nm (840 - 990 Nm)

Check spring mounting kit for tightness. 2)

6 6 6 6
Tightening torque with a torque wrench:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 340 Nm (315 - 375 Nm) 6
M 22 (SW 32) M = 550 Nm (510 - 605 Nm) 6
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm) 6
When mounting new spring mounting kits for Airlight II:
M 22 (SW 32) M = 550 Nm + 90° angle tightening

ECO Plus Units with Airlight II and Airlight Direct air suspension are maintenance-free in On-Road applications and do not need to be
retightened (see warranty documents ECO Plus).
2) Under extreme conditions, with more frequency.
Check twice annually.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 69


Serie ALO Series ALO/SLO

Air suspension

Series ALO/SLO Series ALM/SLM

with two-sided axle lift with Kombi-Air Bag II

Series ALM/SLM Series ALU/SLU
with bolted-on air suspension hanger with sidewise mounted axle lift
bracket and bolt-on double-sided lift
Page 70 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


under load, between 1000km

60 and-72 months.
Within 2 weeks of first journey

Visual checks during the war-

with ECO Plus air suspension

ranty period for chassis fitted
after 2000 km 1)

and 5000km
For detailed description, see pages 72 - 80

12, 636,

Annually 2)
Air suspension series EA, see pages 52 - 59

- every
Air suspension series EAC, see pages 60 - 67


Suspension, see pages 82 - 91

7 Check the bolt connection between the air suspension hanger bracket and the 7 7 2)
longitudinal member for tightness.
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 16 M = 260 Nm (240 - 285 Nm)
8 Tighten the spring bolt to gusset plate connecting bolt. 8 8 2) 8
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 18 x 1.5 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

9 Check axle lift for tightness. 9 9

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 - 380 Nm
M 16 (SW 24) M = 180 - 210 Nm
Supporting arm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 Nm
Hexagon screw
M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm

10 Check air bag fastening for tightness.

10 10 10
Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 - 300 Nm
Lower attachment - centre screw
M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm

11 Check stabilizer fastenings. 11 11 2)

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:
M 10 (SW 17) M = 53 Nm
M 30 (SW 46) M = 750 Nm (700 - 825 Nm)

ECO Plus Units with Airlight II and Airlight Direct air suspension are maintenance-free in On-Road applications and do not need to be
retightened (see warranty documents ECO Plus).
Under extreme conditions, with more frequency.

Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a BPW Service Centre.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 71

Serie ALO Series ALO/SLO

Air suspension

Series ALO/SLO Series ALM/SLM 

with two-sided axle lift with Kombi-Air Bag II

Series ALM/SLM Series ALU/SLU
with bolted-on air suspension hanger with sidewise mounted axle lift
bracket and bolt-on double-sided lift
Page 72 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.2 Lubrication
6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection
1 Stabilizer bearing bushes
– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Grease stabilizer bearing bushes with BPW special

longlife grease ECO-LiPlus and check for wear.

- Visual inspection
– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Check all component parts and welding seams for

wear and damage.

1 Check straps
– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Examine check straps and attachment. Replace if

ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 73

2 Air installation circuit

– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Check air installation valves and line connections

for firm seating, damage and seal tightness. 
Check valve linkage and fastenings (arrows) for
damage and tightness.

The length of the valve lever and permissible

angular positions for the valve linkage are shown in
the illustration below.

Air suspension
Air suspension valve








 !"! #$

Page 74 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

3 Air bags
– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Check air bags for external damage (surface cra-
cking, abrasion, crease formation, trapped for-
eign bodies etc.). Replace air bags in the event of

Safety notice
No welding should be carried out on steel parts
of air bags and pressure vessel!

The air suspension should only be filled with com-

pressed air when mounted.
Danger of injury!

4 Shock absorber fastening

– Service intervals as shown on page 68 – 

Check lower and upper shock absorber fastening for

tightness. Tightening torques with a torque wrench.

Check condition and wear of the rubber bush and

replace where appropriate.

Check shock absorbers for oil leakage. In cases of

distinct traces of oil, the shock absorber must be
replaced. A light mist of oil is acceptable!

Tightening torque:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm (300 - 350 Nm)
M 24 (SW 36) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm) Shock absorber fastening - round axle beam
In the case of aluminium hanger brackets:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 320 Nm (300 - 350 Nm)

Shock absorber mounting - square axle beam

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 75

5 Spring pivot bolts

– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Check bushes, move vehicle back and forth

slightly with the brake applied, or move rolled
spring ends with the aid of a lever. No play should
be present in the rolled spring end when doing so.
If the fastening is loose the spring pivot bolt may be

- Check the lateral wear washers in the hanger


- Check the M 24 or M 30 lock nut on the spring
pivot bolt for tightness.

Air suspension
Tightening torque with a torque wrench:

Air suspension hanger brackets and channel Non-adjustable hanger bracket

crossmember from 09/2007:
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)


Hanger brackets from 08/2001:

M 30 (SW 46) M = 900 Nm (840 - 990 Nm)

Hanger brackets up to 07/2001: 

M 30 (SW 46) M = 750 Nm (700 - 825 Nm)

Channel crossmember:
M 30 (SW 46) M = 900 Nm (840 - 990 Nm)

The serviceable life of the rubber / steel bush is de-
pendent on the tightness of the inner steel bushing.

Adjustable hanger bracket



Page 76 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

6 Spring mounting kit

– Service intervals as shown on page 68 –

Check lock nuts of spring U-bolts for tightness. If

loose, tighten nuts alternately a little at a time.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench:

M 20 (SW 30) M = 340 Nm (315 - 375 Nm)
M 22 (SW 32) M = 550 Nm (510 - 605 Nm)
M 24 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm (605 - 715 Nm)

When mounting new spring mounting kit compo-

nents for Airlight II, tighten the M 22 locknuts to a
tightening torque of:
M = 550 Nm + 90° angle tightening.
Airlight II with round axle beam
 Note: No welding should be performed on the
trailing arm spring!

Airlight II with square axle beam

Airlight II with square axle beam and LightTube

ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 77

7 Bolted connection, air suspension hanger bracket to

longitudinal chassis beam 
– Service intervals as shown on page 70 –

Check that the mounting bolts of the air suspen-

sion hanger bracket on the longitudinal member
are firmly tightened.
Tighten with a torque wrench if necessary.

Tightening torque:
M 16 M = 260 Nm (240 - 285 Nm)

Air suspension
8 Bolted connection, gusset plate spring bolts
– Service intervals as shown on page 70 –

Check the mounting bolts of the gusset plates on

the spring bolts are firmly tightened, and retighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.

Tightening torque:
M 18 x 1.5 (SW 27) M = 420 Nm (390 - 460 Nm)

Installing or renewing the spring bolt:

1. Unscrew or install the spring bolt.

2. Loosely pre-mount the gusset plate with at

least three M 16 bolts at the top on the cross-
member and one M 18 bolt at the bottom on
the spring bolt and tighten further until contact
is made.

3. Set the track.

4. Tighten the spring bolt to the prescribed tighte-

ning torque.

5. Tighten the connecting bolt on the gusset

plates spring bolt and then tighten the upper
connecting bolt to the prescribed tightening
Page 78 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

9 Axle lift
– Service intervals as shown on page 70 –

Single-sided lift

Check the M16 lock nuts on the lever arm fixing 

to make sure they are tight. Tighten with a torque
wrench if necessary.
Tightening torque:
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 Nm

Check for wear on the bump stop on the lever arm. 

Make sure it is secure.  
Tightening torque: Single-sided lift
M 10 (SW 17) M = 25 Nm
M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm

Two-sided lift:

a) Check the M 16 lock nuts on the diaphragm
cylinder to make sure they are tight. Tighten
with a torque wrench if necessary.

Tightening torque:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 350 - 380 Nm
M 16 (SW 24) M = 180 - 210 Nm

b) Check the bump stop on the lever arm for wear,

and that the M 6 attachment bolts are firmly

Two-sided lift
c) Check that the attachment bolts of the front
bracing strut of the mount on the air suspension
hanger bracket are tight, and in the case of the
bolt-on two-sided lift, the bolted connection on
the air suspension hanger bracket. 
Tightening torque:
M 12 (SW 17) M = 75 Nm


Bolt-on double-sided lift

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 79

Spring pivot bolt bearing with axle lift

Single-sided lift Two-sided lift


Air suspension

Bolt-on two - sided lift


Page 80 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

6 BPW Air suspension, series SL / AL

6.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

10 Air bag fastenings

– Service intervals as shown on page 70 –

Check air bag fixing bolts or nuts for tightness. 

If necessary retighten using torque wrench.

Tightening torques with a torque wrench: 

M 12 (SW 17) M = 66 Nm
M 16 (SW 22) M = 230 - 300 Nm

Lower attachment - centre screw

M 16 (SW 22) M = 300 Nm

11 Stabilizer
– Service intervals as shown on page 70 –

Check stabilizer bearings for wear and tightness. 

Tightening torques with a torque wrench: 

M 10 (SW 17) M = 53 Nm
M 30 (SW 46) M = 750 Nm (700 - 825 Nm) 
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 81

Air suspension
Page 82 ZA-BPW-W
BPW-W 33112101e

7 BPW Suspension, series ECO Cargo VB

7.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


Every 26 weeks
(twice annually)
Every 6 weeks
after 2 weeks
For detailed descriptions, see pages 84 - 87
For BPW trailer axles / steering axles, see pages 6 - 50
1) 1)
1 Grease bearings (suspension type E) with BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus.
(Not applicable in the case of rubber/steel bushes.)

2 Slightly grease the slide elements/slide ends of springs.

1 Check threaded bolts on equaliser arm bearings for tightness.

up to an axle load of 5.5 tonnes (from 03/2016)
M 30 (SW 46) M = 725 Nm
up to an axle load of 12 tonnes (from 08/2013)
M 42 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1300 Nm
up to an axle load of 12 tonnes (up to 07/ 2013)
M 42 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1100 Nm
Series HD / HDE M 48 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1200 - 1300 Nm

2 Check axle connecting rod bolts for tightness using a torque wrench.
M 24 x 2 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm
M 30 (SW 46) M = 725 Nm
M 36 (SW 55) M = 1425 Nm

3 Check connecting rod clamping bolts for tightness.

M 12 (SW 19) M = 66 Nm
M 14 (SW 22) M = 140 Nm

4 Check spring U-bolts for tightness using a torque wrench.

M 20 (SW 30) M = 315 - 375 Nm
M 24 (SW 36) M = 600 - 650 Nm

- Visual inspection, check all component parts and welding seams for wear and damage.

5 Check spring pivot bolts for tightness. (Serie up to 5.5 t)

M 20 (SW 30) M = 340 Nm

6 Check slide elements and rollers for tightness.

M 14 (SW 22) M = 140 Nm
M 16 (SW 24) M = 163 Nm
M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm
1) Under extreme conditions, with more frequency.

Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 83


Series ECO Cargo VB ...M ...ME


ECO Cargo VB / VB HD
Series ECO Cargo VB HD / HDE


Series ECO Cargo VB 5,5 t
Page 84 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

7 BPW Suspension, series ECO Cargo VB

7.2 Lubrication

1 Equalizer arm bearings with bronze bushes

(Series ECO Cargo VB ME and ECO Cargo VB HDE) 
– initially after 2 weeks then every 6 weeks –
– under extreme conditions, lubricate with more
frequency –

Lift trailer to take pressure off equalizer arm


Grease bronze bush bearing via the grease nipple

in the heads of the threaded bolts with BPW special
longlife grease ECO-LiPlus until fresh grease emer-
ges. (Not applicable to rubber/steel bushes.)

At extremely low temperatures (-30° C to -50° C)

a grease with correspondingly lower consistency
class should be used - such as BPW ECO-Li Polar.

2 Slide elements
– initially after 2 weeks then every 6 weeks – 
– under extreme conditions, lubricate with more

frequency –

Clean and lightly grease the slides / slide ends of

the springs.
In the case of ECO Cargo VB suspensions (up to
07/2013) with anti-vibration leaf underneath the
parabolic springs, grease the lower slide elements
via the grease nipples (arrow).
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e Page 85

Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection 7.3

1 Equalizer arm bearings

– twice annually –

Check nuts on the equalizer arm bearings for tight-

ness. The serviceable life of the rubber/steel bush
bearings is dependent on the tightness of the inner
steel bush.

Tightening torques:
up to an axle load of 5.5 tonnes (from 03/2016)
M 30 (SW 46) M = 725 Nm

up to an axle load of 12 tonnes (from 08/2013)

M 42 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1300 Nm
up to an axle load of 12 tonnes (up to 07/2013)
M 42 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1100 Nm

Series HD / HDE
M 48 x 3 (SW 65) M = 1200 - 1300 Nm

2 Axle guide linkages

– twice annually, initially after 2 weeks –

Check lock nuts of the axle guide linkages/connec-

ting rods for tightness using a torque wrench.

ECO Cargo VB / VB HD
Tightening torques:
M 24 x 2 (SW 36) M = 650 Nm
M 30 (SW 46) M = 725 Nm
M 36 (SW 65) M = 1425 Nm


3 Connecting rods (only at series VB up to manu-

facturing year 08.2013 and ECO Cargo VB HD)
– twice annually –

Check connecting rod clamping screws for tight-


Tightening torques:
M 12 (SW 19) M = 66 Nm
M 14 (SW 22) M = 140 Nm

Page 86 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

7 BPW Suspension, series ECO Cargo VB

7.3 Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection

4 Spring U-bolts
– initially after 2 weeks then twice annually – 

Check spring U-bolts for tightness. If necessary

loosen lock nuts, tighten nuts alternately to the
prescribed torque, and a bit at a time, if necessary
then re-lock.

Tightening torques:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 315 - 375 Nm
M 24 (SW 36) M = 600 - 650 Nm

- Visual inspection
– twice annually –

Check all component parts and welding seams for

wear and damage.

In order to check the bearing on the equalizer and

axle guide linkage, move the vehicle back and forth
slightly with the brake applied; or move the bearing
points with the aid of a lever. No play should be
present in the bearing when doing so.

5 Spring pivot bolts (serie ECO Cargo VB up to 5.5 t)

– initially after 2 weeks then twice annually –

Check bushes; move vehicle back and forth slightly

with brakes applied or move spring eyes with as-
sembly lever with brakes released. No play should
be present in the rolled spring end when doing so.
If the fastening is loose the spring pivot bolt may be

Check the M 20 lock nut on the spring pivot bolt

for tightness.

Tightening torque with a torque wrench: 
M 20 (SW 30) M = 340 Nm

The life expectancy of the bearing depends on the

tightness of the spring bolt or the inner bush.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 87

6 Slide elements
– twice annually –

Check slide elements and lateral wear plates in the

shackle and equalizer arm for wear and the faste-
ning screws for tightness.

Tightening torques:

M 14 (SW 22) M = 140 Nm

M 16 (SW 24) M = 163 Nm
M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm

If necessary, check rubber rollers under the spring  

ends for wear.

ECO Cargo VB / VB HD


Page 88 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

8 BPW Suspension, series ECO Cargo W / BW / GW

8.1 Overview, Lubrication and Maintenance Work, Visual Inspection


(twice annually) 1)
Every 26 weeks
Every 6 weeks
after 2 weeks
For detailed description, see pages 90 - 91
BPW trailer axles / steering axles, see pages 6 - 50
1) 1)
1 Grease axle support bearing series W, BW using BPW special longlife grease

2 Grease spring housing series W using BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus.

- Visual inspection, check all component parts and welding seams for wear and damage.

1 Check spring U-bolt of support axle for tightness.

M 30 x 2 (SW 46) M = 980 Nm
M 36 (SW 55) M = 1555 Nm

2 Check fastening screws on the bearing covers for tightness.

M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm
M 24 (SW 36) M = 570 Nm

3 Check spring U-bolts on the spring housing for tightness.

M 20 (SW 30) M = 450 Nm
M 24 (SW 36) M = 700 Nm
1) Under extreme conditions, with more frequency.

Components that have damage due to improper mounting are to be exchanged after a review by a
BPW Service Centre.
BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 89



Series ECO Cargo W

ECO Cargo W / BW / GW
Series ECO Cargo BW / GW
Page 90 ZA-BPW-W 33112101e
BPW-W 33112101e

8 BPW Suspension, series ECO Cargo W / BW / GW

8.2 Lubrication

1 Support axle (series W, BW)

– initially after 2 weeks then every 6 weeks –
– under extreme conditions, lubricate with more

frequency –

Lift trailer to take pressure off the trunnion bearings.

Grease lubrication nipple front and rear on the
bearing brackets of the support axle using BPW
special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus until fresh grease
emerges (not applicable to axle assembly series
GW = rubber bush).

At extremely low temperatures (-30° C up to 50° C)

a grease with correspondingly lower consistency
class should be used - such as BPW ECO-Li Polar.
Series ECO Cargo W

Series ECO Cargo BW

2 Spring housing (series W)

– initially after 2 weeks then every 6 weeks – 

Grease lubrication nipples on the spring housing

using BPW special longlife grease ECO-LiPlus.

Series ECO Cargo W

BPW-W 33112101e
33112101e Page 91

Maintenance Work and Visual Inspection 8.3

- Visual inspection 
– twice annually –

Check all components and welding seams for wear

and damage.

1 Spring U-bolts on the trunnion axle

– twice annually, initially after 2 weeks –

Check spring U-bolts for tightness.

If necessary loosen lock nuts, tighten nuts alter-
nately to the prescribed torque, a bit at a time, then

Tightening torques:
M 30 x 2 (SW 46) M = 980 Nm
M 36 (SW 55) M = 1555 Nm

2 Fastening screws on the cover plates

– twice annually –

Check the fastening screws on the cover plates of

the support axle for tightness.

Tightening torques: 
M 20 (SW 30) M = 320 Nm 
M 24 (SW 36) M = 570 Nm

ECO Cargo W / BW / GW
3 Spring U-bolts on the spring housings
– twice annually, initially after 2 weeks –

Check spring U-bolts on the spring housings for

tightness. If necessary loosen lock nuts, tighten
nuts alternately to the prescribed torque, a bit at a
time, if necessary then relock.
Tightening torques:
M 20 (SW 30) M = 450 Nm
M 24 (SW 36) M = 700 Nm

BPW-WH-VB 35431501e
ZA-BPW-W 33112101e

Your partner
Your partner ononthe
toto economic
economic viability

BPW Bergische Achsen Kommanditgesellschaft

BPW Bergische Achsen
(Pty) Ltd · POKommanditgesellschaft
Box 82545 · Southdale 2135 · Johannesburg
Postbox 12 80 · 51656 Wiehl, Germany · Phone +49 (0) 2262 78-0
Tel (011) 681-3300
Postbox · (011)
12 80 · 51656 680-1443
Wiehl, Germany· · Fax (011)
Phone +49680-1829
(0) 2262 78-0
info@bpw.de · www.bpw.de
info@bpw.de · www.bpw.de· www.bpw.co.za

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