Progress Tests 37

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s Test Fil es 1–5

Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation A


1 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es. Use the
e correct form
f of th
he verb in brackets.
mple: Luccy and Emilia have kno
own (know) each other for years.
1 W
What time __ _______ yoou ________ __ (wake up) after your busy Fridayy night?
2 A
As soon as I left the sho
op, I realize d that I ___
_______ (los
se) my pho ne.
3 ‘_________ yo ______ (eatt) real Engliish fish and chips?’ ‘Noo, I haven’t.’
ou ever ___
4 a you?’ ‘I ________ ((make) cofffee in the kitchen. Wouuld you like a cup?’
‘JJo? Where are
5 W
While you __ _______ (play) outside e, I was tidying the house.
6 Hanif is going to ______ when he’s sixty. At leas
__ (retire) w st, that’s whhat he says.
7 Iu usually ___ m English homework on Wednes
_____ (do) my sday nights..
8 M
Marion ____ _____ (leave
e) the Nethe erlands tom morrow and driving bacck to the UK
9 I’mm saving fo
or a new sco
ooter. I _________ alrea ady _________ (get) £5500.
10 By the time wew arrived, the concertt ________ (start).

2 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word.
mple: Wha
at a sad sto
1 Please can you y play ___ ______ qui etly? You’re e too loud!
2 He’s been a chef _____ ____ three yyears now.
3 I tthink hospittal care ___
______ be ffree for everryone.
4 D
Didn’t they ________
_ to
o have a catt called Lion n? Now they y have a doog called Wolf.
5 Ip promise I __ _______ foorget to call you from thhe station.
6 O
Oscar _____ ____ afford a car so he e cycled eveerywhere.
7 She’s _____ ____ best sttriker we’ve ever had.
8 Id don’t go to the
t gym __ _______ mo ore. I prefer running outside.
9 I llove the summmer. I enjoy _______ __ able to leeave the hoouse withoutt a coat.
10 I rreally think you ______ ___ to tell d
dad about yo our debt.

3 Writte the sentences in the negattive form.

mple: You
u must tell Yasmin.
Youu mustn’t telll Yasmin.
1 W
We’ll see youu at the con
___________ __________ __________ __________
2 Iuused to enjo
oy dancing in public.
___________ __________ __________ __________
3 I’m
m going to go
g over there and talk to him!
___________ __________ __________ __________
4 W
We won the match.
___________ __________ __________ __________
5 Y
You have to leave your phone outsside.
___________ __________ __________ __________

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation A

4 Put the words

s in order to make q
mple: like you do food vegetaria
an ?
Do you
y like veg
getarian foo
1 w
work have we w to do eve ening this ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
2 yeet tickets yo
ou have the bought ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
3 th
he how have e violin been you long learning ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
4 I sshall water you a glasss of get ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
5 m
much inherit you money y how did ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________

5 Und
derline the
e correct word(s).
mple: I wa
as watching
g TV when I heard / wa
as hearing a noise.
1 D
Did you have e to / had to
o wear a uniiform at you
ur school?
2 M
Molly can / could
c swim really
r well w
when she was
w little.
3 I tthink / I’m th
hinking this pasta is am mazing. What’s in the sauce?
4 Id don’t have asa many / so s many Faccebook friends as you.
5 Has the new y / just ? I don’t want to know the
ws finished yet e football sccore.
6 Adam loves the footballl / football . He’s a big fan
A f of Chels sea and Parris SG.
7 Will / Are you
W u going to see
s Jordan llater?
8 It’’s the tallest skyscrape er of / in Lon
ndon. You can
c see it from miles aw way.
9 The last match was terrible, but thiss one was better
b / less
10 I’m
m really sorrry, I won’t be
b able to / can’t come e.
mmar total 40

6 Matc
ch 1–11 with
w a–k.
1 cuut _e_ a in commo on
2 sppend ___ b of petrol
3 geet on ___ c money fro om a relativ
4 haave a lot ___
_ d another t eam
5 lo
ose ___ e down on chocolate
6 w
warm up __ __ f with some eone
7 ru
un out ___ _ g before a match
8 eaat out ____ h money fo or a holiday
9 in
nherit ___ i at a restauurant
10 saave ___ j money on n clothes
11 beeat ___ k touch with h someone


English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation A

7 Circ
cle the corrrect adjec
ctive to co
omplete th
he sentenc
mple: Ella
a can be pattient / socia
able / stubbo
orn . She do
oesn’t oftenn change he
er mind.
1 The tennis players were e tiring / exhhausted / fit after the match.
2 M
Max is totallyy terrified / amazed
a / fa
ascinating of
o spiders.
3 We love frozzen / ready / spicy food like Indian curry.
4 I’m
m reliable / anxious / spoilt
s about the situation but there’s nothing I can do.
5 Im
mogen is so o mature / im mmature / a affectionate.. She needs s to grow upp.
6 D
Dom prefers to work on his own. H e’s very tidy y / charmingg / indepen dent.
7 A
Are you nearrly ready? I’’m tired / ru ude / fed up of waiting for
f you.
8 R
Rahan’s flat is very tiny / huge / sm mall.
9 M
My friend Jam mie is close e / single / b
busy right noow but she’s looking foor a partner.
10 M
Mum’s so ple eased / prou ud / interes ted with her new car.

8 Commplete thee sentence
es with the
e words in
n the box. There aree three wo
thatt you don’t need.
bill couple crowd
c ex flatmate goal insuurance loa
rannk salary stadium stepchildre
en umpire zone
mple: Thiss is my flatm
mate Eric. S
Seb’s moved
d out and Eric
E has his old room.
1 Excuse me, is there a taaxi _______ _____ near here?
2 Everyone in the ______ ______ chee ered when the referee gave a pennalty.
3 Le
eo is Tandi’’s ________ ____ but th ey have a lot of the same friends..
4 They’re build
ding a new __________
_ ___ for the World
W Chammpionship.
5 A
Are Hilary annd Oscar a _________
_ ___ or are thhey friends?
6 Please don’t cycle in the
e pedestriann ________ ____.
7 Nathan has two
t ____________ . Hiss wife Roweena was ma arried beforee.
8 Her new job has a bette er ________ ____ than her
h last job.
9 W
We need to buy
b some trravel _____ _______ be efore we go on holiday.
10 O _________ but we still lost the ma
Our striker sccored a ___ atch.
9 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word on
mple: It’s a long journ
ney so I thin
nk we shoulld set off as
s early as poossible.
1 I llent my esssay _______ _____ Markk and now he’s h lost it.
2 I’m
m really prooud ______ ______ you,, son. Well done! d
3 W
We got ____ ________ in n a traffic jamm for 45 minutes. It wa as so boringg!
4 ‘D
Do you like yoga?’
y ‘It de
epends ___ _________ the teacherr.’
5 Francine ___ _________ for dinner la ast night. It was very generous
g off her.
6 He was talkin ng _______ _____ Zola the ninetee enth-century y author, noot Zola the Italian
7 I_ _________ ___ out two or three tim mes a week at the gym opposite m my office.
8 They lived __ __________ _ very little money while they look ked for neww jobs.
9 Id t money right now. C
don’t have the Can I pay yo ou _______ _____ tomoorrow?
10 Sue and Mallik went out _________ ___ for seve eral months s but they’vee broken upp.

Vocabuulary total 40
English File fourth edition Inte
ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation A


10 Circ
cle the wo
ord with th
he differen
nt sound.
mple: friend
ds comics busy lo
1 suugar ve
sensitiv fish
h patient
2 ussually courgettte deccision practise
3 prrofessional bridge jokee generous
4 m
match machinne pea ach charge
5 doone young note e brother
6 im
mportant home praw wns afford
7 le
earn work turnn mean
8 stteamed earn bee etroot coffee
9 ammbitious organizzed inveest pitch
10 ra
aw basketbball jar partner

11 Wriite the worrds in the correct co

ernoon cooach hone est horrible
e cook
socciable food leftover responsibble full

/ɒ/ /əʊ/ /ʊ/ /uː/

clock phone bull boott

Pronunciaation total 20
ammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciaation total 100

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting A


1 Rea
ad about fa
avourite to ck () A, B,
oys and g ames. Tic B or C.

When I was growing up p my favourrite toy was s my bike. Luckily,
L beccause of wh here I
livved and be ecause my parents let me have a lot of free edom, I couuld ride it a lot. I
reemember co oming home from scho ool and goiing out on my m bike to the park, or o just
arround the streets.
s Noww I’m a pa rent myselff, and I worry that chiildren can’tt play
ou utside in thee same way y I used to.. There is so much mo ore traffic — it just isn’tt safe
or them to cycle
c by themselves. I decided to t start a ‘P Playing Outt’ session in my
sttreet. We close the roa ad for three hours once e each fortn night. Then the children n can
pllay in the rooad, like I us
sed to. Theyy ride bikes s, they skip, they draw on the road d with
ch halk. It’s am
mazing. Som me local ressidents werren’t sure ab bout it at firrst, but now
w they
ca an clearly see
s the ben nefits. Even n people who
w don’t ha ave childrenn come into o the
sttreet and jo oin in. ‘Pla
aying Out’ iis quite diffficult to org ganize beccause you need
pe ermission from
f local government
g t to close the
t road, and
a you ne ed at leastt four
ad dults to be responsible
r e for the chilldren, but it’s definitely
y worth the ttrouble.
You could always
a tell I was going g to be an engineer. I loved connstruction bricks,
evven when I was very small.s That’ s one of the e best thinggs about thee toy, of co
It doesn’t ma atter if you’v ve got tiny hands, you u can still build a castlee, or a car,, or a
obot … and d then you can make e something g complete ely differentt with the same
piieces. Som me boxes off bricks com me with a sets of instru uctions to hhelp you bu uild a
paarticular pla
ane or build ding. I usedd to build th
hat once, an nd then all the pieces went
nto a big plaastic tub in mym bedroom m. I spent many
m hours building myy own creattions.
I think consstruction brricks have changed since I wa as little. T
There are more
sppecialized pieces,
p like
e different wwheels and d connectorrs. And I reeally don’t think
here should be ‘pinkifie ed’ boxes o of bricks ‘forr girls’, whe
ere the coloours are diffferent
annd the speccialized piec ces are flow
wers and pe ets. They should be bannned!
m the youn ngest child in my fam ily. Perhaps I’m a little bit bossyy and a little bit
sppoilt. Anywa
ay my favou urite gamess always inv volved telling people whhat to do! I used
o make my parents
p andd my older ssisters hide my soft toyys around thhe house. I used
o pretend thhe toys weree in trouble and my sisters were th he ‘baddiess’. Then I’d dress
upp as a sup perhero and d run aroun nd rescuingg them. Or, if my fam ily were bu usy, I
would play hospitals
h with the softt toys. I waas the docto or, of coursse, and thee soft
annimals used d to have lo
ots of injurie
es and illnesses. I usedd to put banndages on them
annd put themm in bed. I really
r loved those toys and I even took one sspecial bearr with
me to university.

English File fourth edition Inte

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting A

mple: Whe
en he was young,
y Shriiyan regularrly rode his bike withouut his parents.
A True 
 B False  C Doesn’t say 

1 Shriyan was worried about his child dren’s weight before he e started thee ‘Playing out’
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
2 People in Sh hriyan’s stre
eet have gott used to thee ‘Playing Out’
O sessionns.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
3 Shriyan didn’t have to ask permissiion to close e the road.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
4 Shriyan doessn’t look after the child ren by himsself during the sessionss.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
5 A
Alison thinkss even very young child dren can us se constructtion bricks.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
6 A
Alison didn’t use to buildd anything uusing the instructions.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
7 A
Alison doesn xes of brickss should have so many
n’t think box y specializedd pieces.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
8 Frank used tot make his sisters playy with him.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
9 Frank’s parents knew he e was going octor when he grew up .
g to be a do
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
10 Frank’s games show tha at he was aan imaginative and caring child.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 

2 Writte S for Sh
hriyan, A for
f Alison , F for Fra
mple: My family used
d to hide myy toys so I could
c ‘rescue’ them. F
1 Id don’t think there
t should
d be a girls’’ version of my favouritte toy. ______
2 en have less independ ence these
I tthink childre e days. ___
3 Iu used to pretend my toy ys were my patients. _____
4 M
My favourite toy matche es my choicce of job. __ ____
5 Iw worked hard so my chiildren can p play the gammes I used tot play. ______
Rea ding total 15

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ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting A


Writte about a favourite

e toy or ga
ame from your
y child
dhood (1000–150 worrds).
swer the questions:
• W
What did the
e toy/game look like?
• How did you play with th
he toy? / Ho ow did you play the game?
• W
Why did you like it?
• W
Where did yoou use to play with it?
• W
Would you give a toy/gaame like thiss as a gift to
o a child tod
day? Why?//Why not?
Wrriting total 10
ding and Wrriting total 25

English File fourth edition Inte

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking A


1 Listen to an in a comp lete the se

nterview and entences. Write two
o words only.
1 A
According to Maxim, am mateur musiicians spend ________ ____________ preparinng for
ea essional mussicians.
ach concertt than profe
2 M
Maxim comp pares being a classical musician anda being a ___________________ _.
3 M
Maxim _____ _________ ______ the sstereotype suggested
s by the interv
4 In
n the 1980s, orchestras s made somme changes s to reduce _________
_ __________
5 Since the introduction of ‘blind aud itions’, Max
xim says some musiciaans have boought
___________ _________ to t help them
m in audition ns.

2 Listen to five conversa ck () A, B,

ations. Tic B or C.
1 A
Annalise is pleased
p with
h the price o
of ________ ___ in the shop.
A bags of sa alad  B frozen veg getables  C fresh h fruit 
2 Laatif tried to cut down on
n ________ ___.
A food miless  B meat m  C dairy prod ducts 
3 R
Ruby can’t come to the restaurant because sh he _______ ____.
A can’t afford d it  B has a footb ball match  C has s to work 
4 K
Karen saved d £50 each week
w by cuttting out __
A bottled wa ater  B take-awayss  C ca afé lunches at work 
5 In
nge and We es disagree about ____ _______.
A food webssites  B shopping g lists  C where to o shop 

Listeening total 10


1 Mak
ke questio
ons and as
sk your pa
1 How long / ta
ake you / ge et here toda ay?
2 W
Which company would / most like / be an inve estor in? Wh
3 W
What new skkill would / liike to learn?
4 W
What / favouurite food / frrom anotheer country?
5 W
Who / usuallyy / eat out with?
w Where e / go?
6 W
What food / use
u to hate / when / a cchild?
7 What / least favourite sp
W port activity?
? Why?
8 W
Would / cyclee / work / in the rain? WWhy?/Why not?
9 D
Do / kiss fam
mily memberrs / when / ssay goodby ye?
10 W
Who / tidiest or most org ganized perrson / knoww? Why?
w answer your
y partn
ner’s ques

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking A

2 Talk
k about on
ne of the statements
s s below, saying
s or disagre
if you agree o ee.
e reasons.
bile phone reception
r sh
hould be blo
ocked in all schools.’
‘Top sports starrs earn too much
m mone ey.’
milies shouldd eat one meal
m togetheer each dayy.’

3 Listen to your partner talking

t ab
bout a stattement. Do
o you agreee with him

Speakking total 15
g and Speaaking total 25

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


1 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word.
mple: Wha
at a great story!
1 D
Didn’t they ________
_ to
o have a dog g called Woolf? Now theey have a ccat called Lion.
2 I llove the sum mmer. I enjoy _______ __ able to le
eave the hoouse withoutt a coat.
3 Id don’t go runnning _____ ____ more. I prefer sw wimming.
4 Please can you y play ___ ______ qui etly? You’re e too loud!
5 She’s _____ ____ best sttriker we’ve ever had.
6 R
Reggie ____ _____ afford
d a car so h he took the bus
b everywhere.
7 Ip promise I __ _______ foorget to call you from thhe airport.
8 I tthink hospittal care ___
______ be ffree for everryone.
9 He’s been a translator ________
_ th
hree years now.
10 I rreally think you ______ ___ to tell yyour parentss about your debt.

2 Und
derline the
e correct word(s).
mple: I wa
as reading a book whe n I heard / was
w hearing
g a noise.
1 I’m
m really sorrry, I won’t beb able to / can’t come e.
2 The last match was terrible, but thiss one was better b / less
3 It’’s the tallest skyscrape er of / in Chiicago. You can see it from miles aaway.
4 Will / Are you
W s Molly latter?
u going to see
5 K
Kris loves the e football / football
f . He
e’s a big fan
n of Man City and Rom ma.
6 Has the new y / just ? I don’t want to know the
ws finished yet e football sccore.
7 Id don’t have asa many / so s many Faccebook friends as you.
8 I tthink / I’m th
hinking this pasta is am mazing. What’s in the sauce?
9 Joordan can / could swim m really welll when he wasw little.
10 D
Did you have e to / had to
o wear a uniiform at you ur school?


3 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es. Use the
e correct form
f of th
he verb in brackets.
mple: Yassmin and Diana have kknown (know
w) each other for yearss.
1By the time we
w arrived, the film ___ ______ (staart).
2I’mm saving fo
or a new bik
ke. I ______ ___ already ________ (get) £200.
3‘MMarion _________ (leavve) the Neth herlands tommorrow and driving bacck to the UK K.
4Iu usually ___ m English homework on Tuesday
_____ (do) my y nights.
Ryan is going to ______ __ (retire) w
when he’s sixty. At leas
st, that’s whhat he says.
While you __ _______ (play) outside e, I was tidying the house.
7‘JJim? Where are you?’ ‘I ________ _ (make) coffee in the kitchen.
k Woould you likeea
cu up?’
8 ‘_________ yo ou ever _________ (eatt) real Engliish fish and chips?’ ‘Noo, I haven’t.
9 A
As soon as I left the stadium, I real ized that I _________
_ (lose) my pphone.
10 W
What time __ _______ yoou ________ __ (wake up) after your busy Fridayy night?

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

4 Put the words

s in order to make q
mple: like you do food vegetaria
an ?
Do you
y like veg
getarian foo
he how have
1 th e guitar bee
en you long learning ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
2 I sshall water you a glasss of get ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
3 w
work have we w to do eve ening this ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
4 m
much inherit you money y how did ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
5 yeet tickets yo
ou have the bought ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________

5 Writte the sentences in the negattive form.
mple: You
u must tell Hanif.
u mustn’t telll Hanif.
1 W
We won the match.
___________ __________ __________ __________
2 I’m
m going to go
g over there and talk to him!
___________ __________ __________ __________
3 Y
You have to leave your phone outsside.
___________ __________ __________ __________
4 W
We’ll see youu at the con
___________ __________ __________ __________
5 Iuused to enjo
oy dancing in public.
___________ __________ __________ __________
mmar total 40
6 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word on
mple: It’s a long journ
ney so I thin
nk we shoulld set off as
s early as poossible.
1 Sue and Ericc went out __________
_ b they’ve broken up.
__ for severral months but
2 He was talkin ng _______ _____ Zola the ninetee enth-centuryy author, noot Zola the Italian
3 They lived __ __________ _ very little money while they look ked for neww jobs.
4 W
We got ____ ________ in n a traffic jamm for 45 minutes. It wa
as so boringg!
5 I llent my esssay _______ _____ Fran ncine and noow she’s losst it.
6 I’m
m really prooud ______ ______ you,, son. Well done!
7 I_ _________ ___ out two or three tim mes a week at the gym opposite m my office.
8 ‘D
Do you like yoga?’
y ‘It de
epends ___ _________ the teacherr.’
9 Id don’t have the
t money right now. C Can I pay yoou _______ _____ tomoorrow?
10 D
Daniel _____ _______ forr dinner lastt night. It waas very gennerous of hi m.
English File fourth edition Inte
ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

7 Commplete thee sentence

es with the
e words in
n the box. There aree three wo
thatt you don’t need.

bill couple crowd

c ex flatmate goal insurrance loan rank
sallary stadiu
um stepchildren ump
pire zone

mple: Thiss is my flatm
mate Malik. Colin’s mov
ved out and
d Malik has his old room.
1 Please don’t cycle in the
e pedestriann ____________.
2 W
We need to buy
b some trravel _____ _______ be efore we go on holiday.
3 Ja
ames has tw wo _______ _____. His wife Jasmin n was married before.
4 Excuse me, is there a taaxi ____________ near here?
5 O _________ but we still lost the ma
Our striker sccored a ___ atch.
6 They’re build
ding a new __________
_ ___ for the World
W Chammpionship.
7 Eddie is Leah’s _______ _____ but tthey have a lot of the same
s friendss.
8 Her new job has a bette er ____________ than her
h last job.
9 Everyone in the ______ ______ chee ered when the referee gave a pennalty.
10 A
Are Adrian and Amina a ________ ____ or are they friends s?

8 Circ
cle the corrrect adjec
ctive to co
omplete th
he sentenc
mple: Irene can be patiient / sociab
ble / stubbo
orn . She do
oesn’t often change her mind.
1 D
Dad’s so pleased / prou ud / interesteed with his new car.
2 M
My friend Allyy is close / single / bussy right now w but she’s looking for a partner.
3 D
Dominic’s flaat is very tiny / huge / ssmall.
4 Eliza prefers to work on her own. S She’s very tiidy / charmiing / indepeendent.
5 A
Are you nearrly ready? I’’m tired / ru ude / fed up of waiting for
f you.
6 I’m
m reliable / anxious / spoilt
s about the situation but there’s nothing I can do.
7 Nahla is so mature
m / immmature / afffectionate. She
S needs to t grow up.
8 W
We love frozzen / ready / spicy food like Indian curry.
9 Freddie is tottally terrified
d / amazed d / fascinatin
ng of big dog
10 The tennis players were e tiring / exh
hausted / fit after the match.

9 Matc
ch 1–11 with
w a–k.
1 cuut _e_ a in commmon
2 w
warm up __ __ b of petro l
3 saave ___ c money ffrom a relative
4 eaat out ____ d anotherr team
5 ru
un out ___ _ e down on n chocolate
6 beeat ___ f with sommeone
7 lo
ose ___ g before a match
8 haave a lot ___
_ h money ffor a holiday
9 geet on ___ i at a resta
10 sppend ___ j money o on clothes
11 in
nherit ___ k touch w ith someone
Vocabuulary total 40
English File fourth edition Inte
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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


10 Cirrcle the wo
ord with th
he differen
nt sound.
mple: friend
ds comics busy lose

1 aw
ra basketbball jar partner
2 ammbitious organizzed inveest pitch
3 stteamed earn bee etroot coffee
4 le
earn work turnn mean
5 im
mportant home praw wns afford
6 doone young note e brother
7 m
match machinne pea ach charge
8 prrofessional bridge jokee generous
9 ussually courgettte deccision practise
10 suugar sensitiv
ve fish
h patient

11 Write the words in the correc
ct column

ernoon cooach hone est horrible
e cook
socciable food
d leftover responsibble full

/ɒ/ /əʊ/ /ʊ/ /uː/

clock phone bull boott

Pronunciaation total 20
ammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciaation total 100

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B


1 Rea
ad about fa
avourite to ck () A, B,
oys and g ames. Tic B or C.

When I was growing up p my favourrite toy was s my bike. Luckily,
L beccause of wh here I
livved and be ecause my parents let me have a lot of free edom, I couuld ride it a lot. I
reemember co oming home from scho ool and goiing out on my m bike to the park, or o just
arround the streets.
s Noww I’m a pa rent myselff, and I worry that chiildren can’tt play
ou utside in thee same way y I used to.. There is so much mo ore traffic — it just isn’tt safe
or them to cycle
c by themselves. I decided to t start a ‘P Playing Outt’ session in my
sttreet. We close the roa ad for three hours once e each fortn night. Then the children n can
pllay in the rooad, like I us
sed to. Theyy ride bikes s, they skip, they draw on the road d with
ch halk. It’s am
mazing. Som me local ressidents werren’t sure ab bout it at firrst, but now
w they
ca an clearly see
s the ben nefits. Even n people who
w don’t ha ave childrenn come into o the
sttreet and jo oin in. ‘Pla
aying Out’ iis quite diffficult to org ganize beccause you need
pe ermission from
f local government
g t to close the
t road, and
a you ne ed at leastt four
ad dults to be responsible
r e for the chilldren, but it’s definitely
y worth the ttrouble.
You could always
a tell I was going g to be an engineer. I loved connstruction bricks,
evven when I was very small.s That’ s one of the e best thinggs about thee toy, of co
It doesn’t ma atter if you’v ve got tiny hands, you u can still build a castlee, or a car,, or a
obot … and d then you can make e something g complete ely differentt with the same
piieces. Som me boxes off bricks com me with a sets of instru uctions to hhelp you bu uild a
paarticular pla
ane or build ding. I usedd to build th
hat once, an nd then all the pieces went
nto a big plaastic tub in mym bedroom m. I spent many
m hours building myy own creattions.
I think consstruction brricks have changed since I wa as little. T
There are more
sppecialized pieces,
p like
e different wwheels and d connectorrs. And I reeally don’t think
here should be ‘pinkifie ed’ boxes o of bricks ‘forr girls’, whe
ere the coloours are diffferent
annd the speccialized piec ces are flow
wers and pe ets. They should be bannned!
m the youn ngest child in my fam ily. Perhaps I’m a little bit bossyy and a little bit
sppoilt. Anywa
ay my favou urite gamess always inv volved telling people whhat to do! I used
o make my parents
p andd my older ssisters hide my soft toyys around thhe house. I used
o pretend thhe toys weree in trouble and my sisters were th he ‘baddiess’. Then I’d dress
upp as a sup perhero and d run aroun nd rescuingg them. Or, if my fam ily were bu usy, I
would play hospitals
h with the softt toys. I waas the docto or, of coursse, and thee soft
annimals used d to have lo
ots of injurie
es and illnesses. I usedd to put banndages on them
annd put themm in bed. I really
r loved those toys and I even took one sspecial bearr with
me to university.

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B

mple: Shrriyan regularly rode his bike in the streets afte
er school.
A True 
 B False  C Doesn’tt say 
1 Shriyan had a lot of indeependence when he was w a child.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
2 Shriyan visiteed another ‘Playing Ou ut’ session to
t get ideas s for suitablee games.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
3 Shriyan didn’t have to ask permissiion to close e the road.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
4 AAlison doesnn’t think very
y young chi ldren should use construction briccks.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
5 AAlison’s gam
mes show that she was an imagina ative child.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
6 AAlison didn’t use to build
d anything uusing the instructions.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
7 AAlison doesnn’t think therre should be
e so many specialized
s bricks.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
8 Frank’s favou urite games s matched h his personality.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
9 Frank made his sisters dress
d up wiith him durin
ng the supe erhero gamee.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
10 Frank didn’t use to play by himself..
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 


2 Writte S for Sh
hriyan, A for
f Alison , F for Fra
mple: I wa
anted my ch
hildren to pl ay the games I used to
o play. S
1 M
My favourite toy matche es my choicce of job. __ ____
2 I lliked dressing up and pretending
p tto be differe
ent characte
ers. ______
3 Id don’t agree with some recent cha nges to my favourite to oy. _____
4 Iu used to make my familly join in witth my game es. _____
5 Iw was worriedd about my children’s ssafety. ___ ___
Rea ding total 15

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B


Writte about a favourite

e toy or ga
ame from your
y child
dhood (1000–150 worrds).
swer the questions:
• W
What did the
e toy/game look like?
• How did you play with th
he toy? / Ho ow did you play the game?
• W
Why did you like it?
• W
Where did yoou use to play with it?
• W
Would you give a toy/gaame like thiss as a gift to
o a child tod
day? Why?//Why not?
Wrriting total 10
ding and Wrriting total 25

English File fourth edition Inte

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking B


1 Listen to an in
nterview and
a comp lete the se
entences. Write two
o words only.
1 A
According to Maxim, proofessional m
musicians spend
s _______________ ______ prep paring
or each concert than am
mateur mussicians.
2 M
Maxim comp pares his job
b and the jo
ob of a ____ __________ ______.
3 M
Maxim says orchestra musicians
m haave to be __________
_ _________ aand
4 A
Apparently, __________
_ _________ _ is less of a problem in
n orchestrass than it use
ed to
5 Since the changes in the 1980s, M axim says somes music
cians have bought
____________________ tot help themm in audition ns.

2 Listen to five conversa ck () A, B,

ations. Tic B or C.
1 A
Annalise sayys that ____ _______ are e surprising
gly healthy.
A frozen veg getables  B tinned d vegetablees  C bags b of salaad 
2 Laatif tried to eat more __
_________ _.
A fruit and vegetables
v each
e day  B local food  C vegetariaan food 
3 Eve offers to o _________ __ for Frida
A book a tab ble  B change
c the plan  C lend Rub by some mooney 
4 D
David thinks his family __________
_ _ bottled wa
A drinks too much  B should drink more  C ca an afford to drink 
5 In
nge and We es disagree about ____ _______.
A food websites  B where to sshop  C shopping g lists 
Listeening total 10


1 Mak
ke questio
ons and as
sk your pa
1 W
What transpoort / use / get here toda ay?
2 What / most expensive thing
W t / everr bought?
3 W
Who / favourrite sports star?
s Why?
4 W
Where / use to / holidayy / when / a child?
5 W
Where / eat out
o / most recently?
6 W
What / nicestt dessert / ever
e eaten? ?
7 W
Which familyy member / closest to?
8 What sport / most enjoy
W y / watch on TV? Why? ?
9 W
Would / cycle
e / centre off London? W Why?/Why not?
10 W
What new language / most
m like / leaarn? Why?
w answer your
y partn
ner’s ques

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking B

2 Listen to your partner talking

t ab
bout a stattement. Do
o you agreee with him

3 Talk
k about on
ne of the statements
s s below, saying
s if you agree o
or disagre
e reasons.
‘Fruit and vegettables are to oo expensivve compare ed to junk fo
‘All sschools shoould teach children a m musical instrument.’
‘Parkking in citiess should be
e free for ele
ectric cars.’

Speakking total 15
g and Speaaking total
Listening 25

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: I’m not very good at talking (talk) in front of a group.
1 If we’d known you were coming, we ______________ (buy) more food for this
2 Most cinema tickets ______________ (buy) online these days, so there aren’t many
workers in cinemas.
3 ______________ (wait) for the bus is really boring.
4 Stan’s car ______________ (steal) last weekend. He’s very upset.
5 I’d learn French faster if I ______________ (not learn) German at the same time.
6 The detective told her ______________ (not go out) on her own.
7 It’s easy ______________ (forget) internet passwords unless you use the same one
every time.
8 If you see him, please tell Jamie I ________ (look) for him.
9 Try ______________ (not break) anything.
10 ‘If you examine the evidence,’ said the author, ‘I think you ______________ (solve) the
mystery easily.’
2 Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: Claudia might get a promotion soon but she’s not certain.
1 You wouldn’t resign, ________ you?
2 You ________ finished that book already, have you?
3 There aren’t ________ hours in the day. I need more time!
4 That’s the shop ________ I bought my new laptop.
5 The artist, ________ paintings sold for millions of dollars, lived in a tiny cottage.
6 That ________ be Kate’s mum. They have very similar faces, don’t they?
7 He can’t ________ the murderer! I thought he was a good character.
8 You’ll call me from the train, ________ you?
9 I buy ________ DVDs than I used to. I use video streaming instead.
10 His online videos, ________ regularly get thousands of views, are about fashion.
3 Write the sentences in the negative form.
Example: There’s some tea in the cupboard.
There isn’t any tea in the cupboard.
1 I’d have enjoyed the holiday if the hotel had opened the pool.
2 I’d have to commute every day if I lived in Watford.
3 You live in London, don’t you?
4 We’ve got lots of bread.
5 If you practise, you’ll succeed.

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

4 Put the sentences into reported speech using said or asked. You can use he
or she in your answers.
Example: ‘Do you want to sit down?’
He asked me if I wanted to sit down.
1 ‘I’m going to the library for a while.’
2 ‘I might go the gym later.’
3 ‘Do you know the way to the sports hall?’
4 I’ll open the door for you.
5 ‘Where do you work?’

5 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: I can’t ski / to ski. How about you?
1 The painting hasn’t been seen / must be seen for years.
2 Don’t worry, I’ll do / I do the washing up when I get home later.
3 I refuse eating / to eat at such a dirty table. Come on, let’s move.
4 I’d lock the door if I were / would you. There are thieves in the neighbourhood.
5 Do you know where the new James Bond film is being shot / is shooting ?
6 He told me / – he was ill but I didn’t listen.
7 I don’t mind to drive / driving but I’d rather take the train, wouldn’t you?
8 I’ve read loads of / lots her books. They’re great.
9 The business won’t succeed if / unless we don’t find an investor.
10 Slow down! We’ve got plenty of time / loads of times.

Grammar total 40

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


6 Match 1–11 with a–k.

1 nod _i_ a a new job
2 get promoted ___ b a mystery
3 dubbed ___ c a new business
4 plug in ___ d your legs
5 apply for ___ e your hands
6 shoot ___ f into English
7 kick ___ g a device
8 set up ___ h at work
9 press ___ i your head
10 solve ___ j on location
11 clap ___ k a button

7 Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

Example: Lisa has a resigned / redundant / permanent job in finance.
1 The police say it’s fortunately / fortunate / unfortunately that we were there.
2 The audience waited patiently / fortunately / luckily for the start of the show.
3 We watched an old history / horror / scientific film last night. It was hilarious!
4 My sister was curly / blonde / narrow until she was around 7 years old.
5 Please be careful / careless / care because the streets are icy today.
6 Suki was sacked / unemployed / temporary for nearly a year. But she has a good job
7 I don’t believe in lucky / luck / luckily, do you?

8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three words
that you don’t need.

bargain boss company detective finger

groceries murder musicals online outskirts
receipt refund shoulders trailer

Example: The train was 2 hours late. I’d like a refund, please.
1 Who is your favourite fictional ___________?
2 I like my ___________. She really cares about her employees.
3 Have you seen the ___________ for Jennifer Lawrence’s new film?
4 I enjoy watching ___________ in the theatre. But I’m not so keen on them as films.
5 Kyle carefully placed the ring on his fiancée’s ___________.
6 I live on the ___________ of Birmingham. It’s about 4 miles from the city centre.
7 These shoes are a ___________ ! This is a great sale.
8 I usually buy my ___________ in a supermarket, but I’d prefer to use a market.
9 ‘Would you like a ___________ in case you need to bring it back?’ ‘Yes, please.’
10 If the pool is really cold, try keeping your ___________ under the water.

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

9 Write the nouns.

Example: translate translation
1 employ ___________
2 succeed ___________
3 choose ___________
4 complain ___________
5 deliver ___________
6 smile ___________

10 Complete the sentences with one word only.

Example: The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow.
1 Last week, our English teacher ___________ us all do extra vocabulary homework.
2 Jasper has a degree ___________ astrophysics.
3 Tamara was ___________ from her school because she cheated in an exam.
4 My town is ___________ the north coast of France, near Dieppe.
5 The man has a really long beard, Mikey, but please don’t stare ___________ him!
6 The movie is ___________ on a true story about a group of friends.
7 Who was responsible ___________ organizing Peta’s present?

Vocabulary total 40


11 Circle the word with the different sound.

Example: cough account laptop off
1 study subtitles education thumb
2 steak repair plane email
3 script contact cosy terrace
4 caught drawn boarding tough
5 pupil university rude knew
6 citizen special spacious musician
7 laugh daughter password charger
8 through school true student
9 balcony publicity cycle ceiling
10 airline unfair contain stairs


English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

12 Write the words in the correct column.

mouth touch narrow powerful photo eye

stomach might soundtrack tongue

/ʌ/ /ɑɪ/ /əʊ/ /ɑʊ/

up bike phone owl

Pronunciation total 20
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Reading and Writing A


1 Read three people’s reports about a plastic detox and tick () A, B, or C.

A few months ago I saw a news programme which showed a whole river in
Indonesia being blocked by plastic waste. It was truly shocking. And that’s when I
decided to try a one-month plastic detox. I knew almost immediately that things
weren’t going to be easy. At my local supermarket it is impossible to buy even a loaf
of bread without some plastic packaging. I thought I’d be able to persuade the shop
assistants to, you know, assist. But when I asked if they could put some fish, or
some sausages, into the containers I’d brought instead of plastic bags, they said
they weren’t allowed to. So I took the easiest route and turned vegetarian for a
month, which isn’t something I want to continue. Having a full-time job means
there’s simply no way I can spend hours each week visiting market stalls and
boutique bakeries in my quest to reduce plastic. On the other hand, completing the
detox has really opened my eyes to the amount of plastic waste I produce. From
now on, I’m concentrating on recycling the plastic I use rather than cutting it down.
I knew completing the plastic detox would be difficult in our busy family home.
Children seem to require a lot of plastic. Their toys, their clothes, their food. Have
you ever tried to find plastic-free crisps? But I was very motivated to try and I’m glad
I did. I discovered an excellent health food shop in our town that sells lots of plastic-
free or easily recyclable products, like washing powder in cardboard boxes.
Although I won’t be able to get everything from there, if I shop there once a month
in addition to my weekly supermarket trip I’ll being cutting down my plastic use
considerably. I’ve also set up a WhatsApp group with other parents at my children’s
school. We’ve divided into smaller groups who live close to each other and we buy
plastic-free products online together. It’s cheaper that way and it also cuts down on
the number of deliveries made to our streets.
The key to reducing plastic, I’ve found, is to think about things in advance. I never
leave home without my reusable coffee cup! Luckily for me, as a freelance worker I
have more control over my working hours than some people. So it’s quite easy for
me to visit the street market, or buy meat at a butcher’s shop. It’s definitely true that
these smaller shops, where staff have more time and flexibility, will help you to
reduce plastic packaging more effectively than a supermarket. At the start of my
detox month I looked carefully at the plastic waste I produce. I discovered that if I
made just two or three changes my waste would be significantly reduced. Today I
buy milk in glass bottles (ordered online and delivered to my door by an excellent
local dairy), meat from the butcher’s, and fruit and vegetables at the market. Job

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Reading and Writing A

Example : Sean was inspired to complete the plastic detox by a documentary film.
 C Doesn’t say 
A True  B False 
1 Sean can’t have been a vegetarian before the detox started.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
2 Sean found the distance to the street market and smaller shops problematic.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
3 If Sean hadn’t tried the detox, he wouldn’t have decided to improve his recycling.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
4 Cora was surprised to learn that clothing contains a lot of plastic.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
5 Cora’s local health food store also sells cleaning products.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
6 Cora won’t shop at the supermarket each week from now on.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
7 If Cora didn’t shop with her WhatsApp friends, she wouldn’t buy certain products.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
8 Dominic worried about the amount of plastic waste produced when he bought drinks in
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
9 Dominic and Sean both say that customer service can affect the success of a plastic
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
10 Dominic had to make a lot of shopping changes to reduce his plastic waste.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
2 Write S for Sean, C for Cora, D for Dominic.
Example: My work routine made the detox simpler. D
1 People with plastic-free lives must have a lot of time for shopping. _____
2 Being a parent added lots of plastic to my home. _____
3 The staff wouldn’t let me use my own packaging. _____
4 Planning ahead is an important part of plastic-free living. _____
5 I’m also trying to reduce air pollution caused by my shopping. _____

Reading total 15

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Reading and Writing A

Write about your own experience of giving something up or cutting down on
something (100–150 words). Answer the questions:
• What did you give up/cut down on?
• How did you try to do this?
• How easy/difficult did you find it?
• Were you successful?
• What advice would you give to someone trying something similar?

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Listening and Speaking A


1 Listen to a conversation and complete the sentences. Write two words only.
1 Asha is planning to show an old __________________ film to her children.
2 Asha regularly reads the __________________ on the Mumsnet website.
3 Megan has posted comments in health discussions about __________________ and
4 Justine Roberts had the idea for the site after a disastrous __________________.
5 In the interview, Justine said she hadn’t planned to set up a business when she

2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 The research shows that scientists will be more creative if they __________.
A share an office  B get on well  C talk regularly face-to-face 
2 Isobel says that __________ is an important part of a ‘monk morning’.
A removing distractions  B avoiding technology  C having regular breaks 
3 Fiona would contribute better creative ideas if she had __________.
A fewer meetings  B more time to prepare  C a Creative Director 
4 Romesh says the best way to increase creativity is to __________.
A finish work earlier  B let workers have fun  C use workers’ ideas 
5 The actors are __________ to get ideas for the rest of the scene.
A miming  B using a pack of question cards  C exploring the set 

Listening total 10


1 Make questions and ask your partner.

1 Where / would / like / travel / dream holiday ? Why?
2 If / own / a shop, what / would / sell?
3 What / greatest ambition?
4 If I gave / £1000 right now, what / would / spend it on?
5 What / favourite building? Where is it?
6 What / worst film / ever seen? Why / dislike it?
7 Do / pay attention / online reviews?
8 If / could meet / person from history, who / would / like to meet?
9 How many children / class / primary school? Was / a good number?
10 Do / play / lottery? Why?/Why not?
Now answer your partner’s questions.

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
Progress Test Files 6–10
Listening and Speaking A

2 Talk about one of the statements below, saying if you agree or disagree.
Give reasons.
‘All university courses should include work experience.’
‘A phone is a functional tool not a fashion item.’
‘Parents don’t know enough about what their children look at online.’

3 Listen to your partner talking about a statement. Do you agree with him /

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

1 Und
derline the
e correct word(s).
mple: I ca
an’t ski / to ski.
s How abo
out you?
1 Slow down! We’ve
W got plenty
p me / loads off times.
of tim
2 The businesss won’t succeed if / unlless we don n’t find an in
3 Id don’t mind to
t walk / wa alking but I’d d rather takke the bus, wouldn’t
w youu?
4 I rrefuse eatin
ng / to eat at
a such a dirrty table. Co ome on, let’s move.
5 She told me / – she was s ill but I did
dn’t listen.
6 D
Do you know w where the new Jamess Bond film is being sh hot / is shoooting ?
7 I’dd lock the door
d if I were
e / would yo ou. There are thieves in the neigh bourhood.
8 I’vve read loadds of / lots his
h books. T They’re grea at.
9 D
Don’t worry, I’ll do / I do the washin ng up when I get home later.
10 The painting hasn’t been seen / mu ust be seen n for years.
2 Put the sentences into reported speech us
sing said or asked. You can use he
or s
she in your answers
mple: ‘Do you want to
o sit down?
He asked me iff I wanted to sit down.
1 ‘W
Where do yo ou work?’
__ _________ __________ __________ __________
2 ‘I’’m going to the library for
f a while.’’
__ _________ __________ __________ __________
3 I’lll open the door
d for you
__ _________ __________ __________ __________
4 ‘I might go thhe gym laterr.’
__ _________ __________ __________ __________
5 ‘D
Do you know w the way too the sportss hall?’
__ _________ __________ __________ __________

3 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es. Use the
e correct form
f of th
he verb in brackets.
mple: I’m not very go
ood at talkin
ng (talk) in frront of a gro
1 ‘Iff you examiine the evidence,’ said the author,, ‘I think you u _______________ (so olve) the
mystery easiily.
2 Try _______ ________ (n not break) a anything.
3 If you see he er, please te
ell Millie I __
_______ (loook) for her.
4 It’’s easy ___
__________ ___ (forget) internet pa asswords un nless you usse the same e one
evvery time.
5 The detective e told him __________
_ _____ (not go
g out) on his
h own.
6 I’dd learn Russsian faster if I _______ ________ (not
( learn) German
G at tthe same tim
7 M
My dad’s mo otorbike _____________ ___ (steal) last
l weeken nd. He’s verry upset.
8 __ _________ _____ (wait)) for the buss is really booring.

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

9 M
Most cinema a tickets ___
___ (buy) online
o these days, so thhere aren’t many
workers in cinemas.
10 If we’d known you were coming, wee _______________ (bu uy) more foood for this
4 Writte the sentences in the negattive form.
mple: The
ere’s some tea
t in the cu
ere isn’t any
y tea in the ccupboard.
1 Y
You live in Lo ondon, don’t you?
___________ __________ __________ __________ _________
2 W
We’ve got lotts of bread.
___________ __________ __________ __________ _________
3 If you practisse, you’ll succeed.
___________ __________ __________ __________ _________
4 I’d
d have to coommute eve ery day if I llived in Wattford.
___________ __________ __________ __________ _________
5 I’d
d have enjooyed the holliday if the h hotel had oppened the pool.
___________ __________ __________ __________ _________

5 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word.
mple: Bryo
ony might get
g a promo
otion soon but
b she’s not certain.
1 Their online videos,
v ___
______ regu ularly get th
housands off views, are about film stars.
2 Ib
buy ______ ___ DVDs th deo streaming instead.
han I used tto. I use vid
3 Y
You’ll call mee from the station,
s ____
______ you? ?
4 He can’t ___ ______ the murderer!
m I thought he e was a good characterr.
5 That ______ ___ be Seb’s dad. Theyy have very y similar facees, don’t theey?
6 The artist, __
_______ pa aintings sold
d for millionss of dollars,, lived in a ttiny cottage.
7 That’s the shhop ______ ___ I boughtt my new ph hone.
8 There aren’t ________ hours in the e day. I neeed more time e!
9 Y
You _______ __ finished that book aalready, hav ve you?
10 Y
You wouldn’tt resign, ___ ______ you u?
mmar total 40

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


6 Circ
cle the corrrect word
d to compllete the se
mple: Franz has a resigned / red
dundant / pe
ermanent jo
ob in financee.
1 Iddon’t believve in lucky / luck / luckilly, do you?
2 V
Veronica was sacked / unemployed
u d / tempora ary for nearlyy a year. Buut she has a good
ob now.
3 M
My brother was
w curly / blonde
b / narrrow until he e was aroun nd 7 years oold.
4 Please be ca areful / careeless / care because the streets arre icy todayy.
5 W
We watched an old histo ory / horrorr / scientific film last night. It was hhilarious!
6 The audience waited pa atiently / fort
rtunately / luuckily for the
e start of thee show.
7 The police sa ay it’s fortun
nately / fortuunate / unfo ortunately thhat we weree there.

7 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word on
mple: The
e film was directed by K
Kathryn Bigelow.
1 The movie iss _________ ___ on a tru
ue story abo
out a group
p of friends.
2 W
Who was ressponsible __ _________ __ organizing Fern’s pre
3 M
My town is __________
_ __ the north coast of Frrance, near Dieppe.
4 Le
eon was __ __________ _ from his s chool because he cheaated in an eexam.
5 Nina has a degree
d ____ ________ a astrophysicss.
6 La
ast week, our
o English teacher
t ____________ us all do exxtra vocabuulary homew
7 The girl has blue hair, Ia
anchi, but p
please don’t stare ____
________ heer!

8 Commplete thee sentence

es with the
e words in
n the box. There aree three wo
thatt you don’t need.

bargain bosss company y detective e finger

grooceries muurder musiicals online e outskirts
recceipt refund shoulderrs trailer

mple: The trrain was 2 hours
h late. II’d like a reffund, please
1 If the pool is really cold, try keeping
g your ____ ________ under the waater.
2 I llike my ____________. She really cares abou ut her emplo oyees.
3 These shoess are a ____ ________! T This is a greeat sale.
4 I llive on the __________
_ __ of Cardifff. It’s about 4 miles froom the city ccentre.
5 Thaniel careffully placed the ring on n his fiancée e’s _______ _____.
6 Ie enjoy watch hing ____________ in th he theatre. But I’m not so keen onn them as films.
7 Have you seen the ____ ________ fo for Jennifer Lawrence’s s new film?
8 Iu usually buyy my ______ ______ in a supermark ket, but I’d prefer
p to usee a market.
9 ‘W
Would you liike a _____ _______in ccase you ne eed to bring it back?’ ‘YYes, please.’
10 W
Who is your favourite fic ctional ____________?


English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

9 Matc
ch 1–11 with
w a–k.
1 nood _i_ a a new joob
2 cllap ___ b a mysteery
3 prress ___ c a new bbusiness
4 duubbed ___ _ d your leg
5 seet up ___ e your hannds
6 kiick ___ f into Eng lish
7 shhoot ___ g a devicee
8 appply for __
__ h at work
9 pllug in ___ i your heaad
10 soolve ___ j on locati on
11 geet promoted
d ___ k a button


10 Wrrite the no
mple: tran
nslate tran
1 co
omplain __
2 ch
hoose ____________
3 su
ucceed ___
4 de
eliver ___
5 sm
mile ___
6 em
mploy ____________

Vocabuulary total 40

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


11 Cirrcle the wo
ord with the different sound.
mple: cough
h accoun
nt laptop off

1 aiirline unffair contain stairs

2 baalcony pubblicity cycle ceiling
3 th
hrough sch
hool true studentt
4 la
augh dauughter password charger
5 ciitizen spe
ecial spacious musiciaan
6 puupil uniiversity rude knew
7 caaught dra
awn boarding tough
8 sccript conntact cosy terrace
9 stteak rep
pair plane email
10 sttudy subbtitles education thumb

12 Write the words in the correc
ct column

moouth touch
h narrow powerful photo eye
omach migght soundttrack tong ue

/ʌ/ /ɑɪ/ /əʊ/ /ɑʊ/

up bike phonee owl

Pronunciaation total 20
ammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciaation total 100

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
g and Writting B


1 Rea
ad three pe
eople’s reports abo a tick ( ) A, B, or C.
out a plastic detox and

A few montths ago I saw s a newws program mme which showed a whole riv ver in
ndonesia be eing blocked by plasticc waste. It was
w truly shocking. Annd that’s when I
deecided to try
t a one-m month plastiic detox. I knew almo ost immediaately that th hings
weren’t going g to be easy
y. At my loccal supermaarket it is im
mpossible too buy even a loaf
off bread with
hout some plastic
p packkaging. I tho
ought I’d be e able to perrsuade the shop
asssistants to
o, you knoww, assist. BBut when I asked if the ey could puut some fis sh, or
ome sausages, into th he containeers I’d brought instead d of plastic bags, they y said
hey weren’tt allowed to o. So I tookk the easieest route an nd turned vvegetarian for a
month, whicch isn’t som mething I w want to con ntinue. Hav ving a full-ttime job means
here’s simp ply no way I can spe end hours each
e week visiting maarket stalls s and
booutique bakkeries in myy quest to rreduce plastic. On the other hand , completing the
deetox has reeally opened my eyes to the amo ount of plas stic waste I produce. From
noow on, I’m concentratin
c ng on recyccling the pla
astic I use ra
ather than ccutting it dow
I knew completing the plastic dettox would be difficult in our bussy family home.
Children see em to requirre a lot of pplastic. Theeir toys, their clothes, ttheir food. Have
yoou ever tried to find pla
astic-free crrisps? But I was very motivated
m too try and I’m
m glad
Iddid. I discovvered an exxcellent heaalth food sho op in our to
own that sel ls lots of pla
ee or easily recyclab ble produccts, like wa ashing pow wder in caardboard bo oxes.
Although I won’t
w be able
e to get eve erything fro
om there, if I shop therre once a month
n addition to my week kly superma arket trip I’’ll being cutting down my plastic c use
coonsiderablyy. I’ve also set
s up a Wh hatsApp gro oup with oth her parents at my child dren’s
scchool. We’vve divided innto smaller groups wh ho live closee to each otther and we e buy
pllastic-free products
p online togethe er. It’s chea
aper that wa ay and it alsso cuts dow wn on
he number of o deliveriess made to o our streets.
The key to reducing pla astic, I’ve foound, is to think
t about things in aadvance. I never
eave home without
w my reusable c offee cup! Luckily
L for me,
m as a freeelance worker I
haave more control
c overr my workin ng hours tha an some pe eople. So it’’s quite eas sy for
me to visit th
he street maarket, or buyy meat at a butcher’s shop.
s It’s deefinitely true
e that
hese smalle er shops, where
w staff have more e time and flexibility, wwill help yo ou to
educe plasttic packagin ng more eff ffectively than a superrmarket. At the start of o my
deetox month I looked carefully at tthe plastic waste I pro oduce. I disscovered tha at if I
made just tw wo or three changes m my waste would be sig gnificantly reeduced. Today I
buuy milk in glass
g bottles (ordered online and delivered to t my door by an exce ellent
ocal dairy), meat from the butche
lo er’s, and fruuit and vegetables at tthe market. Job

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 6–10
g and Writting B

mple: Sea
an was inspired to com
mplete the pllastic detox by a docum
mentary film
A True
T  B False 
 C Doe
esn’t say 
1 Sean can’t have enjoyed being a ve egetarian during
d the ch hallenge.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
2 Sean thinks that
t people with plasticc-free lives must spend d a lot of tim
me on shoppping.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
3 Sean gave up u half way through
t e challenge because it was too difffficult.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
4 Being a pare ent creates a lot of plasstic in Cora’s home.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
5 CCora was surprised to leearn that cloothing conta ains a lot off plastic.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
6 CCora’s local health food store doessn’t sell bathhroom products.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
7 If Cora hadn’t set up the
e WhatsApp p group, herr plastic-freee shopping would be more
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
8 DDominic’s woork routine made
m the d etox harderr.
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
9 DDominic and Cora both worry abou ut the number of home deliveries tthat their sh hopping
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 
10 D
Dominic founnd that mosst of his plasstic waste came
c from only
o a few sshopping de
A True  B False   C Doessn’t say 

2 Writte S for Se
ean, C for Cora, D fo
or Dominic.
mple: The
e staff would
dn’t let me u
use my own
n packaging
g. S
1 I tthink about the amount of plastic w waste I crea ate in cafés
s. _____
2 Iu use smallerr shops and d the superm market too. _____
3 If I hadn’t trie
ed the detox
x, I wouldn’tt have decid ded to improve my recy
cycling. ____
4 The staff in smaller
s shopps will be a ble to help you. _____ _
5 Planning with h other people makes plastic-free shopping simpler.
s ___
Rea ding total 15

Writte about your

y own experience
e e of giving
g somethiing up or ccutting do
own on
mething (100–150 wo ords). Ans
swer the questions:
q :
• W
What did you
u give up/cu ut down on? ?
• How did you try to do this?
• How easy/diffficult did yo
ou find it?
• W
Were you suuccessful?
• What advice would you give to som
W meone trying
g something
g similar?

Wrriting total 10
ding and Wrriting total 25
English File fourth edition Inte
ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 6–10
Listening and Speeaking B


1 Listen to a co
on and com
mplete the
e sentence
es. Write ttwo words
s only.
1 M
Megan thinkss the Japan nese film miight ______ __________ ____.
2 A
Asha doesn’tt ever ____ __________ ______ on the
t Mumsne et website.
3 M
Megan thinkss the health h advice on the site is __________
_ __________ and
4 Ju
ustine Robeerts’ first international h
holiday with
h her ______ ______________ was a
5 Ju
ustine saw a gap in the e market bu ut she didn’tt have enou
ugh _______
____ to
et up the we
ebsite on he er own.

2 Listen to five conversa ck () A, B,

ations. Tic B or C.
1 A
According to the researcch, if scienttists ___________ they’ll be more ccreative.
A have offices close to each otherr  B dis sagree  C drink pllenty of watter 
2 __
_________ _ is an important part off a ‘monk morning’.
A Talking to colleaguess  B Avvoiding tech hnology 
C Staying fo
ocused on a task 
3 Fiona would contribute more
m creati ve ideas if she
s ______ _____.
A had fewer meetings  B cou ld email the em to Julie 
C knew morre about thee business 
4 R
Romesh sayys that if com
mpanies ___ _________, workers wo ould be morre creative.
A used workkers’ ideas  B let w workers hav ve more fun 
C let people
e work fewer hours 
5 The actors are getting id
deas for thee rest of the
e scene usinng ________
A mime  B a pack of question n cards  C a soun ndtrack 

Listeening total 10

1 Mak
ke questio
ons and as
sk your pa
1 W
What / favou urite / world landmark? Why?
2 If / meet any actor or ac ctress, who / would / lik
ke to meet?
3 How often / check
c emails / the evennings?
4 If / be an extra / any fam mous film, wwhich film / would
w / be?
5 If / live / any city in the world,
w where e / would / live?
l Why?
6 W
What person nality / makee / good bosss?
7 W
What / last film / saw? Did D / enjoy itt?
8 D
Do / follow / blogs or Yo ouTubers? W Why?
9 W
What / favou urite subjectt / primary sschool? Why y?
10 If / won lotterry, what / would / do firrst?
Now answer you
ur partnerr’s questio

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 6–10
Listening and Speeaking B

2 Listen to your partner talking

t ab
bout a stattement. Do
o you agreee with him

3 Talk
k about on
ne of the statements
s s below, saying
s if you agree o
or disagre
e reasons.
‘There is too mu
uch violencee in films.’
‘There should only
o be one type of sch ool for all children.’
‘Fashion modelss don’t reprresent the reeal world, and
a that’s OK.’

Speakking total 15
g and Speaaking total 25

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019

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