Assessing The Source of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice On Pubertal Awareness Among Pre-Pubertal Girls

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res.

2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

Original Research Article Pharmacy Practice

International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research



Department of Pharmacy Practice, JKK Nattraja College of Pharmacy, Kumarapalyam, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Pharmacology, JKK Nattraja College of Pharmacy, Kumarapalyam, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Pharmaceutics, JKK Nattraja College of Pharmacy, Kumarapalyam, Tamil Nadu, India


A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted to evaluate the source knowledge, attitude and
practice on pubertal awareness among pre-pubertal girls. A pre designed questionnaire which
consists of questions to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of pubertal awareness on
pre-pubertal girls were used for data collection. Information on demographic variables which
include age, class, type of family, education of parents, sources of information was collected
from the participants. Total 450 prepubertal girls, 150 each from state board school,
matriculation board school and central board school were included in the study. The study
resulted that 52.6% of state board school participants major source of information were siblings,
64.6% of matriculation board and 68% of central board participants major source of information
were mothers. The mean average level of knowledge was found to be (10%), attitude (23.5%)
and practice (16.2%) for state board participants, for matriculation board participants the mean
average level of knowledge (32.7%), attitude (58.3%) and practice (42.6%) and for central board
participants the mean average level of knowledge (47.4%), attitude (59.6%) and practice
(53.8%). Study concluded that most of the participants from central board school have good
knowledge, attitude and practice regarding pubertal changes when compared with the state board
and matriculation board, and the major source of information was mother for majority of study
participants. The result demonstrated that based on parent’s literacy, the knowledge of girls on
puberty increases. Creating awareness regarding puberty through health education is very
essential to help the adolescent girls to handle sexuality related issues confidently.

KEYWORDS: Pre-pubertal girls, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Pubertal awareness.


Department of Pharmacy Practice, JKK Nattraja College of Pharmacy,

Kumarapalyam, Tamil Nadu, India

Received on: 02-07-2019

Revised and Accepted on: 05-10-2019

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

INTRODUCTION very much lower among the rural adolescents in the

developing countries like India. Lack of menstrual
hygiene is one of the major risk factors for the
Approximately 1/5th of the world’s population is
development of reproductive tract infections in the
constituted by adolescents of 10-19 years and out of
adolescent females.12 It is unfortunate that women
which more than 4/5th reside in developing
do not have correct and adequate data regarding the
countries. According to the United Nations
puberty and the healthy behaviours towards
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), there are 243 million
puberty.13 The higher outcome of adolescent health
adolescents comprising 21% of the total population
will be achieved by increasing their awareness on
of India which clearly shows that India is truly
puberty related issues. So the girls need to be
“young”.1,2 The word adolescence was derived
properly guided regarding these changes, in order
from a Latin word “adolescere” virtually suggests
to have a transition to adolescence and their distress
that “to grow into maturity”. The World Health
in handling with these changes is reduced.14 So an
Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any
educational intervention in order to provide
person between ages 10 and 19. This age range falls
accurate and authentic knowledge about pubertal
within WHO’s definition of young people, which
changes and related crucial issues is needed to
refers to individuals between ages 10 and 24.3 The
enable them to make the right decision in life.15
precise boundaries of adolescence are difficult to
Other studies showed that a lot of health issues will
define, but this period is customarily viewed as
be prevented by healthy behaviours in
beginning with the gradual appearance of
adolescents.16,17 Better knowledge and practices on
secondary sexual characteristics at about 11 or 12
menstrual hygiene reduce the risk of acquiring
years of age and ending at 18 to 20 years.4 The
reproductive tract infections. Thus, healthy
foremost vital changes that ensue in adolescents
observation during this time of life is very
may be physical changes that ensue at a time of
important.18 Numerous studies concluded that the
puberty.5 Puberty may be a time of fast biological
generative health is unnoticed and queries go
process where sexual and physical maturation
unrequited.19 Adolescents possess some knowledge
occurs.6,7 Puberty includes biological process,
about reproductive health, but still effective
secretion and growth method that happens once
educational intervention is required to encourage
organ begins to perform and therefore the
more sensible and healthy behaviour and results of
secondary sexual characters start to develop.8 The
a study shows health education sessions are very
onset of menstruation and appearance of secondary
effective in increasing knowledge.20 Thus, this
sexual characters are the important changes that
study was conducted with an aim to assess the
occur in adolescent girls.5 In today’s world, the
adolescent girls’ knowledge, attitude and practice
lifestyle changes, particularly consumption of more
regarding puberty and its relationship with socio-
junk foods, lack of physical activity and the amount
demographic characteristics and to provide
of stress experienced by the students in the school
awareness on pubertal process and self-hygienic
life were considered to be some of the major factors
for menstrual disturbances among the adolescent
girls. The health status of adolescents reflect the
health and well-being of the next generation.9 MATERIALS AND METHODS
When early adolescents experience these physical,
psychological and emotional changes, they require This was a descriptive cross sectional study
the information regarding the bodily changes in conducted in 3 different curriculum board schools
order to prevent the problems like guilt and in and around Kumarapalyam, Namakkal district,
confusion.4 During the adolescence phase, girls Tamilnadu, India. The study was conducted for a
require emotional support from their mothers and period of six months from January 2018 to June
need to be educated regarding sexual development 2018. Total study subjects were 450 prepubertal
and hygienic practices.10 Due to restrictions girls. Inclusion criteria for our study were, pre
imposed during menstruation along with the pubertal girls from VI to VIII standard (age group
negative attitude of parents in discussing 11-14 years). We excluded those girls who came of
menstruation related issues with girls has led to age attained menarche. Ethical consideration was
poor awareness regarding menstruation and obtained from the Institutional Ethical
menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. Hence, Committee.018PDS18 We collected 150 samples
girls grow up with limited knowledge of from each school. Before handover the
menstruation.11 The awareness level about questionnaire to the study subjects the purpose of
menstruation prior to menarche was found to be the study was clearly explained. Face to face
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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

interview was conducted in each study participants based on Knowledge, attitude and practice were
and their doubts were cleared along with the close-ended with yes or no responses. There were
assurance of confidentiality in all schools. This 12 questions on knowledge on puberty which
session was followed by a health education session included the sign and precocious age of puberty,
through seminars regarding pubertal awareness order of pubertal development, the hormones
(introduction to puberty, stages of pubertal period, responsible for puberty, role of pituitary gland in
physical changes- secondary sexual characteristics secondary sexual characters. Attitude towards
and emotional changes that occur during puberty) puberty consists of 15 questions regarding the need
and self-hygienic practices. (Figure 1) of awareness camp on puberty, satisfied with their
decisions, irritations, anxiety, mood changes, and
Tools used beauty preoccupation about the body. Hygienic
A separate questionnaire was designed in Tamil and practice towards puberty consists of 5 questions
English language to incorporate the participant’s regarding the cleaning of the genital area, drying
details. The questionnaire form included the items their underwear in sunlight, advantages in using the
which included socio demographic characteristics private toilet, bathing twice daily, comfortable
such as parent’s education, types of families, main clothes.
source of information about puberty. Questions

Figure 1

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS a pilot study was conducted in one school with a

sample size of 50. The data collection was done by
The collected data were entered into the excel explaining each question with a total study subjects,
sheet. The data were analysed by using graph pad and doubts were clearly explained. The result of
prism. For assessing the level of awareness among this study showed various biases. Thus we made
schools, we used One-way ANOVA according to some corrections in the questionnaire and planned
the nature of data. P value was set at <0.01. For to conduct a face to face interview.
inter-comparison of knowledge, attitude and
practice between schools tukey's multiple Socio-demographic characteristics (Table 1)
comparisons was used. P-value was set at <0.01. In our study, the majority of the study participants
were aged 12 years on matriculation board 59
(39.3%) and central board 61 (40.6%) followed by
RESULTS 11 years in state board 53 (35.3%). Majority of
By getting prior permission, from concerned school study subjects in state board were 88 (58.6%),

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

matriculation board 78 (52%) and central board 106 matriculation board, state board versus central
(70.6%) belong to Hindu religion, 107(71.3%) state board and matriculation board versus central board
board, 90(60%) matriculation board and 93(62%) are highly significant with p value <0.0001.
central board study subjects belong to nuclear
family and majority of study subjects from state Attitude level towards puberty
board 83 (55.3%), matriculation board 44(29.3%) The attitude towards puberty for the entire study
and central board 23(15.3%) were 6th standard. population was 493(23.5%) in state board,
Maximum state board participant’s father 81(54%) 1225(58.3%) for matriculation board and
and mother 74(49.3%) have primary education, 1253(59.6%) for central board school, (Table 3)
matriculation board participant’s father 62(41.3%) which was statistically significant {F (2,447)=204.1
and mother 63(42%) have a high school education (p-value <0.0001)}.The intercomparison of
and central board participant’s father 89(59.3%) attitudes between schools based on tukey’s multiple
and mother 42(28%) were degree holders. Mother comparison (Table 5) results that state board versus
was the major source of information for most of the matriculation board, state board versus central
study subjects in matriculation board 97(64.6%) board is highly significant with p value <0.0001
and central board 103(68.6%), but siblings were the and matriculation board versus central board is non-
major source for state board 79(52.6%) significant with p value 0.7889.
participants. Because the mother is being close to
children, she is the prime source of information Practice on puberty
regarding the menstruation among adolescent girls. The practice on puberty for the entire study
The majority of state board 76(50.6%) and central population was 122(16.2%) in state board,
board 96(64%) study subjects was the second child 320(42.6%) for matriculation board and
and matriculation board 65(43.3%) were first child. 404(53.8%) for central board school, (Table 4)
Based on their birth order, the source of which was statistically significant {F(2,447)=114.8
information may vary. Thus the main source of (p-value <0.0001)}. This is because of the lack of
information for the first child was the mother and knowledge of respondents on the importance of
for second child was mother followed by sisters or hygiene of their reproductive organs. The inter
friends. comparison of practice between schools based on
tukey’s multiple comparison (Table 5) results that
Knowledge level on puberty state board versus matriculation board, state board
The knowledge of puberty for the entire study versus central board and matriculation board versus
population in each curriculum board school showed central board are highly significant with p value
that 181(10%) for state board, 589(32.7%) for <0.0001. The comparison of pre-pubertal girl’s
matriculation board and 854(47.4%) for central negative responses for knowledge questions with
board school (Table 2) which was statistically maternal education of state board, matriculation
significant {F (2,447) = 195.3 (p-value board and central board participants represent that
<0.0001)}.The intercomparison of knowledge based on mother’s education the knowledge level of
between schools based on tukey's multiple girls may differ.
comparison (Table 5) results that state board versus

Table 1
Socio- demographic details

SB MB CB Categorization
n=150 (%) n=150 (%) n=150 (%)
11 53 (35.3) 48 (32) 58 (38.6)
12 47 (31.3) 59 (39) 61 (40.6)
1. Age
13 29 (19.3) 23 (15) 18 (12)
14 21 (14) 20 (13) 13 (8.6)
6th 83 (55.3) 58 (38.6) 57 (38)
2. Class 7th 44 (29.3) 56 (37.3) 54 (36)
8th 23 (15.3) 36 (24) 39 (26)
Joint 88 (58.6) 78 (52) 106 (70.6)
3. Family
Nuclear 25 (16.6) 28 (18.6) 25 (16)
4. Religion Hindu 37 (24.6) 44 (29.3) 19 (12)
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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

Christian 43 (28.6) 60 (40) 57 (38)

Muslim 107 (71.3) 90 (60) 93 (62)
Primary 4 (2.6) 49(32.6) 4 (2.6)
Secondary 114 (76) 15(10) 3 (2)
5. Educational status of father
High school 25(16.6) 52 (34) 51 (34)
Degree 7 (4.6) 34 (22.6) 92 (61.3)
Primary 20 (13.3) 21 (14) 93 (62)
Secondary 97 (64.6) 32 (21.3) 10 (6.6)
6. Educational status of mother
High school 26 (17.3) 63 (42) 30 (20)
Degree 7 (4) 34 (22.6) 17 (11.3)
1 67 (44.6) 65 (43.3) 51 (34)
2 76 (50.6) 60 (40) 96 (64)
7. Birth order
3 6 (4) 21 (14) 3 (2)
4 1 (0.6) 4 (2.6) 0
Mother 59 (39.3) 97 (64.6) 103 (68)
Siblings 79 (52.6) 23 (15.3) 18 (12)
8. Source of information
Media 0 14 (9.3) 29 (19.3)
Others 12 (8) 16 (10.6) 0

Table 2
Frequency of various responses to knowledge questions on pubertal
changes between school students

State Matric Central Knowledge questions Board Board Board
n=150 n=150 n=150
The first sign of puberty for girls is usually breast
1. 43(28.6%) 78(52%) 99(66%)
budding and growth of pubic hair
2. Precocious puberty for girls is 8-13 years 16(10.6%) 55 (36.6%) 38(25.3%)
The order of pubertal development in girls is
3. 8(5.3%) 22 (14.6%) 41(27.3%)
4. Being aware of changes in their bodies 46(30.6%) 92 (61.3%) 116 (7.3%)
The primary function of estrogen is development
5. 2(1.3%) 19 (12.6%) 60(40%)
of female secondary sexual characteristics
A late development in the pubertal sequence of
6. 2(1.3%) 38 (25.3%) 76(50%)
female is menarche
7. Puberty lasts for a set period of time 16(10.6%) 66(44%) 68(45.3%)
8. Pituitary gland is responsible for releasing the
4(2.6%) 20(13.3%) 75(50%)
hormone that begins puberty
In puberty one side of our body can develop faster
9 8(5.3%) 34(22.6%) 74(49.3%)
than the other
Menarche signals a dramatic transition from
10. 27(18%) 81(54%) 68(45.3%)
girlhood to womanhood
11 Are you aware about menstruation 7(4.6%) 44(29.3%) 74(49.3%)
Napkins should be changed in a time interval of 4-
12. 2(1.3%) 40(26.6%) 65(43.3%)
5 hours

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

Table 3
Frequency of various responses to attitude questions on pubertal
changes between school students
State Matric Central Attitude questions Board Board Board
n=150 n=150 n=150
Awareness camps should be organized regarding
1. 36(24%) 127(84.6%) 115(76.6%)
pubertal changes
2. Pubertal changes are must to attain maturity 20(13.3%) 137(91.3%) 116(77.3%)
Prior knowledge about pubertal changes is
3. 40(26.6%) 114(76%) 117(78%)
necessary before their onset
Peer understands my feelings better as compared to
4. 33(22%) 33(22%) 87(58%)
Menstruation is shameful and embarrassing
5. 34(22.6%) 122(81.3%) 73(48.6%)
situation for girls
Mood changes are not a normal part of pubertal
6. 41(27.3%) 121(80.6%) 77(49.3%)
Menstruation makes me unclean to perform
7. 45(30%) 117(78%) 94(62.6%)
religious activities
8. Growth of hair on body area will spoil my beauty 40(26.6%) 49(32.6%) 79(52.6%)
Friends and internet alone not provide complete
9. 43(28.6%) 42(28%) 103(68.6%)
Everyone has focus to attention and concern on my
10. 45(30%) 116(77.3%) 69(48%)
11. You may get irritable often 43(28.6%) 93(62%) 64(42.6%)
12. You may worried/anxious most if time 44(29.3%) 82(54.6%) 92(61.3%)
13. Are you comfortable with your own decision 8(5.3%) 63(42%) 60(40%)
If any unpleasure sense I feel, I consult with my
14. 21(14%) 8(5.3%) 107(71.3%)
family or educator

Table 4
Frequency of various responses to attitude questions on pubertal
changes between school students

State Matric Central Practice questions Board Board Board
n=150 n=150 n=150
In toilet, I first wash perinea then anal, i.e. wash front
1. 16(10.6%) 9(6%) 63(42%)
part then back
2. I dry underwear in sunlight 5(3.3%) 9(6%) 39(26%)
3. Using private toilets is good 47(31.3%) 112(74.6%) 110(73.3%)
4. I wear comfortable and cotton clothes 16(10.6%) 103(68.6%) 93(82%)
5. During menstruation should take bath twice daily 38(25.3%) 87(58%) 99(74%)

Table 5
Comparison of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding puberty between schools

Tukey’s multiple Mean 95% of CI of Significant Adjusted p

comparison test difference difference level value
SB vs MB -2.74 -3.278 to -2.202 Significant <0.0001
SB vs CB -4.487 -5.025 to -3.948 Significant <0.0001
MB vs CB -1.747 -2.285 to 1.208 Significant <0.0001

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

SB vs MB -4.88 -5.549 to -4.211 Significant <0.0001
SB vs CB -5.067 -5.735 to -4.398 Significant <0.0001
MB vs CB -0.1867 -0.8555 to 0.4821 0.7889
SB vs MB -1.32 -1.62 to -1.02 Significant <0.0001
SB vs CB -1.88 -2.18 to -1.58 Significant <0.0001
MB vs CB -0.56 -0.8595 to 0.2605 Significant <0.0001
P-value: <0.01, SB-State Board, MB-Matriculation Board, CB- Central Board

DISCUSSION knowledge to her children when she becomes a

mother. Some other study showed that the main
The result of this study shows that knowledge, source of information regarding reproductive health
attitude and practice regarding pubertal changes was peer, 24 and fewer earlier studies resulted media
may vary between prepubertal girls. Variables in was the main source.25, 26
parent’s education, source of information and birth
order has a beneficial effect on better knowledge, Knowledge level on puberty
attitude and practice among pre-pubertal girls. The When the level of puberty knowledge of the study
age of study subjects in the current study ranged subjects were considered, it was established that the
from 10-14 years. The majority of study subjects majority of the central board participants were
who were in the age group of 12 years follow aware of the changes when compared to state and
Hindu religion and belong to nuclear families. A matriculation board study participants. Similar
similar result obtained from the study conducted by findings showed that majority of pre-pubertal girls
Chetana et al., (2015)21 showed that maximum (75%) have below average knowledge regarding
percentage (49%) of the participants who were in pubertal changes followed by 25% girls had an
the age group of 12 years follow the Hindu religion average level of knowledge. None of the girls had
and belong to nuclear families. In our study more good and very good knowledge regarding pubertal
number of study subjects from central board changes.27Rakhi et al., (2016)28 concluded that 50%
participants was degree graduates. Similarly urban and 25% tribal adolescents girls were aware
International study of practice regarding menstrual about secondary sexual changes during puberty.
hygiene found that maximum respondent’s father The difference in the knowledge level of the
(35%) and mother (32%) has completed high students about changes during puberty is associated
school or diploma degree. We found that with their source of information.
educational status plays an important role in
adolescent girl’s knowledge, attitude and practice Attitude level towards puberty
regarding puberty. Thus the educational status of Attitude regarding puberty changes on study
the parents has also been suggested as one of the subjects were established. The majority of central
effective factors for practice and health behaviour.22 board school participants has good attitude towards
we determined that in terms of sharing between puberty changes when compared to state and
mother and child about the changes in puberty, in matriculation board study participants. Our study
this study, girls prefer mother or sister as a major has compared with the study conducted by Manisha
source of information. Our results were consistent et al., (2016)27 revealed that nearly 41% girls
with the study done by Agarwal et al., (2007)23 reported feeling anxious, other behavioural aspects
which showed that the main source of information such as feeling emotionally labile and crying easily
was the mother, and then followed by sisters. 47%, irritable 47%, getting angry often 52% and
Hockenbery et al., (2013)3 concluded that the main 80% felt their parents were supportive and most
source of information was from the mother, and relied on their family members for discussing
then followed by friends. Maternal education problems.
played an important role in awareness about
puberty reproductive health. This signifies the Practice on puberty
importance of the mother, as an important imparter Practice towards puberty changes on study subjects
of health education regarding pubertal changes and found that the majority of the central board
she openly discusses this topic with the daughter as participant’s school has good practice towards
a well-informed adolescent can further transfer her puberty changes when compared to state and

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2019 Oct; 9(4): (P) 71-80 ISSN 2250-0480

matriculation board study participants. Self hygiene adolescent girl’s suffering from the infection to
is very important for adolescent girls and it can reproductive organ. Creating awareness concerning
prevent them from various reproductive tract puberty through health education is incredibly
infections. Our study, consistent with Sakineh et essential to assist the adolescent girls to handle
al., (2014)22 found that the student self-hygiene sexuality related problems with confidence. By
practice was moderate. Variables of age at providing correct information in school throughout
menarche, education grade, father’s education, their formal education period will be a valuable
family economic status, the main source of resource for adolescents and for their future kids.
information about puberty were found to be
predictors of practice in adolescents. Alavi et al., ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(2009)29 in their research reported that most of the
participants do not have proper practice regarding
We wish to thank all the authors and concerned
puberty. Limitations of our study were the
schools (JKK Rangammal higher secondary school,
participants in the study might have answered some
JKK Nattraja matriculation school and Royal
questions differently in order to satisfy the enquirer.
international public school) for the support to carry
There might have been some over reporting as
out our study. on this research topic.
these observations are based on self-reported
Overall, most of the participants from central board Krishnaveni Kandasamy, Shanmugasundaram
schools have good knowledge, attitude and practice Rajagopal and Sambathkumarramanathan
regarding pubertal changes when compared to conceived the ideas and guided us in conducting
matriculation board and state board. Our study this research study. Jishala MI & Pavithra K carried
resulted that based on parent’s literacy, the out the research study, evaluated the results and
knowledge, attitude and practice of the adolescent’s drafted the manscript.
girls increases. Although the mother may be a
prime source of information, probably because CONFLICT OF INTEREST
social inhibitions and lack of awareness among
mothers, only a few girls were attentive to these Conflict of interest declared none.
changes. Early awareness of puberty will prevent


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