Sex Date Of Birth Day Of Birth Time Of Birth (In Ghati) Place Of Birth Latitude Longitude Timezone Time Correction Local Birth Time Local Birth Date Sun Rise Sunset Day Duration Sidereal Time Bhayat Bhabhog Season Balance Of Dasha Lagan Lagan Lord Sign Sign Lord Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord Charan Paya(Mon-Nak) Yoga Karan Gan Yoni Nadi Varan Vashya Varg Name Alphabet
Pakistan Male 14/08/1947 Thursday 00:00:00 Hrs 43:32:41 Ghati Karachi , Pakistan 024.52 067.03 -05.30 Hrs 00.00 Hrs 22:58:12 Hrs 13/08/1947 6: 34: 55 Hrs 19: 39: 13 Hrs 13: 4: 17 Hrs 20: 23: 35 Hrs 46:25:35 Ghati 54:6:7 Ghati Varsha Rah 2Y 6M 20D Aries Mars Gemini Mercury Ardra Rahu 4 Copper-Silver Vajra Taitila Manushya Swan Addi Sudra Manushya Simha(Lion) Chha
Vikram Samvat Saka Samvat Month Lunar Paksha Lunar Tithi Tithi At Sunrise Tithi Ending Time Nak. At Sunrise Nak. Ending Time Yoga At Sunrise Yoga Ending Time Karan At Sunrise Karan Ending Time
2004 1869 Sravana Second Krishna 12 26 6:42:53 Hrs Ardra 27:3:31 Hrs Harsana 12:28:49 Hrs Balava 6:42:53 Hrs
Lucky Day Lucky No. Lucky Color Lucky Stone Metal For Stone
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Yuja Hansak
Madhya Vayu
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Fagan Ayanamsa 24: 0: 31 Degree True Position of Rahu and Ketu are given
Lagna Chart
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Karaka, Avastha
Planet Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Karaka Char Atma Putra Dara Gnati Amatya Bhratri Matri Sthir Pitra Matra Bhratra Gnati Dhan Kalatra Ayush Gyan Moksh Avastha Baladi Balak Vridh Balak Vridh Mrit Kumar Kumar Mrit Mrit Shyanadi Nidra Netrapani Bhojana Kautuka Sabha Netrapani Nidra Netrapani Gamana
Tara Chakra
Janma Ardra Swati Satabhisaj Sampat Punarvasu Vishakha P.Bhadrap ada Vipat Pushya Anuradha U.Bhadrap ada Kshem Ashlesha Jyestha Revati Pratyri Magha Mula Ashwini Sadhak P.Phalguni P.Asadha Bharani Vadh U.Phalgun i U.Asadha Krittika Mitra Hasta Sravana Rohini Atimitra Chitra Dhanistha Mrigasira
Moon Rasi
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05:14' 05:14' 00:58' 26:42' 26:42' 00:58' 05:14' 05:14' 00:58' 26:42' 26:42' 00:58' Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
22:22' 18:06' 13:50' 09:34' 13:50' 18:06' 22:22' 18:06' 13:50' 09:34' 13:50' 18:06' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
22: 22'29'' 20: 36'15'' 14: 54'49'' 09: 34'51'' 08: 14'10'' 13: 24'32'' 22: 22'29'' 20: 36'15'' 14: 54'49'' 09: 34'51'' 08: 14'10'' 13: 24'32''
Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
10 11 12
Bhav "Chalit"
Nirayana Cusps
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Vimsottari Dasa
Rahu 18 Year
Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 00/00/0000 - 00/00/0000 14/08/1947 - 18/08/1947 18/08/1947 - 16/02/1949 16/02/1949 - 06/03/1950
Jupiter 16 Year
Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah 06/03/1950 - 23/04/1952 23/04/1952 - 05/11/1954 05/11/1954 - 09/02/1957 09/02/1957 - 16/01/1958 16/01/1958 - 16/09/1960 16/09/1960 - 06/07/1961 06/07/1961 - 05/11/1962 05/11/1962 - 11/10/1963 11/10/1963 - 06/03/1966
Saturn 19 Year
Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup 06/03/1966 - 09/03/1969 09/03/1969 - 17/11/1971 17/11/1971 - 26/12/1972 26/12/1972 - 26/02/1976 26/02/1976 - 07/02/1977 07/02/1977 - 08/09/1978 08/09/1978 - 18/10/1979 18/10/1979 - 24/08/1982 24/08/1982 - 06/03/1985
Mercury 17 Year
Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat 06/03/1985 - 03/08/1987 03/08/1987 - 30/07/1988 30/07/1988 - 31/05/1991 31/05/1991 - 05/04/1992 05/04/1992 - 05/09/1993 05/09/1993 - 02/09/1994 02/09/1994 - 21/03/1997 21/03/1997 - 27/06/1999 27/06/1999 - 06/03/2002
Ketu 7 Year
Ket Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer 06/03/2002 - 02/08/2002 02/08/2002 - 02/10/2003 02/10/2003 - 07/02/2004 07/02/2004 - 07/09/2004 07/09/2004 - 03/02/2005 03/02/2005 - 22/02/2006 22/02/2006 - 29/01/2007 29/01/2007 - 09/03/2008 09/03/2008 - 06/03/2009
Venus 20 Year
Ven Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket 06/03/2009 - 06/07/2012 06/07/2012 - 06/07/2013 06/07/2013 - 07/03/2015 07/03/2015 - 06/05/2016 06/05/2016 - 06/05/2019 06/05/2019 - 04/01/2022 04/01/2022 - 06/03/2025 06/03/2025 - 05/01/2028 05/01/2028 - 06/03/2029
Sun 6 Year
Sun Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven 06/03/2029 - 24/06/2029 24/06/2029 - 23/12/2029 23/12/2029 - 30/04/2030 30/04/2030 - 25/03/2031 25/03/2031 - 11/01/2032 11/01/2032 - 23/12/2032 23/12/2032 - 29/10/2033 29/10/2033 - 06/03/2034 06/03/2034 - 06/03/2035
Moon 10 Year
Mon Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun 06/03/2035 - 04/01/2036 04/01/2036 - 05/08/2036 05/08/2036 - 04/02/2038 04/02/2038 - 06/06/2039 06/06/2039 - 04/01/2041 04/01/2041 - 05/06/2042 05/06/2042 - 05/01/2043 05/01/2043 - 04/09/2044 04/09/2044 - 06/03/2045
Mars 7 Year
Mar Rah Jup Sat Mer Ket Ven Sun Mon 06/03/2045 - 02/08/2045 02/08/2045 - 21/08/2046 21/08/2046 - 28/07/2047 28/07/2047 - 05/09/2048 05/09/2048 - 02/09/2049 02/09/2049 - 29/01/2050 29/01/2050 - 31/03/2051 31/03/2051 - 06/08/2051 06/08/2051 - 06/03/2052
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1. Rajju Yoga If Lagna is in a Chara sign and several planets are also in Chara signs then the effects of Rajju yoga can be felt. A person born in this Yoga is usually ambitious, moves from place to place in search of name and fortune, likes to travel, has the ability to take decisions quickly. The person will be intellectually unstable and have an open mind. However persons of this Yoga may change their nature from time to time. They may be doubtful and uncertain, inconstant and irresolute, unreliable and irresponsible and will be unable to go ahead and carry on with one thing. These persons sustain constant struggle in life and generally fail to accomplish in building many fixed properties.
2. Sankhya Shula Yoga All planets restricted to 3 houses. A person born in this Yoga is carefree, lazy, unkind, rejected by the society, scarred, a fighter and a person always pestering others.
3. Uttamadi (Varisht) Yoga Moon is in a Apoklima (3,6,9,12) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is has unlimited wealth, education, profeciency and fame.
4. Voshi Yoga (Mangal) Mars occupies the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga has differences with his/her mother and performs good deeds towards others.
5. Parvata Yoga Benefic planets occupying the Kendras, and 6th and 8th houses either vacant or occupied by benefics only (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is famous, distinguished, lucky, wealthy, charitable, learned, lustful and an orator.
6. Karmasiddhi Yoga The lord of the 10th house is in the Lagna, 4th, 7th or the 10th house in conjunction with a benefic (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 2/329). A person born in this Yoga will receive the fruits of the good deeds and hard work performed in life.
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7. Chandr-Mangala Yoga Moon is conjunct Mars (or they exchange mutual aspects) (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga disobeys his/her mother, engaged in business, accumulates wealth by hook or crook.
8. Raja Yoga Lords of the 4th or the 10th are in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the 9th (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/37). A person born in this Yoga attains a high & authoritative position in life.
9. Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 2nd house lord on the one hand and the 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.
10. Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 5th house lord on the one hand and the 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.
11. Karmajiva Yoga Mercury aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of Painting, sculpting, architect and mechanic works.
12. Karmajiva Yoga Venus aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of gems, cows & other cattle and cosmetics & other products related to beauty.
13. Karmajiva Yoga Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with hard work and labor like carrying loads & other lowly works, assistance jobs and detainment.
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14. Brahma Yoga Jupiter in a Kendra from 9th house lord, Venus in a Kendra from the 11th house lord and Mercury in Kendra from Lagna-lord or the 10th house lords. A person born in this Yoga possesses the worldly pleasures, is revered, learned, honest, long-lived and kind-hearted.
15. Sarira Sukhya Yoga The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus placed in a Kendra (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/98). A person born in this Yoga is long-lived, wealthy and possesses a good influence in the political field.
16. Dehakashta Yoga The Lagna lord is conjunct with a malefic or placed in 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/109). A person born in this Yoga usually does not acquire the worldly pleasures in life.
17. Krisanga Yoga The Lagna lord placed in a dry sign or a sign owned by a dry planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/83). A person born in this Yoga will possess a lean and depleted physical disposition and undergoes suffering & physical pains.
18. Ekaputra Yoga The 5th house lord is in a Kendra or a Trikona. A person born in this Yoga may possess only one child.
19. Bahu Stri Yoga The Lagna lord and the lord of 7th house are conjunct or in mutual aspect with each other. A person born in this Yoga will indulge in numerous extra-marital affairs.
20. Satkalatra Yoga The lord of the 7th or Venus are conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or Mercury. A person born in this Yoga will have a worthy and chaste spouse.
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The lord of 7th house is in 4th with Venus. A person born in this Yoga will indulge in sex excessively.
22. Arishta Yoga The Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, 8th or 12th house lords (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.
23. Madhyayu Yoga Malefics in houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 11 (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga has a medium life span.
24. Yogaristha (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga The lords of Lagna and 8th house are malefics, and 12th & 6th houses are not occupied by Jupiter (Jataka Parijata). The person is vulnerable to an early death of 18 years of age (keep in mind that this is an isolated indication that should be supported by other indications to come true - also look out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).
25. Jihvadosha Yoga Mercury as lord of 6th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/73). The person might be lacking in his/her inclination for taste in food (Rasana).
26. Kulapamshala Yoga Benefics and malefics placed in Kendras and Lagna lord without an aspect from Moon (Sambu Hora Prakasha). The person will live in a distant land, be discarded by his/her family, vulnerable to poverty and the loss of wife and children.
27. Surya-Buddh Yoga Sun and Mercury are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is polite, intelligent, learned, honest, wealth, profecient in all works and reputed.
28. Surya-Shukr Yoga Sun and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
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A person born in this Yoga is clever, profecient in weapons, earns through acting, music & dramas and the male natives may also earn through women.
29. Surya-Shani Yoga Sun and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is profecient in metal works, inclined towads religious works, learned and dominated by enemies.
30. Chandr-Mangal Yoga Moon and Mars are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is rich, courageous, victorious, skilled in metal works, deals in liquor and earthenware and has differences with mother.
31. Buddh-Shukr Yoga Mercury and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is good in talking, honest, well versed in scriptures, wealthy, well-dressed, always cheerful and owns vast lands.
32. Buddh-Shani Yoga Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is learned, wealthy, fraud, quarrelsome, inconstant in nature, skilled in many subjects, usually falls ill, disobedient towards elders and provides livelihood to many.
33. Shukr-Shani Yoga Venus and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is a sportsperson, wanders from place to place, may be in the profession of sculpting, writing or painting, and may prosper after marriage.
34. Surya-Buddh-Shukr Yoga Sun, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is learned, has a lean body, talks too much, wanders from place to place and humiliated by teachers & parents.
Sun, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is jealous, has a wicked nature, forsaken by friends and relatives and faces embarrassment.
36. Surya-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is arrogant, unskilled, inclined towards immoral acts, has a wicked desposition, faces opposition from enemies, deprived of education, attractiveness & glory and may be affected due to some skin disease.
37. Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is a wanderer, corrupt, deceitful and indulges in extra-marital affairs.
38. Surya-Buddh-Shukr-Shani Yoga Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak). A person born in this Yoga is attractive, learned, inclined towards religious deeds, happy, sincere, good in speaking and helpful to friends.
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KalSarpa Yog
There are various kinds of Yogas in a horoscope and all these yogas give rise to different kinds of results. There are both auspicious & inauspicious yogas in a horoscope. The auspicious ones produce good results whereas the inauspicious ones produce bad results. Of the various inauspicious yogas, one of them is Kalsarpa Yog. In a horoscope, when all the planets are placed in-between Rahu & Ketu, then it is called a Kalsarpa Yog. We may not find a detailed description of this yoga in the ancient astrology literatures, but we definitely cannot ignore it as well.
Even renowned ancient astrologers like Maharishi Garg, Parashar, Bhrigu, Varha Mihir etc have acknowledged Kalsarpa Yog. The ancient people have given special importance to Kalsarpa Yog. They have regarded Rahu-Ketu as Karmic planets, Rahu as the dragons head & Ketu as the dragons tail. Nobody has spoken about the good results of this Yoga. Rahu & Ketu are both shadowy planets and have no physical bodies, yet they are such inauspicious that the formation of Kalsarpa Yog due to these planets is known to give out bad results.
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KalSarpa Yog
The formation of Kalsarpa Yog in a horoscope in-between 2nd and 8th house consists of Rahu in the second house and Ketu in the eighth house. The remaining planets are situated in between the second and eighth house. As a result of this, the native always has to face problems regarding health, is not able to accumulate wealth, financial position is unstable, expenses are more than the income, debts are increased and may have to face humiliation & loss of respect. Rahu in 2nd house results in unhappiness in the natives married life and there are chances of a separation, expenses are very high may not be able to save wealth. Ketu in 8th house results in fear from animals & creatures, diseases and may have to face much inconvenience or even death during the delivery of a child. In detail, the natives never enjoy the happiness of the things related to second & eighth house.
Kalsarpa Yog results in various obstructions in a persons life till 42 years of age. Sometimes it may effect the person even after the specified period.
In detail, a person effected with Kalsarpa Yog undergoes physical problems throughout the life. The person never gets any relief from his/her troubles. There are always hurdles in acquiring education. The education that the native receives has no benefits in life. The person always has to face worries, opposition from relatives, is deprived from the happiness of children or spouse and loses energy in disputes, legal matters & quarrels. The person may also face imprisonment, betrayal from friends and trouble due to evil spirits. The person is under huge debts & the childrens marriage may be delayed or maybe deprived of children. A family member may forsake the house and there may be no news of that person for many years. A member of the family may drown or may face some accidental death. The person becomes bankrupted in business.
1. Wear a Kalsarpa ring, which is snake shaped & made of silver. This ring can be obtained from any renowned astrologer. This should be worn on Wednesday, in the small finger. Donate dry coconut, mustard etc on that day and chant the mantra of Rahu & Ketu.
2. Worship Lord Ganesha and before sunrise offer a pair of snakes made of silver on a Shivling. This should be done through a renowned astrologer.
3. Offer water daily on a Shivling after chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivah.
4. Give a silver brick of 20gms to daughter at her marriage. This remedy is for a happy married life.
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7. Donate some black dal & some money to a beggar early in the morning.
8. Keep some grains under your pillow at night & feed them to birds early in the morning.
14. Drop a coconut & a coin in the flowing water daily for 43 days.
18. Float a pair of snakes in flowing river on your birthday every year, equal to your age.
20. Buy a pair of snakes on the 5th day of Shukalpaksh or Nag Panchami, feed them with milk and free them after worship.
21. Keep a pair of snakes made of silver in a bronze vessel full of milk on the 5th day of Shukalpaksh or Nag Panchami & float the vessel in flowing water.
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Lagna Phal
Aries Is your lagan sign Your ascendent is Aries. Aries is the first sign of zodiac and it is fiery and hot by nature. You may have indigestion, ringworm and skin diseases. You are extremely frank in love affairs. You are good-natured and strong. Your disposition is quarrelsome, rough, ambitious, quick and angry, as you are ruled by Mars. You are very happy. You are not passionate and emotional. You are sharp and intelligent and you bring good name. You have bushy eyebrows and are very bold and impulsive. You possess high wisdom, courage and confidence. You always aim high and command people. You are best fitted to command and govern others. You have a muscular body. You are very fast in your actions. You are proud and give much importance to self-prestige. You under estimate others. As it is a fiery sign, your mind is always occupied with new ideas and thoughts. As Mars rules this sign, you should always take care of minor injuries and serious accidents. As you were born in Ardra nakshatra you would be insincere, will have a foul temper, but wise and intelligent. You will have a sadistic tendency and will often be ungrateful and sanguine. Your life will be usually devoid of any comforts and you may have to experience difficult times. You will have a spend thrift nature and will be undisturbed even during calamities. You will have an unproportionate physique and will gain in life after the age of 25.
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VarshPhal Details
Male 14/08/2011 Sunday 09:01:48 ------
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Bhava(Chalit) Navamsa
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Bhava(Chalit) Navamsa
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Harsha Bala
Sun First Bala Second Bala Third Bala Fourth Bala Total 0 0 5 5 10 Moon 0 0 0 0 0 Mars 0 0 5 5 10 Mercury 0 0 0 0 0 Jupiter 0 0 0 5 5 Venus 0 0 0 0 0 Saturn 0 0 5 0 5
Panchavargeeya Bala
Sun Graha Bala Uchcha Bala Hudda Bala Drekkana Bala Navamsha Bala Total
15.00 08.21 11.25 05.00 03.75 10.80
15.00 09.72 07.50 05.00 02.50 09.93
22.50 05.08 11.25 10.00 01.25 12.52
15.00 15.15 11.25 05.00 03.75 12.54
22.50 11.11 11.25 02.50 01.25 12.15
15.00 06.83 03.75 05.00 03.75 08.58
15.00 16.50 07.50 07.50 02.50 12.25
Lordship Muntha Lord Janma Lagna Lord Varsha Lagna Lord Trirashi Lord Dinaratri Lord Planet Sun Mars Mercury Moon Moon Strength
10.80 12.52 12.54 09.93 09.93
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Saham Punya Guru Prasava Yasa Mitra Mahatmya Asha Pitru Matru Jeeva Karma Kali Shastra Bandak Jadya Shatru Bandhana Samartha Kama Gaurava Karyasiddhi Ashva Bhratra Putra Roga Bandhu Mrityu Artha Paradara Vanik Vivaha Santapa Sraddha Preeti Vyapara Kanya Paradesa Apamrityu Labha Jalapatha Sign Pisces Aries Taurus Scorpio Virgo Gemini Libra Libra Pisces Aquarius Cancer Cancer Pisces Pisces Taurus Gemini Pisces Cancer Pisces Sagittarius Aries Pisces Taurus Sagittarius Aries Aries Sagittarius Scorpio Virgo Pisces Leo Virgo Scorpio Libra Cancer Pisces Gemini Gemini Pisces Leo Degree 09:12:51 00:29:51 18:33:49 10:39:16 16:46:58 01:49:15 27:52:56 27:14:15 09:51:32 08:22:08 15:48:00 07:37:10 27:47:31 04:03:12 25:01:42 28:34:45 25:32:39 15:48:00 04:03:12 09:51:50 22:53:03 17:55:31 01:20:34 19:21:58 09:12:33 05:39:30 22:52:43 14:12:42 04:12:40 04:03:12 11:49:46 22:52:47 18:06:22 26:08:21 15:48:00 29:51:10 14:12:40 27:27:43 09:12:31 01:19:48 Saham Lord Jup Mar Ven Mar Mer Mer Ven Ven Jup Sat Mon Mon Jup Jup Ven Mer Jup Mon Jup Jup Mar Jup Ven Jup Mar Mar Jup Mar Mer Jup Sun Mer Mar Ven Mon Jup Mer Mer Jup Sun
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Varsh Phal
in the Varsh Lagna your Muntha is in House No. 12
Financially this is a bad period. There is going to be a heavy loss of wealth through theft. You will incur heavy expenditure. You may develop undesirable friendships and will develop hostility towards well wishers. Your health will also not be very good. You will face a lot of disappointments.
14/08/2011-02/10/2011 in this period you will be under JupVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Jup is in house no.8
During this period, you will suffer due to mental anxiety. Physical ailments are also possible. You won't have any peace of mind and even the attitude of family members will be quite different. However your interest in occult/parapsychology will develop. Some experiences in this field are also possible. Unexpected monetary gain could be there. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to your expectations. Your friends and associates shall not keep up their promises. A sense of insecurity shall prevail in this period.
02/10/2011-28/11/2011 in this period you will be under SatVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Sat is in house no.1
During this period, there would be delay and obstacles in general pursuits. At times, a sense of insecurity will be predominant in you. You may have considerable work pressure and you may also be involved in unrewarding jobs. Your health is likely to deteriorate. Family life may not be pleasant and the health of some relative may cause some anxiety. You might face a setback due to your partners/associates negligence. However, the last phase of this period will give you some relief. It's always better to be optimistic than to be pessimistic.
28/11/2011-19/01/2012 in this period you will be under MerVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Mer is in house no.12
This period will give you some mental anxiety. Your opponents may try to damage your reputation. Your expenditures will go on increasing and sudden losses are also possible. Even health problems might disturb you and the family atmosphere may also not be harmonious. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Eventually, your mind will bend towards spiritualism. You must try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.
19/01/2012-09/02/2012 in this period you will be under KetVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Ket is in house no.9
During this period, you may come into close contact with the head of some institution. You may develop a charitable trend towards others. You might get some recognition of your inventive work. On the whole, your reputation and respect will definitely increase. You will be highly esteemed. Travel will be of great significance. Your religious/spiritual inclination will be intense. Family life shall be full of pleasure. Some auspicious ceremony may be celebrated in your family. Try to make the best use of this phase.
09/02/2012-10/04/2012 in this period you will be under VenVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Ven is in house no.11
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Success in all endeavours is assured in this period. Your friends and associates will extend their full-hearted support towards you. Long cherished hopes and desires will also materialise. Your brothers/sisters will do exceedingly well in their prospective fields. Travels are likely to bring good luck to you. Family happiness of high order is there for you. An increase of family member is also quite possible. In general, you will get on very well with friends/associates and people from different walks of life. Your expenses will be on the increase but it won't exceed your income.
10/04/2012-29/04/2012 in this period you will be under SunVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Sun is in house no.11
Your desires and ambitions will be fulfilled during this period. You will receive great help from your friends and relatives. This is the best time to enter into deals that will work out in your favour. You may get huge profits from your contracts and agreements. For love and romance, this is a very favourable period. A marked increase in your income is indicated. Long distance travels will prove to be successful and fruitful.
29/04/2012-29/05/2012 in this period you will be under MonVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Mon is in house no.6
Ventures/projects that you may undertake during this time period may not bear any fruit. Your enemies may try to tarnish your image. Your Service conditions may also deteriorate. Health problems will disturb your peace of mind. Rashness should be checked. The health of your family members may cause anxiety.
29/05/2012-19/06/2012 in this period you will be under MarVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Mar is in house no.10
During this period, you will gain through trade, profession, public or government work. You will cultivate friendship with those in good position and achieve gains and honour through them. There is also an indication if an expansion in business. You will have tremendous confidence to handle any kind of adverse situation. Your enemies will not be able to do you any harm.
19/06/2012-13/08/2012 in this period you will be under RahVarshdasha and in the Varshlagna Rah is in house no.3
During this period, you will have tremendous power and energy to carry out whatever you want, in a beautiful manner. Your fixate of purpose will be appreciated. You will also have strong will power to act positively, even in adverse conditions. Your social circle will widen in this period and there will be an enhancement in your reputation. Frequent travels could quite be in evidence. Your relationship with your brothers/sisters will be fine. You might get some encouraging news through communication. Business/trade prospects will be very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere.
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