Kaidan - Frozen Wind
Kaidan - Frozen Wind
Kaidan - Frozen Wind
An adventure recommended for 5 characters at 5th level
Jonathan McAnulty
a KAIDAN adventure by Jonathan McAnulty
Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story Copyright C 2010, Steven D. Russel, Open Gaming License Copyright C 2007
Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing LLC, and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing LLC and are
used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/PathfinderRPG/compatiblity for more
information about compatibility license.
This edition is printed and distributed, under license, by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Limited of Riverside House, Osney Mead,
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Page 1
Table of Contents
Adventure Background Page 2
Adventure Synopsis Page 3
The Introduction Page 4
Beginning the Adventure Page 5
Map of the Monastery Page 7
Miyamakoori Monastery Page 8
Appendix One: New Monsters Page 16
Appendix Two: Pre-generated Characters Page 21
Appendix Three: Gamemaster Aids Page 27
Page 2
Frozen Wind
a Kaidan Scenario for
5th level characters
Page 4
you are in as you describe the monastery, and the Encourage the players to familiarize themselves with
events therein, to the players. their characters and their character’s true mission.
Connected with each secret is an in-game goal. If you
The Introduction are using the optional Scoring rules (see Scoring
The scenario begins with the arrival of the PCs to the the Adventure hereafter) completion of a goal is
monastery during the storm. This part of the worth 2 points. Relevant areas in the monastery
adventure (described in Beginning the Adventure) contain a note reminding you of how specific PCs
is merely an introduction and should not be overly might be able to interact with the room.
long. It allows the players to introduce their
characters, meet some of the yamabushi monks, Yamabushi
including Ito, and hear the story of the monastery’s Yamabushi, are holy men, dedicated to the
founding. It ends with the PCs being assigned to study of nature and the reverence of the kami
rooms in the shrine complex. which inhabit the world. In Kaidan, yamabushi
are an archetype of the paladin class. Though
Act One: Death and the Quest for Fire this module refers yamabushi as monks, the
Act One begins with the PCs being awoken by the word monk should, in this context, be
screams of a young man, Shikigawa-san, who is understood as a religious term, not as a
sharing the cell with one of the PCs. He writhes and reference to the RPG class.
twists and then dies, frost forming on his lips.
Meanwhile, all the fires in the complex have gone
out. The temperature begins falling. The PCs should Scoring the Adventure
be compelled to investigate or find firewood. Either If you are using this adventure as a one-shot
way, their wanderings lead them into a confrontation scenario, the acquisition of XP by the PCs is not a
with ice demons (koori no oni) in the middle of the viable reward for success. Though the adventure
complex. The defeat of the koori no oni signals the itself offers the thrill of survival and the
beginning of the second act. exhilaration which comes from facing unknown
dangers in a rapidly freezing oriental monastery;
Act Two: The Frozen Dead if you wish to offer your players a further reward,
Act Two begins with the PCs having defeated the ice consider keeping a score of how well each
demons in Areas 9 and 12. When these creatures character does in a variety of areas. At the end of
are defeated, the dead yamabushi rise as mukuro- the game, the player with the highest score is
koori, animated frozen corpses similar to zombies. deemed the “winner.” This is an especially useful
The western wing of the monastery, in particular, is thing if you are playing at a convention in which
overrun with these corpses. Meanwhile, the PCs are one person gain prizes by “winning” the game.
made aware of Rimiko as she flies inot Ito’s room,
laughing with delight. This particular act can last as Award points as follows:
long or as short as need be. Surviving the Adventure (any PC) +3 points
Accomplishing the PC’s IC goal (any PC) +2 points
Engaged in “In Character” banter (any PC) +1 point
Act Three: The Snow Woman’s Wrath Zombie Killer Award (1 PC) +2 points
Act Three begins when the characters enter Area Die-Hard Award (1 PC)` +2 points
23. After a confrontation with the PCs, the yuki- Critical Award (1 PC) +1 point
onna from Area 23 to Area 10, moving from there
to Area 15, where she begins a ritual to bind the The Zombie Killer award goes to the Character
kami-shard contained in the shrine. As the PCs rush who kills the most mukurokoori. The Die-Hard
to stop her, they are slowed by the snow woman’s award is given to the character who takes the
servants: Ito, who rises as a Frost Wight, an ice most amount of damage in the adventure without
demon and the mukurokoori. The third act ends actually dying. The Critical award is given to the
when the yuki-onna is either destroyed or chased off. character who achieves the most critical hits
during the game.
The Player Characters
Eight pregenerated PCs are included with this So that keeping score does not detract from the actual
scenario. While it is not strictly necessary to use game experience, a score sheet has been provided at
these characters, you are encouraged to do so, as the end of this module in GM Aids to facilitate easily
they reflect character options available to Kaidanese keeping track of necessary information.
PCs. Each Pregenerated character also has a personal
mission which might affect how the scenario unfolds.
Page 5
Running the Adventure in Three Acts Act One: Death and the Quest for Fire
As Act One beings, all the fires in the monastery go
Beginning the Adventure out and there is a sudden drop in the temperature
Choose one of the players to use as a foil for the throughout the monastery. As the temperature
beginning of the adventure. This character is the last hovers just above freezing, all the yamabushi
of the PCs to arrive at the monastery. The others are oathsworn to Koyamata Ito, have their bodies
already inside Area 5, the dining hall. There they claimed by the forces of Jigoku (hell). As their souls
are seated with the other visitors to the monastery. are ripped from their bodies and sent into Yomi (the
Read or paraphrase the following. land of the dead), their bodies begin to freeze.
The heavy snow continues to fall as the gates of the Shikigawa-san, who is sharing the cell with one of
Miyamakoori Monastery swing open for you. the PCs, yells in pain as he writhes and and twists
Already, over half a foot of snow has accumulated and then dies, frost forming on his lips. He is not
on the mountain trail and it looks to only get worse alone. All throughout the monastery, the monks
as night deepens. Beyond the gates, warm fire light are supernaturally slain and, for a few minutes,
floods out of the complex. Two of the yamabushi
their screams echo though the halls and corridors.
monks who inhabit the monastery stand by the
gate. Though they grip naginata and are armored
in dark blue armor, they seem pleased enough to see Meanwhile the temperature in the complex
a guest and they welcome you in. continue to fall unnaturally fast. The temperature,
when events begin, has already fallen to 42 degres
One of the young monks, introduces himself as F. It continues to lose a degree a minute, for forty
Shikigawa, offers to lead you to the dining room, five minutes, until the temperature inside matches
where dinner is being served, and where you the temperature outside - a chilling -2 degrees F.
petition the head of the monastery, Koyamata Ito, As soon as the temperature drops below 40 degrees,
for a room for the night and shelter from the storm. the unprotected characters must make a DC
He confides that he dubts this will be a problem, as Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of nonlethal cold
there are already several other guests here. You damage. Characters with the Survival skill may
pass quickly by what appears to be a small but well make a DC 15 Survival check to add +2 to their
tended meditation garden. A turn to the left and you Fortitude save. They may add this bonus to one
pass through a large hall and then through a door other character for every point by which their
and into the western wall of the crevice. Woodwork Survival check exceeded the DC. So long as the
gives way to grey cut stone walls and blue stone temperature hovers between 0 and 40 degrees F,
floors. such a saving throw must be made every hour,
with the DC increasing by +1 for every previous
The dining hall is a fairly noisy place, with
save. As soon as the temperature reaches -1 degree,
something near to fifty individuals talking and
the save frequency increases to once every ten
eating within. Shikigawa shows you to a place on
minutes. Those wearing cold weather outfits need
one of the benches and then excuses himself to
return to his guard duties. check only once every hour, even when the
temperature reaches such depths. Those who take
Seated on the same bench are the remaining cold damage from the temperature are considered
characters. Allow a moment for the players to fatigued until they recover, representing frostbite
introduce their PCs to one another. Following this, and hypothermia. Outside, the snow continues to
Koyamata Ito arrives and introduces himself. He fall heavily and visibility, when not under a roof is
welcomes each of them and inquires as to the reason limited to 10 feet.
for their visit. If the PCs have any questions, allow
them to ask them. Likewise, Ito is always happy to It should be clear to the characters that something
tell the story behind his founding of the monastery. unnatural is underway and that, unless they can
Telling the story now helps set the scene for the find heat, they are to slowly succumb to the
Third Act. growing cold. As they search the complex, they
should eventurally see the demons in the midst of
Following dinner, the characters are shown to their the monastery. If they refuse to move, you should
rooms (Areas 1a). Shortly therafter, Shikigawa-san feel free to have the oni find them. Regardless, the
enters one of the cells, lays down and Act One begins. defeat of the koori no oni in Areas 10 and 13
signals the beginning of Act Two. The introduction
and the Act One should take between 1 and 2 hours.
Page 6
Act Two: The Frozen Dead need to keep track of how many minutes it takes
As Act Two begins, the forces of Jigoku act once for the PCs to reach the shrine.
more, this time raising the bodies sworn to them and
animating them as mukurokoori. Initially, these If the PCs defeat the oni in the main hall, Rimiko
corpses only move when warm, living creatures ceases her ritual and turns her attentions to
approach. The exact way in which Act Two plays defeating the characters.
out is largely dependant on the PCs and how
diligently the characters attempt to pursue their
private goals. If the PCs make their way to Area 24,
on their own, there is no need to prod them there.
However, if they need to made aware of the need,
they should either see Rimiko or hear her as she flies
to Ito’s room. You should not allow Act Two to last
longer than about an hour and if it does so, you
should take steps to move the PCs into a
confrontation with the yuki-onna.
Weapons of Kaidan
Cost Dmg (s) Dmg (m) Critical Weight
Naginata 15 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 10 lbs.
Katana 80 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 7 lbs.
Wakizashi 55 gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 3 lbs.
Naginata The naginata is a two handed martial weapon similar to a glaive and can be used as a weapon
granting reach by anyone proficient with martial weapons. Those proficient with the naginata as an exotic
weapon can use it against adjacent foes, but enjoy an increased threat range of 19-20/x3 against non-
adjacent foes.
Katana The katana functions in all ways as an Elven Curved Blade.
Wakizashi The wakizashi does slashing damage., but is otherwise mechanically identical to rapier.
Page 7
Page 8
The Miyamakoori Monastery Act One Overview
The six bodies of the monks lay here. Each corpse is
marked on the map here and throughout the complex.
The Western Quarters
The rooms and corridors built into the crevice are Act Two and Three Overview
fashioned of carved stone. Doors are of sturdy wood, The yamabushi in this area have risen as mukuro-
but have no locks. The floors are all of inlaid stone koori. If the PCs are present, they animate and attack.
polished blue stones, which contrast nicely with the
grey stone walls. Heat is uniformly provided by wood Creatures
fires, as noted in individual rooms.
There are, after Act One, six mukurokoori. They do not
animate all at once, if the PCs are in the area., but
Area 1: Cells (CR 5, XP 2400) awaken one or two a round as they register the heat of
Each cell is a five foot wide, seven foot long room of the PCs.
stone. Heat comes from the firepit at the end of the
central hall between the cells. Behind the firepit is a Mukurokoori (12) CR 2 (XP 600)
statue of a beautiful woman, her hands folded in
AC 15
prayer and a kindly smile on her face. This statue or
ones like it are found throughout the monastery. hp 16
Smoke from the fire is drawn up into a chimney pipe.
Act One: Overview Each yamabushi initiate keeps his personal gear in his
The characters are given rooms for the night in this cell. Each man has a masterwork sword, a masterwork
area (1a and 1b). The other cells are occupied by naginata, a suit of banded armor and a sack containing
yamabushi initiates. One of the initiates, a jovial personal belongings and 1d10 gold coins.
young man nichnamed Shikagawa-san (his real
name is Shikato) is forced to sleep in one of the same Area 3 - Waste Pit
rooms as the PCs. His death begins the first act. Steps lead down to a well like opening in the earth. The
stench from the hole makes it clear fresh water is not
Act Two and Three: Overview to be found down this pit. Rather, offal, waste and trash
The four yamabushi initiates in this area have risen are tossed down into the depths. The pit is 50 feet deep,
as mukurokoori. If the PCs are present, they animate with a large cavernous chamber at the bottom, but it is
and attack. otherwise harmless.
There are, after Act One, four mukurokoori in this Area 4 - Bath (CR 4 XP 1200)
area. They do not all animate at once, if the PCs are The waters in this bath are normally kept perpetually
in the area, but awaken one or two a round as they warm by arcanely heated rocks on the bottom of the
register the heat of the PCs. pool. Area 4a is the monastery’s toilet.
Page 9
Creatures Creatures
There are, after Act One, two mukurokoori in this There are, during Act Two, two mukurokoori in this area.
area. The frozen corpse from the toilet will attempt Mukurokoori (2) CR 2 (XP 600)
to bullrush a PC into the freezing waters if possible.
AC 15
Mukurokoori CR 2 (XP 600) hp 16
AC 15
hp 16 The mukurokoori are joined, in Act Three by a koori
no oni.
Area 5 - Dining Lecture Hall
(CR 2 XP 600) Koori no oni CR 5 (XP 1600)
This area serves a dual purpose in the monastery. The AC 20
monks take their meals here. They also gather in this hall hp 47
to listen to spiritual lectures delivered by the monastery
officers. This is the room in which the PCs first meet. Treasure
There are 50 gp worth of spices in the kitchen and the
Act One Overview pantry, though it takes a successful DC 15 Appraise or
A single monk is animated as a mukurokoori and Profession (cooking) check to determine which spices
attacks the PCs as they come near. actually have value. There is enough food in the bottom to
feed 40 people for 30 days.
Act Two and Three Overviews
A single lone monk lies dead on the floor. The food
frozen in his hand indicates he was having a late- Scaling the Adventure
night snack
As written, this scenario is well suited to a
Creatures party of five 5th level characters. A smaller
The single mukurokoori is the lone danger in this room. group is likely to find the adventure deadlier. If
you have only four PCs, consider giving each
Mukurokoori (4) CR 2 (XP 600) character an extra potion of cure moderate
AC 15 wounds. For groups containing only two or
hp 16 three characters, eliminate the cold aura from
each monster and add the young simple
Area 6 - Kitchen template instead.
(CR 4, XP 1200; CR 5 XP 1600)
This is the monastery’s kitchen. A counter against
the far wall holds knives, pans, clay bowls, and small The Central Halls
spice containers. There are two cooking ovens The rooms and corridors which comprise the central halls
against the east wall, both cold. Area 6a is the food are all of wood, with sliding doors and windows in most of
pantry, designed in such a way as to remain cold. It the enclosed rooms. Some of the areas, such as the
contains a frigid spring, barrels of foodstuff, dried walkway around the Garden of Meditation and the
haunches of meat, salt, spices, and a multitude of Entrance Walkway, are roofed areas open to the elements.
sealed clay vessels, each containing perserved food. All the wooden pillars in the area are painted blue, and the
ceramic tiles of the roofs are likewise blue in color. The
Act One Overview rooms, unless otherwise noted, are heated with oil brazers.
Two monks lie dead in the kitchen. They were in the
middle of preparing for the morrow’s meal when
they were struck dead. There is enough wood Area 7 - Large Training Hall (CR 2 XP 600)
between the two stoves for an hours worth of fire. This hall is used for large group exercises which do not
involve weapons. The hall is devoid of furnishings, though
Act Two Overview the walls are all hung with silk tapestries featuring the
The two monks animate as mukurokoori and attack stylized image of a beautiful woman, dressed in whihte,
anyone entering the area. standing before a snowy backdrop. Though mostly empty,
the immaculately clean hall’s wooden floors have a warm
Act Three Overview luster indicative of many hour of polishing and waxing.
A koori no oni has entered the kitchen and is rooting The southern door, and all the windows, have been flung
around, looking for food, making quite a bit of noise wide open so that the room is frigidly cold. Some snow
as it does so. If it sees the PCs, it assumes they are falls though the window. If the windows are closed, the
suitable for a snack. If the mukurokoori have not room can be heated using the oil braziers at the corners.
been dispatched they animate and assist the oni. There is enough oil for half an hour in the braziers.
Page 10
Act One Overview Area 9 - Stable and Woodshed
A single yamabushi monk lies dead on the floor, This simple building is less ornate than the rest of the
having died while practicing martial moves after monastery. There are three horses in Area 9. Like
others have gone to sleep. the PCs, the forces which brought about the death of
the monks did not affect them, though the growing
Acts Two and Three Overview cold, or the oni, might eventually. The skittish horses
The monk is animated as a mukurokoori neigh loudly, for they smell the ice demon in the
Garden of Meditation. Calming the horses requiers a
Creatures DC 18 Handle Animal check. Area 9a is the
In act two, the dead monk is animated as a mukuro- woodshed and has enough wood to last the full
koori. monastery several days. It also has ten 10 gallon clay
vessels full of tar-oil for burning in the braziers in the
Mukurokoori CR 2 (XP 600) central halls.
AC 15
hp 16 Development
IF it has not already been dealt with, a successful DC
Development 14 Perception check allows the PCs to notice
From this room, the PCs can easily see the heavy movement of the ice oni in the Garden of Meditation,
snow falling outside. Despite the snowfall, the Area 10.
woodshed (Area 9a) is visible twenty five feet to the
south. Once entering this area, the cold is more Area 10 - Garden of Meditation
noticeable and the characters likely have to make
their Fortitutde saves against the cold. The horses in CR 5, XP 1600; CR 4, XP 1200)
the stable can be heard neighing liudly. A stone path encircles a pool of water in the small, but
serene garden. Four identical statues, carved in the
Area 8 - Small Training Hall familiar beautiful woman look on from the four
corners of the garden. The garden is open to the frozen
This hall is used for smaller group exercises or
air and unprotected characters must make Fortitude
private, one on one training sessions. The hall is
saves against the cold while in the garden. Snow, a foot
furnished identically to Area 7 and also oil braziers
deep, covers the ground, affecting movement.
for heat. The windows and doors of this room are not
currently open.
Page 11
Act One Overview yard blows across the walk, making the stones slick.
It is likely that the first opponent encountered by the Moving full speed on the walk requires a DC 10
characters met here; a koori no oni examining the Acrobatics check to prevent falling.
bodies of two dead monks and enjoying the cold air.
Act One Overview
Acts Two and Three Overview Two monks, having been on guard duty, lie here dead.
The two dead monks animate as mukurokoori.
Acts Two and Three Overview
Creatures The two dead monks animate, attacking any living
The koori no oni is nine feet tall, with a single pale horn creatures which approach the walk. Outside the gate,
in the midst of his forehead. His light blue skin contrasts the snow has blown hard and deep against the gate,
with his dark blue armor, which is enchanted. making it practically impossible to open.
The two mukurokoori are also armored, increasing Mukurokoori (2) CR 2 (XP 600)
AC. While they were armed with masterwork AC 20
naginata in life, in undeath they neglect these, hp 47
leaving them on the snow covered ground.
Mukurokoori CR 2 (XP 600) The two monks having been on guard duty wore
AC 21 (+4 armor) masterwork banded mail and carried masterwork
hp 16 naginata.
Page 12
Creatures Act Three
The two oni in this room in the first Act are a Following her confrontation with the PCs in Area 24,
mismatched pair. The first is shorter and broader the yuki-onna flees into this room to corrupt and
and the second is taller and leaner. They are each awaken the shard of the kami contained in the mirror.
armed with an enchanted weapon. The ritual takes her ten minutes. If she is not
interrupted before the end of it, a great ice elemental is
Koori no Oni (2) CR 5 (XP 1600) awoken and bound to the service of the yuki-onna. If
AC 20 (+5 armor) interrupted, the yuki-onna makes one last stand, helped
hp 47 by any mukurokoori she can yet summon to the room.
Melee +1 glaive +11 (2d8+8 plus 1d6 cold)
Mukurokoori CR 2 (XP 600) See Area 24 for a complete description of the Yuki-
AC 20 (+5 armor) Onna.
hp 16
Rimiko, Yuki-Onna CR 7 (XP 3200)
Advanced Koori no Oni CR 6 (XP 2400) AC 25
AC 24 hp 58
hp 57 Morale Rimiko fights until reduced to less than
Melee +2 glaive +14 (2d8+12 plus 1d6 cold) 10 hp, at which point, she attempts to flee in her
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds. elemental form. If forced to flee, she does not
Gear +2 glaive return (for another 50 years anyway.)
Page 13
Skills Intimidate +13, Knowledge (planes) +11, Area 16 - Hall of Warriors
Perception +13, Stealth +8, Swim +13 This hall is much like Area 7, except that the hangings
SQ ice-glide (moves through ice), icewalking (spider on the wall each bear the image of a renowned warrior.
climb on ice) This hall is used for weapon training.
The armor in each room is +2 banded armor. Among
the weapons in the northernmost room is a +1 flaming
katana and the weapon rack in the southernmost room
holds a +1 longbow and 20 arrows. Each chest has,
besides clothing, 2d20 gp.
Page 14
Acts Two and Three Overview Act One Overview
Dishuko, like his subordinates, animates as a mukuro- Two older monks lie dead and frozen next to a small
koori, but his body is so strong, he is stronger as an table atop which a game of soldiers has been set up.
undead being.
Acts Two and Three Overview
Creatures The two monks animate as mukurokoori.
Apply the advanced simple template to this
Mukurokoori. Creatures
Though older than any of the other inhabitants, the
Mukurokoori CR 5 (XP 800) undead forms of the two gentleman are no different in
AC 19 abilities than any of the other mukurokoori.
hp 22
Mukurokoori (2) CR 2 (XP 600)
Treasure AC 15
Among Dishuko’s clothes is a wooden box covered in hp 16
silk cloth. Within the box is a pearl necklace worth
2000 gp. While his swords radiate magic, they are Treasure
ancestral relics belonging to the Doniya clan and will There are a multitude of valuable books in this room,
not function for anyone not of that clan. A potion of with a combined value of 2500 gp. But cataloging them
cure moderate wounds is found in the clothes. and hauling them is the work of many long hours.
Development Development
The character Tumko’s mission is to kill Dishuko and The book containing the record of births and deaths in
take back the swords he stole years before. Tumko’s the monastery is in this room. Chiyoko’s mission
benefits from his enemy clan bonus when fighting requires her to find this book. If she does so, she finds
Dishuko. Yumishiko’s special modifier is to obtain the name of the priest who brought her to the monastery.
the pearl necklace in the Dishuko room. Finding the book requires 10 minutes and a successful
DC 15 Perception check. Also in the room are the
Area 21 - Sagaki’s Room religious relics, and some are merely valuable items.
Sagaki is Koymata Ito’s second in command. His Though the room is well kept, there is little order to the
room contains his mattress, a desk, and a straw mat placement of items. Antique armors stand next to
on the floor. valuable vases, religious statues hover near a rackof
worn weapons from the first oni war and a painting of
Act One Overview the Imperial family rest in a corner behind a small
Sagaki lies dead in front of his cold fire place, a look kappa built shrine. All told the contents of the room are
of terror on his frozen bearded face. worth 10,000 gp.
Sagaki has been in contact with anti-imperial factions,
serving as a middleman. In his room is a letter he is
writing to a group of rebels. Though it is incomplete,
enough has been written to make it clear that the
name of the leader of this group is Himosa Katachi
and that the group operates out of Tsue-jo, on
Yonshu Island. Discovering this letter completes the
missions of both Kazuhiro and Fumio.
Area 22 - Library
This room is full of shelves of scrolls and thick tomes.
Page 15
Area 24 - Koyamata Ito’s Room Koyamata Ito, the Frost Wight CR 4 (XP 1200)
(CR 7 XP 3200; CR 4 XP 1200) Male frost wight
LE Medium Undead (cold)
Koyamata Ito, the founder and head of the Myama-
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., snow vision;
koori Monastery, dwells in the largest room in the
Perception +8
monastery. The furnishings in the room are expensive,
but tasteful. Ito lives well, but not extravagantly so.
Like the other monks, he keeps a straw mat on the floor
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
next to his futon. A dresser, with a small mirror sits
hp 26 (4d8+8)
near to the fireplace. A single wall hanging, besides the
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
stairs, is similar to those in Area 7, though the one in
Defensive Abilities undead traits; Immune cold
Ito’s room shows a young man kneeling before the
Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability, vulnerable to fire.
image of the woman. A shuttered balcony off of the
room overlooks the monastery, allowing a view of most
of the grounds, including the front gate. The balcony
Spd 30 ft,
sits 25 feet above the floor of the monastery grounds.
Melee slam +5 (1d4 plus 1d6 cold plus energy drain)
Special Attacks create spawn, energy drain (1 level,
Act One Overview
DC 14)
Ito lies dead near to his bed
Act Two Overview During Combat Twisted and Insane, Ito tears into
Rimiko, the yuki-onna, flies into this room through the the creature closest to him, fighting until that
balcony and begins to take it for her own. individual is destroyed and then moving on to the
next target.
Act Three Overview Morale Ito fights until destroyed.
When confronted, seriously, by the characters,
Rimiko flees to the Garden and then makes her way Statistics
into the Inner Shrine to awaken the kami. Str 10, Dex 14, Con -, Int 11, Wis 13, Chr 15
Meanwhile Ito animates as a frost wight. Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Creatures Skills Intimidate +9, Knowledge (religion) +7,
Those who have seen the statues, tapestries and Perception +8, Stealth +16; Racial Modifiers +8 stealth
screens around the monastery, each feature the Languages Kaidanese
image of a beautiful woman, have seen Rimiko, or a SQ Create Spawn
close approximation thereof. Her fair skin and white
hair create a stunning portrait of beauty, and her Treasure
flowing white robes give her an air of elegance. She is Besides Rimiko’s headband of alluring charsima +2, the
quite evil, however, and very desirous of making the furnishings in this room are worth 500 gp. Koyamata’s
monastery her own habitation. masterwork katana hangs on one wall along with an
efficient quiver full of 20 +1 arrows. A chest containing the
Rimiko, Yuki-Onna CR 7 (XP 3200) monastery’s treasury of 500 gp, and two potions of cure
AC 25 moderate wounds, rests at the foot of the futon. It is locked
hp 58 (Disable Device DC 20) but Ito has the key on him.
Morale If she takes more than 30 points of
damage, Rimiko flees the room in her Development
elemental form, using Acrobatics to move If she manages to flee, Rimiko commands her frozen minions
through the PCs without provoking an attack to arise and move to dealy any following her to the Shrine. On
of opportunity and making her way to the the desk is a book of poetry entitled “The Cranes of the Green
shrine. Cliffs.” Finding and claiming this book completes Suzume’s
Gear Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (+1 mission. Also on the desk is a diary. The last entry, made
to all DCs) before Ito died noted how much Shika looks like her mother.
Also on the desk is a drawing of Shika’s mother, who
In life, Koyamata Ito was a tall man, unbowed by his reminded the monk of the woman of his vision.
years. His greying hair was cut close to his scalp and
he seldom wore armor, preferring the white and blue Concluding the adventure
robes of the monastic order. In undeath, his Once the yuki-onna is slain or flees, the storm stops
handsome features become twisted and malevolent, and the temperature rises. If there is still time the PCs
his eyes burn with a cold blue flame, and his teeth should finish their quests. Then calculate the Scores.
and nails become sharp, like pieces of glass or ice.
Page 16
Appendix 1: New Monsters
AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+3 armor, +8
natural, -1 size)
hp 47 (5d10+20); regeneration 3 (fire)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +4
Resist Electricity 10; Immune cold, poison
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire.
Spd 40 ft., fly 30 ft., Ice-walk
Melee masterwork naginata +11 (2d8+7 plus 1d6 cold)
Range icy sphere +5 touch (2d6 cold)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks frost aura, icy sphere (DC 13)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15) 3/day - invisibility (DC 13)
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Chr 12
Base Atk +5, CMB +11; CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon
Focus (glaive)
Skills Bluff +9, Climb +13 (+23 on ice covered
surfaces), +4 Stealth
Languages Abyssal (Jigoku dialect), Giant, Kaidanese,
SQ change shape (medium or large humanoid, large
ice elemental; alter self, elemental body II, giant form I)
Gear standard (studded leather armor, masterwork
Environment cold mountains
Organization solitary, pair, gang (3-4 assorted oni)
Treasure standard
Page 17
Mukurokoori (Frozen Corpse)
The corpse shambling towards you is blue from the
cold and ice is caked on its dead skin. Similar to
zombies, mukurokoori are animated corpses brought
to life in order to serve evil powers of cold and ice.
These icy corpses typically do as they are bid by their
creators. When not given a task, they cease to move,
resting, frozen in postion, until living creatures
approach. Then they begin to move in order to slay
those whose still-living warmth so offends them.
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits.
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire
Spd 20 ft; Ice-walk
Melee slam +6 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks freezing touch
Str 19, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Chr 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats great fortitude, toughness
Environment any cold
Organization any
Treasure incidental
Special Abilities
Freezing touch (Su) Those struck by the mukuro-
koori slam attack must succeed at a DC 11 Fortitude
save or take 1d6 points of cold damage and 2 points
of Dexterity damage for 1d4 minutes.
Cold Aura (Su) A mukurokoori radiates an aura of
intense cold. All creatures within 5 feet of the
undead monster take 1d6 points of cold damage.
Ice-walk (Ex) The mukurokoori can move across
icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to
make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice or
Page 18
Rimiko (Yuki-Onna)
Page 20
Yuki-Onna (Snow Woman) Orisons (at will) - create snow, crystal symbol, detect
magic, know direction, light, read
Dressed all in white, with pale skin and hair of
magic, resistance
white, this enchantingly beautiful woman smiles
wickedly into the snowy night.
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 24
The yuki-onna are ancient spirits of the snow and ice.
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 23 (can’t be tripped)
Typically evil and cruel, these creatures wear the form
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
of a beautiful woman. Most yuki-onna are tied to a
[Knowledge (nature)] Weapon Finesse
single geographic area, such as a forest or mountain.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +19, Fly
Some of these, in areas of lasting cold, employ lesser
+23, Knowledge (nature) +19, Knowledge (planes)
oni as minions and maintain small mountain estates,
+16, Perception +15, Perform (sing) +19, Sense
in imitation of human nobles. Others merely haunt
Motive +15, Stealth +15 (+23 snow); Racial +8 stealth
their territories, working mischief as it suits them.
(in snow)
While popular romances tell of yuki-onna who fall in
Languages Abyssal (Jigoku dialect), Draconic, Giant,
love with mortal men, such occurences are rare.
Kaidanese, Sylvan
More often, a yuki-onna spares a man only when she
SQ change shape (medium or large air, ice, or snow
perceives she might gain some advantage.
elemental, elemental body I and II), trackless
While the majority of yuki-onna are now evil, they
were not always so. Some speculate they came under
Environment cold mountains and forests
the power of yama-uba, mountain hags in league with
Organization solitary
the oni. Regardless of how it happened, the yuki-
Treasure standard
onna are allies of the oni and have, as a race, rejected
their celestial roots. They actively work to torment
Special Abilities
their kami kin; at least until it is clear the oni truly
Breath of Frost (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, the
have the upper hand in their war against humanity.
yuki-onna can unleash a freezing breath attack (20 ft.
cone, 9d6 cold damage, DC 15 Reflex save for half,
Yuki-Onna CR 7 (XP 3200)
usable every 1d4 rounds)
NE Medium outsider (cold, evil, extraplanar) Chilling Kiss (Su) As a standard action, a yuki-
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., snow-vision; onna can kiss a willing or helpless character, inflicting
Perception +15 9d6 points of cold damage (no save) and 3d6 points
Aura Cold of Dexterity damage (DC 15 Fortitude for half)
Cold Aura (Su) A yuki-onna radiates an aura of
Defense intense cold. All creatures within 5 feet of her take 1d6
AC 25, touch 18, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +4 points of cold damage.
deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural) Meld into Ice (Sp) Meld into ice functions as meld
hp 58 (9d10 +9) with stone, but all references to stone in the text of
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7 the spell are replaced with the word ice
DR 5/+1; Immune cold, poison; Resist electricity 10; Snow Vision (Ex) Yuki-onna can see perfectly well
SR 18 in snowy conditions and does not suffer any penalties
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire to perception while in snow.
Spells A yuki-onna cast spells as a 7th level sorcerer, but
Offense she draws her spells from the druid list. She gains no other
Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) class features from either the druid or sorcerer classes
Melee unarmed attack +12 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 cold) Trackless A yuki-onna leaves no tracks or footprints of
Special Attacks Chilling Kiss, Breath of Frost any kind and can never be tracked using the Survival skill
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13)
At will - meld into ice* invisibility, control New Spell Explanations
weather. Animate element: range 40 ft.; duration 7 rounds;
Spells Known (CL 7th) effect creates a small ice elemental under the control
3rd (6/day) - cure moderate wounds, wind wall, of the yuki-onna
2nd (8/day) - chill metal (DC 19), fog cloud, Create Snow: range 40 ft.; effect 14 gallons of snow,
resist energy spaced as desired.
1st (8/day) - animate element (snow or ice), Crystal Symbol: range 40 ft.; effect ranged attack
charm animal (DC 18), endure deals 1d3 points of damage; special The symbol is a
elements, obscuring mist, speak snow-flake.
with animals
Page 19
Appendix 2: Pregenerated Player Characters
The following pages contain Pregenerated Characters suitable for
use with The Frozen Wind. Each sheet can be printed and
handed to players.
Page 21
Chaotic Good Human (female) Sorcerer (fire) 5 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +1 (+2) (+2) (+2) [+7]
HP 40 HD: 5d6+20 Reflex: +1 (+2) (+2) [+5]
AC 14 (18) Flatfooted 14 (18) Touch 14 (18) Will: +4 (+1) (+2) [+7]
(+4 armor, +4 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD +2 / +2 / 12
Strength 10 (-)
Dexterity 11 (-) Senses: perception +1
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 12 (+1) Speed: 30 ft.
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 18 (+4)
Initiative: +0
Page 22
Doniya Tsuyoshi
Neutral Good human (male) ranger (yojimbo) 5 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +4 (+1) [+7]
HP 47 HD: 5d10+15 Reflex: +4 (+1) [+5]
AC 20 Flatfooted 18 Touch 12 Will: +1 (+1) (+2) [+4]
(+8 armor, +1 Dexterity; +1 Dodge)
BAB/CMB/CMD +5 / +9 / 20
Strength 20 (+5)
Dexterity 12 (+1) Senses: perception +12
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (-) Speed: 20 ft.
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 11 (-) Honor: 2
Initiative: +7
Page 23
Hayashi Kazushiro
Lawful Neutral human (male) fighter 5 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +4 (+3) [+7]
HP 57 HD: 5d10+25 Reflex: +1 (+2) [+3]
AC 22 Flatfooted 20 Touch 12 Will: +1 [+1]
(+10 armor, +2 Dexterity)
BAB/CMB/CMD +5 / +7 / 19
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2) Senses: perception +10
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (-) Speed: 20 ft.
Wisdom 10 (-)
Charisma 8 (-1) Honor: 2
Initiative: +2
Page 24
Maeda Tatsuo
Lawful Good Human (male) paladin (yamabushi) 5 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +4 (+1) (+2) [+5]
HP 42 HD: 5d10+10 Reflex: +1 (+2) [+6]
AC 10 Flatfooted 16 Touch 10 Will: +4 (+2) (+2) [+2]
(+6 armor)
BAB/CMB/CMD +5 / +7 / 17
Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 10 (-) Senses: perception +2
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (-) Speed: 20 ft.
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Initiative: +5
Special Actions
Melee: bonded +2 Katana +10 (1d10+5; 18-20/x2) Smite Evil: Up to twice per day, select an evil
target. All attacks are at +2 to hit and you gain +5
Special Qualities: Aura of Good to damage until they are defeated
Detect Evil (at will)
Smite Evil 2/day Lay on Hands: You may heal 2d6 points of
(+2 attack/+5 damage) damage up to 4 times per day by touching a target.
Wild Empathy (+5) Healing others is a standard action, but healing
Lay on Hands (4/day) self is a swift action.
(heals 2d6 + fatigue)
Sword Bond (+1 for 5 minutes) Sword Bond: You may awaken the kami shard
Spells within your sword, increasing its bonus by +1 for 5
minutes. You may, instead of the +1 bonus, choose
Favored Class: Paladin (yamabushi) +5 hp to add one of the following properties: defending,
keen, shocking, thundering.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana),
Skill Focus (acrobatics), Weapon Focus (Katana)
Trained Skills
Acrobatics +11 (+16 jumping)
Diplomacy +10 Special Mission
Handle Animal +7 Tatsuo was raised by tengu yamabushi and
Knowledge (nature) +11 trained in their way. He has decided to attempt a
Knowledge (religion) +9 unification of the tengu traditions and the human
Stealth +8 traditions. To facilitate this, he wishes to study
Survival +10 the religious texts of the Miyamakoori Monastery.
Languages: Kaidanese
+2 Katana (bonded)
Ring of Jumping (+5)
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Masterwork Breastplate
Flint and Steel
Small Bronze Mirror
Silver scissors
Page 25
Miyamoto Fumio
Chaotic Good Human (male) rogue 5 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +1 (+1) [+2]
HP 36 HD: 5d8+10 Reflex: +4 (+3) [+7]
AC 16 Flatfooted 12 Touch 16 Will: +1 [+1]
(+2 armor; +3 Dexterity; +1 Dodge)
BAB/CMB/CMD +3 / +4 / 17
Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 16 (+3) Senses: perception +8
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2) Speed: 20 ft.
Wisdom 10 (-)
Charisma 11 (-)
Initiative: +3
Special Actions
Melee: Masterwork +2 Katana +10 (1d10+1; 18-20/x2) Sneak Attack: If target is denied Dexterity or
flanked add +3d6 to damage.
Special Qualities: Sneak Attack
Trap Finding Mobile: Fumio has a +19 to Acrobatics checks
Evasion made to move through threatened spaces and if he
Trap Sense +1 does provoke an attack, he gains a +4 to AC
Lay on Hands (4/day)
Uncanny Dodge
Bracers of Shadow Armor +2
Ring of Mobile Warrior (+5)
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Masterwork Katana
Thieves Tools
Scribes Tools
Flint and Steel
Candles (10)
Page 26
Chaotic Good Human (female) Fighter 5 Rogue 3 Saving Throw
Fortitude: +4 (+1) [+5]
HP 36 HD: 2d10 + 3d8 + 8 Reflex: +3 (+3) [+6]
AC 17 Flatfooted 13 Touch 14 Will: +1 (+2) [+3]
(+3 armor; +3 Dexterity; +1 Dodge)
BAB/CMB/CMD +4 / +5 / 18
Strength 12 (+2)
Dexterity 17 (+3) Senses: perception +8
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2) Speed: 30 ft.
Wisdom 10 (-)
Charisma 11 (-)
Initiative: +7
+1 Longbow (20 arrows)
+1 Leather Armor
Smoky Form Tattoo, minor
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Masterwork Katana
Thieves Tools
Loaded Dice and Normal Dice
4 days Rations
Page 26
Appendix 3: Gamemaster Aids
The following pages contain Combat Cards, a Temperature Chart, a Countdown Track,
and a Score Chart. After cutting these Aids out and Laminating them, you can mark on
them with eraseable markers, as needed, from game to game.
Temperature Chart: This simple chart allows you to keep track of the temperature as it
drops and contains reminders concering Saving Throws.
Countdown Track: This track is for keeping track of the 10 minutes need for Rimiko to
bind the kami avatar to herself.
Score Chart: This chart contains the names of the PCs and information on scoring the
adventure. Fill it in as the adventure progresses to aid in determining the best PC/Player.
Page 27
Temperature Chart
50 Degrees
- 42 degrees (starting temperature; -1 degree per minute)
40 Degrees DC 15 Fortitude save 1/hour; 1d6 cold; +1 DC for each additional save
- DC 15 Survival check adds +2 to Fortitude save
30 Degrees
20 Degrees
10 Degrees
0 Degrees DC 15 Fortitude save 1 per 10 minutes at -1 degree; as above
- -2 degrees (final temperature)
-10 Degrees
Those wearing cold weather outfits need check only once every hour, even when the temperature reaches
-1 degree. Those who take cold damage from the temperature are considered fatigued until they recover,
representing frostbite and hypothermia.
Countdown Track
minutes - rounds
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10!
Page 28
Score Sheet
Player Character Mukurokoori Slain Criticals Damage Taken
Doniya Tsuyoshi
Hayashi Kazuhiro
Kojima Suzume
Maeda Tatsuo
Miyamoto Fumio
Yamamoto Shika
Points Total
Doniya Tsuyoshi
Hayashi Kazuhiro
Maeda Tatsuo
Miyamoto Fumio
Yamamoto Shika
Page 29
Trekking along the high mountain trail five
lonely travelers find themselves in grave
danger. Caught in a fierce and unseasonal
snowstorm, they must take shelter in
Miyamakoori Monastery, a shrine of the
yamabushi, located within a crevice near the
summit of a mountain. The yamabushi shrine
offers the only refuge for travelers along the
highland trail. On this night, however, a
powerful spirit of Jigoku, and her demonic
entourage, has come to settle an old agree-
ment between the abbot and herself. As a
cold and unspeakable darkness falls upon
the monastery, the travelers must use all the
resources at their disposal to survive...
A One-Shot Adventure for
five characters at 5th level
designed for use with the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Jonathan McAnulty
Rite Publishing