Assessment of The Removable Orthodontic Treatment Outcome Using Peer Assessment Rating Index
Assessment of The Removable Orthodontic Treatment Outcome Using Peer Assessment Rating Index
Assessment of The Removable Orthodontic Treatment Outcome Using Peer Assessment Rating Index
Removable appliances are the appliances that can be removed by the patient
without any supervision by the orthodontist. Removable orthodontic appliances are
useful in a variety of situations but present the inherent disadvantage of the treatment
being in the control of the patient.1
Evaluation of the orthodontic treatment result aids to establish aims, to set
standards and to reach a measurable finish for completed treatment for patients. Also,
it is helpful for educational reasons for postgraduate orthodontic programs. Usually,
evaluation of orthodontic treatment has been done by using the subjective estimation
and knowledge of the clinician.2
Figure 2: PAR scoring sheet used to record 11 parts of study on dental casts.
After measurements and giving a specific for pair comparisons. P-values less than 0.05
score to each part, the scores added to each were considered to be statistically significant.
other and raw data scores were achieved. But
since the total scores were not sufficient for Results
the evaluation of occlusion improvement and On the basis of weighted PAR criteria, the
standard treatment, the other points had been difference between scores before and after
considered as PAR index was measured for treatment was significant for anterior
each model and weighted according to criteria maxillary segment (P<0.001), overjet
of Richmond et al.11 (P<0.001), overbite (P<0.001) and midline
The grades achieved for each segment of (P<0.001), buccal occlusion in transverse and
occlusion were multiplied by the related antero-posterior section (P=0.01). On the other
coefficient and the final result is found for hand, a non-significant difference was
each segment. These figures were added recorded regarding buccal occlusion in vertical
together and called weighted PAR criteria. sections (P=0.99) (Table 1, 2 and 3). The
After 4 weeks, intra- and inter examiner difference between the total scores of PAR
calculation was re-performed on 15 randomly- index before and after treatment was
selected dental casts by estimating Pearson significant (P<0.001). Total average of
correlation coefficient. Results showed decreased percentage of PAR index was
excellent reliability. At the end, the data calculated as 56.6% (Table 4). Also, on the
analyzed on the basis of our goals in order to basis of the current study, 9.37% of samples
evaluate treatment success. Data analysis was had “with no difference or worse” grades,
done by means of SPSS software. The applied 71.87% had “improvement” grade and 18.75%
test for analysis was Wilcoxon signed rank test had “complete improvement” grade.
Table 1: Evaluation of removable orthodontic treatment according to Peer Assessment Rating indexes.
Orthodontic treatment
Anterior maxillary
4.578(1.88) 1.75(1.6) 1 4.57(1.88) 1.75(1.6) < 0.001
Ant-post 0.75(1.41) 0.4375(1.1) 1 0.75( 1.41) 0.4375(1.1) 0.01
Table 2: Evaluation of removable orthodontic treatment according to Peer Assessment Rating indexes for female
Orthodontic treatment
Table 3: Evaluation of removable orthodontic treatment according to Peer Assessment Rating indexes for male
Orthodontic treatment
Score of PAR Weighted PAR
Male degree degree
degree before degree after P Value
before after
Mean ( SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Anterior maxillary
4.63 (1.26) 1.57(1.34) 1 4.63 (1.26) 1.57(1.34) < 0.001
Ant-post 0.83(.94) 0.46(.57) 1 0.83(.94) 0.46(.57) 0.01
Trans Buccal 0.53(1.24) 0.21(.87) 1 0.53(1.24) 0.21(.87) 0.01
Vertical .026(.14) 0 1 .026(.14) 0 0.99
Over jet .95(1.04) 0.42(.95) 6 5.7(6.24) 2.52(5.7) <0.001
Over bite .83(1.32) 0.54(1.12) 2 1.66(2.64) 1.08(2.24) < 0.001
Center line .28(.56) 0.14(.43) 4 1.12(2.24) .56(1.72) < 0.001
Total 8.076(1.34) 3.34(.46) 16 14.49(2.37) 6.4(0.78) < 0.001
Table 4: Amount of decreased percentage of weighted PAR index after removable orthodontic treatment.
Amount of decrease
percentage mean (SD)
Anterior maxillary segment 61.7 (4.8)
Ant-post 41.66 (14.43)
Trans 55.35 (23.94)
Vertical 0 (0)
Over jet 63(35.43)
Over bite 35.21 (22.71)
Center line 36 (21.26)
Total 56.6 (36.48)