Tesla Steeple: Social Factors Economic Factors
Tesla Steeple: Social Factors Economic Factors
Tesla Steeple: Social Factors Economic Factors
Social Factors
-Tesla’s owner, Elon Musk is the 2nd richest Economic Factors
man in the world and is very vocal on social
media. Specifically, on Twitter, Elon Musk The reduced cost of batteries helps Tesla's business success. This external aspect,
has over 61 million followers. for example, results in the company's electric vehicle goods being affordable. As
-Due to the car being run on electricity an external factor that makes Tesla's goods more appealing, this PEST research
rather than harmful gas, Tesla has received includes reducing renewable energy prices. As renewable energy solutions gain in
positive responses from their customers popularity, the business improves. Economic instability, particularly in Europe and
-Due to laws in the state of manufacturing Asia, poses a danger to the company's financial performance. Despite the
labor laws state that non-exempt possibility of economic instability in the distant or macro-environment of the
employees are entitled to 1.5x their regular automobile sector, this section of Tesla, Inc.'s PEST study reveals considerable
pay for hours worked beyond 8 per day (or prospects for development.
Tesla's global economy is improving, and electric vehicle sales are increasing.
40 per week)
Electric vehicle prices are falling, making them more accessible.
Technological Factors
The Tesla Model S body is made up of 98 percent aluminum and is made up
of between 50 and 60 different coils of aluminum for various components. In Ethical Factors
a blanking machine, the coils are unwound, flattened, and sliced; further
cutting is done with a laser cutter.
Tesla promotes the public using clean
Tesla places a premium on word-of-mouth marketing and recommendations. energy, efficient technologies, and
Tesla effectively markets to its consumers by not marketing to them directly. It technological lifestyle as a goal to
encourages others, particularly consumers, to sell on their behalf. develop a “sustainable” society
Tesla's long-term goal is to produce a diverse variety of vehicles, including Obeying the law, both in letter and spirit,
family cars that are affordable. This is due to Tesla's primary purpose of is the foundation on which Tesla’s ethical
assisting in the acceleration of the transition from a mine-and-burn
hydrocarbon economy to a solar-electric economy, which Elon Musk, the standards are built.
company's CEO, thinks is fundamental, but not exclusive, sustainable answer. Tesla becomes greatly well-known in the
public and hence accumulating more and
more potential customers, such actions
attract more investors and talented
employees for the firm.
Political Factors
A $465 million Advanced Technology Vehicles Legal Factors
Manufacturing (ATVM) loan was one of the most Supercharger Fair Use Policy
visible subsidies Tesla has ever received. This policy specifies the intended and fair
SIDE NOTE Tesla, Inc. has the chance to improve its financial usage while charging your Tesla at
performance by taking advantage of government Supercharger stations across the world for a
PEST is also a great analysis incentives. This aspect has to do with the company's convenient and uniform experience.
tool to break down a business activities and goods emitting as little carbon as Payment Terms
and find its strengths and possible. When paying for Tesla goods or services,
weaknesses The corporation may develop its activities abroad these conditions provide a uniform
thanks to the growing number of free trade experience and give explicit information
agreements. The macro-environment, however, is about how your data is collected, managed,
and kept for taxation purposes.
conducive to Tesla's general competitive strategy Various countries have increased their
and intense growth tactics, which include market laws relating to car standards.
penetration, because of the political stability of
large markets.
Ecological Factors
-Ecologically Tesla succeeds as they run on
electrically run batteries. Countries are starting to
adopt electrically charged vehicles as there are
1,826 charging stations worldwide.
-Certain countries gain electricity from burning fossil
fuels and releasing carbon emissions. Thus if Tesla
requires a charge they will be burning the same
amount of gasses a car emits in a week.
Adamkhankasi. “Ansoff Matrix of Tesla Motors.” Ansoff Matrix, 22 Feb. 2020, https://ansoffs.com/ansoff-matrix-of-tesla-motors/ .
“Legal: Tesla UAE.” Tesla, https://www.tesla.com/en_ae/about/legal.
“Tesla Swot & PESTLE ANALYSIS: SWOT & PESTLE.” SWOT & PESTLE.com, 4 Sept. 2020, https://www.swotandpestle.com/tesla-inc/ .