Consumptive Coagulopathy
Consumptive Coagulopathy
Consumptive Coagulopathy
FFP fresh-frozen plasma; ICU intensive care unit; LOS length of stay; NS not
stated; RBC red blood cells.
Seriously low platelet concentrations are likely if petechiae are
abundant or if clotted blood fails to retract within an hour or
so. Confirmation is provided by a platelet count. If there is
associated severe preeclampsia syndrome, there may also be
qualitative platelet dysfunction (Chap. 40, p. 738).
Prothrombin and Partial Thromboplastin Times
Prolongation of these standard coagulation tests may result
from appreciable reductions in procoagulants essential for generating
thrombin, from very low fibrinogen concentrations, or
from appreciable amounts of circulating fibrinogen-fibrin degradation
products. Prolongation of the prothrombin time and
partial thromboplastin time need not be the consequence of
consumptive coagulopathy.
■ Placental Abruption
This is the most common cause of severe consumptive coagulopathy
in obstetrics and is discussed on page 793.
■ Preeclampsia Syndrome
Endothelial activation or injury is a hallmark of preeclampsia,
eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome. In general, the clinical severity
of preeclampsia is directly correlated with thrombocytopenia
and fibrinogen-fibrin degradation products (Levi, 2010b;
Kenny, 2014). That said, intravascular coagulation is seldom
clinically worrisome. Delivery reverses these changes, and treatment
until then is supportive. These syndromes are discussed in
detail in Chapter 40.
■ Fetal Death and Delayed Delivery
Consumptive coagulopathy associated with prolonged retention
of a dead fetus is unusual today because fetal death can
be easily confirmed and there are highly effective methods for
labor induction. Currently, the syndrome is only occasionally
encountered when there is one dead twin fetus and an ongoing
pregnancy. With singleton pregnancies, if the dead fetus
is undelivered, most women enter spontaneous labor within 2
weeks. Gross disruption of maternal coagulation rarely develops
before 4 weeks (Pritchard, 1959, 1973). After 1 month, however,
almost a fourth will develop consumptive coagulopathy.
The pathogenesis of coagulopathy appears to be mediated
by thromboplastin released by the dead fetus and the placenta
(Jimenez, 1968; Lerner, 1967). Typically, the fibrinogen concentration
falls during 6 weeks or more to levels that are normal
for nonpregnant adults, but in some cases, this declines
to 100 mg/dL. Simultaneously, fibrin degradation product
and d-dimer levels become elevated in serum, and moderate
thrombocytopenia develops (Pritchard, 1973). If enough time
elapses to seal the placental-decidual interface, these coagulation
defects may correct spontaneously before evacuation
(Pritchard, 1959).
■ Amnionic-Fluid Embolism
This uniquely obstetrical syndrome was described in 1941 by
Steiner and Lushbaugh and became classically characterized by
the abrupt onset of hypotension, hypoxia, and severe consumptive
coagulopathy. Even so, amnionic-fluid embolism has great
individual variation in its clinical manifestation. For example,
only one of these three clinical hallmarks predominates in some
affected women.
Despite variations in the reported incidence of this uncommon
but extremely important complication, many reports
describe a similar frequency. A study that included 3 million
births in the United States cited an estimated frequency of
7.7 cases per 100,000 births (Abenhaim, 2008). The United
Kingdom Obstetric Surveillance System reported an incidence
of 2.0 per 100,000 births (Knight, 2010). And review of more
than 4 million births in Canada yielded an incidence of 2.5
per 100,000 births (Kramer, 2012). Another review of data
from five high-resource countries cites frequencies from 1.9 to
6.1 per 100,000 deliveries. The case-fatality rates in all of these
studies ranged from 11 to 43 percent. From another perspective,
amnionic-fluid embolism was the cause of 10 to 15 percent
of all pregnancy-related deaths in the United States and
Canada (Berg, 2003; 2010; Clark, 2008; Kramer, 2012).
Predisposing conditions are rapid labor, meconium-stained
amnionic fluid, and tears into uterine and other large pelvic veins.
Other risk factors commonly cited include older maternal age;
postterm pregnancy; labor induction or augmentation; eclampsia;
cesarean, forceps, or vacuum delivery; placental abruption or previa;
and hydramnios (Knight, 2010, 2012; Kramer, 2012). The
association of uterine hypertonus appears to be the effect rather
than the cause of amnionic-fluid embolism. This is likely because
uterine blood flow ceases when intrauterine pressures exceed 35
to 40 mm Hg. Thus, a hypertonic contraction would be the least
likely circumstance for amnionic fluid and other debris to enter
uterine veins (Clark, 1995). Because of this, there is also no association
between this disorder and hypertonus from oxytocin.
In obvious cases of amnionic-fluid embolism, the clinical picture
is unquestionably dramatic. The classic example is that of
a woman in the late stages of labor or immediately postpartum
who begins gasping for air and then rapidly suffers seizures or
cardiorespiratory arrest complicated by massive hemorrhage
from consumptive coagulopathy. It has become apparent that
there is a variation in the clinical manifestations of this condition.
For example, we and others have managed several women
in whom otherwise uncomplicated vaginal or cesarean delivery
was followed by severe acute consumptive coagulopathy
without overt cardiorespiratory difficulties. In those women,
consumptive coagulopathy appears to be the forme fruste of
amnionic-fluid embolism (Kramer, 2012; Porter, 1996).
Some amnionic fluid commonly enters the maternal circulation
at the time of normal delivery through a minor breach
in the physiological barrier between maternal and fetal compartments.
Thus, it is fortunate that infused amnionic fluid
is generally innocuous, even in large amounts (Adamsons,
1971; Stolte, 1967). At delivery, squames, other cellular elements
of fetal origin, and trophoblasts can be identified in
maternal peripheral blood (Clark, 1986; Lee, 1986). These
are presumed to enter venous channels from the placental
implantation site or from small lacerations that inevitably
develop in the lower uterine segment or cervix with delivery.
Although these events are usually innocuous, amnionic
fluid constituents in some women initiate a complex series of
pathophysiological sequelae shown in Table 41-7. The wide
range of clinical manifestations underscores the subjective
nature of diagnosis of many of these women.
Considering the wide spectrum of cardiovascular pathophysiological
aberrations and sometimes profound coagulopathy, one
can reasonably conclude that amnionic fluid and its constituents
have a multitude of actions. For example, tissue factor in
amnionic fluid presumably activates factor X to incite coagulation
(Ecker, 2012; Levi, 2013). Others that have been described
include endothelin-1 expressed by fetal squames, phosphatidylserine
expressed by amnion, and complement activators (Khong,
1998; Zhou, 2009). An anaphylactoid reaction with complement
activation has been postulated because serum levels of tryptase
and histamine are also elevated (Benson, 2001; Clark, 1995).
Animal studies in primates and goats have provided important
insights into central hemodynamic aberrations caused
by amnionic fluid infused intravenously (Adamsons, 1971;
Hankins, 1993). In general, evidence for fetal debris embolization
and toxicity increases with the volume infused and
the amount of meconium contamination (Hankins, 2002). If
a response is evoked, its initial phase consists of pulmonary
and systemic hypertension. A similar response was reported
in a woman in whom transesophageal echocardiography was
performed within minutes of collapse. Findings included a
massively dilated akinetic right ventricle and a small, vigorously
contracting, cavity-obliterated left ventricle (Stanten,
2003). Profound oxygen desaturation is often seen in the
initial phase, and this is the cause of neurological injury in
most survivors (Harvey, 1996). All of these observations are
consistent with failure to transfer blood from the right to
the left heart because of severe and unrelenting pulmonary
vasoconstriction. This initial phase is probably followed by
decreased systemic vascular resistance and diminished cardiac
output (Clark, 1988). Women who survive beyond these first
two phases invariably have a consumptive coagulopathy and
usually lung and brain injury.
Postmortem Findings. Histopathological findings may
be dramatic in fatal cases of amnionic-fluid embolism such
as the one shown in Figure 41-32. The detection of such
debris, however, may require special staining, and even
then, it may not be seen. In one study, fetal elements were
detected in 75 percent of autopsies and in 50 percent of
specimens prepared from concentrated buffy coat aspirates
taken antemortem from a pulmonary artery catheter (Clark,
1995). Several other studies, however, have demonstrated
that fetal squamous cells, trophoblasts, and other debris of
fetal origin may commonly be found in the central circulation
of women with conditions other than amnionic-fluid
embolism. Thus, the diagnosis is generally made by identifying
clinically characteristic signs and symptoms and excluding
other causes.
Management and Clinical Outcomes
Immediate resuscitative actions are necessary to interdict the
high mortality rate. As discussed, the initial period of systemic
and pulmonary hypertension that frequently heralds
amnionic-fluid embolism is transient. Tracheal intubation,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and other supportive measures
must be instituted without delay. Treatment is directed
at oxygenation and support of the failing myocardium, along
with circulatory support that includes rapid blood and component
replacement. That said, there are no data indicating
that any type of intervention improves maternal or fetal
prognosis. In undelivered women undergoing cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, consideration should be given to emergency
cesarean delivery to perhaps optimize these efforts and
improve newborn outcome. Decision making for perimortem
cesarean delivery is more complex in a woman who is
hemodynamically unstable but who has not suffered cardiac
arrest (Chap. 47, p. 956).
■ Sepsis Syndrome
Various infections that are accompanied by endo- or exotoxin
release can result in sepsis syndrome in pregnant women.
Although a feature of this syndrome includes activation of
coagulation, seldom does sepsis alone cause massive procoagulant
consumption. Escherichia coli bacteremia is frequently
seen with antepartum pyelonephritis and puerperal infections,
however, accompanying consumptive coagulopathy is usually
not severe. Some notable exceptions are septicemia associated
with puerperal infection or septic abortion caused by exotoxins
released from infecting organisms such as group A Streptococcus
pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, or Clostridium perfringens or
sordellii. Treatment of sepsis syndrome and septic shock is discussed
in Chapter 47 (p. 946).
Purpura Fulminans
This severe—often lethal—form of consumptive coagulopathy
is caused by microthrombi in small blood vessels leading to
skin necrosis and sometimes vasculitis. Debridement of large
areas of skin over the extremities and buttocks frequently
requires treatment in a burn unit. Purpura fulminans usually
complicates sepsis in women with heterozygous protein C deficiency
and low protein C serum levels (Levi, 2010b). Recall
that homozygous protein C deficiency results in fatal neonatal
purpura fulminans (Chap. 52, p. 1031).
■ Abortion
Septic abortion—especially associated with the organisms
discussed above—can incite coagulation and worsen hemorrhage,
especially with midtrimester abortions. Indeed, sepsis
syndrome accompanied by intravascular coagulation accounts
for 25 percent of abortion-related deaths (Saraiya, 1999).
In the past, especially with illegal abortions, infections with
Clostridium perfringens were a frequent cause of intense intravascular
hemolysis at Parkland Hospital (Pritchard, 1971).
More recently, however, septic abortions from infection
with Clostridium sordellii have emerged as important causes
(Chap 18, p. 357).
Second-trimester induced abortions can stimulate intravascular
coagulation even in the absence of sepsis. Ben-Ami and
associates (2012) described a 1.6-percent incidence in 1249
late second-trimester pregnancies terminated by dilatation
and evacuation. Two thirds were done for fetal demise, which
may have been contributory to coagulopathy. Another source
of intense coagulation is from instillation of hypertonic solutions
to effect midtrimester abortions. These are not commonly
performed currently for pregnancy terminations (Chap. 18,
p. 369). The mechanism is thought to initiate coagulation by
thromboplastin release into maternal circulation from placenta,
fetus, and the decidua by the necrobiotic effect of the hypertonic
solutions (Burkman, 1977).
One of the most crucial elements of obstetrical hemorrhage
management is recognition of its severity. As discussed on
page 781, visual estimation of blood loss, especially when
excessive, is notoriously inaccurate, and true blood loss is
often two to three times the clinical estimates. Consider
also that in obstetrics, part and sometimes even all of the
lost blood may be concealed. Estimation is further complicated
in that peripartum hemorrhage—when most severe
cases are encountered—also includes the pregnancy-induced
increased blood volume. If pregnancy hypervolemia is not
a factor, then following blood loss of 1000 mL, the hematocrit
typically falls only 3 to 5 volume percent within an
hour. The hematocrit nadir depends on the speed of resuscitation
using infused intravenous crystalloids. Recall that with
abnormally increased acute blood loss, the real-time hematocrit
is at its maximum whenever measured in the delivery, operating,
or recovery room.
A prudent rule is that any time blood loss is considered more
than average by an experienced team member, then the hematocrit
is determined and plans are made for close observation
for physiological deterioration. Urine output is one of the most
important “vital signs” with which to monitor the woman with
obstetrical hemorrhage. Renal blood flow is especially sensitive
to changes in blood volume. Unless diuretic agents are given—
and these are seldom indicated with active bleeding—accurately
measured urine flow reflects renal perfusion, which in turn reflects
perfusion of other vital organs. Urine flow of at least 30 mL,
and preferably 60 mL, per hour or more should be maintained.
With potentially serious hemorrhage, an indwelling bladder
catheter is inserted to measure hourly urine flow.
■ Hypovolemic Shock
Shock from hemorrhage evolves through several stages. Early
in the course of massive bleeding, there are decreases in mean
arterial pressure, stroke volume, cardiac output, central venous
pressure, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Increases
in arteriovenous oxygen content difference reflect a relative
increase in tissue oxygen extraction, although overall oxygen
consumption falls.
Blood flow to capillary beds in various organs is controlled
by arterioles. These are resistance vessels that are partially controlled
by the central nervous system. However, approximately
70 percent of total blood volume is contained in venules, which
are passive resistance vessels controlled by humoral factors.
Catecholamine release during hemorrhage causes a generalized
increase in venular tone that provides an autotransfusion
from this capacitance reservoir (Barber, 1999). This is accompanied
by compensatory increases in heart rate, systemic and
pulmonary vascular resistance, and myocardial contractility. In
addition, there is redistribution of cardiac output and blood
volume by selective, centrally mediated arteriolar constriction
or relaxation—autoregulation. Thus, although perfusion to the
kidneys, splanchnic beds, muscles, skin, and uterus is diminished,
relatively more blood flow is maintained to the heart,
brain, and adrenal glands.
Angiographic Embolization
This tool is now used for many causes of intractable hemorrhage
when surgical access is difficult. In more than 500 women reported,
embolization was 90-percent effective (Bodner, 2006; Lee, 2012;
Poujade, 2012; Sentilhes, 2009). Rouse (2013) recently reviewed
the subject and concluded that embolization can be used to arrest
refractory postpartum hemorrhage. However, the author cautioned
that the procedure is less effective with placenta percreta or with
concurrent coagulopathy. Other reports have been less enthusiastic,
and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(2012b) describes its efficacy as “unclear.” Fertility is not impaired,
and many subsequent successful pregnancies have been reported
(Chauleur, 2008; Fiori, 2009; Kolomeyevskaya, 2009). There
are limited data describing its antepartum use. Embolization in a
20-week pregnant woman was reported for a large lower uterine
segment arteriovenous malformation (Rebarber, 2009). It has also
been used for renal hemorrhage (Wortman, 2013b).
Complications of embolization are relatively uncommon,
but they can be severe. Uterine ischemic necrosis has been
described (Coulange, 2009; Katakam, 2009; Sentilhes, 2009).
Uterine infection has been reported (Nakash, 2012). Finally,
Al-Thunyan and coworkers (2012) described a woman with
massive buttock necrosis and paraplegia following bilateral
internal iliac artery embolization.
Preoperative Pelvic Arterial Catheter Placement
There are a few instances in which massive blood loss and difficult
surgical dissection is anticipated. For these, investigators
have described use of balloon-tipped catheters inserted into
the iliac or uterine arteries preoperatively. Catheters can then be inflated or embolization performed to mitigate
heavy blood
loss if it develops (Desai, 2012; Matsubara, 2013a). These techniques
are used more commonly in cases of accrete syndromes
(p. 804), and they have also been described for abdominal pregnancy
(Chap. 19, p. 388). The reported success rates have been
variable, and these techniques are not universally recommended
(Angstmann, 2012; Pacheco, 2011, 2013; Zacharias, 2003).
Again the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(2012b) considers the use and efficacy of these techniques to
be “unclear.” Adverse effects are uncommon, but postoperative
iliac and popliteal artery thrombosis and stenosis have been
reported (Greenberg, 2007; Hoffman, 2010; Sewell, 2006).