Interactive Comprehension
The individual understands a number of short, memorized utterances in areas of immediate needs; frequent, long pauses and repeated requests for repetition. A native speaker must often use slowed speech, repetition, paraphrase, or a combination of these to be understood by this individual. Misunderstandings are frequent, but the individual is able to ask for help and to verify comprehension of native speech in face-to-face interaction. The individual can get the gist of most everyday conversations, but has some difficulty understanding native speakers in situations that require a specialized or sophisticated knowledge. (May require a native speaker to adjust to his/her limitations in some way). In face-to-face conversation with natives speaking the standard dialect at a normal rate of speech, comprehension is quite complete. Although cultural references, proverbs, and the implications of nuances and idiom may not be fully understood, the individual can easily repair the conversation. Can understand native speakers of the standard and other major dialects in essentially any face-to-face interaction. Can understand the details and ramifications of concepts that are culturally or conceptually different from his/her own. Understands shifts of both subject matter and tone. (No gaps in comprehension, including all details and nuances.)
Lexical Control
Memorized words and phrases related to immediate survival needs. Very limited. Covers courtesy expressions, introductions, identification, personal and accommodation needs, daily routine. Sufficient to discuss high frequency concrete topics such as work, family, personal background and interests, travel, current events. Imprecise for less common topics. Broad enough for effective formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professional topics. Can convey abstract concepts.
Even in memorized speech, stress, intonation, tone usually quite faulty. Often speaks with great difficulty. Pronunciation, stress, intonation generally poor. Speaks with confidence but not facility. Can usually be understood by those not used to dealing with nonnatives. Speaks readily and fills pauses suitably. Pronunciation may be obviously foreign. Flaws in stress, intonation, pitch rarely disturb the native speaker. Speaks effortlessly and smoothly, but would seldom be perceived as a native speaker.
Sociolinguistic Competence
Severely limited. Any knowledge of cultural appropriateness has a nonlinguistic source Uses greetings and courtesy expressions. Can interact with native speakers used to dealing with nonnatives. Satisfies routine social demands and limited work requirements. Can interact with native speakers not used to dealing with non-natives; native speakers may have to adjust to limitations. Uses cultural references. When errors are made, can easily repair the conversation.
Speeches, lectures, debates, conference discussions. Functionally equivalent to a highly articulate, well-educated native speaker. All texts controlled by a highly articulate, well-educated native speaker.
Precise for representational purposes within personal and professional experience. Can elaborate concepts freely; choose appropriate words to convey nuances of meaning. Breadth of vocabulary and idiom equivalent to that of a highly articulate, welleducated native speaker.
Uses and understands details and ramifications of target cultural references. Can set and shift the tone of exchanges with a variety of native speakers. Speech reflects the cultural standards of country where language is natively spoken.
Check One:
ENTRY Mid Exit
Interactive Comprehension
Lexical Control
Sociolinguistic Competence