Pros Game Handbook
Pros Game Handbook
Pros Game Handbook
Adjunct material by Elyse Hope Killoran to help you get the most out of the online Prosperity Game Experience. Free Game Registration at
Copyright 2002-2007 by Elyse Hope Killoran and Prosperity from the Inside-Out, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to share or pass along copies of the e-book in its entirety with copyright attribution. For nonprofit use only.
Table of Contents
The Game Directions in Brief . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Page 3 How To Get the Most Out of The Game . . . 100 Things I Want To Be, Or Do, Or Have. Lesson 1 - The Fabric of Creation . . . . . . . Lesson 2 - Why The Game Works . . . . . . . Lesson 3 - The "Key" To Creating From The Inside-Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 4 - Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 5 - The Importance of Energy Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuing on the Prosperity Path . . . . . . . The Prosperity Partnership Program . . . . . Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9
Page 11 Page 15
THE GAME DIRECTIONS IN BRIEF: The Prosperity Game, first introduced by Abraham-Hicks (teachers of Deliberate Creation -, is a simple, fun, and empowering way to activate one's ability to create prosperity -- from the inside-out. The premise of the game is that you'll be going on a virtual spending spree each day to make purchases that will bring you the most joy. Just like the people who play fantasy baseball and fantasy stocks you'll be playing fantasy spending however, in your case, you will be receiving the additional benefit of becoming more magnetic to money in the real world. The Prosperity Game is played online at at . Playing the Game When you are playing the online game at the web site, you will receive personalized "virtual" checks. Although, in the real world, these checks have no monetary value, in the virtual world (the world of your energy and imagination) the checks will be worth increasingly higher sums. Return to the site at approximately the same time each day. Morning is best, as aligning your energy first thing will make you a magnet to good things for the remainder of the day.
HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF GAME EXPERIENCE Have in your mind that which would constitute a miracle for you. Get the vision. Suspend disbelief and skepticism. Allow yourself to take the journey toward real magic. --Wayne Dyer A. SUSPEND DISBELIEF The goal of this program is to create an internal shift as it relates to money. Therefore, you'll need to be willing to let go of everything that you thought that you knew about money in order to be open to a new way of experiencing it. B. SPEND ON YOU! If you want to receive maximum benefit from playing the game, we do advise against: -- saving any portion of the money for another day. (The goal here is become aligned with the notion that there is always more on the way.) -- making loans to others or giving the money away. Too many of us on the spiritual path find giving easier than receiving. The goal of this game is to help you become aligned with a greater level of receiving. Once you take good care of yourself (focusing on Self-first), you can continue giving as much as you please -and you'll find that you have more to give! Please note that although I do advise against lending or giving money away, I have not said that you need to shy away from sharing your good fortune with others. Note that there is a vast difference between creating experiences for your family and friends to enjoy with you and giving your money away to other people so that they benefit while you, because you now gave away what you had, do without. C. HAVE FUN The most important piece of the puzzle is to have fun! (After all, this is a game!) Although there may be something grander going on, your focus should be on simply enjoying the fun you are having in the present moment as you play. The more fun you have, the more effective the game will be. If it is feeling like work or effort - you are trying too hard -- take a break and come back to it. You'll know that you are on the track towards abundance when you feel positive and free -- so practice 'lightening up'! 4
D. BE OPEN TO MIRACLES As we've said, the playing the Prosperity Game is guaranteed to create a stir in your energy field. So be open to all the ways that this shift in your vibration may present itself in 'real life.' We're collecting hundreds of Prosperity Game miracles. Share your miracles at the Game forum:
I. THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG: We've all heard the question, Which came first - the chicken or the egg? It's easy to get stumped on this one. But what about the question: Which came first:- the current circumstances of your life, or your thoughts and feelings about the current circumstances of your life?" This one seems easier to answer. The circumstances came first, most would reply. My job, my mate, the balance in my checking account all just 'showed up' and then I began to have thoughts, feelings and judgments in response to them. It's a reasonable story. It's very widespread. Most of us have been told this. ...But it happens to be wrong.
II. THE OLD AND THE NEW Based on what we've been taught about the way the world works, the idea of playing a virtual game in order to shift one's real world experience makes very little sense. However, within a different paradigm (the Prosperity from the Inside-Out paradigm) we will find the Prosperity Game to be a perfect vehicle -- as it allows us to practice the art of deliberate creation in complete safety, as we stay alert for evidence of real world results. In other words, as we play the Prosperity Game we get a sense of what it might be like to operate within a new paradigm. The old paradigm is the one that we need to leave behind -- because it is not working for us individually or collectively. ~ The old paradigm is based upon the illusions of scarcity, separation, judgment and guilt. ~ The old paradigm promotes the philosophies of: no pain, no gain, get stressed for success and the last man standing wins.
~ The old paradigm guarantees the outcomes of: greed, inner poverty, competition and war. ~ In other words - the belief that there is not enough to go around will inevitably lead to self- (and planetary-) destruction. Within our heart-of-hearts many of us recognize that the old paradigm has kept us disconnected from the living, breathing Universe -- and from one another. We feel an inner pull towards shifting our perspectives and towards living in balance within a new paradigm. ~ This new paradigm is based upon the recognition that: the universe is abundant, we are all interconnected and we each have within us the power to shift our current reality. ~ The new paradigm invites us: to come from fullness instead of lack, to support one-another and to re-connect with our own personal power. ~ The new paradigm reminds us that: there is more to life than what we see; our point of power is in the now and all is well...for truly it is! At the present time the foundation of the carefully constructed old paradigm is crumbling. Many are reacting with anxiety and fear. Others are deliberately choosing to embrace a new perspective. The question at hand is: Which will you choose?
The Prosperity Game is sponsored by the Prosperity Partnership Program, a teleclass program, designed to enable individuals to create prosperity from the inside-out!
THE UNDERPINNINGS OF THE NEW PARADIGM Forget your old ideas. Forget the lies they told you. Forget them all, and you will begin to remember. -- Marianne Williamson
Although most of us have been taught that we exist in a mechanistic universe, current scientific thinking (in quantum physics, chaos theory, non-linear mathematics, etc.) validates that we function more like magnets and radio transmitters than like machines. In other words, its all about "vibration." Despite what our eyes would lead us to believe, nothing ever stands still." Walls, chairs and even rocks are composed of electrons, which are moving at astounding speeds. The speed of the movement (vibration) determines whether something will be visible (slow moving vibrations = matter) or not visible (fast moving vibrations = light, sound, x-rays, etc.) Although you may consider yourself to be a solid mass moving about through time and space, in truth you are a field of energy which is vibrating at many different frequencies and sending out energetic messages on a continual basis. Every thought, feeling, word and action we express carries a vibration and that vibration attracts other like vibrations. Many understand this principle as the Law of Attraction. Just as the Law of Gravity defines how physical matter will be bound to the magnetic field of the earth, the Law of Attraction defines how energy fields of a similar vibration will be drawn (magnetized) together. Explained in its simplest form, the Law of Attraction guarantees that "like attracts like."
PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world... as in being able to remake ourselves. -- Mahatma Gandhi As the Law of Attraction is running the show (even in our ignorance of it) we are, in every moment, attracting to us based on the vibrations that we are radiating. The question is: are you doing this attraction on purpose or are you doing it by default? Attracting by default is akin to sending out a mixture of energy signals - some related to experiences that you want and some related to experiences that you don't want - and then receiving back a seemingly random mix of desirable and undesirable outcomes. Once you understand how the Universal laws work, you can use them to deliberately attract what you DO want. As like energies attract, the key to attracting a new desirable experience into your life is to send out energy as if this is already the truth of your current experience. By playing the Prosperity Game with sincere intent, we're going to be making a shift: ~ from vibrating in response to what "has been true" about our financial situation... ~ to vibrating in response to what we "intend will be true from this moment on" as it relates to our financial prosperity. And, as the Universe (and your unconscious mind) can't tell the difference between energy radiating outward in response to real life circumstances and energy sent out in response to vivid imagery, by envisioning yourself receiving and spending from a place of true prosperity, you will be bringing yourself into vibrational harmony with an increase in your "real world" cash flow.
The Prosperity Game is sponsored by the Prosperity Partnership Program, a teleclass program designed to enable individuals to create prosperity from the inside-out!
LESSON 3: THE "KEY" TO CREATING FROM THE INSIDE-OUT (or ... "Why visualizations and affirmations often fail")
If your faith is in all-sufficiency of supply, then so is your life. If your faith is pulsating to a just getting by frequency, then so it is in the world. If your faith is on the dial-set of insufficiency, then there will never be enough to meet your needs. Your world simply reflects your faith. -- John Randolph Price, HThe Abundance BookH I. AT THE CAUSAL LEVEL... As we have explained, it's all about vibrations. "Every thought, feeling, word and action we express carries a vibration and that vibration attracts other like vibrations. Many understand this principle as the Law of Attraction." Now, thought is energy and thoughts do attract -- but you command energy that is exponentially more powerful than thought alone. Words are powerful and words do attract - but you have control over energy that is far more magnetic than words alone. Actions are powerful - at least they seem to have the most creative potency within the physical world - and yet there is an energy in the metaphysical realm that is far more powerful than thoughts, words and actions combined...and this is the energy of "desire".
II. DESIRE = LIFE FORCE ENERGY FLOWING... According to the teachers of the Science of Deliberate Creation (, the formula for attraction can be understood as: DESIRE minus RESISTANCE = MAGNETIC ATTRACTION Desire can be likened to the foot on the gas pedal that propels a vision. Resistance can be compared to the foot on the brakes that stops creation in its tracks. To increase the power of your deliberate creation, you'll want to increase the level of your desire and decrease the level of your resistance.
DESIRE: Desire is made up of two components: the component of thought and the component of feeling. You can increase the amplification (potency) of your desire by: 1) increasing the clarity of your thought about what you desire and/or 2) increasing the flowing of your feeling towards what you desire It is the "feeling" element that has been the missing piece of the puzzle for many of us, as it is the "feeling" state that sets the creative process in motion.
III. THE KEY (or "Why visualizations and affirmations fail.") Affirmations work best when you use them to affirm the truth about yourself. I have found that they fail miserably when you use them to suppress negative thoughts or feelings. -- Shakti Gawain Have you ever wondered why affirmations and visualizations work sometimes but not every time? The causal factor is always "your emotional state." When you say an affirmation like, "I am improving every day in every way" and your whole being resonates with the truth of this statement ... then your affirmation has powerful creative potential. However, when you make a statement (write an affirmation, do a visualization) with which your body does not agree, the dissonance within you will set a different set of attractors into motion. You can very easily prove this to yourself. Try saying one (or all) of the following with pure, positive feeling: "My checking account is worth millions." "I have everything that I need and want." "I am completely devoid of fear."
Can you feel the contradiction within your gut? When your thoughts and feelings are not in harmony it is as if you have harnessed two horses that are moving in opposite directions. The "key": In order to propel your desires forward it is necessary to have your thoughts and your feelings working in alignment (for, when they are not, it is the "feeling" state that wins the day.)
V. IN PRACTICAL TERMS... From HThe Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and ProphecyH by Gregg Braden: "Through our refined language of quantum science, we now have the vocabulary to describe precisely how we participate in determining the outcome of our future. Recognizing that the experiences of our lives exist as events situated along the course of time, the ancients remind us that to change the nature of our experience, we must only choose a new course. The key to choosing one outcome from among many possible outcomes is our ability to feel as if our choice has already come to pass. From our previous definition of prayer as feeling, then stated in another way, we are invited to find the quality of thought and emotion that produces such a feeling - living as if our prayer had already been answered. For how may we benefit from the effect of our thought and emotion, if each pattern is moving in a random direction? If on the other hand, the patterns of our prayer are focused in union, how can the 'stuff' of creation fail to respond to our prayer?"
By now it has become apparent to you that the Prosperity Game is elegantly constructed to support you in amplifying the level of your "desire": 1) by increasing your clarity of thought about what you desire and 2) by inviting you to tap into a "feeling" state that matches the object of your desires. Therefore, your goal each day is to track your desire level and to do your best to increase it.
VI. TRACKING YOUR DESIRE: As you play the game each visit or day, try to imagine that you can measure your level of "desire" on a scale that runs between zero (very low) and ten (quite high). See if you can deliberately increase the level of desire by: 1) Thinking more often and more specifically about what you desire and 2) Maintaining a positive, gracious and appreciative attitude as you imagine spending your daily check
IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of you have already remarked that you have found it difficult to feel "good" as you imagine all the things that you know, realistically, you do not have. As "desire" is composed of thinking and feeling elements, resistance is composed of thoughts and feelings as well. It is the element of "resistance" that is likely to be surfacing for more and more of you as the daily allotments increase. Therefore, "Countering Resistance" will be the subject of our next lesson.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy. The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events raising in ones favor, unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." -- W.H. Murray
The Prosperity Game is sponsored by the Prosperity Partnership Program, a teleclass program designed to enable individuals to create prosperity from the inside-out!
LESSON 4: RESISTANCE (Or "The Importance of Taking Your Foot Off the Brakes!")
I. THREE STEPS TO "DELIBERATE" CREATION According to the teacher Abraham (, Deliberate Creation involves a three-step process: 1. You "ask" 2. The universe responds 3. You receive Sound simple? It is. Unless we "get in our own way." Now we can't mess up step 1. We're always asking (if not with our words, certainly with our vibrations.) At every moment that life experience "happens to us" and we respond with a "yes, more of that" or a "no, not that," we propel desire out into the Universe. And step 2 is guaranteed. The universe is well organized, totally predictable, and its laws are absolutely consistent. So if step 1 and step 2 happen without fail, why do so many of us have the experience of asking for things that never show up? The answer is: blame it on "step 3." Step 3 gives us the most trouble. You see, you are asking all of the time and the universe is always answering - but you may not be "letting it in."
II. OPENING THE DOOR FOR PIZZA DELIVERY Let us use the example of ordering a pizza pie as a simple way to illustrate this concept. First you decide that you want a large Sicilian pizza with grilled vegetables and extra garlic. Then you call the local pizza place to place your order. There - step 1 is now complete. Without question the pizza pros get right to work on your request. They prepare a pizza made-to-order and send a truck right over to the address listed on the order form to deliver the pizza. Step 2 - right on schedule.
But what if you don't hear the doorbell? What if you forget that you placed an order and you jump on the shower with the CD blaring? Or, best for this analogy, what if you start to feel insecure about the pizza place's commitment to delivering your order and, because you are hungry, you leave your house to drive around searching for the perfect pizza? This is exactly what most of us do. We ask but then we do not trust that the Universe is responding, so we go off and try to take care of things ourselves. This lack of trust, along with our "scarcity mentality," is the foundation of the old paradigm of "human being separate from the flow of universal energy." As we consider ourselves to be separate from the flow, we are blocking the Universe's power to deliver on our requests.
III. STOP BLOCKING THE FLOW "You are a rich and creative spiritual being. You can never be less than this. You may frustrate your potential. You may identify with that which is less than what you can be. But within you now and always is the unborn possibility of a limitless experience of inner stability and outer treasure, and yours is the privilege of giving birth to it. And you will, if you can believe. --Eric Butterworth, HSpiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True ProsperityH
Now you are likely to be perplexed at this point. You may be saying to yourself, "Is she implying that I don't have to make alterations in my asking and I don't have to control the delivery -- the only thing that is blocking the flow of all good things to me is - well, me? Are you aware that you are "blocking" the flow? Well, perhaps if I use other more familiar terms. How much time each day do you find yourself feeling: angry? frustrated? insecure? judgmental? judged? possessive? demanding? jealous? 16 stressed? greedy? self-pitying? inferior? perfectionistic? self-sacrificing? guilty? blaming?
Each of these states is synonymous with: resistance and blocking the flow. Think about it. How do you feel when the following occurs? Something you own breaks down? You find a discrepancy (not in your favor) in your bank statement? Someone you don't like gets a hefty raise and promotion? A client tells you they are leaving for another firm? You receive an unexpected bill? Something that you need to buy costs more than you have expected? You become aware that you want something but then decide that realistically you can't afford it? Does your body become: tight? constricted? drawn in? Do your thoughts and emotions become: fearful? negative? limited? If so you are well acquainted with the experience of "resistance."
IV. RESISTANCE = BLOCKING THE FLOW "In the morning when you wake up, none of you stand out on your porch frantically breathing in because you are afraid that later in the day there will be a scarcity of air. You breathe in and you breathe out and think nothing of it. What we want to get you to understand is that it is the same thing with dollars (or anything else), there is no need to go out and hold your breath in an attempt to hold on to the air in case there is a later lack. You are all MUCH closer to a financial fortune right now than you are even willing to dream about for fear that you will be disappointed if it does not come." -- Abraham-Hicks
Resistance stems from fear, separation and scarcity consciousness. When we go into "resistant" mode we have over-identified with the part of us that is physical (and we have under-identified and/or disconnected from the part of us that is Spirit.) We learn as human beings that when a physical "thing" is blocking us we can move it by pushing it away. Unfortunately, we generalize this behavior and when a situation arises that is not physical in nature (for example our water heater begins to leak or a family member insults us) we typically respond by mentally (and emotionally) pushing against the experience to make it "go away". When we feel "constricted", "resistant" or "shut down" we are actually cutting ourselves off from our connection to the universe. Consider this: Can you feel expanded and afraid at the same time? Can you feel jealousy and a sense of freedom at the same time? Can you blame someone and feel unconditionally loving at the same time? Can you feel resistant and prosperous at the same time? Most people find that the answer to all of these questions is: "no". So isn't it self-explanatory that resistance blocks prosperity? Can you see that having your "foot on the brake" at this very moment is the greatest barrier to your experience of financial abundance in the next moment?
V. RESISTANCE AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION "You can't get thin from hating being fat. And you cannot attract prosperity from disliking being poor. -- Abraham Perhaps you've heard the phrase, "What you resist, persists." Now that you know more about the Law of Attraction, that phrase should make even more sense. As we focus on money and experience a sense of resistance and lack we become vibrational magnets for future experiences of financial lack because whatever we resist or "push against" will show up even stronger in our lives. Every time we see something that we want and feel sad because we can't have it - we are pushing it away from us. Every time we see someone get something that we want and we feel jealous - we are putting ourselves outside the path of receiving something just like it. Every time we focus on not having enough we are attracting that exact experience ("not having enough") back into our experience.
"Almost everybody walks around with a vast burden of imaginary limitations inside his head. While the burden remains, personal success is as difficult to achieve as the conquest of Everest with a sack of rocks tied to your back." -- J. H. Brennan.
TRACKING RESISTANCE As you play the Prosperity Game, try to measure your daily level of "resistance" on a scale that runs between zero (very low) and ten (quite high). TRACKING THE "GUNK" As you face your resistance head-on you will begin to become aware of the fears, constrictions, self-defeating patterns and limiting beliefs that have blocked you from experiencing your full abundance in the past. For example, when you begin to vision about how you would spend 20 thousand dollars you might hear a little voice cry out "But you dont have 20 thousand dollars and you dont know where to get 20 thousand dollars."
I refer to all of this as GUNK and I request that my clients keep track of all of this resistant energy in a GUNK log. Simply take a few sheets of paper and begin tracking evidence of stuck places phrases you hear yourself say, places in which fears come up, patterns that you'd like to release, and emotional energy that confuses and upsets you. DON'T fight it. Just track it. There are many tools and processes that you can use to allow these energetic blocks to make a smooth and painless departure from your energy field so your goal now is simply to bring these blocks to full conscious awareness.
LESSON 5: THE IMPORTANCE OF ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT I. WHAT IS ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT? When Maria Nemeth, Ph.D. (The Energy of Money) speaks of successful people, she describes them as being conscious conduits of energy. When Caroline Myss (Medical Intuitive and author of Sacred Contracts) lectures on co-creating your highest future she stresses the importance of achieving congruence between the mind and the Spirit. When Gary Zukav (The Seat of the Soul) explains that we are moving from five-sensory into multi-sensory awareness, he emphasizes the evolutionary necessity of aligning our personalities with our Soul. In each of these cases, although the words are different, each author is attempting to raise our awareness of the significance of (and the power that is derived from) achieving energetic alignment with our goals and desires. II. INCOHERENT ENERGY When we first decide upon a goal, we are, by definition, not in energetic alignment with the new goal. Our energy is naturally scattered and out of sync. Some of the ways that we demonstrate this dissonant energy include: Focusing on the lack or absence of what we want. Knowing what we need to do but not taking action to move ahead (becoming paralyzed due to fear or anxiety). Being a martyr - Giving too much away, having the fear of asking for what we want, undercharging. Settling/tolerating - Inability to set effective boundaries, fear of failing others, accepting clients (or ways of doing business) that are less than our ideal. Being overly sensitive to what other people think - Fear of being judged, rejected or compared; overblown desire to please people and win approval; fear of stepping out to do things differently than colleagues, family or peers. Focusing on the size of the gap between where we are and where we want to be (I want to be there, but I'm not. I'm here.) Avoiding doing things that are new, different or risky.
Self-sabotaging (unconsciously repelling what we want) possibly out of a sense that having large amounts of money is unspiritual or that if we become too successful people will leave us. Becoming inflexible, controlling or attached to the outcome. Not allowing ourselves to imagine having what we really want (squelched desire)
III. THE COSTS AND BENEFITS ASSOCIATED WITH ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT A. BENEFITS: When we are energetically aligned, we attain results through elegance (maximum return for minimum investment) and predictable miracles. When we are in a state of commitment and surrender, we begin to experience what is sometimes called synchronicity. This attractiveness, the field that starts to develop around people who have experienced these shifts of mind, creates a phenomenon that Joe (Jaworski) calls predictable miracles. -- in HSynchronicityH by Joseph Jaworski B. COSTS: When we are not energetically aligned as we move towards our goal we can feel it. It may seem as if we are slogging through mud or moving forward in a vehicle with a lot of friction that is holding us back. When we are not energetically aligned we meet numerous obstacles. We feel overwhelmed by unexpected demands. We find ourselves spinning our wheels, self-sabotaging or doing things the hard way. Or we simply become paralyzed by our fears. You must have the consciousness for that which is desired. Without the consciousness, it cannot come to you. With the consciousness, it must come. -- John Randolph Price in HThe Success BookH
In other words, when we are not energetically aligned with a goal, no amount of efforting or struggling will bring it to fruition. This is a Universal Law.
IV. INCREASING ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT = INCREASING ATTRACTION By focusing our efforts to a single point, we achieve the greatest results. The first rule of success, and the one that supercedes all others, is to have energy. It is important to know how to concentrate it, how to husband it, how to focus it on important things instead of frittering it away on trivia. -- Michael Korda
You will know that you are energetically aligned when: 1) What you want, 2) What you think about what you want and 3) How you feel about what you want are a direct match. In other words, when your thoughts and feelings are focused in harmony with what you want, you will vibrate at a level of energy that will magnetize what you want directly to you. There are many tools and processes that you can use: 1) to amp up your desire and 2) to allow your energetic blocks to make a smooth and painless departure from your energy field. People who are committed to energetic alignment utilize multidimensional tools that impact the mental, emotional and physical energy fields. My clients, and the members of the Prosperity Partnership, become well versed in: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and other meridian based therapies polarity processing shadow work use of guided imagery chakra clearing pivoting focus wheels body-centered release processes
These processes, used in conjunction with tools that enhance the clarity and intensity of desire including: workshopping scripting GSFTIO (goal setting from the inside-out) journaling progressive affirmations positive aspecting Creation Declarations creation boxes / visualization boards ...produce results exponentially more readily than hundreds of hours of action on the physical plane alone.
V. PROPELLING YOUR SUCCESS Why is true success so relatively effortless? It might be likened to the magnetic field created by an electric current running through a wire. The higher the power of the current, the greater the magnetic field that it generates. And the magnetic field itself then influences everything in its presence. -- HPower vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human BehaviorH by David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
You too can harness the benefits of energetic alignment to: Anchor your highest future Gain clarity and energetic support to turn your life's mission into a rewarding pursuit Draw to yourself the perfect situations, partners, ideas and resources to help you become most successful In business, create energetic fields to connect you with your ideal clients those who would most appreciate your skills and gifts and who would pay you for them joyfully Enjoy attracting what you most want from a place of peace, confidence, effortlessness and ease (Question: Would it be okay with you if your life got easier?) And it all begins with deliberately Choosing Prosperity
Are you ready to CHOOSE Prosperity? THE PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM A Powerful Intentional Community Experience of Aligning Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit to Awaken Prosperity Consciousness in Every Area of Your Life! Learn (by living it) how to energetically align your Body, Mind and Spirit to attract your highest future. Move from knowing spiritual truths "intellectually" to internalizing profound inner shifts and watch how your inner changes become reflected in your outer reality. Become a Spiritual Partner with others on the same path. Harness the power of group energy to exponentially increase the power of your individual work. Become a magnet to Wisdom, Beauty, Clarity, Joy, Freedom, Money and Love -- by re-creating your life from the Inside-Out! Now offering - a free, no-risk, two week program evaluation. Visit:H
Copyright 2002-2007 by Elyse Hope Killoran and Prosperity from the InsideOut, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to share or pass along copies of the ebook in its entirety with copyright attribution. For nonprofit use only.