Application of Intelligent Well Completion in Optimising Oil Production From Oil Rim Reservoirs
Application of Intelligent Well Completion in Optimising Oil Production From Oil Rim Reservoirs
Application of Intelligent Well Completion in Optimising Oil Production From Oil Rim Reservoirs
Citation: Abstract:
Broni-Bediako, E., Fuseini, N.I., Akoto, Intelligent well application has proven useful in maximising oil production from oil rim
R.N.A., Brantson, E.T. Application of reservoirs. Intelligent wells are equipped with downhole sensors and surface controlled
intelligent well completion in optimising downhole inflow control valves (ICVs) which should be strategically controlled by the
oil production from oil rim reservoirs. operator. Challenges however arise in determining the best reactive control strategy (RCS).
This paper seeks to develop an effective RCS (algorithm) that will maximise oil production
Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, and to ascertain how the proposed RCS will fare when porosity, permeability, oil-water
3(4): 343-354, doi: contact and skin factor change. An anticlinal oil rim reservoir with a horizontal well was
10.26804/ager.2019.04.01. modelled and run using ECLIPSE 100. The well was later made intelligent by installing
Corresponding author: ICVs and a RCS was designed to control the valves. Three RCS were proposed but the
algorithm that produced the maximum cumulative oil was selected to be the optimal. The
*E-mail: intelligent well yielded more cumulative oil and gas than the conventional horizontal well.
Keywords: It also delayed water breakthrough and reduced cumulative water production. Sensitivity
Conventional well analysis on porosity, permeability and skin positively affects the developed reactive control
intelligent well completion strategy whereas oil water contact variations yielded poor results. Economic analysis of the
intelligent well for 20 years showed that the application of the intelligent well completion
oil rim reservoir in the oil rim reservoir was profitable.
reactive control strategy
water coning
c The Author(s) 2019. Published with open access at Ausasia Science and Technology Press on behalf of the Division of Porous
Flow, Hubei Province Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering.
344 Broni-Bediako, E., et al. Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2019, 3(4): 343-354
of the IW system (Mahmood et al., 2018). on the evaluation of investment and the return on investments
Optimisation methods (control techniques) are applied to and as such, sensitivity analysis on some of these were carried
intelligent well technology to balance production along the out. He found out that, reduced oil price resulted in positive
wellbore length, control water breakthrough, and ensure early NPV but skin negatively affected production from IWC.
economic oil production (Masoudi et al., 2013). The control Several other control strategies have been proposed for
strategies include open and closed loop. Closed loops are various forms of reservoirs but important challenges still arise
further classified as either feedback (reactive) or proactive. from developing an effective control strategy that will be
The most commonly used inflow control approach is the applied on intelligent wells in order to optimise the production
‘proactive’ closed-loop strategy (Dilib et al., 2015). Raoufi of oil from an oil rim reservoir. As such, this paper seeks to
et al. (2015) proposed an optimisation algorithm based on provide an effective and efficient RCS to tackle early water
simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to obtain an optimum breakthrough and gas cusping from thin oil reservoirs so as
control strategy and determining an operation that maximises to maximise oil production, by using a horizontal well with
the net present value (NPV). This algorithm ensures that, the ICVs implemented at various segments of the well.
water that is being produced does not exceed the desired limit
for water production. The path followed by the SA algorithm 2. Resources and methods
for finding the optimum results yielded about 13.91% increase
in cumulative oil and a decline of 31.89% in cumulative water 2.1 Reservoir model description
Raoufi in one of his publications titled “optimisation of The reservoir’s geologic model used for this research was
flow control with intelligent well completion in a channelised built using the Cartesian (block centred) grid system of the
oil rim reservoir” in 2011, developed a mathematical model eclipse software, specifically ECLIPSE 100 (black oil model).
based on the trust region method. As part of his work, he Data used in the modelling of the thin oil rim reservoir was
compared three control strategies used in optimisation of obtained from Chang (2014) and presented in Table 1. The oil
production from oil rim reservoirs. These include fixed flow rim reservoir is an anticlinal reservoir with a gas cap above
control devices, ON/OFF control valves, and infinitely variable and an inactive aquifer below it and it contains light oil within
control devices. The comparison of the valve control strategies a column of 35 ft. In modelling the reservoir using ECLIPSE,
indicated that, the ON/OFF control valve algorithm yields the 50 cells were used in both the x and y directions, and 20
best cumulative oil production. In the ON/OFF valve control cells in the z direction for simplicity and optimal run time.
strategy, the inflow control valves (ICV) are installed at posi- The dimensions of all the cells were made equal, having a
tions to trigger oil production and stop water production based length by width by height measurements of 200 × 200 × 5
on pre-set values. Adekunle (2012) proposed an algorithm to respectively, so as to obtain the anticlinal shape. The reservoir
optimise oil production from oil rim reservoirs. His method is a homogenous reservoir with a uniform porosity of 0.2 and
was based on what he called “trial and error method”. He a permeability of 30 mD in x, y and z directions. The reservoir
used data simulation models from oil rim field called chevron model had a total of 5,000 cells and it is located at a depth
X field but he did not disclose the data due to confidentiality. of 3,505 ft. Fig. 1 shows a diagram of the modelled anticlinal
The Schlumberger reservoir simulator was his choice of tool oil rim reservoir.
in modelling the reservoir. He implemented Darcy’s flow rate
equation into the eclipse software “WCONPROD” keyword 2.1.1 Model initialisation
under the “Schedule” section and set the flow rate to the The geologic (static) model of the reservoir was converted
maximum value. Modelling for Open/Shut ICDs with the into dynamic model by the rock saturations and fluid model.
Schlumberger Eclipse 100 simulator was achieved by applying Since the reservoir contains water, oil and gas, both the water/
the CECON keyword in the SCHEDULE section to set a
water cut limit of 90%, at which the errant connections are
automatically SHUT. Simulations were run on the basis of
trial and error by varying the “WCONPROD” keyword for
three different oil production rates, that is 5,000 stb/day,
7,500 stb/day and 10,000 stb/day. Based on the result, the
IWC producing at 10,000 stb/day proved optimal. Under this
production rate, there was 988.38 Mstb (5.41%) increase in
Field Oil Production Total and a 0.6% increase in Field Oil
Efficiency. However, Field water Production Total increased
by 132.63 Mstb (17.81%) for IWC based on the trial and
error method but it remained below the 90% economic limit
set. Economic evaluation was done using net present value
calculation of cash inflow-cash outflow to determine the eco-
nomic value of the project if intelligent wells are used. The
effect of uncertainties in variables such as labour, cost of Fig. 1. Anticlinal oil rim reservoir.
equipment, raw materials and oil price can have major effect
Broni-Bediako, E., et al. Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2019, 3(4): 343-354 345
kro vrs sw krw vrs sw bubble point pressure of 4,351.1 psi. In addition to that,
1.2 0.7 the reservoir also has a gas cap containing dry gas and its
properties is described under the keyword PVTO in the model
1 0.6
data. Its phase pressure is given as 200 psi at a viscosity of
0.8 0.012826 cP and gas formation volume factor of 15.54 ft3 /scf.
0.4 The reference pressure of the rock is 2,949 psi and the rock
0.3 compressibility is given as 3.14 × 10−6 psi−1 . The initial oil
0.4 saturation is 0.77 and its residual oil saturation is 0.24. The
0.2 0.1
initial water and irreducible water saturations are 0.76 and
0.23, respectively. However, the initial oil saturation from the
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 gas oil relative permeability is given as 0.475 and its residual
Sw saturation is 0.037. The initial gas saturation is 0.963 and
its residual gas saturation is 0.525. The oil-water and gas-oil
Fig. 2. Oil-Water relative permeability curve. relative permeability curves for the fluids are shown in Figs.
2 and 3, respectively.
0.6 0.6
to the fact that they provide a large contact area with the
0.4 0.4
thin oil column as opposed to vertical wells. The well was
0.2 0.2 completed and perforated at seven regular intervals of 200 ft
0 0 each, i.e., eight perforations using the COMPDAT keyword.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 The wells position was varied and simulations were done until
Sg the optimal position was obtained. The optimal position is the
grid coordinates that yields the maximum oil recovery and also
Fig. 3. Gas-Oil relative permeability curve. lies within the thin column of oil where coning is possible.
Using the well control data keyword “WCONPROD”, an oil
flow rate target of 6,000 bbls/day and a bottom hole production
oil saturation functions (SWOF) and the gas/oil saturation target value of 250 psia was used in the simulation. Fig. 4
functions were needed to initialise the model. The reservoir shows a horizontal well placed inside the reservoir.
contains live oil with dissolved gas-oil ratio of 1.5208 at
Figure 1 Anticlinal Oil Rim Reservoir
346 Broni-Bediako, E., et al. Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2019, 3(4): 343-354
Figure 4 Top View of the Reservoir with the Horizontal Well Fig. 5. A schematic of multi-segment well structure (Kumar et al., 2016).
Fig. 4. Top view of the reservoir with the horizontal well.
valves were installed at segments two (2) to nine (9) and they
assumed a fully opened position of area 0.022 ft (3.168 square
of the reservoir and the problems the algorithm intended to
inch) with a Cv value of 0.66.
solve, which is water and gas coning and the most effective one
was selected based on its ability to maximise oil production by
2.5 Development of a reactive control strategy controlling coning. Unlike produced water, gas is a desirable
component which contributes revenue and so the algorithms
Developing an effective RCS to be applied on an in-
targeted produce water reduction and also finding a way of
telligent well in oil rim reservoirs requires careful analysis
delaying gas production. By delaying the production of gas
and understanding of the reservoir characteristics and as such
in the reservoir, the gas provides a gas cap drive mechanism
sequential steps were applied in developing the algorithm. The
to aid oil production which is of much importance. The three
following steps detail how the algorithm was developed using
reactive control strategies are detailed as follows.
the “ACTIONX” keyword in ECLIPSE. Other forms of control
keywords exist in ECLIPSE and these include: ACTION, AC-
Algorithm 1 development process
of control keyword for this work is the ACTIONX keyword The first algorithm was designed to specifically target water
since it provides more flexibility and allows comparison of the production in the segments of the well. The algorithm basically
well’s parameter against another. Unlike ACTION (G, R, S, instructs all ICVs to open at the start of production and then to
W) which allows comparison of a well quantity against only shut ICV in the segment that has the highest water cut amongst
a constant value. The ACTIONX keyword plays an integral them all. That ICV is kept closed and production is carried
part of developing an effective RCS since it specifies a set out for a 30-day period after which all the ICVs are opened
of keywords to be processed if a set of conditions are met again and a query of which segment has the highest water cut
(Amangaliyev, 2017). In this paper, since the main objective (WCT) is made again. This was achieved by looping the set
is to delay or if possible minimise water and gas production, of instructions till the 20 years of production ends. Fig. 6 is a
the algorithm focused on mitigating water and gas production schematic of the second RCS that was coded into the model.
at various segments of the well.
The ACTIONX keyword is just like an “IF” condition used Algorithm 2 development process
in various programming languages to write programmes. The
Algorithm 2 was designed to minimise the water cut in the
keyword was placed under the schedule section of the data
segment that has the highest water cut. The algorithm opens
file and it was terminated with the keyword “ENDACTIO”.
all ICVs at the start of production and after 30 days, a query
The ACTIONX facility of the simulator allows for nested
is carried out by the algorithm to determine which segment
conditions, hence complex “IF” conditions can be looped. To
has the highest water cut. The ICV in that particular segment
achieve an efficient RCS, several complex conditions were set
is instructed to close and production carried out for a month
and simulation runs to determine which algorithm will yield
after which another query as to whether the segment water cut
the maximum cumulative oil production and will yield the
(SWCT) in that particular segment has fallen below any other
maximum NPV.
SWCT. If yes, the closed ICV is now opened for a month
of production but if no, the ICV is kept closed and produced
2.5.1 Algorithm development results
for a month and repeated till production ends. A schematic of
Three algorithms were developed based on critical analysis algorithm 2 is represented in Fig. 7.
348 Broni-Bediako, E., et al. Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2019, 3(4): 343-354
Start Production
independent variable affects a particular dependent variable
Open All ICVs under a set of assumptions (Adusu, 2018). Dynamic and
static reservoir parameters were varied at two extreme cases
Produce for One Time
(best and worst cases). The two static reservoir parameters of
Step importance in this work are absolute porosity and absolute
permeability and the dynamic reservoir parameters are skin
and oil water contact.
Which Which
Segment Segment
has the has the 2.6.1 Static reservoir parameters
Highest Highest
SGOR? SWCT? Porosity and permeability for two extreme cases (best and
worst) were put into the model so as to determine how sensi-
Close ICV in Close ICV in
tive the algorithm is in relation to these variables. These
Segment with Segment with two extreme case values were obtained by multiplying the
Highest Highest base case porosity and permeability (porosity and permeability
used in the main reservoir model) values by a factor of 2
and 0.5 to obtain the best case and worst case values. From
Darcy’s law, a direct variation exists between flow rate and
Has SGOR Yes Yes Has SWCT permeability, hence, there will be an increase in flow rate
Fallen Below Open Fallen Below when the permeability of a reservoir increases (Tarek, 2010).
any Other ICV any Other
However, there is no direct relationship between flow rate and
porosity since a reservoir can have high porosity but cannot
transmit flow due to low permeability. That notwithstanding,
No No
Keep Closed there is a generalisation that high porosity will usually result
in high flow rate. Table 2 shows the porosity and permeability
values used in all three cases.
Fig. 9. Comparison of FOPT from IWC and CW. Fig. 10. Comparison of FGPT from IWC and CW.
Broni-Bediako, E., et al. Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2019, 3(4): 343-354 351
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Years)
11 FWPT Comparison of IWC and a CW
Fig. 11. FWPT comparison of IWC and CW.
Fig. 12. FOPT comparison of IWC and CW under permeability variations.
Table 10. FOPTs and FWPTs with variations in oil water contact.
Best case scenario (OWC-3595 ft) Worst case scenario (OWC-3,518 ft)
Field parameter
FWPT (BBLS) 2,494.06 2,308.21 4,162,732 3,644,840
FOPT 1,254,225 1,196,975 343,822 296,851
(BBLS) 0 0 9 8
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