Gita Niketan Awasiya Vidyalaya Kurukshetra Holidays Homework: Class-X
Gita Niketan Awasiya Vidyalaya Kurukshetra Holidays Homework: Class-X
Gita Niketan Awasiya Vidyalaya Kurukshetra Holidays Homework: Class-X
1. Constitution: Preamble, fundamental rights and duties. (Make a file with A4 size sheets)
2. Project work- Any one of the following: (Make a file with A4 size sheets)
Consumer awareness / Social issues/ Sustainable development
3. Complete your notebooks
4. Learn question answers of the chapters done yet.
Reading – Worksheet 1-10
Writing analytical paragraph – Worksheet 42, 43 & 44
Grammar Editing – Worksheet – 64 & 65
Grammar sentence reordering – worksheet 73 & 74
Grammar – Gap Filling – 49 & 50
Literature – Worksheet 79 to 81, 103, 104, 114 -118
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ह द
िं ी दशव िं
1. पढ़ाए गए सभी पाठों की पन
ु रावत्तृ ि करें ।
2. दिए गए शब्िों से एक ऱघु कथा लऱखिए -------
(प्यार, बलऱिान , त्याग , माफी , िलु शयाॉ ,प्रकृति , सॊि
ु रिा )
3. अलभभावक शब्ि का अथथ िोजिए और उस पर एक अनच्
ु छे ि लऱखिए।
4. राष्ट्रीय मदिऱा सरु क्षा दिवस िे िु पस्
ु िक आवरण िैयार करें ।
5. गलमथयों की छुट्दियों में आपने ककस स्थान की यात्रा की? उस स्थान की भौगोलऱक
एवॊ सामाजिक पररजस्थयों का वणथन करिे िुए यात्रा -वि
ृ ान्ि अपने शब्िों में लऱिो।
1. Software skills will be developed
2. Word processing skills will be enhanced.
3. Digital presentation skills will be enhanced.
Dear students
You have to make a practical file keeping in mind the given instructions:
1. Front page displaying all your details along with subject code and Teacher In
2. Index and Page number and Teachers signature.
3. Screenshots are required.
A. Create a word Processor file that prints a letter head of the NGO named “Save Life
Alliance” .The letter should have :
Welcome image should be on theTop.
A watermark.
Font should be decorative.
An attractive logo on the top left side corner.
A tag line “Drive Safe Arrive Safe “
Date, column and address.
B.Write a Report on the letter head of the NGO on Annual road rage issues , Accidents,
casualties, effects etc.
(Using paragraph spacing as 1.5 and all use all required alignment)
C.Using the Smart Art of MS –Word create a design on safety measures taken by public to
avoid accidents on road.
Create a PowerPoint Presentation on Road Safety.(10- 15 Slides)