2.4.1 Using Electromagnets: Name: - Class: - Date
2.4.1 Using Electromagnets: Name: - Class: - Date
2.4.1 Using Electromagnets: Name: - Class: - Date
Date: ________________________
Marks: 17 marks
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Alex makes an electromagnet.
She winds insulated wire around an iron nail.
She connects the wire to a power supply.
She uses the electromagnet to pick up some steel paper-clips.
(a) (i) Give the one factor she should change as she investigates her prediction.
1 mark
1 mark
(iii) Describe how she could use the paper-clips to measure the
strength of the electromagnet.
1 mark
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(b) Alex wrote a report of her investigation.
1 mark
(c) (i) Which size paper-clips would Alex use to make her results more
Tick the correct box.
1 mark
1 mark
maximum 6 marks
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The diagram shows a magnetic lock for a door. It consists of both a strong permanent
magnet and an electromagnet. It is fitted into the door frame. An iron plate is attached to
the door.
(a) In the diagram the switch is open. Explain why the door cannot be opened.
1 mark
(b) When the switch is closed the door may be opened. Explain why the door may now
be opened.
1 mark
(c) A burglar tries to get in by cutting the wires to the battery. Explain why the door still
cannot be opened.
1 mark
(d) When the wires are repaired, the battery is accidentally connected the other way
1 mark
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(e) Another magnetic lock is shown below. It does not have a permanent magnet in it.
Explain how this kind of lock works and why it is not as secure as the one shown at
the beginning of the question.
2 marks
Maximum 6 marks
Circuit breakers are switches which open when the current becomes too large. The
diagram shows a simple circuit breaker. The springy piece of metal pushes down on the
iron rocker, and this holds the switch contacts together.
(a) (i) There is a current in the coil in the circuit breaker. What is the purpose of the
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1 mark
(ii) What is the purpose of the soft iron core in the coil?
1 mark
(b) Give two properties of iron which make it a good choice of material for the rocker.
1. ..................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................
2 marks
(c) The diagram below shows the circuit breaker with the switch contacts open.
Why do the switch contacts separate when the current becomes too large?
1 mark
Maximum 5 marks
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Mark schemes
(a) (i) the number of turns or coils of wire
accept ‘the coils’
accept ‘the turns’
1 (L5)
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‘the test is unfair’ is insufficient
1 (L6)
(c) (i)
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L6)
• with bigger paper-clips she might miss the precise point at
which the electromagnet stopped picking up paper-clips
accept ‘she would pick up differences between the number
of turns of the coil’
accept ‘she might not see a change with big paper-clips
or she would see a change with smaller paper-clips’
‘it will pick up a few large paper-clips but a lot of
small paper-clips’ is insufficient
• the smaller paper-clips might help to identify the precise point
at which the electromagnet stopped picking up paper-clips
accept ‘it is more precise or more sensitive’
award a mark for a response identifying that greater
precision is possible with smaller increments
‘they are smaller’ is insufficient
1 (L6)
(a) any one from
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• the permanent magnet still attracts the iron plate or holds the door
accept ‘the permanent magnet will not be affected by this’
(d) the field of the electromagnet reinforces the field of the permanent magnet
accept ‘the electromagnet reinforces the magnet’
or ‘the electromagnet also pulls the iron plate’
do not accept ‘poles now the wrong way round’
or ‘poles are now the same way round’
(e) one mark is for the explanation that current causes the electromagnet
to work; the other mark is for the repercussions of a current failure
• the electromagnet will hold the door shut only when there is current
accept ‘it only works when the magnet is switched on’
(a) (i) to produce a magnetic field or make an electromagnet
accept ‘to make the iron or core or it magnetic’
or ‘to make a magnet’
do not accept ‘to conduct the current’
1 (L7)
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(b) it is magnetic
1 (L7)
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