REPowerEU - A Plan
REPowerEU - A Plan
REPowerEU - A Plan
The green transformation will strengthen economic growth, security, and climate
action for Europe and our partners. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is at the
heart of the REPowerEU Plan, supporting coordinated planning and financing of cross-
border and national infrastructure as well as energy projects and reforms. The Commission
proposes to make targeted amendments to the RRF Regulation to integrate dedicated
REPowerEU chapters in Member States' existing recovery and resilience plans (RRPs), in
addition to the large number of relevant reforms and investments which are already in the
RRPs. The country-specific recommendations in the 2022 European Semester cycle will
feed into this process.
Saving energy
Energy savings are the quickest and cheapest way to address the current energy crisis, and
reduce bills. The Commission proposes to enhance long-term energy efficiency measures,
including an increase from 9% to 13% of the binding Energy Efficiency Target under the
‘Fit for 55' package of European Green Deal legislation. Saving energy now will help us to
prepare for the potential challenges of next winter. Therefore the Commission also published
today an ‘EU Save Energy Communication' detailing short-term behavioural changes
which could cut gas and oil demand by 5% and encouraging Member States to start
specific communication campaigns targeting households and industry. Member States are
also encouraged to use fiscal measures to encourage energy savings, such as reduced
VAT rates on energy efficient heating systems, building insulation and appliances and
products. The Commission also sets out contingency measures in case of severe supply
disruption, and will issue guidance on prioritisation criteria for customers and facilitate a
coordinated EU demand reduction plan.
The EU External Energy Strategy adopted today will facilitate energy diversification and
building long-term partnerships with suppliers, including cooperation on hydrogen or other
green technologies. In line with the Global Gateway, the Strategy prioritises the EU's
commitment to the global green and just energy transition, increasing energy savings and
efficiency to reduce the pressure on prices, boosting the development of renewables and
hydrogen, and stepping up energy diplomacy. In the Mediterranean and North Sea, major
hydrogen corridors will be developed. In the face of Russia's aggression, the EU will support
Ukraine, Moldova, the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries, as well as
our most vulnerable partners. With Ukraine we will continue to work together to ensure
security of supply and a functioning energy sector, while paving the way for future electricity
and renewable hydrogen trade, as well as rebuilding the energy system under
the REPowerUkraine initiative.
Replacing coal, oil and natural gas in industrial processes will reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and strengthen security and competitiveness. Energy savings, efficiency, fuel
substitution, electrification, and an enhanced uptake of renewable hydrogen, biogas and
biomethane by industry could save up to 35 bcm of natural gas by 2030 on top of what is
foreseen under the Fit for 55 proposals.
The Commission will roll out carbon contracts for difference to support the uptake of green
hydrogen by industry and specific financing for REPowerEU under the Innovation
Fund, using emission trading revenues to further support the switch away from Russian
fossil fuel dependencies. The Commission is also giving guidance on renewable energy
and power purchase agreements and will provide a technical advisory facility with the
European Investment Bank. To maintain and regain technological and industrial leadership
in areas such as solar and hydrogen, and to support the workforce, the Commission
proposes to establish an EU Solar Industry Alliance and a large-scale skills partnership. The
Commission will also intensify work on the supply of critical raw materials and prepare a
legislative proposal.
To enhance energy savings and efficiencies in the transport sector and accelerate the
transition towards zero-emission vehicles, the Commission will present a Greening of Freight
Package, aiming to significantly increase energy efficiency in the sector, and consider a
legislative initiative to increase the share of zero emission vehicles in public and corporate
car fleets above a certain size. The EU Save Energy Communication also includes many
recommendations to cities, regions and national authorities that can effectively contribute to
the substitution of fossil fuels in the transport sector.
Smart Investment
Under the current MFF, cohesion policy will already support decarbonisation and green
transition projects with up to €100 billion by investing in renewable energy, hydrogen and
infrastructure. An additional €26.9 billion from cohesion funds could be made available in
voluntary transfers to the RRF. A further €7.5 billion from the Common Agricultural
Policy is also made available through voluntary transfers to the RRF. The Commission will
double the funding available for the 2022 Large Scale Call of the Innovation Fund this
autumn to around €3 billion.
The Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) have helped to create a resilient and
interconnected EU gas infrastructure. Limited additional gas infrastructure, estimated at
around €10 billion of investment, is needed to complement the existing Projects of Common
Interest (PCI) List and fully compensate for the future loss of Russian gas imports. The
substitution needs of the coming decade can be met without locking in fossil fuels, creating
stranded assets or hampering our climate ambitions. Accelerating electricity PCIs will also be
essential to adapt the power grid to our future needs. The Connecting Europe Facility will
support this, and the Commission is launching today a new call for proposals with a
budget of €800 million, with another one to follow in early 2023.
On 8 March 2022, the Commission proposed the outline of a plan to make Europe
independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2030, in light of Russia's invasion of
Ukraine. At the European Council on 24-25 March, EU leaders agreed on this objective and
asked the Commission to present the detailed REPowerEU Plan which has been adopted
today. The recent gas supply interruptions to Bulgaria and Poland demonstrate the urgency
to address the lack of reliability of Russian energy supplies.
The European Green Deal is the EU's long-term growth plan to make Europe climate neutral
by 2050. This target is enshrined in the European Climate Law, as well as the legally binding
commitment to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to
1990 levels. The Commission presented its ‘Fit for 55' package of legislation in July 2021 to
implement these targets; these proposals would already lower our gas consumption by 30%
by 2030, with more than a third of such savings coming from meeting the EU energy
efficiency target.
On 25 January 2021, the European Council invited the Commission and the High
Representative to prepare a new External Energy Strategy. The Strategy interlinks energy
security with the global clean energy transition via external energy policy and diplomacy,
responding to the energy crisis created by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the existential
threat of climate change. The EU will continue to support the energy security and green
transition of Ukraine, Moldova and the partner countries in its immediate neighbourhood. The
Strategy acknowledges that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has a global impact on energy
markets, affecting in particular developing partner countries. The EU will continue to provide
support for a secure, sustainable and affordable energy worldwide.