Tutorial 10: Solving Cutting Stock Problem Using Column Generation Technique
Tutorial 10: Solving Cutting Stock Problem Using Column Generation Technique
Tutorial 10: Solving Cutting Stock Problem Using Column Generation Technique
Minimize c T x,
Subject to Ax = b,
x ≥ 0.
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Optimality conditions
Vector xN = xNB(1) , . . . , xNB(n−m) for nonbasic variables is
0 and vector xB = xB(1) , . . . , xB(m) of basic variables is
obtained as
T xB
Ax = [B N] = b,
BxB + NxN = b,
xB = B −1 b.
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For feasibility, A(x + θd j ) = b and
Ad j = BdBj + NdNj = 0,
BdBj + Aj = 0,
dBj = −B −1 Aj .
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Column Generation
Column generation first suggested in the context of
multi-commodity network flow problem (Ford and Fulkerson,
Dantzig and Wolfe (1960) adapted it to LP with a
decomposable structure.
Gilmore and Gomory (1961) demonstrated its effectiveness in
a cutting stock problem.
Other applications: Vehicle routing, crew scheduling,
integer-constrained problems etc.
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Column Generation
number of nonzero variables (basic variables) is equal to the
number of constraints.
Hence even though the number of possible variables
(columns) may be large, we only need a small subset of these
(in basis B) in the optimal solution.
Crucial insight
If a problem has many variables (or columns) but fewer
constraints, work with a partial A matrix.
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Example: Cutting Stock Problem
Problem description:
Stock width WS , and a set of items I.
Width of items denotd by wi , and their demand di .
Cost of using a stock per unit width is 1
Set of cutting patterns P
aip : number of pieces of item i ∈ I cut in pattern p ∈ P
Minimize total cost (number of stocks used)
Decision variables:
xp ∈ P: number of times a cutting pattern p is used
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Mathematical formulation (master)
Objective: Minimize total cost
Min xp ,
1 Demand of each item must be fulfilled
aip xp >= di , ∀i ∈ I,
xp ∈ Z+ , ∀p ∈ P.
Check: X
aip wi <= WS . ∀p ∈ P,
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The Knapsack (sub) Problem
Problem description:
Pick a new ‘pattern’ from P with most negative ‘reduced cost’
‘Value’ of item vi , i ∈ I (multiplier of demand constraint)
Decision variables:
ui ∈ I: number of times an item i is cut in the (new) pattern
Objective: Minimize reduced cost
Min 1 − ui vi
1 The generated pattern must be valid
ui wi <= WS ,
Start with a set of ‘initial’ patterns (m) and solve the master
Find the multipliers corresponding to the demand constraints:
get vi .
Solve the subproblem (knapsack) and obtain a new cutting
until the subproblem has a negative objective value;
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AMPL Modeling Tip 1: Master and subproblem
Master problem
var Cut {PATTERNS} integer >= 0; # stocks cut using a pattern
var Use {ITEMS} integer >= 0;
minimize Reduced_Cost:
1 - sum {i in ITEMS} price[i] * Use[i];
subj to Width_Limit:
sum {i in ITEMS} i * Use[i] <= W_S;
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AMPL Modeling Tip 2: Run File
repeat {
solve Cutting_Opt;
let {i in WIDTHS} price[i] := Fill[i].dual;
solve Pattern_Gen;
if Reduced_Cost < -0.00001 then {
let nPAT := nPAT + 1;
let {i in WIDTHS} nbr[i,nPAT] := Use[i];
else break;