Kick-Ass Board Game Aid
Kick-Ass Board Game Aid
Kick-Ass Board Game Aid
Some game effects may spawn Super Minions. Attach a Districts – Each District has a graphic rules box that explains
black base to a regular Minion to indicate this. These are how players interact with it. The Timer is the Timer effect
more powerful than regular Minions, but still occupy a triggered by that symbol on cards.
District Space like a regular Minion.
The Clean Up Bonus is triggered ANY TIME a player removes
When required to place a Super Minion in a full District, the LAST Enemy from the District. If more than one Hero
REPLACE the regular Minion with the Super Minion. helped to remove the last enemy, only ONE Hero gets the
bonus, but the players decide.
If the District ONLY contains Super Minions, then follow the
Spawning Path, placing the Super Minion as normal. Clean Up Bonuses that all players to instantly Clean Up a
District, ONLY remove regular Minions.
Activation Cards – These are how Heroes interact with the
game. They contain a card type (upper left), Movement Special District Notes:
Points (bottom left) that indicates how much movement Police Department – If the Police Department triggers the
the Hero can use, a game effect (bottom), and possibly a Clean Up bonus of another District, the player gets that
District Limitation (above effect). bonus as well.
Shop – If buying Items, the Social Media discount is from
Blue cards are either Job (briefcase) or Personal (silhouette) the TOTAL purchase, NOT EACH ITEM. The Clean Up effect
and are related to normal life. places a Shop token. If the Free Item space is covered, draw
1 random Item, which can be given to ANY player.
Red cards are for fighting and have the Hero (mask) card Library – The Protection tokens can be placed in ANY
type. District.
Docks – The Hit or Shield Dock token will either give +1 Hit
Green cards are special cards that Heroes can access once or +1 Shield to ALL Heroes in ANY District. When Ganging
they become Famous (Social Media level 9). Once a Hero Up, ONLY a SINGLE +1 is given. Every Sleep Phase, the
reaches Famous, they IMMEDIATELY gain their Green Docks token slides one space along the arrows. Once it
Activation card. slides off, the effect is lost.
City Hall – Players can choose to take one of the Activation
Players can discuss their strategy and then cards available (following the usual rules in Refresh Phase)
SIMULTANEOUSLY select and play 1 card from their hand. OR take back a card that was already used this Round. You
Played cards are ONLY recovered in the Refresh Phase. CANNOT take back the same card that was used to trigger
this Timer effect.
Hero Movement – If a player wishes to move their Hero, it
MUST be done BEFORE any of their card’s game effects. FIGHTING
The Movement Points on their card indicate how many To start a Fight, a player must play a card with the POW!
Districts they can move, one District per point. Fight icon, which starts a Fight against ALL Enemies in a
Districts are adjacent if they share a border or are
connected by a bridge. First, add up the Power of ALL Enemies in the District for
the total Enemy Power. Minions have 1 Power and Super
Effect Icons – Aside from any adjustments to Minions have 2 Power. Mini-Bosses and Bosses have their
stats/resources, there are 2 symbols in the Effect area: own Power listed on their cards.
Timer – This is resolved in the District where the
Hero is standing or resolved by an active Event. Next, the Hero checks their dice pool, which is based on
Fight (POW!) – This is resolved by starting a Fight in their Strength Track, Items, and possibly the card played.
the District where the Hero is standing. If The Hero MUST roll all indicated dice.
MULTIPLE Heroes chose to play a Fight card, they
may choose to GANG UP! After rolling the dice, add any Shields, plus any bonuses
In some cases, players might not want or be able to use an (Docks, Items, card bonuses, etc.) and subtract this from the
Activation card for its normal effect. Players MAY ALWAYS Enemy Power. This is how much Damage the Hero has
taken, reducing their Life accordingly.
Then, add all Hits rolled plus and Hit bonuses. This is how 4 – Refresh Phase
much Damage the Hero deals and can be divided as the During this phase, Heroes MUST do the following, in order:
Hero desires. The ONLY thing that can reduce this Damage
is any Armor the Enemy may have (usually Final Bosses). 1.) Players take their Activation cards back in hand.
2.) After discussing, each player may take 1 Activation card
Minions have 1 Life, Super Minions have 2 Life. Mini-Bosses from those still available, following the rule that they
and Final Bosses have their own respective Life. CANNOT have more than 5 Activation cards. They will
need to discard any above 5.
Rolling even just ONE Lightning is good enough to trigger
ALL bonuses from the Lightning icon. If MORE than one Players can decide NOT to gain a card and instead gain
Lightning is rolled, trigger EACH effect ONCE PER 1 Like, 1 Happiness, or $1.
LIGHTNING! 3.) Discard the remaining available Activation cards,
revealed 4 new Blue ones and 2 new Red ones. In
If the Lightning icon is a PARTICULAR COLOR, then that SOLO, only 2 Blue and 2 Red.
color Lightning MUST be rolled to trigger it. 4.) Discard ALL remaining Items from the Shop and draw 4
new Items cards.
Ganging Up – When 2 or more Heroes choose to engage in 5.) Unexhaust Exhausted Items as stated. Some only
a Fight in the SAME District, they Gang Up on the bad guys. Unexhaust by fulfilling a particular condition.
Heroes each roll their dice pools separately, then add the 6.) Advance the Round token 1 space on the Round Track.
Hits and Shields together for a combined result. Each Then begin a new Round, starting with the Event Phase.
Heroes Lightning results can ONLY trigger their OWN
Lightning effects. Continue like this until the Heroes defeat the Final Boss or
they are defeated.
After reducing the Enemy Power by their COLLECTIVE
Shields, the Heroes can divide any remaining Damage FINAL PLOT
AMONGST THEMSELVES. A Hero MAY choose to take ALL If, during the Sleep Phase, the players have successfully
of the Damage, even if it’s MORE than their actual Life. completed 3 Events, reveal the Final Plot card and follow
the Setup Rules for the respective Boss (page 26). Replace
Faint – Once a Hero has taken enough Damage to get to the the remaining facedown Event cards with the Boss Event
Faint space of their Life Track, they must roll the Faint die. cards related to the revealed Final Plot.
If the result is a blank, they are still up – place their token
back at 0. If the Faint face is rolled, they fall unconscious. EVERY time you COMPLETE a Boss Event, IMMEDIATELY
The Faint die is ONLY rolled AFTER the Fight is FULLY add a NEW Boss Event to the FIRST space of the Event Row,
resolved. advancing any Events to the right as necessary. This Event
starts now – no waiting for the Event Phase.
After the Fight is resolved, unconscious Heroes are placed in
the Hospital District and the Hero goes back to FULL Life. Final Plot Track – All Final Plots and some Events use a this
Also, DECREASE their Happiness to the next Hardship space, track. Arrow-shaped Trackers for Life, Armor, and Power or
IMMEDIATELY revealing the Hardship. other Boss Trackers are placed on their current values.
If a Hero Faints, also move EVERY Event one space to the Final Boss – Their Armor and Life are tracked on the Final
right on the Event Row. Plot Track. Armor indicates how many Hits to subtract from
Damage inflicted by a Hero. Life is how much Damage they
3 – Sleep Phase (moon) can take before dying.
During this phase, make the following 4 checks, in order:
1.) Check the Docks District. If the Docks token is active, END OF THE GAME
advance it 1 space. If the Heroes manage to complete the Final Plot BEFORE the
2.) Check the Hero Dashboards for any bonuses or END of Round 9, the Heroes defeat the Final Boss and win!
Hardships that might be triggered. The Players lose if the players attempt to spawn 1 Minion to
3.) Check the active Event cards for any effects that trigger. City Hall and it is full OR it becomes impossible to complete
If MORE than ONE Event has a Sleep Phase trigger, 3 Events OR the Final Plot is not solved by the end of Round
resolve them from left to right. 9.
4.) Check if the Final Plot must be revealed.
Note – Any time a card indicates X, that is player count.