House Price Prediction Based On Machine Learning: A Case of King County
House Price Prediction Based On Machine Learning: A Case of King County
House Price Prediction Based On Machine Learning: A Case of King County
Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2022)
This paper focuses on formulating a feasible method for house price prediction. A dataset containing features and house
price of King County in the US is used. During the data preprocessing, extreme values are winsorized and highly
correlated features are removed. Eight models including Catboost, lightGBM and XGBoost serve as candidate models.
They are evaluated by several evaluation indicators, including rooted mean square error, R-squared score, adjusted R-
squared score and K-fold cross validation score. The model that has low RMSE, achieves a high R-squared score and
adjusted R-squared score, especially in the test set, and acquires a high score in cross validation is considered a better
model. This paper finds out that Catboost performs the best among all models and can be used for house price prediction.
Location, living space and condition of the house are the most important features influencing house price. After
comparison and contrast with other papers, it is attested that findings in this paper conform to real life. This paper
formulates a model that fits better than preceding studies for house price prediction and makes necessary supplement to
the exploration of features that influence house price from a microscope.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
The second factor is 𝑙1 regularization. Catboost makes use of a strategy named Ordered TS
(Target Statistics) in the prevention of prediction shifts.
3.1.3. RANDOM FOREST REGRESSION To realize this strategy, an artificial “time”, i.e., a random
permutation 𝜎 of the training examples, is introduced.
Random forest searches for the best feature among a Then, we take 𝐷𝑘 = {𝑥𝑗 : 𝜎(𝑗) < 𝜎(𝑘)} as the training
random set of features. It trains the model for T rounds. example and 𝐷𝑘 = 𝐷 for a test one, where 𝐷𝑘 is the
The best feature in each random subset is used to split the dataset. This strategy not only uses all the training data
node and the combination of them generates the strong for the learning model but also satisfies the following
learner F(x). property:
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
Notes: alpha stands for regularization parameter, degree stands for the highest degree of polynomial regression, and
the name in the column ‘model’ stands for its kind of regression, for example, Catboost stands for Catboost regression.
From Table 1, it is not difficult to conclude that Catboost is selected as the final model used to predict
Catboost Regressor performs the best among all models. house prices.
It has an RMSE of 95163.23 and becomes the only model
The hyperparameters in the model are set by default.
that has an RMSE of less than 100,000. When it comes to
Here, we discuss some of the hyperparameters that are
the R2 score, adjusted R2 score, as well as the 5-Fold
most used. In the model, the ‘iteration’, which means the
Cross Validation score, Catboost stands out from the
largest number of trees, is set to be 1000. ‘Learning rate’
candidate models as well. Catboost demonstrates a great
is set to be 0.03. ‘Depth’ means the maximum depth of
capability of precise prediction and does not show any
the tree, which is 6. ‘Class_weights’ determines the
tendency of overfitting, therefore, there is no doubt that
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
weight of each category, highly useful in hierarchical slight problem of overfitting with Random Forest
training with unbalanced data, is set to be None. Regressor.
It is worth noting that the model that obtains the
highest average R2 score of the training sets in each 4.2. IMPORTANT FEATURES FOR DETERMINING
iteration is Random Forest Regressor, which achieves an THE HOUSE PRICE
R2 score of 0.984. However, when it comes to the average
This section will explore what features bring the most
R2 score of the training sets in each iteration, its
influence to the outcome of the model. The graph in
performance is not that ideal. The average R2 score drops
Figure 9 shows feature importance generated through
to only 0.885. It is suspected reasonably that there is a
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 648
figuring out the determinants of house prices in Turkey. the same issue. In addition, this essay focuses on the
Taking even more properties into account, he concludes house price prediction from a microscope rather than
that the condition of the water system, whether the house macro scope which is used by more scholars. This brings
has a swimming pool, and the type of the house (what about an essential supplement to research on the house
material the house is made of) are the most important price prediction.
factors [17]. These factors seem to obviate the previous
Despite the merits above, this essay still bears some
findings. However, if inspected carefully, these factors
slight drawbacks. First, this paper does not cover the
are, to some extent, related to the grade of a house.
macroeconomic factors. If they were taken into
Besides, he mentions that the number of rooms and the
consideration, the results might be closer to real-life
locational characteristics is also important. These factors
situations. Besides, this paper conducts a case study of
are compatible with our findings in this paper.
King County of the US. However, for other areas that are
All literature mentioned above solves the problem of not similar to King County, additional study is probably
house price prediction and important factor determination needed.
from a microscope. Extant literature effectively attests to
the validity of our paper’s findings. Though there exist ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
some slight differences, the general outcome is quite
similar. House location, the space for living, as well as Copyright © 2021 by the authors. This is an open-
the condition of the house, are indeed among the most access article distributed under the Creative Commons
essential features from a microscope to determine how a Attribution License which permits unrestricted use,
certain accommodation will be priced. distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).
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