Confident Cyber Security - Jessica Barker

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Confident Cyber Security

Confident Cyber Security

How to get started in cyber security and
futureproof your career

Jessica Barker
To FC, thanks for being on my team at home
and at work.
And, to everyone in the cyber security
community – including those of you who are
just joining us – let’s keep learning, sharing and
making the world a safer place.

An introduction to cyber security

PART ONE Why cyber security?

01 What cyber security is
The cyber security rainbow: Red, blue and purple
The cyber security spectrum: Who are the hackers?
Hacking and the law
Good hackers gone bad? Professional ethics in cyber
Case study: TalkTalk
Case study: SamSam
Malicious and non-malicious insiders
Case study: Andrew Skelton
Case study: Dow Jones and Facebook apps
Exercise 1.1: Assessing the risks
02 Why cyber security is important
Risks, threats and vulnerabilities
Risk assessment and management
Risk, threat, vulnerability and mitigations
Cyber security and the law
Cyber security and personal lives
PART TWO The technical side of cyber security
03 Technical vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list
Common Vulnerability Scoring System
Open Web Application Security Project top ten
Case study: TalkTalk
Case study: WannaCry
Case study: Life at Parliament View Ltd
Exercise 3.1: Identifying vulnerabilities
What technology is vulnerable?

PART THREE The human side of cyber security

04 Why people are so important in cyber security
Case study: The Big Hack
Case study: Amazon S3
05 Social engineering
Social engineering red flags
Social engineering through history
Non-criminal social engineering
Why social engineering works
Case study: Alice and Bob
Exercise 5.1: Hot state triggers
06 Attacks that utilize social engineering
Case study: Bill
Case study: FireEye
Case study: WhatsApp
Case study: Business email compromise
Money trails and cryptocurrency
Offline social engineering attacks

PART FOUR The physical side of cyber security

07 Why physical space matters in cyber security
Access control systems
Exercise 7.1: Spot the security flaw
Physical vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things
The physical infrastructure of the internet
08 How organizations can better protect themselves
Anti-virus software
Network segmentation
Airgapped networks
Policies and procedures
Intrusion detection systems and intrusion protection
Block list and allow list
Cyber threat intelligence and threat hunting
Vulnerability scanning
Penetration testing
Awareness-raising training
Security culture
Champion programmes
Digital footprint assessments
Physical security controls
Social engineering assessments and red team
A layered approach
09 How individuals can better protect themselves
Protect your accounts
Biometric security
Loyalty points theft
Protect your devices
Protect your data
Be social media savvy
Be social engineering savvy
10 Nation-state cyber security: Geopolitics
Policing the internet
Nation-state level cyber attacks
NSA insiders
Companies and nation-state level attacks
Misinformation and disinformation

The future of cyber security and what it means
for your career
11 Cyber security in different industries
Celebrity, entertainment and pop culture
Journalism and the media
Social media and influencers
Small and medium enterprises
Conveyancing fraud
12 Cyber security at the board level
Cyber security frameworks
Cyber security governance
Risk appetite and risk tolerance
The board perspective on cyber security
Board members as challengers
Cyber security as a business risk
13 Pursuing a cyber security career
Qualifications and certifications
What do employers want?
What can you do to get a job in the industry?
Jack Daniel, BSides co-founder
Sophia McCall, Captain of Team UK at the European
Cyber Security Challenge
14 The variety of cyber security careers
The start-up CEO
The infosec pundit
The professor
The journalist
Alternative paths into cyber security
The ethical hacker
The lawyer
The analyst
The national cyber security advisor
The security awareness leader
Specialists and generalists
The security contractor
A final word: Keep a learning mindset
Appendix: Answers

1.1 Cybercrime bell curve
5.1 Alice and Bob’s email

TABLE 0.1 Cyber security timeline


Many people have helped and supported me whilst writing this

book and I’m grateful to each and every one of them. First and
foremost, to my husband FC, for his enormous help and support
not just in writing this book, but in everything I do. He’s my
biggest champion and I’m grateful for that every day. I’m lucky
to have a wonderful family – thanks to my Mum and Dad, Sue
and Richard, and my brother, Danny, and his wife, Lucy. And, of
course, Bubble the cat has been an unwavering cheerleader.
Thanks to the team at Cygenta – not just FC but also Madeline,
Richard, Natalie and Dave – for being so helpful, and so patient,
while I’ve been juggling this and the business. Thanks to all of
my lovely friends, including those on Twitter, who have
cheered me on from the sidelines. I’ve already mentioned
Natalie, one of my oldest and dearest friends, so I must thank
the others, or I’ll be in trouble. Catriona, Aleyna, Laura and of
course Kat, who started me down this path (I’ve just about
forgiven you!).
This book features many amazing contributors and I really
appreciate everyone who has shared their stories and their
insights. Thanks to my fellow board members, and the whole
membership, of ClubCISO for their moral support. In particular,
I would like to thank Rob Bainbridge for sharing his time and
expertise. I am grateful to Professor Peter Batey, whose red pen
and counsel have continued to stand me in good stead ten years
after finishing my PhD.
Special thanks to my editor at Kogan Page, Rebecca Bush,
whose patience, professionalism and positivity throughout has
been instrumental in completing this book. I’m grateful to the
whole team at Kogan Page for making this book possible.
And, finally, to Yorkshire Tea. I could have done it without
you, but it would have been much harder.
An introduction to cyber
‘You can’t work in cyber security unless you are very

‘Users are the weakest link in cyber security.’

‘Hackers are all criminals!’

‘Cybercrime is targeted. It’s only the concern of

governments and big business.’

‘No one would target me; my data is not worth

These myths, and many more, plague cyber security. In this
book, we will see why all of the above statements are false. We
will demystify cyber security, and show the breadth and depth
of the field; how it encompasses not just computer science, but
also psychology, sociology, physical security, behavioural
economics, marketing, design, education and much, much
Cyber security is a topic that cuts across pretty much every
area of life. Government, healthcare, politics, fashion, sports,
the media, big business, small business, charities, education –
you name it, it is affected by cyber security. It is a fascinating,
challenging, fast-paced field that changes every day, but at the
same time is concerned with issues that have been a part of
human life for centuries. In the last few years, awareness has
grown phenomenally. Cyber security issues make national news
on a seemingly daily basis, and it has become a boardroom and
household subject of conversation.
Having been working in this industry for nearly ten years,
I’ve witnessed this rise in awareness alongside a growth in
understanding of the diversity of the topic. I have always
worked on the human side of cyber security; I am passionate
about raising awareness of cyber security, positively
influencing people’s behaviours online so they operate in a
more secure way, measuring and advancing organizational
cyber security culture, and translating technical messages for a
non-technical audience. When I started in the field, this was
very much a niche area of the industry and I would frequently
have to explain to my peers in the community what it meant to
work on the human side, and why people are an important
dimension of this field. That is no longer the case: working on
the human side of cyber security has become pretty
mainstream within the industry. There has been an explosion
in understanding that people are a fundamental part of cyber
security, whether from the perspective of analysing the
motivations and profiles of cybercriminals to designing security
products to be more user-friendly, from recognizing what
makes us so susceptible to social engineering to how we can
better-communicate cyber security messages to be more
mindful of pedagogy.
When I was a teenager in the early 1990s, first experiencing
the internet, I would never have expected that I would go on to
have a successful career in a technology field – let alone the
field of cyber security itself. This was, understandably, not even
remotely on the radar of my school’s career guidance
professional. I was interested in technology, a little, but I didn’t
think I was capable of a career there. I was more interested in
people, and disciplines related to understanding themes of
society: history, English literature and sociology.
Later, having finished my PhD and not knowing what to do, I
was headhunted by a cyber security consultancy. I had no idea
what cyber security was or how someone who saw themselves
as non-technical could be relevant to the field, but I was keen to
find out. The UK Government had not long since released their
strategy on cyber security and it was obvious that it was
becoming more of a priority for them. The role was to involve
carrying out cyber security assessments of organizations, and
interviewing people about how they work with technology and
understand risk – so the skills I had developed during my
academic career were relevant. I was ready for a change, and
excited to learn something new, so I took the job.
Entering the field of cyber security is a steep learning curve.
However, what I immediately loved about the subject is how
much there is to learn and how new challenges can emerge
every day. This is one of the many things I still love about
working in this industry: no two days are the same and being
bored isn’t much of an option. I quickly began to understand
how my work before entering cyber security was relevant –
people are easily as central to this discipline as technology.

The history of cyber security

The history of cyber security starts many years before the
invention of the computer. Encryption – a system of encoding
data to prevent prying eyes from reading it – is often assumed
to be so entwined with computers that we can forget that this
cornerstone of cyber security is thousands of years old. It is
claimed that Histiaeus, a Greek ruler in the 6th century,
tattooed a military message on the shaved head of a slave
before waiting for the hair to grow back and sending the slave
to his ally with a message to remove his hair and read the
secret missive.
Julius Caesar is credited with inventing one of the first
encoding systems, aptly called the Caesar cipher or Caesar shift.
The Caesar cipher is very simple compared to the encryption
mechanisms we have in place now, but at the time was
revolutionary. It is a substitution cipher in which each plaintext
letter of a message is replaced by a letter a fixed number of
positions down the alphabet. So, if there is a rotation right 4, A
would become E, B would become F and so on. For example, if
we are going to encode the words ‘shift example’ and shift four
to the right, it would become ‘wlmjx ibeqtpi’. This is illustrated
in the wheel below.
Different rotations give different encodings. Try to decode
this phrase, which has been encoded using a Caesar cipher (tip:
you will need to work out the rotation number first): ‘Guvf vf
na rknzcyr bs n Pnrfne pvcure. Jryy qbar sbe qrpbqvat vg!’.
The answer is on page 230.

Figure 0.1 details

To cover the entire history of cyber security would take a whole

book, or even several books – and we don’t need to know
absolutely everything in order to develop in-demand cyber
security skills. Table 0.1 provides a quick timeline: this covers
some of the key points in the evolution of information security.
Table 0.1 Cyber security timeline
Skip table
c.50 BC Julius Caesar creates the Caesar cipher
1903 Nevil Maskelyne breaks into a demonstration of Marconi’s
wireless telegraphy, to highlight it is not secure and private
1916–18 Enigma cipher machine invented by German engineer Arthur
Scherbius. The encryption device is used extensively by Nazi
Germany in the Second World War
1932 Polish cryptologists Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and
Jerzy Rózycki break the Enigma machine code, enabling the
Polish Cipher Bureau to read German Enigma messages from
1939 Alan Turing creates the Bombe computer at Bletchley Park in
the UK, developed from a device made by the Polish Cipher
Bureau; the Bombe helps decipher German secret messages,
encrypted using Enigma during World War II
1943–45 Tommy Flowers designs Colossus, widely regarded as the
world’s first programmable, electric, digital computer
1949 The paper ‘Theory and organization of complicated automata’
by John von Nuemann outlines self-replication of computer
1940s The American mathematician Norbert Wiener uses the term
‘cybernetics’ to mean ‘control or communication theory,
whether in the machine or in the animal’1
1955 The word ‘hack’, to mean messing around with machines, is
coined at the MIT Tech Model Railroad Club
1957 Josef Carl Engressia (‘joybubbles’), a blind 7-year-old boy with
perfect pitch, can whistle 2600 mhz, which is a tone that can
control American telephone systems; alongside John Draper,
he starts the Phreaking scene
1961 MIT’s Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) requires users
to log in with a password; in the 1960s passwords start to be
used on other computer systems
1970s The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
(ARPANET) is invented, a precursor to the internet
1971 Ray Tomlinson is credited with inventing email, after
implementing the first email program on ARPANET
1971 Creeper, the first computer virus in history, spreads the
message ‘I’m the creeper, catch me if you can’ over ARPANET
computers; the virus is harmless, created by Bob Thomas to
test his theory that programs could be moved across
1971 Reaper is developed in response to Creeper (it is not known
who created it; some claim it was Bob Thomas himself, whilst
others credit Ray Tomlinson). Reaper detects Creeper on a
computer and deletes it
1972 Rabbit, the first malicious virus, infects computers, reproduces
itself and causes the system to crash
1981 New York Times reports on hackers and describes ethical
hacking activities2
1982 The internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) is standardized, which
enables worldwide proliferation of interconnected networks.
Commercial internet service providers (ISPs) are set up in the
late 1980s and early 1990s
1983 Six bills concerning cybercrime introduced in the USA after
the activities of the 414s hacking group, the first widely
recognized group of hackers
1984 The Hacker Quarterly is first published
1986 Clifford Stoll locates Marcus Hess using a honeypot; Hess had
hacked into a network of US, European and East Asian military
and industrial computers and sold the information to the
1986 US Congress passes the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,
making breaking into computers a crime
1985 Robert Schifreen and Stephen Gold arrested for hacking into a
BT computer and accessing TeleCom Gold (an early email
system) communications of Prince Philip; in 1986 they are
convicted under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act (the first
people to be charged with forgery that deceived a non-human
target) due to a lack of contemporary legislation in the UK
against computer hacking
1988 The Morris Worm, written by Robert Morris, is one of the first
worms distributed via the internet and spreads to over 6,000
of the approximately 60,000 computers connected to the
internet at the time. Robert Morris is the first felony
conviction under the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act4
1988 Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) formed at
Carnegie Mellon University
1988 First CERT Advisory issued
1989 Sir Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web
1990 ARPANET decommissioned
1990 The UK introduces the Computer Misuse Act
Early 1990s The first firewalls are used
1995 CVSSv1 is launched to rank computer system vulnerabilities
(see Chapter 3 for more information)
1999 Mitre CVE list created to make it easier to share information
on computer system vulnerabilities (see Chapter 3 for more
2003 OWASP top 10 first published, with the aim of highlighting
information on the most critical computer vulnerabilities
2013 Edward Snowden leaks classified information from the US
National Security Agency, revealing global surveillance
programmes and techniques
2014 The UK launches its first CERT (CERT-UK)
2017 The UK National Cyber Security Centre is established, as the
public-facing arm of GCHQ
2017 Wannacry ransomware spreads globally, with the cryptoworm
targeting computers running Microsoft Windows operating
system. A security researcher going by the handle
MalwareTech stops the spread of the attack

The rise of cybercrime

During the 1980s, the growth of the internet meant that hacking
became a worldwide subculture, but it was unclear how to deal
with criminals that abused the systems already starting to
In 1983, a group of six teenagers calling themselves the 414s
(after their telephone code in Milwaukee) brought cybercrime
to global attention. Neal Patrick, Timothy Winslow and four of
their friends were young men who shared a passion for
computers. When they discovered it was possible to remotely
access a computer with a telephone modem, they would hack
into the systems of organizations to access computer games on
their systems. When they made it to the leader boards of the
games, they would enter their ‘414’ name. When they hacked
into the medical company Sloan-Kettering, they noticed that all
activity was being logged and so attempted to delete their
tracks. They accidentally deleted more than they intended,
including payment records of the company, which alerted an
administrator at the company, who then contacted the FBI. The
FBI lured the 414s back onto the Sloan-Kettering system with a
honeytrap: a Star Trek game. When the 414s left their ‘calling
card’, leaving their 414 tag on the game leader board, the FBI
were able to trace the hack back to them. Without legislation in
place relating to cybercrimes, three members of the 414s were
charged with making illegal phone calls without identifying
themselves with the intent to harass. Patrick, aged just 17 years
old at the time, received an immunity deal and then became
something of a celebrity, appearing in the media and testifying
to the US House of Representatives about the dangers of
hacking.5 By 1986 things had changed. The US Congress had
passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which made
breaking into computer systems a crime.
In the United Kingdom, convictions were being made under
the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act of 1981; famously, Robert
Schifreen and Stephen Gold were convicted under that act for
the accessing of a TeleCom Gold account (an early email system)
belonging to the Duke of Edinburgh. However, this charge was
soon dismissed, as hacking was not considered to have been
legally defined as fraud. It took some years before the law
finally caught up, with the introduction of the Computer Misuse
Act 1990 to make unauthorized access to computer systems a
crime, for example with the CyberUp campaign (FC, 2020).6
Cyber security, you and your career
It is important to understand where we have come from, as an
industry and a community, to fully appreciate where we are
now; so, now that we’ve finished our potted history, let’s go on
to explore the different facets of cyber security today, from the
technical to the physical and the human considerations. We will
look at the different careers available in the industry, and hear
from some amazing people working in the field. Hopefully, you
will finish the book with an understanding of the complex
challenges we face in this field, an appreciation of how diverse
the industry is and an awareness of where cyber security
applies to you and, perhaps, how you could have a career in
this fast-paced, relevant and important profession. Some people
love working in cyber security because of the technical
challenges they can tackle; others are drawn to it because it is a
means by which they can help others. For many of us, it is these
reasons and more. One thing most of us in this community have
in common is curiosity, and a drive to learn more and solve
puzzles. I hope this book satisfies some of your curiosity about
cyber security, but I also believe that if reading this book
prompts more questions in your mind, and you have the drive
to go away and start finding the answers to those questions,
that is a pretty solid sign that you have the perfect mindset for a
satisfying and successful career in cyber security.

1 Wiener, N (1961) Cybernetics: Or control and communication in the animal and the
machine, MIT Press.
(archived at
3 Stoll, C (2007) The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a spy through the maze of computer
espionage, Gallery Books.
et-110218. (archived at
5 Storr, W (2015) The kid hackers who starred in a real-life WarGames, 16 September, (archived at http

6 FC (2020) CyberUp: why we believe the Computer Misuse Act needs reform (blog),
Cygenta. 13 July, (archived at
Why cyber security?
What cyber security is
Cyber security has technically only been around for a few
decades, yet it is now so mainstream that it’s in the dictionary,
defined as:
Measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the
internet) against unauthorized access or attack.

Whilst the dictionary defines protection of computers as central

to cyber security, I would argue that it is more precisely about
protecting information. We’re not protecting the computers, but
what is on the computers (for example, confidential plans for a
new product); what the computers provide access to (for
example, your online banking); or what the computers are
programmed to do (for example, operate power plants).
At first glance, then, cyber security might sound inherently
and absolutely technical. This is certainly the popular image: a
green screen of code, geeks in hoodies, blinking lights and neon
streams of light. The reality is that, whilst technology is of
course central to cyber security, the discipline is much wider
than that. The types of jobs in the profession vary widely, from
deeply technical to very much people-focused.
Here’s why: technology does not exist in a vacuum.
Technology is invented and developed by humans. Code is
written by people – people who inadvertently create bugs that
make technology vulnerable. People then interact with
technology, and use it in ways it was not intended to be used.
Then there’s the physical aspect: technology, of course, has a
physical as well as digital presence. Data is stored in servers,
which are in turn located in warehouses; computers (whether
desktop, laptop or smartphones) sit unattended in offices and
coffee shops, and are prone to being lost and stolen. Criminals
seek to profit from these vulnerabilities, with their human
motivations and methods. Understanding the intricacies of all
of these factors, and how they interplay with one another, takes
people with expertise and skill in all of the different areas
spanning digital, human and physical. Cyber attacks and data
breaches are always the result of human, technical or physical
issues (or a combination of all three) and so, to properly defend
individuals, organizations and countries, we need expertise in
all of these areas.

The cyber security rainbow: Red, blue and

There are many, many different specialisms in cyber security
and, like most professions, these are wrapped in jargon. There’s
a lot of colour in the terminology: we’ll start by looking at the
red, blue and purple teams. (You may find that some people will
argue that the definitions of red, blue and purple team should
be much more narrow than the following, but for the purposes
of understanding the different roles in this industry, and how
they can be grouped together to perform different functions, we
will use a wider definition.)
Those who simulate attacks on organizations are called the
red team. They ‘break in’ to companies, under a legal agreement
with that company, in order to identify vulnerabilities, which
can then be fixed before cyber criminals exploit them. Red
teamers are sometimes employed directly, but they are most
commonly from specialist companies, or individuals working as
freelancers, who are engaged by organizations as and when
they want a test.
The red team is testing the defences put in place by the blue
team. The blue team work to protect companies from cyber
criminals, and these protections are tested by red teamers to
see if they can bypass them (which would mean that criminals
could). Just like the red team, blue teamers can be employed
directly by a company or can be brought in from specialist
companies to do distinct pieces of work. In the best scenario,
the red and blue teams work closely to ensure that the defences
are as robust as they can be.
If the team is blended, or an individual has skills across both
attack and defence, they are commonly known as purple
(because when red and blue paint is mixed, it makes purple).
However, the purple team might not be a purple person, or even
a team made up of red people and blue people: it can also be
understood as a concept, or a way of working within an
organization, in which the red and blue team work very
collaboratively to ensure that the organization is as secure as
Within the red, blue and purple teams are specialisms that
draw on technical, human or physical skills (or a combination
of them).

The red team

In the red team, people whose jobs centre on simulating attacks
on organizations, there are social engineers. We’ll cover social
engineering in Chapter 3, so won’t go into detail here, but
ethical social engineers are hired to ‘break into’ organizations,
which can be physically, digitally or via the people working
there. Organizations don’t generally have social engineers on
the payroll; rather, they may have people who work on their
red team with social engineering skills or they will hire people
to carry out social engineering assessments of the organization
from time to time. Given the nature of their role, these
individuals may have skills that span human, physical and
technical domains (or are focused on one of the three). Social
engineers may break in physically to organizations, or they may
social engineer their way in (for example, talking their way past
the receptionist, or making a phone call to someone in the
company and masquerading as someone else as a way of
getting information out of them). They may send a spear-
phishing email or text, just like criminals, as a way of getting the
credentials of someone in the company and accessing their
systems (we’ll look more at spear-phishing in Chapter 3).1 Once
in the building or on the network, they may use technical skills
to compromise the information technology (IT) systems further;
for example, if they broke into the building physically, they may
plant a rogue access point that people in the company will then
unwittingly use to connect to the internet and expose their data.
Also on the red team are penetration testers (‘pen testers’),
otherwise known as ethical hackers. Pen testers work on behalf
of the organization, with their legal consent, to break into the
computer systems. They will work to a scope and often use a
number of tools: for example, Kali Linux, Wireshark, the SE
Toolkit and John the Ripper. They identify vulnerabilities in the
systems and report these back to the organization, with
recommended mitigations. Over the last ten to fifteen years
there has been a rise in bug bounties, which are schemes run
by organizations (sometimes via a bug bounty platform) to offer
rewards to anyone who identifies a vulnerability in their
system. Again, the organization is usually very specific about
which parts of their systems are under a bug bounty and, of
course, not all companies engage in bug bounties. It probably
should go without saying, but let’s say it explicitly anyway: you
should not test a company’s security without their explicit
permission and a signed contract, unless what you are doing
falls under a bug bounty. If you challenge or test a company’s
cyber security without a contract or outside of a bug bounty,
you are not performing a pen test, you are illegally hacking

The blue team

On the blue team, there are many roles. Attackers need to find
just one flaw in an organization’s security to compromise it, or
at least to begin compromising it, so they really just need to win
once. Defenders need to make sure everything in the company,
from the people to the physical measures to the technical
systems, have an adequate level of security. Defenders need to
win 100 per cent of the time.
Most large organizations have a chief information security
officer (CISO), who sets the strategy, decides where the budget
should be spent and ultimately takes responsibility for security
within that organization. They lead the security team. Every
organization is different: some will have a large security team,
some a small one, and some will have no internal security
teams at all.
One role that has become more common in recent years is
people working on the human side of cyber security, which can
take the form of people working on raising awareness of cyber
security within the organization, and getting the culture right.
This involves ensuring that people understand why security is
important, what threats are relevant to the company and what
they need to do to play their part in keeping the company as
secure as possible. More and more organizations have people
working on this internally, as well as bringing in specialists to
support them. This is what I have specialized in during my
career in cyber security: understanding what a good cyber
security culture looks like, how to engender that culture and
raising awareness.
Many roles in security are not internal ones, with people
working for just one company. As many security professionals
have specialist skills, they will often work for a security
company or as a freelancer, and then large companies will hire
them as and when they need their skills. This can include:
reverse engineers, who unpick a technology to find
vulnerabilities in it, and malware reverse engineers who
take malicious software (malware) and understand how it
specialists in investigations, who work out what has
happened after a company is hit by a cyber attack and
potentially who was behind it. This includes forensic
specialists who recover data from computer systems
where there has been an intrusion and work to piece
together the details of what happened;
incident response professionals who help an organization
continue operating when a cyber attack is underway or
has just occurred, and help them recover from any
damage that was inflicted.

The cyber security spectrum: Who are the

The term ‘hacker’ can be understood in lots of different ways.
As we covered in the introduction, the term ‘hack’ was coined
to mean messing around with machines. For many people
today, the label hacker is seen as synonymous with ‘criminal’,
but there are plenty of people who hack legally and ethically.

The pen testers we referred to earlier are hackers, often called
ethical hackers. If they should be called anything beyond
‘hacker’, it would probably be more precise to call them legal
hackers (because saying they are ethical does not necessarily
confirm that they are also operating legally). I’m going to
generally call them hackers, and when they are not legal/ethical
hackers, I will call them criminals or cyber criminals.
Hackers use the same tools and techniques as cyber
criminals, but there is an important fundamental difference:
hackers do so within the boundaries of the law. Hackers operate
within a scope and contract, hacking an organization with that
organization’s permission, to identify vulnerabilities and
suggest mitigations to enable the organization to fix them (or at
least, to be aware of them), and to prevent the criminals from
exploiting them. Hackers often work as penetration testers (see
below) and can be employed by the company directly,
particularly if the company is large, or work for specialist cyber
security companies or operate freelance. Hackers are in
incredibly trusted roles and good intentions are not enough:
you may want to test the defences of an organization, website
or application for the right reasons, but without an agreement
from the organization itself, you are in uncertain territory, at
the least. If you carry out such a hack without permission, you
will probably find that you are no longer a hacker, you are a

Criminal hackers are at the opposite end of the scale to ethical
or legal hackers; these are people who carry out illegal hacking
activity to circumvent the access controls of organizations. We’ll
look in more detail at cybercrime, and cyber criminals, later in
this chapter (and, indeed, throughout the book).

Grey hat hackers

It should be simple, shouldn’t it? You’re either a hacker or a
criminal. But, of course, little in security is simple. Let’s say
someone hacks a website for the right reasons (to identify
vulnerabilities before criminals get to them) but without the
agreement of the website owner: then this fits into the category
of grey hat hacking. Grey hat hackers, as the name suggests, sit
in a murky area of the law. Grey hat hackers may have good
intentions, as in the example above, but without the legal
permission to carry out those intentions, they end up actually
breaking the law. Another way hacking might be defined as
grey is to be hired as a legitimate hacker but go out-of-scope,
beyond what has been agreed – again, this may be with good
intentions (to ultimately make the organization more secure,
not to profit from a vulnerability themselves), but by straying
out of the scope of the legal agreement, they stray into grey hat
The term grey hat comes from a tradition of using black hat
to refer to criminal hackers and white hat to refer to legal /
ethical hackers (with grey hats somewhere in the middle). This
itself came from black and white cowboy films in which the
hero would often wear a white hat, and the villain a black hat,
as a visual cue for viewers. However, it is increasingly
recognized as inappropriate to use terminology which implies
that black equals bad and white equals good, so I have not used
the term white hat and black hat, especially as the words hacker
and criminal bring more clarity anyway. However, I have used
grey hat, because I believe it works as a standalone term
(alluding to a grey area of the law) and a replacement term has
not (yet) emerged.

Hacking and the law

Despite the apparently stark boundaries implied by the labels
criminal hacker, legal hacker and grey hat hacker, in real life
it’s often not that simple. Legislation of cyber security, and
cyber insecurity, is a challenge.
The field moves quickly, but legislation moves slowly – and
those in charge of the law are not always best informed of the
latest intricacies of cyber security. On top of this, legislation is
very geographically defined, with different countries taking
very different approaches to legislating cybercrime and
security research. Of course, cyberspace doesn’t have physical
boundaries in the same sense as countries and legislation:
someone can be in one country hacking someone in another
and routing their activity through countless more. What one
country recognizes as legitimate hacking, another may see as
criminal activity. Where one country will penalize cybercrime
very heavily, regardless of the intention of the hacker, others
will consider whether the individual actually meant to cause
harm. Because of this, legal, criminal and grey hat hacking
could be better understood as activities rather than roles. It’s
more than possible for someone to start as a legal hacker; step
outside the boundaries of their legal agreement with an
organization and move into grey hat hacking; before deciding
that they actually want to take advantage of their insider
information and, for example, sell the vulnerabilities they have
discovered on the dark web, thus becoming criminal.
Good hackers gone bad? Professional ethics in cyber
People often worry about legal/ethical hackers turning into criminals hackers. This is
understandable, especially for people with little knowledge of or exposure to the cyber
security community. Hackers are in a very trusted position, uncovering the
vulnerabilities of an organization and trusted to identify these and not seek to profit
from them in an illegal manner. However, in my experience, it is almost unheard of for a
legitimate hacker to ‘go rogue’ and become a criminal (or indeed to operate with two
hats): although I have heard of it happening, I have never known of a case myself. I
believe this is because those who work as legal/ethical hackers, and those who operate
as criminal hackers, are led by their own moral compasses. A legitimate hacker is
motivated by making people, organizations and nations more secure, and, as their
career develops, it is a lucrative business. Professional hackers do not want to end up in
jail. They are under a high level of scrutiny and so even if they were tempted to break
the law, why would they? There are plenty of opportunities for hackers to use their
skills legally, earning good salaries and in a position where they can use all of the ‘toys’
that the criminals use but without the risk of having it all taken away from them and
going to jail. They can sleep at night knowing that they aren’t breaking the law and they
are, in fact, making the world a safer place. Hackers may stray into grey hat activities –
technically breaking the law but with good intentions – and this can be for many
reasons: ignorance of the law, the outdated nature of the law around cyber security and
the young nature of the cyber security profession. Cyber security is still a very new
field, and even though I refer to it as a profession, we technically aren’t one, yet. We lack
the rigour applied to other professions, such as medicine, social work and law, and so we
are still defining our professional body of ethics. This makes it an exciting and
challenging field to work in, in equal measure.

Criminal hackers can be split into different groups according to
their motivations and methods. This is important to
understand, as different groups will target different people and
companies. Organizations have the best chance of defending
themselves when they understand which group or groups are
likely to attack them and why, as that means they can target
their defences.

Financially motivated cybercrime

A large bulk of cybercrime on the internet is financially
motivated. Organized criminal gangs – people who have always
operated in crime – now understand that carrying out criminal
activity online is easier, faster, cheaper, less risky and more
likely to be successful than crime in the ‘real world’. Financially
motivated cyber criminals want money and they will attempt to
get it by coercing it out of companies or people; for example, by
getting access to their bank accounts or pretending to be a
supplier needing a transfer of money to a new bank account.
Cybercrime as a service facilitates this: on the dark web,
criminal hackers can be hired to perform an attack on a
company and malware can be purchased with instructions on
how to deploy it. Other financially motivated criminal
operations will run like other big, legitimate companies, hiring
people to work in-house on attacking targets, even with
different departments such as ‘customer support’.
Financially motivated cyber criminals target all
organizations, not just large corporations – and, in fact, not all
financially motivated cybercrime is targeted. The rise in
ransomware, for example, has seen a huge number of smaller
companies and sole traders fall victim to financially motived
cybercrime, as well as non-commercial organizations such as
charities, universities and hospitals.

Script kiddies
Many of the people that financially motivated criminal gangs
have working for them would not be classed as hackers, but as
script kiddies. Script kiddies are individuals who do not have a
great deal of hacking knowledge or skill, but are able to use
other people’s code and pre-built tools to perform attacks on
organizations. There are many tools freely available, many of
which have been built for pen testing purposes, that are used
by script kiddies. There are also videos on platforms such as
YouTube that will show people, step by step, how to hack
without them needing to understand what they are doing. So,
financially motivated criminal operators will hire script kiddies
to work for them – but script kiddies also carry out attacks on
organizations under their own steam.


Research suggests that most script kiddies are motivated by the desire to tackle a technical
problem and show off to their friends.2 However, the lack of apparently malicious motivation
doesn’t mean that script kiddies should be written off, or regarded as harmless. Some of the
biggest ‘hacks’ in recent years have been perpetrated by script kiddies: for example, the
TalkTalk attack in 2015. A 17-year-old boy admitted in 2016 that a desire to show off his IT
skills to his friends motivated him to use hacking software (SQLMap) to scan websites for
vulnerabilities, during which he identified a vulnerability in the TalkTalk website and posted
the details online. This led to other people taking advantage of the vulnerability (which
allowed for SQL injection to access data that should not have been publicly available) to steal
150,000 customer details, including full bank account numbers and sort codes for 15,656
people. TalkTalk acknowledged that the hack cost it £60 million and led to the loss of 95,000
customers. In October 2016, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office issued TalkTalk with a
£400,000 fine, which was the largest to date, stating that TalkTalk failed to ‘implement the
most basic cyber security measures’.3
Hacking is not always motivated by financial gain. This is the
case with hacktivists, or online activists who are motivated by
political, ideological or ethical reasons to attack a company. The
most well-known activist group is probably Anonymous, the
collective of hacktivists who carried out a large number of
attacks on companies and organizations, particularly in 2011.
IBM found a 95 per cent drop in hacktivist attacks from 2015 to
2018, alongside a decline in the number of attacks carried out
by the Anonymous collective and associated groups.4

Nation-state hackers
Over the last few years, we have heard more about one type of
hacking group than ever before: nation-state hackers. There is
often talk in cyber security of the advanced persistent threat
(APT) – which refers to the level of sophistication that can be
achieved by nation-state hackers; they have the budget, time,
resources, motivation and skill to pursue a target until they
have compromised it. The truth is that most cybercrime does
not fall under this umbrella; most cybercrime is not carried out
by sophisticated nation-state hackers, but rather is low-skill
criminal activity that compromises known vulnerabilities or
exploits people. Most people, most organizations, are not
targeted by nation states (however, they can sometimes be
caught up in collateral damage).
Figure 1.1 Cybercrime bell curve

Figure 1.1 details

When a nation state does seek to compromise a target, they

will start with the same methods as any other cyber criminal:
known vulnerabilities and social engineering. But it is after this
is where financially motivated cyber criminals and nation-state
actors differ: if a financially motivated cyber criminal targets a
company and fails, they will most likely move on to the next
target. However, if a nation-state actor targets an organization
and fails, they will usually move on to more sophisticated
methods of compromise. Having a good level of security is an
excellent defence for most cybercrime, and will protect against
a lot of criminal endeavours, but protecting against a
determined nation-state attack is very, very difficult. Luckily,
this is not within the threat model of most individuals or
Cygenta’s work with organizations that have been victims of
cybercrime is the basis of the bell curve shown in Figure 1.1,
which reflects that the large proportion of cybercrime is
conducted by financially motivated criminal gangs and script
kiddies (although of course it differs depending on the
organization). The reference to McArthur Wheeler alludes to
criminals that are so lacking in skill and knowledge they are not
a concern, because they essentially catch themselves. McArthur
Wheeler is the case of a man who was arrested in 1995 when he
robbed two banks in Pittsburgh, the United States, after being
identified on CCTV. He had covered himself in lemon juice after
reading that it could be used as invisible ink, and reaching the
conclusion that it would therefore make him invisible on video
cameras. Incidentally, the McArthur Wheeler case was the
inspiration for psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger
to conduct research that confirmed the cognitive bias in which
some people inflate their cognitive ability (widely known as the
Dunning-Kruger effect).


In 2015, the ransomware SamSam started infecting computers, going on to affect hospitals
and infrastructure. SamSam, like other strains of ransomware, locked victims’ machines and
demanded bitcoin payment to provide the decrypt key to unlock the data. The ransomware
was linked to two bitcoin wallets in particular, and in 2018 the US Justice Department issued
an indictment alleging that two Iranian men, Faramarz Shahi Savandi and Mohammad Mehdi
Shah Mansouri, were responsible for the creation of the software. The Justice Department
claimed that there were attacks in 43 US states, including hospitals, municipalities, and public
institutions, and that the men had collected over $6 million in ransom payments to date, and
caused over $30 million in losses to over 200 victims. Savandi and Mansouri were charged
with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit fraud
and related activity in connection with computers, two substantive counts of intentional
damage to a protected computer and two substantive counts of transmitting a demand in
relation to damaging a protected computer.5 As the US does not have an extradition treaty
with Iran, it is unlikely that the allegations against Savandi and Mansouri will ever go any
So far, so normal for financially motivated cybercrime. However, SamSam differed from a lot
of typical ransomware in how it was deployed. Ransomware infections generally utilize social
engineering; for example, the malware may be hidden in an attachment in a phishing email.
SamSam did not utilize social engineering – instead, the attackers took advantage of
vulnerabilities in web applications and weak passwords to get into the victim’s system and
plant the ransomware. This meant that they were able to move unseen throughout networks,
infecting more of the system, and even deleting back-ups in some cases.6
Here’s another way this attack might be different from what we might call ‘normal’
cybercrime. While Savandi and Mansouri have no apparent government ties, there were
suggestions from the United States that their actions were not simply financially motivated.7
US Attorney Craig Carpenito claimed that Savandi and Mansouri picked the most vulnerable
targets they could, not just to profit financially but also ‘to harm our institutions and critical
infrastructure. They’re trying to impact our way of life’.8
If the allegations against Savandi and Mansouri are accurate, including that they were
motivated not simply by financial aims but also perhaps as part of state-sponsored or
hacktivist activity, then this case is an interesting example of the blurring of lines between the
motivations of cyber criminals. The cyber heist on the Bank of Bangladesh in 2016 is another
such example, in which US $80 million was stolen as part of an attempt to steal US $1 billion.
On the surface, this attack appears to be purely financially motivated. However, allegations
from the United States suggest otherwise. The US Justice Department has charged a North
Korean man, Park Jin Hyok, with involvement in the North Korean Government-sponsored
hacking team known as ‘Lazarus Group’, which they accuse of being responsible not just for
the Bank of Bangladesh attack but also others including the 2017 WannaCry 2.0 global
ransomware attack and the 2014 hit on Sony Pictures Entertainment,9 which North Korea

Malicious and non-malicious insiders

So far, we’ve covered the external threats that organizations
might face. However, this of course is not the full picture and,
when we look at insiders in an organization, there are two
groups we need to consider: malicious and non-malicious
Malicious insiders
Malicious insiders make the headlines. Malicious insiders
usually form one of two types: people who take a role at an
organization with the intent to steal (money or information)
from that organization; and, more common, people who have
usually been at an organization a long time and who have been
loyal to the organization until they feel disgruntled and then,
feeling like a victim more than a criminal, take revenge on the
organization or help themselves to what they believe they
deserve as a means of righting the perceived wrong.
Those who take a role with the intentional purpose to steal
may be motivated by political reasons, financial reasons or, in
certain organizations, because they are working as part of a
nation-state group. It has been argued that Edward Snowden
fits this profile; that he was a spy for Russia or China (or even
both) and took the role as a contractor for the US National
Security Agency with the intentional purpose of stealing
information, some of which he then released to the public via
More common than those who take roles in an organization
with the express purpose of accessing and stealing data are
those who turn into malicious insiders. Malicious insiders who
fall into this category usually do not feel that they are the ones
in the wrong. They feel slighted by the organization that they
may have spent many years working loyally for. There will
usually be an external pressure on these individuals: perhaps
they have debts, their spouse has been made redundant or they
have family problems. Often, they have not received a
promotion or bonus that they feel they deserve; they feel their
hard work goes unrecognized and unrewarded; or they have
been disciplined for something and resent this, feeling it is

CASE STUDY Andrew Skelton

The case of Andrew Skelton is a good (or, perhaps more accurately, bad) example of a
malicious insider. Andrew Skelton worked for the supermarket WM Morrison in the UK, until
he stole a database containing the personal information of 100,000 of his colleagues and
made it publicly available on the internet in 2014. Skelton received no financial gain for doing
this; he acted out of a desire for revenge over a perceived slight, having been reprimanded for
using the company’s post room to run a personal eBay business. It was resentment over this
disciplinary action that motivated his malicious behaviour. In 2015, Skelton was sentenced to
eight years for fraud and securing unauthorized access to computer material.
This case is an interesting one, not just because it is an example of the profile and
motivations of malicious insiders, but also because of what has happened since. In the UK’s
first class-action case over a data leak, 5,500 individuals out of the 100,000 who had their
personal data leaked online sought compensation from Morrisons, claiming that the
supermarket was ‘vicariously liable’. In April 2020, the UK Supreme Court found that
Morrisons Supermarket plc was not liable for Mr Skelton’s actions.12

Malicious insiders, as the case of Andrew Skelton shows, can be

very costly for organizations. Insiders with the intent to cause
harm have knowledge that facilitates their activity; perhaps
knowing which data is most valuable, ways to access it, how to
cover their tracks and what to do with the data to cause
damage. Malicious insiders are also attention-grabbing. When a
malicious insider case becomes public, it usually gets a lot of
news coverage, especially when it comes with a human story:
the disgruntled employee under financial pressure at home, for
example. However, far more common than malicious insider
activity is non-malicious insider activity.

Non-malicious insiders
Non-malicious insiders are people with good intentions
working in organizations. Most people come to work with the
intention of doing their job well, or at least not doing harm to
the organization they work for. However, for many reasons,
people often unwittingly expose data throughout the course of
their work. This can be as simple as sending an email of
sensitive information and making a mistake with the email
address, so that it goes to the wrong person; or sending an
email to a large group of people in different organizations and
putting their email addresses in the ‘to’ field of the email,
exposing the email addresses to everyone on the list, rather
than in the ‘bcc’ field, which would keep the email addresses
In the last few years, one of the most common threats to
organizations takes advantage of non-malicious insider activity:
cyber criminals socially engineering non-malicious insiders. In
the ClubCISO Live Vote of 2020, 100 chief information security
officers were asked to categorize the cause of material data
breaches that had occurred in their organization in the
previous 12 months: 40 per cent said malicious cyber criminals
and 42 per cent said non-malicious insiders.13 It is no
coincidence that these two numbers are so aligned: many cyber
attacks carried out by malicious external actors take advantage
of non-malicious insiders (we’ll look at this more in Chapter 3).
Non-malicious insider activity includes people being duped
by the kind of scams we see in spear-phishing emails, but there
are many other instances beyond this. It can be someone
misconfiguring a firewall so that the network defences of an
organization are not as strong as they could be; a developer
who stores personal data in an Amazon web server but leaves
access open to the internet rather than locking it down; an
administrator who sets the username and password to their
server as ‘admin’ and ‘admin’; and individuals using weak
passwords, which they re-use elsewhere because the burden of
creating and remembering strong, unique passwords for each
online account is too great without the use of a password

CASE STUDY Dow Jones and Facebook apps

On 22 February 2019, Cyber Threat Intelligence Director Bob Diachenko found 2,418,862
records on an online and publicly available Dow Jones Watchlist. The records showed
information including identities of government officials, politicians and people of political
influence in every country of the world; alleged criminal histories; individuals’ possible
terrorist links; and federal agencies and law enforcement sources. The information was
indexed, tagged and searchable, to make it easier to use: the legitimate purpose was to help
identify risks when researching individuals and carrying out due diligence (for example, by
banks). Diachenko reached out to the Dow Jones security team on the day of his discovery,
who then took down the database whilst making the following statement:

This data is entirely derived from publicly available sources. At this time our
review suggests this resulted from an authorized third party’s misconfiguration of
an AWS server, and the data is no longer available.14

In a similar example, in 2019 the UpGuard Cyber Risk team found more than 540 million
records of Facebook users were exposed by publicly accessible Amazon S3 buckets used by
two third-party apps to store user data. This information included plain text application
passwords, account names, user IDs, interests and relationship status. The information was
exposed by media company Cultura Colectiva in an Amazon S3 bucket which they
misconfigured, enabling anyone to download the data.15 In 2017, research found that 7 per
cent of all Amazon S3 buckets were exposed and 35 per cent were unencrypted.16 With more
and more data being collected and stored by companies, it is perhaps no surprise that this kind
of data exposure is so common.

EXERCISE 1.1 Assessing the risks

Consider the following organizations and which cyber criminal groups you think would
be most likely to target them. Think about the kind of information they handle, who
would benefit from accessing that information, or who would like to cause damage to
that organization because of the kind of work that they do:

a multinational bank;
a political party;
a local estate agent.

Find some suggested answers in the Appendix.

1 Spear-phishing is a form of social engineering: fraudulent messages are sent by
criminals to their targets, appearing to be from a trusted source, such as the
target’s friend, boss or bank. Spear-phishing messages will usually play on your
emotions to entice you into opening an attachment, sharing your login credentials
or clicking a link. Spear-phishing differs from phishing because it is targeted, and
this makes it more likely to be successful.

2 Weaver, M (2017) Teenage hackers motivated by morality not money, study finds,
Guardian, 21 April,
tivated-moral-crusade-money-cybercrime (archived at
3 Heathman, A (2016) 17-year-old given rehabilitation order for 2015 TalkTalk hack,
Wired, 13 December,
hack (archived at
4 IBM (2019) IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index Report,
ata-breach/threat-intelligence (archived at
5 The United States Department of Justice (2018) Two Iranian men indicted for
deploying ransomware to extort hospitals, municipalities, and public institutions,
causing over $30 million in losses, Department of Justice, 28 November, www.justic
nicipalities-and-public (archived at
6 Barrett, B (2018) DOJ indicts hackers for ransomware that crippled Atlanta, Wired,
28 November,
(archived at

7 ibid.
8 Robertson, A (2018) Two Iranian men charged with the ransomware attack that
took down Atlanta, The Verge, 28 November,
nta (archived at

9 United States District Court for the Central District of California (2018)Criminal
complaint, 8 June,
(archived at
10 Corkery, M and Goldstein, M (2017) North Korea said to be target of inquiry over
$81 million cyberheist, New York Times, 22 March,
st.html?_r=0 (archived at
11 Epstein, EJ (2017) How America Lost its Secrets: Edward Snowden, the man and the
theft, Knopf, New York

12 Croft, J (2020) Morrisons wins appeal over data breach, Financial Times, 1 April, w (archived at https://per
13 ClubCISO (2020) Information Security Maturity Report 2020: Full survey results, w (archived at

14 Diachenko, B (2019) Dow Jones risk screening watchlist exposed publicly in a

major data breach, Security Discovery, 27 February,
ow-jones-risk-screening-watchlist-exposed-publicly (archived at
15 Gatlan, S (2019) 540 million Facebook records leaked by public Amazon S3
buckets, Bleeping Computer, 3 April,
40-million-facebook-records-leaked-by-public-amazon-s3-buckets/ (archived at http
16 Cimpanu, C (2017) 7% of all Amazon S3 servers are exposed, explaining recent
surge of data leaks, Bleeping Computer, 25 September,
-surge-of-data-leaks/ (archived at
Why cyber security is important
Now that we know what cyber security is – why does it matter?
Connected information is at the heart of so much: in our
personal lives, our work lives and our society as a whole. The
internet has grown phenomenally since its invention only a few
decades ago. It has become a fundamental part of how we
interact at a personal level (everything from social media to
online banking), how organizations are run (from instant
messaging, email and video conference calls around the world
to outsourced online payroll systems, ecommerce sites and
much more), and how our critical national infrastructure is
In 2019, over 1.9 billion users logged in to YouTube every
month1 and Facebook estimated that approximately 2.2 billion
people were using their ‘family’ of services (Facebook,
WhatsApp, Instagram or Messenger) every day.2 The top five
most valuable brands in the world are technology brands for
which connected technology is a fundamental part of their
products and services – Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and
Facebook.3 This technology, and the information that is
integrated in it, needs protecting from those who seek seek to
abuse it or neglect to protect it. This is why the World Economic
Forum recognizes cyber security issues as one of the top five
global risks.4 Cyber security, therefore, seeks to keep us safe at
personal, organizational and socio-economic levels.
Information is an asset; in many cases, it is the most valuable
asset that organizations have. Information is money. The first
step in cyber security is to understand those information assets;
for example, in a company, which information assets are
critical to the running of the company and which would be
most sought-after by threat actors? These information assets
could include intellectual property, client lists, market strategies
and the personnel files of employees. Once the assets have been
identified and categorized, it is then important to understand
the risks, threats and vulnerabilities associated with them.

Risks, threats and vulnerabilities

Cyber security seeks to keep us safe and secure by managing
the risks, threats and vulnerabilities that are inherent in how
we interact with information and technology. What do we mean
by risks, threats and vulnerabilities? These terms are often
mistakenly used interchangeably, but understanding their
meanings and how they relate to cyber security is helpful,
because managing these factors is what makes cyber security so
Risk is the possibility that something bad will happen.

Threat is the bad thing that may happen.

Vulnerability is the weakness that the threat takes advantage of.

So, to put it in a sentence: risk is the potential for damage that

occurs if a threat takes advantage of a vulnerability and is
Mosquitos seem to really like to bite me, so I often run the
risk of being bitten by mosquitos. The mosquitos are the threat
– specifically, them biting me. To use language that you will
often hear in cyber security, mosquitos are the threat actors.
The vulnerability is my skin, which does not offer much
defence in the face of a mosquito proboscis.

Risk assessment and management

All risks are not equal, and risk assessment is the practice of
breaking down risks so we can work towards managing them.
We do this by looking at our risks and determining how bad
they are, which comes down to how likely they are to happen
and what the impact would be if they were realized. This is
simplistic, of course, but it’s a good way to begin managing risk.
If we return to the mosquito example, I can assess my risk of
being bitten by a mosquito and then act accordingly; for
example, by reducing the risk or accepting it. I can assess the
likelihood of the risk being realized – me getting bitten by a
mosquito – by considering factors such as which country I am
in and if the weather is humid, to what extent I am near open
water, what time of day it is and what clothes I am wearing. I
can then think about the impact of the risk being realized. For
me, the common impact is that I will have red, itchy marks for a
while, and they will irritate me. Sometimes, I react more
strongly, and the bites swell up. Of course, mosquitos can carry
diseases, and this risk is certainly more serious than simply
being irritated. I can look at all of these likelihood and impact
factors surrounding the risk (where I am, whether mosquitos in
that area are likely to carry infectious diseases, my personal
reaction to mosquito bites, etc) and then decide what to do
about the risk: accept it, or seek to mitigate it.
Mitigations are what we put in place to minimize the
likelihood or impact of a threat, for example by patching a
vulnerability. In the mosquito example, mitigations include
staying indoors with windows and doors shut, burning
citronella candles, using anti-mosquito products, wearing light-
coloured clothing and taking anti-malaria tablets.
Mitigations can be effective in stopping a risk from being
realized, by protecting or fixing a vulnerability and blocking the
threat. However, sometimes they are not enough. I could use all
of the mitigations above and still get bitten by a mosquito.
Therefore, we need to consider not just how to avoid risks, but
also how to respond to them if they are realized: these
responses range from reactive to proactive responses. We can
return to assessing likelihood and impact to determine how we
plan our responses: in the mosquito example, this could range
from having a stock of products to alleviate the irritation of a
bite to having inoculations and to taking anti-malaria tablets
while travelling. We can decide which mitigations to put in
place according to how likely we believe it is that the threat will
be realized, and what the impact would be if it were. The
products to alleviate irritation are reactive responses and the
inoculations and anti-malaria tablets are proactive responses.
As humans, we live with risk all the time, and having a
proportionate approach to risk helps us live our lives while
minimizing the likelihood and impact of bad things happening.
Some risks can be managed to such an extent that they
disappear, or are no longer relevant to us, but risk in general is
something we have to live with. Returning to our mosquito
example for one last time, we could bathe in anti-mosquito
products, refuse to ever leave the house and clothe our bodies
from head to toe, in an attempt to manage the risk, but doing
this would be to the detriment of our lives (and we still
wouldn’t completely remove the risk). We need to balance
mitigating risks with enabling our lives. The same is true of
information and cyber security: we need to balance using
technology with managing the risks that are associated with
that use.
When we create, share, store or delete information, we run
the risk of it being accessed or used in a way that is damaging to
us. This has always been the case, but it has heightened with the
growth of the internet – there is more information, it is more
connected and it is more frequently exposed to more
vulnerabilities. Arguably, there are more threat actors –
certainly threat actors have realized that the growth of the
internet is an opportunity for them.

Risk, threat, vulnerability and mitigations

Let’s look at an example of risk, threat, vulnerability and mitigations in terms of cyber
You’re building a website, so you are running the risk of it being hacked when it goes
live. The threat is the website being compromised and taken offline, defaced or
information being stolen. The likelihood and impact of these threats occurring, and the
risks being realized, vary depending upon factors including the sort of site you are
running and the information you will be holding. There are many vulnerabilities,
including authentication, hosting and coding flaws. You mitigate these by setting a
strong, unique password and using multi-factor authentication; using a reputable
hosting company that has firewalls and other protective mechanisms rather than
hosting it yourself; and assessing the hosting company’s policies and practices to ensure
they have an adequate level of security in place and that the software in use is updated.

Cyber security is essentially all about managing the risks,

threats and vulnerabilities that organizations face by
understanding them, mitigating them where possible (or
consciously accepting them) and planning responses if the
mitigations fail. Throughout this book, there are many case
studies, scenarios and examples that will include threats,
vulnerabilities, mitigations and responses. It is important to
recognize that vulnerabilities can be anything from weaknesses
in hardware and software through to a weakness in an
organizational process, policy or human awareness and
behaviour. Vulnerabilities will be explored in depth in Chapter
3 (technical vulnerabilities) and Chapters 4 and 5 (in relation to
social engineering).

Cyber security and the law

The importance of cyber security has become more widely
accepted in recent years. The topic has become unavoidable,
with more people, organizations and governments suffering
from cyber attacks or issues of cyber insecurity. This leads to
cyber security hitting the headlines more frequently, which in
turn raises more awareness. At the same time, organizations
are expected to work towards compliance with various pieces
of legislation and regulation that concern cyber security. There
is no one cyber security law in the UK, but multiple legal
requirements are covered in the Computer Misuse Act 1990,
Communications Act 2003, Privacy and Electronic
Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR), the Data Protection
Act 2018 (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018
(GDPR). In certain sectors, other regulations apply as well. For
example, firms in the UK that provide financial products and
services must adhere to the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA)
Handbook of Rules and Guidance. Those providing essential
services (for example, oil and gas providers) are subject to the
Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018 (NIS

Data protection and the GDPR

The DPA and GDPR changed the risk landscape for
organizations that process personal data in the UK (and, in
terms of the GDPR, any organization around the world that
processes the personal data of European citizens). The DPA and
GDPR sit alongside one another, with the DPA tailoring how the
GDPR (which is a European regulation) is interpreted in the UK.
At the time of writing, the UK has left the EU and is in a
transition period until the end of 2020. During the transition
period the GDPR continues to apply in the UK. Following the
transition period, the GDPR will be brought into law as the ‘UK
GDPR’ but full details of this are not yet clear. These pieces of
legislation are concerned with privacy, and security is a core
part of this because without data security it is impossible to
have data privacy.
The DPA and GDPR do not tell organizations what to do or
how to do it, but rather set out key principles, rights and
obligations for processing personal data, as part of a
requirement that organizations keep personal data secure. The
requirement is intended to protect against unauthorized or
unlawful use of the personal data and against loss, destruction
and damage of personal data, with more sensitive personal data
(for example, data relating to health or sexuality) requiring
more robust security measures. EU countries have national
bodies responsible for overseeing the protection of personal
data in their jurisdiction. In the UK, this is the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the UK’s independent
body set up to uphold information rights.
When the GDPR came into effect, one of the biggest changes it
ushered in was in relation to enforcement. In the UK, before the
GDPR, organizations could face monetary penalties of a
maximum £500,000. Under the GDPR, failure to implement
appropriate measures to safeguard personal data can result in a
monetary penalty of up to €20 million or 4 per cent of annual
global turnover, whichever is the greater figure.
At the time of writing, the largest monetary penalty we have
seen associated with the GDPR was in July 2019, when the ICO
notified British Airways (BA) that they intended to fine the
company £183.39 million (1.5 per cent of BA’s global annual
turnover) for breaching data protection law due to poor
security arrangements. It is worth noting that this is not final,
but rather the ICO’s intention. In September 2018, BA had
notified the ICO that they had been the subject of a cyber attack
in which customers using the BA website were unknowingly
diverted to a fraudulent site where their details were stolen. It
was estimated that the personal data of approximately 500,000
customers was compromised during the incident, which
included names, addresses, email addresses and payment card
details. The digital threat management company RiskIQ
analysed the incident and concluded that it was the work of a
criminal enterprise known as Magecart, who used cross-site
scripting (explained on page 53) to inject a script on the site to
skim customer details when they were entered.5
An intention to issue the second largest penalty to date was
announced by the ICO just one day after issuing the BA penalty
intention. On 9 July 2019, the ICO announced its plans to fine
Marriott Hotels £99,200,396. In November 2018, Marriott had
announced that it had detected a breach that affected 339
million of the hotel group’s customers, after the guest
reservation database of Starwood hotels (that Marriott acquired
in 2016) was hacked. In the breach, criminals were able to steal
personal information including names, addresses, phone
numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, gender information,
trip details and passport numbers. Some encrypted credit card
data was also stolen. It was estimated that the criminals were in
the system for four years (and may have been able to steal the
decryption keys needed to access the credit card data).
Marriott Group’s CEO Arne Sorenson gave testimony to the
United States Senate Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs subcommittee in March 2019, providing some details of
the cyber attack.6 In this testimony, he revealed the Marriott
attack included use of a remote access Trojan (RAT), which is a
form of malware that allows an attacker to covertly and
remotely access a computer, potentially stealing information
and even taking control of the computer. Forensic analysis of
the Starwood system also uncovered Mimikatz, which is a tool
used by both ethical and criminal hackers to search a
computer’s history for usernames and passwords. Sorenson
denied that it had been confirmed that the Chinese state was
responsible for the hack, stating that they had not identified
who was responsible.
Both BA and Marriott have made representations to the ICO
in response to their intention to penalize the organizations,
essentially appealing the intention. At the time of writing, the
ICO was considering these representations.7
These two incidents alone highlight why cyber security is
important. The breaches cost the organizations in terms of
reputational damage, compensation paid to customers, time
spent investigating and remediating the attacks and potential
monetary penalties, not just from the ICO but also the FCA.
Between these two cyber attacks, which evidently took
advantage of poor security practices, up to 839,000,000 people
had their personal information stolen (I say ‘up to’ because
there could be duplication of records and we cannot confirm
that each record relates to a different person). This includes
financial and personal data that can be used for fraud and
identity theft. Incidents like these have a personal and
organizational cost but also a social cost, undermining our trust
in online services and funding criminal enterprises. Cyber
security is important because it seeks to protect us from these
negative consequences, and more.

Cyber security and personal lives

Sometimes, the fallout from cyber security issues is deeply
personal. In August 2015, cyber criminals hacked Ashley
Madison, a dating website for people who are married and
seeking discreet illicit affairs. A group called the Impact Team
claimed responsibility for the hack and followed up on their
threats to release a full database of Ashley Madison customers,
which was over 30 million accounts across 40 countries. Impact
Team had threatened to take this action unless the Ashley
Madison site was shut down by its parent company Avid Life
Media (ALM), which ALM refused to comply with. The data that
was shared online included people’s names, addresses, height,
weight, credit card information, passwords, security questions
and answers, and sexual preferences and desires. A newspaper
in Alabama printed the names of everyone in that region who
was listed in the database. There were reports of resignations,
physical attacks, blackmail and divorces. Most tragically, there
were suicides, including a priest in Louisiana.8
ALM, and the breach of Ashley Madison, was subject to a joint
investigation by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (where
ALM is based) and the Australian Privacy Commissioner. This
investigation did not state a conclusion on how the attack was
conducted, but did comment on the security measures that ALM
had failed to put in place. The investigation found that ALM
lacked a framework to determine whether their approach to
security was adequate and that some security safeguards were
either insufficient or lacking.9 The US Federal Trade
Commission issued a $1.66 million penalty to ALM (who had
rebranded to Ruby Corp by the time the penalty was issued),
having reduced the penalty from $17.5 million due to Ruby
Corp’s inability to pay. In 2017, Ruby Corp agreed to pay $11.2
million to settle litigation in the US, brought on behalf of the 37
million users who had their personal data exposed.
If nothing else, Ashley Madison is a case study that highlights
issues of cyber security. Users of the site trusted the
organization with deeply personal information and perhaps did
not consider the risks, threats, potential vulnerabilities and
possible mitigations of doing so. More so, ALM/Ruby Corp failed
to put adequate security measures in place, despite being
entrusted with extremely sensitive data for millions of people
around the world. The fallout had a financial cost for ALM/Ruby
Corp, and a deeply personal cost for many people using the
This chapter has provided an overview of the fundamental
importance of cyber security to us on a personal, organizational
and societal level. If I have somehow failed to convince you
why cyber security is important then the rest of the book –
looking at everything from technical to human to nation-state
level cyber issues – should do the job.

1 YouTube (2019) YouTube for press,
(archived at
2 Facebook Investor Relation (2019) Facebook reports third quarter 2019 results,
Facebook, 30 October,
019/Facebook-Reports-Third-Quarter-2019-Results/default.aspx (archived at https://

3 Forbes (2019) The world’s most valuable brands,

list (archived at
4 World Economic Forum (2019) The Global Risks Report 2019, 14th edition, www.wef (archived at
5 Klijnsma, Y (2018) Inside the Magecard breach of British Airways: How 22 lines of
code claimed 380,000 victims, RiskIQ, 11 September,
gecart-british-airways-breach (archived at
6 US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (2019)
Examining private sector data breaches (online video),
plates/watch.cfm?id=ED7AA8F1-5056-A066-6067-80CD2EC5A6C3 (archived at http
7 ICO (2019) Disclosure ENQ0889841, ICO, 21 November,
co/our-information/disclosure-log/enq0889841 (archived at

8 Lamont, T (2016) Life after the Ashley Madison affair, Observer, 28 February, www.t
-hacked (archived at
9 Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, 2016 PIPEDA Report of Findings
2016-005, 22 August,
vestigations-into-businesses/2016/pipeda-2016-005 (archived at
The technical side of cyber
Technical vulnerabilities
Every year, more and more technical vulnerabilities are
reported by security researchers. It’s important that the
security industry keeps up to date with vulnerabilities and their
details, so that we can respond appropriately and put
mitigations in place – however you use your new cyber security
skills in your life and career, you will need to keep abreast of
this kind of technical vulnerability. Fortunately, there are tools
already around to help you cultivate your vulnerability

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list

This is why the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
list system was developed. This is a tool run by the National
Cybersecurity Federally Funded Research and Development
Centre (FFRDC), and operated by the Mitre Corporation. The
CVE list is a publicly available database of known information
security vulnerabilities and exposures, providing common
names and reference points for these vulnerabilities, making it
easier to share information about them within the cyber
security community.
It took a while to get here. How the cyber security community
references and tracks vulnerabilities has evolved over the last
few decades:
The US Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
advisories began publicly listing vulnerabilities in 1988,
taking an approach that communicated vulnerabilities
along with details on how to check and fix the issues.
Bugtraq utilized a similar system to the CERT advisories.
Operating as a precursor to the CVE system, it was created
in 1993 by Scott Chasin as an electronic mailing list.
Bugtraq’s approach differed from the CERT advisory in
that vulnerabilities were released even if the vendor had
not responded.
The original concept for what would become the CVE list
was presented by the co-creators of CVE, David E Mann
and Steven M Christey, in 1999 at Purdue University in
Indiana. From that original concept, a working group was
formed and the first CVE list, detailing 321 entries, was
publicly launched in September 1999.1
The CVE list has grown exponentially over the last 20 years,
with CVEs now issued on an almost daily basis. In the year
2000, there were 1,020 CVEs issued; in 2018 there were 16,556.2
This shows the huge growth in vulnerabilities being identified
and reported, which in turn demonstrates the large workload
and increasing complexity that is part of protecting people,
systems and organizations from attacks.

Common Vulnerability Scoring System

To help us make sense of CVEs – increasingly important when
so many are being issued – is the Common Vulnerability Scoring
System (CVSS). CVSS is an open industry standard, assigning
severity scores to vulnerabilities, which enables security
professionals and organizations to understand the potential
impact and prioritize a plan of action to fix them. Scores for a
vulnerability range from 0–10, with 10 being the most severe
rating that can be ascribed. The scores are determined by
metrics that relate to three facets of any given vulnerability:
the intrinsic qualities that are constant over time and
across user environments (base);
the qualities that change over time (temporal); and
the characteristics that vary according to the context of
the vulnerability or system (environment).
In order to work in cyber security, you don’t necessarily need to
understand all the intricacies of CVEs and how the CVSS works,
but you might want to consider getting familiar with the basics
to keep your knowledge up-to-date. At the time of writing,
CVSSv3.01 is the current system in use to score CVEs.

Open Web Application Security Project top ten

With so many technical vulnerabilities in existence, and more
being identified and reported all the time, it is overwhelming to
think about how we navigate these without a good system in
place. This is where the Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) top ten comes in. OWASP is a vendor-neutral,
worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization that focuses
on improving the security of software by enabling people and
organizations to make informed security decisions.
Periodically, OWASP publishes a list of the top ten most
critical web application security risks, which is compiled from
project members, security experts and industry contributors.3
This means that the cyber security community can know where
and how to focus their most urgent action and attention – it’s
really a vital tool in what can be an overwhelming slew of
The OWASP web application top ten, as published in 2017, is:4
1. Injection.
2. Broken authentication.
3. Sensitive data exposure.
4. Extensible Markup Language External Entities.
5. Broken access control.
6. Security misconfiguration.
7. Cross-site scripting.
8. Insecure deserialization.
9. Using components with known vulnerabilities.
10. Insufficient logging and monitoring.
Let’s go through each of these, so that we have a basic
understanding of the most threatening technical vulnerabilities
around today.

1. Injection
Injection flaws allow an attacker to ‘inject’ data into a system,
which can then enable the attacker to execute commands or
access data without proper authorization. It is worth noting
that cross-site scripting (XSS; included in this 2017 list as A7) is
actually an injection flaw but is considered to be noteworthy
enough to have its own separate listing in the OWASP top ten.
One of the most devastating injection attack vectors is against
applications that use a structured query language (SQL)
database for their backend data management. SQL is the
standard language for database management, and SQL injection
has been used in many cyber attacks, including the TalkTalk
breach of 2015.


In Chapter 1, we looked at the TalkTalk hack of October 2015, in which data on more than
150,000 customers were accessed. SQL injection was used by a 17-year-old boy in the UK to
access the information in a backend database, via the website, using hacking software. He
then posted details of what he had done, because he wanted to impress his friends.5 He was
subsequently given a 12-month youth rehabilitation order. Two other young men in the UK
were jailed for their role in the breach: Matthew Hanley, aged 23, and Connor Allsopp, aged
21, joined in with the hack, obtained the sensitive information and shared it between
themselves and others.6 Separately, Daniel Kelley (aged 19) was sentenced to four years in a
young offenders’ institution for obtaining the hacked details and attempting to blackmail
TalkTalk, demanding 465 bitcoin (at the time worth approximately £216,000) and threatening
to release the details on the dark web. Analysis by BAE Systems suggested there may have
been up to ten attackers, and the total loss to TalkTalk for the incident was estimated to be
£77 million.7 TalkTalk were issued a £400,000 monetary penalty for their failings – namely,
maintaining a website that was vulnerable to SQL injection – which was the highest monetary
penalty issued by the UK’s ICO at the time. It was the third time that the company had been
hacked via SQL injection that year.

2. Broken authentication
Another large group of issues is included in this simple term,
with typical broken authentication mechanisms including the
use of default accounts, systems that are vulnerable to brute-
force attacks using dictionary attacks and unexpired session
tokens that allow criminals to steal credentials and carry on
using them after the original user has logged off.8 Broken
authentication vulnerabilities are often exploited by fraudsters
who use the compromised accounts to perform identity (ID)
theft, money laundering or to simply steal data or products.

3. Sensitive data exposure

This group is less about an actual vulnerability and more to do
with the consequences of issues. Systems today hold many
pieces of data. Since the 1990s and the explosion of the World
Wide Web, organizations put more and more information
online, including personal and sensitive information. This
grouping of vulnerabilities relates to issues which lead to the
leaking of this data, with personally identifiable information
(PII), credit card data, health records and data relating to the
security of systems all falling within this category.

4. Extensible Markup Language External Entities

Since the late 1990s, a coding language called Extensible
Markup Language (XML) has grown in use on the internet,
enabling easier exchange of information for both machines and
humans. As with all systems that process data, the system that
parses XML is vulnerable to attack. XML External Entities (XXE)
attacks exploit vulnerabilities within the systems that
understand XML in order to extract information, allow remote
access or execute other forms of attack against the network.

5. Broken access control

Whilst it seems that this category is similar in nature to broken
authentication, broken access control differs in a subtle but
important way. Broken authentication relies on the security
mechanism itself having a flaw; broken access control is the
complete circumvention of the security mechanism or the
wrong use of access control; for example, bypassing the
controls guarding a website by modifying of the URL to gain
admin actions without having admin access. To use an example
from the physical world to bring this to life: broken
authentication would be if we attained access to a building by
picking the padlock on a door, whereas broken access control
would be if we gained access because the padlock was only
attached to the doorframe and we could simply open the door.

6. Security misconfiguration
Perhaps the largest category on the OWASP list is the security
misconfiguration section. Almost all server-side issues are due
to misconfiguration; these can vary from default accounts being
left unchanged through to unprotected files and directories.
There are many issues that fall into this category, and with the
rise of Internet of Things (IoT) devices that often have weak or
default passwords (as we see in the analysis of the Dyn DDoS on
page 75) the relevance of this category is only likely to keep

7. Cross-site scripting
A special category for a particular form of injection attack,
cross-site scripting (XSS) is the second most prevalent issue in
the OWASP top ten and is found in around two-thirds of all
applications.9 XSS allows an attacker to run malicious code
against another user of an application; for example,
compromising end users in order to gain access to their private
data or even deliver malware to the victim. In this way it differs
from other forms of web attack, such as injection attacks, that
target the application itself and not the end users.

8. Insecure deserialization
This is a difficult category to understand if you are not dealing
with application creation or testing day to day. Applications
often send data to and from other services, databases, cache
servers, file systems and API calls, and this data is usually
unreadable to the end user, as it all happens in the background.
It does this via serialization, which is the encoding of data in a
specific way readable by other systems and not intended for
humans to see or interactive with. Insecure deserialization
relates to flaws that allow an attacker to deserialize (decode)
the data and modify it to either alter the application’s logic or in
some cases perform remote code execution, which is one of the
most serious attacks in cyber security. Remote code execution is
when a cyber criminal is able to access a device and make
changes to it, without needing physical access.

9. Using components with known vulnerabilities

When a new breach occurs that involves known vulnerabilities,
there is often a lot of criticism regarding the organization’s lack
of patching or use of vulnerable software that has not been
replaced or updated. This category covers those areas. Using
software that is known to be vulnerable to attacks from the
outset is not very common, of course – but it is very easy for an
organization to suddenly find themselves vulnerable when a
new vulnerability in existing software or hardware, which they
are using, is discovered and made public.


In May 2017, an unprecedented cyber attack hit the world. The WannaCrypt (WannaCry)
ransomware attack began on Friday 12 May and spread globally within one day, targeting
computers running Microsoft Windows 7 that were vulnerable to an exploit called
Microsoft had released a patch to fix the exploit, but one month after the patch was
released, WannaCry still spread to 300,000 computers across at least 150 countries.10 These
computers had either not applied the patch, or were using ‘end-of-life’ Windows systems
(meaning that they were deemed past the point of useful life by Microsoft and so not
supported in the patch). The UK National Health Service (NHS) was particularly affected, with
one-third of hospital trusts and 8 per cent of GP practices hit; in total, 19,000 appointments
had to be cancelled and the attack cost the NHS £20 million between 12–19 May and a
further £72 million in clean-up and upgrade costs.11 The NHS, and other organizations that
were victims of WannaCry, were criticized by many for failing to install the patch. Whilst this
criticism is understandable, it is also short-sighted: patching may seem simple, but in practice
it can be very complicated. As the NHS has acknowledged, patching is not simple when you are
managing a large estate with tens of thousands of machines, especially when patching a device
could disrupt patient care.12
WannaCry is a ransomware cryptoworm that encrypts data and demands payment in
bitcoin in exchange for the decrypt key. It automatically self-propagates, scanning vulnerable
systems and then gaining access via EternalBlue and using a tool called DoublePulsar to install
and execute a copy of itself. The attack was halted when the security researcher MalwareTech
analysed a piece of code from the malware and noticed an unregistered domain, which he then
registered. He knew from experience that this would be a good thing to do, but what he didn’t
realize was that this would actually be the ‘kill switch’ that stopped the attack.13
WannaCry makes a fascinating and worrying case study for many reasons. Not least, it
highlights our global dependency on connected technology for services as life-or-death
important as healthcare. It also has interesting geo-political dimensions, which we will return
to in Chapter 10.
10. Insufficient logging and monitoring
IBM have estimated that it takes an organization an average of
206 days to first identify a breach, and a further 73 days to
contain it.14 Monitoring and logging events that happen on your
systems is key – not only for discovery and remediation of
technical issues, but also for allowing accurate forensic
reconstruction of cybercrime, which is important for
investigation and attribution. Attributing the actions of people
using and attacking systems is key to convictions; exploiting a
lack of logging is a gift to attackers who seek to cover their
tracks. However, in practice, logging is not as straightforward
as it may seem: organizations often have sufficient logs in place
but are unable to sort or filter the logging sufficiently to find
attacks. It can be overwhelming for analysts who can be
inundated with alerts and false positives, making it hard to see
the real issues. The appropriate level of logging and monitoring
is a delicate balancing act that needs constant feedback and
removal of systems if they do not provide adequate value.

The OWASP top ten is a great resource for learning about

vulnerabilities and for developers, and those responsible for
assessing the security of code, to review programs from a
security perspective. Those who contribute to the OWASP
project do a fantastic job of organizing that which is inherently
complex and interrelated. However, when referring to the
OWASP top ten, and considering technical vulnerabilities in
general, it’s important to understand that incidents often cut
across more than one area and that, in practice, the groupings
cannot be treated as distinct, standalone vulnerabilities. Let’s
take a look at a case study to explore this a bit further.
CASE STUDY Life at Parliament View Ltd
In July 2019, the ICO fined a London estate agency £80,000 for exposing customers’ personal
data online for almost two years. The agency, Life at Parliament View Ltd (LPVL), moved
personal data from its server to a server at a partner organization and failed to switch off an
‘anonymous authentication’ function. In doing so, LPVL failed to enable access restrictions and
so full access to all data was exposed online from March 2015 to February 2017. This data
included customers’ dates of birth, addresses, bank statements, salary information and copies
of passports. LPVL were issued a monetary penalty for failing to take appropriate technical
and organizational measures against the unlawful processing of personal data, in
contravention of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.15

EXERCISE 3.1 Identifying vulnerabilities

Thinking about the case study above, which vulnerabilities in the OWASP top ten does
this it relate to? How would you ‘categorize’ this case – if at all?
See the answer in the Appendix (page 000).

What technology is vulnerable?

When the OWASP top ten was first created, smart phones had
not come of age. Times have changed since then, and now it is
estimated that 5 billion people have mobile phones and half of
these are smart phones.16 When large numbers of people
embrace a form of digital technology, it is unfortunately
inevitable that cyber criminals will be seeking to exploit that
technology for their own gain. It is also inevitable that these
devices will be vulnerable to technical flaws in much the same
way that computers are. Whilst this chapter has looked at web
applications, the vulnerabilities covered relate to mobile
applications too: they are vulnerabilities that exist in code and
connected technology, and are not specific to platforms.
Beyond this, it is important to understand that many
industrial systems are vulnerable to the same technical
weaknesses that this chapter covers. Supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) networks comprise hardware and
applications that control and monitor vital industrial control
systems (ICS) for key infrastructure around the world, including
gas, electricity, nuclear power and water. SCADA systems are
efficient, enable quick communication of issues and provide
real-time data that can be very helpful and valuable.
Unfortunately, many SCADA networks are also vulnerable to
security flaws. A study of 850 ICS and SCADA networks, across
six continents and all industrial sectors, found that 69 per cent
used plain-text passwords, 40 per cent had direct connections to
the internet and 57 per cent had weak anti-virus protection.17
Software and hardware devices that are connected to the
internet bring us much in the way of benefits, at a personal,
organizational and societal level. At the same time, the more
connected we become, the more we open ourselves up to
vulnerabilities, many of which we have been aware of for
decades and seem, on the face of it, very simple. We must
continue to strive for a better foundation of security in the
systems, software and products that we use. This requires a
layered defence, not relying on one technical solution as the
only line of defence but using many. Anti-virus, firewalls,
patching, careful configuration of systems, actionable
monitoring and logging, appropriate authentication and
suitable encryption are all part of these foundations. I am not
calling them basic measures, because that would imply they are
easy; but they are foundations because cyber security relies on
us to get them right and to layer up these solutions so that, in
the event one or more are breached, others may withstand
attack. Finally, if the defences fail and an attack is realized, a
segmented network can help damage limitation. WannaCry is a
stark example of what can happen when networks are ‘flat’,
with no barriers in place to stop attacks from moving laterally.
With technical vulnerabilities, and cyber security in general, we
cannot simply work to defend ourselves; we must also
recognize that attacks happen and plan an active approach to
defence, asking how we can contain attacks and what we
should do in the face of a breach.
In the next chapter, we will explore some of these themes in
more detail, by addressing why people are so central to cyber
security. The technology lifecycle that can be affected by so
many vulnerabilities, some of which we have covered in this
chapter, requires human interaction at every stage – the way in
which people interact with technology can have a huge impact
on cyber security.

1 Mitre Corporation (2018) History, 10 December,
tml (archived at
2 Özkan, S (2010) CVE details, (archived at

3 A web application is any computer program that uses web browsers and
technology to function over the internet, for example ecommerce websites, email
services, social media websites and online forms.
4 OWASP (2017) Top ten web application security risks,
ct-top-ten (archived at
5 BBC (2016) Boy, 17, admits TalkTalk hacking offences, BBC News, 15 November, ww (archived at
6 BBC (2018) TalkTalk hack attack: Friends jailed for cyber-crimes, BBC News, 19
(archived at

7 Press Association (2018) Two men jailed for involvement in TalkTalk hacking,
Guardian, 19 November,
ed-talktalk-hacking-customer-data (archived at
8 In dictionary attacks, the cyber criminal uses a wordlist with the aim of
compromising accounts that are protected by commonly used words, phrases or
passwords seen in previous breaches.

9 OWASP (2017) A7-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS),

7_A7-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS) (archived at
10 European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) (2017)
Internet organized crime threat assessment 2017,
(archived at
11 Department of Health and Social Care (2018) Securing cyber resilience in health
and care: Progress update, October,
ce-in-health-and-care-september-2018-update.pdf (archived at

12 House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts (2018) Cyber-attack on the NHS:

Thirty-second report of session 2017–19,
01719/cmselect/cmpubacc/787/787.pdf (archived at
13 MalwareTech (2017) How to accidentally stop a global cyber attacks (blog),
MalwareTech: Life of a malware analyst, 13 May,
how-to-accidentally-stop-a-global-cyber-attacks.html (archived at

14 IBM (2019) Cost of a data breach report 2019,

(archived at
15 ICO (2019) Estate agency fined £80,000 for failing to keep tenants’ data safe (blog),
ICO, 19 July,
te-agency-fined-80-000-for-failing-to-keep-tenants-data-safe/ (archived at https://per
16 Silver, L (2019) Smartphone ownership is growing rapidly around the world, but
not always equally (blog), Pew Research Center, 5 February, www.pewresearch.or
ut-not-always-equally (archived at
17 CyberX (2019) Global ICS and IIoT risk report,
sk-report-2019/#download-form (archived at
The human side of cyber
Why people are so important in
cyber security
People are at the heart of cyber security. We’re not protecting
technology for the sake of the technology, or even protecting
information for the sake of the information. We are doing it,
ultimately, to protect people. To protect their finances, their
jobs, their identities and sometimes even their physical safety.
There are a number of different ways in which people
represent the foundation of cyber security; we can look at
different stages of the technology lifecycle to understand how
people are central to the protection of technology and its
interaction with information. In this chapter, we’ll cover the
technology lifecycle:

The way hardware, software, technology and information
systems are designed is central to the security of those systems,
which of course relies upon the people involved with the
design. In cyber security, many problems are rooted in flawed
design; if security is built into technology, then it would be
tackled at the root cause.
The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) advocate an
approach they call ‘Secure by Default’:
To be truly effective, security needs to be built-in from the ground up.
Hardware needs to be designed to resist physical attacks, and provide
secure storage to other components. Operating systems need to take
advantage of hardware security features, and applications need to use the
right operating system security features.1

A Secure by Default approach involves individuals, teams and

organizations building security in at the start of a project,
which relies upon an acknowledgement of the importance of
security as a first principle. Entrepreneurs and organizations
understandably often want to move fast: they want to design,
build and release technology as soon as possible, to gain market
advantage and increase profits. However, the problem with
moving fast is that it can lead to security being overlooked at
the start of a project, and instead becoming an afterthought.
Secure by Default encourages an approach that makes
security a foundational principle but without hampering
usability, enabling people to use the product in a secure way
without having to configure certain features or follow
behaviours that are not intuitive. It is an approach that
recognizes that security is fundamental to good design, but
should not be something that is difficult for the end user to
engage with.

Building secure products and services involves ensuring that
the process of making those products and services has security
at its heart. This builds upon the Secure by Default approach we
have just covered, requiring that the manufacturing process
consider security at every stage. Those who are responsible for
creating technology must assess the process from every angle
with security in mind, and this involves mitigating the potential
for accidental and malicious insider threats.
In modern production, it is common for different elements in
the manufacturing process to be created at different places by
different suppliers. This means it can be much more difficult
for producers to have complete oversight of every stage of
production, which potentially increases the potential for
accidents and/or malicious insiders to introduce gaps or flaws
in security. The news article published by Bloomberg in 2018
and reproduced in the following case study highlights these


In October 2018, Bloomberg Businessweek published a story that captured the attention of
the cyber security industry, and beyond. The Big Hack asserted that intelligence agents acting
on behalf of the Chinese state had successfully compromised the United States’ technology
supply chain and inserted a covert electronic backdoor into the hardware of computer servers
used by numerous US companies, including Apple and Amazon, and potentially even the US
national security agencies.
The article claimed that a tiny microchip, the size of a grain of rice, was inserted in
motherboards during the manufacturing process at Chinese factories. These factories were
suppliers of Super Micro Computer Inc (Supermicro), based in San Jose. It is alleged that
Supermicro then unwittingly built servers with the sabotaged motherboards, which then
made their way into data centres operated by 30 large US companies.2
Following the Bloomberg article, there have been strong denials from Supermicro, Apple
and Amazon. The UK NCSC and US Department of Homeland Security put their weight
behind these denials, stating they had no reason to doubt their truth.3 At the time of writing,
Bloomberg have not retracted their article.
We may not know the truth behind the Bloomberg report, but we can (and should) pay heed
to the issues it raises. The possibility of a hardware-based supply chain attack is feasible and
disturbing. At the CS3sthlm security conference in October 2019, security researcher Monta
Elkins demonstrated a proof-of-concept version of the Bloomberg hardware hack with $200
worth of equipment.4

The testing stage is crucial for security. This relies upon people
in many regards: the creator or developer recognizing the need
for good testing, and allowing for the time it takes as well as
understanding what ‘good testing’ involves; the skills and
objectivity of the testers; and the willingness and ability of the
creator or developer to take any results from the testing and
incorporate any changes needed.
Security testing can take many forms, depending upon what
needs to be assessed. A piece of code, a new door and a process
for organizing paperwork are all things which may need
assessing from a security perspective – but how you would do
so varies. A piece of code would be analysed by a penetration
tester to identify whether it contained any bugs or malicious
code. A penetration tester with expertise in physical security
could assess a new door to identify whether there are any flaws
in how it was installed or whether security controls on the door
are lacking or could be circumvented. A process for organizing
paperwork would assess what paperwork is being handled and
by whom, where it will be transported and stored, how this
process will be logged, and who could have access to it at any
point. The extent to which all of this testing and assessing is
completed to a standard that benefits security depends on the
skills and mindset of the testers as well as the willingness and
ability of the creator to take feedback.
A very human part of a security tester’s job is to understand
both the legal and ethical elements of what they do and have a
careful consideration of both. For example, a penetration tester
can be exposed to a great deal of personal and organizational
data throughout the course of their work. They may discover
information about an individual or company’s activities that
they find morally ambiguous, but not illegal. Adhering to
professional ethics is a fundamental part of being a security
tester (we will explore ethics in more detail later in this

How we interact with technology and information has many
security implications, which is why cyber security awareness-
raising training is so important in organizations. When people
think of the insider threat in cyber security, they often think
immediately of the malicious insider threat. However, the non-
malicious insider threat – the accidental insider – is much more
common. The accidental insider is someone just trying to do
their job, but because of how a system is designed or built – or
how they use a system or interact with information – they make
a mistake that causes a breach. It could be a weak password,
which is compromised by a cyber criminal, or talking about
company confidential information on a crowded train. It could
be clicking a malicious link in a phishing email, accidentally
emailing a sensitive file to the wrong person or making errors
in how a system is set up, thereby exposing more data than


Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets are cloud-based storage systems that can store
huge amounts of data (think Dropbox on a massive scale). Amazon S3 stores data for millions
of applications for companies around the world. It’s popular because it is seen as a cost-
effective and scalable solution for storing huge amounts of data, but research from Symantec
found that more than 70 million records were stolen or leaked in 2018 as a result of poorly
configured Amazon S3 buckets.5
Some breaches that were the result of misconfigured Amazon S3 buckets include:

In October 2019, the personal details of 250,000 US and UK job seekers were publicly
exposed after two recruitment companies failed to make the settings of their Amazon
S3 buckets private.6
In 2018, Go Daddy (the world’s largest domain name registrar) failed to secure their
Amazon cloud services and exposed configuration information for 24,000 systems
within GoDaddy’s hosting infrastructure, essentially representing a detailed map of a
large part of the internet.7
In 2017, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) exposed the personal data of three
million fans due to misconfiguration of an Amazon S3 bucket.8

How we use technology at home also has significant

implications for cyber security. From a personal perspective,
the way we engage with technology can have an impact on
security for ourselves, our families and society at large.
Unfortunately, a lot of technology – and the internet in general –
has not been designed according to the Secure by Default
principle. This means that it is often unclear to the average
person how to engage with good cyber security practices at
home. Products often don’t come with security built in or
security features turned on by default, meaning that the burden
for security often falls to the end-user. This is not realistic: in
my opinion, it is not fair to ask people to add security to the
technology they buy or engage with, not least because there is a
reasonable expectation that this will have already been
accounted for by the manufacturer. We do not ask people to go
through extra steps to make sure the soft furnishings they buy
are fire resistant or the car they rent has been safety-tested, but
we apparently do expect them to be security experts when it
comes to digital technology.
When people engage with digital technology, they are doing
so because they want to interact with the benefits of the
technology. They want to use their email or social media
account to communicate with people. They want to use a smart
watch to track their fitness. They want to set up home CCTV
cameras to check on their house when it is empty or check on
their baby while they are in another room.
While it may be unreasonable and unfair to expect people to
configure all of the digital technology that they use from a
security point of view, that is the situation that we’re in. How
individuals manage passwords, share information, and set up
and use their digital devices can play a huge part in cyber
security at many levels.
None of this, to be clear, is intended to victim-blame. It is my
strong belief that digital technology should be designed, built
and tested in such a way that people can use it securely and
intuitively, protected against those who seek to identify and
abuse security weaknesses for their own gain. However, the
reality is that how we use technology can have a profound
effect on cyber security.

The personal level

There are, unfortunately, many ways in which cybercrime can
affect individuals, and how we engage with digital technology
plays a part in the extent to which we are protected from
cybercrime. For example, the passwords I use, and whether I
re-use those passwords or have unique ones for each of my
accounts, impacts the level of security that is applied to those
online accounts. If I use weak passwords, I risk those passwords
being guessed (either by an individual or one of millions of
common passwords being checked by a computer script) and
my accounts being illegally accessed by others. If I use the same
password for multiple accounts and one of those accounts is
breached, I run the risk of my other accounts being accessed
(like dominoes, when one account falls, others may be knocked
over too). This is what happened with the Disney+ ‘hack’ (that
really wasn’t a hack) in 2019.
In November 2019, thousands of Disney+ customers reported
that their accounts had been hacked. While many were quick to
question Disney’s security, the company denied that they had
been the victim of a cyber attack or breach. Instead, it appears
that that cause was ‘credential stuffing’, in which criminals
access people’s accounts by using login details that the
individual has used elsewhere and that have been previously
stolen. There have been many cases of websites being breached
and account holders’ usernames and passwords being stolen.
These details often end up being shared or sold on the dark
web; many cyber criminals can then use the details to attempt
to log in to hundreds of thousands of other websites. This is the
big problem with an individual re-using passwords: if that
password is compromised once, it can potentially enable access
to any other account where you are re-using it. This also shows
the importance of two-factor or multi-factor authentication,
which adds a double layer of security to online accounts and so
passwords are not the only line of defence between your data
and cyber criminals.

Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) acts like a second layer of
defence on your online accounts, and most websites where you
make an account (email, social media, popular shopping sites)
have 2FA available. You set 2FA up in the security settings of
your accounts and, at its most basic level, it involves entering
your mobile phone number. Then, when you try to access the
account from a device that you don’t usually use, the website
requires you to enter, as well as your password, a unique one-
time code that is sent to your mobile by SMS. This means that if
your password is compromised in any way, and a criminal
attempts to get into your account with it, they would need the
unique code that is sent to you by SMS message. The benefit of
this is twofold: your account is better protected, and if you
receive a 2FA code without prompting the site for one, it’s a
very strong indicator that your password has been
compromised and you should change it (on that site and, if you
are re-using that password, anywhere else).

SIM swap attacks

2FA is good. It adds a much higher level of security to accounts
compared to using passwords alone, especially if those
passwords are weak and being used for more than one account.
However, like everything in cyber security, it is not perfect. We
do what we can to mitigate risks and balance usability and
The vulnerability with 2FA comes from SIM swap attacks.
Mobile phone providers are set up in such a way that if you lose
your phone, have it stolen or want to change providers, you can
keep the same telephone number and change SIM. Criminals
take advantage of this in a SIM swap attack. They use personal
information on the target, often gathered through social
engineering attacks such as phishing emails or bought from
other criminals on the dark web, and pose as the target to
communicate with the mobile phone provider, convincing the
provider to move the target’s telephone number to a new SIM,
one in their possession. When this happens, the target loses
network connection on their phone (their mobile is cut off
because their number is no longer attached to their SIM) and
instead the criminal receives all calls and SMS text messages
going to the target’s number. Therefore, the criminal receives
any one-time 2FA codes that are sent to that number and, if they
already have your password, they are able to bypass the two
security factors that comprise 2FA.
For some, SIM swap attacks were understood to be very
targeted; a criminal has to single you out to go to the effort of
posing as you with the mobile phone provider and accessing
your call and SMS text communications. It seemed like the kind
of attack that was not too likely to affect the average person,
and more likely to be targeted at high-profile and wealthy
individuals. However, in early 2019 the City of London Police’s
Action Fraud team reported a 20-fold increase in SIM swap
attacks from 2015 to 2018.9 With the ease by which SIM cards
can be bought in bulk, online for example, and the potential for
lucrative return on investment, enabling criminals to clear out
people’s life savings or their cryptocurrency and apply for loans
using the target’s details, it should not surprise us that SIM
swap attacks have increased and will continue to increase. To
protect ourselves, we can set up provisions with the mobile
phone provider to keep the SIM locked unless they are provided
with a passcode, password or in-person request combined with
identification (depending on the provider). Having strong,
unique passwords and being wary of social engineering
attempts also helps ward off SIM swap attacks. Noticing if our
phone goes out of service and contacting the provider as soon
as possible will help identify, and possibly halt, a SIM swap
attack if it is taking place. Finally, using a more sophisticated
form of 2FA, not simply SMS based, adds a higher level of
defence to our accounts.
For a more sophisticated form of 2FA, we can look to
authentication apps and tokens. Authentication apps are not
vulnerable to SIM swap attacks. Instead of sending you a one-
time code, most authentication apps such as Google
Authenticator will generate random six-digit codes that stay
synced with your online services. Another option, arguably
more secure again, is to add a layer of hardware protection on
to your accounts via a Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) token such as
YubiKey. U2F tokens are small USB devices that you plug into
your computer (some also work with phones) and use to
authenticate yourself in combination with your passwords.
It’s frustrating that so much of the security burden falls to
end-users of digital technology, but that’s the situation we’re in.
As criminals continue to find ways to circumvent security
controls, we must continue to raise awareness of enhanced
controls and how people can engage with them to better-protect

The work level

In 2009, Shelley Sawers used Facebook in the same way as
many do, posting pictures of her spouse, John, in his swimwear
on the beach; sharing photos of their family and the details of
the flat they lived in whilst in London. Friends and family
posted congratulatory messages for John’s impressive new job.
This would all have been unremarkable were it not for the fact
that Shelley’s husband was Sir John Sawers, and the new job he
was about to take up was that of ‘C’ (for Chief), the Head of MI6.
At the time, there was speculation that the exposure of Sir
John’s personal information represented a security risk;
whether that was the case or not, it certainly highlights the
extent to which our individual use of digital technology can
have an impact that goes beyond our personal life. In an age
where work and personal life are blurred online, our identities
often inherently connected in our digital footprints, this is one
of many examples where an individual’s use of digital
technology impacts their work, or the work of someone in their
The first step in social engineering attacks is reconnaissance.
Criminals use information available online to gather details of
an individual, building a picture of their life in a way that
enables them to pose as that individual or to pose as someone
that individual would trust. For example, a cyber criminal may
be targeting a large corporation for their intellectual property.
Using information found in press releases and media articles,
they identify law firms that represent the corporation. Turning
to the websites of the law firms and social media, particularly
professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, they identify
which firms represent work relating to intellectual property for
the corporation, and narrow in on the partners that handle
those accounts. They map the organizational structure, and the
close circle around the partners, including their personal
assistants (PAs). The criminals turn to other social media sites,
like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, to build
rounded pictures of the lives of their targets in the law firm: the
IP partners and their PAs. They accumulate information on
where the PAs went to school and university; what their
hobbies are; who are their favourite musicians. Where they like
to hang out and drink coffee. The nurseries, schools, colleges
and universities their children attend. Having identified the
structure of the email addresses for the firm (for example, first, the criminals now have
many options for crafting a spear-phishing email. They could
send a malicious attachment masquerading as a coffee shop
voucher or the CV of an old university contact looking for a new
job. They could send an email that appears to come from their
child’s school, prompting a reply which – coming from a
professional email account – would no doubt include an email
signature with their target’s mobile phone number included.
They could then pose as a client or colleague in a spoofed
WhatsApp message to the number they have managed to
acquire. Unfortunately, the list is long. This is not to say that
people should not use social media or should be paranoid about
the information that is publicly available about them, but it is
important to understand how information we share can be
abused, at a personal and professional level. It goes a long way
to be conscious of the information we share, vigilant with the
configuration of our privacy settings and wary of unexpected
communications encouraging us to share information, transfer
money or click links and open documents.

The social level

The Mirai botnet and subsequent Dyn DDoS highlight the extent
to which criminals can take advantage of cyber security issues
in the home to cause disruption at the society level. Let’s take a
look at what actually happened and how.
Firstly, we need to define a few concepts:
A botnet: A network of internet-enabled computers (bots)
that are all connected and under the control of one
centralized computer.
DNS: Standing for Domain Name System, DNS is the way
by which the url we type into our web browser (for
example, is converted
into the IP address where the actual website is located (eg DNS is one element of the internet that is
incredibly user-friendly: people don’t have to know or
remember the IP address of the website they want to visit,
just the more memorable and descriptive web address,
and when they put the web address in the browser, DNS
connects the web address to the actual IP address where
the website is located. If you’re familiar with the old
telephone switch system, whereby a caller would speak to
a switch operator who would connect who the caller
wanted to speak to with the correct number, DNS plays the
same role as the switch operator. Without DNS, when we
type a web address into our browser, we don’t get
connected to the IP address we are actually looking for. It
is a core part of the internet infrastructure.
DoS and DDoS: A Denial of Service (DoS) is when one
computer is used, with one internet connection, to flood a
targeted website or system with so much traffic that it
cannot cope and will no longer function. A Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) is when multiple computers and
internet connections are used to the same effect. These
incidents are not always malicious, they can simply be the
result of a website or service coming under more demand
than it is built to withstand, but DoS and DDoS are often
used to maliciously target organizations or services.

Mirai and Dyn DDoS

Now let’s explore what happened when Dyn (a well-known DNS
provider) was hit with a large DDoS. In October 2016, much of
the internet was unavailable for large parts of the United States
and some of Europe; at the time, many speculated that this was
the work of nation-state activity. In the end, it was discovered
that the Mirai botnet was the work of three friends in their
early twenties, living in the United States, who were looking to
gain an advantage in Minecraft.10 The cause of the outage was
the Mirai botnet, which differed from botnets that we had seen
until that point because it was composed of Internet of Things
(IoT) devices rather than simply computers. In a blogpost at the
time, Dyn estimated that the botnet used a network of 100,000
malicious endpoints.11 Those malicious endpoints were IoT
devices, including digital video recorders (DVRs), home routers
and home security cameras, which were able to be
compromised and used in the botnet because they were
protected with only their default (weak) credentials; their
owners had not updated the default passwords. Mirai was
scripted to scan large sections of the internet, find open Telnet
ports and attempt to log in to those devices using 61 username
and password combinations that were publicly known to be
frequently used as default credentials in such devices.12 Once
logged in, the devices could be used as part of the botnet.
Mirai, and the impact it had on Dyn, makes an interesting
case study for a number of reasons. It was an attack that
impacted one element of the internet backbone: disrupting DNS
disrupts the functioning of the internet. This attack did not just
take one website offline; it took thousands offline, which made
it a larger DDoS than any which preceded it. This case was also
the first time that IoT devices had been used in a large-scale
attack, something which many security experts agree is likely to
occur far more frequently in the future, as we connect more IoT
devices. The Mirai botnet highlights the fact that cyber attacks
can have unintended consequences.
Speculating on attribution and motivation of attacks, without
evidence, can be futile: what many assumed to be the work of
nation-state attackers attempting to cause large-scale disruption
to certain geographies ended up being the work of three young
men in their early twenties, citizens of the country that was
most impacted, who were simply seeking an advantage in their
gaming activities. Collateral damage in cyber attacks is a big
problem. People can sometimes believe that a cyber attack
would never happen to them or to their organization, because
they don’t believe that they would be a target of cybercrime.
This perspective usually overlooks elements that would make
them an attractive target – but not only that, it also discounts
the extent to which cybercrime is often not targeted, and the
organizations that can be caught up as collateral damage.
Finally, this case shows the impact that personal use of
technology can have on cyber security at a large scale; and even
more so, the inherent weaknesses that can be exposed when
digital technology is not built with Secure by Default principles
leading the way.
The interdependency between how people use technology
and issues of cyber security is why the Secure by Default
approach stresses the need for technology to be developed
while making security an integral part of products, and also to
make it intuitive for the end-user. Blaming end-users for
engaging with technology in a way that exposes their
information or allows vulnerabilities is simplistic: we need to
make security an integral part of technology rather than an
add-on which complicates the user experience and opens up
weaknesses that criminals can abuse.

A fundamental, inescapable element of cyber security is the
abuse of technology, systems and information. When it comes
to cyber attacks and breaches, people are often keen to
attribute blame. If a company gets hacked and valuable data
gets into the hands of criminals, there will generally be
speculation on what the company did wrong, or did not do
right. Of course, it is important for organizations to be
responsible when it comes to cyber security, and have measures
in place to protect their data (which can be anything from
intellectual property to sensitive information on their
employees to important data on their customers). However, if
we consider a hierarchy of blame, we must acknowledge that
cyber criminals who take advantage of security vulnerabilities
and abuse technology should be top of the list.

Ethical dilemmas
A fundamental element of the people part of cyber security is
that of ethics. We have already looked at this in terms of the
ethical considerations of security testing, but there are of
course other dimensions to explore. To explore the ethical
dilemmas of cyber security, let’s work through three scenarios
as a thought exercise (my thoughts on each are included after
the last scenario).

Scenario one: Ransomware in a hospital

You are the chief information security officer of a hospital. Your
phone rings and you are informed that all computers in the
hospital have been locked down by ransomware. No one in the
hospital can access any data, which means the ability of the
hospital to continue operating is going to be severely impacted.
This could, of course, seriously affect patients’ health. What
ethical considerations must you consider when trying to decide
whether to pay the ransom?

Scenario two: Troll-hunting

You work as a social engineer. Your partner is being targeted
online by a troll, who is bullying them and causing upset.
Through open-source intelligence (OSINT) you believe that you
have identified the troll in real life, finding various email
addresses and social media profiles for them, including ones
that they seem to have attempted to keep separate from their
troll persona. Do you use your skills to hack their accounts and
look for further information you could use to stop them
attacking your partner?

Scenario three: Bug reporting

You are an ethical hacker. Whilst using the internet, you
identify what you believe may be a bug in a website, which you
are concerned could enable someone malicious to access the
personal information of people who have an account with the
site. You contact the site and report the vulnerability but
receive no reply. A month later, you try again; this time when
you receive no reply you turn to Twitter. You tweet the
company and say you have found a bug but don’t provide
details publicly. This prompts a reply, but when you privately
explain your findings, the organization say that they are not
concerned about the vulnerability and they don’t believe it
could have the impact that you think it could have. Do you
disclose details of what you have found publicly?

When it comes to ethical dilemmas, there is not necessarily a

clear-cut answer. This is what makes them a dilemma, or
ethical paradox, because if it was clear what was the right thing
to do, there would be no cause for debate. However, I wanted to
share my thoughts on the scenarios I have outlined so you can
compare them with your own and see whether there was
anything you or I missed.

My thoughts on scenario one

Threats to people’s physical health, potentially their lives,
should surely be our paramount consideration. Therefore, a
strong ethical argument can be made for paying the ransom in
this case. Nevertheless, paying the ransom poses some
There is no guarantee the criminals will honour their
word (they are criminals after all…) and provide you with
the decrypt key, in which case you will be no further
forward but hospital funds will have been wasted.
More than wasted, hospital funds will have been
transferred to criminals, funding further criminal
In paying the ransom, you may have potentially marked
the hospital as a weak target and made it a more likely
future target.

My thoughts on scenario two

Do two wrongs make a right? This scenario does not just raise
ethical questions, it also centres on questions of legalities. If you
hack their accounts you are, of course, breaking the law. There
are many other options you could pursue, not least of which
would be to take the information you have gathered to the
police, combined with evidence of the bulling and harassment
that has been levelled at your partner.

My thoughts on scenario three

Responsible disclosure is a subject of frequent debate in cyber
security. What is the ethical approach to take here? If you
publicly report the bug, you are potentially making the
vulnerability widely known and therefore opening up the
potential for criminals to use information you have supplied to
carry out an attack. On the other hand, criminals may already
be aware of the vulnerability and could be actively exploiting it.
You have tried to privately alert the organization to no avail. By
publicly exposing the vulnerability, the weight of the security
community could help pressure the organization into
addressing an issue that you believe is putting people’s personal
data at risk.
OWASP provide a cheat-sheet to help people report
vulnerabilities in a responsible manner, which outlines a way
to progress a report if the organization is being unresponsive.
This includes keeping good documentation of your work and
steps taken, alerting trusted third parties such as National CERT
(Computer Emergency Response Team) or data privacy
regulators, and taking an approach which encourages trust,
transparency and openness.13

In the lifecycle of technology and data, and how people are
central to security considerations, we must not overlook the
importance of how data is deleted and technology is destroyed.
This can be as simple, and personal, as what an individual does
with their old mobile phone when they buy a new one, through
to the more complicated issues of how large organizations
delete data in a timely and secure manner and how they
dispose of hardware when it is no longer required.
Software can be used to overwrite data. There are many
different government and industry standards that relate to
software-based overwriting, with the aim of ensuring that it is
carried out to a sufficient standard. Like every stage of the
lifecycle, secure data destruction relies on the human element
to consider the importance of what they are doing in relation to
the impact it could have on information security. And, like
every other stage, there is the danger of malicious action when
it comes to data destruction. This can include malicious actors
accessing and abusing data that the data owner failed to
adequately destroy as well as the malicious destruction of data.
A sobering example of malicious data destruction is included in
Chapter 10, which outlines the cyber attack experienced by the
shipping giant Maersk in 2018.

This chapter has provided an overview of many of the ways in

which people are fundamental to cyber security. In the next
chapter, we will look at another fundamentally human part of
cyber security: social engineering, and how people are
manipulated by criminals. We will look at the evolution of
social engineering to understand some of the latest scams and
what makes us, as human beings, so susceptible to them.

1 National Cyber Security Centre (2018) Secure by Default, National Cyber Security
Centre, 7 March, (archived at https://p
2 Robertson, J and Riley, M (2018) The big hack: How China used a tiny chip to
infiltrate US companies, Bloomberg Businessweek, 4 October,
merica-s-top-companies (archived at
3 Naughton, J (2018) The tech giants, the US and the Chinese spy chips that never
were… or were they? Guardian, 13 October,
(archived at
4 Greenberg, A (2019) Planting tiny spy chips in hardware can cost as little as $200,
Wired, 10 October,
eap-proof-of-concept (archived at

5 Symantec (2019) Internet security threat report, volume 24,

ntent/dam/symantec/docs/reports/istr-24-2019-en.pdf (archived at
6 Coble, S (2019) Recruitment sites expose personal data of 250k jobseekers,
Infosecurity Magazine, 17 October,
l-data-of-200k-jobseekers (archived at

7 Seals, T (2018) GoDaddy leaks ‘map of the internet’ via Amazon S3 Cloud Bucket
misconfig, Threatpost, 13 August,
internet-via-amazon-s3-cloud-bucket-misconfig/135009 (archived at https://perma.c
8 Cimpanu, C (2017) Exposed server leaked details of over 3 million WWE fans,
Bleeping Computer, 7 July,
ver-leaked-details-of-over-3-million-wwe-fans/ (archived at
9 Wright, M and Horton, H (2019) Bank customers lose £9.1 million in five years to
‘sim swap’ scams, Telegraph, 30 November,
bank-customers-lose-91-million-five-years-sim-swap-scams (archived at https://per

10 Graff, G (2017) How a dorm room Minecraft scam brought down the internet,
Wired, 13 December,
down-the-internet (archived at
11 Hilton, S (2016) Dyn analysis summary of Friday October 21 attack (blog), Dyn, 26
(archived at

12 Ragan, S (2016) Here are the 61 passwords that powered the Mirai IoT botnet, CSO
Online, 3 October,
hat-powered-the-mirai-iot-botnet.html (archived at
13 OWASP (no date) Vulnerability disclosure cheat sheet, OWASP Cheat Sheet series,
et.html (archived at
Social engineering
For decades, the cyber security industry (before it was even
called cyber security; when it was IT security, information
assurance, information security or infosec) focused heavily on
the technical side of attack and defence. Arguably, it still does.
Cybercriminals have taken this for the opportunity that it was,
and focused on targeting people rather than technology as a
means of gaining access to an organization, to information, to
money. This is social engineering: the manipulation of people in
order to gain access to information, assets or money that the
target would not or should not ordinarily give.

Social engineering red flags

Social engineering attacks utilize common psychological tricks
to manipulate targets. By playing on the emotional responses of
targets, social engineers know that their victims are not
thinking clearly; emotion clouds our judgement and we are
more likely to react impulsively. Common features of social
engineering attacks, the red flags that we can look out for,
the attacker eliciting sympathy from their target;
the need for secrecy;
the attacker engineering a sense of closeness with their
the attacker making their target feel ashamed;
time pressure/a sense of urgency;
the attacker exerting authority over their target.
Social engineering is now firmly associated with cyber security,
but the concept has been around for much longer than
computers. People using psychological tricks to fool others into
giving them money, information or access has probably been
happening as long as humankind has been in existence.

Social engineering through history

The Trojan Horse

The story of the Trojan Horse is one of the most well-known
social engineering examples. The story goes that after 10 years
of attempting to take the city of Troy, the Ancient Greeks found
a way in by building a giant wooden horse. They hid a group of
men inside the horse, left it outside the city of Troy and sailed
away. When the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a sign
of victory, the Greek men waited until nightfall and then crept
out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the army,
who had sailed back unnoticed. The Greeks then destroyed the
city and won the war.
This story encompasses many elements of deception which
social engineers still capitalize on: hiding in plain sight, lulling
your opponent into a false sense of security, distracting your
enemy while you put an attack in motion and encouraging your
opponent to feel victorious as a means of catching them off-
guard. The concept has entered the consciousness of cyber
security professionals, with ‘trojan’ coming to mean a malicious
program that tricks people into unwillingly and unknowingly
running it.
The story of the Trojan Horse, whilst most likely a myth,
illustrates the power of social engineering: in this story, it was
used to win the war and change the course of history. We can
look at other examples of social engineering from the past to
understand this further.

Francis Cabot Lowell

Let’s visit the Industrial Revolution, when the pace of
technological change was hugely influential on the
development of cities and countries. The United Kingdom was a
leader in the cotton industry, with John Kay’s ‘Flying Shuttle’
allowing wider cloth to be weaved faster than ever before,
James Hargreaves’ ‘Spinning Jenny’ that allowed a huge
increase in the number of threads one machine could spin and
Crompton’s Mule, which spun a cotton thread better than any
other machine.
The UK’s status as a global leader in the cotton industry was
undermined, arguably, by the social engineering endeavours of
one man. In the early 1800s, the Boston merchant Francis Cabot
Lowell travelled from the United States of America to the
United Kingdom and, under the guise of ill health, convinced
the cotton mill owners of the UK to give him access to their
factories (red flags: sympathy and flattery). By appearing
unwell and eliciting their sympathy, as well as flattering the UK
industrialists with compliments on their endeavours, Lowell
apparently got tours of the factories and insights into their
workings. On his return journey to the United States, Lowell’s
ship was apparently stopped and searched by a British frigate
out of suspicion that he had taken part in industrial espionage
and stolen information from the factories, which he intended to
capitalize on back in the United States. No such information
was found in his possession, but Lowell did capitalize on the
information he had gleaned during his tours of the UK cotton
mills. In fact, he went on to become the most prominent cotton
mill owner in the United States, founding the town that took the
name Lowell and becoming instrumental in enabling the United
States to overtake the United Kingdom in global cotton

Victor Lustig
Here’s another example. In the wake of World War I, Victor
Lustig used his social engineering skills to become ‘the man
who sold the Eiffel Tower twice’. He did this having read that
Paris was having difficulty maintaining the Eiffel Tower due to
the cost. Armed with forged government stationery, Lustig
arranged a meeting with six scrap metal dealers in one of the
most prestigious hotels in Paris, the Hôtel de Crillon. Lustig
pretended to be the Director-General of the Ministry of Posts
and Telegraphs and told the dealers that they had been selected
based on their reputations as honest businessmen (red flag:
flattery). Lustig told the men that due to the cost of upkeep, and
because the Eiffel Tower was never intended to be permanent
anyway, the city intended to sell it for scrap. He stressed that
this must be kept confidential, to prevent public outcry (red
flag: social engineers will often stress that something must be
confidential; if their victim doesn’t discuss what is happening
with anyone, the attack is more likely to be successful). Lustig
told all the men to enter bids, but in his mind selected the one
he felt was most gullible due to his insecurities over his position
among the Parisian business community, Andre Poisson.
Poisson discussed the venture with his wife, who voiced
suspicions. To circumvent this, Lustig then ‘confessed’ to
Poisson that he did not make enough money as a government
minister and that this was the true reason for his need for
discretion (red flag: social engineers will often change their
story when they feel they are in danger of being caught out, and
will ‘let you in on their secret’ to make you feel closer to them).
Poisson felt reassured and had no reservation about paying a
bribe, so Lustig not only received funds for the fake sale of the
Eiffel Tower, but also obtained a large bribe on top. Poisson was
so embarrassed about falling for the con that he did not go to
the police (sadly, this too is quite common among victims of
social engineering scams). A month later, Lustig repeated the
scam, but, although his chosen victim informed the police this
time, he evaded arrest.2
Lustig made his living as a con artist, even carrying out a
social engineering attack on Al Capone and living to tell the tale.
During the depression, Lustig convinced Capone to invest
$50,000 in a fake stock deal. He kept the money for two months
and then went to Capone to tell him that the deal was off. Lustig
was no doubt risking his life, but he played this con perfectly by
producing the $50,000 to return to Capone, thus ‘proving’ his
honest character. When he expressed his upset that the deal
had fallen through because he was relying on the money,
Capone gifted him $5,000.
Frank Abagnale
There’s more. One of the most eye-opening accounts of social
engineering in modern years is the life story of Frank Abagnale,
which was the inspiration for the film Catch Me If You Can,
directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
Abagnale was born in 1948 in New York and, when his parents
separated, he turned to criminal activity aged 14, shoplifting
and scamming his father. He bought goods with his father’s
bank card and then returned the items for cash.
He continued to carry out financial fraud for many years,
using fake cheques to make an estimated $2.5 million. Abagnale
wanted to decrease the likelihood that he would be questioned
or caught cashing the fake cheques, and realized that if he could
borrow some professional credibility, he could take advantage
of people’s willingness to trust others from certain professions.
He therefore decided to pose as a pilot. He forged a pilot’s
licence and fake PanAm identity badge, which he used to
acquire a pilot’s uniform from the airline (red flag: authority).
The uniform and false identification enabled him to access free
flights and hotel stays around the world: he travelled, as a
passenger, over 1 million miles to 26 countries on over 250 free
Abagnale was not finished socially engineering his way
through new careers: he then went on to work as a doctor for
11 months. Next, he posed as a Harvard graduate as a way of
taking the bar exam, which he passed and which enabled him
to take a job in law. After his scamming was uncovered,
Abagnale was arrested in 1969 with 12 countries seeking his
extradition. He went to prison in France and Sweden before his
was extradited to the United States and sentenced to 12 years.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, even in prison he continued his social
engineering ways, receiving special treatment by posing as an
undercover inspector.
Abagnale was released in 1974 on condition that he would
work with the FBI for a few years, which he did, investigating
the scams of others. He continued to work with the FBI long
after he was required to by law, and founded a company
teaching others how to prevent fraud; he is a global keynote
speaker on the topic.3 Abagnale also funds, and teaches at, an
FBI summer camp programme for children in middle school
and high school, where they learn about the ethics of using
technology and computers.
At a conference in Amsterdam in 2019, I saw Abagnale
deliver a powerful speech about his past and the regret he feels
over what he did as a teenager. I spoke with Mr Abagnale
personally, asking him what he would say to young people with
his skills and mindset, and this is what he had to say:
I always try to remind young people that life is not short but is in fact very
long. When you make a mistake in your life, you do something to harm
someone, you mistreat someone, you deceive someone, that comes back
to haunt you as you get older and becomes a burden in your life that you
are constantly reflecting on and have to live with for many years. Even
though I know where my life is today, I never forget that I had to give up
five years of my youth in some very bad prisons and even today, 50 years
later, I not only have to live with the burden of what I did, but constantly
have to deal with some individuals who look upon me in a negative light,
don’t trust me and constantly judge me for what I did as a teenage boy
some 50 years ago.
Did you know?
Frank Abagnale is not the only social engineer to move from poacher to gamekeeper,
from criminal to criminal-catcher. In the 1990s, Kevin Mitnick was described by the US
Department of Justice as ‘the most wanted computer criminal in United States history’,
having allegedly ‘hacked’ into the computer systems of some of the world’s top
technology and telecommunications companies including Nokia, Fujitsu and Motorola.
Mitnick says himself that his activities were not hacking, but rather social engineering,
and he is now a computer security consultant and author.4

Non-criminal social engineering

Looking at all of these examples, it is easy to see that social
engineering has a long history of association with criminal
behaviour. However, the manipulation of people is, of course,
not just limited to criminals. We see many examples of social
engineering in our everyday lives. A car salesperson may put
the price of a vehicle higher than a customer will pay, and then
allow the customer to negotiate them down, so the customer
feels they have been clever enough to get a discount – even if
the price they end up paying is higher than any price they had
originally planned on. Politicians pose with babies during
election campaigns. Some PR campaigns are so bad that we
share them on social media, not realizing we are playing into
the hands of the campaign designers, who understand that ‘no
publicity is bad publicity’.
There are also increasing opportunities within the field of
cyber security to work as a social engineer, or at least to
perform social engineering tests of organizations as one part of
a career. Somebody working as an ethical and legal social
engineer will test the human and, often, physical defences of an
organization in a similar way to how a penetration tester will
test the digital defences. It’s not something I do regularly, but I
have performed social engineering tests for organizations
myself. One was a hospital; the brief was to attempt to get to the
most sensitive parts of the hospital – the data centres and the
executive offices. The scope of a social engineering test is really
important, much like the scope of a pen test. It was imperative
in the hospital test, for example, that we did not interfere with
patient areas. This highlights one of many ways that ethics are
so important in the field of cyber security: if we had acted
without consideration of the scope of the test or without respect
for professional ethics, we could have impacted on the proper
running of the hospital and, ultimately, patient care.
Some social engineering tests may involve physically
‘breaking in’ to buildings. Others, like the hospital test, will
centre on manipulating people to provide access to a building,
system or information.

Why social engineering works

Social engineering works by taking advantage of human bias. It
exploits people operating on autopilot, being ‘mindless’, being
busy, being trusting and, ultimately, being human. After years
of experience dealing with the fall-out of criminal social
engineering attacks and helping organizations bolster their
defences against these, I believe we can explain why someone is
so susceptible to social engineering attacks by looking to
behavioural economics, psychology and neuroscience. Too
often, I hear people in the cyber security industry refer to
someone clicking a malicious link as ‘stupid’, claiming ‘users
are the weakest link’. This is a very short-sighted and
uninformed view and I hope it will soon be widely recognized
as the outdated and unhelpful narrative that it is.
Instead, when someone is coerced into giving away sensitive
information to an imposter on the phone, clicks a malicious link
in an SMS text or downloads an attachment in a phishing email,
we should understand that they do so for many reasons. Telling
someone to avoid clicking links in suspicious emails is
impossible advice and actually hinders more than it helps our
attempts to help people defend themselves against social
engineering. Many people simply have to click links and open
attachments in emails all day long; how are they meant to
recognize a suspicious email? Especially when spear-phishing
emails have become so much more convincing in recent years.
Giving people advice that fails to take into account their work
requirements, and that is virtually impossible for anyone
connected to the internet to follow, makes cyber security off-
If we reject the lazy narrative that people who fall victim to
social engineering attacks do so because they are ‘stupid’, then
how can we better understand what actually makes us so
susceptible to social engineering attacks?
Let’s use a fictional case study (based on a real incident
involving one of my clients) to look at this in more detail.

CASE STUDY Alice and Bob

Bob works as a finance administrator in a manufacturing business, and a core part of his job is
paying invoices, often for large sums of money. One Tuesday afternoon, Bob receives an email
that looks like it comes from Alice, the company’s CEO (red flag: authority). In the email, Alice
tells Bob that she needs his help with a sensitive matter. The company are acquiring another
business and Alice needs Bob to make an immediate transfer of £75,000 to secure the
acquisition. It must be done immediately or there is a risk of the sale not going through (red
flag: time pressure). It also must be kept confidential; in the email, Alice tells Bob that he must
not tell any of his colleagues about this transaction as the acquisition is not publicly known,
and if it became public knowledge it could impact the share price (red flag: the need for
confidentiality). Alice ends the email by telling Bob ‘I know I can rely on you to do this for us’
(red flag: flattery). Bob feels the pressure of authority coming from his boss and his ego is
flattered, being trusted with this important and confidential task. He does not question the
story, which seems plausible, along with the need to keep the details to himself. He transfers
the money without question.
Figure 5.1 Alice and Bob’s email

Figure 5.1 details

As soon as the transfer has gone through, Bob feels a sense of dread start to grow in the pit of
his stomach. He breaks out in a cold sweat as he suddenly begins to question whether he did
the right thing. He picks up the phone and calls the CEO’s office, anxious to hear that the email
was legitimate… but the CEO knows nothing of the email. She did not send it, and there is no
such acquisition taking place.
Bob, Alice and the company have become victims of what is sometimes called CEO fraud –
also called business email compromise (BEC) – and, unfortunately, it is too late to stop the
transfer or get the money back.

So, what happened here? Why are we, as humans, so

susceptible to social engineering attacks? Well, they work not
because the people who fall victim to them are stupid, but
because they take advantage of deep-rooted human bias. If it
was stupidity at the root, then how do we explain Bob’s sudden
realization that the email was perhaps a scam, in the example
above? But, likewise, if he recognized the email was most likely
a spear-phish after he had transferred the money, why did he
not realize a few seconds earlier, before it was too late and the
transfer was made?
What interests me about this is that split-second between Bob
transferring the money (or it could be clicking the link,
downloading the attachment, entering their username and
password) and then realizing that all, perhaps, was not as it
seemed. This is the same person, with the same level of
intelligence, experience and training in one moment to the
next. Their external environment is unlikely to have changed
much, the office will likely be as noisy and busy after they have
responded to the email as it was when they received it. This
suggests that the influencing factors in social engineering are
not the victim’s level of intelligence, but rather the tactics of the

Hot states
We can turn to behavioural economics to understand what
happens in Bob’s brain to make him process the email
automatically, and only question its validity once the transfer
has been made. Thinking, Fast and Slow explains two ways of
thinking.5 The concept is also explored by Thaler and Sunstein
in Nudge.6 This work has been so influential that Richard Thaler
won the Nobel Prize for economics in 2017 for his contribution
to the field of behavioural economics. In Nudge, the authors
refer to two ways of processing information in our brains,
which they refer to as the Homer Simpson and the Spock ways
of thinking. When we’re processing information predominantly
with the Homer way of thinking, we are impulsive, emotionally
driven and short-termist: we do not consider the possible
unintended consequences of our actions. On the other hand,
when we’re predominantly processing information with the
Spock way of thinking, we are considered, cautious, rational
and forward-thinking: we weigh up many possible outcomes of
our actions. The Homer way of processing information is more
likely to dominate when we are in what Thaler and Sunstein
refer to as a ‘hot state’ and it is my observation that this is what
social engineering does: it puts people into ‘hot states’.7 How
does it do that? By using well-known triggers – the red flags we
have seen referenced throughout the social engineering
examples in this chapter, including authority, time pressure, the
need for confidentiality and flattery (as in the example with
Alice and Bob above), as well as temptation, appeals to
sympathy, shame and many more.

Hot state emails: Shame

In 2018 and 2019, a huge number of people received spear-
phishing emails that took advantage of the ‘hot state’ of shame.
In pretty much every awareness-raising session I delivered for
clients from mid-2018 to the time of writing in late 2019,
someone told me they had received one of these emails. People
have often been incredibly distressed by the email, losing sleep
and even, in some cases, considering what they will do when
the fall-out of the email forces them to resign from their job.
This email begins by saying something along the lines of ‘I
know a secret about you, I know your password and it is
[password]’. The password that is included is one that the victim
either uses currently or has used in the past, which of course
immediately captures their attention, and often terrifies them.
This stranger knows their password! It also lays the foundation
for the scam that follows: when you are manipulating someone,
if you start with a truth then they are more likely to believe the
lies that follow. So, having warmed the target up, the email
continues. It says that the sender knows the recipient’s
password because the recipient was watching pornography on
the internet, and in doing so exposed their computer to
malicious software that enabled the sender to access all of their
data (including passwords) and to spy on them. The email says
that the sender has taken compromising, intimate footage of the
recipient watching pornography, and they will release this
footage to the recipient’s friends and family if they do not pay a
ransom, usually in bitcoin. Some variants of this spear-phishing
email say that the pornography that the target was watching
featured people who are under age and threatens to report the
target to law enforcement if the ransom is not paid.
So, what’s really happening? Well, the password at the start of
the email was a truth, but the rest is lies. The sender did not get
the password from spying on the recipient via malware. The
sender got the password from a password dump. Over recent
years, many companies have had their security breached and
details of people’s email addresses, passwords and other data
stolen. When this happens, these files often end up being posted
online and/or shared on the dark web. So, the criminals sending
these spear-phishing emails are simply using email addresses
and passwords from one of these breaches, or password dumps,
to contact large numbers of people with targeted emails
including the password associated with the email address, to
attempt to extort money out of them by scaring and shaming
them. Most people who receive these emails do not consider
that the password came from a password dump; they may have
heard of passwords being stolen when LinkedIn, MySpace or
Yahoo (or one of the many, many others) was breached, but
they don’t put two and two together (and why would they?!).
They also probably don’t put two and two together because they
are scared and ashamed. Maybe they had been watching
pornography online, maybe they hadn’t; when it comes to this
scam it really doesn’t matter, although the attackers are relying
on the likelihood that enough recipients will have looked at
pornography online at some point and that they will be
reluctant to admit this to anyone, and risk compromising
footage of themselves being made public. The criminals make
the ransom amount purposefully low. They know that a lower
ransom is more likely to be paid and so they target lots of
people, demanding a low enough amount that a significant
number of people will pay. Of course, when we pay a ransom
like this, we are funding the continuation of cybercrime and
encouraging the criminals to continue targeting other people
(and probably ensuring that we are put on a list of victims who
the criminals know have paid once, and are likely to pay again).
Researches at Malwarebytes looked into a spear-phishing
email campaign similar to the one I describe above and
calculated how much money the scam generated for the
criminals behind it. They found that one campaign, most active
between 1 February and 13 March 2019 (so, for approximately
six weeks), collected a total of 21.6847451 bitcoins, which was a
little over US $220,000 at the exchange rates at the time
Malwarebytes did their analysis.8 This is one campaign amongst
many, which shows the scale of the problem we are currently

As we’ve seen, social engineering manipulates the emotions and
instincts of people to take advantage of them. If the target also
feels ashamed or embarrassed, as in the case of the
password/pornography email scam, then attackers know that
they are also more likely to keep quiet about what is happening,
which means the scam is more likely to be successful and less
likely to be reported to law enforcement.
Another type of attack that takes advantage of this
phenomenon is called online sexual coercion and extortion,
commonly known as ‘sextortion’. Sextortion attacks take many
forms, but one of the most frequent takes place over social
Here’s how it works: the target, who we’ll call Sam, receives a
friendship or connection request from somebody who they
don’t know, but who they feel inclined to get to know – let’s call
them Alex. Alex looks like an attractive person, with the usual
personal information, likes and interactions that most profiles
have. Sam accepts the request, because – why not? They’re
flattered, tempted, intrigued and keen to make a connection
with this attractive person. Having made a connection, they
develop an online relationship and Alex sends more and more
pictures of themselves, including ones where they take their
clothes off. Perhaps even some video footage. Alex asks for the
same in return from Sam. Sam feels the pressure of temptation
and reciprocity: Alex has done something for Sam and so Sam
feels obliged to return the favour.
Reciprocity is why salespeople will offer customers a drink
when they enter a car showroom. It can be argued that the
human instinct to return a favour is hard-wired into our
evolutionary development, as before we had money to buy
goods and services, we traded based on reciprocity. Therefore,
if someone does us a favour, we feel obliged to return the
favour and we feel uncomfortable until we are even.
And so, this combination of temptation and reciprocity
encourages Sam to send explicit pictures or video footage of
themselves to Alex. At this point, unfortunately, Sam discovers
that Alex is not who they seemed. Once the explicit images have
been sent, Sam receives an extortion demand, requesting
payment (usually by bitcoin, money transfer or by providing
credit card details) and threatening that, if Sam doesn’t pay up,
the images will be released on the internet and sent to Sam’s
friends and family.
Many people quietly pay the ransom. Some do not, and never
hear from the criminals behind the scam again. Some pay once
and receive a second, then a third ransom message. Some
victims are targeted not for money, but for more explicit
photographs or videos. In 2017, the UK National Crime Agency
(NCA) found that the number of UK sextortion victims had risen
threefold in two years, with 1,304 cases reported that year.
There have been five known suicides in the UK as a result of
sextortion attacks. Unfortunately, we can be confident that the
reported number of sextortion cases is only the tip of the
iceberg, as many victims do not report the crimes to law
enforcement (which the criminals are of course relying upon).9
It is understandable why people pay the ransom, or send the
photographs being demanded, in return for the promise that
the compromising photos or footage will be deleted. However,
as with all ransom scenarios, we are dealing with criminals: the
people behind these attacks cannot be trusted to keep their
word. And, paying the ransom funds more criminal activity and
encourages the continuation of these crimes. Ideally, none of us
would ever be taken in by these social engineering attacks.
Unfortunately, they are getting more sophisticated and we are
only human. The good news is that awareness of social
engineering is higher than ever, and as more people become
attuned to the common type of attacks and the human emotions
they take advantage of, the less successful these common
attacks will be.
If you become a victim of a social engineering attack, whether
sextortion or otherwise, the best thing to do is report it to law
enforcement. When it comes to sextortion, many police forces
now have direct experience of working with victims and have
received specialist training not only in how to investigate or
report the crimes, but also in how to be sensitive to the victim.
EXERCISE 5.1 Hot state triggers
Here’s an example of an email. Read it carefully, and try to spot any ‘hot state triggers’ –
words or phrases that could be red flags for a social engineering attack. Are there any
other issues that should be investigated in this example?

Hi Sally

I’ve just landed in the States. We need to pay a supplier an overdue invoice,
it’s urgent and must be paid ASAP. I need you to keep this confidential – I
can’t go through the usual processes because there is an issue with fraud
internally. I’m trusting you to do this quickly and to keep it quiet. I know I
can rely on you.



See the answer in the Appendix (page 000).

1 Surrowiecki, J (2014) Spy vs. spy, The New Yorker, 2 June,
azine/2014/06/09/spy-vs-spy-3 (archived at

2 Johnson, JF (1961) The Man who Sold the Eiffel Tower, Double Day, Garden City, NY
3 Abagnale, F and Redding, S (2001) Catch Me If You Can: The true story of a real fake,
Mainstream, Edinburgh
4 Mitnick, KD and Simon, WL (2011) Ghost in the Wires: My adventures as the world’s
most wanted hacker, Little, Brown, New York

5 Khaneman, D (2011) Thinking, Fast and Slow, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York
6 Thaler, R and Sunstein, C (2008) Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth,
and happiness, Yale University Press, New Haven

7 Thaler, R and Sunstein, C (2008) Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth,
and happiness, Yale University Press, New Haven
8 Threat Intelligence Team (2019) The lucrative business of Bitcoin sextortion scams
(updated) (blog), Malwarebytes Labs, 22 August,
ms/2019/08/the-lucrative-business-of-bitcoin-sextortion-scams (archived at https://p
9 National Crime Agency (no date) Record numbers of UK men fall victim to
sextortion gangs (blog), NCA News,
d-numbers-of-uk-men-fall-victim-to-sextortion-gangs (archived at
Attacks that utilize social
When we consider social engineering attacks, phishing emails
are a great place to start, partly because they are the most
common (albeit far from the only) form of social engineering.1
Phishing emails masquerade as coming from a legitimate
source (such as a bank) and try to coerce the recipient into
actions such as clicking a link, downloading an attachment,
sending money or inputting your credentials. Phishing emails
look like they come from a legitimate source, but they do not.
For example, the email may look like it comes from a social
media platform, such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, and
contains a link to ‘reset your password’ or ‘view messages’.
When you click the link, a couple of things might happen: you
might unwittingly download malware onto your device; or you
might open a page, which again may look legitimate, and be
prompted to input your credentials. So, in the example above,
you could open a page that looks identical to the Facebook login
page, but is in fact a fake page being run by cybercriminals. If
you put your username and password into that page, you are
handing them over to the criminals that run the page. There are
many, many different examples of phishing emails: this is just

When many people think of phishing emails, they think of a
now well-established scam in which an email comes from
someone pretending to be a foreign prince, stating they have
come into an unexpected source of wealth and they would like
to share it with the recipient, if only the recipient would
transfer a relatively small sum of money to make that possible.
Phishing emails have evolved greatly from this scam, and many
of the most successful phishing emails can now be more
accurately categorized as spear-phishing emails, meaning they
are targeted. They may use the recipient’s name in the email,
they may purport to come from the target’s actual bank, or boss,
or best friend. Some spear-phishing emails target people in the
process of buying a house, coming from criminals who pose as
the solicitor requesting the deposit be paid using new bank
details. As we covered in the last chapter, some even contain
reference to an internet password that the target uses or has
used. Spear-phishing emails are unfortunately far more likely
to be successful than standard phishing emails and, because of
this, they have grown in volume phenomenally over the last
few years. In fact, spear-phishing emails represent one of the
most common ways in which organizations are compromised.
This is partly because they have a high success rate, and partly
because they can be used as a vehicle to carry out a number of
attacks, from fraud to credential compromise to ransomware.
The targeted nature of spear-phishing emails is a core
element in their success. Using a target’s name, appearing to be
sent from their boss, their bank, including their passwords –
this all lends the emails an air of legitimacy, it makes them
believable. We have become much more savvy to general
phishing emails, but spear-phishing emails are, unfortunately,
more likely to take us in.
However, as we saw in Chapter 5, we have seen a huge rise in
awareness of emails that use social engineering techniques. An
important factor in this growing awareness is the actions of
many large organizations: because they are seeing so many
attacks of this nature come in, and often have dealt with the
fallout of what happens when the attacks are successful, they
are spending effort, time and resource to make sure people are
aware of the risks. As more people understand spear-phishing
emails, and fewer people click on the links, download the
attachments or transfer the money, the criminals change their
methods. They move from emails to phone calls, social media,
and messaging platforms such as WhatsApp.

Voice-phishing or vishing
Social engineering over the telephone is sometimes called
vishing (voice phishing). Just like email spear-phishing, voice
phishing calls are used by criminals for all sorts of malicious
purposes. Let’s look at one fictional scenario.


Bill works in procurement for a large law firm. One day he receives a call from a woman who
introduces herself as Catherine; she works for a paper supplier and would like to speak to
someone about the possibility of supplying paper to the company. As Bill starts to fob
Catherine off, a baby starts crying in the background and Catherine apologizes profusely,
explaining she is a new mother trying to juggle work and being a new parent. What a
coincidence! Bill is a new parent too, it’s his first week back after paternity leave and he, too, is
sleep deprived and trying to work out how to balance this new phase of life.
Catherine says how grateful she is that Bill understands, she gets a little choked up and
divulges that, actually, she’s not been making anywhere near as many sales since getting back
to work after maternity leave. She explains that Bill will be doing her a huge favour if he just
agrees to receive an email from her with some sales materials attached. If he opens the
attachments on the email, that will increase her numbers just enough to get her boss off her
back. Of course, Bill agrees and, when the email comes in, he is keen to help his new
acquaintance out. He opens the email, he opens the attachments, but it just loads as some
gobbledegook. He emails Catherine to let her know, but she doesn’t reply and he is busy
balancing work and parenthood, so he soon forgets. Unbeknown to Bill, the document he
opened was embedded with malware which enabled criminals’ access to the organization’s
What Bill didn’t realize is that the phone call was a ruse and the ‘coincidence’ of one new
parent empathizing with another was no coincidence at all, but was a cover created by the
criminals behind the scam. They saw Bill’s twitter status about becoming a new dad, having
already discovered via LinkedIn that he was in the perfect position in the law firm they wanted
to target. Working in procurement, the criminals knew that Bill would receive lots of emails
from suppliers and potential suppliers. They also knew that, working for a large law firm, Bill
would have probably received cyber security training that warned him not to click on links or
open attachments in emails he wasn’t expecting. So, a simple phone call in advance, with a play
on Bill’s sympathy by using the background soundtrack of a baby crying, makes the scam more
likely to succeed.

Voice phishing calls are sometimes used by criminals in the way

described above, to warm targets up to the real attack, which
might be in the form of an email. They are also used as the
primary means of attack. For example, you may receive a call
from someone who claims to be calling from your bank’s fraud
department and just needs some information from you to
investigate suspicious activity on your account. The call may
even show your bank’s name on caller ID. However, if the caller
starts asking for your PIN or password, that’s a sign that they’re
certainly not calling from your bank. If I receive a call from my
bank and the caller asks information of me, I always hang up
and call a number that I know is valid (from the back of my
bank card or statement).
The scenario with Bill illustrates that, as we become more
aware of what the cyber criminals are doing, they change their
methods in an attempt to evade detection. This is inevitable
and, unfortunately, all part of the cat-and-mouse game between
criminals and those who seek to defend against criminal
activity. The more we raise awareness of spear-phishing emails
and train people to resist them, the more (some) criminals will
seek other ways to socially engineer us (particularly if they
have a specific target). Any method of communication can be,
and is, taken advantage of by social engineers. We see attacks
not just over email and over the telephone, but also in person,
via written letters, via SMS text messages and, of course, over
social media and messaging apps such as WhatsApp.


In July 2019, the cyber security company FireEye reported a spear-phishing campaign which
they had identified and investigated. Their analysis stated that they had traced the campaign
back to the Iranian hacking group APT34, which suggests that the attack was sponsored at the
nation-state level. The attack used a fake LinkedIn profile, set up with the name ‘Rebecca
Watts’, a photograph of a young woman and with a job title that claimed she was research staff
at the University of Cambridge. The profile was used to target people working in three
sectors: energy and utilities, government, and oil and gas. ‘Rebecca Watts’ connected with
people in these sectors and then solicited resumes from them for potential job opportunities
at the University of Cambridge, before sending them a link to an excel spreadsheet.
The link that ‘Rebecca’ used looked similar to a University of Cambridge domain. When
people clicked on the link, they were taken to an excel spreadsheet that contained an exploit
that delivered many malicious tools. These malicious tools enabled the criminals behind the
attack to steal the credentials of their targets and log everything that they typed on their
This example teaches us lots of lessons about social engineering. The first is the reminder
that we need to be vigilant with all forms of communication, not just email. Social media is
used by cyber criminals to carry out social engineering attacks, and people on the internet are
not always who they appear to be.
Then, we can see that by using the University of Cambridge, the attacks lent themselves the
credibility of that organization. Many people would be impressed by the prestige of the
University of Cambridge and flattered to receive a connection request from somebody
working there, let alone a potential job opportunity.
Finally, the message from ‘Rebecca’ opened with the link ‘Really am very busy now’, which is
clever in a couple of ways: it makes the profile more human (most of us can relate to the
feeling of being very busy and struggling to keep up with communications across many
different platforms) and it puts a barrier in the way of the target going back to ‘Rebecca’ with

We must also be aware that even in more closed

communication forums, such as messaging services like
WhatsApp, we can still be targeted with social engineering
attacks. Let’s take a look at another case study.


A middle manager (we’ll call him Elliot) in a large financial institution (which we will call MR)
received a WhatsApp that appeared to come from a senior executive in the same organization
(we’ll call her Angela). It used the profile picture Angela had for all of her accounts – the one
she used internally at the organization on her email and the one on her LinkedIn profile.
Angela referenced an important client and said she needed Elliot’s help, that he has a
reputation for being reliable so she was sure he would be of assistance. She asks him to call
another executive, we’ll call her Darlene, for more information. Elliot replies to Angela
confirming that he will help, and calls Darlene. Darlene is very well spoken on the telephone.
She refers to information about the client that, as far as Elliot is aware, is only known
internally. She informs Elliot that MR need to transfer £300,000 to the client and that Angela
will send the account details by WhatsApp. Elliot comes off the call and messages Angela to
say that he has spoken with Darlene, understands the situation and needs the bank details to
make the transfer. Angela sends the bank details. Elliot is at his desk, just about to make the
bank transfer, when his boss happens to pop by and ask what he is working on. When Elliot
tells him, his boss is immediately sceptical of the whole situation. Being at a more senior level,
he knows Angela pretty well and has never known her to use WhatsApp. He compares the
phone number that he has for Angela with the one Elliot received messages from in WhatsApp
and, of course, they differ. He calls Angela on the number he has always used for her and
discovers that she did not send the WhatsApp messages and knows nothing about the whole
situation. It was all a scam, concocted to steal money from MR.
This case study shows the way cyber criminals will use a network of people, in this case
Angela and Darlene, to make their scams more convincing. By having Elliot call Darlene, it
adds another layer of credibility to the attack. The use of information that Elliot thought was
internal only is clever, and common. Perhaps the information is not as confidential as Elliot
thought, perhaps MR have been compromised elsewhere and the information has leaked, or
perhaps the attackers have insider knowledge from the client themselves. The information
could have come from anywhere, but by leveraging it, the attackers make their ruse more
believable. Likewise, the use of Angela’s picture makes the initial contact more convincing,
even though the photograph is publicly available on the internet.
The internal identification of the scam also teaches us something: in my experience, it is
often when an individual talks to another person that a social engineering attack is identified
or suspected. Saying it aloud can sometimes make the target themselves realize that all may
not be as it seems or, more often, the person they are talking to raises suspicion as they have
not been directly subject to the manipulation in the same way as the main target. In the case
above, the call with Darlene was instrumental in deceiving Elliot, because she was very
convincing and manipulative. When that call is taken out of the picture, and Elliot simply relays
the facts of the situation to his boss, it all becomes much clearer.

CASE STUDY Business email compromise

The FBI reported that between October 2013 and May 2018 there were almost 80,000
known cases of business email compromise; these incidents led to a total of $12.5 billion funds
lost to cyber criminals.2 In worse news, we have to accept that these figures are the tip of the
iceberg. As with all crime, these statistics only represent cases where the victim knows there
has been a crime (they have identified the incident), where they have been able to categorize
the loss (they know how much has been stolen or fraudulently taken) and they report the
incident to law enforcement. In many cases, cybercrime goes undetected and unreported (for
example, an organization may fear reputational damage from being the victim of a cybercrime,
so they may avoid reporting it to law enforcement if they can do so).
The target may work for a large organization. They are targeted by a cyber criminal who
could gain access to their email account in a number of ways: perhaps by cracking their
password, if it is weak; by discovering that their password is the same one that they used for a
service that failed to secure their users’ passwords (such as LinkedIn in 2012 or Yahoo in 2013
and 2014 – not reported until 2016); or by sending them a spear-phishing email that
encourages them to click on a link and input their credentials (perhaps the email would claim
that someone has been trying to access their account and they need to put their username and
password in to verify their identity). Once the criminal has accessed their email account, they
use this access to send emails to their contacts requesting a transfer of money. These scams
often target individuals working in the finance department of organizations and sectors where
large transfers of money are common, for example estate agents and law firms.

Money trails and cryptocurrency

The cases in the chapter so far describe scenarios in which the
cyber criminals are trying to convince their targets in the UK to
transfer money to bank accounts. We can assume that the
money will be transferred via money mules and that, when it is
withdrawn, it will most likely be done in countries where the
UK does not have legal jurisdiction. Usually, by the time the
organization realizes they have been a victim of fraud, informs
law enforcement and there is an investigation, the money is
gone. In some cases, following the money can lead to
identification of the criminals.
The ability of law enforcement to (potentially) trace crimes
through money trails has been a factor in the rise of social
engineering: the rise of online social engineering can be tied to
the emergence of cryptocurrency. Many social engineering
attacks that seek to extort money from people do not ask for
money transfers in the traditional sense, but rather demand
payment in bitcoin or other digital currency. Only if the
perpetrator is trying to appear legitimate will they ask for
money to be transferred via a bank (for example, in the case
above with Elliot, Angela, and Darlene, Elliot would have been
immediately suspicious if Darlene had suggested he needed to
make a payment to a client using bitcoin). Many people who
mine, store and trade digital currency do so legitimately, but the
relative anonymity that digital currency facilitates enables
cyber criminals to extort money from people with much less
chance of being identified than if they were using traditional

Picture this: a small business owner receives an email that
looks as if it comes from the government, with the subject ‘Your
tax return’. The email states that there is important information
in the attachment relating to the company’s tax return, and that
this must be completed and returned within 48 hours, or a fine
will be issued. The business owner, feeling under pressure,
opens the attachment. The attachment contains no information.
When the business owner closes the attachment and attempts
to resume work, they discover that they cannot access any
information. Their files are locked. A pop-up box appears on
their screen informing them that their system has been
infected, all of their data is encrypted and they must pay a
ransom to receive the decrypt key and be able to access their
data once again. The ransom will usually need to be paid in
bitcoin, and sometimes the cyber criminals will be ‘helpful’ by
including ‘frequently asked questions’ on what bitcoin is and
how the target can get hold of some and make the transfer. This
is ransomware by social engineering: malicious software that
holds data to ransom.
Ransomware attacks have grown phenomenally in recent
years. Some ransomware attacks are particularly clever, in that
they will place the price of paying the ransom pretty low. It is
understandable why people and organizations pay up,
particularly if they have not backed up their data and feel their
only hope of getting access to the data back is to pay the
ransom. In some cases, losing the data could have serious
business ramifications, putting profits – and jobs – on the line.
However, there are many good reasons not to pay. Firstly, when
you’re the victim of a ransomware attack, you are negotiating
with criminals, and although they may say that they will give
you the decrypt key to access the data in return for payment,
they may not stay true to their word. In addition, by paying the
ransom, you are marking yourself as a target who will pay up,
and so you may find that you become a more frequent target of
cybercrime. In some cases, when victims pay the ransom, they
are sent a discount code to use in future attacks. Finally, paying
the ransom also supports the ransomware business model
(telling criminals that it is a worthwhile thing to keep doing)
and funds their activities, meaning they are more likely to
continue doing what they are doing.
The response to ransomware is a good example of
collaboration in the cyber security community. The No More
Ransom initiative was launched in July 2016 by law
enforcement and cyber security companies (the founding
partners were Europol, the Dutch Police, Kaspersky and
McAfee; they have now been joined by many more law
enforcement agencies, government agencies and cyber security
companies). No More Ransom keeps a repository of decrypt
keys and applications that can unlock data that has been
encrypted by different kinds of data. When an individual or
organization is affected by ransomware, they can visit to access decryption tools for many different
types of ransomware.
Unfortunately, not every type of ransomware has a solution,
and new strains of ransomware are frequently being
developed. When it comes to ransomware, prevention is
incredibly important and the best advice is to keep offline
backups of data (online backups can be infected with
ransomware themselves), test the backups to make sure they
are working as you would expect, keep devices and systems
patched and up-to-date, and be careful of the links you click and
attachments you open in emails.

Offline social engineering attacks

The social engineering attacks discussed in this chapter so far
have focused on social engineering via digital methods. The rise
in connectibility offered by the internet has been undoubtedly
positive in a great many ways, but one of the unfortunate side-
effects has been the opportunity it has offered cyber criminals
for scamming people and organizations. However, we must
remember that social engineering does not just take place over
technology, but can be, and is, carried out in person.
In 2017, a man walked into a bank in Malaysia wearing a t-
shirt, Bermuda shorts and flip-flops, carrying a backpack. He
had a piece of paper, apparently showing the bank’s floor plan,
and, after identifying himself as a fire extinguisher technician,
he was refused entry to the bank’s back office when he failed to
show any identification. However, he calmly stood in wait and,
when the opportunity presented itself, he snuck into the
restricted area of the bank and ‘checked’ the fire extinguishers
before making his way to the safe room. When a cashier
entered the safe room, the man placed a magnet on the door to
prevent it locking when the cashier left. When the coast was
clear, he made his way into the safe room and filled his
backpack with RM 600,000 ($143,000) in cash. On his way out of
the bank, the man stopped for a calm chat with the security
guard. It took a few hours before staff realized the cash was
gone and, on reviewing the CCTV footage, were able to piece
together what had happened.
This example shows that, even in this modern age, security
does not stop at technology. Physical space is an important
component of cyber security, which we will explore in more
detail in the following chapter.

1 Caveat: I said that phishing emails are currently the most common form of social
engineering. The operative word in that sentence is ‘currently’. The more savvy we
become to phishing emails (including spear-phishing, of course), the more
cybercriminals will evolve their methods. By the time this book is published, the
most common method of social engineering may be over social media or
messaging apps such as WhatsApp.
2 FBI (2018) Business e-mail compromise the 12 billion dollar scam, FBI Public
Service Announcement, 12 July, (archived at
The physical side of cyber
Why physical space matters in
cyber security
Physical space can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to
cyber security. Given the importance of how people, technology
and information converge in physical terms, this is an
oversight. The security of information has always been
paramount to individuals, organizations and nations, well
before there was a cyber element to it, and the physical
dimension remains just as crucial now – after all, digital
security always has a physical dimension.
In December 2019, the building company Balfour Beatty had
its contract to refurbish the headquarters of the UK’s Secret
Intelligence Service (SIS, better known as MI6) terminated after
losing over 100 papers which provided details of the building
layout and security measures.1 This example highlights the
importance of physical security, as the misplacement of
paperwork – itself a physical asset – posed a threat to the
physical security of a building that requires stringent security
and protection. The information detailed on the plans could
have enabled anyone with malicious intent, such as terrorists,
to plan an attack on the building with insider knowledge of
where alarms are situated and how to move around the
building. Although most of the plans were recovered inside the
building, the security oversight was deemed serious enough for
the company responsible to be removed from the project.
Although this is an extreme example, relating to a building
that requires the utmost security, physical security is important
to all organizations. At an organizational level, the correct
installation of physical security measures (which increasingly
have a digital element to them) is vital in the protection of
information. A fundamental part of physical security for a
building is access control systems.

Access control systems

Systems to control physical access to information all fall under
a very broad area that covers many mechanisms, from physical
keys and simple passwords through to sophisticated biometric
and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems.
Almost every system in use today has flaws. Some are simple
to bypass, and others require a much more concerted effort to
attack. Four factors to assess the value of an access control
system (ACS) are:
whether it has been designed to provide the security level
that is required;
whether the system has been correctly installed;
whether the system is user friendly (or so difficult to use
that people find workarounds);
the education of the end user.
Choosing proportionate security controls is also fundamentally
important, because security measures that feel like overkill to
people are more likely to be bypassed out of frustration. A
retina scan might be perfect for protecting a server room but
would certainly be overkill to restrict access to the office
canteen. Selecting the best ACS comes back to understanding
the asset(s) being protected in conjunction with the risks,
threats, vulnerabilities and various mitigations on offer (as
covered in Chapter 2).
As is so often the case with security, it’s best not to rely on one
single ACS, but rather to layer up multiple systems to make sure
that a bypass of one control is caught by the other systems. Here
are some common types of ACS that can work together in
various situations.

Badges and lanyards

Access badges and lanyards are a ubiquitous access control
feature in most organizations; however, once again, the
execution of a system of badges and lanyards makes the
difference between security theatre and an effective security
Badges are a short-range identification tool and lanyards are
used for longer-range identification. To be effective:
Badges need to be large enough and clear enough to show
the bearer to be the person on the badge. They have to be
identifiable from a short range and must be updated
Lanyards need to be distinct.
Badges and lanyards must be worn at all times on the site.
Badges often have in-built access mechanisms, requiring a
user to swipe or tap their badge to gain access to a
building or area within a building; for this to be effective,
the system cannot be allowed to be overridden by people
tailgating, leaving doors propped open or being able to
convince security to grant them access, for example
because they are familiar.
It is common for these requirements to be overlooked. Badges
are often overloaded with information and photos become
outdated or worn out from use. Lanyards are often customized
by their wearers, and whilst this allows wearer to express their
identity, too many customized lanyards negate the reason for
wearing one in the first place. Lanyards are like flags
announcing to the room or building that you are part of the
company; if everyone is wearing different colours or styles then
that security advantage is undermined.
Another downside to both of these systems is when the
wearer does not remove the badge and lanyard when they
leave the building. This allows them to be identified, opening an
opportunity for social engineering, and also enables an attacker
to steal or replicate the badge if they are seeking access to the
Creating and maintaining a viable security system that
utilizes badges and lanyards really comes down to the
education of the people wearing them. People must be
informed as to why they need to wear specific things, and when
not to wear them, as well as the implications of both falling into
the wrong hands.

In the face of many security issues associated with passwords,
more and more manufacturers are moving towards using
biometric access control systems. Like all security controls,
biometric systems are not a silver bullet: they have benefits and
In areas where it might be possible to shoulder surf, overhear
or otherwise clone or replicate a security measure (such as a
password) being used, biometrics can come into their own,
utilizing gait, hand spans, fingerprint or retinas to create a
unique key for every individual. However, it is often easier than
expected to bypass these systems, from using fake 3D printed
faces through to easily lifting and cloning fingerprints. As the
level of sophistication of these systems grow, they all need an
element of fuzziness in order to work. A facial recognition
system still needs to work if the user grows a beard and a
fingerprint system still needs to function if they cut their finger;
there needs to be some level of identification to prevent an
overwhelming number of false positives that lock out a user.
This careful balance of identification versus lockout provides a
weak point that can be exploited by criminals.

Magnetic locks
Magnetic locks (mag locks) can be found in most offices and
institutional buildings. They are an incredible invention, taking
the simple concept of the electromagnet and making it into an
effective access control system that is simple to install and use.
One large metal plate is affixed to the door and another to the
door frame. One of these will have an electromagnet attached,
which is a core of iron with wires wrapped around it. If
electricity is flowing through the wires, this induces a magnetic
field in the iron core; with this very strong magnetic field, it
attracts the other metal plate to it, which keeps the door tightly
shut. The door will be kept tightly shut until the flow of
electricity is stopped (for example via a switch that is activated
by pressing a button), breaking the magnetic induction and
allowing the door to open.
As with any security system, mag locks need to be installed
correctly – otherwise they are trivial to bypass. The two most
common flaws in mag locks stem from flaws in the installation
of the system itself. Magnetic locks are very strong, which can
lead to people underestimating the size of lock they need for a
door. Although they are very strong, the right size lock still
needs to be used on a door; smaller locks can only handle about
10 pounds of pressure, so using a lock that is too small allows
the door to be pulled or pushed open, overcoming the magnetic
force and leaving the door intact.
Another extremely common installation flaw is when the
magnetic part (where the electronics are mounted) is placed on
the wrong side of the door – the public facing, or unrestricted,
part. This means that the controlling parts of the system are on
the side where an attacker can easily access – if a malicious
actor knows to take advantage of this access, then your system
can be easily compromised.

At the organizational level, cameras are often installed to
monitor people’s activity, deter negative behaviours and
capture footage of incidents – in theory. CCTV is often not part
of an access control system but part of the physical monitoring
of a building or estate. However, in practice, there are a
number of issues that limit the value of CCTV, too often
reducing it to security theatre.
Poor quality
CCTV cameras are often used just as a deterrent, but when
required, the quality of CCTV images is of paramount
importance. However, organizations often buy lower budget
cameras and fail to upgrade them, despite the fact that smaller,
better quality cameras are being produced every year that
would be cheaper than a standard system installed a few years

Lack of monitoring
As individuals, when we see a CCTV camera we often assume it
is being monitored. Signs beside cameras will state that it is,
and scenes from Hollywood movies reinforce the expectation,
in which we see banks of monitors being constantly observed
by two security guards who watch for every minor incident,
person or bag that looks out of place. In reality, it is most
common that the only ‘person’ watching CCTV output is in fact a
recording device, sometimes one that records over the same
tape as frequently as every few hours or days.
The common lack of active monitoring means that CCTV
cameras are not active security measures, as often assumed, but
rather part of a passive retrospective system, which highlights
misgivings about the level of security that CCTV provides. Of
course, there may be a need to have measures in place to
capture evidence of crime being committed, but it is important
that the role of CCTV at the organizational level has been
determined and understood, with the CCTV system then
configured to support that role. If it is decided and understood
that CCTV is there to record activity, with recordings that will be
retained for a set amount of time, there is no problem. If it is
expected that CCTV will be an active security measure to
identify suspicious behaviour in real-time, an approach which
enables that to occur must be put in place. CCTV is a tool and,
like all tools, has to be used effectively.

Poor placement and lack of coverage

These two issues are separate but related. The poor placement
of a camera, actively monitored or not, is the difference
between it being worthwhile having a system or not bothering
with CCTV in the first place and using the money elsewhere.
CCTV is a finite resource; you can only afford so many cameras
and the placement of them is vital to make sure that the most
sensitive areas are covered. Not only is the placement
important but how they are placed really matters. Cameras
should cover each other, they should have no blind spots and
should not be placed at a height that is easily reachable by an
attacker. Placement of cameras also needs to take into account
weather conditions: if a camera is facing direct sunlight or is in
direct heavy rain, it can be impossible to record anything of
value. Any of these flaws in placement can allow a criminal to
disrupt, move or otherwise disable the camera. This sounds
obvious, but if you look around at CCTV you’ll start to realize
that a lot of systems have been installed without considering an
attacker’s mindset.
EXERCISE 7.1 Spot the security flaw
Given your newfound understanding of security issues around physical security, here is
a ‘spot the security flaw’ list you can tick off whilst travelling around.

CCTV camera positioned where an attacker could reach, move or unplug it.
CCTV camera not covering what it should.
Someone wearing their security badge or lanyard away from their office.
Someone working in public where you can read their screen.
Magnetic lock mounted on the unrestricted side (so it could be disabled).
Someone tailgating access into an area covered by access control (eg into an

Physical vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things

The physical dimensions of cyber security have accelerated in
recent years with the increasing connectivity of society. As
highlighted by the Mirai botnet covered in Chapter 4 in relation
to the Dyn DDoS (page 75), the expanding Internet of Things
(IoT) means that more and more devices in our physical world
are subject to cyber security vulnerabilities. In recent years we
have seen internet enabled watches, fitness trackers, spectacles,
fridges, kettles, smart speakers, toothbrushes, thermostats, light
bulbs, locks, doorbells, children’s toys, sex toys and medical
devices such as pacemakers. Security issues have been
discovered with many of these devices, and the physical
dimension of these can be disturbing.
In December 2019, an 8-year-old girl was in her bedroom
when a criminal hacker spoke to her for ten minutes through a
Ring camera that had been installed so her mother could keep
an eye on her daughter for medical reasons. The digital
intruder told the girl he was Santa Claus, said that they were
best friends and instructed her to call her mother terms of
racist abuse. Upon investigating the incident, Ring found that it
was the result of credential stuffing (covered in Chapter 4), in
which criminals used passwords that have been breached in
the past, to access other accounts that people have, relying on
their re-use of password. There have been multiple reports of
other people having their Ring cameras compromised in the
same way.2
Vulnerabilities have been found in children’s toys and
watches, too: for example, in 2018 the security company Pen
Test Partners found that they could track children’s movements,
covertly listen in to their activities and make spoof phone calls
to the watch that looked like they were coming from the
children’s parents.3 Of course, the risk that this could pose to
children’s physical security is very troubling.
For years, security researchers have been demonstrating
vulnerabilities in cars. Relay theft, or keyless car theft, is one of
the simpler attacks, taking advantage of a vulnerability in
keyless entry systems. It is usually executed by one criminal
holding a device near the doorway of a home, with the device
relaying the key fob’s signal to another device, usually being
held by another criminal near the door of the car. The devices
trick the car into believing that the legitimate key is within
range and so the doors unlock. This attack was used by
criminals to steal David Beckham’s £100,000 BMW in 2006 and
there have been reports of increasing numbers of relay car
theft ever since.4
Relay theft is one way that cars are vulnerable to cyber
insecurity, but not the only way. In 2015, Wired magazine
published a video in which two hackers, Charlie Miller and
Chris Valasek, remotely hacked a Jeep while journalist Andy
Greenberg was driving it on a US highway (with his
permission). Miller and Valasek changed the settings on the
car’s climate control system, turned on the radio, activated the
windscreen wipers, disabled the car’s accelerator and then cut
its brakes.5 Following the demonstration, Chrysler announced a
recall of 1.4 million vehicles that may have been affected by the
vulnerability that Miller and Valasek exposed. In the year that
followed, a joint statement made by the FBI, US Department of
Transport and the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration warned that motor vehicles are increasingly
vulnerable to hacking.6
In 2019, a software engineer and hacker going by the handle
Jmaxxz discovered vulnerabilities in a mobile app that was
intended to allow drivers to remotely start their car. The
vulnerabilities could be exploited to allow anyone to locate cars
for which the app was used, unlock them and start the cars.7
The list of car hacking examples goes on, because cars are
now essentially computers, and increasingly are connected to
the internet. As with all computers and internet-enabled
devices, there are many benefits to the technology – but there
are also, inevitably, vulnerabilities. Of course, the more we
move towards electric vehicles and self-driving vehicles, the
more we need to ensure security is built into these systems,
because the threat landscape is broadened.
This does not just relate to automobiles, but all transportation
systems. Miller and Valasek remotely hacked the jeep using
CAN bus hacking, meaning they gained access to the controller
area network (CAN), the hardware used by automobiles that
allows microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each
other in applications. CAN bus systems are used on small
aircraft as well as cars, leading to the US Department of
Homeland Security to warn the public that small aircraft are
vulnerable to hacking, expressing concern over how easily a
hacker can manipulate aircraft telemetry data, resulting in loss
of control of the airplane. On multiple occasions, security
researchers have demonstrated that the on-board WiFi and
entertainment systems of planes can be hacked. (Fortunately
and crucially, these vulnerable systems have been found to be
segregated from the flight and safety critical functions, meaning
that the risk here is not as catastrophic as it could be.)
Just as our transportation systems are increasingly
connected, and therefore increasingly reliant on cyber security,
so are many of our city systems. The idea of ‘smart cities’ is no
longer something from a science fiction movie, but rather a
reality in which most of us are living, at least to some extent.
Many of the systems that make up our cities, such as traffic light
systems, advertising billboards, traffic signs and telephone
networks, are now connected; they are therefore potentially
vulnerable to being hacked. In 2017, all 156 warning sirens in
the US city of Dallas (which are generally used to warn of
extreme weather events) were hacked and activated in the
middle of the night for approximately 90 minutes. In 2018,
citizens of Hawaii received warning of an imminent missile
attack via an emergency message sent to mobile phones. It took
over half an hour for a follow-up message to be sent, stating
that the warning had been sent in error and was a false alarm;
apparently someone had pressed the wrong button and sent the
emergency message by mistake.

The physical infrastructure of the internet

The internet is not just a digital medium, of course. It has to live somewhere, and that
somewhere is in dedicated computer systems called servers. These servers are often
found in large buildings called data centres, and in order to talk to one another servers
need to be connected to one another, either via cables made of copper or glass fibre
optics that utilize laser beams to send data at the speed of light. Multiple devices are
used to control the flow of data in and out of a data centre, such as network switches,
firewalls, routers and more. All of the devices that play a role in getting data from a
webserver in Google to your router at home need security in place. The large data
centres of Google and Amazon or even your bank hold incalculable amounts of data and
an attacker gaining physical access to any part of this infrastructure could potentially
cause chaos or steal information.
Countries need to be connected together, too, otherwise companies in America
wouldn’t be able to communicate with clients in the UK, for example. Large undersea
cables are used to transmit vast swathes of data around the world and whilst the
undersea portion is relatively difficult to gain access to, the landfall section of these
cables (where they come out of the sea and onto the land) must be heavily guarded
against attack. There are currently just over 40 landfall sites around Great Britain
alone, connecting us with other countries.

In Chapter 10, we will look at Stuxnet, the first cyber weapon

that had a physical impact. Since then, there have been other
examples of cyber attacks and incidents that have had physical
ramifications. In 2017, a German steel mill was hacked and
reportedly suffered massive damage when a blast furnace was
compromised and could not be shut down. Attackers had
apparently compromised the network of the steel mill by using
spear-phishing emails to steal internal credentials that
provided them access to the mill’s control systems. In 2018, a
petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia was hacked, in what many
suspect was a nation-state sponsored attack, with the reported
intention of causing an explosion (the attack failed due to a
code error).
The physical dimensions of cyber security, therefore, can
range from how a building is physically secured to ensure that
its assets and information are protected, through to the physical
infrastructure of our economies, industries, societies – and the
internet itself. Cyber security is not just about protecting
information and livelihoods – it is sometimes about protecting
people’s lives.

1 Warrell, H and Wright, R (2019) Balfour Beatty sacked from MI6 refurbishment
contract, Financial Times, 27 December,
a4f-963f0ec7e134 (archived at
2 Ritschel, C (2019) Mother releases video of hacker talking to eight-year-old child
through Ring camera, Independent, 12 December,
(archived at

3 Kellon, L (2018) MiSafes’ child-tracking smartwatches are ‘easy to hack’, BBC News,
15 November, (archived at https://perm
4 Anderson, N (2006) Steal David Beckham’s car with a laptop, Ars Technica, 5 April, (archived at https://perma.c
5 Greenberg, A (2015) Hackers remotely kill a Jeep on the highway – with me in it,
Wired, 21 July,
(archived at

6 FBI (2016) Motor vehicles increasingly vulnerable to remote exploits, FBI Public
Service Announcement, 17 March, (archived
7 DEFCON Conference (2019) Jmaxxz – your car is my car (online video), www.youtub (archived at
How organizations can better
protect themselves
There is no one security solution that will protect an
organization. As we have seen, security relies on a layered set
of defences in conjunction with monitoring and testing of those
defences to ensure that they maintain required levels of
defence, detection and response. The first step in establishing a
security programme is understanding the information assets
you have and what value they represent for the organization,
its clients or customers, and those who might seek to access and
abuse the information. Cataloguing the assets and performing
risk assessments (as covered in Chapter 2) is a fundamental
part of establishing what level of security to ascribe to which
systems and assets, and therefore which controls to put in
place. Using a framework (such as the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework or
ISO 27001) will help many organizations with the process of
categorizing information assets, conducting risk assessments
and determining appropriate controls (as we will discuss in
Chapter 12). In this chapter, we are going to look at the common
security controls and practices that organizations use to better
protect themselves.

Firewalls are commonly regarded as the first line of defence in
cyber security, a gateway that is intended to protect an internal,
secured network from threats that exist on the open internet. A
firewall sits on the network, as hardware and/or software, and
monitors traffic that is coming in and going out. Using a set of
rules, it determines traffic that is authorized or expected to
come into the network and where it can go. The rules revolve
around the data source, destination and ports. A simple analogy
would be to imagine a security desk in a shared building as the
firewall; the security desk decides who can be allowed in and
where they are able to go within the building, depending on
who they are and how trusted they are.

Anti-virus software
Anti-virus software can also be understood as anti-malware. It
traditionally works by detecting and removing computer
viruses and malicious software, running in the background of
systems and searching for signatures of known malware (if you
imagine that each piece of malware has a fingerprint, it is
searching for the fingerprint). A key limitation of this, of course,
is that it can only detect and remove known malware; it uses a
database of known malware signatures and so, when a new
threat emerges, its signature will not be in the database. Due to
this limitation, anti-virus protections have evolved to monitor
the system and pick up on unusual behaviour: when the system
does something that is unusual, the anti-virus is triggered.
Advances in machine learning have been incorporated in anti-
virus, enabling the systems to learn from new data, behaviours
and signatures.
Network segmentation
Network segmentation is a very important element in an
organization’s defences, based on the understanding that
organizations must not only try to protect against being
attacked, but also put in place damage limitation for if (or
when) they are breached. Network segmentation means that if
one part of an organization or its network is compromised, this
compromise can be contained and not infect the whole. This
also allows for logical segmentation of an organization, so that
different departments have different segments. It works in
conjunction with what is called the ‘least privilege’ principle –
that users can only access the minimum that they need in order
to do their work – meaning that access to information can be
structured more easily on a need to know basis. It also allows
for better monitoring and auditing of access to information.
This is superior to a flat network, in which nothing is
segmented and people can move around the network more
freely, accessing information that perhaps should not be
available to them.
Airgapped networks
When a segmented network is not enough and more control is required over a system
or some particular information, organizations will build an airgapped network, meaning
a network that does not touch the internet or any other part of the existing network. An
airgapped network is a standalone, solitary system that is built to resist infection from
outside. Airgapped systems are used in the military, defence firms and industrial control
systems. As covered in Chapter 11, reports suggest that an airgapped computer was
used successfully by Vanity Fair magazine in 2015 to protect their global exclusive
covering Caitlyn Jenner’s transformation.1 As covered in Chapter 10, the Stuxnet
attack compromised an airgapped system at the Natanz facility, spread by an infected
USB stick, confirming that of course airgapped systems are – like anything – not 100 per
cent secure.

Policies and procedures

Organizations use policies and procedures to capture and
communicate expectations, responsibilities and commitments
regarding cyber security. They may not be exciting, but they are
important as a way of ensuring that the organization has
communicated what is expected of people – for example,
acceptable use of the internet, password management, what to
do if there has been an incident, and who is responsible for
cyber security. Some policies are legally required or required
for compliance purposes, and they should also be in place to
provide legal protection for employees and for the
organization. Unfortunately, policies are often neglected or
ignored. In 2019, research from ClubCISO found that 53 per cent
of senior information security leaders who took part in the
survey stated that they believed their policies are ineffective,
dormant or don’t affect day-to-day behaviours.2 For policies to
be effective and useful, it is important they are kept up to date,
that they are written in jargon-free and concise language, that
people know where to find them in the organization (for
example, that they are easy to navigate to on the intranet) and
that relevant information is easy to find within them.

Logging is the recording of events that relate to the security of
systems. The information that is logged depends on the
requirements, but examples include what information has been
accessed, when, and by which user account. Logs should be
auditable and audited. One mistake organizations often make
with logs is collecting too much information, making them
unwieldy and drowning out the useful information. It is
important that logs are regularly reviewed, not just in terms of
auditing events that have occurred but also considering
whether the information being collected is still of value.

Monitoring is usually carried out in the background of systems,
aiming to detect attacks and ensure that systems are being used
according to organizational policies. Monitoring enables
organizations to detect attacks; the quicker an organization can
identify an attack, the better positioned it is to respond.
Monitoring is also often required as part of legal and regulatory
requirements. As with logging, organizations can fall foul of
attempting to monitor too much, which can lead to false
positives and the danger of becoming desensitized to alerts,
which can lead to true incidents being overlooked.
Security audits are a review of an organization’s cyber security
policies, systems and controls, and they can be performed both
internally and externally. A security audit can include
vulnerability scans and penetration tests (see below), cultural
assessments (see below), reviewing access controls, assessing
physical security and more. Audits are often a regulatory
requirement and can be part of an organization meeting a
security standard, such as ISO 27001. Audits can be regarded as
a ‘tick box exercise’, conducted simply for the sake of
compliance, but when conducted as part of a genuine drive to
assess and improve security they can provide valuable and
actionable insights.

Intrusion detection systems and intrusion

protection systems
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is used to observe network
traffic and identify intrusions, looking for malicious activity or
policy violations. IDS usually work in conjunction with security
information and event management (SIEM) systems, with the
IDS reporting information to the SIEM and the SIEM alerting on
malicious activity and filtering out false alarms. Problems occur
with these systems when there are errors, and systems that fail
to identify intrusions, or that provide too few or too many alerts
(either not reporting intrusions or reporting too many false
Intrusion protection systems (IPS) go one step further than
IDS; when an IPS identifies a suspected intrusion attempt, it will
act upon it; for example, blocking the IP address from where an
identified attack is coming.

Block list and allow list

Block lists and allow lists are used to determine what is either
approved or denied, by default, in terms of access. They can be
applied to all sorts of commodities including domains, software,
IP addresses and passwords. Allow lists are when organizations
set the sites and software (for example) that people are allowed
to use, with everything else blocked, and block lists are when
access to everything is open apart from the websites and
software that are captured on the list. There is usually then a
process that people can go through to request that a website or
piece of software is made available to them if they make a
business case for it; for example, social media sites may be
blocked, but a marketing team would need access to them and
so they have an exemption for valid business reasons. As with
so many areas, striking a balance between security and
usability is important, because being too restrictive can hamper
people’s ability to do their jobs and promote the perception that
security is a blocker to the business. You may come across block
and allow lists referred to as black lists and white lists – they
mean the same thing, although there is a growing belief that
these latter terms are outdated and inappropriate.

Cyber threat intelligence and threat hunting

Cyber threat intelligence is used in different ways, but in this
context it means the activities that organizations undertake to
research and analyse trends in terms of cyber attacks. For
example, the Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership
(CiSP) in the UK is a joint industry and government initiative
that facilitates the secure sharing of information on cyber
threats in real time. Organizations that are approved as
members of CiSP use the platform, and other threat intelligence
feeds, to stay up to date on information about the latest cyber
security issues.
Threat hunting is an active defence activity within the area of
cyber threat intelligence. Threat hunting involves proactively
searching for, detecting, isolating and managing threats. Threat
hunters work within the network, with the perspective that
attackers have already compromised the system, and use tools
combined with their expertise to identify suspicious activity. As
well as a strong level of technical expertise, threat hunters
require professional skills including communication and team-
working abilities, to be able to share their findings in an
actionable way.

Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability scans are automated assessments of a network,
with the purpose of identifying known vulnerabilities in
firewalls, applications and other devices. Even small
organizations will usually have the ability to conduct
vulnerability scans on a fairly regular basis due to the
automation available either using software themselves or using
a third-party provider such as a penetration testing company. It
is important that vulnerability scanning is not confused with
penetration testing, though – a vulnerability scan will only find
known vulnerabilities, and will not be nuanced enough to
address issues of impact and business implications.
Penetration testing
Taking vulnerability scanning to another level and beyond is
penetration testing, or pen testing (also called ethical hacking).
Pen testing involves assessing computer systems and software
to find security vulnerabilities and how these vulnerabilities
could be exploited, within a defined scope that is usually set by
the organization. It is a common regulatory requirement. Pen
testers will often use the operating system Kali Linux, which
includes tools such as Burp Suite, Metasploit and OpenVAS; the
tools will support the professional in doing their work, but they
do not do the assessment for them. Pen testing requires the
technical skills to identify vulnerabilities and – depending on
the terms of the engagement – to either exploit the
vulnerabilities, or to understand how they could be exploited.
Pen testing also requires the professional expertise to recognize
the potential impact of these issues and communicate the
findings in a way that makes sense to both the technical team
and the senior executives.

Awareness-raising training
Awareness-raising training comes in many forms, and there are
many innovative approaches that are in a different league to
some of the dry and ineffective approaches of the past (how
many people have clicked through a dull computer-based
training module or snoozed their way through a boring
presentation without learning a thing?). In my experience, the
most effective training is tailored to the recipient, engaging and
experiential; for example, live hacking demonstrations are
often really powerful. It’s important to use case studies that are
relevant to the audience, clearly communicate without
unnecessary jargon, create an environment where people are
comfortable asking questions and discuss cyber security not
just in terms of the workplace, but in relation to people’s
personal lives as well.
There are so many things that we need people to be aware of,
from social engineering threats to good security practices,
including password management, multi-factor authentication
and how they use social media (how individuals can better
protect themselves is covered in detail in Chapter 9). However,
the aim of awareness-raising training is not just to change
people’s behaviours in terms of specific threats, because the
threats can change, but rather to positively influence their
security mindset and enhance their situational awareness.
Entertaining people, at the same time as educating and
informing them, helps keep people engaged and interested, and
means they are more likely to go away from the awareness-
raising talking positively about it and spreading the messages.

Security culture
More and more organizations are recognizing that the most
effective awareness-raising training will be in harmony with
organizational culture. When considering what culture is, I find
a definition provided by MIT Professor Edward Schien to be
very helpful: he explains organizational culture as the values
and beliefs that underpin the norms of expected behaviours that
employees may follow.3
Organizational culture is very influential on security; it can
influence everything from whether people write their
passwords on a piece of paper and stick it to their desks, to how
likely someone is to report an incident and whether the
developers will work with the security team from the outset of
building a new product. When I am helping organizations
consider their cyber security awareness, behaviour and culture
programmes, I will encourage them to firstly consider what
kind of organizational culture they have, and what kind of
cyber security culture they want. This often involves cultural
assessments and analysis to make sure that we truly
understand what the company culture is like and how (and
why) it differs from team to team and at different levels. From
that, we will look at the behaviours that would exemplify the
kind of cyber security culture that they are looking to engender.
The final piece of the puzzle is awareness: what awareness-
raising initiatives would fit with the wider company culture
whilst positively influencing behavioural change?

Champion programmes
They can go by many names, but security champion
programmes are when people throughout the organization
represent security; they are not security professionals and they
are not expected to be experts, but instead they function in a
similar way to fire wardens or health and safety
representatives. They may get some additional training, and
have access to resources and a source of expertise if they need
it. Their role is usually to push out security messages to their
team, listen to people in their part of the organization with
regards to security (what communications are being
understood, what security worries do people have, what would
they like to know more about) and often be the first port of call
if someone has a worry, such as thinking they may have clicked
on a link in a phishing email. Champion programmes are a
great way of scaling up security, of listening to the organization
and providing a friendly, known face for security throughout
different teams. The champions can provide social proof,
showing that security is relevant in different teams and leading
the way for positive behaviours. Champion programmes are not
one-size-fits-all; they can take some designing to make sure that
the logistics have been considered at the outset and, like all of
the measures in this chapter, they certainly aren’t a silver
bullet, but they can be hugely effective as part of a positive
security programme.

Digital footprint assessments

Targeted social engineering attacks often utilize information
that attackers have gathered from social media. This is not to
say that people should not use social media, of course – it can
have lots of personal and professional benefits – but it does
mean that many organizations seek to educate people within
the business about how information they have shared, or that is
shared about them online, can be used in social engineering
attempts. Some organizations do this by undertaking digital
footprint assessments (sometimes called open source
intelligence, or OSINT, assessments) to determine the
information that is online about high-risk individuals or groups
within the organization (for example, senior executives and
their personal assistants). This can be categorized as part of an
organization’s cyber intelligence activities. The results of these
assessments will often be used to raise awareness with the
targets about the extent of their digital footprint online and
how the information could be used in social engineering
attacks. Of course, these assessments (like all security
measures) must be conducted according to legal and ethical

Physical security controls

As covered in Chapter 7, physical security is a core pillar of
cyber security. That chapter explored some of the most
fundamental physical security measures, but one physical
security control we haven’t properly looked at yet is locks.
Locks are considered the most basic of physical security
controls, and they have evolved from traditional locks with
keys, to combination locks that use codes, to ‘smart locks’ that
use computer-based access control measures (as well as
magnetic locks, which were covered in Chapter 7). All locks can
be circumvented, of course, which doesn’t mean they do not
have a place in security; it just means that they should be
considered as only one layer of defence and not a solution in
and of themselves.

Social engineering assessments and red team

I am using social engineering assessments here in its widest
sense, to include physical assessments. The premise of these is
that an organization’s security is tested in terms of whether
someone can ‘break in’ either by socially engineering members
of staff or by circumventing physical security controls. Red
team assessments take this a step further; they are an
amalgamation of social engineering, physical attacks and
penetration testing. Some very large organizations will have
their own internal red team while others will use external
companies, and they will usually pen test the digital network as
well as perform physical and social engineering attacks to test
the security of the organization from different angles. The red
team is often given little to no scope restrictions and can be
given almost carte blanche to affect an organization within the
limits of legal and ethical guidelines.
One issue with these assessments is that they are highly likely
to always be successful, because it is impossible for an
organization to be 100 per cent secure. This can give the
perception that security is failing, and it can lead to a skewed
perspective over which security measures should be
prioritized. For these reasons, I would argue that these
assessments are best suited to organizations that already have a
high level of security maturity and who want to test a particular
control (such as a newly installed door or a procedure for
welcoming visitors to the office) or who want to use the results
as part of awareness-raising activities.

A layered approach
This chapter has covered some of the most important security
controls that organizations can put in place to better protect
themselves. Of course, to cover everything would take a whole
book in itself, and entire books can be (and are!) written on
each topic in isolation. One of the most important messages to
understand is that there is no one security solution, but rather a
layered approach – which does not just try to defend an
organization, but also recognizes that we need to be prepared
for when a breach happens – offers the best defence. One of the
most important, and complicated, layers of defence is human
behaviour. In the next chapter, we will look at what people can
do to better protect themselves, which not only has individual
benefits but also organizational, economic and societal benefits.

1 Miller, J (2015) The inside story of Caitlyn Jenner’s historic Vanity Fair cover, Vanity
Fair, 27 July,
(archived at
2 ClubCISO (2019) Information security maturity report 2019: Full survey results, ww (archived at

3 Schein, EH (1992) Organizational Culture and Leadership, Jossey-Bass Inc, San

How individuals can better
protect themselves
In an ideal world, digital technology would be secure by default
and people would be able to use the internet and smart devices
intuitively and safely, without having to undertake extra steps
to keep their information and, often, their finances safe.
Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world, and the internet
has not been built to be secure by default. Cyber security
professionals often make the mistake of overwhelming people
with information. We should not expect everyone to become a
security or technology expert to be able to use the internet and
enjoy the benefits of connected technology. We do not need
everyone to understand all of the esoteric, atypical elements of
cyber security, and we do not make anyone more secure when
we inflate our sense of self-importance by telling people that
the internet is broken. We shouldn’t expect people to run before
they are walking. Instead of telling people the 100 ways they or
their company could be affected by cyber insecurity – and the
200 things they need to do to protect against that – let’s start
with the core behaviours they can put in place to better protect
themselves, and keep building on that. It is important to help
people with these core behaviours in the same way that we
learn how to drive a car safely; we don’t expect everyone to
understand the intricacies of how an engine works, but we are
all expected to drive a car without endangering ourselves and

Protect your accounts

There are so many case studies in this book that highlight the
security issues of weak passwords and poor password
management. Passwords are the key to our online accounts; if
we use weak passwords, or we re-use passwords, we open the
potential for our accounts to be easily compromised by
dictionary attacks or credential stuffing (as covered elsewhere
in this book, for example Chapters 3 and 4). People use weak
passwords, and re-use them across their accounts, because they
have a large number of accounts, they struggle to remember
unique, complicated passwords and they do not think they
would be a target of cybercrime (misunderstanding the nature
of cybercrime, falsely believing that they would have to be
individually targeted for their accounts to be compromised).
The first step in encouraging people to approach their
passwords more securely, therefore, is helping people
understand that this is something we all need to do, that their
accounts can be compromised without a hacker singling them
out and targeting them directly.
In recent years, there has been a move away from passwords
and towards passphrases or three random words. The idea
behind this advice is that longer, more complicated passwords
offer more security and so, if people can use phrases or sets of
words, those should be more memorable and, in theory, more
secure. Some security experts dispute the efficacy of
passphrases and three random words. Looking at the
recommendation from a usability perspective, a pressing issue
with the advice is that it is not scalable: people may be able to
remember one good passphrase or set of random words, but
can they remember enough to use across all of their different
accounts? Bear in mind that research suggests people have as
many as 90, or more, online accounts.
Re-use is arguably the most pressing security issue when it
comes to passwords. To overcome the security issues with
password re-use I recommend individuals either use a
password manager or – I hope you’re sitting down for this –
write their passwords down. The latter sounds like classic
terrible security advice, doesn’t it? Well, hear me out: there are
good reasons for the advice and, most importantly, some crucial
caveats. Before we get to that, let’s look at password managers.

Password managers
Password managers are what their name implies, they are tools
to generate, store and manage passwords, acting like a vault.
There are different options available, from ones that you run on
your computer to cloud-based password managers that enable
you to access your passwords on your different devices. You
generally need to access the password manager with a
password, so it is important that this password is a very secure
one (by which I mean long and complicated), but this should be
the only password you need to remember. The benefits of
password managers are many:
They take away the mental burden of having to think up
secure passwords.
They take away the mental burden of having to remember
many secure passwords.
Many will automatically log you in to accounts.
If you need to share passwords, for example with your
spouse or colleagues, many will provide a secure way for
you to do that.
Most are free for personal use (password managers are
generally based on a business model that charges
organizations a fee, but not individuals).
I just mentioned another password no-no, didn’t I? Sharing
passwords. It is common security advice that people should
never share passwords and, like most sweeping security advice,
it is unrealistic and unhelpful. There are many times where we
need to share passwords, from the family account for a TV
streaming service to a corporate social media account, to the
harsh reality of enabling access to household accounts if the
main account holder dies. If we continue to give security advice
that is not aligned with reality, we will continue to be ignored.
Instead, let’s understand how people live and work, and
provide advice that takes that into account.
For me, this is the beauty of password managers. Password
managers recognize that cognitive burden of creating and
remembering unique passwords for a number of online
accounts is too great for the vast majority of people. This
cognitive burden is why people will create a Word, Excel or
Notes document on their computers to save all of their
passwords in. This is not a secure way of storing passwords; if
the device is compromised, one of the first things a cyber
criminal will do is look for such a file. So, password managers
are the secure version of that. People often ask how secure it
really is to put all of your eggs in one basket, to entrust all of
your passwords to a password manager. This is a great, and
valid, question. The way I see it is that password managers are
much more secure than what most people are doing now,
which is re-using weak passwords. Password management
companies put way more time, effort, expertise and money into
securing their product than I can put into managing my
passwords myself. If they become compromised, their business
is over, which is quite an incentive to ensuring that they
maintain as good a level of security as possible.
If we, as security professionals, cannot follow our own
advice, then we need to accept that the advice is wrong. If it is
too unrealistic for those of us who spend our days focused on
security, it is definitely too unrealistic for everyone else.

Writing passwords down

The drive for realistic security advice is why I sometimes
recommend that people write their passwords down. Although
a password manager would always be my preferred
recommendation, it is not the perfect solution for everyone.
They can be a bit complicated to set up and use, which will be
off-putting for people. In instances where someone does not
want to use a password manager, or cannot use a password
manager, it is far better for people to write down their
passwords in a dedicated notebook, than it is for them to re-use
weak passwords. If people are not using a password manager
or writing their passwords down, it is overwhelmingly likely
that they are re-using weak passwords.
Security is ultimately about threat models, by which I mean
identifying potential threats, understanding them and putting
in place mitigations where possible. When thinking about
having a password notebook, consider your threat model. What
are the potential threats to a notebook full of your usernames
and passwords? If you take it out of the house with you, it could
be lost or stolen, so I would recommend keeping it at home
where possible and, if you do take it out of your home, treat it
like your wallet. When keeping it at home, recognize that
anyone you share your home with may find the book and use
the passwords to get into your accounts. If that poses a threat to
you or would be a problem to you, then a password notebook
may not be suitable for your threat model. Or, you might still
want to consider a password notebook but with some extra
mitigations in place, such as locking it in a safe and using a code
that you can remember for your credentials (eg changing every
letter that is upper case in your passwords to lower case ones
when you write them down, writing down your passwords
backwards or using something like the Caeser shift). Bear in
mind that codes can be broken and, again, your threat model
will determine how much you want to mitigate against this
with a complicated code.
What are the other potential threats to keeping a password
notebook at home? It is far more likely that someone will break
into weak, recycled passwords over the internet than that they
will break into your home and steal your book of passwords as
a way of compromising your internet accounts. A password
notebook is not something I would recommend people use in an
office, not least because it will probably be a policy violation,
but for many people it will offer them stronger, and more
manageable, cyber security at home.
Biometric security
In 2004, Bill Gates spoke at the RSA conference in San Francisco and stated that the use
of passwords would soon die. Over fifteen years later, and passwords are still very much
with us. However, in recent years, we have seen an increase in the use of biometric
systems, as discussed in Chapter 7. Home technology users are embracing biometric
authentication for devices such as their smart phones and, although there have been
many examples of biometric authentication being compromised, these systems may be
a better approach to security than passwords or PINs. For example, it would be more
secure for an individual to use fingerprint scanning or facial recognition to access their
device than to use a simple PIN such as 0000 or a common pin such as a date, like 1976.
If their phone is pickpocketed, it would take a more sophisticated criminal to lift and
clone their fingerprint, than it would to brute force their PIN (or shoulder surf it before
they steal the phone).

Two-factor authentication
Passwords should not be the only layer of security on your
online accounts; two-factor authentication is vital, so that if
your password is compromised or not kept safe by the account
provider, your accounts are as secure as possible. We looked at
what two-factor authentication (2FA) is, why it is important and
the different options in Chapter 4. One issue I did not address
there is the lack of take-up of 2FA; in 2019, I surveyed 1,000
people in the UK and found that only 26 per cent of those were
using 2FA where possible, and 62 per cent did not know what it
We need to find a way to encourage more uptake of 2FA.
Providers are reluctant to make 2FA use default for their
services, as they don’t want to force it on people and lose
customers. However, some companies are taking an innovative
approach to encourage engagement with 2FA. The games
company EA ran a campaign in which they gave away a free
month of the game Origin Access to players who have 2FA
enabled or who activate it. EA were following in the footsteps of
the marketing platform Mailchimp, which provides a 10 per
cent discount for three months when customers enable 2FA.
Research suggests that when these incentives are well chosen,
they can lead to greater adoption of 2FA.2

Loyalty points theft

Cyber criminals follow the money, and are always looking for new ways to make a profit.
So, whilst we may not think much about the loyalty card schemes we sign up to, there
are signs that loyalty card point theft is on the rise. The crime is, quite simply, when
criminals target our loyalty card points and steal them – and it could be carried out in a
number of ways, one of the most likely being account compromise via credential
stuffing. If someone is re-using an email address and password that has been breached
elsewhere, or indeed if they are simply using a weak password, that is a likely way for
cyber criminals to access their account and steal their points.
Another way that criminals carry out fraud such as loyalty point theft is via card
cloning. Using a card skimmer device, which a fraudster can use to swipe your card and
steal the details from it, criminals are able to build cloned cards using your details (this
can be used for everything from loyalty cards to credit cards). Card cloning is why it is
important to never hand your cards over to someone, even someone working in a store
or coffee shop, but instead to always swipe it yourself.
Loyalty point theft can also be carried out by criminals using malware, spread for
example via malicious apps (discussed below) or phishing emails and messages, which
could also be used to steal your username and password. This highlights an important
point. It may seem that cyber criminals are always coming up with new and different
ways to defraud us, which seems overwhelming, but the vast majority of these new
frauds are based on known and established methods such as phishing and credential
stuffing. If we follow the advice contained in this chapter to better protect ourselves,
we are putting in place mitigations that will protect us from most cybercrime in
operation no matter how ‘new’ it may seem.
Protect your devices
A key message we need to communicate to people, to help them
stay more secure, is the importance of keeping their devices
and apps up-to-date. We have taught people to ignore pop-ups
on their computers, which is good when it comes to pop-ups
themselves but bad when it comes to something that appears
similar to a pop-up: automatically generated update prompts.
On top of this issue, people are busy and security updates often
seem to appear when people don’t feel they have the time to do
them (this is because security is rarely the primary reason for
using a laptop, tablet or phone, so whenever the update prompt
arrives, people will be engaged in something else).
In Chapter 3, we looked at the prevalence of vulnerabilities
and the work that goes into identifying and fixing these. When
a vulnerability is identified and patched, that patch must be
applied everywhere the software is in use, or the vulnerability
will be exploitable. When the vulnerability becomes public
knowledge, patching is even more important (the more people
who know about the vulnerability, the more chance there is
that people are attempting to exploit it). This is why timely
updates are important. Let’s say I am using a banking
application and a vulnerability is discovered in it; for example,
allowing other users to access my account. A patch is developed
for the vulnerability and an update is pushed out to all, to
encourage everyone to apply the patch. If I, as an end-user, do
not follow the update prompt, then my account still has the
vulnerability and a criminal could exploit it. By keeping
devices, software and apps updated, I am ensuring they are as
secure as possible.
It is also important to be careful with the apps we download
on our phones and tablets, checking they are reputable and
trusted apps before we install them. This is because criminals
use apps to spread malware, enabling them to steal data
including usernames, passwords, financial data and personal
information. The iPhone app store scrutinizes apps more
rigorously than Android, so be especially careful if you use an
Android device (but don’t believe that you are immune just
because you are using an Apple device).
As well as keeping devices updated, we also need to consider
the physical security of them. Smart phones are small
computers that many of us carry around with us, and access to
the phone usually comes with access to lots of apps that are
generally automatically logged in. This can include our emails,
social media accounts and shopping sites with stored financial
data. This is why using a screen lock on your phone is really
important, as is making sure that lock isn’t too simple (for
example, don’t use 1234 as a PIN or a ‘U’ shape for pattern
unlock). I also recommend that individuals enable settings that
allow them to remotely wipe their devices, so if your phone is
stolen you can remove all data from it.

Protect your data

On Wi-Fi
The threat of public Wi-Fi comes from the potential for
criminals to clone the network, appearing as a legitimate
network so that people connect to it and, in doing so, expose
their internet traffic to the malicious Wi-Fi. This enables the
criminal running the cloned network to steal any valuable data.
For example, if I go to a coffee shop and a criminal is running a
cloned Wi-Fi network, I may inadvertently log on to their
network and not the legitimate one. If I have logged on to the
coffee shop Wi-Fi before, or if the criminal network signal is
stronger, then I may even be automatically logged on. If I then
use my banking app, my bank details and login credentials will
be exposed to the criminal, enabling them to login to my
account and steal money. It is best to avoid using public Wi-Fi
(for example, public hotspots, Wi-Fi on trains, in hotels and
coffee shops) for doing anything that exposes sensitive data
online, such as online banking, checking your emails or
carrying our transactions on shopping sites.
Some people use virtual private networks (VPNs) to mitigate
the risks of public Wi-Fi. VPNs are an encrypted connection
from a device to a network, allowing anyone using the VPN to
send and receive data on a public Wi-Fi network without
exposing that data to that network; they operate so that the data
you send and receive is as if you were directly connected to the
private network. The data you send and receive is encrypted, so
anyone who intercepts it would not be able to decipher it. VPNs
are widely used in a corporate environment to enable people to
do work, send emails and access the corporate network without
exposing that data to networks that could allow others to
eavesdrop on it.
When it comes to VPNs, it is important to be aware that you
are not hiding your internet traffic from everyone: you are
running it through the VPN. Therefore, the VPN provider may
have access to your data, and nefarious ones may abuse this
access, for example by selling your data. Anyone who plans to
use a VPN personally should do a little research online to make
sure they pick a VPN that has been independently tested from a
security and privacy point of view.

On websites
The green padlock that often shows in the URL bar when you
visit a website is meant to show that the website is secure. In
reality, it does not mean that the website is secure; if only
security was that simple. The padlock means that the website is
using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, which means that
it is running https not http. This means that your connection to
the website is encrypted. Whilst it is recommended to use
websites that are encrypted, especially if you are sharing
personal data, the fact that the site you are on is encrypted does
not by default make it a secure one. Cyber criminals have found
ways to fake security certificates or obtain them with false
details and so there are malicious sites that display the padlock
sign, seeking to lull people into a false sense of security. A
padlock is just one sign of whether a site is authentic and to be
Criminals use fake websites for all sorts of things. Sometimes
fake websites are used to sell counterfeit goods, sometimes they
are used to steal people’s personal and financial data;
sometimes they are used for both. When we buy goods online,
we provide a lot of personal and financial data and this opens
the potential for the criminals running scam sites to steal this
data. Criminals do different things with stolen data: they may
sell it to other criminals, they may carry out fraud on us directly
by accessing our bank accounts, or they may use our data to set
up scam sites in our names and with our details.
Spotting a scam website is about looking at the site as a whole
and identifying any anomalies, such as spelling and
grammatical errors, poor photographs and links to other
content that fail to load. You can check reviews of the website
and also see where it is based; for example, if there is a UK,
European or US postal address.

Backing up
The rise of ransomware, as discussed in Chapter 1, has affected
individuals and home users as well as organizations. Many
people now store a great deal of data digitally, which can
include sentimental items such as family photographs. To
prevent losing these in a ransomware attack or computer
failure, it is recommended that individuals regularly back up
their data, for example using external hard drives. Just be sure
to disconnect it and store it safely when you are not actively
using it.

Be social media savvy

Without a password manager or password notebook, people
are likely to use passwords that are memorable to them, such as
names of family members, favourite football teams, pets’ names
and favourite musicians. This is problematic because these are
generally common, so are likely to be included in dictionary
attacks on passwords, but also because it is information that
many of us also share on social media.
Cyber criminals use information we share on social media
not just to compromise passwords but also to craft more
successful social engineering attacks. This is not to say we
should not enjoy the benefits of social media, but rather that we
should have an awareness of the way it can be used maliciously.
Reviewing our privacy and security settings enables us to make
sure that information is as private as we wish it to be. Ensuring
that we use a strong, unique password and have 2FA set up
mitigates our account being compromised. In protecting our
social media accounts, we also protect those we are connected
to, as compromised accounts are often used by criminals to
spread spam and links to scam sites. With this in mind, we
should be aware that we can’t always trust the links that our
contacts share on social media and, as the example of ‘Rebecca
Watts’ showed us in Chapter 6, people are not always who they
seem to be online.

Be social engineering savvy

The ‘Rebecca Watts’ example shows us that social engineering
comes in many forms; it is not just about phishing emails. It is
important that people understand that any way in which
someone communicates with us can be abused by social
engineering, whether this is email, social media, messaging
platforms, phone calls, letters or people turning up in person on
our doorsteps.
In August 2019, news outlets warned people of a new mobile
phone scam, which involved social engineering carried out
face-to-face combined with digital fraud. The scam works like
this: a package is delivered to your door, with your name on,
containing a new smart phone. Not long afterwards, there is
another knock at the door with another courier explaining they
delivered it by mistake and ask for the phone back. This
delivery scam is based on identity theft: the criminals have
used your details to order a phone (or other high-value item),
which they then try to intercept at delivery. They are making a
purchase using your (stolen) details and then taking that
purchase from you, which they will sell, leaving you to pay for
it in the first place.
This scam highlights the importance of awareness, not just of
the latest scams but also the underlying methods and criminal
mindset at play. Cyber criminals will always find new tactics to
carry out their activities, but these are rooted in the same
general techniques and strategies. Following the steps covered
in this chapter will protect individuals against most cybercrime
in operation:
1. Protect your accounts with strong, unique passwords and
2. Be aware of card cloning, and don’t let other people
handle your cards, especially to take to a device that you
cannot see.
3. Protect your devices by keeping them up to date and
taking care with the apps you download.
4. Protect your data on public Wi-Fi by avoiding doing
anything sensitive (such as online banking) and consider
using a trusted VPN.
5. Be aware of the websites you use, particularly if you are
buying something or inputting your personal or financial
6. Be social media savvy, with an awareness of the
information you share and the fact that people are not
always who they appear to be online.
7. It’s not just online that people are not always who they
appear to be; social engineering crosses the digital,
physical and social world and is used in all sorts of crimes.
Underpinning all of these tips is awareness. Knowing that these
crimes are carried out, how the criminals are doing it and what
we can do to better protect ourselves is the first step. Being
vigilant is the most valuable approach, a mindset that embraces
situational awareness and trusts your instincts. If something
feels suspicious, it is worth taking a moment to find out
whether your suspicions are valid.

1 Barker, J (2019) 62% of people do not know what two-factor authentication is: Our
survey of 1,000 people in the UK (blog), Cygenta, 4 October,
uk/2fa_2019 (archived at
2 Busse, K, et al (2019) ‘Get a free item pack with every activation’: Do incentives
increase the adoption rates of two-factor authentication? Journal of Interactive
Media, Special Issue on Usable Security and Privacy,
9 (archived at
Nation-state cyber security:
As we have seen already from some of the examples in this
book so far, there is an inherent tension in how we approach
cyber security at a global level. The digital sphere doesn’t have
boundaries in the same way that states – and therefore
legislation and legal jurisdiction – do.

Policing the internet

This is one reason why policing the internet is so difficult:
crimes can be conducted in one country while targeting
another, and even if the attackers are identified with any
certainty, taking legal action can be challenging or impossible,
because it relies on countries working in collaboration. To try to
mitigate this, there are frameworks in place to facilitate and
manage this collaboration as much as possible.

The Tallinn Manual 2.0

The Tallinn Manual 2.0: International Law Applicable to Cyber
Operations (Tallinn Manual), the drafting of which was led by
the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, is a
comprehensive analysis of how existing international law
applies to cyberspace. Some broad conclusions we can take
from the Tallinn Manual include that sovereignty applies to
cyberspace, that state jurisdiction should apply in regards to
cyber activities, and that states are responsible for cyber acts
that are attributable to them and comprise a breach of
international law (including actions by non-state actors that are
carried out under the effective control of the state).1 Of course,
the Tallinn Manual contains much more analysis of
international law regarding cyber activity, and there are many
points where the experts who contributed to it express
disagreement. This is a new and expanding area of law, which
is moving rapidly, as we will see from some of the case studies
in this chapter.

The Wassenaar Arrangement

The Wassenaar Arrangement (Wassenaar) was established in
1996, taking its name from a suburb of The Hague, in the
Netherlands, where international agreement was reached in
1995 to start the multilateral cooperation. The aim of the
arrangement is to contribute to international stability by
regulating global trade in weaponry. Forty-two countries
currently participate in the arrangement on a voluntary basis,
including the UK, US, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Estonia,
the Netherlands, Japan and Australia.
In 2013, Wassenaar was amended to include command and
delivery platforms for ‘intrusion software’ and ‘intrusion
software technology’, classifying both of these as items that
would require export licences in the same way as physical
weapons. In the cyber security community, this wording caused
confusion and concern, because it would have required export
control licences for those involved in defensive security
activities. This posed the potential for serious unintended
consequences, for example that the technical response to real-
time attacks could be held up in the processing of export
control paperwork.
In 2017, the reworking of Wassenaar was agreed, thanks to
expert input from Katie Moussouris and Iain Mulholland, so
that cross-border sharing of vulnerabilities disclosures and
security incident response are exempt from the export control
licences that Wassenaar covers.2
Wassenaar reflects some of the issues that we face when
trying to manage cyber security at the national and
international level, as rules and regulations that make sense in
the physical domain do not necessarily translate to the cyber
domain. This example highlights the importance of having
people with cyber security expertise involved in the
formulation of such international agreements, to understand
and explain how regulations that might make sense in theory
will actually play out in practice.

The International Traffic in Arms Regulations

Nothing shows that cyber based exploits are being seen as
comparable to kinetic weapons more than regulation. The
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) have been
used by the USA since 1976 to restrict and control the export of
military technologies in order to protect the US from foreign
powers looking to leverage their own weapons against them or
their allies. It controls the export of the assets that appear on
the United States Munitions List (USML). At the time of writing,
the USML is separated into 21 categories, covering everything
from firearms through to chemical agents and nuclear
weapons. As software developed for tailored access will often
fall under ITAR, it is clear that the US among other countries
recognizes that so-called cyber weapons have the potential to
be as valuable and as devastating as more traditional

Nation-state level cyber attacks

While nation-state level cyber activity is something that hits the
headlines more frequently now than ever before, it is of course
not new. Nation-state level cyber activity is an extension of
more traditional kinetic nation-state activity, including
traditional methods of warfare intended to destabilize and
disrupt, as well as activities of the intelligence agencies. But it is
also different. Cyber activity at the nation-state level can cause
disruption, distrust and disharmony in an insidious way,
staying below the radar of kinetic forms of warfare whilst still
having a very real impact.

The Great Seal

Also known as ‘The Thing’, the Great Seal bug is often listed as
the first covert listening device, bridging the gap between
traditional spycraft and modern sophisticated espionage. The
bug was allegedly concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet
Union to the US Ambassador to Russia on 4 August 1945. It
required no power and is considered to be the forerunner of
radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology.
The bug was hidden inside a large wooden plaque, bearing
the Great Seal of America, which was hung in the residency of
the US Ambassador for seven years. The device itself worked
only when it was energized by an external powerful beam of
radio energy, which enabled it to then function as both a
microphone, picking up the room’s audio, and as a transmitter
to a nearby Russian listening station. The discovery of the bug
was made by accident when a British radio operator heard the
Americans having a conversation on an open channel.3

The Bronze Statue

In 2007, a dispute over a statue of a soldier led to Estonia
becoming the victim of a disinformation campaign and a series
of cyber attacks in what is widely regarded as the first act of
cyber warfare in the world.4 In 1947, the Bronze Soldier statue
was unveiled by Soviet authorities in the centre of Tallinn, the
nation’s capital. The statue was divisive: embraced by the
Russian-speaking population of Estonia as a symbol of
liberation, but rejected by the indigenous population as a
symbol of Soviet oppression. In 2007, when it was announced
that the statue would be moved to the outskirts of the city,
Russian speakers in the city rioted, inflamed by the Russian-
speaking media outlets who reported falsely that the statue was
due to be destroyed. Over 26 and 27 April there were riots,
looting and cyber attacks. Further fanning the flames of
violence, Russian-language media outlets did not report the
violent riots, but instead reported that peaceful Russian
protesters were being targeted by the Estonian police.
The situation escalated when banks, the media and
government services were the target of widescale DDoS attacks:
research from NATO suggests that one to two million infected
bots were used in the attack, running through 175 jurisdictions,
to flood Estonian websites and online services with traffic that
would make the services go offline (DDoS attacks and bots are
covered in Chapter 4). NATO note that 174 jurisdictions
supported Estonia in resolving the attacks and the Russian
Federation alone did not.5
This activity disrupted cash machines and online banking,
took government email out of action and prevented Estonian
news outlets from operating. The campaign lasted for three
weeks and had a profound impact on Estonia, partly because
the activity was unprecedented (there had never been such a
coordinated cyber attack on a country before) with, at one
point, 58 separate botnet attacks hitting Estonia in one day.6 In a
statement made at the time, the Estonia Foreign Minister Urmas
Paet said that the ‘virtual, psychological and real attacks’ were
coordinated actions from Russia against Estonia and, by
extension, the European Union.7 Russia denies any role in the
cyber attack and attribution of the attacks proved difficult,
because they were seemingly carried out by individuals under
their own steam and using their own personal resources.
The activity was also unprecedented because of the impact it
had. Estonia had become one of the most digitized countries in
the world, with public services delivered through the internet,
including election voting (Estonia was the first country in the
world to offer internet voting).
Estonia’s response to the attack is to be commended. The
country drew on its information security community to
respond to the attack and to build resilience into its future
approach. The incident galvanized policymakers, and so in May
2008, the Estonian Ministry of Defence implemented a cyber
security strategy and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence
Centre of Excellence was established in Tallinn. In the decade
and more that has passed since the attack, Estonia is now
recognized as one of the leading countries in cyber security,
advising other states on the subject. Rather than moving away
from its digital infrastructure, Estonia has strengthened its e-
government systems and sought to make its population more
aware of cyber security: the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) describes Estonia as the
most technically advanced government in the world.8 One
progression that Estonia has developed as part of its e-Estonia
initiative is that of data embassies, in which digital copies of key
national data are held under Estonian jurisdiction in
A year after the attack in Estonia, the country of Georgia was
targeted with the first-ever combined cyber and kinetic attacks,
as part of a war between Georgia and Russia over South
Ossetia. For the digital element, many of the same techniques
and computers that were used in the Estonia attack were seen
again in the activities targeting Georgia. The website of the
Georgian President was hacked, along with websites of news
outlets. Georgian websites were subject to DDoS attacks and
defacement, and internet traffic was re-routed through servers
in Russia and Turkey and subsequently blocked. In terms of the
kinetic warfare, it has been estimated by the European Union
that 800 people lost their lives, across both sides, over the five
days of physical warfare.9

The blurring of lines between cyber and physical attacks is seen
more at the nation-state level than any other dimension of
cyber security. One such case is Stuxnet, understood to be the
first malware that caused physical destruction. This made
Stuxnet unprecedented; a game-changer not just in how it
crossed the kinetic boundary, but also in terms of its
sophistication, with Kaspersky Lab estimating that it would
have taken a team of ten coders two to three years to create it.
It targeted ‘airgapped’ systems (systems not connected to the
internet) and was transmitted mainly via USB sticks. In fact,
Stuxnet had a very specific target: the centrifuges that spin
nuclear material at Natanz, Iran’s main nuclear enrichment
facility. It was identified in 2010, hiding in the systems of the
power plants and signalling to the operating system that
everything was normal. Stuxnet set the country’s nuclear
production programme back by at least 18 months when it
destroyed 1,000 of the 5,000 centrifuges at Natanz.10 Attribution
of Stuxnet was challenging, but in 2012, the New York Times
published an in-depth report claiming what many suspected,
that it was the work of the United States, under President
Obama’s orders, in collaboration with Israel.11
What the creators of Stuxnet apparently did not intend or
expect was that the worm would escape from Natanz. Stuxnet
spread to an engineer’s computer when it was connected to the
centrifuges due to an error in the code; when that computer
was then connected to the internet, the worm began self-
replicating around the world.12 Stuxnet was the first cyber
weapon and illustrated that cyber weapons are not (yet) like
kinetic weapons. With traditional, kinetic warfare, weaponry
has become more precise and targeted, resulting in less
collateral damage. In cyber warfare, it is much more difficult to
make weaponry that is precise, targeted and contained, with no
risk of collateral damage.
We have been reminded of this reality many times since
Stuxnet, not least with WannaCry. In Chapter 3, we covered
what happened when WannaCry hit and how the attack was
thwarted; now we will explore the nation-state dimensions.
WannaCry propagated through EternalBlue, an exploit that
takes advantage of a vulnerability in Microsoft’s Server Message
Block (SMB; a method that allows for shared access to files,
printers and ports on a network). The exploit was discovered,
or perhaps even created, by the US National Security Agency
(NSA) and kept secret by the Agency, not informing Microsoft of
it for five years until a hacking group named the Shadow
Brokers revealed they had possession of it. If an intelligence
agency creates or discovers an exploit, they may be motivated
to keep it secret so they can use it in operations against other
nation states. Many people criticize this practice, especially in
the wake of WannaCry and other attacks that utilize
EternalBlue, but it seems a fact of life that intelligence agencies
will conduct themselves this way. Spies are going to spy!
From 2016 to 2017, the Shadow Brokers released highly
classified NSA data that dated no later than 2013. The data
included the EternalBlue exploit, along with details of major
vulnerabilities in Cisco routers, Linux mail servers and more,
and came from the NSA’s hacking group, Tailored Access
Operations (TAO, also known as the Equation Group).
The timeline of events was as follows:
August 2016: The Shadow Brokers announce possession of TAO/NSA
classified data and attempt to auction it.

January 2017: The Shadow Brokers publish screenshots that show a list of
exploit tools, including EternalBlue.
March 2017: Microsoft patch the vulnerability that can be exploited by

April 2017: The Shadow Brokers release all of the tools shown in the
screenshot they shared in January, including EternalBlue.

May 2017: WannaCry hits.

It is largely a matter of speculation as to who the Shadow

Brokers are, but many agree that the group operate at the
nation-state level and that the most likely state is Russia.
The NSA faced criticism for withholding information
regarding the vulnerability that was leveraged by the
EternalBlue exploit. Since then, the NSA has – for the first time –
been attributed with publicly disclosing a vulnerability that
they discovered: on 14 January 2020, Microsoft released a patch
for vulnerability CVE-2020-0601, which they attributed to the
NSA insiders
In 2013, Edward Snowden hit newspaper headlines around the world, ushering in a new
era of debate about nation-state security and surveillance. Snowden had been working
for the NSA as a contractor in Hawaii when he left with (potentially) 1.7 million
documents which he leaked to journalists working for the Guardian newspaper, Glenn
Greenwald and Ewan MacAskill, and film-maker Laura Poitras. The publication of the
documents revealed the global surveillance efforts of the NSA, in collaboration with the
UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Australian Signals
Directorate (ASD), the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau
(GCSB) and Canada’s Communication Security Establishment (CSEC); known
collectively as ‘Five Eyes’ (FVEY).
At the time, Snowden’s activities and the information revealed was unparalled.
However, since then, it has been widely recognized that the damage done to the US
intelligence agency by Snowden’s actions was superseded by the Shadow Brokers.
Snowden exposed documents; the Shadow Brokers exposed tools.
How the Shadow Brokers carried out the operation is a larger source of speculation,
with many people pointing to suspected insider activity. There have been three notable
arrests of former NSA employees and contractors who may have been involved,
although it is still not clear whether any of these individuals was a mole who knowingly
stole and shared the data, an accidental insider who was compromised, or actually not
implicated in the Shadow Brokers activity at all.

Companies and nation-state level attacks

It is not simply governments who are targeted at the nation-
state level. In an effort to cause destabilization, state-owned and
private companies that are linked to nation states can become
the target of nation-state level activity.

Saudi Aramco
On 15 August 2012, one of the most destructive computer
viruses ever seen sabotaged Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil
company of Saudi Arabia. The data on three-quarters of Saudi
Aramco’s computers (35,000 in total) was completely destroyed,
and replaced with an image of a burning American flag.
Aramco shut down the internal corporate network, disabling
email and internet access, in an attempt to contain the virus,
called Shamoon. Oil production was segregated on the network,
and so unaffected, but the business side of Aramco was
completely disconnected with a return to pen and paper,
typewriters and fax machines. Recovery took months.
The attack was claimed by a hacking group calling themselves
‘Cutting Sword of Justice’, who said they were motivated by
Saudi policies in the Middle East, although many believe this is
a ruse and the true culprits are Iran, potentially in retaliation
for Stuxnet, using lessons learned from the attack. Much like
Stuxnet, it is suspected that an insider was fundamental to the
Shamoon infection of Aramco, initiating it by plugging in a USB
stick containing the virus.
As the state-owned national oil company of Saudi Arabia, it is
not surprising that Saudi Aramco would be targeted by nation-
state actors. However, we also see private companies that are
not state-owned being caught up in nation-state level activity.

The shipping giant Maersk is responsible for approximately
one-fifth of the world’s shipping capacity, carrying tens of
millions of tons of cargo around the world. On 27 June 2017,
computers across Maersk were infected by NotPetya.
Computers shut down, phones stopped working, access gates
locked and the vast majority of employees were told to go home
until further notice.
Maersk was caught up in a huge attack using the malware
NotPetya, which has been identified as a tool in the Russian war
with Ukraine. NotPetya is linked to, but not the same as, the
ransomware Petya, which spread via email attachments;
NotPetya masqueraded as ransomware but was irreversible,
intended to destroy not extort. It was built on EternalBlue and
Mimikatz (a penetration testing tool that can pull passwords out
of computer memory and use them to hack into other machines
using the same username and passwords). The combination of
these two tools was powerful, meaning that computers that
were not patched against ExternalBlue could be hacked and
then, via use of Mimikatz, those that were patched could be
accessed and infected.14
Ukraine was the first to be hit with NotPetya, and was hit
with the majority of infections, with victims including banks,
energy firms and Borispol airport in Kiev. This is not the first
time Ukraine has been subject to cyber attacks at the nation-
state level: it has been a target of cyber attacks in parallel to
Russian military intervention in the country since 2014. During
this time, companies running Ukraine’s power grid have been
targeted, resulting in blackouts that affected hundreds of
thousands of citizens for up to six hours.
Although the NotPetya malware is understood to have been
specifically targeting Ukraine, the malware did not stop at the
country’s borders, but soon spread around the world. NotPetya
indiscriminately and permanently encrypted the hard drives of
tens of thousands of computers – not only in Maersk, but also
the pharmaceutical company Merck and the courier delivery
service FedEx – costing each company hundreds of millions of
dollars. The United States White House has identified the
Russian military as the source of NotPetya, whilst describing it
as the most destructive and costly cyber attack so far

Misinformation and disinformation

It is common for nation-state cyber activity to be covert and
challenging to attribute. However, when that activity is not only
about code, but also about misinformation and influencing
hearts and minds, it becomes an even greater challenge to
identify and confront.
In October 2016, the United States formally accused Russia of
interfering in the elections earlier that year, in which Donald
Trump was voted in as president. A joint statement from the
Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National
Intelligence claimed that the Russian administration, at its most
senior level, was responsible for hacking Democratic party
officials and stealing 19,000 emails, which were then leaked to
the press via Wikileaks (linking back to the chapter on social
engineering, the emails were reportedly compromised via a
spear-phishing email attack in which the credentials of officials
were compromised). At the time of the hack, it was claimed by
Guccifer 2.0, who maintained they were an independent hacker
but who many security experts and US officials believe is the
public persona of a group within Russia’s Main Intelligence
Directorate (known by its Russian acronym, GRU). This hacking
group is known by many names, including Advanced Persistent
Threat 28 (APT28), Fancy Bear and Sofacy Group.
In 2017, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence
released a report which claimed that Vladimir Putin, the
Russian President, ordered a campaign to influence the 2016 US
election, which included discrediting Trump’s political rival,
Hilary Clinton. This alleged interference included not only the
hacking of Democrat emails, but also a misinformation
campaign conducted online through social media, intended to
influence how people voted in the election.
In 2019, the long-awaited conclusion to a US independent
inquiry, the Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference
in the 2016 Presidential Election (known as the Mueller report),
was published. The 448-page report detailed occasions when
the US President had attempted to obstruct the investigation
and welcomed the potential for the hacked, leaked emails to
damage Clinton, but the report did not establish whether the
Trump campaign criminally conspired with Russia to influence
the 2016 election. In 2018, thirteen Russians were indicted by
the US for attempting to manipulate US voters using social
media in the run-up to the 2016 election. The Russian Internet
Research Agency (IRA) allegedly conducted extensive research
into tactics that would influence the election, stole identities of
real Americans on social media, created fake accounts and paid
for political adverts on platforms such as Facebook, using
virtual private networks to route their traffic through the US so
they could go undetected.
The UK awaits an investigation of its own into nation-state
cyber activities, namely whether the 2016 Brexit referendum
was influenced by a disinformation campaign pursued by the
Russian state on social media. At the time of writing, the British
Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee report into
suspected Russian interference in British politics in the run up
to the 2016 Brexit referendum is yet to be released. Many,
including Clinton herself, criticized the UK Government for
failing to publish the report before the General Election of 2019.
In November 2019, a leaked version of the report suggested that
Russian interference in the referendum may have affected the
result but, much like the Mueller report, could not quantify the
State-on-state activity, including kinetic warfare and attempts
to influence elections, is nothing new. However, the internet
has opened up potential for more covert, more scalable and
more deniable activity and has complicated issues of
sovereignty, jurisdiction and attribution. Cyber activities at the
nation-state level are complex, with attacks that are not simply
intended to directly impact governments but include insidious
activity that is intended to destabilize and disrupt. Over the last
decade, we have seen more nation-state cyber activity and we
can be sure that cyberspace will increasingly be used by nation
states as part of geo political conflict.

1 Schmitt, M N (ed) (2017) Tallinn Manual 2.0 on International Law Applicable to Cyber
Operations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2 Moussouris, K (2017) Serious progress made on the Wassenaar Arrangement for
global cybersecurity, The Hill, 17 December,
(archived at

3 United States Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security (2011) History of

the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the United States Department of State, https://20 (archived at https://perma.c
4 Hills, M (2019) Hybrid Threats: A strategic communications perspective: 2007 cyber
attacks on Estonia, NATO Strategic Communications,
tions (archived at
5 Hills, M (2019) Hybrid Threats: A Strategic Communications Perspective: 2007
Cyber Attacks on Estonia, NATO Strategic Communications,
publications (archived at
6 Davis, J (2007) Hackers take down the most wired country in Europe, Wired, 21
August, (archived at

7 Pau, A (2007) Statement by the Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, Eesti Päevaleht, 1 May,
(archived at
8 OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation and Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre
for Government Innovation (2018) Embracing innovation in government: Global
trends 2018,
m (archived at

9 European Convention on Human Rights (2009) Independent International Fact-

Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia,
263_08_Annexes_ENG.pdf (archived at
10 Albright, D, Brannan, P and Walrond, C (2011) Stuxnet malware and Natanz:
Update of ISIS December 22, 2010 report, Institute for Science and International
010.pdf (archived at
11 Sanger, D (2012) Obama order sped up wave of cyberattacks against Iran, New
York Times, 1 June,
d-wave-of-cyberattacks-against-iran.html (archived at

12 Sanger, D (2012) Obama order sped up wave of cyberattacks against Iran, New
York Times, 1 June,
d-wave-of-cyberattacks-against-iran.html (archived at
13 FC (2020) The first official NSA exploit (CVE-2020-0601) (blog), Cygenta, 15 January, (archived at

14 Greenberg, A (2019) Sandworm: A new era of cyberwar and the hunt for the
Kremlin’s most dangerous hackers, Doubleday, New York
15 Greenberg, A (2018) The White House blames Russia for NotPetya, the ‘most costly
cyberattack In history’, Wired, 15 February,
sia-notpetya-attribution (archived at
The future of cyber security
and what it means for your
Cyber security in different
When you first hear the term ‘cyber security’ you would be
forgiven for thinking that it’s only something that governments,
banks and big corporations need to consider. And, of course,
those industries absolutely do need to embrace cyber security –
but they’re not the only ones. Cyber security considerations
apply to all sorts of different organizations and industries,
including ones that you might not expect.

Celebrity, entertainment and pop culture

Taylor Swift
Have you ever wondered how someone like Taylor Swift
manages cyber security? Success in the music industry relies on
many things, and one of those is music being released at the
time and in the way intended. If songs or albums are leaked
before their release date, it could cost the artist and their record
label a good deal of money and, potentially, damage the career
of the artist. According to news reports, Taylor Swift (or,
certainly, her team) is very aware of this and takes a number of
steps to manage her most valuable data: her upcoming music.
It is reported that when backing dancers are performing in
the filming of Taylor Swift’s music videos, they are not
performing to the actual track that will be the subject of the
video. To ensure that her music is only heard by those who
absolutely need to hear it, and apparently limit the possibility
of someone secretly recording and releasing the music before
the official release date, Swift’s backing dancers perform to
‘click tracks’ which play the correct beat of the relevant track
rather than the track itself.1 That way, the dancers are
performing to the correct rhythm but without being exposed to
the music.
Reports suggest that it this is not an isolated example with
regards to keeping Swift’s music secure, but rather part of an
overall approach. Ed Sheeran has commented on the measures
that Swift’s team took to protect her music, when they
collaborated on the song Everything Has Changed on her album
Red. According to Sheeran, he listened to the song once, when a
member of Swift’s team met him. The track was apparently the
only song on an iPad, which was stored in a locked briefcase;
Sheeran listened to it once before acknowledging that he was
happy with it, and the iPad was then locked up and taken back.2
This shows a considered approach to the cyber security of
Swift’s intellectual property. Swift’s team are keeping a careful
chain of custody of the music, not sending it via email, which
can be vulnerable to hacking, and from what Sheeran has said,
possibly even keeping the song on a so-called ‘clean’ device, one
that has not been used to access the internet or store other data.
It is not just Swift’s digital security that her team take so
seriously, but also her physical security as well. In 2018, it was
reported that kiosks showing rehearsal clips of Taylor Swift, set
up outside her concert venue, were more than they first
appeared. When concertgoers watched the clips of Swift being
played at the kiosks, their images were taken, and facial
recognition scans were performed to determine if any of the
attendees were known stalkers of Swift.3 This may seem
extreme, and it certainly raises questions regarding the balance
of personal security for one individual compared to the
personal privacy of others, but it represents how celebrities can
(and do) embrace the latest digital technologies as part of their
approach to security.

Kim Kardashian
Physical security is, of course, an issue that people in the public
eye have long been aware of. However, these issues have been
brought more to the fore with the advent of greater
connectivity over the internet and social media technology,
meaning people with a high profile are more accessible to the
rest of us compared to even a few decades ago. In 2016, the
Kardashians re-evaluated their use of social media after Kim
Kardashian was attacked while staying in Paris. Kardashian
was robbed at gunpoint, with the criminals stealing $10 million
worth of jewellery. The alleged leader of the criminal group told
French police that he and his team were able to pull off the
attack by using information she had shared on social media.4
Kardashian had shown pictures of expensive jewels on social
media, commenting that they were not fake, and her posts also
revealed information about her whereabouts and movements
whilst in Paris. This is, of course, not to blame Kardashian for
the attack: she was a victim of criminal action and suffered
what, by all accounts, must have been a very traumatizing
experience. The case does highlight, however, the fact that
criminals use social media as a tool in their activities. This is
something for us all to be aware of, but particularly people with
a high profile. It means that cyber security is of central
importance to celebrities, to protect not just their data security
and finances, but also their physical security.

Caitlyn Jenner
And there are plenty of examples from the Kardashian empire.
When Caitlyn Jenner transitioned gender this was of course a
huge news story – which means cyber security was central to it
(as we first covered in Chapter 8). Vanity Fair had the very
exclusive first public interview and photoshoot with Jenner
after her transition, which involved a great deal of security to
maintain the exclusivity and prevent details, such as
photographs, from leaking. Extra security was reportedly hired
for the photoshoot, with everyone on site forced to be without
mobile phones to prevent them from taking photographs. The
article and the photographs were contained on only one
computer, which was never connected to the internet, with all
of the data put on a flash drive every night and deleted from
the machine itself. The story was hand-delivered to the printers,
rather than risked over the internet.5
Although such security measures may seem extreme, they
actually make perfect sense. For journalists and the media,
maintaining all aspects of cyber security is important:
confidentiality, integrity and (discussed in the next section)
availability. Confidentiality of information is obviously
important, to ensure that any scoops are maintained; loss of
confidentiality could affect the journalist or media outlet in
financial terms but also damage their reputation. Integrity of
information is crucial, to prevent information being altered:
imagine the damage that could be done if information for news
stories was changed without the media outlet being aware, with
malicious intent. This would give a whole new meaning to ‘fake
news’, with potential far-reaching social, political and economic
consequences if a reputable news source was manipulated into
publishing misinformation.

Journalism and the media

We saw an example of the impact that misinformation, spread
by a cyber security incident, can have in 2013 when the
Associated Press (AP) Twitter account was hacked. A tweet was
sent from the hacked account saying that two explosions had
occurred at the White House, and Barack Obama, who was
President of the United States at the time, was injured. Although
the information was immediately corrected by AP employees
on Twitter and the tweet was deleted as soon as it was
discovered, the spreading of misinformation from a reputable
source led to a large, albeit brief, drop in the US stock market (a
143-point fall in the Dow Jones industrial average).6 Although
the market recovered within a few minutes, it highlights the
interdependencies between social media, news outlets and
economic and social structures of society; and, crucially, the
importance of security within all of this.
The third strand of the cyber security triad is availability.
There can be a notion that cyber security is all about locking
information down, but in fact making sure that information
which should be available, is available when it is needed is
fundamental to cyber security. In October 2019, many websites
and organizations in the country of Georgia were targeted in a
cyber attack, including two TV broadcasters, Imedi TV and
Maestro, and the websites for local newspapers. Over 15,000
websites were defaced, made possible by the attackers
compromising a web hosting provider. Many concluded that the
attack was the work of nation-state sponsored hackers, with
speculation that it was a repeat of the 2008 cyber attack on
Georgia, at a time when conflict between Russia and Georgia
was escalating (see page 175 for more information). In attacking
media outlets, this cyber attack was targeting the availability of
information, cutting people off from sources that would update
them on the news, including news on the attacks themselves.

In 2019, Deloitte estimated that the European football market
was worth £25.1 billion.7 With that kind of money at stake, it is
no surprise that sport is not immune to the threat of insecurity.
In 2017, the BBC reported on the UK Football Association’s
concern that sensitive information could be exposed during the
2018 World Cup in Russia.8 This concern was in light of a hack
by the Russian group commonly known as Fancy Bear, in which
documents were leaked that indicated 160 football players had
used banned medicines at the 2010 World Cup.9 When sport
means so much to national identity and national economies, of
course it has the potential to be caught in the crossfire of
nation-state hacking.
There is a lot of money at stake at the national level of sport,
and of course a great deal of money at stake for individual
clubs. In 2019, news emerged that Liverpool Football Club had
paid Manchester City a £1 million settlement in response to a
complaint from Manchester City that their scouting system had
been hacked. The settlement was paid confidentially, in 2013, a
year after three former Manchester City scouts joined Liverpool
Football Club. Manchester City reportedly used the services of
digital forensics experts to identify whether their system had
been accessed in a way that was not approved; the allegations
were not taken to court and the settlement was made without
the Premier League being informed or Liverpool Football Club
accepting any liability for wrongdoing.10 Details on upcoming
talented players, players’ injuries, team tactics, planned
negotiations and more must be confidential – just like other
industries, information is hugely valuable for football.

Social media and influencers

The internet and online systems have become central to many
businesses, and indeed to society as a whole, which is why
cyber security is, in turn, so fundamental to organizations and
individuals. The influencer marketing industry is worth billions
of pounds and so, combined with its reliance on connected
technology, it is inevitably a target of cybercrime. In November
2019, UK fashion designer Bree Kotomah’s Instagram account
was compromised, which led to the account being shut down
and, as her Instagram account was essentially her shop, the
business ceased to function for months until Kotomah
restructured how she ran her company.11

‘Joshua Brooks’ influencer scam

Kotomah is far from alone in finding her social media business
model disrupted by cyber criminals. In one known example,
Instagram influencers, YouTubers and others who make their
money from social media received emails from someone calling
themselves ‘Joshua Brooks’, with offers of making $80,000 for
posting sponsored content. The target is asked to enter their
details in an Instagram (or relevant social media site) analytics
site, but the link which ‘Joshua’ shares is not to the legitimate
site itself, but rather a phishing site that looks almost identical.
It is a phishing scam – just like the ones we looked at in Chapter
6 – and once the target enters their username and password,
‘Joshua’ takes over their account. In just one month in 2018, the
cyber criminal(s) behind ‘Joshua’ compromised @Fact, with 7.2
million followers; @Chorus, with 10.1 million; and
@SnoopSlimes, with 1.9 million.12 Once a social media account
has been compromised, the cyber criminals will often change
the contact details, including the email address that is linked to
the account and the username, to make it hard for the victim to
even be able to find their account. Many victims are then
themselves the target of extortion, with the cyber criminals
promising to return the accounts when a ransom is paid. Other
times, the accounts (worth a great deal of money with high
follower counts) are auctioned online to the highest bidders.

Small and medium enterprises

The targeting of social media influencers shows that it is not
just large organizations that find themselves harmed by cyber
insecurity and the activities of cyber criminals. The Federation
of Small Businesses has found that cybercrime is costing the
small business community in the UK billions of pounds a year,
with 20 per cent of small UK businesses reporting suffering a
cyber attack in the years 2017–19 and the average direct cost of
an individual attack for each business being £1,300.13 Small
businesses are most commonly caught up in phishing email
scams, infections of malware and ransomware. Small
businesses are often surprised when they are the victim of a
cyber attack, often because there is an assumption that
cybercrime is targeted and, alongside this, that only large
businesses would be targeted. In reality, cyber criminals often
cast a wide net; this is easy with attacks such as phishing scams
and credential stuffing (described in Chapters 3 and 6). Cyber
criminals are able to send a large number of phishing emails at
a time or harvest a great deal of passwords in one go, using
computer programs, and as small businesses often do not have
the same cyber security defences as larger businesses, they are
an attractive target. Small and large organizations alike can
find that they are caught up in a cyber attack not because they
are the direct target, but because they are the supplier of the
true target. This was the case with the US retailer Target, who
were breached via their refrigeration, heating and air
conditioning company; the breach allegedly led to the Chief
Information Officer and Chief Executive Officer of Target
resigning after costs reached $162 million.

Education is another sector that has found itself, perhaps
unexpectedly, the target of cybercrime. Universities are often
home to a great deal of intellectual property, and research and
development data, as well as large amounts of funds and
personal data. With a decentralized structure and many
different stakeholders (academics, professional staff,
researchers and students), universities can be challenging
organizations to secure. Traditionally in many businesses, there
is a culture of ‘top down’, centralized authority, with an
acceptance that leadership set the rules and everyone else falls
in line, to greater and lesser extents. In universities, there are
often distinct schools and departments that operate fairly
independently of the central university function. Academics
and researchers have an authority that can be challenging to
‘rule over’ in the traditional sense: it may be hard for a chief
information security officer in a university to tell a leading
academic that they should not store sensitive research data on a
USB stick or email it to their personal email address because of
the cyber security risks, as the culture of academia is not
structured in the top-down way of many other organizations.
Whilst it is in the best interest of the academic, as well as the
university as whole, to protect the data, the CISO needs to
persuade the academic rather than rely on institutional
In July 2019, Lancaster University reported that it had been
the victim of a cyber attack, which involved phishing emails.14
The students’ record system was accessed and some students
had their student record and identification documents
breached. At the same time, the names, addresses, telephone
numbers and email addresses of undergraduate applicants
were stolen, enabling the cyber criminals to send phishing
emails, with fake university invoices, to some of the applicants.
This example highlights an important issue: we can
sometimes underestimate the value of our email addresses,
with a tendency for many of us to share them widely. Email
addresses represent value to cyber criminals and fraudsters
because they can use these to contact us with phishing emails. If
a cyber criminal is able to access a list of email addresses,
especially combined with information such as the university
that they have applied to, they can use this information to
quickly send a convincing phishing email that will be profitable
for them if only one person takes the bait. If you have applied
for a university, are expecting to make a payment to them and
receive an email which comes from a university account (or
looks very convincingly as if it comes from a legitimate
account), wouldn’t you pay the invoice?
Personal data, the need to keep operating and low IT budgets
are factors that also make the education sector vulnerable to
cyber attacks. The National Cyber Security Centre and London
Grid for Learning conducted an audit of 430 schools in the UK,
finding that 83 per cent had experienced at least one cyber
security incident, 30 per cent had suffered from a malware
infection and 35 per cent had experienced important
information being made unavailable.15 Globally, there have
been numerous reports of schools becoming victim of
ransomware attacks.
Conveyancing fraud
In 2016, the Solicitors Regulation Authority reported client losses of £7 million in
relation to conveyancing fraud, which they also refer to as Friday afternoon fraud. In
this attack, cyber criminals insert themselves in the middle of communications between
a solicitor and a house buyer while a purchase of a house is taking place. By
compromising the account of the solicitor or using an email address that appears very
similar to the solicitor’s legitimate one, the criminals pose as the solicitor and provide
the house buyer with bank details that the house deposit should be paid to. The house
buyer transfers the deposit, believing that they are transferring the money for the
purchase of the house to the legitimate solicitor, the money goes to the criminal’s bank
account details and the solicitor is unaware that any of this is taking place. As is the case
with many social engineering attacks, there is a trend for them to be carried out on a
Friday afternoon, when people are in a rush to complete transactions and when the
criminal has a weekend to evade detection and hide the money via proxy accounts and
money mules. In many cases of conveyancing fraud, individuals lose significant amounts
of money, sometimes life savings, as was the case with Andrew Mollett, a charity worker
from London who in 2017 was defrauded out of £67,000, his life savings.16 There will
often be disputes between the house buyer and the solicitors with regards to who bears
responsibility for the fraud (aside from the criminals, who often evade detection), and
investigations to uncover how the fraud was actually perpetrated are costly.

These are just a few examples of the careers, industries and

areas where cyber security is a highly relevant concern – there
are many more. Arguably, it is any industry that needs these
skills – not just big business. Wherever money or information is
at stake, we need to guard against the activities of cyber

1 Taylor Swift (2018) End Game – behind the scenes (online video),
A7Y_Psp5l4 (archived at
2 Prakash, N (2017) Ed Sheeran explains how Taylor Swift keeps her music from
leaking, TeenVogue, 10 February,
w-taylor-swift-keeps-music-from-leaking (archived at
3 Knopper, S (2018) Why Taylor Swift is using facial recognition at concerts, Rolling
Stone, 13 December,
ecognition-concerts-768741 (archived at
4 Bryant, K (2017) Kim Kardashian’s alleged robber confirms social media helped
him plan heist, Vanity Fair, 30 January,
ashian-paris-robbery-social-media-heist (archived at
5 Miller, J (2015) The inside story of Caitlyn Jenner’s historic Vanity Fair cover, Vanity
Fair, 27 July,
(archived at

6 Moore, H and Roberts, D (2013) AP Twitter hack causes panic on Wall Street and
sends Dow plunging, Guardian, 23 April,
23/ap-tweet-hack-wall-street-freefall (archived at
7 Deloitte (2019) Annual review of football finance 2019,
(archived at
8 Conway, R (2017) World Cup 2018: FA increases cyber security over hacking
concerns, BBC Sport, 11 September,
(archived at

9 BBC (2017) Fancy Bears: Hackers name footballers given 2010 World Cup TUEs, BBC
Sport, 22 August, (archived at https://perm
10 Ziegler, M and Dickinson, M (2019) Liverpool paid Manchester City £1m ‘spy’
settlement, The Times, 21 September,
aid-manchester-city-1m-spy-settlement-mxkns7mb6 (archived at

11 Russon, M-A (2019) My Instagram got hacked and I lost my business, BBC Business,
19 August, (archived at
12 Lorenz, T (2018) How hackers are stealing high-profile Instagram accounts, The
Atlantic, 16 November,
(archived at
13 Federation of Small Businesses (2019) Small firms suffer close to 10,000 cyber-
attacks daily, FSB Press Release, 5 August,
ses/small-firms-suffer-close-to-10-000-cyber-attacks-daily (archived at https://perm
14 Press Association (2019) Lancaster University students’ data stolen in cyber-attack,
Guardian, 23 July,
ty-students-data-stolen-cyber-attack (archived at

15 National Cyber Security Centre and London Grid for Learning (2019) Cyber
security schools audit 2019, (archived at htt
16 Jones, R (2017) I thought I’d bought my first home, but I lost £67,000 in a
conveyancing scam, Guardian, 14 January,
(archived at
Cyber security at the board level
Cyber security issues pose key risks to organizations and should
be addressed at the board level like any other business risk. In a
modern business, most organizational risks will have a cyber
security element to them; all board members should, therefore,
have some knowledge of cyber security and recognize that good
cyber security is necessary for the organization to meet its
objectives. However, this is not to suggest that they should be
expected to be cyber security experts. For board members, it is
actually more about knowing what questions to ask and how to
interpret the answers.
Cyber security is a relatively new field so it’s quite natural
that board members often need to develop their comfort levels
with it. Cyber security has also been – and is still too often –
seen as a technical domain, which has stunted the extent to
which organizations have adequately engaged with it at the
human and business level. It is important that cyber risks are
elevated from their technical detail to be captured, and
managed, in business terms, which is why it is so critical for
organizations to have board members with a level of
understanding in cyber security within a business context. It is
crucial that board members without experience and knowledge
of cyber security develop their understanding to such an extent
that they are able to engage in agreeing on and monitoring
their organization’s cyber risk approach, and they are
comfortable enough with the domain to be able to ask pertinent
questions (and be able to interpret the answers!). This chapter
is intended to support board members who want to develop
their cyber security understanding, as well as provide a steer
for those with ambitions to reach the board at a future stage.
Likewise, if you are a cyber security professional who is going
to be working with the board, this chapter will give you an
overview of their role and responsibilities and help you
understand how you can frame discussions of cyber security in
a way that will be more relevant to them.

Cyber security frameworks

Cyber security frameworks can help everyone in an
organization agree about the approach that the organization is
taking to cyber security – and why. Working with a cyber
security framework can help organizations manage the
complexities of regulatory environments, and put a structure in
place to make cyber security more manageable. Adopting a
cyber security framework also enables organizations to
demonstrate to clients, customers and other stakeholders a
commitment towards cyber security; in fact, some customers
require their suppliers to adhere to particular cyber security
standards. The most common cyber security frameworks
include the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Cybersecurity Framework, ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials.
Which framework an organization adopts, and how they adopt
it, will differ according to the organization itself, but for many
cyber security leaders the adoption of a framework is a
fundamental foundation of a strong cyber security regime.
Cyber security governance
Cyber security governance is concerned with how an
organization manages its cyber security risk: how cyber
security activities are structured and coordinated. At its most
fundamental, cyber security governance is about ensuring that
a framework of accountability and responsibility is in place in
an organization. This means what cyber security decisions need
to be made, who will make them, how they will make them,
when they will make those decisions and, above this, who will
oversee this structure; the checks and balances that will be in
place to ensure that everything is working as well as possible.
Cyber security governance regimes differ according to the
size, sector, culture and budget of the organization as well as its
external environment, for example its customer base, and legal
and regulatory requirements. Like all elements of cyber
security risk management, having a successful governance
structure framework is about knowing your organization: the
risks you operate with and appetite limitations of those risks,
the information that is most critical to your business (and
would be most sought-after by adversaries) and the culture of
your organization. The true test of a cyber security governance
structure is how well it works in operation; for example,
whether there is clarity of responsibilities at all levels of the
organization, whether people are empowered to appropriately
manage risks within these levels of responsibility and the
extent to which this structure enables the organization to
operate in a way that facilitates security at the same time as
operational success. It is fundamental that cyber security
governance structures work in harmony with other
frameworks, for example data privacy and protection
frameworks, to avoid contradictions, gaps or overlaps while
maintaining responsibility and accountability.
In terms of cyber security governance at the board level,
every board member should have a level of awareness and
understanding that enables them to contribute to the
organization’s cyber security direction and accountability. This
may manifest in different ways; for example, with some board
members who are more au fait with technical elements of
security, others who are more attuned to the legal dimensions
and those who are more in touch with the human and cultural
elements. This diversity is, of course, positive and should be
encouraged; it is reflective of the fact that cyber security issues
cut across many business issues and diversity of thought and
experience brings new questions and solutions to the fore.

Risk appetite and risk tolerance

All organizations take risks; setting risk appetite and
determining the level of risk tolerance at the board level
ensures that risk-taking is considered ahead of time and made
at a strategic, organization-wide level. Risk appetite can be
understood as the amount and type of risk an organization is
willing to accept in pursuit of its strategic business objectives;
risk tolerance can be understood as the maximum risk an
organization is willing to accept for each particular risk.1 This
will differ massively from organization to organization,
depending on factors such as sector, size, culture and
objectives, and it will change over time, as an organization
grows, changes direction or changes leadership, and as the
threat landscape morphs.
As part of risk management, board members should oversee
checks and balances within their organization to ensure that
the determined risk tolerance is not being exceeded (or,
conversely, that the organization is not acting too risk averse
and limiting the achievements of their strategic objectives). Risk
management is a requirement for many organizations as part
of the legal and regulatory framework they operate in, or their
customers’ demands. Whether a legal and regulatory
requirement or not, setting risk appetite and tolerance at the
organizational level enables organizations to operate with risk
consciously, enabling people throughout the business to make
more informed decisions. Despite the importance of an
organization determining its level of risk appetite, in a UK
Government study only 60 per cent of FTSE 350 businesses
reported that their risk appetite is agreed and written down.2
Risk appetite and risk tolerance are complicated, and so
making these as concrete as possible will be helpful. It is
important to make risk management as measurable as possible
so that it is grounded in quantifiable factors that can be tracked
to identify progress (or lack of progress). This is challenging
when it comes to cyber security, because there is not an agreed
standard approach to quantifying cyber risk in the same way
as, for example, financial risk. This is especially the case when
it comes to human-based risk and issues such as cyber security
culture. For the best part of the last decade, I’ve been helping
organizations to measure and improve their cyber security
cultures, but for many people the myth still persists that the
human side of cyber security is too intangible to be quantified.
The human side of cyber security can be measured just as
accurately as the technical side, and doing so is just as vital:
when organizations fail to measure and monitor their progress
in cyber security culture, awareness and behaviours, they often
fail to give these crucial elements of security the attention – and
budget – that they require.

The board perspective on cyber security

How organizations should manage cyber security and how they
do often differs. To identify how cyber security is being
governed in practice in some of the most successful businesses,
the UK Government releases a report every year that details
how FTSE 350 companies approach cyber risk governance.
Some key findings from the 2019 report included:
96 per cent of companies had a cyber security strategy and
88 per cent reported that the board actively challenges the
information on cyber risk that they receive, but the
majority of businesses felt that board understanding of
cyber security could be stronger.
72 per cent of companies considered cyber security a high
or very high risk (a rise of almost 20 per cent from the
year before), but only 46 per cent had a dedicated cyber
security budget.
95 per cent had an incident response plan but only 57 per
cent tested these plans on a regular basis.3
These findings highlight common contradictions we see at play
in cyber security: organizations will state that they recognize
the importance of cyber security but not provide dedicated
funds to ensure cyber security measures are actively taken;
they will put plans in place but not bring those plans to life by
testing them. Having an incident response plan in place is good,
for example, but without testing the workings of the plan and
how details function in practice, there is a high likelihood that
some issues will not have been considered and there will be
gaps in the processes when they are used. If the first time these
details are tested is when responding to a real, active incident,
the response will of course not be as comprehensive or helpful
as it could have been. Testing the plans ahead of time helps to
ensure that people and processes are as resilient as possible
when they are most needed.
Some of the contradictions highlighted by the UK Government
report can only be tackled at the board level, for example the
level of understanding that board members have of cyber
security. Other issues can be positively influenced by board
members providing challenge to those who are responsible for
enacting cyber security within the organization on a day-to-day
basis, for example the testing of incident response plans. One of
the key roles of board members is to provide challenge to their
organization as a way of pushing it forwards.

Board members as challengers

Board members are there to represent the stakeholders of an
organization and make sure that a company is as prosperous as
possible, meeting its strategic objectives in a way that is
sustainable and resilient. This means protecting the interests of
the organization, and it requires board members to provide
appropriate levels of challenge to safeguard the organization’s
The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) lists key
questions for the board to ask to facilitate productive, strategic
conversations between board members and the organization’s
technical team (these questions would facilitate conversations
between the board and the operational teams in general, not
just the technical teams). In terms of cyber security risk, these
questions are:
1. As an organization, do we have a process that ensures
decision makers are as well informed as possible?
2. As an organization, do we have a process that ensures
cyber risk is integrated with business risk?
3. As an organization, do we have an effective and
appropriate approach to manage cyber risk?
4. As a board, have we clearly set out what types of risks we
would be willing to accept?4
The NCSC published these questions to support board members
to identify what ‘good’ looks like in terms of cyber security risk
in their organization. With these questions, the NCSC is
encouraging board members to reflect on cyber security and
whether they, as board members, have enough expertise to
understand the nuances of cyber security as it relates to their
organization, who oversees cyber security at the organizational
level and how responsibility for cyber security is integrated
with the functioning of the board.
This last point is worth expanding, as many organizations
approach organizational cyber security reporting lines
differently. Some organizations will have a chief information
security officer (CISO) who reports directly to the board, some
will have a CISO who reports directly to the chief executive
officer (CEO) and others will have a CISO that reports to a chief
information officer (CIO) who, in turn, reports to the board. In
2020, ClubCISO found that 53 per cent of CISOs (the majority)
reported to a CIO (or Chief Technology Officer, CTO) but only 16
per cent thought this was where they should report; 35 per cent
thought they should report to the main board, but only 20 per
cent actually did.5 This highlights a dichotomy between where
CISOs function within their organization and where they
believe they would more effectively function. It seems that
many CISOs feel restricted when they do not have a direct line
to the board.
The NCSC questions are extremely helpful in encouraging
board members to reflect on cyber security in their
organization and in helping shape discussions at the board
level, and between the board level and those who are managing
cyber security on a day-to-day basis. The questions are also
helpful because they are not overwhelming and they enable
board members to start a practical, strategic discussion about a
topic that is vast and that can become entrenched in
I would encourage board members to seek out information
on how well prepared their organization is to respond to a
material cyber attack or data breach. As a board member, I
would be keen to explore whether the organization runs
scenario-based exercises (and I would want to be involved in
some) and I would be keen to understand how the whole
organization is prepared for the possibility of being involved in
an incident. I would phrase the initial question along the lines
As an organization, how are we prepared for responding to a material
cyber incident?

I use the word ‘material’ because many cyber incidents can

occur in an organization that do not need a large response or
the involvement of the board. However, when an incident is
large and has an organizational impact that may be financial,
reputational, customer-related (for example, the loss of
customer data), hamper the ability of people within the
organization to do their job – or all of the above – that would be
a material incident.
I would also encourage board members to investigate how
the different dimensions of cyber security are managed in their
organization, namely the human, physical and technical
elements. If board members, for example, find that most
reporting on cyber issues focuses on technology, I would expect
them to ask a question such as:
As an organization, how are we addressing the interplay of human,
physical and technical issues in our cyber security?

With a question such as this, I would encourage board

members to seek to draw out information that acknowledges
the different elements of cyber security at an organizational
level. I would expect a cyber security strategy that encompasses
the holistic nature of cyber security. I would be keen to
understand the cultural and awareness-raising plans of the
organization, including whether culture is measured and
metrics are in place to track the development of the cyber
security culture. As a board member, I would also want to know
how physical security is addressed at an organizational level
and, if it is managed separately to cyber security, whether that
management is siloed or working in harmony.
Last but far from least, I would want to receive on-going
communication on the threats that the organization is actively
managing: what breaches have the cyber security team had to
deal with, how were lessons learned from these, and what are
the most pressing vulnerabilities relevant to the organization as
it stands? For example, a highly visible leadership team may
mean that the organization is receiving a lot of CEO fraud
emails, a new technical vulnerability may mean that a crucial
patch is being applied throughout the organization and a boost
in financial success, such as extra investment or elevation to the
FTSE 350, could have raised the profile of the organization to
such an extent that the threat landscape has widened
significantly in all areas. I would be keen to understand how
we, as an organization, are kept up to date with all changes in
the threat landscape and what threat intelligence measures we
have in place. If the organization has not (yet) had to deal with
a cyber incident, as a board member I would want to know
whether this was because we had a very robust security regime
in place, whether we had poor detection and reporting that may
have missed incidents or whether we had simply been lucky so

Cyber security as a business risk

At the start of this chapter, I mentioned that cyber security
should be addressed at the board level just like any other
business risk. Whilst that is the case, it comes with some
nuance. The newness of cyber security means that even board
members who have some experience of it are unlikely to be as
attuned to dealing with cyber issues in the same way as
financial risks. Cyber security is also incredibly broad, not just
covering technical, human and physical domains, but also a
vast variety of in-depth specialisms within those domains. It is
challenging for cyber security professionals to maintain a
broad level of understanding of the whole set of subjects, and
the diversity of the field can prompt imposter syndrome in
even the most experienced cyber security professional, so it is
certainly a challenge for non-experts to get to grips with. It is
most important for board members to have a good general
overview of the field, to understand cyber risks as they relate to
their organization and to keep some tabs on cyber attacks and
issues as they occur in peer organizations. On top of this, feeling
confident in how cyber security is being managed throughout
the organization, and that the culture of cyber security is strong
and positive, are of course vital.
Knowing which questions to ask, how and when to ask them,
is the most important skill of a board member. The newness of
the field means that accepted knowledge can change very
rapidly in cyber security, probably quicker than in any other
part of a business. New risks emerge, technology evolves and
our understanding of some core concepts of the domain shift
over time. Security professionals, like anyone, can become
stuck in their ways of thinking and so board members can
provide an avenue for challenging the logic of security
approaches in an organization. Let’s take the human side of
security as an example. For many years, decades even, it was
widely accepted in security that users should be regarded as the
weakest link. This perspective of course influenced how people
within an organization were regarded by their security team
and the approach that was taken regarding policies,
procedures, training and technology made available to end-
users. Awareness-raising training, for example, would often
refer to people as the problem. So, as an end-user, you are
sitting through training which tells you that you are the
weakest link in your organization! I can think of little else that
would be as demoralising, uninspiring and off-putting.
Thankfully, the rest of the security world has started to catch up
and recognize that it is not acceptable or effective to talk about
people in this way. Insights from psychology, sociology,
behavioural economics and more have started to convince
some professionals in the field who had been less focused on
the human dimension of security to shift their narrative.
However, there are still many, many security professionals out
there who have not kept pace with this change and shifted their
understanding or their narrative. This is one way that board
members can bring an outside perspective. If the culture of
their organization sees people as the problem, it doesn’t take a
board member having cyber security knowledge to challenge
that, it simply takes experience of working with people and (so-
called) common sense.
Cloud computing is another good example. Up until a few
years ago, it was widely accepted by the cyber security
community that ‘the cloud is just someone else’s computer’ and
should not be trusted. On-premises (on-prem) storage solutions
were generally accepted as much more preferable. This has
changed immensely in the last few years, with technology
providers responding to security concerns and providing more
robust security, more transparency and more options based on
security and privacy needs (the ability to determine in which
geographical jurisdictions your data is stored, for example).
This, combined with the business benefits of the cloud
(including the ability to embrace machine learning at a much
greater scale, the ability to back-up data more effectively and
the cost-saving opportunities), means that the cloud now proves
to be a better business choice for many organizations than on-
prem storage. Due to the rapidity with which this change has
happened, many security professionals are still unaware of the
shift in the cloud and, for many, the cloud is still seen as
inherently insecure. This is why it is so important to ensure, as
a board member, that your security team are open-minded,
keep up-to-date with the changing landscape of security (for
example through attending conferences and undertaking
training) and that you provide an informed level of challenge to
the security approach of your organization.

1 Ernst & Young (2010) Risk Appetite: The strategic balancing act, Ernst & Young
2 HM Government (2019) FTSE 350 Cyber Risk Governance: Health check 2018, https://
df (archived at

3 HM Government (2019) FTSE 350 Cyber Risk Governance: Health check 2018, https://
df (archived at
4 National Cyber Security Centre (2019) Cyber Security Toolkit for Boards, www.ncsc. (archived at
5 ClubCISO (2020) Information Security Maturity Report 2020: Full survey results: w (archived at
Pursuing a cyber security career
Two questions I am commonly asked are ‘How did you get
started in cyber security?’ and ‘How can I get started in cyber
security?’ I was very lucky to find myself working in this
industry and I consider it a huge blessing that I found
something I am hugely passionate about. It was not a career I
had even considered – I was barely aware of it – until I was
headhunted by a start-up consultancy. On top of that, the little I
knew about the industry gave me the impression that it was an
exclusively technical discipline, and this did not seem accessible
to me. And my story isn’t that uncommon; many people of my
age and stage in cyber security stumbled into it. Cyber security
was not taught when I was at school – we were only in the early
stages of having the internet – nor when I was at university.
This is why my husband (who is also my business partner) and I
are such big advocates of outreach work with schools and
universities: we want young people to know that there is a big,
fun, diverse cyber security industry that is full of opportunities
which they may love.
Since I started in the sector, I have seen cyber security being
taught in schools; university degrees in subjects such as ethical
hacking and cyber psychology; and many great initiatives set
up to develop people’s skills in cyber security and raise
awareness of careers in the industry. However, this does not
mean that pathways into a cyber security career are clearly
defined. There are lots of ways into a cyber security job, but no
one way. This has many benefits, but can feel overwhelming if
you’re looking to get a foot in the door.

Qualifications and certifications

In the UK, there are now many universities offering cyber
security degrees. The National Cyber Security Centre has
granted 19 universities the status of Academic Centres of
Excellence; if you’re keen to get a degree, looking at these
would be a great place to start. There are also many
certifications you can take to gain recognition for your cyber
security knowledge and skills. At the beginner level, these
include: CompTIA Security+; and the EC-Council’s Certified
Ethical Hacker (CEH). As your career progresses, certifications
for more experienced professionals include: (ISC)2’s Certified
Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP); and
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
Let’s have a look at a few of these in a little more detail.

The aim of Security+ is to equip someone with a foundational
understanding of risk management, cryptography and security
vulnerabilities. Emphasising practical skills and knowledge,
passing Security+ requires demonstrating an understanding of:
vulnerabilities, attacks and threats;
identity and access management;
network architecture;
risk management.
The Security+ certification covers the junior IT
auditor/penetration tester job role, systems administrator,
network administrator, and security administrator.
There is more information on CompTIA’s website: www.comp

Certified Ethical Hacker

CEH was designed to equip individuals with an ethical hacking
methodology to be used in penetration testing. It is aimed at
security professionals and anyone interested in understanding
the integrity of network infrastructure and penetration testing.
The certification covers scanning networks, vulnerability
analysis, malware threats, social engineering, cryptography and
much more.
To undertake the CEH exam, an individual must have at least
two years’ experience in information security, or they must
complete official EC-Council training.
Find out more about CEH via EC-Council’s website: www.ecco

Certified Information Systems Security Professional

CISSP is aimed at experienced security professionals who can
demonstrate that they can design, implement and manage a
security programme at the organizational level. The CISSP exam
evaluates across eight areas of security:
security and risk management;
asset security;
security architecture and engineering;
communication and network security;
identity and access management;
security assessment and testing;
security operations;
software development security.
To qualify for the certification, an individual must have at least
five years of cumulative, paid work experience in two or more
of the eight domains above. It is aimed at people in positions
such as security manager, security analyst, IT manager, director
of security and chief information security officer.
Find out more about CISSP via (ISC)2’s website:

Offensive Security Certified Professional

OSCP is an advanced certification focused on penetration
testing. Those taking the certification are expected to have a
good understanding of TCP/IP networking, a fair understanding
of Linux, and are advised that familiarity with Bash scripting
with basic Python or Perl would be beneficial. The certification
is aimed at penetration testers, security professionals and
network administrators. The OSCP is a 24-hour lab-based exam
with a written element, aimed at testing an individual’s time
management skills as well as their technical expertise. Passing
the exam involves exploiting machines in the lab, documenting
your work and submitting a final report.
There is more information on Offensive Security’s website: w

University study
Given that I took an academic route up to and including PhD
level, it would be remiss of me not to mention the benefits of
university study. Completing a degree teaches you not only
about the subject of study, but also equips you with transferable
skills that include time management, written and oral
communication skills, how to conduct research, team working
experience, self-study discipline and more. If you want to
pursue a cyber security career, undertaking a degree in the
subject would give you a chance to learn some of the
foundational subjects, explore the discipline and perhaps
uncover those particular areas that interest you the most,
demonstrate your interest in the field and make valuable
contacts. There are benefits to going to university and benefits
to focusing your studies on cyber security.

‘Real world’ experience

However, there are also benefits to not going to university, not
least that you can potentially start working in the field sooner,
gaining experience and contacts and getting ‘real world’ insight
into what it means to work in cyber security. My university
studies did not include cyber security and that is true for all
professionals of my generation (unless they went to university
recently); the degrees were not there to be studied and so we
learned in different ways, on the job and with self-study.
Whether you go to university or not, whether you study (or
have studied) cyber security or not – these are personal choices
that come down very much to individual circumstances and

What do employers want?

For many of us running companies and hiring individuals, we
are not looking for a specific degree, qualification or
certification. Of course, if it is something you are motivated and
inspired to do then that’s great, and hopefully you’ll have seen
some of the benefits outlined in the sections above; but if
someone tells you that you need a piece of paper to work in
cyber security, they are the wrong person to be speaking to.
There are many of us working in cyber security who believe
that personal attributes are most important when it comes to
working in this field. Some of the most important attributes
Your ethical and moral code: Working in cyber security,
you are often in a position of trust and so it is important
that those working in the industry have a strong
professional set of ethics. We are often exposed to
confidential, personal and sensitive information and it is
imperative that we treat that with respect and afford it the
privacy and security necessary. Cyber security
professionals operate in highly trusted roles, seeing where
organizations and individuals are vulnerable, and so you
need to be trusted not to take advantage. For example, an
ethical hacker performing a penetration test on a banking
website may discover a vulnerability that could,
technically, allow them to siphon off some money; this
individual cannot profit from that discovery outside of
their legal contract.
Curiosity: It is often the case that the best way to identify a
vulnerability is to be curious. This spans across all areas of
cyber security, from technical (‘I wonder what happens
when I type this code there?’) to physical (‘This CCTV
camera looks a bit off. Does it actually cover the safe
door?’) to human (‘No one is using the right procedure to
email confidential information. I wonder if it’s too
complicated or we haven’t communicated it as well as we
could?’). Being curious about the way things work, or don’t
work, is a great personality trait for a cyber security
A desire to learn: This does not have to be learning in any
kind of formal way (I don’t mean you need to love
textbooks!), but as the field of cyber security is constantly
shifting with new technology, new vulnerabilities and new
forms of attack and defence, it is beneficial if you enjoy
staying informed and, even more so, if you have a knack
for putting together information from different places or
An acceptance that you don’t know everything (and that’s
ok): At the same time as having a desire to learn and drive
to acquire more knowledge, you will benefit from
acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers when it
comes to security, that it is a very wide field and people
from different areas of security will have knowledge that
can inform and enhance your understanding. An open
mind is crucial in cyber security, so that you can see
problems from other people’s points of view and consider
solutions that might not have been immediately obvious to
you. It is easy to get overwhelmed in security and to
believe that everyone else knows more than you and you
never know enough, because the field is so wide and fast-
paced. At the other end of the scale, there is a danger that
people become entrenched in their own narrow area of
expertise and over-estimate their value compared to other
people. Develop resilience in the face of this: seek more
knowledge and refine your skills but stay open-minded to
learn from other perspectives. Resist the Dunning-Kruger
effect, the cognitive bias in which people over-estimate
their intelligence to be higher than it actually is. Cyber
security is a multi-faceted problem, which requires input
from different people and areas of expertise.
Empathy: Cyber security is about listening and
understanding, putting yourself into someone else’s shoes.
For example, this can be listening to people in a business
to understand what their most valuable information is,
how they work and why some security rules might be
really difficult for them to follow. It might also be listening
to people about their personal cyber security and
understanding that the ‘perfect’ technical solution is not
going to work for them, and that you need to find them a
solution they will actually engage with. As a cyber security
professional, I would love it if everyone would use a
password manager, but I need to understand that they
might not be accessible enough for some people.
These personality traits can all be developed, and
demonstrating them will be appealing to prospective
employers. There are other skills you can hone, too:
Situational awareness: This is a baseline for anyone
wanting to enhance their level of security. Situational
awareness often comes down to observational skills,
having an understanding of what is happening around
you and the potential impact of that. Ask yourself
questions such as: Has my company identity pass been
swiped from my bag? Am I speaking about confidential
information in a public place? Is someone tailgating
behind me when I enter the office?
Spotting patterns: As a cyber security professional, you
will often have to identify what ‘bad’ or ‘unusual’ looks
like, which means knowing what ‘good’ or ‘normal’ looks
like. Noticing patterns is a skill that benefits those working
in offensive security (for example, if you are going to
simulate an attack on an organization, being able to spot
some abnormal code or a break in their physical
perimeter is going to be crucial to your success) and those
working in defensive security (for example, if you are
analysing internet traffic coming into an organization’s
network, identifying unusual traffic is a must).
Communication skills: Whatever role you have in cyber
security, it is likely that you will need a level of
communication skills. This will vary from the skills
needed to communicate well with your team members
about the project you are working on, needing to explain
technical issues in a report that is going to people that
don’t have the same level of technical knowledge as you,
to needing to explain to colleagues why some security
rules are important and not just there to be a blocker or
something they seek to work around.

What can you do to get a job in the industry?

This really depends on your personal circumstances. If you are
at school or university, see if there is a cyber or hacking club or
society that you can join. If not, set one up! Look into some of
the amazing initiatives for young people that may be available
to you.
If you are already in the workplace and there is a cyber
security or information security team in your organization, why
not approach them and see if you could learn more about what
they do? You may find that there is a champion or ambassador
programme in your organization, in which people in non-
security roles volunteer to represent security in their
department, in the same way that we have health and safety
representatives or fire wardens. If so, these initiatives are often
great ways to increase your understanding of the field, get some
experience and training and boost your CV.
There are many cyber security community conferences,
events and meet-ups happening all around the world, and these
are often free or low-cost to attend.

DEFCON groups
DEFCON groups (DCGs) grew out of the annual DEFCON
conference in Las Vegas, which began in 1993 as a place for
people interested in hacking to meet. As stated on the DEFCON
DCG meetings are open to anyone, regardless of their skill, age, job,
gender, etc. DCGs are designed to help you learn new things, meet new
people, mentor others in areas you may be strong in, and provide some
cohesion within the hacker culture and its members.1

At the time of writing, there are 270 DCGs worldwide, covering

half of the United States and in over 20 countries around the
world, from Algeria to Zimbabwe. DCGs are usually informal,
local, monthly meet-ups where you can meet people interested
in hacking and cyber security and perhaps listen to a talk or
take part in a workshop. They are often a great place to get to
know people in your local security community, so it is worth
discovering if there is a group near you, or, if there is not,
consider setting up your own. There is more information on the
DEFCON Groups website:

BSides are security community events, aimed at enabling
people in the community to meet, present their ideas and
research and listen to others sharing their knowledge. BSides
are run by local community teams and so they vary, but they
are most often an annual conference with a call for
presentations (CFP) in advance of the event, to which people
can submit a topic they would like to speak about, which is then
voted on by the community. Many BSides also run rookie tracks,
in which people new to the industry or new to speaking can
present in a smaller room with the support of a mentor, as well
as lightning tracks, which offer shorter speaking slots that you
sign up for on the day of the event.
Jack Daniel, BSides co-founder
I’m a displaced mechanic who landed in automotive management where I had to learn
to work with computers and soon took over computer operations and administration. If
you did systems and network admin in the 1990s, you learned about security whether
you wanted to or not. I liked it and gradually shifted focus to security. As I was thrown
into tech, I discovered local user groups and learned much from them. When I had
something to share, I shared it – that started my long involvement in community
engagement. When I saw the US auto industry decline on the horizon, I joined the
vendor side, first at Astaro, and later at Tenable, where I have been for over eight years.
Both companies have been incredibly supportive of my community engagement work.
In 2009 many in the hacker and security communities had come together on Twitter,
and when people started discussing the talks that were turned down at the bigger
conferences a few of us looked and saw some interesting ideas so we made a place for
people to share their presentations and discussions. Although there had been some
discussions on how to make conferences better, we didn’t intend to create a series, and
certainly never expected to launch a global movement, but people wanted more, and
the BSides idea took off. As we discussed the keys to BSides’ success and growth, we
found four core ideas, each building on the others. First was content – interesting ideas
are shared. Second was conversation – since the events are smaller and more informal,
the presentations are usually more conversational, ideas are shared and discussed.
Third is community – if you share ideas and spark conversation, people build and
strengthen the local (and often global) hacker and infosec communities. Last, but not
least, is career – if you share and discuss ideas in a healthy and growing community,
people will naturally progress in their careers as they see what topics are hot, what
companies are hiring and who has what expertise.

Capture the flags

‘Capture the flags’ competitions often run at events and
conferences like BSides, and they also run online. They usually
run within a set timeframe and consist of a series of challenges
that participants solve using different skills, and when you
complete a challenge, you are awarded a flag and earn points.
People complete capture the flags (CTFs) on their own or in
teams. The more you take part in CTFs, the more you learn how
they work and what you can do to maximize points.
CTFs generally include challenges that cover lots of different
skillsets, including open source intelligence, programming,
cyptography, hacking, networks, forensics and more. This
makes them very democratic: obviously, the more skilled you
are, the more likely you are to get points, but whether you are
experienced or not, or technical or not, you are likely to get a
flag or two if you have a go and persevere. Working as a team
can be beneficial because of the variety of challenges, but also
because it enables you to practise team-working skills, become
known for what you are good at and build up your connections.
Sophia McCall, Captain of Team UK at the European
Cyber Security Challenge
I have always been interested in computers and technology from a young age. From as
early as primary school I would excel in subjects such as IT. This continued through my
secondary school years and eventually the completion of my BTEC Extended Diploma
in Software Development. Originally I wanted to be a programmer, but during the
completion of my BTEC at college I soon discovered that breaking things was a lot more
fun than building them! And that sparked my interest in cyber security. From college I
then went on to pursue a degree in cyber security management, which provided me
with the essential knowledge of business management and policy decisions in a security
context. In addition to this, I built up my technical skills, which then allowed me to
pursue the dream job of a technical security consultancy role after university.
CTF competitions helped me grow and hone my technical skills in addition to the
managerial skills I was learning from my cyber security management degree. At first, I
used CTFs as a way to pursue additional security topics outside of my scheduled
university hours – but it soon turned from a hobby to a passion, and I am grateful that I
got involved early on in my degree. Everything technical, I originally learned from CTFs
– they prove an exemplary learning tool to teach the basics of ethical hacking. As
President of the Computing and Security Society at my university in my final year, I
gravitated towards using CTFs to teach our members (most of whom had limited to no
security experience) the fundamentals of ethical hacking and cyber security technical
skills. When I first started at university, I struggled with being ‘technical’ – I struggled, a
lot! But through perseverance and completion of an array of competitions and labs I
saw myself go from ‘zero to hero’ – going from a novice CTFer that struggled to get a
single flag, to Captain of Team UK at the European Cyber Security Challenge in a short
span of two years. I can’t thank the existence of such competitions enough, and I
encourage anyone and everyone of all abilities to get involved when they can.
As the budding security professional I am today, I thank organizations like Cyber
Security Challenge UK for providing the stepping stones for individuals like myself to
enter the security industry and field. Completing their competitions and boot camps
and attending their community events allowed me to expand my network, create a
name for myself and exercise my security skills in a healthily competitive and fun
environment. Organizations such as the Challenge provided the foundations of my
career, and I am very grateful for the opportunities the Challenge provided me to create
the personal brand that I have today.
Bug bounties
Many organizations run bug bounty programmes, in which
they set specific guidelines to reward people who find ‘bugs’
(vulnerabilities) in their websites, software or applications can
win. This enables the organization to crowd-source the finding
of vulnerabilities, with the aim of increasing their chances of
identifying and fixing them before they are found and exploited
by cyber criminals or result in a data breach due to data
leakage. There are organizations, such as Bugcrowd and
HackerOne, which manage bug bounties on behalf of
organizations, acting as a bridge between the organizations
running bug bounties and the hackers looking for bugs.

Develop your network

In an industry based on trust, networking is important. Getting
to know people, and them to know you, can really help you
move ahead in your career. This doesn’t have to be in person –
engage in conversations on Twitter, look for some of the cyber
security discord groups to join, or set up your own blog. People
sometimes worry that they don’t know enough to write a blog,
but you don’t have to be an ‘expert’ to share your learnings or
your passion for a subject. As long as you don’t claim to have
knowledge or experience that you don’t possess, then blog posts
can cover subjects you are just learning about, a technology
that you have just started applying or a project that you
There is a lot to learn when it comes to cyber security, and
while you should definitely not feel that you need to know it all
in great depth (that would be impossible!), it is important to
develop knowledge and skills in the area you pursue (for
example, that might be forensics, penetration testing,
organizational cyber security culture or one of the many other
areas). This will be true throughout your career, as new
technology is developed and new vulnerabilities are found.
There is a wealth of information out there and much of it is
freely accessible. There are of course many excellent books you
can read, but there are also podcasts, video tutorials, blog sites,
email newsletters and much more you can engage with to learn
and stay in the know.

1 DEFCON Groups (2019) The latest, (archived at https://per
The variety of cyber security
I hope reading this book so far has given you a good overview
of the breadth of cyber security. It is a discipline that cuts across
human, technical and physical issues, with dimensions that
cover legal, business and geo political domains, as well as much
more. This chapter will introduce you to some of the many
different careers in this industry, by profiling people who work
in the field. I asked the amazing people featured to explain
what they do, what they like about it, what their backgrounds
are and what advice they would give their younger selves.

The start-up CEO

David Shipley is the CEO of Beauceron, a behaviour and culture
change platform that empowers employees from the front line
to senior executives on their role in cyber security.
I love how Shipley describes his job:
My job is to be the chief storyteller. I help our team, investors, customers
and the public understand the story of cyber – of people in control of
technology – and why they should care about it. Creating and sharing
stories is the original – and still the best – way to help teach and learn.
When a story resonates, people feel connected emotionally as well as
cognitively to the issue or idea and you have buy-in for a shared purpose.

What I love about my job is the ability to make a difference in the world.
All around me I see the consequences of our predictable human failure to
prepare for the consequences of our technological revolution. Whether
it’s families coping with trying to protect their children from a horde of
internet predators or small businesses trying to avoid losing what little
money they have to ever more sophisticated fraudsters, or political actors
trying to protect democracy itself from internet-fuelled hate and
propaganda, the need to put people in control of technology has never
been greater.

Every time we help teach employees at a business about social

engineering, or we contribute to public policy debates on greater
accountability for social media companies or do a media interview with
advice for parents, we get wins.

The day when we reached 100 per cent completion on training a police
department on cyber security was one of my proudest ever as CEO. We
helped protect police so they can help protect citizens. The day we
deployed our technology to one of the biggest financial institutions in
North America is a close second because if we helped in educating and
protecting that bank, it will help protect individuals and businesses.

Like many people working in security, Shipley has a diverse –

and fascinating – background. The theme of his career is a
desire to help others and be part of positive change in the
world. His outlook on life, and work, is one which I find
My advice for my younger self is to be kind to yourself, and you never
know where life’s journey will take you. Every step in the journey will
make more sense as you get older. Also, it’s okay to not have all the
answers. As you get older, you’ll realize it’s never about the answers but
rather it’s about the questions you ask along the way.

Twenty years ago this summer I was a young soldier who was exposed to
some of the hard truths of our world while helping care for and protect
Kosovar refugees who fled violence in their homeland and sought refuge
in Canada. That experience and the many, many questions that came from
it prompted me to pursue higher education. When I left the military in
2003, I took that education and became a journalist.

When I left journalism in 2008 to become a marketer at a university, I

thought I was taking the easy way out and wasn’t helping protect or
inform society as I had in the past. What I didn’t realize was I was being
given the opportunity to combine all of my skills with new experiences to
have a greater impact on an international scale.

When I turned 40 this year, I looked back at my life to date and tried to
make some sense of it. I realized that while it’s felt like a series of crazy
twists and turns – soldier, journalist, marketer, cyber security lead, CEO –
there was a common theme: a passion for making a difference in the
world and telling stories, as well as a desire to be part of something bigger
than myself.

The final piece of advice I’d give my younger self is this: no man or
woman achieves anything great on their own. It always takes a
community to truly make lasting change happen.

There was a time, when I first went down the Alice in Wonderland rabbit-
hole of cyber security in 2012, that the sheer scale and scope of the
problems in cyber security felt overwhelming and disheartening. But over
the last few years as we formed our company I reached a greater
understanding of the growing army of much smarter women and men
around the world who are in this fight for the long haul. I wasn’t alone.
Far from it, in fact. I could learn new things from all of them and do more

The infosec pundit

Like David Shipley, Carole Theriault is also driven by a passion
to make positive change and help people be more secure, which
she does via the digital communications agency that she
founded, Tick Tock Social, and in her role as a well-known
information security podcaster and writer. This is how
Theriault describes herself and her work:
Effectively I’m an infosecurity pundit with stonkingly diverse
responsibilities. It all boils down to me wanting to help humans be more
aware of today’s state of technology and help them better fend off the bad
stuff. It is not an overstatement to say it’s the tech wild west out there.

I am founder and CEO of Tick Tock Social Limited, a consultancy based in

Oxford in the UK. Before its launch in 2013, I had spent 20 years climbing
the ranks in a variety of well-respected technology and security
organizations. Today, Tick Tock Social works with technology firms,
nonprofits and government bodies around the world to improve
infosecurity standards, strategies and communications. This ranges from
creating communication strategies in an infosecurity crisis, presenting at
conferences or evening shindigs, to working with institutions to set global
infosecurity standards.

In 2016, I co-founded Smashing Security, where I continue to co-host and

produce the award-winning weekly tech podcast. It gives a fresh twist on
the latest cyber SNAFUs and provides insight, giggles and advice to its
army of listeners. While this started as a grassroots effort, today,
Smashing Security total downloads are well into the millions, with a
dedicated and passionate core audience. I also regularly contribute on
other podcasts, such as The Cyberwire podcast network, hosting and
producing interviews with the world-leading tech experts.

One of the elements of cyber security that I love the most is how
much there is to learn and the really interesting people that you
get to meet as part of that learning. This field is built on sharing
knowledge; most people who work in cyber security love to
learn, to share what they have learnt and to soak up knowledge
that others share. I’ve worked for myself and run my own
companies for a lot of my career, and this is partly because it
allows me to go on that journey of following my curiosity and
seeing where the learning takes me, rather than having
someone else dictate the direction that I take. This is something
Theriault and I have in common:
I love a bold challenge and meeting brainy tech lovers, and that’s what I
spend my days doing. I connect with people I find interesting, and then
pick their brains. Working for yourself is like nothing else. Sure, it’s
incredibly complex and daunting at first, but once a good rhythm sets in,
it’s as wonderful as riding a bike on a quiet sunny day. I get involved in
the projects that interest and excite me, and belly laugh on a daily basis.
So ya, it’s pretty sweet.

Working for yourself also allows you (if you plan for it) to build
a way of working that fits your life, which means a lot to
Having years ago found myself too close to burnout for comfort, I try to
limit work hours to 4–6 hours a day, though that sometimes means
weekend days too. I juggle running the company, preparing or giving a
talk, interviewing guests and producing podcasts, as well as assisting our
Tick Tock Social team with clients.

I asked Theriault what advice she would give to her younger

self, and these top five tips are like gold dust (they also give you
a sense of her warm personality and infectious sense of
humour). Her advice will be relevant to people of all stages of
their careers, but especially if you are early on in your journey:
1. You are awesome. Just do you and be the best you can be.
2. Calm down. No one expects you to know everything. When
you start your career, acting like a know-it-all is an
extreme red flag to those who’ve earned their stripes. Just
pay attention, retain what you learn, and practise again
and again until you know it inside out.
3. Bosses really, really matter, and they can take a toll on
your mental health if it is not a good fit. This doesn’t mean
they are bad people. Sometimes, you just don’t see eye to
eye. So if you often feel stressed or anxious, or if you often
feel misunderstood, know that boss is not good for you.
Get out.
4. Organizations really, really matter, and if you don’t agree
morally or ethically with how they operate, do not even
hesitate in saying no, even if there is a big, fat pay cheque.
5. A network is different from friendships, but building a
good one means you have a strong work family. Start right
now, whether you are at school, uni or work. Wherever
you are, you will meet interesting and inspiring people.
These are the people that can guide you, share
experiences, find you great jobs, help you change careers...
A good one is as valuable as gold. Choose them well and
nurture your work family. If properly maintained, they
will see you through the inevitable storms we all face from
time to time.

The professor
Theriault makes so many good points with her advice, not least
that when you’re early on in your career, it’s accepted that
there will be lots you don’t know, and that’s nothing to be
ashamed of. None of us can be expected to know everything,
especially in a field as diverse as cyber security. Professor
Shujun Li has some really good advice in this area:
Cyber security is a fast-growing and increasingly interdisciplinary field,
and not a technical subject only computer scientists and electronic
engineers can do something with. Cyber security has also a lot of overlaps
with another hot topic –- AI – where we can see two important sub-areas:
security of AI, and AI for security. I strongly encourage more young
people to consider a future career in cyber security, or even cyber
security and AI together. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, you need to
try to be good at going broad as much as you can, but be prepared to
transform yourself to be good at going deep if your interest is more
focused on a smaller area of cyber security. Even if you want to be a
specialist, you still need to have sufficient exposure to a broad range of
fundamental knowledge and skills, in order to be able to better
understand complicated cyber security problems in the real world. When
you are out of school, it is important to keep a close eye on recent news on
ICT technologies (not just cyber security) and try to do as many hands-on
exercises with computer hardware and software as possible, to develop a
more comprehensive understanding of the cyber security landscape.

Much like Carole Theriault, Li appreciates the freedom that his

line of work allows him:
What I enjoy the most as an academic is the freedom to do things I like
and what I consider important, interesting and useful. This is something
no other types of job can offer, so even though I am not as well paid as
other people working in industry I still like my job. I also enjoy the
endless opportunities to work with people from other disciplines, sectors
and also students who are interested in conducting research.

Li is Professor of Cyber Security at the University of Kent in the

UK, leading the Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber
Security, a UK Government recognized Academic Centre of
Excellence in Cyber Security Research. Working in academia
has enabled him to mould his career as he moved through it:
I was trained more as an electronic engineer at university (back in the
1990s), although my first degree is considered a mixture of three closely
related subjects: electronic engineering, computer science and automatic
control. After getting my PhD degree in information and communication
engineering from the Xi’an Jiaotong University in China in 2003, I first
worked in electronic engineering at two universities in Hong Kong from
2003–07, and then moved to a German university where I shifted to
computer science. Since then I have stayed within computer science and
gradually re-labelled myself as a computer scientist. After working at two
German universities for four years, I moved into the UK in 2011. Before I
started working on cyber security in 1999, my research interests were
mostly around image and video processing, which remains one of my
current research interests.

The journalist
As we saw with David Shipley earlier, having a diverse
background is the norm in cyber security. This industry has
evolved very organically, alongside the organic growth of the
internet. There were no cyber security courses or degrees until
quite recently; those of us of a certain age and generation in the
industry would never have been told about cyber security
careers at school, because those careers did not exist. We have
found our way and forged our careers as we move forwards,
which often means an unusual career path.
For example, the journalist Kate O’Flaherty did not originally
plan to focus on cyber security. O’Flaherty is a freelance
journalist and copywriter, who writes content that appears in
the press, such as Forbes, the Guardian and SC Magazine. She
also writes on behalf of clients such as security companies, but
this focus on cyber security was not always her plan:
When I was younger, I wanted to be a music journalist – I couldn’t have
imagined going into technology, let alone cyber security. But if I could give
my younger self advice, I’d tell myself to consider security and tech more
generally earlier on.

Alternative paths into cyber security

Lance Spitzner, Director of SANS Security Awareness, also had a
winding path into this profession, and recognizes the many
advantages that his background equipped him with. Spitzer
started out on the technical side: he founded the Honeynet
Project and is on the Board of Directors for the US National
Cyber Security Alliance. This is what he had to say about his
background before this industry:
I’m a history major who rode main battle tanks for a living. But often
unique backgrounds can be an advantages in this field. For example,
history taught me how to write and communicate. The military taught me
about leadership and knowing your enemy.

Moussa Noun’s journey into security is equally fascinating.

Having worked around the world on documentary films, he is
now security awareness manager at a major Canadian financial
institution. He is an example of someone who is excelling in
their career without having taken an academic route. As well as
film making, his background includes software development,
pen testing and project management, and his security mindset
enabled him to absorb expertise from some unlikely places:
From a very young age I was fascinated with convincing people to do
things. I would try different sentences and different ways of saying them,
sort of looking for a ‘cheat code’ into people’s minds. I learned about
social engineering from a book and became fascinated with the idea and
tried to practise it as often as I could.

In my early 20s I was introduced to a couple of people from LA that were

visiting at the time, and after a few minutes of watching them at a party I
noticed they had an uncommon ease with people. I quickly realized they
were pickup artists, a group of men that honed their social skills and
aimed to sleep with as many women as possible. I became fascinated with
their process; how do they build rapport? How do they approach
strangers? Within a few months I found myself in Los Angeles observing

I sometimes relive those experiences and not a day goes by without using
the skills and methods I had learned – even though I learned these skills
from people who were using them to manipulate others and take
advantage of them, I now use those same skills to positively influence
people into being more secure and resisting becoming victim to social
engineering attacks. Getting into the mindset of an attacker can be the
best way of defending yourself and others.

Clive Room is another great example of someone who took a

varied path before working in this field. As Director of Pulse
Conferences, Room works with a team putting together
international conferences for CISOs and other senior security
professionals across the globe. Before working in cyber security,
he had a very different career:
My background is as a professional actor and then a professional tour
guide, before moving into marketing for a cyber security services
company. My advice to my younger self is that you may well have four
different careers in one lifetime, and that’s a good thing.

What Room loves about working in cyber security is common

for many of us, and has already been evident in what Carole
Theriault had to say: the people. International travel also has its
I enjoy the international travel that comes with my job, as well as dealing
with interesting people from many different aspects of the industry. I love
presenting and seeing events well organized in a way that ensures that
people who meet for the first time, become friends as well as colleagues.

The ethical hacker

The ethical hacker and social engineer Freakyclown, or FC (I
should add he’s my husband and we run the company Cygenta
together), can relate to this:
What I love about my job is the variety of it all. One day I could be
hacking into a website of a media company and the next flying across the
globe to talk about cyber security to thousands of people, and by the end
of the week I might be breaking into a bank and stealing millions of
pounds (we give it all back, obviously). There is no such thing as a typical
day for me and I think that’s what keeps my motivation so high. I run the
company with my wife and when you run your own business, 9 to 5
working is out. We work with global clients and so sometimes I can be
doing a pen test at 3 am or sitting in a ditch watching a building, plotting a
break-in. A pen test is very much like an MOT for a car; it’s a snapshot of
time and vulnerabilities. So, today I could write up a report that lists all of
the known, found vulnerabilities and then tomorrow a new one could be
discovered that could devastate the system. That brings a certain level of
pressure to the work, but I wouldn’t do anything else. Hacking is very
much a cat and mouse game with the criminals and I enjoy helping people
and companies be as secure as they can be from criminals.

I get to meet and work with so many interesting people and, most
importantly, I help people be safer and more secure. For more than half of
my life I have been breaking into places, either physically or digitally, but
always legally and ethically! It’s the best job in the world as far as I’m

The lawyer
The variety of work that Freakyclown mentions is a factor that
keeps Jonathan Armstrong enthusiastic about his work.
Armstrong is a lawyer at Cordery, focusing on compliance
issues including cyber security, and this means working on lots
of different problems for all sorts of clients:
What I like most about my job is the variety. No two days are ever the
same. It’s also an area where there’s a skills gap – many lawyers don’t
understand cyber security issues so there’s a chance to help a wide
variety of companies large and small.

The analyst
Kenneth Geers echoes this. Geers is a world-renowned cyber
intelligence analyst enjoying an amazing career that includes
20 years of experience working for the United States
Government (including the NSA and NCIS) and roles as an
Ambassador of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of
Excellence and a Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Council. This is
how he summed up his career so far:
I have worked in signals intelligence or cyber security since 1993, with
time on offence, defence and in academia. But I have always been an
intelligence analyst, in the national security space, so I care less about the
‘how’ of computer hacking – and more about the ‘who’ and the ‘why’.

When I spoke to him about what he most loves about his work,
he perfectly captured the diversity of cyber security as a field.
Working at the international level, covering issues relating to
nation-state level cyber security, Geers highlighted the fact that
cyber security is at the heart of every international issue you
can think of:
There are endless areas of research, from elections to electricity, and
cryptocurrency to human rights. There were many sceptics who doubted
the connection between network security and national security, but today
it is clear that computer hacking (and IT-enabled social engineering) has
transformed everything, including politics, crime, terrorism and war.

The national cyber security advisor

A theme that unites all of the professionals featured in this
chapter is how important it is to them that their work helps
keep people safe and secure. This mission is at the heart of what
drives Emma W,1 who also works at the national level of cyber
security, in this case for the UK National Cyber Security Centre
I’m the Head of Advice and Guidance for the NCSC. I’m in charge of
making sure that the NCSC has all the right technical advice and guidance
on our website, for all our different audiences, from individuals and
families who are looking for short, sensible advice on how to stay safe
online at home, through to security professionals who are responsible for
protecting the UK’s critical national infrastructure from nation-state level
cyber attacks. It’s a big job and, as you can imagine, it’s always a work in

In myself, I’m mainly about the human side of cyber security. I think
cyber security should work better for people who aren’t experts at it,
without us all having to go and get computer science degrees first. When
we’re at home, we should all be able to confidently protect ourselves and
our loved ones from the most common online threats and scams. When
we’re at work, we are our organization’s first and most important line of
defence against cyber attacks – which means we need security tools,
policies, processes and culture that match people’s real capabilities, and
how we need to work. For too many of us, security still seems expensive,
inconvenient, impenetrably technical, and generally bothersome. And we
need to fix that. I generally win fans when I say ‘I’m trying to help you
stay safe online without having to remember a million passwords’!

More than anything, I love our mission. We’re here to make the UK the
world’s safest place to live and work online. I can’t imagine many things I
could do with my life that could be more worthwhile than that. Also, we
have a fantastic, diverse team at NCSC. I find it really stimulating to work
in an environment where others have very different backgrounds to me,
and many different skills, experiences and perspectives. We trust each
other, we respect everyone’s specialist knowledge, we have great
discussions, and together we achieve things that none of us could do
alone. Also the cake. We have a lot of good cake. If I were a hostile
intelligence agency trying to disrupt GCHQ and NCSC, the first thing I’d
target would be the cake.
Whilst of course appreciating the cake (which does sound like a
very nice perk), Emma W is driven by contributing to the
security of the UK at a national level, which is an amazing
mission. When she talks about what her work is like on a day-
to-day basis, it is clear that she is also motivated by helping
those around her and by inspiring and supporting the next
generation of cyber security professionals:
On a typical day, I’ll be in one of our Cheltenham offices working in the
awesome NCSC comms team. I’ll review guidance in progress – maybe
nudge something along if it’s ground to a halt, or settle a debate about
exactly what we should say, how and to whom. I may meet an NCSCer
who wants to produce some new guidance, to find out more about what
they want to do. Who needs to hear this advice? What do they need? How
are we going to do it? How important or urgent is this, compared to
everything else?

I also provide specialist sociotechnical expertise to colleagues in comms,

across everything we do – so I answer questions from ‘Can we tell the
CyberUK contractors that the event website must be hosted in the UK?’ to
‘How should we reply to this member of the public who’s got in touch to
ask for password advice, as he’s been using the same password
everywhere since 1994?’

That’s a typical day, but my favourite days at work are either a) when I’m
presenting to an audience, as I love sharing my thinking about cyber
security, helping to build consensus for change, and hearing from others
in return; or b) if I have someone shadowing me at work. I really enjoy
giving them an insight into the things we do (there tends to be quite a few
‘wows’, because we do get up to some truly impressive stuff), and helping
them to make useful contacts to follow up on things that interest them.
Combining both those favourite things: I love it when I’m allowed out to
talk to younger people about careers in cyber security. It’s really
important to take that time, to help grow and inspire the security
professionals of the future. Many people don’t realize what a diverse
profession it is, and think it’s not for them unless they’re studying
computing or maths. This is totally untrue!

When I asked Emma W about the advice she would give a

younger version of herself, she perfectly summed up the feeling
so many of us have in the field, that we found our way into this
career without a clear path ahead of us and, perhaps connected
to that, that along that path it can feel overwhelming just how
big cyber security is. Working on the human side of cyber
security, Emma W also touched on a reticence that many of us
with this specialism can have, especially early on in our
The advice I would give myself: don’t worry that you don’t yet know what
you want to do when you grow up. Your career path will be entirely
unplanned and more than a little random, but every job you do will make
you better at the job after that. Cyber security needs its deep specialists,
but it also needs people who are good at seeing the big picture, bringing
people together from across different teams and working cultures to solve
a shared problem, figuring out what needs doing and then actually getting
it done, seeing where techniques that work in one domain can be usefully
applied in another, and devising pragmatic, workable solutions to knotty
issues. That’s you.

Also, don’t worry that you ‘aren’t technical enough’ for cyber security. It
won’t hold you back. Cyber security really needs more ‘people-people’ –
those who understand a bit more about what makes people tick, and can
represent their needs and advocate for their points of view, to help make
security that works for people. Because, as we all know, security that
doesn’t work for people doesn’t work.

I love Emma W’s message above and the final line is simply
perfect; I often quote this message from Emma W and the NCSC
when I am delivering a conference keynote.

The security awareness leader

Lance Spitzner specializes, like Emma W and like me, on the
human side of cyber security and he points out that now is a
fantastic time for security awareness and culture professionals:
My speciality is the human side of security, often called security
awareness or security culture. My job is to help organizations better
understand and manage the human side of their cyber risks. It’s an
extremely exciting time to be in this field as organizations are just now
recognizing that cyber security is not just a technical challenge but also a
human challenge.

I love the combination of technology and the human side. I have to

leverage my technical skills, and help organizations better understand
their culture and build on that through engagement and partnerships.
Ultimately it’s all about helping people (and organizations) be more

Specialists and generalists

Spitzner’s comment about combining technology with the human side echoes Emma
W’s earlier point about cyber security having deep specialists but also those who are
good at seeing the big picture, too. When taking the messages of security and
communicating them to the wider world, this is especially important; this is relevant to
the NCSC, of course, and also to those working in journalism. Here’s what Kate
O’Flaherty had to say on this topic:

Although you need to know your area, it’s ok to rely on the expertise of
others: journalists are not experts, the people they speak to are. Do not be
afraid to look stupid and always ask questions – people are more than
happy to help.

This message will be especially pertinent to journalists, but we can all learn from
O’Flaherty’s advice. I am a firm believer in the message that there are no stupid
questions. The only way we can evolve is to ask questions and learn, which is true both
at the individual and group level. If we are working in cyber security as part of a desire
to make people more secure, we have a responsibility to ask questions, because if we
don’t understand something, we may be limiting our ability to contribute to resolving a
problem. If we want to make the world a safer place, we need to know when to swallow
our pride.

The security contractor

I asked John Carroll, a security contractor, what advice he
would give to his younger self, and he had some interesting
thoughts on the matter:
Drink more water.

Think about your posture.

Sleep when you’re tired.

It’s OK to eat coco pops from a pan if the bowl isn’t big enough.

Some people want your advice, some people need to look like they want
your advice, you can’t control that, but you can always give good advice.

And finally… you’re going to be fine. This industry is constantly growing

in more granular specialisms; you can try and collect them all, but make
sure you have the fundamentals down. Learn how to see everything, then
learn how to modify everything.

Carroll makes so many important points here (that coco pops

advice is a true life lesson). Physical health is something we can
all overlook when we are busy with work that we are
passionate about and a lot of jobs in cyber security inherently
involve long hours at a computer. Getting enough rest, staying
hydrated and working on your core strength and posture may
not sound like cyber security advice, but most professionals
working in this field will tell you that taking care of these things
from the start of your career will be an investment you are
grateful for the longer you work in the industry.
Carroll’s career is really interesting because of the diversity of
roles he has experienced. When I asked him to describe his
work and what he enjoys about it, this is what he had to say:
I would say, in short, security support: What’s the problem? What
additional concerns are attached? What resources do we have? Easy…! To
qualify this, over the past five years I’ve worked in roles such as
vulnerability manager, pen test manager, head of infosec, vCISO,2 and
plenty of app security and enterprise security challenges. In between, I
get to do this kind of work because I’m happy to look at problems as
challenges that I can overcome in a meaningful way… so far so good…

I like thinking about things that might not yet have been considered. I like
demonstrating flaws, not so much for the flaw at face value, but more
what process would prevent this flaw at scale. I like being embraced by
teams, and I like showing why security should be embraced by teams that
might not see the need initially.

What an amazing response! Carroll’s mindset shows why he is

so successful in cyber security, because he sees problems as
challenges waiting to be overcome and he is interested in flaws
not just for the sake of the vulnerability itself, but what process
could stop that vulnerability becoming a bigger problem, at the
business level. He works as part of a team and is keen to
influence those who need security, but don’t necessarily know
it. He is a technologist that is also focused on people and
process, which is why he is embraced not just by the cyber
security community but also by the business community.

A final word: Keep a learning mindset

Carroll spoke earlier about the importance of learning the
fundamentals of the industry. This relates to something that
Lance Spitzner spoke to me about:
I would tell my younger self to be open-minded and learn as much as you
can. Try everything and learn from everyone in this field: the more
knowledge you gain, regardless of the field, the stronger you will be.

Learning as much as you can about cyber security, whilst not

putting pressure on yourself to know everything, will stand you
in good stead for your whole career. Kenneth Geers spoke to me
about this, too:
Always try to learn new things, especially outside of your comfort zone.
As an analyst, I have often neglected to develop my technical skills. It’s OK
to focus on something, but there are many other areas in which we can
improve our understanding – which also helps you to succeed in your
own, narrower field of study.

For Freakyclown, this broad approach to learning applies not

just to learning about cyber security, but to learning in general:
If I could give advice to my younger self, it would be to read more; one of
my advantages has been consuming books. It is a fantastic way to gather
distilled information. I was an avid reader as a kid and into my teens, but
as I reached adulthood work got in the way and the rate at which I read
dropped. Nowadays, I try to cram in as many books as I can, sometimes
four or five a week if I’m travelling a lot. I also recommend that people
experiment with consuming educational materials, for example see if you
can get used to watching videos on a faster playback speed. Two very
influential books for me were Hyperfocus and The Go-Giver, which helped
me structure my days more effectively and think about the focus of my
work. I also wish I’d learnt more about stoicism when I was younger; it’s a
great approach for managing stress and something which I think a lot of
people in security would benefit from.

John Carroll spoke earlier about looking after yourself

physically and Freakyclown’s point about looking after your
stress levels, which can impact mental health, is easily as
important. Stoicism is a philosophical approach that is very
applicable to modern life, and to those of us working in cyber
security, with its focus on mindfulness and resilience, and
thriving despite stress and hardships. Learning that goes
beyond cyber security may help you make discoveries that are
not only applicable to security, but that also help you on a
personal and emotional level.
Jonathan Armstrong also shared some advice at the personal
and emotional level, speaking about the importance of self-
The advice that I would give myself that first spring to mind would be
around dress sense – that could fill a small book. Aside from that it’s
probably to have confidence. I was the first person from my family to go
to university. I think my mum and dad had been conditioned into the type
of jobs they could aim for, and given where I am from, I think my younger
self suffered from that too. My daughters were big fans of pantomimes – a
recurring panto song is ‘Reach for the Stars’ – a cheesy song, but a decent
life lesson, too.

I love this message from Armstrong. We can often look at

people in life and find it impossible to imagine how we could
achieve what they have, with many of us in danger of placing
limitations on ourselves. I used to be extremely guilty of this
until I came to understand that life puts enough limitations in
our way, but if we work hard, creating and seizing
opportunities that come our way, then we also generally find
that life brings many good chances our way, too. Taking these
chances can have a positive, snowball effect on your career
and, with hard work, you can find yourself with opportunities
you would never have dared dream of. I daresay that everyone,
throughout the course of their career, will encounter people
who try to limit or undermine them to some degree or another.
Don’t be that person, either to yourself or to others. Nurture
your self-belief, your skills and the people around you.
Understand that cyber security is a broad, and deep, field: you
are not expected to know everything and worrying that you
should know everything will only waste valuable time that
could be spent actually learning more! Instead of questioning
whether you know enough, or are skilled enough, follow your
curiosity, learn about what interests you and share that
knowledge with the community. You will be amazed at what
you achieve.
1 It is policy for the NCSC to only use first name and first initial of surname publicly.
2 A vCISO is a virtual chief information security officer. They are generally security
practitioners who work for an organization on an ongoing basis, generally part
time and sometimes remotely; they often provide these services to many different
organizations at the same time.

Exercise 0.1: Decoding the message (page 4)
The key is 13 right (or 13 left!) and the message should read:
This is an example of a Caesar cipher. Well done for decoding it!

Exercise 1.1: Assessing the risks (page 31)

A multinational bank
The information an international bank will handle includes
personal and financial information of customers, money
transfers, personal and financial information of personnel, and
intellectual property. Of course, on top of this, banks hold
physical money and assets.
Attackers that are most likely to target them include
financially motivated cyber criminals, hacktivists, script
kiddies, nation-state level attackers and malicious insiders.

A political party
The information a political party will handle includes personal
and financial information of members and donors, plans and
strategies for the party, internal (potentially sensitive)
communications of the party and internal financial data.
Attackers that are most likely target them include financially
motivated cyber criminals, hacktivists, script kiddies, nation-
state level attackers and malicious insiders.

A local estate agent

The information a local estate agent will handle includes
personal and financial information of customers and of
personnel, and money transfers.
Attackers that are most likely target them include financially
motivated cyber criminals, script kiddies and malicious

Exercise 3.1: Identifying vulnerabilities (page 57)

The LPVL attack could be categorized as sensitive data
exposure, broken access control and security misconfiguration;
potentially also insufficient logging and monitoring, because
LPVL were apparently not monitoring the system to identify the
breach. This illustrates how, in real life, attacks and
vulnerabilities are often not as neatly categorized as the
definitions in this chapter can make it appear.

Exercise 5.1: Hot state triggers (page 99)

The red flags to look out for in this spear-phishing email are
authority (the email purports to come from their boss),
urgency/time pressure, confidentiality, a sense of closeness (the
reference to internal fraud) and flattery (the target is the one
person chosen by ‘their boss’ for this important and
confidential task). Did you spot any of these in the exercise?

Abagnale, F 88–89
advanced persistent threat (APT) 24
Allsopp, C – jailed for TalkTalk breach 51
Amazon 66
Simple Storage Service (S3) 68
appendix: exercise answers 230–31
exercise 1.1: assessing the risks 230–31
local estate agent 230–31
multinational bank 230
political party 230
exercise 3.1: identifying vulnerabilities 231
exercise 5.1: hot state triggers 231
Apple 34, 66, 68, 148
Armstrong, J 219, 228
Ashley Madison – hacked by cyber criminals 42–43
attacks that utilize social engineering 101–12 see also case studies
money trails and cryptocurrency 109
offline social engineering attacks 111–12
phishing 101–09
spear-phishing 102–03
voice-phishing or vishing 103
ransomware 109–11
and No More Ransom initiative 110–11
Avid Life Media (ALM) 42–43
and breach of Ashley Madison 42
rebranded to Ruby Corp 43

Beckham, D 123
and his £100,000 BMW 123

Caesar, J 3
Caesar cipher/shift 3–4, 4
Carroll, J (security contractor) 225–27
case studies (for)
attacks that utilize social engineering
business email compromise 108
FireEye 105–06
voice-phishing: Bill 103–04
voice-phishing: FireEye 105–06
WhatsApp 106–07
social engineering
why social engineering works: Alice and Bob 92–93, 93
technical vulnerabilities
Life at Parliament View Ltd 56
TalkTalk 50–51
WannaCry 54–55 see also WannaCry
what cyber security is
cybercrime: ransomware – SamSam 26–27
cybercrime: script kiddies – TalkTalk 23
malicious insiders: Andrew Skelton 28–29
non-malicious insiders: Dow Jones and Facebook apps 30–31
why people are so important in cyber security
creation: The Big Hack (Bloomberg Businessweek) 65–66
use: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) 68
chapter notes (for)
attacks that utilize social engineering 112
cyber security at the board level 193–94
cyber security in different industries 181–82
how individuals can better protect themselves 153
how organizations can better protect themselves 139
introduction to cyber security 10
nation-state cyber security: geopolitics 167–68
pursuing a cyber security career 208
social engineering 99–100
technical vulnerabilities 59–60
the variety of cyber security careers 229
what cyber security is 32–33
why cyber security is important 43–44
why people are so important in cyber security 81–83
why physical space matters in cyber security 126
Clinton, H 165, 166
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) 80
cyber security: introduction 1–10 see also why cyber security is important
cyber security, you and your career 9–10
history of cyber security 3–4, 4, 5–8
the rise of cybercrime 8–9 see also legislation (UK) and legislation (US)
and the 414s 8–9
cyber security at the board level 183–94
board members as challengers (and) 188–91
NCSC (UK): key questions for board to ask 189–90
need to receive on-going communication on threats 191
questions for members to ask 190–91
the board perspective on cyber security 187–88
key findings of UK Government report (2019) 187–88 see also reports
cyber security as a business risk (and) 191–93
cloud computing 193
questions – knowing which, when and how to ask 192
cyber security frameworks 184 see also subject entry
cyber security governance 184–85
risk appetite and risk tolerance 186–87 see also studies
cyber security in different industries 171–82
celebrity, entertainment and pop culture 171–74
Caitlyn Jenner 173–74
Kim Kardashian 173
Taylor Swift 171–73
conveyancing fraud 180
education 178–79
of 430 UK schools 83% had experienced a cyber security incident 179
cyber attack/phishing emails at Lancaster University 179
journalism and the media 174–75
small and medium enterprises 177–78
social media and influencers 176–77
‘Joshua Brooks’ influencer scam 176–77
sport 175–76
cyber security frameworks
Cyber Essentials 184
ISO 27001 184
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 127, 184
cyber weapon: Stuxnet 125

Diachenko, B 30–31
Disney ‘hack’ (2019) 70
Dunning, D 25

Estonia, the Bronze Soldier statue and cyber attacks 157–59

exercises (for)
social engineering: hot state triggers 99
technical vulnerabilities: identifying vulnerabilities 57
what cyber security is: assessing the risks 31
why physical space matters in cyber security: spot the security flaw 121

Facebook 73, 84, 101, 166 see also case studies

Messenger 34
Alice and Bob’s email 93
Caesar cipher/shift 4
cybercrime bell curve 25
plain text wheel 4
Financial Conduct Authority handbook: Handbook of Rules and Guidance 39
Freakyclown 227

Gates, B 145
Geers, K (cyber intelligence analyst) 219–20, 227
Gold, S 9
Greenberg, A 123

hackers (and)
Advanced Persistent Threat 28 (APT28) 165
Fancy Bear 165
Guccifer 2.0 165
hacking of US Democrat emails 165
hacks and ‘hacks’ 70
Jmaxxz 123
Miller, C 123, 124
Sofacy Group 165
Valasek, C 123, 124
Handbook of Rules and Guidance (Financial Conduct Authority) 39
Hanley, M: jailed for TalkTalk breach 51
Histiacus 3
how individuals can better protect themselves (by) 140–53
being social engineering savvy 151–53
seven steps for protection against cybercrime 152
being social media savvy 151
biometric security 145
from loyalty points theft 146–47
protecting their accounts (by/with) 141–47
biometric security 145
password managers 142–43
two-factor authentication 145–46
writing passwords down 143–44
protecting data 148–50
by backing up 150
on websites 149–50
on Wi-Fi 148–49
protecting devices 147–48
how organizations can better protect themselves (with) 127–39
anti-virus software 128
auditing 131
awareness-raising training 134–35
block list and allow list 132
champion programmes 136
cyber threat intelligence and threat hunting 133
digital footprint assessments 136–37
firewalls 128
intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion protection systems (IPS) 131 –32
a layered approach 138–39
logging 130
monitoring 131
network segmentation 129
and airgapped networks 129
penetration testing 134
using Kali Linux and Burp Suite, Metasploit, OpenVAS 134
physical security controls 137
policies and procedures 130 see also research
security culture 135–36 see also definitions and Schien, E
social engineering assessments and red team engagements 137–38
vulnerability scanning 133

Instagram 34, 74, 176–77

introduction see cyber security: introduction
ISO 27001 standard 127, 131

Jenner, C 173–74

Kahnemann, D 94 see also Thinking Fast and Slow

Kardashian, K 173
Kelley, D: jailed for TalkTalk breach 51
Kotomah, B (UK fashion designer) 176
Kruger, J 25
legislation (UK)
Communications Act (2003) 39
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (1986) 6
Computer Misuse Act (1990) 9, 39
Data Protection Act (DPA, 2018) 39, 56
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act (1981) 9
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) 39–41, 56
Network and Information Systems Regulations (NIS Regulations, 2018) 39
Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR, 2003) 39
legislation (US): International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) 156
Li, Professor S and advice on cyber security 214–16
Lustig, V 87–88

McArthur Wheeler case 25

Malwarebytes see research
Mollett, A 180
defrauded of life savings (2017) 180
Moussouris, K 155
Mulholland, I 155

nation-state cyber security: Geopolitics 154–68

companies and nation-state level attacks 163–64
NotPetya and Maersk shipping 163–64
Saudi Aramco 163
Ukraine and NoetPetya malwrae 164
misinformation and disinformation 165–66
accusations of interference with US election (2016) 165
publication of the Mueller report (2019) 165–66
report on Russian campaign to influence US 2016 election 165
nation-state level cyber attacks (and/and the) 156–62
Bronze Statue 157–59 see also Estonia
Great Seal 157
Stuxnet 159–60
WannaCry 160–62 see also subject entry
NSA insiders (box) 162
policing the internet (and the) 154–56
International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) 156
Tallinn Manual 2.0 154–55
Wassenaar Arrangement 155–56
Noun, M (security awareness manager) 217
Nudge 94 see also Sunstein, C and Thaler, R
and the Homer Simpson and Spock ways of thinking 94–95

Obama, B 174
O’Flaherty, K 216, 224
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 80
organizational culture, definition of 135 see also Schien, E H

Patrick, N 8, 9
physical space: why it matters in cyber security 115–26
access control systems 116–19
badges and lanyards 117–18
biometrics 118
magnetic locks 118–19
CCTV 119–21
lack of monitoring 120
poor placement and lack of coverage 120–21
poor quality 119–20
physical vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things 122–26
and the physical infrastructure of the internet 125
Privacy Commissioners: Australia and Canada 42
pursuing a cyber security career (and) 195–208
Jack Daniel, BSides co-founder 204–05
qualifications and certifications 196–99
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 197
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 197–98
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) 198
‘real world’ experience 199
Security+ 196
university study 198
what do employers want? – your personal attributes and skills 199–202
acceptance that you don’t know everything 200–201
communication skills 202
curiosity 200
a desire to learn 200
empathy 201
ethical and moral code 199–200
situational awareness 201
spotting patterns 201–02
what can you do to get a job in the industry? 202–08
BSides 203–05
and co-founder: Jack Daniel 204–05
bug bounties 207
‘capture the flags’ (CTFs) competitions 205–07
Sophia McCall (Captain, Team UK, European Cyber Security Challenge) 206–07
DEFCON groups 203
develop your network 207–08
Putin, V 165

report: FTSE 350 companies and cyber risk governance (UK Government 2019) 187
on information security policies (Club CISO, 2019) 130
into spear-phishing email campaign (Malwarebytes) 96–97
risk, threat and vulnerability – and their meaning 35
Room, C (Director, Pulse Conferences) 218

Sawers, S and J 73
Schien, E H 135
Schifreen, R 9
Sheeran, E 172
and definition of organizational culture 135
Shipley, D 209 (CEO, Beauceron) 209–11, 212
Skelton, A 28–29
social engineering 84–100
through history 85–90
Francis Cabot Lowell 86
Frank Abagnale 88–90
and did you know? 89–90
the Trojan Horse 85–86
Victor Lustig 87–88
non-criminal 90–91
red flags 84–85
and why social engineering works 91–99 see also case studies
exercise 5.1: hot state triggers 99
hot state emails: Shame 95–97
hot states 94–95
sextortion 97–99
Sorenson, A (CEO, Marriott Group) 41
Spitzner, L (Director, SANS Security Awareness) 216, 223, 224
studies (of/on)
850 ICS and SCADA networks 57–58
determination of risk appetite levels (UK Government) 186
Sunstein, C 94–95 see also Nudge and Thaler, R
Supermicro 65–66
Swift, T 171–73

table: cyber security timeline 5–8

TalkTalk breach, people jailed for
Allsopp, C 51
Hanley, M 51
Kelley, D 51
technical vulnerabilities 47–60 see also case studies and exercises
common vulnerabilities and exposures list 47–48
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) 48–49
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top ten 49–56
1. injection 50 see also case studies
2. broken authentication 51
3. sensitive data exposure 51–52
4. extensible markup language external entities 52
5. broken access control 52
6. security misconfiguration 53
7. cross-site scripting 53
8. insecure deserialization 53
9. using components with known vulnerabilities 54–55 see also case studies
10. insufficient logging and monitoring 55 see also case studies
what technology is vulnerable? 57–58
industrial control systems (ICS) 57
and study of ICS and SCADA networks 57–58
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks 57
Thaler, R 94–95 see also Nudge and Sunstein, C
Theriault, C (founder of Tick Tock Social) 212–15, 218
advice from 213–14
Thinking Fast and Slow 94 see also Kahnemann, D
Trump, D 165, 166
two-factor authentication (2FA) 70–71

United Kingdom (UK) see also legislation, UK

investigation into nation-state cyber activities on 2016 Brexit referendum 166
National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
key questions for boards 188–89
‘Secure by Default’ approach 64
the variety of cyber security careers (and/and the) 209–29
alternative paths into cyber security 216–18 see also Noun, M; Room, C and
Spitzner, L
analyst 219–20 see also Geers, K
ethical hacker: Freakyclown (FC) and Cygenta 218–19
a final word: keep a learning mindset 226–28 see also Armstrong, J;
Carroll, J; Freakyclown; Geers, K; Spitzner, L
infosec pundit 212–14 see also Theriault, C
advice from 213–14
journalist, advice from 216 see also O’Flaherty, K
lawyer 219 see also Armstrong, J
national cyber security advisor 220–23 see also W, Emma
professor, advice from 214–16 see also Li, S
security awareness leader 223–24 see also Spitzner, L
and specialists and generalists 224
security contractor 225–26 see also Carroll, J
start-up CEO 209–11 see also Shipley, D

W, Emma 220–23, 224

Wannacry (and) 8, 27, 54–55. 58, 160–62 see also case studies
EternalBlue 160–61
Microsoft Server Message Block 161
the Shadow Brokers 161
timeline of events 161
US National Security Agency (NSA) 161–62
insiders and Edward Snowden 161
what cyber security is 13–33 see also exercises
the cyber security rainbow: red, blue and purple 14–18
the blue team 16–18
the red team and pen testers 15–16
the cyber security spectrum: who are the hackers? 18–20
criminals 19
grey hat hackers 19–20
hackers 18–19
cybercrime 22–27, 25 see also case studies
financially motivated 22
hacktivists 24
nation-state hackers 24–25
script kiddies 23
hacking and the law 20–21
good hackers gone bad? professional ethics in cyber security 21
malicious and non-malicious insiders 27–31
malicious insiders 27–29 see also case studies
non-malicious insiders 29–31 see also case studies
why cyber security is important (and) 34–44
cyber security and the law 38–42
data protection and the GDPR 39–42
and monetary penalties – BA and Marriott Hotels 40–41
cyber security and personal lives (and) 42–43
Ashley Madison and Avid Life Media (ALM) 42–43
risk assessment and management (and) 36–38
mitigations 36–37
mosquito example 36
risk, threat, vulnerability and mitigations 38
risks, threats and vulnerabilities 35 see also legislation (UK)
why people are so important in cyber security 63–83 see also case studies
abuse 77–80
ethical dilemmas: scenarios 78–79
1. ransomware in a hospital 78
thoughts on 79
2. troll-hunting 78
thoughts on 79–80
3. bug reporting 78–79
thoughts on and OWASP 80
creation 65 see also case studies
design: ‘Secure by Default’ approach (NCSC) 64 see also United Kingdom
destruction 80–81
testing 66–67 see also case studies
use (and) 67–77
the personal level 69
SIM swap attacks 71–73
two-factor authentication (2FA) 70–71, 72
the social level and concepts 74–77
botnets 75
Denial/Distributed Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) 75
Domain Name System (DNS) 75
Mirai and Dyn DDoS 75–77
the work level 73–74
reconnaissance as first step 73–74
and spear-phishing 74
Winslow, T 8
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