Volume 03 Propulsion

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AP3456 – 3-1 - Basic Theory and Principles of Propulsion



1. When an aircraft is travelling through air in straight and level flight and at a constant true airspeed
(TAS), the engines must produce a total thrust equal to the drag on the aircraft as shown in Fig 1. If
the engine thrust exceeds the drag, the aircraft will accelerate, and if the drag exceeds the thrust, the
aircraft will slow down.

3-1 Fig 1 Arrangement of Thrust and Drag Forces

2. Although a variety of engine types are available for aircraft propulsion, the thrust force must
always come from air or gas reaction forces normally acting on the engine or propeller surfaces.

3. The two common methods of aircraft propulsion are:

a. The propeller engine powered by piston or gas turbine.

b. The jet engine.

Rotary wing aircraft are powered by turboshaft engines which produce shaft power to drive a gearbox
and work on similar principles to gas turbine propeller engines (turboprops), except that all the
available energy is absorbed by the turbine, with no residual jet thrust. Turboshaft engines are
considered in Volume 3, Chapter 16.

The Propeller Engine

4. With a propeller engine, the engine power produced drives a shaft which is connected to a
propeller usually via a gearbox. The propeller cuts through the air accelerating it rearwards. The blade
of a propeller behaves in the same way as the aerofoil of an aircraft; the air speeds up over the
leading face of the propeller blade causing a reduced pressure with a corresponding increase of
pressure on the rearward face (see Fig 2). This leads to a net pressure force over the propeller
(where Force = Pressure × Area), thus providing thrust. For example:

Net pressure of 40 kPa (Pa = N/m2); Blade area of 1 m2,

Thrust = 40 kPa × 1 m2 = 40 kN

With gas turbine powered propeller engines, a small amount of thrust is produced by the jet exhaust
which will augment the thrust produced by the propeller.

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3-1 Fig 2 Propeller Thrust

of Flight

Slipstream Velocity V j

Relative Air
Flow Va Net Force Direction
(Axial Component) of Propeller

5. An alternative method of calculating the thrust produced by a propeller is provided by Newton’s

laws of motion which give:

Force = Mass × Acceleration

∴ Thrust = Mass flow rate of air through Propeller × Increase in velocity of the air
= M × (Vj – Va)

Where M = Mass flow rate of the air

Vj = Velocity of slipstream
Va = Velocity of the aircraft (TAS)

This will give the same result as that given by the sum of pressure forces. In the case of the propeller,
the air mass flow will be large, and the increase in velocity given to the air will be fairly small.

The Jet Engine

6. In all cases of the jet engine, a high velocity exhaust gas is produced, the velocity of which, relative to
the engine, is considerably greater than the TAS. Thrust is produced according to the equation in para 5 i.e.:

Thrust = M × (Vj – Va)

where Vj is now the velocity of the gas stream at the propelling nozzle (see Fig 3). This represents a
simplified version of the full thrust equation as the majority of thrust produced is a result of the
momentum change of the gas stream.

3-1 Fig 3 Jet Thrust - Relative Velocities

a j

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7. In the rocket engine (Fig 4) the gases which leave the engine are the products of the combustion
of the rocket propellants carried; therefore no intake velocity term Va is required: The simplified
version of the equation giving the thrust produced thus becomes:

Thrust = Mass flow rate of propellant × Vj

3-1 Fig 4 Rocket Engines

Solid Propellant Rocket Liquid Propulsion Rocket

The Turbofan (By-pass) Engine

8. The Turbofan or by-pass engine (Fig 5) powers the vast majority of modern aircraft, and is likely to
do so for the foreseeable future. It can be seen as the link between the Turbopropeller and the Turbojet
engine. The thrust from a by-pass engine is derived from the mass air flow from the 'fan' plus the mass
air flow from the core engine and can be exhausted separately or mixed prior to entering the jet pipe.

3-1 Fig 5 Turbofan Thrust

9. The thrust for a mixing turbofan engine can be treated in the same way as a simple turbojet, as
the mass flows are mixed prior to entering a common exhaust and propelling nozzle. However, where
the by-pass air flow is exhausted separately the simplified thrust calculation becomes:

Thrust = Mass flow rate of air through fan duct × (Vjb – Va) + Mass flow rate of air through core engine × (Vje – Va)

= Mfan × (Vjb – Va) + Mcore × (Vje – Va)

The ratio Mfan/Mcore is called the by-pass ratio and is quoted for both mixing and non-mixing turbofans.
Engines with by-pass ratios of less than 1.5 are termed low by-pass ratio engines, while those with
ratios above 1.5 are considered high by-pass.

Engine Efficiency

10. As the engine thrust propels the aircraft, propulsive power is being developed in proportion to the

i.e.:Propulsive power = Engine thrust × TAS

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The power developed must be sufficient to overcome aircraft drag with an adequate margin to increase
aircraft velocity as required. Fuel is consumed during combustion thus releasing energy to generate
power. (1 kg of kerosine produces 43 MJ of energy.) The overall efficiency (ηο) of the engine as a
propulsive powerplant is defined as:

Propulsive power developed

ηo = Fuel power consumed

Thermal and Propulsive Efficiency of Gas Turbines

11. In the conversion of fuel power into propulsive power it is convenient to consider the conversion
taking place in two stages:

a. The conversion of fuel power into gas power.

b. The conversion of gas power into propulsive power.

The airbreathing engine burns fuel to produce useful gas kinetic energy. Some of this energy is lost in
the form of heat in the jet efflux, by kinetic heating, conduction to engine components, and friction. The
ratio of the gas energy produced in the engine to the heat energy released by the fuel in unit time,
determines the THERMAL efficiency (ηth ) of the engine, i.e.:

Rate of increase in KE of gas stream

ηth =
Rate of energy release from fuel

12. Of the gas kinetic energy produced, some is converted into propulsive power, whilst the remainder
is discharged to atmosphere in the form of wasted kinetic energy. The ratio of the propulsive power to
the rate of increase in kinetic energy of the gas stream determines the PROPULSIVE efficiency (ηp ) of
the engine, i.e.:

Propulsive power developed

ηp =
Rate of increase in KE of gas stream

13. An examination of the expressions derived for the thermal, propulsive and overall efficiencies
shows that the following relationship exists:

ηο = ηth × ηp

14. Fig 6 shows a typical breakdown of the total fuel power produced from burning kerosine at a rate of 1.4
kg/s to produce a power potential of 60 MW. By calculating the efficiencies of the above example viz:

ηth = 15/60 = 25%

ηp = 12/15 = 80%

ηο = 12/60 = 20%

It can be seen that the biggest single loss is through waste heat, the majority of which (75%) is lost
without being converted to useful kinetic energy. A further loss (5%) is experienced by failing to
convert all the remaining kinetic energy to useful propulsive power.

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3-1 Fig 6 Representation of Energy Efficiency

15. The generation of thrust as shown in Fig 7, M × (Vje – Va), is always accompanied by the rejection
of power in the form of wasted kinetic energy (kinetic energy = ½ × M × (Vje – Va) ) with a consequent
effect on the propulsive efficiency (ηp).

3-1 Fig 7 Gas Turbine Thrust - Absolute Velocity

For a given thrust, this wasted kinetic energy can be reduced by choosing a high value of air mass flow
rate (M) and a low value of (Vje – Va), since kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity.
This result is shown in Fig 8.

3-1 Fig 8 Variation in KE Loss with Mass Flow Rate at Constant Thrust
Wasted Kinetic Energy

Air Mass Flow

Therefore, provided that the thermal efficiency remains constant, engines with a large mass flow and
relatively low increase in gas velocity will be more efficient (see Fig 9).

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3-1 Fig 9 Comparison of Propulsive Efficiencies

an pe
o pf Pro
Pr ed
c et
80 -J
Adv rbo
( Tu

Propulsion Efficiency %







o- P


ro p




0 200 400 600 800

Airspeed (kt)

16. The sudden drop in propulsive efficiency, shown in Fig 9, for a propeller aircraft is caused by the
propeller tip speed approaching Mach 1.0, with a corresponding loss of effectiveness of the propeller,
at aircraft speeds in excess of about 350 kt. Advanced propeller technology designs have produced
propellers with a tip speed in excess of Mach 1.0, enabling aircraft speeds of over 430 kt at sea level.

17. Fig 9 also shows the advantage of the propeller over other forms of powerplant at low speeds.
Similarly, the turbofan engines can be seen to have advantages over the turbojet. The low by-pass
mixing turbojet bridges the gap between high by-pass turbofans and pure turbojets. The mixing of
the two gas streams is theoretically more efficient than exhausting the gas streams separately, but
on high by-pass turbofans it is almost impossible to achieve efficient mixing. Many other factors
affect the choice of powerplant (see para 23), and the decision becomes a complex one, often with no
clear cut answer.

Specific Fuel Consumption and Overall Efficiency

18. For a turboprop or turboshaft engine, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) can be defined as
Mass flow rate of fuel Mass flow rate of fuel
or , respectively.
Equivalent power Shaft power

Mass flow rate of fuel × Propeller efficiency
Propulsive power developed

Propeller efficiency
From which SFC ∝
Overall efficiency

Propeller efficiency
Thus, Overall efficiency ∝

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19. For a jet engine (including turbofans):

Mass flow rate of fuel

Mass flow rate of fuel × airspeed

ie SFC ∝
Thrust × airspeed

Thus, Overall efficiency ∝

Factors Affecting Thermal Efficiency of Piston Engines

20. The principle of operation of the spark ignition piston engine is described briefly in Volume 3,
Chapter 2. The thermal efficiency depends upon compression ratio, combustion chamber design,
mixture strength, engine rpm, air inlet temperature, etc. Under normal operating conditions, there is
little variation from engine to engine, a typical figure being 30%. In particular, there is little variation
with engine size.

Factors Affecting Thermal Efficiency of Gas Turbine Engines

21. Gas turbine engines are widely used as turboprop, turboshaft, turbojet and turbofan engines. The
thermal efficiency will vary considerably, not only from engine to engine, but also with operating
conditions. The thermal efficiency of these powerplants depends mainly upon:

a. Compression ratio.

b. Component efficiency.

c. Air inlet temperature.

d. The turbine entry temperature.

The efficiency of the engine increases with increasing compression ratio (pressure ratio) so values in
the order of 30:1 are now being produced. These high pressure ratios are more easily employed in
larger engines, with the result that large gas turbines are usually more efficient than small ones.
Thermal efficiencies of gas turbines are approximately in the range of 10% - 40% at normal operation.

Power Output of Gas Turbines

22. Gas or shaft power output from a gas turbine is mainly dependent upon:

a. Size.

b. Turbine entry temperature.

c. Component efficiencies.

d. Inlet air density.

e. Turbine speed (rpm).

The turbine entry temperature will be limited to a certain maximum value by the properties of the
turbine blade and the degree of blade cooling: current values of this temperature are in the region of
1,800 K. The inlet air density decreases with increasing altitude and ambient temperature and,
therefore, adverse climatic conditions may have a serious effect on performance. Water injection may
be used to compensate for loss of thrust under these conditions.

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AP3456 – 3-1 - Basic Theory and Principles of Propulsion

Choice of Aircraft Powerplant

23. The factors which affect the choice of powerplant for a particular aircraft include:
a. Power output.
b. Efficiency.
c. Power/weight and power/volume ratios.
d. Cost.
e. Reliability.
f. Maintainability.
g. Noise and pollution.

For low speed application, propeller engines are often chosen because of their overall high efficiency.
Piston engines are used in small aircraft because of their advantages of efficiency and cost over the
small gas turbine. For larger aircraft, turboprop engines have gained favour as they have good
power/weight ratios and are easily maintained. For higher speeds, the propeller is replaced by the
turbofan or turbojet.

24. For air transport application, where fuel efficiency is extremely important, high by-pass ratio turbofans
are being used by the majority of large aircraft, with lower by-pass ratio turbofans and turboprops used in
the smaller aircraft. The choice for training and combat aircraft is less clearcut. In the past, pure jets
have been used for jet trainers, but have been replaced by low by-pass ratio turbofans and turboprops.
Modern strike aircraft use low by-pass afterburning turbofans, which give a higher efficiency at subsonic
speed and provide a greater thrust augmentation (>80%) in afterburning mode.

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AP3456 - 3-2 - Introduction to Piston Engines



1. The internal combustion piston engine consists basically of a cylinder (Fig 1) which is closed at
one end, a piston which slides up and down inside the cylinder, and a connecting rod and crank by
which reciprocating movement at the piston is converted to rotary movement of the crankshaft. In the
closed end of the cylinder, known as the 'Cylinder Head', are inlet and exhaust valves and a sparking
plug. An engine-driven magneto generator supplies a high voltage current to the sparking plug.

3-2 Fig 1 A Four-stroke Internal Combustion Engine

Inlet and Exhaust Valves

Sparking Plug


Magneto Rod


2. One of the most noticeable differences between car and aero-engines is that, with the exception
of those fitted to light aircraft, aero-engines generally have more cylinders. This is because it is
impracticable for design and physical reasons, to obtain much more than 74.5 kW (100 bhp) per
cylinder; consequently, a high output would not be developed by a scaled-up version of a low-powered
engine with the same number of cylinders.

3. Even in engines of modest power, it is often better to use a number of small cylinders in
preference to fewer and larger, for not only does smoother operation result, but also, in many cases, a
smaller frontal area can be obtained.

The Four-stroke Cycle

4. The sequence of operations by which the engine converts heat energy into mechanical energy is
known as the four-stroke cycle. The four strokes are known as Induction, Compression, Power and
Exhaust and are discussed individually in the following paragraphs and illustrated in Fig 2.

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3-2 Fig 2 The Four-stroke Cycle

Induction Compression Power Exhaust


Inlet Valve
Valve Open

Gaseous Mixture Exhaust Inlet and

Burnt Gases
Valve Exhaust
Entering Cylinder Going to
Closed Valves

Connecting Rod


of Rotation

5. The Induction Stroke. On the induction stroke, the piston descends in the cylinder, thereby lowering
the internal pressure. Because the inlet valve is open, the mixture of fuel and air is forced in by the higher
outside air pressure. However, because of inertia and the limited time available, it is not possible to fill the
cylinder to the same pressure as the outside air.

6. The Compression Stroke. At the start of the compression stroke, the inlet valve is closed and
the piston starts to move upwards. The effect of reducing the volume in the cylinder is to compress the
fuel/air mixture. Just before the piston reaches the top of the stroke, the fuel/air mixture is ignited by
the sparking plug.

7. The Power Stroke. During the power stroke, the flame spreads and the intense heat generated
increases the pressure rapidly. The peak pressure is reached when the piston has just started to begin the
downward stroke. The gas continues to burn and the pressure in the cylinder decreases as the piston is
forced down until, towards the end of the power stroke, combustion is complete and the pressure on the top
of the piston is comparatively small.

8. The Exhaust Stroke. At the start of the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve is opened, and the
burnt gases are forced out of the cylinder by the ascending piston. At the end of the upward stroke,
the exhaust valve is closed, and the inlet valve opens to begin the cycle again.


9. In theory, the opening and closing of the valves, and the supply of the spark are all timed to take
place at either top dead centre (TDC), i.e. when the piston is at its highest point in the cylinder, or
bottom dead centre (BDC), as appropriate (see Fig 3).

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3-2 Fig 3 Theoretical Timing Diagram




st Exhaust
u Valve

Ex Closed

of Rotation



10. In practice, the valve timing is modified to take into account the following facts:

a. There is a limit to the speed at which valves can be made to open and close, beyond which
excessive stresses would be imposed on the valve operating gear.

b. When a valve is almost closed, the flow of gases is minimal.

c. There is an appreciable time between the ignition of the compressed fuel/air mixture, and the
build up to a maximum pressure in the cylinder head.

d. There are two periods during one revolution of the crankshaft when the vertical movement of
the piston is very small. These upper and lower areas of minimal piston movement are known as
the 'ineffective crank angles' and occur at the top and bottom of the stroke (see Fig 4). These
periods are utilized by having both valves open at the same time (valve overlap). This assists the
movement of gases both into and out of the cylinder.

3-2 Fig 4 Ineffective Crank Angles

Crank Angles Area of Minimum
Vertical Piston

Vertical Movement of
Piston Corresponding
to Crankshaft Rotation

Area of Minimum
Vertical Piston

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11. To allow for the factors outlined in para 10, the valve timing is modified with valve lead, lag and
overlap as shown in Fig 5.

3-2 Fig 5 Typical Practical Timing Diagram


Inle e
Val en
Op Valve

n 25 30







Direction Open
of Rotation
Valve V
L a lv lve
Closed (7 ag e Va ad
0° Le 2°)


12. Because aero engines normally drive the propeller directly, they have to operate at much lower
speeds (measured in revolutions per minute (rpm)) than those used in automotive applications. The rpm
range is also much smaller than that in car engines. The ignition timing of a magneto is not fitted with an
advance and retard mechanism. Apart from during the engine starting cycle, the spark is normally fixed
to fire at about 25º before TDC. To compensate for the fixed ignition timing, adjustments have to be
made to the fuel/air mixture to overcome the problems of operating the engine at low rpm.

13. During the engine start-up cycle, the magnetos are revolving slowly and not producing their
normal high voltage. A mechanical system can be used to speed up one of the magnetos so that the
spark intensity is increased, and the timing is retarded to assist ignition. This magneto is called an
impulse magneto and is normally selected 'ON', on its own, during the initial stage of the engine start.
Both magnetos are then selected 'ON' when the engine has fired and picked up speed towards idle.
Some aircraft are fitted with a separate booster coil that is used during the starting sequence to provide
the high voltage. Other alternative electrical systems can be used to provide a series of sparks at the
plugs to aid starting.


14. If an engine was perfectly efficient, all of the heat produced in it would be turned into useful work, and
the problem of cooling would not arise. This is impossible, however, and, in practice, less than 30% of the
heat generated during combustion is converted into mechanical energy. Heat losses in the exhaust
gases account for a further 40%, while the remaining 30% is absorbed by the engine components. If no
steps were taken to extract this heat from the engine, it would cause mechanical deterioration and
breakdown of the oil.

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15. The two methods of cooling an engine are air cooling and liquid cooling. With air cooling, heat is
transferred directly to the air through which the engine moves (Fig 6). Liquid cooling, as used in most
cars, utilizes a fluid circulating continuously between the cylinders and a radiator (see Fig 7). In-line
engines can be either air or water cooled but large radial engines are air cooled. Some common
cylinder layouts are shown at Fig 8.

3-2 Fig 6 Air Cooled Engine

Cooling fins

Crank case

3-2 Fig 7 Liquid Cooled Engine

Header Coolant
Tank Temperature
Air Vent Gauge

Cylinder Block



Drain Tap

3-2 Fig 8 Some Common Cylinder Layouts

a Inverted In-line b Flat Opposed c Radial

(Only Front Cylinder illustrated) (Only Front Cylinders illustrated) Single Row of Cylinders

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Ignition System

16. The aircraft engine ignition system is required to provide a rapid series of sparks of sufficient intensity to
ignite the weakest fuel/air mixtures normally used. The sparks must be correctly timed to coincide with each
compression stroke and arranged to fire each cylinder in the desired sequence. The following paragraphs
describe briefly the main components of a simple ignition system as shown in Fig 9.

3-2 Fig 9 Ignition System Circuit Diagram

Sparking Plugs

and Rotor

17. Sparking Plugs. The sparking plugs provide the air gap which carries the electrical spark to ignite the
fuel/air charge in the cylinder. There are two plugs to each cylinder, each driven by a separate magneto.
Igniting the charge from two points gives more efficient combustion which rapidly produces a high pressure
in the cylinder. It also provides an alternative source of ignition should a sparking plug fail.

18. Magneto. The magneto is a self-contained, engine-driven electrical generator designed to supply
the high voltage to the plugs in sequence, and at a precise time in the compression stroke.

19. Distributor. The distributor is an integral part of each magneto and consists of two parts, a rotor
and a distributor block. The rotor is attached to a distributor gear and rotates at a fixed ratio with
respect to the magneto and crankshaft. As it rotates, it comes opposite to, but does not actually make
contact with, each of a number of electrodes in turn. These electrodes, which are insulated from each
other and from the body of the magneto, are connected by high-tension (HT) ignition cables one to
each of the plug leads. The rotor receives the high voltage from the magneto and passes it, via the
electrodes and HT ignition cables, to the appropriate sparking plug.

System Integrity

20. To guard against engine failure due to a defect in the ignition system, two entirely independent
magnetos, each with an individual set of sparking plugs and HT ignition cables, are fitted to the engine.
The provision of two sparking plugs in each cylinder also ensures more efficient ignition of the charge,
as noted in para 17, and it is for this reason that a small drop in rpm occurs when each magneto is
switched off during the pre-flight engine check.

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21. Liquid fuels will not burn unless they are mixed with air. Carburation is the process by which fuel
is vaporized and mixed with air in the required proportions. For the mixture to burn efficiently in an
engine cylinder, the air/fuel ratio must be kept within a certain range, around 15:1 by weight. The ratio
is expressed in weight because volume varies considerably with temperature and pressure.

22. Carburation is achieved by the use of either a carburettor or fuel injector. Their function is twofold:

a. To supply an atomized, and correctly proportioned, mixture of fuel and air to the engine.

b. To provide a method of limiting the power output by controlling the flow of this mixture.

Manifold Air Pressure

23. The power developed by a piston engine is directly proportional to the weight of the fuel/air mixture
burnt in the cylinders in a given time. As each piston descends in its cylinder during the induction stroke
(Fig 2), the pressure in the cylinder is reduced, thereby drawing in the fuel/air mixture from the induction
manifold (the system of pipes which conducts the fuel/air mixture to the inlet valves). The weight of
fuel/air mixture that enters the cylinder in this period (the 'charge') is dependent on the pressure in the
manifold and the amount of throttle opening. The manifold air pressure (MAP or MP) is shown on a
cockpit gauge, usually calibrated in inches of mercury (in Hg), where 30 inches is approximately the
length of a column of mercury that will be supported by atmospheric pressure at sea level.

24. Supercharging. Because atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, the weight of charge
entering the cylinders for a given throttle setting decreases as the aircraft climbs. To prevent a loss of
power as altitude is gained, it is necessary to maintain the pressure in the manifold by compressing the
incoming air. This can be achieved by using an engine-driven compressor ('supercharging') or by the
use of a turbine driven from the exhaust gases ('turbocharging'). The MAP for a supercharged or
turbocharged engine is referred to as 'boost pressure'.

Detonation and Pre-ignition

25. Under normal conditions, the fuel/air mixture is ignited in the cylinder at the start of the power
stroke. It burns at a steady rate with a flame velocity of about 60 ft per second. Peak pressure in the
cylinder is developed just after top dead centre, and the force on the piston is steady. However,
abnormal conditions can occur and lead to problems known as 'detonation' and 'pre-ignition'.

26. Detonation. When detonation occurs, although combustion begins normally, the temperature of the
unburned part of the mixture is raised so high that it ignites spontaneously. This occurs at an early stage
of the power stroke and the mixture burns with a flame velocity in the region of 1,000 ft per second.

27. Effects of Detonation. When detonation occurs, the cylinder walls and the piston receive a
hammer-like blow. The rate of pressure rise is too early in the power stroke (in the ineffective crank angle
area) for the piston to move downwards, so that much of the chemical energy is wasted as heat. The
subsequent excessive cylinder temperatures can result in burning of the top of the piston and the exhaust
valves. In addition, carbonization of the oil may occur, leading to burning of the piston walls and
vaporization of the oil. Unlike a car engine, where detonation can be clearly heard (the noise is known as
'pinking'), detonation in an aero engine cannot be heard because of propeller and other noises.

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28. Preventing Detonation. The likelihood of detonation occurring can be reduced by the following

a. Always using the correct mixture strength. The greater the amount of fuel for a given amount
of air, the greater the power that can be obtained without detonation.

b. Avoiding anything that raises the temperature or pressure of the mixture before it burns.
Examples of this are the use of carburettor heating at high power settings and using high
manifold/boost pressures at low rpm.

c. Always using the correct grade of fuel.

29. Pre-ignition. Pre-ignition should not be confused with detonation, though it may be an after-effect
of it. If an engine is allowed to become overheated, the temperature of some projections into the
combustion chamber, such as the sparking plug points or a piece of carbon, may rise so much that the
mixture is prematurely ignited during the compression stroke. The engine may also continue to run
after shut down with the ignition switched off, though probably not on all cylinders. With pre-ignition,
there is a loss of power, rough running, and further overheating. Unlike detonation, which usually
diminishes with an increase in rpm, pre-ignition gets worse as the engine speed increases. Pre-
ignition can be avoided by always using the correct mixture setting.


30. When flying in certain conditions of humidity and temperature, ice can quickly build up inside the
carburettor or injector air intakes. To overcome this problem, all piston-engine aircraft are fitted with a
manual or automatic shutter system to blank off entry of the cold air and obtain warm or hot air from
inside the engine cowling. However, it should be noted that the use of hot intake air will reduce engine


31. The primary purpose of lubrication is to reduce friction between moving surfaces. The lubricant is
also used to clean the interior of the engine and to dissipate heat from the moving parts. Pistons and
cylinders are particularly dependent on oil for cooling.

32. The viscosity of a fluid (ie its internal friction or resistance to flow) is temperature dependent.
When oil is cold, it has a high viscosity and flows slowly, thus making circulation extremely difficult.
However, if the oil gets too hot, the viscosity may become so low that the film between the bearing
surfaces breaks down and metal-to-metal contact occurs, resulting in rapid wear and overheating.

Oil Dilution

33. The object of oil dilution is to facilitate the starting of large piston engines in cold weather. A quantity of
fuel is added to the oil to reduce its viscosity. This reduces the torque necessary to rotate the engine. By
improving the flow of the oil, it also helps to ensure that an adequate supply of lubricant is available to all
moving parts immediately after engine starting. When the engine reaches normal operating temperature,
the fuel evaporates and is vented to atmosphere and the oil viscosity returns to normal. If carried out
regularly, irrespective of the atmospheric temperature prevailing, oil dilution helps to minimize the
accumulation of sludge deposits within the engine by flushing them into the oil filters.

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AP3456 - 3-3 - Piston Engine Handling




1. The Aircrew Manual for each type of aircraft specifies certain engine limitations. These limitations
are based on calculations and type tests on the bench. They may subsequently be modified in the light of
service experience and operational requirements. In addition, they may vary for the same type of engine
fitted in different types of aircraft. The limitations are designed to secure an adequate margin of safety
against immediate breakdown and give the engine a reasonable life. Proper handling throughout the life
of an engine will improve reliability towards the end of the period between overhauls and will also improve
the chance of the engine standing up to operational overloads.

2. With all engines, large and small, optimum reliability and long trouble-free life are assured by restricting
the use of high power settings as much as possible. During take-off, the aim should be to use the maximum
power setting for the shortest duration, and to reduce the power setting as soon as it is safe to do so. On
lightly loaded aircraft, it may not be necessary to use the maximum power setting if reference to the Aircrew
Manual/Operating Data Manual shows that, for particular conditions of weight, weather and available take-off
run, the take-off can be safely performed at a reduced power setting. Similarly, the climb should be made at
less than the intermediate power permitted, provided that overheating does not result and an acceptable rate
of climb can be maintained.

Engine Limitations

3. The stresses on engine components are increased at high rpm, giving rise to increased wear.
Consequently, maximum rpm limitations are usually imposed. Table 1 is an example of an engine
limitations table, typical of that found in Aircrew Manuals. It shows the principle limitations associated
with each of the main power conditions. If the specified engine limitations are exceeded, or extended
beyond the time permitted, a report must be made after landing.

Table 1 Typical Engine Limitations Table

Power Rating Time Limit rpm Temp °C

Take-off and Operational Necessity 5 min 2800 270 90
Intermediate 1 hour 2400 260 90
Max Continuous - 2400 260 80
Max Overspeed 20 secs 3000 - -
Oil pressure:
a. 62 to 75 kPa (90 to 110 psi) at 80 ºC and max continuous power.
b. Flight minimum: 55 kPa (80 psi).
Oil temperature: Minimum for take off: +15 ºC.
Cylinder temperature: Maximum for stopping the engine: 210 ºC.

4. High cylinder temperatures lead to a breakdown in cylinder wall lubrication, excessive gas
temperatures and distortion. High oil temperatures cause failure of cylinder and bearing lubrication.
Accordingly, maximum cylinder head and oil temperature limitations are also imposed for the main
power conditions.

5. Shortage of oil, or a defect in the lubrication system, may result in inadequate lubrication and
bearing failure. A minimum oil pressure limitation is therefore included.

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Considerations for Imposing Engine Limitations

6. The engine limitations table (Table 1) may specify minimum oil and/or cylinder head temperatures
(CHT), which must be achieved before applying full power (ie before take-off). These minimum
temperatures ensure proper circulation of the oil and prevent damage to the engine caused by rapid
and uneven heating or excessive oil pressure.

7. A maximum CHT for take-off is given for air-cooled engines to ensure that the high power used at
take-off will not cause damage to the engine by overheating.

8. When an engine is shut down after flight, its temperature may rise by a considerable amount
before it starts to fall. This is particularly true of air-cooled engines. Consequently, a maximum
CHT at which the engine can be shut down after flight is imposed. This prevents damage to the
cylinder cooling fins caused by rapid and uneven cooling, and also ensures that the HT ignition
leads do not become overheated. After flight, all engines should be run at, or a little above, the
warming-up rpm whilst confirming that the CHT is below the maximum for shut-down. This should
ensure even cooling and leave an adequate film of oil on the cylinder walls.

9. A diving rpm limitation is imposed on engines having a fixed pitch propeller where the normal
maximum rpm may be exceeded in a dive. The diving overspeed limit is usually allowed only for a
period of up to 20 seconds; however, the Aircrew Manual must be consulted for any limitations.

Lubrication System Faults

10. Serious damage will occur quickly through overheating or failure of the lubrication system; therefore,
the limitations should be strictly observed. Frequent checks should be made of the oil temperature and
pressure, and the power should be adjusted when necessary to keep them within limits.

11. Variations in Oil Pressure. On many in-line engines, under normal conditions, the oil pressure
tends to vary through a considerable range, increasing with rpm but decreasing with rising
temperature. Older engines tend to run at lower pressures as the bearing clearances increase with
wear. The minimum oil pressure limitation stated is, however, the lowest at which satisfactory
lubrication is obtained. When the Aircrew Manual specifies 'normal oil pressure', this is for guidance
only and is not necessarily representative of all engines of the same type.

12. Warning of Impending Failure. The first indication that a fault is developing in an engine, which
has previously been running at normal oil temperatures and pressures, may be a fairly abrupt drop in
oil pressure, or a rapid rise in oil temperature. Therefore, depending on the circumstances, with a
single-engine aircraft a precautionary landing should be made as soon as possible if a sudden change
in these parameters is indicated.

13. Ground Check. When checking the engine before take-off, if the oil pressure is apparently lower
than that normally experienced under comparable conditions, a defect should be suspected.


Precautions Before Starting and Testing

14. Before starting the engine, the following general points should be observed (the Aircrew Manual
will give specific instructions for any particular engine).

a. If practicable, the aircraft should be facing into wind to ensure the best possible cooling.

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b. Other aircraft (or anything else likely to be damaged) should not be in the path of the
propeller slipstream.

c. The aircraft should not be on dusty or stony ground. Propeller slipstreams can pick up loose
particles, and damage may be caused to the airframe and propellers.

d. Chocks should be positioned in front of the main wheels and the parking brake selected 'ON'.

e. All of the ignition switches must be 'OFF'.

f. If the aircraft has been standing for some time, the engine should be turned over, preferably by
hand, through two revolutions of the propeller to break down any oil film which may have formed.

g. With inverted or radial engines, the propeller must be turned by hand through at least two
complete revolutions to prevent damage by hydraulic lock caused by oil or fuel draining into
cylinder heads. If hydraulic lock is indicated (by a resistance to rotation), the plugs should be
removed from the inverted/lower cylinders, which should then be allowed to drain.

h. All fuel cocks and engine controls should be set to the positions specified in the Aircrew Manual.

i. Ground fire extinguishers should be positioned and manned.

15. The ignition should never be switched on until the engine is ready to be started. The engine fuel
system must be primed ready for start by means of the priming pump. This can be either electrical or
mechanical. In either case, the priming should be carried out in accordance with the instructions
specified in the Aircrew Manual. If necessary, priming may be continued while the engine is turning,
and until it is running smoothly. If the engine fails to start, and over-richness is suspected, the engine
may be cleared by:

a. Switching off the ignition.

b. Turning off the fuel.

c. Opening the throttle and having the propeller turned (by hand or mechanically) through
several revolutions.

d. The throttle lever should never be 'pumped', either before or after an engine has been
started, as with many types of carburettor this will cause an unpredictable excess of fuel to be
delivered to the induction system by the accelerator pump. If the engine is running, this will cause
an excessively rich or uneven mixture, irrespective of the type of carburettor. This could lead to a
rich cut (the engine stops because excessive fuel will not burn in the cylinder) or an induction fire,
and also subjects the engine to undesirable fluctuations of internal loading.

Starting by Propeller Swinging

16. Small engines may be hand-started as follows:

a. Ensure that the wheels are correctly chocked.

b. Check ignition switches are 'OFF'.

c. Prime the cylinders as instructed for the type.

d. If an engine has not been run for some time, or it is cold, it may be necessary to have it hand-
cranked, or the propeller hand-swung for one or two revolutions, with the ignition 'OFF' and the
throttle closed (or nearly closed). This ensures that the induction system, and as many cylinders
as possible, contain fuel vapour.

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e. Switch on the ignition, and have the propeller hand-swung, or hand-cranked, smartly until the
engine starts.

f. If the engine fails to start after a few turns, over-richness is the most probable cause.
Therefore, switch off the ignition and the fuel, open the throttle fully and have the engine turned
through several revolutions to clear the cylinders of fuel. Then turn on the fuel, close the throttle,
and proceed as in sub-paras c and e.

17. There is always a possibility that, owing to a fault in the ignition system, a piston engine may fire
when being rotated by hand, even with the ignition 'OFF'. Therefore, whenever hand-turning a
propeller, the ground crew should stand in a safe position, and treat the propeller as if expecting the
engine to fire.

Direct-cranking Electric Starters

18. The direct-cranking electric starter, together with its reduction gear, is normally an integral part of
the engine. To start the engine, the ignition is switched on, and the starter push-button pressed
until the engine fires.

19. Failure to Start. To avoid overheat damage to the starter motor, it should never be operated
continuously for more that 30 seconds. If an engine fails to start, a pause of 30 seconds should elapse
to allow the starter motor to cool before a further attempt is made. If three abortive attempts have
been carried out, the starter motor must be allowed to cool for 10 to 15 minutes before any further
attempts are made.

Starting in Cold Weather

20. In very cold weather, engines which have been cold for long enough for the oil temperature to fall
below 0 ºC may prove difficult to start because:

a. The oil thickens, producing high internal resistance to the starter motor, thus reducing the
cranking speed.

b. The fuel does not vaporize readily to provide a suitable combustion mixture.

21. To overcome the problem of thick oil, oil dilution (see Volume 3, Chapter 2) may be used to make
the engine easier to turn, and to ensure an immediate flow of oil to all moving parts. With poor fuel
vaporization, considerably more priming is required than under temperate conditions.

Starting a Warm or Hot Engine

22. The main reason why a hot engine fails to start is over-priming. The starting drill for an engine that has
been recently run, or just shut down, must therefore be modified to reduce the amount of priming, or even
dispense with it completely. The degree of priming required will depend on the ambient temperature, and the
length of time the engine has been stationary. There is also a serious risk of fire developing if a hot engine is

Warming Up

23. Engine oil pressure should be monitored for the first 30 seconds after start-up. When normal oil
pressure is indicated, the throttle should be opened gradually until the engine is running at the speed
recommended in the Aircrew Manual, generally 1,000 to 1,200 rpm. The engine should be warmed up

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at this speed until the prescribed temperature and pressures have been reached. Note: If normal oil
pressure is not reached within the first 30 seconds, the engine should be shut down.

Testing After Starting

24. Once the engine has been warmed up, it can be exercised and tested as required in the Aircrew
Manual. The following tests are applicable to most piston engines. Any differences from these
procedures will be specified in the Aircrew Manual.

25. The checks described in paras 27 to 29 will determine if the engine is running correctly and, at the
same time, ensure that ground running at high power settings, which is damaging to any engine, is
kept to a minimum.

26. As a general rule, ground testing should not be carried out with the carburettor air intake in the hot
position, unless heavy throttle icing is being experienced. If an intake filter is fitted, it should be set to
the 'filter' position.

27. During the run-up period, the charging rate of the generator should be checked, together with the
rpm at which it cuts in. The vacuum pump suction and change-over cock, if fitted, should be checked.
Temperatures and pressures should be monitored throughout the run-up to ensure that the
instruments are working, and that the limitations are not being exceeded.

28. At warming-up rpm, test each magneto in turn by selecting it 'OFF'. If the engine stops during this
procedure (known as a 'dead cut'), then the magneto which is selected 'ON' is not functioning, i.e. it is
'dead'. Both magnetos should also be switched off together to ensure that neither is live when
switched off.

29. Test each magneto in turn at the reference rpm. If there is marked vibration, rough running or a
drop of rpm outside limits, the engine is unserviceable.



30. Care must be taken to avoid overheating the engine while taxiing. The throttle should be used as
little as possible and set to a position which gives a safe speed.

31. The rpm lever (if fitted) should be in the take-off (high rpm) position to obtain the best cooling
airflow over the engine and provide the most tractive effort. The engine rpm should be at or above the
warming-up figure whilst taxiing. The use of low rpm on the ground should be kept to a minimum, as
many engine configurations tend to overheat.

Use of Intake Filters and Heat Controls

32. Intake filters and heat controls should be set as specified in the Aircrew Manual. Intake filters
should always be used when operating in dust-laden zones

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33. If the engine is not run up immediately before take-off, air-cooled engines should be 'cleared' by
opening the throttle to the maximum power that can be held on the brakes. This is to clear any carbon
deposits from the plugs and/or to remove excess fuel from the inlet manifold.

34. When starting the take-off run, the throttle should be opened steadily up to the required power.
The aim is to obtain full power in the shortest time consistent with controlling the aircraft and avoiding
'slam accelerations'.


35. On most supercharged engines, the rpm is maintained at the value set by the pilot until the full
throttle height is reached. If the climb is continued above this height, the rpm will reduce progressively.

General Handling

36. The throttle lever should always be moved slowly and evenly to avoid undesirable strain on the

37. Clearing the Engine in Flight. When cruising at low power, it is advisable to clear engines at
regular intervals by opening up to not less than intermediate power and moving the engine rpm control
from cruise setting to maximum several times. Clearing in this manner should be carried out once per
hour (or more frequently, depending on the circumstances) or as specified in the Aircrew Manual.

38. Rejoining the Circuit. Before entering the circuit at the conclusion of a flight, engines should be
cleared as recommended in para 37. This will minimize plug fouling and ensure that full power will be
available if required. This is especially necessary if the engines have been running for a long time at very low
power in cold weather.

39. Ignition Checks in Flight. If the pilot has reason to suspect the ignition system, a precautionary
landing as soon as practicable is recommended. An ignition check in flight is not recommended. If
one magneto has failed completely, the otherwise serviceable sparking plugs from the other magneto
may become wetted with fuel and not function correctly. There is also a risk of blowback and damage
to the engine when the ignition is switched on again.

Effects of Low and Negative g

40. In engines with injected fuel, flooding and starvation are unlikely to occur through the effects of
low or negative 'g' (where 'low' means less than 1). However, the effect on the oil system may lead to
starvation and the engine must not be allowed to run with less than the minimum oil pressure specified
in the Aircrew Manual.

41. When an aircraft is suddenly put into a dive, or is subjected to certain aerobatics or inverted flying, fuel
moves to the top of the tanks. In float-type carburettors, flooding first takes place and a rich cut is
experienced, followed by a weak cut if negative 'g' is sustained. The engine will cut less readily and recover
more quickly with the throttle well open, but the pilot must close the throttle before power begins to return to
avoid an excessive power surge/rpm over swing.

Engine Temperature

42. The importance of monitoring cylinder head and oil temperatures, and keeping them within limits,
cannot be emphasized too strongly.

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43. Climbing with a weak mixture selected may lead to high engine temperatures. However, by flying
the aircraft at some 10 to 15 knots faster than the recommended IAS for the climb, the temperature of
all types of piston engines can be reduced, without seriously affecting the rate of climb.

44. 'Coring' occurs when the engine oil congeals and restricts the flow through the oil cooler. It can
happen in some oil coolers at low air temperatures. Coring should be suspected if there is a sudden
rise in oil temperature, which is not accompanied by a corresponding rise in cylinder head
temperatures. The remedy is to increase rpm as soon as the situation is identified. If, however,
coring is well advanced, and the oil temperature still remains high, the airflow through the cooler
needs to be reduced without reducing power. This can be achieved by lowering the flaps to reduce
the airspeed. A descent to a level where the air temperature is higher is then advisable.

45. Generally, the engine should not be allowed to get cold or it may not readily respond when required.
During descent, the engine may be kept warm by diving moderately with the throttle well open, rather than
by gliding with the throttle closed. In a long glide, the throttle should be opened at intervals.

Stopping the Engine

46. The correct method of running-down and stopping an engine is just as important as the correct
starting and running-up procedures. Use of the correct procedure ensures that an engine is cooled
down in the best way, and that it is left in the most serviceable condition for future starting.

47. Duration of Run-down. The engine should be cooled by idling at the rpm specified in the
Aircrew Manual (this is usually between 800 and 1,200 rpm). The idling period varies with the type of
engine, but is normally one to two minutes, or until the CHT falls to the recommended value before
shutting down, whichever is the longer. Idling at the recommended rpm allows the scavenge pump to
remove the surplus oil from the crankcase, thus reducing the danger of a hydraulic lock when starting
up. Very low idling rpm should be avoided as it may cause fouling of the plugs. During this idling
period the magnetos should be tested again for a dead cut.

48. Effect of Excessive Temperature. If a hot engine is shut down too rapidly, uneven cooling will
result. This may cause damage to the cylinder block and distortion of the cylinders or cooling fins. On
reaching the dispersal, the aircraft should be parked into wind, to ensure even and gentle cooling.

49. Suspect Engine. If after flight, for any reason, the serviceability of the engine is in doubt, the run-up
checks should be carried out. These checks are not normally necessary, but, if a fault is suspected, it is
better discovered when stopping an engine after flight than when starting it before flight.

50. Stopping the Engine. To stop an engine, close the throttle and operate either the slow running
cut-out or fuel cut-out, or set the mixture control to lean. After the engine has stopped, switch off the
ignition and turn off the fuel. Any additional instructions for stopping the engine are specified in the
Aircrew Manual.

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AP3456 - 3-4 - Gas Turbine Theory



1. On the 16th January 1930, Sir Frank Whittle filed British patent no 347 206 for the first practical
turbojet (Fig 1).

3-4 Fig 1 Drawing of Whittle Patent

Centrigugal Fuel Injector


Two Stage
Axial Compressor


Connecting Shaft
Combustion Nozzle
Chamber Ring

Although differing from his first experimental engine, WU (Whittle Unit), the layout shown in Fig 1 can
be easily recognised as the basic arrangement of the modern gas turbine, particularly the use of an
axial/centrifugal compressor arrangement which is used quite extensively in small gas turbine and
helicopter turboshaft engines. Despite Whittle’s work, the first jet engine powered aircraft to fly was the
Heinkel HE178 in 1939. This was followed a year later by the jet powered Camproni Campini, the
engine of which used a piston engine instead of a turbine to drive the compressor. Britain’s first
successful jet powered aircraft, the Gloster E28/39 flew in 1941, powered by Whittle’s W1 engine.

2. Developments led to the W2B (Fig 2) which, after further work by Rolls Royce, went into
production as the Welland 1 turbojet, with a design thrust of 7 kilo-newtons (kN). This powered the
Meteor Mk1 aircraft. It is interesting to note that, in March 1936, Whittle filed patent no 471 368 for a
turbofan engine design.

3-4 Fig 2 Whittle Engine W2B

Inlet Guide Fuel Inlet

Single Stage

Double Sided
Compressor Connecting Reverse Flow
Shaft Combustion

Working Cycle

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3. A gas turbine is essentially a heat engine using air as a fluid to produce thrust. The working cycle
of the gas turbine is similar to that of a piston engine and both engine cycles have induction,
compression, combustion and exhaust phases (Fig 3). However a gas turbine is able to deal with
much larger amounts of energy for a given size and weight, and it has the added advantage that the
mechanical motion is continuous and entirely rotational, whereas the piston engine uses an intermittent
reciprocating motion which is converted to rotary motion by means of cranks. In consequence, the gas
turbine runs more smoothly.

3-4 Fig 3 Working Cycle

4. The gas turbine cycle can be represented by a temperature/entropy (T-S) diagram (entropy is a
measure of disorder; the greater the entropy or degree of disorder in the gas, the less work can be extracted
from it). Referring to Fig 4, Point 1 represents the entry to the compressor; the air undergoes adiabatic
compression along the line 1-2. Heat is added to the air in the form of burning fuel which causes constant
pressure heating along the line 2-3. Adiabatic expansion through the turbines, line 3-4, extracts energy from
the gas stream to drive the compressor and possibly a propeller, fan or rotor system. The remainder of the
gas stream is discharged through the exhaust system to provide thrust, line 4-1.

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3-4 Fig 4 Gas Turbine T-S Diagram


2 4 Pressure



5. As the gas turbine engine is reliant upon heat to expand the gases, the higher the temperature in
the combustion phase the greater the expansion of the gases. However, the combustion temperature
has to be limited to a level that can be safely accepted by the materials used in the turbine and exhaust
components. Fig 5 shows the gas flow through a typical gas turbine and also gives representative
values for temperature, gas velocities, and pressures.

3-4 Fig 5 Typical Gas Flow through a Gas Turbine



Deg C m/s kPa

3000 914 1034 TOTAL PRESSURE
2500 762 862
Flame temperature
2000 610 690
1500 457 517
1000 305 345 AXIAL VELOCITY
500 152 172
0 0 0


Thrust Distribution

6. The thrust forces within a gas turbine result from pressure and momentum changes of the gas
stream, passing through the engine, reacting on the engine structure and rotating components. The
various forces either react forward or rearward, and the amount by which the forward forces exceed
the rearward forces is the rated thrust of the engine. The diagram in Fig 6 illustrates the various
forward and rearward forces in a typical turbojet engine.

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3-4 Fig 6 Thrust Distribution of a Typical Turbojet

Forward Gas Load 259.96 kN Rearward Gas Load −207.63 kN

Total Thrust 50.33 kN

84.73 kN
11.75 kN
150.72 kN −182.78 kN − 24.85 kN

10.76 kN

Diffuser Turbine
Combustion Exhaust Unit
Chamber and Jet Pipe

7. The distribution of thrust forces shown in Fig 6 can be derived by considering the conditions at each
section of the engine in turn. However, it is more useful to calculate the thrust over the whole engine.

8. The force of gravity provides an acceleration force of 9.81 metres per second per second (32.2
feet per second per second) to all bodies near the surface of the Earth. This acceleration is
independent of the mass of the body. However, mass and weight are often confused. Mass is the
amount of matter in a body whereas the weight of a specified mass will depend upon the force of
gravity exerted upon it such that:

Weight = Mass of Object ×Acceleration due to gravity

The majority of thrust from an engine results from the momentum change of the gas stream. This is
termed 'momentum thrust':

Momentum Thrust = =M×V

Where: W = Weight of Air in kilograms (kg).

M = Mass Flow of Air in kilograms per second (kg/s).
V = Velocity of Gas Stream in metres per second (m/s).
g = Acceleration due to gravity in metres per second per second (m/s/s).

An additional thrust is produced when the propelling nozzle becomes 'choked' (see Volume 3,
Chapter 9, Para 6). This thrust is a result of aerodynamic forces created by the gas stream which in
turn exert a pressure difference across the exit of the propelling nozzle, and this action produces
'pressure thrust':

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Pressure Thrust = A × (Pe – Po)

Where A = Area of Propelling Nozzle in square metres (m2).

Po = Atmospheric Pressure in kilo pascals (kPa).
Pe = Exit Pressure from Propelling Nozzle in kPa.

The concept of momentum and pressure thrust give rise to the full thrust equation:

Thrust (in kilo newtons (kN)) = (M × Vj) – (M ×Vo) + (Ae × (Pe – Po))  (Ai × (P1 – Po))

Where M = Mass Flow of Air in kg/s

Vj = Final Velocity of Gas Stream in m/s
Vo = Initial Velocity of Gas Stream in m/s
Ae = Area of Propelling Nozzle in m2
Ai = Area of Intake in m2
Pe = Exit Pressure from Propelling Nozzle in kPa
Po = Atmospheric Pressure in kPa
P1 = Engine Inlet Pressure in kPa

If we calculate the thrust at sea level static (SLS) conditions, the above equation can be simplified as

Thrust (kN) = (M × Vj) + (Ae × (Pe – Po))

since Vo = 0
P1 = Po.

9. To illustrate the calculation of thrust, using data from the calculations used to derive the values in Fig 6:

Propelling Nozzle Outlet:

Area (Ae) = 0.2150 m2

Pressure (Pe) = 143.325 kPa
Pressure (Po) = 101.325 kPa (ISA)
Mass Flow (M) = 70 kg/s
Velocity (Vj) = 590 m/s

Thrust (kN) = 70 × 590 + (0.215 × (143325  101325))

= 50.33 kN

This is the sum of the individual values in Fig 6.

10. By fitting an afterburner to the engine, the thrust can be greatly increased. The afterburner
achieves this by burning fuel in the jet pipe, reheating the gas stream thus increasing its volume. This
in turn will provide a greater exit velocity at the propelling nozzle.

11. The effect of afterburning upon thrust can be readily seen if we replace the propelling nozzle
parameters from the previous calculation with data for an afterburner, jet pipe, and nozzle. The recalculation
shows a significant thrust increase. However, by employing afterburning the fuel flow will also increase

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12. The parameters of the afterburning nozzle are as follows:

Afterburner Propelling Nozzle Outlet:

Area (Ae) = 0.2900 m2

Pressure (Pe) = 136.325 kPa
Pressure (Po) = 101.325 kPa (ISA)
Mass Flow (M) = 70 kg/s
Velocity (Vj) = 740 m/s

Thrust (kN) = 70 × 740 + (0.29 × (136325 – 101325))

= 61.950 kN

It can be seen that the increase in thrust is 11.62 kN or 23%. This increase is small compared to
modern by-pass engines with afterburning which have thrust increases in the order of 80%. However,
the use of this increased thrust results in a disproportionately high increase in fuel consumption.


13. The designed performance of an aircraft engine is dictated by the type of operations for which the
aircraft is intended. Although turbojet engines are rated in accordance with their thrust force in kN and
turbo-propeller engines in accordance with their power in kilo-watts (kW), both types are assessed on
the power produced for a given weight, fuel consumption and frontal area.

14. Since the thrust or shaft power developed by the gas turbine is dependent on the mass of air
entering the engine, it follows that the performance of the engine is influenced by such variables as
forward speed, altitude, and climatic conditions. The efficiency of the intake, compressor, turbine, and
nozzle are directly affected by these variables with a consequent variation in thrust or shaft power
produced from the gas stream.

15. To maximize range and fuel economy, the ratio fuel consumption to thrust or shaft power should be
as low as possible. The ratio of fuel used in kg/hour per kN thrust, or kW of shaft power, is known as the
specific fuel consumption (SFC). This is related to the thermal and propulsive efficiency of the engine.

16. Comparison Between Thrust kN (Force) and Shaft Power kW (Power). Because the turbojet
engine is rated in thrust and the turboprop engine is rated in equivalent shaft power, no direct
comparison can be made without the use of power conversion factors. Factors converting the shaft
power developed into thrust, or the thrust developed in the turbojet to shaft power may be used, thus,
converting power to force or force to power.

17. In the SI system of units 1 watt (W) = 1 newton metre per second (Nm/s) so the conversion of thrust
to power requires the aircraft velocity, in m/s, to be taken into account. For an aircraft travelling at 150
m/s (approx 290 kt), and the engine producing 40 kN, the thrust to power conversion is:

40,000 × 150 = 6,000,000 = 6,000 kW

Now, for a turboprop engine powering an aircraft at the same velocity, 150 m/s, with a propeller
efficiency of 60%, and producing 6,000 kW the engine rating will be:

6,000 × 100/60 = 10,000 kW

Therefore, in an aircraft travelling at 150 m/s 1 kN of thrust = 250 kW of power.

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18. Effect of Engine RPM on Gas Turbine Performance. At minimum engine rpm, below which the
engine will not be self-sustaining, all the available power is absorbed by the turbine in order to drive the
compressor. It is not until high engine rpm is reached that the output becomes significant (Fig 7). The
conversion of fuel energy into gas energy is poor at low rpm, but improves rapidly to become most
efficient between 90% and100% rpm.

3-4 Fig 7 Effect of Engine RPM on Thrust


Engine rpm

19. Effect of Airspeed on Gas Turbine Performance. From the formula for thrust (para 8), it can be
seen that thrust will vary with airspeed:

Momentum Thrust = M × (Vje – Va)

Where M = Mass Air Flow

Vje = Gas Exit Velocity
Va = Gas Inlet Velocity

If the ram effect is discounted, any increase in Va because of airspeed will result in a corresponding fall
in thrust (Fig 8). However, for most fixed wing aircraft, the intake geometry is designed to take full
advantage of the ram effect, and therefore as forward speed increases so will the mass flow of air
inducted into the engine intake. The ram effect becomes apparent at about 300 kt, and it increases as
airspeed increases until, at about 500 kt, the static thrust loss is fully recovered. The thrust then
continues to increase for a time, but eventually tends towards zero as the Va approaches the effective
jet velocity (Vje). The effect of increasing airspeed limits the use of a turbojet to Mach numbers of the
order of 3.0. This limit can be extended slightly by afterburning which increases the value of Vje.

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3-4 Fig 8 Effect of Airspeed on Thrust

Thrust with
Ram Effect

Thrust at Constant Altitude

Thrust without
Intake Ram

500 kt TAS

1 2 3
Mach Number

20. At zero airspeed, the overall efficiency is zero since no propulsive power is generated (overall efficiency
is the ratio Work Produced: Fuel Used). The overall efficiency increases rapidly with airspeed, although the
thermal efficiency suffers because of the increased temperature of the air entering the engine (Thermal
efficiency is the ratio Work Transfer from Engine: Heat Transfer to Engine). However, as the thrust falls off
rapidly above about Mach 2, a corresponding fall in overall efficiency takes place (Fig 9).

3-4 Fig 9 Effect of Airspeed on Overall Engine Efficiency

Overall Engine Efficiency ηο


21. Effect of Altitude on Gas Turbine Performance. As altitude increases, thrust decreases because
of reducing air density (Fig 10). However, there is a slight compensating effect due to decreasing air
temperature with increasing altitude, therefore increasing overall efficiency.

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AP3456 - 3-4 - Gas Turbine Theory

3-4 Fig 10 Effect of Altitude on Thrust

100 Airspeed


% Thrust


0 10 20 30 40
Altitude (×1000 ft)

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AP3456 - 3-5 - Intakes



1. Because of its design and principle of operation, the gas turbine needs a large amount of air for it
to operate efficiently. The intake should provide this air as efficiently as possible with the minimum
pressure loss. The ideal intake should:

a. Provide the engine with the amount of air which it demands.

b. Provide the air over the full range of Mach numbers and engine throttle settings.

c. Provide the air at all operating altitudes.

d. Provide the air evenly distributed over the compressor face.

e. Accelerate or decelerate the air so that it arrives at the compressor face at the required
velocity (normally about M0.5 (160-220 m/s)).

f. Provide optimum initial air compression to augment compressor pressure rise.

g. Minimize external drag.

2. The intake effectiveness is expressed in terms of pressure recovery (Fig 1), defined as the ratio of
the mean total pressure across the engine face (Pt1) to the freestream total pressure (Pt0). This is
always less than unity (Pt1/Pt0 < 1), though great efforts are made to minimize total pressure losses
which arise through surface friction, the intake shock-wave system, and shock-wave boundary layer

3-5 Fig 1 Pressure Recovery

Engine Face
Ambient = P Pt1 Pressure = Pt1
Pressure Recovery

Airflow Through Ducts

3. Before considering intakes in any more detail, the behaviour of airflow through a duct, and the
consequent affect the cross sectional area has on the pressure, temperature, and velocity need to be

4. With steady continuous airflow through a duct, the mass flow rate at any cross section must be
the same, i.e. m = ρAV. It follows therefore that at a minimum cross sectional area the velocity is
highest, and at a maximum cross sectional area the velocity is lowest.

5. Because of the change in velocity there is also an effect on the pressure and temperature of the
airflow at these points. Where the velocity is highest the static temperature and pressure are lowest,
and where the velocity is lowest the static temperature and pressure are highest (Fig 2).

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3-5 Fig 2 Airflow Through a Duct

Velocity - Increase
Static Temperature - Decrease
Static Pressure - Decrease

Velocity - Constant
Static Temperature - Constant
Static Pressure - Constant

Velocity - Decrease
Static Temperature - Increase
Static Pressure - Increase

6. The above paragraph can be expressed using a modified version of Bernoulli’s equation,
representing the total pressure of the airflow. The first term (pressure) is often referred to as the static
pressure, and is the pressure of the surrounding air, whereas the second term (½ρV2) is referred to as
the dynamic pressure and represents the kinetic energy of the airflow.

P + ½ρV2 = Constant

Where P = Static Pressure

ρ = Density
V = Velocity

and the Pressure law :

= Constant

Where P = Static Pressure

T = Temperature

so that at constant density, any increase in velocity will cause a decrease in static pressure, and be
accompanied by a decrease in static temperature. Conversely, any decrease in velocity will cause an
increase in static pressure, and therefore an increase in static temperature (see Fig 2).

7. This relationship holds for airflows below the speed of sound (Mach 1). As the airflow approaches
M1.0, the density of the air decreases dramatically so that an increase in the duct cross sectional area
causes an increase in velocity. (Note: at low speeds air density also decreases as velocity increases,
but the effect is not very significant.)



8. In operation, the subsonic intake captures the required air mass flow and delivers it to the engine
compressor at the correct speed. This is achieved by converting the dynamic pressure of the airflow to
static pressure using a divergent duct or diffuser. This method is used by all subsonic fixed wing
aircraft using a ‘pitot’ intake (Fig 3). The pitot intake has thick, well-rounded lips to prevent flow
separation, particularly during yawing manoeuvres. Proper design enables high intake efficiency over
a wide operating range.

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3-5 Fig 3 Subsonic 'Pitot' Intake

Rounded Divergent
Lips Duct

M > 0.5
M = 0.5

9. Helicopters and engine test facilities use a bellmouth or nozzle intake (Fig 4) which has the
opposite effect and will accelerate the airflow as the 'flight' speed will be below M0.5.

3-5 Fig 4 Bellmouth Intake

M < 0.5

M = 0.5

Boundary Layer Effects

10. Fuselage boundary layer air is a slow moving region containing little kinetic energy that must not
be allowed to enter the compressor as it may cause compressor stall. There are three widely used
methods to avoid this:

a. Diverter. By setting the intake a few centimetres from the fuselage and using ramps and
ducts to divert the boundary layer air away from the intake (Fig 5a).

3-5 Fig 5 Methods of Avoiding Boundary Layer Intake Interference

3-5 Fig 5a Diverter (Plan View)

b. Fence. This device prevents the boundary layer from entering the intake by 'fencing off' the
intake region from the fuselage (Fig 5b).

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3-5 Fig 5b Fence (Plan View)

Boundary Layer Fuselage

c. Bleed. In this method the boundary layer air is bled away to a low-pressure region using
perforations or slots inside the intake (Fig 5c).

3-5 Fig 5c Bleed (Plan View)

Boundary Layer


Intake Operation

11. Subsonic intakes are designed to operate most efficiently at the aircraft design cruising speed. In
subsonic operation, ambient air will be affected by a pressure wave in front of the intake. The air
diffuses in preparation for entry into the intake at a lower velocity, according to the mass flow continuity
equation (para 4). The effectiveness of the intake can be expressed as a ratio between the cross
sectional area of the free stream volume of air entering the intake (the capture stream-tube) to that of
the intake entry plane (Fig 6). This is termed the Capture Area Ratio, and the intake operates under
three basic conditions, critical, sub-critical, and super-critical.

3-5 Fig 6 Capture Area Ratio


A0 A1 <1

Pre-entry Diffusion

12. Critical Operation. An intake is said to be in the critical condition when the capture ratio is unity
(Fig 7). Critical operation should occur at the aircraft design cruising speed, however, in practice most
intakes are designed to be just sub-critical at cruise conditions.

3-5 Fig 7 Critical Intake Conditions


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13. Sub-critical Operations. This situation occurs when the engine requires less air than the intake
is delivering. When this happens a back pressure will be felt in front of the intake causing the excess
air to spill over the cowl, thereby matching intake delivery to engine demand (Fig 8). Sub-critical
operation is undesirable because it gives rise to high drag forces.

3-5 Fig 8 Sub-critical Operation


14. Super-critical Operation. Super-critical operation occurs when the engine demands more air
than the intake can deliver (Fig 9). The suction created causes the boundary layer to separate inside
the intake and could starve the engine of air. This condition is caused by a combination of high engine
rpm and low flight speed. During take-off, severe super-critical operation occurs and to overcome the
problem aircraft are fitted with auxiliary intake doors to increase the effective cross sectional area of
the intake. These doors are often spring-loaded and are 'sucked-in' when compressor demand
exceeds intake delivery.

3-5 Fig 9 Super-critical Operation

A1 > 1

Intake Location

15. The positioning of the intakes are influenced by the location of the engines and aircraft design, which
can mean that aircraft handling in flight will dramatically affect the airflow into the intake (Fig 10).

3-5 Fig 10 Effect of Aircraft Handling in Flight

High angles of yaw cause blanking of intake

therefore reduced mass airflow to affected intake

High angles of attack cause reduction in effective

cross section of intake therefore reduces mass airflow

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AP3456 - 3-5 - Intakes


Shock Waves

16. Before considering supersonic intakes, a brief description of shock waves and their effect on air
pressure is given. At supersonic speed the intake still has to produce air at about M0.5 at the
compressor face, requiring the air to be decelerated which will cause the formation of shock waves.
There are essentially two types of shock wave, a normal shock which is perpendicular to the air-flow,
and an oblique shock which, as the name implies, is created at an angle to the air-flow. Both types of
shock wave decelerate the air flow but the pressure loss which occurs when supersonic flow is
decelerated to subsonic speed across a normal shock wave is greater than the loss occurring when
flow is decelerated across an oblique shock wave to a lower supersonic speed. A combination of the
two shock wave formations are usually employed to achieve the desired effect.

Types of Intake for Supersonic Flight

17. There are several different supersonic intake concepts, however, two - the pitot and external
compression type, are currently used for the majority of supersonic aircraft.

a. Pitot Type. This type uses a single normal shock across the intake lips and is suitable for
maximum supersonic operating speeds of up to about Mach 1.5.

b. External Compression. This uses a combination of oblique shocks outside the intake and a
normal shock at the duct entrance. This type of intake is used on aircraft with maximum operating
speeds in excess of Mach 2.

18. Pitot Intake. At supersonic speed the pitot intake forms a normal shock wave at the intake lip
(Fig 11). The Mach number of the airstream is instantaneously reduced below unity through the shock,
the intake then acts as a subsonic diffuser. However, as the normal shock is very strong, there is a sharp
loss of total pressure across it, and so the pressure recovery is poor. At Mach 2, the pressure recovery of
the pitot intake is only some 70%, compared with as high a figure as 97% for more efficient multi-shock
intakes. As the Mach number drops across the shock a static pressure rise occurs, causing the intake to
act as a compressor, contributing some thrust to the power plant. The pitot intake is used on some
aircraft with supersonic capability as the simplicity gained outweighs the slight loss of efficiency. One
problem with the supersonic pitot intake is that the lips must be sharp to prevent shock detachment
causing reduced efficiency at low speed.

3-5 Fig 11 Supersonic Pitot Intake




19. External Compression Intake. For aircraft that operate at high Mach numbers, the pressure
recovery of the pitot intake is unacceptably low, because of the large total pressure loss across the
normal shock. By using a multi-shock intake, this loss can be considerably reduced by doing most of

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the compression through a series of oblique shocks, and using a final shock to bring the Mach number
below unity. Because oblique shocks are weak and involve only small losses, the normal shock now
occurs at a lower Mach number and is therefore much weaker than in a pitot intake. There are various
multi-shock intake configurations:

a. Two-shock Intake. The two-shock intake shown in Fig 12 is the simplest form of multi-shock
intake, consisting of one oblique shock followed by a normal shock. The oblique shock is created by
introducing a ramp (or wedge) into the intake, which is so designed that the shock touches the cowl
lip at the design Mach number. Since the oblique shock angle depends upon Mach number, the
shock will not touch the lip except at the design point.

3-5 Fig 12 Two-shock Intake


Cowl Lip

b. Three-shock Intake. By introducing a further oblique shock, a higher pressure recovery can
be obtained (Fig 13). This causes the final normal shock to occur at an even lower Mach number.
Such an intake is known as a three-shock intake with the second oblique shock created by an
additional ramp or wedge.

3-5 Fig 13 Three-shock Intake

Ramp 1 Ramp 2

Oblique Airflow
Cowl Lip

c. The Isentropic Intake. If compression could be achieved through a series of infinitely weak
oblique shocks, each infinitesimally stronger than its predecessor, the total pressure loss would be
zero. In practice, this is not possible, but by using a suitably curved compression surface (Fig 14),
nearly isentropic compression is possible, with a very high total pressure recovery. In practice,
such an intake is only practical at a particular design point.

3-5 Fig 14 Isentropic Intake




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d. Variable Geometry Intakes. The preceding examples are fixed geometry intakes; although
having the advantage of simplicity they only operate efficiently at the design Mach number. At any
off-design point, sub-critical or super-critical operation will occur when the oblique shock is not
positioned on the lip, because shock angle depends on Mach number. This will cause spillage below
the design Mach number. For aircraft which operate over a wide range of Mach numbers, the
penalties imposed by a fixed geometry intake may be unacceptable. In such cases, variable
geometry intake systems are fitted, with the following features:

(1) A moveable ramp or wedge (Fig 15), to position the oblique shock on the lip.

3-5 Fig 15 Moveable Ramps

(2) A system of auxiliary intake and dump doors (Fig 16) to take in extra air when engine
demand exceeds supply, or dump some air when supply exceeds engine demand.

3-5 Fig 16 Auxiliary Intakes

20. Variable Position Intakes. This type of intake is found increasingly on modern fighter aircraft
where high angles of attack (AOA) are experienced. The front of the intake can pivot or rotate forward
presenting the intake entry into the airstream during high AOA manoeuvres (Fig 17).

3-5 Fig 17 Variable Position Intake

Second Third Bypass Diffuser

Ramp Ramp Door Ramp

G Eng


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Supersonic Intake Criticality

21. As with subsonic intakes, supersonic intakes may operate under the 3 basic conditions of critical,
sub-critical or super-critical:

a. Critical Operation. A supersonic intake is said to be critical when the shock system rests on
the cowl lip (Fig 18).

3-5 Fig 18 Critical Intake Operation


A0 = A1 A0

b. Sub-critical Operation. If the engine requires less air than the intake delivers, then pre-
entry diffusion will occur after the shock wave, pushing the shock system forwards and spilling air
(Fig 19). Under certain severe sub-critical conditions shock wave resonance (intake buzz) can

3-5 Fig 19 Sub-critical Operation



c. Super-critical Operation. Super-critical operation occurs when the engine demands more
air than the intake can deliver. The suction created causes the normal shock to occur inside the
intake, and at a higher Mach number as the diffuser now acts as a supersonic duct and
accelerates the air ahead of the shock (Fig 20). This condition is preferable to sub-critical
operation since no drag is generated, although there may be some instability inside the intake.
Note that A0 cannot exceed A1.

3-5 Fig 20 Super-critical Operation


A0 = A1 Instability =1

Complex Shock Pattern

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AP3456 - 3-6 - Compressors



1. Two types of compressor, the centrifugal and the axial, are used in gas turbine engines to
compress the ingested air prior to it being fed into the combustion system. Both centrifugal and axial
compressors are continuous flow machines which function by imparting kinetic energy to the air by
means of a rotor, subsequently diffusing the velocity into static pressure rise. In the centrifugal
compressor, the airflow is radial, with the flow of air from the centre of the compressor outwards. This
type of compressor was used extensively in the early days of gas turbines, the technology being based
upon piston engine superchargers. In the axial compressor, the flow of air is maintained parallel to the
compressor shaft. Either type, or a combination of both, may be used in gas turbines and each has its
advantages and disadvantages. Axial/centrifugal compressor combinations are used extensively in
turboshaft and turboprop engines, while axial flow compressors are used in turbofan and turbojet
engines. Centrifugal compressors are limited to the small gas turbine 'gas generators' for engine air
starters and missile engines. Centrifugal compressors generally need to operate at much higher rpm
than axial compressors.

2. Compressor design is a balance of the aerodynamic considerations. Some of the principle factors
affecting the performance being the aerofoil sections, pitch angles, and the length/chord ratios of the
blades. Another important detail is the clearance between the blade tips and the compressor annulus.

Requirements of a Compressor

3. The efficiency of a compressor is one of the factors directly influencing the specific fuel
consumption (SFC) achieved by the engine. For maximum efficiency to be realized a compressor
must satisfy a number of requirements:

a. High Pressure Ratio. The thermal efficiency and the work output of the constant pressure
cycle are both proportional to the compressor pressure ratio. In this respect, the centrifugal
compressor has a maximum pressure ratio of about 4.5:1 for a single stage. This pressure ratio
can be raised to approximately 6:1 by using a two-stage, single-entry centrifugal compressor. The
upper limit for axial compressors is more a matter of stability and complexity, with current values
of approximately 10:1 for single-spool compressors, and in excess of 25:1 for multi-spool
compressors. Although higher pressure ratios give higher engine efficiency due to an improved
SFC, as shown in Fig 1, a balance must be struck between efficiency and the power needed from
the turbine to drive the compressor. Sufficient power must remain to propel the aircraft, and the
turbine has a finite limit to the power which it can generate.

3-6 Fig 1 SFC and Pressure Ratio





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Pressure Ratio

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AP3456 - 3-6 - Compressors

b. High Mass Flow. Jet engine air mass flows are becoming much larger and, apart from any
ram-compression contributed by the intake, these must be matched by the swallowing capacity of
the compressor. Thus, for a large subsonic transport type the required airmass flow at altitude
requires the use of high by-pass turbofan engines.

c. Stable Operation Under All Conditions. Both centrifugal and axial compressors are liable
to exhibit unstable characteristics under certain operating conditions. The centrifugal type is
less likely to stall and surge than the axial but it is not capable of the high pressure ratios
now required. In high pressure ratio axial compressors anti-stall/surge devices are often a
design requirement to guard against unstable conditions. These devices are discussed more
fully in para 31 et seq.

4. Compressor design in most engines is a compromise between high performance over a narrow
band of rpm, and moderate performance over a wide band of rpm. Consequently, although it is
possible for the compressor to be designed so that very high efficiency is obtained at the highest
power, any deviation from the design conditions may cause significant changes in the aerodynamic
flow leading to a loss of efficiency and unstable conditions within the engine. Because flow varies with
operating conditions, it is usual to compromise by designing for a lower efficiency giving greater
flexibility, thus optimising performance over a wider range of rpm.



5. The rotating part of a centrifugal compressor, known as an impeller, can be either single or
double-sided (Fig 2).

3-6 Fig 2 Types of Impeller

Double Entry Single Entry

Although normally used singly to give a single compression stage, two impellers can be linked together
in a two stage, single-sided arrangement. The single stage compressor unit consists of three main
components: the compressor casing, which embodies the filled air inlet guide vanes and outlet ports,
the impeller and the diffuser (Fig 3).

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3-6 Fig 3 Double-entry Centrifugal Compressor

Compressor Air
Outlet Casing
Front Air
Intake Casing
Rear Air
Intake Casing

Impeller Shaft
Coupled Direct
Impeller to Turbine

Intake Chutes

Swirl Vanes
Rotating Guide Vane


The main features of the single stage centrifugal compressor are:

a. For a given useful capacity and pressure ratio, it can be made comparatively small in size
and weight.

b. Reasonable efficiency can be maintained over a substantial range of operating conditions.

c. Very robust.

d. Simple and cheap to manufacture.

e. Tolerant to foreign object damage (FOD).

Principles of Operation

6. The impeller is rotated at high speed by the turbine, and air entering the intake at atmospheric
temperature and pressure passes through the fixed intake guide vanes, which direct the air smoothly
into the centre of the impeller. The impeller is designed to admit the air without excessive velocity.
The air is then picked up by the rotating guide vanes of the impeller, and centrifugal force causes the
air to flow outwards along the vanes to the impeller tip. The air leaves the impeller tip approximately at
right angles to its intake direction, and at an increased velocity. On leaving the impeller vane
passages, the air acquires a tangential velocity which represents about half the total energy acquired
during its passage through the impeller. The air then passes through the diffuser where the passages
form divergent nozzles which convert most of the velocity energy into pressure energy. Work is done
by the compressor in compressing the air and since the process involves adiabatic (no heat transfer)
heating, a rise in air temperature results.

7. It can be seen that the air mass flow and the pressure rise through the compressor depend on the
rotational speed of the impeller and its diameter. Impellers operate at tip speeds of up to 500 m/s to
give high tangential air velocity at the impeller tip for conversion to pressure. Intake air temperature
also influences the pressure rise obtained in the compressor. For a given amount of work done by the
impeller, a greater pressure rise is obtained from cold than from warm air. Fig 4 shows the changes in
velocity and pressure through a centrifugal compressor.

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3-6 Fig 4 Pressure and Velocity Changes through a Centrifugal Compressor

Diffuser Outlet






8. Efficiency losses in the compressor are caused by friction, turbulence, and shock, and these are
proportional to the rate of airflow through the system. Consequently the actual pressure rise is lower
than the ideal value of 4.5:1 and a constant pressure ratio for a given rpm, with varying inlet flow
conditions, is not obtained. Therefore:

a. The pressure obtained for a given impeller design is less than the ideal value and is dependent on
the impeller rpm and variations of the mass airflow.

b. The temperature rise depends mainly on the actual work capacity of the impeller and on
frictional losses.

Another source of loss is caused by leakage of air between the impeller and its casing. This is
minimized by keeping their clearances as small as possible during manufacture.


9. Airflows through the two main types of impeller for centrifugal compressors, the single-entry and
the double-entry are shown in Fig 5. If a double-entry impeller is used, the airflow to the rear side is
reversed in direction and a plenum chamber is required, which encircles the rear inlet region with an
opening directed towards the oncoming airflow (Fig 5b). The impeller consists of a forged or sintered
disc with radially disposed vanes on one or both sides forming divergent passages. At high tip speeds,
the velocity of the air relative to the vane at entry approaches the speed of sound, and it is essential for
maximum efficiency that there is the minimum shock wave formation at entry. Therefore, on most
compressors the pick-up portions of the blades are curved and blended into the radial portions at the
tip. There are consequently no secondary bending stresses in the vanes from the effects of rotation
alone and the loads that arise from imparting angular motion to the air are negligible. The vanes may
be swept back to increase the pressure rise slightly, but radial vanes are more commonly employed
because they are more easily manufactured, and are stable in their action.

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3-6 Fig 5 Airflow through Impellers

a Single-entry Impeller b Double-entry Impeller

Guide Vanes

Diffuser Combustion Diffuser

Chamber Intake Guard
Air Intake


Swirl Vanes Impeller

Single Shroud

10. The type of impeller employed is dictated by the engine design requirements. On the one hand,
the single-sided, single-entry impeller (like Fig 5a) lends itself to efficient ducting, and makes more use
of the ram effect at high speeds than does the double-entry arrangement (Fig 5b). Surging at high
altitudes may also be less prevalent with a single-entry system. On the other hand, an increase in
mass flow can only be obtained by increasing the impeller diameter, with a consequent necessity for
lower rotational speed so that a maximum tip speed of approximately 500 m/s is not exceeded. This
leads to an increase in the overall diameter of the engine for a given thrust. A double-entry system can
handle a higher mass flow with the penalties of relatively inefficient intake ducting, and a degree of
preheating imparted to the air by virtue of its reversal on entry into the rear face of the impeller.

11. The centrifugal compressor is a highly stressed component. Vibration arises mainly from the
pressure concentration around the leading edge of the vanes. As each vane passes a diffuser tip it
receives an impulse, the frequency of which is a product of the number of vanes and rpm. If this
frequency should coincide with the natural frequency of part of the compressor, resonance occurs and
vibration develops, which could lead to structural failure. The clearance between the impeller tip and the
diffuser vanes are important factors in compressor design, as too small a clearance will set up
aerodynamic buffeting impulses which could be fed back to the impeller thus creating an unsteady airflow
and additional vibration. Balancing is an important operation in compressor manufacture and any out-of-
balance forces must be eliminated to prevent the serious vibration that might otherwise develop at the
high speeds of which the compressor operates. The double-entry arrangement largely balances out the
bending stresses in the impeller and requires minimal axial balancing.


12. The object of the diffuser assembly is to convert energy of the air leaving the compressor to
pressure energy before it passes into the combustion chambers. The diffuser may be formed integral
with the compressor casing or be bolted to it. In each instance it consists of a number of vanes formed
tangential to the impeller. The vane passages are divergent to convert the velocity energy into
pressure energy, and the inner edges of the vanes are in line with the direction of the resultant airflow
from the impeller (Fig 6).

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3-6 Fig 6 Airflow at Entry to the Diffuser

Diffuser Vanes

Tip Clearance


The passages between the vanes are so proportioned that the pressure increase is correct for entry to
the combustion chambers. The ducts require careful design since an excessive angle of divergence
may lead to break-away of the boundary layer causing general turbulence and loss of pressure energy.
The outside diameter of the tangential portion of the diffuser varies considerably, depending on
whether it completes the diffusing process or not. In some engines, further diffusion takes place in the
elbow leading to the combustion chambers. The usual design of the diffuser passages is such that the
area increases very gradually for the first 2-4 cm from the throat, the rate of increase being increased
during the latter stages of expansion.



13. The axial flow compressor converts kinetic energy into static pressure energy through the medium
of rows of rotating blades (rotors) which impart kinetic energy to the air and alternate rows of stationary
diffusing vanes (stators) which convert the kinetic energy to pressure energy.


14. The axial flow compressor consists of an annular passage through which the air passes, and
across which are arranged a series of small blades of aerofoil section, alternately rotating on a central
shaft assembly or fixed to the outer case. Each pair of rotor and stator rings is termed a stage, and a
typical gas turbine engine may have between 10 and 15 stages on a single spool or divided between
multiple spools. Each rotating ring is mounted on either a separate disc, or on an axial drum attached
to the turbine drive shaft. Some of the rotating stages may be manufactured with integral blades and
discs (BLISKS). BLISKS are used in turboshaft and turbofan engines. An additional row of stator
blades may be fitted to single spool-engines to direct the incoming air onto the first row of rotor blades
at the optimum angle. These are the inlet guide vanes (IGVs), which may be at a fixed pitch but are
more usually automatically adjusted to suit prevailing intake conditions. The final set of stator blades
situated in front of the combustion chamber are called the outlet guide vanes (OGVs), and these
straighten the airflow into the combustion stage.

15. The cross-sectional area of the annulus is progressively reduced from the front to the rear of the
compressor in order to maintain an almost constant axial velocity with increasing density.

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Consequently, the rotors and stators vary in length according to the pressure stage, becoming
progressively smaller towards the rear of the compressor.

16. As the pressure increases throughout the length of the compressor unit, each stage is working
against an increasingly adverse pressure gradient. Under such conditions, it becomes more difficult to
ensure that each consecutive stage operates efficiently, and this limits the flexibility of the single-spool
engine (Fig 7).

3-6 Fig 7 Single-spool Compressor

Main Shaft
Intake Casing Stator Vane Rotor Blade Drive From Turbine

Accessory Drive
Combustion System
Mounting Flange

A more flexible system is achieved by dividing the compressor into separate pressure sections
operating independently and driven on coaxial shafts by separate turbines. Such arrangements are
termed multi-spool compressors and the construction and layout are shown in Figs 8 and 9.

3-6 Fig 8 Twin-spool Compressor

HP Shaft
Drive from Turbine
LP Compressor HP Compressor LP Shaft
Drive from Turbine

Combustion System
Mounting Flange
Accessory Drive

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3-6 Fig 9 Triple-spool Compressor

IP Compressor

LP Compressor
HP Compressor

Combustion Case
Mounting Flange

IP Shaft
Drive from Turbine

LP Shaft
Drive from Turbine

HP Drive
from Turbine

17. Multi-spool compressors may be used in both turbojets and turbofan engines. In the turbofan engine
the multi-spool layout enables the low-pressure compressor or fan to handle a large mass flow, a
proportion of which is fed into the subsequent compressors, while the remainder is ducted to the rear of
the engine. The ratio of bypass to through-flow air may vary to suit the changing conditions of the engine.
Turbofan engines exhibit an improved SFC over normal turbojets.

18. In the quest for improved efficiency, engines with by-pass ratios greater than existing turbofans
have been designed and are currently being developed. These engines are termed prop-fans or ultra
high by-pass (UHB) ratio engines (see Volume 3, Chapter 17).

19. The axial compressor provides a convenient supply of air at various pressures and temperatures which
can be tapped off at the appropriate stages and used to provide engine intake and IGV anti-icing, cooling of
high temperature components (Volume 3, Chapter 12) and, combined with the cooling, provide a system of
pressure balancing to reduce the end-loads throughout the engine. End-loads are caused by the rotor
stages, consisting of numerous aerofoil sections, creating a forward thrust of several kilo-newtons on the
front end bearings. Similarly, the gas stream impinging on the turbine assembly imposes a rearwards load.
Although the loads can be reduced considerably by careful design of the turbine arrangement, this is only
effective at a given power setting. Departure from design power requires the addition of compressor bleed
air to achieve adequate pressure balance.

Principles of Operation

20. Air is continuously induced into the engine intake, and is encountered by the first stage rotor or LP fan.
If fitted, the IGVs direct the flow onto the first row of rotor blades. The rotor and fan blades are rotated at high
speed by the turbine, and impart kinetic energy to the airflow. At the same time, the divergent passage
between consecutive rotor blades diffuses the flow to give a pressure rise. The airflow is then swept
rearwards through a ring of stator blades, which converts the kinetic energy of the stream to pressure energy
by diffusing arrangements of the blades. The stator blades also direct the airflow at the correct angle onto
the next stage rotor blades, where the sequence is repeated. Thus, at each compressor stage, the airflow

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velocity is increased by the rotor, and then converted to a pressure increase through the diffusing action of
both rotor and stator. The net effect is an approximately constant mean axial velocity with a small, but
smooth, pressure increase at each stage (Fig 10). As mentioned previously, the cross-sectional area of the
compressor annulus is progressively reduced from front to rear of the compressor to maintain constant axial
velocity with increasing pressure in accordance with the Equation of Continuity:

M = AVρ = Constant

Where M = Airmass flow

A = Annulus (decreasing)
V = Axial velocity (constant)
ρ = Airflow density (increasing)

3-6 Fig 10 Flow Through an Axial Compressor

Rotor Blade
Stator Vane


Inlet Outlet


21. The pressure ratio across each stage of the compressor is in order of 1:1.1 or 1.2. This small
pressure rise at each stage assists in reducing the possibility of blade stalling by reducing the rate of
diffusion and blade deflection angles.

22. Because of the small pressure increase at each compressor stage, it follows that a number of stages
are required to achieve the desired delivery pressure at the combustion system. The limitations which
tend to restrict the practical number of stages were discussed briefly in para 16 et seq.



23. A compressor is designed to operate between certain critical limits of rpm, pressure ratio and mass
flow, and, if operation is attempted outside these limits, the flow around the compressor blades breaks down
to give violent turbulent flow. When this occurs, the compressor will stall or surge. The greater the number
of stages in the compressor, the more complex the problem becomes because of the variety of interactions
that are possible between stages. The phenomenon of compressor stall and surge is a highly complex one

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and beyond the scope of this chapter, therefore the following paragraphs are only intended as a brief
introduction to the causes of stall and surge, and to explain how the onset of such is alleviated by careful
compressor design and the incorporation of anti-stall/surge devices within the engine.

Compressor Rotor Blades

24. Compressor rotor blades, which are smallaerofoils, stall in the same way as an aircraft wing by an
increase in the angle of attack to the point where flow breakaway occurs on the upper surface. Since
the pitch of the blades is fixed, this condition is brought about by a change in direction of the relative
airflow (V1). This is shown in Fig 11.

3-6 Fig 11 Relative Airflow on Compressor Blades

Va Va

U 1
V1 V1

Original Angle
New Angle of
of Attack
Attack increased
beyond Stalling Angle

25. A reduction in the axial velocity Va to a value Va1 (Fig 11), while the rpm and hence blade speed U
remains constant, increases the angle of attack. If the fall in Va is sufficient, the blade stalling angle will be
reached. The fall in Va at constant rpm is associated with a reduction in mass flow from the stable value on
the operating line and is due to a variety of causes which will be discussed shortly. Generally, when the
critical condition is approached, due to velocity gradients and local effects, a group of blades will be affected
first rather than the complete blade row. Flow breakaway on the upper surfaces will reduce the available air
space between the blades. Air will be deflected to adjacent blades causing an increase in angle of attack for
those on one side and a decrease on the other. Thus, the stall 'cell' moves around the blade row, the
movement being about half rotor speed. There may be several 'cells' which can coalesce and eventually
stall the whole row, or they may die out. The 'rotating' stall is only one example of the development of the
unstable operation which can result from numerous situations.

Causes of Compressor Stall and Surge

26. Compressor Stall at Low Rpm. With a reduction in mass airflow at low rpm, the angle of attack
of the first low pressure stages is greater than that of the high pressure stages, so that the low
pressure stages are the first to stall, the succeeding stages not necessarily being affected. Stalling of
the initial compressor stages may be indicated by an audible rumbling noise and a rise in turbine gas
temperature (TGT). The stall of the first stage may affect the whole compressor, or confine itself to the
one stage. In the latter case, a further reduction in mass flow would cause a successive breakdown of
the remaining stages.

27. Compressor Acceleration Stall. On starting, or during rapid acceleration from low rpm, the
sudden increase in combustion pressure caused by additional fuel can cause a momentary back

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pressure which affects the compressor by reducing the mass airflow thus causing the same conditions
as described above.

28. Compressor Stall at High Rpm. At high compressor rpm, the angle of attack of all the stages is
about the same, so that a sudden reduction in mass flow causes a simultaneous breakdown of flow
through all the stages. This type of stall is usually initiated by airflow interference at the intake during
certain manoeuvres or gun firing. The compressor may be unstalled by throttling fully back, but in
some cases it may be necessary to stop the engine.

29. Compressor Surge. In an axial compressor, surging indicates a complete instability of flow
through the compressor. Surging is a motion of airflow forwards and backwards through the
compressor, which is accompanied by audible indications ranging from muffled rumblings to an
abrupt explosion and vibration, depending on the degree of severity. A rapid rise in TGT and
fluctuating or falling of rpm are the instrument indications of this condition. Compressor surge
causes very severe vibrations and excessive temperatures in the engine, and should therefore be
avoided or minimized.

30. Surge Point. The combinations of airflow and pressure ratio at which surge occurs is called the surge
point and such a point can be derived for each combination of mass airflow and pressure for given value of
rpm. If these points are then plotted on a graph of pressure ratio against airflow, the line joining them is
known as the surge line which defines the minimum value of stable airflow that can be obtained at various
rpm (Fig 12). The safety margin shown is designed into the engine. In a good axial compressor, the
operating line is as near to the surge line as possible to maximize the efficiency for each value of rpm, whilst
being far enough away to give a reasonable safety margin for control of the airmass flow.

3-6 Fig 12 Limits of Stable Airflow






Pressure Ratio

Unstable Area
rpm Lines



Mass Flow

Avoidance of Compressor Stall and Surge

31. In the case of a high pressure ratio engine with an inadequate stable acceleration capability there
is a need for stall/surge protection. Anti-stall/surge devices can be added retrospectively, but are
normally incorporated in the original design.

32. Variable Inlet Guide Vanes and/or Stators. To suit off-design operation such as start-up and
acceleration from idling, variable angle guide vanes, and sometimes variable stator blades, are fitted.
The function of these is to match the air angles to the rotor speed and avoid the stalling condition. The
blade mechanism is actuated by rpm and outside air temperature (OAT) signals. The effect is to move
the operating line further from the surge line (Fig 12), thus increasing the stall margin and acceleration

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capability. The control system is set to move the blades in response to engine speed to avoid low rpm
and acceleration difficulties. From earlier comments on the need to operate near the surge line for
high efficiency and pressure ratio, it will be evident that there is a loss of blade efficiency when the
angles are not the design values.

33. Blow-off or Bleed Valves. Since the air mass flow, and hence the axial velocity, at the front of
the compressor depends on the flow resistance, relief of the resistance will prevent high angles of
attack during off-design operation. Blow-off or bleed valves at an intermediate stage are activated by
an rpm or OAT signal to relieve the back-pressure. The effect will be to reduce the angle of attack at
the front and relieve the choking tendency at the back. Again, the effect is to move the operating line
away from the surge line (see Fig 12). When the valves are in operation there is not only a fall in
compressor efficiency but also a spill of airflow, which means an increase in SFC.

34. Multi-spool Engines. The difficulty of matching the compressor rpm to the off-design flow
conditions in high pressure ratio engines is relieved by rotating the front low pressure, intermediate,
and high pressure sections at different speeds. Multi-spool design enables the front stages to run at a
lower rpm more suited to the low pressure air angles, and the higher pressure sections to run at higher
rpms to avoid choking.

35. Variable Area Nozzle. Engines having an afterburner are fitted with variable area nozzles. Whilst
afterburning is in operation, the nozzle control system varies the nozzle area to maintain a constant
pressure drop across the turbines for a given engine rpm. This avoids undue backpressure being felt by
the compressor section and subsequent surge occurring. On some engines, a limited nozzle variation is
allowed in the non-afterburning range to increase dry nozzle area for taxiing and reduced nozzle area for
emergency operation.



36. Power. For a given temperature of air entering the turbine, power output is a function of the quantity of
air handled. The axial flow engine can handle a greater mass of air per unit frontal area than the centrifugal

37. Weight. Most axial flow engines have a better power/weight ratio, achieving a given thrust for a
slightly lower structural weight.

38. Efficiency. The centrifugal compressor may reach an efficiency of 75 to 90% up to pressure ratios of
4.5:1. Above this ratio, efficiency falls rapidly. The axial flow compressor may have an efficiency of 80 to
90% over a wide range of compression ratios and is more economical in terms of fuel used per kN of thrust
per hour.

39. Design. The power of the centrifugal compressor engine can be increased by enlarging the
diameter of the impeller, thus increasing the rotor stresses for a given rpm, and increasing the rotational
speed of the rotor up to a maximum of 500 m/s. This increases the diameter and frontal area of the
fuselage or nacelle. The power of the axial flow engine on the other hand can be increased by using
more stages in the compressor without a marked increase in diameter. The smaller frontal area of the
axial flow engine leads to low drag which is an important fact in engines designed for high-speed aircraft.

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40. Construction and Durability. The centrifugal compressor is easier and cheaper to manufacture,
and has better FOD resistance than the axial compressor.


41. Compressors rotate at high rpm, and the materials chosen must be capable of withstanding
considerable stresses, both centrifugal and aerodynamic. The aerodynamic stresses arise mainly from the
buffeting imparted by the pulsating pressure concentration between the impeller tip and the leading edge of
the diffuser.

42. The centrifugal impeller is cast and drop stamped in aluminium alloy, which is then milled to the
required shape, heat treated, and polished to resist cracking and aid crack detection. Production
methods using powder metallurgy techniques and ceramic-based materials are also available. The
rotating intake guide vanes at the eye of the impeller are sometimes edged with steel to resist against
erosion and FOD. The diffuser for centrifugal compressors is usually cast in aluminium or magnesium
alloy. Because of the limited pressure ratio of the centrifugal compressor, the temperature rise across
the impeller and through the diffuser is within the 200 ºC limit for aluminium alloy.

43. The stator and rotor blades of the axial compressor are made from variety of materials depending
on the pressure, temperature, and centrifugal force encountered at the various stages. Aluminium
alloy can be used for the low-pressure stages, although titanium is often used for the first stage of the
LP compressor, because of its superior strength and FOD resistance. Steel, titanium, carbon fibre
composites, and advanced ceramics may be used on the higher-pressure stages where the
temperature due to compression exceeds 200 °C. Indeed, ceramic blades have been tested
successfully to 1300 °C. Modern blades are usually manufactured hollow with, or without, a
honeycomb core (Fig 13). One method of manufacture uses rolled titanium side panels assembled in
dies, hot twisted in a furnace and hot pressure formed to achieve the precise required configuration.
The centre is milled to accommodate the honeycomb. Both panels and the honeycomb are finally
joined using automated furnaces for diffusion bonding. In another method, the two machined and
contoured halves of the blades are diffusion bonded under high heat and pressure. The resulting
homogeneous piece of defect-free material is then given its aerodynamic shape by superplastic
forming. In a vacuum furnace, the flat, bonded piece is placed over a special fixture which is shaped
like the finished blade. The blade is heated to a superplastic state and then, by the force of gravity,
settles on the curved fixture. This process gives the blade about 90% of its twist. The final shape is
created in a heat die where argon gas pressure is applied to the blade. The drums or discs which
support the rotor blades are often made from steel forgings. However, powder metallurgy is
sometimes used. As with the centrifugal compressor, the compressor casing for axial compressors is
usually manufactured from aluminium or magnesium alloys.

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3-6 Fig 13 Axial Compressor Blade Construction

Honeycomb Core

Convex Skin Concave Skin

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1. The combustion system is required to release the chemical energy of the fuel in the smallest
possible space, and with the minimum of pressure loss. At the outlet from the combustion system, the
gases should have a reasonably uniform velocity and temperature distribution, within the peak
temperature limit imposed by the turbine blade material. The system should give efficient, stable
operation over a wide range of altitudes and flight speeds, and it must be possible to relight in flight
after shutting down an engine. It must be reliable and have a life at least as long as the overhaul life of
the complete engine. With the introduction of 'on condition maintenance' (see Volume 3, Chapter 20),
and modular engine design, the combustion chamber can be monitored throughout its operational life
and replaced as necessary.


Combustion System Requirements

2. High Rate of Heat Release. To achieve total combustion in as small a space as possible, the
rate of heat release must be as high as possible, and a number of factors influence its value:

a. A high combustion chamber pressure will raise the rate of heat release.

b. When fuel is sprayed into the chamber it does not ignite instantaneously, but a delay occurs
while the combustible mixture of fuel and air is being formed and its temperature raised to self-
ignition point. This delay period must be minimized.

c. The walls of the chamber tend to quench or chill the flame by lowering the temperature in their
region to below that required for combustion. Thus, there is an area in the system which is wasted from
the combustion viewpoint and this is known as the 'dead space'; it must be kept to a minimum. This
may well conflict with the desirable feature of keeping the chamber walls cool to increase their life.

3. High Combustion Efficiency. Combustion efficiency is the percentage of chemical energy

available in the fuel which is released as heat energy during combustion. Complete combustion will
convert all carbon present in the various constituents of the fuel to carbon dioxide. Incomplete
combustion will result in carbon and carbon monoxide remaining in the exhaust gas. A high rate of
heat release and gradual admission of air during combustion give good combustion efficiency and a
figure of nearly 100% is achieved at full throttle, low altitude and high forward speed. The efficiency
falls off with increase in altitude and decrease in rpm and ram pressure.

4. Flame Stabilization. Flame instability will lead to flame out and, in its worst case, will lead to cyclic
stresses and temperatures which will shorten component lives. Fig 1 and Fig 2 show that the region over
which stable combustion can occur is fairly limited, and thus the combustion chamber must be designed so
that the conditions at the burning region fall within these limits. The problem is aggravated by the varying
conditions under which the chamber must work during the normal operation of the engine. The velocity of
propagation of a flame through a mixture of hydrocarbon fuel and air is comparatively low, the flame speed
will vary with mixture strength and with temperature and pressure, but in most cases, it will be about 2 m/s to
4 m/s. As the airflow through the combustion system is likely to be almost 10 times this figure, a sheltered
region of recirculating low velocity air must be provided to hold the flame in one place.

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3-7 Fig 1 Combustion Loop



Air / Fuel Ratio

Stable Region


0 0.22 0.45 0.68 0.81 1.13
Air Mass Flow (kg/s)

3-7 Fig 2 Limits of Flammability


Combustion Possible


4:1 25:1
Air / Fuel Ratio

5. Even Distribution of Turbine Entry Temperatures. The maximum permissible temperature for
gases leaving the combustion system is set by the temperature limitations of the turbine. These
limitations are imposed by the stress and creep characteristics of the individual turbine blades, as they
vary along the length of the blade. Therefore, to ensure maximum efficiency, the maximum gas
temperature on entry to the turbine must also vary. A poor temperature distribution with hot spots can
have serious effects on the mechanical conditions of the turbine stator and rotor blades and therefore
shorten the life of the turbine.

6. Minimum Pressure Loss. As the gas turbine operates on a constant pressure cycle, any change
in total pressure during the combustion process will result in a drop in thermal efficiency. There are
two sources of loss:

a. Hot Loss. When heat is added to a constant-area, frictionless gas stream, a drop in
stagnation pressure will occur. As this process is non-isentropic, there will be a loss in total
pressure. This loss is often referred to as the 'fundamental loss due to heat addition', and it is a
function of combustion system inlet Mach number and the temperature ratio across the
combustion system. Generally, the pressure loss due to heat addition is low compared to the
losses due to friction and mixing. These losses are called the cold losses.

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b. Cold Loss. Pressure losses occur through turbulence required for flame stabilization and rapid
burning. Pressure loss will occur on entry through the various cooling holes, by stagnation on
baffles, and through skin friction. Cold losses, therefore, are dependent on the gas velocity on inlet
to the combustion system. A diffuser is located between the compressor and the combustion
system to convert kinetic energy into pressure energy. Not only does this reduce the gas velocity,
but it also raises the gas static temperature; increase in gas temperature reduces the Mach number
of the gas (for a given velocity) and reduces the temperature ratio (for a given turbine entry
temperature (TET)). The overall effect therefore, is for the hot, as well as the cold, losses to be
decreased with increased diffusion.

7. Minimum Carbon Formation. Carbon formation is caused by over-rich mixture strengths in the
combustion zone of the chamber, in conditions of low turbulence (i.e. inefficient atomization and
mixing). Carbon formation is of two main types: the first is a hard coke deposit which builds up in the
combustion chamber, and the second is dry soot. Coke deposit will cause blocking of the combustion
chamber, and disruption of the turbine assembly as pieces of carbon become detached and pass
through the blades. The sooty carbon is ejected as smoky exhaust. Whilst it represents a negligible
loss in combustion efficiency, it gives rise to visible pollution of the atmosphere, which is not only
socially unacceptable but, in the case of military aircraft, a means of visible detection.

8. Reliability. Although it has no moving parts to wear out, a combustion system must withstand
considerable thermal and vibrational stresses. These are caused by:

a. Unsteady combustion which causes vibration in the chamber walls.

b. Pressure and temperature differentials across the walls of the combustion chamber.

c. Change in momentum of the gas flow through the chamber.

The effects of thermal stress can be reduced by suitable choice of materials, but reducing vibration is
more a matter of trial and error during engine development. Failure to eliminate vibration will result in
fatigue cracking and reduction in the useful life of the combustion system.

Flow Through Typical Combustion Chamber

9. Fig 3 shows the apportioning of the airflow within the combustion chamber. A small amount
(20%) of air enters the snout and flows through either the swirl vanes (12%) to mix directly with
atomized fuel from the burner nozzle, or the flare (8%) which stabilizes the flame by creating a
turbulent, slow moving zone of air called the 'combustion' or 'primary zone'.

3-7 Fig 3 Apportioning of Airflow

20% 20%
8% Cooling
80% Dilution

20% 12%

Primary Zone Dilution Zone

A further 20% of the air is introduced into the primary zone which mixes with the flame to form the main area
of burning. Fig 4 shows the location of the main components of a typical combustion chamber.

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3-7 Fig 4 Typical Combustion Chamber

Swirl Secondary Flame Air Casing Dilution

Vanes Air Holes Tube Air Holes


Fuel Spray Primary Interconnector Corrugated Sealing Ring

Nozzle Zone Joint

10. The rear half, or dilution zone, of the combustion system is used for the introduction of the remaining
60% of the air. This air not only increases the burning efficiency, but also cools the burnt gases to a
temperature which is acceptable to the turbine blades. In practice, these zones overlap, with air being
admitted gradually and continuously over practically the whole length of the flame tube (Fig 5).

3-7 Fig 5 Flame Stabilization and General Airflow Patterns

Combustion System Layout

11. Three types of layout are used for combustion systems (see Fig 6).

a. Multiple chamber.

b. Tubo-annular or cannular chamber.

c. Annular chamber.

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3-7 Fig 6 Cross-section of Combustion Chamber Layouts

a Multiple Chamber Layout b Tubo-annular (Cannular) Layout c Annular Chamber Layout

Casing Casing

Shaft Shaft Shaft

Flame Flame Liner
Tube Tube

12. Multiple Chamber. The multiple chamber layout (Fig 7) consists of a number of individual
chambers, disposed round the engine, between the compressor and turbine sections. Within each
chamber is a flame tube. These were used extensively in earlier gas turbines but have largely been
superseded by the tubo-annular and annular layouts. The chambers are fed by individual ducts from the
compressor and are interconnected to equalize the delivery pressure to the turbine and also to avoid the
need for separate ignition systems in each chamber.

3-7 Fig 7 Multiple Combustion Chambers

Main Fuel
Compressor Outlet Manifold
Engine Fireseal
Elbow Flange Joint

Air Casing
Air Scoop

Drain Tube

Primary Fuel
Manifold Interconnector

13. Tubo-annular Chamber. The tubo-annular arrangement (Fig 8) was the logical
development of the multiple chamber. In this design, rather than have separate casings for the
flame tubes, an annular casing containing all the flame tubes is disposed radially round the
engine between the compressor and turbine section. This arrangement maintains the close
control of airflow in the combustion zone, but it also has advantages in weight and ease of

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3-7 Fig 8 Tubo-annular Combustion Chamber

Dilution Air Turbine

Outer Air Mounting
Casing Flange

Inner Air


Flame Tube
Swirl Vanes

Primary Air Igniter Plug
Diffuser Case

14. Annular Chamber. An annular combustion chamber (Fig 9) uses the whole of the annulus
between the compressor and turbine for combustion and has distinct advantages over the other two
types. For the same power output, the annular chamber length is 75% of a tubo-annular chamber of
similar diameter. Therefore, the flame tube wall area is considerably less, and the amount of
cooling air required to prevent burning of the flame tube wall is reduced by approximately 15%.
Combustion efficiency is therefore increased, and air pollution reduced. Annular combustion systems
are fitted to the majority of gas turbines.

3-7 Fig 9 Annular Combustion Chamber

Flame Tube Outer Casing Turbine
Nozzle Guide

HP Compressor
Outlet Guide Vanes

Inner Casing

Fuel Spray Nozzle

Fuel Manifold
Compressor Casing Dilution Turbine Casing
Mounting Flange Air Holes Mounting Flange

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15. Comparison Between Combustion Chamber Layouts. The advantages and disadvantages of
annular combustion chambers over multiple and tubo-annular chambers are given in Table 1.

3-7 Fig 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of an Annular Combustion Chamber

Advantages Disadvantages
Good utilization of area. Difficult to develop.
Structural member of engine. More difficult to replace.
No transition pieces or interconnections. Poor control of gas flow and burning.
Few losses. Uneven stress when heated.
Complete gas flows make design more difficult and
Simple to manufacture.
reduces validity of research data.
Even gas distribution.
Easy starting.

16. Reverse Flow Combustion Chamber. Because of the length of a combustion chamber, some
early gas turbines featured a reverse flow combustion chamber that enabled designers to keep the
shaft between the compressor and turbine short. A typical example of this was the Rolls Royce
Welland. Development in gas turbine technology led to a reduction in the length of the combustion
chamber from about 0.75 m to 0.25 m and advances in material technology has enabled the use of
longer shafts. Thus, reversed flow combustion chamber designs have ceased to offer any advantages
for turbojet and bypass engines. However, reverse flow combustion chambers are used extensively in
turbo-shaft helicopter engines and small gas turbines, where overall reduction in length is more
important than reduction in engine cross-sectional area. A reverse flow combustion chamber is
illustrated in Fig 10.

3-7 Fig 11 Reverse Flow Combustion System

Compressor Cooling Air Holes Burner


Gas Discharge

Combustion Chamber Materials and Defects

17. Materials. The flame tube of the combustion chamber must be capable of withstanding the high
burning temperature involved and must also be resistant to thermal shock. The latter is caused by high
temperature differentials during rapid transient changes of combustion temperature. Carbon formation
can also cause stresses by creating local hot spots. The flame tube must also be resistant to fatigue
caused by vibration. The materials used in this demanding task are from the Nimonic series of alloys.
Flame tube walls are cooled with air acting as a thermal barrier, and various methods are employed to
achieve this (Fig 11). One, called transpiration cooling, allows air to enter a network of passages within
the flame tube wall before exiting to form an insulating film of air. This method reduces the airflow
required for cooling by up to 50%. The combustion casing is subjected to a lower temperature, being

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insulated from the flame tube by the moving layer of cooling air (see Fig 5). It does, however, have to
withstand the full pressure of the compressor delivery (typically in excess of 2,000 kPa), and steel alloys
are generally used.

3-7 Fig 12 Flame Tube Cooling Methods

a Corrugated Strip Cooling b Splash Cooling Strip

Flame Tube
Corrugated Strip

Film of Film of
Cooling Air Cooling Air

c Machined Cooling Ring d Transpiration Cooling

Laminated Flame
Tube Wall

Flame Tube
Cooling Air In

Film of
Cooling Air
Film of
Internal Cooling Air Out

18. Defects. Combustion systems are liable to deteriorate because of the high stresses and
temperatures to which they are subjected. The deterioration takes the form of cracking and buckling
which distorts the flame pattern. Burning of the outer case can follow, and rupture may then occur. In
addition, it is possible for parts of the flame tube to break away and block off some of the nozzle guide
vanes. This will lead to uneven loading of the turbines.


19. The purpose of any burner is to introduce fuel into the combustion chamber in a state in which it will
burn efficiently. In most engines, the burner must be able to do this over a wide range of operating
conditions, e.g. from maximum power at take-off to idling at high altitude. There are two basic burner types:

a. Atomizers

b. Vaporizers


20. The principle used in the atomizer is to create a highly turbulent flow at the exit of the nozzle so
that the spray disintegrates into minute droplets of approximately 20 microns to 200 microns in
diameter. Atomized fuel droplets present a large surface area to the medium into which they are
injected (e.g. a volume of liquid, having the surface area equivalent to that of a postage stamp,
presents an area equivalent to that of a large newspaper sheet when properly atomized). The high
turbulence is obtained by creating a large pressure difference (up to 2,100 kPa) across the orifice.

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21. The gas turbine atomizer provides a continuous supply of fuel (Fig 12). The fuel at high pressure
passes through tangential grooves or holes into a concentric conical and cylindrical swirl chamber
ahead of the short outlet orifice. As the fuel spins around, its angular velocity increases as the radius
of swirl decreases, thus converting all the fluid pressure energy into kinetic energy. The fluid, in its
passage through the swirl chamber to the orifice, has both axial and tangential velocity components
and it therefore emerges from the orifice as a hollow cone-shaped spray.

3-7 Fig 13 Basic Spray Pattern

Swirl Conical
Tangential Chamber Spray
Swirl Ports


Whirl Resultant
Air Core

22. The penetration of the spray into the combustion chamber is of great importance and depends on
the following:

a. Discharge velocity.

b. Properties of the surrounding medium.

c. Atomizer design.

d. Fuel properties.

e. Degree of spray dispersion.

f. Degree of spray atomization.

23. Duplex Burner. The Duplex burner has a primary and main fuel manifold and two independent
orifices, one much smaller than the other. The smaller orifice operates at the lower flows, and the
larger orifice at higher flows as burner pressure increases (Fig 13). As fuel flow and pressure
increase, the pressurizing valve moves to progressively admit fuel to the main manifold and thus to the
main orifice, thus giving a flow through both orifices. In this way, the duplex burner is able to give
effective atomization over a wide flow range. It also provides efficient atomization at the lower flows
required at high altitude.

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3-7 Fig 14 Duplex Burner and Pressurizing Valve

Fuel Inlet
from Throttle

Engine Shut-off Cock

Pressurizing Valve Opens

as Pressure Increases

Air Flow to Prevent Formation

of Carbon over Orifice

Main Orifice



Primary Main Compressor

Fuel Fuel Delivery

24. Spray Nozzle. The spray nozzle or air spray atomizer (Fig 14) mixes a proportion of the primary
combustion air with the injected fuel. By aerating the spray, the local fuel-rich concentrations produced by
other types of burner are avoided, thus giving a reduction in both carbon formation and exhaust smoke. An
additional advantage of the air spray atomizer is that the low pressures required for atomization of the fuel
permit the use of a simpler high-pressure pump.

3-7 Fig 15 Spray Nozzle

Fuel Inlet

Feed Arm

Swirl Slot

Air Inlet Port


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25. In the vaporizer, fuel is sprayed from feed tubes into vaporizing tubes which are part of the
combustion chamber. The tubes are heated by combustion and the fuel is therefore vaporized before
passing into the flame tube. Primary air is fed into the vaporizer and mixes with fuel as it passes down
the tube. Air is also fed through holes in the flame tube entry section which provide 'fans' of air to
sweep the flame rearwards. In order to start an engine employing a vaporizing system, it is necessary
to incorporate a set of spray nozzles with the igniter plugs, to initiate the combustion process. Fig 15
shows a typical vaporizing system.

3-7 Fig 16 A Vaporizer Combustion Chamber

Dilution Air Holes

Flame Tube

Guide Vanes

Feed Tube
Secondary Tube
Air Holes

26. Advantages of Vaporizers. The advantages of vaporizers are as follows:

a. The vaporizer is effective over a wider operating range than the atomizer. Combustion can
be controlled more easily, and is usually a more complete process, producing less smoke.

b. The system does not depend on fuel pressure as does the atomizer, and so lower pressures can
be used (typically around 3,000 kPa against 13,000 kPa).

c. Because the vaporizers are located behind the flame, the flame can be stabilized at the front
of the combustion chamber. The combustion zone is therefore shorter, allowing a shorter
combustion section to be used.

Matching of Burner to Combustion Chamber

27. Annular combustion chambers pose the problem of achieving even combustion throughout the
system. With atomizers of the duplex type, it would be almost impossible to shape the flame to give an
even combustion front to the turbine (necessary to reducing the risk of vibration) and, at the same time,
prevent interaction between burners. The initial answer was to use vaporizers which gave an almost
annular flame. However, development has shown that the spray nozzle can also be matched to an
annular chamber.

28. With tubo-annular combustion chambers, the geometry of the flame tube is ideal for the use of the
atomizing burner. The flame can be controlled much more easily by recirculating air, and it is more
efficient to have a cone of flame for each chamber rather than a sheet of flame.

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29. Pollution of the atmosphere by gas turbine engines falls into two categories: visible (ie smoke) and
invisible (i.e. oxides of nitrogen, unburnt hydrocarbons, oxides of sulphur and carbon monoxide). The
combination of the traditional types of duplex burner with increasing compression ratios has led to visible
smoke during take-off and climb. The increasing awareness, both in scientific and public circles, of the
effect of atmospheric pollution has forced engine manufacturers to develop 'green clean' engines.

Sources of Pollution

30. Pollution is caused by the combustion process within the engine, although combustion technology
improvements have played, and will continue to play, the major role in reducing emissions. The need to
reduce emissions (CO2 and water vapour as well as NO) without diminishing safety and reliability causes
several design conflicts. For example, although an increase in engine pressure ratio leads to a reduction
in fuel consumption, and therefore reduced CO2 and H2O, it also leads to increased NO production. To
obtain low NO, combustion must be restricted to lean conditions and low temperatures.

Pollution Reduction

31. Significant NO abatement requires the reduction of peak flame temperature within the combustor.
To achieve flame temperature reductions, while still maintaining acceptable combustor performance
and operation at low engine power conditions, there is a need to use combustion process staging.
Combustors with leaner primary combustion zone fuel/air premixing should reduce NO emissions by
up to 90%. These concepts are known as Lean Premixed/Prevaporized (LPP) or Rich Burn, Quick
Quench, Lean Burn (RQL).

32. Because the sulphur content in aviation kerosine is kept very low to reduce chemical attack on the
turbine blading, oxides of sulphur do not normally present a serious pollution problem. However, the
quantity of unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the engine exhaust do pose a problem.
They are, to a large extent, dependent on the combustion efficiency of the engine. The most serious
pollution problem, therefore, occurs only at idle when combustion efficiency is well below 100%. At
take-off and climb, the combustion system is operating near to 100% efficiency.


Ignition Systems

33. High-energy ignition units are used in most engines. Each engine has two separate igniters,
usually positioned in opposite sides of the flame tube. The ignition units are designed to deliver a high
voltage, high current discharge at the igniter plug from a low voltage AC or DC supply.

34. In some conditions of flight, e.g. icing, take-off in heavy rain or gun firing, it may be desirable to have
continuous operation of the ignition unit to avoid the possibility of flame out. In order to prolong the life of
the ignition unit, some installations allow for a dual-level output, with a low level for continuous operation,
and a high level for start-up and relight conditions. In older installations, an alternative method is to supply
one igniter plug with a low-level output, and the other with a high level output. The operation of the main
types of ignition unit and the igniter plug are discussed below.

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DC Trembler-operated Ignition Unit

35. An induction coil, operated by the trembler mechanism from the aircraft 24-volt DC supply,
repeatedly charges a reservoir capacitor through a high voltage rectifier (Fig 16). The rectifier prevents
a discharge back into the coil winding while the capacitor builds up to a value of approximately 2 kV, at
which stage the sealed discharge gap breaks down. The capacitor then discharges through the sealed
discharge gap, choke, and the engine igniter plug, which are all connected in series. The capacitor is
then recharged, and the cycle is repeated at a frequency of not less than one discharge per second.
The discharge can be heard as a cracking or loud clicking noise.

3-7 Fig 17 DC Trembler-operated Ignition Unit

Trembler Mechanism
Induction Coil HT Connection
Reservoir Capacitor To Igniter Plug

Choke Safety




Induction Mechanism
Coil Primary

Choke Primary

Safety Resistors Glass sealed

Discharge Gap LT Connection
DC Supply
HT Connection
to Igniter Plug LT Connection


36. Discharge resistors are connected across the reservoir capacitor to ensure that the stored
energy is dissipated within one minute of the unit being switched off. The safety resistors across
the output circuits prevent the voltage building up if the unit should be accidentally operated while
the igniter plug lead is disconnected. The choke controls the duration of the discharge to give the
best ignition conditions.

Transistorized Ignition Unit

37. The transistorized ignition unit is basically similar to the trembler-operated unit described above.
In the transistorized unit however, the trembler mechanism is replaced by a transistor chopper circuit
(Fig 17). As this unit has no moving parts, it has a longer operating life than the trembler unit. There
are also advantages of size and weight reduction compared to the latter unit.

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3-7 Fig 18 Transistorized Ignition Unit

Capacitor HT Connection

Discharge Gap Choke


HT Connection Diode
to Igniter Plug

LT Connection
LT Connection DC Supply

AC Ignition Unit

38. The AC ignition unit (Fig 18) transforms and rectifies the low voltage AC aircraft supply, which is then
used to charge the reservoir capacitor. Subsequent operation is identical to the trembler and transistorized

3-7 Fig 19 AC Ignition Unit

HT Connection
to Igniter Plug
Reservoir Capacitor Spark Rate
Discharge Gap Gap



Spark Rate

HT Connection
to Igniter Plug Suppressor
Discharge Spark Rate
Resistors Resistor
LT Connection
LT Connection
AC Supply

Igniter Plug

39. The igniter plug (Fig 19) is a discharge plug of a type having no air gap. The electrode end of the
plug is integral with the central electrode, insulator, and the earthed outer metal casing. The discharge
is initiated by a small electrical leakage across the surface of the insulator from the central electrode to
earth, which provides a low resistance path for the capacitor discharge. In practice, it is found that a
heavily carbonized igniter plug gives a better spark than a clean plug by causing a greater initial

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3-7 Fig 20 Igniter Plug

Tungsten Tip

Tungsten Alloy

Silicon Carbide
Semi-conductor Pellet

Steel Body



Glass Seal

40. The igniter plug is positioned so that the electrodes protrude into the primary zone of the
combustion chamber, but just outside the high temperature area. Once the mixture is ignited, the
flame is self-sustaining within the limits of the air/fuel ratio working range.

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AP3456 -3-8- Turbines



1. The high temperature, high pressure gases leaving the combustion system contain a large
amount of energy, most of which needs to be extracted as efficiently as possible to drive the
compressor and engine driven accessories. The remainder is available for output, either by driving a
power turbine or by forming a propelling jet.

2. The extraction of this energy is done by the turbine which, like the axial flow compressor, consists
of stages of fixed blades, known as turbine stator blades or more usually nozzle guide vanes (NGV),
and rotor blades. Each turbine 'stage' contains one set of NGVs followed by one set of rotor blades.

3. The turbine differs from the compressor, however, in that by expanding the gas flow it is moving it in
the direction of decreasing pressure, ie the gas’s direction of natural flow, so the tendency to incur losses
is much reduced. This fundamental difference between compressor and turbine is useful to the engine
designer, as it allows the use of a turbine with few stages to drive a multi-stage compressor spool.

Energy Transfer from Gas Flow to Turbine

4. Reaction and Impulse Turbines. Turbine stages may be designed as predominantly impulse or
predominantly reaction with a considerable change in contour from blade root to tip.

a. Impulse. In a turbine stage where the blading is of the impulse type, a pressure drop occurs
only in the convergent NGV passages, together with a corresponding velocity increase. The
resultant stream of high velocity gas is directed at the rotor blades (Fig 1a) where the passages
are constant in area and therefore there is no further pressure drop. However, although its scalar
element remains constant, the direction of the air velocity is changed, producing an impulse on
the turbine which causes it to rotate. This is the oldest system and can be likened to the water
wheel. It is used for starter turbines and APUs, but not in its purest form, in gas turbine engines.

3-8 Fig 1 Impulse and Reaction Blading

Fig 1a Impulse Blading

Nozzle Rotor
Guide Vanes Buckets
P1 V1 A 1
P2 = P3
P2 V2 = V3
Gas Flow
V2 A 2= A 3

P1 > P2
V1 < V2
A 1> A 2

of Motion

b. Reaction. Exactly the opposite series of events takes place in a reaction turbine. The entire
pressure drop takes place between the rotor blades which have convergent passages in the

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direction of flow - the NGVs do no more than alter or guide the flow for the rotors (Fig 1b). The
turbine is driven round by the reaction force resulting from the acceleration of the gas through the
converging blade passage; both the direction and the magnitude of the gas velocity are changed.
Again, in practice, pure reaction blading is not used in gas turbine engines, as it is inefficient.

Fig 1b Reaction Blading

Guide Vanes Rotor Buckets
P1 V1 A 1 P2 > P3
V2 < V3
V2 P3
Gas Flow A 2> A 3
A2 V3

P1 = P2
V1 = V2
A 1= A 2 of Motion

c. Practical Aircraft Engine Blading. In an aircraft turbojet, a compromise between impulse

and reaction blading is used, where the blade root is largely impulse blading and the blade tip
mainly reaction blading, with a smooth transition along the length of the blade.

Turbine Operating Conditions

5. Owing to the emphasis on low weight and small diameter, the turbine in a gas turbine engine is
subjected to severe operating conditions:

a. The operating temperatures experienced are extremely high, as the specific work output
from the turbine is dependent on turbine entry temperature (TET). TETs of the order of 1640 K
(1367 °C) are not uncommon and engines under development have TETs of 1850 K. In addition
to the high entry temperatures, the turbine must also accept a fairly high stage temperature drop
(approximately 200 K) without a serious drop in efficiency.

b. As well as experiencing high thermal stresses, the turbine must be capable of withstanding
the large hoop and centrifugal stresses generated by the high rotational speeds. Tip speeds of
around 400 m/s and associated gas velocities of 600 m/s are normal.

c. The power absorbed by the turbine to drive the compressor can be very high. Fig 2
illustrates typical power transmission values of a multi-spool engine.

3-8 Fig 2 Power Transmission Values on Multi-spool Engine

LP Compressor
LP Turbine

HP Compressor

HP Turbine

1640 KW 8800 KW

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NGV and Turbine Blade Design Considerations

6. Nozzle Guide Vanes. NGVs are of aerofoil shape and form a convergent passage between
adjacent blades to convert the pressure energy of the gas flow to kinetic energy. The gas flow must be
turned through a relatively large angle of deflection from the axial direction and, at the same time,
undergo expansion from low velocities to sonic or near supersonic speeds. NGVs operate ‘choked’
under design conditions in order to effect the maximum energy conversion. NGVs must withstand higher
gas temperatures than those which the turbine blades experience, and they are normally hollow, so that
they can be cooled by passing HP air through them. In addition, NGVs are subjected to temperature and
stress fluctuations caused by either uneven flow distribution from the compressor, or by flame pulsating
within the combustion chamber. NGVs are normally manufactured with shrouds fitted to both the top
and bottom of the vane (see Fig 3). These shrouds form a smooth passage for the gas flow, avoid tip
leakages, and permit a thinner vane wall section by providing increased rigidity. The vanes are often
welded together in sets providing limited radial movement. The outer shroud-locating ring generally
forms part of the engine casing and is usually extended to protect the turbine blades.

3-8 Fig 3 Typical Nozzle Guide Vane Installation

7. Turbine Blading. The type of blading used in the rotor, along with the number and arrangement
of turbine stages required, depends upon several factors:

a. Speed of gas delivered by the combustion system.

b. Rotor rpm.

c. Turbine size and weight.

d. Turbine entry temperature.

e. Outlet temperature, pressure and velocity.

f. Power output.

Turbine blades have to extract sufficient work from the gas flow to drive the compressor in as few
stages as possible. In addition, if the engine is multi-spool, the situation is more complex with each
turbine section driving its corresponding compressor i.e. HP, IP or LP. The HP turbine driving the HP
compressor spool can be single stage, as it receives gases of high energy, but by the time the gases
reach the IP or LP sections more blade area is needed if a proper work balance is to be maintained.
To accomplish this, a multi-stage turbine may be necessary, with increasingly larger blades.

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AP3456 -3-8- Turbines

Blade Manufacture

8. Turbine blade materials have to meet some exacting requirements, such as:

a. High fatigue strength.

b. Good creep resistance qualities.

c. Resistance to thermal shock.

d. Resistance to corrosion.

e. Economic to manufacture.

9. Although turbine blades can be made in a number of ways, they are now almost exclusively cast.
Cast blades are produced by the 'lost wax' or investment process. Unlike forged blades, the blades so
cast receive no work hardening after casting and the blades have excellent surface finish requiring
only superficial grinding before final heat treatment. This method is widely used for the manufacture of
turbine blades, particularly those that require cooling holes.

10. Turbine Blade Grain Structure. The grain structure of the turbine blade is vitally important as
the grain boundaries are a weakness at high temperature, particularly those that lie perpendicular to
the applied stress (see Fig 4a).

3-8 Fig 4 Turbine Blade Structures

Fig 4a Conventional Cast Blade Grain Structure

Good Mechanical
Properties in
All Directions

Crystal Structure

By manipulating the grain structure to reduce the number of grain boundaries and directions,
significant increases in creep resistance and thermal fatigue life can be achieved. Two methods
currently used are:

a. Directionally Solidified. In directionally solidified blades, the transverse boundaries are

eliminated by inducing the casting to solidify from one end only. This is achieved by pouring the
molten metal into a heated mould which is cooled from one end. In this way, the grains can be
made to run the length of the blade (see Fig 4b). The combination of no transverse grain
boundary and this preferred orientation results in approximately a two-fold improvement in creep
life and a six-fold increase in thermal fatigue life over conventionally cast material.

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Fig 4b Directionally Solidified Turbine Blade Structure

Improved Mechanical
Properties in
Longitudinal Axis


b. Single Crystal. The single crystal blade is a further development where all the grain
boundaries are eliminated. This is achieved by a similar process to directional solidification, but
the mould is designed so that all but one of the grains are choked off before they reach the blade
(see Fig 4c). If the blade contains no grain boundaries, there is no need to include in the alloy,
elements that are traditionally included to strengthen these boundaries. When these elements
are excluded from the blade alloy the melting point is raised appreciably, which allows high
temperature heat treatments to be applied to single crystal alloys which cannot be used with
conventionally cast or directionally solidified material. Creep life can be improved six-fold whilst
thermal fatigue life is increased ten-fold.

Fig 4c Single Crystal Turbine Blade Structure

Excellent Mechanical Properties

in Longitudinal Axis and Improved
Heat Resistance

Blade Installation

11. Blades in the majority of gas turbines are attached to the disc by means of the fir-tree root (Fig 5a).

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3-8 Fig 5 Blade Attachment Methods

Fig 5a Turbine Blade Attachment - Fir-Tree Root

Fir-tree Root
(with locking plate)

This type of fixing holds the blade loosely when the turbine is stationary, and provides a firm fitting by
centrifugal loading when the turbine is rotating. A later method of securing the blades to the disc, by
bonding, produces a single unit called a BLISK (BLade and dISK) (see Fig 5b).

Fig 5b Section Through BLISK

Cast Blade Ring

Diffusion Bond
Powder Disc

Turbine Discs

12. Although the temperatures are lower than those to which the blades are subjected, the centrifugal
stresses in the disc are considerably higher. Any hoop section must be capable of sustaining not only
the centrifugal loading imposed by the blades, and the mass of disc material at the circumference, but
also the thermal stresses caused by the temperature gradient across the disc. The stress imposed by
the blades alone may be as much as 30 MN per blade, equivalent to a mass increase of
approximately 3000 kg.

13. To equalise the hoop stresses at each hoop section, the disc is usually wide at the root tapering
towards the tip. The disc rim is generally widened to carry the blade root fixings, and often the
labyrinth section of the disc outer air seal. Powder metallurgy discs are being introduced which are
lighter and stronger than conventionally forged discs and some small turbines have been made by
precision casting of complete discs and blades in one piece.

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Turbine Installations

14. Turbine installations vary depending on the type and number of separate compressors or power
shafts that need to be driven. The different configurations are listed as follows:

a. Single-spool Turbine. With this arrangement, the turbine is connected by a single shaft to
the compressor. The number of turbine stages depends on the power required to drive the
compressor (Fig 6).

3-8 Fig 6 Three-stage Single Spool Turbine


Shaft Drive


b. Multi-spool Turbines. Engines with more than one compressor spool require a separate
turbine for each of the spools. Fig 7 shows the turbine arrangement for such an engine, which in
this instance is three spool.

3-8 Fig 7 Multi-stage Turbine with Triple Shaft Arrangement

LP Compressor
IP Shaft Drive
LP Shaft Drive
IP Compressor HP Shaft Drive
HP Compressor

HP Turbine

IP Turbine

LP Turbine

c. Direct Coupled Turboshaft. This configuration is similar to that described in 14a with the
addition of an extension shaft attached to the front of the compressor to drive a propeller (Fig 8).
As the majority of the energy of the gas stream is extracted to drive the compressor and
propeller, a multi-stage turbine is fitted. (See also Volume 3, Chapter 16, Para 8).

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3-8 Fig 8 Direct Coupled Turboshaft

Shaft Drive


d. Free Turbine. This arrangement is another turboshaft engine with a separate or 'free'
turbine driving the propeller or rotor (Fig 9).

3-8 Fig 9 Typical Free-power Turbine

HP Shaft Drive

HP Turbine

LP Shaft Drive LP Turbine


Turbine and Disc Cooling

15. In addition to being designed with the correct contour to produce the desired energy transfer,
turbine blades, vanes, and the discs must also withstand high temperatures. The gas turbine is a high
temperature machine and increased operating temperatures give an increased specific output from
the engine, i.e. higher thrust for the same engine size and weight.

16. At turbine entry temperatures (TET) suitable for adequate thrust, all materials suitable for blading and
discs are affected by stress and creep. Creep is the continuous extension of a component under loads,
even though the load is less than that which would cause fracture. The degree of creep is dependent on
the temperature, where the higher the temperature the greater the amount of creep. Thus, the guide
vanes, the blades, and their discs must be cooled to permit them to withstand these high TETs.

17. Disc Cooling. The turbine disc is heated by the effect of radiation and conduction from the
turbine blades, and hot gas leakages past the seals. HP air from the compressor is used to cool the
front face of the turbine disc and also used to pressurize the labyrinth seal situated between the NGV
shroud ring and the disc, to prevent the ingress of hot gases (see Fig 10).

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3-8 Fig 10 Disc Cooling and Air Seals

LP Air Nozzle Guide

Overboard Vanes Turbine Blades

HP Cooling
Brush Air Dispelled
Seal Into Gas Stream

HP Cooling Air
Hydraulic Labyrinth
Seal Seal

Ring LP Cooling
Seal Air Turbine
Shaft Turbine Turbine Turbine
Disc Disc Disc

LP Air HP Air

If a number of discs have to be cooled, the seals are arranged to provide a cascade. The cooling
airflow will also pressurize the space around the shaft and prevent high temperature gas access. The
rear face of the turbine disc is protected by the exhaust cone and additional cooling air is sometimes
bled over the rear face of the disc through the rear-fairing supports (Fig 11).

3-8 Fig 11 General Arrangement of Turbine and Disc Cooling

LP Compressor By-pass Duct HP Turbine LP Turbine

HP Compressor Location Bearings


LP Compressor HP Compressor HP Turbine LP Turbine

Front Bearing Front Bearing Bearing
LP Compressor AIR OUTLET
Rear Bearing Air Transfer Ports

LP Air HP Intermediate Air HP Air

18. Turbine Blade and Vane Cooling. Blades and vanes are cooled with air tapped from the
compressor which is at a suitable temperature and pressure for cooling. The amount of air required is

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only a small percentage of the total compressor output and is taken into account during the design
stage. Air-cooling of blades is currently carried out in one of two ways: by convection or film cooling.

a. Convection Cooling. Convection cooling is achieved by passing cooling air through

longitudinal holes or hollow blade sections. Examples of this method are shown in Fig 12.

3-8 Fig 12 Convection Cooled NGV Blade Installation

Nozzle Guide Vane Cooling Air Dispelled

Into Gas Flow

Turbine Blade

HP Cooling Air Inlet

b. Film Cooled Blades. Film cooling of the blade successfully overcomes the effective limits
of cooling by convection by passing a film of cold air over the surface, thus protecting it from the
hot gas flow. However, it is expensive to develop and produce, so designers have concentrated
their efforts at providing cooling to the portions of the blade which have the greatest need - the
leading and trailing edges. Fig 13 shows the development of high-pressure turbine blade cooling.

3-8 Fig 13 Turbine Blade Cooling Developments

LP Cooling Air HP Cooling Air

Single Pass, Single Pass, Quintuple Pass,

Internal Cooling Multi-feed Multi-feed
(1960's) Internal Cooling Internal Cooling
With Film Cooling With Extensive
(1970's) Film Cooling

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AP3456 -3-8- Turbines

Turbine Faults

19. Loss of Tip Clearance. The service life of a gas turbine engine is generally limited by the
condition of high temperature components. The designed tip clearance between the turbine blades
and the shroud ring can decrease because of blade creep and bearing wear. This clearance was
originally checked periodically but, with 'on condition' maintenance, it is only checked on an
opportunity basis during engine repair.

20. Buckling, Cracking and Distortion. Hot spots from misaligned, damaged combustion systems
or faulty blade cooling may give rise to blade troubles, particularly distortion and cracking of the NGV
trailing edges. If cracks are not rapidly seen, pieces of the material may break away and either cause
further damage to the turbine, or impose eccentric dynamic loading on the assembly. The turbine can
be visually inspected using boroscope equipment, and several engine types incorporate suitable
inspection ports for this purpose.

21. Foreign Object Damage (FOD). Occasionally, damage can result from foreign objects, although
compressor damage will occur as well. Turbofan engines are not so prone to FOD on turbines as,
after passing through the LP compressor, most of the debris is centrifuged into the bypass duct. The
majority of FOD damage to the turbine comes from the failure of the combustion liner, or by carbon
breaking away and passing through the turbine. Small scratches and chips are allowed, but these
limits are very small because of the extreme operating conditions of the turbine.

22. Turbine Blade Containment. Should a turbine blade become detached from the disc during
engine operation, the destructive force is so great that secondary damage caused by the blade can
result in the loss of the aircraft. Various methods of containment are employed such as increasing the
strength of the turbine casing and having reinforced bands placed around the aircraft engine bay
protecting the vital parts of the aircraft structure, such as fuel tanks and control runs.

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AP3456 - 3-9 - Exhaust Systems



1. After leaving the turbine, the exhaust gases pass into the exhaust system then exit through a
propelling nozzle, converting the energy in the gas stream into velocity to produce thrust. On turboprop
and turboshaft engines, the majority of the energy in the gas stream has already been extracted by the
turbine, so little thrust is produced at the propelling nozzle.

2. In the simple turbojet, the exhaust system consists of three main components:
a. Exhaust unit.
b. Jet pipe.
c. Propelling nozzle.

Fig 1 shows the arrangement of these components for a simple turbojet exhaust system. For an
engine fitted with afterburning, a variable area propelling nozzle will be required in place of the fixed
propelling nozzle (see para 7).

3-9 Fig 1 Basic Exhaust System

Exhaust Cone
Convergent (Propelling) Nozzle
Jet Pipe

Turbine Rear
Stage Turbine Rear
Support Struts

Bypass engines may have the hot and cold streams combined using a mixer unit (Fig 2a), exhausted
through separate coaxial nozzles (Fig 2b), or through an integrated nozzle (Fig 2c). The first method is
adopted on low bypass ratio engines, whilst the last two are employed on high bypass engines.

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AP3456 - 3-9 - Exhaust Systems

3-9 Fig 2 Exhaust System Components

a Bypass Air Mixer Unit

By-pass Duct
Turbine Rear
Support Struts Mixer Chutes

By-pass Air
mixing with
Exhaust Gas Stream

By-pass Air

Exhaust Gases

Splitter Jet Pipe Mounting Flange

Fairing Exhaust Unit
Inner Cone

b Cold Air and Hot Gas Exhaust System

External mixing of Gas Streams

Cold By-pass (Fan) Airflow

Hot Exhaust Gases

c Integrated Nozzle

Common or Integrated
Partial internal mixing of Gas Streams Exhaust Nozzle

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AP3456 - 3-9 - Exhaust Systems

An exhaust system may also include one or more of the following:

d. Thrust reversal.

e. Convergent-divergent nozzle.

f. Nozzle vectoring.

g. Noise suppression.

The Exhaust Unit

3. The exhaust gases leave the turbine at very high speed, and then slow down considerably on
entering the larger cross-section of the jet pipe. The exhaust unit, owing to its conical shape, creates a
divergent duct which decelerates the gas flow thus reducing pressure losses. Its other purpose is to
protect the rear face of the turbine disc from over heating. The cone is held in place by struts attached to
the exhaust unit walls, which also act as straightener vanes to remove any swirl present in the gas flow.

The Jet Pipe

4. The jet pipe is used to convey the exhaust gases from the exhaust unit to the propelling nozzle, its
length being dependent to some extent on aircraft design. Rear fuselage, or podded, engines have
short jet pipes that often form an integral part of the engine. Where the engines are mounted in the
middle of the fuselage, the jet pipe may be quite long, although more commonly the jet pipe is kept
short by using a longer intake duct.

5. Jet Pipe Construction. The jet pipe is manufactured from heat resisting alloys to enable it to
withstand high gas temperatures (up to 2200 K (1927 ºC)), whilst at the same time being as light as
possible. The complete jet pipe is usually of double wall construction with an annular space between
the inner and outer wall; the hot gases leaving the propelling nozzle induce a flow of air through the
annular passage which cools and insulates them. Bypass air is often used for cooling, but despite
these precautions, the jet pipe still needs to be insulated from the surrounding aircraft structure by
means of an insulation 'blanket'.

The Propelling Nozzle

6. The simple propelling nozzle can be a fixed convergent or convergent-divergent duct, through
which the pressure energy in the jet pipe is converted into kinetic energy. This increases the velocity of
the gases, producing thrust. The method of operation of the two types of nozzle is as follows:

a. The Fixed Convergent Nozzle. During normal operation, the nozzle will almost always be
choked, ie the jet velocity at the nozzle exit will have reached a maximum flow rate dependent on
the local speed of sound. The jet can only be accelerated further in a convergent nozzle by
increasing the local speed of sound by raising the gas temperature, ie afterburning. The exhaust
gases are usually well above atmospheric pressure on exit from the nozzle which is undesirable
because gas energy is exhausted from the nozzle without acting on it - a phenomenon known as
under-expansion. The energy dissipated in this manner is potential thrust that has been lost.

b. The Convergent-divergent Nozzle. By adding a divergent section to the convergent nozzle,

it is possible to accelerate the exhaust gases beyond the speed of sound, thus expanding the
gases down to atmospheric pressure, avoiding under-expansion losses. Such an arrangement is
known as a convergent-divergent, or con-di nozzle (Fig 3). However, the con-di nozzle will only
operate correctly at its designed pressure ratio, which in turn is dependent upon the exit area to

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throat area ratio. Although offering a thrust advantage over the simple convergent nozzle,
operation outside the design speed will cause severe over-expansion losses to occur in the
divergent section - where the exit pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure - thus causing
shock waves to form inside the divergent duct. For any vehicle required to operate over a wide
range of speeds, a variable geometry con-di nozzle arrangement is therefore desirable, but for a
fixed velocity vehicle, eg ramjet or rocket powered missile, a con-di nozzle of fixed area ratio is
universally adopted.

3-9 Fig 3 Convergent-divergent Nozzle

Throat Area

Exit Area


Variable Geometry Nozzles

7. The need for variable geometry (VG) was briefly mentioned in the previous paragraph in
connection with operation over a range of speeds. Variable geometry is required with purely
convergent nozzles for the following reasons:

a. Afterburner Operation. When afterburning is used the expansion of gases in the jet pipe
will cause a rise in static pressure, upsetting the turbine pressure ratio, thus causing a slowing
down, and possible surge, of the compressor. To prevent this happening, a VG nozzle is fitted
which is opened as the afterburner is lit. Reheat fuel flow and nozzle position are then linked by
a control system which maintains a constant turbine pressure ratio.

b. Noise Reduction. If the final nozzle area is reduced, turbine pressure ratio will be reduced and
the LP compressor speed will fall. On high by-pass ratio engines, where much of the engine noise is
associated with the LP fan, this technique is used to achieve noise reduction on the approach.

c. Taxiing. On some aircraft, even with the engines at idle, the thrust produced requires the
pilot continually to apply the brakes to reduce taxi speed. To reduce brake wear, the nozzle can
be opened to a maximum value to reduce the thrust produced by the engine for taxiing.

d. Surge Control. Varying the nozzle area allows the compressor pressure ratio to be
controlled to avoid surge (see Volume 3, Chapter 6) when afterburning is used.

8. The VG Convergent Nozzle for Afterburning. Convergent nozzles for engines fitted with
afterburners operate as an adjustable diaphragm which allows full area variation without leakage or
loss of circularity. In Fig 4 the nozzle consists of 20 master flaps with cam roller tracks and 20 sealing
flaps. The nozzle is positioned by the fore and aft movement of an actuating sleeve operated by rams;
20 nozzle operating rollers are bracketed to the inside of the actuating sleeve. The rams may be
actuated by engine oil, aircraft fuel, or by compressor bleed air.

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3-9 Fig 4 A VG Exhaust Nozzle


Jet Pipe

Actuating Sleeve

Interlocking Flaps

9. The VG Convergent-divergent Nozzle. A VG con-di nozzle consists of two variable nozzles,

primary and secondary (Fig 5), the construction and operation of which is similar to that described in para 8.

3-9 Fig 5 VG Convergent-divergent Nozzle




The nozzle can use a single actuating system where only the primary nozzle is controlled, the
secondary nozzle being altered by a fixed linkage system (see Fig 6), or fully independent control of
both primary and secondary nozzles. The latter system requires a far more complex control system
but can deliver good nozzle performance over a wide range of operating conditions.

3-9 Fig 6 Con-di Nozzle Operation (Fixed Link)

Nozzle Secondary Open

Actuation Cavity Nozzle Link
Ring Position

Tailpipe Rollers Position
Tailpipe Primary
Liner Nozzle
Cam Primary Secondary
Nozzle Nozzle

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10. Thrust Vectoring Nozzle. With the VG nozzles previously described, the thrust line has been
maintained through the centre-line of the engine. With thrust vectoring, a further operation of the
nozzle system may be included which will allow the thrust line to be altered to a pitch angle of up to 20º
from the centre-line in any direction. Thrust vectoring will enhance the performance of the aircraft,
allowing STOL operation, high AOA, and improved manoeuvrability.

3-9 Fig 7 Thrust Vectoring Nozzle

Zero (0)

20 Degrees

11. Nozzle Control. On many aircraft, only the primary (convergent) nozzle position is closely
controlled, even when a con-di nozzle is fitted. Such control is associated with the afterburning
system, and is discussed in detail in Volume 3, Chapter 10. Where secondary nozzle position needs to
be closely controlled, then the control system must vary nozzle position either with flight Mach number
according to a pre-programmed relationship, or under manual control by the pilot. Control of the thrust
vectoring nozzle will require the integration of the flight and engine control systems.

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1. There are occasions when the maximum thrust from a basic gas turbine engine is inadequate, and
some method of increasing the available thrust is required without resorting to a larger engine with its
associated penalties of increased frontal area, weight and fuel consumption.

2. There are two recognized methods of augmenting thrust

a. Afterburning (or reheat) to boost the thrust at various altitudes thus increasing aircraft
performance. This is limited to short periods only, such as combat or take-off, due to the
increased fuel consumption.

b. Water or water/methanol injection to restore, or even boost, the thrust from a gas turbine
operating from hot or high altitude airfields. This method is now normally limited to turboprop
powered transport aircraft.


3. Afterburning or reheat is the common method of augmenting the thrust from a gas turbine engine.
Within the engine the combustion chamber temperature rise is limited by the temperature limitations of the
turbine blade material. This limits the fuel-air ratio of the gas generator (ie the 'core' of the engine) to about
1:5 and only 30% of the air is burned. Afterburning, by mixing and burning fuel with this surplus air after the
turbine, will accelerate the gases again and provide an increase to the basic thrust.

4. Comparison with Non-afterburning System. Afterburning is the most direct method of

increasing thrust, but increases the fuel flow substantially and therefore is normally used only for short
periods. If more thrust is required for longer periods, a larger engine may be needed, but considered
solely for take-off, climb or combat, afterburning is a better proposition since a larger engine would
operate for the majority of its life in a low thrust, throttled condition, giving high SFC with drag and
weight penalties. Comparisons are made between adopting a large engine with no afterburning and a
small engine with an afterburner facility in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison Between Possible High Thrust Sources

Condition Large Engine(No Reheat) Small Engine(Reheat Facility)

Low SFC, increased airflow and
Take-off, climb, combat. Reheat on, high SFC, same airflow.
momentum drag.
Throttled, high SFC, low thrust/weight Reheat off, low SFC, high
Normal cruise.
ratio, large frontal area. thrust/weight ratio, small frontal area.

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AP3456 - 3-10 - Thrust Augmentation

Principles of Afterburning

5. Thrust Production. As stated in Volume 3, Chapter 9, when the engine is operating under its
design condition the propelling nozzle is choked, therefore to increase thrust the gas flow temperature
needs to be increased. Typically, the gas temperature without afterburning (dry) may be 923 K, whilst
that for afterburning (wet) may be 1810 K. Taking the thrust levels at sea level static (SLS) for
both wet and dry engine conditions, the thrust increase can be expressed by the following:

Sea level static thrust (wet) Vje (wet)

Sea level static thrust (dry) Vje (dry)

Tje (wet)
Tje (dry)

Where Vje = Exit gas velocity

Tje = Exit gas Temperature

As Vje is proportional to the square root of Tje the thrust increase ratio can be expressed in terms of the
temperature increase ratio. Thus:

Tje (wet) 1810

Tje (dry) 923

= 1.96

= 1.4

Thus, a 96% increase in temperature gives a 40% increase in static thrust. Fig 1 shows the thrust
increase with temperature ratio.

3-10 Fig 1 Static Thrust Increase and Temperature Ratio

% Thrust Increase



1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0
Temperature Ratio

Augmented thrust varies in a similar way to dry thrust with increasing altitude and increasing forward
speed (Fig 2).

6. Variation of Nozzle Area. If it is assumed that an engine is operated initially without the
afterburner, then at full throttle conditions the nozzle will be choked. Fig 3 shows typical thrust/rpm
and compressor characteristic curves for the engine. When afterburning is applied, the augmented
thrust will occur at 100% rpm; therefore, on the compressor characteristics, the augmented thrust
should also lie on the 100% rpm line. In Fig 3b, position 'X' represents the operating point for 100%

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rpm operation without afterburning. When afterburning is applied without increasing the nozzle area,
the pressure ratio across the compressor will increase, and the mass flow rate will decrease along the
constant rpm line to produce operating point 'Y', which is in the surge region. This is unacceptable
and, for optimum conditions, the increased pressure ratio (caused by the gas volume increase) is
prevented by opening the nozzle to maintain a constant total pressure in the jet pipe. Under these
conditions, the operating point for reheat operation will remain at point 'X'. In practice, the nozzle is
operated to maintain a constant, pre-set pressure ratio across the turbine.

3-10 Fig 2 Effects of Altitude and Forward Speed on Augmented Thrust

b Effect of Speed

200 100% rpm

190 with Reheat
a Effect of Altitude
220 Reheat On 170
200 Aircraft Speed
600 kt
Thrust - % of Sea Level Static Max
Thrust - % of Sea Level Static Max

150 100% rpm Dry
160 Altitude - 12,000 ft
140 140
97% rpm
120 130
95% rpm
Reheat Off
100 120
80 110 90% rpm
60 100
10 20 30 40 50 60
Altitude (1,000 ft)

150 300 450 600 750 900

TAS (kt)
3-10 Fig 3 Typical Performance Characteristic Curves for an Afterburning Engine

a b


e tin
Lin pera
Pressure Ratio


100% rpm


Idle 100%
rpm Air Mass Flow

As nozzle exit temperature rises during afterburning, so also must the nozzle exit area increase to
maintain a nozzle pressure such that the turbine pressure ratio is constant. A further consideration for
multi-spool bypass engines incorporating afterburning is the backpressure felt by the LP fan or
compressor down the bypass duct. This can cause the compressor or fan speed to change
independently of the core engine and can be recovered to its max dry level by adjusting the fuel flow
to the afterburner whilst maintaining a set nozzle area.

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7. Specific Fuel Consumption. Afterburning increases SFC because the temperature rise
increases the velocity of the jet efflux (Vj), reducing propulsive efficiency (see Volume 3, Chapter 4).
Assuming a SFC without afterburning of 158 kg/hr/kN at sea level and a speed of Mach 0.9 as shown
in Fig 4, then with 50% afterburning, under the same conditions of flight, the SFC rises to approx 280
kg/hr/kN. With an increase in height to 35000 ft, this latter figure falls to about 234 kg/hr/kN due to the
reduced intake temperature. However, if the effect of afterburning on SFC in relation to the improved
performance achieved is considered, then clearly the additional fuel consumed may be excessive, e.g.
during climb to interception. From Fig 4 it can also be seen that afterburning performance improves as
flight Mach No increases (at either altitude), i.e. the ratio of augmented SFC to normal SFC decreases.
At high Mach No (M2.5 plus), afterburning becomes a reasonably efficient system.

3-10 Fig 4 SFC Variations with Altitude and Mach Number


Sea Level
Specific Fuel Consumption

35,000 ft

Sea Level

35,000 ft


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Mach Number

8. Turbofan Afterburning. Afterburning of a turbofan can be accomplished by:

a. Gas Generator Afterburning. Gas generator afterburning is where only the hot gas
generator stream is reheated.

b. Mixed Stream Afterburning. Mixed stream afterburning is where both streams are
reheated in a common afterburner after mixing. In this case, an additional constraint is placed on
the engine cycle, since the pressure of the two streams during mixing should be about equal to
avoid mixing pressure losses.

c. Hot and Cold Stream Afterburning. Hot and cold stream afterburning is where the two
streams are reheated separately then mixed. In this method, the fuel flow is scheduled separately
to the two gas streams, however, there is interconnection between the flame stabilizers in the two
streams to assist combustion in the cold by-pass air.

The turbofan with afterburning offers significant advantages over the turbojet. In addition to improved
cruise SFC, which makes the turbofan acceptable for subsonic applications, the turbofan also offers
impressive augmentation ratios, up to 80%, with afterburning. This performance is attractive for
supersonic applications, or for aircraft which combine subsonic cruise speed with very high-speed
combat characteristics. The high augmentation ratios are achieved because the afterburner receives
pure air as well as the products of combustion from the main burner. This means that more oxygen is
available, thus more fuel can be added in the afterburner of a turbofan than in a turbojet before

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stoichiometric mixture ratios are attained (this is when the correct balance between the amount of fuel
provided and the amount of oxygen supplied is reached). Table 2 compares the performance of a
turbojet with afterburning with that of a turbofan with afterburning.

Table 2 Comparison between Afterburning Turbojet and Turbofan Engines

Performance Characteristics Turbojet Turbofan

Maximum dry weight of engine 1379 kg 1497 kg
Maximum dry weight of afterburner jet pipe 408 kg 290 kg
Maximum thrust, dry (SLS ISA) 55 kN (5606 kg) 55 kN (5606 kg)
SFC dry, at maximum thrust 86 kg/hr/kN 64 kg/hr/kN
Maximum thrust, wet (SLS ISA) 72 kN (7339 kg) 93 kN (9123 kg)
SFC wet, at maximum thrust 203 kg/hr/kN 193 kg/hr/kN
Power to weight ratio (after burning) 4.1:1 5.1:1
By-pass ratio nil 0.7:1

Afterburner Components

9. Jet Pipe and Propelling Nozzle. Fig 5 presents a cutaway drawing of a typical jet pipe and propelling
nozzle. The afterburner meets the basic requirements of the normal combustion chamber. First, the air
discharging from the turbine must be slowed down to a low velocity so that combustion can be stabilized.

3-10 Fig 5 Jet Pipe and Propelling Nozzle

To decrease the air velocity adequately, a diffuser section is placed between the turbine and burner section
(Fig 6).

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3-10 Fig 6 Diffuser and Jet Pipe

By-pass Air Flow Diffuser Cooling Flow Nozzle Operating Sleeve


Afterburner Holders Jet Pipe Variable Propelling Nozzle

10. Burner System. The burner system consists of circular fuel manifolds supported by struts inside
the jet pipe. Fuel is supplied to the manifold by feed pipes in the support struts, sprayed from holes in
the downstream edge of the manifolds into the flame area, and ignited by the afterburner ignition
system. To maintain a flame after ignition, the afterburner requires the equivalent of the primary
combustion zone in the normal burner. This is accomplished by a series of flame holders which, in the
example shown in Fig 6, are 'V' shaped vapour gutters mounted concentrically about the longitudinal
axis of the burner. Radially mounted mixing chutes may also be used, but the principle of design is
the same for any type, namely to produce a stable combustion zone, at the same time producing as
little drag as possible on the gas flow past the holders. These requirements, however, are in direct
conflict with each other, consequently, attention must be given to both items, especially to minimize
flame holder drag since this produces a gas pressure loss with consequent loss in thrust. The internal
drag penalty is also important when the engine is operated with the afterburner off, with thrust and SFC
penalized from 2.5% to 5% by the pressure losses in the afterburner.

11. Construction. The afterburner jet pipe is made from heat resisting nickel alloy and requires more
insulation than the normal jet pipe to prevent the heat of combustion being transferred to the aircraft
structure. The jet pipe may be of double skin construction with the outer skin carrying the flight loads
and the inner skin the thermal stresses. Provision is also made for expansion and contraction and to
prevent gas leaks at the jet pipe joints. The inner skin or heatshield comprises a number of bands
linked by cooling corrugations to form a single skin, the rear of which is formed by a series of
overlapping tiles riveted to the surrounding skin to form a double section. This arrangement provides
improved cooling over the hotter region at the rear of the burning section. This method of cooling is
further improved in bypass engines as relatively cool bypass air is used. Insulation blankets are also
wrapped around the outer shell to provide additional protection to heat transfer. A heatshield of similar
material to the jet pipe can be fitted to the inner wall to improve cooling at the rear of the burner section by
allowing a further airflow boundary between the combustion flame and the jet pipe wall (Fig 5). This
shield also prevents combustion instability from creating excessive noise and vibration (howl).

12. Variable Nozzle. The final requirement of an afterburner is its need for a variable exit nozzle and
a fully variable area nozzle is used although, on earlier systems, a simpler two-position nozzle was
sometimes employed. The variable area nozzle shown in Fig 5 consists of eight master flaps with
cam-type roller tracks and eight sealing flaps (Fig 7). The nozzle is positioned by fore and aft
movement of an actuating ring operated by four nozzle operating rams. Eight nozzle operating rollers
are bracketed to the inside of the actuating ring When the actuating ring is moved rearwards by the
operating rams, the nozzle is opened to the large area position by the gas loading on the nozzle flaps
and the small rollers acting on the underside of the master flap cam tracks. Forward movement of the
actuating ring closes the nozzle to the small area position.

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3-10 Fig 7 Variable Nozzle Actuating Mechanism

Roller Bearing

Section Through Master Flap

Afterburner Ignition Systems

13. The three most common types of reheat ignition system are shown in Fig 8 and are:

a. Spark Ignition. This type of ignition functions in a similar way to normal combustion chamber
igniters. Light up is initiated by a pilot fuel supply, and an igniter plug. A tapping from the main
afterburner flow supplies fuel for the pilot burner. The burner sprays fuel into a region of low velocity
inside a cone forming part of the afterburner assembly. The igniter plug is of the spark gap type and
projects into the cone adjacent to the pilot burner. When afterburning is selected, the ignition system is
energized via a time switch. This switch will cut out the ignition system after a predetermined time.
b. Hot-shot Ignition. The hot-shot ignition system is operated by one or two fuel injectors, one
spraying fuel into the combustion chamber, whilst a second, if fitted, sprays fuel into the exhaust unit.
The streak of flame initiated in the combustion chamber increases in volume progressively as it flows
into the afterburner where it ignites the fuel/air mixture. The turbine blades are not overheated by the
hot streak because of its relatively low energy content, and, since a portion of the fuel vapourizes in the
fuel stream, some cooling is provided; furthermore, the hot streak is operated only briefly.

c. Catalytic Ignition. The catalytic igniter consists of a Platinum/Rhodium element fitted into a
housing secured to the burner. The housing contains a venturi tube, the mouth of which is open
to the main gas stream from the turbines. Fuel is fed into the throat and a fuel/air mixture is
sprayed on to the element of the igniter. Chemical reaction lowers the flash point of the mixture
sufficiently for spontaneous ignition to take place.

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3-10 Fig 8 Afterburner Ignition System

Catalytic Ignition Spark Ignition

Fuel Feed
Fuel Feed Ignition




Hot-shot Ignition

Fuel Feed


Combustion Chamber

Afterburner Control

14. The fuel flow and propelling nozzle area must be coordinated for satisfactory operation of the
afterburner. These functions can be related either by making the fuel flow dependent on the nozzle
area, or vice versa.

15. Pilot Control of Nozzle Area. Coordination is achieved physically by placing the nozzle area
under the control of the pilot and subordinating fuel flow control to a pressure sensitive device which
responds to variations in exhaust gas pressure or, in the case of electronic engine control, a
predetermined fuel flow/nozzle area relationship. Thus, when the nozzle area is increased, afterburner
fuel flow increases proportionately and vice versa. The fuel flow, whether in a mechanical or electronic
system, is adjusted to maintain a constant pressure ratio across the turbine ensuring that the engine is
unaffected by afterburning regardless of nozzle area or fuel flow. Nozzle control is effected through the
pilot’s throttle lever as a continuation of throttle movement beyond the maximum rpm position. Thus,
the afterburning operation is an extension of the principle that thrust increases as the throttle is moved
forward. As large fuel flows are required for afterburning, an additional fuel pump is necessary. This
pump may be of the centrifugal flow or the gear type and is energized automatically when afterburning
is selected. The system is fully automatic and incorporates fail-safe features to provide for afterburning
malfunction. An example of this type of system is shown diagrammatically in Fig 9.

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3-10 Fig 9 Simplified Nozzle Led Afterburner System (Electronic Control)

Afterburner Fuel
Control Unit

Pilot’s Nozzle Area/Fuel Flow Nozzle Area

Relationship Feed Back
Lever Transducer

Nozzle Area
Turbine Pressure
Ratio Transducer

Engine and Environment Control Input

HP Compressor Turbine Exit ie Intake Temperature; Intake Pressure;
Pressure Pressure HP Compressor Speed, etc

16. Pilot Control of Fuel Flow. With this type of system, the pressure ratio control unit (PRCU) monitors
the pressure drop across the turbine by sensing the HP compressor/turbine exit pressure ratio. When the
pilot initiates afterburning, the sudden rise in jet pipe pressure alters the pressure ratio. This change is
sensed by the PRCU which in turn signals the afterburner control system to increase the nozzle area. As the
nozzle area increases, the pressure ratio returns to its normal value, and the PRCU signals the control
system to halt the nozzle movement and maintain this new area. When afterburning is reduced or cancelled,
the nozzle area is decreased to maintain the pressure ratio. A schematic diagram of this system is shown in
Fig 10.

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3-10 Fig 10 Simplified Fuel Flow Led Afterburner System (Mechanical)

17. Control Variations. Although afterburning is usually operated with the core engine running at its
max dry condition, there are engines which are designed to operate afterburning outside of these
conditions. One system is termed 'part throttle afterburning'. This allows afterburning to be used
below the max dry condition and is usually invoked to increase thrust over a wider range of throttle
settings when twin-engine aircraft suffer a single engine failure. Another system is when the core
engine can be increased above its normal max dry setting to increase overall thrust during
afterburning. This system can be termed 'combat' and allows the core engine temperature to be
increased for short periods of time.

Choice of Ignition and Control Systems

18. The choice between the three afterburner ignition systems rests to some degree on the relative
importance of fast ignition against reliability. Spark and hot-shot methods require control systems that
inevitably are less reliable than the catalyst method which has no control system other than a fuel feed to
the catalyst. The catalyst method, however, is considerably slower than the hot shot or spark ignition
method and its effectiveness depends on the mass flow through the igniter.

19. The choice between the nozzle area controlling the fuel flow or vice versa, depends on response
time and the assessed relative importance of a temporary loss in thrust that is inevitable when
selecting afterburning with the fuel flow following nozzle area, however, with electronic control this has
been overcome. The alternative sequence is where a rise in gas pressure in the jet pipe occurs when
the afterburner has lit but the nozzle area has not yet had time to increase. A rise in pressure in the jet
pipe can have an undesirable influence not only on the turbine but also, in the case of a by-pass
engine, on the LP compressor as well.

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Water Injection

20. As the thrust from a gas turbine depends on the mass flow of air passing through it, a reduction in
the density of the air will produce a corresponding drop in the available thrust. As density decreases
with increasing altitude and with increasing temperature, the thrust available for take-off will decrease
at hot, or high, airfields. Thrust under these conditions can be restored, or even boosted by as much
as 30%, for take-off by the use of water injection to increase density of the airflow (Fig 11).

3-10 Fig 11 Turbofan Thrust Restoration by Water Injection


Thrust Controlled
by Power Limiter With Water Injection
% Max Static Thrust

Without Water Injection



-30 -10 10 30 50
Air Temperature (° C)

Methanol is sometimes mixed with the water to act as antifreeze where it also provides an additional source
of fuel. On axial flow turbofans, the water/methanol mixture is usually injected directly into the combustion
chamber (Fig 12). The mass flow through the turbine is thus increased relative to the compressor, giving a
smaller turbine pressure and temperature drop, an increase in jet pipe pressure, and therefore, an increase
in thrust. The burning of the methanol restores the reduced turbine entry temperature.

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3-10 Fig 12 A Typical Combustion Chamber Water Injection System

Water Drain
Shut-off Valve Valve

Air Inlet Restrictor H.P

Air-cooling Oil Tank
Water Flow Non-Return
Microswitches Drain
Non-return and
Water Sensing Valve
TANK To Fuel Flow


Bearing Restrictor

Drain System Drain Fuel Spray

Valve Valve Nozzle

LP Water

HP Water

Cooling Water

HP Air

Oil Water Jets

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AP3456 -3-11 - Engine Control and Fuel Systems




1. The thrust of a gas turbine engine is controlled by varying the fuel flow by means of a throttle control
lever. In practice, it is difficult to measure thrust directly and so a related parameter called the 'Controlled
Variable' is used to represent it. The controlled variable normally used is engine percentage rpm, and the
relationship between thrust and engine rpm is shown in Fig 1.

3-11 Fig 1 Variation of Thrust with RPM



In practice, this relationship allows the design of an ideal linear variation of throttle angle with thrust, so that
50% throttle gives 50% thrust (Fig 2).

3-11 Fig 2 Ideal Thrust/Throttle Angle Relationship


Throttle Angle

In order to achieve and maintain the required thrust over a wide range of operating conditions, without
exceeding engine operating limitations, an automatic fuel control system is used. A key to abbreviations is
given in Table 1 at the end of the Chapter.

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AP3456 -3-11 - Engine Control and Fuel Systems

General Requirements

2. The pilot requires a system which will maintain the engine rpm constant at a selected value
irrespective of aircraft altitude, attitude, or speed. He must be able to change the selected rpm at will,
and during changes the engine must accelerate or decelerate without exceeding its operating
limitations. In summary, the system must:

a. Give overriding rpm control to the pilot.

b. Automatically meter fuel to keep rpm constant at selected value irrespective of ambient

c. Protect against surge, overtemperature and rich extinction during acceleration.

d. Protect against weak extinction during deceleration.

e. Protect against mechanical overloading eg overspeeding, overpressure.

f. Increase the idle rpm with altitude to maintain combustion chamber pressure and prevent
flame out.

g. Provide easy starting.

3. Choice of Control System. Fuel control systems fall into two main groupings:

a. Open Loop Control in which fuel flow is scheduled to give a constant rpm for a given throttle
position. There is no feedback, apart from the pilot watching his rpm gauge, and such systems
are therefore subject to drift with changing forward speed and altitude. Most hydro-mechanical
fuel systems fall into this category.

b. Closed Loop Control in which the control variable is measured, compared with a desired
value as set by the pilot and any error used to adjust the fuel flow. The combined acceleration
and speed control (CASC) and electronic fuel systems are examples of closed loop control.


System Layout and Control Principle

4. The fuel supply is divided into 2 systems:

a. Low Pressure (LP) System. A LP system is provided to supply fuel from the tanks to the
high-pressure pump at a suitable pressure, temperature, and rate of flow. The LP pump prevents
vapour locking and cavitation of the fuel and a heater prevents ice crystals forming. A fuel filter is
always used in the system and, in some instances, the fuel is passed through a cooler to cool the
engine oil. The LP system is described in more detail in Volume 4, Chapter 10.

b. High Pressure (HP) System. The engine mounted high-pressure fuel system consists of
two main parts: the HP fuel pump and the fuel control unit (FCU) (Fig 3). The HP pump takes fuel
from the LP aircraft fuel system and raises its pressure sufficiently to ensure efficient burner
operation. The FCU includes the throttle valve (a variable area orifice by which the pilot sets his
required thrust level), and the major automatic controlling devices (barometric and acceleration
controls along with the engine protection devices).

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3-11 Fig 3 Engine HP Fuel System


Low High Fuel

Pressure Pressure Throttle Control To
Fuel Pump Valve Unit Burners

5. Barometric Control. The function of the barometric control is to alter fuel flow automatically as the
airflow changes due to altitude and forward speed, by sensing variations in the intake total air pressure and
thus maintaining constant rpm at any fixed throttle setting.

6. Acceleration Control. If the pilot slams open his throttle, fuel flow will increase rapidly. Because
of the high inertia of the rotating spool, there will be no immediate increase in engine speed or airflow,
and a back pressure will be created causing the compressor to surge. The acceleration control unit
(ACU) controls the fuel flow providing surge-free acceleration.

7. Protection Devices. Automatic safety devices are built into the FCU to protect the engine; these
are discussed in para 15.

8. Control Principle. The hydro-mechanical control system uses the fuel itself as a hydraulic fluid
to operate the various controlling devices, whilst the combined acceleration and speed control system
uses mechanical rather than hydro-mechanical control methods.

The High Pressure Pump

9. The HP fuel pump receives fuel at about 350 kPa from the aircraft fuel system and raises its
pressure to a level at which efficient burner operation is possible. Engines that use atomizers require
higher fuel pressure than those employing vaporizers. There are two types of HP fuel pump in general
use on gas turbines: the piston-type variable stroke Lucas pump, and the gear-type pump.
10. The Lucas Pump. The Ifield variable-stroke pump, originally designed as a hydraulic pump, is
generally known as the Lucas pump and although it has been fitted on gas turbines since early days, it
is still in widespread use. Although a heavy, rather complex unit it is capable of very high output
pressures (up to 14 MPa), and the output flow can be varied by altering the pump stroke. The pump
has a gearbox driven rotor which has seven cylinders, each containing a piston which is spring-loaded
outwards against a non-rotating camplate. The camplate angle relative to the rotor axis can be altered
by varying the servo piston (see Fig 4) which in turn is controlled by the engine fuel control unit (FCU).
Variation of this angle regulates the 'stroke' of the pistons as the rotor is turned, and a pumping action
takes place as the pistons rotate around the angled camplate; pistons that are extending draw in fuel,
and those being compressed deliver fuel.

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3-11 Fig 4 Camplate Angle Control





Position Input from

Fuel Control Unit

11. The Gear Pump. The gear-type pump, lighter and simpler than the Lucas pump, is used on the
majority of modern engines. Its output is considerably less than that of a piston-type pump, and so it
is best used with vaporizer or spray nozzle types of burner. The fuel passes through the pump in the
spaces between the teeth and the pump casing, the subsequent pressure rise being due to restrictions
in the delivery side of the pump. The pump’s output is always greater than engine demand with
excess fuel flow being spilled back to the inlet side of the pump (Fig 5).

3-11 Fig 5 Gear Type Pump




Hydro-mechanical Control Units

12. In hydro-mechanically operated flow control units, the method of control is usually to use servo
fuel as a hydraulic fluid to vary fuel flow (eg by varying Lucas pump camplate angle). The pressure of
the servo fuel is varied by controlling the rate of flow out of an orifice at the end of the servo line; the
higher the outflow, the lower will be servo pressure, and vice versa. There are two common types of
variable orifice: the half-ball valve and the kinetic valve.

a. The Half-ball Valve. In this arrangement, a half-ball on the end of a pivot arm is suspended
above the fixed outlet orifice (Fig 6). Up and down movement of the valve varies servo fuel
outflow and thus servo pressure and pump output.

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3-11 Fig 6 Half-ball Valve Operation

b. The Kinetic Valve. A line containing pump output fuel is so placed as to discharge on to the
face of the servo outflow orifice, and the kinetic energy so produced restricts servo fuel bleed. A
blade can be moved upwards to interrupt the high-pressure flow; this reduces the impact onto the
servo orifice, thus causing a greater outflow and a reduction in servo pressure (Fig 7). The
kinetic valve is less prone to dirt blockage than the half-ball type, although it is more complex.

3-11 Fig 7 Kinetic Valve Operation

a Valve Open
Pump output
Condition 1. With the kinetic valve in the open
position, the blade separates the opposing flows from
pump delivery and the servo cylinder. As there is no
opposition to the servo flow, the volume of servo fluid
reduces and the piston moves against the spring
under the influence of pump delivery pressure. The
movement of the piston reduces the pump stroke
and, therefore, its output.

b Valve Closed
Pump output
Condition 2. With the valve fully closed, the
kinetic energy of the pump delivery fuel prevents
leakage from the servo chamber. Servo fuel
pressure therefore increases and, with the
assistance of the spring, overcomes the pump
delivery pressure, thus moving the piston to increase
the pump stroke and output.

c Valve Intermediate
Pump output
Condition 3. Under steady running conditions, the
valve assumes an intermediate position such that the
servo fuel and spring pressures exactly balance the
pump delivery pressure.

HP fuel Servo

13. Barometric Controls. The function of barometric control is to alter fuel flow to the burners with
changes in intake total pressure (P1) and pilot’s throttle movement. Two types, using the half-ball
valve method of controlling servo fuel pressure, are described below.

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a. Simple Flow Control. The simple flow control unit (Fig 8) comprises a half-ball valve acting
on servo fuel bleed, the position of which is determined by the action of an evacuated capsule
subjected to P1 air pressure and a piston subjected to the same pressure drop as the throttle
valve. Fuel from the pump passes at pump pressure PP through the throttle, where it
experiences a pressure drop to burner pressure (PB). The response to P1 and throttle variations
can now be examined.

3-11 Fig 8 Simple Flow Control


Half Ball


Servo Bleed
To Burners PBurner PPump From Pump

(1) P1 Variations. If the aircraft climbs, P1 will fall, causing the capsule to expand and
raise the half-ball valve against the spring force. Servo pressure will fall, camplate angle will
reduce, and fuel pump output will reduce. The reduced flow will cause a reduced throttle
pressure drop.

(2) Throttle Variations. If the pilot opens the throttle, the throttle orifice area increases,
throttle pressure drop reduces causing the piston to move down, allowing the spring to lower
the half-ball valve against the capsule force, thus increasing servo pressure and pump
output. The increased fuel flow restores the throttle pressure drop to its original value,
returning the half-ball valve to its sensitive position.

Simple flow control keeps the throttle pressure drop constant at a given P1, regardless of throttle
position. At very high altitude the system becomes insensitive and is not used on large engines,
however, it has proved a reliable and fairly accurate control unit.

b. Proportional Flow Control. The Proportional Flow Control Unit (Fig 9) was designed for
use on large engines with a wide range of fuel flows by operating the controlling elements on a
proportion of the main flow. The proportion varies over the flow range, so that at low flows a high
proportion is used for control, and at high flows, a smaller proportion. Fuel passes into the
controlling (or secondary) line through a fixed orifice to the LP side of the pump. Secondary flow
is controlled by a diaphragm-operated proportioning valve, which maintains equal pressure drops
across the throttle valve and secondary orifice. Servo pressure is controlled by a half-ball valve
operated by P1 and by secondary pressure.

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3-11 Fig 9 Proportional Flow Control Unit

Pump Throttle Valve

PLP PPump PBurner To Burners

Secondary Proportioning
Vacuum Orifice Valve


Servo Flow



(1) Throttle Variations. If the throttle is opened, its pressure drop is reduced, and the
proportioning valve closes until the pressures across the diaphragm are equalized. Thus
secondary flow and pressure are reduced, the piston drops, the half-ball valve closes and
pump stroke increases. The increased fuel flow increases secondary pressure until the half-
ball valve resumes its sensitive position, but the proportioning valve remains more closed
than previously, taking a smaller proportion of the increased flow.

(2) P1 Variations. An increase in P1 will cause the capsule to contract, thus altering the
position of the half-ball valve and increasing fuel flow. This tends to cause rapid rises in
secondary pressure with resultant instability; damping is provided by the sensing valve,
which opens to increase the outflow to LP, thus reducing secondary pressure. The valve is
contoured to operate only over a small range of pressure drops, so that during throttle
movements it acts as a fixed orifice.

14. Acceleration Control Units. The function of the Acceleration Control Unit (ACU) is to provide
surge-free acceleration during rapid throttle openings. There are two main types of hydro-mechanical
ACU currently used.

a. The Flow Type ACU. With the flow type ACU (Fig 10), the fuel passes through an orifice
containing a contoured plunger; the pressure drop across the orifice is also sensed across a
diaphragm which is attached to a half-ball valve acting on pump servo bleed. An evacuated
capsule, subjected to LP compressor outlet pressure (P2), operates a half-ball valve acting on
plunger servo bleed fuel, which controls plunger position.

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3-11 Fig 10 Flow Type Acceleration Control Unit

P To Burners

PB Plunger
Vacuum Servo

P From
PP Pump

To Low Pressure Diaphragm Plunger Servo

(1) Operation. When the throttle is slammed open, the pump moves towards maximum
stroke and fuel flow increases. The increased flow through the ACU orifice increases the
pressure drop across it, and the diaphragm moves to the right, raising the half-ball valve,
reducing pump servo pressure and so restricting pump stroke. The engine now speeds up in
response to the limited overfuelling, and P2 rises, compressing the capsule. The plunger
servo-ball valve rises, plunger servo pressure drops, and the plunger falls until arrested by
the increased spring force. The orifice size increases, pressure drop reduces, and the
diaphragm moves to the left, closing the half-ball valve and increasing fuel flow in direct
proportion to the increase in P2.

(2) The Air Switch. In order to keep the acceleration line close to the surge line, it is
necessary to control on 'split P2' initially and then on full P2 at higher engine speeds. This is
achieved by the air switch (or P1/P2 switch) shown in Fig 11. At low speeds, P2 passes
through a plate valve to P1, and the control capsule is operated by reduced, or split P2
pressure. As engine speed builds up, P2 increases until it becomes large enough to close the
plate valve, and control is then on full P2.

3-11 Fig 11 Air Switch

P2 Inlet Split P2 Chamber

P1 Spill

Differential Evacuated
Bellows Control
Plate Valve


b. The Dashpot Throttle. The dashpot throttle consists of a sliding servo controlled throttle
valve whose position is determined by a control valve attached to the pilot’s lever (Fig 12).

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During initial acceleration the control valve moves to restrict the flow of throttle servo fuel to low
pressure; throttle servo pressure rises and so the throttle piston moves to the left, uncovering a
larger throttle sleeve area and so reducing throttle pressure drop. This is sensed by the simple
flow control barometric unit, which increases the pump stroke, and overfuelling is controlled below
the surge line by the designed rates of movement in the dashpot. During final acceleration, the
control valve uncovers an annulus which allows a further flow of HP fuel to throttle servo,
therefore increasing throttle valve movement, and subsequently increasing the acceleration rate.

3-11 Fig 12 Dashpot Throttle

Throttle Lever Throttle Valve Control Valve Annulus

a Closed Position c Final Acceleration


Pump Delivery Low Pressure

Throttle Outlet Throttle Servo

Throttle Control

b Initial Acceleration

Engine Protection Devices

15. There are three types of protection device used in the hydro-mechanical fuel system - top
temperature limiter, power limiter, and overspeed governor. These ensure that engine limitations are
not exceeded, and therefore prevent damage.

a. Top Temperature Limiter (Fig 13). Turbine gas temperature (TGT) may be measured by
thermocouples or pyrometers. When maximum temperature is reached, these pass a signal to
an amplifier which in turn signals the fuel system to reduce the pump output.

3-11 Fig 13 Top Temperature Limiter






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b. Power Limiter (Fig 14). A power limiter is fitted to some engines to prevent overstressing
due to excessive compressor outlet pressure during high-speed, low altitude running. The limiter
takes the form of a half-ball valve which is opened against a spring force when LP compressor
outlet pressure (P2) reaches its maximum value. The half-ball valve bleeds off air pressure to the
ACU control capsule, thus causing the ACU to reduce pump output.

3-11 Fig 14 Power Limiter

Compressor Intake
Delivery Pressure
Pressure ( P2 ) P1

ACU Capsule

Split P2 from Air Switch

c. Overspeed Governor (Fig 15). The engine is protected against overspeeding by a

governor which, in hydro-mechanical systems, is usually fitted on the fuel pump and acts by
bleeding off pump servo fuel when the governed speed is reached. On multi-spool engines, the
pump is driven from the HP shaft and the LP shaft may be protected by an electro-mechanical
device, again acting through the hydro-mechanical control system.

3-11 Fig 15 Overspeed Governor

Complete System Diagrams

16. Figs 16 and 17 show schematic diagrams of two common types of fuel system. Fig 16 illustrates
a pressure control fuel system where acceleration control is exercised through a dashpot throttle,
whilst Fig 17 shows a proportional flow system. It can readily be seen that the pressure control
system is far simpler than the proportional type.

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3-11 Fig 16 Pressure Control System

Servo Control Diaphragm

Spill Valve Evacuated Capsule
HP Shaft Governor LP
(hydro-mechanical) Spill Valve

Spill Valve
Spill Valve
CONTROL Solenoid
Drop Control




Throttle Valve
Ported Sleeve
Servo Spring Main Fuel
Control Valve Spray Nozzle
Back Pressure
Throttle Lever LP Valve



Start Fuel
Open Spray Nozzle
LP fuel Servo pressure HP
Shut-off valve
Pump delivery (HP fuel) Governor pressure
Throttle control pressure Temperature trim signal

Throttle servo pressure Air intake pressure

Throttle outlet pressure

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3-11 Fig 17 Proportional Flow Control System


LP fuel

Pump delivery (HP fuel)

Throttle inlet

Throttle outlet

Primary fuel

Main fuel


FUEL PUMP Proportional

ACU servo
Servo Piston
Servo control Governor


Proportioning Valve
Sensing Valve
Proportioning Reduced compressor
Air intake
Altitude Valve Unit delivery
Sensing Unit Compressor
Air switch

Idling Speed Gas Temperature

Governor Thermocouples


Drop LP Shaft
Control Speed Signal


Minimum Flow Valve FUEL SPRAY

Idling Valve

Throttle Valve and SOC Distribution


Fuel Metering
Power Throttle and Pressurizing
Limiter Valve Unit

Air Switch

Acceleration Control Unit

CASC Mechanical Fuel System

17. A fully mechanical fuel control system, known as a Combined Acceleration and Speed Control
(CASC) was developed to overcome problems with earlier hydro-mechanical systems by eliminating
small orifices prone to dirt blockage. Fig 18 shows a simplified form of the main components within a
CASC system.

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3-11 Fig 18 Combined Acceleration and Speed Control System

18. Description. The principle fuel-metering device is a variable metering orifice (VMO) which consists
of a triangular hole cut in a rotating hollow sleeve. The sleeve also slides under the control of a capsule
stack subjected to split HP compressor delivery pressure (P3) varying the effective area of the VMO
through which the main fuel flow passes. A non-rotating outer sleeve fits over the VMO and slides back
and forth under the control of the speed governor. Downstream of the VMO, the fuel passes through the
pressure drop governor variable orifice, whose position is determined by the pressure drop across the
VMO and engine speed, then through the LP shaft governor to the burners. Fuel pump output is
controlled by variations in burner pressure, which is used as pump servo pressure.

19. Operation.

a. Throttle Movement. When the pilot opens his throttle, a spring is compressed which
causes the outer sleeve to slide against the speed control governor force. The VMO area is
increased, the pressure drop across it is reduced, and so the pressure drop across the pressure
drop control valve also reduces. The pressure drop control orifice area increases, burner
pressure increases and so pump stroke increases. The increase in engine speed then increases
the governor forces, which arrest the movement of the outer VMO and pressure drop control

b. Acceleration Control. If the pilot opens his throttle rapidly, the outer VMO sleeve is
restricted by a fixed acceleration stop which prevents excessive overfuelling. As the engine
responds to the limited overfuelling, the capsule stack contracts, pulling down the inner VMO
sleeve, increasing VMO area, and thus increasing fuel flow.

c. Barometric Control. Barometric control is effected by means of the capsule stack that
controls acceleration. Changes in air mass flow will affect split P3 and so move the VMO sleeve,
automatically trimming fuel flow to maintain constant engine speed at constant throttle setting.

d. Governors. HP shaft speed is controlled by the speed governor in the fuel flow regulator,
which reduces VMO size by moving the outer sleeve if maximum HP speed is reached. The LP
shaft governor operates by overcoming a spring force once maximum LP rpm is reached; this

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increases the pressure drop across the governor-controlled orifice and so reduces pump servo
pressure, thus reducing fuel flow.
e. Temperature Control. If maximum turbine entry temperature is reached, an electro-
mechanical device repositions a fulcrum in the throttle linkage. This has the same effect as
closing the throttle manually.



20. Electronic fuel control is increasingly used for engine management, allowing the engine to
achieve its maximum potential under all operating conditions, with fewer design and weight penalties
on the overall aircraft structure. With electronic control, all throttle movements are transmitted by
electrical cable (fly-by-wire), although some single-engine aircraft may additionally have a mechanical
control system as back-up. Engines with electronic fuel control still require an HP fuel system which
actually regulates the fuel flow to the burners, but the entire process is controlled by an Electronic
Engine Control Unit (EECU), which is basically an analogue or digital computer situated between the
throttle control and the engine (Fig 19).

3-11 Fig 19 Simplified Layout of Electronic Engine Control System

Pressure N N T TBT
L H 1

Gun Firing Lane 1

P−S Control
Lane 2
Pa Unit
P Lane 1
2I Acceleration
P Control
2 Lane 2 Overboard
Variable Fuel T
Main Metering
Pump Orifice
From Pressure Shut
Raising -off
Filter Valve
Valve Cock
H Valve
Drop To Starter
Unit Jets

Control N
H Emergency N
Emergency L
Information Lectric
Pressure N
Valve H
Mechanical Control

See Table 1 for Key

21. State-of-the-art hydro-mechanical controls are very reliable, and failures are rarely
catastrophic. On the other hand, electronic controls either work or do not work, and impending
failure cannot be detected by physical inspection. Any catastrophic failure tendency of electronic
control systems can be ameliorated by improved hardware, software, quality control, built-in test
equipment (BITE) checks, and reversion to an alternate back-up system. The addition of an

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AP3456 -3-11 - Engine Control and Fuel Systems

alternate back-up system (or lane) allows the system to continue critical and vital functions in the
presence of faults.

System Layout and Control Principle

22. Description. An electronic fuel control system may consist of three main parts: an engine-
mounted HP pump (see para 9) and fuel flow regulator (FFR) with an engine or airframe-mounted
EECU. The system described is based on the Tornado engine. The HP fuel pump performs the same
task as on the previous fuel systems but being of the gear type, is designed to provide a greater flow
rate for a given rpm than required, with the excess diverted back to the inlet side of the pump. The
fuel flow regulator comprises a fuel metering unit, shut-off cock, pressure raising valve and emergency
fuel spill valve. All control functions such as acceleration, altitude and flight conditions are carried out
by the EECU.

23. Fuel Metering Control. Fuel metering control is carried out by the variable metering orifice
(VMO) and the pressure drop unit (PDU). The VMO (Fig 20) consists of a piston, kinetic valve, and
two opposing bellows. The piston is subjected to HP pump pressure on one side and servo pressure
on the other. The kinetic valve is attached to the piston by a spring whose tension varies with the
position of the piston. Two opposing bellows, subjected to compressor delivery pressures, are
connected to the kinetic valve in order to control acceleration rates. The Pressure Drop Relief Valve
(PDR) varies the amount of HP fuel passed back to the LP side of the pump depending on the
pressure drop across the VMO piston.

3-11 Fig 20 Variable Metering Orifice and Pressure Drop Control Unit

Main Pump Damping

HP Pump Pressure Inlet Pressure Bellows KP
Relief Valve



From Filter Pump 2I
To Burners

HP Pressure
Pressure Piston

Pressure Metering VMO Downstream
Drop Control HP Fuel Orifice Pressure

To Main
Pump Inlet

Modified Downstream

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24. Shut-off Cock. The shut-off cock consists of a shuttle valve, the position of which is determined
by the control of two solenoid valves that vary the fuel pressure at the two ends of the valve. The
sequence of operation is shown in Fig 21.

3-11 Fig 21 Opening and Closing Sequence of Fuel Shut-off Cock

To Main Closing
Pump Inlet Solenoid
From Main

To Burners To Burners
From Main
Pump From From
Pressure Pressure
Raising Raising
Shut-off Cock Valve Valve

From From To Main

Variable Variable Pump
Metering Metering
Orifice Orifice

To Starter Jets To Starter Jets Purging
De-energized During Starting Cycle During Starting Cycle Steady Running Shut-down
Below 25% N Above 25% N

25. Pressure Raising Valve. This is a valve situated downstream of the VMO and is placed there to
maintain a minimum pressure to the burners under low flow conditions. Fig 22 shows the full FFR

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3-11 Fig 22 Fuel Flow Regulator


Elliot Flowmeter

Shut-off To Atmosphere

Pressure Raising Valve

Emergency Emergency
Spill Valve LPC

Valve Check
To Main Pump Inlet To Main Pump Inlet

26. Electronic Engine Control Unit (EECU). The EECU is an analogue or digital computer situated
between the throttle and FFR. It continually monitors throttle movement and various engine and flight
parameters, and signals a programmed response to the FFR to increase or reduce fuel flow
accordingly. As it may receive conflicting information, the control unit uses a 'Lowest Fuel Wins' filter
circuit before sending a signal to the FFR. The lowest fuel wins circuit receives all the control and
limitation signals that govern the engine performance, its task being to compare all the information
concerning the flight conditions of the engine and allow only those demands that do not exceed its
performance limitations. Thus, a demand for more fuel will be countermanded if the increase will
exceed engine limitations - hence the term 'lowest fuel wins'.

27. Control Principle. The main interface between the FFR and the EECU is an acceleration control
unit. This unit, which is a solenoid operated control valve, controls the compressor delivery pressure
in the VMO bellows and thus the pressure drop across the piston. Signals to the solenoid are split into
two or more separate lanes to enable a certain amount of redundancy to be tolerated by the system.
The system described relies on a 'low volts high fuel flow' response which will cause uncontrolled
acceleration of the engine should there be a power failure. On some systems, there is no mechanical
back-up to limit engine over-speed, so complete power failure will result in severe engine damage.

Engine Control

28. Operation.

a. Throttle Movement. The pilot’s throttle lever is connected to a demand unit which produces
an electrical signal inversely proportional to the lever angle. This signal is conditioned by the EECU
and fed to an error unit (EU), which also receives a signal from the engine speed generator. The

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EU compares the two signals and if a difference exists, sends a signal to the FFR acceleration
control solenoid via the 'Lowest Fuel Wins' circuit (Fig 23).

3-11 Fig 23 Engine Throttle Control

EU 'Lowest

LPC Coil
Pulse Probe Circuit
NH Frequency (f) to
DC Converter

b. Acceleration Control. The rate of acceleration is controlled by limiting movement of the

VMO so that fuel flow is a function of the compressor pressure ratio. The kinetic valve is
operated by two bellows (Fig 24), one open to HP compressor inlet pressure P2I, and the other to
a modified compressor outlet pressure KP2. KP2 is affected by two fixed restrictors and a variable
restrictor, the size of which is controlled by a plate valve. The plate valve is attached to a beam
whose position is varied by the acceleration control solenoid. When an acceleration demand is
sensed, the beam and the plate valve reduce the air bleed from the variable restrictor. This in
turn causes a pressure rise in the KP2 bellows which deflects the kinetic valve upwards
increasing the fuel spill from the servo side of the piston, thus increasing the pressure drop
across the piston (see Fig 20). The rate of acceleration is further limited by a function called NH
dot. This parameter compares the free stream total pressure (Po) and varies the rate of
acceleration accordingly. There is a separate EECU control function, called –NH dot, which
controls the rate of deceleration.

3-11 Fig 24 Acceleration Control

Deceleration Stop

Acceleration Stop Lane 1

Plate Valve
Lane 2

Fixed Restrictors
P2p Control
KP2 = Artificial Value P2 Solenoid
of P2 from EECU
Kinetic Valve Venturi
Control Beam


c. Environmental Control. Changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature and Mach number,

are accounted for by the EECU and the output sent to the VMO via the lowest fuel wins circuit.

d. Control Limits. Turbine Blade Temperature (TBT) limit is again controlled by the EECU,
however, compressor speed limits, on this example, are controlled by a separate control system
which signals a separate coil on the FFR to bleed fuel flow from the burner feed back to LP
should the compressor speeds exceed their pre-determined limit (Fig 25).

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3-11 Fig 25 Emergency Compressor Overspeed Control

NH f-dc EU1

Datum Highest
% RPM Lectric Pressure
Control Driver
NL Wins
LPC Coil

NL f-dc
Converter EU2

29. Complete Electronic Engine Control System. Fig 26 shows an example of a complete EECU
system. The operation of some of the circuits have been described in the preceding paragraphs. It will
be seen that from a multitude of input signals to the EECU there is only one output signal to the FFR.
This type of arrangement allows a relatively simple engine HP fuel system whilst at the same time
enabling a comprehensive and flexible control system. As there is no direct link between the pilot’s
lever, and since all signals are fed into the EECU, if the pilot’s demands exceed the performance
limitations as programmed into the EECU, the EECU will override or modify the input. The EECU
example in Fig 26 also controls the operation of the compressor bleed valves thus controlling all aspects
of engine performance - this type is termed a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). Another
system, the Full Authority Fuel Control (FAFC), controls the engine fuel system only; existing engine
control functions manage compressor airflow control.

3-11 Fig 26 Schematic Diagram of EECU

Datum Selector
T1 Temperature Low EU 1
P0 Function
Generator Min. Idle
Governor Highest Highest
Shaper Fuel Wins EU 2 Fuel Wins
P−S (Dynamic)
Idle Function
Pa (Ambient)
−NH Dot Datum EU 3
N f-dc Converter
P0 N Dot Datum
EU 4 LPC Coil
EU 5
f-dc Converter
L Blow-off Valve
EU 6
f-dc Converter Coil

N IP Blow-off
H X-Drive
Valve Driver
HP 6 Blow-off
Valve Driver
Gun Firing P0
HP 6
−N Dot LPC N Dot Blow-off Valve
Ignition Coil
Auto Ignition Circuit
N Logic Circuit P
H 0
See Table 1 for Key

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Table 1 Key to Abbreviations and Symbols

P0 Free Stream Total Pressure NH HP Compressor RPM

P1 Intake Total Pressure NL LP Compressor RPM
P2 LP Compressor Output Pressure (HP NH dot Acceleration Control Parameter
Compressor Input Pressure)
P2I HP Compressor Input Pressure –NH dot Deceleration Control Parameter
KP2 Artificial value of P2 for acceleration T1 Exhaust Gas Temperature
Split P2 Reduced LP Compressor Output ACU Acceleration Control Unit
P3 HP Compressor Output Pressure CASC Combined Acceleration and Speed
Pa Ambient Pressure EECU Electronic Engine Control Unit
PB Burner Pressure EU Error Unit
PP Pump Pressure FCU Fuel Control Unit
PS Servo Pressure FFR Fuel Flow Regulator
P-S Dynamic Pressure (D+S)–S) LPC Lectric Pressure Control

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AP3456 - 3-12 - Cooling and Lubrication




1. The internal operating temperatures of a gas turbine are very high so that, if no cooling was
provided, excessive heat would be transmitted to engine components and, in some instances, to
external accessories. Cooling of internal components is by the use of air taken from the compressor
and the use of lubricating oil. When air is used, it is directed to flow around the components and, as it
is under pressure, it is also used to provide internal oil seals and pressurization for the engine bearing
housing and drive shafts. External heat shields are used to prevent excessive heat being transmitted
to external accessories.

Internal Cooling

2. Various methods are used to cool components and, in some cases, the same system may be
required to cool more than one component.

3. Combustion Chamber Components. The combustion chamber entry wall and the flame tube
are cooled by imposing a layer of air between the parts to be cooled and the hot gases. The outer wall
of the combustion chamber is cooled by taking a proportion of the cooler compressor delivery air and
ducting it between the outer wall and flame tube. The flame tube itself is protected from the burning
gases by compressor delivery air being progressively admitted through a series of annular slots
throughout the length of the tube. Further reference to combustion chamber cooling can be found in
Volume 3, Chapter 7.

4. Turbine Assembly. The turbine entry temperature (TET) is the limiting factor on gas turbine
output. With more advanced cooling techniques of the turbine components, allowing higher TETs to
be accepted, a greater power output is achieved. The methods of cooling turbine components are
covered in Volume 3, Chapter 8.

5. Main Shaft and Main Bearings. Main shafts are cooled by LP compressor air or by-pass air fed
through the bearing housing and into the hollow shaft. Main bearings are cooled by lubricating oil.
Fig 11 in Volume 3, Chapter 8 clearly shows the general cooling air flows.

6. Accessories, Accessory Drives and Reduction Gears. Excess heat due to friction in gears is
normally conducted away by the lubricating oil. However, some of the engine-mounted accessories
(notably the electrical generator) produce considerable heat and usually require their own cooling
systems. Atmospheric air, ducted through intake louvres, is often used for this purpose, or air may be
tapped from the compressor. In the case of an accessory being cooled by atmospheric air, provision
must be made for cooling during ground running. An induced airflow can be provided either by
connecting an external rig to the component, or by designing the engine system to eject compressor
delivery air through nozzles situated in the cooling air outlet duct of the accessory. This high velocity air
exhausting through the nozzles creates a low-pressure area at the outlet duct, therefore, inducing a flow
into the intake louvres and through the cooling system. Fig 1 shows a typical generator cooling system.

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3-12 Fig 1 Generator Cooling System

Control Valve

Air Tapping
From Compressor


Outlet Duct

7. Lubricating Oil. In older types of engine, particularly those using a total loss system of oil feed to
the rear main bearing, it was found unnecessary to incorporate an oil cooler. Modern engines,
however, require the use of an oil cooler to cope with the higher peak temperature employed and the
use of the full flow oil supply to the rear bearing. The problem is also aggravated by the increasing
number of accessory drive gears used on modern engines.

External Cooling

8. The engine bay and pod can usually be cooled sufficiently by atmospheric air which is ducted
around the engine and then vented back to the atmosphere. Convection cooling of the engine bay
during ground running can be achieved by using an internal cooling outlet vent as an ejector system as
described in para 6. A typical cooling system for an engine pod installation is shown in Fig 2.

3-12 Fig 2 Typical Cooling and Ventilation System

Zone 1
Fireproof Bulkhead Zone 2

9. The cooling airflow also serves to purge the engine bay or pod of flammable vapours which
otherwise accumulate there. The airflow must, however, be kept to a minimum commensurate with the
quantity of fire extinguishant. Too high an airflow will remove the extinguishant before it has had time
to be effective.

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10. Fire-proof bulkheads (Fig 2) are built into engine compartments to divide them into various
temperature zones. The 'cool' zone houses the fuel, oil, hydraulic and electrical components, together
with as much of their associated systems as is possible. The zones can be maintained at different
pressures to prevent the spread of any fire from the 'hot' zone.

11. A high by-pass ratio turbofan engine requires a more complicated cooling system. In the example
shown in Fig 3, cooling air is taken from both the intake duct (light blue) and the fan (dark blue) to
provide multi-zone cooling.

3-12 Fig 3 Turbofan Cooling and Ventilation

Internal Sealing

12. Cooling air is used to provide internal sealing of the lubrication system. The air, under pressure, is
directed inwards towards the bearings or oil supply, thus preventing the escape of oil from the bearing
surface. Various types of oil and air seals are used; thread and continuous groove type also known as
labyrinth seals, are most commonly found, with others such as ring, hydraulic and carbon seals used
for particular situations. The latest type of seal to be used is the brush seal which comprises a static
ring of wire bristles bearing against a hard ceramic coating on the rotating shaft. Fig 4 illustrates the
various methods of sealing. As the oil seal reduces the working clearances between rotating and static
members, it is essential that the rotating items run true and that the clearance is maintained throughout
the operating range of temperatures.

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3-12 Fig 4 Air and Oil Seals

a Fluid and Abradable Lined Labrinth Seal b Continuous Groove Interstage (Labyrinth)
Air Seal

Abradable Lining

Rotating Annulus of Oil

c Thread-type (Labyrinth) Oil Seal d Ring-type Oil Seal

e Intershaft Hydraulic Seal f Carbon Seal



g Seal Brush

Sealing Air
Rotating Assemblies

Ceramic Coating

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13. There is always friction when two surfaces are in contact and moving, for even apparently smooth
surfaces have small undulations, minute projections and depressions, and actually touch at only a
comparatively few points. Motion makes the small projections catch on each other and, even at low
speeds when the surface as a whole is cool, intense local heat may develop leading to localized
welding, and subsequent damage as the two surfaces are torn apart. At higher speeds, and over
longer periods, intense heat may develop and cause expansion and subsequent deformation of the
entire surface; in extreme cases, large areas may be melted by the heat, causing the metal surfaces to
weld together.

Lubrication Theory

14. There are two basic phases of lubrication; Hydrodynamic (or film) lubrication where the surfaces
concerned are separated by a substantial quantity of oil, and Boundary lubrication, where the oil film
may be only a few molecules thick. Before describing the two methods, it is necessary to explain the
term 'Viscosity'.

15. Viscosity. The resistance to flow of a fluid is due to molecular cohesion, which results in a shearing
action as layers of the fluid slide relative to each other. This resistance to shear stress is a measure of
the viscosity of the fluid. Viscosity is dependent on the type and temperature of a fluid; thus oil is more
viscous than water and its viscosity falls as the temperature rises. The Viscosity Index (VI) of a fluid is an
empirical measure of its change of viscosity with temperature, so that an oil with a high VI is preferable to
one with a low VI.

16. Hydro-dynamic or Fluid Film Lubrication. Fluid film lubrication is the most common phase of
lubrication. It occurs when the rubbing surfaces are copiously supplied with oil and there is a relatively
thick layer of oil between the surfaces (may be up to 100,000 oil molecules thick). The oil has the
effect of keeping the two surfaces apart. Under these conditions, the coefficient of friction is very
small. The lubrication of a simple bearing, such as supports a rotating shaft, is a good example of fluid
film lubrication and is shown in Fig 5.

3-12 Fig 5 Lubrication of a Simple Bearing



Area of
Increased Pressure
Wedge of Oil

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The rotating shaft carries oil around with it by adhesion, and successive layers of oil are carried along
by fluid friction. As the shaft rotates it moves off-centre resulting in a wedge of oil within which the
pressure increases as it narrows. For efficient lubrication, this wedge, along with the increase in
pressure, is essential to keep the surfaces apart. If this steady pressure increase breaks down, film
lubrication gives way to boundary lubrication.

17. Boundary Lubrication. If a shaft carries an appreciable load and rotates very slowly it will not
carry round sufficient oil to give a continuous film and boundary lubrication will occur in which the
friction is many times greater than in fluid film lubrication. Boundary lubrication occurs when the oil film
is exceedingly thin and may be caused by high bearing loads, inadequate viscosity, oil starvation or
loss of oil pressure. Boundary lubrication is not a desirable phase as rupture of the thin film increases
wear, bearing surface temperature and the possibility of seizure, however, boundary lubrication often
occurs during starting conditions. There is no precise division between boundary and fluid film
lubrication although each is quite distinct in the way in which lubrication is achieved. In practice, both
phases occur at some time giving mixed film lubrication.

Turbine Engine Lubrication

18. The gas turbine engine is designed to function over a wider flight envelope and under different
operating conditions than its piston engine equivalent, and therefore special lubricants have been
developed to cope with the higher rpms and the rapid bearing temperature increases when starting.
However, certain advantages can be claimed such as fewer bearings, which are of the rolling contact
type thus requiring a lower oil feed pressure; no reciprocating loads; fewer gear trains; no lubrication of
parts heated by combustion therefore reducing oil consumption. Turboprop engine lubrication
requirements are more severe than those of a turbojet engine because of the heavily loaded reduction
gears and the need for a high-pressure oil supply to operate the propeller pitch control mechanism.


19. The early gas turbines employed pressure lubricated plain bearings but it was soon realized that
friction losses were too high, and that the provision of adequate lubrication of these bearings over a
wide range of temperatures and loads encountered was more difficult than for piston engine bearings.

20. As a result, plain bearings were abandoned in favour of the rolling contact type as the latter
offered the following advantages:

a. Lower friction at starting and low rpm.

b. Less susceptibility to momentary cessation of oil flow.

c. The cooling problem is eased because less heat is generated at high rpm.

d. The rotor can be easily aligned.

e. The bearings can be made fairly small and compact.

f. The bearings are relatively lightly loaded because of the absence of power impulses.

g. Oil of low viscosity may be used to maintain flow under a wide range of conditions, and no oil
dilution or preheating is necessary.

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21. The main bearings are those which support the turbine and compressor assemblies. In the
simplest case, these usually consist of a roller bearing at the front of the compressor and another in
front of the turbine assembly, with a ball bearing behind the compressor to take the axial thrust on the
main shaft. On many engines, a 'squeeze film' type bearing is used. In this type of bearing, pressure
oil is fed to a small annular space between the bearing outer track and the housing (Fig 6). The
bearing will therefore 'float' in pressure oil which will damp out much of the vibration.

3-12 Fig 6 Squeeze Film Bearing

Oil Feed

Squeeze Film

To Bearing


22. Fig 7 shows the bearing arrangement for a three-shaft turbofan whilst Fig 8 shows that for a twin-
spool turboprop engine. In addition to the main bearings, lubrication will also be required for the wheel
case, tacho-generator, CSDU, alternator, starter and fuel pump drives.

3-12 Fig 7 Three-shaft Turbofan Bearing Arrangement

a Front and Intermediate Chambers b Rear Chamber

Gear Drive
Compensating Shaft
(connected to Shaft 3)

Shaft 3

Shaft 2

Shaft 1
B2 B6
B3 B7

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3-12 Fig 8 Twin-spool Turboprop Bearing Arrangement

Planet Gears LP Compressor LP Intershaft HP Turbine Bearing

Front Bearing Location Bearing

Propeller Shaft HP Compressor

Thrust Bearing Propeller
Shaft Location Bearing Turbine
Rear LP Compressor Tail Bearing
Bearing Rear Bearing
Propeller Shaft LP Turbine
Front Bearing Front Bearing

Annulus LP Compressor HP Compressor LP Turbine
High Speed
Pinion Shaft Rotating HP Compressor HP Turbine
Bearing Planet Carrier Front Bearing

Lubrication System

23. There are two types of lubrication system at present in use in gas turbines:

a. Recirculatory. In this system, oil is distributed and returned to the oil tank by pumps. There
are two types of recirculatory system:

(1) Pressure relief valve system.

(2) Full flow system.

b. Expendable. The expendable or total loss system is used on some small gas turbines, such
as those used in starting systems and missile engines, in which the oil is burnt in the jet pipe or
spilled overboard.

Pressure Relief Valve Recirculatory System

24. In the pressure relief valve type of recirculatory lubrication system, the flow of oil to the various
bearings is controlled by the relief valve which limits the maximum pressure in the feed line. As the oil
pump is directly driven by the engine (by the HP spool in the case of a multi-spool engine), the
pressure will rise with spool speed. Above a predetermined speed the feed oil pressure opens the
system relief valve allowing excess oil to spill back to the tank, thus ensuring a constant oil pressure at
the higher engine speeds. A relief valve type of recirculatory lubrication used with a turboprop engine
is shown in Fig 9. The oil system for a turbojet is similar but, as there is no propeller control system, it
is less complicated.

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3-12 Fig 9 Recirculatory Turboprop Lubrication System

Pressure Relief
Valve De-aerator Tray

Strainer Filter

Feed Oil Oil Pump Pack

Return Oil Torquemeter Pump
Breather Oil/Air Mist Oil Tank
Torquemeter Oil
Oil Cooler

Full Flow Lubrication System

25. The full flow lubrication system differs from the pressure relief type in that it dispenses with the
pressure relief valve allowing pressure pump delivery to supply the bearing oil feeds directly. This
system allows the use of smaller pumps designed to supply sufficient oil at maximum engine rpm. A
diagram of a full flow oil system is shown in Fig 10.

3-12 Fig 10 Full Flow Recirculatory Oil System

Fuel-cooled Oil Cooler Air-cooled Oil Cooler

Oil Pressure Transmitter and Low

Pressure Warning Switch
De-aerator Tray

Metered Spill
to Tank

Centrifugal Breather

Oil Pump Pack Feed Oil

Return Oil
Filter Vent Air

Relief Valve
Oil Differential From Oil Tank
Pressure Switch

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Oil System Components

26. The oil supply is usually contained in a combined tank and sump, sometimes formed as part of
the external wheel case. In a turboprop, the oil tank can be integral with the air intake casing. Oil
passes via the suction filter to the pressure pump which pumps it through the fuel-cooled oil cooler to
the pressure filter. Both indications of oil pressure and temperature are transmitted to the cockpit. The
oil flows through pipes and passages to lubricate the main shaft bearings and wheel cases. The main
shaft bearings are normally lubricated by oil jets, as are some of the heavier loaded gears in the wheel
cases, while remaining gears and bearings receive splash lubrication. An additional relief valve is fitted
across the pump in the lubricating system of some engines to return oil to pump inlet if the system
becomes blocked. The main components of both a pressure relief and full flow system are:

a. Oil Tank. The oil tank (Fig 11) is sometimes part of the external wheel case or it may be a
separate unit. It may have a sight glass or dipstick for measuring the quantity of oil in the system.

3-12 Fig 11 Oil Tank

De-aerator Tray Sight Glass

Oil Pressure

Filler Inlet
Vent to

To Engine
From Cooler

From Engine

To Gearbox

Feed Oil To Pressure Filter By-pass Valve

Oil Pump
Filter Element
Return Oil Drain Plug

Air and Oil Mist System Relief Valve

Filter Drain Valve

b. Pumps. Oil pumps are normally of the twin gear type and are driven through reduction gears
from the external wheel case. They are usually mounted in a 'pack' containing one pressure
pump and several scavenge pumps (Fig 12). The scavenge pumps have a greater capacity than
the pressure pump to ensure complete scavenging of the bearings (they have to pump an
increased volume due to air leakage into the bearing housing). This means that a considerable
quantity of air is returned to the sump by the scavenge pumps and this is the main reason for
sump venting.

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3-12 Fig 12 Oil Pump Unit

From Rear
Bearing From Hydraulic
Pumps Drive
From Internal Gearbox

To De-aerator
To Oil Cooler

Feed to Driving
Gear Journal

Feed Into Hollow

Idler Gear Spindle
Feed Oil
From Fuel Pump From Front Inlet From
Return Oil Gear Housing Bearing Sump

c. Oil Cooler. Turboprop aircraft use air-cooled oil coolers, but this type is impractical in high
speed aircraft because of the drag penalty incurred and therefore a fuel-cooled oil cooler (FCOC)
is required (Fig 13). A spring-loaded by-pass valve connected in parallel across the FCOC
protects the matrix from excessive pressure build-up due to high viscosity during cold starting. A
similar device is fitted across the pressure filter.

3-12 Fig 13 Fuel-cooled Oil Cooler

Fuel Outlet
Baffle Plate
LP Fuel
Feed Oil


Fuel Inlet
Oil By-pass Valve

Oil Temperature Oil Inlet

Oil Outlet

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d. Pressure Relief Valve. A relief valve in the outlet gallery from the pressure pump controls
oil pressure to a preset value; pressure in excess of this value opens the valve and passes oil to
the return system until the pressure is reduced and the valve closed. In some turboprops, a twin
relief valve assembly provides a nominal pressure of 24 kPa for engine lubrication, and 48 kPa for
propeller pitch change operation.

e. Oil Filters. A number of filters and strainers are fitted in the oil system to prevent foreign
matter continuously circulating around the system. A fine pressure filter is fitted on the outlet side of
the pump to remove fine particles of matter that could block the oil feed ways. A thread type,
perforated plate or gauze filter is employed just before the oil jet to filter-out any matter that might
have been picked up from the oil ways. Finally, a scavenge filter is fitted in each return line prior to
the pumps to remove any matter from the oil that may have been picked up from the bearing
chambers or gearbox (see Fig 14).

3-12 Fig 14 Oil Filters

Fig 14a Typical Pressure and Scavenge Filters

Pleated Wire
Mesh Filter

Wire Mesh

With Fibre

Fig 14b Thread Type Oil Filter

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f. Breather. A substantial amount of air is mixed with the oil returning to the tank and this air
must be removed from the oil before it can be recirculated. The returned oil/air mixture is fed into
a de-aerator where partial separation occurs. For final separation, the air and oil must then pass
into the centrifugal breather which is driven from the wheel case (Fig 15).

3-12 Fig 15 Centrifugal Breather

Gear Shaft Air
Outlet Slots

Air to

Air/Oil Mist
Entry Holes

Air to Atmosphere
Return Oil
Oil to Gearbox to Gearbox
Air/Oil Mist

g. Magnetic Chip Detectors. Magnetic chip detectors are fitted in the oil scavenge line to
collect any ferrous debris from the bearing chamber. They are basically permanent magnets
inserted in the oil flow and are retained in self-sealing valve housings (Fig 16).

3-12 Fig 16 Magnetic Chip Detector and Housing Bearing Lubrication

Return Oil



They are usually removed at set intervals and sent for analysis, where a record is kept of the
performance of each bearing by measuring and recording the amount of ferrous metal present at each
period. Engines can be fairly accurately assessed when a bearing failure is likely to occur and the
engine removed before any serious damage is caused. Magnetic chip detectors can also be fitted in
the pressure line. An automatic method of detecting ferrous matter is sometimes fitted where two
electrodes are fitted in the plug with a set gap between them. When a piece of ferrous metal bridges
the gap, it completes an electrical circuit, thus putting on a warning light in the cockpit.

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AP3456 - 3-12 - Cooling and Lubrication

Expendable System

27. An expendable system is generally used on small engines running for periods of short duration,
such as gas producers for engine starting or missile engines. The advantages of this system are that it
is simple, cheap and offers an appreciable saving in weight as it requires no oil cooler or scavenge
system. Oil can be fed to the bearing either by pump, tank pressurization or metered. After lubrication,
the oil can either be vented overboard through dump pipes, or leaked from the centre bearing to the
rear bearing after which it is flung onto the turbine and burnt.

Bearing Lubrication

28. Irrespective of the lubrication system the two main methods of lubricating and cooling the main
bearing are:

a. Oil Mist. Compressed air is used to atomize the oil at nozzles adjacent to the bearing; the
air will assist in the cooling of the bearing. The air can later be separated from the oil as
described in para 26f. However, engines running at higher loadings, and thus with higher
bearing temperatures, will require more air and, as it is then not possible to recover all the oil
from the return mist supply, a higher oil consumption will result. In addition, this lubrication
method has lost favour owing to the fire hazards involved.

b. Oil Jet. Oil jets are placed close to the bearings and directed into the clearance spaces.
They are protected against blockage by thread type filters. This method is easily controllable and
reliable, and it is possible to regulate the oil quantity and pressure to provide for any amount of
bearing cooling and lubrication over a wide range of temperatures. Bearings at the hot end of the
engine will, of course, receive the maximum oil flow.

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AP3456 - 3-14 - Engine Handling



1. The wide variety of gas turbines in service, each having certain engine characteristics, means that
the information in this chapter must be of a general nature only. Aircrew Manuals give precise details
of engine handling for a particular aircraft and engine installation and cover both normal and
emergency operation.



2. Whenever possible the aircraft should be headed into wind for all ground running. During
prolonged ground running the aircraft should never stand tail to wind as hot gases may enter the air
intakes and lead to overheating. Furthermore, standing tail into wind causes a back pressure, which
slows the gas stream and can also lead to overheating. Starting tail into wind should normally be
avoided. On some aircraft there may be a limiting tail wind component for starting, or a particular
starting procedure may be required if there is a tail wind. With some multi-spool engines, a tail wind
can cause the LP compressor to rotate in the opposite direction which will cause starting problems if
the counter-rpm is too high. To avoid this the starting circuit will be isolated until the counter-rpm is
within acceptable limits. The aircraft should be positioned so that the jet wake will not cause damage
to other aircraft, equipment, personnel, or buildings in the vicinity. Care should be taken to avoid
congested areas or regions of loose, stony soil.

3. Most airfields have specially designated ground running pans with a purpose built noise attenuator
or ‘hush house’. These are used for all major ground running needs. Aircraft hardened shelters (HAS)
may also be used for limited ground running. However, additional safety precautions have to be taken
with regard to vibration as this can cause severe internal injuries to people within the HAS whilst
ground running is in operation.

4. The surface of the ground ahead of the intake should be free of loose objects and equipment, and
all personnel should be well clear of the intakes. Wherever possible, engine intake guards should be
fitted to minimize the ingestion risk.

5. If the ground beneath the jet pipe or starter exhausts becomes saturated with fuel or starter fluid,
the aircraft must be moved to a new site before a start is attempted, to reduce the risk of fire. Fire
extinguishers should always be close at hand. Ground power sets should be used, where available,
rather than the aircraft batteries.


6. Aircraft starting sequences are fully automatic and only require the pilot to switch on engine
services and initiate the start cycle. To reduce the time taken for engine starting, many aircraft are
fitted with rapid start systems where the pilot makes one selection and all the required services are
activated for engine start (Fig 1). The booster pumps and LP fuel cocks are normally selected by
separate switches or by the rapid start system, whilst the HP fuel cock is generally incorporated with
the throttle control.

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AP3456 - 3-14 - Engine Handling

3-14 Fig 1 Rapid Start Panel

Bat t Fuel Boost Pumps

Mst r Fr ont Rear

p Pit ot W/Scr een A.P.U. Bl eedF
i Heat er s Heat er Cl osed l
d i
T h
a t
e O
O Ignit ion T.I. Pr obes FLT Inst f

7. If the engine fails to start or the engine temperature exceeds the allowed start-up limit, the HP
cock should be closed immediately. The Aircrew Manual gives guidance on the number of starts that
may be attempted, and the time interval between them, before it is necessary to investigate the fault.

After Starting

8. Idle running checks vary from aircraft to aircraft, but usually include checks for fire, normal gas
temperatures (e.g. JPT, TGT, TBT etc), rpm, and normal oil pressure. Operation of ancillary services
is sometimes included.

Turboprop Engines

9. The basic starting procedures are the same as those for turbojet or turbofan engines. The
propeller must always be in the ground fine pitch setting for the start, otherwise the load on the starter
motor will be excessive.


Engine Considerations

10. Throttle handling should be smooth and considered. Rapid and frequent opening of the throttle is to
be avoided. The initial response of particularly a heavy aircraft to throttle movement may be slow and
considerable power may be necessary to start the aircraft moving. Once underway, idling rpm is usually
sufficient to maintain momentum. In some cases, idling rpm is more than sufficient and the aircraft speed
may slowly increase. To overcome this problem and reduce brake wear some engines are fitted with
variable exhaust nozzles which can be adjusted to reduce thrust when taxiing at idling rpm.

11. Directional control whilst taxiing is by the use of differential brakes and/or nosewheel steering.
Differential throttle may also be effective in manoeuvring multi-engine aircraft but allowance should be
made for poor engine acceleration.

12. The idling thrust of a turboprop engine is high and once the aircraft is moving it is possible to taxi
with the throttle at the ground idling position. Throttle movements should be made slowly and a careful
watch maintained on the engine temperature during prolonged periods of taxiing.

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AP3456 - 3-14 - Engine Handling


Engine Considerations

13. When conditions dictate a short take-off run the throttle should be smoothly opened to take-off
power against the brakes, then the brakes released. On many aircraft, the brakes will not hold at take-
off power in which case they should be released at the recommended rpm and the remainder of the
power applied during the initial take-off run.

14. Some axial flow engines may tend to stall or surge under crosswind conditions, because of the
uneven airflow into the intake. If this happens the throttle should be closed and if necessary, the
aircraft should be turned into wind until the engine responds satisfactorily to throttle movement.

15. Aircrew Manuals state certain conditions to rpm, gas temperature, and/or torque that should be
achieved at take-off power to indicate if the engine is producing full thrust. These indications are the
‘placard’ figures and are worked out on engine installation, and are used to determine the thrust
degradation of an engine during its installed life. Similarly, the Aircrew Manuals for some aircraft lay
down certain requirements in respect of the correct operation of variable nozzles.



16. The aircraft should be climbed at the recommended speed. If the correct climbing speed is not
used then the rate of climb will be reduced. Engine indications should always be monitored, particular
care being taken where gas temperature and rpm controllers are inoperative. If it is not essential to
climb at maximum permitted power a lesser setting should be used at the same recommended speed.

17. In spite of the FCU, the rpm for a given throttle setting may tend to increase with altitude. The
throttle may therefore have to be closed progressively to maintain constant rpm.



18. The principles of gas turbine handling are determined by the fact that this type of engine is designed
to produce maximum thrust and efficiency at one rpm - usually 100%. Malfunction of the engine is often
associated with acceleration, or with operating conditions that differ widely from the optimum. Devices
such as the ACU, FCU, swirl vanes etc, are incorporated primarily to assist the pilot to change the thrust
conditions. A malfunction of these devices should not prevent successful control of the engine provided
that greater attention is paid to throttle handling and the preservation of a good flow into the compressor.

19. In some cases, flame out can occur if the throttle is opened too rapidly. The aircraft Aircrew
Manual gives the detailed procedure to be followed after such an event. The normal starting system,
using the engine starter is not normally used when relighting, as the engine will be turning sufficiently
fast due to the forward speed of the aircraft.

20. Surge. High altitude surge may occur above 40,000 ft when flying at a low IAS and high rpm
under very low temperature conditions. Similarly, surge can occur at high g and high altitude. If this
occurs, there may be a substantial bang, fluctuating rpm, a higher than normal gas temperature, and a
considerable loss of thrust. Closing the throttle and increasing the IAS by diving effects a return to
stable conditions. Surge is discussed in greater depth in Volume 3, Chapter 6.

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AP3456 - 3-14 - Engine Handling

Mechanical Failure in Flight

21. If the engine fails because of an obvious mechanical defect, the immediate action should be to
shut down the engine following the specific procedures given in the appropriate Aircrew Manual.

Booster Pump Failure

22. If the booster pump fails through either a pump malfunction or an electrical failure, a bypass
system allows fuel to flow from tanks by gravity, or by suction from the engine driven pumps. However,
since the purpose of a booster pump is to prevent vapour locking and cavitation of fuel, and to maintain
a satisfactory supply of low pressure fuel to the engine driven pumps, certain handling precautions
should be taken.

23. At high throttle settings and high ambient temperatures, rpm may fluctuate and a flame-out could
occur; at high level an immediate flame-out is possible, and this possibility is increased with AVTAG if it
was at high temperature on take-off (note: the use of AVTAG and related fuels has declined
considerably). Detailed procedures for individual aircraft may be found in the Aircrew Manual, but
general precautions are:

a. Reduce rpm, this will reduce the chance of damage to the engine driven pump because of
fuel starvation, and will reduce the chance of cavitation.

b. Avoid negative g, because the fuel is gravity fed.

c. Descend; this reduces fuel boiling and chance of vapour locks.

d. If a flame-out has occurred a successful relight is not likely at high levels, and an attempt
should not be made until the level quoted in the Aircrew Manual is achieved.


Note: The following paragraphs must be read in conjunction with the information contained in the
relevant Aircrew Manual.

Centrifugal and Axial Flow Engines

24. Centrifugal compressor engines are relatively insensitive to moderate icing conditions. The
combination of centrifugal force, temperature rise, and rugged construction found in these
compressors is effective in dealing with all but severe engine icing.

25. Axial flow compressors are seriously affected by the same atmospheric conditions that cause
airframe icing. Ice forms on the inlet guide vanes causing a restricted and turbulent airflow with
consequent loss in thrust and rise in gas temperature. Heavy icing can cause an excessive gas
temperature leading to turbine and engine failure, and the breaking off of ice can cause engine surge and
mechanical damage. (Although turbofan engines do not have stationary inlet guide vanes or support
struts, they may still suffer from icing on the intake cowls, with the attendant risk of ice ingestion.)

Effect of RPM on the Rate of Icing

26. For a given icing intensity, the closer the spacing of the inlet guide vanes, the more serious is the effect
of icing. For a given engine, the rate of ice accumulation is roughly proportional to the icing intensity and the
mass airflow through the engine, i.e. to engine rpm. The rate of engine icing, therefore, can be reduced by
decreasing the rpm.

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Effect of TAS on the Rate of Icing

27. It is known that the rate of engine icing for a given index is virtually constant up to about 250 kt TAS. At
higher speeds, the rate of icing increases rapidly with increasing TAS. This phenomenon can be explained
because the rate of engine icing is directly proportional to the liquid water content of the air in the intakes.
But the water content of the air intakes is not necessarily the same as that of the free airstream. At low
speeds, air is sucked into the intakes and at high speeds, it is rammed in. The transition speed, at which the
pressure and temperature in the intake are still atmospheric, is about 250 kt TAS.

28. During the suction period, the concentration of water content is virtually unchanged from that of
the free air stream. At higher speeds, above 250 kt, most of the suspended water droplets ahead of
the projected area of the intake tend to pass into the intake while some of the air in this same projected
area is deflected round the intakes. The inertia of the water droplets prevents them from being
deflected and so the water content of the air in the intake is increased. Therefore, a reduction of TAS
to 250 kt will reduce the rate of jet engine icing.

29. The reduced pressure caused by the compressor sucking action is at its lowest at zero speed. The
pressure drop also increases with a rise in rpm. The pressure drop is, of course, accompanied by a
temperature drop. On the ground, or at very low speeds and high rpm, air at ambient temperature will be
reduced to sub-freezing temperatures as it enters the intakes. Any water content would therefore freeze
onto the inlet guide vanes. The suction temperature drop which occurs is of the order of 5 ºC to 10 ºC. This
temperature drop occurs at high rpm at the lowest altitude and decreases with decreasing rpm or increasing
TAS. Under these conditions, visible moisture is needed to form icing. Therefore, take-off in fog, at
temperatures slightly above freezing can result in engine icing.

Warning Function of Airframe Icing

30. Except for the suction icing characteristics which will rarely be encountered, jet engine icing will
occur in the same conditions as airframe icing and in about the same proportion for a given icing
density. There will be little chance of engine icing in flight unless visible airframe icing is experienced.

Indications of the Rate of Icing

31. Although the rate of icing is roughly proportional to the rate of airframe icing for a given icing
intensity, the ratio of the rates varies considerably for changing icing intensities. The rate of airframe
icing depends on both the water content and the size of the droplets. Engine icing depends primarily
on the water content and is almost independent of the size of the droplets.

32. This is caused by the fact that very small droplets tend to follow the deflected air round the leading
edge of the wing or any surface of a large radius. Larger droplets because of greater inertia cannot
change their position rapidly enough and tend to impact the leading edge. The leading edge radius of
the intake guide vanes is so small that the size of the droplets is immaterial. Therefore, for a given
concentration of atmospheric water and for a given TAS and rpm, the engine icing rate is constant but
the airframe icing rate will be lower for small droplets and higher for large droplets.

33. Because of the same phenomenon, wing icing tends to be heavier on the outer sections of the
span where the leading edge is sharper. The most reliable visible indication of the rate of engine icing
is obtained by watching projecting objects having the smallest radius or curvature, e.g. aerials, since
the rate of accumulation of these items more nearly approximate that on the inlet guide vanes.

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Effect of Speed on the Indications of Icing

34. Although the rate of engine icing is almost constant at speeds below about 250 kt, the rate of
airframe icing decreases rapidly with decreasing airspeed. This characteristic can cause a false
interpretation of the rate of engine icing if the evidence of the airframe icing is taken to indicate engine
conditions. For example, consider two aircraft in the same icing conditions, one flying at 150 kt and the
other at 250 kt. The aircraft at 150 kt would experience fairly heavy airframe icing. The rate of ice
accumulation at the lower speed is less than at the higher speed although the icing intensity is the same.
The engine icing rate would have been the same in both cases. Low airspeed is highly desirable for flight
in icing conditions because of the extended duration of trouble-free operation, but the pilot should not be
misled by the rapid reduction of airframe icing rate achieved by a reduction in airspeed.

35. The concept that the adiabatic temperature rise, caused by ram effects, prevents icing, is dangerous.
The common theory of ram temperature rise is a simplification of the basic theory and applies only under dry
conditions. The presence of free water droplets nullifies the simplified law. When free moisture is present,
much of the energy (heat rise) due to ram is absorbed by the evaporation of water, with the result that at
moderate airspeeds there may be an actual reduction of airframe temperature. The airspeed needs to be
very high to generate sufficient ram energy simultaneously to evaporate the free moisture and raise the wing
surface temperature above freezing. At speeds of about 400 kt an extremely serious form of airframe icing,
leading to severe control difficulties can be encountered.

Avoiding or Clearing Icing Regions

36. It can be stated that in stratus (layer type) clouds the actual icing region is seldom more than 3000
ft in depth, the average depth being of the order of 1000 ft. In cumulus (heap type) cloud, the depth of
the icing layer may be considerable but the horizontal area is rarely more than 3 nm in diameter.
However, the icing intensity in cumulus cloud is usually greater than in stratus type. High performance
jet aircraft usually fly clear of icing regions before the engine or airframe is seriously affected, but low
performance jet aircraft may be unable to do this and particular care should be taken. The general
rules are: change altitude (climb or descend) in stratus cloud icing, and change heading appropriately
to avoid cumulus cloud icing.

Engine Anti-icing Equipment

37. If engine anti-icing equipment is fitted, this can be switched on at any time when icing conditions
are suspected or when an unaccountable rise in gas temperature or drop in rpm occurs under
conditions suitable for engine icing. There are several engine anti-icing systems, all of which, with the
exception of methanol injection, involve a higher fuel consumption and so a reduced range. Further
details are given in Volume 4, Chapter 9.


Flame Extinction

38. Flame extinction may be caused by overfuelling, underfuelling, interruption of the fuel flow, or
insufficient idling speed. Whatever the cause of the flame out, however, the Aircrew Manual for the
type details the action to be taken following flame extinction.

39. Relighting is practical with some turbojet engines as high as 40,000 ft but lower altitudes are
usually recommended to ensure a definite relight on the first attempt, and generally speaking, the lower
the altitude the greater the chance of successful relight. If the engine failure is noticed immediately
and clearly is not due to mechanical failure, a hot relight should be attempted. The relight button

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should be pressed with the HP cock open, and with the throttle either closed or left in the open position
in which failure occurred, depending on the advice given in the Aircrew Manual. If a hot relight is not
successful, the engine must be shut down and the normal cold relight drill carried out as detailed in the
Aircrew Manual.

40. Where there are indications of obvious mechanical damage or where an engine fire has been
successfully extinguished no attempt to relight is to be made.


Turbojet/Turbofan Engines

41. A powered approach is necessary on turbojet aircraft to ensure a quicker thrust response if it
becomes necessary to adjust the glide path by use of the throttle. The Aircrew Manual will give a
power setting for each engine installation for use in the approach configuration. The rpm should be
kept at or above this figure until it is certain that the runway can be reached. When going round again
from a powered approach the throttle should be opened smoothly to the required power to prevent
engine surge.

42. If the decision to go round again has been made after touch-down, or just before, when the rpm
have fallen below the minimum approach figure, the throttle must be opened very carefully until the
rpm reach the minimum approach figure, otherwise the engine may surge. When opening up under
these conditions the engine takes longer to accelerate to full power. Engines that are controlled
electronically are independent of the rate of throttle movement, as the engine will only react depending
on the signal from the control unit, which in turn will only accelerate the engine at a rate dictated by
flight conditions.

Turboprop Engines

43. Engine response can be poor in an approach configuration, and early corrective action must be
taken if under-shooting. There may be little or no immediate impression of increase of power, and
reference should be made to the torque-meter, if fitted. To ensure the maximum response when going
round again, it is advisable to maintain at least the minimum torque-meter reading or power setting
given in the Aircrew Manual. Unless landing on long runways, there should be no undue delay in
closing the throttle to the ground idle position.

44. Rapid closing of the throttle to the ground idle position causes an equally rapid fining-off of
the propeller with a sudden large increase in drag. While this is useful for rapid deceleration in
the initial stages of the landing run, the discing effect of the very fine pitch is to blank the rudder
and elevator, greatly decreasing their effectiveness; thus any drift at touch-down is accentuated
and a swing may easily develop, requiring early and careful use of the brakes. The throttle
should therefore be closed slowly and smoothly to the ground idle position. Power should not be
used to check a swing, as the engine response is slow and the rapid throttle movement required
may cause the engine to stall or surge. During the landing run, once the throttle has been closed
to the ground idle position, the reverse torque light may blink occasionally.

45. If the decision to go round again is made after touch-down and the throttle has been moved to the
ground idle position, the throttle must be opened slowly to avoid stalling or surging the engine; initial
acceleration is very poor, and the decision to go round again should normally be made before cutting to
the ground idle position.

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46. After landing, the engine can usually be shut down immediately upon the aircraft reaching its
parking position. A check should be made to ensure that the gas temperature and rpm have stabilized
before following the shut down procedure detailed in the Aircrew Manual for type.

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AP3456 - 3-15 - Lift/Propulsion Engines


1. Lift/Propulsion engines are used in various configurations to power the family of aircraft that use vertical
or short take-off and landing techniques (V/STOL). The ability of aircraft to do so has interested military
strategists and aircraft designers for many years, and despite the research and development work expended
by many countries, there are as yet only two fixed wing aircraft in operational service in the world that can
operate in the vertical take off and landing role, the Harrier powered by the Pegasus and the Yak 38 powered
by two Koliesov ZM lift engines and one Lyulka AL-21F lift/cruise engine. Despite the ability of these aircraft
to operate in the VTOL role, to reduce engine fatigue and increase take-off weight, the aircraft can employ a
short take-off vertical landing (STOVL) method of operating.

2. The provision of a powerplant for a V/STOL aircraft presents the designer with a number of
special problems, the solutions to which will vary according to the type and performance required.
However there are certain considerations that must be taken into account:

a. Static thrust for vertical take-off must exceed the all-up weight of the aircraft. However, a
'rolling' or short take-off can allow the all-up weight to be increased because of the extra lift
generated by the wing.

b. In VTOL operations, a means must be provided to control the aircraft attitude, since
conventional aircraft control requires airflow over the control surfaces. Control for VTOL is
provided by tapping air from the engine and using small jets at the extremities of the aircraft
to control the aircraft during low speed handling.

c. The powerplant thrust distribution must be around the centre of gravity of the aircraft.


3. Although both the Harrier and Yak aircraft are designed to operate in the V/STOL role, the powerplant
arrangement differs quite considerably. The Pegasus engine fitted to the Harrier is a turbofan engine using
nozzle vectoring to alter the direction of the thrust line, whilst the Yak 38 has two dedicated lift turbojet
engines with a further turbojet as a lift/propulsion engine, using a vectoring nozzle arrangement. The two
distinct engine configurations are known as Vectored Thrust and Composite.

Vectored Thrust

4. The vectored thrust system, in which the thrust can be varied from the vertical to the horizontal,
enables the same engine to provide for both vertical take-off and forward flight (Fig 1). Ground running
the engine with the nozzles directed down can cause ground erosion and ingestion of debris, which
may cause engine damage, and hot gases which can cause thrust loss. This can be minimized with
nozzle vectoring because ground running and pre take-off engine running can be done with the
exhaust directed horizontally.

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3-15 Fig 1 Vectored Thrust Principle

a Nozzles in Propulsion Position b Nozzles Deflected For Vertical Lift

5. Because all the thrust developed by the engine is available for take-off, this installation permits the
minimum thrust requirement compatible with VTOL. The flexibility of the nozzle vectoring system
allows the aircraft to perform manoeuvres that have been available to helicopters such as hovering,
turning on the spot, and reversing whilst in flight allowing a completely new approach to combat flying.

6. Although the nozzle vectoring system has distinct and clear advantages over other systems, there
is however, one disadvantage in that there is a performance loss because the exhaust gases are being
continuously deflected through the rotatable nozzle, thus leading to an increase in specific fuel


7. In a composite powerplant, the separation of the lifting and propulsion functions enables each type
of engine to be highly specialized (Fig 2). The lifting engines for example, are likely to run for only a
short period at the beginning and end of each flight and this permits the use of design techniques
which achieve thrust/weight ratios of the order of 16:1 for a bare engine. Nevertheless, this
arrangement results in a very high installed power requirement because the total thrust installed is the
sum of the thrust required for both lift and propulsion.

3-15 Fig 2 Composite Engine Arrangement as Fitted to the Yak 38

Lift Engines Propulsion Engine

8. Although not a true composite arrangement where the lift and propulsion engines perform their own
tasks, the Yak 38 arrangement consists of separate lift and lift/propulsion engines. The two lift engines are
designed to operate only during take-off and landing, whilst the lift/propulsion engine is used for both VTOL
and normal flight by adopting a vectoring nozzle arrangement.

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9. The control system required for such an arrangement is quite complex, and the need to balance
the thrust output from three separate powerplants to maintain aircraft stability is a fairly daunting task,
and in the case of the Yak 38, control of the aircraft take-off and landing is done by ship or ground
based computers linked into the aircraft onboard computer to provide complete automatic control.

10. By adopting the composite engine arrangement it can be appreciated that other than take-off and
landing, the two lift engines plus all their associated systems and controls are totally redundant for the
majority of the flight, taking up valuable airframe space and increasing the aircraft weight.


Lifting Engines

11. Lifting engines are specialized; they must be small, simple, and cheap as they are used in relatively
large numbers whilst being easily installed within the depth of the fuselage or pod. They must also have
the lowest possible engine-plus-fuel weight for short duration use at the required thrust.

12. Turbojets are currently used as lifting engines and are often referred to as lift-jet engines. They
can currently attain thrust/weight ratios of 20:1 with still higher values projected for the future. The
engine must be light and simple thus composite materials are extensively used in their construction.
The fuel and oil systems are simple with the latter employing a total loss method thus obviating the
need for an oil return system.

Lift/Propulsion Engines

13. This type of engine is designed to provide vertical and horizontal thrust by employing two or four
swivelling nozzles. The Pegasus, as fitted to the Harrier/AV-8, uses the four-nozzle arrangement
shown in Fig 1. This engine is basically a turbofan engine with the by-pass air being directed through
the front nozzles, while the core flow is directed through the rear nozzles. All four nozzles are linked
together in such a way so that there is a smooth transition from vertical to horizontal thrust. The
Lyulka, fitted to the Yak 38, uses two swivelling nozzles (Fig 3) to complement the two lift engines.
This engine is a turbojet with the exhaust ending in a swivelling bifurcated nozzle.

3-15 Fig 3 Twin Nozzle Deflector

14. The use of pure lift/propulsion engines as in the Pegasus, has clear and distinct advantages over
other systems:

a. As the engine must provide a VTOL thrust/weight greater than 1.0, acceleration and rate of
climb are very high.

b. With an orthodox forward facing intake, there is good efficiency throughout the performance
range. The total installed thrust is such that whatever the angle of the propelling nozzle, the
resultant always passes through the aircraft’s centre of gravity.

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c. The engine controls are conventional with the addition of a nozzle control lever, allowing the
nozzles to be varied by the pilot throughout their range.

d. All engine thrust is useful thrust throughout the operating range; there is no redundancy as
with the use of pure lift engines.

15. One of the disadvantages of using a lift/propulsion engine is the problem of increasing the thrust
without increasing the size of the engine. Conventional aircraft achieve this with the use of
afterburning, but this has proved problematical in vectored thrust configurations and aircraft designers
have concentrated on refining the airframe using an increasing amount of composite materials.



16. Other lift / Propulsion arrangements include:

a. Tilt-rotor systems.

b. Tilt-wing systems.

c. Partial and fully compounded systems.

17. Each of these is fully described, with diagrams in Volume 12, Chapter 8 and is briefly covered below.


18. The tilt-rotor system uses turboprop engines fitted into swivelling pods attached to the aircraft wing
tips. The engines drive two rotors which are interconnected in case of single engine failure. With the
engines in the vertical position for take-off and landing, the rotors act in the same way as a helicopter
rotor. When hover is achieved, the engine pods are rotated through 90º, translating the aircraft from
vertical to forward flight. Short rolling take-offs can also be made by setting the two engine pods at an
intermediate position. This type of aircraft brings together the flexibility of the helicopter with the speed
of the turboprop aircraft in the small transport role.


19. The tilt-wing design operates on the same principle as the tilt-rotor with the difference that the
whole wing tilts with the engine nacelles.

Partial or Fully Compounded Systems

20. A compounded system is where the lift rotor is augmented by conventional wings and/or a forward
propulsion system. In forward flight the rotor is partially unloaded or in a state of autorotation. Studies
are at present directed to stopping, folding and stowing the rotors in flight, thus reducing drag.

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AP3456 - 3-16 - Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines



1. The turboprop engine consists of a gas turbine engine driving a propeller. In the turbojet engine the
turbine extracts only sufficient energy from the gas flow to drive the compressor and engine accessories,
leaving the remaining energy to provide the high velocity propulsive jet. By comparison, the turbine
stages of the turboprop engine absorb the majority of the gas energy because of the additional power
required to drive the propeller, leaving only a small residual jet thrust at the propelling nozzle.

2. Turboshaft engines work on identical principles, except that all the useful gas energy is absorbed
by the turbine to produce rotary shaft power and the residual thrust is negligible; such engines find
particular applications in helicopters and hovercraft. The lack of a significant propulsive jet means that
these engines can be mounted in any position in the airframe, and this flexibility is increased by the
very compact design and layout of a modern turboshaft engine.

3. Because the propeller wastes less kinetic energy in its slipstream than a turbojet through its
exhaust, the turboprop is the most efficient method of using the gas turbine cycle at low and medium
altitudes, and at speeds up to approximately 350 kt. At higher speeds and altitudes the efficiency of
the propeller deteriorates rapidly because of the development of shock waves on the blade tips.
Advanced propeller technology has produced multi-bladed designs that operate with tip speeds in
excess of Mach 1, without loss of propeller efficiency, achieving aircraft speeds in excess of 500 kt.

Types of Turboprop Engines

4. Current turboprop engines can be categorized according to the method used to achieve propeller
drive; these categories are:

a. Coupled Power Turbine.

b. Free Power Turbine.

c. Compounded Engine.

5. Coupled Power Turbine. The coupled power turbine engine is the simplest adaptation from the
turbojet engine. In this configuration, the gas flow is fully expanded across a turbine which drives the
compressor, the surplus power developed being transmitted to the propeller by a common drive shaft
via suitable reduction gearing. This arrangement is shown diagrammatically in Fig 1.

3-16 Fig 1 Coupled Power Turbine Arrangement

Reduction Gear Turbine

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6. Free Power Turbine. In this arrangement, a gas turbine acts simply as a gas generator to supply
high energy gases to an independent free power turbine. The gases are expanded across the free
turbine which is connected to the propeller drive shaft via reduction gearing. The layout of a free power
turbine engine is shown in Fig 2. The free turbine arrangement is very flexible; it is easy to start due to
the absence of propeller drag, and the propeller and gas generator shafts can assume their optimum
speeds independently.

3-16 Fig 2 Free Power Turbine

Compressor HP Turbine

Reduction Gear Free Power Turbine

7. Compounded Engine. The compounded engine arrangement features a two-spool engine, with
the propeller drive directly connected to the low pressure spool (Fig 3).

3-16 Fig 3 Compounded Engine

HP Spool

LP Spool
Reduction Gear

Types of Turboshaft Engines

8. Turboshaft engines are usually of the free power turbine arrangement. The free turbine can be
regarded as a fluid coupling and this is particularly useful for helicopter applications where the
requirement for a mechanical clutch in the transmission for start-up and autorotation is eliminated. The
general arrangement of a turboshaft engine is shown in Fig 4.

3-16 Fig 4 Turboshaft Engine

Free Power Turbine

Reduction Gear

Reduction Gearing

9. The power turbine shaft of a turboprop engine normally rotates at around 8,000 to 10,000 rpm,
although rpm of over 40,000 are found in some engines of small diameter. However, the rotational

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speed of the propeller is dictated by the limiting tip velocity. A large reduction of shaft speed must be
provided in order to match the power turbine to the propeller. The reduction gearing (Fig 5) must
provide a propeller shaft speed which can be utilized effectively by the propeller; gearing ratios of
between 6 and 20:1 are typical.

3-16 Fig 5 Typical Turboprop Reduction Gear

In the direct-coupled power turbine and compounded engines, the shaft bearing the compressor and
turbine assemblies drives the propeller directly through a reduction gearbox. In the free turbine
arrangement reduction gearing on the turbine shaft is still necessary; this is because the turbine
operates at high speed for maximum efficiency. The reduction gearing accounts for a large proportion
(up to 25%) of the total weight of a turboprop engine and also increases its complexity; power losses of
the order of 3 to 4% are incurred in the gearing (eg on a turboprop producing 4,500 kW some 150 kW
is lost through the gearing).

Turboprop Performance

10. Fig 9 in Volume 3, Chapter 1 shows that the propeller has a higher propulsive efficiency than the
turbojet up to speeds of approximately 500 kt, and higher than a turbofan engine up to approximately
450 kt. Compared with the piston engine of equivalent power, the turboprop has a higher power/weight
ratio, and a greater fatigue life because of the reduced vibration level from the gas turbine rotating

11. Effect of Aircraft Speed on Turboprop Performance. Fig 4 in Volume 2, Chapter 5 shows the
effect of aircraft speed on shaft power, thrust and specific fuel consumption.

12. Effect of Altitude on Turboprop Performance. Fig 3 in Volume 2, Chapter 5 shows the effect of
altitude on shaft power and specific fuel consumption.

Engine Control

13. As mentioned in para 9, the gas generator element of the turboprop engine operates at high rpm
for maximum efficiency; any reduction in rpm reduces the pressure ratio across the compressor and
therefore adversely affects the sfc. In practice, most turboprop engines have gas generators which run

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at or near 100% rpm and three main methods are used to control the rpm and power absorption of the
propeller throughout the normal flight ranges. These are:

a. Integrated control of both blade angle and fuel flow.

b. Direct control of gas generator fuel flow.

c. Direct control of propeller blade angle.

14. Integrated Control of Blade Angle and Fuel Flow. The integrated control system is suitable for
a coupled turboprop engine. In this system blade angle and fuel flow are altered simultaneously by
movement of the power lever. As the power lever is advanced, fuel flow and blade angle are
increased. However, the fuel input is more than is required to provide the additional torque, thus
engine rpm will increase in addition to the blade angle increase. At maximum rpm further power can
be obtained by increasing fuel flow; the propeller constant speed unit (CSU) will increase blade angle
to absorb the additional power without a change in engine rpm.

15. Direct Control of Fuel Flow (Alpha Control). The direct control of fuel flow is suitable for use in
a free power turbine engine. In this system, the gas generator is controlled in the same manner as a
turbojet and the power available to the free turbine assembly is governed by the fuel flow. Through
reduction gearing, the free turbine turns the propeller which is maintained at constant rpm by the CSU,
altering the blade angle.

16. Direct Control of Blade Angle (Beta Control). This control system can be used for any
turboprop engine. In this system, the cockpit power lever simply selects a blade angle and various
automatic systems are used to maintain the propeller rpm by adjusting the fuel flow (e.g. by a governor
in the fuel control system). As the propeller blade angle is changed, the propeller speed governor
adjusts the fuel flow to maintain constant propeller rpm (and thus constant engine rpm). All helicopter
turboshaft engines operate in this manner. The blade angle is selected by the collective lever and the
output of the gas generator is automatically adjusted to maintain the rotor rpm within fine limits.

17. Control Outside Normal Flight Range. Outside the normal flight range, and particularly in
reverse thrust range, the engine/propeller combination is normally controlled by the beta system, i.e. by
direct control of propeller blade angle. The transition point between the control systems is usually
indicated by a stop or detent in the throttle lever quadrant.

Propeller Control

18. The main propeller controls found on the majority of turboprop engines are as follows:

a. Constant speed unit.

b. Manual and automatic feathering controls.

c. Fixed and removable stops.

d. Synchronization and synchrophasing units.

e. Reverse thrust control.

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19. Constant Speed Unit. In the normal flight range, the main control of the propeller is exercised by
the CSU, sometimes referred to as the propeller control unit (PCU). The operation of this unit is
described in Volume 3, Chapter 18.

20. Manual and Automatic Feathering Controls. All turboprop aircraft are fitted with some form of
manual feathering control. In some cases this control is integral with the HP cock for the associated
engine; in others, the feathering control is operated through the fire protection system which also
closes the HP cock. Automatic feathering control is fitted to many turboprop engines to avoid
excessive drag following an engine failure. The automatic system receives signals from the engine
torquemeters and reacts to unscheduled loss of torquemeter oil pressure by feathering the appropriate
propeller. On twin-engine turboprop aircraft, the operation of the autofeather system on one engine
automatically inhibits the same operation on the other engine, while still allowing the latter to be
feathered manually.

21. Fixed and Removable Stops. A number of stops or latches are incorporated in the propeller
control system; their purpose is to confine the angular movement of the blades within limits appropriate
to the phase of flight or ground handling. The most common stops are described below and typical
values are given for the corresponding blade angles (see Fig 6).

3-16 Fig 6 Power Quadrant and Associated Typical Blade Angles

Flight Cruise Pitch Stop (+27 o )

Flight Fine
Coarse Pitch Stop (+50 o ) Pitch Stop (+14 o )
Ground Fine
Pitch Stop (–1 o )
Stop (+85 o ) Reverse
Stop (–15o )
Flight Range
ing Ra axi
ther e ng Br
a g e
Fe Ran Ra akin
ng g

a. Feather and Reverse Braking Stops. These two fixed stops define the full range within
which the propeller angle may be varied (+85º to –15º).

b. Ground Fine Pitch Stop. This is a removable stop (–1º) which is provided for starting the
engine and maintaining minimum constant rpm; the stop also prevents the propeller from entering
the reverse pitch range.

c. Flight Fine Pitch Stop. This is a removable stop (+14º) which prevents the blade angle
from fining off below its preset value. Its purpose is to prevent propeller overspeeding after a CSU
failure. It also limits the amount of windmilling drag on the final approach. The stop is usually
engaged automatically as the pitch is increased above its setting; removal of the stop is, however,
usually by switch selection.

d. Flight Cruise Pitch Stop. This is a removable stop (+27º) which is fitted to prevent excessive
drag or overspeeding in the event of a PCU failure. The stop engages automatically as the pitch is
increased above its setting, and is also withdrawn automatically as the pitch is decreased towards flight
idle provided that two or more of the propellers fine off at the same time. Variations on this type of stop
include automatic drag limiters (ADL) and a beta follow-up system. In the first of these, the stop is in the

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form of a variable pitch datum which is sensitive to torque pressure. If the propeller torque falls below
the datum value, the pitch of the propeller is automatically increased. The pitch value at which the ADL
is set is varied by the position of the power lever. Thus, as the power is reduced, the ADL torque datum
value is also reduced so that the necessary approach and landing drag may be attained, while
simultaneously limiting the drag to a safe maximum value. The beta follow-up stop uses the beta control
(i.e. direct selection of blade angle for ground handling) to select a blade angle just below the value
controlled by the PCU. In the event of a PCU failure, the propeller can only fine off by a few degrees
before it is prevented from further movement in that direction by the beta follow-up stop. In the flight
range, the position of this stop always remains below the minimum normal blade angle and so does not
interfere with the PCU governing.

e. Coarse Pitch Stop. This stop (+50º) limits the maximum coarse pitch obtainable in the
normal flight range. A feathering selection normally over-rides this stop.

Propeller Synchronization and Synchrophasing

22. Propeller Synchronization. All multi-engine, propeller-driven aircraft suffer from propeller beat
noise which induces vibration in the airframe, and irritation and fatigue in crew and passengers. This
noise is produced by propellers rotating at different rpm, each propeller producing its own audible
frequency which beats with the frequencies of other propellers nearby. The noise and vibration levels
rise and fall according to the degree of rpm difference; this undulation can be eliminated by running all
the propellers at precisely the same rpm, ie synchronizing the rpm.

23. Propeller Synchrophasing. Although the beat noise is eliminated by synchronizing the
propellers, it may not have a very significant effect on the actual noise and vibration levels. The
majority of the remaining propeller noise is caused by the interaction between the blades of adjacent
propellers, being a maximum when adjacent blade tips are directly opposite each other. It has been
found that there are optimum combinations of angular differences (ie phase difference) between
adjacent propeller blades which reduce this interference noise to a minimum (see Fig 7).

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AP3456 - 3-16 - Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines

3-16 Fig 7 Optimum Blade Angle Relationships

10 o Lead Master 20 o Lag 22o Lead

No 1 Blade 1 1

No 1 Propeller No 2 Propeller No 3 Propeller No 4 Propeller

o o
30 Lead 20 o Lead Master 42 Lead

1 1 1

No 1 Propeller No 2 Propeller No 3 Propeller No 4 Propeller

The maintenance of these correct phase differences throughout the normal flight range is known as
synchrophasing. Fig 8 shows the noise profiles along the fuselage of a multi-engine transport
aircraft both with and without synchrophasing.

3-16 Fig 8 Effect of Syncrophasing on Noise Profile

Without Synchrophasing
With Synchrophasing
Noise Level

24. Synchronizing and Synchrophasing. Propeller synchronization on early multi-engine aircraft was
carried out manually, either by listening to the changing beat frequency or observing the strobe effect through
adjacent propellers. This was a time-consuming and potentially distracting method and required frequent
repetition as the propeller rpm drifted apart. In current aircraft, synchronization is carried out automatically by
using one engine as a master reference and slaving the remaining engines to it. A synchroscope in the
cockpit gives a visual check on the automatic system and enables manual synchronization to be carried out if
necessary. On aircraft fitted with synchrophasing equipment, the effect is achieved by electronic control
which also includes throttle anticipation and speed stabilization functions. The control is only operative in the
flight range. Each propeller drives a pulse generator which provides one pulse per revolution. With the
propeller controls set to normal flight range, the pulse signals of the master engine selected are compared
with those of the slaved engines. The signals are analysed and discrepancies between master and slave
pulses are eliminated by a control system which, by influencing the appropriate PCU, adjusts the speed and
phase to the correct relationship with the master engine.

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AP3456 - 3-17 - Bypass Engines



1. The turbofan is the most common derivative of the gas turbine engine for aircraft propulsion. It is a
'by-pass' engine, where part of the air (core flow) is compressed fully to the cycle pressure ratio and passes
into the combustion chamber, whilst the remainder is compressed to a lesser extent (the fan pressure ratio)
and ducted around the core section. This by-pass flow is either directed to atmosphere through a separate
nozzle or it rejoins the hot flow downstream of the turbine in the main exhaust. In both cases, the result is
reduced overall jet velocity, giving better propulsive efficiency at lower aircraft speeds. In addition, because
of the relatively low temperature of the by-pass air it may be used for cooling.

By-pass Ratio

2. The ratio of the by-pass flow to the core or gas generator flow is termed the by-pass ratio (BPR)
and is explained in Volume 3, Chapter 1, Para 8. Fig 1 shows these flows in relationship. It can be
seen from Fig 1 that:

= By-pass Ratio

Where MFan and MCore represent the mass flow rate of air through the fan duct and through the core
engine respectively. As an example, if the total mass flow into an engine is six units and two units
pass into the core, whilst four units are ducted past the core, the engine is said to have a by-pass ratio
of 4/2 = 2. Typical ranges of BPR are 0.15 (leaky turbojet) to 9 (high by-pass).

3-17 Fig 1 Core and Duct Flow - Turbofan Engine


3. An important point to be considered in the design of a turbofan by-pass engine is whether to mix
the cold and hot gas flows in the jet pipe or to exhaust the cold air through separate nozzles. There is
a performance advantage in mixing the gas streams if it can be accomplished without introducing too
much turbulence when they meet. There are also useful installation advantages as the single jet pipe
is less complicated. Further, the single pipe is of particular advantage when afterburning is used to
increase thrust whether a deliberate attempt is made to mix the streams (forced mixing) or not. A
particular case where the hot and cold streams are not mixed is the Pegasus. This is to ensure that
the thrust centre is approximately at the C of G during V/STOL operations.

4. Reducing the BPR reduces the frontal area of the engine and hence the drag, enabling higher
speeds to be reached. If the BPR is reduced at a given fan ratio, less work will be required in the fan

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AP3456 - 3-17 - Bypass Engines

turbine and turbine exit pressure increases. If it is required to mix hot and cold flows, fan pressure
ratio must be increased to balance the pressure at the mixing plane. This may require the number of
fan stages to be increased. Such an engine is termed a 'mixing by-pass' type.

Propulsive Efficiency

5. The propulsive efficiency of the turbofan engine is increased over the pure jet by converting more
of the fuel energy into pressure energy than into kinetic energy as in the pure jet. The fan produces
this additional force or thrust without increasing fuel flow. Consider the derivation of propulsive
efficiency. Basically, the total energy in the jet is:
Total energy in jet = Thrust × Flight Speed + Lost Kinetic Energy
= (Vj − Va) × Va + ½ × (Vj − Va)2
= VjVa – Va2 + ½Vj2 + ½Va2 – VjVa
= ½ Vj2 – ½Va2
= ½ x (Vj – Va) x (Vj + Va)

Where Vj = Jet velocity

Va = Flight speed

Therefore, the ratio of useful power (thrust × flight speed) to total output, ie propulsive efficiency,

(Vj − Va ) × Va 2Va
= =
2 × (Vj − Va ) × (Vj + Va ) Vj + Va

which is maximum when Vj = Va.

Unfortunately, no thrust is then produced. As an example:

Va = 200 m/s (flight speed)

Vj = 600 m/s (turbojet)
Vf = 400 m/s (turbofan)
2 × 200 400
Then propulsive efficiency for the turbojet is = = 50%
600 + 200 800
2 × 200 400
and for the turbofan = = 66%
400 + 200 600

6. The emphasis on the use and development of the turbofan engine has evolved with the use of
transonic blading. Transonic blading allows higher blade speeds (by definition) and hence higher rpm
and pressure ratios to be achieved. This results in a more fuel-efficient engine but will increase the
weight with no significant increase in thrust - thus reducing the thrust/weight ratio. On some high by-
pass ratio engines, a reduction gear is used between the fan and the turbine, allowing better matching
and reduced fan blade noise.

Comparison of Turbojet, Turbofan, and Turboprop Engines

7. By converting the shaft power of the turboprop into units of thrust, and fuel consumption per unit of
power into fuel consumption per unit of thrust, a comparison between turbojet and turbofan can be
assessed. Assuming that the engines are equivalent in terms of compressor pressure ratio and turbine entry
temperatures, the four graphs (Fig 2) show how the various engines compare with regard to thrust and
specific fuel consumption versus airspeed. They indicate clearly that each engine type has its advantages
and limitations.

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AP3456 - 3-17 - Bypass Engines

3-17 Fig 2 Operating Parameters of the Turbojet, Turboprop, and Turbofan Engines
TurboProp Take-off


Net Thrust

Net Thrust
Take-off Turbofan
Thrust Turboprop

Turbojet Turbofan


0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

True Airspeed at Sea Level (kt) True Airspeed at 30,000 ft (kt)

a Thrust at Sea Level and 30,000 ft


Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption




0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

True Airspeed at Sea Level (kt) True Airspeed at 30,000 ft (kt)

b Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption at Sea Level and 30,000 ft

8. Turbofan engines show a definite superiority over the pure jet at low speeds. The increased
frontal area of the fan engine presents a problem for high-speed aircraft, which, of course, require
small frontal areas to reduce drag. At high speeds, this increased drag may offset any advantage in
efficiency produced. The main characteristics and uses are as follows:

a. Increased thrust at low forward speeds results in better take-off performance. The turbofan
thrust does not fall as quickly as the turboprop with increasing forward speed.

b. The weight of the engine lies between the pure jet and turboprop.

c. Ground clearances are greater than the turboprop, but not as good as the turbojet.

d. Specific fuel consumption and specific weight lie between the turbojet and turboprop. This
results in increased operating economy and range over the pure jet.

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AP3456 - 3-17 - Bypass Engines

e. Considerable noise level reduction of around 20 db to 25 db over the turbojet reduces

acoustic fatigue in surrounding aircraft parts, and reduces the need for jet noise suppression,
particularly at high by-pass ratios although acoustic linings may still be required.

These advantages make the turbofan engine suitable for long range, relatively high-speed flight, but
overall, much depends on the operation to be satisfied. The use of afterburning further complicates
the issue. For example, a turbojet using afterburning has a better augmented SFC than a turbofan and
also a higher dry thrust assuming that the engines are sized for the same afterburning thrust. The
whole concept tends to be a compromise particularly if multi-role operations are required. If the
operation is of a very specific nature then the result of an optimization study is much easier to predict.
For example, an off-the-ground intercept with little range requirement - using afterburning all the way -
would require a turbojet or low by-pass ratio engine. On the other hand, a long-range cruise with some
use of afterburning at the target would show a medium by-pass engine to be best.


9. A turbofan engine is designed to operate at one particular operating condition (design point).
When operated away from its design point the engine will be less efficient, and in some cases surge
may result (see Volume 3, Chapter 6).

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AP3456 - 3-18 - Propeller Operation



1. This chapter is concerned with the mechanism and handling of the propellers fitted to both piston
and turboprop engines. However, as there are relatively few piston-engine types in service, the
description and operation of propellers will concentrate mainly on turboprop applications, with specific
reference to piston propellers where required. The theory of propeller aerodynamics is contained in
Volume 1, Chapter 23.

2. There are two principle types of propeller, fixed pitch and variable pitch:

a. Fixed Pitch. The fixed pitch propeller is the simplest type of propeller, as it has no additional
moving parts. This type of propeller is used with low-powered piston engines fitted to single-engine light
aircraft. Engine rpm, and therefore power output, is controlled by the throttle. The propeller converts
engine power into thrust and is designed to avoid engine overspeed with maximum power set by using
a pitch angle which is efficient at the normal maximum cruising speed.

b. Variable Pitch. With a variable pitch propeller, the engine is governed to run at a set rpm
throughout the flight range. The propeller governs the engine at this set rpm by the use of a
device known as a constant speed unit (CSU). Any variations in engine power output, which
would otherwise produce a change in rpm, are sensed by the CSU which alters the propeller pitch
angle to keep the rpm constant. This type of propeller is fitted to higher-powered single and multi-
engine piston and turboprop engines.

3. Power Measurement. The power output from a piston engine to produce a given performance is
obtained by setting engine rpm and manifold/boost pressure (see Volume 3, Chapter 2). However,
turboprop engines have a much greater range of power available, and the power output being
developed at any given time is measured from the actual torque transmitted by the drive shaft to the
reduction gearbox. A cockpit gauge (graduated in units of torque or horsepower) gives the pilot an
indication of the power being developed (see Fig 1).

3-18 Fig 1 Torquemeter and Cockpit Gauge

Propeller Shaft Tie Strut Power Plant

(1,020 rpm) (13,820 RPM)

Reduction Exhaust
Gearbox Driveshaft

Constant Speed Unit (CSU)

4. The CSU (see Fig 2) is a mechanical device that senses changes in engine speed caused by a
change in power output, by means of a flyweight governor. This governor controls a hydraulic servo
system feeding high-pressure oil, via a pilot valve, to a piston in the pitch change mechanism (PCM).
The CSU works on the principle of balancing a spring pressure against the centrifugal force of rotating
governor flyweights, driven directly from the engine or reduction gearbox. For a piston engine, the

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governor flyweights are tensioned by a speeder spring, which is controlled from the cockpit by setting
the rpm lever. For a turboprop, the most efficient engine rpm is maintained by pre-tensioning the
speeder spring to give 100% engine rpm at all times.

3-18 Fig 2 Diagram of a Constant Speed Unit (CSU) and Pitch Change Mechanism (PCM)

Pitch Change Mechanism (PCM) Constant Speed Unit (CSU)

Cam Follower
To Fine To Coarse
Pitch Pitch
RPM Selection
Oil Return to
Speeder Engine/ Reservoir
Propeller Hub Piston Rotating Governor
Housing Flyweight

From Pilot Valve Pressure

Propeller Relief Valve
Oil Supply

CSU High Pressure Pump

Oil Return to Engine/ Propeller
Oil Reservoir

5. Examining the PCM in more detail (Fig 3), it can be seen that the movement of the piston backwards
and forwards moves a cam follower within the helical path in the cam, thereby changing linear movement
to rotation. As the cam rotates, the bevel gear on its end causes the bevel gears situated on each blade
root to turn, thus changing the blade pitch angle.

3-18 Fig 3 Detailed Schematic Diagram of a Simple Pitch Change Mechanism (PCM)


Piston Follower



6. Engine Underspeed. When the engine speed falls below the set rpm (known as 'underspeeding'),
the speeder spring tension overcomes the force of the governor flyweights and moves the pilot valve down,
allowing high-pressure oil to flow to the rear of the piston (see Fig 4).

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AP3456 - 3-18 - Propeller Operation

3-18 Fig 4 Engine 'Underspeed' Correction

HP Oil
LP Oil

Decrease (Fine)

PRV is closed

The resulting piston movement decreases the blade pitch angle of the propeller. Because of the decreased
propeller rotational drag, the engine accelerates, and the flyweights produce more centrifugal force, until they
balance the speeder spring force again. This action closes the pilot valve and the propeller pitch is locked
hydraulically to retain the engine 'on speed' (see Fig 5).

3-18 Fig 5 Engine 'On Speed'

Equal Hydraulic Pressure

gives 'Hydraulic Lock'

PRV opens to regulate

pressure output from

Pilot Valve

7. Engine Overspeed. If the engine 'overspeeds', the increased centrifugal force from the
flyweights lifts the pilot valve and high-pressure oil is fed to the front of the piston (see Fig 6). The
resulting piston movement increases the blade pitch angle of the propeller. The increased rotational
drag from the propeller now slows down the engine, the speeder spring force then balances the
flyweights, and the pilot valve closes again to achieve the 'on speed' rpm (see Fig 5). A propeller
that can be adjusted to both fine pitch and coarse pitch by hydraulic pressure is termed

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3-18 Fig 6 Engine 'Overspeed' Correction

To Coarse

PRV is closed

8. Piston-engine Aircraft. For most single-engine piston aircraft with variable-pitch propellers, the
propeller blades are moved to fine pitch by hydraulic pressure and to coarse pitch by centrifugal twisting
moment (CTM) (see Volume 1, Chapter 23). Such a propeller is termed 'single-acting'. Because these
aircraft are not normally fitted with a feathering mechanism (see para 14), they rely on CTM to coarsen off
the propeller blades, with counterweights ensuring that the propeller moves correctly. In the case of an
engine failure, and subsequent low propeller rpm, the movement of the piston towards the coarse pitch
position is sometimes assisted by a large spring within the propeller hub.

Propeller Pitch Range Control

9. Modern turboprop engines produce very high-power output in flight. The propeller, through the CSU,
controls this power output by varying the propeller blade pitch angle to maintain engine rpm. The large range
of blade pitch angle required in flight is referred to as the alpha (α) control range. However, whilst
manoeuvring on the ground, the power output required from a turboprop engine is comparatively low. On
the ground, the blade pitch angle (and therefore the thrust produced) is controlled directly by the pilot. This
ground range of blade pitch angle is referred to as the beta (β) control range.

10. Turboprop engines normally have two pilot-operated controls:

a. Power Lever. The power lever is used to control the power plant during all normal flight and
ground operations. As shown by Fig 7, the lever covers both the alpha and beta control ranges.

3-18 Fig 7 Turboprop Power Lever

a rd
β Range

Ground Idle Max Reverse
Max Power

Note: Power Lever has to be lifted

to travel from α to β range

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The alpha range controls the power plant during all normal flight conditions by adjusting the engine fuel flow,
with the CSU adjusting propeller blade angle to maintain 100% engine rpm (Fig 8).

3-18 Fig 8 Alpha Control

Propeller CSU

Variable Throttle Fuel Power
Pitch Valve Lever

In the beta range, the pilot controls the propeller pitch directly, overriding the CSU. In the beta range, a
separate engine rpm governor on the engine adjusts fuel flow to maintain engine rpm (Fig 9).

3-18 Fig 9 Beta Control

Engine RPM

b. Condition Lever. The condition lever is a complex electro-mechanical device that controls
several functions. As shown by Fig 10, the various positions of the lever are either located by
'stops' (sometimes referred to as 'detents') or are only selectable on application of pressure
against a spring.

3-18 Fig 10 Condition Lever



Ground Stop
Run Detent
Air Start Detent Feather
Position Detent

The four functions shown in Fig 10 are:

(1) Ground Stop. The Ground Stop position is located by a detent. When the condition
lever is in this position, the HP fuel cock is closed.

(2) Run. The Run position is where the condition lever will be during normal engine

(3) Air Start. To reach the Air Start position, the lever must be held against spring tension.
This position is only used while re-starting the engine in flight.

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AP3456 - 3-18 - Propeller Operation

(4) Feather. When the lever is moved to the Feather position, fuel is mechanically shut off
and the electrical feathering pump is operated (see sub-para 13f).

11. Piston-engine Aircraft. On piston-engine aircraft, the engine rpm and power are set by two
different controls:

a. Rpm Lever. Engine rpm is set by the rpm lever, which controls the CSU directly.

b. Throttle. Engine power is changed by adjusting manifold/boost pressure with the throttle.

During take-off, climb and cruise (i.e. flight conditions where the power setting is high), once an rpm has
been set with the rpm lever, it will be maintained by the CSU, regardless of throttle movement. However,
at low or idle power settings, such as those used for descent and landing, the engine may not produce
sufficient power to maintain the set rpm.

Propeller Safety Devices

12. Various safety devices are fitted to propellers to override the CSU system in case of
malfunction. The most serious result of loss of control of propeller rpm is an 'overspeed', during
which the propeller blades rapidly move to fine pitch because of the effect of CTM. The effects of
the propeller rapidly moving to fine pitch are:

a. The engine torque being used to drive the propeller blades is replaced by a windmilling
(negative) torque from the propeller, which tries to drive the engine. If this effect is unchecked,
both propeller and engine overspeed will occur.

b. The wind milling propeller causes a very high drag force to be applied to the aircraft. This is
particularly dangerous in multi-engine aircraft, as it gives rise to a severe asymmetric thrust

13. Examples of some of the safety devices fitted to propeller systems are discussed in the following
sub-paragraphs and illustrated in Fig 11. It should be noted, however, that not all are fitted to every
propeller system:

3-18 Fig 11 Propeller Safety Devices

d. Mechanical
Pitch Lock
To Fine To Coarse
Pitch Pitch

To Pitch

c. Hydraulic Pitch
Lock stops piston
moving towards Fine b. Fine Pitch Stop
positively limits
minimum pitch in flight

a. Negative Signal from

Torquemeter results in
Feathering Pump pushing
Blades to Coarse Pitch

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AP3456 - 3-18 - Propeller Operation

a. Negative Torque System (NTS). When the torquemeter fitted to the engine drive shaft senses
that the propeller is driving the engine, ie trying to overspeed the engine, a signal is sent to the
feathering pump (see sub-para f) to coarsen the blades. The negative torque can be caused by engine
failure, loss of power or an unusual flight regime (such as high TAS with low power selected). When
the torquemeter senses positive torque again, the signal is cancelled, and the propeller operates

b. Fine Pitch Stop. The fine pitch stop is fitted in the piston assembly to provide a mechanical
limit to the minimum degree of pitch that can be obtained in the flight regime. For ground
operations, the fine pitch stop is withdrawn hydraulically, but is automatically re-engaged
mechanically by spring force when the power lever is moved past the flight idle position.

c. Hydraulic Pitch Lock. If oil pressure loss is sensed, the hydraulic pitch lock operates
instantaneously. A valve closes, trapping the oil on the increase-pitch side of the piston,
preventing the blades from moving towards fine.

d. Mechanical Pitch Lock. Some propeller systems also include a mechanical pitch lock
which operates when oil pressure is lost, or propeller overspeed is sensed. The pitch lock is a
ratchet lock which mechanically prevents the propeller blades from moving to fine pitch. It still
allows them to move towards the coarse position, or feather, if required.

e. Engine Safety Coupling System. Aircraft with NTS often incorporate a safety coupling
(see Fig 1), which decouples the engine from the propeller reduction gearbox if a severe negative
torque is sensed, ie after engine failure. Decoupling has two beneficial effects:

(1) It removes the drag caused by the propeller trying to rotate the failed engine and allows
other propeller protection devices to operate.

(2) It prevents further damage to the failed engine.

f. Feathering Pump. The oil pump for normal propeller control is usually driven directly from
the engine for piston engines, and from the reduction gearbox for turboprops. However, a
separate electrically-driven oil pump is usually incorporated in both types to complete the
feathering operation whilst the propeller is slowing down or has stopped. The 'feathering pump'
also enables the propeller to be un-feathered during an engine re-start sequence.

Propeller Operations

14. Feathering. Feathering of the propeller is normally carried out when the engine is shut down
during flight. When feathered, the propeller blade is presented with its leading edge facing into the
direction of the relative airflow, thus reducing drag (see Fig 12).

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AP3456 - 3-18 - Propeller Operation

3-18 Fig 12 Range of Movement of a Typical Propeller

Flight Constant Speeding
α Range


ht I
5° β Range
Ground Idle

Max Rev

15. Reverse Pitch. Reverse pitch can be used both for braking after touchdown and for manoeuvring
on the ground. When reverse pitch is selected, the fine pitch stops are disengaged, and the propeller
blades are allowed to move past the flight fine position and into reverse pitch. This function is selected
by the pilot using the power lever (see Fig 7). The pilot has direct control of propeller pitch angle, while
the engine speed is controlled by the engine rpm governor (β range).

16. Ground Idle. To reduce propeller drag, and hence the load on the engine, when starting on the
ground the propeller blades should be at the ground idle blade angle. This is achieved by placing the
power lever in the ground idle detent before engine (see Fig 7).

17. FADEC. Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) systems (see Volume 3, Chapter 11) are
fitted to some piston and most turboprop aircraft. Engine control is exercised through a single power
lever rather than the two mentioned in para 10. The various mechanical speed sensors fitted to control
the engine and propeller are replaced by electrical pulse generators. An associated computer then
controls the speed of the engine, propeller pitch operation and fuel flow in both the alpha and beta
ranges. The mechanical CSU is replaced with an electronically controlled Propeller Control Unit
(PCU), which controls the flow of oil to the pitch change mechanism in response to the FADEC signals.
The propeller safety devices explained in para 13 are still fitted but are triggered by electrical inputs,
rather than mechanical ones.

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AP3456 - 3-19 - Aviation Fuels



Piston Engines

1. Aviation piston engines are reciprocating engines, similar to motor car engines, and use aviation
gasoline as a fuel. However, as failure of an aircraft engine through fuel problems is potentially
disastrous, safety dictates that aviation gasoline must conform to very rigid specifications.

2. Gasoline is a refined petroleum distillate, although production is considerably augmented by

synthetic processes. The composition of gasoline is suitable for use as a fuel in spark ignition internal
combustion engines. Aviation gasoline is prepared from various selected grades of gasoline, blended to
give high anti-knock ratings (see para 29), high stability, a low freezing point, and an acceptable volatility.
The UK Joint Services Designation (JSD) for aviation gasoline is AVGAS.

3. AVGAS consists of approximately 85% carbon and 15% hydrogen, and the atoms are linked together in
a form which characterizes the type of substances known as hydrocarbons. When mixed with air and
burned, the hydrogen and carbon combine with the oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water
vapour. The nitrogen in the air, being an inert gas, does not burn or change chemically, and serves to
regulate combustion. It also helps in maintaining a reasonable temperature during combustion.

Gas Turbine Engines

4. Some early gas turbine (jet) engines used aviation gasoline, but Whittle based his jet design on
kerosene (paraffin).

a. Kerosene. The production of kerosene (spelt 'kerosine' in scientific circles) is limited to

that obtained by normal distillation. It soon became regarded as the most suitable fuel for gas
turbines, commending itself on the grounds of cost, calorific value, burning characteristics and
low fire hazard. The UK JSD for kerosene is AVTUR. AVTUR, depending on type, has a
typical boiling range of 150 °C to 280 °C and a freezing point not higher than –47 °C. The US
Service equivalent fuel is JP-8.

b. 'Wide-cut' Fuels. The quantity of kerosene that can be distilled from a given amount of crude
oil is limited, and this caused initial production limitations. As the jet engine has proved to be not as
fastidious as a piston engine, and capable of operating from any clean burning fuel, a wider
distillation range of fuel was developed (known as 'wide-cut' fuels). These distillates are produced by
combining gasoline and kerosene fractions. The only wide-cut aviation fuel now approved in the UK
is given the JSD AVTAG. AVTAG has a wider boiling range than AVTUR and a freezing point below
–58 °C. AVTAG is interchangeable with the US designated fuel JP-4. Wide-cut fuels present a
greater fire hazard than kerosene, due to lower temperature range of flammability, and higher vapour
pressure. AVTAG has, therefore, ceased to be used by most operators and is now primarily limited
to emergency military use and use in very cold climatic conditions (freezing point of AVTAG is lower
than AVTUR).

c. High Flash Kerosene. Naval carrier operations produced a special requirement for avoidance
of vapour build-up within confined spaces. Higher density kerosene with a high flash point (61 °C
compared to 38 ºC for normal density kerosene) was specified (UK JSD AVCAT).

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AP3456 - 3-19 - Aviation Fuels

d. Other Special Requirements. Special performance aircraft have created requirements for
matching variants of jet fuel. Such cases include high speed/very high-altitude aircraft and fuels
needing exceptional thermal stability.

Fuel Specification and Handling

5. Specifications. The specification of an aviation fuel is a statement of its handling, storage and
distribution characteristics, and the requirements for the engine. The UK and the USA have published
independent specifications to meet their own fuel quality demands. In the UK, responsibility for fuel
requirements (military and civil) lies with the Ministry of Defence, Defence Procurement Agency,
Directorate of Future Systems (Air).

6. Designations. Fuel (and oil) products may be identified by:

a. National Designations eg Defence Standards (Def Stan) 91-90.

b. NATO Code Numbers eg F-34.

The more common gas turbine fuel specifications and designations are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Aviation Fuel Data

NATO Code No UK Joint Service UK Specification US Designation US Specification

Piston Engine Aircraft
F-18 (1) AVGAS 100LL Def Stan (2) 91-90 MIL-G-5572F
Gas Turbine Powered Aircraft
Approved Fuels : The following fuel may be used without flight or maintenance restrictions.
F-34 AVTUR/FSII Def Stan 91-87 JP-8 MIL-DTL-
F-40 AVTAG/FSII Def Stan 91-88 JP-4 MIL-DTL-5624T
Alternative Fuels : The following fuels may be used only if the approved fuels are not available. (3).
F-35 (4) AVTUR Def Stan 91-91 Jet A-1 (ex ASTM D 1655
F-44 AVCAT/FSII Def Stan 91-86 JP1) MIL-DTL-5624T
Emergency Fuels : The following fuels may be used in an emergency situation. (3).
F-18 (1) AVGAS 100LL Def Stan 91-90 MIL-G-5572F
F-46 COMBAT GAS Def Stan 91-13/2 MIL-G-3056D
F-54 REGULAR (47/0 DIESO) Def Stan 91-13/2 DF-2 VV-F-8006


1. The NATO Designator for AVGAS (F-18) is now obsolescent.

2. Defence Standard.

3. This table illustrates some potential alternative fuels. Those fuels listed as ‘Alternative’ or ‘Emergency’ may
be used only in accordance with the relevant aircraft type Aircrew Manuals.

4. This fuel does not contain AL48 (see para 72c) therefore:

a. Operation on this fuel is limited to 14 elapsed days to limit fungal growth, and is to be followed by an
equal number of days on a fuel containing FSII. This limit applies whether or not flying takes place. All
uplifts of non-FSII fuel are to be recorded in the MOD Form 700.

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b. Operational commanders should note the possibility of LP filter blockage with ice if the fuel
temperature falls below 0 ºC.

c. Water drain checks are particularly important when operating on this fuel, especially if refuelling at
high ambient temperature, when the maximum possible time should be allowed between refuelling and
drain checks.

7. Visual Identification of Fuels and Petroleum Products. Standard colour codings and
identification markings are used on all RAF fuel installations and vehicles to aid visual identification of
fuel types and other petroleum products (see Figs 1 and 2).

3-19 Fig 1 Examples of Fuel Identification Markings

8. Fuel Storage. Aviation fuels have special characteristics and therefore must be stored in
specially constructed bulk fuel installations (BFIs) on the ground. These BFIs are designed to keep
risks to a minimum, and to maintain the quality of the product. Storage in aircraft fuel tanks is
described in this volume, at Volume 4, Chapter 10, Para 3.

9. Transfer of Fuel to Aircraft. Aviation fuel is transferred from the BFI to the aircraft by either:

a. Refuelling vehicles (see Fig 2).

b. Underground pipes direct to refuelling hydrants at aircraft dispersal points.

Refuelling procedures are described in Volume 8, Chapter 3.

10. Environmental Protection. Spillage of aviation fuel has a potential environmental effect and
therefore presents a 'duty of care' under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


11. The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume. This gives rise to the

Mass of a substan ce
Density =
Volume occupied by the substan ce

12. Density gives a measure of the concentration of matter in a material. It is measured, using System
Internationale (SI) units, in kilograms per cubic metre.

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13. Fuel oils, which are mixtures, will have varying densities depending on how much of each
constituent is present in the mixture. Some typical density values are:

Water:-1,000 kg per cubic metre

Paraffin:- 800 kg per cubic metre

Specific Gravity

14. The specific gravity (SG), or relative density of a substance is the ratio of its density compared
to that of water. So, for a given substance, the expression used is:

Density of subs tan ce

Specific gravity =
Density of water

Using the figures in paragraph 13, the specific gravity of paraffin is:

800 kg per m 3
SG paraffin = = 0.80
1,000 kg per m 3

15. A knowledge of density and specific gravity is useful as it relates a given volume of a substance
to its mass without actually having to weigh it. For example, AVGAS has a typical density of 720
kg/m 3 (this equals a specific gravity of 0.72), and if a tank holds 2 cubic metre, the mass of fuel will
be 720 × 2 kg = 1,440 kg.

16. A more common use for SG is to convert volume to mass, especially when refuelling at other
bases, whose refuelling vehicles are calibrated in different units eg litres, US galls or Imperial galls. By
knowing the specific gravity of the fuel and one unit of volume, the mass can be worked out by use of
the conversion tables in the Flight Information Handbook. For example, if you were refuelled with
3,000 litres of an AVTUR with 0.80 SG, this would equate to 5,300 lbs or 2,400 kg of fuel.

17. The effect of varying SG is that:

a. To refuel to a specified mass fuel load will require a greater volume of a low SG fuel than of a
high SG fuel.

b. If replenishing fuel tanks to full, then the loading of a low SG fuel will result in a lower mass of
fuel, and therefore a reduced cruise range for that flight, than if a high SG fuel had been used.

Temperature and Specific Gravity

18 SG varies inversely with temperature, but as fuel is loaded by mass this will only be significant if
full tanks are required. Should an aircraft be refuelled to ‘tanks full’ with cold fuel, and then be
allowed to stand in high temperatures, the expansion of the fuel will result in fuel being spilled
overboard, through a venting system.


Freezing Point

19. As jet fuel cools, the process will reach a stage where it will initially generate a growth of wax
crystals. Continued cooling will take the fuel to a frozen solid state. Should the temperature rise, the

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process will reverse. The freezing point of a jet fuel relates to one point in this waxing process;
specifically that temperature, in the 'warming up' process, at which waxy precipitates disappear.

Water in Fuel

20. A certain amount of water is present in all fuels; the amount will vary depending on the
efficiency of the manufacturer’s quality control and the preventative and removal measures taken
during transportation and storage.

21. Some refuelling procedures require that, post-refuelling, fuel is allowed to stand in order that water
droplets can settle. The water gathers in the base of the tank, and can be drained off through a water
drain valve.

22. As fuel cools, the amount of dissolved water the fuel can hold is reduced. Water droplets are then
formed, and as the temperature is further decreased, these form ice crystals which can block fuel system

23. In large aircraft, the threat of ice build-up on fuel filters can be solved by using fuel heaters. In
most military aircraft, and certain civil aircraft the icing threat is solved by using di-ethylene glycol
monomethyl ether (di-EGME), a Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII) (see paras 70 to 73).


Sources of Fire Hazard

24. With aviation fuels, there are three main sources of fire hazard. These arise from:

a. Fuel spillage with subsequent ignition of vapour from a spark, etc.

b. Fuel spillage on to a hot surface causing self-ignition.

c. The existence of flammable or explosive mixtures in the aircraft tanks.

25. Volatility. The first hazard depends on the volatility of the fuel. The lower the flash point, the greater
the chance of fire through this cause. It is more difficult to ignite kerosene than to ignite gasoline in this way.

26. Spontaneous Ignition. The second hazard depends on the spontaneous ignition temperature of
the fuel. In this respect, gasoline has a higher spontaneous ignition temperature than kerosene, but if
a fire does occur the rate of spread is much slower in kerosene owing to its lower volatility.

27. Fuel Vapour/Air Mix. The third hazard depends upon the temperature and pressure in the tank
and the volatility of the fuel. Therefore, at any given pressure (or altitude), for any fuel there are
definite temperature ranges within which a flammable fuel vapour/air mixture will exist. If the
temperature falls below the lower limit, the mixture will be too weak to burn, while if the temperature
rises above the upper limit, the mixture is too rich to burn. These ranges vary with the chemical
constitution of the fuel, and reduce with altitude, so a general rule of thumb cannot be given. In
terms of combination of fuel/air vapour mixture, a half-empty fuel tank presents a greater hazard
than a full tank.

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Properties of Aviation Gasoline

28. The five most significant properties of aviation gasoline which influence engine design are as

a. Anti-knock value.

b. Volatility.

c. Vapour locking tendency.

d. Stability.

e. Solvent and corrosion properties.

Anti-knock Value

29. The anti-knock value of a fuel is defined as the resistance the fuel has to detonation. It is
essentially a comparative and not an absolute figure, as the engine conditions under which the
detonation takes place are very important. A fuel which has a good anti-knock value is one that has
good detonation-resisting qualities compared with several other fuels being used under exactly the
same operating conditions.

30. Detonation. After ignition, the flame normally travels smoothly through the combustion chamber
until the charge is completely burnt. The rate of burning may be as high as 18 metres per second
(m/s), which may seem very fast in view of the size of the cylinder but, nevertheless, it is steady.
Combustion is comparatively quiet, with a regular pressure rise and a steady push on the piston.
When detonation occurs, combustion begins normally, but at an early stage the temperature of the
unburned part of the mixture may be so high that it ignites spontaneously, with a flame velocity in the
neighbourhood of 300 m/s. The cylinder walls and piston receive a hammer-like blow (knocking) giving
rise to the characteristic pinking noise, familiar to motorists though not audible in the air because of
propeller and other noises. The rate of pressure rise is too great to be accommodated by movement
of the piston, so that much of the chemical energy released is wasted as heat, instead of being
transformed into mechanical power.

31. Knock Rating of Fuels. Depending on their composition, fuels differ considerably in their
resistance to detonation. Highly rated fuels allow:

a. An increase in compression ratio and hence in thermal efficiency, with a resultant gain in
economy and at the same time slightly increased power.

b. An increase in permissible manifold air pressure (MAP) and therefore increased power. (The
power output of an engine is almost directly proportional to the weight of air consumed in a given
time and a higher MAP increases this weight).

It should be understood that these improvements apply only if the engine is designed or modified to
take advantage of the higher-grade fuel. Such a fuel used in a low performance engine will not give
more power or greater economy but may, on the other hand, cause fouling of the cylinders and
eventual mechanical failure.

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AP3456 - 3-19 - Aviation Fuels

32. Anti-knock Additives. The anti-knock value of fuels can be raised by the addition of anti-knock
substances. The best known and most powerful of these is tetra-ethyl lead (TEL). This is added to the
fuel together with small amounts of an inhibitor (against gum formation) and ethylene dibromide. The
use of ethylene dibromide prevents the formation of deposits of lead oxide on the combustion
chamber, valves and sparking plugs.

Octane Numbering and Fuel Grading

33. Before the advent of the more highly supercharged engines, the resistance to detonation of an
aviation fuel was expressed by its octane number. This rating system was based on the widely
different knock resistance of two pure spirits, iso-octane (excellent) and heptane (very poor). By
degrading iso-octane with heptane until the blend detonated in a variable compression engine under
the same standard conditions as the fuel under test, it was possible to classify that fuel by a number
representing the percentage of iso-octane in the test blend. Thus, 87-octane fuel corresponded to a
mixture of 87% iso-octane and 13% heptane.

34. This system, however, took no account of the increase in knock resistance at high mixture
strengths, and for a very good reason. Although engines are supplied with a much weaker mixture
under cruising conditions than when developing high power outputs (for reasons to be discussed
later), those using lower grade fuels do not have to cope with markedly increased combustion
pressure at a maximum output. Consequently, the margin between the operating power of such
engines, and the power as limited by detonation, is smallest at weak mixtures and increases as the
mixture is richened. The octane system, therefore, specified weak mixture knock ratings only. With
highly supercharged engines, however, combustion pressures at maximum output are well above
those at cruising powers, and it has become necessary to specify knock rating for both rich and
weak mixture conditions. Furthermore, as fuel with knock ratings superior to iso-octane are now
available, the rating of these fuels has become more involved, necessitating the addition of tetra-
ethyl lead to the reference fuels.

35. Only one grade of piston engine fuel is presently available on general distribution, AVGAS 100LL
(LL stands for 'Low Lead' - an unleaded version of AVGAS with anti-knock properties suitable for modern
piston-engine aircraft has yet to be introduced). Other grades of piston engine fuel may be encountered
in some locations. These are categorized by grade name consisting of two numbers; the first being the
knock rating for weak mixture conditions, and the second for rich mixture, eg Grade 100/130. Whilst
weak mixture ratings are still measured in the same way as octane numbers, rich mixture ratings are
related to the maximum MAP that can be applied without detonation.


36. A volatile liquid is one capable of readily changing from liquid to the vapour state by the application
of heat or by contact with a gas into which it can evaporate. The following properties of a fuel are
related to volatility: efficiency of distribution, oil dilution, ease of starting, carburettor icing and vapour
locking tendencies. Some of these factors depend on the presence of low boiling and others on the
presence of high boiling fractions. Thus, fuel volatility cannot be expressed as a single figure.

Vapour Pressure

37. The vapour pressure of a liquid is a measure of its tendency to evaporate. The saturated vapour
pressure (SVP) of a liquid (ie the pressure exerted by vapour in contact with the surface of the liquid)
increases with increasing temperature. When the SVP equals the pressure acting on the surface of
the liquid, the liquid boils. Thus, the boiling point of a liquid depends on a combination of SVP, the
pressure acting on its surface and its temperature.

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38. The SVP of aviation gasoline (AVGAS) at a temperature of +20 ºC is about 27 kPa absolute. It
follows, therefore, that this fuel boils at +20 ºC when the atmospheric pressure falls to 27 kPa. This
occurs at an altitude of about 35,000 feet (10,668 metres). If the temperature of the fuel is higher, it
will boil at a lower altitude. All liquids have a vapour pressure although in some it is extremely small.
These small vapour pressures, however, become important at high altitudes.

39. Reid Vapour Pressure. The standard adopted for the measurement of vapour pressure of fuels is
the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP). This is the absolute pressure determined in a special apparatus when
the liquid is at a temperature of 37.8 ºC. The maximum RVP allowed in the specification of AVGAS is
48 kPa. This is designated a high vapour pressure fuel. Fuels with an RVP of 14 kPa or less are low
vapour pressure fuels (AVTUR has an RVP of approximately 0.7 kPa).

Storage Stability

40. The property of the fuel which is of interest here is its tendency to form 'gummy' products in
storage. The term ‘gum’ here is applied to a colourless or yellowish sticky deposit which is
sometimes left as a residue when gasoline is completely evaporated. It may cause deposits in the
intake manifold and cause sticking of the inlet valves and any moving parts in the fuel system.
Aviation gasoline fresh from the refinery usually contains negligible amounts of gum, but when the
gasoline is stored, gum may form. The degree of gum formation depends on the nature of the
gasoline and the conditions of storage. High atmospheric temperatures and exposure to air hasten
gum formation. Exposure to light may also cause gum to form more rapidly. Once gum formation
starts it proceeds quickly. Poor storage stability may also manifest itself with the precipitation of
white compounds in the fuel. This is not gum, but a lead compound from TEL. So long as this is
not excessive it is not in itself dangerous, but it usually indicates that something else is wrong.
Therefore, when lead precipitation takes place the fuel should be viewed with suspicion, and none
used until it has been tested.

Solvent Properties

41. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are powerful solvents of rubber and some rubber-like compounds.
They also cause swelling of rubber, with resultant blockingof fuel lines, etc. Fuel pipes and systems
must therefore be manufactured from materials that can resist the solvent properties of gasoline.

Corrosive Properties

42. A small amount of sulphur is present in aviation gasoline, and can cause corrosion as described in
sub-para 53b.


Properties of Aviation Gas Turbine Fuels

43. A gas turbine fuel should have the following properties:

a. Ease of flow under all operating conditions (including low temperature).

b. Quick starting of the engine.

c. Complete combustion under all conditions.

d. A high calorific value.

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e. Non-corrosive.

f. The by-products of combustion should have no harmful effect on the flame tubes, turbine
blades, etc.

g. Minimum fire hazards.

h. Provide lubrication of the moving parts of the fuel system.

Ease of Flow

44. The ease of flow of a fuel is mainly a question of viscosity, but the existence of ice, dust, wax etc,
may cause blockage in filters and in the fuel system generally.

45. Most liquid petroleum fuels dissolve small quantities of water and if the temperature of the fuel is
reduced enough, water or ice crystals are deposited from the fuel. Adequate filtration is therefore
necessary in the fuel system. The filters may have to be heated, or a fuel de-icing system fitted, to
prevent ice crystals blocking the filters. Solids may also be deposited from the fuel itself, if the fuel is
cooled enough, due to the precipitation of waxes or other high molecular weight hydrocarbons.

Ease of Starting

46. The speed and ease of starting of gas turbines depends on the ease of ignition of an atomized
spray of fuel, assuming that the turbine is turned at the required speed. This ease of ignition depends
on the quality of the fuel in two ways:

a. The volatility of the fuel at starting temperatures.

b. The degree of atomization, which depends on the viscosity of the fuel as well as the design of
the atomizer.

47. The viscosity of fuel is important because of its effect on the pattern of the liquid spray from the
burner orifice, and because it has an important effect on the starting process. Since the engine should
be capable of starting readily under all conditions of service, the atomized spray of fuel must be readily
ignitable at low temperatures. Ease of starting also depends on volatility, but in practice, the viscosity
is found to be the more critical requirement. In general, the lower the viscosity, and the higher the
volatility, the easier it is to achieve efficient atomization.

Complete Combustion

48. The exact proportion of air to fuel required for complete combustion is called the theoretical
mixture and is expressed by weight. There are only small differences in ignition limits for
hydrocarbons, the rich limit in fuels of the kerosene range being 5:1 air/fuel ratio by weight, and the
weak limit about 25:1 by weight.

49. Flammable air/fuel ratios each have a characteristic rate of travel for the flame which depends on
the temperature, pressure, and the shape of the combustion chamber. Flame speeds of hydrocarbon
fuels are very low, and range from 0.3 to 0.6 m/s under laminar flow conditions. These low values
necessitate the provision of a region of low air velocity within the flame tube, in which a stable flame
and continuous burning are ensured.

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50. Flame temperature does not appear to be directly influenced by the type of fuel, except in a
secondary manner as a result of carbon formation, or of poor atomization resulting from a localized
over-rich mixture. The maximum flame temperature for hydrocarbon fuels is roughly 2,000 ºC. This
temperature occurs at a mixture strength slightly richer than the theoretical ratio, owing to dissociation
(breaking-down) of the molecular products of combustion which occurs at this mixture. Dissociation
occurs above about 1,400 ºC, and reduces the energy available for temperature rise.

51. Flame extinction in normal flight is rare in an otherwise serviceable engine. Most extinctions are
the result of engine mishandling or through excursions outside the permitted flight envelope. The type
of fuel used is of relatively minor importance. However, the wide-cut fuels (AVTAG) are more resistant
to extinction than the kerosene (AVTUR) and engines are easier to relight using AVTAG. This is due
to the higher vapour pressure of AVTAG.

Calorific Value

52. The calorific value is a measure of the heat potential of a fuel. It is of great importance in the
choice of fuel, because the primary purpose of the combustion system is to provide the maximum
amount of heat with the minimum expenditure of fuel. The calorific value of liquid fuels is usually
expressed in megajoules (MJ) per kg. When considering calorific value, it should be noted that there
are two values which can be quoted for every fuel, the gross value and the net value. The gross value
includes the latent heat of vaporization, whilst the net value excludes it. The net value is the
quantity generally used. The calorific value of a petroleum fuel is related to its specific gravity.
With increasing specific gravity (heavier density) there is an increase in calorific value per litre but
a reduction in calorific value per kilogram. Thus for a given volume of fuel, kerosene gives an
increased aircraft range when compared with gasoline, but weighs more. If the limiting factor is
the volume of the fuel tank capacity, a high calorific value by volume is more important.

Corrosive Properties

53. The tendency of a turbine fuel to corrode the aircraft’s fuel system is affected by:

a. Water. Salts within water can cause corrosion. Dissolved water in fuel is described in
paras 22 and 45. Salts can lead to corrosion of the fuel system, which is particularly important
with regard to the sticking of sliding parts, especially those with small clearances and only small or
occasional movement.

b. Sulphur Compounds. Removal of sulphur involves increased refining costs; therefore,

some sulphur presence is permitted. Sulphur can cause corrosion in two ways:

(1) Corrosive Sulphur. The corrosive sulphur consists of sulphur compounds such as
mercaptans, sulphides, free sulphur, etc, which corrode the parts of the fuel system, eg tanks,
fuel lines, pumps, etc. It is detected in the laboratory by the corrosive effect of the fuel.

(2) Combustion of Sulphur. Sulphur and sulphur compounds, when burnt in air, react with
oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and this, with water, forms an acidic species.

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Effects of Combustion By-products

54. Carbon deposits in the combustion system indicate imperfect combustion, and may lead to:

a. A lowering of the surface temperature on which it is deposited, resulting in buckled flame

tubes because of the thermal stresses set up by the temperature gradients.

b. Damage to turbine blades caused by lumps of carbon breaking off and striking them.

c. Disruption of the airflow through the turbine creating turbulence, back pressure, and possible
choking of the turbine, resulting in loss of efficiency.

Fire Hazards

55. Fire hazards were covered in paras 24 to 27. As a general rule, kerosene needs to be at a
relatively high temperature to burn, and thus in cold climates is regarded as safer than gasoline, which
has a lower temperature range of flammability.

Fuel Lubricity

56. Aircraft not fitted with gear-type, carbon-lined or silver-lined pumps require the addition of a
lubricity agent to the fuel. Details of such a fuel additive are given in para 72b. If fuel containing a
lubricity agent is not available, aircraft which are not fitted with the pumps listed above may use other
fuels up to a maximum flying time of 50 hours. The duration of each flight on non-lubricating fuel is to
be recorded in the aircraft F700 and when the accumulated total of 50 hours is reached by a fuel pump
it is to be replaced and returned to the manufacturer for overhaul.

Vapour Pressure

57. The vapour pressure of a liquid is a measure of its tendency to evaporate. This subject has been
covered in detail for AVGAS in paras 37 to 39.

58. All liquids have a vapour pressure although in some it is extremely small. These small vapour
pressures, however, become important at high altitudes.

59. A typical AVTUR has a Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) of approximately 0.7 kPa and as such is a
low vapour pressure fuel. Wide-cut fuels classed as AVTAG have a RVP of around 14 to 21 kPa, and
are therefore high vapour pressure fuels.

Fuel Boiling and Evaporation Losses

60. At high rates of climb, fuel boiling and evaporation is a problem which is not easily overcome.
A low rate of climb permits the fuel in the tanks to cool and thus reduce its vapour pressure as
the atmospheric pressure falls off. However, the rate of climb of many aircraft is so high that the
fuel retains its ground temperatures, so that on reaching a certain altitude the fuel begins to boil.
In practice, this boiling has proved to be so violent that the loss is not confined to vapour alone.
Layers of bubbles form and are swept through the tank vents with the vapour stream. This loss is
analogous to a saucepan boiling over and is sometimes referred to as slugging.

61. The amount of fuel lost from evaporation depends on several factors:

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a. Vapour pressure of the fuel.

b. Fuel temperature on take-off.

c. Rate of climb.

d. Final altitude of the aircraft.

Fuel losses as high as 20% of the tank contents have been recorded through boiling and evaporation.

Methods of Reducing or Eliminating Fuel Losses

62. Possible methods of reducing or eliminating losses by evaporation are:

a. Reduction of the rate of climb.

b. Ground cooling of the fuel.

c. Flight cooling of the fuel.

d. Recovery of liquid fuel and vapour in flight.

e. Redesign of the fuel tank vent system.

f. Pressurization of the fuel tanks.

g. Using a fuel of low RVP.

63. Reduction of the Rate of Climb. Reducing the rate of climb imposes an unacceptable restriction
on the aircraft and does not solve the problem of evaporation loss. This method is, therefore, not used.

64. Ground Cooling of the Fuel. This is not considered a practical solution, but in hot climates,
every effort should be made to shade refuelling vehicles and the tanks of parked aircraft.

65. Flight Cooling of the Fuel. The use of a heat exchanger, through which the fuel is circulated
to reduce the temperature sufficiently to prevent boiling, is possible. High rates of climb, however,
would not allow enough time to cool the fuel without the aid of heavy or bulky equipment. At a high
TAS, the rise in airframe temperature due to skin friction increases the difficulty of using this
method. On small high-speed aircraft the weight and bulk of the coolers becomes prohibitive.

66. Recovery of Liquid Fuel in Flight. This method would probably entail bulky equipment and
therefore is unacceptable. Another method would be to convey the vapour to the engines and burn it
to produce thrust, but the complications of so doing would entail severe problems.

67. Redesign of the Fuel Tank Vent System. The loss of liquid fuel could be largely eliminated by
redesigning the vents, but the evaporation losses would remain. However, improved venting systems
may well provide a more complete solution to the problem.

68. Pressurization of the Fuel Tanks. There are two ways in which fuel tanks can be pressurized:

a. Complete Pressurization. Keeping the absolute pressure in the tanks greater than the
vapour pressure at the maximum fuel temperature likely to be encountered eliminates all losses.
However, with gasoline type fuels, a pressure of about 55 kPa absolute would have to be

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maintained at altitude and the tanks would be subjected to a pressure differential of 45 kPa at
50,000 feet. The disadvantage is that this would involve stronger and heavier tanks, and a
strengthened structure to hold them.

b. Partial Pressurization. This prevents all liquid loss and reduces the evaporation loss. It
also involves strengthening the tanks and structure, and the fitting of relief valves.

69. Use of a Fuel of Low RVP. The disadvantage of kerosene lies chiefly in its limitations at low
temperatures. At temperatures below –47 ºC, the waxes in the fuel begin to crystallize and may
lead to blockage of filters unless remedial measures such as fuel heating are introduced. Starting
difficulties under very cold conditions would also have to be solved.

Fuel System Icing Inhibitor

70. All service turbine-powered aircraft should use fuel containing FSII to inhibit fuel system icing. If
fuel containing FSII is not available, aircrew should follow local instructions. In general, operation is
usually permitted for a limited period, provided that:

a. The maximum period on fuel not containing FSII does not exceed 14 days, and is followed by
an equivalent period on inhibited fuel.

b. The risk of ice formation is acceptable to the operational commander.

c. Uplifts of non-inhibited fuel are recorded in the aircraft F700.

71. Present in all turbine fuels is a microbiological fungus called Cladasporium Resinae. This fungus
can grow rapidly in the presence of water and warmth, forming long green filaments which can block
fuel system components. The waste products of the fungus can be corrosive, especially to the fuel
tank sealing components. The inclusion of FSII in fuel suppresses fungal growth.

Aviation Turbine Fuel Additives

72. Aircrew should be aware of the following important fuel additives:

a. AL 41. AL 41 is an FSII additive.

b. AL 61. AL 61 is an additive which enhances lubricity. In addition, AL 61 will prevent pipeline

corrosion (AVTUR has its own in-built anti-corrosive agents).

c. AL 48. AL 48 is an additive which is present in all turbine fuels obtained from RAF sources.
Its purpose is to inhibit fuel system icing, prevent fungal growth, and add to the lubricity of the fuel.
It is a blend of AL 41 and AL 61. If it is not possible to obtain fuel containing AL 48, the additive
can be mixed with the fuel (in correct proportions) prior to refuelling. If that is not possible, then
the limitations stated in paras 56 and 70 apply.

73. AL 48 may be held at some units in a ready-blended state. Some foreign countries do not allow
this ready-blended mix to be stored. In such circumstances, if aircrew are offered AL 41 plus AL 61,
this equates to AL 48 when blended in the correct proportions.

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74. During distillation and early stages of transportation, F35 and F34 are the same. At some point
during delivery to military users, AL 48 (or AL 41 plus AL 61) is blended with F35 to transform it into F34.

Approved Types of Gas Turbine Fuel

75. Information on the fuels approved (both normal fuel and emergency substitutes) for a particular in-
service aircraft type should be obtained from the 'Release to Service' ('Deviations from the Military
Aircraft Release' for RN aircraft), the Aircrew Manual, or from the Service engineering sponsor, as
appropriate. Refer to Table 1 for examples of some types of fuel that are available and to Volume 8,
Chapter 4 for details on airworthiness and aircrew documentation.

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AP3456 - 3-20 - Engine Health Monitoring and Maintenance



1. The condition and, consequently, performance of aircraft engines deteriorates with their use, and
such deterioration can eventually lead to failure. Other factors such as fatigue and creep can also
eventually lead to failure. It is therefore necessary to carry out maintenance on engines, to ensure that
failures do not occur and that airworthiness and performance do not deteriorate below acceptable
operational levels. The maintenance consists of routinely monitoring condition and performance,
replacing components which have degraded to an unacceptable level and also replacing components
which are nearing the end of their safe fatigue lives. Such maintenance must be carefully controlled
both to optimize the operational availability of engines and to minimize costs. This Chapter considers
the factors affecting engine lifing and maintenance, and it covers the main techniques used to monitor
engine health and the effectiveness of engine maintenance. Maintenance and Health Monitoring are
topics which apply not only to engines but also to airframe systems and helicopter transmissions.
Therefore, although this chapter refers only to the gas turbine engine, its content is relevant to the
majority of aircraft mechanical components.

Factors Affecting Component Life and Engine Overhaul

2. Fatigue and Creep. Creep is a phenomenon which occurs in most materials exposed for long
periods to high temperature and high stresses. A form of molecular distortion takes place which can
eventually lead to failure. It affects the components of the turbine operating at high temperatures and
at high centrifugal and axial loads. The adverse effects of creep occurring during normal operation of
the engine are avoided by careful design. Engine components are also subjected to three different
forms of fatigue. Aerofoil sections within the engine are subjected to high cycle fatigue (HCF) caused
by exposure to perturbations in the gas flow. As with creep, the effects of HCF are avoided by careful
design. Thermal cycles occurring in the engine lead to thermal fatigue in the hot section, but other
causes of damage are invariably more significant in setting the safe lives of affected components. The
stresses caused by engine acceleration during start up and operation cause low cycle fatigue (LCF) in
components of the main rotating assembly. Because it cannot be detected, this form of fatigue is a
major factor in calculating engine life.

3. Degradation. During normal engine operation, a number of factors adversely affect the condition
of a gas turbine. These include corrosion, erosion and mechanical wear, the effects of which are
normally monitored by routine inspection or testing. Where possible, a policy of condition-based
maintenance is applied to engines. That is, maintenance is only carried out when justified by the
perceived condition of the engine. Such on condition maintenance (OCM) ensures that any critical
components which have deteriorated to the limits of acceptability are replaced.

Engine Usage, Condition and Maintenance Systems (EUCAMS)

4. Concepts. To implement a condition-based maintenance policy, it is necessary to monitor engine

usage, condition and performance. EUCAMS therefore record life cycles consumed, detect incipient
failures, monitor wear and corrosion, and measure engine performance against a standard. The
majority of monitoring techniques are able to detect failure or imminent failure of a component, and
they therefore provide essential information to the crew. However, equally useful is their ability to
provide a consistent stream of incremental data, the correlation of which allows trends in component
condition to be observed. Such trend analysis will reveal incipient failure of a component or its gradual
loss of effectiveness. A typical trend graph is shown at Fig 1. It depicts the rate of wear of a bearing in
an engine. Remedial action will be initiated when the trend line crosses the threshold value shown,
and the observed condition of the engine thus justifies deeper maintenance being carried out. The
monitoring process allows OCM to be carried out at a time convenient to operational commitments.

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AP3456 - 3-20 - Engine Health Monitoring and Maintenance

Thus little loss of availability is incurred and costs can be minimized. Without OCM, at best the
availability of the aircraft would be lost to allow the engine to be removed more frequently for deep
inspections to take place, or at worst the engine bearing would fail in flight with no obvious prior
symptoms of its state of distress.

3-20 Fig 1 Trend Graph of Bearing Wear

(Mass of debris captured
per litre inspection cycle)
Wear Rate

Effective Safe Working Life

'Wear-in' Phase 'Wear-out' Phase

0 50 100
Engine Running Hours
(x 10,000)

5. Low Cycle Fatigue Monitoring. Counters (LCFCs) monitoring low cycle fatigue are fitted to
most major engines. They are analogous to airframe fatigue meters and continuously calculate and
display LCF usage. For engines not fitted with LCFCs, information from other instrumentation or from
technical records must be analysed and factored to produce equivalent cycle consumption data.

Engine Health Monitoring

6. Optical Inspection Techniques. The components which are continually washed by the gas flow
through an engine are prone to corrosion and erosion. Combustion chambers and turbine blades are
usually made from materials resistant to these effects. However, compressors and their casings are
often manufactured from aluminium or magnesium alloys which are very susceptible to corrosion.
Also, the ingestion of hard foreign objects causes erosion and can cause severe damage to the
compressor blades. Even if such damage does not cause an immediate reduction in performance, it
can, if not repaired, cause subsequent failure. Routine inspection for such erosion, corrosion and
damage can normally be carried out with the naked eye or with the assistance of fibre optic viewers
inserted into the compressor through ports in the casing.

7. Magnetic Particle Detectors. The majority of engine bearings are constructed from steel. As
the bearings wear, ferrous particles are washed away into the engine lubrication system. Small
magnetic plugs (mag-plugs) placed strategically in the lubrication system trap the particles.
Subsequent analysis of this debris can reveal not only its source but also the rate of wear occurring.
Fig 2 shows a debris sample captured by a magnetic plug positioned in an engine auxiliary gearbox.
The thin spines of debris are typical products of gear tooth wear. Most magnetic plugs incorporate
electrical contacts which become bridged by any significant build-up of debris, thus closing the circuit
and activating a warning caption in the cockpit.

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AP3456 - 3-20 - Engine Health Monitoring and Maintenance

3-20 Fig 2 Magnetic Plug Debris

Typical debris comprising minute particles and larger
slivers of material


Bayonet Type
Lock Pin

Oil Seal

8. Filter Inspections. Non-ferrous debris washed into the lubrication system filters can provide
similar information upon the location and rate of wear as does ferrous debris trapped by the magnetic
particle detectors. Although analysis of filter debris is not so relevant for gas turbine engines which
have few non-ferrous components washed by the lubrication oil, the technique is an important tool for
use in monitoring the health of piston engines and helicopter transmissions.

9. Spectrometric Oil Analysis. Magnetic plugs and oil filters are relatively coarse detection
devices, whereas spectrometric analysis of the oil will reveal even minute trace materials.
Spectrometric oil analysis programmes (SOAP) are used to monitor samples of lubrication oils and
hydraulic fluids taken from aircraft at periodic intervals. The light spectra obtained when such samples
are burned show the existence and quantity of trace elements, and this information can be related to
the materials used in construction of the related systems. The trend in levels of such trace elements is
an indication of wear rates and, as with other monitoring techniques, this information set against action
threshold values allows OCM to be undertaken well before system health becomes critical.

10. Vibration Analysis. The rotating components in a gas turbine are dynamically balanced on
assembly to minimize vibration. Any subsequent wear or damage to these components will lead to an
increase in vibration of the engine. By using suitable test equipment at routine intervals, it is possible
to detect quite small changes in the frequency and amplitude of such vibrations, and the changing
vibration signature of an engine can be used as a health monitoring parameter. Most aircraft types
have engine vibration analysis equipment permanently installed. If vibration levels suddenly exceed
preset limits during flight, the crew can be alerted.

11. In-flight Performance Monitoring. Monitoring the performance of engines in flight offers the
considerable advantage of observing the engine in its designed-for condition whilst avoiding the loss of
aircraft availability and the inadequacies of ground testing. The automatic recording of engine parameters
available through such systems as Engine Monitoring System (EMS) and Aircraft Integrity Monitoring
System (AIMS) allows engine performance data to be recorded and performance figures computed. The
system imposes no additional work load upon the crew and does not require specific test sorties to be
flown. Signals representing engine performance parameters, such as temperatures and pressures, fuel
flows, thrust or torque and air temperatures, air speeds and pressure altitudes, are picked off from the
aircraft instrumentation. Such signals are computed in real time and presented as performance

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assurance to the crew. They are also recorded to be down-loaded after completion of the flight and used
for health trend analysis and condition monitoring.

Engine Maintenance

12. The scheduled deep routine maintenance of engines and other major equipments is termed
overhaul. Those components which have degraded to the limit of acceptability and those nearing the
end of their safe working lives are replaced at this point. The overhaul periodicity is therefore dictated
by the component with the shortest safe working life. Engines based on a modular design avoid this
restriction, because each module may be removed and replaced without necessitating the whole
engine to be removed from service. The majority of engines are either fully or semi-modular, and can
therefore be repaired and reconditioned by module replacement at unit level. In addition, many
modules can themselves be repaired and overhauled at unit level.

13. Modular Design. A modular engine comprises several major line replacement assemblies, each
of which can be maintained independent of the others at differing periodicities. Fig 3 shows the
modules within a typical high by-pass gas turbine engine. Although the repair of such engines at unit
level requires additional financial outlay in tooling, training and facilities, it affords many advantages
including a reduction in the number of spare engines required, increased unit skill levels and better in-
service control of engine assets.

3-20 Fig 3 A typical High Ratio By-pass Modular Engine

Slots in Combustion Chamber

Fuel Injector/Igniter

Reverse Flow
Combustion Chamber

Gas Generator Combustor Turbine

Fan Module Module Module
Fan Reduction

14. Engine Testing. After significant maintenance activities have been carried out on a gas turbine
engine, testing is required to ensure that required performance criteria are met. The tests may be
carried out in an engine test facility or with the engine installed in the aircraft. Unless the testing is
required for simple diagnostic purposes or is necessary to confirm system integrity after installation,
engine testing in an aircraft is rarely cost effective and, more significantly, removes the aircraft from
operational availability. Most units are therefore equipped with uninstalled engine test facilities (UETF).
These consist of a fixed stand with a gimbal mounted frame into which the engine is installed.
Reaction between the stand and the frame when the engine is running allows thrust levels to be

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measured. The whole is surrounded by an acoustic enclosure fitted with noise attenuating air intake
and exhaust systems. An adjacent control cabin provides adequate environmental protection for the
testing technicians, and it includes the controls, instrumentation and recording equipment necessary
for detailed testing and diagnosis to take place.

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