Efficient Approach For ISL Using ML
Efficient Approach For ISL Using ML
Efficient Approach For ISL Using ML
Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on July 02,2021 at 19:06:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore
the corresponding ISL gestures. Here, feature extraction is done using the Speeded-Up
Robust Feature (SURF) method. The SURF is used as a
II. P ROPOSED M ETHODOLOGY feature descriptor or as a feature detector. It is often used
As mentioned in the above section, the proposed system for applications like object detection, image classification
for ISL interpretation performs two major tasks: (i) Gesture etc. It is a fast and robust algorithm for representing and
to Text conversion and (ii) Speech to Gesture conversion. comparing images. It acts as a blob detector in an image. The
SURF features are calculated by finding the interest points
A. Gesture to Text Conversion in the image that contain the meaningful features using the
Gesture to text conversion involves four major steps: (i) determinants of Hessian matrices. For each interest point found
Dataset collection, (ii) Segmentation, (iii) Feature Extraction in the previous process, the scale invariant descriptors are
and (iv) Classification. The concept diagram of gesture to text constructed.
conversion is given in Fig. 2. The first step in gesture to text The Hessian matrix and its determinant are given in (1) and
(2) respectively.
2 2
∂ f ∂ f
∂x2 ∂x∂y
H(f (x, y)) = ∂2f ∂2f
∂x∂y ∂y 2
Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on July 02,2021 at 19:06:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore
Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on July 02,2021 at 19:06:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC) | 13 – 14 May 2021 | Coimbatore
Python. Around 30,240 images were used to train the classifier IV. C ONCLUSION
model. The classifier was trained with different number of From the results obtained, it is inferred that the SVM clas-
epochs. A maximum overall testing accuracy of around 82.3% sifier along with the K-means clustering and BoV classifiers is
was obtained. best suited for gesture recognition. A user friendly application
From the above results obtained, it is concluded that the that can interpret Indian Sign Language has been developed
combination of K-Means clustering, BoV, and SVM classifiers using the most efficient SVM classifier (for gesture to text
has the highest accuracy in recognizing the hand gestures. conversion) and Google Speech Recognition API (for speech
Hence, it is more reliable for gesture recognition. to gesture conversion). Thus, a more reliable sign language
B. Gesture Recognition in Live video interpretation system has been developed.
A real-time gesture recognition system was developed using ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the SVM classifier. When the user shows an ISL hand gesture We would like to thank PSG College of Technology,
in front of the camera, the corresponding English text is ECE Department for providing an opportunity to work
displayed. The time taken to predict the hand gesture in the on the project. We thank Dr. V. Krishnaveni, Professor
real-time video is about 0.04s. Fig. 7 shows the screenshots (CAS) & Head In-charge, Department of Electronics and
of the real-time gesture recognition system. Communication Engineering for the encouragement and
support that she extended towards this project work. We also
thank our Programme Coordinator Dr. M. Santhanalakshmi,
Associate Professor, Department of ECE and our Tutor Ms.
P. Prabavathi, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE for the
advice and constructive feedback regarding various aspects
of the project.
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