Soil Tire Interaction
Soil Tire Interaction
Soil Tire Interaction
REFERENCE: Oida, S., Seta, E., Heguri, H. and Kato, K., “Soil/Tire Interaction Analysis
Using FEM and FVM,” Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 33, No. 1, January-March
2005, pp. 38-62.
Direct Evaluation
In this case, testing tires are set up on a tractor and the tractor drives in test
fields measuring its drawbar pull. Though the test fields are expected to be close
to the market condition of the tires, it is quite difficult to keep soil conditions
constant and uniform because they change with the position in the fields and with
the seasons. To control soil condition easily, the indoor Single Wheel Testers
(SWT) [9-10] are made by many researchers. They evaluate traction performance
with respect to slip ratio or applied loads. Hence, the soil bin used in the SWT is
relatively small and the soil condition is well-controlled. Therefore, performance
can be measured under the stable soil condition. However, the application of
SWT is limited to small tires with small loads, such as passenger car tires. It is
difficult to apply SWT to the practical size of agricultural tires. Many tire design-
ers desire to know the soil motion under tires, which is closely related to the
design of lug geometry, as well as traction performance. Some researchers have
tried to use small devices as tracers, which transmit their positions, in order to
quantify the soil motion [11-14]. Though it is fundamentally applicable to any
kind of soil condition, it is difficult to observe the wide range of soil motion in
detail because of its dimension.
Empirical Method
The well-known empirical method [15-16], which was developed by U.S.
Army Waterways Experiment Station (WES) to assess vehicle mobility on a
“go/no go” basis, is based on some measured indexes, such as the cone index, the
rating cone index, the mobility index, etc. The cone indexes are obtained by a
cone penetrometer, and the mobility index is determined by empirical expres-
sions which consist of vehicle weight, contact area, size of grouser, power of the
engine, type of the transmission, etc. After these indexes and soil strength have
been determined, several performance parameters of a tracked vehicle, such as
drawbar pull coefficient and towed motion resistance coefficient, are determined
Semi-Empirical Method
In this method [17-22], soil strength parameters are obtained experimental-
ly, and traction performance is predicted using computational calculation in order
to analyze stress distribution. This method is introduced by Bekker to predict the
motion resistance using a pressure-sinkage equation. The pressure-sinkage equa-
tion is obtained by plate sinkage tests, and is expressed by sinkage and soil
parameters. The sinkage is calculated from the equilibrium of vertical load and
soil pressure. The motion resistance is calculated by integrating the horizontal
component of soil pressure in the contact patch. The gross traction is calculated
from the relationship between shear stress and slip displacement, which is
obtained from the result of direct shear box tests. Several expressions of the rela-
tionship are proposed by Bekker [17-19], Janosi and Hanamoto [23], Kacigin
and Guskov [24], Wong and Preston-Thomas [25]. All these expressions are writ-
ten as the function of maximum shear stress, which is determined by the Mohr-
Coulomb failure criterion.
Although the stress distribution is calculated theoretically, the geometry of a
deformed tire must be assumed. The procedure for evaluating traction force is as
follows. The deformation of a contact portion between the tire and the soil is
defined. The sinkage at an arbitrary tire surface is obtained, and then the contact
pressure can be obtained using the pressure-sinkage equation. By applying the
pressure to the shear stress equation, the shear stress at an arbitrary position can
be calculated. By integrating this shear stress on the contact patch in the hori-
zontal direction, the traction of the tire can be evaluated. The tire deformation can
be assumed either as a rigid mode without deflection or as an elastic mode with
deflection. Some commercial codes have the ability to evaluate the traction of
tires using this method [26-27].
Numerical Simulation
The performance of tires used on deformable soil is determined by the inter-
action between the soil and the tire. Though the interaction must be solved in the
numerical simulation, this kind of analysis is still one of the most difficult prob-
lems in the non-linear contact analyses. Many researchers use FEM for soil
deformation analysis only, where the tire is modeled as a rigid body, the soil is
modeled as an elastic or a viscoelastic material, and small deformation of the soil
is assumed. Using this analysis, the stress distribution in the soil can be predict-
ed and a good correlation between the prediction and the experiment is obtained.
In recent years, soil has been modeled as an elastoplastic material to evaluate its
plasticity such as permanent deformation, residual strain, and so on. Though
many applications of FEM considering tire/soil interaction have been studied
[28-33], there are still few studies considering practical tire geometry with lugs.
There are other numerical methods that can be applied to soil deformation analy-
sis, such as Distinct Element Method (DEM) [34-38]. In DEM, soil is modeled
It is well known that the traction of a tire can be divided into two parts as
NT = GT − MR (1)
where NT is the net traction; GT is the gross traction; and MR is the motion resist-
ance. Net traction is a thrust force to bring a tire forward, and it acts as drawbar
pull. In the following sections, typical aspects of MR and GT are briefly
described as discussed in the semi-empirical method.
Motion Resistance
Motion resistance is the force that is caused by compressing the forward soil
or pushing soil aside, as shown in Fig. 1.
The basic property of motion resistance can be explained by Bekker’s
model. In this model, the motion resistance can be written as follows:
θ0 z0
⎛k ⎞
MR = b P r sin θ dθ = b ⎜ c + kφ ⎟ z n dz
⎠ (2)
where P is the normal pressure; r is the radius of the rigid wheel (shown in Fig.
2); b is the width of the rigid wheel; kc, kφ and n are the soil parameters. These
parameters are obtained from the plate sinking test using at least two plates. It is
assumed that the terrain reaction force at the contact patch is purely radial and is
equal to the normal pressure beneath the horizontal plate at the same depth in a
pressure-sinkage test. The motion resistance of a rigid wheel, which acts as the
compaction resistance, is due to the vertical work done in making a rut of depth
z0. Equation (2) shows that the more a tire sinks, the more motion resistance is
generated. When a tire drives on softer soil, larger motion resistance is applied to
the tire. It should be noted that the sinkage z0 at the bottom of the wheel is
obtained from the equilibrium condition of the vertical force.
FIG. 1 — The motion resistance, (upper) a wheel without lugs, (lower) a wheel with lugs.
Gross Traction
In the case of a tire without lugs, the gross traction is generated by the fric-
tional shear displacement developed along the contact patch of the tire and is
determined from the slip velocity. In the case with lugs, the effect of the lugs
should be added. The gross traction can be written as follows.
where GTFR is the frictional traction; GTSL is a traction produced by slip dis-
placement across the lug tips; and GTPF is a traction produced by passive failure
of soil as shown in Fig. 3. GTFR is generated on the contact surface between the
tire and the soil, and is due to the external friction of the soil. On the other hand,
GTSL is a traction force due to the internal friction force of the soil. Though GTSL
and GTFR are different forces, these forces are included as a shear force due to
slip displacement of the soil in the semi-empirical method.
For a tire without lugs, the gross traction is produced as a friction force
between the tire surface and the soil. The slip velocity coincides with the tan gen-
tial velocity relative to the terrain. The magnitude of the slip velocity of a point
on the rigid wheel can be expressed by the angle and the slip. The shear dis-
placement is obtained by integrating the velocity from the leading edge of the
FIG. 3 — The gross traction, (upper) Shear stress due to frictional slip on a wheel without lugs, (mid-
dle) Shear stress along with lug tips, (lower) Gross traction due to passive failure behind of lugs.
where τ(θ) is the shear stress; τmax is the maximum shear stress determined by
the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion; j is the shear displacement; K is referred to
as the shear deformation modulus; c is the cohesion; p(θ) is the normal pressure
at angle θ; and φ is the internal friction angle, as shown in Fig. 4. The normal
pressure along the rigid wheel can be estimated by a variety of methods, includ-
ing the simplified method proposed by Bekker, as mentioned above. By integrat-
ing the horizontal component of the tangential stress over the entire contact
patch, the total horizontal component of the gross traction, i.e. GTFR, can be
determined. The gross traction of a wheel of an elastic mode can be basically
determined as well as a rigid mode.
The effect of lugs is not only the frictional force between the soil and the tire,
but also the soil strength between lugs. The effect can be evaluated as the state of
Rankine passive state, where the stress state prior to plastic flow caused by com-
pression can be determined. The theory of passive earth pressure has found
applications in the prediction of the force acting on a soil-cutting blade and in the
estimation of the traction effort developed by the lug of a wheel. The gross trac-
tion developed by the lug is calculated by integrating the passive earth pressure
over the cutting depth.
hl hl
p dz =
∫ (γ
s zNφ )
+ qNφ + 2c Nφ dz (5)
where σp is the earth pressure; hλ is the height of a lug; γs is the density; q is the
pressure applied to the soil surface; Nφ is the soil parameter related to the inter-
nal friction angle, and is referred to as the flow value.
In general, the lugs behave in one of two ways. If the spacing between the
lugs is too small, the space between them may be filled up with the soil, and
shearing will occur across the lug tips. Under these conditions, the major effect
of the lugs would be the increase of the effective diameter of the wheel, in which
the gross traction can be estimated by the shear displacement along the contact
patch, i.e. GTSL would be produced along the surface at the effective diameter.
This GTSL is usually evaluated by adding to the diameter of the wheel by the
height of the lug. It should be noted again that the GTSL is produced by the inter-
nal friction, not by external friction that produces frictional traction GTFR. On the
other hand, if the spacing between the lugs is large, the soil would fail as shown
by Rankine passive failure, and Eq. (5).
The classical evaluation is based on many assumptions, and its applicability
is quite limited. But its fundamental approach for evaluating traction force is
quite reasonable. It is desirable to apply and extend this classical approach and
apply to practical problems. In this paper, we not only focus on the soil failure,
but also the shear stress generated by slip phenomena (except frictional forces).
Numerical simulations are used to predict these complex deformations and inter-
actions. The aim of this study is to apply this simulation technology to the prac-
tical tread pattern design, and to determine the most effective tread pattern design
in the realm of traction performance.
Current Modeling
meshes (shown in Fig. 5). Structure is modeled by FEM using Lagrangian mesh.
Soil is modeled by the Finite Volume Method (FVM) using Eulerian mesh. As
mentioned above, large strain analysis would be required for this interaction due
to the existence of lugs. Using Eulerian elements for the soil, the large deforma-
tion and the large strain in the soil can be computed without severe distortion,
collapse or reversion, which often become problematic if Lagrangian elements
are used.
shear ring, which can measure both cone penetration resistance and shear resist-
ance conveniently, is used in this study. The results obtained by the cone pen-
etrometer are used to identify the soil parameters.
FIG. 6 — A numerical simulation model for cone penetration test (Quarter model).
FIG. 7 — Comparison of cone penetration resistance between experimental and simulation results.
order to avoid the instability of computations due to the thin shearing plate
equipped on the shear ring, and it is often simulated as a verification of FEA [54].
The direct shear box apparatus uses two open boxes with the top box moved in
the lateral direction relative to the bottom box. Soil is loaded by normal pressure
through the top box. The relationship between the normal pressure and the later-
al force per unit area produced by sliding the top box is evaluated. Failure of the
soil occurs in the thin band referred to as the shear zone. The top box is modeled
in the same way as the apparatus and the bottom box is modeled as a soil bin.
Figure 8 shows the equivalent shear strain in the soil, and the concentration in the
narrow band between the top and bottom boxes. Figure 9 shows the comparison
between the numerical simulation and the experimental results, with good agree-
ment between them.
FIG. 9 — Comparison of shear resistance between numerical simulation and experimental data.
where superscript k denotes the target element number; Ti is the force component
in the i-th coordinate axis direction; σij is the interaction stress tensor; nj is the
unit normal vector components; S is the total area of the element. It is noted that
the stress tensor σij is the interaction stress subjected to the tire from the soil, and
that the unit normal vector nj can be computed from the deformed configuration
of the element. If the tire is driving along the X1 coordinate axis direction, the
force of interest would be T1. The judgment criterion whether the force of inter-
est is the gross traction or the motion resistance is only the sign of the force. For
example, T1 would act as gross traction if it is positive, and it would act as motion
resistance if it is negative. Summing it up on all elements contacting with the soil
separately according to the sign of each component of the force, the gross trac-
N ⎛ 3 +⎞
GT = ∑∫ ∑ ⎜
k =1 S k ⎝ i =1
σ ik1nik ⎟ dS
k (7)
N ⎛ 3 −⎞
MR = ∑∫ ∑ ⎜
k =1 S k ⎝ i =1
σ ik1nik ⎟ dS
k (8)
where N is the total number of elements contacting with the soil. The brackets “<
>” with superscript ‘+’ or ‘–’ form the following operators.
+ ⎧ A, if A ≥ 0 (9)
A =⎨
⎩ 0, if A < 0
− ⎧ 0, if A ≥ 0
A =⎨ (10)
⎩ A, if A < 0
moves forward and downward, and the soil is acting as motion resistance to the
tire. This condition is quite similar to the case of a rigid or an elastic wheel with-
out lugs. The right figure in Fig. 14 shows the motion resistance distribution per
unit area at this state. The motion resistance arises mainly on the top surfaces of
the lugs. On the other hand, the left figure in Fig. 14 shows the distribution of the
gross traction per unit area. The gross traction arises mainly on the lug wall at the
leading edge, and seems to be less than the motion resistance at 0% slip ratio.
FIG. 14 — Gross traction (left) and motion resistance (right) distributions at 0% slip ratio.
Figure 15 shows the flow diagram when the tire is driving at 30% slip ratio.
Most of the soil beneath the tire flows backward, which is contrary to the case of
0% slip ratio. This means that the gross traction is dominant, and the motion
resistance is very small. In this case, the motion of the soil is limited to the shal-
low part of the soil region aligned to the top surface of the tire. It is considered
that pushing the soil backward between the lugs produces gross traction at 30%
slip ratio. The same tendency can be observed from Fig. 16. In the case of 30%
slip ratio, it can be seen that the acting range of motion resistance on the lug wall
at the leading edge becomes smaller and the gross traction becomes larger.
Figure 17 shows the net traction history in our analyses. The net traction at
0% slip ratio becomes negative because the motion resistance becomes greater
than the gross traction. Driving at 0% slip ratio with negative net traction is the
ideal situation for the effect of motion resistance to be magnified. It is one of the
advantages of numerical simulation that any condition can be simulated.
FIG. 16 — Gross traction (left) and motion resistance (right) distributions at 30% slip ratio.
Verification of Predictability
To verify the accuracy of the prediction, four kinds of tires, such as A to D
(as shown in Table 1), are made and the direct traction tests are carried out. The
size of the tires is 540/65R30, the inflation pressure is 240 kPa, and the load is
32.86 kN. The test fields are covered with grass before cultivation and have a rel-
atively hard soil. These tires have a different number of pitch and lug bar angles
and have the same lug section geometry, as shown in Fig. 18, in order to evalu-
ate the effect of the number of pitch and the bar angles.
The experimental and predicted results are summarized in Table 1. The net
traction is measured twice for each tire in the same field. The result for Tire C in
the second test is that it seems to have too much traction. Since the soil condition
at that time might be harder than those in other tests, this result should be con-
sidered as an irregular datum.
By comparing Tire A and B, or C and D, which have different lug bar angles,
it is confirmed that the smaller bar angle yields better traction. The simulation
results show that Tire A has better traction than B, and Tire C also has better trac-
tion than D. Next, by comparing Tire A and C, or B and D, which have the same
lug bar angle and a different number of pitch, it is shown that the tires with a
smaller number of pitch have better traction. The order in terms of better traction
is completely the same between the predictions and the experimental results.
This demonstrates that the prediction is in good qualitative agreement with the
experiments. It can be concluded that this simulation methodology is applicable
to evaluate the tread pattern difference of practical tires.
carried out. However, the soil model used in the comparison with the cone pen-
etration tests in the test field may be insufficient to reproduce the complicated
distribution of the actual cone penetration resistance. Some new soil modeling
methods are required for further improvement on the cone penetration simula-
The motion resistance produced by a tire is mainly governed by compaction
of the soil in front of the tire. The gross traction is governed by the shear slip
along the effective diameter of the tire and the passive failure pressure in front of
the lugs. The effects of these contributions are evaluated. Since the aim of this
study is to apply this simulation technology to practical pattern designs of tires,
the friction force between the tire and the soil surface is ignored.
Finally, the accuracy of this numerical simulation technology is confirmed
by the comparison with the results obtained by direct traction tests. The effect of
the number of pitch and the bar angle of lugs can be predicted qualitatively.
Further study of numerical simulation is required. For example, the friction
between a tire and soil should be considered to improve the accuracy of the sim-
ulation. We hope that this technology will serve to improve tire performance and
make tire design more efficient.
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