ELECTROSTATICS (Page No. 14 - 20) ...
ELECTROSTATICS (Page No. 14 - 20) ...
ELECTROSTATICS (Page No. 14 - 20) ...
1 n qi
E tot rˆip
4 o i 1 rip 2
2. Write the equation for elelcitric field due to continues charge distribution and mention what
each term represents.
1 dq
E rˆ
4 o r2
E - electric field
r - distance of the point P from the infinitesimal charge dq
dq - infinitesimal charge
r̂ - unit vector from dq to point P
3. Defiene the following (i) linear charge density (ii) surface charge density (iii) volume charge
(i) Linear charge density is defined as the charge per unit length.
λ= .
Its unit is C m-1.
(ii) Surface charge density is defined as the charge per unit area.
Its unit is C m-2
(iii) Volume charge density is defined as the charge per unit volume.
λ= .
Its unit is C m-3
4. Write the expression for electric field
(i) If the charge Q is uniformly distributed along the wire of length L
(ii) If the charge Q is uniformly distributed on a surface of area A
(iii) If the charge Q is uniformly distributed in a volume V.
(i) The electric field due to the line of total charge Q is given by
1 dl
E rˆ
4 o r2
(ii) The electric field due to surface area of total charge Q is given by
7. What are the rules followed while drawing electric field lines for charges.
The electric field lines start from a positive charge and end at negative charges or at infinity.
For a positive point charge the electric field lines point radially outward and for a negative
point charge, the electric field lines point radially inward.
Note that for an isolated positive point charge the electric field line starts from the charge and
ends only at infinity. For an isolated negative point charge the electric field lines start at infinity
and end at the negative charge.
The electric field vector at a point in space is tangential to the electric field line at that point.
The electric field lines are denser (more closer) in a region where the electric field has larger
magnitude and less dense in a region where the electric field is of smaller magnitude. In other
Figure shows electric field lines from a positive point charge. The magnitude of the electric field
for a point charge decreases E as the distance increasesSo the electric field has greater
magnitude at the surface A than at B. Therefore, the number of lines crossing the surface A is
greater than the number of lines crossing the surface B. Note that at surface B the electric field
lines are farther apart compared to the electric field lines at the surface A.
No two electric field lines intersect each other. If two lines cross at a point, then there will be two
different electric field vectors at the same point, as shown in Figure.
As a consequence, if some charge is placed in the intersection point, then it has to move in two
different directions at the same time, which is physically impossible. Hence, electric field lines
do not intersect.
The number of electric field lines that emanate from the positive charge or end at a negative charge
is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charges.
For example in the Figure, the electric field lines are drawn for charges +q and -2q. Note that the
number of field lines emanating from +q is 8 and the number of field lines ending at -2q is 16.
Since the magnitude of the second charge is twice that of the first charge, the number of field lines
drawn for -2q is twice in number than that for charge +q.
Case (a): Case (b):
9. Consider the charge configuration as shown in the figure. Calculate the electric field at point
A. If an electron is placed at points A, what is the acceleration experienced by this electron?
(mass of the electron = 9.1 × 10 -31kg and charge of electron = −1.6 × 10-19 C)
Numerical data:
1. e = 1.6 x 10-19C
2. me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg
3. k = = 9x109 Nm2C-2
4πε o