Book of The 44

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The Book Of The 44 Laws

R. H. Publishing
Tetti The Great
© 2022
Table Of Contents

Title Page
12 Universal Laws
7 Laws Of Nature
4 Basic Laws Of Physics
7 Spiritual Laws
10 Laws Of The Streets
10 Laws Of Thug Life

Those who seek truth shall indeed not only find it but
gain an understanding while obtaining the knowledge
they seek and gain clarity. The laws being presented
in the book you're reading were collected from some
of the brightest minds of all ages; some are as
ancient as Ethiopia, Egypt, & Sumeria. Open your
mind, absorb the energy that you feel when you get
in tune with these laws, use them as tools in your life
to build your mind and mold it as you see it you have
the power now it is the time to take charge.

-Grand Dragon Tetti

12 Universal Laws

The Law Of Oneness

We are all a part of a collective

consciousness, source, some of us call
God. We are all one. This fundamental rule
helps us to understand karma on a different
level. When you help someone else out,
you feel good. On some spiritual level, you
are that person. When you hurt someone
else, you are actually hurting yourself. I am
you and you are me. We all are and we are
all connected to source energy.
Understanding this sets up all of the other

The Law Of Energy or Vibration

The second universal law, the law of

vibration, posits that everything (every
atom, object, and living thing) is in constant
motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.
The Law of Vibration means that everything
moves and nothing rests. This is a scientific
principle at its core. We live in what many
people call an “ocean of motion.”
Everything is built up of small molecules
that are constantly vibrating.

Law Of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence states that

what happens around us, is a direct
reflection of what is happening within us. In
other words, your internal environment
determines your external environment.
In other words, your current reality is a
reflection of how you felt in the past. To take
things a step further, what you’re feeling at
any given moment is a culmination of the
things you’re continuously exposing
yourself to and how you're reacting to those
things (your choice of emotions, the
attitudes of the people around you, the
drama you're watching on tv, what you're
engaging with on social media, etc.). All of
this engagement affects how you feel,
which contributes to what you're

The Law Of Cause and Effect

The law of cause and effect is a universal
law which specifically states that every
single action in the universe produces a
reaction no matter what. Every single effect
within our world, upon our earth has a
cause, an original starting point.
Every single thing we do causes an effect.
Our actions, through the Law of Action, are
creating causes that show up as our reality;
the effect these causes have on our lives.
Actions lead to results and for every action,
there is a reaction.

Law Of Compensation
The Law of Compensation is another
restatement of the Law of Sowing and
Reaping. It says that you will always be
compensated for your efforts and for your
contribution, whatever it is, however much
or however little. Increase Your Value.
The law of compensation indicates you will
receive equal returns for your efforts and
contributions. The greater the need for your
service, your ability to deliver that service
and the difficulty in replacing you suggest
you’re compensated more. The law of
compensation is a restatement of the Law
of Sowing and Reaping.
The Law Of Attraction

Maybe the most famous of all laws due to

the trend of everyone wanting to manifest
instantly. The law of attraction is a
philosophy suggesting that positive
thoughts bring positive results into a
person's life, while negative thoughts bring
negative outcomes. It is based on the belief
that thoughts are a form of energy and that
positive energy attracts success in all areas
of life, including health, finances, and
The law of attraction is a universal principle
that states you will attract into your life
whatever you focus on. Whatever you give
your energy and attention to is what will
come back to you.

The Law Of Relativity

This law suggests that we are inclined to

compare things in our world, but in reality,
everything is neutral. Relativism exists in all
things, and in the end, meaning comes
down to our perspective and perception.
The spiritual and metaphysical aspects of
this law of relativity tells us that everything
in our physical world is only made real by
its relationship or comparison to something
good and bad negative & positive.

The Law Of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that: “Everything

is Dual; everything has poles; everything
has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are
the same; opposites are identical in nature,
but different in degree; extremes meet.
Good and Bad are just perception that can
be analyzed through the eyes of each
person individually.
The Law Of Gender

The Law of Gender states that we all have

the potential to express both feminine and
masculine energy because both can be
found within us. This is the law of the yin
and the yang.
Though everyone has masculine and
feminine energy the direction of the energy
counts and at times may appear counter
balanced due to the expression of either
masculine or feminine.
The Law Of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm states that everything is

cyclical and change is always around the
corner. In other words, this law is the
process of moving in and out of various
phases in life, or experiencing seasons of
The Cycle, the time loop, the continuous
dance between all energies that caused us
to be magnetized to any certain chain of
events repeatedly experienced.
In other words, this law is the process of
moving in and out of various phases in life,
or experiencing seasons of change.
The Law Of Nature

The Law Of Process or Systems

The Law Of Process states the routines and tasks

you make time for each day are what will
eventually build success in your life and translates
to all parts of your life. The things we repeatedly
do we eventually get better at as long as we
accept the challenges presented and meet those
challenges head on in order to become more
skilled or efficient in any area.

The Law Of Supervenience

This Law states that there cannot be two events

alike in all physical respects but differing in some
mental respect, or that an object cannot alter in
some mental respect without altering in some
physical respect. Meaning that what's thought of in
the mind has a direct physical connection
singularly or in binary or double between two or
more people.

The Law Of Antirealism

In anti-realism, the truth of a statement rests on its

demonstrability through internal logic mechanisms,
such as the context principle or intuitionistic logic,
in direct opposition to the realist notion that the
truth of a statement rests on its correspondence to
an external, independent reality. Realism asserts
that well-confirmed scientific theories are true or
approximately true, and antirealism is the view that
scientific theories will always be “approximately
true" or won't be true at all

The Law Of Freedom

The Law Of Freedom States That you must make

peace with your past and produce peace in your
present in order to have peace in your future. Free
and liberation are hey components to living
fulfilling heathy functional lives in the human world
or Animal/Plant Kingdom. Forgiveness for yourself
and others is essential to your growth mentally
Spiritually and emotionally.

The Law Of Wholeness

The Law Of Wholeness or The Law Of Unity states

that all is one and one is the all being complete or
balanced connected to all things yet existing
singularly. The Law of Unity is the basic law of Life,
and it is our ignorant or wilful infraction of this Law
that is the root of all our troubles.

If we take this Law of Unity as the basis of our

Thought we shall be surprised to find how far it will
carry us. Each part is a complete whole in itself.
The initiation of this law provides instant change In
ones life and continuation of the application of this
law provides lifetime results.

The Law Of Induction

is a basic law of electromagnetism predicting how

a magnetic field will interact with an electric circuit
to produce an electromotive force (emf)—a
phenomenon known as electromagnetic induction.

By rotating the coil relative to the magnet. By

moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field. By
changing the area of a coil placed in the magnetic
field. By moving a magnet towards or away from
the coil.
The Law Of Necessity

So no proposition that is accidentally necessary at

a given time is true by a necessity of nature at that
time, and no proposition that is accidentally
impossible at a given time is false by a necessity
of nature at that time.
This law also reveals the nature over nurture
aspect of individuals unveiling the survival instinct
in some and the motivation to thrive in others.
The Laws Of Physics
Concept of Gravity


He thought that the ancient Greeks had successfully

measured Earth's circumference using a unit called the
stade, which he believed was borrowed from the
Egyptians. By translating the ancient measurement,
Newton hoped to validate his own theory of gravity.
Which wasn't proven by him then or now nonetheless
the "borrowed" intellectual properties of the Egyptians
must be studied and placed with it's correct respect.

Theory Of Gravity

holding that the force of attraction between two bodies is

proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's law of universal gravitation

F=G m² m¹ - r²

F = force
G = gravitational constant
m_1= mass of object 1
m_2= mass of object 2
r = distance between centers of the masses

Gravity Debunked

In all reality air is oxygen and you can swim in air with
the regulation of your breathing. Have you ever noticed
that to travel on water and in space you need a ship?
What's the chance of that with no direct connection?
The result is an individual floating in air also interpreted
as levitation not to be confused with astral projection but
the said individual actually floats off of the ground at
least enough to be physically seen off of the surface of
any space or object.

Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up

of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is
composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur,
sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.
Human = f{C, H, O, N}

C = Carbon
H = Hydrogen
O = Oxygen
N = Nitrogen

O² = Oxygen (Z=8)

O² = Oxygen which is Air

S = Act which is Floating
I = Individual
A = Presence of Gravity

True Law

Law Of Suspension

I + S × O² - A = F

Is supported by thousands of eyes witness accounts and

even videos from levitating shamans in Africa to floating
priest in Europe and flying witches in Mexico countless
stories that we never heard of debunking the theory of
gravity all together.
The Law Of Electromagnetism

says that the direction of the electric current induced in a

conductor by a changing magnetic field is such that the
magnetic field created by the induced current opposes
changes in the initial magnetic field.

The Law Of Force or Motion

laws of motion are three basic laws of classical

mechanics that describe the relationship between the
motion of an object and the forces acting on it.

a statement in dynamics: a body at rest remains at rest

and a body in motion remains in uniform motion in a
straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

The Law Of Illusion

Man and Ancient man believed that reality was an

illusion which some still believe today also called Maya
the idea comes from multiple different ancient
civilizations recently we touched on the calendar we also
discussed how Chronomancy was used in order to help
control the population a tik tok video on the subject went
viral comparing the Gregorian/ Ethiopian Calendars
what we found is that the Ethiopian calendar was older
proving time reality along with gravity isn't real but
The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of existence
might be a simulated reality, such as a computer
simulation which convinces its inhabitants that the
simulation is "real". The simulation hypothesis bears a
close resemblance to various other sceptical scenarios
from throughout the history of philosophy.
Laws Of Spirit

The Law Of Release

The basic behavioral hypothesis that an organism will

choose a course of action that appears to require the
least amount of effort or expenditure of energy the
law of release also called the least effort principal.
This means we must accept the things we cannot
change, stop fighting against what is happening, and
stop worrying and feeling anxious about the future.

The Law Of Intent

The Law of Intention and Desire, inherent in every

intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfilment.
When we introduce an intention in the fertile ground
of pure potentiality, we put infinite organizing power
to work for us. to our deepest, driving desires, and
cultivating our actions around them.

The Law Of Detachment

The Law of Detachment states that in order to

manifest our desires, we must release attachment to
the outcome itself as well as the path we might take
to get there. It might seem as if the Law of Attraction
has failed you. But the Law of Detachment suggests
you are standing in your own way. When you practice
the Law of Detachment, you tell the Universe, “I want
to be with my specific person. Here are the traits I am
looking for and the timeline I want.

The Law Of Purpose

Our sole purpose in life is to add the highest value we
can in all our endeavours unconditionally and
continuously.” This is the prime directive for life and
covers every facet of our daily interactions both in our
own minds and in working with others.

The Law Of Divine Patience

God's patience is merely a temporary state of

inaction. Humans are limited by their nature. We are
bound by the temporal dimension of time and cannot
do anything instantaneously. Everything we do
requires the use of time. By relaxing our focus we
become aware of things happening on the edge of
vision - catching it out of the corner of our eye. The
more we practice this the more we realize the
limitless potential within every moment.

The Law Of Potential

Out of the nothingness is the possibility of all things

and in the empty and the seemingly blank comes the
potential to create all things.
This law is based on the fact that we are, in our
essential state, pure consciousness. Pure
consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all
possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure
consciousness is our spiritual essence.

The Law Of Compensation

The Law of Giving says the more you give of yourself

without expecting a return, the more that will come
back to you.
The Law of Compensation is another restatement of
the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It says that you will
always be compensated for your efforts and for your
contribution, whatever it is, however much or
however little. Increase Your Value.
The Laws Of The Streets
The Law Of Elemental Surprise

He who hits first can't be beat!

reason being if done right then this statement

is true and if done wrong it can lead to a world
of pain aka a a$$ whooping. The element of
surprise has always been seen as a vital tool
in any arsenal coupled with a devastating
assault it can give you the edge needed to
suppress any enemy.

The Law Of Lawlessness

"The Best Fight" is the one that your not in

The fight that your not involved in at all is the

best one simply because the Law of
Lawlessness states that any situation can or
will escalate. The fight or flight mechanism is
introduced and choice comes Into play
decisions made in seconds in order to secure
one's survival.

The Law Of Mutual Combat

Mutual Combat is defined as when two

individuals intentionally and consensually
engage in a fair fight, while not hurting
bystanders or damaging property. In
Washington DC it's actually legal to street
fight and handle disputes the old fashion way.
There are typically some rules, either explicit
or implicit, that include no weapons, and can
extend all the way to punching only - no
kicking or wrestling. It's basically another term
for a street fight.
The Law Of Awareness

The Law of Awareness says you must know

yourself to grow yourself. What that means is
that in order to achieve growth, leaders must
hone in on who they are and what they desire
to do.
To reach your potential, you must know where
you want to go and where you currently are.
Change is one of the only things that's
constant and you can't change the direction of
the course of anything until you are aware.

The Law Of Survival

Self preservation is a key to life and every

person must utilize it. the sovereign
self-preservation doctrine recognizes a
judicially enforced right of a sovereign to
protect itself from serious and demonstrable
harm. In a sense, this doctrine already exists
because it underlies the Court's prevailing
legal frameworks in cases of inter sovereign
threats. All living things prioritize their own
survival above all else and will do what is
necessary to stay alive.

The Law Of Protection

You have a universal right to use this law; it

coincides with the law of survival but expands
to tribal, family, & community.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without
distinction of any kind, such as race, colour,
sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property,
birth or other status.

The Law Of Focus & Concentration

Focus: You cannot think of two things at the

same time. When your focus is on higher
values, it is impossible to have lower thoughts
such as greed or anger.
Concentration: Every action we do contributes
to the whole. Therefore, your actions are
neither big nor small as all your actions
influence the whole, I.e. the butterfly effect.

The Law Of Respect

It is natural to follow someone you see as

stronger than you. If the leader is deemed
weaker in some way, they won't be as
respected and people don't follow people they
don't respect.
When you follow someone only because of
their position, you only do it because you have
to. When you follow someone because you
respect them, you follow because you want to.
Laws Of Power

Law Of Demonstration

Power through violence has been established

in nature inside the animal kingdom and the
human experience. Domination can be a
focused violence placed constructively while
submission is given out of respect and trust.
Many places have been conquered through
acts of subtle and overt methods of violence
producing the desired effects.

Law Of Compensation

"The Golden Rule is He Who Has the Gold

Makes The Rules"
The Law of Compensation is another
restatement of the Law of Sowing and
Reaping. It says that you will always be
compensated for your efforts and for your
contribution, whatever it is, however much or
however little. Increase Your Value.
Each person is compensated in like manner
for that which he or she has contributed.” In
essence, the Law of Compensation is a close
cousin to the Law of Sowing and Reaping.
10 Thug Codes

*Codes Provided Inspired By The Great Warlord &

Philosopher Tupac*
*Revised By General & Chief Tetti The Great*

1 Big Dogs must uphold monetary

agreements they have to the movement
2 Big Dog should choose ambassadors for
the family in order to communicate with
those outside of the family

3 No Selling anything illegal to the youth

4 The Boys in Blue don’t run nothing; we do.

Control the Hood, and make it safe for

5 Know your target, who’s the real enemy

6 Squres are not the enemy they get a pass

if possible
7 The Protection Of The Offspring Is Vital

8 Senseless brutality and rape must stop

9 Attacking someone’s home where their

family is known to reside, must be altered or

10 Our old folks must not be abused


Now that you have explored the depths of your mind and may
have even gained tools to use in life due to you observing these
laws understand that you have the ability yourself to connect with
the higher energy source by "Meditation" utilize divine patience,
don't be afraid to give, and you will attract what you need along
with what you desire.
Tetti The Great

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