Book of The 44
Book of The 44
Book of The 44
R. H. Publishing
Tetti The Great
© 2022
Table Of Contents
Title Page
12 Universal Laws
7 Laws Of Nature
4 Basic Laws Of Physics
7 Spiritual Laws
10 Laws Of The Streets
10 Laws Of Thug Life
Those who seek truth shall indeed not only find it but
gain an understanding while obtaining the knowledge
they seek and gain clarity. The laws being presented
in the book you're reading were collected from some
of the brightest minds of all ages; some are as
ancient as Ethiopia, Egypt, & Sumeria. Open your
mind, absorb the energy that you feel when you get
in tune with these laws, use them as tools in your life
to build your mind and mold it as you see it you have
the power now it is the time to take charge.
Law Of Correspondence
Law Of Compensation
The Law of Compensation is another
restatement of the Law of Sowing and
Reaping. It says that you will always be
compensated for your efforts and for your
contribution, whatever it is, however much
or however little. Increase Your Value.
The law of compensation indicates you will
receive equal returns for your efforts and
contributions. The greater the need for your
service, your ability to deliver that service
and the difficulty in replacing you suggest
you’re compensated more. The law of
compensation is a restatement of the Law
of Sowing and Reaping.
The Law Of Attraction
Theory Of Gravity
F = force
G = gravitational constant
m_1= mass of object 1
m_2= mass of object 2
r = distance between centers of the masses
Gravity Debunked
In all reality air is oxygen and you can swim in air with
the regulation of your breathing. Have you ever noticed
that to travel on water and in space you need a ship?
What's the chance of that with no direct connection?
The result is an individual floating in air also interpreted
as levitation not to be confused with astral projection but
the said individual actually floats off of the ground at
least enough to be physically seen off of the surface of
any space or object.
C = Carbon
H = Hydrogen
O = Oxygen
N = Nitrogen
O² = Oxygen (Z=8)
True Law
Law Of Suspension
I + S × O² - A = F
Law Of Demonstration
Law Of Compensation
Now that you have explored the depths of your mind and may
have even gained tools to use in life due to you observing these
laws understand that you have the ability yourself to connect with
the higher energy source by "Meditation" utilize divine patience,
don't be afraid to give, and you will attract what you need along
with what you desire.
Tetti The Great