The document provides a checklist for pre-flight, takeoff, cruise and landing procedures for the ICON A5 aircraft. It lists steps to check components like the canopy, belts, headsets and electrical switches before starting the engine. It outlines procedures for taxiing, running engine checks and ensuring the aircraft is ready for takeoff. The checklist also includes instructions for climbing, cruising, and descending as well as normal procedures for landing on land or water.
The document provides a checklist for pre-flight, takeoff, cruise and landing procedures for the ICON A5 aircraft. It lists steps to check components like the canopy, belts, headsets and electrical switches before starting the engine. It outlines procedures for taxiing, running engine checks and ensuring the aircraft is ready for takeoff. The checklist also includes instructions for climbing, cruising, and descending as well as normal procedures for landing on land or water.
The document provides a checklist for pre-flight, takeoff, cruise and landing procedures for the ICON A5 aircraft. It lists steps to check components like the canopy, belts, headsets and electrical switches before starting the engine. It outlines procedures for taxiing, running engine checks and ensuring the aircraft is ready for takeoff. The checklist also includes instructions for climbing, cruising, and descending as well as normal procedures for landing on land or water.
The document provides a checklist for pre-flight, takeoff, cruise and landing procedures for the ICON A5 aircraft. It lists steps to check components like the canopy, belts, headsets and electrical switches before starting the engine. It outlines procedures for taxiing, running engine checks and ensuring the aircraft is ready for takeoff. The checklist also includes instructions for climbing, cruising, and descending as well as normal procedures for landing on land or water.
Canopy CLOSED Landing Gear DOWN (<75 KIAS) Belts FASTEN Flaps UP Headsets CONNECTED Water Rudder UP Landing Gear Switch DOWN or UP (water) AOA WHITE LINE Electrical Switches ALL OFF BEFORE LANDING - WATER Master Switch ON Landing Gear UP Annunciator Panel PRESS to test Flaps FULL (30°, <75 KIAS) Landing Gear Position Indicator DOWN or UP (water) Water Rudder UP Bilge Pump ON (verify operation) / OFF AOA WHITE LINE Fuel Valve ON NORMAL LANDING IPS Safety Pin REMOVE and stow Land: ENGINE START Throtlle IDLE Strobes ON Braking MINIMUM REQUIRED Brakes TEST and SET Water: Throttle OPEN 1/2 INCH Throtlle IDLE Area Around Aircraft CLEAR Stick FULL AFT, after touchdown if desired maximum brake Ignition Switch SMOOTHLY ROTATE to START SHUTDOWN Throttle ADJUST to 2000 RPM Brakes HOLD Annunciator Panel LAND AIRCRAFT and ENGINE Lights OUT Flaps UP Oil Pressure MONITOR, shutdown if not up in 10 sec Trim SET takeoff BEFORE TAXI Engine STABILIZE at idle (2 minutes in hot conditions) Throttle ADVANCE above 2500 RPM until ALTERNATOR light out Ignition Switch OFF Radio and Transponder ON ALT Radio and Transponder OFF Altimeter SET / VERIFY Lights ALL OFF GPS SET as required Master Switch OFF Exterior Lights ON as required Parking Brake SET Engine Instruments CHECK IPS Safety Pin INSTALL Parking Brake RELEASE TAXIING RANGE AND ENDURANCE Land: Brakes CHECK Steering CHECK Water: Steering CHECK Water Rudder DOWN ENGINE RUN-UP Throttle ADVANCE TO 4000 RPM Ignition Switch B (pause until LND ACFT AND ENG lights iluminate) Ignition Switch A - (pause 6 seconds) RPM: 180 max drop from original FUEL PRESSURE Annunciator - OUT Ignition Switch B - (pause 6 seconds) RPM: 180 max drop from original FUEL PRESSURE Annunciator - OUT Ignition Switch BOTH Annunciator Panel ALL LIGHTS OUT Engine Instruments CHECK Throttle RETARD to idle BEFORE TAKEOFF Flight Controls FREE and CORRECT PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Flaps CHECK operation Trim SET for takeoff Instruments CHECK Canopy LATCHED NORMAL TAKEOFF - LAND Flaps UP Throttle MAX Stick Rotate at 50 KIAS Landing Gear RETRACT (<75 KIAS) NORMAL TAKEOFF - WATER Landing Gear UP Flaps FULL (30°) Water Rudder UP Throttle MAX Stick POSITION for minimum water drag Flaps RETRACT above 50 KIAS (<75 KIAS) CLIMB Airspeed 58 KIAS for best rate of climb Instruments MONITOR CRUISE Cruise Power SET Fuel Quantity MONITOR Instruments MONITOR DESCENT Throttle AS REQUIRED Author: Guilherme Paes Landing Gear AS REQUIRED Youtube: Xbox Aviation