MSB Bulletin 201812

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পসিিংখ্যান বুলেটিন-বাংোলেশ


বাংোলেশ পসিিংখ্যান বুুলিা

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
পসিিংখ্যান বুলেটিন-বাংোলেশ

পপৌষ ১৪২৫
: চৈত্র ১৪২৫
Published: April 2019
This publication is approved by Statistics and Informatics Division
Ministry of Planning

বাংোলেশ পসিিংখ্যান বুুলিা

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Parishankhan Bhaban
E-27/A, Agargaon
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.

ISBN: 978-984-475-015-9
Editorial Committee

Secretary : Chairperson
Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)


Director General : Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Additional Secretary : Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Deputy Director General : Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Additional Secretary (Development) : Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Director : Agriculture Wing
Deputy Secretary (Development) : Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Director : Industry and Labor Wing
Director : Demography and Health Wing
Director : FA & MIS Wing
Director, National Accounting Wing : Member Secretary
Table of contents

Table No. Title Page No.

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. vii-viii

Key Indicators of Bangladesh .............................................................................................................. ix-xii

CHAPTER 1: METEOROLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Monthly Average Temperature at Selected Centers ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Monthly Total Rainfall at Selected Centers ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Monthly Average Humidity at Selected Centers ................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 2: EMPLOYMENT WAGES AND WAGE INDICES .............................................................................. 4

2.1 Average Daily Wage Rates for Industrial Workers at Selected Centers ............................................................... 4
2.2 Average Wage Rates for Industrial Workers in Bangladesh ...................................................... 5
2.3 Average Wage Rates for Construction Workers in Principal Towns .................................................................... 5-6
2.4 Average Daily Wage Rate of Agricultural Labor with Food and Without Food by Greater District and by Sex .... 7-8
2.5 Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Bangladesh (Base: 1969-70) ................................................................. 9
2.6 Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Dhaka Division (Base: 1969-70) ............................................................ 10
2.7 Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Chittagong Division (Base: 1969-70) ..................................................... 11
2.8 Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Khulna Division (Base: 1969-70) ........................................................... 12
2.9 Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Rajshahi Division (Base: 1969-70)…………………………………..…… 13
2.5 (A) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Bangladesh (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… ....... 14
2.6 (A) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Dhaka Division (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… .. 15
2.7 (A) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Chattogram Division (Base: 2010-11)……………………………………… 16
2.8 (A) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Khulna Division (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… . 17
2.9 (A) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Rajshahi Division (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… 18
2. (B) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Sylhet Division (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… .. 19
2. (C) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Barishal Division (Base: 2010-11)………………………………………… 20
2. (D) Wage Rate Indices by Major Sectors in Rangpur Division (Base: 2010-11)……………………………………… 21
2.10 Employment Indices of Industrial Workers in Selected Industries ..................................................................... 22-23
2.11 Productivity Indices of Industrial Workers In Selected Industries ......................................................................... 24-25
2.12 Departure of Bangladesh Nationals on Employment by Country of Destination ................................................... 26

CHAPTER 3: PRICES AND PRICE INDICES ............................................................................................................ 27

3.1 Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Agricultural Commodities in Principal Towns…………………………….. 27-30
3.2 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops 2013-14 to 2017-18 ................................................................ 31-32
3.3 (A) Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Manufactured Goods at Principal Towns ................................................ 33-34
3.3 (B) Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Building Materials at Principal Towns ..................................................... 35-39
3.4 Average Prices of Tea Sold at Chattogram Auction ............................................................................................. 40
3.5 Average Retail Prices of Essential Consumer Goods at Principal Towns ............................................................ 41-57
3.6 Consumer Price Index, National (Base 1995-96) ................................................................................................. 58
3.7 Consumer Price Index, Rural (Base 1995-96) ...................................................................................................... 59
3.8 Consumer Price Index, Urban (Base 1995-96) ..................................................................................................... 60
3.6.A Consumer Price Index, National (Base 2005-06) ................................................................................................. 61
3.7.A Consumer Price Index, Rural (Base 2005-06) ...................................................................................................... 62
3.8.A Consumer Price Index, Urban (Base 2005-06) ..................................................................................................... 63
3.9 Construction Materials Price Indices in Bangladesh ............................................................................................. 64
3.10 House Rent Indices of Various Categories of Private Residential Houses at Different Centres ........................... 65-66
3.11 House Rent Indices of Various Categories of Private Residential Houses, Bangladesh ...................................... 67
3.12 Retail Price of Gold and Silver in Dhaka………………………………………………………………………………….. 67

CHAPTER 4: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ................................................................................................................ 68

4.1 Indices of Area and Production of Crops .............................................................................................................. 68-69
4.2 Land Utilization Statistics 2014-15 & 2015-16 ...................................................................................................... 70-73
4.3 Region-wise Irrigated Area under Different Means, 2014-15 & 2015-16 .............................................................. 74-76
4.4 Region-wise Irrigated Area under Different Crops 2014-15 & 2015-16 ................................................................ 77-80
4.5 Region-wise Irrigated Area under Different Means Various Crops 2014-15 & 2015-16 ....................................... 81
4.6 Acreage, Production and Yield Rate of Agricultural Crops 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 .................................... 82-83

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. iii

Table of contents
Table No. Title Page No.
4.7 Production and Sales of Fertilizer by Variety ....................................................................................... 84
4.8 Average Retail Prices of Fertilizer......................................................................................................................... 84
4.9 Import of Pesticides by Type................................................................................................................................. 85
4.10 Consumption Of Pesticides .................................................................................................................................. 85
4.11 Food Grain Production .......................................................................................................................................... 86
4.12 Import, Procurement and Distribution of Food ...................................................................................................... 86
4.13 Public Food Distribution by Channel ..................................................................................................................... 87

CHAPTER 5: INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND MINING ................................................................................................... 88

5.1 Production of Food Manufacturing Industries ....................................................................................................... 88-90
5.2 Production of Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Industries .......................................................................... 91
5.3 Production of Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Industries .......................................................................... 92
5.4 Production of Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Industries .......................................................................... 93
5.5 Variety-wise Production of Cloth of Textile Mills ................................................................................................... 94
5.6 Installed Capacity, Employment, Production of Jute Goods and Raw Jute Consumption of Jute Mills ................ 95
5.7 Production of Dying& fishing, Silk & Synthetic and Jute Textile Manufacturing industries ................................... 96
5.8 Production of Handloom Textile, Wearing Apparel and Knitwear Manufacturing Industries ................................. 97
5.9 Production Tanned &Fishing Leather, Luggage & Handbags and Leather Footwear Manufacturing industries .. 98
5.10 Production Particle Board/plywood, pulp, paper & Newsprint article made of Papers .......................................... 99-100
5.11 Production of Misc. Petroleum Products, Compressed Liquefied Gas Fertilizer .................................................. 101
5.12 Production of Paints & Varnishes, Perfumes and Cosmetics and Soap & Detergents ......................................... 102
5.13 Production of Matters, Pharmacy/Allopathic, Drugs & Medicine and Unani and Ayur Bedic Medicine ................. 103
5.14 Production of Tiers & Tubes, Rubber Footwear/other Rubber Products and P.V.C Products/ Plastics ................ 104
5.15 Production of Melamine, Glass Sheet, tiles, Ceramics and Bricks ....................................................................... 105-06
5.16 Production of Iron & Steel Mills, Re-rolling Mills, Structural Metal Products. ........................................................ 107
5.17 Production of Utensil Other Fabricated Metal Products & Television ................................................................... 108
5.18 Production of Electric Motors, Generations, Transformation/electrical Apparatus, Batteries, Wires & Cable .. 109
5.19 Production of Machinery for Textiles, Apparels & Leather Production, Machinery Equipment & motor Vehicles . 110
5.20 Production of Electric Lamps, Electrical Appliances/Domestic Appliances, Agriculture, Forestry Machinery ...... 111
5.21 Production of Ship & Boat Building, Motor Cycle and Bicycle and invalid Carriage ............................................. 112
5.22 Generation and Sales of Electricity ....................................................................................................................... 113
5.23 Production of Plastic Furniture, Coal, Natural Gas ............................................................................................... 114
5.24 Production of Transport Equipment i.e. Metal Furniture, Wooden Furniture and Plastic Furniture ...................... 115
5.25 Index of Manufacturing, Mining and Electricity .................................................................................................... 116
5.26 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries by Major Industry Groups ....................... 116
5.27 Quantum Index of Industrial Production (All Industries) .................................................................................... 117
5.28 Quantum Index of Medium and Large-scale Manufacturing Industries by Major Industry Groups (2 Digit Level) 118-20
5.29 Quantum Index of Medium and Large-scale Manufacturing Industries by Major Industry Groups (4 Digit Level).. 121-128
5.30 Quantum Index of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries (2-Digit Level) ........................................................... 129
5.31 Quantum Index of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries (4-Digit Level) .......................................................... 129-131
5.32 Quantum Index of Mining and Electricity .......................................................................................................... 132
5.33 Price Indices of the Domestically Produced Industrial Goods by Their Major Economic Activity
Classification ..................................................................................................................................................... 133-134
5.34 Price Indices of the Domestically Produced Industrial Goods Industrial groups ............................................... 134
5.35 Price Indices of the Domestically Produced Industrial Goods by Industrial Groups .......................................... 135-141

CHAPTER 6: TRANSPORT, COMMUNICATION AND TOURISM ......................................................................... 142

6.1 Movement of Passengers & Freight and Earnings by Bangladesh Railway ......................................................... 142
6.2 Number and Tonnage of Wagons Loaded With Selected Commodities by Bangladesh Railway
at Chittagong Port ................................................................................................................................................. 143
6.3 Cargo Handled by Chittagong and Mongla Ports ................................................................................................. 144
6.4 International Shipping Entered into and Cleared from Chittagong and Mongla Ports .......................................... 145
6.5 Passengers and Vehicles Carried by BIWTC Ferries and Revenue Earnings Therefrom ................................. 146-147
6.6 Number of Letters, Parcels and Money-order booked through Different Post Offices ................... …………. 148
6.7 Arrival of Tourists by Month and Foreign Exchange Earnings .............................................................................. 149
6.8 Arrival Of Tourists In Bangladesh By Nationality .................................................................................................. 149
6.9 Passenger Movement by Airports/Aerodromes .................................................................................................. 150
6.10 Freight/Mail Loaded and Unloaded by Airports/Aerodromes .............................................................................. 150
6.11 Air Traffic Movement by Airport/Aerodromes ...................................................................................................... 151

iv Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018.

Table of contents
Table No. Title Page No.

CHAPTER 7: FOREIGN TRADE ............................................................................................................................... 152

7.1 Monthly Merchandise Exports (2 Digit HS CODE) .............................................................................. ............. . 152-154
7.2 Monthly Export of Major Commodities (4 Digit).........................................................................................……. 155
7.3 Monthly Merchandise Import (2 Digit HS CODE) ............................................................................................... 156-158
7.4 Monthly Import of Major Commodities (4 Digit) .................................................................................................. 159
7.5 Value of Export & Import .................................................................................................................................... 160
7.6 Unit Price of Major Export Item ......................................................................................................................... 161
7.7 Unit Price Index of Major Import Item ................................................................................................................ 162-166
7.8 Balance of Payment ........................................................................................................................................... 167
7.9 Country Wise Remittances ................................................................................................................................ 168

CHAPTER 8: NATIONAL ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................................... 169

8.1 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Current Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ............................................... 169
8.2 Sectorial Share of GDP at Current Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ........................................................................ 170
8.3 Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP at Current Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ............................................................... 171
8.4 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Constant Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ............................................ 172
8.5 Sectoral Share of GDP at Constant Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ....................................................................... 173
8.6 Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP at Constant Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ............................................................ 174
8.7 Implicit GDP and Sectoral Deflators 2014-15 to 2017-18 ................................................................................. 175
8.8 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Current Price by Major Economic Activities,2014-15 to 2017-18 176
8.9 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Constant Price by Major Economic Sector, 2014-15 to 2017-18
(Base: 2005-06) ................................................................................................................................................. 177
8.10 Per Capita GDP, GNI and NNI at Current Prices, 2014-15 to 2017-18 ............................................................ 177
8.11 Per Capita Real GDP, GNI And NNI 2014-15 to 2017-18 (Base: 2005-06) ..................................................... 178
8.12 Domestic Product by Expenditure Categories at Current Prices 2014-15 to 2017-18 ...................................... 178
8.13 Gross Domestic Product By Expenditure Categories At Constant Price (Base: 2005-06)................................. 179

CHAPTER 9: PUBLIC FINANCE .............................................................................................................................. 180

9.1 Revenue Receipt of the Government ................................................................................................................ 180-181

CHAPTER 10: BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS ................................................................................... 182

10.1 Monetary Survey ................................................................................................................................................ 182-185
10.2 Banking Statistics (Bangladesh Bank) ............................................................................................................... 185
10.3 Banking Statistics (Scheduled Banks) ............................................................................................................... 186-187
10.4 Official Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies ............................................................................................... 188
10.5 Savings Under Various Savings Schemes (Saving Certificates) ....................................................................... 189-190
10.6 Schedule Bank's Credit by Public and Private Sectors ...................................................................................... 191
10.7 Scheduled Bank's Credit by Economic Purpose ................................................................................................ 192

CHAPTER 11: STOCK MARKET ................................................................................................................................ 193

11.1 Highlights of Stock Market ................................................................................................................................. 193
11.2 DSE Market Score Board ................................................................................................................................... 193
11.3 DSE Market Score Board ................................................................................................................................... 193
11.4 DSE Performance .............................................................................................................................................. 193
11.5 Market (Capitalization) Value of Ordinary Shares .............................................................................................. 194-195
11.6 Index of Ordinary Shares of Companies Listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. .......................................... 196-197

CHAPTER 12: FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................................... 198

12.1 Summery of Commitment and Disbursement .................................................................................................... 198

CHAPTER 13: STANDARD CONVERSION FACTORS .......................................................................................... 199

13.1 Standard Conversion Factors ............................................................................................................................ 199-202


Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. v


The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has been publishing Monthly Statistical Bulletin (MSB) over the last 32
years as a regular publication. The main purpose of this publication is to present the socio-economic structure of the country
covering almost all the sectors. This publication consists of 13 chapters focusing on particular subject matter area for
facilitating the users in accordance with their requirement. Like many other publications of BBS, the Monthly Statistical
Bulletin has proven to be a unique source of information in the wide range of socio-economic issues pertaining to

Sources of Data:
Data sources are referred under the tables.

Rounding of Figures:
In many cases figures have been rounded off to the nearest final digit (in cases of thousand, million, lakh, crore, etc.).
This may lead to slight discrepancy between the sum of constituent items and total. In such cases, however, the total figure
should be used instead of sum of the constituent items.

Greater District:
"Greater district" is used to denote the former 21 districts functioning before the creation of new 64 districts. Greater
district is identical with "Statistical Region" used in the earlier issues of the Monthly Statistical Bulletin.

Key symbols used:

– Data nil or magnitude zero
.. Data negligible
... Data not available
'000' Thousand
(e) Estimated figures
(p) Provisional figures
(r) Revised figures
na not available
Qnty. Quantity

Measurement units:
Birah 80 Pieces
Cft Cubic feet
Crore 10,000,000 (Ten million)
Cwt Hundred weights
Doz Dozen or 12 units
Hali 4 pieces
Kg Kilogram
KL Kilolitre
Km Kilometre
Lakh 100,000 (One hundred thousand)
Lb Pound
Mkwh million Kilo watt hours
Mt Metric ton
Max Maximum
Mini Minimum
No. Number
Sft Square feet
Sq. km Square kilometer
Sq. m Square meter

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. vii


BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

BHDS Bangladesh Household and Demographic Survey
CBR Crude Birth Rate
CDR Crude Death Rate
CWR Child Women Ratio
DR Death Rate
DDR Demographic Dependency Ratio
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNI Gross National Income
HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey
HT Hill Tracts
HYV High Yielding Variety
HDS Health and Demographic Survey
HSC Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio
NNI Net National Income
SVRS Sample Vital Registration System
TFR Total Fertility Rate
TC Travellers Cheque
VAT Value Added Tax
VRS Vital Registration System

viii Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Key indicators of Bangladesh
1. (A) AREA: (Sq. Km.)
Total Area 147570
Effective Land Area 119624
Riverine Area 8236
Forest Area 19710
Source: Survey of Bangladesh (SOB)
1.(B) AREA : (Sq. Km.)
Total Area 147570
Rural Area 132813
Urban Area 14757
Source: Survey of Bangladesh (SOB)


Indicators 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Household Size (Dwelling) 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.2
Pucca Housing structure (%) (Rural), Pucca + Semi Pucca 32.7 31.6 24.5 25.4 27.2
Others (%) 67.3 68.4 75.5 74.6 72.8
Household with Electricity (%)
Rural 59.3 62.3 67.6 71.4 78.6
Urban 91.3 85.7 92.9 93.0 93.5
Household with Sanitary Toilet
Rural 61.3 58.1 65.0 65.9 68.5
Urban 86.6 81.2 85.8 86.1 87
Household using Tap Water (%)
Rural 2.9 1.7 3.7 3.9 3.3
Urban 40.2 39.7 26.2 27.1 27.4
Household using Tube well Water (%)
Rural 94.2 95.7 93.3 93.3 94
Urban 58.6 59.4 72.9 72.0 71.3
Source: Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), BBS


Indicators 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Both Sex 152.7 154.7 156.8 158.9 160.8 162.7
Male 75.2 78.3 78.6 79.6 80.5 81.4
Female 74.5 76.4 78.2 79.3 80.3 81.3
Rural Population 111.6 - - - - -
Urban Population 41.1 - - - - -
Sex Ratio (Males per 100 Females) 104.9 102.6 100.5 100.3 100.3 100.2
Density per Sq. Km. 1035 1049 1063 1077 1090 1103
Rate of Natural Increase 1.36 - 1.37 1.37 1.36 1.34
Source: Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), BBS

Indicators 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
TFR (Per woman) 2.11 2.11 2.10 2.10 2.05
CBR (per thousand population) 19.0 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.5
CDR (per thousand population) 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1
Maternal Mortality Ratio per 1000 Live Birth 1.97 1.93 1.81 1.78 1.72
IMR (per thousand live birth) 31 30 29 28 24
Child death Rate (per thousand Children) (1-4 Year Age) 2.2 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.8
Life Expectancy at Birth (Yrs) 70.4 70.7 70.9 71.6 72.0
Demographic Dependency Ratio (DDR) 58 57 55 54 53
Child-Woman Ratio (CWR) 356 355 325 320 310
Mean Age at 1st Marriage (Female) 18.4 18.3 18.4 18.4 18.4
Mean Age at 1st Marriage (Male) 24.3 24.9 25.3 25.2 25.1
Source: Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 ix

Key indicators of Bangladesh
2014 2015 2016 2017
Literacy Rate (7+)
Total 58.6 63.6 71.0 72.3
Male 60.7 65.6 73.0 74.3
Female 56.6 61.6 68.9 70.2
Adult Literacy Rate (15+)
Both Sex 61.4 64.6 72.3 72.9
Male 64.7 67.6 75.2 75.7
Female 58.2 61.6 69.5 70.1
Source: Population Census, 2001,BBS& SVRS

6. Enrolment in School by Type

Parameters 2015 2016 2017
Junior Secondary School 395216 385086 435840
Secondary School 8456078 8838789 8772893
School and College (School Section) 838871 883214 1031240
Govt. Primary School 52907 77275 90622
Grand Total (Secondary + Primary) 9743072 10184364 10330695
Note: na = not available Source: BANBEIS

7. Statistics on Upazila Health Complex:

Parameters 2011 2012 2013 2014
No. of Hospitals (Gov+Reg) 583 593 583 592
No. of Hospital Beds (Gov) 42237 - 416550 48833
No. of Non Government Hospital 2501 2983 2966 2983
No. of Beds in Private 53063 - 53446 45485
Source: DG Health

8. USE OF CONTRACEPTIVES: (Currently Married Women using) (in %)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Any Method 62.4 62.2 62.1 62.3 62.5
Modern Method 60.0 58.4 58.4 58.4 59.2
Pill 36.1 34.8 32.7 33.4 33.4
Injection 14.6 14.7 14.5 15.2 13.4
Condom 5.0 5.1 7.2 5.8 8.6
Female Sterilization 1.8 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.6
Male Sterilization 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3
IUD 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9
Traditional Methods 2.4 3.8 3.7 3.9 3.3
Source: Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), BBS


Indicators 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Diarrhea - - - - -
Asthma, Respiratory Disease 8.0 11.0 3.6 11.5 8.9
Brain Hemorrhage, Heart Disease, Stroke 16.5 18.2 18.7 24.1 22.7
Tetanus - - - - -
Peptic Ulcer - - - - -
Tuberculosis - - - - -
Pregnancy Related Problem - - - - -
High Blood Pressure 2.6 4.0 3.2 3.3 3.2
Source: Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), BBS

x Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Key indicators of Bangladesh
I. Prevalence of Morbidity per 1000 Population 2000
Both sex 188.0
Male 178.9
Female 197.5

II. Prevalence of Morbidity per 1000 Population from Selected Disease 2000

Diarrhoea 9.4
Asthma 5.1
Pneumonia 2.4
Tetanus 0.07
Peptic ulcer 15.2
Tuberculosis 0.89
Malaria 2.8
Kalaajar 0.25
Leprosy 0.11
Measles 1.32
Diphtheria 0.04
Diabetes 2.7

III. Prevalence of Disability per 1000 Population

Both sex 6.04
Male 7.38
Female 4.66
Source: Bangladesh Household and Demographic Survey (BDHS), 2000
11. LABOR FORCE: Usual definition (age 15+)
2013 2015-16 2016-17
Civilian Labour Force (Million) 60.7 62.1 63.5
Crude Activity Rate (%) 39.4 37.6 37.7
Refined Activity Rate (%) 57.1 58.5 58.2
Source: Labor Force Survey-2016-17

12. Employed Population by Sector usual Definition (age 15+) (in%)

2010 2013 2015-16 2016-17
Agriculture 47.5 45.1 42.7 40.6
Manufacturing 12.4 - 20.5 20.4
Others 40.1 - 36.9 39.0
Non agriculture 52.5 54.9 57.4 59.4
Source: Labor Force Survey-2016-17


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (p)
GDP at (‘2005-06) Constant Price (Billion Taka) 8249 8835 9479 10204
GDP at Current Market Price (Billion Taka) 15158 17329 19758 22385
GNI at Current Market Price (Billion Taka) 16142 18327 20607 23379
Per Capita Income (GNI) (In Taka) 102236 114621 127401 142862
Per Capita Income (GNI) (In US $) 1316 1465 1610 1752
Real GDP Growth (Percent) 6.55 7.11 7.28 7.65
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS. Note: “p” Provisional

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 xi

Key indicators of Bangladesh

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (p)

Gross Domestic Saving 2968 3359 4328 5005 5286
Gross national Saving 3927 4399 5332 5857 6283
Investment 3840 4379 5138 6028 7044
Consumption 10468 11744 13000 14754 17099
Note: “p” Denotes Provisional

15. MONEY AND BANKING: (Million Taka)

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Narrow Money (M1) 1236031 1416451 1608142 2124307 2400785
Broad Money(M2) 6035054 7006235 7876141 9163779 10160761
Net Foreign Assets 1133848 1600566 1892288 2331356 2666970
Bank Advances 4248045 4695832 5361475 6215566 -
Bank Deposits 5721077 6494400 7456064 8474538 -
Remittances 1156462 1105824 1189823 1168567 1010989
Foreign Exchange Reserve 1190896 1669666 196497 236519 -
Exchange Rate (Period Average) 79.93 77.72 77.67 78.26 79.13
Exchange Rate (End Period) 77.77 77.63 77.81 78.40 80.59
Source : Bangladesh Bank

16. EXTERNAL TRADE: (Million Taka)

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Total Export (f.o.b) 1737831 -2408850 2634668 3003837
Total Import (e.i.f) 2505081 -3670702 3869349 4712495
Balance (-)767250 (-)1261852 -1234681 (-)1708658
Source: Foreign Trade, National Accounting Wing.BBS


2010 2016
Per Capita Per day Food Intake (gram) 1000 975.53
Per Capita Per day Calorie Intake (k. cal) 2318.3 2210.4
Per Capita Per day Protein Intake (gram) 66.26 63.80
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey BBS-2010


(Lac Metric Ton)
Production 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Rice 338.33 345.56 347.1 347.0 338.0
Wheat 12.55 13.03 13.04 13.4 13.1
Jute (Lac Bales) 76.11 74.36 75.0 75.5 82.2
Sugarcane 44.69 45.08 44.3 42.0 38.6
Pulses 2.65 3.52 3.8 3.8 3.9
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

xii Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(In Celsius)
2015 August”18 September,18 October,18 November’18 December’18
Centres Maxi Maxi Mini Maxi Mini Maxi Mini Maxi Mini Maxi Mini
Dhaka 34.1 14.6 33.8 27.1 34.1 27.0 32.0 23.6 30.3 19.8 26.1 16.2
Tangail 34.0 11.9 33.4 26.9 33.6 26.0 31.5 22.8 29.8 17.9 25.6 13.3
Faridpur 34.6 13.0 33.1 26.6 33.7 26.0 31.9 22.7 30.3 18.1 25.9 13.7
Madaripur 34.7 12.7 32.9 26.5 33.9 26.4 31.9 22.6 30.3 18.1 25.7 12.9
Gopalgonj 32.5 26.5 33.0 26.2 31.5 22.7 29.9 18.0 25.4 12.8
Nikli 33.3 27.1 32.8 26.4 31.0 23.4 28.9 18.5 25.7 14.3
Mymensingh 32.6 13.3 32.7 26.9 32.7 26.0 30.9 22.7 29.3 17.4 26.0 13.5
Netrokona 32.1 26.7 32.3 26.0 30.5 22.6 29.0 17.5 26.3 13.7
Chattogram 33.7 16.0 32.8 26.0 33.0 26.0 30.5 23.6 30.4 19.7 26.8 16.2
Sandwip 33.6 14.6 31.7 26.0 32.5 26.0 30.8 23.4 30.2 18.7 26.7 14.4
Sitakunda 33.6 13.1 32.5 25.8 33.1 25.5 31.3 22.4 31.0 17.1 27.8 13.5
Rangamati 33.6 14.6 33.0 24.9 33.2 24.6 30.2 22.2 29.5 17.4 26.5 14.3
Cumilla 33.9 14.1 32.2 26.2 32.8 26.1 30.9 22.9 29.8 17.8 25.8 13.3
Chandpur 34.8 14.5 33.1 26.6 33.9 26.8 32.0 23.7 30.6 19.8 26.0 16.2
Maijdicourt 34.7 15.2 32.5 26.3 33.4 26.5 31.5 23.7 30.5 19.6 26.0 15.4
Feni 33.3 13.5 32.7 25.6 33.4 25.6 31.2 22.9 30.7 17.9 26.9 13.7
Hatiya 33.4 14.3 31.6 26.0 32.5 26.0 31.1 23.3 30.4 18.9 26.9 15.0
Cox's Bazar 33.7 17.1 31.6 25.7 32.2 25.4 30.4 23.5 30.6 20.0 27.4 17.3
Kutubdia 32.7 16.6 32.1 26.0 32.5 25.9 30.7 23.4 30.5 19.3 27.1 16.0
Teknaf 32.8 16.0 31.2 25.5 32.2 25.2 30.6 23.6 30.7 19.0 28.4 16.6
Sylhet 33.1 23.2 33.9 25.7 32.9 25.4 31.2 22.4 29.6 18.3 27.0 15.2
Srimangal 33.2 23.5 33.8 25.4 33.5 25.1 31.3 21.2 29.8 15.3 26.5 11.9
Rajshahi 35.9 24.7 34.6 27.0 34.3 26.1 32.2 21.7 30.0 16.7 25.3 11.6
Ishwardi 35.2 25.1 33.8 27.1 34.2 26.2 32.0 22.0 30.0 17.0 25.2 12.2
Bogura 33.7 24.7 33.3 27.3 33.6 26.7 31.7 23.2 30.4 18.7 26.4 13.8
Bodalgachi 32.9 26.7 33.0 26.0 31.1 21.5 29.4 16.1 25.2 11.6
Tarash 32.8 27.3 33.2 26.7 31.1 22.8 29.7 18.0 25.3 13.6
Rangpur 32.9 23.5 33.6 27.0 33.0 26.0 30.8 22.3 29.3 17.03 25.7 12.6
Dinajpur 33.1 23.7 33.8 26.9 33.3 26.1 31.3 21.5 29.6 15.7 25.5 11.3
Sayedpur 33.4 23.3 33.8 26.8 33.4 25.9 31.4 21.4 29.8 16.0 26.2 11.7
Tetulia 32.7 25.8 32.0 24.8 30.9 19.7 28.8 14.0 25.8 10.0
Dimla 33.2 26.5 32.5 25.8 31.0 21.0 29.2 15.5 25.9 11.6
Rajarhat 33.5 26.5 32.7 25.7 30.4 21.1 28.5 15.6 25.2 10.9
Khulna 36.0 25.9 33.3 27.0 34.2 26.7 32.7 23.6 30.7 19.3 26.0 13.8
Mongla 35.5 26.5 32.1 27.0 33.2 26.6 31.7 23.8 30.0 20.1 26.0 15.0
Satkhira 36.1 31.5 33.0 26.9 33.8 26.6 32.5 22.9 30.5 18.6 25.6 12.4
Jashore 36.4 25.9 33.8 26.7 34.6 26.0 33.0 21.8 31.0 16.8 26.0 12.0
Chuadanga 35.8 24.9 33.6 26.7 34.3 26.0 32.6 21.9 29.6 17.1 25.3 11.5
Kumarkhali 33.0 27.1 33.5 26.3 31.7 23.2 30.0 18.8 25.1 13.5
Barishal 34.8 25.9 32.4 26.5 33.4 26.5 31.6 22.8 30.3 18.1 26.1 12.8
Patuakhali 35.0 25.9 32.4 26.8 33.5 26.7 31.5 23.8 30.3 19.6 25.9 14.7
Khepupara 34.5 26.3 32.2 26.6 33.1 26.3 31.4 23.2 30.2 19.1 26.2 14.0
Bhola 34.1 25.8 32.4 26.6 33.7 26.4 31.9 23.2 30.5 18.6 26.3 13.5
Note: Information contained in this table are based on preliminary unchecked data.
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 1



Centres 2015 June’18 July”18 August”18 Sep’18 Oct,18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Dhaka 181 308 357 140 74 45 13 13
Tangail 156 196 332 172 202 77 5 23
Faridpur 153 200 422 86 138 68 22 13
Madaripur 154 353 475 194 168 70 9 9
Gopalgonj 174 253 172 130 44 0 4
Mymensingh 174 361 299 258 144 122 34 12
Nikli 305 307 221 126 142 36 18
Netrokona 464 539 465 320 136 5 19
Chattogram 315 640 818 316 157 297 0 4
Sandwip 331 906 1290 589 244 251 0 0
Sitakunda 317 1158 1087 444 157 227 0 3
Rangamati 281 1049 502 281 333 257 0 35
Cumilla 178 494 299 122 116 42 0 7
Chandpur 234 546 418 200 76 73 14 3
Maijdicourt 267 493 722 291 164 101 0 1
Feni 259 596 572 503 196 89 0 1
Hatiya 369 570 728 307 217 312 0 5
Cox's Bazar 393 975 1224 378 328 401 0 8
Kutubdia 354 719 773 396 292 369 0 18
Teknaf 443 919 1334 459 233 598 0 10
Sylhet 371 794 689 504 373 103 39 29
Srimangal 209 366 195 354 174 120 2 50
Rajshahi 118 139 239 85 116 87 0 17
Ishwardi 132 110 451 103 67 94 4 19
Bogura 130 242 434 144 162 70 0 18
Badalgachi 267 457 228 169 62 0 14
Tarash 198 306 202 109 61 0 17
Rangpur 202 363 154 198 145 33 0 7
Dinajpur 165 127 171 152 192 8 0 10
Sayedpur 157 416 218 245 245 16 0 9
Tetulia 756 634 439 455 3 0 7
Dimla 590 430 433 380 2 0 7
Rajarhat 391 138 67 171 41 0 5
Khulna 192 265 271 100 106 53 0 3
Mongla 175 503 427 212 177 100 0 2
Satkhira 152 256 273 259 146 105 0 10
Jashore 159 119 430 144 75 76 0 11
Chuadanga 124 214 398 146 110 55 0 25
Kumarkhali 243 420 81 123 119 0 31
Barishal 197 341 297 180 84 110 1 4
Patuakhali 258 377 528 296 106 201 10 0
Khepupara 260 742 766 295 275 267 1 1
Bhola 220 350 287 181 120 111 0 1
Note: Information contained in this table are based on preliminary unchecked data.
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department.

2 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.



Centres 2015 July’18 August’18 Sep18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Dhaka 68 80 75 75 68 65 64
Tangail 77 81 80 79 78 78 81
Faridpur 77 82 80 80 77 77 78
Madaripur 80 86 83 84 81 84 85
Gopalgonj 85 81 83 81 78 75
Nikli 82 81 82 80 81 82
Mymensing 80 82 8 82 83 80 79
Netrokona 82 81 83 82 81 81
Chattogram 75 83 80 78 78 71 71
Sandwip 81 83 85 83 85 81 83
Sitakunda 78 88 84 82 84 78 78
Rangamati 78 84 72 74 83 79 81
Cumilla 77 77 78 80 78 76 76
Chandpur 78 81 81 79 76 73 75
Maijdicourt 78 83 83 81 79 77 80
Feni 79 86 80 79 90 75 77
Hatiya 83 83 86 86 88 85 85
Cox's Bazar 78 88 84 83 82 73 81
Kutubdia 77 88 82 82 79 70 70
Teknaf 76 85 85 80 82 66 67
Sylhet 76 86 82 83 79 76 76
Srimangal 79 83 81 81 84 85 86
Rajshahi 79 81 81 84 85 85 83
Ishwardi 79 84 78 80 81 81 79
Bogura 76 82 79 8 76 71 73
Badalgachi 81 82 82 83 81 77
Tarash 82 81 81 81 75 72
Rangpur 77 84 77 79 78 76 77
Dinajpur 77 78 78 78 76 75 77
Sayedpur 78 78 79 80 78 73 74
Tetulia 77 82 85 79 79 82
Dimla 85 81 82 79 77 77
Rajarhat 80 78 81 81 81 76
Khulna 78 78 81 80 76 75 74
Mongla 78 84 84 85 81 86 77
Satkhira 77 86 81 81 80 80 78
Jashore 76 82 79 80 80 83 79
Chuadanga 79 82 82 82 81 81 83
Kumarkhali 85 79 78 80 75 77
Barishal 82 83 81 82 83 84 86
Patuakhali 82 84 86 83 83 83 80
Khepupara 79 87 84 83 85 85 79
Bhola 81 85 83 82 84 83 86
Note: Information contained in this table are based on preliminary unchecked data
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 3

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices


Sl Industry Type of Monthly
No. Group labour June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Cotton Skilled 361 445 445 446 448 448 448 450
Textile Unskilled 296 360 362 362 363 363 364 365
2. Jute textile Skilled 358 405 405 406 407 408 409 410
Unskilled 282 340 342 344 345 345 346 347
3. Match Skilled 334 400 400 405 406 406 406 408
Unskilled 290 350 350 350 350 352 352 355
4. Engineering (fitter) Skilled 447 495 496 497 498 500 500 500
Unskilled 353 400 400 405 406 407 407 408
5. Edible oil Skilled 367 420 422 422 423 424 425 430
(mustard oil Line man) Unskilled 295 350 352 352 352 355 350 360
6. Average Skilled - 433 434 435 436 437 438 440
for Industry Unskilled - 360 361 363 363 364 364 367
1. Cotton Skilled 329 390 390 392 392 395 396 398
Textile Unskilled 269 305 305 306 307 308 308 310
2. Jute textile Skilled 334 390 392 393 395 395 395 396
Unskilled 268 335 336 337 340 340 340 342
3. Match Skilled 298 335 335 336 338 338 340 342
Unskilled 252 295 295 295 295 296 297 298
4. Engineering (fitter) Skilled 432 470 470 470 470 472 475 475
Unskilled 333 380 380 380 380 382 384 384
5. Edible oil Skilled 276 375 375 375 375 376 377 378
(mustard oil Line man) Unskilled - 330 330 330 335 335 336 336
6. Average Skilled - 392 392 393 394 395 397 398
for Industry Unskilled - 329 329 330 331 332 333 334
1. Cotton Skilled 349 400 400 400 402 402 403 405
Textile Unskilled 283 330 335 335 336 338 340 342
2. Jute textile Skilled 330 380 380 380 380 380 382 384
Unskilled 279 330 335 336 336 338 340 342
3. Match Skilled 299 375 375 375 375 375 375 375
Unskilled 264 300 300 300 305 305 305 306
4. Engineering Skilled 430 471 472 472 472 472 472 472
(fitter) Unskilled 321 370 370 370 370 372 372 372
5. Edible oil Skilled 371 400 405 405 406 406 406 406
(mustard oil Line man) Unskilled 272 400 405 405 405 405 405 405
6. Average Skilled - 405 406 406 407 407 408 408
for Industry Unskilled - 346 349 349 350 352 352 353
1. Cotton Skilled 391 440 445 448 450 452 452 455
Textile Unskilled 295 340 342 342 345 345 345 346
2. Jute textile Skilled 374 400 400 400 400 400 400 402
Unskilled 285 330 332 332 335 335 336 340
3. Match Skilled 342 385 385 386 390 390 390 390
Unskilled 284 330 335 336 340 340 340 342
4. Engineering Skilled 459 480 480 480 480 480 480 480
3 (fitter) Unskilled 335 390 392 392 395 395 395 395
5. Edible oil Skilled 357 420 420 422 425 425 425 425
(mustard oil Line man) Unskilled 294 335 335 335 336 338 340 340
6. Average Skilled - 425 426 427 429 429 429 430
for Industry Unskilled - 345 347 347 350 351 351 353
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

4Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Nominal wage in Taka)
Sl. Type of Monthly
Industry 2015-16
No. labor June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Medium & Large Scale Industry:
(i) Cotton Textile Skilled 360 419 420 422 423 424 425 427
Unskilled 286 334 336 336 438 438 339 341
(ii) Jute Textile Skilled 349 394 394 395 396 396 397 398
Unskilled 278 334 336 337 339 340 341 343
(iii) Match Skilled 326 374 374 376 377 377 378 379
Unskilled 272 319 320 320 323 323 324 325
(iv) Engineering Skilled 442 479 480 480 480 481 482 482
(fitter) Unskilled 335 385 386 387 388 389 390 390
(v) Edible 0il Skilled 356 404 406 406 407 408 408 410
Unskilled 284 354 356 356 357 358 358 360
2. Small & Cottage Skilled - - - - - - - -
Industry (weaver) Unskilled - - - - - - - -
3. Construction Skilled - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Note: The averages are based on data collected from 4 centers viz. Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi and Khulna
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.


Type of Construction Monthly
Town 2015-16
Worker June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Mason (skilled) Chattogram 437 490 490 490 495 495 500 500
Dhaka 495 540 592 544 545 545 546 546
Khulna 468 490 490 495 496 497 498 500
Narayanganj 450 880 880 885 885 885 885 886
Rajshahi 482 510 511 514 515 515 516 516
Rangpur 436 465 466 467 468 468 470 470
Sylhet 444 470 470 470 470 472 472 472
Helper to mason Chattogram 394 440 442 442 445 446 448 450
Dhaka 387 420 422 422 425 425 425 430
Khulna 387 420 420 420 420 420 425 425
Narayanganj 394 435 436 436 440 442 444 444
Rajshahi 386 435 435 435 436 436 438 440
Rangpur 466 490 490 492 492 492 492 492
Sylhet 478 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Carpenter (skilled) Chattogram 473 490 490 490 490 492 492 492
Dhaka 477 495 495 495 495 496 498 500
Khulna 421 455 455 456 456 460 460 460
Narayanganj 423 452 452 452 452 455 455 455
Rajshahi 422 460 460 460 460 462 462 462
Rangpur 417 455 455 455 455 455 455 455
Sylhet 512 445 445 446 448 448 450 450
Barishal 458 480 480 480 480 480 480 480

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 5

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
Type of cons- Monthly
Town 2015-16 June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
truction worker
Plumber Chattogram 492 530 530 530 535 536 536 536
(sanitary fitter) Dhaka 489 530 535 536 538 540 540 540
Khulna 482 500 505 505 505 505 505 505
Narayanganj 477 510 511 512 515 515 515 515
Rajshahi 480 500 500 500 505 505 505 505
Rangpur 473 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Sylhet 485 500 500 500 502 502 502 502
Barishal 486 510 511 512 515 515 516 518
Chattogram 483 510 511 512 512 512 512 515
Dhaka 470 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Khulna 483 500 500 500 505 505 505 505
Narayanganj 482 500 500 500 505 505 505 505
Rajshahi 482 500 505 505 506 506 506 508
Rangpur 482 500 505 505 506 507 508 508
Sylhet 475 505 506 506 506 507 508 508
Barishal 472 500 500 505 506 506 506 506
Electrician Chattogram 453 470 470 475 580 580 580 580
Dhaka 459 475 475 475 480 480 480 480
Khulna 455 470 470 470 475 475 475 475
Narayanganj 441 475 475 475 480 480 480 480
Rajshahi 442 475 476 476 480 480 480 480
Rangpur 444 470 470 470 472 472 472 475
Sylhet 446 470 470 472 475 475 480 480
Barishal 447 472 472 472 475 475 475 475
Chattogram 1091 1125 1125 1125 1130 1130 1130 1135
Brick breaking
(i) 1' Size Khoa Dhaka 1090 1100 1100 1105 1105 1108 1108 1109
per 100 cft. Khulna 1090 1109 1110 1110 1110 1110 1111 1112
Narayanganj 1089 1115 1116 1117 1118 1118 1118 1119
Rajshahi 1074 1099 1100 1100 1100 1100 1102 1102
Rangpur 1079 1098 1099 1099 1099 1099 1010 1010
Sylhet 1082 1100 1105 1105 1106 1106 1107 1108
Barishal 1075 1096 1097 1098 1099 1099 1010 1011
Situ Mosaic
(Fitting Charge Dhaka 44 59 60 60 62 62 63 63
Per sit)
Glazed Tile (Fitting
charge)persft. Dhaka 45 66 66 66 67 68 68 69
Floor Tile(Fitting
Charge) per sft. Dhaka 43 67 68 68 70 70 70 70
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

6Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
2.4 Agricultural Labor Wages Monthly average wage rate without food and with food by
District/Division and sexAugust– 2017 (Wage in Taka)
SL. Name of District/Division Without Food With Food
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6
01 Bandarban 368 255 330 225
02 Khagrachari 330 242 0 0
03 Rangamati 410 323 380 285
04 Chattogram 475 350 445 320
05 Coxs Bazar 480 375 450 345
06 Cumilla 395 353 360 317
07 Chandpur 350 0 317 0
08 Brahmmanbaria 400 350 370 318
09 Noakhali 409 0 375 0
10 Lakshmipur 330 0 300 0
11 Feni 438 0 405 0
Chattogram Division 399 320 373 302
12 Sylhet 360 295 328 272
13 Maulavi Bazar 342 272 316 243
14 Sunamganj 305 25 275 220
15 Habiganj 365 270 332 242
Sylhet Division 343 272 313 244
16 Dhaka 432 300 400 320
17 Gazipur 440 330 412 304
18 Manikganj 366 280 335 250
19 Munshiganj 409 320 376 290
20 Narayanganj 418 325 385 0
21 Narsindhi 397 33 365 275
22 Faridpur 420 0 395 0
23 Rajbari 452 0 420 0
24 Madaripur 400 305 372 278
25 Gopalganj 411 342 380 309
26 Sariatpur 362 271 330 240
27 Tangail 350 282 318 250
28 Kishoerganj 359 0 330 0
Dhaka Division 401 306 371 280
29 Mymensingh 354 267 320 232
30 Jamalpur 350 0 318 252
31 Sherpur 348 0 316 0
32 Netrokona 342 265 308 240
Mymensingh Division 349 266 316 241
33 Barishal 394 0 379 0
34 Jhalokathi 460 0 430 0
35 Perojpur 462 350 432 320
36 Bhola 407 0 376 0
37 Patuakhali 466 0 329 0
38 Barguna 400 0 368 0
Barishal Division 432 350 386 320
39 Jashore 291 252 240 220
40 Jhenaidah 337 250 310 219
41 Magura 350 0 320 0
42 Narial 332 224 306 0
43 Khulna 368 0 332 0
44 Bagerhat 380 243 350 0
45 Satkhira 342 230 0 0
46 Kushtia 339 0 310 0
47 Chuadanga 300 0 272 0
48 Meherpur 310 250 280 0
Khulna Division 335 245 302 221
49 Rajshahi 321 282 292 251
50 Noagoan 310 265 278 235
51 Natore 339 245 310 215
52 Nawbganj 320 248 291 222
53 Bogura 335 250 302 218
54 Joypurhat 338 290 305 260
55 Pabna 392 270 355 240
56 Sirajganj 318 281 285 250
Rajshahi Division 334 266 302 236
57 Rangpur 325 230 300 204
58 Gaibanda 260 220 0 0
59 Kurigram 330 228 295 202
60 Nilphamari 315 232 285 205
61 Lalmonirhat 305 230 275 203
62 Dinajpur 340 245 310 220
63 Thakurgaon 317 27 285 240
64 Panchagar 325 25 295 222
Rangpur Division 315 238 292 214
BANGLADESH 363 283 332 257

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 7

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
2.4 Agricultural Labor Wages Monthly average wage rate without food and with food by
District/Division and sex September– 2017 Wage in Taka)
SL. Name of District/Division Without Food With Food
Male Female Male female
1 2 3 4 5 6
01 Bandarban 361 256 328 224
02 Khagrachari 325 250 0 0
03 Rangamati 407 305 375 278
04 Chattogram 483 350 450 322
05 Coxs Bazar 485 375 455 345
06 Cumilla 372 330 340 0
07 Chandpur 350 0 320 0
08 Brahmmanbaria 332 300 305 272
09 Noakhali 409 0 374 0
10 Lakshmipur 330 0 295 0
11 Feni 415 0 386 0
Chattogram Division 388 309 363 288
12 Sylhet 367 300 335 270
13 Maulavi Bazar 363 280 332 252
14 Sunamganj 319 268 284 240
15 Habiganj 358 257 33 232
Sylhet Division 352 276 320 249
16 Dhaka 405 325 373 300
17 Gazipur 440 332 410 305
18 Manikganj 353 281 325 253
19 Munshiganj 383 320 355 292
20 Narayanganj 407 325 375 300
21 Narsindhi 390 305 360 278
22 Faridpur 400 0 370 0
23 Rajbari 442 0 410 0
24 Madaripur 375 300 345 267
25 Gopalganj 404 300 373 272
26 Sariatpur 360 270 330 240
27 Tangail 331 250 300 0
28 Kishoreganj 350 0 322 0
Dhaka Division 388 301 358 279
29 Mymensingh 348 255 318 230
30 Jamalpur 350 0 320 235
31 Sherpur 340 246 312 0
32 Netrokona 341 250 314 0
Mymensingh Division 345 250 316 233
33 Barishal 399 0 370 0
34 Jhalokathi 466 0 435 0
35 Perojpur 460 350 430 318
36 Bhola 413 0 380 0
37 Patuakhali 394 0 375 0
38 Barguna 400 0 367 0
Barishal Division 422 350 393 318
39 Jashore 320 250 290 0
40 Jhenaidah 342 253 312 227
41 Magura 370 0 341 0
42 Narial 325 245 295 220
43 Khulna 359 0 330 0
44 Bagerhat 374 252 342 0
45 Satkhira 340 250 0 0
46 Kushtia 330 0 300 250
47 Chuadang 300 0 272 245
48 Meherpur 305 0 275 0
Khulna Division 337 250 306 236
49 Rajshahi 328 267 301 240
50 Noagoan 302 250 276 222
51 Natore 328 237 300 210
52 Nawbganj 305 248 274 220
53 Bogura 330 250 300 221
54 Joypurhat 335 290 308 263
55 Pabna 360 282 331 244
56 Sirajganj 328 275 298 252
Rajshahi Division 327 262 299 234
57 Rangpur 320 227 295 202
58 Gaibanda 252 220 0 0
59 Kurigram 332 230 299 205
60 Nilphamari 315 235 284 210
61 Lalmonirhat 300 225 272 203
62 Dinajpur 342 240 313 215
63 Thakurgaon 320 272 284 238
64 Panchagar 325 250 295 223
Rangpur Division 313 237 292 214
BANGLADESH 359 279 331 256

8Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1969-70=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General Manufacturing
Agriculture Fishery Construction
2015-16 (Base Shift)
July 9376.22 9827.74 7480.62 10061.10 9450.74
Aug 9460.13 9910.48 7519.99 10113.96 9492.99
Sep 9483.20 9985.57 7558.10 10168.30 9536.86
Oct 9527.59 10031.58 7598.97 10215.08 9578.31
Nov 9588.78 10104.41 7640.09 10284.08 9632.51
Dec 9661.64 10182.62 7683.97 10371.06 9700.96
Jan 9718.66 10244.70 7725.84 10432.48 9759.28
Feb 9839.23 10377.31 7834.16 10557.75 9870.79
Mar 9947.90 10503.78 7912.38 10677.80 9969.66
April 10040.03 10613.38 7981.84 10781.13 10044.94
May 10114.87 10713.78 8037.50 10856.10 10113.50
June 10191.67 10815.73 8097.18 10937.93 10172.72
July 10217.89 10843.59 8115.79 10974.84 10207.05
Aug 10276.33 10920.02 8146.41 11010.96 10240.65
Sep 10373.72 11009.18 8237.07 11144.47 10364.81
Oct 10473.36 11104.71 8328.92 11270.12 10481.67
Nov 10552.02 11206.61 8367.95 11328.23 10535.72
Dec 10584.23 11225.72 8408.77 11395.77 10598.53
Jan 10665.89 11314.88 8467.01 11486.08 10682.52
Feb 10744.56 11400.86 8531.85 11557.55 10748.99
Mar 10773.02 11428.72 8564.87 11569.33 10759.94
April 10797.75 11446.24 8596.69 11604.67 10792.81
May 10825.47 11472.51 8624.30 11629.01 10815.45
June 10883.90 11540.18 8664.53 11681.63 10864.39
July 10914.62 11572.02 8694.55 11707.54 10888.49
Aug 10951.33 11610.23 8722.76 11752.31 10930.12
Sep 11040.48 11713.72 8784.60 11855.97 11026.53
Oct 11138.62 11823.58 8853.04 11959.63 11122.94
Nov 11229.27 11920.71 8916.08 12054.65 11211.32
Dec 11281.71 11967.68 8965.31 12126.90 11278.51
Jan 11361.12 12055.25 9015.74 12232.92 11377.12
Feb 11423.30 12120.53 9061.37 12311.45 11450.15
Mar 11460.76 12153.17 9111.80 12327.95 11465.49
April 11491.48 12175.46 9152.63 12369.57 11504.20
May 11514.70 12190.58 9179.65 12418.26 11549.48
June 11570.14 12255.86 9210.86 12477.16 11604.26
July 11623.33 12323.53 9243.89 12502.29 11627.64
Aug 11649.55 12345.03 9276.31 12535.27 11658.31
Sep 11730.46 12433.39 9327.94 12643.64 11759.10
Oct 11827.85 12544.05 9392.78 12746.52 11854.78
Nov 11932.73 12665.85 9460.02 12853.32 11954.11
Dec 11978.43 12706.45 9505.65 12917.72 12014.01
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 9

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1969-70=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General Manufacturing
Agriculture Fishery Construction
2015-16 (Base Shift)
Jul 9612.08 9720.60 7349.89 10594.01 9802.59
Aug 9671.90 9774.91 7381.69 10687.25 9830.22
Sep 9733.10 9811.12 7413.48 10772.60 9900.63
Oct 9786.54 9811.12 7445.28 10841.40 9967.08
Nov 9841.31 9889.62 7478.08 10907.07 10028.37
Dec 9918.28 9965.15 7521.81 11009.41 10090.11
Jan 9987.76 10031.55 7553.61 11093.33 10172.13
Feb 10122.63 10128.16 7671.86 11255.03 10308.55
Mar 10224.75 10270.09 7736.46 11374.72 10373.52
April 10326.65 10363.71 7801.91 11502.84 10479.50
May 10411.23 10445.22 7823.92 11611.59 10571.67
June 10496.60 10529.73 7888.52 11704.36 10663.84
Jul 10527.21 10564.90 7904.43 11742.23 10698.35
Aug 10590.01 10648.03 7933.32 11787.52 10739.60
Sep 10665.37 10704.79 7999.92 11918.42 10858.87
Oct 10744.65 10764.74 8080.68 12022.99 10954.14
Nov 10886.73 10970.97 8121.94 12125.90 11047.91
Dec 10961.30 11030.12 8186.19 12253.52 11164.18
Jan 11111.23 11213.17 8265.17 12391.01 11289.45
Feb 11225.84 11335.47 8348.29 12500.51 11389.22
Mar 11252.52 11359.45 8318.22 12508.75 11396.72
April 11276.07 11375.43 8404.87 12531.80 11417.72
May 11316.11 11417.80 8433.17 12574.61 11456.73
June 11394.60 11519.32 8473.25 12631.42 11508.49
July 11433.85 11552.89 8509.79 12670.12 11543.74
Aug 11469.96 11589.66 8533.37 12719.52 11588.75
Sep 11583.00 11727.94 8600.57 12802.67 11664.51
Oct 11695.25 11856.64 8670.71 12909.70 11762.03
Nov 11790.23 11962.95 8724.35 13025.79 11867.80
Dec 11856.95 12028.50 8776.22 13101.54 11936.81
Jan 11925.24 12110.83 8805.10 13192.93 12020.07
Feb 11981.76 12167.58 8848.13 13257.97 12079.33
Mar 12018.65 12119.62 8888.81 13275.26 12095.09
April 12050.05 12220.34 8924.17 13313.96 12130.34
May 12070.46 12229.93 8944.80 13369.12 12180.60
June 12147.39 12332.25 8977.22 13431.69 12237.61
July 12224.32 12440.96 9015.54 13446.51 12251.11
Aug 12258.07 12472.13 9042.65 13485.21 12286.37
Sep 12342.85 12572.85 9083.32 13596.36 12387.64
Oct 12437.04 12688.75 9129.89 13695.98 12478.40
Nov 12536.73 12799.86 9195.32 13788.19 12562.42
Dec 12576.77 12830.24 9233.63 13842.53 12611.93
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

10Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1969-70=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General Manufacturing
Agriculture Fishery industry Construction
2015-16 (Base Shift)
Jul 8948.56 9177.02 6954.04 9854.28 8903.10
Aug 9010.44 9266.48 6998.50 9912.03 8962.93
Sep 9070.94 9355.94 7042.95 9973.83 9007.82
Oct 9121.79 9397.22 7100.63 10026.00 9058.61
Nov 9184.10 9446.77 7147.19 10108.43 9109.39
Dec 9262.01 9501.83 7202.76 10203.13 9199.15
Jan 9315.94 9551.37 7249.32 10260.48 9257.95
Feb 9449.01 9646.33 7340.34 10432.92 9392.58
Mar 9605.22 9792.22 7434.51 10622.02 9556.09
April 9714.40 9895.44 7515.47 10755.15 9651.77
May 9801.73 9990.40 7572.09 10842.88 9761.34
June 9890.60 10100.51 7630.82 10948.35 9826.04
Jul 9949.16 10163.31 7680.58 10987.31 9861.01
Aug 10036.65 10235.71 7757.74 11136.79 9995.16
Sep 10140.76 10320.66 7837.69 11340.33 10177.84
Oct 10243.42 10472.11 7880.19 11348.28 10184.97
Nov 10255.71 10474.33 7898.08 11384.85 10217.80
Dec 10286.80 10497.23 7929.95 11441.30 10268.46
Jan 10345.37 10563.72 7975.24 11473.11 10297.00
Feb 10364.89 10577.76 8010.46 11473.90 10297.72
Mar 10392.36 10601.40 8038.42 11500.14 10321.27
April 10411.16 10618.39 8060.78 11513.66 10333.40
May 10465.38 10682.66 8092.09 11558.98 10374.07
June 9949.16 10163.31 7680.58 10987.31 9861.01
July 10484.90 10705.57 8111.10 11559.77 10374.79
Aug 10515.27 10734.38 8134.02 11603.50 10414.03
Sep 10593.35 10818.60 8188.26 11686.19 10488.25
Oct 10676.50 10898.39 8245.85 11819.77 10608.13
Nov 10779.89 11007.72 8300.64 11978.78 10750.84
Dec 10823.99 11028.41 8344.81 12041.59 10807.22
Jan 10884.00 11111.15 8376.68 12123.49 10880.72
Feb 10945.45 11171.73 8415.82 12219.69 10967.06
Mar 10983.05 11203.50 8472.29 12222.08 10969.20
April 11004.74 11214.58 8503.04 12253.88 10997.74
May 11032.21 11236.74 8531.00 12294.43 11034.14
June 11087.16 11303.97 8553.92 12352.47 11086.23
July 11129.82 11363.81 8576.29 12356.45 11089.80
Aug 11145.72 11366.03 8600.33 12405.74 11134.04
Sep 11232.48 11465.02 8648.97 12507.52 11225.38
Oct 11306.23 11543.33 8702.65 12583.05 11293.17
Nov 11409.62 11663.75 8752.97 12686.41 11385.93
Dec 11450.10 11693.31 8794.90 12781.03 11470.85
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 11

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1969-70=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General Manufacturing
Agriculture Fisheries Construction
2015-16 (Base Shift)
Jul 9887.04 10149.57 9741.58 9832.65 9878.32
Aug 9938.87 10238.51 9816.96 9868.63 9902.85
Sep 9987.44 10322.55 9877.60 9906.11 9927.38
Oct 10021.76 10352.20 9938.25 9938.25 9945.13
Nov 10087.54 10426.31 9998.89 10006.43 10003.06
Dec 10162.72 10510.35 10069.35 10084.82 10067.77
Jan 10217.72 10554.82 10139.80 10148.37 10101.17
Feb 10342.58 10732.82 10345.84 10208.97 10219.13
Mar 10433.47 10846.56 10401.14 10305.57 10315.17
April 10521.85 10955.34 10501.92 10393.30 10373.10
May 10596.91 11044.34 10622.33 10454.93 10417.45
June 10656.19 11098.73 10707.95 10516.83 10450.86
Jul 10677.22 11116.38 10738.19 10550.79 10484.61
Aug 10741.08 11191.80 10778.23 10601.36 10534.86
Sep 10848.57 11292.90 10906.53 10743.26 10675.87
Oct 10938.91 11376.34 11033.20 10831.57 10763.62
Nov 10991.09 11418.86 11099.40 10935.72 10867.12
Dec 11005.89 11426.89 11133.72 10971.20 10902.38
Jan 11070.54 11491.88 11199.91 11048.18 10978.88
Feb 11174.90 11605.81 11302.06 11110.07 11040.38
Mar 11215.40 11638.70 11376.43 11143.28 11073.38
April 11246.56 11667.59 11412.39 11216.49 11146.13
May 11278.49 11696.47 11453.25 11244.42 11173.88
June 11335.34 11759.86 11499.83 11291.97 11221.14
Jul 11365.72 11786.33 11553.77 11304.04 11233.14
Aug 11402.33 11820.83 11588.91 11375.75 11304.39
Sep 11491.89 11923.53 11653.47 11441.41 11369.64
Oct 11593.14 12039.87 11725.38 11535.00 11462.64
Nov 11677.26 12117.70 11823.45 11659.54 11586.40
Dec 11730.22 12167.44 11888.01 11725.20 11651.65
Jan 11815.89 12262.12 11947.66 11834.64 11760.41
Feb 11885.21 12334.33 12011.41 11916.91 11842.16
Mar 11933.50 12374.45 12104.57 11935.02 11860.16
April 11958.42 12395.31 12138.89 11977.29 11902.16
May 11980.23 12408.14 12187.11 12021.82 11946.41
June 12020.73 12442.64 12236.96 12095.79 12019.91
July 12083.04 12514.05 12288.44 12139.56 12063.42
Aug 12116.53 12550.16 11908.44 12142.58 12066.42
Sep 12167.93 12589.47 12390.59 12277.69 12200.67
Oct 12259.84 12681.74 12476.40 12407.50 12329.67
Nov 12386.01 12838.20 12576.10 12529.78 12451.18
Dec 12438.19 12884.73 12645.56 12605.25 12526.18
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

12Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices


(Base: 1969-70=100)
Period General Agriculture Fisheries Construction
2015-16 (Base Shift)
Jul 9904.23 10843.55 9645.61 9537.30 9961.31
Aug 9950.46 10942.16 9681.51 9562.97 10009.69
Sep 9995.32 11038.88 9718.53 9593.73 10041.93
Oct 10040.07 11127.95 9754.43 9627.33 10076.12
Nov 10109.03 11199.46 9808.29 9685.14 10126.44
Dec 10174.27 11363.35 9844.19 9752.92 10176.77
Jan 10226.88 11456.24 9880.65 9792.21 10234.18
Feb 10328.68 11638.20 9953.58 9892.00 10293.53
Mar 10414.33 11747.00 10064.09 9966.40 10354.83
April 10489..09 11895.24 10137.01 10023.35 10398.07
May 10549.35 12043.49 10190.85 10058.61 10432.27
June 10626.76 12209.54 10245.28 10119.44 10482.59
Jul 10662.94 12255.61 10266.57 10154.46 10518.86
Aug 10728.22 12348.65 10304.60 10199.16 10565.17
Sep 10838.34 12457.06 10433.88 10318.36 10688.65
Oct 10953.96 12317.94 10557.08 10413.72 10787.43
Nov 10996.43 12642.24 10585.22 10447.99 10822.93
Dec 11012.16 12655.79 10611.83 10480.77 10856.89
Jan 11089.24 12752.45 10668.11 10533.66 10911.68
Feb 11169.46 12852.72 10720.58 10608.17 10988.85
Mar 11211.15 12901.50 10764.69 10627.54 11008.92
April 11235.53 12918.66 10805.76 10705.02 11089.18
May 11248.12 12918.66 10853.67 10723.64 11108.47
Jul 11338.57 13026.16 10924.39 10836.14 11225.01
Aug 11380.25 13074.04 10965.46 10864.45 11254.33
Sep 11491.89 11923.53 11653.47 11441.41 11369.64
Oct 11593.14 12039.87 11725.38 11535.00 11462.64
Nov 11635.09 13386.59 11162.43 11092.42 11490.49
Dec 11700.37 13450.73 11237.72 11213.11 11615.51
Jan 11792.39 13557.32 11302.36 11374.03 11782.21
Feb 11873.40 13650.37 11358.63 11513.35 11926.52
Mar 11923.74 13707.28 11424.03 11515.58 11928.84
April 11955.99 13730.76 11484.87 11585.62 12001.38
May 11974.87 13738.89 11523.66 11645.22 12063.12
June 12051.95 13840.97 11567.01 11708.54 12128.72
July 12117.23 13924.08 11604.27 11778.57 12201.26
Aug 12145.54 13949.37 11643.82 11821.04 12245.25
Sep 12224.20 14048.74 11697.81 11884.36 12310.85
Oct 12343.75 14192.37 11797.43 11995.37 12425.84
Nov 12475.88 14354.07 11899.34 12116.81 12551.63
Dec 12437.34 14395.62 11944.21 12177.15 12614.15
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 13

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 124.69 124.51 124.38 126.15
Feb’15 126.64 126.43 126.34 128.28
Mar’15 127.07 126.42 127.32 129.71
April’15 127.22 126.82 127.19 129.19
May’15 127.64 127.10 127.73 130.04
June’15 128.22 127.62 128.42 130.71
2015-16 132.81 132.48 132.02 136.03
Jul’15 128.51 127.82 128.69 131.54
Aug’15 129.33 128.89 129.29 131.59
Sep’15 130.52 130.36 129.67 133.05
Oct’15 131.69 131.32 130.92 135.09
Nov’15 132.37 132.19 131.21 135.63
Dec’15 132.58 132.32 131.68 135.73
Jan’16 133.49 133.20 132.47 136.98
Feb’16 134.19 133.85 133.25 137.80
Mar’16 134.61 134.24 133.63 138.38
Apr’16 135.02 134.69 134.12 138.47
May’16 135.39 135.07 134.44 138.85
June’16 136.04 135.86 134.87 139.28
2016-17 141.46 141.22 140.27 145.01
Jul’16 136.39 136.21 135.18 139.75
Aug’16 137.17 137.17 135.69 140.21
Sep’16 138.47 138.29 137.20 141.91
Oct’16 139.80 139.49 138.73 143.51
Nov’16 140.85 140.77 139.38 144.25
Dec’16 141.28 141.01 140.06 145.11
Jan’17 142.37 142.13 141.03 146.26
Feb’17 143.42 143.21 142.11 147.17
Mar’17 143.80 143.56 142.66 147.32
Apr’17 144.13 143.78 143.19 147.77
May’7 144.50 144.11 143.65 148.08
June’17 145.28 144.96 144.32 148.75
2017-18 150.59 150.27 149.45 154.44
July’7 145.69 145.36 144.82 149.08
Aug’17 146.18 145.84 145.29 149.65
Sep’17 147.37 147.14 146.32 150.97
Oct’17 148.68 148.52 147.46 152.29
Nov’17 149.89 149.74 148.51 153.50
Dec’17 150.59 150.33 149.33 154.42
Jan’18 151.65 151.43 150.17 155.77
Feb’18 152.48 152.25 150.93 156.77
Mar’18 152.98 152.66 151.77 156.98
April’18 153.39 152.94 152.45 157.51
May’18 153.70 153.13 152.90 158.13
June’18 154.44 153.95 153.42 158.88
July’18 155.15 154.8 153.97 159.20
Aug’18 155.50 155.07 154.51 159.62
Sep’18 156.58 156.18 155.37 161.00
Oct’18 157.88 157.57 156.45 162.31
Nov’18 159.28 159.10 157.57 163.67
Dec’18 159.89 159.61 158.33 164.49
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

14Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 122.34 121.23 122.88 125.79
Feb’15 123.10 121.41 124.36 127.21
Mar’15 124.60 122.81 125.39 130.38
April’15 123.87 122.02 124.87 129.31
May’15 123.94 121.87 125.34 129.35
June’15 124.37 122.27 126.06 129.15
2015-16 130.85 128.99 131.14 138.23
July’15 127.01 125.22 128.09 131.99
Aug’15 127.31 125.43 128.55 132.30
Sep’15 128.67 127.27 128.95 134.05
Oct’15 130.38 128.62 130.57 137.57
Nov’15 130.77 129.22 130.46 138.33
Dec’15 130.66 128.82 130.81 138.34
Jan’16 131.48 129.62 131.48 139.61
Feb’16 131.99 129.98 132.13 140.43
Mar’16 132.29 130.20 132.46 140.95
Apr’16 132.79 130.69 133.04 141.29
May’16 133.15 131.09 133.31 141.77
June’16 133.72 131.73 133.83 142.16
2016-17 140.08 138.56 139.30 148.78
Jul’16 134.11 132.17 134.10 142.62
Aug’16 134.91 133.21 134.59 143.17
Sep’16 135.87 133.92 135.72 144.76
Oct’16 136.88 134.67 137.09 146.03
Nov’16 138.69 137.25 137.79 147.28
Dec’16 139.64 137.99 138.88 148.83
Jan’17 141.55 140.28 140.22 150.50
Feb’17 143.01 141.81 141.63 151.83
Mar’17 143.35 142.11 142.12 151.93
Apr’17 143.65 142.31 142.59 152.21
May’7 144.16 142.84 143.07 152.73
June’17 145.16 144.11 143.75 153.42
2017-18 150.77 150.21 148.73 158.98
July’17 145.66 144.53 144.37 153.89
Aug’17 146.12 144.99 144.77 154.49
Sep’17 147.56 146.72 145.91 155.50
Oct’17 148.99 148.33 147.10 156.80
Nov’17 150.20 149.66 148.01 158.21
Dec’17 151.05 150.48 148.89 159.13
Jan’18 151.92 151.51 149.38 160.24
Feb’18 152.64 152.22 150.11 161.03
Mar’18 153.11 151.62 150.80 161.24
April’18 153.51 152.88 151.40 161.71
May’18 153.77 153.00 151.75 162.38
June’18 154.75 154.28 152.30 163.14
July’18 155.73 155.64 152.95 163.32
Aug’18 156.16 156.03 153.41 163.79
Sep’18 157.24 157.29 154.10 165.14
Oct’18 158.44 158.74 154.89 166.35
Nov’18 159.71 160.13 156.00 167.47
Dec’18 160.22 160.51 156.65 168.13
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 15

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 123.90 122.86 125.47 125.16
Feb’15 125.99 125.08 126.70 128.38
Mar’15 126.06 124.66 128.38 127.47
April’15 127.04 126.34 128.66 126.88
May’15 127.86 126.65 129.85 129.12
June’15 128.38 127.05 130.27 130.28
2015-16 133.79 133.27 134.16 135.21
Jul’15 129.88 127.82 132.24 133.81
Aug’15 130.86 129.77 131.66 133.79
Sep’15 132.39 132.12 132.10 134.02
Oct’15 133.10 132.61 133.59 134.18
Nov’15 133.11 132.72 133.37 134.25
Dec’15 133.32 132.98 133.83 133.78
Jan’16 134.09 133.76 134.44 134.78
Feb’16 134.74 134.39 134.98 135.72
Mar’16 135.09 134.71 135.33 136.20
Apr’16 135.87 135.62 135.86 136.91
May’16 136.19 135.98 136.02 137.34
June’16 136.80 136.72 136.48 137.70
2016-17 141.54 141.36 141.32 142.69
Jul’16 137.07 136.87 136.94 138.10
Aug’16 137.61 137.57 137.37 138.19
Sep’16 138.82 138.55 138.75 140.07
Oct’16 140.26 139.70 140.18 142.63
Nov’16 141.68 141.75 140.94 142.73
Dec’16 141.85 141.78 141.26 143.19
Jan’17 142.28 142.09 141.83 143.90
Feb’17 143.09 142.99 142.64 144.30
Mar’17 143.36 143.18 143.27 144.31
Apr’17 143.74 143.50 143.77 144.64
May’7 144.00 143.73 144.17 144.81
June’17 144.75 144.60 144.73 145.38
2017-18 149.62 149.40 149.31 151.09
July’7 145.02 144.91 145.07 145.39
Aug’17 145.44 145.30 145.48 145.94
Sep’17 146.52 146.44 146.45 146.98
Oct’17 147.67 147.52 147.48 148.66
Nov’17 149.10 149.00 148.46 150.66
Dec’17 149.71 149.49 149.25 151.45
Jan’18 150.54 150.40 149.82 152.48
Feb’18 151.39 151.22 150.52 153.69
Mar’18 151.91 151.65 151.53 153.72
April’18 152.21 151.80 152.08 154.12
May’18 152.59 152.10 152.58 154.63
June’18 153.35 153.01 152.99 155.36
July’18 153.94 153.82 153.39 155.41
Aug’18 154.16 153.85 153.82 156.03
Sep’18 155.36 155.19 154.69 157.31
Oct’18 156.38 156.25 155.65 158.26
Nov’18 157.81 157.88 156.55 159.56
Dec’18 158.37 158.28 157.30 160.75
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
16Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.
Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 122.00 122.17 119.74 122.45
Feb’15 124.89 125.04 123.66 126.88
Mar’15 124.49 124.69 123.23 126.08
April’15 123.51 123.58 122.50 125.61
May’15 124.09 124.28 123.11 125.09
June’15 124.71 125.03 123.74 124.54
2015-16 134.09 135.67 128.56 135.33
Jul’15 128.90 130.16 125.23 127.90
Aug’15 130.50 132.29 126.68 125.50
Sep’15 132.17 133.98 125.91 133.37
Oct’15 133.36 135.28 126.87 134.25
Nov’15 133.92 135.63 127.89 135.37
Dec’15 134.23 135.84 128.38 136.02
Jan’16 135.21 136.77 129.37 137.43
Feb’16 135.83 137.31 130.02 138.64
Mar’16 136.14 137.60 130.43 138.84
Apr’16 135.82 137.25 130.24 138.40
May’16 136.17 137.58 130.61 138.86
June’16 136.82 138.33 131.03 139.34
2016-17 141.80 143.00 136.58 145.40
Jul’16 137.09 138.55 131.40 139.79
Aug’16 137.91 139.49 131.89 140.46
Sep’16 139.29 140.75 133.46 142.34
Oct’16 140.45 141.79 135.01 143.51
Nov’16 141.12 142.32 135.82 144.89
Dec’16 141.31 142.42 136.24 145.36
Jan’17 142.14 143.23 137.05 146.38
Feb’17 143.48 144.65 138.30 147.20
Mar’17 144.00 145.06 139.21 147.64
Apr’17 144.40 145.42 139.65 148.61
May’7 144.81 145.78 140.15 148.98
June’17 145.54 146.57 140.72 149.61
2017-18 150.71 151.72 145.68 155.48
Jul’7 145.93 146.90 141.38 149.77
Aug’17 146.40 147.33 141.81 150.72
Sep’17 147.55 148.61 142.60 151.59
Oct’17 148.85 150.06 143.48 152.83
Nov’17 149.93 151.03 144.68 154.48
Dec’17 150.61 151.65 145.47 155.35
Jan’18 151.71 152.83 146.20 156.80
Feb’18 152.60 153.73 146.98 157.89
Mar’18 153.22 154.23 148.12 158.13
April’18 153.54 154.49 148.54 158.69
May’18 153.82 154.65 149.13 159.28
June’18 154.34 155.08 149.74 160.26
Jul’18 155.14 155.97 150.37 160.84
Aug’18 155.57 156.42 150.82 160.88
Sep’18 156.23 156.91 151.62 162.67
Oct’18 157.41 158.06 152.67 164.39
Nov’18 159.03 160.01 153.89 166.01
Dec’18 159.70 160.59 154.74 167.01
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 17

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 121.81 121.68 121.92 122.83
Feb’15 124.05 124.20 123.89 122.98
Mar’15 123.92 123.42 125.34 124.68
April’15 124.12 123.71 125.37 124.53
May’15 124.09 123.81 124.55 125.69
June’15 124.98 124.74 125.16 126.98
2015-16 131.74 131.62 131.71 133.12
Jul’15 128.38 128.23 127.77 132.08
Aug’15 128.78 128.79 128.18 130.68
Sep’15 128.95 128.90 129.15 128.87
Oct’15 129.92 129.52 130.73 131.56
Nov’15 130.74 130.57 131.06 131.56
Dec’15 131.40 131.28 131.44 132.61
Jan’16 132.24 132.06 132.31 133.98
Feb’16 133.07 132.94 133.11 134.29
Mar’16 133.64 133.51 133.58 135.36
Apr’16 134.14 134.05 134.10 135.18
May’16 134.48 134.41 134.42 135.48
June’16 135.11 135.16 134.72 135.83
2016-17 140.33 140.47 139.69 140.95
Jul’16 135.57 135.67 135.00 136.30
Aug’16 136.40 136.70 135.50 136.90
Sep’16 137.80 137.90 137.20 138.50
Oct’16 139.27 139.36 138.82 139.78
Nov’16 139.81 139.95 139.19 140.24
Dec’16 140.01 140.10 139.54 140.68
Jan’17 140.99 141.17 140.28 141.39
Feb’17 142.01 142.28 140.97 142.39
Mar’17 142.54 142.82 141.55 142.65
Apr’17 142.85 143.01 142.09 143.69
May’7 143.01 143.01 142.72 143.94
June’17 143.70 143.69 143.35 144.87
2017-18 148.99 149.08 148.00 151.29
Jul’17 144.16 144.20 143.65 145.45
Aug’17 144.69 144.73 144.19 145.83
Sep’17 145.67 145.79 144.97 146.58
Oct’17 146.74 146.95 145.84 147.42
Nov’17 147.93 148.19 146.78 148.89
Dec’17 148.76 148.90 147.77 150.51
Jan’18 149.93 150.08 148.62 152.67
Feb’18 150.96 151.11 149.36 154.54
Mar’18 151.60 151.74 150.22 154.57
April’18 152.01 152.00 151.02 155.51
May’18 152.25 152.09 151.53 156.31
June’18 153.23 153.22 152.10 157.16
Jul’18 154.06 154.14 152.59 158.10
Aug’18 154.42 154.42 153.11 158.67
Sep’18 155.42 155.52 153.82 159.52
Oct’18 156.94 157.11 155.13 161.01
Nov’18 158.62 158.90 156.47 162.64
Dec’18 158.13 159.36 157.06 163.45
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
18Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.
Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 128.33 127.82 129.59 130.36
Feb’15 131.27 130.70 133.26 132.34
Mar’15 130.01 129.56 131.19 131.70
April’15 132.06 132.11 131.76 132.30
May’15 131.67 131.25 132.26 134.45
June’15 131.49 130.70 132.75 136.30
2015-16 136.77 136.14 137.84 140.53
Jul’15 132.23 131.04 134.42 138.85
Aug’15 133.18 132.05 135.19 139.63
Sep’15 134.05 133.30 135.72 137.59
Oct’15 134.83 134.12 136.05 138.98
Nov’15 136.25 135.89 136.49 139.30
Dec’15 136.48 135.88 137.68 139.61
Jan’16 137.40 136.78 138.46 141.09
Feb’16 138.14 137.56 139.07 141.70
Mar’16 138.84 138.27 139.59 142.73
Apr’16 139.43 139.06 139.96 141.87
May’16 139.84 139.44 140.48 142.25
June’16 140.62 140.32 140.95 142.75
2016-17 144.67 144.57 145.48 147.01
Jul’16 141.03 140.77 141.22 143.20
Aug’16 141.75 141.65 141.43 143.44
Sep’16 143.12 142.97 142.79 145.23
Oct’16 144.36 144.16 144.23 146.66
Nov’16 144.60 144.32 144.82 146.84
Dec’16 144.84 144.49 145.37 147.07
Jan’17 145.37 144.95 146.07 147.91
Feb’17 146.02 145.55 147.02 148.33
Mar’17 146.56 146.14 147.53 148.43
Apr’17 146.72 146.22 147.99 148.75
May’7 147.06 146.55 148.44 148.87
June’17 147.60 147.11 148.88 149.44
2017-18 151.60 150.91 152.76 155.65
July’17 147.89 147.37 149.22 150.01
Aug’17 148.32 147.79 149.56 150.67
Sep’17 149.16 148.76 149.97 151.25
Oct’17 150.22 149.75 150.99 153.13
Nov’17 150.91 150.36 151.83 154.22
Dec’17 151.35 150.67 152.57 155.12
Jan’18 152.28 151.60 153.08 157.01
Feb’18 152.94 152.25 153.68 157.85
Mar’18 153.57 152.79 154.73 158.54
April’18 153.89 152.97 155.38 159.42
May’18 154.16 153.17 155.86 160.01
June’18 154.45 153.41 156.23 160.57
July’18 155.29 154.38 156.69 160.59
Aug’18 155.39 154.43 157.09 160.97
Sep’18 156.51 155.57 158.05 162.15
Oct’18 157.69 156.75 158.96 164.01
Nov’18 159.29 158.47 159.91 165.81
Dec’18 159.90 159.06 160.36 166.96
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 19

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 123.21 125.06 118.72 122.80
Feb’15 124.63 126.31 120.31 124.75
Mar’15 124.49 125.91 120.55 125.21
April’15 124.43 125.93 120.45 124.81
May’15 126.19 128.45 120.89 125.20
June’15 127.22 129.32 122.18 126.51
2015-16 134.29 137.11 127.30 133.86
Jul’15 128.45 130.93 123.65 125.11
Aug’15 130.11 133.36 122.03 129.72
Sep’15 131.82 135.03 123.92 131.21
Oct’15 133.28 136.32 125.71 132.91
Nov’15 134.71 137.82 127.22 133.76
Dec’15 134.30 136.95 127.75 133.87
Jan’16 135.29 138.06 128.38 135.02
Feb’16 135.93 138.62 128.98 136.21
Mar’16 136.22 138.75 129.31 137.28
Apr’16 136.66 139.33 129.90 136.58
May’16 136.98 139.65 130.22 136.87
June’16 137.71 140.51 130.56 137.77
2016-17 142.87 145.81 135.41 142.89
Jul’16 137.85 140.59 130.80 138.07
Aug’16 138.40 141.24 131.06 138.65
Sep’16 139.58 142.08 132.84 140.44
Oct’16 141.38 143.80 134.42 143.22
Nov’16 142.86 145.85 135.00 143.48
Dec’16 143.06 145.96 135.49 143.56
Jan’17 143.78 146.73 136.12 144.11
Feb’17 144.81 147.96 136.99 144.40
Mar’17 145.14 148.30 137.40 144.48
Apr’17 145.36 148.45 137.87 144.49
May’7 145.76 148.95 138.17 144.56
June’17 146.51 149.79 138.72 145.21
2017-18 151.35 154.65 142.96 151.33
July’7 146.73 150.02 139.03 145.22
Aug’17 147.29 150.57 139.56 145.88
Sep’17 147.29 151.66 140.22 146.93
Oct’17 148.26 153.13 141.25 148.60
Nov’17 150.76 154.21 142.12 150.44
Dec’17 151.33 154.63 142.87 151.45
Jan’18 152.20 155.50 143.50 152.88
Feb’18 153.15 156.59 144.06 153.97
Mar’18 153.76 157.17 144.97 153.99
April’18 154.05 157.29 145.46 154.84
May’18 154.27 157.33 145.96 155.43
June’18 154.73 157.69 146.46 156.40
July’18 155.51 158.72 146.77 156.80
Aug’18 155.82 159.01 147.16 157.09
Sep’18 157.13 160.30 148.15 159.16
Oct’18 158.29 161.47 149.12 160.67
Nov’18 159.58 162.76 150.15 162.62
Dec’18 160.20 163.22 150.96 163.71
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
20Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.
Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 2010-11=100)
Nominal Indices
Period General
Agriculture Industry Service
2014-15 122.62 122.40 123.44 123.34
Feb’15 125.84 125.96 125.39 125.57
Mar’15 124.49 124.12 125.76 125.66
April’15 124.61 124.27 125.81 125.88
May’15 125.44 125.07 126.93 126.02
June’15 126.39 125.99 127.88 127.23
2015-16 132.67 132.55 133.30 132.26
Jul’15 127.08 126.65 128.86 127.52
Aug’15 128.18 127.56 131.29 126.51
Sep’15 129.43 129.05 131.13 129.31
Oct’15 130.17 130.05 130.57 130.75
Nov’15 131.85 131.92 131.70 131.25
Dec’15 132.41 132.46 132.26 132.22
Jan’16 133.73 133.76 133.43 134.42
Feb’16 134.75 134.68 135.04 134.93
Mar’16 135.38 135.32 135.53 135.83
Apr’16 135.71 135.67 136.14 134.65
May’16 136.18 136.17 136.70 134.39
June’16 137.18 137.34 136.97 135.33
2016-17 142.96 142.90 143.15 143.28
Jul’16 137.68 137.86 137.23 136.35
Aug’16 138.89 139.17 138.06 137.36
Sep’16 140.78 140.86 140.69 139.85
Oct’16 142.58 142.56 142.66 142.46
Nov’16 142.88 142.84 143.01 143.01
Dec’16 143.02 142.92 143.33 143.60
Jan’17 143.96 143.86 144.17 144.78
Feb’17 144.46 144.35 144.66 145.53
Mar’17 144.75 144.64 145.01 145.58
Apr’17 145.00 144.73 145.82 146.57
May’7 145.42 145.19 146.13 146.61
June’17 146.08 145.77 147.03 147.63
2017-18 152.62 152.06 154.12 156.25
Jul’7 146.57 146.28 147.45 148.02
Aug’17 147.24 146.98 148.11 148.23
Sep’17 148.67 148.40 149.37 150.48
Oct’17 150.46 150.22 151.01 152.39
Nov’17 151.98 151.71 152.70 153.79
Dec’17 152.46 152.12 153.38 154.78
Jan’18 154.32 153.66 155.99 159.07
Feb’18 155.10 154.44 156.71 160.13
Mar’18 155.34 154.51 157.51 161.05
April’18 155.98 155.05 158.70 161.41
May’18 156.39 155.43 159.08 162.31
June’18 156.92 155.98 159.42 163.30
Jul’18 157.02 155.98 159.72 164.23
Aug’18 157.33 156.14 160.60 164.84
Sep’18 158.66 157.34 162.06 168.00
Oct’18 160.68 159.34 164.04 170.40
Nov’18 161.85 160.59 164.84 171.72
Dec’18 162.75 161.40 165.94 173.47
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 21

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1988-89=100)
Jute Cotton Paper
Period Production All Production All Production All
Workers Employees Workers Employees Workers Employees
July 65.07 58.49 75.02 74.44 23.67 26.94
Aug 65.07 58.49 75.02 74.44 23.65 26.92
Sept 65.07 58.49 75.02 74.44 23.67 26.94
Oct 65.07 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.71 26.99
Nov 65.08 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.65 26.93
Dec 65.07 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.67 26.96
Jan 68.08 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.67 26.96
Feb 65.08 58.50 75.03 74.45 23.71 26.99
Mar 65.08 58.50 75.03 74.45 23.71 26.99
Apr 65.08 58.50 75.03 74.46 23.69 26.97
May 65.08 58.50 75.03 74.46 23.69 26.92
June 65.08 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.66 26.94
July 65.07 58.50 75.02 74.44 24.30 27.49
Aug 65.08 58.50 75.01 74.43 23.96 27.18
Sept 67.68 61.74 75.01 74.44 20.75 21.90
Oct 68.35 62.54 75.02 74.44 20.80 21.96
Nov 69.42 63.68 75.02 74.44 20.88 22.03
Dec 70.89 65.11 75.02 74.44 20.92 22.07
Jan 75.18 68.93 75.02 74.44 20.84 21.98
Feb 77.90 71.91 75.02 74.44 20.86 22.00
Mar 77.93 71.55 75.02 74.44 20.97 22.08
April 77.94 71.56 75.02 74.43 21.01 22.13
May 77.94 71.56 75.01 74.42 21.05 22.14
June 77.96 71.58 75.01 74.43 21.07 22.16
July 77.99 71.61 75.01 74.43 21.78 23.40
Aug 78.06 71.67 75.02 74.43 21.70 23.01
Sept 78.15 71.76 75.02 74.44 21.78 23.37
Oct 78.11 71.72 75.02 74.44 22.56 24.62
Nov 78.99 72.50 75.03 74.59 22.68 24.76
Dec 79.07 72.62 75.02 74.58 22.64 24.71
Jan 79.21 72.75 75.03 74.60 22.59 24.66
Feb 79.22 72.76 75.04 74.62 22.57 24.63
Mar 79.22 72.76 75.05 74.62 22.59 24.68
April 79.22 72.76 75.05 74.63 22.55 24.66
May 79.23 72.76 75.05 74.63 22.58 24.66
June 78.81 72.77 75.05 74.63 22.60 24.67

22Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices


(Base: 1988-89=100)
Cement Fertilizer Petroleum Paints & Varnishes
Period Production All Production All Production All Production All
Workers Employees Workers Employees Workers Employees Workers Employees

July 168.27 154.20 82.71 88.14 117.17 134.09 213.90 174.88
Aug 168.27 154.20 82.75 88.17 116.89 133.76 213.90 174.88
Sept 168.41 154.35 82.75 88.17 117.17 134.09 214.97 175.58
Oct 168.54 154.50 82.82 88.22 116.89 133.76 216.58 176.74
Nov 168.54 154.50 83.06 88.43 117.71 134.89 217.11 177.21
Dec 168.68 154.65 83.13 88.47 117.98 135.22 217.11 177.21
Jan 168.82 154.80 83.17 88.50 118.26 135.54 217.65 177.67
Feb 168.96 154.95 83.10 88.44 117.71 134.89 218.18 178.14
Mar 168.96 154.95 83.17 88.50 118.26 135.54 218.18 178.14
Apr 168.96 154.95 83.03 88.40 117.98 135.22 219.25 179.07
May 169.23 155.40 83.03 88.43 118.53 136.03 219.79 180.23
June 169.23 155.40 83.06 88.44 117.98 135.37 218.71 178.83
July 168.95 155.10 83.13 88.48 117.16 134.41 214.43 174.65
Aug 169.09 155.25 83.16 88.50 117.43 134.73 214.97 175.11
Sept 197.52 159.93 84.41 75.77 102.17 124.87 136.89 114.88
Oct 197.80 160.01 84.34 75.71 102.99 125.68 137.96 115.81
Nov 198.07 160.01 84.51 75.85 104.08 126.65 139.03 116.51
Dec 198.48 160.31 84.69 75.98 105.17 127.78 140.64 117.44
Jan 198.76 160.61 84.90 76.13 104.63 127.14 142.24 118.60
Feb 199.17 160.99 84.62 75.92 103.81 126.33 144.31 119.30
Mar 19986 161.52 84.52 75.88 104.35 126.81 144.38 120.00
Apr 200.00 161.75 83.30 74.85 104.90 127.30 141.71 118.13
May 200.54 162.20 83.16 74.71 105.72 127.94 143.85 119.53
June 200.58 162.35 83.47 74.89 103..54 126.33 145.45 120.46
July 199.73 161.38 91.88 83.58 100.27 128.11 145.99 120.70
Aug 199.73 161.45 91.32 83.58 100.27 127.95 147.06 121.86
Sept 200.27 161.98 91.32 83.20 101.09 128.76 148.66 123.26
Oct 199.86 161.60 92.05 83.43 100.81 128.27 147.06 121.86
Nov 200.54 162.50 92..22 84.22 100.81 128.27 149.73 123.25
Dec 201.09 162.81 92.15 84.10 100.81 128.10 150.80 123.72
Jan 201.23 162.96 92.01 83.54 100.27 126.97 150.80 123.48
Feb 201.37 163.11 92.15 83.47 99.45 126.65 151.87 124.41
Mar 201.64 163.41 91.98 83.35 100.27 126.49 152.40 124.88
April 201.78 163.56 92.19 83.68 101.08 126.81 152.40 124.65
May 201.79 163.57 90.56 83.10 100.82 126.82 151.87 124.19
June 201.92 163.72 90.56 83.10 100.82 127.30 151.34 123.95

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 23

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
(Base: 1988-89=100)
Jute Cotton Paper
Period Production Production Production
All Employees All Employees All Employees
Workers Workers Workers
July 86.23 95.93 414.27 422.54 102.75 90.27
Aug 83.48 92.87 419.75 423.03 90.91 79.87
Sept 77.19 85.88 419.98 423.25 96.79 85.04
Oct 86.66 96.39 420.51 423.73 98.65 86.66
Nov 91.40 101.68 421.19 424.42 83.47 93.30
Dec 86.75 96.50 421.38 424.61 92.61 81.31
Jan 92.36 102.75 421.74 424.97 83.44 73.26
Feb 72.91 81.11 422.12 425.41 105.31 92.52
Mar 87.15 96.96 422.26 425.55 123.87 108.82
Apr 92.50 102.91 422.70 425.93 122.71 107.79
May 96.68 107.56 423.71 426.95 121.10 106.39
June 158.81 176.68 422.40 425.64 121.25 106.49
July 101.38 112.76 421.36 424.65 228.39 201.89
Aug 102.21 113.70 373.34 376.15 211.22 186.20
Sept 97.87 107.28 37669 379.58 292.81 277.44
Oct 113.92 124.51 390.90 393.95 305.72 289.57
Nov 83.17 90.67 393.42 396.49 327.01 309.94
Dec 106.37 115.81 394.53 397.60 328.01 310.91
Jan 90.99 99.24 391.13 394.18 261.03 247.49
Feb 73.40 79.51 391.62 394.68 287.67 272.77
Mar 78.08 85.04 399.42 402.53 306.29 290.84
Apr 91.28 99.42 397.81 400.96 312.42 296.61
May 80.58 87.77 39534 398.48 314.25 298.78
June 177.96 193.82 396.58 399.67 316.04 300.49
July 94.61 103.04 394.97 398.05 377.04 350.94
Aug 75.93 82.70 397.89 401.05 312.90 293.94
Sept 106.97 116.50 398.13 401.24 298.12 277.83
Oct 97.25 105.91 398.37 401.48 275.00 251.99
Nov 96.26 104.88 398.62 400.97 276.94 253.67
Dec 100.32 109.23 399.17 401.52 302.38 277.05
Jan 102.39 111.49 399.29 401.59 302.65 277.25
Feb 96.25 104.79 399.36 401.60 279.39 256.02
Mar 89.27 97.19 398.66 400.96 283.39 259.40
April 98.04 106.74 398.81 401.05 280.26 256.28
May 84.17 91.64 398.44 400.68 290.48 265.98
June 232.89 253.57 298.93 401.18 288.76 264.53

24Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices


(Base: 1988-89=100)
Cement Fertilizer Petroleum Paints & Varnishes
Period Production All Production All Production All Production All
Workers Employees Workers Employees Workers Employees Workers Employees
Jan 513.27 559.75 134.59 126.49 121.33 105.87 705.30
Feb 513.23 559.63 112.03 105.27 104.35 91.06 705.46
Mar 513.25 559.65 116.60 109.58 111.36 97.16 706.81
Apr 513.26 559.66 31.65 29.73 107.69 93.96 717.49
May 514.45 560.24 34.95 32.82 115.74 100.85 717.86
Jun 514.56 560.35 41.65 39.12 106.00 92.38 716.58
July 513.69 559.56 51.46 48.34 87.50 76.27 700.34 859.86
Aug 513.82 559.62 55.50 52.15 92.67 80.77 699.67 858.94
Sep 439.99 543.40 65.67 73.16 103.42 118.16 111.06 1318.43
Oct 444.13 277.56 57.06 63.57 104.13 82.85 1099.98 1310.37
Nov 446.13 278.81 93.12 103.75 114.24 93.88 1096.56 1308.52
Dec 445.67 278.00 111.93 124.76 137.11 112.85 1092.74 1308.61
Jan 447.44 278.58 127.42 142.09 134.72 110.86 1089.50 1306.66
Feb 499.37 617.80 120.25 134.03 124.82 102.57 1091.57 1311.25
Mar 500.12 618.83 99.65 111.04 125.91 103.61 1093.65 1313.35
Apr 4994.95 618.17 48.12 53.56 125.38 103.32 1064.68 1277.21
May 502.81 621.66 22.95 25.55 130.15 107.55 1054.44 1269.58
June 502.31 621.33 35.38 39.44 127.20 104.25 1073.49 1296.19
July 495.28 612.98 36.30 39.90 128.44 100.53 1071.53 1296.05
Aug 495.65 613.17 42.74 46.70 130.26 102.08 1066.92 1287.55
Sep 495.72 612.90 89.04 97.73 115.32 90.54 1068.51 1273.88
Oct 498.55 616.59 89.81 99.09 122.60 96.35 1050.23 1289.47
Nov 499.61 616.56 126.84 138.89 119.12 9362 1050.23 1275.87
Dec 500.74 618.47 110.30 120.86 147.09 115.76 1042.39 1270.55
Jan 501.63 619.44 86.20 94.94 148.62 117.39 1036.18 1265.44
Feb 501.51 619.15 89.39 98.69 127.98 100.49 1028.11 1255.04
Mar 502.23 619.72 90.42 99.78 138.25 109.59 1023.77 1249.38
Apr 505.64 623.80 47.07 51.86 138.38 110.30 1022.62 1250.28
May 505.71 623.88 30.47 33.20 122.76 97.60 1025.04 1253.51
June 507.41 625.80 69.29 42.82 138.49 109.44 1027.08 1254.05
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 25

Employment, Wages and Wage Indices
Country 2017 Monthly
July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Afghanistan - - - - - -
Australia - - - - - -
Azerbaijan - - - - - -
Bahrain 19318 52 59 16 5 - -
Brunei 8587 337 84 14 81 249 114
Canada - - - - -
China - - - - -
Cyprus - - - - -
Egypt 30 9 - 1 -- --
Ethiopia - - - - -
Germany - - - - -
Greece - - - - -
Hong Kong - - - - -
Indonesia - - - - -
Iran - - - - -
Italy 1 - - - -
Japan 145 14 8 6 18 19 20
Jordan 20449 701 485 537 824 1399 1441
Kuwait 49604 2825 2275 1136 721 624 640
Laos - - - - - -
Lebanon 8327 828 176 198 200 475 503
Libya 1 59 - - - 1 1
Malaysia 99787 18184 16257 16261 13478 18893 1476
Maldives 5942 - - - - - -
Mauritius 498 335 1083 577 714 414
Madagascar - - - - - -
Netherland - - - - - -
New Zealand - - - - -
Iraq 3819 1128 746 2352 2832 2330 2095
Oman 89074 5651 4442 5714 6827 6405 5900
Palau - - - - - -
Qatar 82012 5193 5577 5756 6636 7102 6114
Rumania - - - - - -
Saudi Arabia 551308 15009 12802 14844 19545 25851 24698
Singapore 40401 4395 3370 3943 3890 3403 2875
Sudan 1716 72 - - - - 2
Syria - - - - - -
S. Korea 1522 32 72 104 - 143 -
Tonga - - - - - -
U.A.E 4135 264 230 269 314 322 314
U.S.A - - - - - -
UK 7 - 2 - 1 1 -
Viet Nam - - - - - -
Yemen - - - - - -
Other Countries 10038 2440 2119 1932 1819 1069 1637
Misc. Clearance 12302 936 688 871 1424 1377 975
Grand Total: 1008525 58627 49727 55037 59192 70377 49219
68074- 33358

Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training.

26Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18
July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Rice Fine Quality Dhaka Quintal 5716.67 5700 5800 5700 5900 5900 5900
Narayanganj " 5316.67 5400 4900 4800 5400 5200 5600
Chattogram " 6333.33 6500 6500 6500 6500 6000 6000
Rajshahi " 5331.25 5576 5577 5820 4820 4820 4820
Khulna " 5891.00 6000 6000 7666 7500 5500 5500
Sylhet " 5375.00 5700 5750 6000 6000 6000 6000
Rangpur " 5629.17 6500 6100 6500 6500 6200 4350

Dhaka Quintal 5208.33 5300 5500 5600 5400 5400 5000
Narayanganj " 4900.00 5200 4800 4100 5100 5100 5200
Chattogram " 5791.67 6000 6000 6000 6000 5600 5500
Rajshahi " 4691.25 4666 4667 5286 5207 5206 4093
Khulna " 5148.00 5100 5133 6850 6500 4000 5000
Sylhet " 5058.33 5200 5250 5200 5200 5200 5200
Rangpur " 4200.00 4200 4100 4200 4200 3800 2900

Dhaka Quintal 4358.33 4200 4700 4300 4500 4600 4000
Narayanganj " 4433.33 4700 4100 3800 4000 3900 4600
Chattogram " 5200.00 5500 3500 5500 5500 5300 5000
Rajshahi " 4004.08 3960 3960 3986 3502 4206 3040
Khulna " 4260.00 4333 4266 5133 5133 3500 4500
Sylhet " 4517.00 4500 4550 4500 4500 4500 4500
Rangpur " 3779.00 4000 3600 3500 3500 3500 2100
2. Pulses
Masur Dhaka Quintal 11541.67 12000 12000 11000 11100 10000 9500
(red lentils) Narayanganj " 11041.67 11000 10000 9200 9000 8000 10500
Chattogram " 11625.00 11500 11500 11500 11500 11500 10500
Rajshahi " 10000.00 9593 - 7980 7585 7586 7586
Khulna " 9716.25 7166 7100 7133 7173 11500 7000
Sylhet " 12675.00 11800 11800 11000 11000 11000 11000
Rangpur " 10833.33 12000 9000 12800 10000 11800 11000

Khesari Dhaka Quintal 7941.67 7300 7200 8000 8000 8500 4500
Narayanganj " 4883.33 5100 5200 5200 4900 5000 5400
Chattogram " 5466.67 5300 5500 5300 5300 5600 5500
Rajshahi " 6242.00 - - 3806 7485 5333 4573
Khulna " 4580.42 3800 3800 3800 3800 6100 3800
Sylhet " 6800.00 6800 6800 6800 6800 6800 6800
Rangpur " 7133.33 6500 4100 7500 5000 7300 -

Moong Husked Dhaka Quintal 11375.00 11900 11500 11500 11500 11200 11800
Katcha Narayanganj " 10083.33 9100 9500 9000 9000 9000 10000
Superior Chattogram " 11083.33 11000 11000 11000 11000 11200 10000
Quality Rajshahi " 8031.00 - - 9020 6660 6660 6660
Khulna " 11219.00 7700 7666 7566 7566 8000 7666
Sylhet " 12017.00 11800 11850 11800 11800 11800 11800
Rangpur " 13183.33 14000 12000 14000 12500 13000 12000

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 27

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit
2017-18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Gram Husked Dhaka Quintal 7716.67 6300 7300 7600 8500 7500 8000
Superior Narayanganj " 5516.67 5400 5500 6200 6000 5600 5200
Chattogram " 6058.33 5700 5700 5700 5700 5800 5600
Rajshahi " 9240.00 9426 - 7885 7485 7486 7486
Khulna " 7183.25 5000 4966 5133 5133 6000 4866
Sylhet " 7633.33 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800
Rangpur ,, 8592.00 5600 5200 9500 7500 8800 7100
3. Oilseed
Mustard Superior Dhaka Quintal 7166.67 8500 8500 9000 9000 8500 6000
Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " - - - - - - -
Sylhet " 6000.00 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Rangpur " 6000.00 6000 - 6000 6000 6200 -
4. Spices:
Chilies Quality Dhaka Quintal 19292.00 17500 20000 18000 21000 17000 18000
(dry) Narayanganj " 12416.67 14000 15000 11000 14000 12000 14000
Chattogram " 17292.00 17000 17000 17000 17000 18000 18000
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 16236.00 15233 15233 15266 15266 18000 15000
Sylhet " 13000.00 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000
Rangpur " 20000.00 20000 15000 21000 19000 17000 17500

Onion Superior Dhaka Quintal 4092.00 3300 2700 4500 4400 3000 2000
Narayanganj " 5158.00 4500 5500 4600 3200 3000 3000
Chattogram " 4625.00 4200 4000 4200 4200 3500 2500
Rajshahi " 4382.00 - - - 3140 2783 1776
Khulna " 4725.00 4166 4033 4233 4233 2300 1800
Sylhet " 4267.00 4800 4800 4800 4008 4800 4800
Rangpur " 4592.00 4500 4200 4000 4600 2900 3000

Garlic Superior Dhaka Quintal 11125 7500 11000 7000 11000 7500 6500
Narayanganj " 9541.67 8500 8000 7000 7200 7000 8000
Chattogram " 12150.00 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
Rajshahi " - - - 6300 6017 6017 3886
Khulna " 6764.00 15000 15400 15133 15133 14000 4233
Sylhet " 7917.00 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000
Rangpur " 9908.00 7000 5000 11000 6000 5200 17500

Turmeric Quality Dhaka Quintal 16500.00 17500 18500 19000 18500 16000 12000
Narayanganj " 13883.33 16000 15000 13500 15000 12000 20000
Chattogram " 15792.00 15000 15000 15000 15000 15500 15000
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 13025.00 16266 16366 16266 16266 14000 14500
Sylhet " 11125.00 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000
Rangpur " 13667.00 11500 - 13500 13000 - -

28Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit
2017-18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

Ginger Superior Dhaka Quintal 9916.67 9000 8500 9000 12000 12000 10500
Narayanganj " 8366.67 8500 8000 7100 7400 7200 8000
Chattogram " 10792.00 10000 10000 10000 10000 12500 8000
Rajshahi " - - - 7533 9653 9576 9653
Khulna " 7767.17 18666 8566 8166 8166 17000 8333
Sylhet " 6000.00 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Rangpur " 11166.67 11000 17500 - 12000 12000 11000
seed Superior Dhaka Quintal 14083.33 16500 18000 16000 19000 18000 11000
Narayanganj " 11733.33 13000 13000 11000 12000 10000 14000
Chattogram " 10083.83 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 10628.00 11000 11366 11000 11000 5200 9000
Sylhet " 7500.00 7500 7500 7000 7500 7500 7500
Rangpur " 12083.33 11500 10500 12000 11500 8500 11000
Potato Quality Dhaka Quintal 2217.00 2200 2200 2300 2800 2200 2200
Narayanganj " 1800.00 2200 2200 2000 2000 1300 2000
Chattogram " 2121.00 2300 2300 2300 2300 2500 2600
Rajshahi " 1230.00 1800 - - 1860 1893 1860
Khulna " 1385.00 1833 1816 2500 2500 2500 2000
Sylhet " 1792.00 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 3000
Rangpur " 2325.00 3200 2600 750 3100 3000 3000

Brinjal Superior Dhaka Quintal 4033.33 3500 3500 4000 4200 3200 2800
Narayanganj " 4000.00 4000 4000 3500 4000 3400 3000
Chattogram " 4850.00 4000 4000 4000 4000 3000 4000
Rajshahi " 2444.00 - - - 3010 - 1260
Khulna " 3289.00 3033 2966 3166 3166 2200 2500
Sylhet " 3817.00 3300 4000 4000 4000 4000 3500
Rangpur " 2833.33 2600 2400 800 2400 2400 2400

6. Egg Hen Dhaka Per 100 1008.33 1100 1200 1200 1200 1250 1250
Narayanganj " 1050.00 1100 1100 1100 1200 1000 1000
Chattogram " 1425.00 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 869.00 850 900 850 850 850 800
Sylhet " 1200.00 1200 1200 1250 1250 1250 1200
Rangpur " 958.33 1250 950 1000 1100 1000 1100

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 29

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit
2017-18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
7. Tobacco leaf Superior Dhaka Quintal 8900 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 -
Motihari Quality Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 15661.00 16266 16000 16000 16000 16000 11500
Sylhet " 45000.00 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000
Rangpur " - - - - - - -

8. Betel leaf Medium Size Dhaka 7593.33 6500 6500 6600 6500 6500 -
Narayanganj (6400) 3583.33 3000 3000 2800 3000 3000 2000
Chattogram " 6433.33 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
Rajshahi " 3607.00 - - - 6166 6167 6000
Khulna " 8070.00 6826 10666 9600 9600 12150 11200
Sylhet " 6000.00 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Rangpur " 3550.00 2570 2500 3200 5700 7000 5500

9. Betelnut Tanti (whole- Dhaka Quintal 49000.00 69000 65000 65000 65000 60000 30500
dry) Superior Narayanganj " 32791.00 34000 30000 32000 30000 32000 30000
Quality Chattogram " 33083.33 39000 34000 33000 30000 36000 33000
Rajshahi " - - - - -- - -
Khulna " 31597.00 30900 32000 31000 31000 31000 30000
Sylhet " 38000.00 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000 38000
Rangpur " 29842.00 28500 - 31000 37000 - -

10.Groundnut Superior Dhaka Quintal 15292.00 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 9500
Quality Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " - - - - - - -
Khulna " 7140 6500 6500 6500 6500 - 6500
Sylhet " 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000
Rangpur " - - - - - - -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS . Contd.

30Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
3.2 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops, 2013-14 to 2017-18
(Per Quintal/100 pieces in Taka)
Sl.No. Names of Crops 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1 Aman Local 1939 1736 1368 2023 2284
2 Aman HYV 2113 1960 1566 2221 2590
3 Aman Paijam - - - - -
4 Aus Local - - 1336 1920 2173
5 Aus HYV - - 1315 1920 2258
6 Aus Pajam - - - 1625 2425
7 Boro Local 1789 1688 1433 1870 2175
8 Boro HYV 1909 1848 1622 2038 2514
9 Boro Paijam - - - - -
10 Wheat 2248 2103 2045 1996 2123
11 Mash 5079 6015 7415 7005 5735
12 Masur 7032 7028 8727 7605 5966
13 Mung 7575 7445 6152 7083 6786
14 Gram 4555 4845 6064 7667 7117
15 Motor 4106 3651 5061 6453 4733
16 Kheshari 3162 2791 4046 4978 3591
17 Mustard 4037 4440 4335 4502 4815
18 Lin seeds 4489 4389 4775 5309 5267
19 Til 3997 4791 4271 3429 4152
20 Groundnut 5067 6020 6621 6539 5766
21 Onion 4165 2887 3356 2134 4057
22 Garlic 7073 5902 7066 10955 5374
23 Chilies (dry) 13850 14351 13138 13988 13353
24 Chilies (green) 4648 3685 5057 4090 5539
25 Zinger 11653 9573 7461 6509 7015
26 Turmeric 5859 10200 12214 12284 12073
27 Coriander seeds 6900 11065 8479 7144 6720
28 Betel nut 22284 24831 23155 22760 26664
29 Betel leaves 5354 5354 5127 4583 5860
30 Jute (White) 3942 4556 4754 3988 3915
31 Jute (tossa) 3153 3495 3919 3811 3679
32 Tobacco (jati) - - - - -
33 Tobacco (Masta) - - - - -
34 Arum 1775 1571 2211 2027 2349
35 Karala 2557 2598 2867 2898 2926
36 Jhinga 1883 2212 2429 2296 2975
37 Lady`s Finger 1969 2071 2362 2375 2828
38 Cabbage 1114 929 1122 1439 1524
39 Pumpkin 1562 1306 1324 1446 1185
40 Bean 2049 1924 1823 2587 2997

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 31

Prices and Price Indices

3.2 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops, 2013-14 to 2017-18

(Per Quintal/100 pieces in Taka)
Sl.No. Names of Crops 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
41 Puisak 940 999 1047 1162 1775
42 Cucumber 1720 1650 1981 1984 1933
43 Patal 1816 2087 2246 2191 2628
44 Cauliflower 1617 1261 1640 1951 1900
45 Brinjal 2050 2005 2361 2411 2736
46 Radish(china) 938 824 914 1246 1204
47 Water gourd 1526 1265 1330 1563 1605
48 Chichinga 1559 1852 2035 1950 2134
49 Tomato 1904 1986 1697 2006 2302
50 Chalkumra 1221 1382 1551 1528 1515
51 Potato (local) 1449 1772 1897 1718 1580
52 Potato (Holand) 1008 1277 1520 1325 1266
53 S. Potato 1267 1270 1400 1302 1573
54 Banana (Chapa) 186 203 211 197 191
55 Banana (Sabri) 305 321 319 345 328
56 Banana (Shagar) 223 249 237 268 255
57 Pine Apple ( local) - - - - -
58 Pine (jul Doog) 1867 1653 1717 1599 1903
59 Pine (Kelenda) 2018 1852 2506 2149 2327
60 Lemon 206 258 258 272 265
61 Jack Fruit 6529 6228 4636 7717 4089
62 Water melon 7639 6220 8005 8555 6249
63 Litchi 263 190 204 224 207
64 Orange 988 1534 887 909 1001
65 Mango (guti) 3855 3059 3392 2988 3199
66 Fazli 6182 5685 5393 8966 4710
67 Ashwini 4468 4759 4373 5579 4253
68 Langra 4987 4989 4666 5122 5128
69 Gopalvog 4907 4671 4500 4500 3708
70 Coconut 2625 2637 2555 2470 2389
Sources: Department of Agricultural Marketing.

32Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit
2017-18 June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Soybean oil Superior Quality Dhaka Quintal 9975.00 10000 10000 10000 10200 10000 10000 10000
Narayanganj " 8500.00 8500 9500 8500 8000 8500 8000 9000
Chattogram " 10892.00 11000 11000 10500 11000 11000 10500 10500
Rajshahi " 8326.00 8283 8300 8283 8283 8283 8283 8250
Khulna " 8418.00 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8000 8800
Sylhet " 8525.00 9200 9200 10000 9250 9200 9200 9200
Rangpur " 9083.33 10000 9000 9400 9300 10000 8000 9100

2. Mustard oil Superior Quality Dhaka Quintal 18166.67 20000 18000 18000 18000 19000 18000 18000
Local Narayanganj " 12975.00 14000 14000 12000 13400 12000 13400 14000
Chattogram " 12542.00 13500 12500 12500 12500 12500 12500 13000
Rajshahi " - - - - - - - -
Khulna " 11153.00 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 12000 12000
Sylhet " 12000.00 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
Rangpur " 11500.00 12000 12000 15000 13000 13500 18000 17500

3. Vegetable
(Dalda) Dhaka 35 lbs 5800.00 - 1160 - - - - 1750
Pakvan Narayanganj (16 kg) 1147.50 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 -
Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " 1273.00 1273 - 1273 1280 1280 1273 1273
Khulna " 12008.00 12000 120000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
Sylhet " 1400.00 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
Rangpur " 1800.00 1800 1900 - 1800 1800 - -

4. Coconut oil Imported Dhaka Quintal 15000.00 - - - - - - -

Superior Quality Narayanganj " 15333.33 15500 15600 15500 16000 15500 15000 15500
Chattogram " 20000.00 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000
Rajshahi " - - - - - - - -
Khulna " 30000.00 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000
Sylhet " 40000.00 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000
Rangpur " 28000.00 28000 28000 28000 28000 27500 28000 -

5. Paper 10 lbs Dhaka Ream 355.00 380 380 360 360 380 390 335
White Narayanganj " 340.00 340 340 340 340 340 320 340
Foolscap Chattogram " 442.00 440 440 440 440 440 440 440
Rajshahi " - - - - - - - -
Khulna " 610.00 610 610 610 610 610 610 -
Sylhet " 300.00 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Rangpur " 650.00 650 650 650 650 620 650 680
Double foolscap Dhaka " 638.33 650 650 650 650 660 660 640
16"x26" size - - - - - - - -
Double demy Dhaka " 1200 1200 1250 1260 1260 1280 1280 1250
Newsprint - - - - - - - -
Demy Dhaka 223.33 220 - - 240 210 240 270

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 33

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
6. Rubber Goods:
Cycletyre Dhaka Dozen 5170.00 - - 5500 - - - 5040
Malaysia Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " 3832.00 3832 3832 3816 3832 3832 3832 3832
Khulna " - - - - - - - -
Sylhet " 4800.00 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 7000
Rangpur " 3600.00 3600 3600 3600 4000 4000 3600 3500

Cycletube Dhaka Dozen 3450.00 - - 5000 - - - 2400

(Local) Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Deshi Rajshahi " 1234.00 1234 1234 1234 1234 1244 1244 1224
Khulna " 1080.00 1080 1080 1080 1080 - 1080 1080
Sylhet " 1860.00 1860 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860 5000
Rangpur " 1150.00 1150 1150 1150 1150 1400 1150 1200

7. Matches 40 Sticks Dhaka Gross 276.67 240 240 250 250 260 240 360
Box Narayanganj " 386.17 336 340 336 340 336 340 330
Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " 140.00 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
Khulna " 216.00 216 216 216 216 216 216 216
Sylhet " 200.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 288
Rangpur " 240.00 240 240 240 240 275 250 245
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

34Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification own Unit 2017-18
Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Bricks 10”(First class) Dhaka 1000 9118 10800 10800 10800 10820 10825
Chattogram " 8995 9890 9900 9900 9910 9915
Rajshahi " 8539 9820 9850 9850 9860 9870
Khulna " 8396 9400 9650 9900 9995 10250
Sylhet " 8630 9000 9200 9250 9260 9270
Barishal " 8790 9500 9550 9550 9560 9570
Average " 8745 9735.00 9825.00 9875.00 9900.83 9950.00

2. Cement Local (Holcim) Dhaka
kg. 524 554 556 558 550 550
Chattogram " 506 552 554 557 552 552
Rajshahi " 506 547 550 554 545 545
Khulna " 494 540 542 546 545 545
Sylhet " 505 550 552 554 552 552
Barishal "
501 546 550 554 552 552
Average " 504 548.17 550.67 553.83 549.33 549.33

3. Sand Coarse Dhaka
cft 2121 2440 2445 2450 2600 2650
Chattogram " 2249 2580 2585 2590 2800 2860
Rajshahi " 2077 2330 2332 2335 2530 2570
Khulna " 2105 2358 2360 2362 2600 2660
Sylhet " 2060 2320 2322 2325 2580 2620
Barishal " 2080 2390 2390 2392 2590 2630
Average " 2115 2440 2405.67 2409 2616.67 2665.00

4. Stone/ 3"—8" dia Sylhet :

Boulder Superior Quality (a) Chattak Cft. 221 233 235 237 238 240
(b) Goainghat Cft 200 211 212 212 216 220
Average " 210 222.00 223.50 224.50 227.00 230.00

5.A. 50Kg
(2 Suta) Dhaka
. 2725 3025 3030 3035 3036 3038
Chattogram " 2734 3010 3015 3020 3022 3025
Rajshahi " 2734 3010 3015 3020 3022 3024
Khulna " 2723 3010 3015 3020 3022 3024
Sylhet " 2719 2990 3000 3000 3022 3024
Barishal " 2720 3010 3010 3010 3012 3015
Average " 2726 3009 3014.17 3017.5 3023 3025

B. M.S.Rods (3 Suta) Dhaka
. 2725 3025 3030 3035 3036 3038
Chattogram " 2734 3010 3015 3020 3022 3025
Rajshahi " 2734 3010 3015 3020 3022 3024
Khulna " 2723 3010 3015 3020 3022 3024
Sylhet " 2719 2990 3000 3020 3022 3024
Barishal " 2720 3010 3010 3010 3012 3015
Average " 2726 3009.2 3014.17 3020.83 3022.7 3025.0

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 35

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit Monthly
2017-18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
C. M.S. Rods (4 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 2727 3030 3032 3035 3036 3038
(Scrap 40 grade) Chattogram " 2734 3035 3036 3038 3040 3042
Rajshahi " 2729 3035 3036 3038 3040 3042
Khulna " 2726 3035 3036 3038 3040 3042
Sylhet " 2721 2990 2992 2992 2994 2995
Barishal " 2720 2990 2992 2992 2994 2995
Average " 2726 3019.17 3020.67 3022.17 3024.00 3025.67

D. M.S. Rods (5 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 2727 3035 3036 3038 3036 3038
(Scrap 40 grade) Chattogram " 2734 3035 3036 3038 3040 3042
Rajshahi " 2729 3010 3015 3016 3040 3042
Khulna " 2725 3025 3030 3032 3040 3042
Sylhet " 2721 3000 3010 3012 2994 2995
Barishal " 2721 3000 3010 3012 2994 2995
Average " 2726 3035 3022.83 3024.67 3036 3038

E. M.S. Rods (6 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 2728 3030 3032 3034 3035 3036
(Scrap 40 grade) Chattogram " 2736 3035 3036 3037 3038 3040
Rajshahi " 2731 3010 3012 3014 3015 3016
Khulna " 2723 3010 3012 3014 3015 3016
Sylhet " 2719 3010 3012 3014 3015 3016
Barishal " 2725 3020 3020 3020 3022 3024
Average " 2727 3019.17 3020.67 3022.17 3023.33 3024.67

F. M.S. Rods (7 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 2728 3030 3032 3034 3036 3038
(Scrap 40 grade) Chattogram " 2736 3035 3036 3036 3038 3040
Rajshahi " 2730 3035 3036 3036 3038 3040
Khulna " 2723 3000 3005 3008 3010 3012
Sylhet " 2694 3000 3005 3008 3010 3012
Barishal " 2725 3000 3005 3008 3010 3012
Average " 2727 3016.67 3019.83 3021.67 3023.67 3025.67

G. M.S. Rods (8 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 2728 3030 3032 3034 3036 3038
(Scrap 40 grade) Chattogram " 2736 3015 3016 3018 3020 3022
Rajshahi " 2730 3015 3016 3018 3020 3022
Khulna " 2723 3015 3016 3018 3020 3022
Sylhet " 2695 3015 3016 3018 3020 3022
Barishal " 2725 3015 3016 3018 3020 3022
Average " 2727 3017.50 3018.67 3020.67 3022.67 3024.67

6.A. Iron Rods (2 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3059 3510 3512 3514 3036 3038
(Bilet 60 grade) Chattogram " 3066 3515 3516 3514 3020 3022
Rajshahi " 3067 3520 3520 3521 3020 3022
Khulna " 3061 3510 3512 3514 3020 3022
Sylhet " 3057 3510 3512 3514 3020 3022
Barishal " 3060 3510 3512 3514 3020 3022
Average " 3061 3512.50 3514 3515.17 3022.67 3024.67

36Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specifica- Town Unit 2017-18 Monthly
tion Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
B. Iron Rods (3 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3273 3510 3512 3514 3516 3517
(Bilet 60 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Chattogram " 3239
Rajshahi " 3030 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Khulna " 3025 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Sylhet " 3041 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Barishal " 3042 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Average " 3104 3510.00 3512.00 3514.00 3516.00 3517.83

C. Iron Rods (4Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3392 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
(Bilet 3515 3516 3518 3520 3522
Chattogram " 3081
Rajshahi " 3138 3520 3521 3522 3524 3525
Khulna " 3131 3515 3516 3517 3518 3520
Sylhet " 3129 3515 3516 3517 3518 3520
Barishal " 3132 3520 3520 3520 3521 3522
Average " 3186 3515.83 3516.83 3518.00 3519.50 3521.17

D. Iron Rods (5 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3153 3510 3512 3513 3515 3516
(Bilet 60 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519
Chattogram " 3177
Rajshahi " 3151 3520 3522 3522 3524 3525
Khulna " 3143 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Sylhet " 3139 3510 3512 3514 3516 3518
Barishal " 3143 3515 3516 3514 3516 3518
Average " 3152 3513.33 3515.00 3515.67 3517.50 3519.00

E. Iron Rods (6 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3495 3670 3674 3676 3676 3678
(Bilet 3525 3535 3530
Chattogram " 3156 3530 3529
Rajshahi " 3024 3520 3525 3530 3523 3525
Khulna " 3108 3520 3525 3528 3524 3525
Sylhet " 3116 3525 3528 3529 3527 3528
Barishal " 3112 3550 3555 3558 3555 3556
Average " 3162 3551.67 3556.17 3559.33 3555.67 3557.00

F. Iron Rods (7 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3033 3510 3512 3514 3515 3516
(Bilet 3515 3517 3519
Chattogram " 3039 3516 3518
Rajshahi " 3008 3518 3519 352 3522 3524
Khulna " 3003 3505 3506 3507 3508 3510
Sylhet " 3002 3505 3506 3507 3508 3510
Barishal " 3006 3505 3506 3507 3508 3510
Average " 3015 3509.67 3510.83 2984.00 3513.17 3514.83

G. Iron Rods (8 Suta) Dhaka 50Kg 3039 3510 3512 3514 3515 3516
(Bilet 3515 3517 3520
Chattogram " 3044 3516 3518
Rajshahi " 3038 3520 3522 3523 3525 3526
Khulna " 3032 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519
Sylhet " 3027 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519
Barishal " 3031 3520 3522 3522 3524 3525
- Average “ 3035 3515.83 3517.33 3518.33 3519.67 3520.83

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 37

Prices and Price Indices

Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017- Monthly

18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

7. C.I. sheet (26 gauge) (Imported, Dhaka Bundle 8620

Sft 8635 8636 8638 8640 8642
Japan) Chattogram " 8630 8648 8649 8650 8652 8654
Rajshahi " 7795 8445 8446 8448 8450 8452
Khulna " 7791 7900 7901 7902 7904 7906
Sylhet " 8013 8420 8422 8423 8425 8427
Barishal " 8637 8645 8646 8647 8648 8650
Average " 8309
8448.83 0 8451.33 8453.17 8455.17

8. Paints Rabialac Dhaka Gallon 1053 1068 1069 1070 1072 1074
White Chattogram " 1053 1069 1070 1071 1072 1074
Synthetic Rajshahi " 1043 1056 1058 1060 1062 1063
Khulna " 1041 1056 1058 1060 1062 1063
Sylhet " 1041 1056 1058 1060 1062 1063
Barishal " 1011 1038 1040 1042 1044 1045
Average " 1041
1058 3 1060.50 1062.33 1063.67

9. Varnishes Rabialac Dhaka Gallon 881 932 934 935 936 938
Superior Chattogram " 880 926 928 930 932 934
Quality Rajshahi " 870 922 924 925 926 928
Khulna " 873 926 928 930 932 934
Sylhet " 873 926 928 930 932 934
Barishal " 872 926 928 930 932 934
Average " 875 926.33 928.33 930.00 931.67 933.67

10. Timber Ctg. Teak Dhaka Cft. 2857 2898 2900 2901 2902 2903
Chattogram " 2376 2434 2435 2436 2438 2440
Rajshahi " 2372 2425 2426 2428 2430 2432
Khulna " 2359 2415 2416 2417 2418 2420
Sylhet " 2375 2415 2416 2417 2418 2420
Barishal " 2377 2416 2417 2418 2420 2422
Average " 2536 2500.50 2501.6 2502.83 2504.33 2506.17

Garjan, Dhaka Cft.

Beam 1454 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499
3"x3" Chattogram " 1441 1468 1470 1471 1472 1473
Rajshahi " 1468 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489
Khulna " 1356 1420 1421 1422 1424 1425
Sylhet " 1389 1415 1416 1417 1418 1420
Barishal " 2891 1425 1426 1428 1429 1430
Average " 1454 1451.33 1452.5 1453.67 1454.83 1456.00

Plank Dhaka Cft. 1505 1525 1526 1527 1528 1530
8"x1" Chattogram " 1508 1530 1332 1333 1535 1536
Rajshahi " 1606 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626
Khulna " 1507 1525 1526 1527 1530 1532
Sylhet " 1394 1418 1419 1420 1425 1426
Barishal " 1420 1422 1424 1425 1428 1430
Average " 1490
1507.00 0 1476.00 1511.83 1513.33

38Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices



Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18 Monthly

Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

Mango, Plank Dhaka Cft. 529 622 623 624 625 626
8"x1" Chattogram " 708 725 726 728 730 732
Rajshahi " 569 556 557 558 560 562
Khulna " 465 478 479 480 482 484
Sylhet " 498 517 518 519 520 522
Barishal " 487 512 513 514 515 516
Average " 543 568.33 569.33 570.50 572.00 573.67

11. Bamboo Borak Dhaka Each 373 385 386 387 388 390
(about 30 Chattogram " 502 395 396 397 398 400
ft.long) Rajshahi " 368 382 384 385 386 382
Khulna " 368 392 393 394 395 396
Sylhet " 368 392 393 394 395 396
Barishal " 376 392 393 394 395 396
Average " 392 389.67 569.33 570.50 392.83 393.33

12. A. Bitumin (80/100 grade) BPC Chattogram m.ton 65368 65515 65516 65517 65520 65522
B..Bitumin (60/70 grade)BPC Chattogram m.ton 70859 70876 70878 70879 70883 70885
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 39

Prices and Price Indices

Period Total Quantity ('000' kg.) Total Value (million Average Price (Taka per kg.)
Jan 166 0.0287 172.99
Feb 14 0.0002 132.86
Mar 302 0.0436 144.27
Apr 3160 0.5784 183.04
May 5195 0.9267 178.39
June 7207 1.175 163.03
July 10336 1.6523 159.86
Aug 9659 1.6961 175.60
Sep 9282 1.46 156.93
Oct 9983 1.58 158.36
Nov 7701 1.28 165.81
Dec 5756 0.94 162.69
Jan 93 0.0164 176.66
Feb 13 0.0025 192.05
Mar 2506 0.3270 130.48
April 5096 0.7656 150.24
May 6445 1.2164 188.73
June 11227 1.9532 173.97
July 11395 1.8266 160.30
August 11182 1.9636 175.60
Sep 12716 2.1401 168.30
Oct 10907 1.9504 178.82
Nov 9000 1.4108 156.76
Dec 4470 0.5409 121.00
Jan 144 0.0274 190.53
Feb 09 .0016 170.60
Mar 1078 0.2030 188.33
April 5221 0.8255 158.11
May 6929 0.9749 140.70
June 8594 1.3136 152.85
July 11206 1.8112 161.63
Aug 10048 1.5261 151.88
Sep 9784 1.5129 154.64
Oct 11464 1.8514 161.50
Nov 9075 1.5660 172.56
Dec 6547 1.1307 172.71
Jan 331 0.0619 186.97
Feb 38 0.0060 159.93
Mar 1556 0.2483 159.56
April 3505 0.5915 168.75
May 6334 1.0477 165.41
June 7634 1.0752 140.85
July 10985 1.9740 179.70
Aug 12477 2.2509 180.40
Sep 12008 2.2200 184.89
Oct 11863 2.1600 182.89
Nov 9147 1.8620 203.57
Dec 6256 0.9359 149.61
Source: Tea Board and BBS.

40Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
1. Rice Fine Dhaka Kg 78.08 80 85 85 85 90 90 90
Quality Narayanganj " 77.67 80 80 82 82 95 82 95
Chattogram " 75.50 76 80 80 83 90 80 80
Rajshahi " 75.17 75 75 75 80 88 75 75
Khulna " 77.75 78 78 78 78 85 78 78
Sylhet " 79.83 80 80 80 80 90 80 80
Rangpur " 79.83 80 80 80 80 88 80 80
Barishal " 78.33 78 78 78 78 90 78 78
Boiled Dhaka Kg 58.58 55 56 60 60 58 58 56
Medium Narayanganj " 58.50 55 56 60 60 60 60 56
Chattogram " 57.67 52 55 60 60 60 60 58
Rajshahi " 57.54 50 50 60 60 60 60 56
Khulna " 59.17 50 56 60 62 60 60 60
Sylhet " 59.25 48 55 58 58 60 60 60
Rangpur " 59.42 50 56 58 58 60 60 54
Barishal " 57.17 48 55 60 62 60 60 60
Coarse Dhaka Kg 50.50 45 47 48 50 50 46 46
Narayanganj " 50.08 45 46 48 52 50 46 46
Chattogram " 49.92 42 46 50 55 55 46 47
Rajshahi " 50.67 43 45 50 55 55 45 50
Khulna " 50.17 45 46 46 48 48 43 48
Sylhet " 48.08 42 47 50 50 50 40 47
Rangpur " 49.50 45 46 46 50 50 46 48
Barishal " 49.08 42 46 50 50 50 40 48
2.Flour(Atta) Superior Dhaka Kg 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Quality Narayanganj " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Chattogram " 29.92 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Rajshahi " 29.08 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
Khulna " 33.00 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Sylhet " 33.08 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Rangpur " 34.00 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
Barishal " 33.67 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
3. Pulses Split, Kutcha Dhaka Kg 117.92 125 125 125 125 125 110 110
Moog Narayanganj " 117.50 125 125 125 125 125 120 115
Chattogram " 109.71 120 120 120 120 120 110 110
Rajshahi " 105.83 115 115 115 115 115 110 110
Khulna " 108.42 112 112 112 120 120 120 120
Sylhet " 108.00 115 115 115 120 120 120 120
Rangpur " 107.08 110 110 110 130 130 130 130
Barishal " 113.75 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Masur Husked, Dhaka Kg 107.92 110 100 100 110 110 100 95
Whole Narayanganj " 107.67 112 105 95 110 110 100 95
Chattogram " 101.33 110 105 105 115 115 107 107
Rajshahi " 107.25 115 100 100 115 115 108 108
Khulna " 105.00 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Sylhet " 112.50 105 105 105 110 110 110 110
Rangpur " 108.08 116 116 116 116 118 110 110
Barishal " 123.92 125 125 125 110 110 110 110

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 41

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Khesari Superior Dhaka Kg 67.75 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Quality Narayanganj " 67.75 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Chattogram " 75.00 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
Rajshahi " 74.38 74 74.50 74.50 74.50 74 74.50 74.50
Khulna " 65.00 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Shlhet " 65.42 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Rangpur " 63.00 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Barishal " 74.17 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

Matar Superior Dhaka Kg 79.58 85 85 85 85 78 85 85

Quality Narayanganj " 77.92 75 75 75 75 82 75 75
Chattogram " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rajshahi " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Khulna " 85.00 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Sylhet " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rangpur " 85.00 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Barishal " 83.33 85 85 85 80 85 85 85

Gram Superior Dhaka Kg 85 85 85 85 85 85

84.58 85
(Chola) Quality Narayanganj " 85.00 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Chattogram " 80.42 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rajshahi " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Khulna " 78.00 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
Sylhet " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rangpur " 78.00 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
Barishal " 78.33 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
Mashkalai Superior Dhaka Kg 121.67 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Quality Narayanganj " 121.08 120 120 120 125 125 125 125
Chattogram " 111.25 115 115 115 115 115 125 125
Rajshahi " 114.83 118 118 118 118 118 120 120
Khulna " 111.83 115 115 115 115 115 125 125
Sylhet " 117.92 120 120 120 120 120 125 125
Rangpur " 105.00 105 105 105 105 105 120 120
Barishal " 110.75 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
4. Fish Rohi Fresh
(Big cut pieces) Dhaka Kg 297.75 350 365 365 375 400 400 400
Narayanganj " 296.25 320 370 370 375 400 400 400
Chattogram " 280.00 280 380 380 380 380 380 420
Rajshahi " 285.00 285 380 380 380 380 380 400
Khulna " 290.00 290 370 370 400 400 400 400
Sylhet " 295.00 295 375 375 375 375 375 375
Rangpur " 299.58 295 385 385 390 390 390 395
Barishal " 318.33 320 324 324.5 324.5 324 324.50 324
Koi Medium Dhaka Kg 344.17 385 385 385 385 450 500 500
(climbing Narayanganj " 335.25 380 380 380 380 400 550 550
fish) Chattogram " 338.33 375 375 375 380 380 490 490
Rajshahi " 341.50 390 390 390 393 395 500 500
Khulna " 355.00 370 370 370 370 370 550 550
Sylhet " 416.67 350 350 350 350 350 480 480
Rangpur " 355.83 370 370 370 385 385 500 500
Barishal " 470.83 375 375 375 375 375 490 490

42Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Specificatio Monthly
Commodity Town Unit 2017-18
n Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Hilsa Medium Dhaka Kg 1358.33 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1750 1770
Narayanganj " 1324.58 1750 1750 1750 1800 1800 1700 1750
Chattogram " 1295.00 1650 1800 1800 1850 1850 1850 1900
Rajshahi " 1264.17 1800 1850 1850 1900 1900 1900 1900
Khulna " 1325.00 1850 1900 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950
Sylhet " 1362.50 1800 1900 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Rangpur " 1283.33 1850 1850 1900 1950 1950 1950 1950
Barishal " 1362.08 1850 1900 1900 2000 1900 1900 1900
Chingri Medium Dhaka Kg 690.83 700 750 750 760 760 760 760
(shrimp) Narayanganj " 721.67 650 700 720 735 735 735 735
Chattogram " 750.00 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Rajshahi " 736.67 740 740 740 750 750 750 750
Khulna " 703.33 700 700 700 700 700 750 750
Sylhet " 740.83 740 740 740 740 740 740 740
Rangpur “ 718.33 720 720 720 750 750 750 750
Barishal 722.50 720 720 720 720 720 720 720
Soal Medium Dhaka Kg 575.00 600 600 650 600 600 650 650
Narayanganj " 566.67 600 600 650 600 600 700 700
Chattogram " 550.00 550 600 650 600 600 700 700
Rajshahi " 540.00 550 600 600 600 600 750 750
Khulna " 525.00 550 600 660 600 600 800 800
Sylhet " 525.83 560 550 575 585 585 650 650
Rangpur " 550.00 500 650 650 650 650 750 750
Barishal " 471.67 500 500 500 550 550 600 600
Boal Medium Dhaka Kg 534.17 600 600 600 650 650 750 750
Narayanganj " 528.83 575 650 600 655 655 700 700
Chattogram " 564.58 600 600 650 650 650 750 750
Rajshahi " 534.33 550 600 600 600 650 700 700
Khulna " 568.33 600 655 600 660 675 675 675
Sylhet " 564.17 575 575 655 650 685 685 685
Rangpur " 504.46 550 600 600 670 675 675 675
Barishal " 131.25 500 500 590 640 740 740 740
Puti Small Dhaka Kg 275.42 350 300 300 300 320 400 400
Narayanganj " 275.00 320 300 300 300 320 350 350
Chattogram " 270.00 300 300 300 340 300 300 350
Rajshahi " 271.67 320 300 300 300 320 350 360
Khulna 265.00 265 265 265 265 265 360 360
Sylhet " 244.17 240 240 240 240 240 350 350
Rangpur " 267.50 340 300 300 300 350 350 350
Barishal “ 157.14 300 300 300 - - 355 355
Shingi Medium Dhaka Kg 604.17 700 700 700 650 700 750 750
Narayanganj " 637.17 700 700 700 700 720 750 750
Chattogram " 704.17 650 650 650 640 700 775 775
Rajshahi " 705.50 620 620 620 690 700 750 750
Khulna " 737.50 740 740 740 740 740 740 740
Sylhet " 748.33 750 750 750 750 750 740 750
Rangpur " 770.83 680 680 680 680 680 740 740
Barishal " 748.33 750 750 750 750 750 750 750

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 43

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
5. Meat Superior Dhaka Kg 533.33 500 500 500 500 500 510 510
Beef Quality Narayanganj " 525.83 500 500 500 500 500 498 498
Chattogram " 500.00 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Rajshahi " 462.50 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Khulna " 500.00 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Sylhet " 500.00 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Rangpur " 500.00 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Barishal " 412.50 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Mutton Superior Dhaka Kg 733.33 760 760 760 760 760 760 760
Quality Narayanganj " 732.50 750 750 750 750 745 745 750
Chattogram " 740.42 765 765 765 750 750 750 750
Rajshahi " 736.67 760 760 760 770 770 770 770
Khulna " 727.92 780 780 780 780 780 780 780
Sylhet " 729.17 750 750 750 780 780 780 780
Rangpur " 740.83 765 765 780 770 770 770 770
Barishal " 699.63 730 730 750 780 780 780 780
6. Poultry Hen, Big
Dhaka Kg 470 470 470 480 480 480 480
and size 447.50
Eggs: Fowl Live-weight Narayanganj " 455.42 470 470 470 480 500 480 480
Chattogram " 440.42 480 480 480 495 500 500 500
Rajshahi " 442.92 475 475 475 495 400 500 500
Khulna " 385.00 400 400 400 400 420 400 400
Sylhet " 418.33 420 420 420 420 420 420 420
Rangpur " 401.67 420 420 420 420 420 500 500
Barishal " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Hali 32 25 25 35 35 33 33
Egg Hen Dhaka
(4) 29.25
Narayanganj 28.92 32 25 25 35 35 33 33
Chattogram " 30.75 35 26 26 35 38 34 34
Rajshahi " 30.17 34 27 27 35 38 35 35
Khulna " 30.25 32 26 26 32 33.50 34 34
Sylhet " 30.42 32 28 28 33 33 35 35
Rangpur " 30.25 33 28 28 33 35 34 34
Barishal " 28.83 26 26 26 34 34 30 30
Egg Duck Dhaka 46 46 46 50 58 50 50
(4) 48.75
Narayanganj " 48.58 45 45 45 50 58 50 50
Chattogram " 50.00 50 50 50 55 60 47 47
Rajshahi " 50.00 50 50 50 48 65 48 48
Khulna " 50.00 50 50 50 50 60 60 60
Sylhet " 50.00 50 50 50 50 65 65 65
Rangpur " 49.83 50 50 50 50 60 60 60
Barishal " 43.00 42 42 42 52 58 58 58
Medium Dhaka Kg 25 20 18 25 30 30 35
Vegetable 21.67
Potato Size Narayanganj " 21.50 25 20 18 30 30 30 35
Chattogram " 21.33 25 20 18 30 30 30 34
Rajshahi " 21.25 22 20 18 28 28 30 35
Khulna " 21.67 21 20 16 25 25 28 35
Sylhet " 22.08 22 20 18 25 25 28 36
Rangpur " 20.83 22 18 18 25 25 30 37
Barishal " 21.33 20 20 18 24 24 25 36

44Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Patal Superior Dhaka Kg 45.25 45 60 60 50 60 50 48
(Parable) Quality Narayanganj " 44.75 50 60 40 50 60 50 48
Chattogram " 46.33 48 60 40 48 58 48 46
Rajshahi " 45.50 50 60 40 45 60 45 45
Khulna " 47.79 45 60 40 45 60 50 50
Sylhet " 50.67 42 58 58 40 60 60 60
Rangpur " 45.92 40 65 40 40 50 50 50
Barishal " 47.17 41 65 65 48 58 58 58
Bitter Gourd Superior Dhaka Kg 56.92 65 70 60 70 70 50 45
Quality Narayanganj " 65 70 60 70 70 50 45
called 56.17
uchchhya) Chattogram " 58.25 50 65 65 65 65 55 55
Rajshahi " 58.00 65 65 65 65 65 50 50
Khulna " 58.17 65 65 50 65 65 50 50
Sylhet " 58.33 70 70 50 70 70 50 50
Rangpur " 57.67 64 64 64 65 65 48 48
Barishal " 58.38 60 60 60 65 65 48 48

Brinjal Superior Dhaka Kg 59.83 50 80 50 55 60 55 50

Quality Narayanganj " 60.25 50 80 50 55 60 50 48
Chattogram " 56.92 45 65 40 48 55 55.50 55.50
Rajshahi " 57.00 45 68 36 48 50 50 50
Khulna " 59.33 48 70 48 48 48 48 48
Sylhet " 57.08 45 75 45 50 50 50 50
Rangpur " 59.75 46 64 30 48 48 48 48
Barishal " 62.75 55 70 45 48 48 48 48

Mishti 48 50 40 50 55 48 48
Medium Dhaka Kg
Kumra 45.08
(Pumkin) Narayanganj " 45.08 45 50 45 55 55 48 45
Chattogram " 47.17 45 50 45 52 55 55 48
30 30 Rajshahi " 45.42 40 48 45 52 55 55 55
Khulna " 48.83 55 55 50 50 51 51 51
Sylhet " 50.00 55 55 55 56 56 56 56
Rangpur " 47.42 50 50 44 48 55 55 55
Barishal " 50.25 55 55 55 56 55 55 55
Spinach Superior Dhaka Kg 29.50 30 30 30 30 35 30 28
(palong, pui) Quality Narayanganj " 29.08 30 30 30 35 35 35 30
Chattogram " 22.58 20 20 20 30 30 30 30
Rajshahi " 20.08 12 12 12 30 35 35 35
Khulna " 27.92 25 25 25 26 35 35 35
Sylhet " 27.75 25 25 25 25 30 30 30
Rangpur " 22.25 18 18 18 30 30 30 30
Barishal " 24.83 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Chalkumra Green Dhaka Kg 43.67 46 48 44 50 55 55 48
One seer Narayanganj " 43.67 46 48 40 50 55 55 45
Size Chattogram " 42.08 44 44 44 50 55 55 46
Rajshahi " 41.50 44 44 44 50 55 55 50
Khulna " 44.58 48 48 48 50 50 50 50
Sylhet " 44.83 40 40 40 46 46 46 46
Rangpur “ 42.33 40 40 40 48 50 50 50
Barishal " 43.46 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 45

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Jhinga Superior Dhaka Kg 40.00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Quality Narayanganj " 40.00 40 60 40 40 40 40 40
Chattogram " 45.00 45 60 45 45 45 45 45
Rajshahi " 46.00 46 65 46 46 46 46 46
Khulna " 48.00 48 70 48 48 48 48 48
Sylhet " 40.00 40 58 40 40 40 40 40
Rangpur " 47.00 47 48 47 40 47 47 47
Barishal " 37.27 38 40 38 45 38 38 38
Ladys finger Superior Dhaka Kg 51.58 60 45 40 40 50 50 48
Quality Narayanganj " 50.75 60 50 45 40 50 50 45
Chattogram " 46.83 50 32 32 42 40 40 40
Rajshahi " 46.75 48 35 35 40 42 42 42
Khulna " 49.38 55 38 38 38 45 45 45
Sylhet " 51.00 50 45 45 45 45 45 45
Rangpur " 48.08 50 35 35 35 44 44 44
Barishal 52.92 42 40 40 40 45 45 45
Papaya Green Dhaka Kg 29.67 30 30 30 30 25 25 25
Medium Narayanganj " 29.92 30 30 30 30 25 25 25
Chattogram " 28.08 30 30 30 30 25 25 25
Rajshah " 27.75 30 30 30 30 25 25 25
Khulna " 30.75 32 32 32 32 25 25 25
Sylhet " 24.92 30 30 30 30 25 25 25
Rangpur " 25.33 35 35 35 35 25 25 25
Barishal " 23.00 30 30 30 30 28 28 28
Beans Dhaka Kg 50 50 50 120 120 85 70
Quality 68.33
50(Shim) Narayanganj " 70.42 50 50 50 100 100 90 70
Chattogram " 62.50 55 55 55 90 90 90 68
Rajshahi " 62.17 55 55 55 95 95 95 60
Khulna " 65.50 55 55 55 90 90 90 70
Sylhet " 61.33 60 55 60 90 90 90 60
Rangpur " 62.33 55 60 60 100 100 100 68
Barishal 59.83 55 55 55 80 80 80 57
Cauliflower Superior quality Dhaka Kg 32.17 30 30 30 60 60 60 50
12 chatak to Narayanganj " 31.67 30 30 30 60 60 60 50
1 seer size Chattogram " 32.42 26 26 26 48 58 58 40
Rajshahi " 34.58 30 30 30 48 55 55 40
Khulna " 30.50 28 28 28 55 58 58 58
Sylhet " 27.50 28 28 28 48 58 58 58
Rangpur " 33.75 35 35 35 50 55 55 52
Barishal " 30.25 32 32 32 40 40 40 40
Cabbage SuperiorQuality Dhaka Kg 23.33 20 20 20 45 45 45 35
2.33 kg Size Narayanganj " 23.33 20 20 20 45 45 45 35
Chattogram " 25.67 24 24 24 48 48 48 40
Rajshahi " 26.67 24 24 24 55 55 55 40
Khulna " 24.67 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Sylhet " 26.08 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Rangpur " 25.92 25 25 25 40 50 50 40
Barishal " 24.50 28 28 28 38 28 28 28

46Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Sep,18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Tomato Fresh, Ripe Dhaka Kg 75.00 120 120 120 120 120 120 80
Superior Narayanganj " 78.33 120 120 120 120 120 120 85
Quality Chattogram " 79.58 110 115 115 115 115 115 90
Rajshahi " 75.67 120 120 120 120 120 120 80
Khulna " 69.08 120 120 120 120 120 120 65
Sylhet " 71.58 120 120 120 120 120 120 80
Rangpur " 78.67 100 120 120 120 120 125 90
Barishal " 72.17 100 125 125 125 125 125 80
8. Edible 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Superior Dhaka Kg
oil 191.67
Mustard oil Quality Narayanganj " 190.63 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Chattogram " 199.58 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Rajshahi " 193.92 190 190 190 190 190 195 195
Khulna " 182.92 200 200 200 200 200 190 190
Sylhet " 167.58 166.50 166 166.50 166.50 166.50 200 200
Rangpur " 188.67 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Barishal " 171.42 170 170 170 170 170 170 170
Soyabean Superior Dhaka Kg 100.00 100 100 107.50 107.50 107.50 107 107
Oil Quality Narayanganj " 100.42 100 110 110 110 110 110 110
Chattogram " 95.00 95 95 95 95 95 95 95
Rajshahi " 96.83 97 97 97 97 97 97 97
Khulna " 100.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Sylhet " 95.00 95 95 95 95 95 95 95
Rangpur " 100.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Barishal " 87.00 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
9. Salt and Local Dhaka Kg 36.50 36 36 36 36 36 36 35
spices Salt Fine, White Narayanganj " 36.00 35 35 35 35 35 35 36
Chattogram " 40.00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Rajshahi " 38.00 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
Khulna " 46.00 46 46 46 46 46 46 46
Sylhet " 45.92 46 46 46 46 46 46 46
Rangpur " 45.00 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Barishal 45.00 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Chilies Superior Dhaka Kg 233.42 250 250 260 260 260 250 250
(dry) Quality Narayanganj " 231.67 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
Chattogram " 240.50 260 270 270 270 270 270 270
Rajshahi " 242.08 260 270 270 270 270 270 270
Khulna " 232.17 255 255 275 275 275 275 275
Sylhet " 231.25 250 250 250 250 250 270 270
Rangpur " 242.08 260 270 280 280 280 250 250
Barishal " 227.08 230 230 230 230 230 260 260
Onion Superior Dhaka Kg 63.33 60 60 60 60 60 55 48
Quality Narayanganj " 61.33 60 60 60 60 60 50 48
Chattogram " 63.75 58 58 58 58 58 58 48
Rajshahi " 63.67 60 60 60 60 60 60 50
Khulna " 60.25 60 60 60 60 60 60 50
Sylhet " 61.08 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Rangpur " 62.83 60 60 60 60 60 60 48
Barishal " 62.17 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 47

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18 Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Garlic Superior Dhaka Kg 116.25 90 85 95 100 100 100 90
(Rasun) Quality Narayanganj " 118.75 95 80 95 100 100 100 89
Chattogram " 117.50 90 90 90 95 95 95 95
Rajshahi " 112.75 90 90 90 100 100 100 100
Khulna " 106.92 90 90 90 110 110 110 110
Sylhet " 107.45 90 90 90 100 100 100 100
Rangpur " 109.92 90 90 90 105 105 105 105
Barishal " 116.42 90 90 90 98 98 98 98
Turmeric Superior Dhaka Kg 218.75 215 215 215 215 215 215 200
(Halud) Quality Narayanganj " 216.00 210 210 210 210 210 210 200
Chattogram " 202.50 195 195 195 195 195 195 195
Rajshahi " 198.42 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Khulna " 195.33 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Sylhet " 195.83 175 175 175 175 175 175 175
Rangpur " 194.58 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Barishal " 200.00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Cuminseed Superior Dhaka 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Gm 59.58
(Jira) Quality Narayanganj " 60.00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Chattogram " 55.42 55 55 55 65 65 65 65
Rajshahi " 55.00 55 55 55 50 50 50 50
45.50 46 Khulna " 55.00 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Sylhet " 55.00 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Rangpur " 60.00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Barishal " 52.00 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
Ginger Superior Dhaka Kg 105.83 120 120 110 120 120 120 115
(Ada) Quality Narayanganj " 109.17 120 120 110 130 130 115 114
Chattogram " 109.17 130 130 110 125 125 120 120
Rajshahi " 112.92 130 130 100 130 130 120 120
Khulna " 94.67 128 128 110 125 125 125 125
Sylhet " 99.17 125 125 125 128 128 128 128
Rangpur " 105.00 130 130 120 130 130 120 120
Barishal 92.50 90 90 90 115 115 115 115
Cardamom Superior Dhaka 100 100 100 110 110 110 110
Gram 99.17
� Quality Narayanganj " 99.33
100 100 100 110 110 110 110
Chattogram " 99.58 100 100 100 110 110 110 110
Rajshahi " 99.17 100 100 100 110 110 110 120
Khulna " 95.00 95 95 95 120 120 120 100
Sylhet " 100.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 110
Rangpur " 99.67 100 100 100 110 110 110 100
Barishal " 100.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Cinnamom Superior Dhaka 55 55 55 58 58 58 58
Gram 50.42
(Sticks) Quality Narayanganj " 50.42 55 55 55 60 60 60 60
Chattogram " 49.67 50 50 50 55 55 55 55
Rajshahi " 47.67 48 48 48 46.50 46.50 48 48
Khulna " 45.17 45.50 45 45 45 45 45 45.50
Sylhet " 45.00 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Rangpur " 50.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Barishal " 50.00 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

48Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
10. Milk and
Milk Products
Milk Cow Dhaka Litre 80.00 80 80 80 85 85 85 85
(Unboiled) Narayanganj " 80.00 80 80 80 90 90 90 90
Chattogram " 80.00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rajshahi " 78.75 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Khulna " 75.00 75 75 75 85 85 85 85
Sylhet " 80.00 80 80 80 85 85 85 85
Rangpur " 73.75 75 75 75 75 70 75 75
Barishal " 60.00 60 60 60 75 75 75 75

Ghee Cow Dhaka Kg 1131.17 1220 1200 1200 1200 1200

Local best Narayanganj " 1132.00 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Chattogram " 900.00 900 1150 1150 1150 1150
Rajshahi " 850.00 850 1100 1100 1100 1100
Khulna " 1200.00 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Sylhet " 1100.00 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Rangpur " 950.00 950 1150 1150 1150 1150
Barishal " 1200.00 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

Butter Local best Dhaka 123 123 123 125 125
Gram 129.00
Narayanganj " 131.17 130 125 130 127 130
Chattogram " 128.92 132 132 128 125 125
Rajshahi " 132.17 128 133 135 125 122
Khulna " 134.67 128 135 132 128 125
Sylhet " 133.58 128 136 135 125 128
Rangpur " 131.50 125 134 133 126 125
Barishal " 123.17 130 135 135 125 130
11. Sugar &
Sugar Dhaka Kg 60 65 65 65 60 70 60
Quality 60.50
(white) Open Market Narayanganj " 62.58 65 65 65 65 60 70 65
Chattogram " 59.92 56 59 59 59 58 72 62
Rajshahi " 60.58 58 58 58 58 58 70 62
Khulna " 60.58 58 58 58 58 56 70 56
Sylhet " 61.67 57 57 57 57 58 70 58
Rangpur " 61.88 68 58 58 58 57 70 60
Barishal " 64.58 60 60 60 60 60 70 60

Gur Dhaka Kg 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
Quality 105.83
(Sugarcane) Narayanganj " 110.50 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
Chattogram " 102.50 105 105 105 105 105 105 105
Rajshahi " 100.00 105 105 105 105 105 105 105
Khulna " 93.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Sylhet " 88.50 82 102 82 97 92 82 82
Rangpur " 103.33 110 110 110 95 100 110 110
Barishal " 95.42 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 49

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18 Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
12. Fruits
Banana Sabri Dhaka 40 40 40 40 40 45 45
(4) 30.42
Narayanganj " 40 45 45 45 45 45 45
Size 32.00
Chattogram " 29.75 45 45 45 45 45 48 48
Rajshahi " 30.67 40 40 40 40 40 48 48
Khulna " 30.54 45 45 45 45 45 42 42
Sylhet " 26.67 30 30 30 30 30 40 40
Rangpur " 31.00 45 45 45 45 45 44 44
Barishal “ 35.83 40 40 40 40 30 25 25

Papaya Ripe Dhaka Each 93.33 140 140 130 120 120 120 120
Narayanganj " 125 127 130 125 125 125 125
Quality 90.21
Chattogram " 75 75 85 98 98 98 98
Size 72.58
Rajshahi " 67.92 70 70 80 95 95 95 95
Khulna " 65.00 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Sylhet " 65.00 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Rangpur " 65.00 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Barishal “ 80.00 80 80 80 80 95 80 80

Pineapple Dhaka Each 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Size 54.08
Narayanganj " 53.08 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Chattogram " 52.00 48 55 55 48 48 48 48
Rajshahi " 52.75 48 55 55 48 48 48 48
Khulna " 53.83 52 50 50 52 52 52 52
Sylhet " 53.75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Rangpur " 54.00 50 55 55 50 50 50 50
Barishal “ 52.00 48 45 45 48 48 48 48

Medium Hali
Orange Dhaka 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
Size (4) 114.50
Narayanganj 115.00 145 146 146 146 146 146 146
Chattogram " 112.58 134 135 135 150 150 150 150
Rajshahi " 121.50 140 140 140 145 145 145 145
Khulna " 111.08 125 125 125 125 125 145 145
Sylhet " 110.00 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Rangpur " 114.92 135 145 145 145 145 150 150
Barishal “ 103.50 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

Coconut Dhaka Each 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Size 48.92
Narayanganj " 46.88 48 48 48 48 55 55 55
Chattogram " 50.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Rajshahi " 50.00 50 50 50 50 55 55 55
Khulna " 45.42 50 50 50 50 55 55 55
Sylhet " 45.42 50 50 50 50 55 55 55
Rangpur " 45.58 50 45 50 50 50 50 50
Barishal “ 42.00 41 46 41 41 41 41 41

50Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
13. Tea
Dhaka. 200gr 85 85 85 85 85 85 130
Finlay/ 84.58
Equivalent Narayanganj " 80.42 80 80 80 80 80 80 130
Chattogram " 84.58 85 80 85 85 85 85 125
Rajshahi " 75.83 75 80 75 75 85 75 115
Khulna " 84.75 85 85 85 85 80 85 120
Sylhet " 80.83 80 80 80 80 80 80 120
Rangpur " 76.25 75 75 75 85 85 75 130
Barishal “ 90.42 80 80 80 85 80 95 125
14. Bread
& Biscuit
Biscuit Locally Dhaka Kg 260 260 260 260
260.00 260 260 260
Produced Narayanganj " 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
Best Quality Chattogram " 240.00 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
Rajshahi " 223.33 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
Khulna " 175.83 175 175 175 180 185 175 175
Sylhet " 189.17 190 190 190 185 185 190 190
Rangpur " 167.50 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
Barishal “ 165.00 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
Fair Average
Bread Dhaka 400gr 58 60 60 60 55 60 60
Quality 172.58
400 gm wt Narayanganj " 172.17 57 57 57 55 55 60 60
Chattogram " 158.75 45 45 45 45 50 45 45
Rajshahi " 148.75 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Khulna " 120.42 44 44 44 46 44 44 44
Sylhet " 129.58 45 45 45 45 50 45 45
Rangpur " 115.42 46 46 46 46 45 46 46
Barishal “ 114.58 44 44 44 44 45 44 44
15. Muri
Dhaka Kg 120 120 130 130 125 130 130
Average 82.75
Quality Narayanganj " 120 120 125 125 125 125 125
rice) 82.33
Chattogram " 67.75 100 100 100 105 120 120 120
Rajshahi " 67.42 110 110 110 110 120 120 120
Khulna " 66.58 100 100 100 105 100 115 115
Sylhet " 63.83 92 92 92 105 100 95 95
Rangpur " 67.92 100 100 120 115 128 128 128
Barishal “ 59.25 80 80 80 95 100 85 85
16. Fuel and Lighting
Firewood Gazari, Split Dhaka Quintal 691.75 700 720 550 600 600 600 600
Narayanganj " 657.02 715 715 600 600 600 600 600
Chattogram " 570.00 560 560 560 600 600 600 600
Rajshahi " 486.67 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Khulna " 580.83 460 460 460 590 590 590 590
Sylhet " 595.00 600 600 600 590 590 590 590
Rangpur " 582.08 600 600 600 600 620 620 620
Barishal “ - 600 - - 570 570 570 570

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 51

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov18 Dec’18
17. Mango tree Dhaka Quintal 692.50 680 680 680 580 600 680 670
Split Narayanganj " 689.25 670 695 675 590 600 685 670
Chattogram " 464.58 465 465.5 465.50 575 600 465 465
Rajshahi " 443.75 425 425 425 490 600 470 470
Khulna " 490.00 480 480 480 500 590 480 480
Sylhet " 405.00 400 400 400 420 590 400 400
Rangpur " 435.00 420 420 420 480 620 470 470
Barishal “ 426.33 410 410 410 410 570 410 410

Matches 40 Stick box Dhaka Each 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Narayanganj " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Chattogram " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Rajshahi " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Khulna " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sylhet " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Rangpur " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Barishal “ 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

18. Kerosene White Dhaka Litre 77.00 78 78 78 80 80 85 85

Narayanganj " 77.00 78 78 78 80 80 80 80
Chattogram " 76.00 76 76 76 80 80 85 85
Rajshahi " 76.00 76 76 76 78 78 78 78
Khulna " 75.00 75 75 75 80 80 85 85
Sylhet " 74.00 74 74 74 78 78 83 83
Rangpur " 74.75 75 75 75 80 80 80 80
Barishal “ 73.08 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
Local Mill-
19. Saree Dhaka 5 yrd 800 800 800 850 800 850 850
40x40 778.33
Medium Narayanganj (4.6 mtr) 789.42 828 833 854 850 790 850 800
Quality Chattogram Each 600.00 600 600 600 600 600 675 675
Rajshahi " 553.33 550 550 550 550 550 650 650
Khulna " 600.00 600 600 600 600 600 650 650
Sylhet " 600.00 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Rangpur " 635.83 650 650 650 650 650 670 670
Barishal “ 506.67 500 500 600 500 500 500 500

Long cloth Medium Dhaka Metre 82.50 83 83 83.50 83 83 84 85

Quality Narayanganj " 82.75 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Local Chattogram " 78.50 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Rajshahi " 76.42 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
Khulna " 70.42 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Sylhet " 69.83 70 70 70 70 70 70 72
Rangpur " 72.75 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
Barishal “ 69.33 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Drill Local, Khaki Dhaka Metre 160.00 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
Medium Narayanganj " 150.00 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Quality Chattogram " 150.42 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Rajshahi " 154.58 155 155 155 155 155 155 155
Khulna " 150.00 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Sylhet " 145.00 145 145 145 145 145 145 145
Rangpur " 155.00 155 155 155 155 155 155 155
Barishal “ 155.00 155 155 155 155 155 155 155

52Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Genji 36" Size Dhaka Each 104.00 110 110 110 110 110 110 112
Narayanganj "
104.25 110 110 110 110 110 110 111
Chattogram " 98.17 95 95 95 100 100 100 100
Rajshahi " 92.75 90 90 90 98 98 98 98
Khulna " 90.00 90 90 90 90 80 90 90
Sylhet " 95.00 100 100 100 100 90 100 100
Rangpur " 90.42 90 90 90 95 90 95 95
Barishal “ 67.73 19 55 55 - 80 55 55
Shoes Gents, Bata, Dhaka Pair 1750.00 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Rubber Sole, Narayanganj " 1790.00 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Std. Size Chattogram " 1800.00 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Rajshahi " 1800.00 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Khulna " 1808.33 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Sylhet " 1883.33 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900
Rangpur " 1788.33 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Barishal “ 1825.00 1900 1900 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Toilet soap
Dhaka Each
32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Medium Size Narayanganj " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Chattogram " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Rajshahi " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Khulna " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Sylhet " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Rangpur " 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Barishal “ 32.00 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Washing Tibet 570 Dhaka Each 18.25 20 20 18 18 18 20 20
Soap Narayanganj " 17.42 16 18 18 18 17 16 16
Chattogram " 17.92 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Rajshahi " 17.33 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Khulna " 16.42 16 18 16 16 17 16 16
Sylhet " 16.00 16 17 16 16 16 16 17
Rangpur " 17.00 17 18 17 17 17 17 17
Barishal “ 17.00 17 18 17 17 17 17 17
Washing Pancha No. 1 Dhaka Each 52.50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Soap Equivalent Narayanganj " 50.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Chattogram " 45.00 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Rajshahi " 45.50 40 46 46 46 46 46 46
Khulna " 52.00 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
Sylhet " 50.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Rangpur " 48.00 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Barishal “ 50.00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Talcum Tibet, Local Dhaka Each 45.67 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Powder Narayanganj " 46.25 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Chattogram " 41.50 48 48 48 48 48 44 44
Rajshahi " 41.67 50 50 50 50 50 40 40
Khulna " 41.33 48 48 48 48 48 40 40
Sylhet " 41.33 48 48 48 48 48 38 38
Rangpur " 41.92 48 50 48 48 50 45 45
Barishal “ 42.50 55 50 55 55 48 40 40

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 53

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

Face Cream Ponds, Dhaka Each 61.25 60 60 60 60 66 70 70

(vanishing) Medium Narayanganj " 61.25 60 60 60 60 60 70 70
Chattogram " 60.83 65 58 68 55 58 58 58
Rajshahi " 58.17 58 60 60 60 60 60 60
Khulna " 57.08 55 58 60 60 60 55 55
Sylhet " 57.08 55 60 55 60 60 55 55
Rangpur " 60.42 65 60 60 60 60 55 55
Barishal “ 55.83 55 59 55 60 60 55 55

Hair oils Cocoanut Dhaka Each 259.83 260 260 260 266 260 225 225
- unscented Narayanganj " 257.83 260 255 260 260 250 220 220
- (Imported) Chattogram " 259.42 250 250 260 260 260 270 270
Rajshahi " 259.58 260 255 260 255 265 265 265
Khulna " 260.83 260 255 260 255 260 270 270
Sylhet " 259.17 260 255 260 260 260 270 270
Rangpur " 264.25 268 266 268 260 268 268 268
Barishal “ 264.58 250 270 260 250 265 280 280
21. Medical care
Disprin Tablet Dhaka Each 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Aspirin Narayanganj " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Chattogram " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Rajshahi " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Khulna " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sylhet " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Rangpur " 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Barishal “ 2.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Glaxo, 5 30 30 30 30 28
2Penicillin Dhaka Each
lakhs 25.83
Narayanganj "
28 28 28 28 30 - -
Chattogram " 23.83
30 27 30 29 28 - -
Rajshahi " 23.33
25 28 30 30 29 - -
Khulna " 24.08
28 30 28 28 3 - -
Sylhet " 24.48
30 28 30 27 28 - -
Rangpur " 24.83
28 28 28 30 30 - -
Barishal “ 24.58 30 28 30 30
22. Baby Food
400 gms.
Lactozen Dhaka Each 611 615 615 615 615 615 615
tin 603.96
(half cream) Narayanganj " 596.75 600 605.50 615 605 605 608 609
Chattogram " 600.00 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Rajshahi " 615.42 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Khulna " 590.00 590 590 590 590 590 590 590
Sylhet " 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Rangpur " 597.92 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Barishal “ 590.83 590 600 590 590 590 590 590

54Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18 Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

Powder - - - - - - - -
Dhaka Each
Dano (full
Narayanganj " - - - - - - - -
2 kg tin Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " - - - - - - - -
Khulna " - - - - - - - -
Sylhet " - - - - - - - -
Rangpur " - - - - - - - -
Barishal “ - - - - - - - -

Ovaltine 1 lb. tin Dhaka Each 398.92 399 399 398 399 399 399 399
Narayanganj " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Chattogram " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Rajshahi " 409.83 410 410 469 410 410 410 410
Khulna " 401.67 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Sylhet " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Rangpur " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Barishal “ 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

Horlics Big bottle Dhaka Each 397.67 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
(400 gram
Narayanganj " 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
pot) 400.00
Chattogram " 395.42 395 395 395 395 395 395 395
Rajshahi " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Khulna " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Sylhet " 390.00 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Rangpur " 400.00 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Barishal “ 391.67 390 390 390 390 400 390 390

23. Quir
Fullscape Dhaka 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Educational e 25.00
Expenses white-10
Narayanganj " 26 26 26 26 25 26 26
Paper lbs 26.00
Chattogram " 26.00 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Rajshahi " 25.00 25 25 25 26 26 25 25
Khulna " 24.00 24 26 24 24 25 24 24
Sylhet " 24.08 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Rangpur " 24.92 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Barishal “ 24.25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Pencil Deer brand Dhaka Each 15.00 15 12 15 15 15 15 15

Medium Narayanganj " 15.00 15 12 15 15 15 15 15
Chattogram " 15.83 16 14 16 16 16 16 16
Rajshahi " 15.00 15 14 15 15 15 15 15
Khulna " 15.00 15 12 15 15 16 15 15
Sylhet " 14.92 15 10 15 16 15 15 15
Rangpur " 15.75 16 14 16 15 16 16 16
Barishal “ 14.42 14 12 14 15 15 14 14

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 55

Prices and Price Indices
Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
24. Other
Miscellaneous Medium
Dhaka Birah 275 270 290 300 300 300 300
Items Size 244.25
Betal leaf Narayanganj 255 265 290 300 300 300 300
pcs) 239.17
(Paan) Chattogram “ 244.17 280 260 260 280 280 300 300
Rajshahi “ 248.92 360 260 265 275 275 300 300
Khulna “ 261.75 380 360 360 360 360 360 360
Sylhet “ 256.67 360 380 380 380 380 380 380
Rangpur “ 257.08 360 360 265 360 360 360 360
Barishal “ 252.00 358 358 380 358 358 358 358

Betel nut Dhaka Kg 440 440 440 490 490 490 490
Whole 244.25
(Supari) Narayanganj “ 239.17 440 440 440 490 490 490 490
Chattogram “ 244.17 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Rajshahi “ 248.92 460 460 460 460 460 460 460
Khulna “ 261.75 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Sylhet “ 256.67 470 470 470 470 475 500 500
Rangpur “ 257.08 465 465 465 480 480 480 480
Barishal “ 252.00 380 380 380 380 382 380 380

Tobacco Leaf Dhaka Kg 448.33 600 600 550 500 500 500 500
Motihari Narayanganj “ 448.33 550 550 550 500 500 500 500
Chattogram “ 500.00 360 360 360 450 450 445 445
Rajshahi “ 460.00 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Khulna “ 506.67 360 360 360 360 360 360 360
Sylhet “ 465.00 340 350 350 350 350 350 350
Rangpur “ 465.00 360 360 360 360 360 360 360
Barishal “ 380.00 330 330 330 330 330 330 330

Bidi Local best Dhaka Each 10.00 10 14 12 15 15 15 15

Pkt of 25
Narayanganj “ 10 14 14 14 14 14 14
sticks 10.00
Chattogram “ 10.00 10 14 15 15 15 15 15
Rajshahi “ 10.00 10 15 14 14 14 14 14
Khulna “ 10.00 10 12 12 14 14 14 14
Sylhet “ 10.00 10 12 12 14 14 14 14
Rangpur “ 10.00 10 10 12 13 13 13 13
Barishal “ 10.00 10 10 10 12 12 12 12
25. Cigarettes Dhaka Each 170.00 170 170 170 170 170 170 170
Pkt of 20 Sticks Narayanganj “ 175.00 175 175 175 175 175 175 175
Gold Leaf Chattogram “ 175.00 175 175 175 175 170 175 175
Rajshahi “ 180.00 180 180 180 180 175 180 180
Khulna “ 180.00 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Sylhet “ 175.00 175 175 175 175 180 175 175
Rangpur “ 180.00 180 180 180 180 175 180 180
Barishal “ 167.50 165 175 165 175 180 165 165

56Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices


Commodity Specification Town Unit 2017-18
Jun’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
Scissors Pkt of 20 Dhaka Each - - - - - - - -
Narayanganj "
(Filter) - - - - - - - -
Chattogram " - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi " - - - - - - - -
Khulna " - - - - - - - -
Sylhet " - - - - - - - -
Rangpur " - - - - - - - -
Barishal “ - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Pkt of 20
Star Dhaka Each 60.00 60 60 60 60 60 35 35
(Filter) Narayanganj " 60 60 60 60 60 65 65
Chattogram " 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Rajshahi " 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Khulna " 60 60 60 60 60 65 65
Sylhet " 60 60 60 60 60 65 65
Rangpur " 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Barishal “ 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
- -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 57

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 1995-96=100)

Furniture Recreation
Food, Gross Rent, Medical Care
Clothing & Furnishing Transport Entertainment, Misc. Goods
Period General Beverage & Nonfood Fuel & & Health
Footwear Household equ. Communications Education, & Services
Tobacco Lighting Expenses
& Oper. Culture
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2014-15(Base year Shift)
May 331.77 369.92 282.13 300.95 266.15 313.36 275.89 340.20 223.55 322.20
June 332.41 370.04 282.39 303.97 266.58 314.33 276.61 341.79 224.34 323.89
Jul 337.94 377.24 285.92 316.63 266.91 317.29 278.37 348.78 224.49 325.17
Aug 341.72 384.07 286.11 316.31 267.40 317.95 278.61 349.51 224.62 323.91
Sep 346.77 390.60 289.36 328.28 269.27 318.97 279.12 353.94 224.71 324.50
Oct 349.01 393.24 291.10 328.10 269.53 320.28 279.45 365.75 225.04 327.08
Nov 348.63 391.87 291.87 328.75 270.12 321.83 279.51 367.95 225.38 330.25
Dec 350.33 391.80 295.56 334.33 273.14 327.57 283.67 375.09 225.59 334.10
Jan 354.18 391.55 304.02 336.11 292.76 329.90 295.02 376.97 227.04 336.27
Feb 353.72 390.55 304.18 336.17 292.78 330.10 295.42 377.14 227.11 338.15
Mar 354.78 392.49 304.23 336.20 292.81 330.18 295.45 377.20 227.15 339.75
April 354.97 392.75 304.32 336.43 292.82 330.33 295.47 377.39 227.23 341.63
May 349.86 384.00 303.47 336.47 290.64 330.26 295.50 376.21 227.31 343.22
June 350.79 385.67 303.56 337.21 290.74 330.40 295.67 376.36 227.33 345.15
July 356.18 393.65 305.86 342.08 292.22 333.16 296.06 379.15 228.14 347.25
Aug 360.06 400.61 306.13 342.35 292.28 334.12 296.30 379.43 228.30 348.33
Sep 365.94 410.53 307.26 344.14 292.83 334.68 296.70 382.64 228.35 349.75
Oct 368.44 415.10 307.35 344.18 292.87 334.99 296.74 382.82 228.40 351.95
Nov 367.38 413.06 307.43 344.27 292.92 335.11 296.80 383.00 228.46 352.15
Dec 367.95 412.87 308.84 345.04 293.21 338.29 297.38 386.83 228.60 353.35
Jan 372.41 417.12 313.46 345.37 302.50 339.29 297.49 387.81 240.88 354.12
Feb 372.50 417.24 313.52 345.38 302.53 339.38 297.63 387.90 241.00 355.34
Mar 373.92 419.53 313.91 345.59 303.42 339.54 297.67 388.04 241.15 356.75
April 374.38 420.00 314.35 347.31 303.48 340.11 297.82 388.48 241.17 358.25
May 370.01 412.28 313.91 347.08 303.57 339.08 297.83 388.60 241.22 360.50
June 371.65 414.63 314.70 348.98 304.58 339.91 297.97 389.00 241.24 362.75
July 376.01 421.00 316.67 349.70 306.47 345.75 298.46 393.47 241.44 364.72
Aug 381.27 429.94 317.60 350.98 305.86 348.97 298.60 395.55 241.69 366.86
Sep 388.32 442.82 317.84 351.12 305.95 349.13 298.83 395.67 241.77 369.25
Oct 390.71 446.72 318.46 351.48 306.03 353.27 298.95 395.93 241.90 370.47
Nov 389.11 442.36 320.04 353.73 306.34 357.06 299.53 397.93 242.03 373.58
Dec 389.40 442.30 320.72 354.16 307.21 357.63 300.26 398.31 242.85 375.88
Jan 394.32 448.90 323.59 367.98 308.24 358.79 300.63 398.91 243.26 378.23
Feb 393.81 447.58 324.05 368.41 308.30 359.09 301.34 400.87 243.54 379.94
Mar 395.15 449.27 324.94 368.75 308.39 362.14 302.62 402.06 243.62 381.25
April 395.46 449.52 325.33 368.91 308.57 363.39 303.06 403.02 243.68 382.98
May 390.62 439.34 326.70 371.16 309.71 364.53 304.02 405.00 243.79 384.73
June 392.24 439.42 330.04 383.94 310.41 365.26 304.53 412.90 244.01 386.29
July 396.74 447.02 330.89 383.95 310.48 365.83 304.76 414.23 244.20 388.47
Aug 402.17 455.59 332.63 386.00 311.22 368.65 306.74 419.50 244.35 389.82
Sep 409.40 466.81 335.15 387.66 312.71 375.44 308.11 424.27 244.60 391.75
Oct 411.80 469.42 337.25 389.71 314.14 379.72 308.87 428.14 244.97 393.85
Nov 410.01 465.78 337.62 390.35 314.57 379.97 309.00 428.62 245.05 395.36
Dec 410.21 465.66 338.20 390.90 315.32 380.39 309.38 429.90 245.13 398.43
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.

58Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
(Base : 1995-96=100)
Food, Gross Rent, Medical Care & Transport Recreation
Clothing & Furnishing Misc. Goods
Period General Beverage & Nonfood Fuel & Health Communi- Entertainment,
Footwear Household equ. & Services
Tobacco Lighting Expenses cations Education,Culture.
& Oper.
Weights 100.00 62.96 37.04 6.88 14.69 2.70 2.79 2.98 3.20 3.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2014-15 (Base year Shift)
May 333.07 358.47 289.48 303.45 288.89 288.74 281.40 309.66 228.73 300.25
June 333.71 358.51 291.00 307.41 289.15 289.42 282.20 311.64 229.99 302.15
Jul 339.03 365.03 294.45 320.01 289.42 290.66 284.50 315.86 23022 303.40
Aug 342.84 371.29 294.60 319.58 290.21 291.35 284.56 316.58 230.29 301.47
Sep 347.85 377.19 298.22 334.79 290.82 292.59 285.12 319.36 230.35 301.57
Oct 349.80 379.47 299.64 334.71 290.83 294.20 285.57 329.14 230.41 303.32
Nov 348.97 377.60 300.34 335.38 291.69 295.81 285.58 329.37 230.99 303.63
Dec 350.34 377.57 303.73 340.69 293.71 300.92 289.49 335.99 231.32 303.85
Jan 353.31 377.30 311.40 342.56 309.48 303.75 305.99 338.58 233.86 307.80
Feb 352.63 376.00 311.63 342.63 309.51 304.06 306.47 338.70 233.93 308.95
Mar 353.68 377.73 311.33 342.65 309.53 304.11 306.48 338.71 233.97 309.02
April 353.77 377.81 311.76 342.94 309.55 304.14 306.50 338.87 234.09 309.07
May 348.35 353.24 310.67 342.98 305.55 304.01 306.52 339.11 234.21 311.13
June 333.31 370.83 310.75 343.94 305.75 304.12 306.77 339.22 234.23 313.11
July 354.42 378.14 312.88 349.19 308.06 305.84 306.93 339.28 234.35 315.13
Aug 357.98 383.93 313.11 349.41 308.12 306.41 307.14 339.48 234.56 316.24
Sep 363.96 393.28 314.04 351.45 309.10 306.40 307.16 340.03 234.59 318.11
Oct 366.82 398.02 314.10 351.49 309.17 306.55 307.17 340.11 234.61 319.11
Nov 365.53 395.82 314.16 351.57 309.20 306.60 307.20 340.23 234.67 321.15
Dec 365.97 395.63 315.53 352.28 309.77 309.87 308.05 340.53 234.87 323.11
Jan 370.70 400.98 319.25 352.48 317.87 310.84 308.08 340.65 247.06 325.18
Feb 370.77 401.06 319.29 352.45 317.90 310.90 308.27 340.68 247.12 327.28
Mar 372.05 403.11 319.42 352.72 317.95 311.05 308.30 340.78 247.33 329.50
April 372.32 403.24 319.89 354.54 318.01 311.62 308.33 340.96 247.36 331.85
May 367.76 396.05 319.27 354.30 318.17 310.96 308.34 341.06 247.38 333.50
June 368.90 397.52 319.90 356.36 318.35 311.91 308.41 341.54 247.40 335.75
July 373.59 404.08 321.77 357.02 320.72 318.70 308.68 342.28 247.59 337.65
Aug 379.05 412.30 323.09 357.78 321.03 322.99 308.74 344.39 247.70 339.83
Sep 386.55 424.62 323.39 357.87 321.07 323.17 309.01 344.48 247.74 341.65
Oct 389.37 428.73 324.29 358.25 321.20 328.45 309.04 344.79 247.93 343.39
Nov 387.21 423.79 326.19 360.48 321.50 332.20 309.48 346.32 248.05 345.69
Dec 387.34 423.65 326.71 360.77 322.17 332.79 309.63 346.55 249.31 347.79
Jan 392.55 430.65 329.25 371.97 322.94 333.55 309.96 346.65 249.34 349.96
Feb 391.67 428.89 329.65 372.47 323.03 333.78 311.01 347.57 249.76 351.34
Mar 392.98 430.42 330.66 372.75 323.16 337.05 311.26 348.01 249.84 353.41
April 393.14 430.51 330.89 372.91 323.41 337.25 311.88 348.09 249.93 355.67
May 386.41 418.32 332.27 375.02 324.82 338.35 312.19 348.99 250.07 357.49
June 387.62 418.38 335.13 385.18 325.85 339.76 312.75 351.74 250.45 359.69
July 392.41 425.65 336.22 385.15 325.87 339.93 313.03 353.02 250.76 361.72
Aug 398.19 434.31 337.65 386.89 326.10 341.41 315.53 358.24 250.88 362.83
Sep 405.83 445.28 340.29 388.01 328.08 348.52 316.26 361.79 251.23 364.88
Oct 408.32 448.11 342.23 390.01 330.67 352.11 316.76 364.23 251.35 366.95
Nov 406.23 444.30 342.68 390.68 331.44 352.41 316.93 364.49 251.46 368.58
Dec 406.35 444.15 343.20 391.19 332.53 352.71 317.37 364.63 251.55 369.76
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 59

Prices and Price Indices
(Base : 1995-96=100)
Food, Gross Furniture Medical Recreation Misc.
Beverage Nonfoo Clothing Rent, Furnishing Care & Transport Entertainment, Goods
Period General & Household Communicati
& d Footwear Fuel & equ. & Health ons Education &
Tobacco Lighting Expenses Culture. Services
100.00 48.80 51.20 6.79 22.17 2.58 2.97 7.07 6.40 3.22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2014-15 (Base year Shift)
May'15 328.91 397.33 263.75 307.02 208.13 375.74 265.39 394.09 210.52 313.06
June'15 329.50 397.66 264.51 308.15 208.64 377.41 265.96 395.11 210.71 314.28
Jul 335.44 406.57 268.03 321.42 208.97 384.15 266.76 406.03 210.76 315.42
Aug 339.15 414.86 268.28 321.33 209.15 384.77 267.33 406.80 210.96 315.29
Sep 344.25 422.96 270.97 327.00 211.78 385.32 267.73 413.51 211.08 316.50
Oct 347.06 426.54 273.09 326.62 212.22 386.05 267.85 428.40 211.73 319.94
Nov 347.51 426.43 273.92 327.23 212.50 387.52 267.98 433.17 211.77 320.04
Dec 349.83 426.28 277.90 333.61 215.91 394.75 272.61 441.29 211.82 320.26
Jan 355.28 426.08 287.15 335.22 235.84 396.10 274.50 442.37 211.92 320.44
Feb 355.22 425.83 287.23 335.30 235.84 396.05 274.77 442.60 211.99 320.75
Mar 356.32 428.31 287.29 335.35 235.87 396.21 274.83 442.72 212.01 320.87
April 356.69 429.05 287.37 335.45 235.87 396.61 274.86 442.96 212.05 320.96
May 352.14 419.19 286.85 335.51 235.50 396.65 274.89 439.95 212.07 322.23
June 353.30 421.75 286.95 335.80 235.53 396.92 274.92 440.15 212.11 323.25
July 358.93 431.40 289.42 340.06 236.09 401.96 275.73 446.51 213.72 325.56
Aug 363.39 441.34 289.73 340.45 236.15 403.82 276.04 446.90 213.81 326.33
Sep 369.09 452.69 291.08 341.78 236.26 405.59 277.12 453.58 213.89 327.25
Oct 370.92 456.78 291.20 341.81 236.28 406.30 277.22 453.91 213.97 328.25
Nov 370.29 455.16 291.32 341.92 236.33 406.55 277.33 454.16 214.02 329.65
Dec 371.08 455.00 292.75 342.87 236.35 409.65 277.42 462.61 214.09 332.45
Jan 375.06 456.39 298.39 343.48 245.26 410.75 277.67 464.70 226.11 333.95
Feb 375.19 456.59 298.47 343.57 245.28 410.87 277.73 464.87 226.29 335.28
Mar 376.86 459.49 299.17 343.66 246.73 411.07 277.80 465.06 226.36 337.25
April 377.67 460.84 299.55 345.24 246.79 411.67 278.15 465.87 226.40 339.35
May 373.66 451.79 299.37 345.03 246.80 409.81 278.17 466.01 226.45 341.75
June 376.22 456.38 300.34 346.66 248.35 410.40 278.44 466.33 226.48 343.75
July 379.96 462.24 302.38 347.52 249.56 414.35 279.31 475.67 226.69 345.62
Aug 384.85 473.01 302.81 349.93 248.29 415.35 279.59 477.80 227.09 347.23
Sep 391.06 487.24 302.95 350.19 248.40 415.50 279.78 477.97 227.23 346.75
Oct 392.66 490.58 303.20 350.51 248.42 417.31 280.06 478.19 227.29 348.42
Nov 392.10 487.72 304.33 352.94 248.68 421.26 280.86 480.85 227.40 349.98
Dec 392.67 487.84 305.20 353.65 249.61 421.82 282.69 481.45 227.68 351.99
Jan 397.03 493.49 308.43 373.44 250.69 423.90 283.11 482.71 228.54 354.85
Feb 397.21 493.20 308.93 373.75 250.73 424.37 283.21 486.07 228.65 356.37
Mar 398.58 495.33 309.68 374.22 250.80 427.00 286.38 488.25 228.70 358.38
April 399.20 495.99 310.25 374.38 250.87 430.55 286.47 490.35 228.73 360.68
May 397.87 491.04 311.58 377.02 251.62 431.81 288.62 493.78 228.80 364.72
June 400.24 491.18 315.45 395.73 251.94 431.10 289.04 508.49 228.83 366.17
July 404.19 499.60 315.99 395.81 252.06 432.50 289.18 509.97 228.87 368.36
Aug 409.01 507.95 318.05 398.59 253.10 438.32 290.21 515.53 229.05 369.47
Sep 415.43 519.63 320.36 401.43 253.96 444.62 292.73 522.03 229.16 372.88
Oct 417.69 521.75 322.63 403.66 254.22 450.49 293.98 527.91 229.81 374.85
Nov 416.46 518.55 322.86 404.29 254.30 450.69 294.05 528.65 229.87 377.56
Dec 416.80 518.45 323.49 404.93 254.65 451.42 294.29 531.41 229.93 378.26
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.
60Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018
Prices and Price Indices
(Base : 2005-06=100)
Furniture Recreation
Food, Gross Rent, Medical Care
Clothing & Furnishing Transport Entertainment, Misc. Goods
Period General Beverage & Nonfood Fuel & & Health
Footwear Household equ. Communications Education & Services
Tobacco Lighting Expenses
& Oper. Culture.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2015-16 219.86 234.77 200.66 233.38 182.74 227.39 199.94 201.34 171.01 211.61
Sep 218.21 235.85 195.59 231.66 175.28 223.02 194.13 193.62 169.97 209.20
Oct 219.62 237.44 196.77 231.53 175.45 223.94 194.36 200.08 170.22 210.86
Nov 219.38 236.61 197.29 231.99 175.84 225.03 194.40 201.28 170.48 211.01
Dec 220.45 236.57 199.78 235.93 177.80 229.04 197.29 205.19 170.63 211.16
Jan 222.87 236.42 205.50 237.18 190.58 230.67 205.18 206.22 171.73 212.79
Feb 222.58 235.81 205.61 237.23 190.59 230.81 205.46 206.31 171.78 213.34
Mar 223.25 236.99 205.64 237.25 190.60 230.86 205.48 206.34 171.81 213.40
April 223.37 237.15 205.70 237.41 190.61 230.97 205.50 206.44 171.87 213.44
May 220.15 231.86 205.13 237.44 189.19 230.92 205.52 205.80 171.93 213.26
June 220.74 232.87 205.19 237.96 189.26 231.02 205.64 205.88 171.95 212.44
2016-17 231.82 248.90 209.92 243.56 194.01 235.85 206.70 210.78 177.56 217.51
July 224.13 237.69 206.75 241.40 190.22 232.95 205.91 207.41 172.56 214.73
Aug 226.57 241.89 206.93 241.59 190.26 233.62 206.08 207.56 172.68 214.95
Sep 230.27 247.88 207.69 242.85 190.62 234.01 206.35 209.32 172.72 216.62
Oct 231.85 250.64 207.75 242.88 190.65 234.23 206.38 209.42 172.76 216.65
Nov 231.18 249.41 207.81 242.94 190.68 234.31 206.42 209.51 172.80 216.74
Dec 231.53 249.29 208.76 243.49 190.87 236.54 206.83 211.61 172.91 219.53
Jan 234.34 251.86 211.88 243.72 196.92 237.24 206.90 212.14 182.20 219.22
Feb 234.40 251.93 211.92 243.73 196.93 237.29 207.00 212.19 182.29 219.25
Mar 235.29 253.32 212.18 243.87 197.51 237.41 207.03 212.27 182.40 219.31
April 235.58 253.60 212.48 245.09 197.55 237.81 207.13 212.51 182.42 219.40
May 232.83 248.94 212.18 244.93 197.61 237.09 207.14 212.58 182.45 216.84
June 233.86 250.35 212.72 246.27 198.27 237.67 207.24 212.80 182.47 216.88
2017-18 245.22 266.64 217.76 255.24 200.25 249.68 209.28 218.80 183.65 223.81
July 236.61 254.20 214.05 246.77 199.50 241.75 207.58 215.24 182.62 217.15
Aug 239.92 259.60 214.68 247.67 199.10 244.00 207.67 216.38 182.81 219.51
Sep 244.36 267.38 214.84 247.78 199.16 244.12 207.84 216.44 182.87 220.48
Oct 245.86 269.73 215.26 248.03 199.21 247.01 207.92 216.59 182.97 220.61
Nov 244.85 267.10 216.33 249.62 199.41 249.66 208.32 217.68 183.07 223.89
Dec 245.03 267.06 216.79 249.92 199.98 250.06 208.83 217.89 183.69 224.44
Jan 248.13 271.05 218.73 259.67 200.65 250.87 209.09 218.22 184.00 224.61
Feb 247.81 270.25 219.04 259.98 200.69 251.08 209.58 219.29 184.21 224.83
Mar 248.65 271.27 219.04 260.22 200.75 253.21 210.47 219.94 184.27 226.55
April 248.85 271.42 219.90 260.33 200.86 254.08 210.78 220.47 184.31 226.72
May 245.80 265.27 220.83 261.92 201.61 254.88 211.45 221.55 184.40 228.29
June 246.82 265.33 223.09 270.93 202.06 255.39 211.80 225.87 184.57 228.60
July 249.65 269.91 223.66 270.94 202.11 255.79 211.96 226.60 184.71 233.10
Aug 253.07 275.09 224.84 272.39 202.59 257.76 213.34 229.48 184.82 233.94
Sep 257.62 281.86 226.54 273.56 203.56 262.51 214.29 232.09 185.01 236.64
Oct 259.13 283.44 227.96 275.01 204.49 265.50 214.82 234.21 185.29 239.03
Nov 258.00 281.24 228.21 275.46 204.77 265.68 214.91 234.47 185.35 239.18
Dec 258.13 281.17 228.60 275.85 205.26 265.97 215.17 235.17 185.41 239.33
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 61

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 2005-06=100)
Furniture Recreation
Food, Gross Medical Care Transport Misc.
Clothing & Furnishing Entertainment,
Period General Beverage & Nonfood Rent, Fuel & Health Communi- Goods &
Footwear Household Education
Tobacco & Lighting Expenses cations Services
equ. & Oper. Culture.
Weights 100.00 61.407 38.593 6.903 12.302 4.645 3.380 4.687 3.425 3.248
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2015-16 220.10 230.31 203.86 242.26 179.19 222.11 211.04 188.69 187.84 221.12
Sep 219.31 231.79 199.44 240.88 173.90 217.33 203.20 181.71 186.25 218.14
Oct 220.53 233.19 200.39 240.82 173.91 218.52 203.52 187.27 186.30 219.41
Nov 220.01 232.04 200.87 214.30 174.42 219.72 203.53 187.40 186.77 219.64
Dec 220.87 232.02 203.13 245.12 175.63 223.52 206.32 191.17 187.03 219.79
Jan 222.75 231.86 208.26 246.47 185.06 225.62 218.07 192.65 189.09 222.65
Feb 222.32 231.06 208.42 246.52 185.08 225.85 218.41 192.71 189.14 223.48
Mar 222.98 232.16 208.44 246.53 185.09 225.88 218.42 192.72 189.17 223.53
April 223.04 232.17 208.50 246.74 185.10 225.91 218.44 192.81 189.27 223.57
May 219.62 227.07 207.77 246.77 182.71 225.81 218.45 192.95 189.37 223.62
June 220.14 227.88 207.83 247.46 182.83 225.89 218.63 193.01 189.39 222.10
2016-17 231.02 243.08 211.83 253.51 187.45 229.57 219.35 193.71 194.81 226.47
July 223.45 232.37 209.25 251.24 184.21 227.17 218.74 193.05 189.48 223.53
Aug 225.69 235.93 209.40 251.40 184.25 227.59 218.89 193.16 189.68 223.81
Sep 229.46 241.68 210.03 252.86 184.83 227.59 218.91 193.47 189.68 225.38
Oct 231.27 244.59 210.07 252.89 184.87 227.69 218.92 193.51 189.70 225.41
Nov 230.45 243.24 210.11 252.95 184.89 227.73 218.94 193.59 189.75 225.45
Dec 230.73 243.12 211.02 253.46 185.23 230.16 219.54 193.75 189.90 229.42
Jan 233.71 246.41 213.51 253.60 190.08 230.88 219.56 193.82 199.76 228.79
Feb 233.75 246.46 213.54 253.59 190.09 230.93 219.70 193.84 199.81 228.82
Mar 234.56 247.72 213.62 253.78 190.13 231.04 219.72 193.90 199.98 228.89
April 234.73 247.80 213.94 255.09 190.16 231.46 219.74 194.00 200.00 228.93
May 231.86 243.38 213.52 254.91 190.25 230.97 219.75 194.06 200.02 224.58
June 232.58 244.29 213.95 256.40 190.37 231.68 219.80 194.33 200.03 224.58
2017-18 244.17 259.86 219.21 263.96 192.89 246.23 221.15 197.24 201.31 233.72
July 235.53 248.32 215.20 256.87 191.78 236.72 219.99 194.75 200.19 224.84
Aug 238.97 253.36 216.08 257.42 191.97 239.91 220.04 195.95 200.28 227.02
Sep 243.70 260.94 216.28 257.48 191.99 240.04 220.23 196.01 200.31 228.71
Oct 245.48 263.46 216.88 257.76 192.07 243.96 220.25 196.18 200.46 228.84
Nov 244.12 260.43 218.15 259.36 192.25 246.75 220.56 197.05 200.56 234.28
Dec 244.20 260.34 218.50 259.57 192.65 247.19 220.67 197.18 201.58 234.49
Jan 247.49 264.64 220.20 267.63 193.11 247.75 220.90 197.24 201.60 234.65
Feb 246.93 263.56 220.47 267.99 193.16 247.92 221.65 197.76 201.94 234.79
Mar 247.76 264.50 221.14 268.19 193.24 250.35 221.83 198.01 202.01 237.82
April 247.86 264.56 221.29 268.30 193.39 250.50 222.27 198.06 202.08 238.07
May 243.62 257.06 222.22 269.82 194.23 251.32 222.49 198.57 202.20 240.36
June 244.38 257.11 224.13 277.13 194.85 252.36 222.89 200.14 202.50 240.74
July 247.40 261.57 224.86 277.11 194.86 252.49 223.09 200.86 202.75 247.65
Aug 251.04 266.89 225.82 278.36 195.00 253.59 224.87 203.83 202.85 248.17
Sep 255.86 273.63 227.58 279.17 196.18 258.87 225.39 205.85 203.13 251.53
Oct 257.43 275.37 228.88 280.61 197.73 261.54 225.75 207.24 203.23 251.67
Nov 256.11 273.03 229.18 281.09 198.19 261.76 225.87 207.39 203.32 251.81
Dec 256.19 272.94 229.53 281.46 198.84 261.98 226.18 207.47 203.39 251.90
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.

62Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 2005-06=100)
Food, Furniture Medical Recreation Misc.
Beverage Nonfoo Clothing Gross Furnishing Care & Transport Entertainmen Goods
Period General & Rent, Fuel Household Communica &
& d Footwear & Lighting equ. & Health tions t, Education, Service
Tobacco Expenses Culture.
Oper. s
100.00 46.519 53.481 6.719 19.638 4.883 3.650 7.860 5.867 4.863
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2015-16 219.31 245.66 196.39 216.50 186.86 236.67 180.93 215.50 152.84 199.87
Sep 216.17 245.74 190.44 214.15 176.87 233.04 178.60 206.74 152.40 198.15
Oct 217.93 247.82 191.93 213.90 177.24 233.48 178.68 214.19 152.86 200.30
Nov 218.21 247.67 192.51 214.31 177.47 234.36 178.77 216.57 152.89 200.36
Dec 219.67 247.67 195.31 218.48 180.32 238.74 181.85 220.63 152.93 200.50
Jan 223.09 247.55 201.81 219.54 196.96 239.55 183.12 221.17 153.01 200.62
Feb 223.06 247.41 201.87 219.59 196.97 239.53 183.30 221.29 153.05 200.81
Mar 223.75 248.85 201.91 219.63 196.99 239.62 183.34 221.35 153.07 200.88
April 223.98 249.28 201.97 219.69 196.99 239.87 183.35 221.47 153.10 200.94
May 221.12 243.55 201.60 219.73 196.68 239.89 183.38 219.96 153.11 200.48
June 221.85 245.04 201.67 219.92 196.71 240.05 183.40 220.06 153.14 200.51
2016-17 233.29 263.09 207.38 224.66 201.60 246.87 185.05 229.59 158.93 206.45
July 225.38 250.65 203.41 222.71 197.18 243.10 183.94 223.24 154.31 203.86
Aug 228.18 256.42 203.62 222.96 197.22 244.22 184.14 223.44 154.37 204.01
Sep 231.76 263.01 204.58 223.83 197.32 245.30 184.87 226.78 154.43 205.80
Oct 232.91 265.39 204.66 223.85 197.33 245.72 184.93 226.94 154.49 205.83
Nov 232.52 264.45 204.74 223.92 197.38 245.88 185.00 227.07 154.52 205.99
Dec 233.01 264.36 205.75 224.55 197.39 247.75 185.07 231.29 154.57 207.32
Jan 235.51 265.16 209.71 224.95 204.83 248.41 185.24 232.33 163.25 207.40
Feb 235.59 265.28 209.77 225.00 204.85 252.49 185.27 232.42 163.38 207.44
Mar 236.64 266.97 210.26 225.07 206.06 248.61 185.32 232.52 163.43 207.49
April 237.15 267.75 210.53 226.10 206.11 248.97 185.55 232.92 163.46 207.64
May 234.63 262.49 210.40 225.96 206.12 247.85 185.57 232.99 163.49 207.29
June 236.24 265.16 211.08 227.03 207.41 248.20 185.74 233.15 163.52 207.37
2017-18 247.17 283.19 215.83 238.67 208.77 255.74 188.96 242.55 164.59 211.57
July 238.59 268.56 212.52 227.59 208.43 250.59 186.33 237.82 163.67 207.67
Aug 241.66 274.82 212.81 229.17 207.36 251.20 186.51 238.89 163.96 210.23
Sep 245.56 283.09 212.92 229.34 207.46 251.28 186.64 238.97 164.05 210.33
Oct 246.56 285.03 213.09 229.55 207.47 252.38 186.83 239.08 164.10 210.45
Nov 246.21 283.37 213.89 231.14 207.69 254.77 187.36 240.41 164.18 211.06
Dec 246.57 283.44 214.50 231.61 208.47 255.11 188.58 240.71 164.38 212.03
Jan 249.31 286.72 216.77 244.57 209.37 256.37 188.86 241.34 165.00 212.22
Feb 249.42 286.55 217.12 244.77 209.40 256.65 188.93 243.02 165.08 212.53
Mar 250.28 287.79 217.65 245.08 209.46 258.24 191.04 244.11 165.12 212.64
April 250.67 288.18 218.05 245.18 209.52 260.39 191.10 245.16 165.14 212.70
May 249.83 285.30 218.98 246.91 210.15 261.15 192.54 246.87 165.19 213.39
June 251.32 285.38 221.70 259.16 210.41 260.72 192.82 254.23 165.21 213.61
July 253.80 290.27 222.08 259.22 210.51 261.57 192.91 254.97 165.24 215.13
Aug 256.83 295.12 223.53 261.04 211.38 265.09 193.60 257.75 165.37 216.37
Sep 260.86 301.91 225.15 262.90 212.10 268.90 195.28 261.00 165.45 218.26
Oct 262.28 303.14 226.75 264.36 212.32 272.45 196.11 263.94 165.92 223.43
Nov 261.51 301.28 226.91 264.77 212.38 272.57 196.16 264.31 165.96 223.59
Dec 261.72 301.22 227.35 265.19 212.68 273.01 196.32 265.69 166.01 223.80
Source: National Accounting wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 63

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 1998-99=100)
Item June’18 July’18 August’18 September’18 October’18 November’18 December’18

Building materials 492.15 492.34 493.09 493.54 493.89 494.49 496.09
Labor charges 631.73 635.29 636.32 636.71 638.12 639.38 639.62
Transport charges 1940.53 1943.17 1948.07 1949.26 1952.37 1952.48 1952.63
General index 561.98 562.90 563.82 564.28 564.92 565.63 566.92
Building materials 469.55 469.97 471.51 471.74 472.28 473.47 470.90
Labor charges 754.62 757.14 757.14 757.51 758.13 758.21 758.89
Transport charges 1962.36 1964.10 1966.59 1967.55 1968.25 1968.23 1968.30
General index 576.76 577.68 578.91 579.20 579.76 580.67 578.89
Building materials 447.38 447.06 448.10 449.64 449.80 451.28 460.58
Labor charges 519.05 522.51 522.63 523.41 526.40 529.53 529.58
Transport charges 1916.02 1916.96 1918.96 1919.99 1922.32 1922.36 1922.67
General index 501.77 502.21 503.10 504.48 505.24 507.00 514.28
Building materials 536.10 536.53 537.19 537.33 537.46 537.66 537.97
Labor charges 437.77 440.93 443.83 443.93 445.21 445.29 445.37
Transport charges 2647.32 2651.41 2659.53 2662.70 2666.68 2666.82 2667.06
General index 576.18 577.24 578.54 578.75 579.22 579.32 579.66
Building materials 523.43 523.56 524.46 524.72 525.51 525.96 526.89
Labor charges 667.47 672.98 672.98 673.32 674.67 675.29 676.20
Transport charges 1893.42 1897.18 1905.79 1906.75 1912.59 1913.06 1913.18
General index 593.41 594.77 595.70 596 597.05 597.54 598.45
Building materials 492.53 492.90 493.14 493.29 493.46 494.05 494.60
Labor charges 735.33 740.94 742.31 742.50 743.68 746.35 747.02
Transport charges 1860.66 1864.98 1872.08 1872.29 1876.21 1876.15 1876.21
General index 570.14 571.52 572.13 572.29 572.74 573.68 574.23
Building materials 483.90 484.01 484.14 484.51 484.84 484.62 485.56
Labor charges 676.13 677.21 679.04 679.60 680.62 681.63 680.66
Transport charges 1363.38 1364.40 1365.47 1366.29 1368.15 1368.26 1368.35
General index 553.61 553.97 554.52 554.95 555.48 555.56 556.03
Source: Price & Wages Section, National Accounting Wing, BBS

64Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 1973-74=100)
Sl. Area Income Quarter Ending
No. of House (sft) level by Sep’17 Dec’17 Mar’18 June’18 Sep’18 Dec’18
1. 1401-1800 1439.51 1445.82 1502.06 1503.77 1508.92 1512.35
2. 1200-1400 1630.51 1640.21 1679.89 1681.22 1683.42 1686.07
3 1000-1199 1355.44 1361.11 1450.00 1452.22 1454.44 1456.67
4. 800-999 1702.27 1704.55 1856.06 1857.58 1861.74 1871.21

5. 600-799 2885.00 2900.00 3000.00 3016.67 3020.00 3023.33
6. 400-599 3253.57 3281.25 3482.14 3495.54 3504.46 3511.16
7 250-399 3988.60 3993.16 4273.50 4290.60 4296.30 4301.99
8. 600-799 4159.17 4165.83 4462.20 4482.18 4488.84 4502.16
9. 600-799 3515.96 3522.61 3789.89 3799.87 3806.52 3816.49

10 400-599 Lower Income 3924.69 3936.34 3998.45 4013.98 4021.74 4019.50

11. 600- 4284.33 4303.68 4352.03 4366.54 4376.21 4385.88
12. 400-599 5509.51 5554.35 5706.52 5720.11 5733.70 5747.28
13. 240-399 8035.83 8062.71 8510.64 8544.23 8577.83 8600.22
14. 240-below 10084.03 10151.26 11092.44 11142.86 11176.47 11203.36
15. 125-160 21183.38 21273.71 22583.56 22673.89 22764.23 22854.56
16. 100 below 27125.00 27125.00 28750.00 28937.50 29062.50 29125.00
Average 6504.80 6526.35 84993.63 12199.87 12244.67 12277.97
1. 1401-1800 1146.43 1152.95 1226.71 1228.65 1230.20 1232.53

2. 1200-1400 1253.88 1255.10 1317.35 1319.39 1321.94

3. 1000-1199 1231.48 1236.13 1296.77 1298.06 1300.65 1303.87
4. 800-999 1873.90 1881.58 2028.51 2030.70 2037.28 2042.76

5. 600-799 2417.07 2421.68 2537.00 2542.76 2548.53 2560.06
6. 400-599 3084.62 3087.18 3230.77 3241.03 3246.15 3256.41
7. 250-399 3196.32 3197.53 3339.58 3348.65 3360.74 3378.87
8. 600-799 3826.22 3898.24 3992.17 4000.00 4015.66 4031.31
9. 600-799 3523.71 3531.40 3771.55 3775.40 3786.95 3810.04

10 400-599 Lower Income 4464.54 4519.79 4701.63 4721.72 4731.77 4756.88

11. 600- 3474.08 3490.80 3678.93 3695.65 3704.01 3724.92
12 400-599 5086.44 5126.33 5319.15 5339.10 5345.74 5378.99
13. 240-399 5186.72 5229.65 5508.66 5522.96 5537.27 5573.04
14. 240-below 7826.09 7900.62 8447.20 8484.47 8521.74 8571.43
Average 3399.39 3423.50 3599.64 5552.78 5568.11 5601.05

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 65

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 1973-74=100)

Sl. Area Income Year Quarter Ending

No. of House (sft) level by Sep’17 Dec’17 Mar’18 June’18 Sep’18 Dec’18
1. 1401-1800 2990.85 3022.41 3188.13 3192.08 3196.02 3215.75
2. 1200-1400 3137.14 3142.86 3333.33 3338.10 3342.86 3352.38
3 1000-1199
4. 800-999

5. 600-799 3127.91 3138.61 3209.76 3212.43 3216.18 3223.13
6. 400-599 3703.33 3720.00 3866.67 3870.00 3873.33 3883.33
7 250-399 4367.20 4385.03 4598.93 4603.39 4614.97 4623.89
8. 600-799 6762.54 6789.30 7224.08 7237.46 7244.15 7257.53
9. 600-799 3657.53 3729.27 3985.97 3989.96 3992.35 4009.89

10 400-599 Lower Income 4566.86 4587.89 4659.38 4688.81 4709.84 4725.61

11. 600- 4866.08 4879.85 5131.41 5193.99 5219.02 5231.54
12. 400-599 4687.50 4734.04 4813.83 4827.13 4853.72 4880.32
13. 240-399 4678.36 4714.91 4934.21 4998.17 5025.58 5080.41
14. 240-below 8712.12 8838.38 9343.43 9393.94 9494.95 9545.45
Average 4604.79 4640.21 4857.43 5820.40 5860.62 5892.67
1. 1401-1800 1119.32 1123.08 1179.49 1180.06 1181.54 1182.92
2. 1200-1400 1167.10 1172.44 1226.55 1227.27 1230.88 1232.32
3. 1000-1199 1523.73 1525.47 1614.91 1616.15 1622.36 1624.89
4. 800-999 1999.00 2001.66 2159.47 2162.13 2172.76 2176.08

5. 600-799 2062.55 2064.96 2125.10 2125.90 2128.31 2131.11
6. 400-599 2033.13 2037.56 2161.59 2163.80 2170.00 2172.66
7. 250-399 2482.95 2488.64 2613.64 2614.77 2625.00 2627.84
8. 600-799 2708.42 2734.01 2895.62 2896.97 2912.46 2919.19
9. 600-799 1747.32 1750.31 1847.69 1848.69 1862.67 1867.67

10 400-599 Lower Income 2809.98 2818.04 2858.29 2866.34 2890.50 2902.58

11. 600- 2217.39 2233.70 2309.78 2316.58 2336.96 2347.15
12 400-599 2956.95 2968.83 3067.79 3077.68 3107.37 3122.22
13. 240-399 2377.97 2409.26 2603.25 2615.77 2659.57 2672.09
14. 240-below 2477.52 2497.50 2664.00 2680.65 2705.63 2713.95
Average 2120.24 2130.39 2237.66 2711.404 2740.01 2751.60

66Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

Prices and Price Indices
(Base: 1973-74=100)
Sl. Quarter Ending
Centre 2015-16 2016-17
No. Dec’17 Mar’18 June’18 Sep’18 Dec’18
1. Dhaka 5838.59 6304.17 6526.35 6905.59 6936.17 6958.58 6976.70
2. Chattogram 3081.92 3301.70 3423.50 3599.64 3610.46 3620.43 3638.79
3. Khulna 1896.34 2045.20 2130.39 2237.66 2242.34 2257.57 2263.76
04. Rajshahi 4125.87 4448.62 4640.21 4857.43 4878.79 4898.58 4919.10
Bangladesh 3735.68 4024.92 4180.11 4400.08 4416.94 4433.79 4449.59
Notes: 1.Upto 1987-88 the index of Bangladesh is the average of 6 centers, viz. Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur and
Sylhet. Since Jul-Sept '88 quarter, the index of Bangladesh is the average of 4 centers, viz. Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna and
2. (i) House at Sl. 1 refers to pucca house having 3 bed rooms with attached baths, drawing-cum-dining room, kitchen, pantry, garage
provided with gas electricity and water connection.
(ii) House at Sl. 2 refers to pucca house having two bed rooms with attached baths, drawing-cum-dining room kitchen, pantry,
garage and servant quarters provided with gas, electricity and water connection.
(iii) House at Sl. 3 refers to pucca house having 2 bed rooms with attached baths, drawing-cum-dining, room kitchen, pantry,
garage and servant room provided with gas, electricity and water connection.
(iv) House at Sl. 4 refers to pucca house having two rooms with attached baths, drawing-cum-dining room kitchen and store
room provided with gas, electricity and water connection.
(v) House at Sl. 5 refers to pucca house having 2 rooms with one bath, kitchen and store room provided with gas, electricity and
water connection.
(vi) House at Sl. 6 refers to pucca house having 2 rooms with one bath, kitchen and store provided with gas electricity and water
(vii) House at Sl. 7 refers to semi-pucca house having 2 rooms, one bath room, kitchen and store provided with gas, electricity
and water connection.
(viii) House at Sl. 8 refers to semi-pucca house having 2 rooms, one bath room, kitchen and store without any amenities.
(ix) House at Sl. 9 refers to pucca house having 2 rooms, one bath and kitchen provided with gas, electricity and water
(x) House at Sl. 10 refers to pucca house having 2 rooms, one bath room and kitchen without any amenities.
(xi) House at Sl. 11 refers to semi-pucca house having 2 rooms one bath room and kitchen with gas, electricity and water
(xii) House at Sl. 12 refers to semi-pucca house having 2 rooms, one bath room and kitchen without any amenities.
(xiii) House at Sl. 13 refers to katcha house having 2 rooms’ one bath room and kitchen without any amenities.
(xiv) House at Sl. 14 refers to katcha house having one room and one bath room without any amenities.
Note: The schedule of Household Rent Index (HRI) for data collection has been revised. So the table no 3.14 & 3.15 has been revised
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Period Gold (pure) Guinea Gold Silver Bar
Jan’17 - 4400.00 148.00
Feb’17 - 4400.00 148.00
Mar/17 - 4395.00 150.00
April/17 4410.00 150.00
May/17 - 4400.00 148.00
June/17 - 4400.00 148.00
Sep/17 4418.00 145.00
Oct/17 3945.00 138.00
Nov/17 4100.00 139.00
Dec/17 4100.00 139.00
Jan/18 4100.00 140.00
Feb/18 4100.00 141.00
Mar/18 3616.70 140.00
April/18 4100.00 140.00
May/18 4100.00 140.00
June/18 4100.00 120.00
July/18 4180.00 123.00
Aug/18 4180.00 124.00
Sep/18 4182.00 126.00
Oct/18 4180.00 125.00
Nov/18 4182.00 126.00
Dec/18 4183.00 126.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 67

Food and Agriculture
(Base: 1984-85=100)
Area Production
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Aus 36 36 32 34 32 78 84 84 82 77
Aman 97 97 98 125 163 164 164 170 204
Boro 302 304 307 303 284 480 486 490 484 460
Wheat 62 64 65 66 66 86 89 92 92 90
Potato 399 415 423 - - 742 772 798 817 -
Jute 101 98 99 - - 149 145 147 148 -
Barley/jab 02 01 02 02 01 03 01 04 03 02
Jower 08 07 12 10 05 12 09 10 09 07
Bajra 05 04 02 02 03 08 06 05 05 04
Maize 6220 8139 8624 8876 10332 47330 64941 69480 74788 92520
Cheena & Kaon 04 04 04 04 04 05 07 07 07 05
Other cereals 02 02 02 0.25 0.49 0.18 02 01 .024 0.60
Gram 07 06 06 06 05 08 07 08 80 08
Arhar 07 08 08 08 07 08 11 11 10 10
Masur 39 53 62 66 86 57 96 102 96 29
Motar 26 33 33 32 31 38 47 49 49 48
Moong 59 65 65 68 69 71 90 94 105 49
Maskalai 43 48 52 53 56 48 57 61 64 56
Kheshari 43 46 46 46 46 56 60 66 67 65
Gari Kalai 02 03 638 - - 03 06 7128 - -
Other pulses 28 31 07 38 41 41 51 11 51 75
Oil Seeds
Til 40 44 45 44 44 67 74 77 74 74
Rape & Mustard 77 76 84 83 87 92 104 126 125 127
Ground nut 102 105 113 110 141 157 178 179 178 208
Linseed 14 13 10 10 08 16 17 13 13 11
Castor -- -
Coconut 06 08 12 12 13 439 410 462 460 492
Other oil seeds 55 197 224 220 233 120 530 660 658 598
Spices & Condiments
Chilies 130 125 128 126 143 228 246 275 270 306
Onion 394 443 498 495 545 830 986 1211 1200 1327
Garlic 344 416 449 445 222 561 782 866 860 1066
Turmeric 159 164 164 164 169 359 464 441 440 488
Ginger 143 152 164 162 144 174 194 210 210 196
Coriander 249 210 379 375 393 390 578 694 693 689
Other Spices & Condiments - - - - - - - - - -
Sugarcane 67 66 64 60 56 65 65 64 61 56
Palm (Juice) - - - - - - - - - -
Cotton 103 93 110 111 108 71 114 104 116 151
Sun hemp 03 01 03 03 - 12 10 32 30 -
Other Fibers (Shimul) - - - - - - - - - -
-Drugs and Narcotic
Tea 131 134 136 135 121 168 178 174 170 216
Tobacco 93 97 99 89 88 161 172 249 178 186
Betel Nut 43 43 34 35 49 1048 941 817 778 1087
Betel Leaves 179 185 186 192 190 220 292 304 351 346
Other Drugs & Narcotics - - - - - - - - - -
* Separate sun hemp data not being available the index for the crop for 1993-94 is included in other fibers. Data of the table are revised.

68 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Base: 1984-85=100)
Area Production
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Fruits (Temporary)
Banana 119 114 115 117 120 112 112 113 115 117
Pineapple 106 103 104 103 108 142 151 150 152 161
Water Melon 135 126 - - 122 201 237 - - 205
Fruits (Permanent)
Mango 76 855 55 83 92 588 610 626 714 792
Jack Fruit 42 40 60 49 64 432 454 479 465 474
Papaya 29 37 38 65 48 458 480 489 770 493
Litchi 169 55 81 65 82 680 668 726 770 896
Ber 46 43 44 90 121 1159 1221 1343 1285 1348
Guava 146 105 105 102 135 1525 1506 1535 1593 1706
Orange 47 61 55 54 53 162 172 187 151 158
Pomelo 14 18 21 18 18 828 866 870 914 902
Lime & lemon 89 77 107 88 117 1068 1123 1089 1034 1096
Other fruits 01 0.85 0.77 0.13 03 43 61 61 59 61
Other citrus fruits 02 0.137 1.64 0.85 01 208 199 232 229 252
Winter Vegetable
Rabi Brinjal 160 168 175 179 184 198 261 261 260 292
Rabi Pumpkin 278 290 312 312 204 362 437 464 485 271
Cauliflower 218 298 261 258 264 275 303 445 445 460
Cabbage 215 215 234 237 245 314 341 415 463 488
Water gourd 265 281 292 296 302 315 359 399 439 488
Tomato 266 282 320 286 290 350 502 577 513 541
Radish 159 160 161 163 165 191 191 205 213 213
Beans 272 290 317 322 333 305 361 400 422 451
Palong sak 273 285 286 303 304 309 318 337 367 481
Other winter
vegetables 83 78 76 78 82 71 83 83 84 93
Summer Vegetable
Kharif pumpkin 299 247 283 290 288 368 363 467 487 483
Kharif brinjal 189 120 204 206 204 252 133 268 316 307
Patal 305 302 303 307 299 256 455 455 464 465
Lady's finger 409 417 441 440 442 584 635 685 713 725
Jhinga 256 252 258 261 271 285 282 283 295 306
Karala 288 285 291 298 317 405 395 407 425 447
Arum 287 276 293 265 277 408 391 397 390 417
Chalkumra 292 294 300 294 302 338 344 369 365 377
Cucumber 305 242 346 354 359 426 479 499 550 619
Puisak 545 592 581 573 582 758 700 786 809 814
Chichinga 342 347 363 379 391 363 365 384 467 428
Danta 370 366 371 382 375 521 508 523 562 541
Barbati 309 309 330 335 319 405 404 450 460 449
Other summer
vegetables 289 455 333 370 399 326 346 388 496 480
Other Food
Sweet potato 44 42 41 40 42 39 38 37 37 23
Other Non-food
Fooder 245 245 256 256 - 394 415 442 453 -
Mulberry 22 19 22 22 22 685 709 727 726 679

Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS.

N.B.: (a) From the 2004-05 data collected in new forms.
(b) Permanent fruit Crops Acreage Covers area under garden.
(c) Permanent fruit Crops Production Covers Production under garden as well as outside garden.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 69

Food and Agriculture
(Area in ‘000’ acres)
Culturable waste Current fallow Single Cropped
Name of District Forest area Not available for Area Area Area
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Bandarban 798 798 107 107 105 105 30 30 47 45
Khagrachari 554 554 48 48 2 3 1 1 14 13
Rangamati 1379 1379 39 39 5 6 4 4 52 51
Chattogram 426 426 443 443 27 27 8 6 105 102
Cox’s Bazar 209 209 178 178 14 14 4 4 75 73
Cumilla 2 2 201 201 6 6 40 41 133 131
Chandpur 0 0 133 132 2 2 34 34 146 144
Brahmmanbaria 0 0 124 124 3 3 33 33 129 127
Noakhali 385 385 187 187 5 5 8 8 54 54
Lakshmipur 50 50 83 83 3 3 4 4 21 19
Feni 20 20 86 87 0 1 5 6 115 12
Chattogram Division 3823 3823 1629 1628 172 175 171 171 791 771
Sylhet 50 50 266 265 38 38 66 66 262 260
Maulavi Bazar 71 71 186 185 30 31 65 65 195 194
Sunamganj 18 18 297 297 43 44 99 99 345 344
Habiganj 36 36 204 203 17 17 30 30 123 122
Sylhet Division 175 175 953 950 127 131 260 260 925 920
Dhaka 1 1 178 177 6 6 7 5 94 93
Gazipur 65 65 171 170 11 12 5 5 101 100
Manikganj 0 0 113 112 2 2 0 0 28 26
Munshiganj 0 0 85 84 0 1 0 1 49 47
Narayanganj 0 0 71 71 1 1 2 2 46 44
Norshindi 0 0 99 99 0 0 0 0 59 58
Faridpur 0 0 152 152 43 43 54 53 52 52
Rajbari 0 0 60 60 12 12 24 24 51 50
Madaripur 0 0 47 47 0 1 0 0 67 67
Gopalganj 0 0 118 118 8 8 41 39 73 74
Sariatpur 0 0 114 113 4 5 32 32 75 74
Tangail 123 123 156 156 18 18 31 31 163 161
Kishoregonj 0 0 193 192 19 19 16 16 198 196
Dhaka Division 260 260 1557 1551 124 128 212 208 1056 1042
Mymensingh 39 39 297 296 5 5 11 10 120 120
Jamalpur 10 10 150 150 8 8 24 22 63 63
Sherpur 20 20 66 66 0 1 0 0 42 40
Netrokona 2 2 182 182 30 30 19 16 161 162
Mymensingh Division 71 71 695 694 43 44 54 48 386 385

70 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Area in ‘000’ acres)
Double Cropped Area Triple Cropped Area Quadruple area Net Cropped Area Gross Cropped area
Name of District

2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

Bandarban 14 16 6 6 0 0 67 67 93 95
Khagrachari 41 42 19 19 0 0 74 74 153 154
Rangamati 25 25 7 7 0 0 84 83 123 122
Chattogram 221 223 75 78 0 0 401 403 772 782
Cox’s Bazar 110 112 26 26 0 0 211 211 373 375
Cumilla 288 289 105 105 2 2 528 527 1032 1032
Chandpur 74 77 18 18 0 0 238 239 348 352
Brahmmanbaria 147 149 29 29 0 0 305 305 510 512
Noakhali 197 197 75 75 0 0 326 326 673 673
Lakshmipur 151 153 44 44 0 0 216 216 455 457
Feni 87 87 32 32 0 0 134 131 285 282
Chattogram Division 1355 1370 436 439 2 2 2584 2582 4817 4836
Sylhet 134 137 37 37 0 0 433 434 641 645
Maulavi Bazar 121 122 24 24 0 0 340 340 509 510
Sunamganj 89 89 35 35 0 0 469 468 628 627
Habiganj 187 189 53 53 1 1 364 364 660 659
Sylhet Division 531 537 149 149 1 1 1606 1606 2438 2441
Dhaka 58 62 17 17 1 1 170 173 265 271
Gazipur 76 77 17 17 0 0 194 194 304 305
Manikganj 117 120 79 79 3 3 227 228 511 515
Munshiganj 89 90 25 25 0 0 163 162 302 302
Narayanganj 28 30 21 21 0 0 95 95 165 167
Norshindi 81 82 42 42 3 3 185 185 359 360
Faridpur 151 152 55 55 0 0 258 259 519 521
Rajbari 82 83 40 40 1 1 174 174 339 340
Madaripur 113 113 51 51 0 0 231 230 446 443
Gopalganj 93 94 30 30 0 0 196 198 349 352
Sariatpur 47 48 18 18 0 0 140 140 223 224
Tangail 239 241 114 114 0 0 516 516 983 985
Kishoregonj 184 187 54 54 0 0 436 437 728 732
Dhaka Division 1358 1359 899 899 19 7 4758 2991 9011 5517
Mymensingh 460 463 151 151 3 2 734 736 1505 1507
Jamalpur 189 191 75 75 4 3 331 333 682 685
Sherpur 160 161 45 45 4 4 251 250 513 513
Netrokona 231 232 65 66 0 0 457 460 818 824
Mymensingh Division 1040 1047 337 338 11 9 1773 1779 3518 3529

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 71

Food and Agriculture
(Area in ‘000’ acres)

Not available for Culturable waste Current fallow Single Cropped

Forest area
Cultivation Area Area Area
Name of District
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Barishal 0 0 324 324 5 6 37 37 197 195
Jhalokathi 0 0 60 60 0 0 5 5 38 36
Perojpur 6 6 115 115 1 1 3 5 113 111
Bhola 360 360 34 32 1 1 0 0 105 105
Patuakhali 150 150 151 151 5 6 24 25 300 298
Barguna 75 75 36 34 1 1 0 0 209 209
Barishal Division 591 591 720 716 13 15 69 72 962 954
Jashore 0 0 178 178 2 3 16 15 29 28
Jhenaidah 0 0 151 150 2 2 0 0 28 27
Magura 0 0 69 68 8 9 15 17 11 10
Narail 0 0 88 88 1 1 1 1 16 15
Khulna 546 546 196 195 11 10 46 42 185 185
Bagerhat 567 567 87 87 7 9 18 19 183 180
Satkhira 370 370 136 136 13 13 51 48 235 235
Kushtia 0 0 133 132 9 9 13 13 16 16
Chuadanga 0 0 79 79 0 1 0 1 11 10
Meherpur 0 0 62 62 0 0 1 3 1 2
Khulna Division 1483 1483 1179 1176 53 57 162 159 715 698
Rajshahi 0 0 131 131 0 0 3 1 101 100
Naogaon 7 7 127 131 1 1 3 3 176 175
Natore 0 0 126 126 2 2 8 8 78 76
Nawabganj 0 0 108 108 1 2 1 2 63 64
Bogura 0 0 191 191 0 0 3 4 6 5
Joypurhat 0 0 60 60 0 1 0 2 4 4
Pabna 0 0 199 198 1 2 3 2 39 39
Sirajganj 0 0 218 217 1 1 18 18 17 16
Rajshahi Division 7 7 1160 1162 6 9 39 40 484 479
Rangpur 3 3 143 143 1 1 0 0 24 24
Gaibanha 0 0 149 149 1 1 25 20 57 56
Kurigram 0 0 218 218 4 5 13 11 60 59
Nilphamari 1 1 95 94 1 2 1 2 8 6
Lalmonirhat 0 0 101 101 2 2 3 2 4 4
Dinajpur 18 18 164 164 1 2 0 0 56 55
Thakurgaon 2 2 56 55 2 1 0 0 11 11
Panchagarh 5 5 82 82 1 2 0 1 27 28
Rangpur Division 29 29 1008 1006 13 16 42 36 247 243
Bangladesh 6368 6368 8901 8883 551 575 1009 994 5566 5492

72 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Area in ‘000’ acres)
Name of District Double Cropped Area Triple Cropped Area Quadruple area Net Cropped Area Gross Cropped area
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Barishal 104 105 21 21 0 0 322 321 468 468
Jhalokathi 53 55 19 19 0 0 110 110 201 203
Perojpur 55 55 23 23 0 0 191 189 292 290
Bhola 183 184 156 157 2 2 446 448 947 952
Patuakhali 136 136 30 30 0 0 446 464 662 660
Barguna 86 87 45 46 1 1 341 343 520 525
Barishal Division 617 622 294 296 3 3 1876 1875 3090 3098
Jashore 266 267 152 152 1 1 448 448 1021 1022
Jhenaidah 201 202 104 105 0 0 333 334 742 746
Magura 89 88 64 64 1 1 165 163 385 382
Narail 87 87 46 47 0 0 149 149 328 330
Khulna 75 77 26 27 1 0 287 289 417 420
Bagerhat 77 77 38 38 1 1 299 296 455 452
Satkhira 107 109 30 31 1 1 373 376 543 550
Kushtia 106 106 121 122 0 0 243 244 591 594
Chuadanga 65 65 135 134 0 0 211 209 546 542
Meherpur 20 15 101 102 1 1 123 120 348 342
Khulna Division 1093 1093 817 822 6 5 2631 2628 5376 5380
Rajshahi 242 244 119 120 3 3 465 467 954 960
Naogaon 353 354 181 181 1 1 711 711 1429 1430
Natore 187 188 69 70 0 0 334 334 659 662
Nawabganj 174 175 74 74 0 0 311 313 633 636
Bogura 289 290 226 227 1 1 522 523 1266 1270
Joypurhat 107 103 79 80 0 0 190 187 455 450
Pabna 235 235 109 110 1 1 384 385 840 843
Sirajganj 232 233 107 108 1 1 357 358 806 810
Rajshahi Division 1819 1822 964 970 7 7 3274 3278 7042 7061
Rangpur 289 289 132 132 1 1 446 446 1002 1002
Gaibanha 225 227 66 70 0 0 348 353 705 720
Kurigram 210 211 49 50 1 1 320 321 631 635
Nilphamari 189 190 86 86 1 1 284 283 648 648
Lalmonirhat 128 128 70 71 0 0 202 203 470 473
Dinajpur 396 397 215 215 1 0 668 667 1497 1498
Thakurgaon 258 258 110 111 1 1 380 381 861 864
Panchagarh 163 161 69 68 0 0 259 257 560 554
Rangpur Division 1858 1861 797 803 5 4 2907 2911 6374 6394
Bangladesh 9671 9711 4356 4380 43 37 19636 19650 38148 38256
Note : (1) Total land area of all regions have been reported from the office of the Survey of Bangladesh.
(2) Forest figures have been reported from the office of the Chief Conservator of forest. It does not include private forestry.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 73

Food and Agriculture
(Area in ‘000’ acres)
Power Pump Deep Tube-well Shallow Tube-well Hand Tube-well Total Tube-well
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Bandarban 9 9 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0
Khagrachari 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rangamati 18 19 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0
Chattogram 192 194 12 12 13 13 2 2 27 27
Cox’s Bazar 100 101 5 6 24 25 - - 29 31
Cumilla 84 85 151 153 202 201 5 5 358 359
Chandpur 131 131 29 30 23 23 1 1 53 54
Brahmmanbaria 86 85 33 33 142 155 1 1 176 189
Noakhali 116 118 9 9 22 222 - - 31 31
Lakshmipur 101 101 2 2 9 9 0 0 11 11
Feni 62 63 6 7 12 16 - - 18 23
928 936 247 252 447 464 9 9 703 725
Sylhet 121 121 3 3 23 23 1 1 27 27
Maulavi Bazar 40 42 1 1 3 3 3 3 7 7
Sunamganj 270 272 1 1 50 51 - - 51 52
Habiganj 134 136 19 19 50 50 - - 69 69
Sylhet Division 565 571 24 24 126 127 4 4 154 155
Dhaka 16 16 13 13 100 96 - - 113 109
Gazipur 52 55 39 39 86 91 - - 125 130
Manikganj 1 1 11 11 145 147 - - 156 158
Munshiganj 72 78 3 3 51 52 - - 54 55
Narayanganj 35 35 3 3 39 39 - - 42 42
Norshindi 32 31 7 6 128 127 1 1 136 134
Faridpur 12 13 13 15 265 264 - - 278 279
Rajbari 22 22 22 20 167 167 - - 189 187
Madaripur 67 67 0 0 59 59 - - 59 59
Gopalganj 107 108 2 2 96 96 - - 98 98
Sariatpur 65 64 2 2 32 32 - - 34 34
Tangail 1 14 60 60 450 460 1 1 511 521
Kishoregonj 167 159 31 27 208 220 1 1 240 248
Dhaka Division 817 650 507 201 3128 1850 5 5 3640 2054
Mymensingh 22 20 246 242 407 393 1 1 654 636
Jamalpur 1 1 21 21 392 394 1 1 414 416
Sherpur 14 14 11 9 226 232 - - 237 241
Netrokona 131 137 23 24 277 264 - - 300 288
166 172 301 296 1302 1283 2 2 1605 1581
Barishal 151 150 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Jhalokathi 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Perojpur 41 41 0 0 ‘ ‘ 1 1 1 1
Bhola 112 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Patuakhali 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barguna 23 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barishal Division 363 364 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2
Jashore 18 17 149 159 439 446 - - 588 605
Jhenaidah 4 3 30 30 409 443 0 0 439 473
Magura 9 9 2 2 261 262 0 0 263 264
Narail 7 7 0 0 135 134 - - 135 134
Khulna 37 42 0 0 113 119 2 2 115 121
Bagerhat 69 70 0 0 28 28 2 1 30 29
Satkhira 16 16 45 45 177 178 - - 222 223
Kushtia 47 36 15 13 361 386 - - 376 399
Chuadanga 3 5 149 148 310 310 6 6 465 464
Meherpur ‘ ‘ 16 16 283 283 0 0 299 299
Khulna Division 210 200 406 413 2516 2589 10 10 2932 3011

74 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Traditional Total Irrigated Area Total Cropped Area % of irrigated Area
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Bandarban 5 5 14 14 93 95 15.05 14.74
Khagrachari 31 31 60 61 153 154 39.22 39.61
Rangamati 9 10 27 29 123 122 21.95 23.77
Chattogram 47 47 266 268 772 782 34.46 34.27
Cox’s Bazar 15 15 144 147 373 375 38.61 39.20
Cumilla 10 10 452 454 1032 1032 43.80 43.99
Chandpur 3 3 187 188 348 352 53.74 53.41
Brahmmanbaria 11 ‘11 273 285 510 512 53.33 55.66
Noakhali 2 2 147 151 673 673 21.84 22.44
Lakshmipur 7 7 119 119 455 457 26.15 26.04
Feni 2 2 82 88 285 282 28.77 31.21
Chattogram Division 140 143 1771 1804 4817 4836 36.77 37.30
Sylhet 66 75 214 223 641 645 33.39 34.57
Maulavi Bazar 60 57 107 106 509 510 21.02 20.78
Sunamganj 70 70 391 394 628 627 62.26 62.84
Habiganj 18 18 221 223 660 659 33.48 33.84
Sylhet Division 214 220 933 946 2438 2441 38.27 38.75
Dhaka 4 3 133 128 265 271 50.19 47.23
Gazipur 3 3 180 188 304 305 59.21 61.64
Manikganj 1 1 158 160 511 515 30.92 31.07

Munshiganj 5 5 131 138 302 302 43.38

Narayanganj 2 2 79 79 165 167 47.88 47.31
Norshindi 2 2 170 167 359 360 47.35 46.39
Faridpur 1 1 291 293 519 521 56.07 56.24
Rajbari - ‘ 211 209 339 340 52.24 61.47
Madaripur 1 1 127 127 446 443 28.48 28.67
Gopalganj 16 14 221 220 349 352 63.32 62.5
Sariatpur - ‘ 99 98 223 224 44.39 43.75
Tangail 8 8 520 530 983 985 52.90 53.11
Kishoregonj 19 19 426 426 728 732 58.52 58.20
Dhaka Division 101 59 4558 2763 9011 5517 50.58 50.08
Mymensingh 16 16 692 672 1505 1507 45.98 44.59
Jamalpur 6 3 421 420 682 685 61.73 61.31
Sherpur 5 5 256 260 513 513 49.90 49.90
Netrokona 12 12 443 437 818 824 54.16 53.03
Mymensingh Division 39 36 1812 1788 3518 3529 51.51 50.69
Barishal 10 10 162 161 468 468 34.62 34.40
Jhalokathi 14 14 44 44 201 203 21.89 21.67
Perojpur 20 20 62 62 292 290 21.23 21.38
Bhola 23 20 135 135 947 952 14.26 14.18
Patuakhali 36 35 42 40 6602 660 6.34 6.06
Barguna 3 3 26 26 520 525 5.00 4.95
Barishal Division 106 102 471 468 3090 3098 15.24 15.11
Jashore - ‘ 606 622 1021 1022 59.35 60.86
Jhenaidah 17 17 460 493 742 746 61.99 66.09
Magura 7 7 278 279 385 382 72.21 73.04
Narail - - 142 141 328 330 43.29 42.73
Khulna 17 17 169 175 417 420 40.53 41.67
Bagerhat 28 27 127 126 455 452 27.91 27.88
Satkhira 1 1 239 240 543 550 44.01 43.64
Kushtia 80 74 503 509 591 594 85.11 85.69
Chuadanga 1 1 469 470 546 542 85.89 86.72
Meherpur - ‘ 299 299 348 342 85.92 87.43
Khulna Division 150 143 3292 3354 5376 5380 61.24 62.34

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 75

Food and Agriculture
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Power Pump Deep Tube-well Shallow Tube-well Hand Tube-well Total Tube-well
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Rajshahi 14 12 361 387 226 225 - - 587 612
Naogaon 54 53 377 388 444 449 - - 821 837
Natore 5 5 40 40 317 320 - - 357 360
Nawabganj 34 35 200 202 94 90 1 1 295 293
Bogura 1 1 134 175 611 614 - - 745 789
Joypurhat 7 7 117 117 167 167 0 0 284 284
Pabna 7 7 91 96 238 275 1 1 330 397
Sirajganj 7 7 49 52 428 427 - - 477 479
Rajshahi Division 129 127 1369 1457 2525 2592 2 2 3896 4051
Rangpur 36 36 52 54 428 456 ‘ ‘ 480 510
Gaibanha 2 2 27 28 369 388 ‘ ‘ 396 416
Kurigram 9 10 21 21 270 280 3 2 294 303
Nilphamari 10 12 18 24 285 316 7 6 310 346
Lalmonirhat 18 19 8 8 198 204 - ‘ 206 212
Dinajpur 13 4 210 210 700 733 - ‘ 910 943
Thakurgaon 0 0 113 128 321 341 1 1 435 470
Panchagarh ‘ ‘ 21 22 134 134 4 1 159 157
Rangpur Division 88 83 470 495 2732 2852 12 10 3182 3357
Bangladesh 3100 3103 3023 3138 11447 11757 47 41 14517 14936

(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Traditional Total Irrigated Area Total Cropped Area % of irrigated Area
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Rajshahi 1 1 602 624 954 960 63.10 65.00
Naogaon 29 29 904 919 1429 1430 63.26 64.27
Natore 2 2 364 367 659 662 55.24 55.44
Nawabganj 4 4 334 332 633 636 52.76 52.20
Bogura 1 1 747 791 1266 1270 59.00 62.28
Joypurhat 1 1 292 292 455 450 64.18 64.89
Pabna 12 12 349 416 840 843 41.55 48.77
Sirajganj 3 3 487 489 806 810 60.42 60.37
Rajshahi Division 54 54 4079 4232 7042 7061 57.92 59.93
Rangpur 1 ‘ 517 546 1002 1002 51.60 54.49
Gaibanha 3 6 401 424 705 720 56.88 58.89
Kurigram 7 9 310 319 631 635 49.13 50.24
Nilphamari 9 9 329 367 648 648 50.77 56.64
Lalmonirhat - ‘ 224 231 470 473 47.66 48.84
Dinajpur 1 1 924 948 1497 1498 61.72 63.28
Thakurgaon 1 1 436 471 681 864 40.02 51.51
Panchagarh 1 1 160 158 560 554 28.57 28.52
Rangpur Division 23 24 3301 3464 6374 6394 51.79 54.18
Bangladesh 788 781 18405 18820 38148 38256 48.25 49.19

76 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Aman Boro Wheat Sugarcane Cotton
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Bandarban 0 0 8 8 0 0 - - 1 1
Khagrachari 12 12 25 26 0 0 1 1 2 2
Rangamati 0 0 18 18 0 0 1 1 0 0
Chattogram 13 6 164 173 - - 2 3 1 -
Cox’s Bazar 0 0 124 124 0 0 1 1 0 0
Cumilla 6 4 379 380 2 2 1 1 0 0
Chandpur - - 158 158 - - 2 2 0 0
Brahmmanbaria 15 18 245 253 2 2 0 0 0 0
Noakhali - - 136 143 - - - - 0 0
Lakshmipur 0 0 111 108 - - - - 0 0
Feni 2 - 73 75 - - - - 0 0
48 40 1441 1461 4 4 8 9 4 3
Sylhet 53 62 130 130 - - 0 0 0 0
Maulavi Bazar 0 7 91 82 - - 0 0 0 0
Sunamganj 55 56 312 314 - - - - 0 0
Habiganj 14 14 191 190 - - 0 0 0 0
Sylhet Division 122 139 724 716 - - 0 0 0 0
Dhaka 5 6 115 111 - - - - 0 0
Gazipur 20 21 152 157 - - -’ -’ - -
Manikganj 16 17 117 117 1 1 - - 0 0
Munshiganj - - 55 55 - - - - 0 0
Narayanganj 3 2 58 58 - - - - 0 0
Norshindi 12 11 124 121 - - - - 0 0
Faridpur 48 50 71 71 74 75 6 5 0 0
Rajbari 75 74 78 79 35 36 0 0 0 0
Madaripur 5 5 76 77 12 12 - - - -
Gopalganj 7 7 188 184 15 18 - - 0 0
Sariatpur 5 12 65 57 7 7 - - 0 0
Tangail 71 71 414 418 2 5 1 1 - -
Kishoregonj 9 11 394 392 3 2 - - 0 0
Dhaka Division 368 287 3490 1894 173 156 7 5 0 0
Mymensingh 15 23 640 608 2 2 1 1 - -
Jamalpur 49 45 309 311 17 17 6 6 0 0
Sherpur 9 9 220 220 3 5 - - 0 0
Netrokona 19 8 414 419 2 2 - - 0 0
92 85 1583 1558 24 29 7 5 0 0
Barishal 2 2 138 139 2 2 - - 0 0
Jhalokathi 1 1 23 25 - - - - 0 0
Perojpur 0 0 45 43 - - - - 0 0
Bhola - 2 99 104 9 3 1 1 0 0
Patuakhali 2 2 3 1 -{ 1 0 - 0 0
Barguna - - 15 15 0 0 - - 0 0
Barishal Division 5 7 323 327 11 6 1 1 0 0

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 77

Food and Agriculture

(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Potato Vegetables Others Total Irrigated area
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Bandarban 2 2 2 2 1 1 14 14
Khagrachari 2 2 10 10 8 8 60 61
Rangamati 1 1 5 6 2 3 27 29
Chattogram 10 10 52 52 24 29 266 268
Cox’s Bazar 2 2 10 11 7 9 144 147
Cumilla 21 22 19 20 24 25 452 454
Chandpur 19 19 7 7 1 1 187 188
Brahmmanbaria 1 1 9 10 1 2 273 285
Noakhali - - 9 6 2 2 147 151
Lakshmipur - - 4 4 4 7 119 119
Feni 1 1 1 5 5 7 82 88
Chattogram Division 59 60 128 133 79 94 1771 1804
Sylhet 2 2 18 18 11 11 214 223
Maulavi Bazar 3 4 8 9 5 4 107 106
Sunamganj 1 1 11 11 12 12 391 394
Habiganj 4 4 8 10 4 4 221 223
Sylhet Division 10 11 45 48 32 32 933 946
Dhaka 2 2 11 9 - - 133 128
Gazipur - - 7 7 1 2 180 188
Manikganj 3 2 3 4 18 19 158 160
Munshiganj 70 77 5 5 1 1 131 138
Narayanganj 4 4 13 14 1 1 79 79
Norshindi - - 30 33 4 2 170 167
Faridpur 1 1 14 15 77 76 291 293
Rajbari - - 8 8 15 12 211 209
Madaripur 2 2 7 7 25 24 127 127
Gopalganj 1 1 5 5 5 5 221 220
Sariatpur 3 3 9 9 10 10 99 98
Tangail 3 3 20 22 9 10 520 530
Kishoregonj 8 9 8 8 4 4 426 426
Dhaka Division 115 104 199 147 198 166 4558 2763
Mymensingh 2 5 28 29 4 4 692 672
Jamalpur 10 10 14 15 16 16 421 420
Sherpur 5 6 14 14 5 6 256 260
Netrokona 1 1 4 4 3 3 443 437
Mymensingh Division 18 22 60 62 28 29 1889 1789
Barishal 1 1 16 15 3 2 162 161
Jhalokathi - - 18 16 2 2 44 44
Perojpur 3 3 11 13 3 3 62 62
Bhola 7 6 18 19 1 - 135 135
Patuakhali 2 1 4 3 31 32 42 40
Barguna 2 2 7 7 2 2 26 26
Barishal Division 15 15 74 73 42 41 471 468

78 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Aman Boro Wheat Sugarcane Cotton
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Jashore 141 136 354 366 9 1 1 1 3 2
Jhenaidah 140 146 173 206 17 8 3 3 4 4
Magura 74 83 85 88 19 18 - - - -
Narail 32 28 88 87 10 11 1 1 0 0
Khulna 3 3 130 132 1 2 0 - 0 0
Bagerhat 1 1 103 104 1 1 - - 0 0
Satkhira 8 8 172 174 5 4 - - 0 0
Kushtia 184 189 77 85 37 19 7 9 2 2
Chuadanga 107 107 104 104 13 13 12 12 14 14
Meherpur 60 59 42 50 41 10 2 2 1 -
Khulna Division 750 780 1328 1396 153 87 26 28 24 22
Rajshahi 95 102 158 159 66 62 19 18 - -
Naogaon 230 226 159 466 56 57 1 1 0 0
Natore 93 91 139 141 58 56 30 32 - -
Nawabganj 64 66 113 113 70 65 11 3 0 0
Bogura 70 91 463 459 3 6 - 1 1 0
Joypurhat 17 17 173 173 6 6 2 2 0 0
Pabna 65 89 136 145 76 77 3 3 0 0
Sirajganj 94 90 343 340 5 6 1 1 0 0
Rajshahi Division 728 772 1984 1966 340 335 67 61 1 0
Rangpur 20 39 336 338 8 9 2 2 - -
Gaibanha 42 38 288 311 4 5 1 1 - -
Kurigram 14 19 240 244 26 23 - - 0 0
Nilphamari 20 42 216 210 12 17 - - - -
Lalmonirhat 25 26 128 123 4 4 - - - -
Dinajpur 177 181 428 430 48 40 5 5 0 0
Thakurgaon 37 42 139 142 154 165 10 15 0 0
Panchagarh 1 1 72 64 35 34 1 1 0 0
Rangpur Division 336 338 1847 1862 291 297 19 24 0 0
Bangladesh 2357 2496 11137 11240 972 914 135 135 29 25

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 79

Food and Agriculture
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Potato Vegetables Others Total Irrigated area
Name of Region
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Jashore 7 7 52 52 39 37 606 622
Jhenaidah 3 4 36 36 84 86 460 493
Magura - - 32 32 68 58 278 279
Narail - - 8 8 3 6 142 141
Khulna 1 2 27 27 8 9 169 175
Bagerhat 1 1 15 14 6 5 127 126
Satkhira 9 8 40 40 5 6 239 240
Kushtia 6 5 43 46 147 154 503 509
Chuadanga 18 18 66 66 135 136 469 470
Meherpur 3 3 60 71 90 104 299 299
Khulna Division 48 48 378 392 585 601 3292 3354
Rajshahi 85 104 46 50 133 129 602 624
Naogaon 51 56 35 35 72 78 904 919
Natore 2 2 5 8 37 37 364 367
Nawabganj 2 3 8 8 65 54 334 332
Bogura 132 160 32 29 46 45 747 791
Joypurhat 80 80 10 10 4 4 292 292
Pabna 1 2 13 17 55 82 349 416
Sirajganj 3 3 15 16 26 33 487 489
Rajshahi Division 356 410 164 173 439 458 4079 4232
Rangpur 110 117 18 19 23 22 517 546
Gaibanha 21 21 26 27 19 21 401 424
Kurigram 12 18 10 10 8 5 310 319
Nilphamari 50 54 11 13 20 31 329 367
Lalmonirhat 10 12 7 7 50 59 224 231
Dinajpur 110 114 40 42 116 136 924 948
Thakurgaon 56 59 9 12 31 36 436 471
Panchagarh 19 19 10 11 22 28 160 158
Rangpur Division 388 414 131 141 289 338 3301 3464
Bangladesh 991 1082 1119 1169 1665 1759 18405 18820

80 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
2015-16 & 2016-17
(Figures in ‘000’ acres)
Power Pump Deep Tube-well Shallow Tube-well Hand Tube-well Total Tube-well
Name of Main Crops
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

1. Aman 397 412 387 416 1466 1559 6 5 1859 1980

2. Boro 1876 1853 1839 1874 6927 7022 29 25 8785 8921

3. Wheat 164 151 160 153 605 571 2 2 767 725

4. Sugar cane 23 22 22 23 84 84 0 0 106 107

5. Cotton 5 4 5 4 18 16 0 0 23 20

6. Potato 167 178 163 180 616 676 3 2 782 850

7. Vegetables 188 193 184 195 696 730 3 3 883 929

8. Others 280 290 273 193 1035 1099 4 4 1312 1396

Total 3100 3103 3023 3138 11447 11757 47 41 14517 14936


2015-16 & 2016-17 (CONTD.)
(Figures in acres)
Traditional Total Means
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

1. Aman 101 103 2357 2495

2. Boro 477 466 11137 11240

3. Wheat 42 38 972 914

4. Sugar cane 6 6 135 135

5. Cotton 1 1 29 25

6. Patato 42 45 991 1081

7. Vegetables 48 49 1119 1171

8. Others 71 73 1665 1759

Total 788 781 18405 18820

N.B.: Canals included Traditional. Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 81

Food and Agriculture
Crop Z014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Area ‘000’ Per acre Production Area Per acre Production Area ‘000’ Per acre Production
Acres Yield (KG) ‘000’ M T ‘000’ Yield ‘000’ M T Acres Yield (KG) ‘000’ M T
Tons Acres (KG) Tons Tons

AUS Local 569 515 293 524 530 278 466 545 254
HYV 2014 1010 2035 1992 1010 20110 1861 1010 1880
Total Aus 2583 1094 2328 2516 909 2288 2327 917 2134
AMAN Broadcast 810 474 384 813 482 392 810 489 396
T. Local 2869 668 1918 2747 673 1852 2676 680 1820
HYV 9986 1090 10888 10254 10961 11240 10311 1109 11440
Total Aman 13665 965 13190 13814 976 13484 13797 990 13656
BORO Local 130 761 99 117 769 90 84 786 66
HYV 10106 1561 15782 9992 561 15609 9268 1583 14675
Hybrid 1725 1919 3311 1685 1922 3239 1708 1916 3273
Total Boro 11961 1604 19192 11794 1606 18938 11060 1629 18014
Total Rice 28209 1230 34710 28124 1234 34710 27184 1244 33804
Wheat 1079 1249 1348 1099 1226 1348 1026 1278 1311
Total Major Cereals 29228 1233 36058 29223 1233 36058 28210 1245 35115
Barley/Jab 0.014 432 0.064 0.880 360 0.317 0.814 0.253 0.287
Jower (R+B) 0.48 250 0.12 0.230 448 0.122 0.207 0.444 0.092
Bazra 0.09 532 0.05 0.089 539 0.048 0.076 526 0.04
Maize 804 2826 2272 827 2445 963 3142 3025
Cheena & Kaon 3 597 7 3 421 1 3 401 1
Other Cereals 0.03 234 0.09 1 200 0.20 1 386 0.485
Total Minor Cereals 807 2816 2274 834 2943 2446 968 313 3027
Total Cereals (major+minor) 30035 1276 38332 30057 1236 37156
Gram 17 382 7 15 425 6 15 427 6
Arhar 1 424 1 1 425 1 1 433 1
Masur 359 465 167 382 415 158 382 442 169
Motor 19 394 7 18 411 7 17 411 7
Mung 96 341 33 101 351 37 102 340 35
Mashkalai 96 347 33 98 359 35 103 381 39
Khesari 278 435 121 280 437 122 277 431 119
Other Pulses 4 414 2 22 540 11 23 480 11
Garikalai 141 2452 346 - - - - - -
Toatl Pulses 1011 718 726 917 411 377 901 430 387
OIL SEEDS (Edible)
Til 94 348 36 99 374 37 93 367 34
Rape & Mustard 803 447 359 787 459 362 831 437 363
Groundnut (R+B) 78 7228 57 88 704 62 91 724 66
Soyabean 118 773 91 124 741 92 155 624 97
Lin SEEDs 17 281 5 16 250 4 13 314 4
Castor - - - - - -
Coconut 9 51 384 6 62 374 10 52 409
Other Oil Seeds 3 652 2 4 500 2 3 559 2
Total Oil Seeds 1036 870 901 1124 830 933 1196 815 975
Chillies, Kharif 44 679 30 43 720 31 44 713 31
Chilllies, Rabi 183 506 93 209 473 99 212 499 106
Total Chillies 227 541 123 252 515 130 256 536 137
Onion 419 4067 1704 438 3961 1735 459 4067 1867
Garlic 141 2452 346 150 2546 382 164 2548 425
Tumeric 61 2127 130 62 2258 140 63 2288 144
Ginger 25 3288 83 23 3347 77 23 3369 77
Coriander Seeds 42 405 17 45 400 18 44 382 17
Other spices and
condiments (Temporary) 8 525 4 7 571 4 10 640 7
Other Condiments & Spices
( Permanent) 1 2 2 0.12 2 2 0.156 0.012 2
Total spices & Condiments 924 2607 2409 977 2546 2488 1275 2099 2676
Sugar Cane 257 17218 4434 243 17312 4207 227 16988 3863
Date Palm (Juice) 2 59 198 2 54 180 5 52 169
Date Palm (Fruits) 1 11 40 1 39 39 0.311 12 39
Palmyra Palm (Juice) 0.34 143 103 0.10 140 92
G. Palmyra Palm (Talsas) 0.13 57 59 0.084 68 66 0.396 65 71
Ripe Tal 0.26 99 154 0.12 98 131 0.098 107 161
Total Sugar Crops 260 19184 4988 246 19247 4735
Jute (bales) 1662 4.51 7501 1675 4.51 7559 1823 4.52 8247
Cotton (rabi & Kharif) (bales) 33 888 30 34 970 33 33 31
Sunhemp (Shan pat) Bhadoi
Sunhemp (Shan pat) Rabii 0.11 20957 2 0.01 400 0.04 0.091 4.47 0.406
Other Fibers, rabi (Simul) 0.02 0.028 11 0.057 - 0.012 0.006 0.02 12
Total Fibres
1695 4450 7544 1709 4442 7592
( Excluding Mesta)
Tea 149 443 66 148 435 64 133 615 82
Tobacco : Jati 15 757 12 15 767 12 15 771 11
Tobacco : Matihari 27 641 17 20 610 12 20 560 11
Tobacco: Verjinia 85 767 65 80 801 64 78 879 69
Tobacco : Others 0.41 774 0.31 0.40 775 0.31 0.37 283 1
Total Tobacco 127 740 94 115 763 88 115 763 88
Betelnut 29 2 185 30 3 277 42 3 247
Betel Leaves 57 3276 188 59 3663 218 59 3643 214
Total Drug & Narcotics 362 1472 533 352 1838 647

82 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
Crop 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Area ‘000’ Per acre Production Area Per acre Production Area ‘000’ Per acre Production
Acres Yield (KG) ‘000’ M T ‘000’ Yield ‘000’ M T Acres Yield (KG) ‘000’ M T
Tons Acres (KG) Tons Tons

FRUITS (Temporary)
Banana 115 6735 777 117 6811 798 120 6715 807
Pineapple 34 5863 197 33 5991 201 35 5970 212
Melon/Babgi 10 5190 53 10 4846 49 9 4494 41
Water Melon 29 9357 274 27 9144 250 29 8646 254
Khirai 12 3482 43 13 3592 46 46 - -
Total Temporary Fruits 200 6720 1344 200 6715 1343 194 6778 1315
Mango 62 76 1018 93 82 1162 103 92 1288
Jack Fruits 33 128 1061 27 128 1031 35 122 1050
Papya (Ripe) 3 23 133 10 24 130 4 25 135
Litchi 7 59 73 6 59 78 7 65 90
Guava 1 11 206 9 23 214 1 22 229
Ber 3 37 90 8 35 86 7 36 90
Orange 1 23 4 5 23 3 1 24 3
Pamelo 1 33 63 1 35 66 1 35 66
Lime & Lemon 6 18 69 0.81 18 65 6 18 69
Tetul 0.04 41 10 5 42 11 0.622 34 11
Jamrul 0.01 36 10 0.08 35 10 8 34 10
Other Fruits 0.84 29 16 0.01 27 15 .039 26 16
Other Citrus Fruits 0.10 52 21 0.05 78 21 .079 44 23
Green Coconut 4 69 421 12 66 423 4 46 471
Wood Apple 0.07 52 26 0.05 52 28 .062 50 25
Black Bery 0.38 45 51 0.35 45 52 - - -
Kamranga 0.07 41 15 0.01 41 16 0.017 37 14
Jalpai 0.19 36 14 0.01 45 19 0.184 40 18
Amra 1 11 32 0.01 48 36 0.247 50 39
Total Permanent Fruits 122 2731 3333 167 2075 3466
Total Fruits (Tem+Per) 322 1452 4677 367 1310 4809
Rabi Bringal 76 4064 310 78 4335 310 80 6334 348
Rabi Pumkin 43 4174 178 43 4365 186 43 4474 191
Cauliflower 48 5559 268 48 5623 268 49 5693 278
Cabbage 44 5908 259 44 6670 296 46 6822 312
Watergourc 45 4403 198 46 4764 218 47 4845 226
Tomato 76 5471 414 67 5451 368 68 5688 389
Radish 64 4228 271 65 4312 281 66 4273 281
Beans 49 2482 122 50 2577 129 52 2665 138
Carrot 4 3404 14 4 3590 16 5 3597 16
Palongsak 20 2279 46 22 2346 51 22 3069 66
Lalsak 27 1853 50 28 1839 52 28 1839 52
Lausak 15 1561 23 15 1607 25 15 1622 25
Other Winter Vegetable 17 2259 39 18 2244 40 19 2386 44
Total Winter Vegetable 528 4151 2192 529 4324 2239
Kakrol 12 2029 24 12 2308 28 12 2295 27
Pumkin, Kharif 27 3671 100 28 3731 105 28 3733 104
Bringal, Kharif 46 3063 140 46 3574 165 46 3501 160
Patal 25 3402 84 25 3422 86 24 3518 86
Lady’s Finger 28 1850 52 28 1927 54 28 1953 55
Jhinga 24 1906 45 24 1926 47 25 1951 44
Karala 24 2168 52 25 2204 54 26 2186 57
Green Banana 26 5617 147 26 5584 148 28 5448 150
Arum 62 3749 232 56 4058 228 58 5168 244
ChalKumra 24 2947 72 24 2975 72 25 2993 74
Cucumber 22 2537 57 23 2734 63 23 3030 71
Puisak 25 2990 76 25 3116 79 26 3090 79
chichinga 18 1956 35 18 1995 37 19 2023 39
Danta 26 2645 70 27 2759 75 27 2710 72
Barbati 17 1519 25 17 1527 26 16 1567 25
Dundal 9 1881 17 10 1871 18 10 1953 19
Kachur lati 17 2446 42 18 2600 46 18 2624 46
Shajna - - 27 - - - - -
Katcha Papya 6 25 198 5 40 202 7 26 223
Other Summer Vegetables 23 1826 42 25 1880 47 27 1902 52
Total Summer Vegetables 461 334 1537 463 3412 1580
Total Vegetable
989 3770 3729 992 3849 3818
(Winter & Summer)
Local 173 4572 791 170 1254 798 0.183 4907 0.839
HYV 991 8539 8463 1004 2348 8676 1 8857 9
Total Potato 1164 7950 9254 1175 2160 9474 1 8272 10
Sweet Potato 62 4081 255 61 4219 259 64 4130 263
Fodder ( Bhadou & Rabi) 41 5262 218 41 5402 224
Mulbery 0.53 23 29 0.46 24 28 0.491 27 27
Total Fodder 41 6024 247 41 6146 252
Rose Flower 0.28 6.13 2 0.47 6 2 1 6 20
Marry Gold Flower 1 1626 1 1 1473 1 2 1647 3
Others Flower 0.28 1717 0.48 .0775 1654 0.453 0.219 1614 .353
Total Flower 1 3000 3 1 757 29
 1 Bale = 181.43 kg Source: Agriculture wing, BBS
N.B.: (a) In the year 2004-05 data collected in new forms
b) Permanent fruit crops acreage covers area under garden.
c) Permanent fruit crops production covers production under garden as well as outside garden
d) Yield indicates average yield rate.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 83

Food and Agriculture
(‘000’ mt)
Production Local and Export Sales
Urea Ammon T.S.P. S.S.P. Total Urea Ammon T.S.P. S.S.P. Total
Dec 161.3 0.6 5.0 13.0 179.9 213.8 0.6 6.2 17.6 238.2
Jan 157.8 0.7 3.7 10.5 172.7 195.2 0.7 3.1 16.0 215.0
Feb 130.9 0.6 3.0 13.4 147.9 160.5 0.5 2.1 17.7 180.8
Mar 158.4 0.4 6.3 10.8 175.9 157.6 0.5 2.9 10.6 171.6
Apr 147.7 0.1 5.3 1.2 154.3 90.5 0.1 3.4 5.0 99.0
May 152.2 0.6 0.1 2.3 155.2 45.3 0.6 5.4 2.0 53.3
Jun 162.0 0.7 9.3 1.8 173.8 68.4 0.6 2.0 4.0 75.0
Jul 147.6 0.6 3.4 15.7 167.3 159.9 0.6 0.1 11.2 171.8
Aug 107.6 0.8 4.7 9.3 122.4 91.9 0.9 1.1 15.5 109.4
Sep 83.4 0.6 5.0 2.9 91.9 97.7 0.0 5.3 3.6 106.6
Oct 123.7 0.4 5.7 2.0 131.8 144.3 0.3 1.1 2.9 148.6
Nov 81.0 0.2 5.6 0.0 86.8 166.2 0.7 10.6 0.0 177.5
Dec 136.5 0.2 1.9 2.5 141.1 149.5 0.3 3.3 0.0 153.1
Note: Data on fertilizer were collected earlier from Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) Since BADC has recently
discontinued its collection programme, fertilizer statistics obtained from BCIC have been presented in this table.
Source: Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC).


*Tk. Per 50 Kg.
Year/Month Urea TSP SSP
Jan 293.50 681.50 462.50 644.00 883.00
Feb 300.00 659.00 645.00 643.00 927.50
Mar 306.50 694.00 450.00 681.50 931.50
Apr 300.00 723.00 470.00 682.00 950.00
May 299.50 725.50 462.00 691.90 968.00
Jun 301.00 724.90 752.00 700.50 971.50
Jul 310.00 713.00 451.50 739.50 977.00
Aug 309.00 730.00 484.50 768.50 988.50
Sep 311.00 745.00 460.50 770.50 993.50
Oct 314.00 745.00 478.50 766.50 997.50
Nov 320.50 751.00 471.00 759.50 1005.00
Dec 322.50 757.50 468.00 743.50 1037.50
Jan 308.50 729.00 458.00 740.00 1071.00
Feb 301.50 744.00 457.00 767.00 1025.50
Mar 302.00 779.50 474.50 778.50 1049.50
Apr 302.50 766.50 466.50 787.50 1017.50
May 306.00 801.00 475.00 802.00 1061.50
Jun 301.00 876.50 449.00 804.50 1007.00
Jul 302.00 894.00 472.50 814.50 1010.90
Aug 302.50 903.50 496.00 827.50 1027.50
Sep 301.50 917.00 497.00 849.00 1038.00
Oct 301.00 914.50 495.00 848.50 1038.00
Nov 302.00 857.50 500.00 932.00 1034.00
Dec 300.50 1296.00 … 1122.50 1486.50
Jan 305.00 1388.50 … 1174.00 1957.50
Feb 303.50 1551.00 … 1249.50 1988.00
Source: Ministry of Agriculture.

84 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture
(Qnty: mt & value: ‘000’ Taka)
Weedicides,herbicides Rodenticides and
Insecticides Fungicides Other Insecticides Total
Period & similar product Similar Products
Qnty Value Qnty Value Qnty Value Qnty Value Qnty Value Qnty Value
2007-08 105 12487 115 21852 75 38613 - - 23413 4600922 23708 4673874
2008-09 9477 2237516 14613 3157644 1523 593722 99 44165 225 21607 25937 6054654
2009-10 9089 2296247 9468 2382680 1804 582004 108 43196 465 46108 20934 5350235
2010-11 9990 2836482 14053 2463456 2115 688025 202 72005 463 68037 26823 6128005
2011-12 9881 3788202 14958 2492090 3010 992715 365 105695 172 63122 28386 7441824
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.


Period Insecticide Matricide Herbicide Rodenticide Total

Granular Liquid Powder GENERAL SULPHUR

2012 16539.35 3455.46 641.37 55.20 3182.60 13295.21 3623.94 89.81 40882.94
2013 13443.44 3462.65 691.34 71.54 3517.96 13536.43 2949.06 108.44 37781.06
2014 11741.00 3590.25 753.73 79.32 2575.05 12562.31 3420.29 79.73 35801.68
2015 10132.48 3310.21 823.45 83.28 3950.75 10945.31 4051.33 74.79 33371.60
2016 9595.60 3923.24 1027.28 102.53 4800.35 10565.45 5049.38 72.45 35136.28
2018 8495.94 4927.75 1414.60 112.20 6199.66 10768.31 6996.60 76.80 38991.86
Jan-Mar 7346.52 1139.09 246.89 10.08 875.20 6426.59 1216.70 25.89 17286.96
Apr-Jun 2424.24 490.93 97.01 20.58 249.23 1395.92 528.16 8.77 5214.84
July-Sep 3811.45 813.32 138.35 10.50 480.50 2445.10 617.50 32.45 8349.17
Oct-Dec 2957.14 1012.12 159.12 14.04 1577.67 3027.60 1261.58 22.70 10031.97
Jan-Mar 4494.00 952.64 256.74 14.19 917.68 6147.58 856.58 34.91 13674.32
Apr-Jun 2030.57 563.96 94.13 26.84 310.06 724.84 321.60 12.42 4084.42
July-Sep 3825.94 866.42 159.78 13.63 608.87 2835.96 509.50 25.50 8845.80
Oct-Dec 3092.93 1079.63 180.69 16.88 1681.35 3828.05 1261.38 35.61 11176.52
Jan-Mar 5114.04 1181.05 218.45 9.33 1037.89 6798.17 941.22 10.97 15311.12
Apr-Jun 1504.50 550.65 150.40 20.60 715.34 1500.20 725.35 18.43 5185.47
July-Sep 1601.46 875.35 110.70 19.55 851.52 1700.40 712.50 23.50 5894.98
Oct-Dec 3521.00 983.20 274.18 29.84 970.30 2563.54 1041.22 26.83 9410.11
Jan-Mar 4863.59 1588.91 395.26 38.87 1896.36 5253.75 1944.64 34.90 16016.28
Apr-Jun 1215.90 397.22 98.81 9.90 474.10 1315.00 486.16 8.93 4006.02
July-Sep 1519.87 496.53 123.52 12.50 592.61 1642.70 607.70 11.22 5006.65
Oct-Dec 2533.12 827.55 205.86 22.01 897.68 2733.86 1012.83 19.74 8342.65
Jan-Mar 2980.68 1176.97 308.80 30.70 1440.10 3170.65 1514.80 21.70 10644.40
Apr-Jun 1823.64 785.60 206.40 20.50 960.40 2113.10 1010.80 14.50 6934.94
July-Sep 1807.80 769.70 207.58 21.40 962.30 2106.45 1008.50 13.85 6897.58
Oct-Dec 2983.48 1190.97 304.50 29.93 1437.55 3175.25 1515.28 22.40 10659.36
Jan-Mar 2734.75 1368.82 380.61 32.84 1771.33 3106.24 1739.01 22.59 11156.19
Apr-Jun 1823.16 912.55 253.74 21.90 1180.89 2070.83 1159.34 15.06 7437.47
July-Sep 2005.48 1003.80 279.11 24.09 1298.97 2277.91 1275.27 16.57 8181.20
Oct-Dec 2552.43 1277.56 355.23 30.65 1653.24 2899.19 1623.07 21.08 10412.42
Jan-Mar 2973.58 1724.71 495.11 39.27 2169.88 3768.91 2448.81 26.88 13647.15
Apr-Jun 1699.19 985.55 282.92 22.44 1239.93 2153.66 1399.32 15.36 7798.37
July-Sep 1274.39 739.16 212.19 16.83 929.95 1615.25 1049.49 11.52 5848.78
Oct-Dec 2548.78 1478.33 424.38 33.66 1859.90 3230.49 2098.98 23.04 11397.56
Source: Bangladesh Crop Protection Association. (BCPA)

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 85

Food and Agriculture
(Lakh m.tons)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

Aus 21.3 23.3 21.5 23.2 23.2 22.8 21.3 27.0

Aman 127.9 127.9 128.9 130.2 131.9 134.8 136.5 139.9

HYV/Boro 186.2 187.6 187.8 190.01 191.9 189.4 180.0 195.7

Wheat 9.7 9.9 12.6 13.0 13.4 13.4 13.0 -

Total: 345.10 348.7 350.8 356.4 360.4 360.4 350.8 362.6

Source: BBS.


('000' mt)
Import Internal Procurement Distribution Stock
Rice Wheat Rice Paddy Wheat Rice Wheat Rice Paddy Wheat
2004-05 82 183 251 12 - 1103 256 6139 303 1739
2005-06 - - 505 - - 803 174 6259 271 2198
2006-07 - - - - - 1290 192 6737 235 1495

Jul 1 9 97 1 - 14 9 586 31 152
Aug - 17 97 - - 43 21 669 33 151
Sep - 7 114 - - 96 15 724 33 147
Oct - - 44 - - 175 13 740 33 140
Nov 13 75 - - - 52 16 608 32 105
Dec - 60 32 - - 67 24 562 21 185
Jan - - 37 - - 41 4 499 16 246
Feb - - 63 - - 83 18 421 14 247
Mar 32 - 21 - - 86 20 408 14 229
Apr - - - - - 13 3 353 13 227
May - - - - - 87 27 278 13 229
Jun - - - - - 46 17 411 18 140

Jul - - - - - 14 9 534 22 176
Aug - - - - - 118 24 753 25 167
Sep - - - - - 147 17 799 28 157
Oct - - - - - 204 18 738 28 140
Nov - - - - - 44 19 590 28 122
Dec - - - - - 72 21 568 22 102
Jan - - - - - 43 12 605 15 97
Feb - - - - - 34 13 616 13 85
Mar - - - - - 100 12 601 13 97
Apr - - - - - 314 12 503 13 92
May - - - - - 73 16 187 13 108
Jun - - - - - 127 19 243 15 152
Stock : For the split year, opening stock of 1st July and for months opening stock on the 1st day.
Source : Directorate of Food

86 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Food and Agriculture

('000' mt)
2016-17 Monthly
Sector Nov’17 Dec’17
Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat Total
1 Statutory Rationing
2 Modified Rationing (Palli Rationing)*
3 Priority Distribution system
i) Essential Priorities (Defense) 114709 85898 200607 10016 7348 17364 10009 7426 17435
ii) Large Employees (Industries) 8559 9281 17840 - 1587 1587 - 1637 1637
iii) Other Priorities 15713 3876 19589 1299 282 1581 1364 305 1669
Works Programme Distribution
i) Food for Works Programme 23814 7163 30977 1491 - 1491 2031 - 2031
ii) Canal Digging
iii) Test Relief - - - - - - - - -
iv) Food for education
Gratuity, Relief, Vulnerable Å Other
Distribution system
i) Vulnerable Group/V.G.D. 314451 158 314609 29815 - 29815 30162 - 30162
ii) Gratuity Relief 50852 23145 73997 719 - 719 2592 - 2592
iii) Flour Mills
iv) Marketing Operation
v) Credit sale 73101 38838 111939 6479 3341 9820 6429 2891 9320
vi) V.G.F. 209009 107950 316959 11800 - 11800 11340 - 11340
vii) Open market sales 56962 301456 358418 37583 14636 52219 15466 12101 27567
viii) Special Auction
ix) Permit
x) Others - - - - - - - - -
6 Free Sale
Grand Total 867170 577765 1444935 99202 27194 126396 79393 24360 103753
Source: Directorate of food * Modified Rationing includes Palli Chakki

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 87

(Value: '000' Taka)

Period 1020 Fish & sea food 1030 Fruit Juice 1040 Hyd. Vege oil
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2006-07 40054 18914 67134
2009-10 53813 35004 76918
2010-11 65864 38754 76970
2011-12 67960 38945 113765
2012-13 53923 40799 313265
2013-14 57610 43557 353115

2015-16 55238.06 61287.34 609777.90

Jul-15 3930 6500 64371
Aug-15 3552 5901 60786
Sep-15 4610 5005 71803
Oct-15 5861 5029 66045
Nov-15 4563 5150 50051
Dec-15 4952 5982 60347
Jan-16 4382 6011 52278
Feb-16 3826 6085 59971
Mar-16 2861 6099 64297
Apr-16 3489 6113 54584
May-16 4313 9637 64400
Jun-16 5400 9704 59327
2016-17 51739 77216 728260
Jul-16 3945 9760 51181
Aug-16 5325 9742 68832
Sep-16 4720 9795 53839
Oct-16 6099 9806 61519
Nov-16 4753 10030 58444
Dec-16 4141 10134 50834
Jan-17 3336 10148 63717
Feb-17 2585 10172 64705
Mar-17 2260 10236 68297
Apr-17 3819 10172 57430
May-17 4771 10192 61708
Jun-17 5687 10209 61708
2017-18 51441 120396 722214
July-17 6297 10244 75622
Aug-17 6909 10269 76280
Sep-17 4462 10310 74594
Oct-17 5921 10352 86570
Nov-17 4164 10373 93426
Dec-17 3700 10390 84730
Jan-18 3176 10407 83102
Feb-18 2526 10421 79675
Mar-18 2240 10423 82576
April-18 2295 11650 2156
May-18 2320 22716 2160
June-18 2305 20582 2162
July-18 4330 10470 72947
Aug-18 4718 10480 74491
Sep-18 5033 10490 91826
Oct-18 6992 10500 8850

88 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1050-Dairy products 1061-Grain milling 1063-Rice milling

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2008-09 8420 134069 10777
2009-10 8848 156528 11101
2010-11 9229 154384 11640
2011-12 13952 162407 16059
2012-13 6143 194048 17043
2013-14 6438 209106 18910
2015-16 9615 298939 21408.79
Jul-15 1015 20610 1965
Aug-15 1050 25839 2056
Sep-15 1110 21211 1878
Oct-15 1190 26059 1976.5
Nov-15 1275 24656 1980
Dec-15 1310 25567 1990
Jan-16 1355 25905 1995
Feb-16 1395 23798 1966
Mar-16 1420 24057 2012
Apr-16 1460 23259 2110
May-16 1510 19031 2076
Jun-16 1535 18960 2062
2016-17 15625 278952 24066.5
Jul-16 1565 20864 2050
Aug-16 1600 27750 2044
Sep-16 1615 25233 2035
Oct-16 1645 28282 2143
Nov-16 1620 26603 2192
Dec-16 1680 25356 2179
Jan-17 1745 33496 1843
Feb-17 1765 27132 1985
Mar-17 1770 38345 1983
Apr-17 1790 38873 1990
May-17 1810 28298 2139
Jun-17 1820 28699 1945
2017-18 20425 348931 24528
July-17 1834 34819 1970
Aug-17 1850 35752 1972
Sep-17 1979 29204 1979
Oct-17 1893 42605 2064
Nov-17 1932 39808 2085
Dec-17 2000 33130 2130
Jan-18 2120 41948 2135
Feb-18 2170 35614 2166
Mar-18 2210 30679 2154
April-18 2295 11650 2156
May-18 2320 22716 2160
June-18 2305 20582 2162
July-18 2380 24031 2174
Aug-18 2405 25880 2185
Sep-18 2480 25580 2195
Oct-18 2505 25120 2250

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 89.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1071-Bakery products 1072-Sugar 1077-Tea

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2008-09 52421 79922 56106
2009-10 68409 62203 59444
2010-11 73283 100305 60078
2011-12 46320 69308 60326
2012-13 46559 107123 63044
2013-14 48259 128267 66604
2015-16 45040 78904 63039
Jul-15 3618 0 7615
Aug-15 5157 0 7620
Sep-15 5078 0 7625
Oct-15 5095 0 7628
Nov-15 3459 7211 7630
Dec-15 3673 19720 7631
Jan-16 3684 25732 93
Feb-16 3747 5188 13
Mar-16 3727 330 2506
Apr-16 3874 0 5096
May-16 3815 0 6445
Jun-16 3802 0 11227
2016-17 48729 58181 71129
Jul-16 3771 0 11395
Aug-16 1898 0 11182
Sep-16 2060 0 12716
Oct-16 1875 85 10907
Nov-16 1868 5495 9000
Dec-16 1863 22288 4470
Jan-17 4985 24398 144
Feb-17 4830 7718 9
Mar-17 4806 0 1078
Apr-17 4802 0 5221
May-17 4800 0 6929
June-17 4805 0 8594
2017-18 42363 59984 81645
July-17 4808 0 11206
Aug-17 4812 0 10648
Sep-17 1816 0 9784
Oct-17 4825 0 11464
Nov-17 4836 2859 9075
Dec-17 4830 18602 6547
Jan-18 4845 29783 331
Feb-18 4830 15576 38
Mar-18 4827 1783 556
April-18 4835 0 3505
May-18 4825 0 6334
June-18 4805 0 7634
July-18 4830 0 10985
Aug-18 4815 0 12477
Sep-18 4824 0 12008
Oct-18 4836 0 11863
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

90 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)

Period 1079- Edible salt 1080-Animal feeds 1101-Sprits & alcohol

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2008-09 75323 208338 4282
2009-10 77487 222818 4551
2010-11 73938 253455 4613
2011-12 72722 315473 4240
2012-13 73351 321566 5071
2013-14 77686 345102 4236
2015-16 78912 400996 4561
Aug-15 5381 35995 224
Sep-15 5380 36345 407
Oct-15 5385 36695 322
Nov-15 5706 36527 346
Dec-15 6057 37250 422
Jan-16 6154 36836 236
Feb-16 10527 37397 554
Mar-16 10351 39450 383
Apr-16 10439 39952 216
May-16 10423 40550 406
Jun-16 10316 40852 361
2016-17 92262 453799 4207
Jul-16 10452 41106 265
Aug-16 7189 41521 395
Sep-16 7222 41610 370
Oct-16 6023 41868 330
Nov-16 5706 42224 567
Dec-16 5708 43437 463
Jan-17 7932 44023 452
Feb-17 7877 44169 298
Mar-17 7810 44180 722
Apr-17 7811 44250 370
May-17 7813 44365 193
June-17 7812 44484 250
2017-18 89355 517237 4675
July-17 7815 46767 363
Aug-17 7818 47133 285
Sep-17 7821 47250 591
Oct-17 7825 47865 443
Nov-17 7827 48109 674
Dec-17 7830 49398 311
Jan-18 7837 51211 663
Feb-18 7845 50828 352
Mar-18 7852 52815 249
April-18 7860 53358 707
May-18 7846 53481 320
June-18 7840 54454 340
July-18 7850 55709 468
Aug-18 7815 54628 480
Sep-18 7822 56267 258
Oct-18 7833 56825 439
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 91.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1104- Soft Drinks 1105-Mineral Water 1200-Cigarettes

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2008-09 34836 64809 23641
2009-10 37592 69313 23677
2010-11 43857 78844 23446
2011-12 45906 68254 31905
2012-13 57614 82790 26270
2013-14 70768 127414 28314
2015-16 64523 133086 26484
Sep-15 4554 8959 1951
Oct-15 7868 26470 2132
Nov-15 3699 21911 1573
Dec-15 4376 19687 1818
Jan-16 6531 21491 1630
Feb-16 7462 28784 2030
Mar-16 5112 11511 2037
Apr-16 5257 12416 2355
May-16 7068 11448 2663
Jun-16 6154 15943 1448
2016-17 67201 205579 22274
Jul-16 7643 8327 857
Aug-16 7041 11117 1128
Sep-16 6667 9667 1388
Oct-16 7385 8386 1621
Nov-16 6774 10399 1800
Dec-16 1412 8833 1398
Jan-17 4439 12968 1567
Feb-17 5940 11373 1516
Mar-17 5062 11443 1690
Apr-17 6843 12585 1705
May-17 7701 16402 2241
Jun-17 7792 14604 662
2017-18 74699 136104 17573
July-17 6947 14793 1034
Aug-17 9084 12203 1143
Sep-17 6026 13163 1241
Oct-17 6843 13700 1420
Nov-17 2091 9691 1229
Dec-17 2562 12214 1186
Jan-18 2870 11073 1572
Feb-18 4574 15710 1124
Mar-18 4919 15479 1521
April-18 5162 14534 1420
May-18 5894 13897 1450
June-18 7194 9881 1320
July-18 6933 19970 1034
Aug-18 7506 14228 1143
Sep-18 7148 15116 1187
Oct-18 4730 13016 1173
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

92 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1201- Biddies 1311-Preparation & Spinning of 1312-Weaving of Textiles
Textile fibers
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2008-09 51439 176382 50566
2009-10 56894 181180 52975
2010-11 58672 179312 56181
2011-12 64678 172077 56546
2012-13 83546 174508 56949
2013-14 84122 175273 57386
2014-15 85678 140485 44692
Aug-15 7097 12313 3993
Sep-15 7098 12419 3856
Oct-15 7105 13863 3964
Nov-15 6537 14402 3869
Dec-15 8327 14478 4048
Jan-16 8450 14250 3945
Feb-16 3667 14409 4061
Mar-16 3693 14194 4022
Apr-16 6765 13963 3977
May-16 8729 12918 3947
Jun-16 8962 12700 3982
2016-17 82968 160381 47444
Jul-16 8734 12069 3776
Aug-16 8789 12588 4468
Sep-16 6268 12313 3898
Oct-16 7484 15450 3967
Nov-16 7356 15477 3846
Dec-16 8243 15991 4074
Jan-17 8245 12485 3864
Feb-17 8246 12032 3935
Mar-17 8248 12690 3752
Apr-17 8253 13351 3858
May-17 8250 13553 3839
Jun-17 8255 13616 3783
2017-18 96371 161615 47060
July-17 8260 11943 3393
Aug-17 8262 12350 3408
Sep-17 8264 14280 3110
Oct-17 13045 14397 3507
Nov-17 12839 14465 3526
Dec-17 12042 14521 3681
Jan-18 12042 14779 3577
Feb-18 12055 13963 4059
Mar-18 12062 14475 3601
April-18 8278 14525 3693
May-18 8280 13989 3128
June-18 8282 13973 3664
July-18 8295 14062 3459
Aug-18 8299 14088 3531
Sep-18 8310 14680 3416
Oct-18 8319 15136 3163
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 93.

(Qnty: '000' metre)
Period No. of 1312- Variet-wise Quantity of Cloth Production Total
Long Poplin Shirting Drill Markin Others
Unit cloth Cloth
July 15 113 113 - - 113 - 339
Aug 15 116 116 - - 113 - 345
Sept 15 128 128 - - 114 - 370
Oct 15 121 121 - - 121 - 363
Nov 15 115 115 - - 115 - 345
Dec 15 114 115 - - 114 - 343
Jan 15 118 114 - - 118 - 350
Feb 15 116 118 - - 116 - 350
Mar 15 118 116 - - 118 - 352
Apr 15 119 118 - - 119 - 356
May 15 120 119 - - 120 - 359
Jun 15 119 120 - - 120 - 359
July 15 121 121 - - 121 - 363
Aug 15 119 119 - - 119 - 357
Sept 15 121 121 - - 121 - 363
Oct 15 120 120 - - 120 - 360
Nov 15 115 115 - - 115 - 345
Dec 15 119 119 - - 119 - 357
Jan 15 119 118 - - 118 - 355
Feb 15 113 113 - - 113 - 339
Mar 15 116 116 - - 116 - 348
Apr 15 114 114 - - 114 - 342
May 15 115 115 - - 115 - 345
Jun 15 103 103 - - 103 - 309
July 15 94 94 - - 94 - 282
Aug 15 95 95 - - 95 - 285
Sep 15 96 96 - - 96 - 288
Oct 15 88 88 - - 88 - 264
Note: This Unit total production does not means the total production of Bangladesh.
Source: Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation and Bangladesh Textile Mills Association.

94 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Qnty: '000' mt)
No. of 3213-Production of Jute goods and Raw Jute
Period Unit Installed Employment Production of
Capacity Raw Jute
(all Category) Jute Goods Consumption
('000' looms) (Number) Qnty. Value (M. Tk.)
July 132 26 55900 26 - 28
Aug 132 26 55900 26 - 28
Sept 132 26 55900 26 - 28
Nov 132 26 55912 26 - 28
Dec 132 26 55912 26 - 28
Jan 132 26 55912 26 - 28
Feb 132 26 55912 26 - 27
Mar 132 26 55912 26 - 27
Apr 132 26 55912 26 - 27
May 132 26 55520 26 - 26
Jun 132 26 55520 26 - 25
July 139 26 55520 26 - 25
Aug 139 26 55520 26 - 25
Sept 139 25 55440 25 - 24
Oct 139 25 55440 25 - 24
Nov 139 25 55440 25 - 24
Dec 139 25 55440 25 - 24
Jan 139 25 55440 25 - 24
Feb 139 25 55440 26 - 24
Mar 139 25 55440 26 - 25
Apr 139 25 55440 26 - 24
May 139 25 55440 28 27
June 139 25 55440 28 27
July 139 25 55450 28 - 28
Aug 139 25 55450 28 27
Sep 139 25 55456 28 - 27
Oct 139 25 55456 28 - 27
Note: This Unit total production does not means the total production of Bangladesh.
Source: Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation and Bangladesh Jute Mills Association.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 95.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1313- Dyeing, bleaching & 1312-Silk & Synthetic 1314-Jute Textile
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 77960 9506 278779
2009-10 78623 9797 303815
2010-11 78311 9766 307385
2011-12 76687 9717 369029
2012-13 73345 9262 426820
2013-14 73764 9360 387612
2015-16 75336 10525 306678
Sep-15 3650 1017 21449
Oct-15 3660 1044 22143
Nov-15 3902 1095 23368
Dec-15 4012 1137 52362
Jan-16 4030 1150 24444
Feb-16 3681 1106 23311
Mar-16 5560 1208 24350
Apr-16 9671 1260 24894
May-16 5802 1215 26129
Jun-16 5956 1308 108379
2016-17 57362 13604 388277
Jul-16 6071 1106 20011
Aug-16 5854 1171 25361
Sep-16 5782 1195 19891
Oct-16 3360 1284 30468
Nov-16 5257 1301 27936
Dec-16 5259 1287 133118
Jan-17 4302 1321 29078
Feb-17 5529 1362 29551
Mar-17 6636 1397 30846
Apr-17 7540 1431 34102
May-17 7545 1462 31264
Jun-17 7543 1489 38294
2017-18 70678 15806 449920
July-17 7548 1143 29167
Aug-17 7546 1215 32779
Sep-17 7547 1239 22522
Oct-17 7553 1249 32256
Nov-17 7565 1240 31091
Dec-17 7574 1311 83961
Jan-18 7563 1338 25870
Feb-18 7570 1366 26927
Mar-18 7582 1407 29976
April-18 7590 1441 29639
May-18 7612 1475 30500
June-18 7585 1496 32200
July-18 7570 1482 29748
Aug-18 7565 1513 21222
Sep-18 7571 1547 24770
Oct-18 7583 1582 25441
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

96 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)

Period 1315- Handloom Textile 1410-Wearing Apperal 1430-Knittwear

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

2008-09 5157 366774 398426

2009-10 5250 363994 392435
2010-11 7842 499113 561243
2011-12 6563 627892 620246
2012-13 6539 719311 691115
2013-14 5986 791402 766532
2015-16 7428 831201.24 786523.87
Nov-15 928 74370 68521
Dec-15 937 95153 77104
Jan-16 947 93469 75133
Feb-16 950 85178 67028
Mar-16 953 82311 66265
Apr-16 955 72680 68155
May-16 882 80964 75753
Jun-16 884 101094 92103
2016-17 11155 944497 855872
Jul-16 881 66812 69180
Aug-16 897 85457 89626
Sep-16 898 57418 59594
Oct-16 898 65581 72848
Nov-16 1500 77990 70626
Dec-16 2000 89824 75811
Jan-17 2432 94006 80487
Feb-17 2539 78520 65943
Mar-17 2589 79660 69539
Apr-17 2432 71800 72634
May-17 2629 81538 82466
Jun-17 2729 84020 82670
2017-18 22425 932626 891424
Jul-17 2833 80305 83436
Aug-17 2866 95143 106119
Sep-17 2884 49056 10310
Oct-17 2944 69691 81912
Nov-17 2959 84291 83738
Dec-17 3065 98699 91354
Jan-18 3165 106586 88942
Feb-18 3297 93843 82816
Mar-18 3253 93977 81240
April-18 3284 85094 82863
May-18 3340 97212 95609
June-18 3352 84863 85597
Jul-18 2833 102257 104764
Aug-18 2438 91356 95066
Sep-18 2910 79753 88770
Oct-18 2886 101133 114548
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 97.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1511- Tanning & Finishing 1512-Mfg.of luggage, handbags 1520-Leather Footwear
Leather: etc
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2008-09 29181 1480 13501
2009-10 31209 1502 14009
2010-11 35173 1538 14130
2011-12 35195 1574 15098
2012-13 36433 1709 16135
2013-14 36636 2064 16655
2014-15 34708.43 2054 15292
Aug-15 1968 198 1027
Sep-15 1918 199 758
Oct-15 1606 202 882
Nov-15 1541 214 871
Dec-15 1797 222 962
Jan-16 2409 233 977
Feb-16 2037 241 1065
Mar-16 1940 251 1074
Apr-16 1387 262 1079
May-16 1795 265 1619
Jun-16 2191 268 1631
2015-16 22362 2745 13440
Jul-16 1206 271 1661
Aug-16 2334 279 1670
Sep-16 1867 287 1675
Oct-16 1888 295 1680
Nov-16 1968 350 1685
Dec-16 1641 360 1890
Jan-17 2392 500 1695
Feb-17 902 410 1700
Mar-17 1425 736 1705
Apr-17 1055 740 1714
May-17 908 850 1720
Jun-17 642 880 1725
2017-18 18228 5958 20520
July-17 1104 900 1735
Aug-17 1656 898 1740
Sep-17 1109 880 1745
Oct-17 1053 897 1755
Nov-17 1778 950 1765
Dec-17 1436 950 1770
Jan-18 1304 1050 1775
Feb-18 1085 980 1780
Mar-18 1143 1010 1785
April-18 1449 1050 1790
May-18 1092 1080 1795
June-18 1177 1025 1800
July-18 1592 1035 1805
Aug-18 1959 1080 1810
Sep-18 2951 1050 1815
Oct-18 2462 1070 1820
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

98 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1629- Particle board/ plywood 1701-Pulp, Paper & newsprint 1709-Articles made of paper

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2008-09 5558 140000 30000
2009-10 6290 148000 32000
2010-11 7050 156000 36000
2011-12 7679 159000 36157
2012-13 7771 149255 33805
2013-14 7920 146812 31322
2015-16 8782 163270 36712
Aug-15 795 13645 3198
Sep-15 800 13650 3200
Oct-15 805 13655 3206
Nov-15 810 13660 3208
Dec-15 815 13662 3210
Jan-16 820 13667 3215
Feb-16 827 13582 3219
Mar-16 832 13680 3225
Apr-16 836 14645 3228
May-16 840 13779 3234
Jun-16 845 13944 3238
2016-17 9818 165210 38576
Jul-16 850 13948 3242
Aug-16 860 13952 3245
Sep-16 872 13958 3247
Oct-16 875 13962 3252
Nov-16 881 13970 3258
Dec-16 884 13973 3260.03
Jan-17 887 13975 3263
Feb-17 889 13977 3265
Mar-17 892 13980 3268
Apr-17 896 13985 3270
May-17 898 13987 3272
Jun-17 900 13992 3274
2017-18 10584 167659 39116
July-17 905 13995 3279
Aug-17 907 13998 3282
Sep-17 960 14001 3285
Oct-17 913 14005 3287
Nov-17 915 14007 3290
Dec-17 918 14010 3295
Jan-18 921 14017 3301
Feb-18 925 14022 3306
Mar-18 929 14026 3316
April-18 931 14029 3320
May-18 935 14032 3324
June-18 929 14035 3328
July-18 943 14037 3335
Aug-18 947 14041 3338
Sep-18 952 14045 3342
Oct-18 955 14046 3345
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS


Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 99.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1811- Printing of Newspaper 1811-Printing of Books and 1920-Petrolium refining
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 471161 149589 884850
2009-10 475466 152965 1271100
2010-11 469278 149361 1342300
2011-12 479707 151814 1193603
2012-13 480202 153473 1360900
2013-14 480873 158449 1236930
2015-16 695042 163891 1261905
Aug-15 64325 13840 100300
Sep-15 65995 13845 104510
Oct-15 65992 13850 101980
Nov-15 65992 13855 43140
Dec-15 67326 13860 3880
Jan-16 67803 13867 122100
Feb-16 68329 13876 120280
Mar-16 68395 13882 113700
Apr-16 68436 13888 112970
May-16 73445 13894 106050
Jun-16 74333 13900 120786
2016-17 812871 166392 1138636
Jul-16 76364 13920 205322
Aug-16 77673 13940 199964
Sep-16 77895 13957 232342
Oct-16 78625 13960 227288
Nov-16 78954 13965 177628
Dec-16 80764 13970 223020
Jan-17 81751 13974 177628
Feb-17 82409 13976 235986
Mar-17 83395 13979 218623
Apr-17 83534 13982 223361
May-17 84037 13984 233813
Jun-17 84382 13985 118141
2017-18 969783 167592 2473116
July-17 84875 13995 116323
Aug-17 85533 14000 108011
Sep-17 88000 14005 113932
Oct-17 88822 14008 116757
Nov-17 89316 14011 21100
Dec-17 89849 14018 212100
Jan-18 90302 14035 119710
Feb-18 92111 14040 116560
Mar-18 92012 14050 110900
April-18 98691 14055 119700
May-18 101981 14060 112390
June-18 105271 14070 115200
July-18 108561 14080 112390
Aug-18 110206 14085 112399
Sep-18 112673 14090 115852
Oct-18 115140 14092 114380
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

100 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 1920- Misc. Petroleum products 2011-Compressed liquidified gas 2012-Fertilizer

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2008-09 197590 469969 1347366
2009-10 368200 802645 1688936
2010-11 324420 930226 1013537
2011-12 367555 1446605 1047214
2012-13 359791 1569869 1074791
2013-14 340700 1394711 976691
2015-16 410100.83 1375458.04 1028157
Aug-15 35455 116977 65906
Sep-15 41008 111223.04 66832
Oct-15 48208 94978 91589
Nov-15 49028 94602 91109
Dec-15 47919 64161 128085
Jan-16 54715 111026 124845
Feb-16 45324 126089 108336
Mar-16 52846 118399 112005
Apr-16 46995 118990 52866
May-16 57716 114327 64492
Jun-16 51493 138710 59148
2016-17 563872 1316536.04 1010446
Jul-16 45648 89403 67341
Aug-16 48664 121958 62122
Sep-16 47728 119683 63072
Oct-16 52362 105066 62410
Nov-16 50584 108567 103979
Dec-16 52688 104181 116044
Jan-17 53198 95020 118381
Feb-17 47831 102874 126618
Mar-17 47065 122652 135317
Apr-17 48042 118428 204955
May-17 49617 109215 98380
Jun-17 58695 96796 62271
2017-18 602122 1293843 1220890
Jul-17 48207 115873 56548
Aug-17 51485 153029 71392
Sep-17 47574 117391 99485
Oct-17 51146 146739 95216
Nov-17 49442 85394 133251
Dec-17 49720 65531 113315
Jan-18 50637 83314 99236
Feb-18 46703 88106 47825
Mar-18 50228 92898 76839
April-18 47808 128133 46464
May-18 48520 147476 9282
June-18 48210 122616 46464
Jul-18 48526 660159 27395
Aug-18 48529 141982 28643
Sep-18 47716 141982 82636
Oct-18 48218 189965 136444
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 101.

(Value: '000' Taka)

Period 2022- Paints and varnishes 2023-Perfumes and cosmetics 2023-Soaps & detergents

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit

2008-09 23141 2282044 61568

2009-10 29119 2258858 62159
2010-11 31480 2204977 63194
2011-12 31425 2159828 64713
2012-13 32012 2172382 67757
2013-14 32358 2454699 68373
2015-16 33334 1774448 61626.72
Aug-15 2796 107368 11961
Sep-15 2872 83718 10907
Oct-15 2720 155411 11303
Nov-15 2964 165647 12328
Dec-15 2896 185438 14163
Jan-16 3040 91885 14529
Feb-16 2945 202546 10056
Mar-16 3067 404376 15735
Apr-16 3474 147974 11427
May-16 3603 71947 9433
Jun-16 3599 102739 9755
2016-17 36696 1783436 144426
Jul-16 3508 282827 12023
Aug-16 3717 68452 14278
Sep-16 4086 276154 13683
Oct-16 3938 152062 11425
Nov-16 3987 335570 10577
Dec-16 4204 193355 13036
Jan-17 4166 196825 11520
Feb-17 4204 230293 11228
Mar-17 4566 137725 15522
Apr-17 4600 155176 12828
May-17 4349 174825 12983
Jun-17 4288 187062 9872
2017-18 49613 2390326 148975
Jul-17 2272 228058 27143
Aug-17 1456 278039 14827
Sep-17 1392 209980 12387
Oct-17 1601 326933 15301
Nov-17 1597 310569 11912
Dec-17 1274 157043 14678
Jan-18 1415 473526 15547
Feb-18 1388 286351 14593
Mar-18 1479 227036 14745
April-18 1487 467541 18569
May-18 1468 468290 8719
June-18 1495 501070 8360
Jul-18 1495 544877 17661
Aug-18 1540 664290 12295
Sep-18 1681 910610 17243
Oct-18 1495 762985 17710
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

102 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2031- Matches 2100-Pharmac/Allopathic drugs and 2101/2102-Unani and Ayur Bedic
medicine Medicine
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit

2008-09 13411 32720777 91061

2009-10 13330 42075245 106744
2010-11 14141 42458829 94696
2011-12 18148 43592278 103940
2012-13 20989 44137593 208984
2013-14 20813 55735203 337008
2015-16 18935 71134779.88 379714.00
Aug-15 1495 6826418 32303
Sep-15 1555 5889872 31897
Oct-15 1591 6073007 31951
Nov-15 1519 6423294 31967
Dec-15 1580 6240287 32050
Jan-16 1615 6013355 32807
Feb-16 1653 6039196 30880
Mar-16 1710 6195762 30908
Apr-16 1748 7358525 30617
May-16 1780 6902291 30995
Jun-16 1805 7970582 31621
2016-17 19506 78703394 379548
Jul-16 1815 6695152 31342
Aug-16 1825 8930254 31700
Sep-16 1835 7854366 28668
Oct-16 1835 7300971 31942
Nov-16 1848 7606897 31947
Dec-16 1873 8122074 40439
Jan-17 1920 8864589 42847
Feb-17 1945 8216966 41602
Mar-17 1950 9098443 42575
Apr-17 1975 10568497 32168
May-17 1998 11144117 43125
Jun-17 2008 11354019 40408
2017-18 22827 105756345 438763
July-17 2018 12222348 33270
Aug-17 2047 13796755 33100
Sep-17 2035 8649002 30535
Oct-17 2062 10230421 32803
Nov-17 2092 9537682 35050
Dec-17 2122 11717398 34348
Jan-18 2160 10156138 37119
Feb-18 2112 10207822 41602
Mar-18 2416 11774435 44024
April-18 2480 12647927 42951
May-18 2461 11443086 43325
June-18 2488 10989444 41088
July-18 2653 18049549 45011
Aug-18 2682 20772990 45334
Sep-18 2644 8910886 46034
Oct-18 2673 9476436 43922
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 103.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2211- Tyres and Tubes 2219-Rubber footwear/ other rubber 2220-P.V.C products/plastic
products products
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 185916 347165 14848
2009-10 203022 332752 19015
2010-11 212490 308819 23281
2011-12 272144 278196 26592
2012-13 272369 316508 30389
2013-14 367900 363093 31632
2015-16 341745 393588 35670
Aug-15 33450 33854 3113
Sep-15 33580 33870 3158
Oct-15 33610 33890 3198
Nov-15 33717 17427 3311
Dec-15 33658 18518 3401
Jan-16 33658 35360 3506
Feb-16 33672 39920 3455
Mar-16 33681 38750 3545
Apr-16 33732 41640 3497
May-16 33766 42825 3569
Jun-16 33880 41595 3659
2016-17 403524 409245 40501
Jul-16 33120 42709 3725
Aug-16 33450 23780 3665
Sep-16 33580 23984 3740
Oct-16 33610 24360 3590
Nov-16 33764 23805 3635
Dec-16 33658 23825 3401
Jan-17 33238 17828 3734
Feb-17 33448 17849 3803
Mar-17 33727 17880 3752
Apr-17 33795 16856 3851
May-17 33750 16858 3797
Jun-17 33831 16860 3878
2017-18 402971 266594 44571
July-17 39502 16862 3944
Aug-17 45475 16865 3987
Sep-17 39666 16868 4120
Oct-17 39647 16874 4273
Nov-17 39684 16883 4312
Dec-17 39718 16872 4369
Jan-18 39750 16950 4405
Feb-18 39729 16955 4378
Mar-18 39786 16960 4438
April-18 39831 16965 4465
May-18 39887 16970 4486
June-18 39813 16975 4441
July-18 39850 16985 4507
Aug-18 39895 16990 4573
Sep-18 39838 22262 4618
Oct-18 39923 22750 4528
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

104 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2221- Malamine 2310-Glass Sheet 2392-Tiles

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2008-09 2173 5104 112161
2009-10 2670 5459 119956
2010-11 2762 5099 120946
2011-12 3035 6273 122684
2012-13 3133 7429 125534
2013-14 3327 9058 130457
2015-16 5250 13556 159134
Aug-15 803 1222 14950
Sep-15 807 1204 15035
Oct-15 815 1227 15330
Nov-15 899 1209 15123
Dec-15 899 1054 15550
Jan-16 910 1103 15655
Feb-16 960 987 15830
Mar-16 837 1137 15945
Apr-16 838 836 16200
May-16 959 1251 16690
Jun-16 959 1187 16775
2016-17 10531 13522 187933
Jul-16 1169 1190 16950
Aug-16 1074 1274 17100
Sep-16 928 1144 17200
Oct-16 938 1162 17197
Nov-16 948 1196 17927
Dec-16 951 1199 18946
Jan-17 1030 1236 19200
Feb-17 1034 1099 19250
Mar-17 1034 1162 19280
Apr-17 1040 1105 19325
May-17 1043 1161 19399
Jun-17 1045 1092 19407
2017-18 12243 14020 221181
Jul-17 1047 1410 19500
Aug-17 1050 1229 19385
Sep-17 1053 1229 19750
Oct-17 1267 1188 19950
Nov-17 1188 1194 20120
Dec-17 1195 1373 20150
Jan-18 1165 1500 20525
Feb-18 1170 1610 20125
Mar-18 1182 1499 20795
April-18 1177 1673 21500
May-18 1188 1742 21545
June-18 1190 1638 21835
Jul-18 1198 1415 22750
Aug-18 1185 1229 23050
Sep-18 1190 1578 23250
Oct-18 1196 1282 23775
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 105.


Period 2393- Ceramic 2394-Cement 2397-Bricks

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2008-09 8432 2852581 102326
2009-10 8935 2877203 114219
2010-11 9323 2982121 125152
2011-12 9099 3197110 124033
2012-13 9204 3460495 116175
2013-14 9269 3569608 119440
2015-16 10396 5770527 110808.21
Aug-15 925 606475 13372
Sep-15 955 482527 9061
Oct-15 1040 594151 12907
Nov-15 1060 685547 12978
Dec-15 1095 688500 15247
Jan-16 1115 689860 13894
Feb-16 1145 880565 11780
Mar-16 1180 991598 12400
Apr-16 1210 839315 12414
May-16 1250 825759 11696
Jun-16 1275 869502 11893
2016-17 13158 8754649 147379
Jul-16 1300 695954 11033
Aug-16 1315 943786 12688
Sep-16 1320 704214 12978
Oct-16 1343 939698 13330
Nov-16 1362 968632 13527
Dec-16 1380 1130224 13612
Jan-17 1395 1201791 13795
Feb-17 1410 1254225 13908
Mar-17 1420 1330250 14049
Apr-17 1450 1250750 14176
May-17 1470 1179093 14373
Jun-17 1478 1177350 14542
2017-18 16643 12775967 162011
Jul-17 1485 1170604 11160
Aug-17 1468 1241803 12795
Sep-17 1474 869824 12950
Oct-17 1536 1217180 13260
Nov-17 1560 1253507 13386
Dec-17 1587 1248190 13541
Jan-18 1724 1258275 13668
Feb-18 1792 1252275 13851
Mar-18 1963 1290445 14049
April-18 1990 1298501 14162
May-18 2007 1293725 14288
June-18 2034 1295700 14331
Jul-18 2133 1310500 14697
Aug-18 2126 1305730 14796
Sep-18 2184 1295676 14908
Oct-18 2218 1308170 15035
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

106 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2410- Iron & steel mills 2410-Re-rolling mills 2511-Structural metal products

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 73000 290116 6357
2009-10 75000 269678 6799
2010-11 75800 226262 7557
2011-12 76779 232470 7532
2012-13 85433 281715 7543
2013-14 100257 306057 8534
Jun-15 9080 42034 905
2015-16 107407 393019 9664
Jul-15 9066 41752 907
Aug-15 9068 30493 888
Sep-15 9070 30495 741
Oct-15 9085 27705 817
Nov-15 6930 29971 891
Dec-15 9845 30263 844
Jan-16 9950 30660 836
Feb-16 9970 65488 891
Mar-16 9985 47354 947
Apr-16 9995 35504 1009
May-16 9995 33533 987
Jun-16 9998 25157 1017
2016-17 112957 428375 10775
Jul-16 9999 27618 951
Aug-16 9997 33505 1154
Sep-16 9980 29912 972
Oct-16 7892 28105 963
Nov-16 7895 28963 1089
Dec-16 7899 28727 1051
Jan-17 8100 30834 1116
Feb-17 8300 29329 1064
Mar-17 8200 31578 1184
Apr-17 8202 31651 1105
May-17 8205 31655 1143
Jun-17 8203 31657 1126
2017-18 102872 363534 12918
Jul-17 8207 31665 1085
Aug-17 8210 31670 1146
Sep-17 8213 31675 1052
Oct-17 8220 32255 1224
Nov-17 8233 33340 1182
Dec-17 8230 33348 1103
Jan-18 8236 33355 1123
Feb-18 8242 33370 1126
Mar-18 8250 33385 1119
April-18 8244 33392 1127
May-18 8200 33410 1118
June-18 8215 33380 1118
Jul-18 8150 33395 1249
Aug-18 8100 33405 1027
Sep-18 8000 33412 1396
Oct-18 8055 33420 1246
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 107.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2599- Utensils 2599-Other Fabricated metal 2630-Television
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 6977 261425 226882
2009-10 7391 277447 233180
2010-11 7532 277617 235896
2011-12 7395 294550 275316
2012-13 7244 402053 237496
2013-14 9104 396886 252995
2015-16 10885 401482.07 355931
Aug-15 1020 34082 32856
Sep-15 1030 34283 37750
Oct-15 1055 34058.33 42731
Nov-15 1032 34250 29848
Dec-15 1027 34093 41646
Jan-16 1082 34350 52962
Feb-16 1057 34390 58660
Mar-16 1052 34392 61255
Apr-16 1127 34400 64787
May-16 1117 34406 57450
Jun-16 1102 34410 51302
2016-17 12696 410924 556285
Jul-16 1175 34757 39899
Aug-16 1155 36289 54017
Sep-16 1090 36289 43936
Oct-16 1120 40373 42192
Nov-16 1150 43201 40819
Dec-16 1170 47430 51317
Jan-17 1145 53442 63394
Feb-17 1185 50888 49809
Mar-17 1185 53835 60550
Apr-17 1165 55289 67818
May-17 1130 59258 54543
Jun-17 1175 60201 39440
2017-18 13845 571252 607734
Jul-17 1165 62284 49665
Aug-17 1190 59926 35690
Sep-17 1135 61891 28116
Oct-17 1160 61066 35043
Nov-17 1150 62087 26824
Dec-17 1170 64052 22516
Jan-18 1195 66292 27307
Feb-18 1190 70064 32799
Mar-18 1195 68257 33373
April-18 1205 67196 42752
May-18 1215 68060 48632
June-18 1175 67392 45667
Jul-18 1135 67392 39289
Aug-18 1165 66213 36345
Sep-18 1160 67746 41663
Oct-18 1165 68178 40560
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

108 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2710- Electric Motors, Generators, 2720-Batteries 2732-Wires & Cables(ELEC.)
transformers / Electrical apparatus
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 282801 104279 24113
2009-10 276902 112419 24830
2010-11 243976 119051 26096
2011-12 244869 126214 26068
2012-13 353625 123617 22559
2013-14 344749 127415 22674
2015-16 345474.40 225399 23954.68
Aug-15 30283 30467 2262
Sep-15 31216 31555 2284
Oct-15 32149 32643 2303
Nov-15 32150 33731 2295
Dec-15 33150 34819 2481
Jan-16 33050 32643 2338
Feb-16 33250 33731 3958
Mar-16 33500 36995 3962
Apr-16 34023 38083 3970
May-16 35936 39171 2290
Jun-16 37446 40259 2288
2016-17 395531 412647 32684
Jul-16 38473 29378 2310
Aug-16 39359 30172 3714
Sep-16 41200 30966 3514
Oct-16 41400 31760 3245
Nov-16 41600 32554 3261
Dec-16 42100 32554 3525.29
Jan-17 42300 32872 4368
Feb-17 42700 33030 3552
Mar-17 42900 33062 4631
Apr-17 43290 34777 3587
May-17 35936 30331 4630
Jun-17 36259 30490 3563
2017-18 487517 381946 43900
Jul-17 36421 37807 3563
Aug-17 36502 46881 3570
Sep-17 36906 26689 3577
Oct-17 41400 35455 5371
Nov-17 41600 20545 3951
Dec-17 41691 18948 5286
Jan-18 42144 30352 3934
Feb-18 42700 30663 3970
Mar-18 42710 19525 4024
April-18 43608 19614 3987
May-18 44517 19658 3942
June-18 45426 19835 3980
Jul-18 45880 19525 4492
Aug-18 46334 15842 4034
Sep-18 46788 14200 3630
Oct-18 47242 14333 4346
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 109.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2826- Machinery for Textile , 2829-Machinery equipment NEC 2910-Assemble of Motor vehicles
apparel and leather production
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 1252 261021 641
2009-10 2719 279165 825
2010-11 2313 304962 658
2011-12 2794 291444 828
2012-13 2312 241273 767
2013-14 2581 257881 846
2015-16 4099 258427 735
Aug-15 501 20492 132
Sep-15 474 21974 100
Oct-15 519 21089 102
Nov-15 627 21250 104
Dec-15 582 21133 105
Jan-16 654 21290 106
Feb-16 699 30017 107
Mar-16 636 30020 108
Apr-16 744 30026 109
May-16 672 30029 110
Jun-16 762 30138 150
2016-17 7326 298258 1363
Jul-16 699 30444 152
Aug-16 780 34541 331
Sep-16 825 35227 253
Oct-16 870 37090 232
Nov-16 789 44304 280
Dec-16 582 48107 186
Jan-17 987 54693 98
Feb-17 906 53615 132
Mar-17 969 55595 126
Apr-17 897 52478 152
May-17 942 56379 176
Jun-17 996 57536 182
2017-18 10242 560009 2300
Jul-17 906 66416 6
Aug-17 1068 61260 66
Sep-17 1131 62084 136
Oct-17 10244 41740 7978
Nov-17 6752 41817 8150
Dec-17 30690 41005 8234
Jan-18 1284 69317 89
Feb-18 1203 71650 84
Mar-18 1266 69690 88
April-18 1302 68631 205
May-18 1284 69239 127
June-18 1356 70396 219
Jul-18 1320 72474 165
Aug-18 1392 61260 223
Sep-18 1419 71866 313
Oct-18 1347 72474 297
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

110 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 2740- Electric Lamps 2750-Electrical appliances / 2821-Agriculture & Forestry
Domestic appliances machinery
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 43104 183914 56472
2009-10 46160 196696 61152
2010-11 49888 223742 66857
2011-12 50860 228770 66940
2012-13 53852 221852 66850
2013-14 55578 236388 77065
2015-16 62416 289036 82526
Aug-15 2773 26455 6992
Sep-15 3359 27179 7010
Oct-15 3755 27237 7140
Nov-15 2788 25180 7390
Dec-15 7035 25750 7464
Jan-16 3769 25477 7324
Feb-16 3279 28643 7394
Mar-16 4224 28750 7484
Apr-16 4669 29128 7530
May-16 6243 29875 7594
Jun-16 9288 30173 7508
2016-17 53078 330210 87798
Jul-16 9617 30305 7636
Aug-16 12979 30099 7686
Sep-16 26868 31475 7588
Oct-16 18229 31271 7638
Nov-16 41306 31198 7522
Dec-16 26991 31520 7355
Jan-17 20363 40998 7646
Feb-17 29211 38508 7764
Mar-17 16135 40978 7686
Apr-17 22122 41250 7826
May-17 15501 40948 7782
Jun-17 15144 40994 7940
2017-18 254466 429544 92069
Jul-17 13891 41128 7864
Aug-17 44258 41051 8120
Sep-17 20123 41665 8204
Oct-17 10244 41740 7978
Nov-17 6752 41817 8150
Dec-17 30690 41005 8234
Jan-18 24616 41311 8182
Feb-18 16694 39139 8302
Mar-18 11687 42897 8392
April-18 26361 43100 8242
May-18 14232 42438 8228
June-18 14710 42385 8298
Jul-18 8636 43548 8342
Aug-18 3878 42495 8390
Sep-18 10956 42931 8432
Oct-18 27149 43335 8282
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 111.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 3011- Ship and boat building 3091-Motor cycle 3092-Bicycle and invalid
No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value
Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 49225 45554 266
2009-10 52646 49355 321
2010-11 59885 48882 287
2011-12 58780 56715 358
2012-13 52839 44987 315
2013-14 50070 68965 330
2015-16 171484 78896 346.49
Aug-15 26612 6751 30.84
Sep-15 38190 6790 31
Oct-15 27190 6835 31.12
Nov-15 28150 6783 31.45
Dec-15 28924 6891 32.005
Jan-16 28993 7026 32
Feb-16 28998 7113 32.5
Mar-16 28930 6975 32.7
Apr-16 28950 7155 33.076
May-16 26250 7260 32.89
Jun-16 21260 7305 33
2016-17 338850 83662 382.64
Jul-16 21555 7212 33.49
Aug-16 20540 7332 33.391
Sep-16 22407 7452 33.571
Oct-16 22780 7395 32.245
Nov-16 23580 7545 34.126
Dec-16 30500 6891 35.005
Jan-17 24844 7518 34.276
Feb-17 40540 7608 33.25
Mar-17 25090 7671 34.75
Apr-17 24992 7599 34.9
May-17 24844 7704 35
Jun-17 30938 7785 35
2017-18 312610 89712 409.004
Jul-17 26566 7605 35
Aug-17 24844 7825 35
Sep-17 27103 7760 36
Oct-17 28415 7892 35
Nov-17 29100 7859 36
Dec-17 19499 7919 35
Jan-18 29214 7898 36
Feb-18 29499 7967 36
Mar-18 29328 8042 36
April-18 29100 7922 36
May-18 28130 7988 36
June-18 28529 8015 36
Jul-18 25090 8078 36
Aug-18 24844 7997 36
Sep’18 27103 7949 35
Oct’18 27050 8021 35
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

112 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Qnty: MKWH & Value: ‘MILLION Taka)
Gross Energy Station Individual Power RPP Net SALE
Period Generation Service and Own Production Generation Qnty. SALE Amount Billed to
Use Consumers
(1) (2) (3) (4) 5=(1-2+3+4) (6) (7)
2008-09 16430.64 982.03 8831.52 1341.79 25621.92 23936.78 61331.41
2009-10 17064.30 992.81 8368.97 3029.22 27469.67 25744.30 68532.98
2010-11 15525.02 852.09 8564.02 6247.54 29484.49 27688.39 77348.14
2011-12 16073.35 874.09 8706.61 9495.32 33402.14 31455.25 112143.44
2012-13 18909.96 1013.23 8341.35 10244.14 36482.22 35467.04 157543.39
2013-14 20669.18 1024.61 7878.48 10508.02 39256.32 137207.35
20014-15 22163.29 1060.57 8459.92 10785.22 42616.21 147896.96
2015-16 23701.61 1124.63 13478.88 10429.68 49020.01 176691.19
2016-17 27937.82 1341.23 14875.51 4655.92 53936.61 207560.43
July 2750.31 117.29 1530.39 855.21 5329.90 21280.89
Aug 2826.66 124.61 1683.04 896.52 5616.50 22428.01
Source: Power Development Board, Rural Electrification Board and Dhaka Electricity Supply Authority.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 113.

(Value: '000' Taka)
Period 6510- Electricity 0510-Coal 0620-Natural Gas

No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value

Unit Unit Unit
2008-09 25622 857648 18510
2009-10 27470 730866 19920
2010-11 29348 666635 20075
2011-12 33365 861072 21060
2012-13 36482 887471 22672
2013-14 40296 997913 23233
2015-16 43446.63 705795 25727
Sep-15 4313 118815 2168
Oct-15 4357 126690 2345
Nov-15 3514 68869 2240
Dec-15 3300 4207 2369
Jan-16 3477 73497 2372
Feb-16 3694 76812 2212
Mar-16 4546 97091 2354
Apr-16 4694 104993 2270
May-16 4490 98637 2325
Jun-16 5072 15048 2299
2016-17 49866 1030693 27489
Jul-16 4800 23610 2233
Aug-16 5197 150203 2345
Sep-16 4887 125967 2164
Oct-16 5141 96625 2345
Nov-16 3973 147335 2257
Dec-16 3803 96652 2343
Jan-17 3955 97904 2364
Feb-17 3895 2716 2162
Mar-17 4453 43619 2386
Apr-17 4788 89521 2311
May-17 5269 113783 2363
Jun-17 5185 144389 2172
Jul-17 5475 116342 2377
Aug-17 6510 10333 2380
Sep-17 5364 71398 2172
Oct-17 5348 4285 2347
Nov-17 4397 59849 2270
Dec-17 4113 106358 2322
Jan-18 5073 119817 2347
Feb-18 4174 96960 2113
Mar-18 5504 103873 2341
April-18 5133 62984 2263
May-18 5479 42340 2331
June-18 5812 41520 2350
Jul-18 5812 42345 2336
Aug-18 6476 42349 2339
Sep’18 6534 38620 2187
Oct’18 5808 38119 2185
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

114 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Value: '000' Taka)

Period 3099- Transport 3100-Metal furniture 3101-Wooden furniture 3103-plastic furniture

equipment n.e.c
No. Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. of Qnty Value No. Qnty Valu
of Unit Unit of e
Unit Unit
2008-09 520000 3808 72355 520977
2009-10 697500 4073 72965 473616
2010-11 667090 4450 73858 394680
2011-12 576080 4518 69100 396680
2012-13 585216 5698 64931 398199
2013-14 620180 4725 65524 406928
2015-16 644020 4470 73711.61 683457
Aug-15 53975 340 7340 75067
Sep-15 54003 340 7255 68180
Oct-15 54115 360 7290 68131
Nov-15 54025 340 7347 68750
Dec-15 54205 340 7305 69103
Jan-16 54345 340 7340 71367
Feb-16 54275 320 7474 78503
Mar-16 54415 280 7410 81146
Apr-16 54375 300 7438 81151
May-16 54435 340 7502 95232
Jun-16 54507 320 7446 95261
2016-17 650672 3980 88550 926880
Jul-16 54415 340 7403 102583
Aug-16 54575 320 7616 102667
Sep-16 54435 300 7743 102716
Oct-16 54603 320 7848 105083
Nov-16 54517 340 7947 105339
Dec-16 54205 320 8046 105416
Jan-17 54535 300 8138 105467
Feb-17 54785 300 8257 105518
Mar-17 54699 340 8427 105569
Apr-17 54823 320 8709 105850
May-17 54973 340 8836 106362
Jun-17 54899 300 8723 107640
2017-18 655464 3840 97693 1260210
Jul-17 55121 340 10139 108663
Aug-17 55471 320 11785 109174
Sep-17 55235 340 7533 109327
Oct-17 55507 320 11923 109532
Nov-17 55371 300 18733 109583
Dec-17 55465 320 12210 109941
Jan-18 55521 340 14094 110452
Feb-18 55399 320 10185 110963
Mar-18 55549 300 11026 110984
April-18 55459 320 11101 110733
May-18 55505 340 14684 111219
June-18 55655 340 13309 111730
Jul-18 55607 320 13249 111986
Aug-18 55687 340 13325 112242
Sep’18 55731 320 12942 112498
Oct’18 55581 340 14973 122754
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 115.

5.25 (Manufacturing Mining and Electricity)
(Base: 2005-06 = 100)
Index Weight 2015-16 2017-18
Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Sep’18 Oct’18
General Index-all 100.00 260.31 360.17 267.36 318.60 331.00 342.05 347.53 326.96 338.61 338.55 368.18
Manufacturing 89.47 267.88 373.95 270.65 328.66 347.61 361.30 362.83 344.64 350.62 346.35 383.70
Mining 1.74 193.18 175.56 187.33 183.00 188.66 191.09 171.68 190.09 175.69 175.51

Electiricity 8.79 219.29 303.03 283.04 282.19 232.01 217.03 267.68 220.24 290.42 344.77 306.46

Source: C.M.I, BBS

5.26 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups (4-Degit Level)
Base Year (2005-06=100)
Code Name of Industry 2015-16 2017-18 & 2018-19
Jan’18 Feb’18 Mar’18 April’18 May’18 June’18 July’18 Aug18 Sep’18 Oct’18
3 GENERAL INDEX(MFG.) 267.88 362.83 344.64 350.62 351.08 373.80 340.32 401.95 390.44 346.35 383.70
1020 Fish & sea food 135.82 100.05 79.57 70.56 77.34 44.61 66.50 136.40 148.63 158.55 220.26
1030 Processing & Preserving of fruits and 495.07 800.69 801.77 801.92 803.39 804.23 804.27 805.54 806.31 807.08 807.85
1040 Hyd. Vegetable oil 1150.40 1575.27 1510.31 1565.30 1569.17 2125.60 1326.51 1382.77 1412.04 1740.64 1551.54
1050 Dairy products 411.51 670.00 685.80 698.45 725.31 733.21 728.47 752.17 760.07 783.78 791.68
1061 Grain milling 257.48 464.63 394.47 339.81 350.61 251.61 227.97 266.18 286.66 282.78 278.24
1063 Rice milling 263.60 280.61 284.69 283.11 383.37 283.90 284.16 285.74 287.19 288.50 295.73
1071 Bakery Products 106.04 126.52 126.13 126.05 126.26 126.00 125.48 126.13 125.74 125.97 126.29
1072 Sugar 43.65 268.12 140.22 16.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1077 Black & Blending Tea 130.30 7.28 0.84 12.22 77.05 139.24 167.82 241.49 274.29 263.97 260.79
1079 Edible salt 152.88 155.84 156.00 156.13 156.29 156.02 155.90 155.70 155.40 155.54 155.76
1080 Animal feeds 274.23 371.36 368.58 382.99 386.93 387.82 394.88 403.98 396.14 408.03 412.07
1101 Spirits & Alcohol 123.63 233.79 124.13 87.80 249.31 112.84 119.89 164.97 151.77 90.98 154.80
1104 Soft Drinks 234.13 119.99 191.23 205.65 215.81 246.41 300.76 289.85 313.81 298.84 197.75
1105 Mineral Water 399.34 258.11 366.20 360.82 338.79 323.94 230.33 465.50 331.66 352.35 303.40
1200 Cigarettes 90.55 76.69 58.84 74.20 69.21 70.74 64.40 50.45 55.75 57.91 57.23
1201 Biddies 185.61 323.27 323.62 323.80 222.22 222.28 222.33 222.68 222.79 223.08 223.32
.1311 Preparation & Spinning of Textile fibers 132.65 146.69 138.59 143.67 144.17 138.85 138.69 139.57 139.83 145.21 150.23
1312 Weaving of Textiles 124.67 112.79 127.99 113.55 116.45 98.63 115.54 109.07 111.34 107.71 99.74
1313 Dyeing, bleaching & finishing 85.92 135.93 136.06 136.27 136.42 136.81 136.33 136.06 135.97 136.08 136.29
1312 Silk & Synthetic 206.50 243.72 248.82 256.28 162.48 268.67 272.50 269.95 275.59 281.79 288.16
1314 Jute Textile 152.14 121.64 126.61 140.94 139.36 143.41 151.40 139.87 99.78 116.47 -
1315 Handloom Textile 231.19 787.15 819.98 809.04 816.15 830.67 833.66 704.58 606.34 723.73 717.76
1410 Wearing Apperal 344.11 466.00 410.28 410.87 372.03 425.01 371.02 447.07 399.41 348.68 442.15
1430 Knittwear 333.62 416.04 387.38 380.01 387.60 447.23 400.39 490.05 444.69 415.24 535.82
1511 Tanning & Finishing Leather: 96.66 67.51 56.17 59.18 75.02 56.54 60.94 82.42 101.42 152.78 127.47
1512 Mfg.of luggage, handbags etc 244.26 893.62 834.04 859.57 893.62 919.15 872.34 880.85 876.60 893.62 910.64
1520 Leather Footwear 164.15 173.95 174.44 174.93 175.42 175.91 176.40 176.89 177.38 259.69 178.36
1629 Particle board/ plywood 321.57 339.64 341.12 342.59 343.33 344.81 346.28 347.76 349.23 351.08 352.18
1701 Pulp, Paper & newsprint 143.16 143.76 143.82 143.86 143.89 143.92 143.95 143.97 144.01 144.05 144.06
1709 Articles made of paper 216.47 220.07 220.40 22.07 221.33 221.60 221.87 222.33 222.53 222.80 223.00
1811 Printing of Newspaper 200.24 232.14 236.79 236.53 253.70 262.16 270.62 279.08 283.30 289.65 295.99
1811 Printing of Books and periodicals 141.86 142.66 142.71 142.81 142.86 142.91 143.01 143.11 143.16 143.21 143.23
1920 Petrolium refining 198.44 102.24 99.55 94.72 102.24 95.99 98.39 96.00 96.00 98.95 97.65
1920 Misc. Petroleum products 247.24 262.31 241.93 260.19 247.66 251.35 249.74 251.38 251.39 247.18 249.78
2011 Compressed liquidified gas 105.65 73.55 77.78 82.01 113.11 130.14 108.24 582.78 125.34 125.34 167.70
2012 Fertilizer 39.28 61.81 29.79 47.86 28.94 5.78 6.54 17.06 17.84 51.09 84.98
2023 Perfumes and cosmetics 135.56 232.44 140.56 77.38 229.50 229.87 245.96 267.46 326.08 446.99 374.53
2023 Soaps & detergents 286.76 325.82 305.83 111.45 389.15 182.72 175.20 370.12 257.67 361.36 371.15
2031 Matches 163.99 193.03 188.74 309.01 221.63 219.93 222.34 237.09 239.68 236.28 238.87
2100 Pharmaceuticals/Allopathic drugs and 376.59 486.95 489.42 564.54 606.42 548.65 526.90 865.40 995.98 427.24 454.36
2101/2102 Unani and Ayur Bedic Medicine 352.63 456.59 511.73 541.52 528.32 532.92 515.41 553.66 557.64 566.25 540.27
2211 Tyres and Tubes 404.88 479.28 479.02 479.71 480.25 480.93 480.04 480.48 481.02 480.54 481.36
2219 Rubber footwear/ other rubber products 88.74 62.72 62.73 62.75 62.77 62.79 62.81 62.84 62.86 82.37 84.18
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

116 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 2005-06=100)
Period General Index (All Manufacturing Mining & Electricity
Industris) Quarrying
Weight 100.00 87.54 4.50 7.96
2006-07 107.99 108.76 106.87 100.18
2007-08 116.54 117.50 114.92 106.90
2008-09 126.20 127.47 125.35 112.66
2009-10 133.85 135.01 134.37 120.79
2010-11 154.58 157.89 135.24 129.05
2011-12 171.21 174.92 142.36 146.72
2012-13 190.53 195.19 153.15 160.43
2013-14 207.83 213.22 157.18 177.20
2014-15 229.68 236.11 172.97 191.06
Jun-16 310.87 321.33 183.86 267.63
2016-17 260.31 267.88 185.57 219.29
Jul-16 251.89 255.52 178.87 253.28
Aug-16 303.16 311.50 191.91 274.22
Sep-16 247.21 249.86 176.69 257.87
Oct-16 269.26 273.14 190.17 271.27
Nov-16 275.29 285.91 184.80 209.64
Dec-16 299.03 313.58 190.02 200.67
Jan-17 304.66 319.19 191.73 208.69
Feb-17 281.98 294.56 172.53 205.52
Mar-17 297.18 308.26 191.72 234.97
Apr-17 297.77 307.55 187.23 252.64
May-17 317.31 327.32 192.17 278.02
June-17 317.12 328.23 177.93 273.59
2017-18 288.49 297.89 185.48 243.37
July-17 323.35 333.17 193.37 288.89
Aug-17 360.17 373.95 193.18 303.03
Sep-17 267.36 270.65 175.56 283.04
Oct-17 318.60 328.66 187.33 282.19
Nov-17 331.00 347.61 183.00 232.01
Dec-17 342.05 361.30 188.66 217.03
Jan-18 347.53 362.83 191.09 267.68
Feb-18 326.96 344.64 171.68 220.24
Mar-18 338.61 350.62 190.09 290.42
April-18 337.11 351.08 182.54 270.85
May-18 358.67 373.80 187.29 289.10
June-18 330.82 340.32 188.78 306.67
July-18 401.95 471.84 187.69 306.67
Aug-18 390.44 482.81 187.93 341.71
Sep’18 338.55 346.35 175.69 344.77
Oct’18 368.18 383.70 175.51 306.46
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 117.


BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)

Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16
Period 1 Manufacture Manufactur Manufactur Manufactur Manufactur Manufacture Manufactur
General of food e of e of tobacco e of textile e of wearing of leather e of wood
Index products beverages products apparel and related and
(Mfg.) products products of
wood and

Weight 100.00 10.84 0.34 2.92 14.07 34.84 4.40 0.33

2010-11 157.89 138.66 152.37 112.30 139.51 200.80 129.02 216.66
2011-12 174.92 161.34 152.46 136.79 139.44 235.44 132.32 235.99
2012-13 195.19 219.10 189.81 144.66 142.41 265.83 139.76 238.81

2013-14 213.22 241.52 243.19 149.65 139.68 293.70 147.83 243.39

2014-15 236.11 333.07 230.06 147.37 122.81 304.76 140.48 269.88
Apr-16 266.15 364.65 231.94 146.42 152.39 318.30 120.86 308.30
May-16 281.27 413.07 284.28 179.26 136.36 354.17 147.89 309.77
Jun-16 321.33 407.62 280.37 150.96 199.13 436.26 157.49 311.62
2016-17 267.88 385.10 269.75 135.48 138.90 338.73 125.44 301.72
Jul-16 255.52 377.36 283.37 132.86 127.76 308.27 137.78 313.46
Aug-16 311.50 440.53 281.52 140.53 139.45 397.03 164.20 317.15
Sep-16 249.86 389.34 261.81 115.24 129.88 265.26 155.95 321.57
Oct-16 273.14 423.03 276.44 136.66 139.31 314.45 158.27 322.68
Nov-16 285.91 408.20 271.15 139.64 155.36 335.53 171.87 324.89
Dec-16 313.58 380.74 96.65 140.55 247.37 373.16 173.58 326.00
Jan-17 319.19 417.41 212.27 144.92 166.33 393.29 213.29 327.11
Feb-17 294.56 410.40 248.07 143.62 172.85 325.41 162.04 327.84
Mar-17 308.26 429.17 225.86 148.13 178.75 336.47 242.89 328.95
Apr-17 307.55 406.10 283.22 148.58 183.58 327.17 236.02 330.42
May-17 327.32 423.32 328.70 162.33 186.36 371.50 256.44 331.16
June-17 328.23 419.40 322.22 121.76 193.72 377.27 257.23 331.90
2017-18 297.89 410.42 257.61 139.57 168.39 343.73 194.13 325.26
July-17 333.17 481.60 298.46 131.40 177.46 371.21 271.81 333.74
Aug-17 376.95 486.36 349.14 134.23 182.84 457.24 283.50 334.48
Sep-17 270.65 475.23 263.57 136.78 178.70 234.81 267.99 335.59
Oct-17 328.66 528.15 290.00 202.05 190.25 344.96 270.72 336.69
Nov-17 347.61 540.99 124.43 194.51 190.46 380.42 298.02 337.43
Dec-17 361.80 510.40 148.97 183.30 233.99 429.36 290.77 338.54
Jan-18 362.83 507.74 155.83 193.22 192.83 440.36 309.36 339.64
Feb-18 344.64 483.68 230.42 181.86 199.05 398.53 289.88 185.38
Mar-18 350.62 483.08 238.69 192.17 198.18 395.18 297.68 342.59
April-18 351.08 490.35 245.73 141.56 199.95 380.02 312.98 343.33
May-18 373.80 580.64 260.73 142.36 196.11 436.41 311.80 344.81
June-18 340.32 444.12 278.87 139.04 202.42 386.10 302.10 346.28
July-18 401.95 471.84 327.51 131.85 187.79 469.13 313.38 347.76
Aug-18 390.44 482.81 313.24 134.69 174.12 422.65 320.42 349.23
Sep’18 346.35 541.75 305.32 135.97 187.51 382.84 346.32 351.08
Oct-18 383.70 518.01 221.35 135.72 186.98 490.22 340.15 352.18
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS
118 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)

Group 17 Group 18 Group 19 Group 20 Group 21 Group 22 Group 23 Group 24
Manufacture Printing and Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture
of Paper reproduction of of coke and of chemicals Pharmaceuticals of rubber of other non- of basic
and paper recorded media refined and chemical and medicinal and plastic metalic metals
products petroleum products chemical products mineral
products products
Weight 0.33 1.83 1.25 3.67 8.23 1.56 7.12 3.15
2010-11 169.70 121.12 99.10 70.80 164.97 191.97 134.62 111.50
2011-12 171.34 123.23 90.85 80.77 169.82 217.59 138.22 114.26
2012-13 160.43 124.36 101.54 84.62 178.79 244.87 139.51 136.41
2013-14 151.95 127.73 92.76 80.41 230.60 263.84 144.18 150.20
2014-15 174.68 140.91 96.79 77.49 290.98 292.69 182.78 187.13
Mar-16 181.05 148.31 111.24 123.70 302.42 353.94 315.64 260.98
Apr-16 185.66 148.38 108.24 84.25 354.34 352.06 282.32 203.80
May-16 181.84 151.10 107.25 79.26 334.18 360.63 278.08 194.28
Jun-16 182.75 151.62 116.25 84.58 382.60 367.09 288.53 153.85
2016-17 181.08 147.83 94.03 92.60 319.26 338.14 258.34 202.85
Jul-16 182.92 152.87 180.25 90.86 325.16 375.87 246.90 165.73
Aug-16 183.04 153.73 177.29 91.26 425.71 357.69 310.36 194.15
Sep-16 183.14 153.99 202.35 100.39 375.04 361.40 260.96 176.75
Oct-16 183.35 154.40 200.30 85.97 352.81 349.95 313.27 161.26
Nov-16 183.60 154.61 160.54 106.64 366.54 353.49 321.37 165.41
Dec-16 183.69 155.62 197.08 109.13 396.38 334.90 356.70 164.29
Jan-17 183.81 156.18 161.62 104.74 431.59 358.38 373.47 175.11
Feb-17 183.89 156.55 205.25 109.93 401.55 364.14 384.67 168.49
Mar-17 184.01 157.10 191.29 122.95 441.87 360.40 402.11 179.03
Apr-17 184.11 157.20 195.42 139.00 499.57 367.76 386.19 179.39
May-17 184.19 157.48 204.28 104.06 534.07 363.49 372.91 179.42
June-17 184.29 157.67 117.16 83.49 541.33 370.03 373.30 179.42
2017-18 183.67 155.62 182.74 104.04 424.30 359.79 341.85 174.04
July-17 184.48 158.02 111.38 121.93 574.63 380.99 352.61 179.47
Aug-17 184.60 158.41 106.21 106.24 645.12 390.45 376.60 179.51
Sep-17 184.73 159.77 109.24 99.19 412.17 395.21 299.30 179.54
Oct-17 184.82 160.23 112.94 116.31 484.51 410.99 375.18 182.86
Nov-17 184.94 160.52 37.07 107.81 552.83 412.77 384.06 187364
Dec-17 185.13 160.86 187.27 95.95 455.61 417.43 385.30 187.67
Jan-18 185.38 161.24 115.05 112.19 484.99 419.85 390.86 187.73
Feb-18 185.59 162.24 110.94 85.74 490.86 417.78 392.06 187.82
Mar-18 185.97 162.27 107.96 94.13 563.06 422.80 403.16 187.92
April-18 186.13 165.88 113.87 111.55 601.39 424.91 407.18 187.93
May-18 186.29 167.67 108.42 81.01 547.64 426.82 407.65 187.87
June-18 186.45 169.51 110.50 77.33 528.52 423.21 408.20 187.78
July-18 186.71 171.35 108.43 212.25 845.33 428.63 413.97 187.64
Aug-18 186.84 172.26 108.43 103.93 967.75 433.68 412.55 187.53
Sep-18 187.01 173.62 110.81 143.99 436.19 440.65 413.97 187.24
Oct-18 187.12 174.95 109.82 164.47 459.89 434.02 416.34 187.45

Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 119.

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)
Group 25 Group 26 Group 27 Group 28 Group 29 Group 30 Group 31
Period Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture of Manufacture Manufacture of
of fabricated computer, of electrical of machinery motor of other furniture
metal electronic and equipment and vehicles,trailers transport
products optical products equipment and semi equipment
except n.e.c trailers
Weight 2.32 0.15 0.73 0.18 0.13 0.73 0.88
2010-11 137.71 126.22 122.47 172.95 160.10 150.31 103.19
2011-12 138.81 114.77 125.22 178.29 201.46 158.31 100.98
2012-13 149.03 99.00 128.53 155.86 186.62 138.21 109.14
2013-14 164.33 105.46 132.06 172.68 205.84 152.88 101.12
2014-15 182.30 148.37 164.56 204.89 178.83 340.12 116.35
Mar-16 208.44 306.41 234.94 302.87 315.33 605.37 128.78
Apr-16 219.62 324.08 241.46 327.29 318.25 607.59 131.15
May-16 215.94 287.38 238.78 311.85 321.17 560.68 143.59
Jun-16 220.49 256.62 261.78 331.46 437.96 473.06 141.04
2016-17 200.53 231.89 214.12 279.14 331.63 592.41 132.02
Jul-16 211.56 199.58 239.15 319.55 443.80 477.85 146.86
Aug-16 245.42 270.20 276.87 351.16 966.42 460.91 146.30
Sep-16 215.25 219.78 366.26 362.52 738.69 495.05 145.10
Oct-16 219.01 211.05 311.77 378.94 677.37 500.06 149.32
Nov-16 242.89 204.19 456.17 383.13 817.52 517.04 152.35
Dec-16 242.01 256.70 371.64 347.91 543.07 634.25 150.96
Jan-17 258.88 317.11 358.71 461.61 286.13 539.25 149.50
Feb-17 248.31 249.16 400.55 441.17 385.40 816.38 150.40
Mar-17 270.87 302.88 336.25 460.86 367.88 545.34 156.00
Apr-17 259.58 339.24 367.02 436.06 443.80 543.12 156.06
May-17 269.63 272.84 320.80 458.22 513.87 541.15 159.44
June-17 268.75 197.29 308.00 475.31 531.39 649.63 154.97
2017-18 246.01 253.34 342.77 406.37 559.61 560.00 151.44
July-17 264.42 248.43 318.05 483.20 17.52 571.19 170.26
Aug-17 271.88 178.53 526.93 504.85 192.70 543.04 180.47
Sep-17 258.19 140.64 331.57 522.23 397.08 582.76 151.47
Oct-17 285.15 175.29 313.82 495.69 382.48 606.28 181.67
Nov-17 279.44 134.18 242.08 531.35 154.74 618.90 229.57
Dec-17 269.41 112.63 398.57 559.17 306.57 625.65 184.00
Jan-18 275.60 136.60 374.84 579.29 259.85 621.19 200.29
Feb-18 280.33 164.07 323.34 569.84 245.26 626.93 169.68
Mar-18 277.22 166.94 273.73 578.32 256.93 624.68 173.71
April-18 277.44 213.85 365.09 581.61 598.54 619.46 176.29
May-18 277.16 243.27 289.29 579.44 370.80 602.91 205.04
June-18 275.89 228.44 293.61 599.77 639.42 610.21 195.21
July-18 295.99 196.53 263.37 598.84 481.75 549.69 195.61
Aug-18 295.99 196.53 263.37 598.84 481.75 549.69 192.75
Sep’18 320.31 208.41 255.37 619.66 913.87 583.83 190.77
Oct-18 296.92 202.89 364.24 604.81 867.15 583.37 213.42

Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

120 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018
5.29 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups (4-Degit Level)
Base Year (2005-06=100)
Code Name of Industry 2015-16 2017-18 & 2018-19

Jan’18 Feb’18 Mar’18 April’18 May’18 June’18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18

2220 P.V.C products/plastic products 372.56 486.25 483.27 489.89 492.87 495.19 490.22 497.51 504.79 509.76 499.83
2221 Malamine 586.36 778.40 781.74 789.76 786.41 793.76 795.10 800.45 791.76 795.10 799.11
2310 Glass Sheet 333.38 443.79 476.33 443.49 494.97 515.38 484.62 418.64 363.61 466.86 379.24
2392 Tiles 210.95 276.47 271.08 280.10 289.60 290.21 294.11 306.44 310.48 313.17 320.24
2393 Ceramic 196.68 309.24 321.43 352.11 356.95 360.00 364.84 282.60 381.35 391.75 397.85
2394 Cement 398.73 687.70 684.42 705.28 709.55 707.07 708.15 716.24 713.63 708.14 714.97
2397 Bricks 156.96 174.68 177.02 179.55 181.00 182.61 183.16 187.83 189.10 190.53 192.15
2410 Iron & steel mills 188.26 164.72 164.84 165.00 164.88 164.00 164.30 163.00 162.00 160.00 161.10
Re-rolling mills 205.67 192.17 192.26 192.34 192.38 192.49 192.31 192.40 192.46 192.50 192.54
2511 Structural metal products 213.39 266.88 267.59 265.93 267.83 265.69 265.93 296.83 244.07 331.76 296.11
2599 Utensils 205.50 232.11 231.14 232.11 234.06 236.00 228.23 220.46 226.29 225.32 226.29
2599 Other Fabricated metal products 162.93 315.41 333.36 324.76 319.71 323.82 320.64 320.64 315.03 322.33 324.38
2630 communication equipments (TV, 231.89 170.74 205.08 166.94 213.85 243.27 228.44 196.53 181.81 208.41 202.89
2710 Electric Motors, Generators, 86.08 110.06 111.52 111.54 113.89 116.26 118.64 119.82 121.01 122.19 123.38
transformers / Electrical apparatus
2720 Batteries 497.62 439.23 443.73 282.55 283.84 284.47 287.03 282.55 229.25 205.49 207.41
2732 Wires & Cables(ELEC.) 175.30 253.19 225.51 258.99 256.60 253.71 256.15 289.11 259.63 233.63 297.71
2740 Electric Lamps 165.97 923.68 626.42 438.54 989.16 534.03 551.97 324.05 145.52 411.11 1018.72
2750 Electrical appliances / 226.05 393.35 321.51 352.38 354.05 348.61 348.18 357.73 349.08 352.66 955.98
Domestic appliances
2821 Agriculture & Forestry machinery 228.78 255.85 259.60 262.41 257.72 257.29 259.47 260.85 262.35 263.66 258.97
2826 Machinery for Textile , apparel and 814.00 1712.00 1604.00 1688.00 1736.00 1712.00 1808.00 1760.00 1856.00 1892.00 1796.00
leather production
2829 Machinery equipment NEC 143.86 401.21 414.71 403.36 397.23 400.75 407.45 419.48 354.57 415.96 419.48
2910 Assemble of Motor vehicles 331.63 259.85 245.26 256.93 598.54 370.80 639.42 481.75 651.09 913.87 867.15
3011 Ship and boat building 866.65 896.62 905.37 900.12 893.12 863.37 875.60 770.05 762.50 813.83 880.20
3091 Motor cycle 294.48 333.60 336.52 339.68 334.61 337.40 338.54 341.20 337.78 335.76 338.80
3092 Bicycle and invalid carriages 193.25 217.59 218.50 219.22 218.18 218.18 218.18 215.73 216.24 213.52 212.61
3099 Transport equipment n.e.c 82.87 84.85 84.67 84.89 84.76 84.83 85.06 84.98 85.11 85.17 84.94
3100 Metal furniture 131.57 134.88 126.95 119.01 126.95 134.88 134.88 126.95 134.88 126.95 134.88
3101 Wooden furniture 132.52 253.12 182.91 198.02 199.37 263.71 239.02 237.94 239.31 232.43 268.90
3103 Plastic furniture 131.77 188.43 189.30 189.33 188.91 189.73 190.61 191.04 191.48 191.92 209.41
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 121.

5.29 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups(4-Degit Level) (Contd.)
Group10 1020 1030 1040 1050 1061 1063 1071 1072 1077 1079 1080
Period Index Fish & Fruit Hyd. Vege Dairy Grain Rice Bakery Sugar Tea Edible Animal
sea food Juice oil products milling milling products salt feeds
Weight 10.84 1.28 0.61 1.89 0.37 0.84 3.14 0.83 0.52 0.76 0.38 0.22
2010-11 138.66 172.90 172.90 248.47 121.59 121.53 142.50 159.48 75.25 110.06 122.52 153.16
2011-12 161.34 178.41 178.41 249.70 179.71 183.72 149.91 100.80 52.00 110.51 120.50 190.64
2012-13 219.10 141.56 141.56 261.58 494.85 161.79 179.11 101.32 80.36 115.49 121.55 194.32
2013-14 241.18 150.97 278.62 556.22 169.55 193.01 207.12 105.02 96.23 122.01 128.73 208.55
Apr-15 339.10 86.91 565.03 960.70 283.17 288.34 265.24 90.17 6.47 54.96 127.92 253.73
May-15 381.95 116.71 573.19 1158.28 290.76 293.47 264.18 94.74 0.00 114.20 123.32 255.62
Jun-15 440.79 120.78 577.03 1494.52 315.09 237.40 263.79 94.87 0.00 158.43 122.17 259.24
2015-16 346.41 145.01 392.94 963.24 253.23 275.93 234.49 98.02 59.19 115.48 130.76 242.32
Jul-15 387.50 123.80 500.10 1220.21 320.78 228.28 258.27 94.48 0.00 167.40 122.15 260.70
Aug-15 382.55 111.89 454.01 1152.25 331.84 286.20 270.23 134.67 0.00 167.51 107.00 261.02
Sep-15 408.81 145.22 385.07 1361.09 350.80 234.94 246.83 132.61 0.00 167.62 106.98 263.56
Oct-15 403.41 184.63 386.92 1251.94 376.09 288.64 259.78 133.05 0.00 167.69 107.08 266.10
Nov-15 346.13 143.74 396.23 948.76 402.95 273.10 260.24 90.33 64.92 167.73 113.46 264.88
Dec-15 392.93 156.00 460.24 1143.93 414.01 283.19 261.56 95.92 177.53 167.75 120.44 270.12
Jan-16 356.24 138.04 462.47 990.97 428.23 286.93 262.21 96.20 231.65 2.04 122.37 267.12
Feb-16 371.70 120.53 468.17 1136.80 440.87 263.59 258.40 97.85 46.71 0.29 209.33 271.19
Mar-16 386.60 90.13 469.24 1218.80 448.78 266.46 264.45 97.33 2.97 55.09 205.83 286.08
Apr-16 364.65 109.91 470.32 1034.69 461.42 257.62 277.33 101.17 0.00 112.03 207.58 289.72
May-16 413.07 135.87 741.45 1220.76 477.22 210.79 272.86 99.63 0.00 141.68 207.26 294.05
Jun-16 407.62 170.11 746.61 1124.59 485.12 210.01 271.02 99.29 0.00 246.81 205.13 296.24
2016-17 385.10 135.82 495.07 1150.40 411.51 257.48 263.60 106.04 43.65 130.30 152.88 274.23
Jul-16 377.36 124.27 750.91 970.18 494.60 231.10 269.44 98.48 0.00 250.50 207.83 298.08
Aug-16 440.53 167.75 749.53 1304.77 505.66 307.37 268.65 49.56 0.00 245.82 142.95 301.09
Sep-16 389.34 148.69 753.61 1020.56 510.40 279.49 267.47 53.80 0.00 279.54 143.61 301.74
Oct-16 423.03 192.13 754.45 1166.14 519.88 313.26 281.66 48.96 0.77 239.77 119.77 303.61
Nov-16 408.20 149.73 771.69 1107.86 511.98 294.66 288.11 48.78 49.47 197.85 113.46 306.19
Dec-16 380.74 130.45 779.69 963.60 530.95 280.85 286.40 48.65 200.65 98.27 113.50 314.99
Jan-17 417.41 105.09 780.77 1207.81 551.49 371.01 242.23 130.18 219.64 3.17 157.73 319.24
Feb-17 410.40 81.43 782.61 1226.54 557.81 300.52 260.90 126.13 69.48 0.20 156.63 320.30
Mar-17 429.17 71.19 787.54 1294.63 559.39 424.72 260.64 125.50 0.00 23.70 155.30 320.38
Apr-17 406.10 120.31 782.61 1088.63 565.71 430.57 261.56 125.40 0.00 114.77 155.32 320.88
May-17 423.32 150.30 784.15 1169.73 572.03 313.44 281.14 125.35 0.00 152.32 155.36 321.72
June-17 419.40 179.15 785.46 1152.16 575.19 317.88 255.64 125.48 0.00 188.92 155.34 322.58
2017-18 410.42 135.04 771.92 1139.38 537.92 322.07 268.65 92.19 45.00 149.57 148.07 312.57
July-17 481.60 198.37 788.15 1433.48 579.62 385.67 258.93 125.56 0.00 246.34 155.40 339.14`
Aug-17 486.36 217.65 792.15 1445.00 584.67 396.00 259.19 125.66 00.00 234.08 155.46 341.79
Sep-17 475.65 140.56 793.23 1413.99 526.44 434.24 260.11 125.77 00.00 215.08 155.52 342.64
Oct-17 528.15 186.52 796.46 1639.87 598.26 471.91 271.28 126.00 00.00 252.02 155.60 347.10
Nov-17 540.99 131.17 798.08 1770.97 610.59 440.93 274.04 126.29 25.74 199.50 155.64 348.87
Dec-17 510.40 116.56 799.38 1606.13 632.08 366.96 279.96 126.13 167.46 143.92 155.70 358.21
Jan-18 507.74 100.05 800.69 1575.27 670.00 464.63 280.61 126.52 268.12 7.28 155.84 371.36
Feb-18 483.68 79.57 801.77 1510.31 685.80 394.47 284.69 126.13 140.22 0.84 156.00 368.58
Mar-18 483.08 70.56 801.92 1565.30 698.45 339.81 283.11 126.05 16.05 12.22 156.13 382.99
April-18 490.35 77.34 803.39 1569.17 725.31 350.67 283.37 126.26 0.00 77.05 156.29 386.93
May-18 580.64 44.61 804.23 2125.60 733.21 251.61 283.90 126.00 0.00 139.24 156.02 387.82
June-18 444.12 66.50 804.77 1326.51 728.47 227.97 284.16 125.48 0.00 167.82 155.90 394.88
July-18 471.84 136.40 805.54 1382.77 752.17 266.18 285.74 126.13 0.00 241.49 155.70 403.98
Aug-18 471.84 136.40 805.54 1382.77 752.17 266.18 285.74 126.13 0.00 241.49 155.70 403.98
Sep-18 541.75 158.55 807.08 1740.64 783.78 282.78 288.50 125.97 0.00 263.97 155.54 408.03
Oct-18 518.01 220.26 807.85 1551.54 791.68 278.24 295.73 126.29 0.00 260.79 155.76 412.07

122 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

5.29 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups (4-Degit Level) (Contd.)

Group 1101 1104 1105 Group 1200 1201 Group 1311 1312 1313 1312
11 12 13
Index Sprits & Soft Mineral Index Cigetettes Bidies Index Textile Weaving Dyeing, Silk &
Period alcohol drink Water fibers Tex bleaching synthetic
Weight 0.34 0.01 0.25 0.08 2.92 1.54 1.38 14.07 3.35 3.87 2.45 0.97
2010-11 152.37 135.56 152.80 153.15 112.30 95.32 131.25 139.51 148.31 147.63 117.29 148.24
2011-12 152.46 124.60 159.93 132.58 136.79 129.71 144.69 139.44 142.33 148.59 114.86 147.50
2012-13 189.81 149.02 200.72 160.82 144.66 106.80 186.90 142.41 144.34 149.65 109.86 140.59
2013-14 243.19 164.84 204.54 249.33 178.46 123.36 178.98 133.92 144.97 150.79 110.48 142.08
Sep-14 272.68 146.40 277.54 273.29 149.85 115.17 188.56 122.37 125.84 112.54 117.94 148.71
Oct-14 264.11 111.57 273.92 252.51 146.14 108.16 188.53 120.07 125.88 122.13 117.63 149.30
Nov-14 250.49 240.31 270.37 189.65 147.94 111.52 188.59 119.86 116.14 116.35 117.96 149.91
Dec-14 223.68 69.62 247.63 168.09 140.99 98.24 188.69 121.66 113.54 120.45 118.30 150.27
Jan-15 186.07 139.99 180.69 208.62 159.30 132.80 188.88 122.16 116.61 120.71 118.43 153.37
Feb-15 163.50 122.01 146.49 221.82 153.49 104.01 208.69 118.45 106.95 121.21 118.43 149.54
Mar-15 198.87 124.13 160.33 328.62 140.01 98.84 185.96 119.18 110.27 115.66 118.59 163.02
Apr-15 206.08 179.84 184.58 276.53 157.57 114.75 205.36 123.85 110.44 116.45 101.93 194.72
May-15 179.69 75.46 161.17 250.61 175.71 150.02 204.37 117.61 109.42 121.37 104.37 178.87
Jun-15 274.61 245.78 239.85 386.85 115.91 62.50 175.51 149.90 109.59 126.63 84.64 185.25
2015-16 230.06 134.04 224.79 258.52 147.37 107.67 191.67 122.81 116.20 117.44 112.84 159.76
Jul-15 214.24 116.37 189.85 302.70 105.15 42.10 175.51 114.54 103.94 119.19 68.98 191.99
Aug-15 219.72 78.99 191.44 325.71 135.68 86.55 190.52 122.79 122.21 125.91 64.70 183.97
Sep-15 193.35 143.52 190.39 208.83 140.25 95.18 190.55 122.76 123.26 121.59 65.60 185.25
Oct-15 390.39 113.55 328.94 617.02 145.00 104.01 190.73 128.34 137.60 124.99 65.78 190.16
Nov-15 237.47 122.01 154.65 510.75 123.41 76.74 175.49 130.65 142.95 122.00 70.13 199.45
Dec-15 246.88 148.81 182.95 458.90 152.42 88.69 223.54 155.05 143.70 127.64 72.11 207.10
Jan-16 321.09 83.22 273.04 500.96 149.15 79.52 226.84 133.25 141.44 124.40 72.43 209.47
Feb-16 393.01 195.36 311.97 670.96 98.75 99.02 98.44 132.20 143.02 128.05 66.16 201.46
Mar-16 224.25 135.06 213.72 268.32 99.26 99.38 99.14 139.36 140.88 126.82 99.93 220.04
Apr-16 231.94 76.17 219.78 289.42 146.42 114.89 181.61 152.39 138.59 125.40 173.82 229.51
May-16 284.28 143.17 295.50 266.85 179.26 129.92 234.33 136.36 128.22 124.46 104.28 221.31
Jun-16 280.37 127.30 257.28 371.63 150.96 70.64 240.59 199.13 126.05 125.56 107.05 238.25
2016-17 269.75 123.63 234.13 399.34 135.48 90.55 185.61 138.90 132.65 124.67 85.92 206.50
Jul-16 283.37 93.45 319.53 194.10 132.86 41.81 234.46 127.76 119.79 119.07 109.12 201.46
Aug-16 281.52 139.29 294.37 259.14 140.53 55.03 235.94 139.45 124.94 140.89 105.22 213.30
Sep-16 261.81 130.47 278.73 225.34 115.24 67.72 168.26 129.88 122.21 122.91 103.92 217.67
Oct-16 276.44 116.37 308.75 195.48 136.66 79.08 200.91 139.31 153.35 125.09 60.39 233.88
Nov-16 271.15 199.94 283.20 242.40 139.64 87.82 197.47 155.36 153.62 121.27 94.49 236.98
Dec-16 296.65 163.27 59.03 205.90 140.55 68.20 221.28 247.37 158.72 128.46 94.52 234.43
Jan-17 212.27 159.39 185.58 302.28 144.92 76.45 221.34 166.33 123.92 121.84 77.32 240.62
Feb-17 248.07 105.08 248.34 265.10 143.62 73.96 221.36 172.85 119.42 124.08 99.38 248.09
Mar-17 225.86 254.60 211.63 266.74 148.13 82.45 221.42 178.75 125.95 118.31 119.27 254.46
Apr-17 283.22 130.47 286.09 293.36 148.58 83.18 221.55 183.58 132.52 121.65 135.52 260.66
May-17 328.70 68.06 321.96 382.33 162.33 109.33 221.47 186.36 134.52 121.05 135.61 266.30
June-17 322.22 88.16 325.76 340.42 121.76 32.30 221.61 193.72 135.15 119.29 135.57 271.22
2017-18 274.27 137.37 260.25 264.38 139.57 71.44 215.59 168.39 133.68 123.66 105.86 239.92
July-17 298.46 128.00 290.44 344.83 131.40 50.45 221.74 177.46 118.54 106.99 135.66 208.20
Aug-17 349.14 100.50 379.78 284.45 134.23 55.76 221.79 182.84 122.58 107.46 135.63 221.31
Sep-17 263.57 208.40 251.93 306.83 136.78 60.54 221.85 178.76 141.74 101.22 135.65 225.68
Oct-17 290.09 156.10 286.09 319.35 202.05 69.30 350.19 190.25 142.90 110.58 135.75 227.50
Nov-17 124.43 237.82 87.42 225.90 194.51 59.96 344.66 190.46 143.57 111.18 136.01 233.15
Dec-17 148.97 109.68 107.11 284.71 183.30 57.88 323.27 233.99 144.13 116.07 136.13 238.80
Jan-18 155.83 233.79 119.99 258.11 193.22 76.69 323.27 192.83 146.69 112.79 135.93 243.72
Feb-18 230.42 124.13 191.23 366.20 181.86 54.84 323.62 199.05 138.59 127.99 136.06 248.82
Mar-18 238.69 87.80 205.65 360.82 192.17 74.20 323.80 198.18 143.67 113.55 136.27 256.28
April-18 245.73 249.31 215.81 338.79 141.56 69.28 222.22 199.95 144.17 116.45 136.42 262.48
May-18 260.73 112.84 246.41 323.94 142.36 70.74 222.28 196.11 138.85 98.63 136.81 268.67
June-18 278.87 119.89 300.76 230.33 139.04 64.40 222.23 202.42 138.69 115.54 136.33 272.50
July-18 327.51 164.97 289.85 465.50 131.85 50.45 222.68 187.79 139.57 109.07 136.06 269.95
Aug-18 313.24 151.77 313.81 331.66 134.69 55.75 222.79 174.12 139.83 111.34 135.97 275.59
Sep-18 305.32 90.98 298.84 352.55 135.97 57.91 223.08 145.21 136.08 107.71 136.88 281.79
Oct-18 221.35 154.80 197.75 303.40 135.72 57.23 223.32 186.98 150.23 136.29 99.74 288.16
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 123.

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)
1314 1315 Group- 1410 1430 Group 1511 1512 1520 Group- 1629 Group
14 15 16 17
Period Jute Handloom Index Wearing Knittwear Index Tanning & Mfg.of Leather Index Particle Index
Textile Textile Apperal Finishing luggage, Footwear board/
Leather: handbags etc plywood
Weight 2.23 1.20 34.84 16.96 17.88 4.40 1.84 1.10 1.46 0.33 0.33 0.33
2010-11 120.44 162.53 200.80 181.84 218.77 129.02 151.75 109.08 115.39 216.66 216.66 169.70
2011-12 144.59 136.02 235.44 228.76 241.77 132.32 151.85 111.63 123.30 235.99 235.99 171.34
2012-13 167.24 135.52 265.83 262.07 269.40 139.76 157.19 121.21 131.77 238.81 238.81 160.43
2013-14 151.88 124.06 293.70 288.34 298.80 147.83 158.06 146.38 136.01 243.39 243.39 151.95
Apr-15 94.41 227.32 279.50 278.92 280.05 126.40 152.27 128.51 92.22 283.96 283.96 176.47
May-15 93.06 151.46 339.85 333.92 345.47 143.47 149.16 134.47 143.08 288.38 288.38 177.46
Jun-15 309.83 144.99 359.95 364.08 356.03 148.59 132.07 148.94 169.15 290.60 290.60 176.81
2015-16 120.16 153.95 304.76 302.84 306.59 140.48 149.75 145.67 124.88 269.88 269.88 174.68
Jul-15 77.78 227.81 320.01 303.09 336.07 127.43 91.79 161.70 146.51 292.44 292.44 179.78
Aug-15 98.29 229.06 327.50 317.26 337.21 118.13 101.89 168.51 100.65 293.18 293.18 179.90
Sep-15 100.85 232.04 282.26 268.21 295.58 108.51 99.30 169.36 74.28 295.02 295.02 180.00
Oct-15 104.11 236.02 260.14 245.01 274.50 106.43 83.15 171.91 86.44 296.87 296.87 180.24
Nov-15 109.87 230.80 322.77 325.15 320.52 107.22 79.78 182.13 85.36 298.71 298.71 180.34
Dec-15 246.20 233.04 387.61 416.01 360.67 117.42 93.04 188.94 94.28 300.55 300.55 180.42
Jan-16 114.93 235.52 379.29 408.65 351.45 133.50 124.72 198.30 95.75 302.40 302.40 180.62
Feb-16 109.61 236.27 342.19 372.40 313.53 130.01 105.46 205.11 104.37 304.98 304.98 180.37
Mar-16 114.49 237.02 334.26 359.86 309.96 130.33 100.44 213.62 105.25 306.82 306.82 181.05
Apr-16 117.05 237.51 318.30 317.76 318.81 120.86 71.81 222.98 105.74 308.30 308.30 185.66
May-16 122.86 219.36 354.17 353.98 354.35 147.89 92.93 225.53 158.66 309.77 309.77 181.84
Jun-16 509.59 219.85 436.26 441.98 430.83 157.49 113.44 228.09 159.84 311.62 311.62 182.75
2016-17 152.14 231.19 338.73 344.11 333.62 125.44 96.48 194.68 109.76 301.72 301.72 181.08
Jul-16 94.09 219.11 308.27 292.10 323.60 137.78 62.44 230.64 162.78 313.46 313.46 182.92
Aug-16 119.24 223.09 397.03 373.62 419.24 164.20 120.84 237.45 163.66 317.15 317.15 183.04
Sep-16 93.53 223.34 265.26 251.03 278.76 155.95 96.66 244.26 164.15 321.57 321.57 183.14
Oct-16 143.26 223.34 314.45 286.72 340.76 158.27 97.75 251.06 164.64 322.68 322.68 183.35
Nov-16 131.35 373.06 335.53 340.97 330.36 171.87 101.89 297.87 165.13 324.89 324.89 183.60
Dec-16 625.91 497.41 373.16 392.71 354.62 173.58 84.96 306.38 185.22 326.00 326.00 183.69
Jan-17 136.72 604.85 393.29 411.00 376.49 213.29 123.84 425.53 166.11 327.11 327.11 183.81
Feb-17 138.95 631.46 325.41 343.29 308.46 162.04 46.70 348.94 166.60 327.84 327.84 183.89
Mar-17 145.03 643.90 336.47 348.27 325.28 242.89 73.78 626.38 167.09 328.95 328.95 184.01
Apr-17 160.34 604.85 327.17 313.91 339.76 236.02 54.62 629.79 167.97 330.42 330.42 184.11
May-17 147.00 653.84 371.50 356.49 385.75 256.44 47.01 723.40 168.56 331.16 331.16 184.19

June-17 180.05 678.72 377.27 367.34 386.70 257.23 33.24 478.94 169.05 331.90 331.90 184.29

2017-18 176.29 464.75 343.73 339.79 347.48 194.13 78.64 400.05 167.58 325.26 325.26 183.67
July-17 137.14 704.58 371.21 351.09 390.28 271.81 57.16 765.96 170.03 333.74 333.74 184.48

Aug-17 154.12 712.79 457.24 415.97 496.39 283.50 85.74 764.26 170.52 334.48 334.48 184.60

Sep-17 106.13 717.26 243.81 214.47 271.64 267.99 57.42 748.94 171.01 335.59 335.59 184.73

Oct-17 151.66 732.19 344.96 304.69 383.16 270.72 54.52 763.40 171.99 336.69 336.69 184.82

Nov-17 146.19 735.92 380.42 368.52 391.70 298.02 92.05 808.51 172.97 337.43 337.43 184.94

Dec-17 394.77 762.28 429.36 431.51 427.32 290.77 74.35 808.51 173.46 338.54 338.54 185.13

Jan-18 121.64 787.15 440.36 466.00 416.04 309.36 67.51 893.62 173.95 339.64 339.64 185.38

Feb-18 126.61 819.98 398.53 410.28 387.38 289.88 56.17 834.04 174.44 341.12 341.12 185.59

Mar-18 140.94 809.04 395.03 410.87 380.01 297.68 59.18 859.57 174.93 342.59 342.59 185.97

April-18 139.36 816.75 372.03 387.60 387.60 312.98 15.02 893.62 175.42 343.33 343.33 186.13

May-18 143.41 830.67 436.41 475.01 447.23 311.80 56.54 919.15 175.91 344.81 344.81 186.29

June-18 157.40 833.66 386.10 371.02 400.39 302.10 60.94 872.34 176.40 386.28 346.28 186.45


July-18 139.87 704.58 469.13 447.07 190.05 313.38 82.42 880.85 176.89 347.76 347.76 186.71

Aug-18 99.78 606.34 422.65 399.41 444.69 320.42 101.42 876.60 177.38 349.23 349.23 186.84

Sep-18 116.47 723.73 348.68 415.24 451.42 346.52 152.78 893.62 177.87 351.08 351.08 187.01

Oct-18 119.62 717.76 490.22 442.15 535.82 340.15 127.47 910.64 178.36 352.18 352.18 187.12

Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

124 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)
1701 1709 Group 1811 1811 Group 1920 1920 Group 2011 2012 2022
18 19 20
Period Pulp, Articles Index Printing of Printing of Index Petrolium Misc. Index Compressed Fertilize Paints and
Paper & made of Newspaper Books and refining Petroleum liquidified gas r varnishes
newsprint paper periodicals products
Weight 0.15 0.18 1.83 0.38 1.45 1.25 1.15 0.10 3.67 0.82 1.87 0.17
2010-11 133.33 200.00 121.12 100.53 126.51 99.10 95.54 140.05 70.80 68.43 52.61 137.25
2011-12 135.90 200.87 123.23 102.76 128.59 90.85 84.95 158.67 80.77 106.42 54.35 137.01
2012-13 127.57 187.81 124.36 102.87 129.99 101.54 96.86 155.32 84.62 115.49 55.78 139.57
2013-14 125.48 174.01 127.73 103.01 134.21 92.76 88.04 147.08 80.41 102.60 50.69 141.08
Sep-14 138.83 203.33 135.55 128.59 137.38 104.50 100.19 154.13 84.42 117.66 55.65 146.23
Oct-14 134.80 203.73 135.74 128.60 137.61 102.60 100.01 132.31 90.89 98.87 72.48 145.97
Nov-14 140.36 204.53 136.40 128.61 138.44 64.83 55.51 172.08 83.07 91.60 60.21 146.39
Dec-14 144.81 204.80 145.18 168.93 138.96 112.31 107.75 164.70 91.99 106.36 67.92 147.49
Jan-15 139.41 205.33 145.58 168.93 139.46 97.12 90.90 168.61 91.75 98.49 86.84 147.38
Feb-15 138.42 206.27 142.27 152.58 139.57 95.02 90.58 146.07 77.67 97.00 70.23 137.55
Mar-15 143.65 206.80 142.36 152.58 139.68 108.32 101.38 188.17 86.45 125.14 69.19 147.70
Apr-15 139.60 207.20 146.09 168.93 140.10 77.36 66.57 201.53 67.96 112.71 40.18 142.31
May-15 140.88 207.93 146.36 169.92 140.19 90.70 79.64 217.89 62.38 75.21 43.94 146.29
Jun-15 138.74 208.53 145.01 161.95 140.57 97.38 81.63 278.45 66.69 91.03 29.27 145.29
2015-16 139.55 203.96 140.91 148.89 138.82 96.79 89.82 177.04 77.49 101.19 53.36 145.33
Jul-15 139.91 213.00 144.78 160.67 140.62 83.63 75.96 171.80 76.51 94.51 28.17 142.31
Aug-15 139.95 213.20 145.80 165.36 140.67 93.51 85.67 183.67 85.30 103.27 41.05 146.29
Sep-15 140.00 213.33 146.73 169.65 140.72 99.12 89.26 212.43 81.21 98.19 41.63 150.26
Oct-15 140.05 213.73 146.77 169.64 140.77 100.11 87.10 249.73 89.81 83.84 57.04 142.31
Nov-15 140.10 213.87 146.81 169.64 140.83 54.22 36.85 253.98 92.89 83.51 56.75 155.07
Dec-15 140.12 214.00 147.56 173.07 140.88 22.91 3.31 248.23 103.66 56.64 79.78 151.52
Jan-16 140.17 214.33 147.87 174.30 140.95 118.62 104.28 283.44 108.73 98.01 77.76 159.05
Feb-16 139.30 214.60 148.23 175.65 141.04 113.30 102.73 234.79 101.25 111.31 67.48 154.08
Mar-16 140.31 215.00 148.31 175.82 141.10 111.24 97.11 273.76 123.70 104.52 69.76 160.46
Apr-16 150.21 215.20 148.38 175.93 141.16 108.24 96.49 243.45 84.25 105.04 32.93 181.76
May-16 141.32 215.60 151.10 188.80 141.22 107.25 90.58 298.98 79.26 100.93 40.17 188.51
Jun-16 143.02 215.87 151.62 191.09 141.28 116.25 103.16 266.75 84.58 122.45 36.84 188.30
2016-17 141.21 214.31 147.83 174.14 140.94 94.03 81.04 243.42 92.60 96.85 52.45 159.99
Jul-16 143.06 216.13 152.87 196.31 141.49 180.25 175.36 236.47 90.86 78.92 41.94 183.54
Aug-16 143.10 216.33 153.73 199.67 141.69 177.29 170.79 252.09 91.26 107.66 38.69 194.47
Sep-16 143.16 216.47 153.99 200.24 141.86 202.35 198.44 247.24 100.39 105.65 39.28 213.78
Oct-16 143.20 216.80 154.40 202.12 141.89 200.30 194.13 271.25 85.97 92.75 38.87 206.03
Nov-16 143.28 217.20 154.61 202.97 141.94 160.54 151.71 262.04 106.64 95.84 64.76 208.60
Dec-16 143.31 217.34 155.62 207.62 141.99 197.08 190.48 272.94 109.13 91.97 72.28 219.95
Jan-17 143.33 217.53 156.18 210.16 142.04 161.62 151.71 275.58 104.74 83.88 73.73 217.96
Feb-17 143.35 217.67 156.55 211.85 142.06 205.25 201.55 247.78 109.93 90.82 78.86 219.95
Mar-17 143.38 217.87 157.10 214.38 142.09 191.29 186.72 243.81 122.95 108.28 84.28 238.89
Apr-17 143.44 218.00 157.20 214.74 142.12 195.42 190.77 248.87 139.00 104.55 127.65 240.67
May-17 143.46 218.13 157.48 216.03 142.14 204.28 199.70 257.03 104.06 96.41 61.27 227.54
June-17 143.51 218.27 157.67 216.92 142.15 117.16 100.90 304.06 83.49 85.45 38.78 224.35
2017-18 143.30 217.31 155.62 207.75 141.96 182.74 176.02 259.93 104.04 95.18 63.37 216.31
July-17 143.54 218.60 158.02 218.19 142.25 111.38 99.35 249.73 121.93 102.29 38.22 118.87
Aug-17 143.57 218.80 158.41 219.88 142.30 106.21 92.25 266.71 106.24 135.09 44.74 76.80
Sep-17 143.60 219.00 159.77 226.22 142.35 97.31 97.31 246.45 99.19 103.63 61.96 72.83
Oct-17 143.64 219.13 160.23 228.33 142.38 112.94 99.72 264.45 116.31 129.54 59.30 83.76
Nov-17 143.66 219.33 160.52 229.60 142.41 37.07 18.02 256.12 107.81 75.38 82.99 83.55
Dec-17 143.13 219.67 160.86 230.97 142.48 187.27 181.15 257.56 95.95 57.85 70.58 66.66
Jan-18 143.76 220.07 161.24 232.14 142.66 115.05 120.24 262.31 112.19 73.55 61.81 74.03
Feb-18 143.82 220.40 162.24 236.79 142.71 110.94 99.55 241.93 85.74 77.78 29.79 72.62
Mar-18 143.86 221.07 162.27 236.53 142.81 107.96 94.72 260.19 94.13 82.01 47.86 77.38
April-18 143.89 221.33 165.88 253.70 142.86 113.87 102.24 247.66 111.55 113.11 28.94 77.80
May-18 143.92 221.60 167.77 262.16 142.91 108.42 95.99 251.35 81.01 130.14 5.78 76.81
June-18 143.95 221.87 169.51 270.62 143.01 110.50 98.39 249.74 77.33 108.24 6.54 78.22
July-18 143.97 222.33 171.35 279.08 143.11 108.43 96.00 251.38 212.25 582.78 17.06 78.22
Aug-18 144.01 222.53 172.26 283.30 143.16 108.43 96.00 251.39 103.93 125.34 17.84 80.57
Sep-18 144.05 222.80 173.62 289.65 143.21 110.81 98.95 247.18 143.99 125.34 51.09 87.95
Oct-18 144.06 223.00 174.95 295.99 143.23 109.02 97.65 249.78 164.47 167.70 84.98 78.22
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 125.

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)

Group Group Group 2392

2023 2023 2031 2100 2101/02 2211 2219 2220 2221 2310
21 22 23
Tyres Tiles
Perfumes&c Soap Pharm Rubber P.V.C Glass
Period Matches Index Unani Index and Malamine Index
osmatics &Detergents a footwear products sheet
Weight 0.35 0.4 0.06 8.23 7.70 0.53 1.56 0.13 0.27 1.12 0.04 7.12 0.14 0.23
2010-11 90.20 110.36 105.31 164.97 169.64 97.07 191.97 213.50 95.22 214.16 153.79 134.62 125.71 135.76
2011-12 88.35 113.02 135.15 169.82 174.17 106.54 217.59 273.44 85.78 244.61 168.99 138.22 154.66 137.71
2012-13 88.86 118.33 156.31 178.79 176.35 214.22 244.87 273.67 97.59 279.54 174.44 139.51 183.16 140.91
2013-14 100.41 119.41 155.00 211.10 201.85 345.45 263.84 369.66 111.95 290.98 185.24 144.18 223.32 146.44
Sep-14 117.98 85.71 147.45 355.72 358.70 312.44 295.69 404.88 117.57 329.50 196.44 166.51 380.18 167.70
Oct-14 140.86 86.34 138.52 356.74 360.32 304.76 289.69 405.24 117.36 321.22 194.43 155.94 368.93 173.76
Nov-14 141.10 87.81 129.58 317.84 313.58 379.65 294.68 406.17 117.46 327.84 199.78 162.26 302.66 176.45
Dec-14 141.33 103.38 125.11 279.38 271.77 389.89 298.24 405.82 117.52 332.81 200.45 185.20 352.07 177.80
Jan-15 15.10 137.54 136.64 270.23 262.21 386.81 286.09 283.30 117.59 330.05 201.78 188.21 342.01 159.93
Feb-15 8.12 98.88 139.95 256.09 246.85 390.34 285.80 275.91 138.40 325.42 203.79 191.19 341.12 190.57
Mar-15 11.98 118.81 140.75 270.31 261.59 396.99 288.93 283.97 139.74 328.40 207.13 198.89 362.13 192.25
Apr-15 9.59 114.38 142.54 296.08 288.83 401.34 298.19 284.21 119.92 332.37 589.98 202.13 280.18 193.83
May-15 13.89 117.44 139.86 300.72 294.10 396.94 302.03 284.26 117.51 339.32 561.25 207.38 325.74 195.31
Jun-15 35.12 175.10 138.96 324.39 320.03 387.84 299.85 284.08 116.92 336.34 563.92 207.89 325.74 197.33
2015-16 72.59 107.63 141.01 290.98 284.22 389.23 292.69 343.38 121.36 328.12 292.32 182.78 334.22 178.63
Jul-15 31.61 268.86 130.03 328.72 324.63 388.11 312.80 399.34 116.91 340.98 564.59 212.34 326.92 200.03
Aug-15 52.70 250.67 133.60 331.81 327.30 397.35 315.76 403.32 125.26 343.63 536.53 237.30 361.54 201.37
Sep-15 41.09 228.58 138.96 289.48 282.40 392.35 319.53 404.88 125.32 348.60 539.20 184.36 356.21 202.52
Oct-15 76.29 236.88 142.18 297.74 291.18 393.02 322.88 405.24 125.39 353.01 544.54 233.42 363.02 206.49
Nov-15 81.31 258.36 135.75 313.46 307.97 393.21 322.84 406.54 64.48 365.49 600.67 253.21 357.69 203.70
Dec-15 91.03 296.81 141.20 305.32 299.20 394.24 330.61 405.82 68.52 375.42 600.67 267.82 311.83 209.46
Jan-16 45.10 304.48 144.33 295.74 288.32 403.55 349.91 405.82 130.83 387.01 608.02 260.19 326.33 210.87
Feb-16 99.42 210.74 147.72 295.37 289.56 379.84 349.66 405.99 147.71 381.38 641.43 286.94 292.01 213.23
Mar-16 198.50 329.76 152.82 302.42 297.06 380.19 353.94 406.10 143.38 391.32 559.24 315.64 336.39 214.78
Apr-16 72.64 239.48 156.21 354.34 352.81 376.61 352.06 406.72 154.07 386.02 559.91 282.32 247.34 218.21
May-16 35.32 197.69 159.07 334.18 330.94 381.26 360.63 407.13 158.45 393.97 640.76 278.08 370.12 224.81
Jun-16 50.43 204.44 161.30 382.60 382.16 388.96 367.09 408.50 153.90 403.90 640.76 288.53 351.18 225.96
2016-17 72.95 252.23 145.26 319.26 314.46 389.06 338.14 405.45 126.18 372.56 586.36 258.34 333.38 210.95
Jul-16 138.83 251.97 162.20 325.16 321.01 385.53 375.87 399.34 158.02 411.19 781.07 246.90 352.07 228.31
Aug-16 33.60 299.22 163.09 425.71 428.17 389.93 357.69 403.32 87.99 404.56 717.59 310.36 376.92 230.33
Sep-16 135.56 286.76 163.99 375.04 376.59 352.63 361.40 404.88 88.74 412.84 620.04 260.96 338.46 231.68
Oct-16 74.64 239.43 163.99 352.81 350.05 392.91 349.95 405.24 90.13 396.28 626.73 313.27 343.79 231.64
Nov-16 164.72 221.66 165.15 366.54 364.72 392.97 353.49 407.10 88.08 401.25 633.41 321.37 353.85 241.47
Dec-16 94.91 273.20 167.38 396.38 389.42 497.43 334.90 405.82 88.15 375.42 635.41 356.70 354.73 255.20
Jan-17 96.62 241.43 171.58 431.59 425.02 527.04 358.38 400.76 65.96 412.18 688.20 373.47 365.68 258.62
Feb-17 113.04 235.31 173.82 401.55 393.97 511.73 364.14 403.29 66.04 419.80 690.87 384.67 325.15 259.29
Mar-17 67.61 325.30 174.26 441.87 436.23 523.70 360.40 406.66 66.16 414.17 690.87 402.11 343.79 259.70
Apr-17 76.17 268.84 176.50 499.57 506.72 395.69 367.76 407.48 62.37 425.09 694.88 386.19 326.92 260.30
May-17 85.82 272.09 178.55 534.07 534.32 530.46 363.49 406.93 62.38 696.88 696.88 372.91 343.49 261.30
June-17 91.82 206.89 179.45 541.33 544.38 497.04 370.03 407.91 62.38 428.07 698.22 373.30 323.08 261.41
2017-18 97.78 260.18 170.00 424.30 422.55 449.76 359.79 404.89 82.20 433.14 681.18 341.85 345.66 248.27
July-17 111.95 568.84 180.34 574.63 586.01 409.24 380.99 470.29 62.39 435.36 699.55 352.61 417.16 262.66
Aug-17 136.48 310.73 182.93 645.12 66150 407.15 390.45 548.30 62.40 440.11 701.56 376.60 363.61 261.11
Sep-17 102.97 259.59 181.86 412.17 414.69 375.60 395.21 478.26 62.41 454.79 703.56 299.30 363.61 266.03
Oct-17 160.48 320.66 184.27 484.57 490.51 397.35 410.99 478.03 62.43 471.68 846.55 375.18 351.48 268.72
Nov-17 152.45 249.64 186.95 552.83 561.80 422.50 412.77 478.48 62.47 475.98 793.76 384.06 353.25 271.01
Dec-17 77.09 307.61 189.63 455.61 457.29 431.14 417.43 478.89 62.43 482.27 798.44 385.30 406.21 271.42
Jan-18 232.44 325.82 193.03 484.99 486.95 456.59 419.85 479.28 62.72 486.25 778.40 390.86 443.79 276.47
Feb-18 140.56 305.83 188.74 490.86 489.42 511.73 417.78 479.02 62.73 483.27 781.74 392.06 476.33 271.08
Mar-18 111.45 304.01 215.91 563.06 564.54 541.52 422.84 479.71 62.75 489.89 789.76 403.16 443.49 280.10
April-18 229.50 389.15 221.63 601.39 606.42 528.32 424.91 480.25 62.77 492.87 786.41 407.18 494.97 289.60
May-18 229.87 182.72 219.93 547.64 548.65 532.92 426.82 480.93 62.79 495.19 793.76 407.65 415.38 290.21
June-18 245.96 175.20 222.34 525.52 526.90 505.41 423.21 480.04 62.82 490.22 795.10 408.20 484.62 294.11
July-18 267.46 370.12 237.09 845.33 865.40 553.66 428.63 480.48 62.84 497.51 800.45 413.97 418.64 306.44
Aug-18 326.08 257.67 239.68 967.75 995.98 557.64 433.68 481.02 62.86 504.79 791.76 412.55 363.61 310.48
Sep-18 446.99 361.36 236.28 436.19 427.24 566.25 440.65 480.34 82.37 509.76 795.10 413.97 466.86 313.17
Oct-18 374.53 371.15 238.87 459.89 454.36 540.27 434.02 481.36 84.18 499.83 799.11 416.34 379.29 320.24
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

126 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)
2393 2394 2397 Group 24 2410 2410 Group 25 2511 2599 2599 Group 26 2630
Period Ceramic Cement Bricks Index Iron & Re-rolling Index Structural Utensils Other Index TV
steel mills mills metal Fabricate
products d metal
Weight 0.5 2.75 3.50 3.15 0.51 2.64 2.32 1.56 0.20 0.56 0.15 0.12
2010-11 139.36 135.82 133.29 111.50 126.33 108.63 137.71 149.66 121.92 110.07 126.22 122.92
2011-12 136.01 145.61 132.10 114.26 127.97 111.61 138.81 149.17 119.70 116.79 114.77 143.46
2012-13 137.58 157.61 123.73 136.41 142.39 135.26 149.03 149.38 117.25 159.41 99.00 123.75
2013-14 138.55 162.58 127.21 150.20 167.10 146.94 164.33 169.01 147.36 157.36 105.46 112.30
Sep-14 154.26 218.94 118.43 137.43 175.26 130.12 268.31 321.07 162.19 159.27 133.68 133.68
Oct-14 156.95 191.02 118.56 160.38 173.40 157.87 232.53 267.36 166.07 159.25 110.81 110.81
Nov-14 158.74 210.02 118.68 177.37 179.20 177.02 189.95 203.67 168.99 159.24 107.91 107.91
Dec-14 160.54 263.94 120.66 178.78 180.90 178.37 186.29 198.68 166.07 159.01 104.61 104.61
Jan-15 150.67 269.35 125.52 178.84 181.06 178.41 174.09 178.95 178.70 158.88 182.23 182.23
Feb-15 154.44 284.64 117.06 214.34 181.46 220.69 167.96 169.92 177.73 159.01 187.99 187.99
Mar-15 155.16 308.05 113.27 227.88 181.48 236.84 176.93 181.09 194.24 159.15 212.38 212.38
Apr-15 155.87 318.75 114.54 226.00 181.66 234.57 195.78 209.37 192.30 159.17 156.26 156.26
May-15 160.54 325.60 117.23 228.77 181.70 237.86 194.86 207.94 192.30 159.32 149.82 149.82
Jun-15 160.72 328.32 115.98 232.37 181.60 242.17 199.38 215.07 188.41 159.58 142.93 142.93
2015-16 155.40 262.82 118.01 187.13 179.01 188.69 182.30 191.39 176.19 159.18 148.37 148.37
Jul-15 162.87 328.39 124.44 230.96 181.32 240.55 200.43 215.55 193.27 160.86 125.25 125.25
Aug-15 165.92 331.46 170.90 176.60 181.36 175.68 198.12 211.03 198.12 162.16 164.35 164.35
Sep-15 171.30 263.72 115.80 176.62 181.40 175.69 175.03 176.10 200.06 163.11 188.83 188.83
Oct-15 186.55 324.73 164.96 163.19 181.70 159.62 187.34 194.16 204.92 162.04 213.75 213.75
Nov-15 190.13 374.68 165.86 167.16 138.60 172.67 199.00 211.75 200.45 162.96 149.31 149.31
Dec-15 196.41 376.29 194.86 178.01 196.90 174.36 191.22 200.58 199.48 162.21 208.32 208.32
Jan-16 200.00 377.04 177.57 180.26 199.00 176.64 191.16 198.68 210.17 163.43 264.93 264.93
Feb-16 205.38 481.26 150.55 348.50 199.40 377.30 199.58 211.75 205.31 163.62 293.43 293.43
Mar-16 211.66 541.95 158.48 260.98 199.70 272.82 208.44 225.05 204.34 163.63 306.41 306.41
Apr-16 217.04 458.72 158.66 203.80 199.90 204.55 219.62 239.79 218.91 163.67 324.08 324.08
May-16 224.22 451.31 149.48 194.28 199.90 193.20 215.94 234.56 216.96 163.70 287.38 287.38
Jun-16 228.70 475.22 152.00 153.85 199.96 144.94 220.49 241.69 214.05 163.72 256.62 256.62
2016-17 196.68 398.73 156.96 202.85 188.26 205.67 200.53 213.39 205.50 162.93 231.89 231.89
Jul-16 233.18 380.37 141.01 165.73 199.98 159.12 211.56 226.01 228.23 165.37 199.58 199.58
Aug-16 235.87 515.82 162.16 194.15 199.94 193.03 245.42 274.25 224.34 172.66 270.20 270.20
Sep-16 236.77 384.88 165.86 176.75 199.60 172.33 215.25 231.00 211.72 172.66 219.78 219.78
Oct-16 240.90 513.58 170.36 161.26 157.84 161.92 219.01 228.86 217.55 192.09 211.05 211.05
Nov-16 244.30 529.40 172.88 165.41 157.90 166.87 242.89 258.80 223.37 205.54 204.19 204.19
Dec-16 247.53 617.71 173.97 164.29 157.98 165.51 242.01 249.77 227.26 225.67 256.70 256.70
Jan-17 250.22 656.83 176.31 175.11 162.00 177.65 258.88 265.22 222.40 254.27 317.11 317.11
Feb-17 252.91 685.48 177.75 168.49 166.00 168.98 248.31 252.86 230.17 242.12 249.16 249.16
Mar-17 254.71 727.03 179.55 179.03 164.00 181.93 270.87 281.38 230.17 256.14 302.88 302.88
Apr-17 260.09 683.58 181.17 179.39 164.04 182.35 259.58 262.60 226.29 263.06 339.24 339.24
May-17 263.68 644.42 183.69 179.42 164.10 182.38 269.63 271.63 219.49 281.94 272.84 341.04
June-17 265.11 643.47 185.85 179.42 164.06 182.39 268.75 267.59 228.23 286.43 197.29 246.61
2017-18 248.77 581.88 172.55 174.04 171.45 174.54 246.01 255.83 224.10 226.50 253.34 263.13
July-17 266.37 639.78 142.63 179.47 164.14 182.43 264.42 257.85 226.29 296.34 248.43 310.54
Aug-17 263.32 678.69 163.52 179.51 164.20 182.46 271.88 272.35 231.14 285.12 178.53 178.53
Sep-17 264.57 475.39 165.51 179.54 164.26 182.49 258.19 250.01 220.46 294.47 140.64 140.64
Oct-17 275.52 665.24 169.47 182.36 164.40 185.83 285.15 290.88 225.32 290.54 175.29 219.12
Nov-17 279.82 685.09 171.08 187.64 164.66 192.08 279.44 280.90 223.37 295.40 134.18 134.18
Dec-17 284.66 682.19 173.06 187.67 164.60 192.13 169.41 262.13 227.26 304.75 112.63 112.63
Jan-18 309.24 687.70 174.68 187.73 164.72 192.17 275.60 266.88 232.11 315.41 136.60 170.74
Feb-18 321.32 684.42 177.02 187.82 164.84 192.26 280.33 267.59 231.14 333.36 164.07 164.07
Mar-18 352.11 705.28 179.55 187.92 165.00 192.34 277.22 265.93 232.11 324.76 166.94 166.94
April-18 356.95 709.55 181.00 187.93 164.88 192.38 277.44 267.33 234.06 319.71 213.85 213.85
May-18 360.00 707.07 182.61 187.87 164.00 192.49 277.66 265.69 236.00 323.82 243.27 243.27
June-18 364.84 708.15 183.16 187.78 164.30 192.31 275.89 265.93 228.23 320.64 228.44 228.44
July-18 282.60 716.24 187.83 187.64 163.00 192.40 295.99 296.83 220.46 320.64 196.53 245.67
Aug-18 381.35 713.63 189.10 187.53 162.00 192.46 259.66 244.07 226.29 315.03 181.81 227.26
Sep’18 391.75 708.14 190.53 187.24 160.00 192.50 320.51 331.76 225.32 322.33 208.41 208.41
Oct’18 397.85 714.97 192.15 187.45 161.10 192.54 296.92 296.11 226.29 324.38 202.89 202.89
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 127.

BASE YEAR (2005-06=100)
Group 27 2710 2720 2732 2740 2750 Group 2821 2826 2829 Group 29 2910
Period Index Electric Wires Electric Electrical Index Agricultur Machinery Machiner Index Assemble
Motors, Battetie & lamps appliance e& for Textile , y of Motor
Generators, s cables s/ Forestry apparel and equipmen vehicles
transformer Domestic machinery leather t NEC
s / Electrical appliance production
apparatus s
Weight 0.73 0.20 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.18 0.05 0.03 0.10 0.13 0.13
2010-11 122.47 53.10 143.57 139.96 156.00 153.16 172.95 174.22 257.00 147.09 160.10 160.10
2011-12 125.22 53.29 152.20 139.81 159.04 156.60 178.29 174.43 310.44 140.57 201.46 201.46
2012-13 128.53 76.96 149.07 120.99 168.39 151.87 155.86 174.20 256.89 116.37 186.62 186.62
2014-15 132.06 75.03 153.65 121.61 173.79 161.82 172.68 200.82 286.78 124.38 205.84 205.84
Jul-14 134.25 75.55 153.61 113.98 179.36 172.10 189.22 212.16 364.00 125.32 1036.50 1036.50
Aug-14 139.96 75.58 153.83 123.68 197.19 177.02 188.09 214.35 353.33 125.39 1051.09 1051.09
Sep-14 142.21 75.00 157.01 127.43 198.50 181.54 193.07 216.07 380.00 125.49 861.31 861.31
Oct-14 143.81 75.07 158.46 129.36 198.92 185.65 190.12 213.57 366.67 125.44 659.85 659.85
Nov-14 148.08 75.13 162.80 144.55 199.44 189.76 192.63 217.10 376.00 125.39 145.99 145.99
Dec-14 153.66 75.23 188.20 113.08 199.89 217.54 198.95 215.07 418.67 124.98 148.91 148.91
Jan-15 182.39 75.31 341.69 114.63 246.08 198.77 206.81 213.41 466.67 125.56 151.82 151.82
Feb-15 175.68 75.27 396.80 116.75 138.01 205.91 212.71 214.60 500.00 125.57 154.74 154.74
Mar-15 163.28 75.29 368.45 116.75 86.90 208.71 221.28 215.42 548.00 126.19 160.58 160.58
Apr-15 189.68 75.28 377.90 120.68 234.41 208.52 232.07 218.23 608.00 126.21 169.34 169.34
May-15 201.46 75.08 393.64 169.59 235.16 213.17 214.46 214.48 524.00 121.59 175.18 175.18
Jun-15 200.28 74.43 409.39 151.25 228.22 215.63 219.27 216.07 560.00 118.65 373.72 373.72
2015-16 164.56 75.19 271.81 128.48 195.17 197.86 204.89 215.05 455.44 124.65 178.83 178.83
Jul-15 174.90 76.72 413.15 145.00 71.14 216.56 228.74 217.89 608.00 120.39 379.56 379.56
Aug-15 185.79 79.09 440.89 145.58 104.05 217.32 237.96 218.64 668.00 118.61 385.40 385.40
Sep-15 194.28 81.52 456.63 147.00 126.04 223.27 236.88 219.20 632.00 127.19 291.97 291.97
Oct-15 200.29 83.96 472.38 148.22 140.90 223.74 245.16 223.26 692.00 122.06 297.81 297.81
Nov-15 192.89 83.96 488.12 147.71 104.62 206.84 271.85 231.08 836.00 122.99 303.65 303.65
Dec-15 225.45 86.58 503.87 159.68 263.98 211.53 262.12 233.40 776.00 122.32 306.57 306.57
Jan-16 198.02 86.31 472.38 150.47 141.43 209.28 277.41 229.02 872.00 123.23 309.49 309.49
Feb-16 220.92 86.84 488.12 254.74 123.04 235.29 316.08 231.21 932.00 173.74 312.41 312.41
Mar-16 234.94 87.49 535.36 255.00 158.50 236.17 302.87 234.02 848.00 173.76 315.33 315.33
Apr-16 241.46 88.86 551.10 255.51 175.20 239.28 327.29 235.46 992.00 173.79 318.25 318.25
May-16 238.78 93.85 566.85 147.39 234.26 245.41 311.85 237.46 896.00 173.81 321.17 321.17
Jun-16 261.78 97.80 582.59 147.26 348.52 247.86 331.46 234.77 1016.00 174.44 437.96 437.96
2016-17 214.12 86.08 497.62 175.30 165.97 226.05 279.14 228.78 814.00 143.86 331.63 331.63
Jul-16 239.15 100.48 425.13 148.67 360.86 248.94 319.55 238.77 932.00 176.21 443.80 443.80
Aug-16 276.87 102.79 436.62 239.03 487.02 247.25 351.16 240.34 1040.00 199.92 966.42 966.42
Sep-16 366.26 107.60 448.11 226.16 1008.18 258.56 362.52 237.27 1100.00 203.89 738.69 738.69
Oct-16 311.77 108.12 459.60 208.85 684.02 256.88 378.94 238.84 1160.00 214.68 677.37 677.37
Nov-16 456.17 108.64 471.09 209.88 1549.94 256.28 383.13 235.21 1052.00 256.43 817.52 817.52
Dec-16 371.64 109.95 471.09 226.89 1012.80 258.92 347.91 229.99 776.00 278.44 543.07 543.07
Jan-17 358.71 110.47 475.69 281.13 764.09 336.78 461.61 239.09 1316.00 316.56 286.13 286.13
Feb-17 400.55 111.52 477.98 228.61 1096.10 316.33 441.17 242.78 1208.00 310.32 385.40 385.40
Mar-17 336.25 112.04 478.44 298.05 605.44 336.62 460.86 240.34 1292.00 321.78 367.88 367.88
Apr-17 367.02 113.06 503.26 230.86 830.09 338.85 436.06 244.72 1196.00 303.74 443.80 443.80
May-17 320.80 93.85 438.92 297.99 581.65 336.37 458.22 243.34 1256.00 326.32 513.87 513.87
June-17 308.00 94.70 441.22 229.32 568.26 336.75 475.31 248.28 1328.00 333.02 531.39 531.39
2017-18 342.77 106.10 460.60 235.45 795.70 294.04 406.37 239.91 1138.00 270.11 559.61 559.61
July-17 318.05 95.12 547.11 229.32 521.24 337.85 483.20 245.90 1208.00 384.41 17.52 17.52
Aug-17 526.93 95.33 678.42 229.77 1660.71 337.22 504.85 253.91 1424.00 354.57 192.70 192.70
Sep-17 331.57 96.39 386.22 230.22 755.08 342.26 522.23 256.54 1508.00 359.34 397.08 397.08
Oct-17 313.82 108.12 513.07 345.68 384.39 342.88 495.69 249.47 1364.00 358.32 382.48 382.48
Nov-17 242.08 108.64 297.31 254.29 253.36 343.51 531.35 254.85 1544.00 365.81 154.74 154.74
Dec-17 398.57 108.88 274.20 340.21 1151.59 336.84 559.17 257.47 1640.00 385.77 306.57 306.57
Jan-18 374.84 110.06 439.23 253.19 923.68 339.35 579.29 255.85 1712.00 401.21 259.85 259.85
Feb-18 323.34 111.52 443.73 255.51 626.42 321.51 569.84 259.60 1604.00 414.71 245.26 245.26
Mar-18 273.73 111.54 282.55 258.99 438.54 352.38 578.32 262.41 1688.00 403.36 256.93 256.93
April-18 365.09 113.89 283.84 256.60 989.06 354.05 581.61 257.72 1736.00 397.23 598.54 598.54
May-18 289.29 116.26 284.47 253.71 534.03 348.61 579.44 257.29 1712.00 400.75 370.80 370.80
June-18 293.61 118.64 287.03 256.15 551.97 348.18 599.59 259.47 1808.00 407.45 639.42 639.42
July-18 263.37 119.82 282.55 289.11 324.05 357.73 598.84 260.85 176.00 419.48 481.75 481.75
Aug-18 218.73 121.01 229.25 259.63 145.52 349.08 579.19 262.35 1856.00 354.57 651.09 651.09
Sep-18 255.37 122.19 205.49 233.63 411.11 352.66 619.66 263.66 1892.00 415.96 913.87 913.87
Oct-18 253.61 123.38 207.41 279.71 1018.72 355.98 604.31 258.97 1796.00 419.48 867.15 867.15
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

128 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 1995-96=100)-CONTD.
31 32 33 35 36 38
General Paper, 37 39
Food, Textiles, Wood & Chemicals Non-Metalic Metal
Period Index Beverages & Leather & Wood Printing & Rubber & Mineral Basic Metal Products Other Mfg.
(Mfg.) Publish- Industries Industries
Tobacco Apparel Products Plastic Prod. Machinery
Weight 100.00 38.86 7.67 30.43 5.33 1.46 0.35 0.72 12.12 3.05
Apr-June 431.21 392.25 365.01 451.29 710.15 258.96 350.64 226.19 481.69 345.91
July-Sep 435.95 400.56 366.36 454.08 687.54 260.29 370.96 226.27 492.05 359.89
Oct-Dec. 444.38 405.02 379.79 454.78 722.30 260.80 411.16 226.17 515.63 379.39
Jan-Mar 465.86 424.27 398.08 471.36 768.79 271.00 417.02 238.94 552.81 389.47
Apr-June 477.04 436.08 411.40 475.47 812.41 277.99 446.35 238.99 566.15 395.03
July-Sep 478.84 437.68 414.38 477.22 826.32 273.27 450.64 226.82 564.26 396.72
Oct-Dec. 483.86 438.54 432.43 477.59 834.85 273.80 457.08 227.76 582.01 398.38
Jan-Mar 512.37 484.02 440.40 491.57 883.26 275.29 483.26 240.70 609.69 408.85
Apr-June 527.48 484.32 446.69 529.14 911.65 276.24 494.99 240.85 620.62 414.98
July-Sep 529.57 484.26 448.67 532.66 912.28 277.28 500.00 240.93 626.79 417.60
Oct-Dec. 532.15 487.12 433.28 536.89 920.28 272.37 512.59 241.21 633.40 422.61
Jan-Mar 560.59 512.46 448.43 560.59 981.43 278.01 516.02 242.53 682.17 447.34
Apr-June 566.57 516.94 454.13 567.26 1001.31 278.47 521.75 242.63 688.31 451.80
July-Sep 584.15 528.35 460.59 580.71 1097.23 279.77 526.18 242.66 704.99 497.55
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.


(Base: 1995-96=100)
General 311-312 311-312 Food Mfg. 3122 321-
Period Index 3118 3119 Bakery 3125 321 Textiles
3112 3116 Grain Milling Rice Milling Chocolate TOTAL 3211-
(Mfg.) TOTAL Diary Products Lungi
Products Edible Oil
Weight 100.00 38.86 1.74 2.24 3.72 21.11 9.69 0.36 3.35 1.08
Apr-June 431.21 392.25 163.69 46.17 294.85 558.23 199.79 104.09 305.84 612.53
Jul-Sep 435.95 400.56 164.08 46.22 313.38 569.49 201.41 103.93 304.42 615.80
Oct-Dec. 444.38 405.02 164.56 46.37 328.70 574.92 201.46 104.22 330.76 651.25
Jan-Mar 465.80 424.27 166.44 46.64 349.42 605.83 202.94 104.68 340.65 668.40
Apr-Jun 477.04 436.08 167.24 47.39 355.21 626.36 203.05 104.57 360.77 709.03
July-Sep 478.84 437.68 168.22 47.71 385.84 624.20 202.10 105.36 363.13 713.72
Oct-Dec. 483.36 438.54 172.28 48.02 378.12 624.28 207.46 107.45 386.63 783.58
Jan-Mar 512.37 484.02 178.46 49.23 407.34 702.00 207.84 110.87 391.30 781.08
Apr-June 527.48 484.32 179.20 50.48 377.09 704.07 215.66 111.49 396.47 790.35
July-Sep 529.57 484.26 179.41 50.50 377.99 705.27 212.44 111.15 398.44 791.39
Oct-Dec. 532.15 487.12 146.91 50.77 390.73 708.47 212.57 110.61 393.45 770.56
Jan-Mar 560.59 512.96 185.35 52.85 431.66 742.65 223.77 114.07 410.63 806.94
Apr-June 566.51 516.94 192.27 53.80 434.36 748.80 223.86 114.27 410.94 805.80
July-Sep 584.15 528.35 194.19 53.92 450.45 766.77 223.90 114.50 419.18 821.01
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 129.

(Base: 1995-96=100)
321- 322 323 324 325 327 331 332 341
Textiles Footwear Wood Prod. Paper &
Period 3214- Textile Wearing Leather Except Embrodiery Except Wooden Paper
Dhottes & Except. Apparels Products Leather on Textiles Furniture Furniture Prods.
3223 3231 3243 3251 3271 3311 3321 3413
Leather &
Knitwear Garments Leather Prod. Other Embroidery Saw & Furniture Paper &
Exp. F.wear Footwear Planing Mills Paper Board
Exp. Rub.
Weight 2.27 1.16 0.44 0.74 1.51 0.46 11.62 18.81 0.35
Jul-Sep 156.28 416.50 238.26 373.99 511.98 336.21 484.05 435.56 2620.93
Oct-Dec. 178.28 419.11 238.33 375.51 517.42 336.39 485.17 436.02 2651.16
Jan-Mar 184.71 427.51 245.63 398.79 557.54 372.05 505.95 450.00 2409.30
Apr-June 195.08 425.86 246.63 409.41 574.65 377.44 508.30 455.19 3486.05
Jul-Sep 196.34 427.82 258.02 410.83 576.98 384.27 509.10 457.52 3586.05
Oct-Dec. 197.77 460.32 259.15 412.50 583.12 408.17 508.49 458.50 3716.28
Jan-Mar 205.85 462.00 276.88 434.41 589.32 430.26 515.05 477.07 3895.35
Apr-June 209.08 462.50 299.28 440.49 598.76 434.05 523.72 532.48 4034.88
Jul-Sep 211.49 464.21 300.38 442.15 601.02 437.26 523.82 538.12 4223.26
Oct-Dec. 214.03 464.67 300.88 428.14 539.97 438.23 524.93 544.29 4044.19
Jan-Mar 222.07 474.32 307.06 439.27 554.90 468.63 544.86 570.30 4395.35
Apr-June 223.08 475.82 316.23 442.91 572.78 484.33 560.52 571.43 4416.28
Jul-Sep 228.00 482.57 321.15 444.69 575.19 499.47 576.76 583.16 4553.49
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
(Base: 1995-96=100)
342 342 Printing & Publishing 357 357 Plastic Products N.E.C. 369
3422 3571 Cement
Period 3423 3424/34 3572 3579
Book Printing Rubber Products
Total Commercial Cards & Total Polythine Misc Plastic
& Sandles & 3693
Job Printing Stationery Products Products
Publishing Shoes Rcc Pipes
Weight 4.98 0.81 2.50 1.64 1.46 0.59 0.22 0.66 0.35
July-Sep 551.66 118.64 273.55 1194.58 260.29 203.91 - 311.55 370.96
Oct-Dec. 586.73 120.29 290.45 1274.19 260.80 204.52 - 311.96 411.16
Jan-Mar 617.04 127.60 308.96 1334.06 271.00 213.33 - 323.42 417.02
Apr-June 624.51 128.07 317.45 1343.38 277.99 217.72 - 332.79 446.35
July-Sep 629.36 127.19 324.33 1357.05 273.27 214.97 - 326.26 450.64
Oct-Dec. 632.34 126.65 324.33 1357.27 273.80 215.61 - 326.70 457.08
Jan-Mar 671.57 126.19 349.81 1437.31 275.29 216.69 - 328.57 483.26
Apr-Jun 692.14 129.77 375.80 1457.92 276.24 217.29 - 329.82 494.99
Jul-Sep 679.58 138.06 351.08 1453.80 277.28 218.11 - 331.07 500.00
Oct-Dec. 700.73 139.79 359.41 1504.34 272.37 207.02 - 331.77 512.59
Jan-Mar 741.49 142.20 381.36 1593.06 278.01 210.77 - 339.15 516.02
Apr-June 761.30 144.14 393.29 1633.34 278.47 211.07 - 339.14 521.75
July-Sep 854.32 151.37 441.06 1839.05 279.77 211.94 - 341.44 526.18
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

130 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 1995-96=100)
371 381 381 Metal Prod. Machi. 382 382 Metal Prod. Except. Furniture 383
Iron & Steel 3814 3815 3823 3824/38 3829
Period (Nuts&Bolt TOTAL Steel Structural TOTAL C.I. Pan Metal Trunks Metal Prods. Total
Industries Products Metal & & NEC. Excpt.
3712 Products Tin Plate Tincans Machinery
Iron & Steel
Weight 0.72 6.50 2.93 3.57 2.57 0.32 0.54 1.71 2.14
July-Sep 226.27 602.97 744.09 487.15 238.73 70.41 43.19 331.98 473.53
Oct-Dec. 226.17 629.74 781.50 505.19 257.39 74.22 47.42 357.98 494.15
Jan-Mar 238.94 688.22 885.83 526.03 265.63 76.19 50.13 369.14 505.50
Apr-June 238.99 709.46 931.10 527.56 269.30 75.74 59.04 371.93 509.30
July-Sep 226.82 717.05 944.88 530.05 259.52 74.43 59.78 357.23 492.29
Oct-Dec. 227.76 747.61 1011.81 530.77 259.80 71.42 62.72 357.28 493.89
Jan-Mar 240.70 789.93 1096.46 538.35 277.72 73.07 66.65 382.67 500.54
Apr-Jun 240.85 809.59 1139.76 538.60 279.22 74.57 66.85 384.59 496.71
Jul-Sep 240.93 818.30 1156.69 540.57 280.20 74.78 68.70 385.43 497.72
Oct-Dec. 241.21 827.98 1177.95 540.75 294.73 75.03 69.92 406.84 500.54
Jan-Mar 242.53 902.11 1298.43 576.84 329.31 79.08 72.41 457.26 501.79
Apr-June 242.63 912.77 1299.21 595.60 329.80 79.25 70.52 458.57 502.39
July-Sep 242.66 939.46 1336.22 613.82 335.62 75.77 69.44 468.80 502.78
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS


(Base: 1995-96=100)
383 Non-Electrical Machinery 384 385 385 Transport Equip. 393 393 Jewellery of pre. Metal
3832 3834 3839 Electrical TOTAL 3854 3856 TOTAL 3931 3935
Agri. Textiles Machinery 3849 Motor Tyres Bicycle & Ornaments Plastic &
Machinery Machinery Excpt. Electrical Tubes & Rickshaw (Gold & Wooden
Electrical Apparatus Parts Parts Silver) Toys
Weight 0.79 0.84 0.51 0.16 0.75 0.62 0.13 3.05 2.98 0.08
Apr-Jun 966.35 196.97 184.86 605.65 424.26 413.40 476.06 345.91 347.75 234.07
July-Sep 953.71 197.18 184.87 610.20 426.38 415.12 480.09 359.89 362.06 234.20
Oct-Dec. 998.93 200.31 196.20 640.62 446.27 434.36 503.10 379.39 391.98 247.42
Jan-Mar 1023.57 203.85 199.82 655.37 476.39 468.17 515.62 389.47 391.98 247.42
Apr-June 1039.91 205.03 188.55 673.04 480.69 470.90 527.36 395.03 397.59 250.29
July-Sep 997.26 200.38 190.88 646.63 472.18 461.39 523.67 396.72 399.29 251.44
Oct-Dec. 995.89 203.40 194.75 656.65 486.45 475.83 537.15 398.38 400.89 255.09
Jan-Mar 1010.54 203.90 199.10 663.39 485.13 473.86 538.89 408.85 411.50 259.09
Apr-June 997.86 204.66 201.43 686.52 492.34 480.31 549.68 414.98 417.57 266.92
Jul-Sep 1000.00 204.83 202.10 703.64 506.55 494.64 563.36 417.60 420.20 268.88
Oct-Dec. 1008.27 205.17 200.55 683.6 476.07 462.15 542.44 422.61 425.23 272.01
Jan-Mar 1011.10 205.37 201.07 683.24 499.64 488.02 555.05 447.34 449.80 299.69
Apr-June 1012.04 205.38 202.10 690.53 501.47 489.50 558.54 451.80 454.30 302.14
July-Sep 1012.43 205.74 202.56 717.72 512.84 500.44 572.01 497.55 500.89 303.08
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 131.

(Base: 2005-06=100)
Period General Index Coal Natural Gas Electricity
Weight 100.00 0.82 99.18 100.00
2009-10 120.79 241.20 133.50 120.79
2010-11 129.05 220.00 134.53 129.05
2011-12 146.72 284.17 141.19 146.72
2012-13 160.43 292.88 152.00 160.43
2013-14 177.20 232.92 172.41 191.04
2014-15 191.06 232.93 172.48 191.06
Jan-16 183.47 291.06 190.75 183.47
Feb-16 194.92 304.19 177.89 194.92
Mar-16 239.87 384.50 189.31 239.87
Apr-16 247.68 415.79 182.55 247.68
May-16 236.92 390.62 186.97 236.92
Jun-16 267.63 59.59 184.88 267.63
2015-16 219.29 340.15 184.29 219.29
Jul-16 253.28 93.50 179.58 253.28
Aug-16 274.22 594.83 188.58 274.22
Sep-16 257.87 498.85 174.03 257.87
Oct-16 271.27 382.65 188.58 271.27
Nov-16 209.64 583.47 181.51 209.64
Dec-16 200.67 382.76 188.42 200.67
Jan-17 208.69 387.72 190.11 208.69
Feb-17 205.52 10.76 173.87 205.52
Mar-17 234.97 172.74 191.88 234.97
Apr-17 252.64 354.52 185.85 252.64
May-17 317.31 327.32 192.17 278.02
June-17 317.12 328.23 177.93 273.59
2017-18 250.27 343.11 184.38 343.37
July-17 323.35 333.17 193.37 288.89
Aug-17 193.18 409.22 191.40 303.03
Sep-17 175.56 282.75 174.67 283.04
Oct-17 318.60 328.66 187.33 282.19
Nov-17 331.00 347.61 183.00 232.01
Dec-17 392.05 361.30 188.66 217.03
Jan-18 191.09 474.50 188.74 267.68
Feb-18 171.68 383.98 169.93 220.24
Mar-18 190.09 411.36 188.26 290.44
April-18 182.54 249.43 181.99 270.85
May-18 187.29 167.67 187.46 289.10
June-18 188.78 164.43 188.98 306.67
July-18 187.69 167.69 187.86 306.67
Aug-18 187.93 167.71 188.10 341.71
Sep-18 175.69 152.94 175.88 344.77
Oct-18 175.51 150.96 175.72 306.46
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS

132 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

5.33 Price Indices of Domestically Produced Goods by Industrial Groups
(Base: 2005-06=100)
Code Name of Industry 4 digit 2015-16 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 June-18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18

1020 Fish & sea food 1.28 117.16 119.51 119.51 119.51 119.51 119.51 119.51 119.51 191.51 119.51
1030 Processing & Preserving of 0.61 120.90 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36 119.36
fruits and vegetables
1040 Hyd. Vegetable oil 1.89 134.69 158.84 159.52 158.03 159.66 157.39 153.18 148.39 147.39 147.39
1050 Dairy products 0.37 110.34 122.48 122.48 123.77 123.77 123.77 124.40 124.40 124.40 124.40
1061 Grain milling 0.84 140.70 143.61 144.33 144.43 226.04 225.36 143.29 144.90 145.45 145.45
1063 Rice milling 3.14 92.78 144.43 144.43 146.40 146.40 146.40 146.40 146.40 146.40 146.40
1072 Sugar (Teer/Fresh) 0.52 109.46 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16 162.16
1077 Black & Blending Tea 0.76 173.65 196.10 196.10 197.01 197.01 197.01 197.01 197.01 197.01 197.01
1079 Edible salt (Mollah, Pubali) 0.38 135.95 176.44 176.44 181.27 217.52 217.52 199.40 199.40 193.35 193.35
1080 Animal feeds (Poultry 0.22 176.13 166.29 166.29 164.04 161.80 161.80 164.04 164.40 164.04 164.04
1101 Spirits & Alcohol (Carus 0.01 288.90 370.20 500.23 216.96 216.89 216.89 275.69 328.99 487.88 323.43
1105 Mineral Water (Pran, 0.25 142.60 144.80 144.80 114.80 114.80 114.80 144.80 144.80 144.80 144.80
Partex, City Group, Dunkan
1200 Cigarettes 1.54 367.63 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48 655.48
1201 Biddies 1.38 301.90 527.62 527.62 525.71 525.71 525.71 525.71 525.71 527.62 527.62
1311 Preparation & Spinning of 3.35 209.63 267.86 267.86 283.82 267.86 267.86 267.86 267.86 267.86 267.86
Cotton Textile fibers
(Medinipur Tex.)
1312 Weaving of Textiles 3.87 427.50 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82 426.82
1313 Dyeing, bleaching & 2.45 90.83 102.44 102.44 102.44 83.70 83.70 76.13 76.13 68.92 68.92
1312 Silk & Synthetic 0.97 384.75 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29 383.29
1314 Jute Textile 2.23 289.00 268.67 281.96 287.23 288.24 288.24 245.28 245.28 245.28 246.93
1315 Handloom Textile 1.2 149.39 150.60 150.60 150.60 150.60 150.60 141.26 141.26 141.26 141.26
1410 Wearing Apperal 16.96 111.78 115.08 115.08 115.00 115.08 115.61 115.87 115.87 115.87 115.87
1430 Knittwear 17.88 283.04 292.21 292.21 292.21 292.21 294.06 294.06 294.99 294.99 294.99
1511 Tanning & Finishing 1.84 157.21 153.90 153.90 154.53 152.62 152.62 152.62 153.94 153.94 153.79
1512 Mfg.of luggage, handbags 1.10 144.19 102.67 102.67 102.67 102.67 102.67 107.49 107.49 277.67 277.67
1520 Leather Footwear (shoe & 1.46 196.46 442.46 442.46 446.46 442.46 442.46 442.46 442.46 442.46 442.46
1629 Particle board/ plywood 0.33 103.22 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36 105.36
1701 Pulp, Paper & newsprint 0.15 136.69 137.36 137.36 137.36 137.36 137.36 137.36 137.36 137.33 137.36
1709 Articles made of paper 0.18 114.32 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
1811 Printing of Newspaper 1.83 237.30 263.27 263.27 263.33 263.33 263.33 263.27 263.27 268.27 268.27
1920 Petrolium refining 1.25 229.19 203.34 - 203.67 203.67 203.67 203.62 203.62 203.62 203.62
2011 Compressed liquidified gas 0.82 214.89 238.02 155.57 155.75 155.75 155.75 156.32 156.32 156.32 156.32
2012 Fertilizer 1.87 284.54 284.54 284.54 284.54 284.54 284.54 283.36 283.36 283.36 283.36
2022 Paints and varnishes 0.17 133.68 139.78 136.22 132.14 132.14 132.14 131.93 137.23 137.48 138.40
2023 Perfumes and cosmetics 0.35 119.57 155.52 154.57 154.57 154.57 154.57 154.57 154.57 154.57 154.57
2023 Soaps & detergents 0.40 101.69 73.98 73.98 73.98 73.98 73.98 81.39 81.39 81.39 81.39
2031 Matches 0.06 110.34 113.79 100.00 106.90 106.90 106.90 106.90 106.90 106.90 106.90
2100 Pharmaceuticals/Allopathic 8.23 153.77 157.37 157.37 157.76 157.76 157.76 157.76 157.76 157.76 157.76
drugs and medicine
2211 Tyres and Tubes 0.13 180.10 137.12 137.19 136.65 136.65 136.65 137.53 137.53 137.53 137.53
2219 Rubber footwear/other 0.27 175.46 177.89 177.88 177.88 177.88 177.88 177.88 178.26 178.26 178.26
rubber products
2221 Malamine 0.04 146.75 148.56 147.56 112.07 100.87 100.87 99.40 99.40 88.52 88.52

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 133.

5.33 Price Indices of Domestically Produced Goods by Industrial Groups
(Base: 2005-06=100)
Code Name of Industry 4 digit 2015-16 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 June-18 July’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18
2310 Glass Sheet (Nasir) 0.14 276.54 276.54 276.54 276.54 276.54 276.54 237.04 237.04 237.04 237.04
2391 Mfg. of Non-metalic 1.05 114.49 121.88 121.88 122.73 122.73 122.73 123.30 123.30 123.47 123.47
mineral appliences
2392 Tiles (RAK) 0.02 115.98 125.00 125.02 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00
2393 Ceramic (RAK) 0.18 110.96 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09 116.09
2394 Cement (Chatak Cement) 3.57 127.19 127.19 127.19 128.02 128.02 128.02 130.53 130.53 130.33 130.53
2397 Bricks (New National/Auto 2.15 194.44 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.22 222.00
2410 Iron & steel mills 0.51 105.18 123.93 123.93 121.09 121.09 121.09 121.09 121.09 121.09 121.09
2511 Structural metal products 1.56 210.12 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77 218.77
2599 Utensils 0.20 269.11 276.38 276.318 276.38 276.38 276.38 276.38 276.38 232.74 232.74
2599 Other Fabricated metal 0.56 137.53 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61 140.61
2630 communication equipments 0.15 133.36 144.80 144.80 144.80 144.80 144.80 138.37 138.37 138.37 138.37
(TV, Telephone)
2710 Electric Motors, Generators, 0.20 150.97 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65 167.65
transformers / Electrical
2720 Batteries 0.12 131.70 139.98 139.98 139.98 139.98 139.98 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00
2732 Wires & Cables(ELEC.) 0.12 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92 291.92
2750 Electrical appliances / 0.17 114.66 123.73 123.73 124.05 108.25 108.25 108.44 108.44 108.75 108.75
Domestic appliances
2826 Machinery for Textile , 0.18 135.52 111.64 111.68 111.60 111.60 111.60 111.60 111.60 111.60 111.60
apparel and leather
3091 Motor cycle, Walton, 100 0.73 112.72 190.06 190.06 190.06 190.07 190.07 190.07 190.07 190.07 190.07
3100 Metal furniture (Steelman) 0.24 210.75 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63 296.63
3101 Wooden furniture (Khaleda, 0.36 127.15 335.78 300.69 315.66 313.01 315.45 335.98 310.09 322.35 322.35
3103 Plastic furniture 0.28 196.96 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65 204.65

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS



Period CONSUMER CAPITAL 21 Machinery 22 23 24 Other INTERMEDIATE 31 32

GOODS: GOODS: other than Machinery Transport Capital GOODS: Intermediate Intermediate
Electric & Electric: Equipment: Goods: Consumer Capital goods:
Transport: goods:

Weight 71.98 0.97 0.20 0.20 0.13 0.44 27.05 12.14 14.91
Jun-17 209.98 193.15 135.74 167.69 102.69 257.24 195.61 255.94 146.45
Jul-17 216.77 249.30 144.61 167.69 102.69 376.70 181.09 257.41 118.89
Aug-17 219.55 271.62 144.48 167.69 102.69 425.84 180.64 256.43 118.89
Sep-17 219.96 258.32 144.35 167.69 102.69 396.65 195.14 252.90 148.08
Oct-17 222.40 253.81 121.62 167.69 102.69 397.02 209.18 264.79 163.87
Nov-17 222.59 252.40 121.62 167.69 102.69 393.91 204.30 253.97 163.83
Dec-17 222.74 247.26 121.80 167.69 102.69 382.54 205.87 249.44 170.38

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

134 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 2005-06=100)
3 10 1020 1030 1040 1050 1061
Period Manufacturing Manufacture of food Fish & sea Processing & Preserving of Hyd. Vegetable Dairy Grain
products food fruits and vegetables oil products milling
Weight 100.00 10.84 1.28 0.61 1.89 0.37 0.84
Dec-17 218.42 160.37 119.51 119.36 159.52 112.89 145.02
Jan-18 219.10 160.37 119.51 119.36 159.52 122.89 147.23
Feb-18 218.96 160.11 119.51 119.36 158.84 122.48 143.61
Mar-18 219.15 160.29 119.51 119.36 159.52 122.48 144.33
Apr-18 219.23 160.83 119.51 119.36 158.03 123.77 144.43
May-18 219.27 168.55 119.51 119.36 159.66 123.77 226.04
Jun-18 219.68 168.39 119.51 119.36 157.39 123.77 225.36
July-18 218.36 161.21 119.51 119.36 153.18 124.40 145.74
Aug-18 218.36 160.50 119.51 119.36 148.39 124.40 146.08
Sep’18 218.94 160.93 119.51 119.36 147.39 154.54 146.20
Oct’18 218.96 160.93 119.51 119.36 147.39 154.54 145.45

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS


(Base: 2005-06=100)
1063 1071 1072 1077 1079 1080 11
Period Rice milling Bakery Sugar Black & Blending Edible salt (Mollah, Animal feeds Manufacture of
(Almodina/Macca) Products (Teer/Fresh) Tea Pubali) (Poultry Feeds) beverages

Weight 3.14 0.83 0.52 0.76 0.38 0.22 0.34

Dec-17 144.43 303.71 162.16 196.10 175.23 166.29 141.30
Jan-18 144.43 303.71 162.16 196.10 175.23 166.29 135.60
Feb-18 144.43 305.21 162.16 196.10 176.44 166.29 139.83
Mar-18 144.43 305.21 162.16 196.10 176.44 166.29 143.65
Apr-18 146.40 305.17 162.16 197.01 181.27 164.04 135.32
May-18 146.40 303.71 162.16 197.01 217.52 161.80 135.32
Jun-18 146.40 307.46 162.16 197.01 217.52 161.80 135.32
July-18 146.40 313.65 162.16 197.01 199.40 164.04 137.05
Aug’18 146.40 313.65 162.16 197.01 199.40 164.04 138.62
Sep’18 218.94 160.93 119.51 119.36 147.39 154.54 146.20
Oct’18 218.96 160.93 119.51 119.36 147.39 154.54 145.45

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 135.

(Base: 2005-06=100)
1101 1104 1105 1105 12 1200 1201
Period Spirits & Alcohol Soft Drinks Mineral Water (Pran, Partex, Tiger (250 ml Manufacture of Cigarettes Biddies
(Carus Co.) (Tabani/Akiz/Pran/ City Group, Dunkan can) tobacco
Transcom) brothers) products

Weight 0.01 0.00 0.25 0.08 2.92 1.54 1.38

Jan-18 226.33 - 144.80 95.50 595.05 655.40 527.62
Feb-18 370.20 - 144.80 95.50 595.05 655.48 527.62
Mar-18 500.23 - 144.80 95.50 595.05 655.40 527.62
Apr-18 216.96 - 144.80 95.50 594.15 655.48 525.71
May-18 216.89 - 144.80 95.50 594.15 655.48 525.71
Jun-18 216.89 - 144.80 95.50 594.15 655.48 525.71
July-18 275.69 - 144.80 95.50 594.15 655.48 525.71
Aug-18 328.99 - 144.80 95.50 594.15 655.48 554.04
Sep’18 487.88 - 144.80 95.50 595.05 655.48 554.04
Oct’18 323.43 - 144.80 95.50 595.05 655.48 554.04

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

(Base: 2005-06=100)
13 1311 1312 1313 1312 1314 1315
Period Manufacture of textile Preparation & Spinning of Weaving of Dyeing, Silk & Jute Handloom
Cotton Textile fibers Textiles bleaching & Synthetic Textile Textile
(Medinipur Tex.) finishing

Weight 14.07 3.35 3.87 2.45 0.97 2.23 1.20

Jan-18 285.31 267.86 426.82 102.44 383.29 296.62 150.60
Feb-18 280.88 267.86 426.82 102.44 383.29 268.67 150.60
Mar-18 282.98 267.86 426.82 102.44 383.29 281.96 150.60
Apr-18 283.82 267.86 426.82 102.44 383.29 287.23 150.60
May-18 280.72 267.86 426.82 83.70 383.29 288.24 150.60
Jun-18 280.72 267.86 426.82 83.70 383.29 288.24 150.60
July-18 271.79 267.86 426.82 76.13 383.29 245.28 141.26
Aug-18 271.79 267.86 426.86 76.13 383.29 245.28 141.26
Sep’18 270.54 267.86 426.82 68.92 383.29 245.28 141.26
Oct’18 270.80 267.86 426.82 68.92 383.40 246.93 141.26

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

136 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 2005-06=100)
14 1410 1430 15 1511 1512 1520
Period Mfg. of wearing apperal Wearing Apperal Knittwear Manufacture of leather Tanning & Finishing Mfg.of luggage, Leather Footwear
and related products Leather: handbags etc (shoe & Sandle)

Weight 34.84 16.96 17.88 4.40 1.84 1.10 1.46

Jan-18 205.98 115.08 292.21 235.52 156.64 102.67 435.02
Feb-18 205.98 115.08 292.21 236.85 153.90 102.67 442.46
Mar-18 205.98 115.08 292.21 236.85 153.90 102.67 442.46
Apr-18 205.98 115.08 292.21 137.11 154.53 102.67 442.46
May-18 205.98 115.08 292.21 236.31 152.62 102.67 442.46
Jun-18 207.19 115.61 294.06 236.31 152.62 102.67 442.46
July-18 207.32 115.87 294.06 237.51 152.62 107.49 442.46
Aug-18 207.80 115.87 294.99 238.06 153.94 107.49 442.46
Sep’18 207.80 115.87 294.99 280.61 153.94 277.67 442.46
Oct’18 207.80 115.87 294.99 280.55 153.79 277.67 442.46

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

(Base: 2005-06=100)
16 1629 17 1701 1709 18 1811
Period Manufacture of wood and Particle board/ Manufacture of Pulp, Paper & Articles Printing and Printing of
products of wood and plywood Paper and paper newsprint made of reproduction of Newspaper
cork (Star/Akiz) products paper recorded media

Weight 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.15 0.18 1.83 1.83

Jan-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.27 263.27
Feb-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.33 263.33
Mar-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.33 263.33
Apr-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.33 263.33
May-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.27 263.27
Jun-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.27 263.27
July-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.27 263.27
Aug-18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 263.27 263.27
Sep’18 105.36 105.36 123.12 137.36 116.75 268.27 268.27
Oct’18 105.36 105.36 126.12 137.36 116.75 268.27 268.27

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 137.

(Base: 2005-06=100)
19 1920 20 2011 2012 2022 2023
Period Manufacture of coke and Misc. Petroleum Manufacture of chemicals Compressed Fertilizer Paints and Perfumes and
refined petroleum products products and chemical products liquidified gas varnishes cosmetics

Weight 1.24 1.24 3.67 0.82 1.87 0.17 0.35

Jan-18 203.62 203.62 209.82 155.59 283.36 132.14 154.57
Feb-18 203.62 203.62 210.68 155.57 284.54 139.08 154.57
Mar-18 203.62 203.62 210.37 155.57 284.54 132.39 154.57
Apr-18 203.62 203.62 210.42 155.57 284.54 132.14 154.57
May-18 203.62 203.62 210.42 155.57 284.54 132.14 154.57
Jun-18 203.62 203.62 210.42 155.57 284.54 132.14 154.57
July-18 203.62 203.62 210.78 156.32 283.36 131.93 154.57
Aug-18 203.62 203.62 211.03 156.32 283.36 137.23 154.57
Sep’18 203.62 203.62 176.11 156.32 283.36 137.57 154.57
Oct’18 203.62 203.62 176.15 156.32 283.36 138.40 154.57

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

(Base: 2005-06=100)
2023 2031 21 2100 22 2211 2219
Period Soaps & Matches Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals/Allopathic Manufacture of Tyres Rubber
detergents Pharmaceuticals and drugs and medicine rubber and plastic and footwear/other
medicinal chemical products Tubes rubber products
Weight 0.40 0.06 8.23 8.23 1.56 0.13 0.27
Jan-18 73.98 103.45 157.34 157.34 46.13 136.83 178.11
Feb-18 73.98 103.45 155.20 155.20 46.09 136.86 177.88
Mar-18 73.98 103.45 155.20 155.20 46.12 136.18 177.88
Apr-18 73.98 106.90 157.76 157.76 45.16 136.65 177.88
May-18 73.98 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.88 136.65 177.88
Jun-18 73.98 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.91 137.04 177.88
July-18 81.39 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.91 137.53 177.88
Aug-18 81.39 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.97 137.53 178.26
Sep’18 81.39 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.69 137.53 178.26
Oct’18 81.39 106.90 157.76 157.76 44.69 137.53 178.26

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

138 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 2005-06=100)
2220 2221 23 2310 2391 2392 2393
Period P.V.C products/plastic products Malamine Manufacture of other non- Glass Sheet Kitchen Tiles Ceramic
(RFL, National Polimar) (Sharif/Bangladesh) metalic mineral products (Nasir) utensils (RAK) (RAK)

Weight 1.12 0.04 7.12 0.14 1.05 0.02 0.18

Jan-18 0.16 147.56 155.97 276.54 121.02 125.00 116.09
Feb-18 0.16 147.56 155.77 276.54 121.88 125.00 116.09
Mar-18 0.16 147.56 157.77 276.54 121.88 125.00 116.09
Apr-18 0.16 112.07 158.32 276.54 122.73 125.00 116.09
May-18 0.16 100.87 158.32 276.54 122.73 125.00 116.09
Jun-18 0.16 100.87 158.32 276.54 122.73 125.00 116.09
July-18 0.15 99.40 158.89 237.04 123.30 125.00 116.09
Aug-18 0.15 99.40 158.89 237.04 123.30 125.00 116.09
Sep’18 0.15 88.52 158.91 237.04 123.47 125.00 116.09
Oct’18 0.15 88.52 158.91 237.04 123.47 125.00 116.09

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

(Base: 2005-06=100)
2394 2397 24 2410 25 2511 2599
Period Cement (Chatak Bricks (New Manufacture of Iron & steel Manufacture of fabricated metal Structural metal Utensils
Cement) National/Auto Bricks) basic metals mills products except machinery products

Weight 3.57 2.15 3.15 0.51 2.32 1.56 0.20

Jan-18 127.19 216.67 266.83 118.92 204.87 218.77 276.38
Feb-18 127.19 222.22 267.64 123.93 204.87 218.77 276.38
Mar-18 127.19 222.22 267.64 123.93 204.87 218.77 276.38
Apr-18 128.02 222.22 252.84 121.09 204.87 218.77 276.38
May-18 128.02 222.22 249.69 73.29 204.87 218.77 276.38
Jun-18 128.02 222.22 249.69 73.29 204.87 218.77 276.38
July-18 130.53 222.22 257.43 121.09 204.87 218.77 276.38
Aug-18 130.53 222.22 257.43 121.09 204.87 218.77 276.38
Sep’18 130.53 222.22 257.43 121.09 201.11 218.77 232.74
Oct’18 130.09 222.22 257.43 121.09 201.11 218.77 232.74

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 139.

(Base: 2005-06=100)
2599 26 2630 27 2710 2720 2732
Period Other Manufacture of computer, communication Manufacture of Electric Motors, Batteries Wires &
Fabricated electronic and optical equipments (TV, electrical Generators, Cables(ELEC.)
metal products products (Computer Telephone) equipment transformers /
Source) Electrical apparatus

Weight 0.56 0.15 0.15 0.73 0.20 0.12 0.12

Jan-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 476.76 167.65 139.98 291.92
Feb-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 526.65 167.65 139.98 291.92
Mar-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 526.65 167.65 139.98 291.92
Apr-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 543.28 167.65 139.98 291.92
May-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 547.80 167.65 139.98 291.92
Jun-18 140.61 144.80 144.80 547.80 167.65 139.98 291.92
July-18 140.61 138.37 138.37 547.85 167.65 140.00 291.92
Aug-18 140.61 138.37 138.37 547.85 167.65 140.00 291.92
Sep’18 140.61 138.37 138.37 547.92 167.65 140.00 291.92
Oct’18 140.61 138.37 138.37 547.92 167.65 140.00 291.92

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS


(Base: 2005-06=100)
2740 2750 28 2826 29 2910 30
Period Electric Electrical Manufacture of Machinery for Textile Manufacture of motor Assemble of Manufacture of
Lamps appliances / machinery and , apparel and leather vehicles,trailers and Motor other transport
Domestic equipment n.e.c production semi trailers vehicles equipment
Weight 0.12 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.73
Jan-18 2014.15 123.43 111.72 111.72 102.69 102.69 190.06
Feb-18 2317.18 123.73 111.64 111.64 102.69 102.69 190.06
Mar-18 2317.18 123.73 111.68 111.68 102.69 102.69 190.06
Apr-18 2417.89 124.05 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.06
May-18 2467.79 108.25 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07
Jun-18 2467.79 108.25 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07
July-18 2467.79 108.05 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07
Aug-18 2467.79 108.44 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07
Sep’18 2467.79 108.75 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07
Oct’18 2467.79 108.75 111.60 111.60 102.69 102.69 190.07

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

140 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018

(Base: 2005-06=100)
3091 31 3100 3101 3103
Period Motor cycle, Walton, 100 cc Manufacture of furniture Metal furniture (Steelman) Wooden furniture (Khaleda, Plastic
Momota) furniture
Weight 0.73 0.88 0.24 0.36 0.28
Jan-18 190.06 276.27 296.63 318.40 204.65
Feb-18 190.06 283.38 296.63 335.78 204.65
Mar-18 190.06 269.02 296.63 300.69 204.65
Apr-18 190.06 275.15 296.63 315.66 204.65
May-18 190.07 274.06 296.63 313.01 204.65
Jun-18 190.07 275.06 296.63 315.45 204.65
July-18 190.07 283.46 296.63 335.98 204.65
Aug-18 190.07 272.87 296.63 310.09 204.65
Sep’18 190.07 277.89 296.63 322.35 204.65
Oct’18 190.07 277.89 296.63 322.35 204.65

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 141.

Transport, Communication and Tourism


Freight Number of Wagons Loaded Earnings (Million Taka)
No. of Passenger Tonne
Period Passengers Kilo metres kilo
(million Broad Metre Total Other
(million) (million) Metres passengers Goods Misc Total
(million) gauge('000') gauge('000') ('000') coaches
2014-15 67 8601 2.11 414 48 100 147 5227 185 1743 2200 9355
2015-16 71 9012 2.36 385 61 91 152 5575 291 2337 545 8748
2016-17 73 9257 3.48 426 48 93 191 5760 375 1800 361 8296
2017-18 95 12207 33.99 393 128 92 220 8781 406 2893 699 12778
Nov 6 737 0.21 31 5 8 13 288 20 126 22 456
Dec 6 767 0.17 30 3 7 10 349 21 151 41 562
Jan 6 726 0.17 29 3 9 12 390 27 181 55 653
Feb 5 858 0.19 30 4 8 12 539 29 180 85 833
Mar 6 720 0.18 29 4 8 12 109 28 193 55 385
April 6 847 0.19 29 8 5 13 591 50 153 90 884
May 6 833 0.28 32 9 8 17 611 34 207 61 913
June 6 852 0.30 32 8 9 17 649 33 221 67 970
July 6 772 0.25 44 9 7 16 613 48 179 37 877
Aug 6 770 0.30 30 7 8 15 727 18 102 23 870
Sep 6 771 0.25 25 9 6 15 179 21 151 23 374
Oct 6 773 0.32 33 6 4 10 285 14 213 28 540
Nov 5 769 0.43 55 10 9 19 305 20 100 56 481
Dec 5 558 0.32 32 10 8 18 348 43 109 15 515
Jan 6 694 0.26 35 11 8 19 410 62 128 15 615
Feb 6 672 0.34 35 5 8 13 463 49 134 14 660
Mar 7 760 0.29 35 4 2 6 479 37 133 15 664
April 7 891 0.31 38 12 11 23 588 08 173 40 809
May 7 929 0.22 35 8 11 19 655 11 172 51 889
June 6 898 0.19 29 7 11 18 708 44 206 44 1002
July 7 899 1.96 30 10 08 18 694 7 196 49 945
Aug 8 1037 2.05 31 10 09 19 725 7 210 51 993
Sep 8 1062 2.78 31 10 05 15 774 85 215 52 1126
Oct 8 1070 3.07 32 12 05 17 783 85 220 54 1142
Nov 8 1077 3.28 33 11 04 15 796 87 225 56 1164
Dec 9 1085 3.51 33 12 04 16 803 88 228 57 1176
Jan 7 1035 3.82 38 10 12 22 522 7 172 50 750
Feb 8 962 3.12 31 9 9 18 592 6 193 39 831
Mar 8 970 2.18 29 11 12 23 673 6 219 55 954
April 8 1072 2.57 35 11 13 24 723 7 257 59 1047
May 8 971 2.71 37 12 11 23 795 8 365 84 1252
June 8 967 2.94 33 10 10 20 901 13 393 93 1398
July 8 975 2.57 37 10 11 21 756 7 398 66 1227
Aug 8 1039 4.79 31 10 9 19 156 13 479 72 720
Sep 8 890 3.76 36 11 10 21 260 13 169 7 449
Oct 8 1020 3.71 37 11 11 22 315 27 571 9 922
Nov 7 972 3.69 37 11 10 21 389 13 126 8 536
Dec 8 930 3.15 32 09 11 20 466 20 149 18 653
Source: Bangladesh Railway

142 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Transport, Communication and Tourism
Food grains Petrol & Kerosene Others Container Total
Number Tonnage Number Tonnage Number Tonnage Number Tonnage Number Tonnage

2014-15 2159 33307 22042 288061 6915 77263 64343 584369 95459 983000

2015-16 2468 40517 23573 321088 3838 129905 68903 597071 98853 1088581
2016-17 1840 29721 29327 402834 8385 148075 73211 577316 112763 1154946
2017-18 3968 65032 40320 659732 9914 136889 73337 766678 127539 1628333
July 172 2891 1595 19447 144 840 4316 46822 6227 70000
Aug 192 3227 1906 25368 146 1544 6065 46861 8300 77000
Sep 232 3899 1522 19469 171 2140 4580 47492 6505 73000
Oct 128 2151 1886 25205 219 2340 6235 56304 8468 86000
Nov 375 6132 1902 25980 193 2357 5731 55531 8201 90000
Dec 305 4952 1586 22085 283 3034 5196 51929 7370 82000
Jan 108 1798 1904 26798 382 8586 6658 52486 9132 89668
Feb 238 3856 1874 25755 201 5847 6279 48460 8592 83918
Mar 230 3780 2186 30324 458 7991 5347 42905 8221 85000
April 196 3150 2042 28052 518 37474 6165 48161 8921 116837
May 140 2221 2444 35091 638 46426 6311 51113 9533 134851
June 152 2460 2726 37514 485 11326 6020 49007 9383 100307
July - - 2274 31573 714 17340 5099 42339 8087 91252
Aug - - 2310 30337 836 23856 6451 50355 9597 104548
Sep 258 4199 2002 29399 602 14598 4163 33166 7025 81362
Oct 248 4046 2263 32212 733 14499 4745 41144 7989 91901
Nov 32 488 1936 29266 828 11880 6511 51478 9307 93112
Dec 20 305 1968 28424 482 5147 6461 50052 8931 83928
Jan 198 3112 2112 29713 789 14664 6464 49891 9563 97380
Feb 42 640 2174 30096 295 6330 6366 49418 8877 86484
Mar 302 4964 2522 31454 503 6749 6490 48004 9817 91171
April 356 5800 2480 34226 917 10792 7285 54766 11038 105584
May 168 2600 2686 36069 951 10689 7603 60925 11408 110283
June 216 3567 4600 60065 735 8531 5573 45778 11124 117941
July 262 4363 3472 55888 903 10033 6168 46049 10805 116333
Aug 282 4727 3694 50982 790 8643 6127 233189 10893 297541
Sep 322 5447 3724 151879 673 12724 4630 37025 9349 207075
Oct 394 6572 4282 57280 1023 12152 5271 41756 10970 117760
Nov 424 7063 2946 43459 978 11352 5957 47987 10305 109861
Dec 498 8322 2632 38357 921 9503 6409 52581 10460 108763
Jan 498 8007 3026 40432 807 9725 6297 50992 10628 109158
Feb 348 5366 2914 41678 697 7969 5838 46773 9797 101786
Mar 374 6077 3276 42417 997 10625 6526 52362 11173 111481
April 238 3716 3896 51821 795 9364 6242 49658 11171 114559
May 94 1439 3618 47844 894 30362 6935 55385 11541 135030
June 234 3933 2840 37695 436 4437 6937 52921 10447 98986
July 252 4013 2726 36421 706 7423 7067 57546 10751 105403
Aug 180 2830 2574 35956 660 6683 6747 55100 10161 100569
Sep 264 4287 2822 39086 858 9490 6891 55041 10835 107904
Oct - - 2480 35674 726 8078 7899 61546 11105 105298
Nov 56 941 2198 31059 938 12693 7446 58432 10638 103125
Dec 296 4881 1818 26807 883 10393 8153 63857 11150 105938
Source: Bangladesh Railway
Note: (-) Indicates data not available P: Provisional.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 143

Transport, Communication and Tourism


('000' MT)
Import Export
Total for all ports Chattogram Port Mongla Port Total for all Ports Chattogram Port Mongla Port
2012-13 38109 32262 2947 5262 5061 201
2013-14 45363 41961 3402 5540 5369 141
2014-15 54778 48939 4429 4530 5838 101
2015-16 64089 58335 5709 5915 5872 88
2016-17 73173 66464 7430 7515 6709 85
2017-18 85049 78051 9569 9716 6998 147
Feb 4648 4216 240 249 432 09
Mar 5187 4690 403 412 497 09
Apr 5375 4950 438 446 425 07
May 5765 5242 388 391 523 03
June 4462 3946 250 258 516 08
July 3398 3157 241 421 413 08
Aug 4939 4375 564 518 510 08
Sep 4857 4367 383 396 490 13
Oct 5240 4809 562 572 431 10
Nov 5362 4924 537 541 438 4
Dec 5337 4883 601 609 454 8
Jan 5924 5396 559 564 528 5
Feb 5723 5249 520 526 474 6
Mar 6161 5604 407 411 557 04
April 5081 4599 371 381 482 10
May 6039 5506 486 491 533 05
June 6028 5466 478 485 562 07
July 4874 4344 376 379 530 03
Aug 5390 4839 413 423 551 10
Sep 5723 5295 580 586 428 06
Oct 6457 5847 576 587 610 11
Nov 6436 5876 723 729 560 06
Dec 6652 5993 851 859 659 08
Jan 6620 6009 973 984 611 11
Feb 5908 5367 669 674 541 05
Mar 6966 6372 815 821 594 06
April 6041 5478 583 591 563 08
May 6247 5696 485 491 551 06
June 5859 5348 386 391 511 05
July 5860 5319 317 327 541 10
Aug 6721 6053 632 646 668 14
Sep 5836 5331 528 532 505 04
Oct 7179 6577 655 677 602 22
Nov 7342 6759 1094 1102 583 08
Dec 7629 6987 1082 1095 642 13
Jan 7356 6785 1504 1520 571 16
Feb 6975 6409 991 1002 566 11
Mar 7860 7231 826 838 629 12
April 7993 7423 717 730 570 13
May 8158 7536 766 775 622 09
June 6140 5641 457 472 499 15
July 6542 6067 475 624 613 11
Aug 6167 5491 676 556 543 13
Sep 7438 6597 841 600 592 08
Source: Chattogram & Mongla Port Authority

144 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Transport, Communication and Tourism
Vessels entered Vessels Cleared
Period Net Registered Tonnage Net Registered Tonnage
Number In Ballast With Cargo Number In Ballast With Cargo
('000' mt) ('000' mt) ('000' mt) ('000' mt)
All Ports
2015-16 2735 2448 22313 2284 16976 7978
2016-17 2998 2501 22302 2973 16794 8977
2017-18 3511 2799 20009 3362 15908 11572
Chattogram Port
2015-16 2253 2443 17486 2236 12384 7629
2016-17 2375 2484 17204 2353 11039 8742
2017-18 2727 2799 18514 2585 9539 11316
Mongla Port
2015-16 482 05 4827 488 4592 349
2016-17 623 17 6098 620 5755 235
2017-18 784 - 6837 777 6369 256
Chattogram Port
May 225 258 1615 230 839 1034
June 184 173 1278 175 655 796
July 183 278 1375 139 732 950
Aug 194 215 1512 241 920 855
Sep 223 174 1265 185 650 675
Oct 245 306 1776 146 940 1143
Nov 232 227 1586 236 720 883
Dec 240 244 1533 237 765 954
Jan 228 201 1499 228 764 927
Feb 213 192 1668 211 824 1006
Mar 249 251 1586 240 770 941
April 259 274 1756 252 917 1120
May 240 239 1500 239 780 946
June 221 198 1458 231 763 916
July 226 242 1495 270 785 952
Aug 217 161 1355 220 681 833
Sep 247 267 1372 248 725 881
Mongla Port
May 48 - 372 50 388 23
June 36 - 279 38 292 15
July 38 - 239 44 273 24
Aug 58 - 471 51 366 19
Sep 53 - 541 57 436 10
Oct 65 - 559 58 423 46
Nov 80 - 811 69 629 15
Dec 87 - 811 78 740 23
Jan 82 - 726 80 726 29
Feb 71 - 647 83 768 09
Mar 68 - 572 72 542 16
April 59 - 515 65 581 30
May 70 - 576 68 544 10
June 53 - 369 52 341 25
July 56 - 328 61 360 27
Aug 67 - 496 62 405 38
Sep 70 - 627 71 553 31
Source: Chattogram and Mongla Port Authority
Note: (-) Indicter’s Data not Available.
Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 145
Transport, Communication and Tourism

6.5 Passengers and Vehicles Carried By BIWTC Ferries

And Revenue Earrings There from
Period No. of Aricha Sector Chandpur Sector Mawa Sector
ferries in No. of No. of Revenue No. of No. of Revenue No. of No. of Revenue
traffic Passengers Vehicles Earned Passengers Vehicles Earned Passengers Vehicles Earned
Carried Transported (`000) Carried Transported (`000) Carried Transported (`000)
(`000} (`000} Taka (`000} (`000} Taka (`000} (`000} Taka
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2014-15 473 14027 1409 1724742 282 62 99395 4141 727 871923
2015-16 520 18595 1641 2067107 503 90 158609 4301 679 873478
2016-17 519 17326 1548 1929962 351 99 167047 4775 841 986940
2017-18 534 14037 1659 1971978 138 59 124766 4922 930 1102960
April’16 44 1520 135 172942 47 08 14251 371 66 80556
May’16 43 1506 140 175376 39 09 15572 374 66 80098
June’16 43 1396 140 177729 33 08 13843 339 62 81221
July’16 45 1868 141 167459 51 06 10388 463 71 74608
Aug’16 42 896 94 111080 32 07 12698 342 56 67463
Sep’16 44 1378 121 136210 54 09 14327 427 75 59522
Oct’16 42 1521 134 166434 40 08 13355 316 58 69369
Nov’16 42 1418 138 172170 16 04 8077 316 49 56591
Dec’16 44 1489 144 174817 35 09 16301 279 63 70892
Jan’17 45 1449 137 167193 38 10 17446 391 65 79984
Feb’17 41 1277 120 144718 26 09 16343 405 81 93313
Mar’17 45 1514 140 172547 19 11 19436 491 86 108572
April’17 41 1439 134 165942 18 13 17358 450 74 101192
May’17 42 1513 102 177457 13 09 15615 448 82 106183
June’17 46 1564 143 173935 09 04 5703 447 81 99251
July’17 46 1612 136 171681 13 04 6776 454 66 10632
Aug’17 44 1335 136 159631 10 06 7978 398 78 95628
Sep’17 46 1639 145 173148 25 05 8035 332 64 68690
Oct’17 42 1426 134 165352 10 05 9275 391 70 91460
Nov’17 46 1297 125 151545 8 06 11006 421 77 109966
Dec’17 44 1309 136 156707 9 09 13864 441 84 99671
Jan’18 46 1218 135 155732 9 09 14144 439 80 96189
Feb’18 42 1248 124 141465 13 08 13049 408 73 87724
Mar’18 43 1514 140 172547 19 11 19436 491 86 108572
April’18 44 1439 134 165942 18 13 17358 450 74 101192
May’18 42 1289 150 174140 - 01 1487 206 82 55402
June’18 49 1673 164 184088 04 02 2358 491 96 105104
July’18 48 1482 152 182420 03 02 3247 431 75 98259
Aug’18 49 1898 177 189332 23 06 7787 218 66 60526
Sep’18 46 1445 150 176454 17 06 10405 209 44 47404
Oct’18 47 1355 144 169147 28 08 13328 239 138 58938
Nov’18 - 1272 136 155506 28 10 16159 349 66 87365

146 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Transport, Communication and Tourism
6.5 Passengers and vehicles Carried By BIWTC Ferries
And revenue earrings from there
Bhola Sector Vadoria Sector Total
Period No. of No. of Revenue No. of No. of Revenue No. of No. of Revenue
Passenger Vehicles Earned Passenger Vehicles Earned Passenger Vehicles Earned
s Carried Transported (`000) s Carried Transported (`000) s Carried Transported (`000)
(`000} (`000} Taka (`000} (`000} Taka (`000} (`000} Taka
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2013-14 - 44 64824 08 54 43900 15875 2045 2407859

2014-15 - 45 81753 16 68 56386 18463 2314 2843827
2015-16 - 28 70113 13 77 64799 23406 2591 3276746
2016-17 499 39 101505 13 83 99254 22462 2609 3284542
2017-18 - 52 118165 12 89 115333 22143 2774 3433203
June - 02 6963 01 08 7257 1769 219 287039
July - 02 7356 01 07 5574 2383 226 265406
Aug - 02 7062 01 06 6479 1271 165 204789
Sep - 02 7077 02 07 7724 1860 213 224861
Oct - 02 9296 01 07 8695 1877 209 267149
Nov - 02 8995 01 07 8011 1750 199 253650
Dec 368 04 6885 01 06 8008 1805 227 276903
Jan 131 04 7706 01 07 8570 1879 223 280898
Feb - 03 7962 01 06 7765 1708 220 270100
Mar - 04 9239 01 07 8117 2025 248 317912
April - 04 8960 01 07 8715 1908 232 302167
May - 05 10258 01 08 11391 1975 206 320903
June - 05 10709 01 08 10205 2021 241 299804
July - 04 8889 01 07 9985 2080 218 280692
Aug - 05 10486 01 09 12047 1744 232 285770
Sep - 04 9726 01 07 8352 1998 226 267952
Oct - 04 7698 01 07 8896 1828 210 282680
Nov - 04 8244 01 08 9755 1727 219 290516
Dec - 05 10902 01 08 10317 1760 215 291461
Jan - 05 11229 01 07 9898 1739 236 287192
Feb - 04 10327 01 07 9168 1669 217 261733
Mar - 04 9239 01 07 8117 2025 248 317912
April - 03 8960 01 07 8715 1908 232 302167
May - 05 11394 01 07 10209 1496 246 252632
June - 05 11071 01 08 9874 2169 275 312496
July - 05 11399 01 08 10245 1916 242 305570
Aug - 05 11187 01 08 8643 2139 262 277475
Sep - 04 9416 01 07 8425 1672 211 252108
Oct - 5 9287 01 07 9287 1624 303 261565
Nov - 05 11926 01 08 9516 1650 224 280472
Source: Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (B.I.W.TC)
Note: (-) Indicated Data Not Available.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 147

Transport, Communication and Tourism


No. of Regd. Letters Booked No. of Parcels Booked Money Orders
Period Value in
Insured Ordinary('000') V. P. ('000') Insured Ordinary('000') V. P. ('000') In '000' No.
Lakh Taka
2013-14 6162 7366 113 373 439 73 981 36744
2014-15 2726 7478 140 394 544 57 861 18525
2015-16 2207 7895 213 422 517 53 796 19714
2016-17 5712 8013 202 486 494 491 757 27094
2017-18 3591 8119 136 544 536 81 691 19910
Apr 411 602 10 47 36 04 70 1379
May 367 638 10 61 62 06 65 1426
June 202 693 14 48 48 09 73 1682
July 152 629 07 28 38 04 63 1859
Aug 147 718 14 27 36 04 59 1150
Sep 82 620 10 19 42 04 73 2281
Oct 133 621 16 18 35 04 64 1183
Nov 226 623 20 37 53 05 74 1578
Dec 152 678 16 27 51 05 65 1392
Jan 177 629 15 22 44 04 60 1455
Feb 110 665 19 54 42 04 58 1546
Mar 76 689 25 38 44 03 68 1528
April 91 635 26 50 42 04 64 1573
May 692 716 32 60 43 05 72 1622
June 169 672 13 42 47 07 76 2547
July 94 522 19 23 31 03 63 8421
Aug 148 644 34 36 37 04 72 1265
Sep 155 597 13 30 31 03 61 2214
Oct 146 737 12 34 38 03 63 1722
Nov 247 792 13 47 47 05 66 1847
Dec 3539 665 12 25 40 04 63 1615
Jan 293 732 18 38 47 04 67 1661
Feb 280 651 20 62 55 03 60 1410
Mar 180 737 21 30 44 04 66 1762
April 162 665 15 67 43 04 61 1448
May 149 688 12 56 44 04 60 1506
June 319 583 13 38 37 08 55 2223
July 493 624 18 37 41 06 60 1478
Aug 226 599 13 32 35 07 73 2463
Sep 314 693 17 20 37 06 46 1387
Oct 182 829 16 37 41 07 61 1821
Nov 397 683 14 38 46 07 62 1982
Dec 312 686 17 41 40 06 56 1521
Jan 344 732 10 42 41 07 55 1271
Feb 459 591 05 72 55 07 52 1344
Mar - 800 06 53 39 06 61 1566
April - 728 08 74 55 08 61 1495
May 414 695 07 62 65 09 58 2211
June 450 559 05 36 41 05 46 1371
July 246 554 10 33 54 06 58 1596
Aug 109 579 05 15 33 04 53 2090
Sep 346 641 12 38 35 05 26 803
Oct 272 702 08 33 31 05 30 887
Source: Bangladesh Post Office

148 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Transport, Communication and Tourism


(Earning in lakh Taka)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Month No. of No. of No. of No of No. of No of No. of No of No. of No of
Earnings Earnings
Tourists Tourists Tourists Earnings Tourists Earnings Tourists Earnings Tourists Earn ings
Jan 10210 9072 193.09 10064 8887 10271 11667 12896 2388
Feb 9506 10185 152.35 10915 11311 11892 9266 9943 2242
Mar 10416 7000 13406 7307 11766 10969 8801 9710 2791
Apr 10002 6929 12435 6130 7217 9644 9235 8381 1887
May 10901 6163 15.320 5613 7203 9609 7760 9338 1887
Jun 10411 4839 10440 6465 7711 9015 8156 6962 2656
Jul 10703 6323 10417 6021 7437 8402 9024 7166 2051
Aug 9961 5605 10477 5893 9634 8960 9053 8242 2361
Sep 10111 6834 11159 8094 10832 11012 9044 8093 1866
Oct 10162 6321 13183 10630 12184 10061 8474 15085 2569
Nov 10210 5503 8919 8235 11446 10586 9292 13269 2384
Dec 12350 7866 8049 9679 13513 12312 13920 18949 2812
Total 124943 73474 148349 95046 119161 122733 643094 113692 830068 128035 26832
Source : Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation-
Not: (-) Indicates data not available.


Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Australia 3686 4878 6092 1609 1507 1306 1381 1395 862 1249
Canada 4519 5085 8701 2265 1289 1278 1410 1203 933 1076
France 2736 2674 2785 892 846 965 986 911 698 806
German F.R. 3128 3190 4372 1014 1131 1038 1227 1158 935 1090

Greece 164 180 97 59 101 51 60 54 49 74

Italy 1800 1667 2029 864 838 930 958 921 859 989
Japan 6269 4370 5020 3975 3731 5011 5675 5773 4456 5457
Netherlands 2431 1416 2116 703 772 684 791 752 671 746
New Zealand 1480 1084 1127 283 260 190 187 - 160 197

Norway 1025 725 861 344 336 259 262 227 284 209
Sweden 2364 1869 124 763 704 567 693 686 517 604
Switzerland 1264 978 808 321 336 348 322 344 274 286
Singapore 1562 2321 3309 - - - - 811 469 887
Thailand 2955 3469 3166 570 610 571 853 644 505 715

U. K. 24955 37136 42692 19436 25901 35378 4171 3232 2425 3082
U.S.A. 13422 19604 28414 7721 5833 6103 5750 - 3882 4797
Russia 263 1122 1043 208 151 145 149 195 235 -
Yugoslavia 4 3 14 10 01 - - - 22 -
Others 47403 48024 67368 21713 20618 21915 24220 28518 51238 19720
India 86239 60516 69506 122974 100250 96444 105522 78119 78975 77177
Total 207662 200311 249644 185724 165215 173183 154617 124943 148349 119161
Source : Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation
Note: (-) Data not available.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 149

Transport, Communication and Tourism


Shahjalal Chattogram Osmani Jashore Shah Saidpur Cox’s Barisal
Period International Airport Airport Airport Makhdum Aerodrome Bazar Aerodrome Total
Airport Airport Aerodrome
2013-14 6864340 1063619 248110 103196 4162 27130 27130 2926 7100484
2014-15 6289964 1088816 292895 105375 6124 44213 107360 3145 7937892
2015-16 6527485 1183578 349504 136907 30333 77338 154346 22465 8482016
2016-17 7357455 1337067 470002 230147 51955 189818 267380 34069 9937893
2017-18 8242806 1653665 562134 243197 59735 287111 442600 22698 11513946
Sept 791455 131613 37679 22931 4597 23557 28128 1302 1041262
Oct 677550 129389 35901 23433 4237 22619 26000 1370 920499
Nov 639050 134849 51027 23662 4404 23035 26573 1556 904156
Dec 622300 164213 42016 27195 4176 24561 44364 1410 930235
Jan 703100 157576 50726 26109 4574 25187 51162 2770 1021204
Feb 679931 135630 52482 23409 4480 25938 51382 2540 975792
Mar 701286 148234 52387 24864 4532 27614 51994 2107 1013018
April 674114 139335 45925 23221 6960 25945 45387 2282 963169
May 694250 139423 36567 21890 6704 25755 33981 2160 963730
June 676352 127554 48218 23429 5450 26088 36379 2204 945674
July 760036 128711 36276 24853 7640 30699 42920 3256 1034391
Aug 945270 130378 45914 25651 9021 27100 45688 325 1232847
Sept 955328 143301 37754 25450 8972 25704 43562 5727 1245798
Oct 743898 144537 44066 25128 9165 24640 43173 6239 1040846
Nov 689850 139111 41016 24437 7577 23494 41643 6692 973820
Dec 674156 153433 41873 25867 8376 24676 51996 6965 987342
Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Note : (-)data not available


Shahjalal Chattogram Osmani Shah Jashore Saidpur Cox’s Barisal
Period International Airport Airport Makhdum Airport Aerodrome Bazar Aerodrome Total
Airport Airport Aerodrome
2013-14 210977 4516 2666 4563 - 12769 3541 46 239078
2014-15 262099 6563 3532 4278 - - 2809 05 279286
2015-16 277360 4455 5218 3035 - - 2087 50 292205
2016-17 304128 3823 5514 3994 - - 1701 - 319160
2017-18 337035 5386 7112 4302 - - 3842 - 357677
Sept 36799 857 460 323 - - 115 - 38554
Oct 25659 418 611 161 - - 114 - 26963
Nov 23819 323 610 99 - - 120 - 24971
Dec 24689 232 569 118 - - - - 25608
Jan 25798 259 596 285 - - 124 - 27062
Feb 25996 360 595 438 - - 424 - 27813
Mar 26179 352 651 691 - - 738 - 28611
April 26744 356 715 626 - - 722 - 29163
May 27026 687 722 580 - - 744 - 29759
June 27154 525 556 434 - - 513 - 29182
July 22648 607 203 - 151 - 04 - 23613
Aug 52210 394 287 - 313 - 34 - 53238
Sept 49619 338 299 - 259 - 392 - 50907
Oct 32757 403 499 - 195 - 93 - 33947
Nov 22973 - 442 - 128 - 30 - 23573
Dec 25151 366 485 - 132 - 16 - 26150
Source: Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Note: (-) Indicates data not available

150 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Transport, Communication and Tourism
Shahjalal Shah
Chattogram Osmani Jashore Saidpur Cox’s Bazar Barisal
Period International Airport
Makhdu Total
Airport Airport Aerodrome Aerodrome Aerodrome
Airport m Airport
2013-14 64390 25583 4864 28223 3765 863 3915 290 131893
2014-15 74011 25485 4059 22984 2600 1590 5452 242 136423
2015-16 97804 27340 6896 25533 2854 2136 4850 643 168056
2016-17 87061 27424 5315 30849 4123 3566 5388 933 164659
2017-18 96868 31355 6128 33868 5413 5460 6470 769 186331
Aug 7584 2374 614 2598 328 306 416 108 14328
Sep 7201 2220 402 2144 337 300 401 98 13103
Oct 7231 2554 410 2258 432 316 398 86 13685
Nov 6873 2522 376 3062 450 304 413 51 14051
Dec 7466 2532 362 2441 348 300 446 102 13997
Jan 7454 2550 482 3109 211 300 494 159 14759
Feb 6789 2513 578 3104 174 264 503 44 13969
Mar 7540 2428 450 3645 62 290 636 51 15102
April 7370 1525 442 3105 528 268 420 51 13709
May 7575 2705 400 2557 607 284 551 28 14707
June 6948 2127 393 1172 365 312 378 55 11750
July 6820 2359 444 2430 250 298 380 48 13029
Aug 8499 2442 561 3358 357 358 462 49 16086
Sept 7921 2364 480 2691 261 358 430 71 14576
Oct 8264 3058 550 3086 534 444 418 80 16434
Nov 8382 2805 634 2741 706 474 492 61 16295
Dec 8500 2626 612 1502 381 444 480 63 14608
Jan 8059 2498 412 1706 254 482 528 160 14099
Feb 8021 2480 382 2487 346 522 572 46 14856
Mar 8459 2854 575 3464 611 532 744 53 17292
April 8321 2813 402 3805 557 522 762 52 17234
May 7803 2790 584 4946 669 512 630 30 17964
June 7819 2266 492 1652 487 514 572 56 13858
July 8117 2251 480 2070 467 522 574 62 14543
Aug 8666 2640 622 2703 527 584 570 128 16440
Sept 9016 3025 562 2840 613 587 450 88 17181
Oct 8700 2863 688 3212 505 536 416 138 17058
Nov 8188 2738 618 2378 635 504 410 164 15635
Dec 8025 2542 678 1811 383 590 434 146 14609
Source: Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Note: (-) Indicated Data Not Available.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 151

Foreign Trade
7.1 Monthly merchandise exports (2 digit HS code)
(Million Taka)
HS Commodities
Chapter Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

1 Live animals 0.08 0.01 0.05 - 0.1 0.09 0.01

2 Meat and edible meat offal 3.11 7.02 - 16.53 1.39 - 27.06
3 Fishes, crustacean and other aquatic 3598.30 3438.09 3872.09 4234.73 5026.4 4818.73 5024.35
4 Dairy produces edible product of
18.78 16.21 4 7.31 8.24 12.70 0.05
animal origin.
5 Products of animal origin 101.72 74.05 58.33 185.08 190.88 135.33 133.2
6 Live tree and other plants etc. 0.92 - 8.05 13.13 0.24 309.06 -
7 Edible vegetables, roots as tubers 563.95 519.74 362.05 898.21 649.19 1749.03 796.67
8 Edible fruits and nuts citus fruits 0.25 2.96 - 0.60 1.51 .18 5.48
9 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 217.64 417.35 230.22 300.05 328.63 321.20 340.45
10 Cereals 59.37 55.78 196.87 911.53 30.03 26.86 28.3
11 Product of milling industry : malt etc. 11.54 14.45 13.91 23.97 9.58 7.24 11.81
12 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 19.36 78.86 88.09 209.04 221.85 98.19 92.52
13. Lae, gum, resign veg sopicytraet 0.28 0.31 0.49 2.68 7.20 2.98 2.62
14 Vegetable plaiting materials 202.05 138.55 26.88 154.16 24.95 1279.87 8.73
15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils 1186.21 2970.29 2762.49 2808.95 553.24 847.16 636.88
16 Prepared of meat or fish etc. 30.70 32.53 19.11 28.62 21.41 18.70 34.07
17 Sugar and sugar confectionery 157.67 257.94 206.27 277.38 302.75 245.74 240.32
18 Cocoa and cocoa prcparation 9.41 22.64 19.41 25.81 28.86 32.78 18.58
19 Prepared of cereals, flour, starch etc. 1801.42 1835.8 1068.17 1443.33 1633.58 1484.48 1526.07
20 Prepared of vegetable fruits, nuts,
472.61 1014.04 666.6 652.27 833.21 632.01 642.52
21 Misc. edible preparations 1.94 3.45 4.66 5.77 6.28 7.18 4.09
22 Beverages, spirits and vinegar 323.89 439.41 198.74 225.27 196.48 78.06 115.38
23 Residues & waste from the food
68.65 79.14 86.33 153.75 70.65 180.21 118.85
24 Tobacco mfg tobacco substitutes
181.95 732.04 422.83 1289.28 1145.10 256.98 199.55
25 Salt, sulphur, etc. and plastering
60.41 91.22 63.89 110.52 64.37 82.27 69.28
metals stone Cement
26 Ores, slag and ash 47.79 29.45 24.52 62.19 106.59 107.10 32.68
27 Mineral, fuels/oils etc. 2388.09 1221.24 4036.8 13277.04 4150.92 3243.37 2125.65
28 Inorganic. chem.: compounds of
438.55 149.98 137.55 403.15 445.10 497.30 635.37
specious metals etc.
29 Organic chemicals 24.13 17.56 38.61 20.02 27.00 34.11 39.89
30 Pharmaceutical products 627.20 734.89 837.2 925.76 1133.09 1211.46 999.7
31 Fertilizers - - - - - - -
32 Tanning/dyeing ext; dye pigments
3.69 2.85 6.3 3.37 8.05 11.32 7.05
33 Essential Oils, perfumery/toilet pre. 5.72 0.68 1.36 1.50 2.43 5.30 0.32

152 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade

7.1 Monthly merchandise exports (2 digit HS code)-CONTD.

(Million Taka)
HS Monthly
Chapter Commodities
Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

34 Soap, orga. Surface-active agents

5.39 7.99 12.97 15.80 13.13 11.96 5.28
35 Albuminoidal subst. starches, glues
11.65 22.72 1.88 9.24 10.77 16.40 21.31
36 Explosives pyrotechnic products etc. - - - - - - -
37 Photographic/cinematographic
0.13 - 0.08 - - .09 0.09
38 Miscellaneous chem. Products 50.51 66.03 60.88 104.24 77.5 104.60 105.75
39 Plastics and articles thereof 704.72 793.64 606.94 850.39 1106.12 825.24 708.52
40 Rubber and articles thereof 95.13 117.02 102.87 184.47 162.61 346.70 166.05
41 Raw hides & skins, leather 1177.25 845.32 1038.95 1577.39 1336.4 1635.68 1230.49
42 Art of saddlery & harness etc. 1546.89 1241.61 1412.04 1633.45 1761.47 1834.97 1834.69
43 Fur skins & artificial fur. Mfg. - - - 0.21 0.47 - -
44 Wood & art. of wood; wood charcoal 19.37 11.64 16.82 32.63 34.58 42.68 48.46
45 Cork and articles of cork - - - - - - -
46 Manufactures of straw etc. 106.23 102.25 149.22 161.01 181.56 148.18 167.95
47 Pulp/ wood/fibrous cellulose
- - - - - - 0.02
materials etc.
48 Paper & paper board; art. P. pulp
444.81 556.42 584.31 637.32 646.46 477.61 465.13
49 Printed books, news papers, pictures
5.07 3.71 5.57 4.21 15.06 8.24 3.79
50 Silk - - 0.27 - 0.17 - -
51 Wool, fine/coarse animal hair etc. - - - - 1.68 5.97 -
52 Cotton 647.93 998.54 737.4 1410.30 1021.54 1136.48 813.78
53 Other veg. tex. fibres, paper/yarn
4575.48 5602.61 4257.62 6164.05 5120.11 4663.94 5375.96
54 Man-made filaments 291.50 261.87 242.76 348.08 353.07 345.60 211.03
55 Man-made staple fibres 147.06 240.34 249.82 309.12 400.37 168.05 251.85
56 Wadding felts nonwovens, speci.
200.36 358.5 253.51 241.42 288.73 247.87 261.23
yarn etc.
57 Carpet other text. floor coverings 119.49 178.19 161.18 124.78 178.56 114.80 99.08
58 Special woven fab; tufted tex.fabrics
249.39 329.7 437.75 495.21 506.63 625.35 416.93
59 Impregnated, coated, tex fab. etc. 69.69 79.93 50.69 68.68 167.98 304.53 89.71
60 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 276.55 364.55 376.1 563.86 364.36 356.43 461.87
61 Art. of aprl. Cloth acsor. knit/crocht. 104358.38 127882 116054.26 108398.56 139830.91 119989.21 112982.53
62 Art. of aprl. cloth acsor. n-knit/
103373.97 124617 111464.45 97330.62 123484.68 119091.06 130426.42
63 Other made up tex. articles etc. 5046.07 6177.23 6225.62 6764.36 6492.39 6556.26 6180.34
64 Footwear, gaiter & like etc. 6030.57 7415.95 7223.47 5640.06 4724.98 5793.69 7127.61
65 Headgear and parts thereof 1002.29 1563.32 1261.57 1238.49 1388.73 1590.55 1628.39

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 153

Foreign Trade

7.1 Monthly merchandise exports (2 digit HS code)-CONT.

( Million Taka)
HS Commodities Monthly
Chapter Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
66 Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walk
0.55 - - - - -
sticks etc. 0.09
67 Prepared feathers & 203.9 153.73 137.18 243.26 251.96 277.51
down/articles etc. 123.25
68 Art of stone, plastic, cement etc. 7.62 15.53 - - 17.39 18.23
69 Ceramic products 1702.89 774.82 863.64 315.05 265.37 333.01
70 Glass and glassware 1.46 10.39 5.58 4.87 .93 16.14
71 Natural/culture pearls & precious
12.49 8.11 - 8.31 8.29 -
stones etc. 2.63
72 Iron or steel 277.94 205.81 382.94 341.04 252.33 424.68
73 Articles of iron or steel 78.61 90.38 121.70 259.86 170.04 399.82
74 Copper and articles thereof 279.47 228.4 199.46 365.40 238.33 220.59
75 Nickel and article thereof - 1.11 - - - 1.12
76 Aluminum and article thereof 88.48 71.5 82.91 100.79 68.35 37.04
78 Lead and articles thereof 71.91 - - - .41 -
79 Zinc and articles thereof 55.4 55.54 137.97 48.86 24.60 148.59
80 Tin and articles thereof - - - - - - -
81 Other base metals, cermets etc. 5.9 2.8 - 4.42 4.85 7.2
82 Tools, implements, cutlery etc. 46.91 56.51 51.65 86.36 76.37 77.18
83 Miscellaneous art of base metal. 1.9 27.24 8.45 13.60 34.44 41.27
84 Nuclear reactors, boilers etc. 637.8 2429.12 879.67 768.18 1838.55 586.96
85 Electrical mach. & equipment,
1182.03 522.07 408.14 3122.47 925.70 743.83
parts etc. 498.29
86 Rail/tramway locomotives etc. 6.85 7.79 6.09 9.96 12.00 19.63
87 Vehicles, other than rail/tram
623.98 5882.2 685.90 913.07 726.73 1627.61
way’s & parts etc. 514.62
88 Aircraft, space craft and parts. 8.69 5.87 488.38 38.38 243.13 2.02
89 Ships, boats & floating
506.42 52.64 474.43 252.05 1772.16 0.96
structures 96.46
90 Optical, photograph,
515.19 464.19 647.12 1151.78 1599.49 1618.57
cinematgph. Medical inst. etc. 532.61
91 Clocks & watches & parts. 2.58 0.78 2.53 - .58 0.79
92 Musical /instruments and parts
- - 0.01 - - -
etc. 0.09
93 Arms, & ammunition and parts &
- - 47.57 - - -
accessories -
94 Furniture, bedding, mattresses
390.97 582.37 536.02 425.03 491.97 407.95
etc. 690.40
95 Toys, games & sports
412.79 311.3 346.84 426.64 449.43 333.82
requisites & parts etc. 259.53
96 Miscellaneous mfg. articles 155.03 94.14 157.93 159.01 159.39 133.7
97 Works/ art, collectors &
0.01 0 76.5 0.60 .24 4.34
antiques 0.08
98 Miscellaneous national
3.05 3.44 0.81 8.14 3.74 3.25
provisions 1.03
Total 250841.83 301518.13 280508.65 269728.37 315967.45 293815.93 292487.57
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.-

154 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade
7.02 Monthly Export of major commodities (4 digits)
(Million Taka)
HS Code Commodities Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
0303 Fish frozen 134.40 253.87 354.08 329.95 395.43 420.57
0304 Fish fillet, other fish meal
3.50 - 0.19 6.41 4.41 5.49
0305 Fish dried
6.80 30.02 31.07 47.15 63.21 87.55
0306 Shrimps & prawns frozen
3106.75 3369.89 3617.33 4377.93 3563.81 3748.38
0307 Molluscs
11.30 116.72 35.38 64.11 170.25 59.43
0506 Bone and horn- cores
5.02 - - 5.03 4.84 4.78
0709 Veg. fresh, chilled other
54.40 50.26 44.73 38.15 38.70 23.70
0902 Tea
20.82 24.83 11.43 14.83 46.27 25.40
1006 Rice
55.79 196.87 911.53 29.89 26.72 28.30
2401 Un-manufactured tobacco
702.38 416.81 1277.72 1126.08 252.54 176.60
2710 Naphtha
1221.02 3604.46 12858.79 4150.71 3242.86 2089.52
3003- Pharmaceutical product
3004 725.59 814.78 912.70 1132.35 1182.70 971.52
3901-926 Plastic & articles thereof 793.63 606.95 850.38 1106.10 825.24 708.56
4102 Raw hides & skin of sheep’s or lambs - -
- - - -
4103 Raw hides and skin other 2.18 -
- - 2.39 2.77
4104 Tanned or crust hides and skin of bobbin
546.62 692.47 1032.21 887.74 980.96 855.10
4105 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or lambs
13.25 35.28 57.66 12.89 32.89 10.00
4106 Tanned or crust hides and skins or other animals
40.40 70.36 64.70 100.65 103.29 79.39
4107 Leather hole hides and skins or crusting
220.44 223.11 399.86 281.58 473.64 267.64
4113 Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting
including parchment-dressed leather of other animals
20.44 15.00 13.97 43.72 26.15 14.66
4202 Trunks, suit-case, vanity-cases, brief cases, and other
1056.07 1307.60 1369.82 1553.85 1675.91 1647.59
4602 Basket work, wicker work, and other articles 101.26 145.23 160.67 172.51 147.93 166.73
5303 Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted
1024.57 618.72 1085.94 1106.61 822.88 829.52
5307 Jute yarn
3943.51 3076.01 4325.15 3409.04 3101.62 3691.29
5310 Woven fabrics and jutes or of other textile bast fibres
628.83 556.18 714.77 585.80 652.41 824.05
5607 Jute twine, cordage, roofs and cables
140.55 99.84 141.37 156.00 160.08 154.41
6101- Readymade garments men’s women’s and girls
6117 knitted and crocheted 127882.18 116054.26 108398.55 139830.91 119989.20 112982.54
6201- Readymade garments men’s women’s and girls not
6217 knitted and crocheted 124617.42 111464.45 97330.63 123484.19 119091.04 130426.40
6305 Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of
goods 1153.42 1025.89 1452.23 1417.68 1189.90 972.58
6401- Foot ware with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of
6406 plastics and other 7415.95 7223.46 5630.06 4724.97 5793.68 7127.61
6505 Heads and other headgear, knitted or crocheted
1543.61 1248.15 1218.94 1324.31 1549.10 1601.48
Total 277192.10 253341.47 244301.90 291521.14 265610.05 270003.56
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 155

Foreign Trade

7.3 Monthly Merchandise import (2 digit HS Code)

( Million Taka)
HS Commodities
Code Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18

1 Live animals 198.83 127.19 353.41 218.29 326.32 191.82 132.48

2 Meat and edible meat offal 54.12 47.30 50.23 61.66 66.42 80.05 96.54
3 Fishes, crustacean and other aquatic 253.88 597.83 247.23 334.59 430.93 617.19 530.67
4 Dairy produces edible product of animal
2521.27 2294.92 2579.94 2876.8 2027.9 2483.96 2008.15
5 Products of animal origin 179.77 379.61 140.99 369.77 115.93 129.22 339.19
6 Live tree and other plants etc. 11.25 8.25 7.15 5.88 2.79 2.71 4.69
7 Edible vegetables, roots as tubers 4047.67 3900.59 5905.62 5291.3 5970.12 5050.66 3166.45
8 Edible fruits and nuts citrus fruits 1464.48 1523.03 2321.13 2145.42 3146.57 3464.99 2664.24
9 Coffee, tea, mate and spices 2550.30 3288.59 3435.07 2750.21 2153.33 2458.18 1918.17
10 Cereals 13320.58 14993.73 6482.73 15442.55 17395.34 13043.06 14737.06
11 Product of milling industry: malt etc. 180.86 236.57 216.84 252.09 265.9 282.36 356.06
12 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 5303.26 4416.73 8853.64 3986.67 3504.88 5939.11 1768.21
13 Lac, gums, resins , veg. saps & extra 103.58 112.59 128.85 159.96 114.63 113.70 114.94
14 Veg. plaiting materials 93.63 71.12 73.62 96.65 87.75 61.89 62.22
15 Animal or veg. fats and oils 17184.08 19929.77 22866.76 21432.69 33167.34 22075.70 16951.18
16 Preparations of meat or fish etc. 15.26 17.97 12.91 11.55 5.88 27.42 5.97
17 Sugar and sugar confectionery 6607.77 4579.01 8691.11 1973.82 6156.76 1845.44 7030.39
18 Cocoa and cocoa preparation 82.81 97.65 55.50 70.98 81.53 83.49 79.44
19 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch etc. 653.65 529.66 709.66 849.31 781.05 694.38 761.37
20 Preparations of veg. fruits, nuts, etc. 81.98 74.90 63.94 102.89 94.09 92.18 101.57
21 Misc. edible preparations 982.36 995.74 845.21 858.23 887.3 629.37 563.86
22 Beverages, spirits and vinegar 69.76 106.40 58.55 79.91 85.31 50.11 63.8
23 Residues & waste from the food indus. 3840.39 4918.68 3831.92 4378.49 3853.12 4981.68 3869.95
24 Tobacco mfg tobacco substitutes 169.95 116.40 25.90 103.08 160.56 30.01 43.86
25 Salt, sulphur, etc. and plastering metals
9068.29 8718.87 9557.94 10740.69 13254.51 11870.35 11441.68
stone cement
26 Ores, slag and ash 1024.78 1305.18 1106.02 1296.17 1256.82 1486.43 799.65
27 Mineral, fuels/oils etc. 56059.85 48967.07 59045.70 63167.98 67476.32 64842.18 46789.79
28 Inorganic. Chem.: compounds of
2831.91 3623.04 2943.61 3605.14 3412.14 3520.23 3206.82
specious metals etc.
29 Organic Chemicals 5104.17 7060.56 5904.23 7253.16 7070.27 6893.46 6375.07
30 Pharmaceutical products 1911.98 1517.66 1329.51 2395.46 1950.62 1229.99 1878.8
31 Fertilizers 1389.74 7707.43 8740.58 11247.58 17566.72 17474.21 19646.07
32 Tanning/dyeing ext; dye pigments etc. 4342.57 6616.45 4968.08 6279.64 5924.79 5345.90 5424.63
33 Essential Oils, perfumery/toilet pre. 819.19 1005.20 770.74 861.87 991.8 677.66 678.52
34 Soap, orga. Surface-active agents etc. 1127.90 1620.21 1223.77 1464.13 1410.32 1235.13 1442.96

156 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade

7.3 Monthly Merchandise import (2 digit HS Code)

( Million Taka)
HS Commodities Mobthly
Code Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
35 Albuminoidal subst. starches, glues etc. 664.86 894.85 650.30 864.58 832.89 783.71 788.14
36 Explosives pyrotechnic products etc. 29.43 2.72 0.68 41.53 31.02 - 2.25
37 Photographic/cinematographic goods 84.28 98.37 64.33 86.71 138.89 142.20 269.26
38 Miscellaneous chem. products 3997.43 5655.91 4780.11 5678.26 5798.55 5257.66 5094.19
39 Plastics and articles thereof 14749.22 20833.16 15234.46 19180.15 18664.26 17183.49 18934.52
40 Rubber and articles thereof 2189.48 2838.14 2479.81 2744.2 3147.26 2816.17 2530.88
41 Raw hides & skins, leather 1600.50 1361.21 1138.88 1556.27 1492.58 1325.87 1372.68
42 Art of saddlery & harness etc. 211.04 234.88 205.22 290.03 289.67 316.15 288.9
43 Fur skins & artificial fur. Mfg. 12.07 17.31 7.97 9.94 3.24 10.95 3.06
44 Wood & art. of wood; wood charcoal 920.73 894.18 751.64 1003.18 776.21 1009.60 977.05
45 Cork and articles of cork 2.81 3.94 3.22 3.24 1.55 1.11 5.64
46 Manufactures of straw etc. 21.27 21.90 20.81 8.51 4.43 8.56 6.09
47 Pulp/ wood/fibrous cellulosic materials
1530.32 2447.68 1898.44 1869.26 2792.05 2141.84 2326.13
48 Paper & paper board; art. Paper pulps
4385.48 6830.47 5151.74 6176.86 6510.69 5843.76 6029.16
49 Printed Book, News paper & picture 189.11 1511.24 150.22 502.79 175.79 470.52 210.85
50 Silk 31.11 4.91 60.38 8.03 13.72 5.76 15.21
51 Wool, fine/coarse animal hair etc 390.94 394.11 135.96 173.25 151.89 191.04 173.24
52 Cotton 48144.15 63964.26 51154.92 70212.32 70182.71 61330.27 56398.9
53 Other veg. tex. fibres, paper/yarn etc. 70.85 184.88 209.24 519.95 1332.3 1508.93 2334.14
54 Man-made filaments 10046.99 13631.03 9389.80 12911.67 13152.25 12989.95 13284.4
55 Man-made staple fibres 12309.49 14718.09 11233.47 14358.32 13498.05 14397.72 13487.68
56 Wadding felts non-wovens, special yarn
608.35 774.03 641.77 706.55 728.17 759.26 713.13
57 Carpet other text. floor coverings 30.87 23.01 36.36 48.02 60.71 77.33 67.25
58 Special woven fab; tufted tex. fabrics
1905.36 2181.39 1399.74 2192.59 1987.69 2077.31 1777.19
59 Impregnated, coated, tex fab. etc. 1406.41 2317.17 1299.76 1933.58 2346.29 1940.52 1892.59
60 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 7676.05 9584.55 5937.51 10102.16 9992.77 8384.75 8034.91
61 Art. of aprl. cloth acsor. Knit /crocheted 92.47 166.76 84.06 564.35 243.04 190.48 128.97
62 Art. of aprl. cloth acsor. n-knit/
4580.61 5340.32 3839.47 6336.12 6234.39 6250.59 5758.23
63 Other made up tex. articles etc. 265.72 537.07 283.59 484.67 530.42 576.93 447.48
64 Footwear, gaiter & like etc. 1141.10 1354.28 1139.93 1386.47 1684.62 1830.53 1376.55
65 Headgear and parts thereof 21.84 23.25 58.69 23.64 31.83 64.18 28.45

66 Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walk sticks 76.68 63.46 44.82 28.56 11.36 17.19 34.09

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 157

Foreign Trade

7.3 Monthly Merchandise import (2 digit HS Code)-CONTD.

(Million Taka)
HS Commodities Monthly
Code Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
67 Prepared feathers & down/articles etc 108.46 165.1 113.20 272.71
145.84 207.03 150.49
68 Art of stone, plastic, cement etc. 1245.91 566.96 819.48 780.93
286.62 1017.46 430.79
69 Ceramic products 580.61 763.76 590.37 531.97
822.52 780.91 667.12
70 Glass and glassware 900.08 979.45 864.19 841.63
544.11 801.45 799.90
71 Natural/culture pearls & precious
55.88 55.8 46.01 35.55
stones etc/ 28.07 46.99 58.59
72 Iron or steel 22865.75 26787.49 21988.68 22120.38
25444.34 24582.62 16894.74
73 Articles of iron or steel 7365.55 6234.23 6327.35 9042.85
5631.03 7276.64 6843.53
74 Copper and articles thereof 2416.18 1805.54 2573.60 1569.3
2100.26 1540.65 2142.62
75 Nickel and articles thereof 11.07 40.66 25.99 40.47
13.41 36.61 5.21
76 Aluminum and article thereof 3418.79 3508.11 2259.40 2785.59
2411.89 3091.47 3779.77
78 Lead and articles thereof 348.42 411.42 394.83 133.94
339.27 451.02 447.10
79 Zinc and articles thereof 973.12 1911.22 820.33 1041.49
1220.36 1569.70 1173.84
80 Tin and articles thereof 5.71 62.2 17.83 29.05
57.53 7.85 41.94
81 Other base metals, cermets etc. 20.07 31.07 60.61 19.78
14.47 22.61 37.97
82 Tools, implements, cutlery etc. 429.74 425.76 458.52 520.44
355.63 514.52 399.73
83 Miscellaneous art of base metal. 983.38 1108.7 912.32 1010.24
743.03 1078.29 726.13
84 Nuclear reactors, boilers etc. 47561.99 53493.38 47206.84 46562.43
42275.63 67533.01 42464.46
85 Electrical mach. & equipment, parts
27297.55 36624.68 30762.59 26260.83
etc. 22691.93 27234.53 25373.90
86 Rail/tramway locomotives etc. 234.07 130.61 88.58 46.46
88.76 95.44 50.21
87 Vehicles, other than rail/tram way’s &
16896.91 13824.21 14281.30 11227.41
parts etc. 11889.17 14060.61 13900.59
88 Aircraft, space craft and parts. 868.29 127.84 13923.36 178.47
163.29 892.49 11244.09
89 Ships, boats & floating structures 13325.02 9061.16 7483.18 12503.22
22941.13 7119.94 13080.79
90 Optical, photgph. Cinematgph. Medical
4762.78 4772.84 4809.20 4861.44
inst. etc. 4180.78 4443.70 4092.16
91 Clocks & watches & parts. 53.58 46.62 78.82 44.26
58.53 47.91 60.13
92 Musical /instruments and parts etc. 9.71 3.74 6.69 6.75
4.23 8.32 4.82
93 Arms, & ammunition and parts &
346.18 1099.65 539.91 1044.17
accessories 201.59 5.82 684.77
94 Furniture, bedding, mattresses etc. 908.74 794.3 799.76 1037.4
738.46 1223.90 752.38
95 Toys, games & sports requisites &
308.11 359.96 367.74 334.84
parts etc. 205.36 191.50 213.53
96 Miscellaneous mfg. articles 2650.34 2928.48 2679.14 2463.52
2093.37 2489.99 1899.45
97 Works/ art, collectors & antiques 1.63 3.25 1.36 2.57
1.83 2.80 3.89
98 Miscellaneous national provisions 1.51 2.25 3.28 4.19
2.27 3.19 2.86
Total 411315.6 478530.48 431814.44 490454.88 532167.79 490212.95 447199.94
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

158 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade

7.4 Monthly import of major commodities (4 digits)

(Million Taka)
HS Monthly
Code Commodities Jun’18 Jul’18 Aug’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
0401 Milk & cream 11.10 6.93 31.74 9.92 2.72 6.73 66.81
0703 Onion & Garlic 1459.06 2312.34 3099.36 2455.75 2365.50 1964.39 1450.69
0713 Dried leguminous veg. 2519.84 1264.61 2478.31 2540.27 3378.03 2556.17 1680.87
0804 Dates 78.64 29.73 78.30 52.47 422.01 406.34 269.78
0806 Grapes 144.26 165.06 241.26 238.16 497.70 405.34 230.23
0808 Apples 570.89 550.62 586.47 706.01 761.89 823.96 793.25
0904 Pepper 335.56 818.02 662.75 706.05 640.26 702.16 333.72
1001 Wheat 8812.67 11859.18 4012.98 9900.35 13021.03 7076.94 9867.35
1006 Rice 2803.99 1126.01 1116.79 1475.71 832.91 1150.95 450.01
1108 Starches 153.44 220.04 212.73 231.28 176.06 260.48 333.11
1201-1212 Oil seeds 5303.26 4416.75 8852.18 3985.93 3503.68 5939.06 1768.23
1507 Soya bean oil 9586.79 7147.70 10005.95 6016.38 10534.02 11978.23 10807.68
1511 Palm 0il 7120.99 12167.15 12534.24 14985.33 21963.05 9722.51 5817.68
1701 Sugar 6436.42 4446.06 8567.87 1850.09 6050.68 1732.43 6883.48
2401 Un-manufactured tobacco 101.73 97.31 14.77 92.88 151.57 15.63 9.72
2523 Cement 5409.44 4975.31 5820.28 6383.77 9119.06 7394.82 6282.67
2710 Petroleum product 47123.39 41869.96 51483.79 53233.79 54690.50 45741.26 29257.19
2801-2851 In organic Chemicals 2834.20 3623.05 2942.45 3603.77 3411.80 3521.08 3200.38
2901-2942 Organic Chemicals 5104.07 7060.57 5904.23 7253.16 7070.28 6593.48 6375.09
3101-3105 2180.1Fertilizers 1389.73 7707.43 8740.58 11247.56 17566.72 17474.20 19646.08
3201-3215 Tannin1290.19g & dyeing 4371.58 6416.44 4968.05 6279.64 5924.78 5345.90 5424.56
3801-3825 Chemical prod1768.49uct 3997.38 5655.92 4780.11 5678.26 5798.46 5257.69 5094.21
3901-3926 Plastic & articles thereof 14749.21 20833.16 15234.48 19180.17 18664.25 17183.51 18934.52
4801-4823 Paper & paper board 4385.48 6830.47 5151.74 6176.86 6510.67 6903.16 6029.16
5201-5203 Raw cotton 18278.16 26590.20 22010.82 25863.59 24778.33 21634.63 22099.32
5205-5207 Cotton yarn 7315.39 9840.86 8651.04 10636.50 10255.91 8764.82 8569.98
5208-5212 Cotton fabric 22497.94 27489.79 20436.06 33650.25 35032.00 30856.87 25668.01
5402-5406 Synthetic yarn 3615.05 5812.61 4313.27 4652.51 4536.08 4815.28 4235.71
5407-5408 Synthetic fabric 5264.55 6217.43 4033.99 6960.74 7298.38 6915.79 7594.78
5504-5507 Staple fibre 1093.80 1383.84 865.69 1117.65 935.42 1415.80 1445.54
5509-5511 Yarn of staple fibre 4122.93 4460.78 3171.54 3251.52 2755.85 2554.90 2754.81
5512-5516 Fabric of staple fibre 5103.68 6299.66 4295.94 7014.81 7202.04 7710.78 7164.37
7201-7229 Iron & steel 25444.32 27455.00 16894.63 22865.74 26787.48 21988.69 22121.35
7301-7326 Article of iron & steel 5635.04 7099.81 8113.69 7365.57 6234.22 6327.33 9042.78
7601-7616 Aluminum & article thereof 2411.80 3091.47 3779.77 3418.78 3508.09 2259.38 2785.60
8402-8485 Machinery & parts 42228.90 67387.71 42279.13 46412.82 53416.60 47091.50 46430.24
8501-8548 Electrical goods 22691.95 27234.55 25373.89 27297.56 36612.42 30762.55 26347.82
8607-8609 Rail, tramway, locomotive 88.77 67.51 50.21 209.88 113.66 88.57 46.44
8701-8716 Vehicle 11889.09 14060.61 13900.53 16896.82 13824.21 14281.32 11127.41
8902,8903 Ships ,boat, floating structure
3916.17 6106.28 9053.01 10179.17 7323.95
,8908 5690.82 10348.79
9001-9033 Optical, Photo, Cinema etc. 4958.74 4181.76 4443.71 4092.16 4772.84 4809.21 4861.43
Total 321359.4 396379.70 349188.33 396169.63 438445.11 378124.66 353650.85
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 159

Foreign Trade


(Million Taka)
Period Total Export Total Import Balance
Nov 183295 325694 -142399
Dec 250941 345293 -94352
Jan 248649.85 322450.27 -73800.42
Feb 223141.87 305846.51 -82704.64
Mar 220866 332752 -111886
Apr 220866 319740 -110623
May 235848 385225 -149377
June 278574 346489 -67915
July 197290.18 267063 -69773
August 257607.28 343075 -85468
Sep 174589 211689 -209494
Oct 384083 371626 -159937
Nov 226052 384859 -158807
Dec 243568 366193 -122625
Jan 259403 392904 -133501
Feb 217442 347003 -129561
Mar 246336 398123 -151787
Apr 220323 388375 -168052
May 245020 409623 -164603
June 252258 329784 -77526
July 260072 399225 -139153
Aug 298062 432558 -134496
sep 165331 382424 -217093
Oct 234535 487350 -252815
Nov 257000 486978 -229978
Dec 282826 436833 -154007
Jan 286320 493318 -206998
Feb 256504 469324 -212820
Mar 257316 462255 -204939
Apr 259892 516473 -256581
May 279237 533592 -254355
June 250842 411316 -160474
July 301518 478530 -177012
Aug 280509 431814 -151305
sep 269728 490455 -220727
Oct 315967 532168 -216201
Nov 293816 490213 -196397
Dec 292488 447200 -154712
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

160 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade


(Base : 2002-2003)
Sl. Unit Price Index
Commodity Unit Weight
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

General Index 100 718.18 969.46 827.02

1. Fish Kg 6.25 28.15 157.28 161.69
i) Fish Kg 0.59 132.25 159.23 141.63
ii) Shrimps & Prawn Frozen Kg 5.66 17.30 157.08 163.78
2. Vegetables fresh/chilled Kg 0.26 212.91 181.81 389.37
3. Tea Kg 0.28 319.20 310.44 190.71
4. Naptha & furnace oil Kg 0.42 768.33 659.91 506.21
i) Naptha Kg 0.20 779.21 789.24 447.73
ii) Furnace oil Kg 0.27 760.27 564.11 549.53
5. Pharmaceutical product Kg 0.11 89.26 85.78 79.41
6. Fertilizer Kg 1.33 1914.15 14702.38 4544.28
7. Leather raw hides & skins Kg 3.39 254.32 276.49 300.74
8. Raw jute Kg 0.95 300.96 284.43 339.52
9. Jute goods Kg 5.70 256.59 342.53 1224.91
i) Jute yarn Kg 1.74 214.65 180.01 211.65
ii) Jute fabrics Kg 1.08 271.88 245.79 239.79
iii) Jute twine, cordage, ropes Kg 0.41 167.65 234.51 279.04
iv) Jute sacks & bugs Kg 2.47 294.22 517.24 2526.46
10. Terry Towlling Kg 0.45 217.68 181.08 165.39
11. Readymade garments Kg 78.60 832.77 902.01 831.18
i) Men/boys/women/girls, over- 813.79
No 1.34 899.00 880.92
coats, car coats, rain coats
ii) Men boys/women/girls suits No 0.68 1246.76 11302.78 1258.19
iii) Men/boys/women/girls jackets & 389.26
No 7.20 424.20 418.26
iiv) Men/boys/women/girls trousers, bib, 677.35
No 20.42 682.61 676.78
shorts etc.
v) Women/girls dress No 0.70 243.54 241.77 2519.72
vi) Women shirts No 0.96 283.41 279.95 278.39
vii) Men/boys/women/girls shirts No 21.22 806.52 785.16 791.07
viii) T-Shirts No 13.55 1636.59 1601.57 1576.28
ix) Jerseys No 12.53 534.07 507.78 522.07
12. Tents Kg 0.87 121.02 134.52 1306.57
13. Footwear Pair 0.85 325.96 1859.22 335.27
i) Footwear (Sports) Pair 0.34 389.89 398.41 377.23
ii) Footwear, other Pair 0.51 283.85 2833.09 307.30
14. Hats & other head gear Kg 0.34 75.64 221.95 172.17
15. China/Ceramic tableware Kg 0.13 163.98 150.89
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Note: The Base year of general index on Import & Export is changed to 2002-03 from 1988-89.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 161

Foreign Trade


(Base : 2002-2003)
Sl. Commodity Unit Weight Unit Price Incex
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
General Index 100 873.15 1066.43 405.66
1. Live Poultry No 0.07 5.76 7.82 4.76
2. Meat of Sheep/goat Kg 0.10 75.48 73.30 74.29
3. Milk Powder Kg 0.60 168.43 222.25 160.63
4. Butter fat/oil Kg 0.03 377.45 408.12 337.14
5. Onion/Garlic 0.15 2317.95 2184.66 2112.72
i) Onion Kg 0.03 211.59 96.51 142.58
ii) Garlic Kg 0.12 612.99 544.75 558.78
6. Dried Legummous Vegetale (Shelled) Kg 1.45 184.68 178.92 169.36
7. Fruits 0.23 1012.21 205.87 235.25
i) Dates Kg 0.09 2577.86 243.03 432.20
ii) Orange Kg 0.02 113.63 109.76 115.01
iii) Grapes Kg 0.05 265.47 229.81 109.55
iv) Apples Kg 0.07 174.46 168.45 106.17
8. Spices 0.45 325.74 266.17 217.06
i) Pepper/Chillies Kg 0.12 313.49 282.49 233.36
ii) Cinnomon Kg 0.06 79.638 70.79 66.62
iii) Clove Kg 0.02 861.79 572.35 521.45
iv) Cardamon Kg 0.08 489.15 353.29 378.03
v) Cumin seeds Kg 0.15 278.56 240.10 130.22
vi) Ginger Kg 0.02 208.94 295.25 272.91
9. Cereals 4.54 353.29 243.93 130.76
i) Wheat Kg 2.18 321.16 287.76 24.76
ii) Maize Kg 0.44 680.80 48.44 307.59
iii) Rice Kg 1.92 314.73 238.97 210.60
10. Starch Kg 0.08 368.24 3396.65 330.25
11. Oil Seeds 0.81 311.97 430.87 255.91
i) Copra Kg 0.07 511.07 2347.93 639.12
ii) Rape/Colza seed Kg 0.56 294.02 248.57 212.08
iii) Mastard seed Kg 0.18 290.36 252.47 243.23
12. Edible Oil Kg 9.56 356.38 296.81 252.04
i) Soyabean oil Kg 4.91 380.82 301.19 254.95
ii) Palm Oil Kg 4.65 330.56 292.18 248.96
13. Sugar 0.78 206.05 206.58 206.58
i) Sugar Kg 0.73 208.02 175.13 149.96
ii) Sugar Glucose/Lactose Kg 0.05 185.45 207.57 196.97
14. Oil Caka/Animal feeding 0.75 330.60 333.77 309.21
i) Oil Cake Kg 0.32 443.19 443.41 382.37
ii) Animal feeding Kg 0.43 246.82 252.17 254.77
15. Tobacco Unmanufactured Kg 0.29 269.10 234.15 216.38
16. Cement Clinker Kg 2.21 221.34 212.65 211.84
17. Petroleum Petroleum 8.05 297.47 312.01 1441.02
i) Crude Petoleum Oil Kg 2.61 303.24 290.67 3664.39
ii) Kerosene Oil Kg 1.15 58.29 279.74 363.78
iii) Diesel Oil Kg 3.94 320.77 304.76 374.85
iv) Lubricating Oil Kg 0.35 422.05 658.89 402.42
18. Inorganic Chemicals Kg 1.08 198.87 184.27 177.51
19. Organic Chemicals 0.65 164.98 118.01 150.26
i) Vitamins Kg 0.13 143.21 132.53 134.02
ii) Hormones, natural other Kg 0.06 107.28 55.98 66.30
iii) Antibiotics Kg 0.46 178.65 121.99 165.80

162 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade
(Base : 2002-2003)
Unit Price Index
Commodity Unit Weight
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
20. Pharmaceutical Products Kg 0.87 241.13 113.96 166.35
i) Medicaments Kg 0.52 305.95 184.87 193.63
ii) Chemical contraceptive preparation based on homnoncs Kg 0.35 144.83 8.61 125.83
21. Fertilizer Kg 1.62 2421.86 501.11 477.21
22. Tanning and Pying substances 1.07 209.64 208.38 229.04
i) Synthetic Organic Tanning Substances Kg 0.16 190.25 187.21 189.55
ii) Dyes Kg 0.79 206.14 224.36 247.60
iii)Printing Ink, Writing or Drawing Ink and other Ink Kg 0.12 258.50 131.43

23. Mixtures of Odoriferous usbstances Kg 0.33 130.08 116.36 110.08

24. Organic surface Active agent Kg 0.11 165.58 159.21 148.68
25. Insecticides Kg 0.44 144.53 135.81 134.78
26. Finishing agent Dying for Textile Industries Kg 0.25 189.87 183.29 180.54
27. Poastic Materials 3.89 258.10 252.41 235.71
i) Artificial Plastics and Planstic Products Kg 2.93 260.97 257.22 238.35
ii) Articles of Plastics Kg 0.96 249.33 237.72 227.64
28. Rubber and Rubber Articles 0.67 371.00 127.70 74.49
i) Natural rubber Kg 0.07 371.05 308.39 238.39
ii) Synthetic Rubber Kg 0.05 306.37 275.36 256.85
iii) Tyre for Motor car No 0.07 13.56 11.75 10.13
iv) Tyre for Bus/Lorry No 0.37 508.70 84.86 5.08
v) Rubber contraceptive Kg 0.11 164.64 63.44 161.73
29 Wood in the Rough C.M. 0.65 1.74 7.21 8.35
Pulps of othe fibrous cellulosic material & waste & scrap paper or paper 112.44
30. Kg 0.35 116.39 119.29
31. Paper & Paper board 2.28 200.59 436.88 358.41
i) Newsprint in rolls or sheet Kg 0.27 225.41 218.77 200.89
ii) Paper and Paper boards un coated Kg 0.30 202.29 189.35 195.55
iii) Tissue Paper Kg 0.04 175.86 151.14 129.09
iv) Craft Paper Kg 0.46 186.20 180.44 177.23
v) Semichemical fuiting paper Kg 0.23 187.85 181.75 176.46
vi) Paper and paperboard coated Kg 0.75 150.41 147.35 138.54
vii) Paper & Paperboard label print Kg 0.23 377.53 2777.59 2056.95
32. Raw Cotton Kg 6.34 328.39 215.59 183.53
33. Cotton Textile 8.15 245.71 237.32 231.45
i) Cotton yarn Kg 1.67 220.16 210.07 188.26
ii) Cotton fabrics Kg 6.48 252.29 244.35 242.59
34. Synthetic Textile 3.41 232.25 201.99 207.29
i) Synthetic Filament thread Kg 0.39 148.50 146.53 144.44
ii) Synthetic filament yarn Kg 0.83 212.38 184.05 180.42
iii) Synthetic filament fabrics Kg 2.19 254.70 218.66 228.67
35. Staple fibres 6.65 191.69 256.79 184.29
i) Artificial filament tow Kg 0.19 228.90 2867.20 240.88
ii) Synthetic staple fibres Kg 0.48 238.86 222.30 233.13
iii) Synthetic staple fibre sewing thread Kg 0.16 125.95 111.59 105.89
iv) Synthetic staple fibre yarn Kg 1.62 141.06 135.70 131.03
v) Synthetic staple fibre fabrics Kg 4.20 206.64 194.88 199.68
36. Special Woven Fabrics 0.77 3602.73 327.35 413.43
i) Woven pile and chenille fabrics Kg 0.12 342.63 360.31 367.91
iii) Label Bages similar Articles Woven Kg 0.32 8307.71 464.87 635.25
iii) Textile fabrics, impreguated coated 214.88
Kg 0.33 225.82 182.00
covered with plastics

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 163

Foreign Trade
(Base : 2002-2003)
Unit Price Inxex
Commodity Unit Weight
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
37. Knitted fabrics 0.67 234.56 1537.35 218.11
i) Pile fabrics, terry fabrics Knitted Kg 0.43 253.93 2287.20 235.94
ii) Knitted fabricsclastomeric yarn o Rubber Thread Kg 0.21 198.83 191.13 181.95
iii) Knitted fabrics other Kg 0.03 207.11 213.03 215.59
38. Second hand clothing Kg 0.06 91.12 84.34 88.29
39. Float glass and surface ground or Polished glass in sheet Sqm 0.11 5.79 4.39 3.93
40. Iron and steel and article thereof 5.77 293.64 272.11 239.68
i) Iron and steel Kg 4.71 278.24 249.11 212.76
ii) Articles of Iron ans Steel Kg 1.06 362.09 374.30 359.30
41. Copper and Copper Articles 0.17 526.36 457.32 2469.01
i) Refined copper and coppers alloys unwrought Kg 0.08 497.64 438.75 404.31
ii) Refind copper wire Kg 0.09 551.90 473.83 4306.97
42. Aluminium and Articles thereof 0.65 215.12 184.51 187.62
i) Unwrought Aluminium Kg 0.41 206.14 173.37 179.04
ii) Aluminium foil Kg 0.24 230.48 203.56 202.27
43. Steam and Vapour generating Boiler 0.12 208.02 132.74 134.98
44. Spark and compression ignition
Combustion engine and Parts 0.40 1046.61 68.17 386.09
i) Spark ignition receprocating or 9.03
No 0.03 12.14 52.55
Rotary internal combustion Piston engine
ii0 Compression ignition internal combustion piston engine No 0.27 1951.94 38.70 515.82
iii) Parts of Engine Kg 0.10 141.20 152.41 148.91
45. Mechanical and Electrical Mechineries Equipment and Parts 2.46 183.95 218.38 61.94
i) Terbo-jets, turbo propellers and other gas furbines No 0.07 226.04 1219.13 19.73
ii) Pumps for liquids No 0.23 275.30 6.55 2.72
iii) Air or vacum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans No 0.22 83.53 497.86 80.93
iv) Air conditioning Machines No 0.20 82.94 202.00 149.01
v) Refrigerators, and other refrigerating 5.85
No 0.51 320.18 338.24
or freezing equipment
vi) Machinery, Plant or Laboratory equipment No 0.22 151.91 203.30 143.45
vii) Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers No 0.11 502.76 87.74 78.58
viii) Dish washing machines including cleaning, 90.43
No. 0.29 103.36 86.71
sealing, lebelling etc. machines
ix) Ships, derricks, cranes and work trucks filled with crance No 0.07 113.89 146.62 147.40
x) Other lifting, handling, loading un-loading machinery No 0.34 85.96 78.71 23.55
xi) Self Propelled bulldozers, graders-levellers 70.27
No 0.17 78.86 46.70
etc. and also Road Rollers
xii) Other moving, grading, leveling scraping 102.44
No 0.03 193.79 114.85
excavating, tamping machinery
46. Agriculture and other machinery 0.92 144.01 2.37 31.85
i) Agricultural, horticultural or .28
No 0.41 127.73 2.12
forestry machinery
ii) Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, 11.84
No 0.11 114.36 1.06
poultry-keeping machinery
iii) Machinery for food or drinks No 0.09 174.04 5.12 79.04
iv) Other machinery for making up paper pulp, 120.33
No 0.50 140.78 2.29
paper or paperboard
v) Printing machinery No 0.15 195.71 2.45 10.12

164 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade
(Base : 2002-2003)
Unit Price Index
Sl. No. Commodity Unit Weight
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
47. Textile and sewing machinery No 3.49 82.42 86.35 86.91
i) Machines of preparing textile fibes No 0.87 19.63 26.32 19.69
ii) Weaving machines (looms) No 0.33 181.60 23.94 163.59
iii) Knitting machines No 0.67 37.37 260.18 37.83
iv) Other Textile Auxiliary machinery for 291.48
Kg 0.30 237.31 222.95
use with machines
v) Machinery for washing cleaning wringing, 112.18
No 0.80 112.63 3.80
drying ironing, bleaching, dying etc. machines
vi) Sewing machines domestic (Electric) No 0.33 23.90 38.36 40.18
vii) Sewing machine other (automatic) No 0.19 86.32 71.93 86.32
48. Ruling Mills & Machine Tools 0.54 297.61 10.26 310.69
i) Metal rolling mills and rolls No 0.50 306.91 4.15 328.59
ii) Machine Tools for drilling boring milling or tapping No 0.04 181.34 86.62 86.91
49. Data processing machine (Computer) 1.16 97.52 51.58 216.47
i) Automatic data processing machine and unit No 0.66 97.03 41.48 330.91
ii) Parts data processing machines Kg 0.50 98.17 64.91 65.42
Machinery for sorting screening, washing crushing, grinding mixing of stone, or other 61.73
50. No 0.22 58.78 0.68
mineral substance
51. Machinery for working Rubber or Plastics No 0.31 142.90 141.86 1257.99
52. Machines and Mechanical Appliances No 0.36 219.80 151.33 228.66
53. Mould Box Base Pattern Rubber/Plastics Kg 0.09 249.42 253.11 281.05
54. Electric generator and Transformer 1.23 435.54 238.74 76.71
i) Electric Motor generator No 0.12 312.05 35.19 36.68
ii) Electric generating set and rotary converter No 0.66 230.21 32.63 1.95
197.03 iii) Electric transformer Indicator set No 0.45 769.61 595.30 197.03
55. Electric Accumulators including separator No 0.07 172.71 151.72 127.40
Electrical apparatus for line-telephone or 293.32
56. No 0.38 489.29 289.27
line telegraphy
57. Computer Articles 0.24 3477.79 141.43 1498.38
i) Magnetic Disc Unrecorded Computer No 0.07 591.29 484.92 103.99
ii) Computer Disk Packs No 0.17 4666.34 0.00 2072.54
58. Transmission Reception Apparatus other No 0.95 51.52 23.37 48.49
59. Television including Video Monitors/Projector 0.55 9.90 5.44 31.44
i) T.V. colour in CKd condition No 0.04 26.66 27.72 19.01
ii) T.V. colour in CBU condition No 0.40 7.06 4.70 22.24
iii) T.V. Black and White in CKD condition No 0.11 15.68 0.00 69.42
60. Electrical Parts thereof 0.64 57.54 194.69 167.50
i) Electrical apparatus for switching or 172.38
Kg 0.51 27.88 206.06
protecting electrical circuits
ii) Boards, Panels, Consoles, Desks, Cabinets other Kg 0.13 173.91 150.09 148.39

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 165

Foreign Trade

(Base : 2002-2003)
Sl. Unit Price Index
Commodity Unit Weight
No. 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
61. Electronic integrated circuit and micro-assembles No 0.03 167.55 887.89 1048.76
62. Insulated wire cable and other insulated electric conductors Kg 0.68 550.03 268.79 304.48
63. Electrical Insulator of any material Kg 0.04 221.45 109.07 132.42
64. Tractors No 0.11 123.73 114.15 114.87
65. Transport seating capacity ten or more No 0.58 115.77 145.03 1.81
66. i) Motor car and Station Wagon No 1.66 137.23 19.42 82.49
ii) Three wheeled vehicles No 0.32 73.04 59.99 89.46
iii) Truck/Pickup/Van No 0.69 302.63 151.92 12.38
67. Motor Cycle No 0.43 214.96 19.83 313.67
68. Bi-cycles No 0.56 268.88 320.75 833.79
69. Chips and vessels 2.14 267.55 38060.25 4216.84
i) Cruise ships, excursion boat and 87250.85
No 0.06 25565.41 0.08
similar vessels
ii) Vessels for breaking up No 2.08 851141.07 39158.14 1821.74
70. Medical Instruments 0.44 1750.73 164.11 155.55
i) Instruments and appliances used in Medical 14.97
No 0.22 853.22 6.63
Surgical dental and Veterinary
ii) X-ray apparatus No 0.12 1400.57 460.23 389.72
iii) Instruments & apparatus for Physical or Chemical analysis No 0.10 383.79 155.20 182.82
71. Gas, liquid or Electricity supply or Production meter No 0.13 22.13 295.80 190.13
72. Prefabricated building Kg 0.16 282.33 317.52 386.76
73. Buttons, Press fasteners, suap fasteners etc. kg 0.30 434.94 247.74 352.15
74. Slide fasteners and parts Kg 0.54 222.39 170.08 180.09
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

166 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Foreign Trade
(In cores Taka)
Items 2016-17
May’18 June’18 July’18 August’18 Sep’18 Oct’18
Current Account
a) Goods
Import (FOB) 334930.0 42016.0 32078.0 38297.3 33620.2 38907.0 41851.2
Export (FOB) 269251.7 27425.4 24346.4 29645.6 26619.8 25361.4 30691.0
Trade Balance (1-2) -65678.3 -14590.6 -7731.9 -8651.7 -8651.7 -13545.6 -11160.2

b) Services
Receipts 28718.6 4100.4 3531.5 3969.3 4107.4 4074.3 4554.6
Payments 64385.6 8137.7 8444.7 7647.7 6396.0 7487.1 8482.2
Net -35667.0 -4037.3 -4313.2 -3678.4 -2288.6 -3412.8 -3927.6

c) Income
Receipts 812.4 111.8 136.7 67.1 72.9 81.4 89.3
Payments 21662.2 2208.1 2027.6 1977.5 1839.5 2408.6 2042.0
Net -20849.8 -2096.3 -1890.9 -1910.4 -1766.6 -2327.2 -1952.7

d) Current Transfer
Official 343.8 6.2 70.7 1.4 0.5 90.8 1.3
Private 105172.2 12949.3 12337.8 11206.0 12066.2 9836.6 10798.9
Worker's remittances 101098.96 12549.22 11587.40 11039.39 11817.54 9544.65 10385.81

Total: 105516.0 12955.5 12408.5 11207.4 12066.7 9927.4 10800.2

Current Account Balance(a+b+c+d) -16679.1 -7768.7 -2127.5 -3033.1 -1011.1 -9358.2 -6240.3

Capital and Financial

Account (Net)
1. Capital Account 2486.4 82.2 238.5 18.9 7.3 571.7 17.2
2. Direct Investment -18863.1 -1493.8 -2141.2 -1567.7 -1225.1 -2769.0 -1983.8
3. Portfolio Investment -1288.7 1053.2 1115.3 772.1 -130.5 103.7 542.4
4. Other Investment -27292.0 -870.6 -6970.9 3524.1 -5791.3 2092.5 -7432.5
5. Reserve Assets 26394.4 -5016.8 -5403.9 -6772.7 7323.7 -7814.3 1697.7
Total (1+2+3+4+5) -21049.4 -6328.0 -2592.9 -4044.2 176.8 -8387.1 -7176.2
Errors and Omissions -6856.7 1358.5 -703.9 -1030.0 -841.6 399.4 -953.1
Note: Data have been compiled on the basis of IMF, BOP manual (5th edition)
Source: Economic Trends, Statistics Department, Bangladesh Bank.
P= Provisional

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh,December -2018. 167

Foreign Trade
(Taka in crores)
Country 2016-17 Monthly
June’18 July’18 August’18 Sep’18 Oct’18 Nov’18 Dec’18
U. K. 6405.74 646.84 651.80 814.55 668.58 692.33 687.01 704.34
U.S.A. 13373.10 1699.21 1316.59 1376.43 1044.87 1176.62 1061.17 1276.37
Saudi Arabia 17943.43 1922.28 2033.63 2250.45 1802.97 2046.89 1852.51 1940.44
U.A.E. 16573.53 2077.38 1940.00 1780.36 1362.53 1622.10 1540.09 1402.05

Kuwait 8180.24 920.21 898.27 950.73 806.93 869.18 909.52 881.71

Qatar 4562.31 733.39 732.12 726.62 646.63 676.15 625.03 622.12
Libya 17.63 1.09 37.10 1.93 1.26 2.51 2.26 2.10
Germany, FR 251.79 29.63 29.73 34.17 28.73 45.09 32.96 39.27

Singapore 2380.56 252.86 249.82 261.80 235.34 212.39 216.39 208.07

Oman 7107.45 815.00 638.24 936.58 615.06 634.07 613.53 595.27
Iran 0.16 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bahrain 3465.39 375.06 376.11 375.45 278.13 296.38 284.92 360.85
Japan 181.68 25.45 22.36 26.97 22.03 23.89 29.52 33.73
Malaysia 8729.76 877.60 783.54 927.87 750.48 780.33 742.62 742.01
Other countries 6678.55 673.79 715.87 717.32 613.30 675.39 677.95 668.60
Australia 411.69 42.69 35.93 44.30 27.05 30.93 37.58 35.66
Italy 4047.08 421.69 501.56 515.40 564.31 524.94 506.85 522.19
South Korea 638.68 59.34 61.97 61.39 63.48 63.03 69.45 78.78
Hong Kong 150.21 13.81 14.74 15.24 12.98 13.58 11.41 12.42
Total 101098.96 11587.40 11039.39 11817.54 9549.65 10985.81 9900.76 10125.97
Source: Bangladesh Bank

168 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06) (Million Taka)
SL. No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1. Agriculture and Forestry 1764997 1903146 2053983 2,273,525

a) Crops & Horticulture 1261209 1343222 1437045 1,591,711
b) Animal Farming’s 298845 331653 360262 396,246
c) Forest and related services 204942 228271 256676 285,568

2. Fishing 475813 530756 596270 668,823

3. Mining and Quarrying 238757 285777 341270 388,837

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 91877 107059 120025 132,998
b) Other mining & quarrying 146880 178718 221245 255,839

4. Manufacturing 2544831 2951110 3418287 4,041,443

a) Large & medium scale 2059920 2401641 2792168 3,325,938
b) Small scale 484911 549469 626119 715,505

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 198682 238291 262435 293,361

a) Electricity 150614 184465 203700 227,281
b) Gas 37866 42793 45787 51,960
c) Water 10203 11033 12948 14,119

6. Construction 1084839 1263532 1461073 1,698,550

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, Motorcycles and 1925854 2142574 2439581 2,798,225
Personal and Household goods
8. Hotel and Restaurants 149279 170583 193182 221,228

9. Transport, Storage & Communication 1500253 1691649 1870755 2,046,300

a) Land Transport 1120956 1278949 1428080 1,570,384
b) Water Transport 89674 102065 109957 116,978
c) Air Transport 12688 13516 13985 14,758
d) Support transport services, storage 74270 80306 87074 97,055
e) Post and Tele Communications 202665 216814 231659 247,125

10. Financial Intermediations 557610 636013 732046 837,283

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 466437 537896 623890 717,538
b) Insurance 59376 63266 68078 73,414
c) Other financial intermediation 31796 34851 40077 46,330

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 1060609 1237395 1445392 1,664,189
12. Public Administration and Defence 506741 667111 784407 902,277
13. Education 376240 465124 568555 644,778
14. Health and Social Works 301352 347578 389867 440,642
15. Community, Social and Personal services 1764017 1942478 2142127 2,363,779
GVA at basic price 14449873 16473116 18699230 21,283,239
Tax less subsidy 708149 855521 1058923 1,221,555
GDP at current market price 15158022 17328637 19758154 22,504,793
Growth rate 12.81 14.32 14.02 13.90
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 169

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)

SL. No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1. Agriculture and Forestry 12.21 11.55 10.98 10.68

a) Crops & Horticulture 8.73 8.15 7.69 7.48
b) Animal Farming’s 2.07 2.01 1.93 1.86
c) Forest and related services 1.42 1.39 1.37 1.34

2. Fishing 3.29 3.22 3.19 3.14

3. Mining and Quarrying 1.65 1.73 1.83 1.83

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.62
b) Other mining & quarrying 1.02 1.08 1.18 1.20

4. Manufacturing 17.61 17.91 18.28 18.99

a) Large & medium scale 14.26 14.58 14.93 15.63
b) Small scale 3.36 3.34 3.35 3.36

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 1.37 1.45 1.40 1.38

a) Electricity 1.04 1.12 1.09 1.07
b) Gas 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.24
c) Water 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07

6. Construction 7.51 7.67 7.81 7.98

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, Motorcycles and
Personal and Household goods 13.33 13.01 13.05 13.15
8. Hotel and Restaurants
1.03 1.04 1.03 1.04
9. Transport, Storage & Communication 10.38 10.27 10.00 9.61
a) Land Transport 7.76 7.76 7.64 7.38
b) Water Transport 0.62 0.62 0.59 0.55
c) Air Transport 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07
d) Support transport services, storage 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.46
e) Post and Tele Communications 1.40 1.32 1.24 1.16

10. Financial Intermediations 3.86 3.86 3.91 3.93

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 3.23 3.27 3.34 3.37
b) Insurance 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.34
c) Other financial intermediation 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.22

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 7.34 7.51 7.73 7.82
12. Public Administration and Defence 3.51 4.05 4.19 4.24
13. Education 2.60 2.82 3.04 3.03
14. Health and Social Works 2.09 2.11 2.08 2.07
15. Community, Social and Personal services 12.21 11.79 11.46 11.11
GVA at basic price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

170 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

National Accounts


(Base : 2005-06)
SL.No. Industrial Origin9.sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. Agriculture and Forestry 7.64 7.83 7.93 10.69
a) Crops & Horticulture 6.97 6.50 6.98 10.76
b) Animal Farming 8.02 10.98 8.63 9.99
c) Forest and related services 11.39 11.38 12.44 11.26

2. Fishing 12.47 11.55 12.34 12.17

3. Mining and Quarrying 13.26 19.69 19.42 13.94

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 12.65 16.52 12.11 10.81
b) Other mining & quarrying 13.65 21.68 23.80 15.64

4. Manufacturing 14.01 15.96 15.83 18.23

a) Large & medium scale 14.20 16.59 16.26 19.12
b) Small scale 13.19 13.31 13.95 14.28

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 7.98 19.94 10.13 11.78

a) Electricity 8.88 22.48 10.43 11.58
b) Gas 3.01 13.01 7.00 13.48
c) Water 14.48 8.14 17.36 9.05

6. Construction 19.43 16.47 15.63 16.25

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and 11.60 11.25 13.86
Household goods 14.70
8. Hotel and Restaurants 14.52 14.27 13.25 14.52

9. Transport, Storage & Communication 11.70 12.76 10.59 9.38

a) Land Transport 12.87 14.09 11.66 9.96
b) Water Transport 11.20 13.82 7.73 6.38
c) Air Transport 13.73 6.53 3.47 5.53
d) Support Transport services, storage 11.32 8.13 8.43 11.46
e) Post and Tele communication 5.81 6.98 6.85 6.68

10. Financial Intermediations 14.82 14.06 15.10 14.38

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 15.48 15.32 15.99 15.01
b) Insurance 10.70 6.55 7.61 7.84
c) Other financial intermediation 13.15 9.61 15.00 15.60

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 16.26 16.67 16.81 15.14
12. Public Administration and Defense 13.29 31.65 17.58 15.03
13. Education 14.82 23.62 22.24 13.41
14. ` 11.93 15.34 12.17 13.02
15. Community, Social and Personal services 12.68 10.12 10.28 10.35
GDP at current market price 12.85 14.00 14.02 13.90
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 171

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)
(Million Taka)
SL.No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1. Agriculture and Forestry 974802 992281 1011725 1,046,880

a) Crops & Horticulture 701996 708139 714908 736,780
b) Animal Farming 136666 141027 145689 150,646
c) Forest and related services 136139 143115 151128 159,453

2. Fishing 291695 309504 328786 349,736

3. Mining and Quarrying 132901 149966 163302 174,737

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 79120 88429 88727 90,723
b) Other mining & quarrying 53781 61537 74575 84,014

4. Manufacturing 1595680 1782228 1977653 2,242,701

a) Large & medium scale 1312254 1473134 1638195 1,871,837
b) Small scale 283426 309094 339458 370,864

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 112435 127422 138196 150,892

a) Electricity 93934 107268 117154 129,091
b) Gas 11336 12459 12494 12,769
c) Water 7164 7694 8547 9,031

6. Construction 566983 615521 669508 735,954

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and persona and 1114256 1186654 1274166
Household goods 1,369,139
8. Hotel and Restaurants 59504 63657 68198 73,159

9. Transport, Storage & Communication 904748 959718 1024633 1,092,084

a) Land Transport 573182 609181 652219 696,027
b) Water Transport 62622 64624 67273 69,627
c) Air Transport 9781 9926 10203 10,482
d) Support transport services, storage 51005 53653 57089 62,557
e) Post and Tele Communications 208159 222333 237849 253,391

10. Financial Intermediations 267192 287873 314127 338,934

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 224700 244596 268944 291,839
b) Insurance 28604 28758 29348 29,827
c) Other financial intermediation 13888 14519 15834 17,268

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 538880 562968 589973 619,357
12. Public Administration and Defence 276365 307962 336152 364,628
13. Education 181250 202480 225465 241,270
14. Health and Social Works 145174 156124 168040 179,841
15. Community, Social and Personal services 753518 778376 806529 835,977
GDP at constant producer price 7915384 8482734 9096454 9,815,289
GVA at constant basic price
Tax less subsidy 333240 352655 382521 409,087
GDP at constant market price 8248624 8835389 9478975 10,224,375
Growth rate 6.55 7.11 7.28 7.86
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

172 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)
SL. No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. Agriculture and Forestry 12.32 11.70 11.12 10.67
a) Crops & Horticulture 8.87 8.35 7.86 7.51
b) Animal Farming’s 1.73 1.66 1.60 1.53
c) Forest and related services 1.72 1.69 1.66 1.62
2. Fishing 3.69 3.65 3.61 3.56
3. Mining and Quarrying 1.68 1.77 1.80 1.78
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 1.00 1.04 0.98 0.92
b) Other mining & quarrying 0.68 0.73 0.82 0.86
4. Manufacturing 20.16 21.01 21.74 22.85
a) Large & medium scale 16.58 17.37 18.01 19.07
b) Small scale 3.58 3.64 3.73 3.78
5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 1.42 1.50 1.52 1.54
a) Electricity 1.19 1.26 1.29 1.32

b) Gas 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.13

c) Water 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09

6. Construction 7.16 7.26 7.36 7.50
Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and 14.08 13.99 14.01 13.95
Household goods
8. Hotel and Restaurants 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
9. Transport, Storage & Communication 11.43 11.31 11.26 11.13
a) Land Transport 7.24 7.18 7.17 7.09
b) Water Transport 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.71
c) Air Transport 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11
d) Support transport services, storage 0.64 0.63 0.63 0.64
e) Post and Tele Communications 2.63 2.62 2.61 2.58
10. Financial Intermediations 3.38 3.39 3.45 3.45
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 2.84 2.88 2.96 2.97
b) Insurance 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30
c) Other financial intermediation 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.18
11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 6.81 6.64 6.49 6.31
12. Public Administration and Defence 3.49 3.63 3.70 3.71
13. Education 2.29 2.39 2.48 2.46
14. Health and Social Works 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.83
15. Community, Social and Personal services 9.52 9.18 8.87 8.52
GVA at constant basic price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 173

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)
SL.No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1. Agriculture and Forestry 2.45 1.79 1.96 3.47

a) Crops & Horticulture 1.83 0.88 0.96 3.06
b) Animal Farming’s 3.08 3.19 3.31 3.40
c) Forest and related services 5.08 5.12 5.60 5.51

2. Fishing 6.38 6.11 6.23 6.37

3. Mining and Quarrying 9.60 12.84 8.89 7.00

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 8.73 11.77 0.34 2.25
b) Other mining & quarrying 10.90 14.42 21.19 12.66

4. Manufacturing 10.31 11.69 10.97 13.40

a) Large & medium scale 10.70 12.26 11.20 14.26
b) Small scale 8.54 9.06 9.82 9.25

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 6.22 13.33 8.46 9.19

a) Electricity 6.09 14.20 9.22 10.19
b) Gas 5.16 9.91 0.28 2.20
c) Water 9.62 7.40 11.09 5.66

6. Construction 8.60 8.56 8.77 9.92

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and 6.35 6.50 7.37 7.45
Household goods
8. Hotel and Restaurants 6.83 6.98 7.13 7.28

9. Transport, Storage & Communication 5.96 6.08 6.76 6.58

a) Land Transport 6.18 6.28 7.06 6.72
b) Water Transport 3.62 3.20 4.10 3.50
c) Air Transport 8.71 1.48 2.79 2.74
d) Support transport services, storage 5.37 5.19 6.40 9.58
e) Post and Tele Communications 6.11 6.81 6.98 6.53

10. Financial Intermediations 7.78 7.74 9.12 7.90

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 8.79 8.85 9.95 8.51
b) Insurance 3.95 0.54 2.05 1.63
c) Other financial intermediation 4.68 4.54 9.06 9.05

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 4.40 4.47 4.80 4.98
12. Public Administration and Defence 9.82 11.43 9.15 8.47
13. Education 8.01 11.71 11.35 7.01
14. Health and Social Works 5.18 7.54 7.63 7.02

15. Community, Social and Personal services 3.28 3.30 3.62 3.65
GDP at constant market price 6.55 7.11 7.28 7.86
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

174 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)
SL.No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1. Agriculture and Forestry 181.06 191.79 203.02 217.17

a) Crops & Horticulture 179.66 189.68 201.01 216.04
b) Animal Farming’s 218.67 235.17 247.28 263.03
c) Forest and related services 150.54 159.50 169.84 179.09

2. Fishing 163.12 171.49 181.35 191.24

3. Mining and Quarrying 174.65 190.56 208.98 222.53

a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 116.12 121.07 133.27 146.60
b) Other mining & quarrying 273.11 290.42 296.67 304.52

4. Manufacturing 159.48 165.59 172.85 180.20

a) Large & medium scale 156.98 163.03 170.44 177.68
b) Small scale 171.09 177.77 184.45 192.93

5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 176.71 187.01 189.90 194.42

a) Electricity 160.34 171.97 173.87 176.06
b) Gas 334.03 343.46 366.46 406.91
c) Water 142.41 143.39 151.49 156.34

6. Construction 191.34 205.28 218.23 230.80

Wholesale and Retail Trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and 172.84 180.56 191.46 204.38
Household goods
8. Hotel and Restaurants 250.87 267.97 283.27 302.39

9. Transport, Storage & Communication 165.82 176.27 182.58 187.38

a) Land Transport 195.57 209.95 218.96 225.62
b) Water Transport 143.20 157.94 163.45 168.01
c) Air Transport 129.72 136.17 137.07 140.80
d) Support transport services, storage 145.61 149.68 152.52 155.15
e) Post and Tele Communications 97.36 97.52 97.40 97.53

10. Financial Intermediations 208.64 220.94 233.04 247.03

a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 207.58 219.91 231.98 245.87
b) Insurance 207.58 219.99 231.97 246.13
c) Other financial intermediation 228.95 240.01 253.10 268.30

11. Real Estate, Renting and Business activities 196.82 219.80 244 .99 268.70
12. Public Administration and Defence 183.36 216.62 233.35 247.45
13. Education 207.58 229.71 252.17 267.24
14. Health and Social Works 207.58 222.63 232.01 245.02

15. Community, Social and Personal services 234.10 249.56 265.60 282.76
GDP Deflator 183.76 196.13 208.44 220.11
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 175

National Accounts
(Base: 2005-06)
SL.No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. Agriculture and Forestry 1764997 1903146 2053983 2,273,525
2. Fishing 475813 530756 596270 668,823
3. Mining and quarrying 238757 285777 341270 388,837
4. Manufacturing 2544831 2951110 3418287 4,041,443
5. Electricity, gas and water supply 198682 238291 262435 293,361
6. Construction 1084839 1263532 1461073 1,698,550
Wholesale and retail trade : Repair of motor vehicles,
7. 1925854 2142574 2439581 2,798,225
Motorcycles and personal and households goods
8. Hotel and restaurants 149279 170583 193182 221,228
9. Transport, storage and communication 1500253 1691649 1870755 2,046,300
10. Financial intermediations 557610 636013 732046 837,283
11. Real estate, renting and business activities 1060609 1237395 1445392 1,664,189
12. Public administration and defence 506741 667111 784407 902,277
13. Education 376240 465124 568555 644,778
14. Health and social works 301352 347578 389867 440,642
15. Community, social and personal services 1764017 1942478 2142127 2,363,779
GVA at current Producer Prices 14449873 16473116 18699230 21,283,239
Import duty 708149 855521 1058923 1,221,555
GDP at current market prices 15158022 17328637 19758154 22,504,793
Net primary income from abroad 984021 998112 849010 1,026,283
GNI at current market prices 16142043 18326749 20607164 23,531,077
Consumption of fixed capital 1314290 1501162 1706332 1,942,798
NNI at current market prices 14827753 16825586 18900832 21,588,278
Population (In Million) 157.9 159.9 161.8 163.7
Per Capita GDP at current market prices (Tk.) 96004 108378 122152 137,518
Per capita GNI at current market prices (Tk.) 102236 114621 127401 143,789
Per capita NNI at current market prices (Tk.) 93912 105232 116852 131,917

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

176 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

National Accounts


(BASE: 2005-06)
(Million Tk.)
SL.No. Industrial Origin Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. Agriculture and Forestry 974802 992281 1011725 1,046,880
2. Fishing 291695 309504 328786 349,736
3. Mining and quarrying 132901 149966 163302 174,737
4. Manufacturing 1595680 1782228 1977653 2,242,701
5. Electricity, gas and water supply 112435 127422 138196 150,892
6. Construction 566983 615521 669508 735,954
Wholesale and retail trade :
7. Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and 1114256 1186654 1274166
Household goods 1,369,139
8. Hotel and restaurants 59504 63657 68198 73,159
9. Transport, storage and communication 904748 959718 1024633 1,092,084
10. Financial intermediations 267192 287873 314127 338,934
11. Real estate, renting and business activities 538880 562968 589973 619,357
12. Public Administration and Defense 276365 307962 336152 364,628
13. Education 181250 202480 225465 241,270
14. Health and social works 145174 156124 168040 179,841
15. Community, social and personal services 753518 778376 806529 835,977
GDP at Constant Producer Prices 7915384 8482734 9096454 9,815,289
Import duty 333240 352655 382521 409,087
GDP at Constant market prices 8248624 8835389 9478975 10,224,375
Net primary income from abroad 535480 508910 407313 466,261
GNI at Constant market prices 8784104 9344299 9886288 10,690,636
Consumption of fixed capital 719945 773015 830065 895,969
NNI at Constant market prices 8064160 8571284 9056223 9,794,667
Population (In Million) 157.9 159.9 161.8 163.7
Per Capita GDP at constant market prices (Tk.) 52243 55259 58603 62,477
Per capita GNI at constant market prices (Tk.) 55634 58442 61121 65,326
Per capita NNI at constant market prices (Tk.) 51075 53607 55989 59,851
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

8.10 PER CAPITA GDP, GNI AND NNI AT CURRENT PRICE (BASE: 05-06) 2014-15 TO 2017-18
Item Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

GDP (Million Tk.) 15158022 17328637 19758154 22,504,793

GNI (Million Tk.) 16142043 18326749 20607164 23,531,077
NNI (Million Tk.) 14827753 16825586 18900832 21,588,278
Population (Million No.) 157.9 159.89 161.8 163.7
Per capita GDP (In Tk.) 96004 108378 122152 137,518
Per capita GNI (In Tk.) 102236 114621 127401 143,789
Per capita NNI (In Tk.) 93912 105232 116852 131,917
Exchange rate (Taka per US$) 77.67 78.27 79.12 82.10
Per capita GDP (In US$) 1236 1385 1544 1,675
Per capita GNI (In US$) 1316 1465 1610 1,751
Per capita NNI (In US$) 1209 1345 1477 1,607

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 177

National Accounts

8.11 PER CAPITA REAL GDP, GNI AND NNI, 2014-15 TO 2017-18
(BASE: 2005-06)
Item Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

GDP (Million Tk.) 8248624 8835389 9478975 10,224,375

GNI (Million Tk.) 8784104 9344299 9886288 10,690,636
NNI (Million Tk.) 8064160 8571284 9056223 9,794,667
Population (Million No.) 157.9 159.9 161.8 163.7
Per Capita GDP (In Tk.) 52243 55259 58603 62,477
Per Capita GNI (In Tk.) 55634 58442 61121 65,326
Per Capita NNI (In Tk.) 51075 53607 55989 59851
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS


2014-15 TO 2017-18

(Million Taka)
Item 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Domestic Demand (1)+(2) 16177888 18138721 20781861 24395224
Consumption(1) 11799237 13000335 14753559 17365869
Private 10980061 11979247 13568893 15935308
General Govt. 819176 1021088 1184667 1430561
Investment(2) 4378651 5138386 6028302 7029355
Private 3344722 3983470 4563583 5235183
Public 1033929 1154916 1464719 1794172
Exports(3) -1123611 -806625 -1033704 -1945084
Imports(4) 2627897 2885169 2970857 3330925
Resource balance(3)-(4) 3751508 3691794 4004561 5276009
Gross Domestic Exp. at m.p. 15054277 17332096 19748157 22450140
Gross Domestic Product at m.p.(5) 15158022 17328637 19758154 22504793
Statistical Discrepancy(6) 103745 -3459 9997 54653
Net factor income from abroad(7) 984021 998112 849010 1026283
Gross National Income at m.p.(8)(5)+(7) 16142043 18326749 20607164 23531076
Net current transfers from abroad 56001 5828 3530 4950
Gross Disposable National Income(10)=(8)+(9) 16198044 18332577 20610694 23536026
Gross Domestic saving(11)=(5)(1 3358785 4328302 5004595 5138924
Gross National saving(12)=(10)-(1 4398807 5332242 5857135 6170157
Current Account Balance(13)=(12)- -83589 -197315 -181164 -913851
Memo Items:(% of GDP)
Consumption 77.84 75.02 74.67 77.17
Private 72.44 69.13 68.67 70.81
General Govt. 5.40 5.89 6.00 6.36
Investment 28.89 29.65 30.51 31.23
Private 22.07 22.99 23.10 23.26
Public 6.82 6.66 7.41 7.97
Exports of goods & services 17.34 16.65 15.04 14.8
Imports of goods & services 24.75 21.30 20.27 23.44
Gross Domestic saving 22.16 24.98 25.33 22.83
Gross National saving 29.02 30.77 29.64 27.42
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

178 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

National Accounts
2014-15 TO 2017-18
Base: 2005-06
(Million Taka)
Item 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Domestic Demand (1)+(2) 8438208 8868203 9605348 10670032
Consumption(1) 5839989 6038499 6488464 7225820
Private 5408068 5570432 5984094 6643713
General Government 431921 468066 504370 582107
Investment(2) 2598219 2829704 3116884 3444212
Private 1986084 2189871 2366384 2573935
Public 612135 639833 750500 870276
Resource balance ((3)-(4) -325733 -168804 -250491 -590269
Exports (3) 1440765 1472415 1437922 1554226
Imports (4) 1766498 1641220 1688413 2144495
Gross Domestic Exp. at market price 8112475 8699398 9354857 10079763
Gross Domestic Product at m.p.(5) 8248624 8835389 9478975 10224375
Statistical Discrepancy(6) 136149 135991 124118 144612
Net factor income from abroad(7) 535480 508909 407313 466261
Gross National Income at m.p.(8)=(5)+(7) 8784104 9344298 9886288 10690636
Net current transfers from abroad (9) 30474 2972 1694 2249
Gross Disposable National Income(10)=(8)+(9) 8814578 9347270 9887981 10692885
GDP Deflator 183.76 196.16 208.44 220.11
(Implicit deflators, Base: 2005-06)
Final consumption expenditure : 183.76 196.13 208.44 220.11
Consumer price index (rebased) 203.3 215.05 226.75 239.86
Special Government employee Index 189.66 218.15 234.88 245.76
Gross Capital Formation
Other construction (kutcha) 176.47 189.41 198.88 211.67
Wage rate index (Agriculture) 218.55 234.48 249.91 267.68
Construction Materiel Price Index
(Building Materiel Price Index) 190.97 205.01 218.27 230.78
Planted Machinery 120.61 129.72 133.71 138.19
Transport equipment 150.59 162.41 165.95 171.42
Other capital goods
Unit Price Index
Unit price Index of Export 182.40 195.95 206.61 214.31
Unit Price Index of Import 212.37 224.94 237.18 246.03
Annual Percentage Change
Final consumption expenditure : 6.03 3.40 7.45 11.36
Household final consumption expenditure 5.82 3.00 7.43 11.02
General govt. final consumption expenditure 8.75 8.37 7.76 15.41
Gross capital formation 7.12 8.91 10.15 10.5
Exports of goods and services -2.83 2.20 2.34 8.09
Imports of goods and services 3.20 -7.09 2.88 27.01

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018 179

Public Finance
(Million Taka)
Income VAT
Excise Supl.Tax Supl.Tax
Period Customs Export Tax
Duty Domestic Import Total Domestic Import
July 11220.1 30.8 431.4 23412.0 21365.2 13920.8 35286.0 9958.9 5066.6
Aug 12613.8 65.3 326.2 25332.9 23134.3 14666.8 37801.1 13455.1 4987.2
Sep 13820.2 15.4 427.7 44712.8 31210.8 17096.6 48307.4 14659.2 5183.1
Oct 13092.6 55.6 477.0 33077.6 27437.6 16444.8 43882.4 15705.0 5361.0
Nov 15697.1 36.7 463.1 31385.5 33869.3 15989.1 49858.4 21602.9 5230.5
Dec 15938.2 35.8 2954.4 46109.9 28275.4 16607.0 44882.5 16443.9 5091.7
Jan 14907.0 11.2 4647.7 34471.4 26091.7 17197.4 43289.1 15727.6 4960.8
Feb 14839.9 9.8 3025.6 32470.1 25328.7 16419.2 41747.9 15078.4 5998.8
Mar 16607.6 16.1 1130.6 52170.3 28167.0 18638.4 46805.4 17680.6 5485.1
April 14471.6 14.5 702.7 53486.5 27719.3 17442.5 45161.8 18677.1 5491.9
May 18330.2 9.6 750.4 40931.8 37164.6 19988.2 57152.8 19102.3 5949.7
June 18624.1 26.6 483.6 113890.0 38761.6 21426.7 60188.3 18217.5 6777.8
July 12424.7 21.5 397.8 26834.9 23850.9 14771.4 38622.3 12400.5 4497.4
Aug 17373.2 22.1 505.8 28611.7 30111.5 20632.6 50744.1 19108.1 7084.6
Sep 14438.1 4.7 540.9 51462.8 31841.6 18149.2 49990.8 21725.6 4918.4
Oct 15672.2 42.7 538.8 37103.8 33216.1 19430.9 52647.0 21591.8 5864.9
Nov 17790.9 30.7 619.6 39295.5. 32964.8 22133.9 55098.7 20060.5 6586.8
Dec 19218.8 32.6 5960.8 59393.6 33789.3 22495.9 56285.2 15823.6 5695.7
Jan 20854.1 8.0 3912.6 42757.2 34890.0 24253.9 59143.9 21779.6 6537.6
Feb 17110.9 10.2 2329.0 37447.1 31163.4 21348.0 52511.4 17775.1 6717.1
Mar 18696.5 25.9 1404.5 62585.2 35922.3 23543.0 59465.3 23257.1 7087.9
April 19012.9 8.6 673.5 51532.9 35595.6 23417.3 59012.9 23449.4 7237.1
May 19927.1 5.7 586.8 46114.1 34925.2 25152.8 60076.0 24164.3 7806.3
June 18909.7 14.1 698.4 144733.6 48226.2 20207.3 68433.5 23089.3 6078.9
July 19088.9 39.5 585.6 30570.4 29232.5 21963.1 51195.6 13733.3 6678.5
Aug 20713.8 33.9 778.7 38391.1 36052.9 23695.9 59748.8 21936.5 7236.0
Sep 16494.0 11.8 814.7 59164.9 35511.1 19086.2 54597.3 28805.2 5209.6
Oct 19599.8 53.4 854.9 39707.8 37468.6 23074.3 60542.9 23342.3 6554.9
Nov 22406.9 67.0 773.3 44920.1 38513.1 26460.7 64973.8 22121.7 7617.4
Dec 20762.6 24.5 6481.0 63071.6 37734.7 24372.1 62106.8 22296.0 5877.7
Jan 22024.8 34.1 3464.4 46289.7 39045.1 26739.8 65784.9 24624.8 7053.1
Feb 18681.5 28.7 2946.5 42939.5 39298.1 23087.7 62385.8 24348.1 6525.5
Mar 20848.9 15.2 1488.4 65511.0 37887.4 25804.9 63692.3 26892.2 6707.6
April 22267.9 23.2 1039.1 43478.9 41787.3 28154.4 69941.7 33329.4 6694.5
May 21896.9 11.7 914.8 50847.7 40385.6 28108.9 68494.4 29018.1 7049.1
June 20224.3 14.7 662.2 141033.0 59643.6 23116.5 82760.1 23836.5 5917.4
July 19423.2 50.0 450.2 34934.0 28614.4 22985.2 51599.6 21964.2 6038.6
Aug 18176.1 43.2 1068.3 39166.3 36332.8 24593.8 60926.6 24038.6 5843.2
Sep 21328.6 61.0 957.0 54407.5 39840.8 25852.1 65692.9 23582.8 7091.8
Oct 20496.1 129.0 1036.1 39019.1 44087.8 27743.1 71830.9 22776.0 6478.6
Nov 19283.6 32.9 1053.5 44320.5 44088.6 28951.5 73040.1 28045.0 6458.2
Dec 17642.0 14.6 3119.0 66693.4 43717.7 24388.4 68106.1 21328.5 5097.8
Source: National Board of Revenue.

180 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018.

Public Finance
(Million Taka)
Period Others Registration Land Revenue Forest Revenue Post Office Revenue
May 1105.1 2092.5 416.2 122.1 175.7
June 729.1 1858.5 810.2 80.6 935.4
July 689.7 1480.8 120.5 36.1 151.1
Aug 688.1 2026.5 274.4 55.9 160.2
Sep 790.0 1811.3 239.4 55.4 149.9
Oct 639.6 1951.6 294.4 68.8 143.6
Nov 869.7 2131.4 356.4 74.4 161.1
Dec 785.9 2010.9 407.6 111.7 146.5
Jan 832.5 1890.2 379.1 86.9 177.9
Feb 742.8 1848.4 417.2 95.0 193.6
Mar 835.3 1923.2 464.8 109.3 200.1
April 1051.5 1884.1 591.4 97.2 163.6
May 1305.4 1980.2 671.3 84.6 195.7
June 4.8 1858.5 111.4 79.1 109.7
July 742.3 1480.8 158.2 37.2 172.4
Aug 825.1 2026.5 317.5 82.3 258.7
Sep 1057.9 1811.3 292.3 48.6 216.6
Oct 930.3 1802.6 368.6 75.1 230.6
Nov 977.1 1789.4 479.0 85.2 234.1
Dec 936.8 3682.2 455.2 81.4 183.9
Jan 931.0 1834.1 423.2 85.3 262.2
Feb 871.4 1726.9 402.6 98.6 223.6
Mar 755.0 2439.0 525.0 120.0 254.3
April 713.4 2179.1 612.0 97.8 251.7
May 687.0 1947.9 683.44 78.6 257.8
June 1133.5 1988.1 12123.5 112.9 1195.6
July 826.1 1968.1 368.1 49.7 246.7
Aug 886.8 1909.1 411.9 53.1 238.5
Sep 920.8 1817.3 450.5 58.3 221.1
Oct 914.9 2179.5 326.2 81.7 268.8
Nov 997.5 2441.0 448.6 89.6 225.1
Dec 955.1 2133.7 426.0 86.5 241.8
Jan 987.4 2856.1 430.5 123.2 279.7
Feb 926.5 2325.7 481.9 106.9 283.0
Mar 906.1 2509.1 530.2 112.8 236.1
April 946.7 1933.7 697.0 87.5 270.6
May 847.0 3760.2 547.3 92.9 269.9
June 1382.8 1736.4 383.0 58.3 1267.9
July 1193.5 2111.8 356.8 60.1 258.4
Aug 868.8 2875.8 314.6 60.1 241.1
Sep 886.8 2755.1 444.8 60.0 297.1
Oct 922.1 2481.6 388.6 96.8 305.2
Nov 955.3 2447.9 422.9 89.6 278.7
Dec 946.4 2818.6 2382.3 69.1 223.9
Source: 1) National Board of Revenue 2) Ministry of Land Administration and Land Records (3) Forest Department
4)General Post Office.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018. 181

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Tk. in crore)
Net Foreign Assets Domestic Credit
Bangladesh Government (Net)
End of Period DMB Total (1+2)
Bank Bangladesh Bank DMB Total (4+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6
June 177393.7 11827.5 189221.2 810.5 109446.8 110257.3
July 184570.8 12249.4 196820.2 3032.3 118693.6 121725.9
Aug 186355.4 12119.6 198475.0 -6762.2 122449.4 115687.2
Sep 191613.9 12162.0 203775.9 -4916.6 123089.3 118172.7
Oct 191643.1 11713.6 203356.7 -5215.6 117845.0 112629.4
Nov 193250.9 12502.8 205753.7 -4296.5 114406.5 110110.0
Dec 196508.0 12809.4 209317.4 -3321.5 106810.2 103488.7
Jan 197995.7 12596.9 210592.6 -5345.9 105436.0 100090.1
Feb 203032.4 11638.2 214670.6 1100.9 101591.3 102692.2
Mar 207417.5 12910.0 220327.5 4723.6 95054.5 99778.1
April 210707.2 11980.9 222688.1 831.0 96711.5 97542.5
May 211693.2 12034.1 223727.3 2794.7 99314.7 102109.4
June 218904.1 14231.5 233135.6 13373.7 100845.8 114219.5
July 222971.6 12913.8 235885.4 -254.7 116912.7 116658.0
Aug 227994.8 13540.2 241535.0 -1519.1 114843.3 113324.2
Sep 233071.6 13674.2 246745.8 1004.4 112659.1 113663.5
Oct 234188.5 13125.2 247313.7 1350.8 108661.6 110012.4
Nov 233489.3 11566.6 245055.9 3205.6 105438.9 108644.5
Dec 235538.8 11709.5 247248.3 4872.5 93766.3 98638.8
Jan 236674.5 11331.7 248006.2 923.2 95436.9 96360.1
Feb 240191.5 12306.8 252498.3 -470.3 93995.9 93525.6
Mar 242368.9 11777.0 254145.9 -218.8 90530.9 90312.1
April 242030.0 12307.1 254337.1 2900.4 81265.7 84166.1
May 246330.1 11187.7 257517.8 8419.9 74177.7 82597.6
June 252027.0 14670.0 266697.0 12977.7 84355.8 97333.5
July 251647.8 13105.3 264753.1 3564.5 91195.3 94759.8
Aug 251630.1 14305.3 265935.4 14699.8 86587.6 101287.4
Sep 250809.7 12244.6 263054.3 6694.8 87743.3 94438.1
Oct 251637.5 11537.9 263175.4 8497.3 83686.1 92183.4
Nov 252830.0 9708.5 262538.5 8979.1 83624.0 92603.1
Dec 253497.7 10526.1 264023.8 9238.6 78037.9 87276.5
Jan 253560.4 9127.9 262688.3 7367.2 73666.2 81033.4
Feb 253570.9 8786.0 262356.9 7078.4 67990.9 75069.3
Mar 252905.8 10165.6 263071.4 10068.4 64507.1 74575.5
April 251317.0 7482.2 258799.2 10370.6 61258.3 71628.9
May 252375.2 8685.9 261061.1 10663.6 66033.1 76696.7
June 253242.4 11164.6 264407.0 22570.2 72322.7 94892.9
July 251973.1 11327.6 263300.7 12131.7 85050.8 97182.5
Aug 254675.2 12613.9 267289.1 17116.9 84575.1 101692.0
Sep 251729.4 13507.3 265236.7 10446.5 85248.6 95695.1
Oct 248150.4 12242.9 260393.3 14507.2 81161.7 95668.9
Nov 245304.3 12402.6 257706.9 15583.1 82203.6 97786.7
Dec 247691.7 17008.5 264700.2 21067.4 77084.7 98152.1

182 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Banking and Monetary Statistics


(Tk. in crore)
Domestic Credit
Bangladesh Other Total Private Total Net Other Domestic
Bank Public (7+8) Sector Domestic Asset Asset
End of Period
Sector Credit (11+12)
DMB (6+9+10)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
June 2160.8 14509.0 16669.8 574599.3 701526.4 -103133.9 598392.5
July 2238.7 13301.2 15539.9 573668.7 710934.5 -103073.1 607861.9
Aug 2174.6 13513.1 15687.7 578176.9 709551.8 -102648.8 606903.0
Sep 2127.8 13656.1 15783.9 589685.6 723642.2 -105945.0 617697.2
Oct 2123.8 14022.6 16146.4 594677.4 723453.2 -106552.8 616900.4
Nov 2116.2 14127.0 16243.2 603922.7 730275.9 -110847.6 619428.3
Dec 2110.0 14538.9 16648.9 620506.9 740644.5 -111847.7 628796.8
Jan 2100.5 15702.4 17802.9 622199.8 740092.8 -116184.3 623908.5
Feb 2081.4 14938.5 17019.9 627960.5 747672.6 -117307.2 630365.4
Mar 2031.3 15239.1 17270.4 636442.4 753490.9 -120633.6 632857.3
April 2035.6 15104.1 17139.7 644733.6 759415.8 -120689.3 638726.5
May 2015.1 15068.3 17083.4 654017.2 773210.0 -120843.6 652366.4
June 2015.5 14035.6 16051.1 671009.3 801279.9 -118037.6 683242.3
July 2006.8 13991.8 15998.6 665311.8 797968.4 -120549.1 677419.3
Aug 2009.6 14100.1 16109.7 671924.6 801358.5 -120010.4 681348.1
Sep 1986.2 13926.1 15912.3 680137.0 809712.8 -124935.4 684777.4
Oct 1988.9 13428.6 15417.5 685080.8 810510.7 -124597.8 685912.9
Nov 1994.0 13751.5 15745.5 694558.1 818948.1 -125282.6 693665.5
Dec 1926.2 14453.5 16379.7 717019.5 832038.0 -125232.5 706805.5
Jan 1868.6 14368.7 16237 719352.8 831950.2 -128373.5 703576.7
Feb 1871.3 13782.3 15653.6 727701.1 836880.3 -131492.1 705388.2
Mar 1849.4 14439.0 16288.4 738640.8 845241.3 -134564.1 710677.2
April 1851.9 15002.2 16854.1 749247.8 850268.0 -133341.4 716926.6
May 2154.0 15233.5 17387.5 758849.7 858834.8 -137872.5 720962.3
June 2157.8 15122.4 17280.2 776056.5 890670.2 -141291.1 744838.6
July 2147.5 15420.4 17567.9 778015.6 890343.3 -145504.7 744838.6
Aug 2150.2 15541.5 17691.7 791807.1 910786.2 -145569.9 765216.3
Sep 2152.6 15524.7 17677.3 801225.5 913340.9 -147694.4 765646.5
Oct 2154.9 15876.5 18031.4 812679.8 922894.6 -152848.2 770046.4
Nov 2157.4 15984.2 18141.6 826943.6 937688.3 -159861.6 777826.7
Dec 2160.0 1646515 18625.5 846087.5 951989 -160014.4 791975.1
Jan 2208.4 16186.8 18395.2 851414.9 950843.5 -165469.6 785373.9
Feb 2211.1 16347.7 18558.8 862224.8 955852.9 -166663.07 789189.9
Mar 2213.9 15984.5 18198.4 871431.5 964205.4 -173163.6 791041.8
April 2342.0 16992.3 19334.3 881510.8 972474.0 -171805.0 800669.0
May 2385.4 17421.9 19807.3 892403.4 988907.4 -171670.4 817237.0
June 2367.8 16832.3 19200.1 907550.4 1021643.4 -176072.5 845570.9
July 2356.5 17127.7 19484.2 901465.6 1018132.3 -175272.3 842860.0
Aug 2359.9 17066.9 19426.8 910166.0 1031284.8 -174619.6 856665.2
Sep 2363.2 17268.9 19632.1 918745.6 1034072.8 -180414.9 853657.9
Oct 2366.7 17861.6 20228.3 932345.0 1048242.2 -182810.5 865431.7
Nov 2370.1 19224.5 21594.6 942793.5 1062174.8 -188378.5 873796.3
Dec 2373.5 20973.2 23346.7 958851.2 1080350.0 -189689.5 890660.5
Note: Since July 1994, the Scheduled Banks are termed as Deposit Money Banks (DMB) due to inclusion of BSBL.
Source: Economic Trends and Bangladesh Bank Bulletin

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. 183

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Tk. in crore)
Money Time Broad
Demand Supply Deposit Money
End of Period Outside
Deposit (M1) (Quassi (M2)
(14+15) Money) (16+17)
14 15 16 17 18
Apr 82879.8 63913.5 146793.3 607957.3 754750.6
May 83775.8 66405.0 150180.8 617711.6 767892.4
June 87940.8 72383.8 160324.6 626799.9 787124.5
July 93901.4 70229.0 164130.4 640066.6 804197.0
Aug 89250.3 69174.4 158424.7 646455.5 804880.2
Sep 102255.2 69915.7 172170.9 648804.2 820975.1
Oct 93888.5 69997.0 163885.5 655862.5 819748.0
Nov 102255.2 69915.7 172170.9 661983.0 824669.1
Dec 92545.3 75228.2 167773.5 669794.9 837568.4
Jan 92669.7 73565.9 166235.6 667740.3 833975.9
Feb 94137.4 74296.7 168434.1 676038.6 844472.7
Mar 96596.2 74303.8 170900.0 681687.6 852587.6
April 98745.5 74736.8 173482.3 687373.3 860855.6
May 101562.0 79201.8 180763.8 694771.0 875534.8
June 122074.5 89759.1 211833.6 703947.2 915780.8
July 109025.0 87334.7 196359.7 716365.2 912724.9
Aug 112113.8 85653.9 197767.7 724519.6 922287.3
Sep 118129.3 82620.4 200749.7 730134.7 930884.4
Oct 112704.5 84391.1 197095.6 735498.4 932594.0
Nov 111242.0 85570.1 196812.1 741270.0 938082.1
Dec 113153.4 90660.7 203814.1 749607.5 953421.6
Jan 112567.6 85567.2 198134.8 752788.2 950923.0
Feb 112499.7 87571.7 200071.4 757175.2 957246.6
Mar 114109.9 87858.8 201968.7 762214.4 964183.1
April 113757.5 89877.1 203634.6 766967.7 970602.3
May 117136.5 91234.7 208371.2 769468.3 977839.5
June 137531.8 101885.2 239417 775997.6 1015414.6
July 126258.4 98980.8 225239.2 783688.3 1008927.5
Aug 147823.4 94907.0 242730.4 787748.4 1030478.8
Sep 132823.2 97812.8 230636.0 797377.4 1028013.4
Oct 126764.6 99301.3 226065.9 806477.3 1032543.2
Nov 126883.2 99526.6 226409.8 813273.3 1039683.1
Dec 129149.2 103970.1 233119.3 822209.2 1055328.5
Jan 128248.3 97526.3 225774.6 821620.1 1047394.7
Feb 128338.1 97459.3 225797.4 825001.0 1050798.4
Mar 128133.1 96438.6 224571.7 828841.1 1053412.8
April 128346.7 97967.9 226314.6 832313.3 1058627.9
May 133443.9 99762.9 233206.8 844438.9 1077646.0
June 140917.5 113217.1 254134.6 855087.3 1109221.9
July 137702.3 106870.3 244572.6 860756.6 1105329.2
Aug 153394.6 103018.3 256412.9 866797.8 1123210.7
Sep 141018.9 103162.1 244181.0 873958.6 1118139.6
Oct 139078.1 104949.5 244027.6 881083.1 1125110.7
Nov 139109.2 104361.1 243470.3 887329.3 1130799.6
Dec 144679.1 110076.3 254755.4 899904.7 1154660.1
Note: Since July 1994, the Scheduled Banks are termed as Deposit 107669.4Money Banks (DMB) due to inclusion of BSBL.
Source: Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank

184 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Bangladesh Bank)
(Million Taka)
Liabilities Assets
Period Notes in Deposit Foreign Credits Foreign
Circulatio Scheduled Govern- Liabilitie Scheduled Governmen Assets
n Total Banks ment s Total Banks t Others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Apr 902607 595557 475576 119981 81548 154872 56716 98156 - 202921
May 925853 542283 491491 50792 77616 154993 56818 98175 - 199259
June 973615 499746 498389 1357 80184 177137 56592 120545 - 198459
July 1025072 521854 518393 3461 82519 220195 61011 159184 - 205013
Aug 978037 551897 527306 24591 78696 154533 58326 96207 - 199892
Sep 1115989 507195 497542 9653 83055 156610 60440 96170 - 204675
Oct 1016637 629164 610241 18928 78385 156633 60455 96178 - 195521
Nov 999155 575039 564213 10826 76863 157204 61020 96184 - 201890
Dec 1005131 606053 583586 22470 77346 163951 59463 104488 - 205440
Jan 1017050 667171 587438 79733 79053 175072 59690 115382 - 205023
Feb 1029731 599843 579582 20261 77160 174961 59565 115396 - 193544
Mar 1042479 568959 568450 509 81378 184858 53479 131379 - 210478
April 1062726 603544 581647 21897 75653 169742 54304 115438 - 195462
May 1106592 632504 614598 17906 77193 178831 54035 124796 - 197534
June 1307287 609432 608961 471 78048 280355 60244 220111 - 220363
July 1180911 669377 621948 47429 77547 201970 49367 152603 - 206685
Aug 1205582 653301 605948 47353 75919 205399 52568 152831 - 211322
Sep 1266874 640364 615585 24779 76391 199439 52284 147155 - 213133
Oct 1218576 657962 632343 25619 70980 195298 52107 143191 - 202232
Nov 1199122 671535 654653 16882 69559 192518 49234 143284 - 185226
Dec 1218194 706840 681417 25423 66551 191565 48850 142715 - 183646
Jan 1214482 711751 655831 55920 62913 172427 51198 121229 - 176230
Feb 1219809 757720 677451 80269 61706 172348 50975 121373 - 184774
Mar 1229503 759261 681384 77877 61542 171816 51378 120438 - 179312
April 1233432 708798 666416 42382 61928 173435 53010 120425 - 184999
May 1273645 671304 670873 431 65441 176049 51195 124854 - 177318
June 1497247 734234 733942 292 62498 210608 50544 160064 - 209198
July 1369563 766071 717913 48158 66678 176541 48098 128443 - 197731
Aug 1576547 710450 709963 487 70010 237309 49865 187444 - 213062
Sep 1425872 733680 711291 22389 73359 181514 52765 128749 - 195805
Oct 1375333 716237 712017 4220 69014 183126 55665 127461 - 184393
Nov 1367015 710396 707786 2610 78162 189373 54506 134867 - 175248
Dec 1391509 775815 762973 12842 80525 182726 49204 133522 - 185785
Jan 1387593 735745 700292 35453 86775 181813 50105 131708 - 178054
Feb 1395923 729630 694280 35350 87986 166817 49924 116893 - 175846
Mar 1386485 729362 720745 8617 80376 169171 50649 118522 - 182032
April 1393703 716449 714840 1609 96264 182519 55885 126634 - 171085
May 145099.2 645315 644140 1175 92871 173506 54582 118924 - 179730
June 153411.2 788319 787994 325 84254 295029 55997 239032 - 195901
July 149492.8 731015 702481 28534 83208 218704 49982 168722 - 196484
Aug 166059.1 671036 667841 3195 107151 258631 49597 209034 - 233290
Sep 153996.0 758450 729658 28792 88633 214112 50099 164013 - 223706
Oct 150900.6 757486 756940 546 92362 231531 49848 181683 - 214792
Nov 150750.7 732769 730556 2213 81676 251489 51953 199536 - 205702
Dec 156833.0 763114 762969 145 78903 304682 58576 246106 - 248988
Source: Bangladesh Bank.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. 185

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Scheduled Banks)
(Million Taka)
Liabilities Assets
Deposits (1) Foreign Liquid assets
Period Exchange Balance with Of which
Total Demand Time Reserve Total Cash Bangladesh Excess
h Bank
Bank Reserves
July 7102956 702290 6400666 1987080 61011 742712 74533 522785 145394
Aug 7156299 691744 6464555 2042470 58326 754634 65676 535071 153887
Sep 7187199 699157 6488042 2058017 60440 669502 57595 497143 114764
Oct 7258595 699970 6558625 2115027 60455 922950 47289 631520 244141
Nov 7391144 711314 6619830 2091466 61020 795122 48376 569053 177693
Dec 7450231 752282 6697949 2166237 59463 847344 78415 583638 185291
Jan 7413062 735659 6677403 2138479 59690 872913 71940 598325 202648
Feb 7503353 742967 6760386 2224309 59565 843294 77222 582840 183232
Mar 7559914 743038 6816876 2239149 53479 823710 84434 571616 167660
April 7621101 747368 6873733 2304547 54304 863547 93776 588588 181183
May 7739728 792018 6947710 2281852 54035 921347 92112 621324 207911
June 7943530 897591 7045939 2393393 60244 905978 120349 605305 180324
July 8036999 873347 7163652 2384112 49367 880314 92024 607666 180624
Aug 8101735 856539 7245196 2471763 52568 865288 75666 610607 179015
Sep 8127551 826204 7301347 2489484 52284 853640 70673 607751 175216
Oct 8198895 843911 7354984 2529375 52107 886062 69447 626901 189714
Nov 8268401 855701 7412700 2497043 49234 961095 93235 654476 213384
Dec 8402682 906607 7496075 2554252 48850 1038604 155850 666180 216574
Jan 8383554 855672 7527882 2537132 51198 972187 126995 646285 198907
Feb 8447469 875717 7571752 2613259 50975 1012887 129769 666745 216373
Mar 8500732 878588 7622144 2595722 51378 1042845 151718 672031 219096
April 8568448 898771 7669677 2638196 53010 1045617 183842 660144 201631
May 8607030 912347 7694683 2626100 51195 1055244 188966 652662 213616
June 8778828 1018852 7759976 2729538 50544 1237751 224014 731847 281890
July 8826691 989808 7836883 2691926 48098 1159529 206010 702115 251404
Aug 8826553 949069 7877484 2742212 49865 1160001 228381 691484 240136
Sep 8951902 978128 7973774 2682394 52765 1136090 239366 687950 208774
Oct 9057786 993013 8064773 2735637 55665 1216659 260221 685853 270585
Nov 9127999 995266 8132733 2715912 54506 1247840 272172 697663 278005
Dec 9261793 1039701 8222092 2779646 49204 1312647 295854 746452 270341
Jan 9191464 975263 8216201 2742928 50105 1167613 256962 690805 219846
Feb 9224603 974593 8250010 2801858 49924 1136143 278904 665306 191933
Mar 9252797 964386 8288411 2721713 50649 1188376 310398 712202 165776
April 9302812 979679 8323133 2762721 55885 1190803 329614 711101 150088
May 9442018 997629 8444389 2725081 54582 1258628 331909 616126 236028
June 9683044 1132171 8550873 2773853 55997 1272114 351200 772650 231399
July 9676269 1068703 8607566 2707380 49982 1252785 526175 705950 206960
Aug 9698161 1030183 8667978 2777637 49597 1193197 332891 680426 179880
Sep 9771207 1031621 8739586 2695542 50099 1217959 333065 714033 170861
Oct 9860326 1049495 8810831 2706707 49848 1256400 339018 747059 170323
Nov 9916904 1043611 887329.3 2623610 51953 1254274 341038 720541 192695
Dec 1009981 1100763 8999047 2703364 58576 1296171 368290 752797 175084

186 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Scheduled Bank)
(Million Taka)
Credits (2) Credit/Deposit Ratios (percent)
Period Total Money Investment Advances Bills Total Advance
at Call Credit and Bills
April 6816618 10120 1741429 4874430 190639 103 74
May 6763069 5900 1683532 4883444 190193 103 75
June 6905074 4300 1672437 5028040 200297 103 76
July 6926056 5060 1748370 4964071 208555 103 75
Aug 6992939 7950 1799810 4980054 205125 103 74
Sep 7157097 9850 1800863 5130261 216123 103 75
Oct 7167444 12340 1772611 5172879 209614 103 75
Nov 7201075 10860 1747735 5238135 204345 103 76
Dec 7400587 10620 1716843 5474695 198429 103 77
Jan 7372480 9070 1680858 5489547 193005 103 77
Feb 7359038 8100 1637391 5504943 208604 103 78
Mar 7435186 6400 1608281 5605471 215034 103 78
April 7505839 10200 1636409 5640076 219154 103 78
May 7592188 5950 1663437 5702103 220698 103 78
June 7815079 3650 1707188 5863741 240500 103 78
July 7823065 4000 1807414 5775967 235684 103 77
Aug 7864826 7550 1799476 5827245 230555 103 77
Sep 7945760 3500 1778047 5927691 236522 103 78
Oct 7947768 2150 1754629 5956643 234346 103 78
Nov 7990100 2600 1714482 6037649 235369 103 79
Dec 8234848 4900 1678113 6309406 242429 103 80
Jan 8217138 4500 1661279 6314688 236671 103 80
Feb 8250630 4000 1642708 6335680 268242 103 80
Mar 8337813 4350 1613544 6448700 271219 103 81
April 8341042 5750 1566613 6495406 273273 103 81
May 8392733 4650 1524175 6586309 277599 103 82
June 8707990 3050 1646209 6769284 289447 103 81
July 8707198 970 1659454 6755800 290974 103 81
Aug 8800949 - 1646185 6854942 299822 104 81
Sep 8937019 - 1655070 6990949 291000 103 81
Oct 8985840 - 1624878 7062309 298653 103 82
Nov 9102179 - 1619702 7178082 304395 103 82
Dec 9352604 - 1617166 7417035 318403 104 83
Jan 9359459 - 1585043 7484868 289548 103 83
Feb 9443318 - 1572297 7581288 289733 103 83
Mar 9520871 - 1549178 7681476 290217 103 84
April 9568457 - 1544204 7733429 290824 103 84
May 9696695 - 1591313 7812738 292644 103 84
June 9973539 200 1674371 8016585 282383 103 83
July 9840039 150 1651462 7915842 272585 103 83
Aug 10314546 - 1636401 8397464 280681 103 82
Sep 10079501 - 1748290 8068846 262365 103 83
Oct 10186113 - 1742883 8175782 267448 103 83
Nov 10295472 - 1769729 8249684 276059 103 83
Dec 10524417 - 1734365 8512215 277837 103 84
Source: Bangladesh Bank. * corrected.

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. 187

Banking and Monetary Statistics


Period Taka per Taka per Taka per Taka per Taka per Taka per
Pound Sterling U.S. Dollar EURO Yen Saudi Riyal Malaysian
May 120.2200 77.8000 86.9000 0.6400 20.7500 21.6200
June 121.1700 77.8000 87.3500 0.6300 20.7500 20.8000
July 121.0700 77.8000 85.6300 0.6300 20.7400 20.4700
Aug 121.2900 77.8000 86.6100 0.6300 20.7400 19.1900
Sep 119.3700 77.8000 87.4400 0.6500 20.7500 18.0700
Oct 119.2300 77.8200 87.3100 0.6500 20.7600 18.2600
Nov 119.3100 78.5300 84.2900 0.6400 20.9300 18.2000
Dec 118.1900 78.7800 85.8000 0.6500 20.9900 18.4000
Jan 113.2300 78.5000 85.3200 0.6600 20.9200 18.1200
Dec 112.5200 78.5500 87.2400 0.6800 20.9400 18.7700
Mar 111.7100 78.4100 87.2400 0.6900 20.9100 19.2400
April 112.1400 78.4000 88.8900 0.7100 20.9100 20.0900
May 113.8700 78.4000 88.6600 0.7200 20.9000 19.4000
June 111.7000 78.4000 88.1300 0.7400 20.9000 19.1800
July 103.1800 78.4000 86.7500 0.7500 20.9000 19.5100
Aug 102.7100 78.4000 87.8400 0.7700 20.9100 19.4700
Sep 103.1000 78.4000 87.8700 0.7700 20.90 19.0900
Oct 97.0300 78.4000 86.5600 0.7600 20.90 18.7800
Nov 97.6900 78.5400 84.8400 0.7300 20.9900 18.1300
Dec 98.3700 78.8000 83.1000 0.6800 20.9800 17.6700
Jan 97.3400 78.8600 83.7700 0.6900 21.0300 17.6900
Feb 98.9700 79.2400 84.4000 0.7000 21.1300 17.8300
Mar 98.1600 79.5400 85.0100 0.7000 21.2100 17.9200
April 100.8000 79.8400 85.4800 0.7300 21.2900 18.1200
May 104.0500 80.4900 88.9700 0.7200 21.4600 18.6500
June 103.1200 80.5900 90.5100 0.7300 21.4900 18.8400
July 104.8000 80.6300 92.8300 0.7200 21.5000 18.8000
Aug 104.6900 80.6900 95.3700 0.7300 21.5200 18.8400
Sep 107.2100 80.7400 96.1400 0.7300 21.5300 19.1500
Oct 106.8200 80.8200 95.1000 0.7200 21.5500 19.1100
Nov 107.4500 81.2600 95.3300 0.7200 21.6700 19.4700
Dec 110.5900 82.5500 97.6900 0.7300 22.0100 20.2400
Jan 114.2100 82.8200 100.8100 0.7500 22.0800 20.9100
Feb 115.8900 82.9200 102.4000 0.7700 22.1100 21.2100
Mar 115.8700 82.9600 102.3200 0.7800 22.1200 21.2500
April 116.8100 82.9700 101.9700 0.7700 22.1300 21.3500
May 112.2800 83.3800 98.5100 0.7600 22.2300 21.0400
June 111.3000 83.7000 97.7900 0.7600 22.3200 20.9400
July 110.4000 83.7500 97.9000 0.7500 22.3300 20.6800
Aug 107.8600 83.7500 96.7400 0.7500 22.3300 20.4700
Sep 109.2200 83.7500 97.5800 0.7500 22.3300 20.2300
Oct 109.2300 83.8200 96.3300 0.7400 22.3500 20.1600
Nov 108.2200 83.8700 95.3400 0.7400 22.3600 20.0400
Dec 106.3600 83.9000 95.3300 0.7500 22.3600 20.1000
Source: Bangladesh Bank

188 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Banking and Monetary Statistics


(Savings Certificates)
(Taka in crore)
Sl 2018-19 Taka in `000 Through Bank Through Saving Bureau
Name of Project Deposit Repayment Net Deposit Repayment Net Deposit Repayment Net
Nett Interest Nett Interest Nett Interest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Protirakkha -
1 - 29.90 19.10 29.90 - - - -
5 Years Bangladesh
2 4912.00 4161.30 2704.90 750.70 367.86 183.44 36.42 184.42 64.19 111.93 26.24 47.74
sanchaya patra`
3 3 Years sanchaya patra - 22.40 14.50 22.40 - - - - - - - -
4 Bonus sanchaya patra - 17.50 11.40 17.50 - - - - - - - -
Half yearly profit based
5 - 126.30 82.10 126.30 - - - - - - - -
sanchaya patra
6 Paribar sanchaya patra 21405.30 12912.20 8394.00 8493.10 450.60 157.54 263.78 293.06 662.18 488.42 312.35 173.76
Quarterly profit based
7 18929.30 9964.80 6477.10 8964.50 694.21 252.01 99.21 442.20 447.69 96.39 125.27 351.30
sanchaya patra
8 Deposit sanchaya patra - 19.60 12.70 19.60 - - - - - - - -
Pensioner sanchaya
9 4991.90 2484.20 1614.70 2507.70 169.36 37.76 56.71 131.60 54.87 70.14 80.21 15.27
Post office savings
10 - - - - - - - - - - - -
(KA) Ordinary 1996.70 1192.90 775.40 803.80 - - - - - - - -
(KHA) Fixed 10223.40 4750.80 3088.00 5472.60 - - - - - - - -
(GA) Bonus Hisab - 16.10 10.50 16.10 - - - - - - - -
11 Postal life Insurance 59.90 64.50 42.00 4.60 - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total 62518.50 35762.50 23246.40 26756.00 1682.03 630.75 456.12 1051.28 1228.93 766.88 544.07 462.05
12 Bangladesh prize bond 59.90 68.70 44.70 8.80 3.63 0.21 4.65 3.42 - - - -
Wage Earner`s
13 1557.40 1614.00 1049.10 56.60 90.97 46.99 92.49 43.98 - - - -
development bond
3 Years National
14 - 42.10 27.40 42.10 - 0.05 - 0.05 - - - -
investment bond
U.S Dollar Premium
15 21.50 84.20 54.70 62.70 0.98 - 0.16 0.98 - - - -
U.S Dollar investment
16 207.60 596.40 387.70 388.80 15.49 93.21 6.71 77.72 - - - -
17 Sub-Total 1846.40 2405.40 1563.60 559.00 111.07 140.46 104.01 29.39 - - - -
18 Grand Total 64364.90 38167.90 24810.00 26197.00 1793.10 771.21 560.13 1021.89 1228.93 766.88 544.07 462.05

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. 189

Banking and Monetary Statistics


(Savings Certificates) December/2018
(Taka in crore)
Through Post Office Investment in December-2018 Investment in July-2018 to December-2018
Name of Project Taka in `000
Deposit Repayment Net Deposit Repayment Net Deposit Repayment Net
Nett Interest Nett Interest Nett Interest
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Protirakkha Sanchayapatra - 0.01 0.01 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 - 0.27 0.35 0.27
5 Years Bangladesh sanchaya
54.35 13.82 5.68 40.53 486.40 309.19 68.34 177.21 4825.13 2263.69 398.00 2561.45
3 Years sanchaya patra - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Bonus sanchaya patra - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Half yearly profit based
- - - - - - - - - - - -
sanchaya patra
6 Paribar sanchaya patra 1029.90 332.25 486.78 697.65 2142.68 978.21 1062.91 1164.47 12827.62 5112.20 5608.54 7715.42
7 Quarterly profit based
1032.56 472.37 236.38 560.19 2174.46 820.77 460.86 1353.69 13707.04 5247.16 3086.20 8459.88
sanchaya patra
8 Deposit sanchaya patra -- - - - - - - - - 0.01 - 0.01
9 Pensioner sanchaya patra 126.64 29.38 57.16 97.26 350.87 137.28 194.08 213.59 2527.18 937.30 1090.26 1589.88
10 Post office savings Bank - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Ka) Ordinary 233.69 228.76 5.47 4.93 233.69 228.76 5.47 4.93 1586.50 1360.89 30.37 225.61
(KHA) Fixed 972.25 527.00 152.26 445.25 972.25 527.00 152.26 445.25 7043.47 3181.90 847.28 3861.57
(GA) Bonus Hisab - - - - - - - - - - - -

11 Postal life insurance 8.22 6.34 2.01 1.88 8.22 6.34 2.01 1.88 45.82 43.97 14.61 1.85

Sub-Total 3457.60 1609.93 945.76 1847.67 6368.56 3007.56 1945.95 3361.00 42562.76 18147.76 11075.62 24415.36
12 Bangladesh prize bond - - - - 3.63 0.21 4.65 3.42 39.09 19.50 14.27 19.59
13 Wage earners development bond - - - - 90.97 46.99 92.49 43.98 685.51 132.05 483.91 553.46
14 3 Years national investment bond - - - - - 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.68 0.04 0.68
15 U.S Dollar investment bond - - - - 0.98 - 0.16 0.98 11.15 20.46 13.80 9.31
16 U.S Dollar investment bond - - - - 15.49 93.21 6.71 77.72 240.79 225.67 86.50 15.12
Total - - - - 111.07 140.46 104.01 29.39 976.54 398.36 598.52 578.18
Grand Total 3457.60 1609.93 945.76 1847.67 64979.63 3148.02 2049.96 3331.61 43539.30 18545.76 11674.14 24993.54
Source: directorate of national saving

190 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Banking and Monetary Statistics


(Amount in Lacs of Taka)
Sectors 31-03-12 30-06-12 30-09-12 30-12-12 31-03-13 30-06-13
Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount

A. Public sector 79812.57 86239.30 80565.74 82491.71 88133.56 89645.14

Government 8496.72 9626.20 9930.31 8500.51 8655.04 10541.63
Autonomous Semi-Autonomous
15420.60 15694.58 15946.32 16358.3 16867.81 19138.83
Financial institutions 2307.47 2835.19 2480.06 4294.10 2823.30 3358.70
Other Financial Institution (DMB) 2511.17 5008.23 2585.58 2558.19 6104.31 5898.71
Non-Financial Enterprises 48267.64 50023.21 46803.61 48078.96 50957.96 47453.05
Local Authorities 2303.19 2596.77 2428.40 2087.13 2280.74 2750.49
Others 505.78 455.12 391.46 614.52 444.40 503.73
B. Private Sectors 378882.28 400167.97 423475.30 449875.11 456754.11 482462.54
Agriculture & Fishing Professionals 14011.36 14825.47 16026.07 15213.89 13349.54 15699.40
Manufacturing Companies 24618.90 27912.50 28684.60 29551.39 31812.53 30929.75
Commerce & Trade 79967.26 75180.78 82257.12 94596.57 87921.44 81225.42
Transport Construction &Storage 2743.34 2745.16 3262.31 2601.94 2999.53 3708.87
Trust Funds and non-profit
3480.74 4480.34 5775.76 5070.10 5624.86 5832.47
Professional and self-employed
27544.60 27478.35 26573.00 25687.68 26703.81 23639.83
Financial institutions 23434.56 1834176 18198.86 21645.84 20105.75 22338.44
Others n.i.e. 203081.52 229203.61 242697.58 255507.70 268236.65 299088.36
Grand Total 458694.85 486407.27 504041.04 532366.82 544887.67 572107.68
Source : Bangladesh Bank

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh December-2018. 191

Banking and Monetary Statistics
(Amount in Lacs of Taka)
Sectors 31-12-11 31-03-12 30-06-12 30-09-12 30-12-12 30-06-13
Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount

Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 19577.77 18930.81 20930.18 20933.85 19909.82 22971.10
Industry other than working (capital
73101.57 75868.63 79625.96 77482.84 83861.05 89833.84
Construction 28527.43 31871.91 32034.40 33981.34 37333.05 38627.4
Water Works & Sanitary Services 106.22 102.23 154.91 122.31 117.93 78..05
Trade 130826.51 140453.45 149134.77 153604.21 158520.82 159356.84
Storage 929.71 837.59 1000.91 1007.37 1035.10 648.56
Transport and Communications 7180.08 7860.25 7974.07 9714.16 9281.85 9048.00
Working Capital Financing 19532.78 49347.95 50006.71 55602.95 54908.54 57047.66
Miscellaneous Services 40740.37 40834.52 45071.34 45990.11 45656.94 47192.74
Grand Total 350522.44 366107.34 385933.25 398439.14 410625.1 424804.47
Source : Bangladesh Bank

192 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Stock Market
Sl.No DSE Main Board December’18
1. Total Number of Listed Securities 578
2. Total Number of Companies 311
3. Total Number of Mutual Funds 37
4. Total Number of Debentures 8
5. Total Number of Treasury Bonds 221
6. Total Number of Corporate Bond 1


Sl.No DSE Main Board December’18
1. Total Number of Shares, Mutual Fund Certificates & Debentures of All Listed Securities 69108
2. Total Number of Shares of All Listed Companies 63537
3. Total Number of Certificates of All Listed Mutual Funds 5562
4. Total Number of Debentures of All Listed Debentures. 0.49
5. Total Number of Gov. T-Bonds 5.49
6. Total Number of All Listed Corporate Bonds 3.00


Sl.No DSE Main Board Tk mn US$ mn
Total Issued Capital of:
1. All Listed Securities 69108 14815
2. All Companies 63537 7573
3. All Mutual Funds 5562 663
4. All Debentures 0.49 4
5. All Govt. Bonds 5.49 6539
6. Listed Corporate Bonds 3.00 36
Total Market Capitalization of:
1. All Listed Securities 3869700 46123
2. All Companies Shares 3283256 39133
3. All Mutual Funds 34451 411
4. All Debentures 576 7
5. All Listed Govt. Bonds 548592 6539
6. All Corporate Bonds 2826 34
Conversion Rate 83.90


Sl.N December’18 November’18 Change in Month Month
o % High Low
1. DSE Broad Index (as of 27th December) 5385.64 5281.25 1.98 5385.64 5218.01
2. DSE 30 index (as of 27th December) 1880.78 1861.56 1.03 1880.78 1836.25
3. DSE Shariah Index (DSES) (as of 27th December) 1232.82 1223.47 0.76 1234.96 1201.51
4. Total Turnover Value (TK mn) 87056.42 116737.93 25.43 6834.86 3145.61
5. Total Turnover Value (US$ mn) 1037.62 1391.89 25.45 - -
6. Total Turnover Volume (in `000) 2341863 2817657 16.89 215842 84353
7. Market Capitalization (Tk mn) 3872953 3817824 1.44 3872953 3780161
8. Market Capitalization (US$ mn) 46162 45521 1.41 46162 45056
9. Daily Average Turnover (Tk mn) 4836 5837 17.14
10. Exponential Moving Average (as of 27th December)
1. DSE 30 Index (DS30) 1857.77 1860.06 0.12
2. DSE Board Index (DSES) 5307.57 5276.99 0.58
3. DSE Shariah Index (DSES) 1219.32 1220.53 0.10
Relative Strength Index (as of 27th December)
1. DSE 30 Index (DS30) 55.96 54.31 3.04
2. DSE Broad Index (DSEX) 56.16 58.84 4.55
3. DSE Shariah Index (DSES) 48.37 60.69 20.30
4. Market P/E x (as of 27th December) 15.19 14.61 3.97
5. Yield as of (as of 27th December) 3.58 3.78 5.46
6. Trading Days 18 20 10.00
7. 1 US$ 83.90 83.87 0.04
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange LTD.-

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 193

Stock Market


Food &
Financial Mutual Fuel & Jute Textile
Period Banks Institutions Engineering Allied
Funds Power Industries Industries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
June 36607.30 15119.20 2884.80 13566.40 23673.80 38616.10 71.10 9181.10
July 37812.95 15852.44 3206.52 14796.70 24266.43 40657.60 76.70 9498.15
Aug 39823.83 16204.85 3096.00 14680.32 24609.15 39474.94 103.58 9377.80
Sep 41273.92 16964.09 3011.36 15682.95 24357.67 39506.27 100.31 9308.67
Oct 40464.14 15733.09 3133.79 14576.46 23934.19 37022.13 92.52 8784.22
Nov 41069.16 14871.82 3043.44 15227.58 23010.13 34287.02 87.69 8350.09
Dec 41095.85 15076.35 3041.97 16068.27 24385.44 33426.69 86.00 8527.82
Jan 40269.62 14949.39 3250.94 15239.18 25218.55 33020.62 78.50 8861.40
Feb 38911.06 14702.07 3217.50 16675.09 23881.25 33171.50 81.31 8783.82
Mar 37491.18 14200.25 2854.99 15952.87 22612.52 32818.89 85.97 8785.39
April 35314.29 13046.94 2670.78 14169.38 23456.72 34548.77 81.62 7898.59
May 37566.16 13367.32 2747.12 15208.25 23652.18 35391.33 83.77 8202.26
June 39555.60 14567.24 3028.44 15529.82 24410.64 35133.68 79.35 8184.89
July 41602.77 14249.44 3085.68 15887.87 23983.73 34968.38 99.58 8135.49
Aug 41731.09 14394.69 2976.15 16608.08 22158.18 35403.73 105.69 8311.26
Sep 44183.58 15320.97 3118.19 17231.55 22626.96 36188.50 105.46 8698.69
Oct 43914.54 14233.71 2996.29 15596.31 22860.15 36349.63 104.21 8606.91
Nov 46169.42 15086.67 3118.31 16150.50 22840.68 36050.91 98.92 8994.71
Dec 48406.83 16099.03 3507.89 17911.52 23407.39 36027.12 98.40 10491.15
Jan 56937.19 21781.72 4016.12 18825.41 23313.75 39023.13 112.50 10967.08
Feb 56280.34 23013.56 3986.24 19735.27 23422.16 40310.35 113.36 11847.23
Mar 59415.09 25158.74 4089.25 19753.39 22483.54 38895.02 118.40 12260.85
April 53216.03 24170.85 4100.32 18392.71 22882.13 38462.30 135.11 11856.96
May 51905.25 23073.74 4130.93 18477.60 24138.34 39436.40 164.07 11762.77
June 56058.84 23379.76 4250.07 19062.42 24719.44 40486.99 154.69 12634.07
July 62267.71 25487.59 4351.51 20689.07 26176.55 40381.88 167.15 12800.25
Aug 67853.08 25205.36 4326.71 21500.99 25829.13 39952.58 195.30 12796.72
Sep 72373.62 25223.62 4318.88 19987.23 25565.92 58501.33 175.63 11993.13
Oct 71833.82 25721.98 4272.28 19471.72 25917.12 38340.16 159.36 11765.07
Nov 75820.79 24566.88 4190.30 19882.31 27786.03 38030.50 201.24 11594.38
Dec 75255.34 24402.91 4231.19 20819.07 28560.40 37284.27 195.97 12171.33
Jan 68078.38 23661.26 4168.90 20053.23 30724.53 36773.90 178.70 11566.11
Feb 64252.79 21512.80 4090.28 19110.33 29982.20 35970.02 182.42 11227.83
Mar 60953.91 20035.47 4181.02 18339.16 28443.49 34605.10 176.08 10798.21
April 62562.12 20358.26 4216.56 19175.24 28144.54 37373.75 181.67 11394.71
May 55549.30 18942.85 4106.82 18380.93 27430.87 37689.89 169.80 11313.93
June 56693.46 21015.18 4080.94 19059.03 27614.22 39752.85 194.55 11658.18
July 53392.55 19614.66 3956.85 20589.11 25829.75 43107.10 150.64 12889.48
Aug 61993.13 21545.88 4004.11 20392.90 25961.77 44897.80 164.89 13296.16
Sep 56161.61 19325.01 3485.06 20138.66 26230.34 45061.06 153.02 12971.73
Oct 56818.95 19362.34 3373.49 18019.90 26112.38 46446.75 237.05 13213.71
Nov 56036.21 18236.46 3365.16 17181.41 26221.50 42724.30 359.97 13988.67
Dec 58310.47 19152.71 3445.07 19067.69 27668.46 43216.32 473.34 14170.92
Note: Market Capitalization has been revised due to change in groups.
Source: Bangladesh Bank.

194 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Stock Market
(Taka in Crores)
Real Cements Aggregate
Period Pharmaceuticals Paper & Insurance Telecommu-
Estate & & Miscellaneous Market
Chemicals Printing Company nication
Services Ceramics Capital
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
May 35847.50 179.90 2313.10 18989.70 7676.70 46101.80 16098.65 263727.85
Jun 38646.10 256.60 2095.30 19413.80 7528.30 46505.80 16021.86 270187.56
July 41614.60 244.70 2007.10 20922.30 7500.84 46673.70 16819.80 281950.53
Aug 39824.61 222.21 1982.10 19180.27 7456.23 44657.42 16913.95 277607.26
Sep 42868.62 225.04 2155.66 19031.92 7678.81 40198.56 17897.78 280261.63
Oct 40818.65 207.84 1834.13 15845.32 7287.25 35311.51 16607.44 261652.68
Nov 41141.95 177.73 1977.20 15431.64 7251.66 37537.45 16167.03 259631.59
Dec 41456.59 185.25 2077.28 14687.83 8077.45 35945.22 16641.27 260779.28
Jan 41474.86 199.29 1887.01 14135.57 7797.23 36355.78 17466.33 260204.27
Feb 42160.20 190.45 1668.60 14613.22 7821.82 36353.82 17067.47 259299.18
Mar 41045.49 182.90 1650.05 13412.06 7645.16 32361.26 16825.80 247924.78
April 40225.36 143.27 1751.55 12337.64 7051.36 34940.24 16303.39 243939.90
May 40021.34 156.22 1928.07 15233.69 7118.83 36177.66 17070.63 253924.81
June 43424.77 150.29 1834.00 14872.71 7141.96 36209.40 17324.17 261446.46
July 42977.13 168.40 1719.51 13980.83 6993.10 39113.17 16782.06 263747.12
Aug 42183.44 165.24 1840.33 14711.22 7018.44 37451.68 16833.75 261892.95
Sep 42683.77 162.55 1879.22 15129.21 7481.74 38475.92 17521.55 270807.87
Oct 41622.76 136.48 1861.96 14492.21 7461.83 38834.43 17478.69 266550.11
Nov 42063.87 156.84 1911.53 14861.93 8166.74 40208.44 18671.57 274551.06
Dec 43371.25 162.11 2266.37 15699.39 8455.32 40317.80 19327.97 285549.53
Jan 46080.98 153.37 2352.75 15962.30 9116.26 42758.33 20433.10 311833.49
Feb 47640.36 159.26 2285.96 15917.88 9176.69 43760.85 20668.02 318317.53
Mar 48594.22 160.65 2676.78 14715.70 9234.43 46865.21 20161.24 324582.50
April 48926.18 155.80 2495.63 13710.93 8684.78 47573.24 19854.75 314617.22
May 48703.02 161.83 2442.37 13272.42 8238.07 46305.51 19637.70 311850.21
June 50185.28 192.57 2533.12 13144.56 8648.96 48484.85 20005.73 323941.34
July 49694.31 227.83 2594.49 13091.64 8863.33 53267.28 20469.16 340529.74
Aug 49881.28 224.63 2632.75 12653.93 8776.97 54548.63 20327.92 346705.48
Sep 51212.91 243.39 2432.25 12806.90 9292.74 57967.78 19587.57 351682.89
Oct 50443.51 168.17 2416.73 12486.83 9189.16 60981.12 19793.03 352960.05
Nov 49791.30 194.07 2193.13 12125.63 9502.86 65374.76 198839.88 361094.04
Dec 53078.67 193.88 2358.63 13856.30 9437.68 65272.30 19840.80 366958.71
Jan 55701.09 184.00 2217.13 12494.24 9061.12 69408.97 19183.84 363455.37
Feb 54536.39 201.69 2061.80 12407.58 8931.85 66249.99 19130.60 349148.55
Mar 53637.43 187.87 1966.89 11887.28 8932.74 63897.69 18575.26 336617.59
April 54009.99 189.10 2007.67 12136.80 9036.47 64956.90 19127.81 344871.59
May 50580.61 169.07 1915.92 11333.18 8616.29 57441.83 19496.92 323138.19
June 52211.76 215.68 1912.18 11754.67 8559.26 54210.05 17379.81 326311.80
July 49592.85 2509.29 2023.19 11563.64 8559.86 54179.45 21124.14 329082.26
Aug 49859.19 2306.68 2058.21 11360.03 8602.76 53683.45 20815.45 340942.40
Sep 48987.52 2229.61 1920.87 11444.37 10083.38 51304.67 20359.05 329855.95
Oct 49075.30 1885.78 1763.08 10322.63 9358.25 52666.30 19558.82 328214.72
Nov 48368.35 1849.95 1771.45 9594.04 9059.54 50418.31 20170.61 319345.92
Dec 50875.10 1740.83 1801.33 10196.23 10311.36 51138.39 20485.02 332053.23

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 195

Stock Market
(BASE: 1994-95=100)
Total Issued Total Number of
End of Period General Index Turn Over (Tk)
Capital Companies

1 2 3 4 5
Jun 4583.11 10061.01 54300.80 326
July 4792.31 9827.27 54343.77 326
Aug 4768.67 12935.40 54401.40 326
Sep 4852.08 8371.21 54785.60 327
Oct 4564.49 7335.71 55070.40 328
Nov 4581.00 7841.99 55225.10 329
Dec 4629.64 9161.19 55713.50 330
Jan 4540.89 11349.63 55966.10 333
Feb 4511.97 8642.15 56088.10 333
Mar 4357.54 7997.27 56269.00 331
April 4195.70 7504.74 56662.85 329
May 4195.70 8142.22 57221.41 329
June 4507.58 8138.30 57846.40 330
July 4525.35 6573.62 58105.81 330
August 4526.58 9629.29 58144.60 329
Sep 4695.19 8689.38 58244.20 330
Oct 4592.18 10560.50 58554.40 330
Nov 4801.24 14149.83 59005.80 330
Dec 5036.05 17780.21 59635.40 331
Jan 5468.34 34232.02 59798.40 331
Feb 5612.70 19404.84 60015.50 333
Mar 5719.61 21770.14 60945.60 335
April 5475.55 15317.78 60712.40 333
May 5403.12 12258.22 60896.40 333
June 5656.05 10156.38 61656.50 334
July 5860.65 20929.46 62124.00 335
August 6006.43 19589.24 62659.90 335
Sep 6092.84 19944.12 62910.80 335
Oct 6019.59 15697.43 63257.30 337
Nov 6306.86 18421.80 63353.88 338
Dec 6244.52 9238.28 64521.60 340
Jan 6039.78 10072.16 64567.20 339
Feb 5804.94 7679.69 64576.65 339
Mar 5597.44 6714.94 64849.10 341
April 5739.23 11494.73 65215.30 342
May 5343.88 9667.63 65921.80 343
June 5405.46 9635.70 67071.90 343
July 5302.64 18676.95 67413.72 343
August 5600.64 11495.26 67514.50 344
Sep 5368.96 14810.27 67955.40 346
Oct 5284.13 12737.05 68297.90 348
Nov 5281.25 11673.79 68483.00 349
Dec 5385.64 8705.64 69406.10 349
Note: Indices have been revised considering 1994-95 base year instead of 1986-87.
Source: Bangladesh Bank.

196 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December -2018

Stock Market


(BASE: 1994-95=100) (Tk. In core)

DSE Broad Total Number of

End of Period Turn Over (Tk) Total Issued Capital
index Companies

1 2 3 4 5
02/12/2018 5290.77 576.54 69406.10 349
03/12/2018 5296.55 549.86 69406.10 349
04/12/2018 5345.43 683.49 69406.10 349
05/12/2018 5361.11 679.60 69406.10 349
06/12/2018 5332.81 514.05 69406.10 349
09/12/2018 5306.23 516.79 69406.10 349
10/12/2018 5295.70 567.68 69406.10 349
11/12/2018 5275.76 483.46 69406.10 349
12/12/2018 5265.84 487.39 69406.10 349
13/12/2018 5251.02 499.70 69406.10 349
17/12/2018 5218.01 314.56 69406.10 349
18/12/2018 5233.59 334.09 69406.10 349
19/12/2018 5242.56 397.94 69406.10 349
20/12/2018 5265.32 462.86 69406.10 349
23/12/2018 5281.78 353.64 69406.10 349
24/12/2018 5300.09 357.42 69406.10 349
26/12/2018 5349.18 388.24 69406.10 349
27/12/2018 5385.64 538.34 69406.10 349
Note: Indices have been revised considering 1994-95 base year instead of 1986-87.
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 197

Foreign Assistance
(1990-91 TO 2016-17)
(Million US Dollar)
Year Opening Cancel/ Commitment Total Disbursement Ex.rate Disb/ Avlbl
Pipeline Trans.a Grant Loan Total Available Grant Loan Total Adjust.a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12=10/7%

1990-91 5915.160 135.657 485.064 885.280 1370.344 7149.847 831.463 901.112 1732.575 126.852 24.2

1991-92 5290.420 104.557 1140.428 775.182 1915.610 7101.473 817.250 794.218 1611.468 489.851 22.7

1992-93 5979.856 65.732 734.548 540.000 1274.548 7188.672 818.250 856.758 1675.008 201.301 23.3

1993-94 5312.363 330.472 463.850 1946.334 2410.184 7392.075 710.091 848.552 1558.643 76.403 21.1

1994-95 5914.939 188.621 860.905 751.307 1612.212 7338.530 890.121 848.970 1739.091 631.176 23.7

1995-96 6230.617 143.828 863.840 415.735 1279.575 7366.364 677.489 766.261 1443.750 491.377 19.8

1996-97 5431.237 722.771 842.250 818.867 1661.117 6369.583 736.069 745.161 1481.230 191.261 23.3

1997-98 4697.092 76.724 584.569 1206.146 1790.715 6144.083 502.842 748.531 1251.373 264.180 19.5

1998-99 4895.530 37.225 861.879 1786.637 2648.516 7506.821 669.346 866.711 1536.057 8.812 20.5

1999-00 5979.575 128.947 619.248 855.779 1475.027 7325.655 726.079 861.869 1587.948 14.633 21.7

2000-01 5752.268 210.604 937.729 1115.111 2052.840 7594.504 504.147 864.657 1368.804 367.745 18.0

2001-02 5857.955 117.826 401.769 476.975 878.744 6618.873 478.806 963.428 1442.234 272.847 21.8

2002-03 5450.047 15.610 383.298 1309.273 1692.571 7127.008 510147 1074.875 1585.022 179.848 22.2

2003-04 5738.109 8.075 886.778 036.302 1923.080 7653.114 338.452 694.980 1033.432 318.190 13.5

2004-05 6911.062 277.480 302.917 1277.790 1580.707 8214.289 244.229 1244.218 1488.447 31.302 18.1

2005-06 6694.542 256.439 628.381 1158.979 1787.360 8225.463 500.542 1067.094 1567.636 31.302 19.1

2006-07 6759.480 286.925 728.493 1527.635 2256.128 8728.683 590.171 1040.404 1630.575 171.335 18.7

2007-08 7288.340 -66.992 961.881 1880.563 2842.444 10067.792 658.115 1403.399 2061.514 555.330 20.5

2008-09 8682.135 -113.158 423.257 2121.060 2444.317 11013.294 657.805 1189.500 1847.305 -320.301 16.8

2009-10 8861.288 -97.049 555.147 2428.530 2983.677 11747.416 639.171 1588.603 2227.774 -90.781 19.0

2010-11 9429.360 -384.898 830.460 5138.166 5968.626 15013.088 745.100 1031.642 1776.742 628.526 11.8

2011-12 14151.983 -1037.566 1441.375 3323.150 4764.525 17828.942 587.996 1538.482 2126.478 -272.317 11.9

2012-13 15436.142 -1340.500 554.530 5300.077 5854.607 19950.249 726.274 2084.726 2811.000 -514.768 14.1

2013-14 16637.698 -1264.163 497.817 5346.400 5841.217 21217.752 680.729 2403.659 3084.388 41.561 14.5

2014-15 18174.791 -239.997 493.656 4764.809 5258.465 23193.259 570.825 2472.247 3043.072 -1458.308 13.1

2015-16 18693.624 -612.011 544.918 6503.157 7048.075 25129.688 530.555 3033.031 3563.586 501.814 14.2

2016-17 22067.919 -77.660 404.528 17557.322 17961.850 39952.109 459.350 3217.941 3677.291 -526.055 9.2

Notes: a-/ Cancellation / Transfer and Exchange Rate Adjustment were introduced from 1984-85. Exchange Rate Adjustment figure is not
available separately for 1984-85 to 1988-89 and is include within Cancellation/Transfer amount- 135.657.
Source: Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance.

198 Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018.

Standard Conversion Factors



SL. Multiply By
Unit Unit
NO. To Convert Col. 2 into Col. 3 To Convert Col. 3 into Col.2
1 2 3 4 5
1. Acre Bigha 3.025 0.3305785
2. Acre Decimal 100 0.01
3. Acre Hectare 0.4046856 2.471054
4. Acre Katha 60.5 0.0165289
5. Acre Sq. Meter 4046.856422 0.0002471054
6. Acre Sq. Mile 0.0015625 640
7. Acre Sq. Yard 4840 0.0002066
8. Acre Hectare 0.01 100
9. Acre Sq. Meter 100 0.01
10. Acre Decimal 2.471054 0.4046856
11. Bale (Cotton) Long Ton 0.175 5.7142857
12. Bale ( " ) Maund 4.763889 0.2099125
13. Bale ( " ) Metric Ton 0.17780821 5.6240372
14. Bale ( " ) Pound 392 0.0025510
15. Bale ( " ) Quintal 1.778082 0.56240372
16. Bale( " ) Short Ton 0.196 5.1020408
17. Bale ( Jute ) Long Ton 0.1785714 5.6
18. Bale( " ) Maund 4.861111 0.20571438
19. Bale( " ) Metric Ton 0.1814369 5.511557
20. Bale( " ) Pound 400 0.0025
21. Bale( " ) Quintal 1.8143695 0.5511557
22. Bale( " ) Short Ton 0.2 5
23. Bigha Acre 0.3305785 3.025
24. Bigha Are 13.378038 0.0747493
25. Bigha Hectare 0.13378038 7.4749378
26. Bigha Sq. Meter 1337.803776 0.0007474938
27. Bigha Sq. Yard 1600 0.000625
28. Centimeter Foot 0.0328084 30.48
29. Centimeter Inch 0.3937008 2.54
30. Centimeter Meter 0.01 100
31. Centimeter Millimeter 10 0.1
32. Chain Foot 66 0.0151515
33. Chain Furlong 0.1 10
34. Chain Kilometer 0.2201168 49.709695
35. Chain Meter 20.1168 0.0497097
36. Chain Mile 0.0125 80
37. Chain Yard 22 0.0454545
38. Chhattack (Weight) Gram 58.3190188 0.017147065
39. Chhattack ( " ) Kilogram 0.05831902 17.147065
40. Chhattack ( " ) Ounce 2.0571429 0.4861111
41. Chhattack (Area) Are 0.04180637 23.919801
42. Chhattack ( " ) Sq. Meter 4.180637 0.239198
43. Chhattack ( " ) Sq. Yard 5 0.2
44. Cubic Centimeter(Area) Cubic Inch 0.06102374 16.387064
45. Cubic Centimeter ( " ) Cubic Meter 0.000001 1000000
46. Cubic Foot (Cft.) Cubic Meter 0.02831685 35.3146667
47. Cubic Inch 16.387064 0.06102374
48. Cubic Meter Cubic Foot 35.3146667 0.02831685
49. Decimal Acre 0.01 100

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 199

Standard Conversion Factors


SL. Unit Multiply By
NO. To Convert Col. 2 into Col. 3 To Convert Col. 3 into Col.2
1 2 3 4 5
50. Decimal Acre 0.4046856 2.471054
51. Decimal Bigha 0.03025 33.057851
52. Decimal Hectare 0.0040468564 247.105381
53. Decimal Katha 0.605 1.6528926
54. Decimal Sq. Foot 435.6 0.00229568
55. Decimal Sq. Meter 40.468564 0.024710538
56. Foot Centimeter 30.48 0.0328084
57. Foot Inch 12 0.0833333
58. Foot Meter 0.3048 3.2808399
59. Foot Yard 0.33333 3
60. Furlong Chain 10 0.1
61. Furlong Foot 660 0.0015155
62. Furlong Kilometer 0.201168 4.97097
63. Furlong Meter 201.168 0.00497097
65. Furlong Mile 0.125 8
66. Furlong Yard 220 0.0045454
66. Gallon ( Imperial ) Liter 4.546087 0.2199694
67. Gallon ( " ) U.S. Gallon 1.2009524 0.8326725
68. Gallon (U.S.) Gallon (Imperial) 0.8326725 1.2009524
69. Gallon (U. S.) Liter 3.785402 0.26417277
70. Gram Chhattack 0.017147065 58.3190188
71. Gram Ounce 0.035273962 28.349523
72. Gram Tola 0.08573532 11.663804
73. Hectare Acre 2.471054 0.4046856
74. Hectare Sq. Kilometer 0.01 100
75. Hectare Sq. Meter 10000 0.0001
76. Hectare Sq. Mile 0.0038610216 258.998811
77. Hundred weight (Cwt.) Kilogram 50.802346 0.01968413
78. Hundred weight ( " ) Long Ton 0.05 20
79. Hundred weight ( " ) Maund 1.361111 0.7346939
80. Hundred weight ( " ) Metric Ton 0.05080235 19.68413
81. Hundred weight ( " ) Pound 112 0.0089285
82. Hundred weight ( " ) Quintal 0.5080235 1.968413
83. Hundred weight ( " ) Short Ton 0.056 17.857143
84. Inch Centimeter 2.54 0.3937008
85. Inch Foot 0.0833333 12
86. Inch Meter 0.0254 39.370079
87. Inch Millimeter 25.4 0.03937008
88. Katha Decimal 1.6528926 0.605
89. Katha Sq. Foot 720 0.0013888
90. Katha Sq. Meter 66.8901888 0.0149498756
91. Katha Sq. Yard 80 0.0125
92. Kilogram Hundred weight 0.01968413 50.802346
93. Kilogram Long Ton 0.0009842065 1016.04692
94. Kilogram Maund 0.02679229 37.324172
95. Kilogram Metric Ton 0.001 1000
96. Kilogram Pound 2.2046226 0.45359237
97. Kilogram Quintal 0.01 100
98. Kilogram Seer 1.0716916 0.9331043
99. Kilometer Short Ton 0.0011023113 907.184749
100. Kilometer Chain 49.709695 0.0201168

200 Monthly Statistical Bulletin-Bangladesh, December-2018

Standard Conversion Factors


SL. Multiply By
Unit Unit
NO. To Convert Col. 2 into Col.3 To Convert Col. 3 into Col.2
1 2 3 4 5
101. Kilometer Furlong 4.97097 0.201168
102. Kilometer Meter 1000 0.001
103. Kilometer Mile 0.6213712 1.609344
104. Kilometer Yard 1093.613298 0.0009144
105. Liter Cubic Centimeter 1000.028 0.000999972
106. Liter Gallon (Imperial) 0.2199694 4.546087
107. Liter Gallon (U.S.) 0.26417277 3.785402
108. Long Ton or British Ton Hundred weight 20 0.05
109. Long Ton ( " ) Kilogram 1016.04692 0.0009842065
110. Long Ton ( " ) Maund 27.222222 0.0367347
111. Long Ton ( " ) Metric Ton 1.0160469 0.9842065
112. Long Ton ( " ) Pound 2240 0.0004464
113. Long Ton ( " ) Quintal 10.160469 0.09842065
114. Long Ton ( " ) Short Ton or U.S. Ton 1.12 0.8928571
115. Maund Hundred weight 0.7346939 1.361111
116. Maund Kilogram 37.324172 0.02679229
117. Maund Long Ton 0.0367347 27.222222
118. Maund Metric Ton 0.037324172 26.792289
119. Maund Pound 82.285714 0.012152778
120. Maund Quintal 0.3732417 2.679229
121. Maund Short Ton 0.041142857 24.305556
122. Meter Centimeter 100 0.01
123. Meter Chain 0.0497097 20.1168
124. Meter Foot 3.2808399 0.3048
125. Meter Inch 39.370079 0.0254
126. Meter Yard 1.0936133 0.9144
127. Metric Ton or Tonne Hundred weight 19.68413 0.05080235
128. Metric Ton " Kilogram 1000 0.001
129. Metric Ton " Long Ton 0.9842065 1.0160469
130. Metric Ton " Maund 26.792289 0.037324172
131. Metric Ton " Pound 2204.6226 0.0004535924
132. Metric Ton " Quintal 10 0.1
133. Metric Ton " Short Ton 1.102311 0.907185
134. Mile Chain 80 0.0125
135. Mile Furlong 8 0.125
136. Mile Kilometer 1.609344 0.6213712
137. Mile Meter 1609.344 0.0006213712
138. Mile Yard 1760 0.0005681
139. Millimeter Centimeter 0.1 10
140. Millimeter Inch 0.03937008 25.4
141. Millimeter Meter 0.001 1000
142. Ounce Gram 28.349523 0.035273962
143. Ounce Pound 0.0625 16
144. Ounce Tola 2.4305556 0.41142857
145. Pint Gallon (Imperial) 0.125 8
146. Pint Liter 0.568261 1.759755
147. Pound Gram 453.592374 0.0022046226
148. Pound Hundred weight Divide by 112 112
149. Pound Kilogram 0.45359237 2.2046226
150. Pound Long Ton Divide by 2240 2240

Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Bangladesh, December-2018. 201

Standard Conversion Factors


SL. Multiply By
Unit Unit
NO. To Convert Col. 2 into Col. 3 To Convert Col. 3 into Col.2
1 2 3 4 5
151. Pound Metric Ton 0.0004535924 2204.6226
152. Pound Ounce 16 0.0625
153. Pound Seer 0.4861111 2.057143
154. Pound Short Ton 0.0005 2000
155. Quintal Hundred weight 1.968413 0.5080235
156. Kilogram Kilogram 100 0.01
157. Quintal Long Ton 0.09842065 10.16049
158. Quintal Metric Ton 0.1 10
159. Quintal Maund 2.679229 0.3732417
160. Quintal Pound 220.46226 0.0045359237
161. Quintal Short Ton 0.11023113 9.0718475
162. Seer Kilogram 0.9331043 1.0716916
163. Seer Pound 2.057143 0.4861111
164. Short Ton or U.S. Ton Hundred weight (Cwt.) 17.857143 0.056
165. Short Ton ( " ) Kilogram 907.184749 0.0011023113
166. Short Ton ( " ) Long Ton 0.8928571 1.12
167. Short Ton ( " ) Maund 24.305556 0.041142857
168. Short Ton ( " ) Metric Ton 0.907185 1.102311
169. Short Ton ( " ) Pound 2000 0.0005
170. Short Ton ( " ) Quintal 9.0718475 0.11023113
171. Square Centimeter Sq. Inch 0.1550003 6.4516
172. Square Centimeter Sq. Meter 0.0001 10000
173. Square Foot Katha 0.0013888 720
174. Square Foot Sq. Meter 0.09290304 10.7639104
175. Square Inch Sq. Centimeter 6.4516 0.1550003
176. Square Kilometer Hectare 100 0.01
177. Square Kilometer Sq. Mile 0.3861022 2.589988
178. Square Meter Are 0.01 100
179. Square Meter Hectare 0.0001 10000
180. Square Meter Sq. Foot 10.7639104 0.09290304
181. Square Meter Sq. Yard 1.19599 0.8361274
182. Square Mile Acre 640 0.0015625
183. Square Mile Hectare 258.998811 0.0038610216
184. Square Mile Sq. Kilometer 2.589988 0.3861022
185. Square Yard Acre 0.0002066 4840
186. Square Yard Are 0.0083612736 119.5990046
187. Square Yard Sq. Foot 9 0.1111111
188. Square Yard Sq. Meter 0.8361274 1.19599
189. Tola Gram 11.663804 0.08573532
190. Tola Ounce 0.41142857 2.4305556
191. Ton (British) Long Ton See long ton -
192. Ton (U.S.) Short Ton See short ton -
193. Tonne Metric Ton See metric ton -
194. U. S. Gallon– Gallon (U. S.) See gallon (U.S.) -
195. Yard Chain 0.0454545 22
196. Yard Foot 3 0.333333
197. Yard Furiong 0.0045454 220
198. Yard Kilogram 0.0009144 1093.613298
199. Yard Meter 0.9144 1.0936133
200. To convert fahrenheit into celcius/centigrade : C = (F-32) X 5/9 To convert celcius/centigrade into fahrenheit : F = (CX9/5+32)
Note : Milli = 1/1000 Centi = 1/100 Deci = 1/10
Deca = 10 times Hecto - 100 times Kilo = 1000 times
1 liter water at 4oC = 1 Kg. (approximately).
202 Monthly Statistical Bulletin-Bangladesh, December-2018

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