Unit 4 - Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
Unit 4 - Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
Unit 4 - Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE) 4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE)
Features of IEE: Initial Environment Examination (IEE)- Proposals
It is generally used for small scale project listed in Schedule (2), EPR (2020):
It is conducted within short time period 1. Forest sector
It works on some known impacts mainly 2. Industrial sector
It requires limited budget 3. Mining sector
It requires small term of human resource 4. Road sector
It may recommend for further assessment (EIA) 5. Water resources and energy sector
6. Tourism sector
7. Drinking water
8. Waste management
9. Agriculture sector
4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE)… 4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE)…
Screening: Screening is an initial stage to decide whether Systematizing the working procedure
the project requires IEE or EIA or none. Delineating the specific activities to be implemented
Saves money and time Fitting environment assessment into context of existing
Identification of environmental issues of major concern policies, rules and administrative procedures
Accomplishing work within specified time frame
Establishes needs of the projects
Initial Environment Examination (IEE)-Terms of
Reference and its Content- Schedule
Initial Environment Examination (IEE)-Terms of Name and Address of proponent preparing the report
Reference and its objectives General Information (Description of proposal and
Terms of Reference- contain detailed information on Relevancy of proposal- EPA, 1996 and EPR,1997)
project and activities to be done during IEE study as Methodology
described in Schedule EPR 2020 Relevant Legal Measures (Interim Constitution of Nepal,
Identifying and describing the impacts/issues to be Acts and Regulations, Policies and Plans, Manuals and
investigated Guidelines, Standards, Conventions)
4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE)… 4.3. Initial environmental examination (IEE)…
Time and Cost of IEE Initial Environment Examination (IEE)- Public
Specific impacts of implementation of proposal (Physical Issuance Notice
and Chemical, Biological, Socio-economic and cultural)- The proponent shall publish a notice in any national level
Beneficial and Adverse Impacts news paper, requesting the local government, RM where
Alternatives for implementation of proposal the proposal is to be implemented , as well as the schools ,
Mitigation measures (Protective, Design, Compensatory hospitals , health posts and concerned individuals or
and Enhancement) institutions of the area to offer in writing their suggestions
concerning to the possible impact of the implementation
Monitoring during implementation of proposal of he proposal of the environment with giving 15 days of
Other necessary matters time period- Section 7 of EPR, 1997
References Proof public notice, opinions and suggestion received if any
must be included in Final IEE report submitted to
concerned Ministry
4.4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 4.4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)...
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Definition Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Definition
and importance and importance
EIA is an important preventative environment Assess whether the adverse impacts can be mitigated
management tool
Recommend preventive and curative mitigation measures
EIA is a systematic process that examines the
environmental consequences of development action in Ensure people’s participation and inform affected parties
advance Advise whether proposed development projects should
EIA is an important tool for examining the environmental proceed
implications of any developmental activities that are taken Provide information to decision makers and interested
into considerations before decision to proceed ahead. parties about implications of projects
EIA is a planning and management tool for studying and
evaluating potential environmental consequences of
proposed development projects in order to:
Identify beneficial and adverse environmental impacts
Examine the significance of environmental implications
4.4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)… 4.4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)…
Objectives of EIA Features of EIA
To collect the background information on physical, It is generally used for large scale works
biological, socio-economic and cultural environment It requires long time period for detail study
To identify the impacts of proposed actions It works on both known and unknown impacts
To balance the interests between environment and It requires more budget
development Large term work with subject matter specialist
To help achieving the goal of sustainability
To develop an important reference point for
environmental monitoring and auditing
To suggest the alternatives and other important
information to the decision and policy makers
5.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Procedure 5.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Procedure
Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL)
Yr,, 1st Sem, 2073
Submission of TOR
Scoping Document Compliance of EIA report and other
(format of Schedule 4)
conditions during proposal implementation
Science-- Bsc.
Public hearing in Drafting of EIA report Approval of TOR as proposed Environmental Auditing after 2 years after the
project site as in Schedule 6 or in revised form commencement of the services of the
Scoping is to ensure that EIA study addresses all relevant issues and
provide sound basis for decision making
• Identify concerns and issues for consideration
• Identify all affected parties and involve them in determining
factors to be assessed
• Identify possible alternatives and impacts of different activities
• Facilitate agreement on contentious issues
• Establish terms of reference for EIA study
• Save time and money
Mechanism of Scoping:
1. Opening Scoping: public meetings, workshop and seminars
2. Closed Scoping: letters, interviews 57
5.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Scoping 5.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- Scoping