India Holistic Wellness - Dr. Mahendra Shah
India Holistic Wellness - Dr. Mahendra Shah
India Holistic Wellness - Dr. Mahendra Shah
Dr Mahendra Shah
Copyright ©2017
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior
written permission of Dr Mahendra Shah.
SECTION 1 Holistic Wellness in India
ZEN RESORT INDIA Dear Hon Shri "High Level Government Official"
Around the world the public has embraced India's initiative two years ago to
• Exporter of wellness knowledge
establish the International Day of Yoga. Whilst Yoga is practiced around the world
• A model environment for the to enhance human health, we need to also embrace Yoga’s teachings on respect for
concept and practice of holistic Nature and thus arouse our consciousness by committing to real actions to halt the
wellness widespread destruction of nature and the environment around the world. Today
• Focussing on integrated achieving sustainable development is an imperative as we have less then five
Ayurveda-Yoga-Meditation- decades to change course since otherwise the human suffering and environmental
Naturopathy-Recreation- damage will have reached a threshold of no return.
Spiritual Wellness
• Integrated wellness resorts in
combination with a think tank Over the last decade, Zen Resort Bali has created a model environment for the
Institute of Traditional & concept and practice of holistic wellness, focussing on integrated Ayurveda-Yoga-
Modern Medicine & an institute Meditation-Naturopathy-Recreation-Spiritual Wellness, all relevant to achieving
of Naturopathy (medicinal
herbs production-processing) satisfying and sustainable lifestyles.
• Public-private development
• Gain respect & appreciation of
India’s contribution to health
The Government of India’s “Make in India” initiative to
encourage multi-national, as well as national companies to
Gallery 1.1 Holistic Wellness
manufacture their products in India is a first step towards
positioning India in a progressive and enduring development
partnership with worldwide trading partners. However in
the current global economy, India faces significant challenges
in trade policy, the prevailing global economic slowdown,
increasing protectionism, the stalled mega-trade deals.
SECTION 2 Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, Bollywood,
∏ music, fashion and cuisine, which are of great interest and
relevance around the world. Around the world health and
Wellness Exports”
India thus has a unique opportunity to export its holistic
wellness knowledge and products worldwide. This initiative
will require a public-private development partnership and an
international marketing strategy. It is not just the economic
returns that such development can bring to India, but much
Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, Bollywood, important will be the respect and appreciation India deserves
Music, Fashion, and Cuisine worldwide for its contribution to the knowledge of healthy
bodies and minds. Whilst India is increasingly recognised for
The Government of India “Make in India” initiative to
its contributions to IT development, we have not fully
encourage multi-national, as well as national companies to
harnessed the potential to demonstrate to the world India’s
manufacture their products in India is a first step towards
contributions to health and wellness.
positioning India in a progressive and enduring development
partnership with worldwide trading partners. However in Today ever-increasing number of destinations worldwide are
the current global economy, India faces significant challenges opening up to, and investing in wellness tourism, turning it
in the area of trade policy— the prevailing global economic into a key driver of socio-economic progress through the
slowdown, increasing protectionism and the stalled mega- creation of jobs and enterprises, export revenues, and
trade deals. infrastructure development. India, with its legacy of holistic
traditional medicine, has a great opportunity to develop
Beyond exporting industrial goods and IT services, as
international wellness tourism with a focus on holistic
envisaged in “Make in India”, India today is ideally and
wellness systems - Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy
competitively positioned to export its unique holistic wellness
and recreation - adapted to the needs of 21st Century tourists
and recreational knowledge, products and services, including
working hard all year with just a month of vacation time and platform to showcase and promote our wealth of traditional
living stressful lives associated with modern lifestyles. Here it medicine, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and yoga adapted to the
is essential to develop wellness resorts that can deliver the needs and demands of the 21st Century.
best of integrated holistic treatments and recreation activities
It is worrying that a
in a truly “resort” setting, with the design, comforts and
number of countries in
atmosphere congenial with relevance to the stressful modern
Europe and also USA
are adopting and
practicing Ayurveda and
especially Yoga and
Meditation, much more
so then our own efforts
in India to emphasise
our legacy of ancient
traditional medicines in
tandem with allopathy.
A great step forward
was taken by India in
the formal United
Nations establishment of
the International Day of
Yoga. However, we
must now go even further than this by harnessing all the
lifestyles. elements of Ayurveda to create life-style changing wellness
centres across India.
Ayurveda is regarded as the mother of all ancient medical
systems. Yet most people, nationally and internationally are
not well aware of the healing power of India’s traditional
medicine and herbal plants. We need a concerted effort and a
SECTION 3 India must grasp its unique opportunity to develop
∏ international holistic wellness tourism – targeting
development of wellness resort facilities around India as well
India - World’s Leading as developing strategies to export the vast and unique holistic
wellness knowledge, services and products. Here in lies the
foundation for India to be recognized as the world’s leading
Nation nation in confronting the greatest challenges facing
humanity, that of human health and the environment in the
21st century worldwide.
SECTION 4 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, asthma and respiratory
∏ diseases, mental stress etc. The scale of this emerging burden
is likely to be such that most nations, rich or poor, will not be
Socially, Economically, and able to provide the necessary health and medical care for
their citizens.
Modern lifestyles are often driven by the power of money to of preventive, curative, maintaining, restoring, sustaining
such an extent that money becomes an obsession, ruling and health and healing the body, mind and spirit. If we are to
controlling lifestyles, where health is so often put at risk and secure our future, the imperative ahead in this 21st century is
sacrificed in the interest of socio-economic success and to achieve sustainable development and sustainable human
status. Let us recall the Dalai Lama’s simple but pointed health and wellbeing.
observation that
More importantly, we need to think how it might be possible
“Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he to transform modern lifestyles into sustainable ones. The
sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so holistic integration has to be based upon a partnership that
anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; looks upon the human being as a whole living organism
the result being that he does not live in the present or the rather than merely a combination of parts, systems and
future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies symptoms.
having never really lived.”
The ancient
All of these illnesses are accelerating worldwide and further wisdom of
exacerbated by the degradation of nature and increasing traditional
environmental pollution. And most countries will not have medicine and
the medical resources to afford the necessary healthcare indigenous
interventions to confront the emerging health crises. healing practices
are being
The fundamental healthcare challenge we face is: How can
we practically and scientifically integrate traditional
embraced across
medicine, with it’s focus on a holistic integration of
the Western
preventive, curative and spiritual healing, and modern
world, and a global revival is organically evolving. India
medicine, with more of it’s focus on curing, restoring and
needs to be at centre of this revival because no other country
sustaining health?
on earth is as equipped as India is to holistically address the
The practitioners of modern and traditional medicine need to health problems that pertain to modern life-styles across the
heed their respective oaths of service and care towards world.
mobilising their science and practices to deliver the right mix
SECTION 5 At Zen Resort, we recognise that tourists from around the
∏ world are increasingly searching for health and wellness
destinations where they can recuperate and heal from the
A Model for stresses and strains of modern lifestyles and at the same time
experience recreational holiday activities. Together wellness
and recreation creates the conditions for lifestyle changes
International Wellness towards more sustainable and healthy living in harmony with
nature as well as one’s self and fellow-beings.
Resorts Zen Resort encompasses strategies that are socially,
economically and ecologically sustainable. We financially
support local small-scale fishing and marine conservation,
facilitate employment and other livelihood opportunities for
A Gateway to Health, Healing, Recreation and Sustainable the local community, develop and market local health and
Lifestyles: Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Naturopathy, beauty products, advise local farmers on crop agronomy,
Diving, Culture, Excursions especially medicinal plants and also promote subsidised
holiday stays for doctors willing to give a few hours of their
The island of Bali, Indonesia is widely known for being a
time each day for local community health services. Zen
haven for yoga and healing, largely due to the spiritual depth
guests also tend to actively participate in a wide range of
and community-centred culture of its people. It has also been
topical seminars and discussions that enhance mindfulness
an ideal place for the development of a resort – Zen Resort
towards making healthy lifestyle choices.
Bali - focussed on integrated Ayurveda-Yoga-Meditation-
Naturopathy-Recreation-Holistic and spiritual wellness, all Zen Resort’s visionaries are keen to share it’s the health and
relevant to achieving satisfying and sustainable lifestyles. wellness integrated systems that has over the last decade
demonstrated the enhancement of mindfulness and actions
Over the last decade, Zen Resort Bali has created a model
towards adopting more sustainable and healthy lifestyles.
environment for the concept and practice of integrated
Our goal is to create and develop Zen Resorts in India and
wellness. It has achieved this by prioritising a holistic and
around the world, each one adapted uniquely to the local
wellness approach that coordinates body, mind and spirit in a
environment. We have initiated negotiations in Goa and
serene and spiritual environment.
Konkan region to launch and develop integrated wellness cut off from modern lifestyle living. On the other side, there
resorts in combination with a think tank/institute of are the extremely expensive, luxurious Ayurvedic spas that
traditional and modern medicine and an institute of only a handful of people from the world can access.
naturopathy (herbal medicine production and processing).
The first camp tends to apply Ayurveda too coercively such
These discussions are ongoing and currently we are
that when people return from their holidays they find it very
identifying business and institutional partners in India.
difficult to keep up the yoga/meditation exercises and eating
habits they learned during the vacation. The second camp
lies at the other extreme of claiming to be Ayurvedic but in
fact often grossly compromising on basic principles or having
too little knowledge to have a significant impact on
transforming lives.
Hence, India will need to develop its international tourist
sector in accordance with the global demand for smaller
scale, boutique resorts that have the potential to realise
genuine personal relationships and deliver Ayurveda, yoga,
meditation and naturopathy adapted to meet the needs and
demands of the 21st Century world.
India has the potential to become a pioneer in developing Today, wellness tourism represents 14% of the total $3.2
international wellness tourism industry. There are hundreds trillion global tourism industry and India is the world’s
of Ayurvedic institutes/resorts/spas throughout India and fastest-growing wellness tourism destination. There are three
they may be classified into two camps. On one side, there are questions that immediately arise given these statistics.
institutes/resorts that offer quite strict detox Ayurvedic
regimes, who claim to offer an experience that is completely
1. What is the expected future growth of wellness In response to the third question, India is the globe’s hottest
tourism? destination for wellness because it has an unmatched heritage
of ancient systems of medicine, treasure houses of knowledge
2. How will wellness tourism grow?
for both preventive and curative healthcare. India’s strength
3. Why would people want to come to India for wellness is twofold: its traditional medicine (Ayurveda) and its healing
tourism? practices (yoga, meditation, pranayama etc.) as well
In relation to the first question, it is clear that, given naturopathy are well-developed sciences that are here to
increasing ailments arising from modern lifestyles and the stay; they are not recent fads that will come and go as
global (national as well as international) demand for wellness consumer tastes change. India also benefits from a large
tourism is set to exponentially grow throughout the world. cadre of some of the best modern medical professionals in the
world and it has a large, indigenous pharmaceutical industry
The second question may be answered by observing what that could potentially develop first class, organic, herbal
current demand is: since we know that people are medicines to help cure illnesses arising from modern
increasingly trying to integrate their vacation habits with lifestyles.
healthier life-styles (i.e. they want a healthy-living vacation),
then the future of the wellness industry lies upon combining Therefore, Goa is an ideal location to establish holistic
recreation and luxury with holistic wellness. wellness resorts since it is and established gateway of
international tourism to India.
living. 2 ibid.
ZEN HOLISTIC WELLNESS GOA – LAKE MAYEM demands of the world of national and international tourism
in a local cultural and heritage setting. It will be a seamless
A Development Proposal
blend of the modern and the traditional architectures. Ideally
Zen Holistic Wellness Goa - Lake Mayem would be a health located amidst the Lake view environment of lush greenery
and holiday recreation facility where visitor’s can seek relief and water features, with the exuberant beauty of palm trees
from the stresses and strains of modern lifestyles: A place blended with tiled walkways & well-groomed lawns, this will
where energy, creativity and mindfulness of living in create for the guests a private and tranquil haven to pamper,
harmony with oneself and with nature would actually nourish and recharge.
materialise. Such places need to be at the core of sustainable
The entire resort development infrastructure will be built in
wellness tourism development, integrated with the local
an environment-friendly and sustainably managed way,
community and bringing together the best of traditional and
utilising concepts of renewable energy, such as solar energy,
modern medicine for sustainable health and healing.
wind energy and biomass and efficient wastewater recycling,
The Zen development proposal envisages, an international composting etc.
standard wellness resort with an integrated holistic health
and wellness facility comprising: Ayurveda, naturopathy,
yoga and meditation, tertiary hospital with expert specialties, GTDC LAKE MAYEM PROPERTY
laboratory facilities, rehabilitation and physiotherapy
Zen Vision & Concept
facilities, pharmacy and herbal centre, fitness centre with
gym, sauna and steam, wellness and beauty spa, organic Firstly: Development of the Mayem property comprises, A
vegetable and fruit farming in partnership with the local Holistic Wellness Resort integrating Ayurveda, Yoga,
agricultural community, herbal and spice production and Meditation, Food and Nutrition and Land and Water
processing, recreational facilities with outdoor games courts, Recreational Activities - Focus on experiencing the benefits
jogging and cycling tracks, swimming pool, water sports, of living healthy lifestyles in harmony with the environment.
hydro therapy, conference and education facilities.
The holistic wellness resort will incorporate traditional Secondly: Incorporating Green technology and sustainable
Indian architecture and modern design systems as well as development practices in all aspects of the Lakeview
Vastu Shastra and Fang Shui, all adapted to meet the property development, with open and transparent dialogue/
interaction with the local community walking, jogging, bicycling, bird SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE
and the surrounding communities as watching, boating, etc. These outdoor
Mayem Lake and Surrounding
well as GTDC. activities together with the
Agricultural Community
development of a indoor/outdoor
swimming pool facility are relevant to The Lakeview property’s comprises
ZEN MISSION enhance human health through agricultural land that is suitable for
physical, psychological and spiritual growing vegetable, fruit, and culinary
To develop a resort that provides
exercise including the introduction of a and medicinal herbs. We envisage
holistic wellness and recreational
new and unique health and fitness partnering with the local farmers. We
activities in order to create healthy and
system comprising effective breathing will also collaborate with universities
happy lifestyles. Our resort-hotel will
(pranayama), easy meditation and and colleges (e.g. Goa, Manipal, etc.)
include conference and seminar
gentle exercise in the swimming pool as well as private agricultural and
facilities as well cultural/celebrations/
(please see: greenhouse-growing companies. We
weddings venue and recreational
watch?v=aSWC-mxA3mA). will consider developing a herbal
activities. The holistic wellness facility
production and processing facility,
will comprise an integration of The above recreational wellness
which can strategically provide a
traditional and modern medicine, activities will be integrated in the
foundation for the adoption of
including Ayurveda, TCM, Yoga, resort-hotels’ holistic wellness strategy.
sustainable and profitable agriculture
Meditation, Health Coaching, Food, We also plan to make available access
practices, and products on the Lake-
Naturopathy, Supplements, and to the holistic wellness facilities for day
view property and also on the
Herbal Medicine, etc. visitors as well as special concessions
surrounding land holdings.
for surrounding local communities.
Establishment of a Naturopathy and
ZEN WELLNESS RECREATION, Herbal Medicinal Think Tank forum
Mayem Lake View Area with a focus on research, development
and production a working partnership
The Mayem Lake environment has with local farmers.
great potential for recreational
activities such as yoga and meditation,
We will create a think tank to develop innovative and land area 16 to 20 acres) with an integrated holistic health
sustainable practices. The think-tank will regularly bring and wellness central facility comprising the following (as
together youth and young professionals to formulate and relevant): Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Meditation
implement actions towards meeting the challenges of Centre, tertiary hospital with expert specialties, laboratory
sustainable development as well as healthy living. facilities, rehabilitation and physiotherapy facilities, fully-
fledged pharmacy, Fitness Centre with Gym, sauna and
steam, wellness and beauty spa, organic vegetable and fruit
ZEN HOLISTIC WELLNESS VILLAGE farming , herbal and spice gardens, recreational facilities
DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL with outdoor games courts, jogging and cycling tracks,
Konkan Maharashtra swimming pool and hydrotherapy, conference and education
The Konkan of Maharashtra has the potential to become the
world’s centre of holistic wellness vacation. It has a beautiful The holistic
coastline, a strong agricultural tradition, a rich history and wellness village will
culture and is ideally situated in between Mumbai and Goa. incorporate
traditional Indian
Zen Holistic Wellness Village would be a health and holiday architecture and
recreation facility where visitors can seek relief from the modern design
stresses and strains of modern lifestyles: A place where systems as well as
energy, creativity and mindfulness of living in harmony with Vastu Shastra and
oneself and with nature would actually materialise. Such Feng Shui, all adapted to meet the demands of the world of
places need to be at the core of sustainable wellness tourism national and international tourism in a local cultural and
development, integrated with the local community and heritage setting. It will be a seamless blend of the modern
bringing together the best of traditional and modern and the traditional architectures. Ideally located amidst acres
medicine for sustainable health and healing. of lush greenery and water features, with the exuberant
The Zen development proposal envisages, a series of four beauty of palm trees blended with tiled reflexology pathways
(North, South, East and West) international standard and well-groomed lawns, this will create for the guests a
wellness resort centres on about 4 acres of land each (total private and tranquil haven to pamper, nourish and recharge.
The entire village infrastructure will be built in an REFERENCES
environment-friendly and sustainably managed way, utilizing
M M Shah, “Zen Resort Bali and Dr Shah”,
concepts of renewable energy, such as solar energy, wind, Berlin, Dec 2016
energy and biomass and efficient wastewater recycling,
composting etc. M M Shah, “The Future of World Tourism: Health,
Recreation and Lifestyles”, Konkan Tourism Vision Council,
The Konkan
Mumbai, India, 27th Sept 2016
Vision Council M M Shah, “ Integrative Medicine in a Retreat Context”,
has the Journal of Medical Tourism, 2015,
opportunity to integrative-medicine-retreat-context/
provide the M M Shah, “ Positioning Sri Lanka as a Global Wellness
leadership to Tourism Destination”, Ministry of Tourism, Colombo, 18th
facilitate and September 2014
empower the
development M M Shah, “ Ayurveda- the Art of Being”, eQ elements Bali,
of wellness Zen Resort Bali, 1st April 2014
tourism. Konkan can become the pioneering catalyst M M Shah, “ Goa – India Wellness Tourism Development: A
contributing towards fulfilling India’s potential as the leading Proposed Zen Holistic Wellness Village”, Office of the Chief
nation to develop integrated traditional and modern medicine Minster, Goa, 19th March 2014
to meet the challenges of unhealthy and polluting modern
lifestyles. It will lead the transition to the creation of
sustainable human beings, sustainable lifestyles and
sustainable development. This certainly is an imperative for a
future of peace, prosperity and partnership.
Dr. Mahendra Shah Address United Nations organizations and agencies such as FAO,
WFP, UNDP etc and the World Bank and international
President-Director, Zen Resort Bali, Indonesia
scientific and policy research institutes – International
Tel +6281238307390, +6236293578 Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and
E Mail: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR), in academia – University of Nairobi and
Skype: shahmmr University of Cambridge. Dr Shah current work is focused
on integrating modern and traditional medicine and health
care to confront the ailments and diseases of modern