STR +2 14 DEX +2 14 CON +2 14 INT +2 14 WIS +2 14 CHA +2 14: Amélie Tanguay
STR +2 14 DEX +2 14 CON +2 14 INT +2 14 WIS +2 14 CHA +2 14: Amélie Tanguay
STR +2 14 DEX +2 14 CON +2 14 INT +2 14 WIS +2 14 CHA +2 14: Amélie Tanguay
STR 14 +2
DEX 14 +2
CON 14 +2
INT 14 +2
WIS 14 +2
CHA 14 +2
FORTITUDE +6 = +4 +2
Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school.
REFLEX +3 = +1 +2
Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school.
WILL +3 = +1 +2
Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Elan Wizard: +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school. Acrobatics +8 DEX (2) 3
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc Appraise +2 INT (2) -
AC 12 = +2 Autohypnosis +6 WIS (2) 1
10 Bluff +2 CHA (2) -
Touch AC 12 Flat-Footed AC 10 Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
BAB Strength Size Misc
Climb +6 STR (2) 1
CM Bonus +5 = +3 +2 - -
+7 Grappling Craft (Cooking) +4 INT (2) 1
See the Base Attack (below) for modifiers that may also apply to CMB
Diplomacy +8 CHA (2) 2
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
CM Defense 17 = 10 +3 +2 +2 - Disguise +2 CHA (2) -
19 vs. Grapple
Elan Rogue: +0 bonus to appear as original race., Aberrant Nature : -1
Base Attack +3 HP 44 penalty vs non-elans.
Elan Soulknife : +0 bonus to confirm critical hits. Does
Damage / Current HP
Escape Artist +8 DEX (2) 1
not stack with Critical Focus.
Fly +2 DEX (2) -
Initiative +2 Heal +3 WIS (2) 1
Intimidate +3 CHA (2) 1
Speed 30 ft Aberrant Nature : -1 penalty vs non-elans.
Knowledge (civics) +3 INT (2) 1
Glock 17
Knowledge (psionics) +6 INT (2) 1
Ranged: +6, 2d6 Crit: ×4 2
Rng: 30'
Perception +7 WIS (2)
Ranged, both hands: +6, 2d6 Profession (law
+7 WIS (2) 2
1-hand, B/P, Semi- enforcement)
Elan Soulknife : +0 bonus to confirm critical hits. Does not stack with Critical Focus. Ride +6 DEX (2) 1
Metal baton Sense Motive +8 WIS (2) 2
Main hand: +5, 1d6+2 Crit: 19-20/×2 Spellcraft +6 INT (2) 1
1-hand, B
Both hands: +5, 1d6+3 Stealth +3 DEX (2) 1
Elan Soulknife : +0 bonus to confirm critical hits. Does not stack with Critical Focus.
Survival +3 WIS (2) 1
Unarmed strike
Swim +6 STR (2) 1
Main hand: +5, 1d3+2 Crit: ×2
Light, B Activated Abilities & Adjustments
Elan Soulknife : +0 bonus to confirm critical hits. Does not stack with Critical Focus.
Feat, Mark as Bonus
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Feats Experience & Wealth
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Experience Points: 9000/15,000
Armor Proficiency (Light) Current Cash: 6,000 $
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms) Background
Improved Grapple
Improved Unarmed Strike Née le 7 juillet 1983 à Lennoxville, elle a travaillé pour
Martial Weapon Proficiency - All la police de Sherbrook avant d'être recrutée au BIP par
Psionic Body Petitpas et Roseline Pierre en septembre 2007.
Psionic Talent
Psionic Talent Ami de draftdodgers américains, elle a aidé le groupe
Shield Proficiency de John pendant des années à cacher des psions en
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All provenance des É-U en Estrie tout en aidant à
"camoufler" les crimes psioniques ayant lieu à
Traits Sherbrooke et les environs.
Law Enforcement
White Collar Stats de février 2008: 24 ans, salaire 60 000$ par an,
5000$ d'économies.
Total Weight Carried: 16/175 lbs, Light Load
(Light: 58 lbs, Medium: 116 lbs, Heavy: 175 lbs)
Artisan's outfit (Free) -
Glock 17 2 lbs
Metal baton 2 lbs
Money 12 lbs
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Electricity)
Maneuver (Brawler's Path) +2d6
Path Power (Grip of Iron [Path]) (Ex)
Path Skill (Escape Artist)
Repletion (Su)
Resilience (Su)
Resistance (Su)
Trance (Brawler's Path) +2
Warrior's Path (Ex)
Wealth Bonus +(4)
Common French
English, Modern Japanese
Spells & Powers
Psychic Warrior powers known (power points 19, ML 4th;
concentration +6)
Melee Touch +5 Ranged Touch +5
2nd—body adjustment, everyman
1st—catfall, grip of iron (path) , hammer (path) , inertial
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.