Analysis of The Formation of Gairaigo in Japanese Commercial Advertisements For The 2016 - 2020 Advertising Period (Reviewed From Morphological Studies)
Analysis of The Formation of Gairaigo in Japanese Commercial Advertisements For The 2016 - 2020 Advertising Period (Reviewed From Morphological Studies)
Analysis of The Formation of Gairaigo in Japanese Commercial Advertisements For The 2016 - 2020 Advertising Period (Reviewed From Morphological Studies)
Abstract. Foreign words or in Japanese called Gairaigo ( 外来語) is words that taken from foreign languages, and adapted to
Japanese word formation. The purpose of this research is to get to know about the formation of Gairaigo in Japanese
commercial advertisements that appeared in the period 2016 to 2020, the types of Gairago that used in that advertisements,
and what kind of gairaigo appears the most in advertisements in that period. This Research uses a descriptive method with a
qualitative approach. The technique used in this data collection is the literature study technique with the lesap technique and
the expansion technique as data analysis. The object of this research is the Japanese commercial advertisements that appeared
in the period 2016 to 2020. This research is using Tsujimura, Setiawan and Engman’s theory and the other journal resources.
The results of the research of 50 advertisements studied contained four processes of gairaigo formation: Borrowing,
Clipping, Compounding, and Affixation, types of gairaigo: Representational, Replacement, Truncated, Altred, and Psuedo
Terms. Then, from 50 sources, the type of gairaigo that most often appears is the Representational type with a total of 25
words or as much as 50% of the total data analyzed.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547
4.2. How to Write a Japanese which is a process that shortens words from
Loanword (Gairaigo) the original word to the clipped word.
Borrowing, All the loanwords, including
Writing Japanese gairaigo uses katakana letters Sino-Japanese compounds, belong to this
with the other rules, Sudjianto and Daihidi [6] said group. when words are borrowed from
the rules including consonants t and d plus the vowel another language, some phonological
o, for example hint becomes hinto, head becomes changes are observed so that the
heddo, (2) consonants c, b, f, g, k, l, m , p, and s plus pronunciation of borrowed words is
the vowel u such as mask becomes masuku, post consistent with the phonological system of
becomes posuto, etc. (3) long sounds are written Japanese.
using a dash or long line (-), for example seetaa
becomes セ ー タ ー , car becomes カ ー , (4) double In this research, especially in Japanese
consonant sounds written using a small tsu like the Commercial Advertaisment, there is no gairaigo
consonant –ck on the dock becomes ド ッ ク. The that formed by the reduplication process, the
written word of gairaigo is also impacted by the reduplication process is usually can be found in the
pronunciation, if the words prounanced long, so it wil Japanese Onomatopeia, but in this research, there is
be written with the long line behind the word. no advertaisment that contain the gairaigo that
formed by the reduplication process.
4.3. Words Formation in Japanese
4.4. Types of Gairaigo
Loanword (Gairaigo)
There are several ways of words formation, such
According to Setiawan [9], he stated that
as affixation, compounding, reduplication, clipping,
generally gairaigo consists of 5 types;
and borrowing.
representational, replacement, truncated, altered, and
Affixation, Tsujimura [7] said that affixation
pseudo terms. Representational type gairaigo is a
is very common process of word formation is
term that represents an object from outside and
affixation, which
whose meaning does not have a Japanese equivalent,
subsumes prefixation and suffixation. These
are processes that prefix or suffix a such as: バ ナ ナ 、 メ ロ ン 、 dam ボ ー ル, Then
morpheme to a base form. the type of gairaigo Replacement is a term that
Compounding, in Japanese can be formed in represents an object and its meaning that has a word
a number of ways. For example, compound equivalent in Japanese, such as the word プロガ
word combinations can only be original ムwhich has the equivalent word 計 画 (け い か く ).
words, Sino-Japanese, or a combination of This type of loanword is used because it is more
words that have different origins. practical and more familiar.
Compounding is also called compound, Truncated type, it named to the type of loanword
which is the process of joining two or more that is cut, is a short version of the original loan word
words. or has a shortening, Engman [10] stated that
Reduplication is a word of repetition. truncated is not only common in gairaigo, but can
Kridalaksana [8] generally classifies also be found in Sino-Japanese words. Truncated
reduplication (repetition) into turned out to cause difficulties for listeners who
three major groups, namely: phonological understood English because the words were not
reduplication, morphemic reduplication, and abbreviated in the normal truncated form in English.
syntactic reduplication. Altered is a term used for loanwo rds that changes
Another type of word formation is clipping, meaning after entering Japanese. As Tsujimura said
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547
that when a word is borrowed into another language, research related to related top ics.
the pronunciation of the word is bound to change
because the sounds that compose the word may not 6. RESEARCH RESULTS AND
all be in the language that borrowed i t. This DISCUSSION
phenomenon is called loanword adaptation. Example:
ハ イ カ ラ from the word high collar (high collar) In this case, researchers will discuss or describe
in Japanese means fashionable and the word ワ イ シ the research findings regarding loanwords in
ャ ツ from the word white shirt (white shirt) in Japanese (gairaigo) that have been found in Japanese
Japanese means clothing. Then the types of gairaigo commercial advertisements for the 2016-2020
Pseudo terms, this type are new words created from advertising period as material for this study. In this
foreign language words and letters that have been study, the researcher will only discuss his research
there before. For example: the word オ エ ル which by analyzing the data findings, then analyzing the
comes from the English acronym OL (Office Lady) data in accordance with the theory that has been
and the word オ ー ル ド ミ ス which is taken from described regarding theoretical studies. The analysis
the English words old and miss, while the word used carried out is limited to loan words in Japanese
in English is Old Maid. (gairaigo) in Japanese commercial advertisements for
the 2016 - 2020 advertising period. The data sources
5. DATA AND DATA SOURCES taken are all contents in the commercial
advertisements that contain loan words (gairaigo).
The data in the research carried out by the author After finding the gairaigo data in the advertisement,
is qualitative, that is, data that is not in the form of the researchers grouped the findings based on the
numbers, but about the words / sentences used as the source, types, and period of the advertisement then
source. The data in this study are gairaigo contained described the formation process and observed how it
in Japanese commercial advertisements in the 2016-20 was used in Japanese sentences.
advertising period. In this study, the authors used
two types of data sources, namely primary data and 6.1. Data Found
secondary data. The primary data used in this study
is data in the form of absorption or gairaigo In this research, we found Japanese Loanwords
vocabulary contained in Japanese commercial (外来 語) in Japanese commercial advertisements
advertisements for the 2016 - 2020 advertising period, for the 2016 - 2020 advertising period. Sentences
both vocabulary that have been shortened, added containing gairaigo totaled 65, but because there
suffix, or merged the word, and the secondary data are several of the same gairaigo, the total gairaigo
Secondary data used in this study is written data, data to be analyzed is 50. Following are the results
which can be used as a source or theoretical basis of the data findings based on the source and year of
such as books, encyclopedias, scientific journals, publication.
newspapers, the internet, and the results of previous
Year Advertisement that contain gairaigo
2016 5
2017 8
2018 11
2019 11
2020 15
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547
This sentence is found in the Sky Perfect JSAT ad the writing rules of gairaigo.
issued in 2019. This ad shows that at the moment After having undergone several consonant
This is the most fun activity to do at home by changes, the word "television" became "terebishon"
watching TV with family. In this ad, there is a word (テ レ ビ ジ ョン). However, loanwords (gairaigo)
Japanese uptake (gairaigo) is the word テ レ ビ テ レ ビ ジ ョ ン are rarely used by Japanese,
(terebi) which comes from the word "Television". usually Japanese people say the word “terebishon”
The loan word for this ad is "SKY PerfecTV" . The (テレ ビジ ョ ン) with only the first three letters,
word "SKY PerfecTV" was formed by the Clipping namely テ レ ビ. The short word is formed by
process of the word "Sky Perfect TV".
contracting or breaking off the gairaigo from the
The formation of loan words in this advertisement original word, namely the single lexeme / root word of
is different because it undergoes a different
the first three letters (te-re bi / テ - レ - ビ) so that
formation process from other words. 97 The word テ
the word is not fully used 98 because it has already
レ ビ (terebi) was formed through the process of experienced an abreviation or decapitation. from
beheading. As Tsujimura said, cutting or what is also “terebishon” (テ レビジョ ン) to “Terebi” (テ
called "word approaching" (abbreviation) is a process
レビ). The word gairaigo contained in the Sky Perfect
of forming words by shorte ning the original word to
JSAT ad is one of the truncated gairaigo groups. As
an abbreviation of several words. The word "Terebi"
Setiawan said, the gairaigo group is a type of
(テ レビ) comes from the word "terebison" (テレ ビ
loanword that is cut into a word that is shorter than
ジ ョ ン) which is formed through consonant the original word, usually the word is shortened by
adjustment by changing the consonant "l" replaced truncation of several words, and takes several
by "r" and adding it with the vowel "e" to "re" (レ), consonants at the beginning of the word. The word
then the consonant "V" becomes "b" so that from the “Terebi” (テ レ ビ) is often found in brand
word "vi" becomes "bi" commercial advertisements which are usually related
(ビ), then adjustments by replacing the "~ tion" to satellite tv, online streaming applications, and
behind the word with "shon" (ジョン) according to other web video portals.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547
This advertisement issued in 2019 by KFC long punctuation (ー) at the end of the word.
displays promotions regarding collaborating
children's menus with Snoopy. In the ad it says that
the promo only lasts on the day that has been 7. CONCLUSIONS
determined. The word contained in the KFC advert is
After doing an analysis on Japanese commercial
キ ッズ メニュ ー. The process of word formation
advertising on electronic media with an advertising
is by compounding as revealed by Tsujimura that
period of 2016 - 2020, regarding the formation, types of
word formation by compounding can be produced by loanwords (gairaigo), and types of loanwords (gairaigo)
uniting from the original word, from other combined which often appear in Japanese commercial
words, or from foreign words with foreign words. advertisements in 2016 - 2020, researchers can conclude
The original word for combining gairaigo is from the as follows.
words Kids and Menu so that it becomes Kids Menu. Based on the number of 50 Japanese commercial
The word Kizzu Menyuu (キ ッ ズ メ ニ ュ ー) is advertisements found, there are four types of
also formed by combining two words, the two words gairaigo formation in Japanese commercial
are combined following the formation of the Japanese advertisements for the 2016 - 2020 advertising
language. The consonants d and s change by adding period, namely through the formation process by
the lowercase tsu (ッ) and zu (ズ), the word affixation, compounding, clipping, and
Menyuu is taken from the word menu, the borrowing. Of the 50 advertisements, most of
them were formed through a borrowing process
consonant me is written as メ, and nu is not written
with a total of 37 words, then a 6-word
as is, but experiences the addition of the lowercase
compounding process, a clipping process, and
yu (ュ) and long punctuation (ー) at the end of the an affixation process of 2 words. 2.
word. There are five types of gairaigo found in Japanese
The word contained in the KFC advert is キッ commercial advertisements for the 2016 - 2020
ズメニ ュー. The process of word formation is by period, namely gairaigo representational,
compounding as revealed by Tsujimura that word replacement, truncated, altered, and pseudo
formation by compounding can be produced by terms.
uniting from the original word, from other combined In the analysis of 50 commercial advertising
words, or from foreign words with foreign words. sources, the type of gairaigo that is most often
The original word for combining gairaigo is from the used is the representational gairaigo type with a
words Kids and Menu so that it becomes Kids total of 135 words from 50 advertising sources
studied, then there is a type of gairaigo
Menu. The word Kizzu Menyuu (キ ッ ズ メ ニ ュ
replacement 18 words, the type of gairaigo
ー) is also formed by combining two words, the two truncated is four words Gairaigo altred two
words are combined following the formation of the words, and the type of gairaigo pseudo terms is
Japanese language. The consonants d and s change one word from 50 ad sources from 2016 - 2020.
by adding the lowercase tsu (ッ) and zu (ズ), the word
Menyuu is taken from the word menu, the consonant
me is written as メ, and nu is not written as is, but
experiences the addition of the lowercase yu (ュ) and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547