Recieving Specifications

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1. Shiny surface, with brick red colour, length not more than 18 inches. Should be
trimmed of excessive fat, especially at the base. Excess waste meat adhering to be
2. Width of the fillet should be approx. 4" at the base and taper to 2.5 - 3 “before the
fillet apex.
3. The thickness of the fillet should be approx 2.5 - 3 " .
4. The meat should be tender, when pressure is applied to the fillet with the finger
and thumb then they should penetrate the surface.
5. The main tendon running the length of the fillet should be bright and moist in
appearance while the rest of the surrounding tissue should be white. Yellowing of
tissues or tendons indicates age and toughness.
6. Approximate weight of each fillet should be 2 – 2.5 kilograms.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. Bright white bone, fresh bright red marrow, colour of the meat attached should be
bright and fresh.
2. Fat should be severed at both joints.
3. Approximate weight = 1.5 kg without mucus and flesh.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”



Dressed weight of bird should be between 1000 - 1100 grams. Inclusive of the skin,
giblets and neck. Feet to be out at the hock joint. Neck not to be longer than 2 " from the
carcass. Carcass with well developed flesh, free of deformities breast and legs free of cuts
tears . Breast well-developed and even distribution of fat on the bird. There should be no
broken bones in the carcass, practically free from discolored skin and flesh. The
breastbone end should be soft and flexible, hard end of the breastbone indicates old age in
the bird.
There should not be any water retention in the flesh of the bird.
The skin should be free from any foreign matter and any leftover feathers.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving
SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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Same as above except the chicken shall weigh between 650 – 700 grams
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Same as above except the chicken shall weigh between 350 – 400 grams
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Eggs shall be free from blood stains, mud or dirt on the shell and broken
2. It shall be fresh, packed in clean dust/dirt free Plastic trays.
3. Weight of each egg shall be from 50 to 55 gms.
4. Microbiological analysis Salmonella (per gm) Nil
5. The eggs shall have a bright yellow yolk.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”



Should be in pairs with the tail on and the hair on the tail tip. . Feet off at the ankle .
Individual weight of the leg on an average should be 1400 - 1600 grams. The colour of
the meat should be bright and brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises ,
blemishes , or purple blood clots. The marbling of the fat should be of white colour with
no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

The weight of the chops should be about 600 – 650 grams for each rack. The rack should
be trimmed of any excessive fat and hanging flaps, the spine should finish at the end of
the ribs and not extend beyond. It should be composed of ribs and split spine. The colour
of the meat should be bright and brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises,
blemishes, or purple blood clots. The marbling of the fat should be of white colour with
no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

The weight of the shoulder should be about 600 – 650 grams for each shoulder. The
colour of the meat should be bright and brick red .The meat should show no blue bruises,
blemishes, or purple blood clots. The marbling of the fat should be of white colour with
no off or rancid / rotting smell in the meat. There should be no slime formation on the
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Beheaded, eviscerated, skinned leaving feet and neck attached with kidney and liver in
the carcass without sweetbread. The goat should weigh about 11 kg dressed, on an
average. Freshly slaughtered the colour of the meat should be bright and brick red, blood
traces to be Fresh and bright, with red blood oozing from neck. The meat to show no blue
bruises, blemishes, or purple blood clots.

The surface of the meat should carry no excessive fat, marbling on lamb should no be
more than 1/2" in depth. Colour of fat to be bright white, especially inside the body. On
pinching the tissue and fat layer between finger and thumb, a crisp and flaky feel
indicates good fat.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


Specifications as above except that weight should be above 8kg and fat marbling less
than 1/2". Light red, and the meat should be tender.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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1. The fish should be fresh without sign of ageing or shock storage such as yellow
2. Skin should be intact.
3. The scale should not fall.
4. The eyes should be bright, moist and not sunken.
5. The flesh of the fish should be firm when you press with fingers should not leave
any impression.
6. The gills should be red without any fungus.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

7. Tail should be firm.
8. No awful smell.
9. Flesh should not show any decomposed particles.
10. To be supplied chilled at a temperature range of 04 – 06 Degrees Centigrade.
11. All supplies to be made before 1200 hours daily including Sunday if so required.

Average Wt. 8-10 kgs.
As per general specification.

Belly to be removed.
No hanging flesh.
No fungus on the mouth or gills.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


Wt. 5-6 Kg.
As per general specifications.

Belly removed.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

Wt. 350-400 gms. Each
As per general specifications.

Should be washed and checked when brought for receiving.

Tandoori pomfret should weigh 350 - 400 gms.
Chinese pomfret should weigh 250 - 300 gms.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


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SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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Wt. 5-6 Kgs.

As per general specifications

No loose belly.
The body should be moist and firm.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Tiger or Scampi - As per requirement.
Frozen IQF or Block - unless specifically ordered as fresh.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
Should not have an awful smell and soft flesh.
The colour of the shell should be olive green to blue colour.
Red and orange colour is not acceptable.
No seaweed or fungus on the legs.
Egg mosses are not allowed
Headless to be supplied unless asked for head on.

a) JUMBO : 5–8 Nos. per Kg.
b) Grade A : 10 – 15 Nos. per kg.
c) Grade B : 16 – 24 Nos. per kg.
d) Grade C : 25 – 35 Nos. per kg.
e) Shrimps : 40 – 60 Nos. per kg. - (NO SHELLS) & Cleaned


a) Grade A : 15 – 18 Nos. per kg.
b) Grade B : 25 – 28 Nos. per kg.
c) Grade C : 35 – 38 Nos. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should be without head, unless ordered Head-on.
Only Lobster should be supplied and not Cray fish.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight.
Weight approx. 2-3 pcs. per kg.
No head hanging flesh.
No egg mosses having fungus.
The shell should be olive green colour, no red colour accepted.
Rest general specifications as per the prawns.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

CRAB: Only live crabs are accepted.
No fungus or egg mosses
Wt. 300-350 Gms. per piece
Should be brought moist with mandibles tied
No awful smell
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

Only claws to be block frozen, with no part of body attached, white to purplish in colour
with no smell and foreign particles.
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best before Date & Net


As per general specifications
Approx. 15-18 Pcs. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

4-5 Kgs. Per fish and also
400 –600 grams per small fish
Red Scales
As per general specifications
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

As per general specifications
Wt. - 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Kgs
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


To be fresh, with no awful smell, slime, fin or belly attached.
Weight of each fillet to be 1.5 – 2 kilos.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

The rings will be IQF and will not have any foul smell, odour or foreign particle. It shall
be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be suitably
marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
They shall be packed in 01 kilo packs.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

The fish will weigh between 200 - 250 grams in weight and will have the characteristic
blue colour with no fungus or moulding on the skin.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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The milk should be fresh, clean, only from dairy cows, free of objectionable odors or
flavours, contains no added water or foreign substance having a specific gravity of 1.028
at 60 degree F., Acidity of 0.144 % and should have milk fat content as per specifications
Name of Milk Fat Content Solid Non Fat

Double toned milk Max. 1.5 % 9.0 %

Toned milk 3.0 – 3.5 % 8.5 %
Full cream milk 6.0 – 6.5 % 9%

Whenever required the supplier should give fat content certificate from the PFA
authorities for Adulteration Clearance Certificate.
Should have a packing date, Best Before Date and batch number. Milk must be packed in
an automatic plant and the company must have MMPO number from the Ministry of
Agriculture, Govt of India.
“Rate to be quoted per Litre”

The fat content should be as specifications below:
Name of Cream Fat Content

Single Cream 25 – 30 %
Double Cream 40 – 45 %

The cream has to be pasteurized and the texture has to be smooth and acidity at 0.117 %.
Should have a packing date, best before Date and the packet must have a printed
warranty with the signature of the supplier.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving
SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Rev. Date : 15/08/06
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It should be pure white in colour, with a good consistency. No granules should be felt
when mashed between the finger and thumb. The binding should be firm and should not
have more than 20 % of water by weight. Should be odorless and have a mild creamy
taste. It should be supplied either wrapped in moist muslin cloth or in a plastic wrapper to
prevent drying and contamination during supply. Should meet PFA standards. Whenever
required supplier should give fat content certificate from the PFA authorities for
adulteration clearance certificate. Should be transported by enclosed containers and
sealed packets. Each challan must carry warranty as per PFA specifications.
Should be made of fresh milk, no foreign particles or insects, without sugar added no
sand or grit particles.
Should have a packing date and with a 55 % fat DB and moisture less than 60 %. The test
of starch should be nil and the BR reading should be below 42 %.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Pure white colour, no granules when rubbed between finger and thumb, no streakiness,
moulting or signs of curd. At 15 degree centigrade butter should be firm, neither greasy
nor oily, should show granular texture on breaking. Flavour should be free from any
rancid taste. On pressing no free moisture should be released freely. The minimum fat
content is to be of 80 %.
Should have a packing date and Best Before Date.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should have a clean taste with no rancidity, foul smell and have no more than 15 %
moisture content by weight. Should be grainy in texture and creamish in colour. Fat 30 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

The supplier has to give an Indemnity bond to indemnify the hotel against any civil and
criminal liability due to the milk products failing the tests as set about by the PF Act.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.


1. It shall be obtained by peeling and shelling of Almond nuts, kernels shall be
ellipsoid in shape with brownish tan skin, whole, clean well dried and crispy.
2. It shall be free from decay, rancidity, insect injury, foreign matter. Doubles, split
or chipped & scratched kernels and damaged shall not exceed 1%.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Date : 15/08/06
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1. It shall be soft, semi dry, plump and lustrous with light amber to golden brown
colour, well developed, with good flesh and soft, smooth skin.
2. It shall be free from extraneous matter, presence of dirt, smell and deformed with
puffiness and sunburst dates.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. It shall be prepared from well matured grapes (seedless) with golden brown to
reddish brown color. It shall have good characteristic flavor, sweet in taste.
2. It shall contain not more than 18% moisture.
3. It shall be free from Stalks, Dirt, Sand, and Sour, Discolored, Infested Raisins and
any other extraneous matter.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each
pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing,
Best before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. Pista Kernels shall be obtained through roasting, shelling and peeling of Pista
Nuts. The Kernels shall be reasonably Dry, whole some and Crispy. They shall have the
characteristic shape and color varying from light green to light brown.
2. Kernels should be free from living insects and moulds and should be practically
free from dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked
3. Kernels should be practically free from extraneous matter such as stones, dirt or
any other foreign matter.
4. Damaged, broken kernels and black spots shall not exceed 2% by wt. and shall be
completely free from rancid kernels.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each
pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing,
Best before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

1. Shelled walnuts shall be obtained through shelling and peeling of walnuts in shell.
It shall be in the form of complete halves i.e. undamaged separate cotyledon of fully
developed kernel.
2. Colour of the material from light amber to light tan or brown.

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Rev. Date : 15/08/06
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3. Kernels shall be of the current year crop only, free from diseases and mouldy pieces,
cobwebs, rodent excreta, hair, live pests grouts or eggs, shell grits, wood splinters, husk
and other foreign matters.
4. The kernels shall be reasonably dry partially or wholly shrunken or shriveled, oil
bled, blighted, sunburnt worm eaten, rancid, bitter, excessively oily or unpalatable,
tainted or blemished kernels should not exceed 2%.
5. The kernel shall be free from walnut meal or floor at the time of packing. It shall
be properly cured.
6. it shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

CASHEWNUT KERNELS - (4 Pcs. Broken & whole):
1. Cashew kernels shall be obtained through roasting, shelling and peeling cashew
nuts (Anacardium acidulate Linnaeus). The kernel shall be reasonably dry and crispy.
2. Kernel should be free from living insects and moulds and should be free from
dead insects or insect fragments, or rodent contamination visible to naked eye.
3. Kernels shall be practically free from extraneous matters such as stones dirt or
any other foreign matter.
4. Material should come under LWP (Large, White, Pieces) grade.
5. Kernels broken into more than two pieces and not passing through a 4.75c mm
I.S. Sieve.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. The kernels shall be obtained from pods of the variety "Red natal ' Peanuts", shall
have characteristic shape, configuration and appearance of the variety.
2. Kernels should be ovular round in shape and should be covered with light red
skin, reasonably dry, not moist to touch, shall not show visible signs of insects or moulds
and shall be free from dirt and obnoxious smell.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
4. Marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
a. Foreign matter (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)
b. Damaged split & broken kernels 1.0 (Max)
c. Shriveled, immature kernels (% by wt.) 0.5 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. It shall be prepared by drying of well developed fresh ripe drupes golden yellow
to yellowish brown, smooth skin sweet in taste.
2. It shall not be over dried and free from dirt, sand, sour, discolored infested apricot
or any other extraneous matter.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. It shall be prepared by drying of well developed, ripe figs, light amber to reddish
brown colour sweet in taste.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

2. It shall be dried in hygienic condition.

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
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3. It shall not be over dried, be free from dirt, sand, rodent bites and any other
extraneous matter.
4. it shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. It shall be prepared from well developed, ripe fruits of Ribs nigrum with reddish
black to black colour. It shall have good, characteristic flavour and sweet in taste.
2. It shall be free from stalks, dirt, sand, sour, discoloured, over dried, infested
currants and any other extraneous matter.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. It shall be processed essentially from fully mature, fresh coconut. The colour of
the material shall be natural white. It shall be crisp and sweet leaving natural taste.
2. It shall be free from cheesy, smoky, musty or other objectionable odour, fungal
and insect infestation. It shall be free from rancidity and shall show fat sweating.
3. The material shall be free from coconut shell testa, starch, added sugar, papaya
stem tissues or other foreign material and added colouring and flavouring matter.
4. The material shall be manufactured in premises maintained under hygienic
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
a. Moisture (% by mass) 3.0 (Max)
b. Fat (% by mass) 65.0 (Mm)
c. Fat Acidityas Lauric Acid 0.3 (Max)
d. Coliform Count/gm 10.0 (Max)
e. Salmonella Absent
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. It shall be prepared by dried stigmata or tops of styles of Crocus sativus (L).
2. It shall not contain any extraneous matter such as sand, corusilk etc.
3. It shall be free from living or dead insects, insect fragments and rodent
4. Saffron should be sealed pack of 1 gram.
5. It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be

Radisson Manohar SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
Specifications Rev. Date : 15/08/06
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7. Marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.

a. Moisture (% by wt) 6.0 (Max)

b. Ash Insoluble in dilute HCL (% by wt) 0.5 (Max)
c. Volatile Matter at 103 c+/- 1 C (% by wt.) 14.0 (Max)
d. Aqueous extract (% by wt) 55.0 (Mm)
e. Total Nitrogen (on dry wt. basis) (% by wt) 2.0 (Mm)
f. Floral waste and other part of flowers of 1.0 (Max)
Crocus sativus Linn (% by wt.)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Gm”

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SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 00
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e) Empty & Malformed Capsules (% by Count)5.0 (Max)

f) Immature & Shriveled Capsules (% by Wt.) 2.0 (Max)
g) Blades & Splits (% by Count)15.0 (Max)
h) Light Seeds (% by Wt.) 1.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. All the ice cream that will be supplied shall be made of pasteurized and
homogenized milk.
2. There shall not be an over run exceeding 100 %.
3. The ice cream will be packed in clean sterilized paper cartons which will be
wrapped in individual white/ clear plastic bags and sealed.
4. Every pack will carry a tag of the item, date of manufacture, Best Before Date and
the batch number.
5. The supplier shall provide 02 numbers chest freezers of 300 lit. - free of cost - to
the hotel for the storage of the ice cream and these shall be on a returnable basis, the
maintenance of the freezers will be the sole responsibility of the supplier. If the hotel
carries out repair the supplier shall be charged for it.
“Rate to be quoted per Gallon”.


There shall be 35 +-5 pieces per kilo with clear sugar syrup in it. The texture will be soft
and spongy and the colour shall be white to off white in a round shape.
“Rate to be quoted per Piece”

There will be 18 +- 5 pieces per kilo and will have a clear sugar syrup with it. The colour
will be brown and evenly coloured round in shape.
“Rate to be quoted per Piece”

There shall be 30 +- 05 pieces per kilo and the colour shall be white to off white with a
flat disc shape of a diameter of 1.5 to 2. 5 “soaked in a light sweet milk reduction. Could
be also flavoured with saffron.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

A thick dropping consistency of reduced and sweetened milk with or without layers
depending upon the requirement.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

A thick dessert made of hung yoghurt, with a predominant flavour of mango and lightly
sweetened with sugar .will be of a light to deep yellow colour depending upon the variety
of fresh mango pulp used.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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A yellow coloured sweet with a thick consistency with a predominant flavour of desi
ghee and the aroma of roasted moong dal and a light hint of cardamom.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

There will be 18 + 5 pieces per kilo and will have a clear sugar syrup with it. The colour
will be deep brown bordering on black and evenly coloured round in shape.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

A frozen dessert made of reduced milk and frozen in plastic or earthenware shells . It can
be flavoured with saffron, mango or pistachio. There will be 10+2 per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

Small balls of poached milk solids in saffron flavoured sauce of reduced milk topped
with slivers of pistachio.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Deep fried flat discs of milk solids in a fennel flavoured clear sugar syrup.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

Shredded carrots which have been bhunoed well to get a bright red colour and then
finished with sugar and khoya. Not very sweet and should have no off flavour or
rancidity. No excess of ghee or fat to be present
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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1. Masoor Grey Lentilla Lens
2. Moong Dark Green Phaseolus Syn
3. Urad Black Phaseolus Radiatus
4. Matar Light Green Phaseolus Mungo
5. Lobhia Off White Pisum Sativam
6. Rajmah Dark Maroon Phaseolus Vulgaris
7. Soya Bean White Glycin Max Merr
1. Pulses shall be reasonably in uniform size, shape and colour characteristics of the
2. These shall be thoroughly clean, sweet, wholesome and free from moulds,
weevils, obnoxious smell, discoloration and a mixture of deleterious substances.
3. It shall have good cooking quality
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing &
Net Weight
5. Admixture with small green peas should not exceed 5 %
Uric Acid Mg/ Kg (Max) : 100
Mycotoxin including aflotoxin Mg/ Kg ( Max) : 30
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Foreign Immature Admixture of other Weevilled
Matter Grains varieties Grains
14.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

KABULI CHANNA ( Channa White)

1. Kabuli grain should be dried, mature grain ( Cicer arietinums ) ( L )
2. It should have uniform size, shape and white in colour.
3. It should be sweet, hard, and clean wholesome and free from moulds, weevils,
obnoxious smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious substances.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code
No., Date of Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight
Admixture with small green peas should not exceed 5 %
Uric Acid Mg/ Kg (Max) : 100
Mycotoxin including aflotoxin Mg/ Kg (Max) : 30

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Foreign Immature Admixture of other Weevil led

Matter Grains varieties Grains

12.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


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1. Bengal gram (Channa) consists of split, mature, dried, whole grains of Cicer
2. It shall be reasonably uniform size, shape and yellow in colour.
3. It shall be sweet, clean, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious
smell, discolouration, admixture of deleterious substances and other impurities.
4. It shall have good cooking quality.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code
No., Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
6. Roasted Channa should be completely removed from husk.
Uric Acid Mg/Kg (Max) . 100
Mycotoxin including Aflotoxin : 30
Microgram/Kg (Max)
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Admixture damaged, broken, weevil led,
discoloured, partially husked
12.0 0.5 0.5
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


1. Red Gram (Arhar) consists of split, mature, dried, whole grains of Cajanus indus.
2. It shall be reasonably uniform size, shape with smooth surface, yellow in colour.

3. It shall be sweet, clean, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious
smell, discoloration, admixture of deleterious substances including added colour matter.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

4. It should have good cooking quality.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code
No., Date of Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight.
6. Green coloured pulses should not exceed 5%.
Uric Acid Mg/Kg (Max) : 100
Mycotoxin including Aflotoxin
Microgram/Kg (Max) : 30
Maximum Tolerance Limit (%)
Moisture Foreign damaged, broken, weevilled,
Matter discoloured, partially husked
12.0 0.5 0.5
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. It shall be obtained by grinding dehusked Bengal gram (Cicer arietium).
2. It shall be free from rancidity, insect or fungal infestation, musty odour, dirt and
kesari dal.

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3. The material shall be free flowing and ground to such a fineness that all the
material passes through 500 microns I S Sieve.
4. It shall be manufactured in premises maintained under hygienic condition.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line.
Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of
Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight.
a) Moisture Max (% Wt.) 11.5
b) Total Ash (% Wt.) dry wt basis 3.0
c) Acid Insoluble Ash (Max) 0.3
(% wt) dry wt basis)
d) Protein (%wt) dry wt basis (Mm) 21.0
e) Test for Kesari Dal Negative
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. It shall be a transparent to opaque white crystalline powder of variable particle
size, & free flowing.
2. Colour shall be varying from white to pale.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

3. It shall be free from visible contamination with clay, dirt and other extraneous
adulterants and impurities.
4. 99% by mass of the material shall pass through 1.00 mm Sieve.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line.
Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of
Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight.
a) Moisture (% by wt.) 0.6 (Max)
b) Sodium Chloride (% by wt.) 96.0(Min)
(Nad) (Dry wt. basis)
c) Insoluble matter in water (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
(Dry wt. basis)
d) Soluble matter in water, other than 3.0 (Max)
Sodium Chloride (% by wt) dry wt basis
e) Iodine Content at:
a. Manufacture level (ppm) 30 (Mm)
(Dry wt. basis)
b. Distribution Channel including 18 (M in)
Retail level ppm (Dry wt. basis)
f) Aluminium Silicate (% by wt.) 2.0 (Max)
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

1. Dal Moth shall be reasonably in uniform size, shape and colour characteristic of
the variety.

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2. It shall be thoroughly clean, sweet, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils,
obnoxious smell, discoloration and admixture of deleterious substances.
3. It shall have good cooking quality.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and New Jute Bag with Food Grade
Polythene line.
Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of
Packing, Best before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


General Specifications:

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. The rice shall be clean, free from any foreign particles and not have any worms,
mildew or fungus.
2. There shall be no off smell and the rice will not have any rice powder or any
artificially added aroma item.
3. There shall be not more than 2 % broken grain in the variety 1 & 2.
4. There will not be excessive moisture and will at no time allow the rice to become
sticky and moist.

The rice will be supplied in the following varieties:

This shall be the grade used for the banquets.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

BASMATI SUPERFINE: (Also called as SR)

This shall be the fine variety of rice and will be the best variety. For use in A La Carte
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

The rice shall be broken as ¼ to a maximum of 1/8 and will have no rice powder in it.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

It will have a distinctive yellow colour and each grain shall be full and unbroken.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

All rice will be packed in clean dry plastic lined sacks or in food grade poly bags.

Each pack to have the packing date, Best Before Date, item name, batch number and the
net weight.

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48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving
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LARGE CARDAMOM (Bari Elaichi):

1. The large cardamom shall be ripe fruit from the Cardamom capsules of
Cardamom arnomum sublatum roxb.
2. The capsules shall be of dark red brown colour, global in size on three-cornered
having a fibrous appearance. Each capsule should contain several round seeds held
together by a viscid sugary pulp.
3. in taste and aroma or flavour of cardamoms in capsules and seeds shall be
characteristic and fresh, the material shall be free from foreign taste and aroma or flavour
including rancidity and mustiness.
4. It shall be free from visible moulds & insect infestation.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
a. Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
b. insect damaged matter (% by V/W) 1.0 (Max)
c. Volatile Oil (% by V/W) 1.0 (Mm)
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


1. The small Cardamoms shall be the nearly ripe fruits of Elettaria Cardamom (L).
Meat in the form of capsules which have been dried.
2. In capsules shall be of colour ranging from light green to pale yellow, global in
size or three cornered having a ribbed appearance. The capsules may be clipped and their
pedicels removed. The capsules shall be well formed and with sound cardamom seeds
3. The taste and aroma or flavour of cardamoms in capsules and seeds shall be
characteristic and fresh. The material shall be free from foreign taste and aroma or
flavour including rancidity and mustiness.
4. Capsules and seeds shall be free from visible moulds and insects infestation.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
Test Results
a) Moisture (% by V\M) 10.0 (Max)
b) Mass per Lit. V\M (gms) 500 (Mm)
c) Volatile Oil (% by V\M) 3.5 (Mm)
d) Extraneous Matter (% by Wt.) 0.5 (Max)

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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e) Empty & Malformed

Capsules (% by Count) 5.0 (Max)
f) Immature & Shriveled Capsules (% by Wt.) 2.0 (Max)
g) Blades & Splits (% by Count)15.0 (Max)
h) Light Seeds (% by Wt.) 1.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Rough or Fine powder obtained by grinding clean, dried, mature fruits of
Coriandrum Sativum (L).
2. U shall be free from insect infestation and would growth.
3. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
4. It should pass through 500 micron sieve.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
a. Moisture (% by wt.) 9.0 (Max)
b. Total Ash (%by wt.) 7.0 (Max)
c. Ash insoluble in Diluted HCL (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. It shall be the dried mature fruits of Coriandrum Sativum L. The material shall be
of colour ranging from yellowish brown to gray.
2. It shall have characteristic pleasant taste, flavour and aroma and shall be free from
musty odour.
3. The coriander, whole shall be free from visible moulds and insects, living or dead
and insect fragments.
4. The split fruits which have been split up longitudinally into two parts shall not be
more than l0.0%bywt.
5. The coriander, whole, shall be reasonably dry.
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48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
a. Extraneous matter & damaged, discoloured, 2.0 (Max)
b. weevilled, shriveled, immature fruits (% wt.)0.0 (Max)
c. Moisture (% by Wt.) 1 0.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Tamarind pulp shall be obtained from the mature fruits of Tarmarindus Indica by
removing first the rind, then the fibrous skeleton enclosing the pulp.
2. The pulp shall have the characteristic taste and flavour and light brown to brown
in colour.
3. It shall be free from burnt or other objectionable odour, insect and their
fragments, rodent contamination and other extraneous matter.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
before Date & Net Weight.

Test Results
a) Acidity (as tartaric acid) % wt. (Min) 9.0
b) Total Soluble Solids % wt. (Mm) 65.0
c) Acid Insoluble Ash 0.8 (Max)
(on dry basis) % by Mass
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Ajwain seeds shall be the dried mature seeds of Trachyspermum Ammi (L)
sprague. The seed shall be clean and whole some and greyish brown in colour.
2. The seeds shall possess characteristic odour and a sharp burning taste.
3. It shall be free from mould and living or dead insect matter or rodent
contamination visible to the eye and any foreign taste and musty odour.
4. It shall be free of any added colouring nmatter
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
before Date & Net Weight.
Extraneous matter (% by weight)
Organic Matter 2% Max
Inorganic Matter 0.5% Max
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. Cumin seeds shall be the dried mature seed of Cuminum Cyminum (L)
2. The seeds shall be clean and wholesome and light yellowish brown to
greyish brown in colour and an elongated oval shape.
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3. The taste and aroma or flavour of cumin shall be peculiar, strong and heavy. The
material shall be free from foreign taste and aroma or flavour as well as from any musty
4. Seed shall be free from visible mould or insect infestation.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date g & Net Weight.

Extraneous matter (% by weight)

Organic Matter 2% Max
Inorganic Matter 0.5% Max
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

1. Fine powder obtained by grinding clean, dried fruits of Cuminum cyminum.
2. It shall be free from insect infestation and mould growth. U shall be free from
added colouring matter.
3. It shall pass through 500 micron sieve.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.

Moisture (% by wt.) 9.0 (Max)

Total Ash (%by wt.) 7.0 (Max)
Ash insoluble in Dil HCl (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

POPPY SEEDS (Khuskhus):

1. Poppy seeds shall be the dried, mature, seeds of Papaver somniferum.
2. It shall have uniform size, shape and colour varies from white or cream in colour.
3. It shall be clean, wholesome and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell,
discolouration, admixture of deleterious substances and all other impurities.
4. It shall be reasonably free from black specs..
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Foreign Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 % Max
Admixture of other seeds (% by wt.) 0.3 % Max
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. Jaivitri shall be obtained by dried reticulated aril of nutmeg. It shall be
smooth,' brittle pale, yellowish brown to reddish brown in colour.

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2. It shall have a pleasant and fresh aroma consist of lob pieces of not less than 2.5
cm length and 1 mm thick. It should have odour and taste, resemble to nutmeg but softer
and more delicate.
3. It shall be free from other variety and practically free from insect infestation,
visible moulds and foreign flavour or aroma like turpentine.
4. U shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Extraneous Matter & Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 1.0% Max
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. The Cinnamon shall consists of layers of dried pieces of the inner bark of
branches and of young shoots from Cinnamomum zeylanicum in which the thickness of
the bark shall range from 0.2 to 10 mm.
2. The colour varies from pale to reddish brown and it should be brittle and smooth
in the form of chips shall be not less than 60-80 mm length.
3. It shall be reasonably dry and have fresh aroma and delicate and sweet flavours
characteristic of the spice. The material shall be free from foreign odour including,
mustiness and cassia.
4. It shall be free from living insects, moulds & practically free from dead insects,
insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the eye.
5. It shall be free from extraneous matter.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as Name of material, Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
before Date & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 12.0 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.)0.5 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. The sesame seed shall be the dried seeds of Sesamum indicum. The seeds shall be
clean and wholesome and shall have the size and shape characteristic of variety.
2. The colour of these seeds ranges from cream to white.
3. The material shall be free from extraneous matter like dirt stones, clay particles
etc. rancidity and foreign taste as well as from any musty odour and insect infestation.
4. The seeds should readily exude oil when seeds are pressed with finger nail.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
Before Date & Net Weight.
Damaged, Weevilled, shriveled, Immature & extraneous matter (% by wt.) 0.1% Max.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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1. The cloves whole shall be the dried in opened buds of Eugenia coryaphyllus.
2. It should be brownish black in colour with full and plump crown somewhat rough
to touch without wrinkles.
3. It should be 8 - 10 cloves weight in 1 gm.
4. They should have fresh and fine aroma and flavour and be free from insect
infestation and mould growth and should readily exude oil when their stem is pressed
with the finger nails.
5. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
before Date & Net Weight.
Insect damaged & extraneous matter (% by wt.) 0.5 % Max
Volatile Oil (% by V/W) 15.0 % Max
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Whole turmeric shall be the primary (Bulb) or secondary (Fingers) rhizomes of
plant Curcuma longa (L), cured by boiling in water and drying. The length of rhizomes
2. be not less than 15 mm.
3. Rhizomes shall be dry well developed and shall have the shape & colour
characteristic of the variety. The cured rhizomes may be in natural state of machine
polished. No artificial colouring matter or dyes including lead chromate shall be used for
colouring rhizomes

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

4. Whole turmeric shall have the taste and aroma or flavour characteristics of
turmeric and shall be free from musty odour.
5. It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
6. It shall be reasonably dry and hard to touch and break with metallic twang.
7. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best before
Date & Net Weight.

Moisture (% by mass) 12.0 (Max)

Turmeric Content (% by mass) 02.0 (Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by mass) 0.5 (Max)
Defective Rhizomes (% By mass) 1.0 (Max)
Test for Lead Chromate Negative
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Same composition as above and to be a smooth powder.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”


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1. Fine powder obtained by grinding dried berries of Piper nigrun L.

2. It shall be free from any other matter, mould growth, insect infestation or musty
3. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
4. It shall be free from coarse particles and ground to such fineness that the whole of
it passes through a 500 micron sieves.
5. It shall be free from fungal or insect infestation.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, and Airtight Container. Each pack shall
be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best
before Date & Net Weight.

Moisture (% by wt) 10.0 Max

Total Ash (% by wt) 7.0 Max
Ash Insoluble in diluted HCL (% by wt) 1.0 Max
Nonvolatile ether extract (% by wt) 5.5 Min
Crude Fiber (% by wt) 18.0 (Max)
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. Black pepper, whole shall be the dried berries of Piper nigrum L, brown to black
in colour with wrinkled surface.
2. The taste and flavour of black pepper whole shall be freshened pungent. The
material shall be free from foreign taste and flavour including rancidity and mustiness.
3. It shall be free from extraneous matter including dust chaff, picking, other foreign
matter and papaya seeds.
4. Black pepper whole may be graded on the basis of size of the berries proportion
of light berries, pin heads, extraneous matter and place of origin.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.

Moisture (% by mass) 11.0 ( Max)

Pinheads (% by mass) 1.0 ( Max)
Light berries (% by wt) 5.0 ( Max)
Insect damaged matter (% by wt) 0.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Fine powder obtained by grinding dried whole ripe berries of Piper nigrum from
which the other part of the pericarp has been removed.
2. The colour should be uniform greyish-white.
3. It shall be free from any other matter, mould growth, insect, infestation or musty
4. It shall be free from added colouring matter.

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5. It shall be free from coarse particles and ground to such a fineness that whole of it
passes through a 500 micron sieve.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
7. Marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 9.8 (Max)
Total Ash(%by wt) 1.3 (Max)
Ash Insoluble in diluted HCL (% by wt) 0.025 (Max)
Nonvolatile ether extract (% by wt) 7.0 (Mm)
Crude Fiber (% by wt.) 3.5 (Max)
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) 0.30 (Max)

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. Fine powder obtained by grinding clean dried chilli pods of Capsicum annum (L).
2. It shall be dry free from dust, mould growth and insect infestation.
3. It shall be free from extraneous matter added colouring matter & flavouring
4. Chilli Powder shall be light to dark red in colour.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
6. Marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 12.0 (Max)
Edible Oil (% by wt) 2.0 (Max)
Total Ash (% by wt) 8.0 (Max)
Ash Insoluble in diluted HCL (% by wt) 1.3 (Max)
Nonvolatile ether extract (% by wt) 12.0 (Mm)
Crude Fiber (% by wt) 30.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Red Chilli Broken obtained by grinding clean dried chilli pods of Capsicum
2. It shall be dry, free from dust, mould growth and insect infestation.
3. It shall be free from extraneous matter added colouring matter & flavouring
4. It shall be light to dark red in colour.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


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1. The chillies shall be the dried ripe fruits or pods of Capsicum frutescens/
capsicum annum.The pods shall be of colour range from yellowish to deep red. It shall be
free from stalks.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

2. The chillies shall have their characteristics as yellow to red colour and pungent
taste. They shall be free from foreign taste and flavour including rancidity and mustiness.
The chillies shall be free from visible moulds and insect infestation.
4. The chillies shall be free from extraneous colouring matter coating of oil and
other harmful substances.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt.) 10.0 (Max)
Extraneous matter (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Damaged and discoloured (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Loose seeds (% by wt.) 1.0 (Max)
Broken pods (% by wt.) 3.0 (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

DRY GINGER (Whole Galangal) SONTH:

1. The ginger whole shall be the dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Rose, in
pieces, irregular in shape & size with peel not entirely removed, washed and dried in the
2. It shall be pale brown in colour, with fiber content characteristic of the variety
lime bleached and light pieces removed by garbling.
3. It shall have characteristic taste and flavour, be wholesome and shall not have
rancid or bitter taste or musty odour.
4. It shall be reasonably dry & free from moulds and insect infestation.
5. It shall be free from added colouring matter.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Volatile Oil (% by wt.) dry wt. Basis 1.0 ( Max)
Lime as CACO3 (% by wt.) 4.0 ( Max)
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 ( Max)
Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

NUTMEG (Whole) Jaiphal:

1. Nutmeg shall be the dried peach like ripe fruit of Myristica fragrans.
2. it shall be free from extraneous matter and infestation.
3. It shall be reasonably dry and free from added colouring matter.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Extraneous matter and Infestation (% by wt.) 0.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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1. The fenugreek seeds shall be the dried seeds of Trigonella foenum fraecum
2. The seeds shall be clean and wholesome and shall have the size, shape colour
characteristic of the type & variety.
3. The taste and aroma and flavour of the fenugreek seeds shall be characteristic of
fenugreek. The material shall be free from foreign taste and aroma as well as from musty
4. The fenugreek seeds shall be free from visible moulds and practically free from
insect infestation and added colouring matter.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 1.0 ( Max)
Edible seeds other than fenugreek 0.5 ( Max)
Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

FENNEL (Saunf):
1. It should be the dried ripe fruits of Foemiculam Vulgare Mill. The seeds shall be
the small oblong ellipsoidal or cylindrical straight or slightly curved and of greenish or
yellowish brown colour.
2. It shall be the sweet flavour and taste and free from mould growth and practically
free from insect infested seeds and added colouring matter.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.

Extraneous Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 ( Max)

Edible seeds other than fennel 0.5 ( Max)
Insect Damaged Matter (% by wt.) 0.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

1. Amchur powder shall be prepared by grinding, peeling clean and dried raw
mango slices (Mangifera indica Linn).
2. It shall have the characteristic colour, taste and flavour. It shall be free from
musty odour, extraneous matter, added colouring matter, flavouring matter and

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

3. It shall be free from dirt, mould growth and insect/ fungal contamination and
added common salt or starch.
4. It shall be ground to such a fineness that not less than 97% by wt. passes through
a 500 micron IS sieve.
5. it shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.

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Moisture(%by wt) 9.0 ( Max)

Total Ash (% by wt.) Acid Insoluble Ash (% by wt.) 4.0 ( Max)
Acid Insoluble Ash ( % by weight ) 1.0 ( Max)
Crude Fiber (% by wt.) 3.5 ( Max)
Acidity as anhydrous citric acid (% by wt) 20.0 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. It shall be prepared from sound and properly cleaned wheat, by grinding wheat in
such a manner that a granular product containing as little flour as possible is obtained.
2. It shall posses a good characteristic taste and odour and shall be free from rancid,
musty, sour and other undesirable taste or odorous.
3. It shall be free from living insects, moulds, dead insects, insect fragment and
rodent contamination visible to the eye.
4. The material shall be retained on a 300 microns IS sieve and completely pass
through 850 micron sieve.
5. it shall have good cooking quality.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
Moisture (% by wt) 9.0 ( Max)
Total Ash (% by wt.) 2.25 ( Max)
Acid Insoluble Ash (% by wt.) on dry wt. Basis 0.20 ( Max)
Protein (% by wt) on dry wt. Basis 8.0 ( Max)
Alcoholic Acidity (% by wt.) as sulphuric acid 0.05 ( Max)
Crude Fibers (% by wt.) on dry wt. Basis 1.5 ( Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. It shall be sound, dried leaves of Lauru~ nobilis, light green in colour and have its
characteristic flavour.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

2. It shall be free from dirt, dust, extraneous matter, fungal/insect infestation & small
pieces of broken leaves.
3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. it shall be the sun dried or dehydrated seeds of Pomegranate reddish brown to
dark red color and characteristic flavour.
1. It shall be free from dirt, grit, dust, insect infestation.
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3. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.


1. It shall be dried seeds of Nigella Sativa (L).
2. Extraneous matter including dust, dirt, stones, lumps of earth, chaff, stem or straw
shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
3. Edible seeds other than cumin black shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
4. It shall be free from added colour matter.
5. Jnsect damaged matter shall not exceed 0.5% by weight.
6. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

MUSTARD (Rai~ Sarson) WHOLE:

1. It shall be the dried seeds of Brassica sps.
2. It shall be free from seeds of Argemone maxicana (L).
3. The extraneous matter including dust, dirt, stones, lumps or earth, chaff, stem,
straw, edible food grains, oil seeds or any other impurity shall not exceed 0.5%.
4. Insect damaged matter shall not exceed 0.5%.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

1. It shall be well dried leaves of fenugreek (Methi) leaves, dark green in colour.
2. It shall all be free from stalks, stems, other extraneous matter like sand, lumps of
3. It shall be prepared in hygiene conditions.
4. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Mustard Powder obtained by grinding the dried seeds of Brassica variety.
2. It shall have coloured and pungency characteristic of the variety.
3. It shall be free from moulds, insect infestation and musty flavour and taste.
4. It shall be free from added colouring matter and any other foreign matter.
5. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Airtight Container.
6. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No.,
Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.

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Moisture (% by wt) 6.0 ( Max)

Total Ash (% by wt.) 6.0 ( Max)
Volatile Oil (% by V/M) 0.35 ( Max)
Non-Volatile Ether Extract (% by wt.) 27.0 ( Max)
Ash Insoluble in dil HCL (% by wt.) 2.0 ( Max)
Crude Fiber (% by wt.) 8.0 ( Max)
Starch (% by wt.) 15.0 ( Max)
Test for Argemone Oil Negative
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

SABU DANA (Sabu Granules):

1. It shall be in hard globules or pearls form from sago palm or the tubers of tapioca
(Manihot utilisima).
2. It shall be reasonably dry.
3. It shall have good cooking quality i.e. on preparation the globules should not
completely dissolve.
4. It shall be free from any extraneous matter including natural colours.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

7. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No.,
Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
Total Ash (on dry basis) 0.4% (Max)
Acid Insoluble in diluted HCL (on dry basis)0.5% (Max)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

The product shall be ground wheat and will conform to the Agmark standard and will be
Agmark branded. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name of material Batch No.,
Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

The item needed is from DFM and will have a gluten content of 12. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before
Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Grain sugar with a specification of M – 30. Each pack shall be suitably marked as name
of material Batch No., Code No., Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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Fresh, dark green leaves, should be free of any grass or weeds. The leaves should not be
moth eaten or damaged
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Green and red in colour, fresh leaves standing firmly on stem, not wilting. It should be
trimmed of roots, without roots and muds of any kind.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dark green in colour, long and even shape. Minimum size 1’ long. Average count 24 Pcs.
per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Long cylindrical shape, no stringiness , firm with dry outer surface. Should not have any
wet spots and no dents.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dark purple in colour, with smooth skin , tender surface, free of cracks and scars . No
leaves and stem attached.Skin is easily split by the fingernails, 8-10 per kgs. Short neck
with deep scars or several circles of leaf scars around top indicate age. Soft flabby or
shriveled beets lack in quality. YIELD = 70 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Fresh green in colour, bright in appearance, velvety to touch. Snaps with a distinct clean
break with strings. No fibre in the flesh and all beans should be of the same maturity
should not be damp or will spoil very easily on storage. It should have minimum amount
of seeds.
YIELD = 88 % ( TRIMMING WASTE = 12 % )
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Head heavy for size ,firm and solid ,colour may vary between light yellowish green to
dark green . Leaves should be crisp and with no decay, worm holes or blemishes. Broken
or burst heads should be rejected.
YIELD = 80 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


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Same specs. as above only the colour should be deep purple.

“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Should have dark green shiny skin, and be tender and crisp , with even shaped soft white
seeds , no discolouration, bruises or soft patches. the base should be of at least 8cm.When
split there should be no browning of seeds and no worms.
YIELD = 80 %

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should have a smooth skin, even conical shape , should break with a snap when bent.
Colour can vary from deep rusty red in winters to light orange in summers. If any string
roots on the surface they should be white and soft. No woody carrot roots will be
Diameter of the cone should generally not exceed 2.5 " i.e. 6.25 cms.
YIELD = 60 % ( TOPS = 21% LOSS )
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Bright white to creamy white flower with outer leaves fresh ,crisp and green. Clean ,
heavy , firm and compact head with no outer leaves. No plant lice ( dirty or smudgy
spots) should be there on the head. .On an average there should be 01 pc/kg. No insect
infestation to be there.
YIELD = 40 % .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Dark green in color , with smooth skin surface ,having long even shape ,
should snap when bent and seeds will be soft and white. Should not be over ripe and not
have a shriveled appearance.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Same as above, but red in colour
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Same as for red chilli but to be at least 03 “ long and 1.5” thick
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Firm , crisp , shiny and waxy appearance, medium size upto 15 cms. in length
and 4 cms. in diameter. Dark green colour formation over at least 75 % of the
cucumber and a good even shape. The seeds should be tender in almost
translucent but firm (not jelly like ) center.
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48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Withered or shriveled cucumbers have tough, rubbery flesh ,bitter flavour and the ones
with a dull green colour, yellow underside, puffy , soft texture are indications of over
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Bright green , fresh , wide leaves , standing leaves not wilted. It should be a young plant
without flowers and trimmed of any root with a highly aromatic characteristic smell.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Can be round or long. Should have a uniform dark purple colour, with spotless ,soft and
shining skin with a silken sheen. Free of injury or cracks ,green stem with fine spines on
it. Light for its size . Seeds not to be hard and prominent. There should be no wilting ,
shriveling softness, flabbiness and no worm holes or injury. YIELD = 80 %.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Well filled bulbs , heavy for its size ( 3 cms. diameter minimum ), covered with dry outer
sheath , interior of good quality with large pods . The colour should be clean white with
no brown , shriveled or dried bulbs. YIELD = 88 % .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

It should be fresh and without skin and free from dirt.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Green in colour, fresh and soft and free from dirt.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Red/Brownish colour, should be free of any grass or weeds. Stem should be out just
below the leaves. The leaves should be fresh and not sloppy, free of signs of infestation.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Green in colour, hard to touch. Average count 70 pcs. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Brownish in colour, firm with a smooth skin, even shaped, free of any crevices or cuts, no
mud or dry dirt should be sticking to them. Hard to touch, no green or black spots or
sprouts on the skin. Average count 7-8 kg. per pc.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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Large , fresh , full even pieces with no mud attached. The pulp should not be stringy or
dry. Should have clean surface with fine hair roots adhering , should not be too knotty or
woody. Interior should be moist with a sharp distinctive smell. YIELD = 85 % .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Bright green colour , with smooth ridged surface. The skin should be velvety to touch and
should dent easily with the finger nail , but the vegetable should be firm and resilient to
pressure. There should be minimum amount of seeds which should be soft and tender.
Medium size is ideal and 14-15 pieces /kilogram.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Should be at least 3"- 4 " long , with a bright green colour , with a smooth velvety
surface with fine hair like spikes on the surface, they should be crisp and the tips should
snap off when bent. Shape should be uniform and long with white, small soft seeds. They
should not have been soaked in water to increase weight , should not be limp and listless .
This is a indicator that they are stale or over ripe. YIELD = 85 %.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

It should be brownish in colour. Average count 10-14 nos per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

It should be of a light green in colour, crisp, smooth and possessing/shiny surface. The
seeds should be a bare minimum, a small and white and not yellow or red. Average count
10-14 nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Greenish yellow in colour and hard to touch. When cut the seeds should be white and
soft. Approximate weight 3 – 5 kilo each.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright yellow in colour, with thin skin , firm and heavy for its size .

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

18 – 20 pieces / kilogram is ideal. Should be resilient to thumb pressure and have a full
spicy flavour. No scars, spots or browning of the skin to be apparent. There should be no
off or rancid smell . YIELD = 40 % JUICE
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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At least 8”-9” long, light green colour. It should be tender and crisp. The seeds should be
white and soft.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright green colour with fresh , crisp , tender leaves. There should be no rot, decay , tip
burns , ragged leaves or excessive wrapper leaves. The head should be firm and the stem
be cut off close to the leaves. The leaves should be crisp and free from any insect
infection or black holes. Should be free from dirt.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”.

Fresh with a typical smell, abundant, crisp dark green slender leaves. There should be no
browing or wilting of leaves.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Large dark green leaves , crisp unscarred and not wilting . The stems should be trimmed
off above the roots and the mint should not have been soaked in water to increase the
weight. There will be a sharp characteristic aromatic smell when the leaf is crushed.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dry surface leaves , tender white pulpy internal leaves , sharp taste.
Bulb : Firm , well shaped , large size ( min. = 100 grams) with clean skin of a reddish
colour. Leaf should make a rustling sound when poured. No seed stems or coarse interior
resulting from seed stems growth. (high wastage ) No rot, fungus , moulds or decay
should be visible. Moist stems at the neck indicate interior decay.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Should be fresh with green tops ,medium sized necks , 5 -7.5 cms. of clean clear white ,
full, plump , tender root .(Yellow ,wilted , bruised leaves are an indication of inferior
quality and deterioration. )
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Firm hard surface, bottled green and yellow colouring, when split should have bright
white pulp and soft small seeds. 22 – 27 No. / Kg
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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The outer surface should be green.It should be hard to touch with a smooth and even
surface without any cuts or holes. It should be firm, round or oval shape. Average wt.3-4
kilo per pc.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Pods full with sweet peas inside. Fresh, juicy, crisp and tender pods with a good green
colour . ( Pods turn yellowish with age ) YIELD = 40 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Dry in appearance with dark coloured , firm , smooth and peeling skin. There should be
no deeply set eyes ( higher paring waste, more labour or spots . With unbroken skin , no
scars , mechanical or worm injury ,not wilted , leathery or discolouring of the skin.
( Green colouring is due to sunburn giving it a bitter flavour. ) For baby potatoes they
should not be more than 1” in dia and same specs as above.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Bright orange outer skin, ripe ,soft orange colour inside . Skin should be smooth and free
of injury or cracks. Must be heavy for its size and should not have any rotting or mould
on the surface. YIELD = 65-85 % (depending on the variety ), Should weigh 6-7 kilos
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Creamy green outer skin , with bright white pulp , few and soft seeds. Skin is thin and
easily marked with the finger nail , smooth , firm , even shape and free from any cracks

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

or injury. There should be no soft spots on the surface and any discolouration is an
indicator of spoilage. YIELD = 80 % ( 5 % = SKIN, 15 % = PULP WASTAGE)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Well formed , smooth , firm , tender , crisp and mild in flavour.
Leaves fresh , bright green . Should be of the medium size and not spongy or soft. Outer
skin will be of a bright red colour and the skin should not be split as it tends to be pithy.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Same as above only the colour will be white or creamy white , length should not be more
than 30 cms. Will be trimmed of all leaves.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


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Highly perishable . Sprouts , buds or crown may indicate poor quality and texture. Leaves
should be fresh , crisp tender , mature , of bright green colour.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dark green colour. There should be no cut, fungus growth or damages on the skin. Firm
white pulp 8-10 nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

It should be green in colour, hard to touch not pulpy. The seed should be small and
tender. Average count 4-6 Nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

It should be green in colour, hard to touch, smooth shiny surface and tender skin. When
broken the seeds should be small and tender.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Brownish in colour, firm with a smooth skin, even shaped, free of any crevices or cuts.
No mud or dry dirt should be sticking to them Average count 4-6 nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Dark green purple in colour, No mud or dirt should be sticking to them. Average count 45
– 50 pcs. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Soft green leaves, should be free of any grass or weeds. The stem should be cut just
below the leaves. The leaves should be fresh and not sloppy, free of signs of infestation.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Mature but not over ripe or soft. Uniform shape , large size , smooth ,firm and pulpy
( not soft ) . Colour should be bright red Free from decay, freezing injury . No damage
caused by dirt , bruises, cuts, puffiness , growth cracks , scars , disease , insects , nails or
mechanical injury. No worm holes , mould or wateriness. Mis shaped , ribbed , scarred ,
mushy tomatoes are of poor quality.
YIELD = 88 % (12 % = Skin, core, ends, trimmings)
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

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Green in colour, hard to touch. It should have small fur like bloom and shine on the other
skin. When cut, the inside should be hard to touch and have not formation. The seeds
should be small. Average count 10-12 nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Greenish black colour, smooth tight skin. It should snap when twisted, no broken ends.
When broken the seeds should be small and the inside free of “Net” formation.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Creamy white colour with a blush. Thin skinned smooth and tender. 8-10 nos. per kilo.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Zimikand clean surface, no crusted mud, even disc shape. Colour of meat to be light
pink. No worms or cracks. Size to be not larger than 3 – 4 kg. each.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


1. Cape closed at the stem , firm and white.
2. Stems properly trimmed not exceeding 2 cms. in length .
3. Cut surface of stem white or delicately pink ( Dark or black colour indicates age )
4. Mushrooms not to be mis shapen , dark , bruised or mouldy.
5. Should not have been soaked in water to increase the weight .
6. To be packed in poly bags with holes for breathing.
7. Cap size will be between 2” – 2.5” and for Italianni’s will be 3.5” – 4 ” diameter.
8. It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack
shall be suitably marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Green stem with no hard root and with a clear and firm head.
Decay indicated by dullness in appearance and toughness.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

4 -5 in a kg, firm dark purple colour, resilient to pressure of thumb.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should be 3” in length and should have the stem firmly attached and leaves to be bright
green and firm
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should be firm , yellow in colour, of a length of 4-5” and no rot or fungus to be present
It shall be packed in Sound, Clean, Dry, Food Grade Polythene Bag. Each pack shall be
suitably marked as name of material, Date of Packing, Best Before Date & Net Weight.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

SOP : KITCHEN Section : Receiving
Rev. No. : 02
Goldfinchhotels Pvt Ltd Rev. Date : 21/11/04
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving PAGE : 44 of 52

Clean , crisp , brittle stalks with bright green leaves .Length should be approx. 40 cms.
The ideal receiving weight is 650 - 800 grams .The stalks should not be wilted, spotted or
soft as these indicate decay and deterioration in the quality.

The stalk should have good thickness and solidity , a good heart formation and fairly
straight stems with no black rot, insect injury or the presence of insects.
YIELD = 75 %.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright green colour, fresh leaves, standing firmly on stem not wilting, short stem. Highly
aromatic characteristic smell.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Firm head with closed leaf and tight leaf pattern.
Discoloured leaves indicate decay. Dark green or open heads indicate late harvesting
excessive exposure to sun and high temperature.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should be bright green, with a delicate fragrance free from dirt and yellowed leaves.
(Dark green or brown coloured leaves indicate over maturity and a strong flavour ) No
presence of rotting or wilting leaves as this indicates deterioration or treatment by
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Fresh bright green, crisp leaves, firm bunch of leaves to each head, and with no worm-
eaten or discoloured leaves. The size should be on an average 14:. The spine of the leaves
should not be large and hard.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

3-4 in a kg. Bulb should be of bright white colour with crisp, juicy pulpy leaves. Dark,
green stem leaves.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

6-8 per kg, dia. of base approx. 4", with bright green firm leaves tinted purple at tip.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”

Bright green, no rot or fungus present, with firm head and crisp leaves.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Firm head with no stem attached and head of at least 700 grams. No purple blush and the
colour should be dark green with no flowering or yellowing.
“Rate to be quoted per Kilo”



Deep red skin. The anar pearls should be bright ruby red in colour, sweet in taste. No
infection, no black spots. Average count 03 Nos. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Selected at proper maturity (maturity is indicated by brown seeds , softening Of the flesh)
Rich fruity apple aroma and a deep red colour. Should have a crisp, juicy having
moderate to low acidity, high sweetness. No defects or decay, internal browning internal
break-down , scabs , broken skin or bruises. Fruit should be carefully packed and be of a
clean and fresh appearance.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Plump and fairly firm. Juicy with good flavour and tenderness . No overripe , decayed or
shriveled fruit. Colour bright orangish yellow .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 02
Specifications Rev. Date : 21/11/04
PAGE : 46 of 52

No bruises , moulds, poorly coloured skin ( chilling discolours the fruit )and over ripe
spots. Should have a attractive yellow colour , fresh in appearance , firm , full and plump.
Good strength of the peel. 10 – 12 No. / kg
YIELD = 68 % (Peeling losses = 44 % )
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dark brown, thin skin, firm surface, the flesh should be dark brown, juicy, sweet.
Average 8-10 Nos. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

No cracked hard surface, have plenty of water inside kernel, should be marble white,
thick no rancidity. Each coconut should yield 400-500 gm. kernel.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

Dark red in colour, no black spots, should be juicy, accepted with stalk.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Should be greenish yellow colour, firm, no fungus formation, should be ripe. Average 4”
dia. 3-4 Nos. per kg. No black spots or dry skin is accepted.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright red in colour, firm, spotless, no fungus infection, should not be pulpy, sweet in
taste. 35-40 pcs. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright yellow in colour, firm, spotless, no fungus infection, should be sweet with brown
leaves coming.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Light greenish yellow in colour, firm, sweet.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

10 to 15 pcs per kg. Purple coloured, should not be shiny.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving
SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 02
Specifications Rev. Date : 21/11/04
PAGE : 47 of 52

8-10 pcs. per kg., should be firm dark brown colour, no infection and pulpy texture.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

10 to 12 pcs per kg., bright yellowish green in colour.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Dark brown husk covering , heavy for its size and a presence of water in it can be felt by
shaking the fruit . Should not be having any soft spots on the surface and be absolutely
dry to feel. Any wetting of it will speed the spoilage and reduce the shelf life of it. Should
be of a large size and the minimum weight is 500 grams. YIELD=53 % (Waste in
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

These should be heavy in size , juicy , full flavoured , with thin skin and tender and
delicate flesh .Should be of a medium size i.e. of 100 mm. or 10 cms. diameter give good
standard half carving . Extra large fruit tend to have a coarse texture and soft flesh while
very small ones are apt to have very high acidity , lack the sweetness and have a weak
YIELD = 47 % Flesh OR 42-45 % Juice .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Light green colour , ripe , full bunches, each bunch of even conical shape with fruit
firmly attached to the stems. If a number of grapes fall off on shaking then the grapes are
old and will have a short shelf life. There should be no soft, squashed ,over ripe or brown
grapes. The skin should be thin ,the pulp should be sweet and juicy. There should be no
seeds as the name implies. No moulds ,wet , sticky , or decayed grapes. There should be
brown cluster stems (however over shriveling of the cluster stems indicates excessive
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

As above but there will be no seeds. Minimum weight of one bunch should be 400 grams
approx. The colour will be plum red .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

As above but the colour should be a fresh green. Minimum weight of one bunch should
be 400 grams
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Golden yellow in colour, firm thin skin and pulpy sweet juice, surface should be smooth
no spots, no wrinkles, free of any cuts. Average wt. 5-6 Nos. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”
Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving
SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 02
Specifications Rev. Date : 21/11/04
PAGE : 49 of 52


6-7 Pcs. per kg. thin skin, sweet greenish yellow colour, should be juicy, not dry fruit.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Specification is same sweet lime juicy, 3 –4 pcs. per kg. It should be ripened.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Bright orange colour , thin skin, sweet in taste, juicy. No soft segments, no fungus,
should not be green in colour. 6-8 pc. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Specification should be same as orange juicy. 3-4 pcs. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Orangish yellow colour, outer skin should be hard to touch. sweet, not pulpy. The leaves
should be intact and green. Average should be 5 inch (Dia) 10-12 inches ht. without
leaves. Average wt. 1.5 – 2.00 kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Piece”

Ripened, firm tissues, not pulpy. No bruises, spots, or spoiled not rotten smell. Skin firm ,
with no bruises or blemishes. Plump firm fruit , clear in colour with sweet and flavourful
smell. Pulp should be bright yellow , sweet , juicy with a minimum of fibres. Medium
size is the best , there should be 4 - 5 pieces per kilogram.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

SAFEDA - Should be yellow in colour, no spots, 3 pcs. per kg.
LANGRA - 4-5 pcs. per kg.
CHOUSA - 4-5 pcs. per kg. Light greenish colour is acceptable.
DUSHARI - 4-5 pcs. per kg.
ALPHANSO - Should be yellowish red in colour, 3 pcs. per kg. Ripened by itself not by
chemicals, thin skin, and firm tissues.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Yellowish red in colour. Firm velvety skin, no black spots or any cuts. 7-8 pcs. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


Yellowish colour, firm & juicy tissues. Average weight 6-8 per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 02
Specifications Rev. Date : 21/11/04
PAGE : 50 of 52

Reddish black colour, thin skin, no bruises or any cuts of packing, pulpy one not
acceptable. 10-14 pcs. per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Crisp reddish brownish skin , with no cracks or blemishes .Should be firmly attached to
the bunch , with no loose lychees , small seeds , juicy white soft pulp inside. The seed
should not be larger than 1/3rd the size of the whole lychees.Bunches should not have
gaps with bare stems. 80 lychees with leaves and stalk in one kilogram.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Ripeness is indicated by firm , symmetrical shape , fresh attractive appearance and a
dark solid green colour. A bloom should be seen over the fruit i.e. a somewhat velvety
appearance , and the underside is yellowish in colour . The flesh should be crisp , bright
red , sweet and juicy with not too many seeds. The surface of the melon should be hard to
touch and should withstand medium pressure applied by the hands. Immature melons
have hard , greenish and unripe appearance with white or light green underside. Over
maturity is indicated by dull , lifeless appearance and a soft and springy feel. Hard white
streaks through the length of the flesh indicate poor quality. Ideal receiving weight is 7 –
9 kilograms.
YIELD = 54 %.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


This has a smooth , greenish white rind which is creamy yellow at maturity. Flesh should
be thick , greenish , fine grained , juicy , sweet and mild in flavour. Softening at the
blossom end and aroma also indicate ripeness. However sour smell and pink or black dots
are an indication to over ripeness. YIELD = 60 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”


The best method for checking a citrus fruit is cutting one and tasting it. Fruit is heaviest
and juiciest at the beginning of the season, as the season extends the skin will become
thick and the ends will take on a pointed appearance. These should have THIN SKINS
(puffy or spongy fruit with a wrinkled skin lack in juice and flavour.) and FINE
TEXTURED SKIN with tiny oil sacs on it. The fruit should be plump , firm, and heavy
for its size juicy and having a good flavour. The fruit should be free from blemishes ,
hard , dry or broken skin, bruises and any other defects. There should be no blue or white
moulds , no shriveling of the skin or other traces of decay. The stem site of the fruit
should not be soft or spongy and with no sour rotting smell as this indicates poor quality.
YIELD = 65 % FLESH or 45-50 % JUICE.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Goldfinch hotels Pvt Ltd SOP MANUAL Section : Receiving

SOP : KITCHEN Specifications
SOP : KT SECTION : Receiving Rev. No. : 02
Specifications Rev. Date : 21/11/04
PAGE : 51 of 52

Clean , bright and typically coloured for the variety. Soft flesh , juicy and good flavour.
Not misshaped , wrinkled or soft to touch. The flesh should be firm to touch and will get
a dent under pressure. There should be no scars , damage , insect or worm injury. YIELD
= 75 %. Average weight 6-8 per kg.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Flesh of distinct whitish yellowish colour with more whiteness near the base.There will
be a fragrant aroma near the base with a clean and waxy shine on the outer surface
squares. Well developed plump fruit with dry bottom and firm eyes .Fruit will be heavy
for its size and the base will be well trimmed. Small size , purplish- green colour,
partially developed eyes are indicators of immaturity. No mould ( appears first at the
base , indicated by softness and sour smell ) or rot ( darkening under the skin
surface.)YIELD = 35 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

Orangish yellowish colour is acceptable.The papaya will be tested for ripeness by
shaking it, if the seeds are loose and rattle inside then it is ready , pressure applied on the
apex of the fruit should result in their being a dent ( softening of the surface ) The papaya
should weigh in the range of 1.5 –2.00 kilograms and not less. The pulp should have a
bright orange colour all the way to the skin-- with a sweet , delicate and mellow flavour.
YIELD = 67 %
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Will have a bright yellow skin, with no discolouration or blemishes and will have a
smooth skin with no cracks and green, black spots.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Dozen”

Will have a firm yellow green skin with at least weighing 04 kilos per piece .
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Shall be firm to touch, will have a smooth even green coloured skin with no cracks, scars
or blemishes. There should be 05 – 06 per kilo. Should have less seeds and no red colour
for the flesh.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

Will have a firm yellow coloured skin, even size, no damp spots and blemishes. Any soft
spots or discolouration shows deterioration of quality.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

These will be seedless and compact packed. Will not have any seed fragments and will be
moist packed with no off smell and rancidity.
“Rate to be Quoted Per Kilo”

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.
48/10 Village Majorda, Adao Waddo, Salcette, Goa, 403713, India.

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