Item Name Price Description
Item Name Price Description
Item Name Price Description
Once per day, instead of rolling a d20, you can flip a coin. Heads=critical hit;
All-or-Nothing Coin 150 tails=critical fail.
As long as this sword is kept in it's scabbord, the wearer suffers no ill effect from
All-Seasons Scabbard 350 extreme weather.
A small fist-sized glass ball filled with a silvery smoke. When the sphere is destroyed,
Anti-Gravity Sphere 250 it disables the effect of gravity on everything in a 30ft radius for 1 hour.
This glove turns your “Mage Hand” spell invisible, allowing you to perform stealthy
Arcane Trickster’s actions, such as pickpocketing, slight-of-hand, or other acts of remote legerdemain.
Glove 650 For these checks, use your Arcana score, instead of Stealth or Slight of Hand.
You have resistance to one type of damage while wearing this armor, chosen
Armor of Resistance 500 randomly before purchased.
Astral Shell 1,200 A conch shell that allows you to interrogate the souls of the recently dead.
Inside this heavy cloth bag are 3d4 dry beans. The bag weighs 1/2 pound plus 1/4
pound for each bean it contains.
If you dump the bag's contents out on the ground, they explode in a 10-foot radius,
extending from the beans. Each creature in the area, including you, must make a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the area that
aren't being worn or carried.
If you remove a bean from the bag, plant it in dirt or sand, and then water it, the bean
produces an effect 1 minute later from the ground where it was planted. The GM can
Bag of Beans 300 choose an effect from the following table, determine it randomly, or create an effect.
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions,
roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500
pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds,
Bag of Holding 500 regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
Turns the user invisible as long as he's successfully playing them. Temporarily
Increases every NPC's aggressivity towards the player for every turn they're hearing
Bagpipes of Invisibility 150 the bagpipes.
A sick vape that you can use once per day to gain advantage on either Persuasion or
Billowing Branch 800 Intimidation checks.
A piece of steel forged into the shape of a lightning bolt. When attuned to the weilder,
will do an addition 1d8 electric damage. Double the damage if target is touching
Bolt of Steel 1,500 water.
While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the suface
Boots of Elven Kind 300 you're moving across. You have advantage of stealth checks while wearing them.
A small bundle of three pink berries, the look delicious and almost draw you towards
them, you feel yourself wanting to eat them when they're in your view. When you look
closely you can see the berriers have a natural pattern on them. One berry has a
small set of wings on it, one has a small horseshoe on it, and one has a small wave
Bundle of Berries 2000 on it.
This hollow metal tube measures 1 foot long, and weighs one pound. You can point
it at any object within 120 feet and strike it as an action, and one lock on the object
will unlock itself. If no locks remain, the object itself will open. After 10 uses, the tube
Chime of Opening 400 will crack and no longer work.
Cursed Leggings 150 Super cute leggings, im sure theyll make your legs look amazing
You can use an action to place these shackles on any incapacitated creature, and
they will adjust to the size of the wearer. These shackles will prevent the creature
from any kind of escape, including teleportation and travel to a different plane of
existence. Once every 300 days the wearer can make a DC 30 Strength check to
Dimensional Shackles 800 break free and deystroy the shackles.
A small red whistle carved into a dragon head. Like a dog whistle, only dragons can
Dragon Whistle 150 hear the frequency of the sound this whistle creates.
Dripping Trident 300 A silver trident, that can cast the spell Create Water infinitely.
Flaming Poisoning A sword with a gigantic blade, wreathed in flames and with a crooked, oozing
Raging Sword of scorpion’s stinger affixed to its point. Deals an extra 20 Melee Damage.
Doom 60,000
Once a day this fork will allow the user to eat any non-magical item they can fit in
Glutton’s Fork 500 their mouth and gain 2d6 HP. Just tap the fork on the item and it will turn edible.
Hat with Stupid Multi colored stupid little hat. Wearer has disadvantage on intimidation checks.
Spinner on Top 5
This doll is very creepy. If its owner ever fails a third death save, the doll will take the
Haunted Doll 100 hit instead, and will die in place of its owner.
This rod is a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. When the button is pushed
(a move action), the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place
defies gravity. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the
button, and let go. Several immovable rods can even make a ladder when used
together (although only two are needed). An immovable rod can support up to 8,000
pounds before falling to the ground. If a creature pushes against an immovable rod,
Immovable Rod 800 it must make a DC 30 Strength check to move the rod up to 10 feet in a single round.
A glass bottle filled with sand. Remove the cork and sand will pour out infinitely, at
Island in a Bottle 500 increasingly mind boggling rates.
A literal jar of bees. You could probably throw it at enemies or through a window and
Jar of Bees 50 create a distraction. Or you could drop it like a dumb bitch and get stung a bunch.
Lens of Straight Once per day allows you to see the footprints, tracks, or markings of anything that
Creepin’ 200 moved through the observed area recently.
The medallion has 3 charges. While wearing it you can use an action and expend 1
charge to cast detect thoughts spell (save DC 13) from it. The medallion regains 1d3
Medallion of Thoughts 450 expended charges daily at dawn.
A pack of green and blue speckled minty sticks of chewing gum that allows anyone
Mockingbird Gum 200 chewing it to emulate another person’s voice for one hour. Contains 5 sticks of gum.
A small, softball-sized, patchwork leather bag with some sort of spherical object
Mystery Bag 300 inside.
A question mark is worked into the head of this key. The key has a 5 percent chance
of unlocking any lock into which it's inserted. Once it unlocks something, the key
Mystery Key 150 disappears.
Resembles a miniature garden gnome that carries lock picking tools in his hands.
When not in use, looks like a 4" inch tall statue. Twice daily, can be placed in front of
a locked object to unlock it (functions as the spell “Knock”). At this point, the statue
comes to life in order to pick the lock. After the lock is picked (or if he is unable to
open it), it reverts back to an inanimate statue. While picking the lock, the Nit Picker
critiques any or all members of the party on their recent performance in the
campaign. Nothing escapes the critical eye of the Nit Picker, no matter how small the
Nitpicker 900 perceived offence.
This might look like a simple salt shaker, but the contents have been bewitched to
No-Sodium Salt turn a bright shade of pink if sprinkled over food or drink that contains poison. Also
Shaker 200 makes food taste good, as it’s a delicious spice.
Makes your unarmed strikes more powerful and grants them the ability to knock
enemies backwards. Adds 1d4 Damage to unarmed strikes and knocks back 10 feet
Phantom Fist 400 on hit.
Once per day, can be used to ask a yes, no, or maybe question to the fates (DM).
There are three bones carved into people with happy faces and sad faces. All happy
Phone-a-Friend faces means yes, all sad faces mean no, anything in between means maybe. The DM
Scrying Bones 500 can respond or choose not to answer.
Plastic Sheriff Badge 500 Adds +3 to Bluff checks when impersonating a person of authority.
Rickle Axager's Once per day, you can read a section on an associated skill check. For the next 24
Pocket Guide to hours, you have advantage on that skill check. Sections can also be read aloud to
Adventuring (3rd give an advantage to another party member.
Edition) 1,500
Allows you to wild shape into a housecat at will, but when you do you become
insatiably curious and you must pass a will save to resist investigating the nearest
unusual object or location. While in cat form you are immortal unless you are
Ring of Curiosity 250 investigating something curious.
Copper ring with an inlaid ruby that shoots a laser out. It can be used as a distraction
Ring of Pointing 200 or to highlight salient information during business presentations.
Ring of Recall 1,000 Once per day, the wearer of this ring may recover the slot used on a failed spell.
While wearing this ring, you can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it
Ring of Water Walking 200 were solid ground.
Sacraficial Horse What seems to be a normal horse shoe, it is cursed, so that when blood is dripped
Shoe 2,300 on it (1d4 of self inflicted damage) you may summon Cheddar the horse.
Box of biscuits, unknown if they are human treats or actual dog treats. Eat a scooby
Scooby Snacks 400 snack before hand and add 1d6 to any roll. There are 10 Scooby Snacks per box
A mechanical beetle you can use as a spy. An earpiece included to listen in from up
to a hundred feet away. Cannot collect items or interact with environment. It’s very
Scuttlebuddy 300 fragile; it can be broken easily if discovered and breaks after four total uses.
Tankard of Potent Makes alcoholic drinks more potent; but, if you drink water from it, you immediately
Drink 300 become sober.
Once per day, this bracelet bestows "Spider Climb" on the wearer for 10 minutes
and renders his movement while climbing completely silent and giving him
advantage on Stealth checks. I want to be explicitly clear: there’s no web slinging.
Tarantula Bracelet 800 YOU WILL SLING NO WEBS. But you will climb, and slime, just like a spider can.
The Lover's An ornate glass bottle that holds 4 glasses of a pink transparent liquid that bubbles
Raspberry Brandy 250 into tiny hearts. Every glass has a randomized, but romantic, effect ;)
The pen is in fact mighter than the sword. Although it appears to be a normal pen,
this pen writes in eternal fire. Anything written with this pen is permanent, and cannot
The Mighty Pen 150 be removed, from any surface.
Confers the same AC bonus as a regular shield, and can be used as a thrown
weapon. Can travel IN A STRAIGHT LINE up to 30 feet, and deals 1d8+STR
Throwing Shield 750 RICOCHET THIS SHIT.
Can be used at any participating Olive Garden for free unlimited pasta for the owner
Unlimited Pasta Pass 100 of the pass and free soft drinks for their guests.
Varius potions, such as potions of healing, potions of duribilty, and potion of growth
Variety of Potions 25 each to name a few.
Virtuoso’s Mask 1,100 Allows you to cast “Disguise Self” as a Cantrip instead of a 1st Level Spell.
When pointed at a creature of similar size within a hundred feet, the holder will
switch places with that target if it is willing. If it is unwilling, it must succeed on a DC
Wand of Switcheroo 900 17 Constitution save to resist. One charge per long rest.
Looks like a toy with lots of lights and spinning elements. The wand has 7 charges
and regains 1d6 + 1 at the end of every day. If the last charge is used, there is a
Wand of Wonder 680 chance the wand will crumble. When used, roll a d100 and consult DM.
Can be used to raise a loaf of bread, or raise the dead when sprinkled on a decesed
Yeast Starter 300 creature.
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