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1. Scope.

A. NDT 5DAP supersedes NDT 5 for all future Dowty Aerospace Propellers contracts. Where existing
drawings/documents call up NDT 5, NDT 5DAP must be used in lieu.

B. This specification explains the control and calibration requirements for all ultrasonic inspection
equipment (sets, probes and reference blocks) at DAP. Sub-contracting agencies must also meet
the requirements described here-in when inspecting components for DAP. Wherever possible
National or International standards have been referenced, this is planned to reduce the need for
frequent re-issues, and make this specification easier to adhere to.

C. Individual inspection procedures are issued at DAP as separate documents. E.g. for Immersion
longitudinal or Contact etc. In addition to these procedures an individual technique must be raised
to each component or part number. These procedures and techniques must be approved by an
appropriate level III NDT engineer, and, technique numbers must be referenced on the relative
drawing or layout. Sub-contracting agencies must maintain Procedures and techniques relevant to
their own equipment.

D. The requirements to carry out ultrasonic flaw detection on raw materials are given in BS L100 and
BS S100 such ultrasonic inspection is normally the responsibility of the supplier. When carried out
at DAP, the methods and standards referred to in the British Standards shall be applied. Sample
inspection may be applied in this case.

E. Where parts are manufactured by DAP on a sub-contract basis, the ultrasonic inspection
requirements of the main contractor will apply unless agreement has been reached to apply this

F. Repair and overhaul ultrasonic inspection of parts for the purpose of detection of in-service defects,
is covered by techniques associated with service bulletins or Ministry of Defence instructions,
usually servicing instructions (SI’s) or special technical instructions (STI’s).
These techniques are usually derived from product support techniques prepared by DAP NDT

NOTE: Where deemed necessary DAP may use the product support technique system for
cases not covered by paragraph F.
When the repair or overhaul of a part uses methods or processes used on production
to which ultrasonic inspection would apply, the same inspection technique shall be
applied to the repair of the used part.

2. Personnel Requirements.

A. Personnel operating this inspection procedure at DAP must be qualified in accordance with the
requirements of NDT 10DAP. Sub-contracting agencies must maintain their own personnel
certification scheme, this in turn, must be approved by DAP.

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3. References

A. BS L100 Inspection & testing of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.

B. BS S100 Inspection & testing of wrought steel.

C. ASTM E 114 Practice for ultrasonic pulse-echo straight beam testing by the contract method.

D. ASTM E 127 Practice for fabricating and checking aluminium alloy ultrasonic standard reference

E. ASTM E 214 Practice for immersed ultrasonic examination by the reflection method using
pulsed longitudinal waves.

F. ASTM E 317 Practice for evaluating performance characteristics of pulse-echo testing systems
without the use of electronic measurement instruments.

G. NDT 10DAP Approval of personnel for NDT Inspection.

4. Procedure and Techniques

A. The procedures in use at DAP are separate documents to this specification. In addition to the
procedures, an individual technique for each component or part number is required. (See paragraph
1.C.). As a minimum each technique shall include the following:-

(1) Company Name

(2) Technique Number

(3) Related Inspection Procedure

(4) Acceptance Class (Refer to international/national standards or drawing requirements)

(5) Inspection Scan Cover

(6) Part No. & Material

(7) Manufacturing Stage

(8) Transducer Type Diameter & Frequency

(9) Couplant

(10) Transfer Method (If Used)

(11) Reference Standards

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5. Equipment Calibration Requirements.

A. Electronic Flaw Detector Unit.

(1) Calibration Requirements:-

(a) Electronic Flaw Detector units which are to be used for immersion techniques are to be
calibrated annually in accordance with the procedure stated in paragraphs 5.A.(2) (a) to (e).
This is to be carried out by a level II or III approved NDT Technician and tagged with a
calibration label. All calibration graphs are to be kept on file in the calibration control area.

(b) Electronic Flaw Detector units which are to be used in the contact mode alone are to be
calibrated in accordance with the procedure stated in paragraphs 5.A (2) (a), (b) and (e).
This calibration is to be carried out be a level II or II approved NDT Technician on a 6
monthly basis and tagged with a calibration label. All calibration graphs are to be kept on
file in the calibration control area.

(2) Calibration Procedure

This procedure is based on the requirements and methods described in ASTM-E-317. If this
procedure is used for evaluating contact sets consistent and uniform coupling must be ensured.
When used for immersion equipment ensure the probe exit surface and test blocks are free form
air bubbles, always allow time for equipment to stabilise.

(a) Horizontal limit and linearity

Select an appropriate test block that when coupled to the search unit (either by contact or
immersion) will produce eleven back reflections on the flaw detector which is being
checked. Use the instrument gain, delay and calibration settings to set the leading edge of
the third and ninth back reflection at 20% and 80% scale division respectively (when
reading reflection positions always set at the amplitude of that reflection to 50% full screen
height). Once the third and ninth reflections are positioned at 20% and 80%, read and
record the scale position of each other multiple.

Interpretation of results:-
The horizontal limit is given by the maximum available trace length falling within the screen
graticule. This must, in all cases be 100%. Failure to obtain full scale deflection may
indicate an equipment malfunction. Horizontal linearity results are best plotted in graphical
form as shown in figure 3. The deviation is given by the displacement (in % of full scale)
from the straight line through the set up points, which represents ideal linearity. The
maximum displacement allowed is 5% of full scale.

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(b) Vertical limit and linearity

This check requires the use of a test block which, when coupled to a suitable search unit
will produce signals having an amplitude ratio of 2 to 1 on the flaw detector being
examined. (Signals do not have to be successive or in any particular order). Designate
these signals HA and HB (HA being larger) and ensure that there is sufficient range in the

gain control to vary HA from 10% fsh to 100% fsh. Set signal HA to 60% fsh, this should
give a resultant HB signal of 30% fsh (some deviation allowed see Table 1).

Once this is set adjust the gain control to increase HA upto 100 fsh in increments of 10% or
less. At each step read and record the amplitude of HA and corresponding amplitude HB. B

Return gain setting to original position and check that HA and HB are also at original levels.

Now, reduce gain to bring HA to 10% fsh in increments of 10% or less, read and record
HA/HB values at each increment.

Interpretation of results:-
Vertical limit is given by the maximum vertical deflection within the graticule range that can
be obtained from a large reflector. This figure must in all cases be 100% of full scale
deflection failure to obtain full scale deflection may indicate an equipment malfunction.
Vertical linearity results are best displayed graphically as shown in figure 3. Ideal linearity
is indicated by a line from the origin through the set up point (HA60, HB30) to full scale.

Actual linearity must be within ± 5% of ideal linearity.

(c) Resolution
Any method for determination of equipment resolution may be used, if authorised by an
approved level III NDT Engineer. This section describes one method, it is an overall
system check, therefore it may be used for both search units and flaw detector sets.
This check requires the use of test block number DAPT 09-0045-00. The block
incorporates both front and back surface flat bottom hole references of 2/64, 3/64 and
5/64ths″ diameter, each at distances of 0.060″, 0.125″ and 0.250″ from the respective front
or back surface (see drawing DAPT 09-0045-00).
First, couple the search unit to the near surface check area of the block, and determine by
careful probe movement the smallest hole diameter detectable and the shortest metal trace
distance it can be resolved from the entry surface indication.
A hole is said to be resolved when a signal of 80% fsh can be established from that hole; it
is clearly separated from the adjacent interface indication down to at least 20% fsh, and
there are no residual indications over 20% fsh throughout the test region.
Next move the probe to the back surface check section of the block and repeat process,
this time establish the smallest hole size resolvable, at the shortest metal travel distance
from the back wall echo.

Interpretation of results:-
Record the smallest resolvable hole diameter, at the shortest metal path distance from front
and back surfaces on the relevant test certificate. This information may then be used to
verify the suitability of equipment for a certain task.

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(d) Sensitivity and Noise

This check requires the use of ASTM-E-127 light alloy reference standards, various blocks
are suggested for various search unit frequencies:-

Test Frequency 0.4-1.5Mhz 1.0-2.5Mhz 2.0-10Mhz

5.0300 to 2.0300 to 1.0300 to
8.0300 6.0300 5.0300

With the instrument sensitivity at maximum, determine the smallest hole size that will give
an indication having an amplitude of at least 60% fsh and baseline noise of no more than
20% fsh in the test region. If the dimensions of the test block allow move the search unit
just away from the hole and determine that noise at maximum sensitivity exceeds 20% fsh,
reduce the gain until 20% fsh is obtained and determine the smallest hole that will then
produce a 60% fsh or greater indication. Record the block number, noise level, signal
amplitude and reduced gain. If the indication from the smallest hole available exceeds
100% fsh use the gain control to lower the hole indication to 60% fsh, and record the
remaining available gain that does not cause the noise to exceed 20% fsh.

Interpretation of results:-
Record all the information derived i.e. Block No. noise level, signal amplitude, reduced gain
(if applicable) and gain in hand (if applicable) on the appropriate calibration certificate. This
information may then be used to verify the suitability of equipment for a certain task.

(e) Linearity of equipment gain

This check relies upon the vertical linearity of the flaw detector previously being established
as acceptable [see paragraph 5.A.(2) (b)].
Using test block ASTM-E-127 5-0300 establish by probe manipulation and flaw detector
adjustments, an 80% fsh indication from the flat bottomed hole. Note the gain setting and
designate this XdB. Next, ensuring constant probe coupling and no other flaw detector
alterations adjust the gain settings by the dB amounts shown in Table 2, and record the
resultant % fsh indications from the flat bottomed hole.

Interpretation of results.
All the indications must lie between the maximum and minimum limits as designated in
Table 2.

B. Calibration and Control of Transducers. (Probes).

This section covers calibration of contact probes (both compressional and shear wave) and
immersion probes (focused and unfocused). All immersion probes must be calibrated annually, the
calibration certificate kept on file and the probe tagged with a calibration due date. For all probe
calibrations use a flaw detector calibrated to paragraph 5.A.

(1) Contact Transducers

Providing a contact transducer meets the set-up and calibration requirements of a specific
technique it can be used for that technique, therefore there would be no requirement to asses
the transducer for parameters such as dead zone, beam profile, resolution, sensitivity etc.

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(2) Calibration of Unfocused immersion transducers

(a) This procedure is to be carried out on all unfocused water immersion probes.

(b) Equipment

1 An immersion tank of suitable size with an adjustable probe manipulator is to be used.

2 A 12,5 mm diameter ball is to be used as the target.

3 An instrument, capable of measurement of 0,025 mm or better is to be used to

measure beam width.

(c) Procedure

NOTE: For the Beam Axis alignment procedure which follows, use the bracketed
alternative position when NF is less than 150 mm.

1 Carry out the following calculations.

a Calculate the theoretical Near Field (NF) distance for the probe:

NF=(D x F) where D = Probe diameter

8c F = Frequency of probe
c = Speed of sound in immersion
fluid water = 1483 m/s at 20°C

b Calculate the 2/3 rds NF distance

c Where NF is 150 mm or greater, calculate the 5/6th NF distance.

2 Mount the ball at least 75 mm below water level.

3 Position the probe against the ball and adjust such that the crystal is concentric with
the ball.

4 Move the probe back to the 2/3 rds NF position. Using Tilt and Vertical adjustment,
obtain the maximum amplitude signal, ensuring the crystal remains concentric with the

5 At the 2/3 rds NF distance, obtain maximum amplitude signal using the Swing and
Lateral adjustments.

6 At the 5/6 ths NF distance check that no increase in amplitude can be obtained by
Vertical or Lateral adjustment.

7 Carry out the same check at full NF distance. Adjustments must be made such that
maximum amplitude signal can be obtained at the three positions without alteration of
adjustments. This ensures that the ball remains on Beam Axis with probe movement.

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8 Move the probe over the theoretical NF distance. A maximum amplitude signal should
be obtained in the middle region. Adjust its amplitude to just below full screen height,
or to the upper linear limit.

9 Position the probe 5 mm from the ball and record the amplitude of the signal. Repeat
at 5 mm increments over the 2/3 rd NF range. Continue at 10 mm increments until the
signal has reduced at approximately 1/5 th screen height.

NOTE: The following procedure of adjustment will eliminate errors due to

backlash in the lateral movement.

10 Beam width is now measured, starting at this final probe position. Adjust the signal
amplitude to 80% screen height. Using lateral adjustment, move the probe until the
signal reduces to below 40% of screen height. Carefully adjust in the opposite
direction until the signal is 40% screen height (6dB down). Using the measuring
instrument, measure and record the position of the carriage. Continue the lateral
movement of the carriage such that the signal increases, then decreases to the 40%
height. Care must be taken not to overshoot this position. Measure and record the
carriage position. Deduct the smaller from the larger reading to obtain beam width.

11 Repeat this beam width measurement procedure at the 5/6 th and 2/3 rd position.

12 Beam width measurements are to be taken at gradually reduced increments as the

probe is advanced closer to the ball. Prior to each position measurements at less than
2/3 rds NF, the probe is to be returned to beyond the 2/3 rds position and maximum
height signal obtained on the lateral movement.

13 Using figure 1 ‘Probe Calibration' sheet, record details and readings, and plot the
Distance/Amplitude Curve and Beam Width.

(d) Assessment of Results

1 A good result has been achieved when beam width is wide when amplitude is low, and
narrow when amplitude is high. The result must satisfy this before acceptance.

2 Mark on the curve the near and far positions where the signal amplitude falls to 50% of
maximum. From this, the following Optimum Operational Data is to be entered on the

a. Water Gap Distance to the 'near' mark

b. Working Range Distance between the two marks in water (Divide by 4 for steel
or aluminium)

c. Scan Index Beam width at 'near' mark. This should be in excess of 3mm for
standard search probes.

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(3) Calibration of focused immersion transducers

(a) This procedure is to be carried out on all focused water immersion probes.

(b) Equipment

1 An immersion tank of suitable size, is to be used.

2 A 12.5 mm diameter steel ball is to be used as the target.

3 An instrument capable of measurement of 0,025 mm or better is to be used to make

beam profile measurements.

(c) Procedure

1 Obtain the manufacturer's nominal focal distance for the probe.

2 Mount the ball at least 75 mm below water level.

3 Position the probe against the ball and adjust such that the crystal is concentric with
the ball.

4 Move the probe back to the nominal focal distance. Using Tilt and Vertical adjustment,
obtain the maximum amplitude signal, ensuring the crystal remains concentric to the

5 Still at the nominal focal distance, obtain the maximum amplitude signal using the
Swing and Lateral adjustments.

6 Increase the distance of the probe to the ball by 20 mm. Check for increase in
amplitude by Vertical and Lateral adjustment. Carry out adjustments until maximum
signal is obtained at nominal focal distance and at this position + 20 mm without any
further adjustment being necessary. This ensures that the ball remains on Beam Axis
with probe movement. It may be necessary to check this maximum at a third position.

7 Move the probe towards the ball until maximum signal is obtained. Adjust signal to
upper Linearity limit for the equipment. Re-check concentricity of probe and ball.

8 Position the probe 5 mm from the ball and record the amplitude of the signal. Repeat
at 5 mm intervals (or less where necessary) over the nominal focal distance. Continue
at 10 mm intervals until the signal has reduced to approximately 1/10 th screen height.

9 Beam width measurement is now carried out in the same way as outlines in para 10 of
Part 2(c). Measurements are taken at 5 mm intervals from the ball to at least 20 mm
past the maximum height position. Thereafter at 10 mm intervals over the remainder of
the Distance Amplitude plot.

10 Record all details and construct graphs of Distance/ Amplitude and Beam Width on the
left half of figure 2.

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11 Beam Profile measurements are now carried out at the actual maximum amplitude
distance from the ball and at approximately 1.3 times this distance, e.g.: If actual max.
amplitude distance is 30 mm., the second position could be taken as 40 mm.

12 At the 1.3 times max. position, set the signal amplitude to the upper linearity limit.
Using the lateral adjustment on the rig, move the probe in increments of 0,25 mm one
direction, recording amplitude, until below 5% fsh. Repeat in the opposite direction.

13 This is repeated at the maximum amplitude position in two planes at 90° (i.e. rotate
probe in holder for second run). The probe is to be moved at least 5 mm each side of
centre line and any side lobes are to be plotted.

14 Plot the results on the right hand half of figure 2.

(d) Assessment of Results

1 Actual Focal Distance - This is the distance on the Distance/ Amplitude Curve at which
the amplitude is at maximum. This may differ considerably from the nominal figure
given by the manufacturer, but should be similar for probes of the same specification.
Record this distance in the Block on figure 2.

2 Focal Spot Size - This is to be measured at Actual Focal Distance and recorded in the
Block in figure 2.

3 Beam Profile - This is to be assessed for symmetry about the centreline and side lobe

4 Symmetry:- The ratio of distance each side of centreline at which amplitude is 50% of
max. - should not exceed 1.5 to 1.

5 Side lobes:- Amplitude must not exceed 20% of maximum.

C Calibration of Ultrasonic Reference Blocks

(1) General Requirements

(a) It is advisable to calibrate reference blocks by comparing them to other reference blocks of
known accuracy. In the case of Aluminium Alloy and Steel standard reference blocks, this
can be done by comparing them with blocks of known accuracy.

(b) Master Reference Blocks.

Master reference blocks shall be used only for calibrating other reference blocks of the
same part number. They shall not be used as a working block. Calibration is carried out at
initial issue, to the relevant drawing.

(c) Working Reference Blocks

Working reference blocks are to be calibrated on initial issue and 5 yearly thereafter.
Blocks that are to be used with contact techniques only may be calibrated by the contact
method using an instrument qualified to section 5A and a suitable transducer. When blocks
are to be used with immersion techniques an instrument, qualified to section 5A, is to be
used in conjunction with a 10 MHz, 10mm diameter standard water immersion probe,

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calibrated to section 5C. The serial numbers of the instrument and Probe are to be entered
on the calibration certificate (DAP 614). When re-calibration is being carried out, the same
Instrument and Probe combination as originally employed should be used. If an alternative
probe is necessary, select one with calibration curve nearest to the original.

(d) When it is required to compare a flat bottomed hole of a different diameter to the master the
following factors are to be used.

1/64 to 2/64″ = 12dB

2/64 to 3/64″ = 7dB
3/64 to 5/64″ = 9dB
5/64 to 6/64 = 8dB

(e) The amplitude of the signal form a block being calibrated must be within ± 3dB of the master
reference block. Blocks within tolerance are to have their error marked on them. When the
signal is less in amplitude than the master, the correction factor is to be marked positive, and

Table 1
Acceptable Initial Values for HA and HB B

RATIO 2.2 2.0 1.8

65 30 33 36
64 29 32 36
63 29 32 35
62 28 31 34
61 27 31 34
PREFERRED 60 27 30 33
59 27 30 33
58 26 29 32
57 26 29 32
56 25 28 31
55 25 28 31

Nominal HA values are preferred for any give HB value. B

Table 2

Gain Setting Expected % fsh Maximum % Minimum %

X+2dB 100 100+ 90
XdB 80 - -
X-6dB 40 45 35
X-18dB 10 12 8
X-24dB 5 - Signal must be visible
above base line

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 3

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