Riginal Article: Pritam Jain, Amar Chaudhari, Anup Bang, Sanjay Surana

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Original Article
Validated stability-indicating high-performance
thin-layer chromatographic method for
estimation of cefpodoxime proxetil in bulk
and in pharmaceutical formulation according
to International conference on harmonization
Pritam Jain, Amar Chaudhari, Anup Bang, Sanjay Surana

Department of ABSTRACT
Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Aim: A simple, selective, precise, and stability-indicating high-performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC)
R. C. Patel Institute of
Pharmaceutical Education
method for analysis of cefpodoxime proxetil both in bulk and in pharmaceutical formulation has been developed
and Research, Shirpur, and validated. Materials and Methods: The method employed HPTLC aluminum plates precoated with silica
India gel 60 RP-18 F254 as the stationary phase. The solvent system consisted of toluene:methanol:chloroform
(4:2:4 v/v). The system was found to give compact spot for cefpodoxime proxetil (Rf value of 0.55 ± 0.02).
Address for correspondence: Densitometric analysis of cefpodoxime proxetil was carried out in the absorbance mode at 289 nm. Results: The
Dr. Pritam Jain, linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed good linear relationship, with r2 = 0.998 ± 0.0015
E-mail: pritash79@yahoo.com
with respect to peak area in the concentration range of 100–600 ng per spot. The mean value±SD of slope
and intercept were 3.38 ± 1.47 and 986.9 ± 108.78 with respect to peak area. The method was validated for
precision, recovery, and robustness. The limits of detection and quantification were 3.99 and 12.39 ng per spot,
respectively. Cefpodoxime proxetil was subjected to acid and alkali hydrolysis, oxidation, and thermal degradation.
The drug undergoes degradation under acidic and basic conditions, indicating that the drug is susceptible to
both acid and base. The degraded product was well resolved from the pure drug, with significantly different Rf
value. Statistical analysis proves that the method is repeatable, selective, and accurate for the estimation of the
investigated drug. Conclusion: The proposed HPTLC method can be applied for identification and quantitative
determination of cefpodoxime proxetil in both bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulation.
Received : 21‑10‑11
Review completed : 13‑12‑11 KEY WORDS: Cefpodoxime proxetil, degradation, High performance thil layer chromatography (HPTLC),
Accepted : 31‑12‑11 stability, validation

C efpodoxime proxetil, (6R,7R)-7-[[(2Z)-(2-Amino-4-thiazolyl)

(methoxyimino) acetyl] amino-3-(methoxymethyl)-8-oxo-
5thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-carboxylic acid [Figure 1],
antibiotic belonging to the third generation oral cephalosporin
group. Cefpodoxime proxetil is the prodrug of the bactericidal
antibiotic cefpodoxime. The antibacterial action of cefpodoxime
is used as ‘antibacterial.’ It is a semi-synthetic beta-lactam proxetil is through inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis,
probably by acylation of membrane-bound transpeptidase
Access this article online
enzymes, preventing cross-linkage of peptidoglycan chains, which
Quick Response Code:
Website: is necessary for bacterial cell wall strength and rigidity.[1-4]
Various methods are reported for determination of cefpodoxime
DOI: proxetil, such as determination of clavulanic acid and
10.4103/0975-7406.94809 cefpodoxime proxetil by high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC), LC/MS/MS method for the determination of

How to cite this article: Jain P, Chaudhari A, Bang A, Surana S. Validated stability-indicating high-performance thin-layer chromatographic method for estimation of
cefpodoxime proxetil in bulk and in pharmaceutical formulation according to International conference on harmonization guidelines. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2012;4:101-6.

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 Jain, et al.: Stability indicating HPTLC method for cefpodoxime proxetil

applicator. The plates were prewashed with methanol and

2 activated at 60°C for 5 min prior to chromatography. The slit
+ 1
1 dimension was kept at 6.00 × 0.45 mm (micro), and 20 mm/s
6 scanning speed was employed. The mobile phase consisted of

chloroform:methanol:toluene (4:2:4 v/v); 10 ml of mobile phase
2 1 &+  was used. Linear ascending development was carried out in a
2 2 2 10 × 10 cm twin-trough glass chamber (CAMAG, Muttenz,
+ & + & Switzerland) saturated with the mobile phase. The optimized
2 2 chamber saturation time for the mobile phase was 30 min at
room temperature (25 ± 2°C). The length of the chromatogram
2 2 &+ 
+ & run was approximately 8 cm. Before the development, the TLC
plates were dried in a current of air with the help of an air dryer.
Figure 1: Chemical structure of cefpodoxime proxetil Densitometric scanning was performed on a CAMAG TLC
scanner 3 and was operated by winCATS software.
cefmetazole and cefpodoxime proxetil contaminants in
pharmaceutical manufacturing environments, development Preparation of standard solution and linearity study
and validation of isomer-specific Reverse Phase-HPLC method,
spectrophotometric determination of cefpodoxime proxetil An accurately weighed quantity of 10 mg cefpodoxime proxetil
in swab samples, and determination of cefpodoxime proxetil was transferred to a 10 ml volumetric flask and dissolved in
in pharmaceutical formulations by densitometry thin layer methanol. The volume was made up to the mark with the same
chromatography (TLC).[5–9] To the best of our knowledge, solvent to obtain a concentration of 1000 ng/μl. Aliquots of 0.1,
there are no publications related to the stability-indicating 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 µl of standard solutions of cefpodoxime
chromatographic determination of cefpodoxime proxetil by proxetil was applied on the TLC plate with the help of a
high-performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) in microliter syringe, using a Linomat 5 sample applicator to obtain
pharmaceutical dosage forms. The International Conference on the concentrations of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 ng per
Harmonization (ICH) guidelines entitled ‘Stability Testing of spot. The standard curves were evaluated for within-day and day-
New Drug Substances and Products’ requires that stress testing to-day reproducibility. Each experiment was repeated six times.
be conducted to elucidate the inherent stability characteristics
of the active substance. Susceptibility to oxidation is one of Method validation
the required tests. Hydrolytic and photolytic stability are also
required to be tested. An ideal stability-indicating method is Precision
one that quantifies the drug and also resolves its degradation
products. In HPTLC, the consumption of mobile phase per Repeatability of the sample application and measurement of
sample is quite low than HPLC. This saves cost per analysis peak area were carried out using six replicates of the same spot
as well as analysis time. HPTLC facilitates repeated detection (400 ng per spot of cefpodoxime proxetil). The intra- and inter-
(scanning) of the chromatogram with the same or different day variation for the determination of cefpodoxime proxetil was
parameters. The HPTLC technique is most suited for testing the carried out at three different concentration levels of 300, 400,
impurity profile of drug substances and content uniformity as and 500 ng per spot.
per compendial specifications.[10,11] The aim of this work was to
develop an accurate, specific, and repeatable stability-indicating Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification
method for the determination of cefpodoxime proxetil in the
presence of its degradation products as per ICH guidelines.[12,13] In order to determine the limits of detection and quantification,
cefpodoxime proxetil concentrations in the lower part of the
Materials and Methods linear range of the calibration curve were used. Cefpodoxime
proxetil solutions of 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, and 200 ng
Chemicals and reagents per spot were prepared and applied in triplicate. The limit
of quantification (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD)
Cefpodoxime proxetil was supplied as a gift sample from Torrent were calculated using the equations LOD=3.3 × N/B and
Pharmaceutical Ltd., Ahmedabad, India. All chemicals and LOQ=10 × N/B, where N is the standard deviation of the peak
reagents used were of analytical grade and were purchased from areas of the drugs (n=3), and B is the slope of the corresponding
Merck Chemicals, India. calibration curve.

HPTLC instrumentation Specificity

The samples were spotted in the form of bands of 6 mm The specificity of the method was ascertained by analyzing
width with a CAMAG microliter syringe on aluminum plates standard drug and sample. The spot for cefpodoxime proxetil
precoated with silica gel 60 RP-18 F254 (10 × 10 cm, with in the sample was confirmed by comparing the Rf values and
250 mm thickness; E. Merck), using a CAMAG Linomat 5 spectra of the spot with that of the standard. The peak purity

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Jain, et al.: Stability indicating HPTLC method for cefpodoxime proxetil 

of cefpodoxime proxetil was assessed by comparing the spectra Hydrogen peroxide–induced degradation
at three different levels, i.e., peak start (S), peak apex (M), and
peak end (E) positions of the spot. Ten milligrams of cefpodoxime proxetil was separately dissolved
in 10 ml of methanolic solution of hydrogen peroxide (6.0%,
Ruggedness v/v). The solution was kept for 8 h at room temperature in the
dark in order to exclude the possible degradative effect of light.
Ruggedness of the method was performed by spotting 400 ng The resultant solution was applied on a TLC plate in triplicate
of cefpodoxime proxetil by two different analyst keeping same (0.4 µl each, i.e., 400 ng per spot). The chromatograms were
experimental and environmental conditions. run as described in Experimental Section.

Accuracy Photochemical degradation

Recovery study was carried out by adding extra 320 (80%), The photochemical stability of the drug was also studied by
400 (100%), and 480 ng (120%) of the drug standards of exposing the stock solution to direct sunlight for 24 h. The
cefpodoxime to the prestudied sample of 400 ng, and the resultant solution (0.4 µl, i.e., 400 ng per spot) was applied
mixtures were reanalyzed by the proposed method. At each on a TLC plate and chromatograms were run as described in
level six determinations were performed. This was done to check Experimental Section.
the recovery of the drug at different levels in the formulations.
Dry heat–degradation product
The powdered drug that was stored at 55°C for 8 h under
Small changes in the mobile phase composition were introduced dry heat condition showed no significant degradation. In all
and the effects on the results were examined. Mobile phases having degradation studies, the average peak areas of cefpodoxime
different composition of chloroform:methanol:toluene (4:2:4 proxetil after application (400 ng per spot) of three replicates
v/v) were tried out and chromatograms were run. The amount of were obtained.
mobile phase, temperature, and relative humidity was varied in
the range of  ±5%. The plates were prewashed with methanol and Results and Discussion
activated at 60 ± 5°C for 2, 5, and 7 min prior to chromatography.
Time from spotting to chromatography and from chromatography Development of optimum mobile phase
to scanning was varied from 0, 20, and 40 min.
The TLC procedure was optimized with a view to developing a
Application of proposed method to tablet formulation stability-indicating assay method. Initially, toluene: Methanol
(4:2 v/v) gave good resolution, with Rf value of 0.55 for cefpodoxime
To determine the concentration of cefpodoxime proxetil in tablets proxetil, but a typical peak nature was missing. Finally, the mobile
(labeled claim: 200 mg per tablet), the contents of 20 tablets were phase consisting of toluene:methanol:chloroform (4:2:4 v/v) gave
weighed, the mean weight was determined, and they were then a sharp and well-defined peak at Rf value of 0.55 [Figure 2]. Well-
finely powdered. The powder equivalent to 10 mg of cefpodoxime defined spots were obtained when the chamber was saturated with
proxetil was weighed. The drug from the powder was extracted the mobile phase for 30 min at room temperature.
with methanol. To ensure complete extraction of the drug, it was
sonicated for 30 min. The volume was made up to 10 ml and
the solution was filtered using 0.45 µm filter (Mill filter, Milford,
MA). The above solution (400 ng per spot) was applied on a
TLC plate followed by development and scanning as described
in experimental section. The analysis was repeated in triplicate.

Forced degradation of cefpodoxime proxetil

Acid- and base-induced degradation

Ten milligrams of cefpodoxime proxetil was separately dissolved

in 10 ml of methanolic solution of 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH.
The solutions were kept for 8 h at room temperature in the
dark in order to exclude the possible degradative effect of light.
One milliliter of the above solution was taken and neutralized,
and then diluted up to 10 ml with methanol. The resulting
solution was applied on a TLC plate in triplicate (0.4 µl each, Figure 2: Chromatogram of standard cefpodoxime proxetil (Rf: 0.55).
i.e., 400 ng per spot). The chromatograms were run as described UV detection at 289 nm; mobile phase - toluene:methanol:chloroform
in Experimental Section. (4:2:4 v/v)

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 Jain, et al.: Stability indicating HPTLC method for cefpodoxime proxetil

Calibration curve tablet formulation do not interfere in the study.

The linear regression data for the calibration curves showed good Robustness of the method
linear relationship over the concentration range of 100–600 ng/
spot. The linear regression equation was found to be Y=4.358 The standard deviation of the peak areas and Rf values were
X + 125.7 (r2 = 0.995). calculated for each parameter and %RSD was found to be less
than 2%. The low values of %RSD values [Table 3] indicate the
Validation of method robustness of the method.

Precision Analysis of the marketed formulation

The precision of the developed HPTLC method was expressed A single spot at Rf 0.55 was observed in the chromatogram of
in terms of percentage relative standard deviation (%RSD). the drug samples extracted from the tablets. There was no
The results reveal the high precision of the method [Table 1]. interference from the excipients commonly present in the
tablet. The percentage drug content and %RSD were calculated.
LOD and LOQ The low %RSD value indicates the suitability of this method
for routine analysis of cefpodoxime proxetil in pharmaceutical
Detection limit and quantification limit was calculated by dosage forms.
the method as described in Experimental Section. The LOQ
and LOD were found to be 3.99 and 12.11, respectively. This Force degradation
indicates that the method has adequate sensitivity.
The chromatogram of the acid-degraded samples for
Recovery studies cefpodoxime proxetil showed additional peaks at Rf values of
0.10 and 0.44 [Figure 4] and the base-degraded drug showed
The proposed method, when used for extraction and subsequent peaks at 0.03, 0.15, and 0.17 [Figure 5]. The spot of the degraded
estimation of cefpodoxime proxetil from the pharmaceutical product was well resolved from the cefpodoxime proxetil spot.
dosage form after over-spotting with 80%, 100%, and 120% of In both cases, the concentration of the drug was changed from
additional drug, afforded good recovery of cefpodoxime proxetil.
The amounts of drug added and determined as well as the
Table 3: Robustness of the methoda
percentage recovery are listed in Table 2.
Parameter SD of peak area %RSD
and Rf value
Mobile phase composition 44.52/0.02 0.90/0.98
Mobile phase volume 39.82/0.04 0.81/1.2
The peak purity of cefpodoxime proxetil was assessed by Development distance 32.37/0.02 0.65/0.96
comparing the spectra at peak start, peak apex, and peak end Activation of TLC plate 39.84/0.01 0.81/0.75
positions of the spot, i.e., r2 (S, M) = 0.999 and r2 (M, E) = Duration of saturation 29.79/0.02 0.70/0.86
0.9988. Good correlation (r2=0.99) was also obtained between Time from spotting to chromatography 21.16/0.03 0.50/1.02
standard and sample spectra of cefpodoxime proxetil [Figure 3]. Time from chromatography to scanning 23.34/0.02 0.43/0.97
The results of specificity shows that the excipients from the a
n=6, TLC: Thin layer chromatography

Table 1: Intra-day and inter-day precision of HPTLC method

Drugs Conc. Intra-day Inter-day
(ng/spot) % amount %RSD % amount %RSD
found* found*
CEF 300 97.22 0.45 95.76 1.80
400 99.84 0.35 98.7 0.37
500 97.74 0.28 96.23 0.24
HPTLC: High-performance thin-layer chromatographic,
CEF: Cefpodoxime proxetil. *Mean of three estimations

Table 2: Recovery study

Drug/ Initial amt. Added amt. Amt. of Drug %RSD
label claim (ng/spot) (ng/spot) standard drug recovered
(mg tablet) added (%)
CEF/200 400 0 0 98.40 1.02
400 320 80 97.39 1.80
400 400 100 103.84 0.98
400 480 120 103.72 1.33
Figure 3: A typical overlain spectrum of standard drug and drug
CEF: Cefpodoxime proxetil. *Mean of three estimations at each level extracted from tablet

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Jain, et al.: Stability indicating HPTLC method for cefpodoxime proxetil 

the initial concentration, indicating that cefpodoxime proxetil repeatable and selective for the analysis of cefpodoxime proxetil
undergoes degradation under acidic and basic conditions. This as bulk drug as well as in pharmaceutical formulations. The
indicates that the drug is susceptible to acid–base hydrolysis.
The chromatograms of hydrogen peroxide–degraded [Figure 6], Table 4: Summery of validation parameter
photo-degraded [Figure 7], and dry heat–degraded [Figure 8] Parameter data Cefpodoxime proxetil
samples of cefpodoxime proxetil showed only the spots of the Linearity range (ng per spot) 100–600
pure drug. The lower Rf values of degraded components indicate Correlation coefficient 0.998
that they were less polar than the analyte itself. The results are Limit of detection (ng per spot) 3.99
listed in Table 5. Limit of quantification (ng per spot) 12.11
Recovery (n=6) 100.83
Ruggedness (%RSD)
Conclusion Analyst I (n=6) 1.13
Analyst II (n=6) 1.63
The developed HPTLC method was precise, specific, accurate Precision (%RSD)
Repeatability of application (n=6) 0.96–1.29
[Table 4], and stability-indicating, and was validated based on
Inter-day (n=6) 0.56–1.50
ICH guidelines. Statistical analysis proves that the method is Intra-day (n=6) 0.21–1.62
Robustness Robust
Specificity Specific

Figure 4: HPTLC chromatogram of acid (0.1 N HCl, 8 h, RT)–treated

cefpodoxime proxetil; peak 1 (impurity) (Rf: 0.10), peak 2 (impurity) Figure 5: HPTLC chromatogram of base (0.5 N NaOH, 8 h, RT)–treated
(Rf: 0.44), peak3 (cefpodoxime proxetil) (Rf: 0.55) cefpodoxime proxetil; peak 1 (impurity) (Rf: 0.03), peak 2 (impurity)
(Rf: 0.15), peak 3 (cefpodoxime proxetil) (Rf: 0.17), peak 4 cefpodoxime
proxetil (Rf: 0.56)

Figure 6: HPTLC chromatogram of hydrogen peroxide (20% w/v,

8 h, RT)–treated cefpodoxime proxetil; peak 1 (cefpodoxime proxetil) Figure 7: HPTLC chromatogram of photo-degraded (24 h) cefpodoxime
(Rf: 0.55) proxetil; peak 1 (cefpodoxime proxetil) (Rf: 0.55)

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 Jain, et al.: Stability indicating HPTLC method for cefpodoxime proxetil

The authors are thankful to the Principal and management, R.C. Patel
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, Maharashtra,
India, for providing the facilities required to carry out this research work.

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