PF2 Dream-Engineer - Destroyer Class Guide (2019)
PF2 Dream-Engineer - Destroyer Class Guide (2019)
PF2 Dream-Engineer - Destroyer Class Guide (2019)
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Published by Dream-Engineer.
Copyright © 2019 by Corry T. Fitchpatric.
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
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Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Designers: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Ste-
phen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.
Corry T. Fitchpatric
Corry T. Fitchpatric
Mark C. Dudley Introduction to the destroyer class including initial proficiencies,
hit points, and key abilities.
Avery Ferdinand
Luigi Teruel All the abilities you gain as a destroyer.
Ryan C. Morse
Descriptions of all the feats you can gain as a destroyer.
Bahaurang (Baw•haw•rang)
Dunjiki (Done•jee•kee) Descriptions of all the taijiki spells you can learn as a destroyer.
Taijiki (Tie•jee•kee)
Wujiki (Woo•jee•kee) MULTICLASSING 25
Rules and feats for characters of other classes who are called to
serve the universe.
taijiki (tie•jee•kee)
1. the eternal life force of the universe, that provides the life force for all living beings
Evil causes pain to taijiki, the life force that flows through all living things in the universe.
Eventually, this triggered a retributive reflex, bringing into existence Bahaurang the Venge-
ful Aspect of the Universe. It constantly searches the universe for perfect candidates—
those who hate evil, cherish law and order, and are willing to fight to make things right—
to turn into agents of its fury. You were chosen.
Destroyers come from all walks of life. The farmer? The traveling merchant? The prince?
The bartender? Evil never knows who you are until you make your move.
In combat, instead of hacking and slashing, or blasting your way through foes, you are a
“rogue” warrior. You rely on perception to discern what foes are going to do, so you can
attack, defend, and move with perfect timing, undoing them with minimal effort. And you
might choose to use devious, taijiki magic to give them bizarre and crippling conditions.
Bahaurang required a simple oath from you: Do not teach the martial arts you were
taught; use your abilities to make the world better. Thus, you are free to engage in many
lifestyles and causes. While some destroyers use this as justification to become tyrants
“for the greater good”, most lead good lives.
Perhaps you’ll settle in a community using your skills to keep it safe. Or, travel the world,
even other planes, in constant search of formidable evil opponents to test your abilities.
Maybe you’ll work solo, or with a party of like-minded heroes to restore law to crime-rid-
den lands, or vanquish monstrosities. Regardless of down what roads you choose to walk,
you’ll arrive at the same destination: adventure.
“The mannerisms, and gestures a creature uses in combat are a type of language—a body
language—that if you can read it, will tell you everything he’s going to do. I taught you the
fundamentals of how to do that. It’s up to you to become better at it. But it will take dedica-
tion. For while body language is universal, each creature has its own dialect. If you become
legendary at it, there will be no evil that can escape destruction by your hands.”
~ Bahaurang, Vengeful Aspect of the Universe, and Grandmaster of Destroyers
At 1st level, you gain the listed profi-
KEY ABILITY HIT POINTS ciency ranks in the following statistics.
WISDOM You are untrained in anything not
10 plus your Constitution modifier.
At 1st level, your class gives you an listed unless, you gain a better profi-
You increase your HP by this number
ability boost to Wisdom. ciency rank in some other way.
at 1st level, and every level thereafter.
Expert in Perception
You are a “rogue” warrior. You rely on perception to discern what foes are going
to do, so you can attack, defend, and move with perfect timing, undoing them SAVING THROWS
with minimal effort. And if you choose, you can learn how to use taijiki to cast Expert in Fortitude
spells that give you extraordinary abilities, or your enemies bizarre, and crip- Trained in Reflex
pling conditions. Expert in Will
YOU MIGHT… Expert in Signature Weapons
• Relish the breaking of foes, taking delight in their frustration and fear
Trained in unarmed attacks
of your battle prowess, and devious, taijiki magic.
• Be reluctant to fight, encouraging enemies to give up before you must
destroy them. DEFENSES
Trained in unarmored defense
Untrained in all armor
• Feel where you go trouble follows, and avoid you.
• Know the legends of destroyers being heroic swordsmen, and seek you CLASS DC
out for help. Trained in destroyer class DC
• Curious about taijiki, and will ask about it.
Trained in taijiki spells DC
To use Destroyer Style, you must enter Destroyer Stance:
Mind—free of distracting thoughts, so you can focus on
Level Class Features
bringing taijiki to your senses; Heart—free of emotions, so
1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, de- your spirit can center, raising your vitality; Body—free of
stroyer style, signature weapons, alignment and oath, restrictive stances, and heavy armor, so it can act in an
taijiki spells, evil creature lore specialist, mark of the instant with great agility. You gain the Destroyer Stance
destroyer, destroyer feat action.
2 Destroyer feat, skill feat
3 Deny advantage, general feat, skill increase DESTROYER STANCE[one-action]
4 Destroyer feat, skill feat
Requirements unarmored, or wearing light, or medium armor
5 Ability boosts, ancestry feat, expert destroyer, skill
increase You enter Destroyer Stance. While in Destroyer Stance:
6 Destroyer feat, skill feat • You can use Destroyer Style fighting techniques. See the
7 Adamatine body and soul, general feat, master of "Core Techniques" section on page 4 for descriptions of
perception, skill increase, weapon specialization Destroyer Style fighting techniques you can use at the start
of play. Taking destroyer feats gives you advanced tech-
8 Destroyer feat, skill feat niques. Those can be found in the "Destroyer Feats" section
9 Ancestry feat, master destroyer, skill increase, spell- starting on page 8.
casting expertise • You gain a +2 status bonus to Will saves versus effects with
the Mental trait.
10 Ability boosts, destroyer feat, skill feat • You gain a +2 status bonus to AC granted by your guard-
11 General feat, unarmored expert, loose and poised, ian taijiki field. For more information, see the “Guardian
skill increase Taijiki Field” section on this page.
• Your multiple attack penalty for all melee, and ranged
12 Destroyer feat, skill feat
attacks you make is -3 (-2 with an agile weapon), on your
13 Ancestry feat, signature weapons master, skill increase second attack of the turn instead of –5, and -8 (-6 with an
14 Destroyer feat, skill feat agile weapon) on your third, or subsequent attack of the
turn instead of -10. A destroyer starts play with agile weap-
15 Ability boosts, General feat, greater weapon special-
ons called signature weapons. See the “Signature Weap-
ization, legendary destroyer, legendary perception,
ons” section on page 5.
skill increase
• You are fumbleproof when performing attacks. When you
16 Destroyer feat, skill feat make a critical miss with a melee, or ranged attack, it is
17 Ancestry feat, unarmored master, skill increase, spell- considered a normal miss.
casting mastery • You are considered a higher level when resolving the
effects of Deny Advantage (page 6). If your proficiency rank
18 Destroyer feat, skill feat
in Destroyer Style is trained, you are considered 1 level
19 Changed by the way, general feat, skill increase higher, and 2 levels higher if it's expert, and 3 levels higher
20 Ability boosts, destroyer feat, skill feat if it's master, and 4 levels higher if it's legendary.
• You cannot use actions with the Concentrate or Mental
traits, except Recall Knowledge, and Arcana (magic crea-
tures) checks to identify creatures, their abilities, and weak-
nesses, unless they also have the Destroyer trait. Doing so
immediately ends your use of Destroyer Stance.
You gain these abilities as a destroyer. Abilities gained at As a Free action, you can stop using Destroyer Stance.
higher levels list the level at which you gain them next to
the features’ names. Guardian Taijiki Field
A portion of a living thing's life force is responsible for its
ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND vitality, and ability to ward off injury, illness, and debilitat-
You have the benefits of your selected ancestry and back- ing effects. This is known as its guardian taijiki field.
ground. See “Chapter 2: Ancestries & Backgrounds” of the Certain things such as channeling divine power, tapping
Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook. into your rage, or using Destroyer Stance can substantially
strengthen it granting greater-than-normal benefits.
INITIAL PROFICIENCIES While using Destroyer Stance, you gain these abilities.
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that repre- The levels you gain them is listed next to the abilities'
sent your basic training. These proficiencies are noted at names.
the start of this class.
You can use the martial art, Destroyer Style. It relies on Your centered spirit grows stronger, thereby your guardian taijiki
perception to discern what foes are going to do, so you can field grows stronger. The abundant flow of taijiki energizes your
attack, defend,and move with perfect timing, undoing them muscles, and bones improving their ability to withstand injury.
with minimal effort. While using Destroyer Stance, you gain a +2 status bonus to your
Your proficiency rank in Destroyer Style is, trained. AC.
GREATER GUARDIAN[reaction] 6TH WEAVE SWORD[one-action]
Triggers You are affected by an affliction. Requirements You are wielding a limitless longsword. You're
other hand is free, or wielding a taijiki fighting needle.
Your guardian taijiki field grows so strong, you gain great-
er-than-normal resistance to disease, and poison. You attempt to Your strong, mind-body connection gives you amazing coordina-
cure one poison, or disease afflicting you; attempt to Counteract tion. You whirl your limitless longsword around you in constant,
the affliction. Add a +4 status bonus to your Counteract check. overlapping patterns so fast, it is a barrier to attack. You gain a +2
See "Counteracting" in chapter 9 of the Pathfinder Second Edi- item bonus to your AC. Your sword continues to weave until the
tion Core Rulebook. start of your next turn.
You can use your sword to attack while using Weave Sword.
Triggers You are affected by an affliction, or attacked with nega- Triggers A creature makes a critical miss on you with a melee, or
tive energy. ranged attack, and you can reach it, or move 10 feet to reach it.
Your guardian taijiki field grows so strong, it expands beyond your
When an enemy is about to make a critical error in combat, its body
body, and offers resistance even against negative forces. You gain
language is so dramatic you perceive it without making a Sense
resistance to negative energy equal to 7 + your Constitution mod-
Intention check. And you are ready to punish. The triggering crea-
ifier. In addition, when you critically fail to Counter an affliction, it
ture must be within your reach. Before you attack, you may Step,
is a normal fail.
or Stride, or use another movement type you possess, to move
up to 10 feet, as long as when you stop moving you can reach the
triggering creature. The triggering creature cannot use any actions
Core Techniques because it is still recovering from one. Choose one of the following:
At the start of play, while using Destroyer Stance, you can
Critical Hit Counterattack Make one melee, or ranged Strike
use the fundamental techniques of Destroyer Style. Taking
on the triggering creature. For this attack, the triggering
destroyer feats gives you advanced techniques. All the core
creature is flat-footed. If it hits, regardless of the attack roll's
techniques are presented here.
result, resolve it as a critical hit. This attack does not incur a
multiple attack penalty because it occurs outside of your turn.
SENSE INTENTION[free-action] Under Pressure You move a foot or two into the enemy's space*
DESTROYER before it can regain its balance, or "put it under pressure" as
In combat, your taijiki-enhanced senses can detect the “tells” destroyers say. While under pressure, the triggering creature:
(bend of a knee, sudden inhalation, leaning in, and so on) of your • Incurs a circumstance penalty, equal to the multiple attack
enemies that betray their intentions, giving you offensive, and penalty reduction you have while using Destroyer Stance,
defensive advantages. Most Destroyer Style techniques require to its second, third, or subsequent attack of the turn
a Sense Intention check, or for the enemy to make a Deception against you. For example, at 1st level, the multiple attack
check opposed by your Sense Intention DC. penalty for your second, and third attack, or subsequent
Sense Intention check = Sense Intention modifier attack is reduced by 2. So, the circumstance penalty for
(Perception modifier + proficiency rank in Destroyer the second, and third, or subsequent attack of the turn the
Style) + d20 roll + other bonuses. target makes on you would be increased by 2.
• Is flat-footed.
Sense Intention DC = 10 + Sense Intention modifier +
other bonuses. A creature may escape the Under Pressure condition by mov-
ing beyond your reach.
While using Destroyer Stance, a Feint attempt on you is op-
posed by your Sense Intention DC, instead of your Perception DC. * When resolving any situation, the destroyer is not considered in
the space of a creature it has under pressure.
QUICK FEINT[free-action] SLIDING BLOCK[reaction]
Frequency once per each creature you attack on your turn Triggers A creature targets, hits, or misses you with a physical
You always attack weapon arm first with speed alone, following melee attack.
through at the last moment with your body to give it power. Requirements You are wielding a limitless longsword.
Sometimes, you don't follow through tricking your foe into guard- You thrust your sword’s handle up and out at just the right
ing against a false attack. When you attack a creature, you may moment, catching the incoming attack on the inverted blade,
make a Feint attempt as a Free action instead of as a Single action. diverting it, and throwing the attacker off-balance. You gain a +2
circumstance bonus to AC. The bonus applies to your AC when
SUPERIOR FEINT you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.
DESTROYER If the attack misses, or was already a miss, add your proficiency
rank in Destroyer Style to your AC. If this makes the attack roll a
You’ve learned to incorporate the many "tells" you observe when critical fail, consider it one, and it triggers abilities that require an
creatures attack into your feints, making them unusually believ- enemy to critically miss you with a melee attack, such as Fumbler’s
able, and quite difficult to discern from real attacks. When you Gift.
make a Feint attempt on a creature, you add your proficiency rank You can use Sliding Block while using Weave Blade, Weave
in Destroyer Style as a circumstance bonus. Blade pausing for an instant then resuming, and their bonuses to
AC do not combine.
Signature Weapons Price Damage Range Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Limitless longsword 1 sp 1d8 P — 1 1 Sword Agile, finesse, versatile S, B
Taijiki fighting needle 0 1d4 P 20 ft. L 1 Needle* Agile, finesse
100 needles 1 sp
Holster 1 sp
* Critical specialization effect for a taijiki fighting needle is: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to
this bleed damage equal to the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls.
Bahaurang's Enforcer MARK OF THE DESTROYER
When a good–aligned destroyer faces a tainted destroyer in com- You can manifest a glowing, taijiki eye. An awe-inspiring
bat, it receives the following benefits from Bahaurang: display of your control over the mysterious life force. No
• Guardian taijiki field status bonus to AC increases to +4. means can emulate this feat; it is irrefutable proof that you
• Proficiency ranks in taijiki spells and taijiki spell DCs in- are a destroyer. You gain the Mark of the Destroyer action.
creases 2 ranks. If your proficiency ranks are master, their
modifier is +10 instead of +6. MARK OF THE DESTROYER[free-action]
• The multiple attack penalty reduction you gain from using DESTROYER
Destroyer Stance is doubled, and the reduction can result
Requirements You are not unconscious, or dead.
in a bonus. If it results in a bonus, your initial attack also
receives the highest of these bonuses. You manifest an eye of taijiki. It does not require concentration to
maintain. You may dismiss it at will. If you fall unconscious, or die,
TAIJIKI SPELLS it ends immediately. The eye's glow sheds bright light in a 5-foot
You were taught how to use taijiki to cast spells that give area in the direction you are looking. Your alignment determines
you extraordinary abilities, and your enemies bizarre, and the color of the glow. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. If you
crippling conditions. Taijiki spells are a type of focus spell. have changed alignment, you choose from the options for your
Focus spells cost 1 Focus Point to cast, and you start with new alignment then cannot change it. Good destroyers may
a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool choose: amber, light blue, or violet. Evil destroyers may choose:
during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus red, neon green, or orange. Neutral destroyers may choose: white,
Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to gray, or gold.
do taijikigong, a meditation that generates an abundance of
Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your MARK OF THE DESTROYER AND ENCOUNTERS
level rounded up, much like cantrips. You can’t cast a fo- At GM’s discretion, manifesting the eye can affect the
cus spell if its minimum level is greater than half your level attitude of others in both social, and combat encounters. A
rounded up, even if you somehow gain access to it. Focus good-aligned destroyer may be able to shift the attitude of
spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them strangers to friendly, who then offer assistance once they
using spell slots. realize he is one of the renown do-gooders. An evil-aligned
Taking destroyer feats gives you focus spells, and in- destroyer might inspire (or intimidate) monsters into work-
creases the size of your focus pool, though your focus pool ing with it. Have fun with it!
can never hold more than 3 Focus Points. You are trained
in taijiki spell DCs. The ability for your taijiki spells is
Wisdom. See the “Focus Spells” section in Chapter 7 of the EVIL CREATURE LORE SPECIALIST
Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook for the full rules Destroyers devote as much time to researching their targets
for focus spells. as they do to their martial arts training. You gain the Evil
Creature Lore Specialist feat.
Casting Taijiki Spells on Another Creature
With the exception of claws of the bebelith, and taijiki heal- EVIL CREATURE LORE SPECIALIST
ing, all taijiki spells that target another creature require a DESTROYER
destroyer to make a melee, or ranged Strike with a taijiki
fighting needle opposed by the target creature’s AC. You You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to any Recall Knowledge
may make Feint attempts, and use any abilities that modify checks about a creature with an evil alignment, and its affiliations
your Strikes just as when you make a normal melee, or with evil individuals and groups of note.
ranged Strike unless the ability's entry states otherwise. In addition, you treat critical failures as failures.
A successful hit means you have connected with the In addition, you may retry a check a number of times equal to
target’s taijiki flow, forcing it to save (if the spell allows) or half your proficiency rank in Destroyer Style.
fall prey to the spell’s effects. A save attempt is opposed by
your taijiki spell DC (10 + Wisdom modifier + proficiency DESTROYER FEATS
bonus + other bonuses). At 1st level, then every even-numbered level thereafter, you
gain a destroyer class feat. Destroyer feats are presented
Casting Taijiki Spells on Multiple Creatures beginning on page 8.
A taijiki spell that targets multiple creatures requires a
destroyer to use Two– and Three–action activities to make SKILL FEATS 2ND
melee, or ranged Strikes with different taijiki needles on At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
each target opposed by each target’s AC, and the multiple feat. Skill feats have the Skill trait. You must be trained,
attack penalty for performing multiple Strike actions in the or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat. To
same turn applies as normal. To make Feint attempts while learn what skill feats you can select, see the “Skill Feats”
casting these spells, a destroyer must use Quick Feint. For section in Chapter 5 of the Pathfinder Second Edition Core
more info, see the "Quick Feint" entry on page 4. Rulebook.
Accessing a Creature's Taijiki Flow
A destroyer can always find a place on any creature to gain DENY ADVANTAGE 3RD
access to its taijiki flow (tear ducts, ear canals, armpits, As someone who takes advantage of others’ defenses, you
tiny crevices between scales or armor plates, and so on). are careful not to leave such openings yourself. You aren’t
If the target of a taijiki spell is immune to piercing dam- flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures of
age, or its resistance to piercing damage reduces the needle your level or lower, or creatures of your level or lower using
damage to zero, the needle still enters its body making it surprise attack. However, they can still help their allies
subject to the spell. flank.
GENERAL FEATS 3RD In addition, while using Destroyer Stance, the multiple
At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a gener- attack penalty is -1 (0 with an agile weapon) on your sec-
al feat. See “General Feats” in Chapter 5 of the Pathfinder ond attack of the turn instead of -2, and -6 (-4 with an agile
Second Edition Core Rulebook. weapon) on your third or subsequent attack of the turn
instead of -7.
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
Dedicated study of the nature of taijiki has provided deeper
increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
insight into using it to cast spells. Your proficiency ranks in
proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained in,
taijiki spells and taijiki spell DCs increases to expert.
or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which
you’re already trained to expert.
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase your UNARMORED DEFENSE EXPERTISE 11TH
proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re already You lean, turn, and twist avoiding harm. Your proficiency
an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to increase rank in unarmored defense increases to expert.
your proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re
already a master. LOOSED AND POISED 11TH
Staying relaxed and ready to explode in any direction
EXPERT DESTROYER 5TH when an opening presents itself has improved your overall
Diligent training has given you better grasp of your fighting reflexes. Your proficiency rank in Reflex saves increases to
techniques. Your proficiency ranks in Destroyer Style and expert.
destroyer DC increases to expert.
In addition, when using Destroyer Stance, the multiple
You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency rank
attack penalty is -2 (-1 with an agile weapon) on your sec-
in signature weapons increases to master.
ond attack of the turn instead of -3, and -7 (-5 with an agile
weapon) on your third or subsequent attack of the turn
You can discern how an enemy will act in combat, just by
reading its body language with such accuracy, it seems to
ABILITY BOOSTS 5TH others you are reading his mind. Your proficiency ranks in
At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, boost four dif-
Destroyer Style and destroyer class DC increases to legend-
ferent ability scores. You can use these boosts to increase
ability scores above 18. Boosting an ability score increases
it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an ex-
ANCESTRY FEATS 5TH pert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary.
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain
an ancestry feat at 5th level, and every 4 levels thereafter.
For a list of ancestry feats available to you, see your an- LEGENDARY PERCEPTION 15TH
cestry’s entry in Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder Second Edition Diligent training of your mind to notice the subtlest details
Core Rulebook. in combat has sharpened your senses to an astounding
level. Your proficiency rank in Perception increases to leg-
Your constant use of Destroyer Stance has strengthened
both your will, and life force. Your proficiency ranks in UNARMORED DEFENSE MASTERY 17TH
Will and Fortitude saves increases to master. When you You dissolve away from your enemies attacks as though
roll successes at Will and Fortitude saves, you get critical you are made of air. Your proficiency rank in unarmored
successes instead. defense increases to master.
At each level that you gain a destroyer feat, you can select
one of the following feats. You must satisfy any prerequi- GUARDED FEAT 2
sites before selecting the feat.
Triggers A creature targets you with an Attack of Opportunity.
1ST LEVEL Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
You sense an enemy about to lash out when you leave an open-
ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY[reaction] FEAT 1 ing. It must make a Deception check opposed by your Sense
Triggers A creature within your reach uses a Manipulate action, or Success The creature can make an Attack of Opportunity.
a Move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square Failure The creature cannot make an Attack of Opportunity, and
during a Move action it’s using. the reaction is wasted.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike LONG DISTANCE NEEDLER FEAT 2
against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit, and
the trigger was a Manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This
Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike. You rotate your hips a split second before you throw a taijiki fight-
Special If you have Whipping Strike, and you are wielding a ing needle, sending it farther than normal. Your range with taijiki
taijiki fighting needle when this triggers, you can make a fighting needles increases +10 feet.
ranged Strike instead.
In an instant, you enter Destroyer Stance. You may use Quick Shift
WHIPPING STRIKE FEAT 1 after being hit by an attack, and the +2 status bonus to AC from
DESTROYER your guardian taijiki field applies to your AC when determining
the outcome of the attack.
Requirements You are wielding a taijiki fighting needle.
You make melee, and ranged attacks with taijiki fighting needles SURFACE VISIT[one-action] FEAT 2
in the same way, so its impossible for enemies to know which it is
before it’s too late to react. Ranged Strikes you make with taijiki
fighting needles in melee, including Casting taijiki spells, do not You relinquish control to your intelligence mind for a moment in
trigger Attacks of Opportunity. order to do something that requires it. Until the end of this turn,
In addition, you can make ranged Attacks of Opportunity with while using Destroyer Stance you can use actions with the Con-
taijiki fighting needles, and gain a 5-foot threat range. centrate and Mental trait that don’t have the Destroyer trait.
If you need to look up a destroyer feat by type instead of by level, use these tables. Bahaurang's Helping Hand enhances both your
fighting and spellcasting abilities, so it appears on the tables "Advanced Destroyer Style Fighting Techniques" and "Taijiki Spells".
Prerequisites taijiki spells Triggers A creature targets, or hits you with a melee, or ranged
You channel taijiki to heal yourself or another creature. You gain attack.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
the taijiki healing taijiki spell (page 23). Increase the number of
Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. You can lean at the right time throwing off your enemy's aim. The
triggering creature makes a Deception check opposed by your
Sense Intention DC.
UNSTEADY FEAT 2 Success The target is unaffected.
Failure You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your AC against all
Prerequisites taijiki spells attacks the target creature makes on you until the end of its
turn. In addition, if the creature is helping to flank you, neither
You attack a creature’s equilibrium ruining its balance. You gain
it nor the other flanking creatures get the +2 flanking bonus to
the unsteady taijiki spell (page 24).
Critical Failure You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to
WARN ALLIES[reaction] FEAT 2 to your AC instead of +2 against all attacks the target makes on
DESTROYER you until the end of its turn.
Special You may activate Defensive Lean, and Immediate Weaving
Triggers An ally is hit by an attack, or a spell by an enemy you can
see, and a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC, or to its save, at the same time, using the same reaction.
would turn a critical hit, or critical success into a normal hit, or
normal success, or a normal hit, or normal success into a miss, ENLIGHTENED REFLEX[reaction] FEAT 4
or failure.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
Triggers A creature uses an action on you that requires a Reflex
Your incredible senses pick up on cues that an enemy is about to
attack your ally. You shout a warning.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
All allies within 60 feet that this applies to, gain a +2 circum-
stance bonus to either their AC, or save against the triggering Your heightened senses detect a foe is up to something, and
attack, or spell. you’re ready. Before you make a Reflex save, make a Sense Inten-
Special At 15th level in destroyer, the bonus increases to +4. tion check opposed by the triggering creature’s Deception DC.
Critical Success You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to
your Reflex save against the triggering action.
4TH LEVEL Success You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Reflex save
against the triggering action.
ALLERGIC REACTION FEAT 4 Failure Roll your Reflex save as normal.
Prerequisites taijiki spells HEAL SWORD FEAT 4
You alter a creature’s physiology giving it a crippling allergy to
Prerequisites taijiki spells
you, or an ally. You gain the allergic reaction taijiki spell (page
21). Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. You use taijiki to restore your damaged weapon. You gain the
heal sword taijiki spell (page 22). Increase the number of Focus
COLLECT DUNJIKI FEAT 4 Points in your focus pool by 1.
Prerequisites taijiki spells
You siphon the dunjiki (”life force of the departed”) out of a crea-
ture on the brink of death. You gain the collect dunjiki taijiki spell Triggers A creature fails a Feint attempt against you.
(page 21). Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
by 1. You take offense to the enemy trying to fool your senses, and
teach him a lesson. If the Feint check was a:
DASHING PUNISHER FEAT 4 Failure Make a melee, or ranged Strike on the creature. Add the
DESTROYER amount by which the triggering creature failed its Feint attempt,
as a circumstance bonus, to your attack and damage rolls. For
Prerequisites You can use Fumbler's Gift.
this attack, the triggering creature is flat-footed. This attack
You can move farther to reach a foe that triggers your Fumbler's does not incur a multiple attack penalty because it occurs out-
Gift ability. Increase the distance you can move to bring the trig- side of your turn.
gering creature within your reach +10 feet. Critical Failure In addition to the failure effects, the triggering
creature is flat-footed against all your attacks until the end of
your next turn.
Triggers A creature critically misses you with a physical melee
attack with a weapon it is holding.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
The enemy mistimes its attack, smashing its limb painfully against
the business end of your weapon, and possibly loses grip on its
weapon. The triggering creature makes a Reflex save opposed by
your destroyer class DC.
Success Roll damage for the weapon the triggering creature
smashed into (the weapon you’re wielding; if more than
one, you choose) as though you hit with an attack.
Failure In addition to taking damage, the triggering creature
slings its weapon in a line, in the direction you choose, 5 feet,
plus 5 feet x your proficiency rank in Destroyer Style.
Special You can use Slinging Fumble, and Wide Shot Fumble
against the same critical miss.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
You focus your will even further, making it an impenetrable barrier
to mental assault. In the round you use Thought-no-Thought, you
become immune to any effect with the Mental trait that targets
you, and any effect currently affecting you immediately ends.
This lasts until the end of the round.
Your personal mission is to seek and destroy evil Prerequisites Weave Sword
in the swiftest, and most sadistic ways possible. Triggers You are using Weave Sword.
Requirements You are wielding a taijiki fighting needle in your
other hand.
Blade and needle weave separate patterns, each filling the gaps
ABILITY SCORES left by the other, creating a multi-layered pattern of defense. The
Prioritize Wisdom. Dexterity increases accuracy, and dam- item bonus of your Weave Sword technique is +3, instead of +2.
age of both your melee, and ranged attacks. Dexterity and Special Weave Needle makes Sliding Block's circumstance bonus
Constitution improve your physical defenses. Charisma to AC +3, instead of +2.
empowers your Feint checks.
HARPOON NEEDLE FEAT 6 When a creature you have under pressure attempts to move
DESTROYER away from you, you bump, hook, kick, or otherwise interfere. The
triggering creature makes a Reflex save opposed by your Sense
Requirements You are wielding a taijiki fighting needle.
Intention DC.
Before driving a needle into a creature, you use a tiny bit of taijiki Success The creature takes its Move action.
to reshape it into a little harpoon. When you perform a Strike with Failure The creature's Move action is disrupted, and
a taijiki fighting needle, excluding Casting taijiki spells, increase the action is wasted.
the number of actions used to perform it by 1. In addition to any Critical Failure In addition to the failure effects, the target falls
other damage the attack does, it also inflicts 1d4 persistent bleed prone.
damage (1d6 with Momentum Master).
In addition, when you use the Needle of Agony, or Torture Nee- WARDING BLOCK[reaction] FEAT 6
dle attacks on a creature, removing the taijiki fighting needle(s) in- DESTROYER
flicts 1d4 persistent bleed damage (1d6 with Momentum Master) Prerequisites Sliding Block
on the victim creature, per needle removed. Triggers A foe makes a physical melee attack on an ally.
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance.
MASTER OF OPPORTUNITY[reaction] FEAT 6 You use your sword to protect your allies. You can use Sliding
DESTROYER Block when an attack is made against an ally adjacent to you. Your
Prerequisites Attack of Opportunity ally adds Sliding Block's +2 item bonus to its AC, and if the attack
Triggers A creatures uses Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip on you. misses, also your proficiency rank in Destroyer Style. If the attack
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance. roll is lowered to a critical miss, it triggers a Fumbler’s Gift reaction
from your ally. Your ally can only choose the critical hit counterat-
When an enemy reaches for you, you strike the offending limb.
tack effect unless it has the destroyer Fumbler's Gift class feature.
The triggering creature triggers an Attack of Opportunity from
you. If it is a critical hit, the attempt is disrupted, and the action is
wasted. 8TH LEVEL
Master of Opportunity is not triggered by attacks that cause
one of the triggering actions, such as the fighter’s Brutish Shove.
Attacks that are followed with one of the triggering actions, do ALWAYS AWARE FEAT 8
trigger it, such as the fighter’s Knockdown. DESTROYER
EIDETIC SPELLCASTING[free-action] FEAT 8 save applies to this action too.
When a creature uses the Extract Needle action, it is flat- foot-
ed, and triggers Attacks of Opportunity.
Frequency once per day; at 14th, twice per day if you choose to
gain each spell at different times.
You are a taijiki genius. You can visualize the effects of manipulat-
ing a creature's taijiki, without physically doing it. As a Free action,
even when it’s not your turn, you can gain a taijiki spell you do not Prerequisites Weave Sword, Weave Needle
know. You must meet any requirements called for by the spell as Triggers An enemy attempts to Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or
normal. Trip you.
At the start of the next day, you lose the spell(s). Requirements You are using Weave Sword, and Weave Needle.
Special At 14th level in destroyer, you can gain two taijiki spells. When foes reach for you, your blade and needle defend with pain.
The triggering creature incurs a –2 circumstance penalty to its
FAST BLOCK FEAT 8 Athletics check, and suffers 1d4 persistent bleed damage.
DESTROYER In addition, if the creature's Athletics check is a:
Prerequisites Sliding Block Failure In addition to the bleed damage, your sword hits the limb
inflicting 1d8 slashing damage (1d10 with Momentum
You can bring your sword into place with hardly a thought. At the
start of each of your turns, you gain an additional reaction that
you can use only to do Sliding Block. Critical Failure In addition to the failure effects, the target is
knocked off-balance, becoming flat-footed until its next turn.
Frequency once used, cannot use again for 1d10 rounds DESTROYER
Triggers A creature targets you with a melee, or ranged Prerequisites taijiki spells
attack, and is beyond your reach.
You cause a creature to injure itself when it succeeds on attacks.
You use your control over your taijiki, to get the jump on enemies
You gain the patience or pain taijiki spell (page 22). Increase your
who attack from a distance. In the moment the attack lands, you
Focus Points by 1 in your focus pool.
eject your guardian taijiki field, which appears as an opaque image
of you, to act as a decoy in your space. At the same time, you
increase your taijiki flow until your body is so energized, it trans- SHARED FATE FEAT 8
mutes into a state of liquid-energy. DESTROYER
The attack automatically fails, and is a critical miss. Meanwhile, Prerequisites taijiki spells
you travel in a line towards the triggering creature with lightning
speed unimpeded by creatures, obstacles and terrain. Your move- You link the life force of creatures so they share injuries.
ment ends in a square adjacent to the triggering creature, or any You gain the shared fate spell (page 23). Increase your Focus
unoccupied square along that line up to 100 feet. Points by 1 in your focus pool.
While using Guardian Trick—even if they somehow realize the
near-imperceptible mist flowing across the battlefield is actually SPONTANEOUS DESTRUCTION[free-action] FEAT 8
you—creatures cannot take any actions in response, even if they DESTROYER
readied an action to do so because you pass too fast.
At the end of your movement, you become solid, and the trig- Frequency once per day; at 14th, twice per day if you choose to
gain each feat at different times.
gering creature's critical miss, triggers applicable reactions from
you such as Fumbler’s Gift. When a situation demands, you have a talent for coming up with
Your guardian taijiki field returns to you at the end of the round. techniques on the fly. As a Free action, even when it’s not your
Until the start of the next round, you lose your guardian taijiki turn, you can gain a destroyer feat, excluding taijiki spells, that
field's +2 status bonus to AC, and benefits granted by Greater you do not know. You must meet the requirements for the feat as
Guardian, and Supreme Guardian. normal.
At the start of the next day, you lose the feat(s).
NEEDLE OF AGONY[one-action] FEAT 8 Special At 14th level in destroyer, you can gain two feats.
Requirements You are wielding a taijiki fighting needle. THREE-ARMED DESTROYER[free-action] FEAT 8
You know where to insert needles into a creature to inflict ex- DESTROYER
cruciating pain. Make a melee Strike. If the target is immune to Frequency once per minute, and not in the same minute you used
piercing damage, or its resistance reduces the damage to zero, it Destroyers’ Two
is still affected by the agonizing pain effect.
You increase the taijiki flowing through your body, causing a
Regardless of the attack's result, afterwards the target is immune
vibration so intense, your weapon arm blurs appearing to be two
to Needle of Agony for 1 minute.
arms. Until the end the round, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus
If you hit, before each action the target takes, it must make a
to attack, and damage rolls.
Fortitude save opposed by your destroyer class DC.
Three-Armed Destroyer can be activated when you miss, or hit
Success The target fights through the pain, and takes its action.
with an attack, and its bonus to attack, and damage rolls applies
Failure The target is overcome with pain, disrupting the action,
when resolving the attack.
and the action is wasted.
Extract Needle[two-actions] Traits Manipulate; Effect The target, or
another creature with a suitable limb can remove the needle,
ending the effect immediately. For the target, the Fortitude
Evil destroys itself when it challenges your elusive CLOSE SHAVE ADJUSTMENT FEAT 10
and painful defenses, and punishing counterattacks. DESTROYER
Prerequisites taijiki spells; Always Aware, or Taijiki Sight ANOTHER SIMPLE LESSON[two-actions] FEAT 14
You can share the effects of the taijiki spells, always aware and
taijiki sight, with creatures you choose that are within 15 feet. Prerequisites Momentum Master
Requirements You have 1 or more allies that can see and hear
you when you use this feat.
SIMPLE LESSON[two-actions] FEAT 12
Okay, showing your allies how to cut down on extra movement,
or how to finish strikes with a snap might be on the borderline of
Prerequisites Close Shave Adjustment violating your oath. But it doesn’t stray over it. Right?
Requirements 1 or more allies that can see and hear you when For the duration of the battle, each affected ally chooses one of
you use this ability. the following:
You don’t think showing allies, how to lean in to hit an enemy just
• Your multiple attack penalty for all melee, and ranged
out of reach, and to lean just out of reach to make an enemy miss,
attacks you make is -3 (-2 with an agile weapon) on your
is a violation of your oath. It’s really just a simple lesson about us-
second attack of the turn, instead of –5, and -8 (-6 with an
ing your body. Right? For the duration of the battle, affected allies
agile weapon) on your third, or subsequent attack of the
gain the benefits of the destroyer's feat Close Shave Adjustment.
turn, instead of -10. This does not affect you if you have at
least 1 level in the destroyer class.
TITAN'S LONGSWORD FEAT 12 • The die you roll for damage for both physical melee, and
DESTROYER thrown attacks increases one die size (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to
Prerequisites taijiki spells 1d8, and so on). This does not affect you if you already
have the destroyer's feat Momentum Master.
You lengthen your sword doubling your reach. You gain the
titan’s longsword taijiki spell (page 24). Increase the number of BAHAURANG'S HELPING HAND[free-action] FEAT 14
Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
Prioritize Wisdom. Dexterity improves the accuracy of taijiki Triggers A creature you have under pressure, scores a critical hit
spell attacks, and physical defenses. Charisma empowers on you with a melee, or ranged attack.
your Feint checks. Requirements You are unarmored.
When you press enemies, you enter from odd angles, making it
SKILLS impossible for them to get the best leverage on attacks. When a
Arcana, Intimidation creature you have under pressure scores a critical hit on you with
a melee, or ranged attack, it is resolved as a normal hit.
Distressing Strike (1st) UNTOUCHABLE FEAT 14
HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS Triggers A creature you have under pressure, makes a touch attack
At 8th and 10th levels, it’s a good idea to take Spontaneous on you.
Destruction, and Eidetic Spellcasting because these feats Requirements You are unarmored.
give you slots that you can use to take fighting techniques,
and spells you don't know in the moment you need them. When you press enemies, you bob and twist and bend unpredict-
ably making it impossible for them to touch you. When a creature
Any combination of taijiki spells based on your purposes
you have under pressure makes a touch attack on you, instead it
(2nd – 20th), Long Distance Needler (2nd), Secret in the
must make it as a melee, or ranged attack (whichever applies).
Sword (10th), Intermediate Taijikigong (12th), See As I See
(12th), Bahaurang's Helping Hand (14th), Feint-then-Touch
(16th), Advanced Taijikigong (18th)
COILING HANDS FEAT 16 Prerequisites taijiki spells
DESTROYER Triggers You succeed on a Feint attempt against an enemy.
Requirements You are wielding a taijiki fighting needle.
Prerequisites Trapping Leg, Adhering Hands
Triggers An enemy attacks you. You trick a foe into offering you the target of your needle attack.
Requirements You have a creature under pressure. If the next attack in the current turn, is a melee, or ranged Strike
You can manipulate a foe you pressure, turning it into the path of with a taijiki fighting needle, including Casting a taijiki spell, on
attacks from other foes. When a creature hits you with an attack, it the triggering creature, you make it as a touch attack (the needle
makes a DC 10 flat check. strike automatically succeeds). The range of this attack is equal to
Success You are hit. your reach at the time you make it.
Failure The attack hits the creature you have under pressure.
If the attack has an area of effect that includes your space, and LURCH[reaction] FEAT 16
the trapped creature is your size or larger, it provides cover pre-
venting you from taking any damage.
Prerequisites Immediate Readiness
Frequency once used, cannot use for 1d4 rounds
COUNTER MANIFESTATION FEAT 16 Triggers A creature up to 2 sizes larger than you, that is beyond
DESTROYER your reach, attacks you with a physical melee attack.
Requirements You are a wielding a limitless longsword. You are
Prerequisites taijiki spells
Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance. using Destroyer Stance.
You use your taijiki to counter a spell or breath weapon. You gain Sometimes, when you observe an enemy, you know exactly what
the counter manifestation taijiki spell (page 21). Increase the it’s going to do, and you can pull off an extraordinary feat of tim-
number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. ing. As the enemy attacks, you drag on its weapon, accelerating its
attack, pulling it across the battlefield. (See “Forced Movement” in
FANGBREAKER[reaction] FEAT 16 chapter 9 in Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook.)
Make a Sense Intention check opposed by the Deception DC of
the triggering creature.
Frequency once used, cannot use it for 1d4 rounds Success Regardless of the attack roll's result, it misses, and the
Triggers A creature targets you with a physical melee attack. target is moved 5 feet, plus 5 feet x your prociency rank in
Prerequisites Immediate Readiness Destroyer Style.
Requirements You are wielding a limitless longsword. You are Critical Success At the end of its movement, the triggering
using Destroyer Stance.
creature falls prone.
Sometimes, when you observe an enemy, you know exactly what In addition, you reacted so quick, barely any time was con-
it’s going to do, and you can pull off an extraordinary feat of tim- sumed. You gain an additional reaction that only can be used
ing. You attack your enemy’s weapon as it attacks you, as though before your next turn or it is lost, and only to do Lurch or any
you readied an action to do so, dealing a devastating blow that of the following: Counter Manifestation; Fangbreake; Haywire;
can debilitate, or destroy. For information on Ready actions, see Immediate Readiness; Return Fire; Thwart Intention; Thwarting
the "Basic Actions" section in Chapter 9 of the Pathfinder Second Strike
Edition Core Rulebook. Unlike a normal Ready action, the attack You cannot gain a third reaction in this way.
does not incur a multiple attack penalty. Failure You fail, and the attack roll is resolved normally.
Make a Sense Intention check opposed by the Deception DC of
the triggering creature.
Success Make a melee Strike on the triggering creature. For this
attack, the creature does not apply any bonuses to its AC from ar- DESTROYER
mor, or Dexterity, and you add the modifier to its current attack as Triggers You use Sliding Block against a physical attack, that was
a circumstance bonus to your attack roll. If you hit, the triggering already a miss, or it makes it a miss.
creature rolls all physical damage it would have dealt if its attack Requirements Sliding Block. Fast Block. You are wielding a
hit you, and you add it as a circumstance bonus to your damage limitless longsword. You are using Destroyer Stance.
roll. The triggering creature’s weapon takes all the damage. Ignore
the weapon’s hardness (if any). If the damage equals, or exceeds When you block a hit, you drive your arm forward slamming
its Broken Threshold (BT) the weapon is broken. If its hit point are your sword into your foe’s skull, knocking it silly. The triggering
reduced to 0 it is destroyed. creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage (1d10 with Momentum
If its a natural weapon, and the damage is less than 1/4 the Master). If it’s a critical miss, in addition to the damage, the target
creature's total, normal Hit Points, it is partially-crippled, and it makes a Will save.
can only do half damage. If the damage equals, or exceeds 1/4 Failure Target is dazzled 3, deafened 3, and stupefied 3.
the creature’s total, normal Hit Points, it is fully-crippled, and is In addition, Feint checks made by the target are critical
no longer usable as a weapon. It can be restored by healing the fails.
Critical Failure In addition to the failure effects, the target falls
amount of damage inflicted by any forms of healing. prone.
Critical Success In addition, you reacted so quick, barely any time
was consumed. You gain an additional reaction that only can
be used before your next turn or it is lost, and only to do Fang-
breaker or any of the following: Counter Manifestation; Hay-
wire; Immediate Readiness; Lurch; Return Fire; Thwart Intention;
Thwarting Strike
You cannot gain a third reaction in this way.
Failure You react normally (if you have a reaction that applies).
Prerequisites You can cast taijiki spells. Immediate Readiness. Triggers You have a creature under pressure.
Requirements You are wielding a limitless longsword. You are When you pressure a foe you constantly vary the length and
using Destroyer Stance. angle of your steps to outwit its timing. When you make a melee,
Sometimes, when you observe an enemy, you know exactly what or ranged Strike on a creature you have under pressure, 6 better
he’s going to do, and you can pull off an extraordinary feat of tim- than its AC is a critical hit. In addition, that creature scores a criti-
ing. You energize your longsword with taijiki to swat back ranged cal hit on 14 better than your AC, and a critical fail on 6 lower than
attacks. You gain the return fire taijiki spell (page 23). Increase your AC.
the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
18TH LEVEL Prerequisites Counter Manifestation
When you succeed with Counter Manifestation, instead of dealing
ADVANCED TAIJIKIGONG FEAT 18 damage to the triggering creature, or item, you can choose one of
DESTROYER the following:
Prerequisites Intermediate Taijikigong • Target emits a 100-foot line, or a 60-foot cone of pure magi-
When you clear your mind, your focus comes flowing back in a cal energy that deals 1d8 force damage per level of the spell,
powerful rush. If you have spent at least 3 Focus Points since the or per damage die of the breath weapon. The 100-foot line
last time you Refocused, you recover 3 Focus Points when you is a ranged attack. Make the attack using your ranged attack
Refocus instead of 1. bonus(es). The 60-foot cone is an area effect. Targets make a
Reflex save opposed by your destroyer DC.
• Target emits a 100-foot line, or a 60-foot cone of positive
CLAWS OF THE BEBELITH FEAT 18 energy that heals living creatures and harms undead 1d8 per
level of the spell, or per damage die of the breath weapon.
Prerequisites taijiki spells The 100-foot line is a ranged attack. Make the attack using
You summon the spirit of a powerful outsider to destroy a crea- your ranged attack bonus(es). The 60-foot cone is an area
ture’s defenses. You gain the claws of the bebelith taijiki spell effect. Targets make a Reflex save opposed by your destroyer
(page 21). Increase the number of your Focus Points in your focus DC. Allies require no save.
pool by 1. • Triggering creature makes a Fortitude save opposed by your
Destroyer DC.
Success Choose to make the target stupefied or enfeebled.
EGO SHATTERING BLOW[free-action] FEAT 18 The value for both is equal to the spell’s level, or the
DESTROYER number of damage dice of the breath weapon.
Failure The stupified or enfeebled value is equal to twice the
Prerequisites proficiency in Intimidation; Any of the following:
spell’s level, or twice the number of damage dice of the
Counter Manifestation, Fangbreaker, Haywire, Immediate Read-
breath weapon.
iness, Lurch, Return Fire, Thwart Intention, Thwarting Strike
Triggers You succeed with any of the prerequisite feats.
Your unbelievable display of timing has a chance of demoralizing
your foe. When you succeed with one of the feats listed above on
a creature, make an Intimidation check to Demoralize your foe. Triggers An enemy critically fails with a melee, or ranged attack.
For this check, you do not incur the -4 circumstance penalty for Requirements You are using Destroyer Stance. You are wielding a
the target not being able to hear you. limitless longsword.
In addition, your Intimidation check gains a circumstance bonus You make fumbling foes pay a gruesome price. When you hit with
equal to the amount your Sense Intention check exceeded the a Fumbler’s Gift, critical hit counterattack, the triggering creature
target creature’s Deception DC when you succeeded with the feat. is automatically impaled on your blade. While impaled a creature
Regardless of the result, the target is immune to your Ego Shat- is grabbed, drained 4, and takes 1d8 persistent bleed damage.
tering Blow ability for 10 minutes. The target creature can attempt (when it can take a Single action
Success The target gains the under pressure condition for the to do so) an Escape check opposed by your destroyer class DC to
duration of the battle. You don’t need to keep it within dislodge your sword.
your reach. The target cannot attempt to remove the Success The target dislodges your sword, removing the grabbed
condition. condition. The drained 4 condition and persistent bleed dam-
age continue each round until healed as per normal rules.
At the start of each of your turns, while the creature is impaled,
as a Free action, you twist and turn your sword, increasing the
drained value by 2, and the persistent bleed damage by an addi-
tional 1d8.
Cast [one-action] somatic Frequency once cast, you cannot cast it for 1d4 rounds.
Targets You Cast [reaction] somatic
Duration 10 minutes Targets 1 creature, or item
You boost your senses with taijiki. You gain: You interrupt the Casting of a spell, or the use of a breath weap-
All Around Vision You can see in all directions simultaneously, on, at the right time with a pulse of taijiki causing a devastating
and therefore can't be flanked. backlash. Make a Sense Intention check opposed by the target’s
Special If you Cast the taijiki spell taijiki sight (page 24) Deception DC.
while always aware is active, the special sight it gives Success Make a melee, or ranged Strike using a taijiki fighting
you functions in all directions. needle. If it hits, roll damage for your needle. If the target
was Casting a spell it is ruined, the Spell Slot is expended,
CLAWS OF BEBELITH FOCUS 9 and the target takes 1d8 force damage per level of the
spell. If it’s a breath weapon, the attack is ruined, the use
is expended, and the target takes 1d8 force damage per
Cast [two-actions] somatic damage die rolled for the breath weapon.
Targets 1 creature The damage is an internal explosion, and cannot be
reduced by any means. A target reduced to 0 Hit Points is
The soul of a powerful outsider known as a bebelith, appears,
reduced to fine powder, and is considered destroyed by
possesses the needles stuck in the target, transforms them into
the spell disintegrate.
the bladed claws it had in life, rips away the victim's armor, then
Critical Success In addition, you reacted so quick, barely any
returns to the other side. Make two melee, or ranged Strikes on time was consumed. You gain an additional reaction that
the same target using two, different taijiki needles. If you hit, roll only can be used before your next turn, or it is lost, and
damage for your needles. only to do Counter Manifestation or one of the following:
If both Strikes hit, the bebelith appears, and inflicts 4d4+18 Fangbreaker; Haywire; Immediate Readiness; Lurch; Return
negative damage as it rips away the target’s armor. If both strikes Fire; Thwart Intention; Thwarting Strike
do not hit, the spell fails. The target makes a Reflex save. You cannot gain a third reaction in this way.
If the target is wearing armor:
Success The target manages to flow with the ripping action DISTRESSING STRIKE FOCUS 1
preventing its armor from being damaged.
Failure The target’s armor is damaged as its ripped off, losing
the minimum amount of Hit Points to give it the Broken Cast [one-action] somatic
condition. Targets 1 creature
If the target has natural armor: Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute
Success Large sections are flensed off, reducing the target's You diminish the taijiki flowing to a creature’s brain making it
AC by an amount equal to your proficiency rank in taijiki spells. difficult to concentrate, and perform acts. Make a melee, or ranged
Healing the the total damage, restores the AC reduction. Strike with a taijiki needle. If you hit, roll damage for your needle,
Failure During the flensing, the bebelith's claws cut extremely and the target makes a Will save.
deep opening bleeding gashes in the flesh beneath. The Success The target is unaffected.
target suffers an additional, 6d4 persistent bleed damage. Failure Either, the target incurs a -2 status penalty to its proficien-
cy ranks in one of the following:
COLLECT DUNJIKI FOCUS 2 • All Armor types and Unarmored Defense
• Proficiency ranks in spells and spell DCs
Cast [one-action] somatic
Targets 1 living creature that has 0 Hit Points or, a – 6 status penalty to Perception– and Deception–based
Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute Critical Failure The target gains a –4 status penalty to proficiency
You siphon the life force out of a creature on the brink of death. ranks (Untrained max (0 bonus)). Or, -8 status penalty to all
Make a melee, or ranged Strike with a taijiki needle. If it hits, roll Perception– and Deception–based checks.
damage for your needle, and the target makes a Will save. Heightened [10th] DISTRESSING AURA: The affected creature
Success The target’s dying value increases by 1. emanates a 15-foot aura. Any enemy in the aura makes a Will
Failure The target dies. You gain a +1 status bonus to attack and save.
damage rolls plus one of the following: Failure Any enemies that fail suffer the effects listed under
• 15 Hit Points “failure” in the spell’s entry.
• Your taijiki guardian field’s status bonus to AC is +4 Critical Failure Any enemies that critically fail suffer the effects
instead of +2. listed under “critical failure” in the spell’s entry.
After making the save, the target does not make another save as
long as it stays in the aura’s range. If it moves out of and back into
the area, it must make the save again.
This section contains rules and feats for characters who devote ARCHETYPE
their spare time to being destroyers. Prerequisites Destroyer Dedication
DESTROYER ARCHETYPE You gain one destroyer feat. For the purpose of meeting
Sometimes, people who are already fighting the forces of its prerequisites, your destroyer level is equal to half your charac-
evil are called to serve the universe. For more information ter level.
about archetypes, see the "Archetypes" section in Chapter 3 Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you
of the Pathfinder Second Editon Core Rulebook. select it, you gain another destroyer feat.
Evil causes pain to taijiki, the life force that flows through
all living things in the universe.
This 25-page guide contains everything you need to play as the universe's agent of fury, from levels 1
to 20, in Pathfinder Second Edition. Includes 87 feats to customize your destroyer, as well as multiclass
feats for characters of other classes who answer the call to serve the universe.
Instead of hacking and slashing, or blasting its way through foes, the destroyer is a “rogue” warrior.
It relies on perception to discern what foes are going to do, so it can attack, defend, and move with
perfect timing, undoing them with minimal effort. And some use devious, taijiki magic to cripple,
and steal their life force.
"The mannerisms, and gestures a creature uses in combat are a type of language—a body language—that if you
can read it, will tell you everything he’s going to do. I taught you the fundamentals of how to do that. It’s up to
you to become better at it. But it will take dedication. For while body language is universal, each creature has its
own dialect. If you become legendary at it, there will be no evil that can escape destruction by your hands.”