Review of Electromagnetic Methods in Wait1979
Review of Electromagnetic Methods in Wait1979
Review of Electromagnetic Methods in Wait1979
6 , JUNE 1979
Ahct-Wire ropes are used extensively in many life sustain@ situ- SOMEEARLYNDT WORK IN ENGLAND
ations. Elevator and mine-hoist cables are two notable examples, but
the support cable for a& tramways, ski chairlifts and gondolas, heli- Wall [ 1 ] gives an early account of the design and operation
copt= and suspension cables wemight also mention. In this review, of electromagnetic rope testers. The test resultswere given for
we will deal mainly with wire ropes used m mine hoists, but the results specially constructed ropes. Using basically an ac technique,
are also relevantfor testing support cables for ski lifts. There is an his method makes it possible to detect broken wires within a
obvious need to ped- tests of the integrity of such ropes without in
any way imp&@ their function. Apart from careful v W examina- rope that represent less than 5-percent reduction in the total
tionand memments of the external diameter, the nondestructive cross sectional area. As the author indicates, the investigation
test methods available utilize electromagneticfields, X-rays, or mechan- was motivated by the testing of wire ropes used in collieries in
ical wavesHere, we will review progress in theelectromagnetic England. The author also indicates that other important appli-
methods cationsare to tram cables, airshipmooringropes,and to
The early history of the subject will be described briefly, since this
provides a remarkably good introduction to the working principlesWe suspension-bridge ropes.
w li then progress quickly to the current techniquesand operating pro- Wall is an early proponent of the ac method as opposed to
cedures Next, we w lisummarize some of the basic papers that deal
l the dc magnetic testing favored in more recent times. He lists
with the basic concepts and techniques for testing of cylindricnl con- some of the advantages as follows: a) The rope need not con-
ductors by both electric and magnetic methods. At this juncture, we tinuously move through the magnetic system, b) The ac signal
call our attention to theextensiverelatedwork on electromPgnetic
probing of geophysical targets such as ore bodies and other subsurface is easy to detect, and c) Any remnant magnetism due, say to a
conductors Finally, we turn to the various recent imestigntions, pri- previous test, iswiped out.
marily of theoreticalnature,thathave been carried out; we include He is interested in testing colliery ropes of the lockedcoil
here only the most recent works type up to 2.25-in diameter. In such locked ropes, the outer
and one or more of the inner layers are locked together to
Insulated Individual
Wire Rods of in. dia.
location of embedded
/ \B search coil A
EMF in C - D
in central group) (flux in surface
EMF in A - B
15,000- (flux in 2nd layer)
8 in Search Coil
for 2430
AMP-TURNS Exciting
at x)Hz.
m 2 m 3 o O 0 4 o o o Fig. 2. Special model
of a wire rope used by Wall and Hainsworth
[ z ] t o study internal fields.
82 81
I 1 1 0 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2
; m Centrol group
Distance from end in feet
Fig. 1. (a)Sketch o f Wall's device [ 11.(b)Some data from Wall's
test of a lockedcoil rope. The B-Hcurve and the resulting induced
EMF in the search coil. (EMF waveform amplitude not given.)
0 - ' AMPS.
Peak value of excitation current
In a follow-up study, Wall and Hainsworth [21 investigate
the way in which the flux is distributed within the rope. As
they point out, this information is relevant to the estimation
of the depth of a flaw in a locked coil or similar rope as used
Central group
in collieries. They feel a mathematical approach to the prob- m
lem is intractable. Instead, they build up a special sample or A.C. excitation
physical model with embedded search coils.
The experimental configuration was chosen a replica
1 D.C. excitation
of a lockedcoil rope except that the layers of wires were not
so close as in actual ropes. Straight mild-steel wire rods of in vr
diameter were employed, each rod was coated with insulating
enamel before assembly. A f i s t layer or central groupof seven - 0 AMPS
Peak value of A . C
wires was formed and a search coil ( A ) of two-hundred turns Direci Current
was arranged to embrace this group. A second layer of twenty Fig. 3. Some measured data forthespecial wire rope model.(After
wires was then added and a searchcoil ( B ) embraced this layer. Wall and Hainsworth [ Z 1 .)
Next came thethird layer withafurther embracing search
coil (C). Finally, a fourth layer of forty-four wires was formed Also, as indicated in Fig. 3, the B-H response curves are shown
andasearch coil (D)embraced it. Each of the four search for central group and the surface layer. Here the screening ef-
coils had two-hundred turns. Then by connecting pairs of con- fect for the central group is very apparent. For the surface
secutive search coils in opposition, it was possible to measure layer, the situation is somewhat different since apparently the
the flux magnitude associated with each layer. ac excitation has the effect of increasing the apparent perme-
The differences between thewaveform of the induced EMF'S ability.To some extent thistends to counteracttheeddy
in the various layers are very striking as indicated in Fig. 2. current screening.
choice of a low-operating frequency (e&, 80 Hz), the response Lang are not accompanied by “ground truth” information on
of the detectors cannotbe fast and Semmelink chooses a time- the actual state of the rope. He does show a few interesting
constant of 0.1 s. Thus if the shortest variation to be detected comparisons between the measured breaking tensile strength
along the rope is 10 cm, the rope speed should not exceed and the “R” and “X” readings at 10 Hz, for locked-coil ropes.
10 cm in 0.1 s (i.e., the rope speed should be less than 200ft/ Such data however, were not provided for the 30 and 80 Hz
min). tests on the stranded ropes.
The coils, wound on a Bakelite former are 6 in long, with Larsen er al. describes various devices for both dc and ac
5 in outer diameter, and 3-in inner diameter. The two mag- rope testing thatarecurrently available [71.Theymention
netizing coilshave 10 turns each. For a magnetizing current that the Rotesco device, as describedbyLang [61, has been
of 1 A, this gives an exciting field at the center of 0.43 Oe. successful in 1970 in predicting tensile reductions of about
The pickup or search coil also has ten turns. The whole as- 5 percent,althoughthe extensive comparisons were not
sembly is hinged with spring-loaded contacts to maintain the “quantitative.”
electrical integrity neededwhen the two halves are clamped Morgan [8] presents a generalreview of electromagnetic
around the rope. NDT methods applied to wire ropes. The discussion is entirely
A number of interestingresults havebeen obtainedby qualitative. Hemakes a number of recommendationsfor
Semmelink [4]. Forexample, a decrease of eddycurrents further development in Australia.Morgan and Symes 191
causes an increase of flux with a resulting increase on the E, then describe the activities that led to thecreation of a
traceand a corresponding decrease onthe ER trace. This government-sponsored project at the University of New South
often is associated with decreased contact between the strands. Wales. They give a largely qualitative description of their cur-
The reverse situation has also been found when there is in- rent research on both methods of testing wireropes. They
creased contact between the strands. Such stressful situations also describe some tentative ideas about an ac device that is to
occur at the crossover points where ropes pass from one layer operate at a frequency of 1 kHz. Surprisingly, they make no
to another on winding drums. mention of many ac devices that hithertohave been used else-
Slight corrosion in the rope leads to a deposit of nonconduct- where. It ispossible that they will find that 1 kHz is rather
ing material between the wires, and to a reduction of eddy too high a frequency for effective penetration to the core of
currents. This usually means a decrease of both E, and ER most mine-hoist ropes.
traces.Semmelinkalso indicates that internalcorrosion ap- Stachurski [ 101 gives a very useful summary of the physical
pears t o occur usuallyoverrelatively short lengths, often at concepts employed in dc magnetic testing for flaws in wire
intervals corresponding to the circumference of the drum. ropes. A number of interpretative schemes are outlined in a
External corrosion manifests itself in a large reduction of the qualitative manner. Also he usesprescribed forms of flaws,
E, tracebutonly a small reduction in the ER trace. Such breaks, and cracks t o calibrate the device.Much useful data
corrosion .canoccur over long lengths of therope (e.g., on the design and implementation of the defectogmph device
1000 ft). are also given. It is evident that t h i s Polish group has developed
Semmelink [4] found that inadvertent dc magnetization of the dc magnetic technique to a high degree.
the rope (e.g., from the earth’s magnetic field) could lead to Egen and Benson [ 111 describe some interesting tests on a
violent transients in the E, trace when the rope moves at high specially prepared rope with prescribed types of imperfections.
speed through the coil assembly. In one case, the rope had re- There wereseven types of faults: 1) splice; 2) two to three
mained at rest for long periods with one section of the rope wiresfiled halfway through, over a length of about 0.5
extending from the drum to the headgear sheave in a northerly in; 3) an added no. 18 AWG wirelaid into grooveof core;
direction. 4) spikes inserted into core andwires werespread apart; 5)three
wires of 2 in length were removed from the core; 6) one wire
AND PRACTICES in core was cut; and 7) a 2-in length of core was removed;
Hiltbrunner gives a good description of what is known now all of these were done using threedc devices (the Polish
as the dc magnetic-testing method [ 51. This approach has MD-8 Defectoscope, the SwissPMK-75Kundigdevice, and
been highly developed in Switzerland for the NDT of tramway the Canadian Rotesco device).None of these devicesde-
wire ropes. Essentially, themethod is based on imposing a tected fault no. 6 , and the Kundig device did not detect fault
strong axial magnetic field to the sample by either a solenoid no. 2. Otherwise, all other faults were detected byall three
coil and/or permanent magnet. The search coil is oriented in instruments.The results indicated, that for the ropetested
the radial direction and producesa voltage response only when (i.e., in diameter, 6 X 25, FW, RLL, FC, XIPS), each in-
there is some type of lateral nonuniformity. strument observed aboutthe samemagnetic-field variations.
Langgives an extensive description of an ac testing device The verysimilar performance of these threeinstrumentsis
for wire ropes [ 61. Although he does not acknowledge the probably a consequence of the basic similarity of the operating
fact, the concept, method, and operational procedure seem to principle of each of these dc devices. It is a pity that the ac
bebased on the earlier work of Semmelink [31, 141.How- Rotesco device was not tested on thesame rope.
ever, Lang uses only one single-turn transmitting coil with a Bergander [ 121 describes the Polish dc magnetic device for
coaxial search coil. Most of his data are shown for a frequency the NDT of wire ropes known as the Defectograph MD-8 that
of 30 Hz.Lang found that in all casesof broken wiresde- he developed with Stachurski [ 121.Therope being tested
tected, the “X” trace shows a sharp reduction presumably due moves through the permanent magnet which is magnetized to
to a decrease in the axial magnetic flux. In a number of cases, itssaturationpoint. Heclaims that a 0.2-percent change of
sections of rope with apparent missing wires were found. This the rope cross section can be detected via a measurement of
was believed to indicate a wire separation at a faulty spotweld. the external magnetic-leakage field. The EMF induced in the
It is unfortunatk that the numerous test results published by search coil can also be compensated for changes in the rope
Hochschild [ 131 gives a review of papers by Forster [ 141 -
[ 181 and presents some useful plots of the current density in
conducting cylinders for ac excitationby a solenoidal coil. He -0.24 Values of
points out that no matter how carefully the test-coil system is P P O show”
designed, small defects will go undetected unless, the response (from Wait 1953)
time of the instrument is less than the time taken from thede- -0.48
fect t o pass through the effective region of the coils. For ex-
ample, a localized defect passing though a 0.03-in-wide dif- 0.3Q6 L2 3 6 I2 a60 15Om
ferential test coil at 100 ft/minwill not be detected unless the (vpw)’’2 a
response extendsupwards toat least200 Hz. A common Sphere Dipole Response
limitationonbandwidth is the ink-pen recording devices, M + iN
whose frequency response seldom exceeds 200 Hz. . Fig. 7. Induced magnetic dipole for a conducting permeable sphere as a
McClurg [ 191 also exhibits some of the results of Forster function of its conductivity u, permeability P , angular frequency w,
and colleagues in graphical form. In particular, he shows that and radius a.
the impedance variations of solenoids (i.e., feed-through coils)
encircling cylindricalconductors that have surface andsub-
surface cracks. The empirical data used arefrompapers by Values of p / h shown
Forster. McClurgdiscusses the application of theseeddy-
currenttechniques tometalcutting operations where such
things as uniformness of the hardness isdesirable.
Graneau introduces the interesting concept that induced cur-
rents in a conductor,flowing along closed curves, canbe repre-
sented by a number of filamentary circuits [201. These cur-
rents and the energizing current can then be deduced in
principle from a system of circuit equations with both self-
and mutual inductances that are postulated from the physics
of the problem, Using somewhat heuristic reasoning, Graneau
obtains an expression for the current anywhere in the metallic
object by infinite series of increasing powers of the energizing
frequency.Thecoefficients are undeterminedfunctions of
thefilamentcircuitresistance,andmutualinductances be-
tween the filaments. He concludes that there is a clear division Cylinder Dipole
between quantities depending on geometry and properties. As
a consequence, the induced currents can be expressed as an RI = PI + LQI
explicitfunction of frequency. This is really quitestrange (from Wait 1952,1960)
since exactsolutions of idealized forms such as layered
Fig. 8.Induced (line)magnetic dipole for a conductingpermeable
cylinders with external dipole excitation do not exhibit this cylinder.
behavior [211-[251.
RELATED INVFSTIGATIONS IN GEOPHYSICAL those “early days” and modem accounts are published regu-
PROSPECTING larly in Geophysics, the journal of the (U.S.) Society of Ex-
Electromagneticmethods ofNDTof solid conductorsare ploration Geophysicists, and Geophysical Prospecting, the
closely akin to techniques that are now used in geophysical journal of the European Societyof Geophysical Exploration.
prospecting for metallic-ore bodies [ 211-[ 341. It is unfor- The work that is relevant to the electromagnetic probing of
tunate that these two groups have had little interaction. This wire ropes is the analysis of a homogeneous conductive and
writer was involved in the theoretical developments in multi- permeable cylinder of infinitelength. In an “early”paper
frequency and transient-electromagnetic methods in geophysi- [22l, a general solution wasgiven for the total fields pro-
cal exploration. In fact, as long ago as 1950, it was proposed duced when alinesource orcurrentcarrying cable waslo-
thatconductivityandpermeability of a spherical-ore body cated parallel tothe cylinder. An exacttwodimensional
could be ascertainedfromitselectromagnetic response in solution was obtained using a wave impedance approach. The
eitherthefrequencyor its timedomain. A similar analysis low-frequency version of the general solution was expressed in
was carried out fora cylindrical-ore bodywitha specified a quasi-static form and numerical results for the induced dipole
conductivityandpermeability.The basic concept was that term weregiven. Some examples are shown in Figs. 7 and 8
geometrical configuration of both the source and receiver coils for the inducedmagneticdipole responses of spheres and
with respect to the target could be arranged to have a negli- cylinders. In each case the ordinates are proportional to the
gible effect of the determination of ore body size, conductivity induced-dipole moment.
Strictly speaking, ‘the
and permeability. The subject has advanced considerably since term should also be considered when dealing with cylinders
that are effectively infinitein length. This type of analysis coil no.1 in terms of the electric andmagnetic scattering
was later extended to dipolar excitationof the infinite cylinder matrices for an electrically small defect.
when again the monopole or azimuthally independent induced In the same paper, Dodd et al. give explicit solutions in in-
current was not considered in the numerical examples[22l. tegral form for the rectangular cross sectional coil located over
Further work on t h i s subject was carried out by Hill and a two-layer planar conductor. Actually, the form of these so-
Wait [ 301 , where more realistic situations were treated such as lutions are very similar to earlier investigations of electromag-
the excitation of a conductive cylinder of finite length by an netic induction in layeredmodels of the earth’s crust.The
external magnetic dipole where all significant induced mono- NDT community is apparently not aware of this extensive
pole, dipole, and multipole contributions were retained in the literature. An example is the book by Keller and Frischknecht
calculations. The analytical and numerical techniques used in [40] that reviews the current status of such problems at least
these paperswould seem to be applicable in aquantitative up to 1965. Of course, Dodd et al. give the explicit form of
analyses of electromagnetic NDT of solid conductors. the fields of a circular coil with rectangularcross section, while
the geophysicists restrict their attention to-smallloops. Dodd
MORE RECENT ANALYTICALSTUDIES et aL also give solutions for various combinations of pickup
Vein [35] points out what is usually accepted-that the mu- coils and the correspondingsecondary effects due t o em-
tual impedance between two closed circuits is dependent on bedded defects that can be characterized by the polarizability
conducting solids in the immediateenvironments. He pro- matrices mentioned above.
motes the concept of transfer impedance but feeh ill at ease in Cheng et al. [41] have presented a general formulation for
relating this to the reciprocity theorem for generally continu- the time-harmonic eddy currents, produced by a circular coil
ous media. With this motivation, he works through the ana- of rectangular cross section, for a underlying planar conductor
lytical details of a number ofclassical problems such as the of any number of layers. The integral solutions obtained in a
mutual impedancebetweencoaxialcircular
loops in the straightforward fashion yield algebraically complicated results.
presence of planar, cylindrical, and spherical conductors. He A number of these results could have been obtained byuse im-
assumes without really providing ajustification, that azimuthal pedancemethods based on analogies with transmission-line
symmetry prevails in each case. No real harm is done, how- theory (see for example [421 and 1431 ).
ever, since no numerical re,sults of any kind are provided. The Dodd e t al. [ 4 4 1 give a formal vector potential solutionto a
derivations seem to be unnecessarilycomplicated,and even coil coaxial with any number of cylindrical conductors. While
then, reliance is made on formulas quoted from exercises in they state the derivation is quite general, the solution is only
W. R. Smythe’s classic text [36]. w r i e d throughforcompletesymmetry about the common
Burrows, in a significant thesis, exploitsthe reciprocity axis.
theorem in eddycurrent testing and the subsequent develop- Dodd and Deeds [ 451 give the Same solutions for a uniform
ment of aflaw-detectiontheory [37]. He is very quick to coil with uniform ac current excitationover a two-layer planar
recognize the limitations of quasi-static theorysuch as as- conductor.Theythenrepeatthesolutionforthe coil en-
sumed by Vein [ 35 I . But it should be stressed immediately circling a two-layer cylindrical conductor of infinite length. A
that Burrows actually assumes azimuthal symmetry of his de- single numericalexample is given forthenormalized im-
tection coils even though the “flaws” may be asymmetrical. pedance of the coil as over the two-layer planar structure that
This is a valid procedure but it appears that some fundamental exhibits the effect of the thickness of the upperlayer.
information is lost when both the source and the probe coil Kahn e t al. [ 4 6 1 present an interesting analysis of how eddy
fully encircle the cylindrical sample.Burrowsrepresents in- currents in a solid conductor are divertedaround a surface
ternal flaws in terms of induced electric and magnetic dipoles, crack. One of the basic assumptions is that the magnetic field
that in turn producethesecondary influence. He also pro- tangent to the surface is a constant even in the presence of the
vides some very useful tabulations of the infinite integrals that crack. They also present solutions for diffraction by a semi-
describe the internal fields within both solid cylindrical and infinite crack (i.e., a half-plane) in anotherwise infAte
tubular samples of circular cross sections for azimuthally sym- medium. Neither of these solutions are “rigorous” as claimed
metric excitation. These same integrals can be used to predict by the authors, but the results do provide considerableinsight
theresponse ina correspondingazimuthallysymmetric de- into how defects, of other than infinitesimal size, will modify
tector coil due to an internal (small) flaw. Actually, this same to external fields. Kahn andSpal [471 havealso presented
approach has been followed up very recently byHill and Wait some results for the calculations of eddy currents in a long
who did not restrict the results to azimuthal symmetry of the cylinder with a radial crack at the surface. Details of the ana-
probe coil [381. lytical methods are not yet available but presumably the ap-
Dodd et al. [39] have obtained integral solutions forthe proach is similar to that used in treating the surface crack in
vector potential produced by a circular coil for a number of the ,planar conductor. It is appropriate to call attention to the
different geometrical configurations. The solutions are limited close similarity of such problems to earlier theoretical studies
to axial symmetry.In calculating theexciting fields of a in geophysics, where one is interested in the perturbation of
rectangular cross section circular coil, they assume thata time-varying geomagnetic fields near coastlines [48] and
straightforward superposition of current over the cross section other laterally varying features in the earth’s crust [49] .
is valid. This is a quasi-static assumption that probably needs
to be investigated, particularly when the coil of finite width AN ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONFOR SOLENOID
and lengthencircles a highly conducting cylinder. EXCITATION
Dodd et al. quote Burrows’ formulation [37] for deducing As has been indicated, a common method of NDT of metal
the secondary-induced voltages due to a defect or flaw in an rods and tubes is to induce eddy currents by means of an en-
adjacent conductor. Here they write down a formula for the circling solenoidcarrying an alternating current. The im-
defect-produced voltage, induced in coil no. 2, by a current in pedance of the solenoid is related to the cross sectional area
Now, for the air gap region a < p < b, we write correspond-
ing field expressions
where B andCareconstants90=ro/(ieow)=Oco/eo)'/21 1 2 h
in terms of the permittivity eo, and permeability po, of the air
Rg. 9. Cross sectional view of cylindrical sample located centrally. region. Here and above, the Bessel function identities azo(x)/
ax = Il (x) and aKo (x)/ax = -K1 (x) have been employed.
Compatible with the requirement that tangential fields must
and the electrical properties of the sample. A formula for this be continuous at p = a we can write
impedance was obtained by Fijrster and Stambke [ 161 on the
assumption that end effects could be ignored. Also they as- [EO@+ ~CHOZIp=a = 0. (7)
sumed that the cylindrical sample was centrally located witbin
the solenoid. The same derivation was essentially repeated by This immediately tells us that
Hochschild [ 131 and Libby [ 5 1 ].
A feature of the Forster-Stambke derivation is that the ef-
fect of the air gap is introduced in asomewhat heuristic
fashion wherein the field in this concentric region is assumed In theexternal region p >b, the field expressionsmust
to be the same as the one for the empty solenoid. We feel it is clearly have the form:
worthwhile to provideamore general derivation of the im-
pedance formula. We also show it applies to the case of a non- Hoz = DKo (TOP) (9)
concentric air gap. Finally, we mention the relevance of the EO@ = D770K1 (TOP) (10)
current analysis to thedualproblem where the cylindrical
sample is excited by a toroidalcoil. where D is another constant.
To simplify the discussion, we consider first the concentric Now thesolenoidcurrent is idealized as acontinuous-
air gap model with a homogeneouscylindrical. sample of radius current distribution j o amperespermeter intheazimuthal
a , withconductivity u, andmagneticpermeability p. The
direction defined such that
situation is indicated in Fig. 9 where the solenoid of radius b H o , ( p = b + A ) - H o z ( p = b - A)=-jo (11)
encloses the sample, both of which are assumed to be infinite lim
in length. Our objective is to find an expression for the im- *+o { E o @ ( p= b + A ) - E o @ ( p= b - A ) = 0. (12)
pedance of the solenoid per unit length since this is the basis Application of these conditions immediatelyleads to
of the NDT eddy-current methods that are commonly used.
In terms of cylindrical coordinates ( p , 4, z), the only com- D = C - Il(70b)B/Kl(TOb) (13)
ponent of the magnetic field is H z , since the exciting current in
the solenoid is uniform in both the axial and azimuthal direc-
tion. Within the sample, Hz satisfies the Helmholtz equation
(V* - T 2 ) H z = 0 (1) Among other things, this tells us that the magnetic field ex-
ternal to the solenoid (i.e., p > b ) has the form
where ' 7 = iupw, andwhere we have adopted a time factor
exp (iwt). Here, w is the angular frequency that is sufficiently Ho, = I - B [ Z I ( T O ~ ) / K ~ ( T+OCI
~ )KO(TOP).
I (15)
low so displacement currents in the sample can be neglected.
If not, we merely replace u by u + iew, where E is the per- The quantity of immediate interest is the impedance 2 of
mittivity. .Also, it goes without saying that the field amplitude thesolenoid itself. Clearly, within the limits of our basic
is sufficiently small that nonlinear effects can be ignored. assumptions,
For the highly idealized situation described, we can immedi- z= const. x E , @ ( p = b)/jo. (16)
ately write [ 521
The correspondingimpedance of theemptysolenoid is de-
Hz = A Z o ( W ) (2) noted Z o . Thus it follows that
for p < a , where Io is a modified Bessel function of argument
~ p and
, where A is a constant. From Maxwell's equations the
azimuthal component of the electric field is
E@ = - (UU) a H Z m= - w w l (TP) (3) which is explicit since C / B is given by (8).
We now can simplify the impedance ratio formula if we in-
also for p < a . Nowwe can immediately form an expression voke the small argument approximations for Bessel functions
for the "impedance" 2, of the cylinder of order ~~a and r o b . That is, we use Zo(x) N 1, I l (x) 21 x/2,
Ko(x) = - log x, and K1 (x) N l / x . This exercise leads to
2, = [-E@/% 1 p = a = 77zl(Ta)/zo(TU) (4)
where, 77 = y/u = (jpw/o)'l2 is the intrinsic or wave impedance
of the sample material.
0.2 W
(infinite length)
for the casewhere I r o b I << 1. That is, the radius of the
toroidal coil should be much smaller than the free-space wave-
length. Also, in full analogy to the earlier discussion, the Prolate -
quasi-state result holdsfor any location of thecylindrical Spheroidal Void
sample within the toroid. Furthermore, in the low-frequency A
limit where 1 ya I = 01 << 1, we see that
Y = yo [ I + ( a 2 / b z )[(ulieow)- I I] (24)
which depends only on the conductivity of the sample. Thus (C)
this type of excitation should be preferred with probing the
Fig. 13. Thin toroidal coil surrounding a metal rope of infinite length,
effective conductivity in the axial directionin the sample. (a) perspective view, (b) top view, (c) prolate spheroidal void.
tative testing for cracks in metallic objects using test object en- [40] G.V. Keller and F. C. Frischknecht, ElectricalMethods in Geo-
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