Code Smells and Detection Techniques: A Survey: Conference Paper

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Code Smells and Detection Techniques: A Survey

Conference Paper · May 2021

DOI: 10.1109/MIUCC52538.2021.9447669


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Rana Menshawy Ahmed Hassan Yousef

Ain Shams University Nile University


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Code Smells and Detection Techniques:
A Survey

Rana S. Menshawy Ahmed H. Yousef Ashraf Salem

Computer and System Department, School of Information Technology and Computer and System Department,
Faculty of Engineering Computer Science (ITCS), Nile Faculty of Engineering
Ain Shams University University Ain Shams University
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

Abstract— Design and code smells are characteristics in the There are many challenges to apply the proper refactoring,
software source code that might indicate a deeper design problem. such as how to detect a code smell, what is the refactoring
Code smells can lead to costly maintenance and quality problems, technique should be followed and the gain of applying it [2],
to remove these code smells, the software engineers should follow selecting a refactoring technique depends on the number of
the best practices, which are the set of correct techniques which removed smells, the number of modified elements and how
improve the software quality. Refactoring is an adequate the code will be maintained [6]. Applying a correct sequence
technique to fix code smells, software refactoring modifies the of refactoring techniques is very crucial because any wrong or
internal code structure without changing its functionality and incomplete refactoring can result in creating new smells and
suggests the best redesign changes to be performed. Developers
flaws in the code [7].
who apply correct refactoring sequences to remove code smells,
improve the software maintenance and development time Many developers are not aware of code smells [8], in
significantly. Many tools have been created to automatically or addition to that identification of smells requires training and
semi-automatically detect code smells and refactor them. This experience [9]. Automatic or semi-automatic detection and
study discusses the code smells, detection techniques, detection refactoring tools that support the identification of code smells
and refactoring tools, in addition to observing the challenges and and refactoring them, help the developers to save their effort
suggesting enhancements for better performance. and time. Most of the modern integrated development
environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio and Eclipse
Keywords—Code smells, Software Refactoring, detection
techniques, Survey.
support software refactoring [10].
Previous survey studies discussed the challenges of code
I. INTRODUCTION smells by analyzing the code smells definitions, detection
Code smells refer to any sign that possibly can negatively techniques, detection and refactoring tools [2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 41].
affect the software process in a deeper way affecting the Some studies discussed the awareness of developers about
quality and maintainability of software [1]. Smells occurrence code smells, how the developers perceived code smells and
leads to a difficulty in modifying or understanding the code, the motivation for removing the smells [6, 8, 16, 42]. Other
implementing new features and fixing program issues become studies discussed the refactoring activities and limitations [5,
complex and time-consuming, making the software hard to 7, 12, 40], clone management and activities are discussed in
evolve and maintain. Adding new requirements will be a the study [15]. Some studies discussed the approaches and
difficult mission due to the code complexity and the design algorithms used in the detection and refactoring tools [43, 44,
flaws [2]. Smells are subjective in their definitions and 45, 46].
categorizations, besides that not all smells are considered This study intends to complement such previous
bugs, but they may affect the software design negatively in the investigations by discussing and identifying code smells,
future. detection approaches, detection and refactoring tools. The
The term “Refactoring” was introduced earlier by Opdyke paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the paper
and Fowler to remove code smells [1], software refactoring is methodology. Section 3 explores the code smells. Section 4
a well-known technique that is used by developers to remove discusses the detection approaches and algorithms and
code smells and consequently improve the design and the explored the most cited detection and refactoring tools.
evolution of any system. Refactoring aims to change the Section 5 explores our findings and concludes the paper.
internal code structure without changing the external behavior
improving the code flexibility and maintainability [3]. II. METHODOLOGY
Refactoring is done by applying a sequence of small In this section, the objective of this systematic literature
transformations preserving the same functionality [4]. review is discussed, and the criteria of the included relevant
Although software refactoring is a time-consuming process papers are identified.
that does not reflect immediate benefits like adding new
The search process is involved in Scopus digital library
features or fixing bugs, it allows any developer to read,
(, by applying a searching query:
maintain, understand and easily extend any software system
((“Code Smells” and “Refactoring” and “Survey”) or (“Code
Smells” and “detection techniques” and “Review”)) with date
range between 2006 and 2020. Scopus is chosen among other
databases such as Web of Science and Google Scholar [39].

978-1-6654-1243-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

This is because Web of science includes journals and Code Smell Category References
conferences less than Scopus as it covers only journals of Divergent Change [1, 2, 9, 11, 45]
Change Preventers
influence, Google scholar indexed any document with a
Shotgun Surgery [1, 2, 9, 11, 45]
seemingly academic structure including more citations than Change Preventers
Web of Science and Scopus across all subject areas in a Data Clumps [1, 2, 11, 45]
significant way because it covers a lot of non-reviewed Bloaters
content and lower quality citing documents. Primitive Obsession
[1, 2, 11, 45]

This study is based on 19 previous studies, the objective is Switch Statements/ Object-Orientation [1, 2, 2, 11, 45]
to highlight the prior contributions in the code smells and the Repeated switches Abusers
refactoring fields, the purpose of this study literature review is Parallel Inheritance Object-Orientation [1, 2, 11, 45]
Hierarchies Abusers
to answer the following questions: Lazy Class [1, 2, 11, 45]
R1: What are the code smells discussed in the prior studies? Dispensables
R2: What are the detection approaches and algorithms? Speculative Generality [1, 2, 11, 45]
R3: What are the common tools used for code smell detection
and refactoring? Temporary Field Object-Orientation [1, 2, 11, 45]
The criteria for inclusion include: Message Chains [1, 2, 11, 45]
• Papers describe the evaluation/ development/ usage Encapsulators
of detection techniques, detection, or refactoring Middle Man
[1, 2, 11, 45]
Inappropriate Intimacy [1, 2, 11, 45]
• Only full papers are included. Couplers
• Papers that published in journals or conferences or Alternative Classes with Object-Orientation [1, 2, 11, 45]
workshops Different Interfaces Abusers
Incomplete Library [1, 2, 11, 45]
• Works published between 2006 and 2020 including Class
the recent papers. Refused Bequest Object-Orientation [1, 2, 11, 45, 46]
• Papers published with no author name are not Abusers
included. Comments [1, 2, 11, 45]


Twenty-two code smells were defined earlier by Fowler et Fowler proposed more than seventy refactoring techniques
al. (1999) [1], then Wake (2003) [4] add other seven smells in order to remove the code smells [1], difficulty in readability,
such as Complicated Boolean Expressions, Dead Code, re-usability, debugging and testing are the most important
Special Case, Null Check, Inconsistent Names, reasons which push developers to refactor their code [5]. More
Uncommunicative Names and Names with Embedded Types. than one technique can be used to refactor one code smell,
Kerievsky (2004) [13] add other design smells such as “Extract Method” is considered one of the most used
Oddball Solution, Indecent Exposure, Solution Sprawl, refactoring techniques used by many smells [3]. code quality
Combinatorial Explosion and Conditional Complexity, after should be improved by applying proper refactoring, which can
that Fowler and Beck (2019) [14] added other recent smells to be measured by different metrics such as coupling and size, in
the smells list such as Global Data, Loops, lazy elements, addition to the test cases which could easily detect smells and
Mysterious name, Insider Trading and Mutable Data. bugs earlier in the software development and validate the
Mantyla, (2003) [41, 44, 50] proposed categorization for the software quality against code smells [42].
smells defined by fowler.
The twenty-two code smells proposed by fowler are the
most cited ones in the previous papers. From the developers’ There are many detection approaches such as manual
point of view Duplicated Code, Long Method, and Accidental approach, metrics-based, history-based, machine learning-
Complexity are the most important smells [16], because based, software visualization, semi-automated and fully
developers do not consider all smells to be harmful, only automated tools. The automatic tools approach is the most
smells related to complexity and size are considered a threat used approach to detect smells [12].
to the software quality [8]. In Table I, the twenty-two smells Manual approach [2, 11] detects code smells and design
and the suggested categories by Mantyla are presented. flaws according to the human perception by applying the
detection guidelines, which is a time-consuming process in
TABLE I. CODE SMELLS addition to human error, this approach is extremely difficult
Code Smell Category References and ineffective in case of detecting smells in large scale
Duplicated Code
[1, 2, 11, 15, 45] software applications.
Feature Envy [1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, Metrics-based approach [2, 11, 43] evaluates or measures
45, 46] source code elements to take decisions depending on a proper
Long Method/ Long [1, 2, 2, 3, 9 ,11, selection of threshold values. This approach cannot detect all
Function 12, 45, 46] the smells, only comparatively easy detectable smells can use
Large Class [1, 2, 9, 11, 45, 46]
Bloaters the metrics approach. There are traditional software metrics
Long Parameter List [1, 2, 11, 45, 46] such as LOC, complexity and metrics related to the OOP such
Bloaters as complexity, coupling, cohesion, inheritance, encapsulation,
Data Class
[1, 2, 3, 11, 45] clone, abstraction and polymorphism. This approach usually
detects Data Clumps, Refused Bequest, Shotgun Surgery
Large Class, Long Method and Lazy Class. Proper selection matching algorithms, similarity scoring and suffix
of threshold value is the most important factor that affects the tree matching [43].
accuracy, there is no threshold values standardization to detect
the code smells which results in unreliability of this approach. • Evolutionary optimization: commonly used in the
In addition, different code smells require a different set of refactoring process, these algorithms such as greedy
metrics to be detected. and genetic algorithms are used to solve optimization
problems [43].
Search-based approach [2, 46] applies different algorithms
and rules to detect code smells. Genetic and heuristic search A. Detection and Refactoring Tools
algorithms are used to extract the rules to detect the smells. Detection and refactoring tools help the developers to
This approach learns from the standard and correct code apply a better design in less time and high accuracy. A generic
design and best practices then compares the developer coding detection and refactoring process is illustrated in “Fig. 1”, the
practices with these standard practices. Machine learning input to detection tool can be the source code, intermediate
(ML) algorithms are used mostly in the search technique, by data representation parsed from the source code such as trees,
choosing a set of predictors for a ML classifier to take a proper XML and graphs, or metrics extracted from the code. After
decision. ML techniques depend on the quality of a balanced applying refactoring, a comparison should be done between
dataset and the quality of the training model [37]. the code before and after the refactoring process to ensure that
History-based [2, 36] observes how the code elements are this refactoring sequence improves the code quality.
changed over time and detects the code smells based on the
source code analysis by mining the commit log with the
“refactor” word in the commit logs of versioned repositories
[38]. Logging refactoring tools automatically record the
programmer’s activity in a log file.
Strategy-based [2, 11, 43, 46] defines metrics, logic
expression and rules to detect smells or automatically without
any standardization between rules. This approach usually
detects Divergent Change, Feature Envy and Long Parameter
Visualization-based [2, 11, 46] combines the human effort
to detect code smells with the help of an automated detection
process. This approach is not capable to handle large-scale
projects and requires manual effort which can result in human
error. Fig. 1. Generic Detection and Refactoring Process

Cooperative-based [46] is a new technique that uses The most cited tools are presented in Table II with
different activities in order to improve the accuracy of the columns tool name, link, creation year, supported IDE, code
detection process. Applying different parallel algorithms such smells detected and the detection techniques. All the
as genetic algorithms, to reduce the search space and increase mentioned tools are used for detection only except JDeodorant
the search process speed. and TrueRefactor which are used for detection and
refactoring. Most of the mentioned tools support Java
Duplicated code is considered the most popular code smell language more than any other languages as clarified in in “Fig.
among all the smells [2, 5, 15], so researchers have 2”.
investigated clone management and created more detection
approaches for clone detection such as Token-Based, Syntax-
Based, Hash-Based and Graph-Based Comparisons [15]. SUPPORTED LANGUAGES
Detection approaches use different algorithms,
Java C C++ Python C# VB JavaScript Others
methodologies as:
• ML algorithms: create models from learning rules
with input data and cost functions. Some of these ML 7%
solutions depend on random forests, decision trees, 3%
support vector machines, neural networks and deep
learning [43]. 7%

• Data Mining: design and source code data are 4%

collected in order to improve the software quality by
applying data mining algorithms using graphs and
trees [43]. 14%

• Longest common subsequence: transform the code

source and design into tree or graph form to find the
longest common subsequences [43].
• Matching and similarity algorithms: search for
Fig. 2. Supported Languages by Tools
similar sequences and tokens using multi-pattern
Tool Name Link IDE Year Code Smells detected Detection Technique References
CCFinder, - 2002 Duplicated code Token-based (Matching [2, 3, 29, 48]
CCFinderX (an and similarity algorithms
upgraded 0/ccfinderx using tokens, supports
version of Type-1 and Type-2
CCFinder) clones)
PMD Eclipse 2002 Long Parameter List, Metrics based (uses [2, 3, 11, 12, Duplicated code, NLOC with threshold 30, 46] Long Method and Large Class 1000)
InCode https://marketplace.eclipse.or Eclipse 2010 Large Class, Data clumps, Metrics based [2, 3, 31, 46]
g/content/incode-helium long method, Refused
Bequest, Shotgun Surgery,
Divergent Change,
Feature Envy and Duplicated
DÉCOR/ Ptidej 2010 Refused Bequest, Large Class, Metrics Based [2, 3, 32, 43,
DETEX h/designsmells/ Lazy Class, Long Parameter 46]
List, Long Method, Feature
envy, Message Chains,
Shotgun Surgery, Duplicated
Code, Data Class, Divergent
change and Speculative
inFusion - 2011 Long Parameter List, Metrics based [2, 3]
Fusion.html Divergent Change, Duplicated
code, Large Class, Feature
Envy, Long Method, Data
Clumps, Refused Bequest and
Shotgun Surgery
iPlasma (open Eclipse 2005 Large Class, Feature Envy, Metrics based [2, 3, 11, 12,
source version hp?n=Main.IPlasma Duplicated code, Long 46]
of inFusion) Method, Long Parameter List,
Refused Bequest and Shotgun
Checkstyle http://checkstyle.sourceforge. Eclipse 2001 Long method, Duplicated Metrics based (uses [2, 3, 46]
net/ code, Large class and Long NLOC with threshold Parameter List 2000)
Nicad Linux, 2011 Duplicated code Text-based [2, 33, 43, 49]
app/nicad Solaris,
Mac OS X
JCD https://www.swag.uwaterloo. - 2009 Duplicated code Search Based (uses [2, 34]
ca/jcd/ pecode matching
CloneDr Eclipse - Duplicated Code AST-based [2, 35]
Products/Clone/JavaCloneD (detects Type-1 and Type-
R.html 2 clones)
HIST - - 2011 Large class, Feature envy, Search based/ change [2, 5, 36, 43,
Divergent change and shotgun history information 44]
StenchBlossom Eclipse 2010 Switch Statement, Data Visualization based and [2, 11, 12, 28,
LiberationFront/refactoring- Clumps, Long Method, Search based 46]
tools Message Chain, Large Class,
Typecast and Feature Envy
JSNOSE - 2013 Switch statement, Message Metrics based [43 ,46, 47]
ose chain, Long method, Large
object, Coupling, Empty
catch, Nested callback, Lazy
object, Refused bequest, Long
parameter list, Unused/ dead
code and Excessive global
JDeodorant Eclipse 2007 Duplicated Code, Feature Search based [2, 3, 11, 12,
Envy, God Class, Type/State 17-26, 43, 44,
Checking and Long Method 46]
TrueRefactor - 2011 Temporary Field, Lazy Class, Metrics based [2, 27]
ki/show/truerefactor/TrueRef Long Method, Shotgun
actor Surgery and Large Class
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