1. Identify Unknowns:
k1=q/v1=2000/80=25 veh/kmk1=q/v1=2000/80=25 veh/km
v2=0, q2=k2v2=0v2=0, q2=k2v2=0
(B) What is the rate at which the queue grows, in units of vehicles per
dropping t (let t = 1)
2200 veh/hr=2200 veh/hr
Original speed
Step 1
Step 2
Determine the growth rate of the platoon (relative speed)
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
What is the rate at which the queue grows, in units of vehicles per
Step 6
(c) Return speed to 125, keep density @ halfway between 14.4 and
20? q2=20∗125=2500q2=20∗125=2500
vw=q2−q1k2−k1=2150−176017.2−20=139 km/
hrvw=q2−q1k2−k1=2150−176017.2−20=139 km/hr
t=0.006h=.35 min=21 sect=0.006h=.35 min=21 sec
vw=q2−q1k2−k1=1780−176014.24−20=−3.47 km/
hrvw=q2−q1k2−k1=1780−176014.24−20=−3.47 km/hr
Imagine that you are walking across a bridge overpass that crosses a highway. The
bridge provides a good vantage point from which you can see the highway extend
into the distance. It is about time for the afternoon rush hour and traffic is
increasing. As you are looking in the distance a vehicle crashes in the lanes leading
away from you. Instantly, a wave of brake lights appears and flows toward you.
You have just witnessed a shock wave. A shock wave is the boundary between two
density states. In our example, one state was the pre-crash density. The other state
was where drivers were braking and density was increasing. The shock wave is the
wave of lights flowing toward you.
There are several types of shock waves. Figure 2 depicts these types which include
backward forming, rear stationary, forward recovery, forward forming, frontal
stationary, and backward recovery shock waves. Drivers are most familiar with the
backward forming shock wave. Our narration is the classic example of this shock
wave type. The crashed vehicle blocked some of the lanes which reduced the
highway's capacity. Since the demand remained the same, vehicle density
increased and a shock wave formed. The speed at which the brake lights appeared
to "travel" backwards was the speed of the shock wave.
Figure 2. Classification of Shock Waves (Source: May)
The forward recovery shock wave is the next most commonly encountered type of
shock wave. It occurs when capacity is constant, but demand decreases below that
capacity. In Figure 2, the area to the left of this shock wave has a higher density,
and the area to the right has lower density.
The backward recovery shock wave is encountered when congestion has occurred,
but then due to increased bottleneck capacity the discharge rate exceeds the flow
rate within the congested region. Take the earlier crash example for instance; Say
the highway patrol arrives, does its business, and get the crash vehicles off the
road. The clearance of the incident restores the highway's original capacity. The
vehicle at the front of the queue will accelerate and increase the distance between it
and the second vehicle (reduce the density). The second vehicle will accelerate and
the process will continue in a backward direction. The shock wave, or boundary
between two density states, will flow backwards.
A rear stationary shock wave occurs when the arriving traffic demand is equal to
the capacity in the congested region for some time period. For instance, 600
vehicles arrive at a bottleneck. The bottleneck also has a capacity of 600 vehicles
per hour. Since the arrival rate is the same as the service rate, the back of the queue
remains in the same place.
A frontal stationary shock wave occurs when the front of the queue is stationary.
The classic example of this is vehicles stopping at a stoplight.
Engineers can analyze shock waves at signalized intersections if they know a flow-
density relationship for the approach to the signalized intersection. For this
example Figure 6 shows a flow-density curve and the approaching traffic flow
state (A) and capacity state (C). Figure 6b depicts a distance-time diagram with
distance and time scales selected so that a given slope in the two diagrams
represent a specific vehicle or shock wave speed. The stop line on this approach to
the signalized intersection is located at the traffic signal band, with green and red
phases indicated as light and dark strips, respectively.
Let's say that uA and uC equal 40 and 26 mph, respectively. kA and kC equal 24
and 60 vehicles per mile per lane, respectively. The green phase is 100 seconds and
the red phase is 40 seconds. Jam density is 185 vehicles per mile per lane. During
time t0 to t1, the signal is green and traffic proceeds through the intersection.
Dashed lines represent the trajectories of individual vehicles. When the signal turns
red three shock waves begin at the stop line: wAD, a forward-moving shock wave;
wDB, a frontal stationary shock wave; and wAB, a backward-moving shock wave.
We are interested in the backward-moving shock wave. We can calculate its speed
with this equation
These flow states of A, B, and D continue until time t2 when the signal changes to
green. A new flow state is introduced (flow state C) at time t2 at the stop line when
the flow at the stop line increases from 0 to saturation flow. This causes two new
shock waves, wDC and wBC, while terminating shock wave wDB. The speed of
wBC is -12.5 vphpl.
Notice how shock wave wAB continues even though signal has turned green. A
queue continues to form until shock wave wBC intercepts shock wave wAB. As
we alluded to earlier, we can use shock wave analysis to ensure the queue does not
extend upstream to block another intersection. We can do this with the following
where QM is the maximum queue in miles. Converted to feet the maximum queue
is 669 feet.
We can also calculate how long the queue will remain after the signal turns green.
In our example
t3-t2 = r(wAB/(wBC-wAB))
At time t3 a new forward-moving shock wave wAC is formed, and the two
backward-moving shock waves, wAB and wBC, terminate.
The flow states of D, C, and A continue until time t5; but first consider time t4. At
time t4, the forward-moving shock wave wAC crosses the stop line, and the flow at
the stop line goes from a maximum flow of qC to the arrival flow of qA.
At t5, which is the beginning of the red phase, the shock wave pattern upstream of
the signal begins to repeat itself. However, the shock wave pattern downstream of
the signal deviates from the earlier pattern due to the interaction with shock wave
Let's return to the highway example. Our freeway is a four lane, divided facility
with a capacity of 2160 vphpl. The density is 48 vpmpl at capacity. The demand is
a constant 1750 vphpl at a density of 31.8 vpmpl. Jam density is 185 vpmpl. At
time t0 a crash occurs and blocks both lanes. After 30 minutes the crashed vehicles
are cleared and the queued vehicles proceed at the saturation flow rate. Calculate
the maximum length of the queue.
Calculate the shock wave speeds first. Let state A be the jam where the flow is 0
and the density is 185 vpmpl. State B is the pre-crash flow and density of 1750
vphpl and 31.8 vpmpl, respectively. State C is the capacity of the freeway where
flow is 2160 vphpl and 48 vpmpl, respectively.