Sliding Booms Policy WR

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875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

tJfmr ~ Western Railway

~ ~ ~ C(ot<AilF< $\lIQ<H Office of the
Chief Signal & Telecom
5cft ~, mrvr 3fCfGl, ~,
5th Floor, Station Building
~-400020 Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.

NO. SG 14110 Vol. X. Date: 02/05/2017


Sr. DSTE's - (Co) - BCT, BRC
Policy Circular No. 214/2017.
Sub: Policy guidelines for Sliding booms on LC gates.
Ref: Policy guidelines for LC gate related Signalling works (PC No 210/2016)
issued vide this office letter No. SO 14110 Vol. X dated 16108/2016.
Para 4.1 b, of the above referred Policy for LC gate related Signalling works is
deleted and para 4.1a is modified as under:

"Sliding booms should be provided on all Interlocked Le gates maintained by

S&T. "

Incorporating the above mentioned corrections the policy is reissued as Policy

No. 214/2017. There is no modification to enclosures of Policy No. 210/2016 (i. e
Building Plan No. LC 2712014 HQ, Sketch for protection arrangement & all
drawings mentioned in the circular - 52 Sheets).

This has the approval of CSTE.

Encl: Policy Circular No. 214/2017. (l:'AA~'~

(Bhavna Kaushik)
Chief Signal Engineer

D:\LC Gate zzz\PC No. 214-2017\PC 214-2017 - Slidingbooms on interlocked gates ..doc
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

पश्चिम रे ऱवे Western Railway

ु यम संकेत एवं दरू संिार इंजीनियर Office of the
का कायााऱय, Chief Signal & Telecom
5वीं मंश्जऱ, स्टें शि भवि, ििागेट,
5th Floor, Station Building
ुं ई-400020 Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.

No.SG141/0 Vol.X Date 02.05.2017

Policy Circular No.214/2017

Sub: - Policy guidelines for LC gate related signaling works.

It supersedes all previous circulars, policy letters & guidelines issued by this office on above
subject matter.

1.0. General: LC gate interlocking should be provided as per SEM Chapter XIV, annexure
10 of Para14.1.7 (correction slip No. 6).

1.1 Proposal for Sanction of works:

a. All the proposals of interlocking of LC gates & other signaling works related to LC
gates for inclusion in DPWP, Law book and preliminary Works program (PWP) should
be prepared judiciously and before sending the proposal to Engg. Department or
uploading in IRPSM, approval of HQ office should be taken. Joint measurement of
ATVU of LC must be submitted along with proposal. After approval of HQ office,
proposal with Abstract estimate, Narrative report, Justification should be uploaded in
IRPSM. No interlocking should be proposed where ATVU are less than the prescribed
limit. All WSL LC gates should be interlocked with station signals.

b. Preparation of Abstract/detailed Estimate: Division will maintain Average

rates/updated rates for different items till SOR is prepared and issued. This will
ensure uniformity of rates in various estimates prepared by divisions. Abstract
estimate should cater all equipment necessary as per extant policy guidelines.
Estimate for provision of Building, Road divider(if road width >8Meter) in case of
requirement of 2 barrier, Local power supply & AT supply as the case may be should
be taken from Engg& Electrical department respectively.

1.2 Estimate for Sanctioned works

a. The estimate before sending to finance shall be sent to HQ for scrutiny & checking
with respect to the plans and latest policy directives.
b. Estimate should cover all the items of signalling policy and if any item is not
considered should be brought out clearly to the notice of HQ while submitting for
technical scrutiny.

1.3 Tenders & Stores procurement:

a. Normally S&T tender should be floated after finalization of Engineering tender for
construction of Buildings etc.& preparation of ESP for LC interlocking works.
b. Tentative SIP/sketch should invariably be attached to tender documents.
c. HQ Technical approval for scope or scheme of work being executed by division
should be obtained for tender value more than Rs 1.0 Cr.
d. Copies of All Contract agreements/LOAs must be submitted to HQ for records.

875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

2.0 Design, Drawing, Documentation and specifications.

2.1 ESP, SIP and other documents should be prepared as per typical issued by HQ.
While approving ESP it should be ensured that If Road width is more than 8M wide,
provision of road divider should be ensured for providing 2 lifting barriers.

2.2 All equipment as per RDSO specification and drawings wherever available, should be
used for signalling installation. Wherever no RDSO specification exists,BIS(Bureau of
Indian Standards) specification should be followed. Wherever no
specification/drawing exists, CSE/HQ approval for the same should be obtained
before the item is included in any tender.

2.3 Signaling Plan for I/L of LC gate or conversion from MLB to ELB. following procedure
should be followed where CSTE sanction under para 9.6.2(ii) of SEM-I is required.
2.3.1 Typical Signal interlocking Plans for ELB and MLB with Sliding boom for each type
of interlocked LC gate i.e OSL, WSL for Single and double line issued by HQ as
Drawing Nos. CSTE 6244/l, 6245/1, 6246, 6247 and Drg. No.CSTE6240/1,
6241/1, 6242 & 6243 respectively.
2.3.2 Based on this Typical SlP, division can update their station SWR diagram duly
mentioning the Typical SIP Number as reference and frame respective
StationWorking Rules in regard to the change of working for the proposed work.
2.3.3 Sr.DSTE/Dy.CSTE shall submit application for CSTE's sanction individually under
para9.6.2 (ii) of SEM-I. The sanction application will be scrutinized in HQ and if
found correct the same can be sanctioned by CSTE.
2.3.4 After commissioning of such works, the completion signaling plan shall be
updated for changes based on site verified existing signaling plan duly marked for
changes by division.

2.4 Typical circuit CSTE/6157(18 sheets) for OSL LC gates(metal to Metal), CSTE/6161
(7 sheets) for WSL (Metal to Metal) and CSTE/6223 (16 sheets) for OSL (Metal to
carbon) should be followed.
2.5 Dead approach locking of 60 seconds should be provided as per latest instructions.

3.0 Interlocking of LC gates Installations:

3.1 Type of Boom & ELB to be adopted:
a. All new works shall use Electrical Lifting barrier as per Latest IRS/RDSO
b. ELB as per RDSO Specification RDSO/SPN/208/2012 with DC motor operated
on 24V or 110V DC with hand generator should be used.
c. Aluminum channel boom or latest SS Boom should be used.
d. Motorized Boom locking or solenoid boom locking arrangement should be
e. Individual operation of Booms facility should be provided.
f. Control Panel : A control panel should have facility to operate the two booms
individually as well as simultaneously through two selector switches/buttons.
g. The control panel may be push-button type with suitable arrangements to stop the
barrier at any position.
h. Control panel should have separate button for transmitting slot to station after
closing of LC gate in case of WSL gates.
i. Operating voltage should be 24V DC for OSL and 110V DC for WSL gates.
j. Length of Boom prescribed by RDSO is maximum 9.7M. However it is decided
that where ever the width of Road is more than 8 meter for passage of road
vehicle, double lifting barrier need to be provided by ensuring the provision of
divider by Engg. Department of adequate length & width in ESP.

875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

k. For WSL gates, Station Master transmits the slot for opening of the gate from the
Panel. However after closing of Gate, slot should not go back to station
automatically after closing of gates. There should be positive action like pressing
of button or pulling of lever/slide from gateman side as a positive action towards
acknowledgement of closing of gates.

3.2 Requirement of Building : In all OSL LC gates, Relay room cum power room
should be planned for keeping relay racks, Power equipments, RTU, Batteries, etc.
Typical Building plan No. LC 27/2014 HQ jointly signed by CSE & CTE have been
issued by Engineering HQ for Interlocking of LC gate works. Copy of Drawing
For WSL gates, relay room building should be provided if separate power
equipments are planned at LC gate.

3.3 Power supply arrangements: Local power supply and ATs shall be provided by
Electrical department.

3.3.1 For OSL Gates.

a. Power supply should be provided as per Drg No. CSTE/6193. All ratings of power
equipments should be adequate.

b. As far as possible, separate AT should be provided for LC gates in RE area. However

in case separate AT is not provided, selected 230V power supply should be taken
from station selected supply in separate trench or as per extant practice of
separation of 230V cables. However it should be ensured that voltage drop from
source to load should not be more than 5% on full load. Power cable of 25 Sqmm or
35 Sqmm Aluminum conductor size or equivalent capacity copper conductor cable
can be used for power supply.
c. Auto changeover should be provided at OSL along with AT supplies.
d. Local Supply should be catered at each I/L LC gate in RE or Non RE area.
e. In non RE area, one Solar panel of suitable rating and one DG set should be
provided along with Local Supply.

3.3.2 For WSL Gates:

a. 110V DC or 24V DC Supply should be taken from station supply in cables depending
upon the operating voltage of ELB. Proper Cable size should be ensured for
availability of sufficient voltage at LC gate.
b. If Relay cum power room is available at LC gate, 230 V/110V AC supply should be
taken from station selected supply and local power equipments like charger or
transformer should be provided for operation of LB.

3.3 Relays & other indoor equipments:

a. All relays to be used in OSL gates should be QN1K (1000 ohm) relays in British type
b. However in Auto signaling section, metal to metal relays can be used depending
upon Auto signaling circuits.
c. Hooters for road users should be provided. If required, One separate on/off switch
should be provided for hooter for ease of operation by Gateman apart from auto
operated hooter.
d. Other equipments should be provided as per typical circuits issued.
e. RTU should be provided for OSL LC gates positively and should be connected to
station Datalogger.

3.7 RoadSignals:
In case divergent roads or double roads, Road signals should be provided to give
visibility to all road users. If required 2 road signal units can be provided.
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

4.0 Sliding Booms.

4.1 Condition for provision of Sliding Barrier.

a. Sliding Booms should be provided on all Interlocked LC gates maintained by S&T.
b. LC gates which remain closed during the night hours are not required to be provided
with sliding booms irrespective of ATVUs and Road vehicles.
c. No chain locking should be provided.

4.2 Sliding Boom should be provided just outside of ELB Booms.

4.3 Circuit for interlocking sliding boom should be such that in event of damage of one
lifting barrier, closing of one sliding boom and one lifting barrier should be sufficient
to fulfill the interlocking conditions. To achieve this separate KLCR for each sliding
boom need to be provided.
4.4 On OSL LC gates which are having Sliding booms with direct E type locking of sliding
boom shall be given normal aspect of Gate Signal.

5.0 Miscellaneous & outdoor installations.

a. All the outdoor signalling gears like cables, location boxes, track circuits, signals, etc
should be provided as per Sig. policy circular issued vide letter No. SG 216/0Vol-V
Dated 3/2/2016 for works.
a. As far as possible power equipments like charger, inverter, etc should not be
provided in location Boxes.
b. Lightning Arrestor should be provided for power supply with B, C & D class on
various circuits as applicable.
c. Scheduled spares should be catered for all installation.
d. All earthing should be maintenance free type.
e. All section marked for future RE, All signaling works should be RE compliant
f. In order to avoid the major damage, boom locking posts and pedestal should be
installed outside the road surface and adequate protection by providing guard rails
need to be provided. A typical sketch for protection arrangement is enclosed
g. Pedestal foundation should be casted such that there should not be any water
logging near Pedestal.
h. Gate control panel should be provided in such a way that it should not get damaged
due to rains. It should be provided always under shed.
i. Domino type panel can be provided for gate control signals.

6.0 Telecom :

a. All manned gates should be provided with Gate Telephones (Magneto/DTMF type) as
per extant policy.
b. Selective calling type phones should be used if more than 2 no. of LC gates are
controlled by one station.
c. Quad cable should be terminated properly in gate Hut. One pair should be provided
in Relay room for RTU.
d. If required, voice recording type communication equipment can be used.
e. Emergency communication socket should be provided at Gate Hut.

875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR

7. Codal life, Spares and Tool & plants:

a., Codal life of ELB shall be 150,000 operations similar to DC signal motor, a major
component of the ELB.
b. Booms of Lifting Barrier should be replaced as per condition at site depending upon
the mishandling by public, dent and bending by road vehicles etc.

c. The codal life of various parts of LC gates is fixed as under:

Parts of LC gate 'A'Route '8' Route Other Route

Gear oil 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
Limit Switch 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years
Reed switch 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years
Clutch plate 2 Years 3Years 4 Years
Gear Box 3Years 4 Years 12 Years
Belt 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years

8. These directives do not super cede any existing or future directives from Railway Board,
ROSO or SEM provisions.

This issues with the approval of CSTE


CC: Sr.DSTE: All divisions of WR

CC- CSTE/CON I &II - to adopt the above guidelines for works to be executed by
Construction and to be forwarded to all field units.

Ene!. Building Plan No. LC 27/2014 HQ
Sketch for protection arrangement.
All Drgs. mentioned in the Circular
(52 Sheets)

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