Sliding Booms Policy WR
Sliding Booms Policy WR
Sliding Booms Policy WR
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
D:\LC Gate zzz\PC No. 214-2017\PC 214-2017 - Slidingbooms on interlocked gates ..doc
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
It supersedes all previous circulars, policy letters & guidelines issued by this office on above
subject matter.
1.0. General: LC gate interlocking should be provided as per SEM Chapter XIV, annexure
10 of Para14.1.7 (correction slip No. 6).
a. Normally S&T tender should be floated after finalization of Engineering tender for
construction of Buildings etc.& preparation of ESP for LC interlocking works.
b. Tentative SIP/sketch should invariably be attached to tender documents.
c. HQ Technical approval for scope or scheme of work being executed by division
should be obtained for tender value more than Rs 1.0 Cr.
d. Copies of All Contract agreements/LOAs must be submitted to HQ for records.
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
2.2 All equipment as per RDSO specification and drawings wherever available, should be
used for signalling installation. Wherever no RDSO specification exists,BIS(Bureau of
Indian Standards) specification should be followed. Wherever no
specification/drawing exists, CSE/HQ approval for the same should be obtained
before the item is included in any tender.
2.3 Signaling Plan for I/L of LC gate or conversion from MLB to ELB. following procedure
should be followed where CSTE sanction under para 9.6.2(ii) of SEM-I is required.
2.3.1 Typical Signal interlocking Plans for ELB and MLB with Sliding boom for each type
of interlocked LC gate i.e OSL, WSL for Single and double line issued by HQ as
Drawing Nos. CSTE 6244/l, 6245/1, 6246, 6247 and Drg. No.CSTE6240/1,
6241/1, 6242 & 6243 respectively.
2.3.2 Based on this Typical SlP, division can update their station SWR diagram duly
mentioning the Typical SIP Number as reference and frame respective
StationWorking Rules in regard to the change of working for the proposed work.
2.3.3 Sr.DSTE/Dy.CSTE shall submit application for CSTE's sanction individually under
para9.6.2 (ii) of SEM-I. The sanction application will be scrutinized in HQ and if
found correct the same can be sanctioned by CSTE.
2.3.4 After commissioning of such works, the completion signaling plan shall be
updated for changes based on site verified existing signaling plan duly marked for
changes by division.
2.4 Typical circuit CSTE/6157(18 sheets) for OSL LC gates(metal to Metal), CSTE/6161
(7 sheets) for WSL (Metal to Metal) and CSTE/6223 (16 sheets) for OSL (Metal to
carbon) should be followed.
2.5 Dead approach locking of 60 seconds should be provided as per latest instructions.
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
k. For WSL gates, Station Master transmits the slot for opening of the gate from the
Panel. However after closing of Gate, slot should not go back to station
automatically after closing of gates. There should be positive action like pressing
of button or pulling of lever/slide from gateman side as a positive action towards
acknowledgement of closing of gates.
3.2 Requirement of Building : In all OSL LC gates, Relay room cum power room
should be planned for keeping relay racks, Power equipments, RTU, Batteries, etc.
Typical Building plan No. LC 27/2014 HQ jointly signed by CSE & CTE have been
issued by Engineering HQ for Interlocking of LC gate works. Copy of Drawing
For WSL gates, relay room building should be provided if separate power
equipments are planned at LC gate.
3.3 Power supply arrangements: Local power supply and ATs shall be provided by
Electrical department.
a. Power supply should be provided as per Drg No. CSTE/6193. All ratings of power
equipments should be adequate.
3.7 RoadSignals:
In case divergent roads or double roads, Road signals should be provided to give
visibility to all road users. If required 2 road signal units can be provided.
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
a. All the outdoor signalling gears like cables, location boxes, track circuits, signals, etc
should be provided as per Sig. policy circular issued vide letter No. SG 216/0Vol-V
Dated 3/2/2016 for works.
a. As far as possible power equipments like charger, inverter, etc should not be
provided in location Boxes.
b. Lightning Arrestor should be provided for power supply with B, C & D class on
various circuits as applicable.
c. Scheduled spares should be catered for all installation.
d. All earthing should be maintenance free type.
e. All section marked for future RE, All signaling works should be RE compliant
f. In order to avoid the major damage, boom locking posts and pedestal should be
installed outside the road surface and adequate protection by providing guard rails
need to be provided. A typical sketch for protection arrangement is enclosed
g. Pedestal foundation should be casted such that there should not be any water
logging near Pedestal.
h. Gate control panel should be provided in such a way that it should not get damaged
due to rains. It should be provided always under shed.
i. Domino type panel can be provided for gate control signals.
6.0 Telecom :
a. All manned gates should be provided with Gate Telephones (Magneto/DTMF type) as
per extant policy.
b. Selective calling type phones should be used if more than 2 no. of LC gates are
controlled by one station.
c. Quad cable should be terminated properly in gate Hut. One pair should be provided
in Relay room for RTU.
d. If required, voice recording type communication equipment can be used.
e. Emergency communication socket should be provided at Gate Hut.
875022/2021/O/o DY CSTE/Sig/HQ/WR
a., Codal life of ELB shall be 150,000 operations similar to DC signal motor, a major
component of the ELB.
b. Booms of Lifting Barrier should be replaced as per condition at site depending upon
the mishandling by public, dent and bending by road vehicles etc.
8. These directives do not super cede any existing or future directives from Railway Board,
ROSO or SEM provisions.
Ene!. Building Plan No. LC 27/2014 HQ
Sketch for protection arrangement.
All Drgs. mentioned in the Circular
(52 Sheets)