Sdo-Res 001.433 S2274 2017
Sdo-Res 001.433 S2274 2017
Sdo-Res 001.433 S2274 2017
Numeracy and literacy remain key domains of learning which are essential for
success at school; provide a bridge to further study and work; and ensure children are
well prepared for future economic and social prosperity.
Promoting numeracy in all schools is a task. It is a key task for those engaged in
school leadership – principals and curriculum leaders – in developing schools policies, in
allocating resources and supporting teachers. Achieving better outcomes in numeracy
is, of course, a key responsibility of teachers. School Councils too have an important role
in supporting the development of appropriate policies and ensuring that achieving high
standards of numeracy is incorporated into the school’s cycle of goal setting, planning
for school improvement and cycle review of performance in these areas.
Numeracy is the capacity to bridge the gap between mathematics learned at
school and the many contexts where it needs to be used in daily life.
To assist students to bridge the gap, several important things need to happen at
school. In the first place, for students to become numerate, they must be given
opportunities to practice and apply the mathematics they have learned. This should
take place, not only in the mathematics classroom, but in other areas of the curriculum.
What is taught in school probably plays a greater role in the development of numeracy
than in the case of literacy.
Teacher’s knowledge and classroom culture have been factors frequently
researched as contributors to effective teaching. Project Good Start (Thomson et al.
2009) found that effective teachers: have high expectations of all students and
challenging tasks and goals appropriate for each student, integrate their content
knowledge and their teaching skills to make connections that engage student interest
and maintain involvement, monitor student progress using their knowledge of each
student’s current achievement and the next steps appropriate for them, and provide
feedback to the student, and enjoy mathematics and take pleasure in students’
enjoyment and success.
Mathematics equips pupils with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyze and
change the world. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder for all pupils when
they solve a problem for the first time, discover a more elegant solution, or notice hidden
Dela Paz Main Elementary School Math Teachers in this school have
is one of the biggest public schools in observed that Grade VI learners had
the City of Biñan. It has a total low mastery level in recognizing
enrolment of 2,485 students and 58 Multiplication Table, can’t multiply 1
faculty members. This study focuses on digit number nor solving one step word
30 or 75% low skills in multiplication out problem. This is the challenge for Math
of 40 students in Grade VI-Diamond. The Teachers to make them a multiplicative
target is to make 100% achievement person before they finish their
rate in multiplication skill among Grade elementary level.
VI-Diamond this SY 2018-2019.
Math Teacher is directly In this study, the teachers also
responsible for the success of the shaped the Mathematics into a molded
academically challenged in subject that will help to ease the pain in
multiplication in his/her curriculum saying that Mathematics is a difficult
experience. subject. Wherein in a special way
teachers can deliver the most effective
Differentiated activities use in this way to enhance the ability of the pupils
study are as follows: to learn the magic of Math. In all
Every Child A Numerate (ECAN) prospect of reality there are also things
Expose pupils to a to consider good things to develop
constructivist learning child’s mind in solving math problems, it
environment. is the teacher’s teaching strategy.
Have pupils join remedial
classes where they can
The real world that goes round
use their mathematical skill
and round is totally the merging of
in multiplication.
pupils capability to understand, the
Output: Reduce numbers
of non-numerates in teachers as the modulator of the skills
multiplication. and the Mathematics itself as a whole
Program of Excellence in which help to enumerate the
Mathematics (POEM) hindrances to embrace the truth about
Enhance pupils’ problem counting and solving figures and
solving abilities, provide problems.
multiplication materials for
classroom use. Encourage
METHODOLOGY concerned school officer-in-charge,
teachers and low mastery pupils in
Purposive and convenience multiplication skill to answer the
sampling will be used in choosing mentioned instruments as they
the respondents for this study. The transact with the unit within the time
respondents of the study were of study. As soon as all instruments
the (40) pupils of Grade VI for the are accomplished by the selected
SY 2018-2019 and (3) Math respondents, consolidation of results
Teachers of Grade VI. will be done. These results will then
be disseminated to the office
Data Gathering Methods
Online Resources –
Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development
Numeracy in practice: teaching,
learning and using mathematics
Paper No.18 June 2009